



2012年山东省普通高等学校招生考试(预测卷)数学(文科)试卷本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分.共150分.考试时间120分钟. 注意事项:1.答卷前,考生务必用2B 铅笔和0.5毫米黑色签字笔(中性笔)将姓名、准考证号、考试科目、试卷类型填涂在答题卡规定的位置上.2.第Ⅰ卷每小题选出答案后,用2B 铅笔把答题卡上对应的答案标号涂黑;如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号.答案不能答在试题卷上.3.第Ⅱ卷必须用0.5毫米黑色签字笔(中性笔)作答,答案必须写在答题卡各题目指定区域内相应的位置,不能写在试题卷上;如需改动,先划掉原来的答案,然后再写上新的答案;不准使用涂改液、胶带纸、修正带.不按以上要求作答的答案无效.4.参考公式:锥体的体积公式V =13Sh ,其中S 是锥体的底面积,h 是锥体的高。

柱体体积公式V Sh =,其中S 是柱体的底面积,h 是柱体的高。

台体体积公式1()3V S S h '=,S '、S 分别为上、下底面面积,h 为台体的高.球的表面积公式24S r π=,体积公式343V r π=,r 是球的半径。

圆锥的侧面积为rl π,r 为圆锥底面半径,l 为母线.第Ⅰ卷一、 选择题:本大题共12小题,每小题5分,共60分,在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题意要求的. 1.复数32ii -+的虚部为 ( )A .iB .-iC .1D .-12.设集合{|2011},{|01}M x x N x x =<=<<,则下列关系中正确的是 ( ) A .M N R = B .{|01}M N x x =<<C .N N ∈D .M N φ= 3.下列有关选项正确的...是 A .若q p ∨为真命题,则p q ∧为真命题. B .“5x =”是“2450x x --=”的充分不必要条件.C .命题“若1x <-,则2230x x -->”的否命题为:“若1x <-,则2320x x -+≤”.D .已知命题p :R x ∈∃,使得210x x +-<,则p ⌝:R x ∈∃,使得210x x +-≥.4.已知向量a ,b 均为单位向量,若它们的夹角60°,则|3|a b - 等于( )A B C D .45. 若}{n a 为等差数列,n S 是其前n 项和,且32211π=S ,则6tan a 的值为A .3B .3-C .3±D .33-6.函数sin xy x=,(,0)(0,)x ππ∈- 的图象可能是下列图象中的72的 矩形,则它的外接球的表面积等于 A .π16 B .π12 C .π8 D .π48.已知实数,x y 满足153x y+≤,则2z x y =+的最小值是 A .10 B .3 C . 3- D .10-9.某程序流程框图如图所示,现执行该程序,输入下列函数,x x f x x f 32cos )(,32sin)(ππ==,,34tan )(x x f π=则可以 输出的函数是)(x f =A .x x f 32sin )(π=B .x x f 32cos )(π=C .x x f 34tan )(π=D .非上述函数 10.在空间中,下列命题正确的是A.若三条直线两两相交,则这三条直线确定一个平面B.若直线m 与平面α内的一条直线平行,则α//mC.若平面βα⊥,且l =βα ,则过α内一点P 与l 垂直的直线垂直于平面βD.若直线a 与直线b 平行,且直线a l ⊥,则b l ⊥11.过抛物线x y 42=的焦点F 作相互垂直的两条弦AB 和CD ,则||||CD AB +的最小值是A .58B .16C .8D .712.设函数()f x 在R 上的导函数为()'f x ,且()()22'f x xf x x +>,下面的不等式在R上恒成立的是A .()0f x >B .()0f x <C . ()f x x >D .()f x x <第Ⅱ卷二、填空题:本大题共4小题,每小题5分,满分20分.13. 已知函数⎩⎨⎧=为无理数,为有理数,x 0x 1)(x f ,则关于x 的不等式0)1()()]1()([2≤-+-++x f x f x x f x f x 的解集为_______________14.在ABC ∆中,,120,=∠=ABC AB BC 则以B A ,为焦点且过点C 的双曲线的离心率为15.某大学艺术系表演专业的报考人数连创新高,报名刚结束,某考生想知道这次报考该 专业的人数.已知该专业考生的考号是从0001,0002,…这样从小到大顺序依次排列的, 他随机了解了50个考生的考号,经计算,这50个考号的和是25025,估计2010年报考这 所大学艺术表演专业的考生大约为 人.16、关于)42sin(3)(π+=x x f 有以下命题:①若,0)()(21==x f x f 则)(21Z k k x x ∈=-π; ②)(x f 图象与)42cos(3)(π-=x x g 图象相同;③)(x f 在区间]83,87[ππ--上是减函数; ④)(x f 图象关于点)0,8(π-对称。












2.每小题选出答案后,用2B 铅笔把答题纸上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其它答案标号。


参考公式:如果事件A , B 互斥, 那么 棱柱的体积公式 P (A +B )=P (A )+P (B )V =Sh如果事件A , B 相互独立, 那么 其中S 表示棱柱的底面积, h 表示棱柱的高 P (A ·B )=P (A )·P (B )棱锥的体积公式 如果事件A 在一次试验中发生的概率是p , 那么n V =31Sh次独立重复试验中事件A 恰好发生k 次的概率 其中S 表示棱锥的底面积, h 表示棱锥的高 P n (k )=C kn p k(1-p )n -k(k = 0,1,2,…, n )球的表面积公式 棱台的体积公式S = 4πR 2)2211(31S S S S h V ++=球的体积公式 其中S 1, S 2分别表示棱台的上、下底面积, V =34πR 3h 表示棱台的高 其中R 表示球的半径一、选择题:本大题共10小题,每小题5分,共50分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的.(1)集合}2{},,,{},2,3{=⋂==N M b a N M a若,则M ∪N=(A){0,1,2}(B){0,1,3}(C){0,2,3}(D){1,2,3}(2)下列命题中的假命题是(A) ∀x R ∈,120x -> (B) ∀*x N ∈,2(1)0x -> (C) ∃ x R ∈,lg 1x < (D) ∃x R ∈,tan 2x = (3)设复数z 满足zi21+=i ,则 z =(A)—2+i(B)—2—i(C) 2+i(D) 2—i(4)数列1111424816 ,8,16,32,,的前n 项和为(A) 1221n n +--- (B) 2223n n +---(C) 1221n n +-+-(D) 11221n n +----(5)设13log 2a =,12log 3b =,0.312c ⎛⎫= ⎪⎝⎭,则(A) a <b <c(B) a <c <b(C) b <c <a(D) b <a <c(6)已知△ABC 的内角A ,B ,C 的对边分别为a ,b ,c ,且2,32cos -=⋅=C 且则,26=+b a c 等于(A)5(B)13(C) 4 (D)17(7)0,65,31=∙∠=∠==AOB C AOB 外且在点π,设实数n m , 满足n m +=,则等于nm(A)—2 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) —3(8)设双曲线22221x y a b-=的一条渐近线与抛物线21y x =+只有一个公共点,则双曲线的离心率为(A)54 (B)5 ( ((9) 10)31(xx -的展开式中含x 的正整数指数幂的项数是 (A) 2 (B) 0 (C) 6(D) 4(10)将一颗骰子投掷两次,第一次出现的点数记为a ,第二次出现的点数记为b ,设两条直线l 1:ax +b y =2,l 2:x +2y =2平行的概率为P 1,相交的概率为P 2,试问点(P 1,P 2)与直线l 2:x +2y =2的位置关系是(A)P 在直线l 2的右下方 (B)P 在l 2直线的左下方 (C)P 在直线l 2的右上方 (D)P 在直线l 2上非选择题部分(共100二、填空题:本大题共7小题,每小题4分,共28分. (11) 右边程序框图输出的结果为 ▲ . (12)在ABC ∆中,已知D 是AB 边上一点,若12,3AD DB CD CA CB λ==+,则λ等于 ▲ .(13)已知函数)(x f 是R 上的偶函数,且在(0,+∞)上有f '(x )> 0,若f (-1)= 0,那么关于x 的不等式x f (x )< 0 的解集是 ▲ .(14)如图,是某几何体的三视图,其中正视图是腰长为a 2形俯视图是半径为a 的半圆,则该几何体的表面积是 ▲ .(15)过椭圆22221x y a b+=(0a b >>)的左焦点1F 作x 轴的垂线交椭圆于点P ,2F 为右焦点,若1260F PF ∠=则椭圆的离心率为▲ .(16)具有性质1f x ⎛⎫-⎪⎝⎭=()f x -的函数,我们称其为满足“倒负”变换的函数,下列函数: (1)y =x -1x ; (2)y =x +1x ; (3)y =0101)11x x x x x⎧⎪⎪⎨⎪⎪⎩(<<)(=-(>), 其中不满足“倒负”变换的函数是 ▲ .(17)设f 1(x )=21+x ,f n +1(x )=f 1[f n (x )],且a n =f n (0)-1f n (0)+2,则a 2011等于 ▲ .三、解答题:本大题共5小题,共72分.解答应写出文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤. (18)(本题满分14 分)如图,在平面直角坐标系xOy 中,以x 轴为始边作两个锐角,αβ,它们的终边分别与单位圆交于,A B 两点.已知,A B (1)求tan()αβ+的值; (2)求2αβ+的值.(19)(本题满分14分)各项均为正数的数列{}n a 中,n S a ,11=是数列{}n a 的前n 项和,对任意*∈N n , 有)(222R p p pa pa S n n n ∈-+=; (1)求常数p 的值; (2)求数列{}n a 的通项公式;(3)记n nn n S b 234⋅+=,求数列{}n b 的前n 项和n T(20)(本题满分14分)如图,四棱锥P —ABCD 中,底面ABCD 为矩形,PD ⊥底面ABCD ,AD=PD =1,AB =2a ,(a >0),E 、F 分别CD 、PB 的中点。



考前冲剌模拟试卷(一)C. What interestingD. What an interesting6. February is the monthis usually the coldest.A. the weatherB. whose weatherC. its weatherD. when the weather 7. The country life he was used to greatly since 1992.A. changeB. has changedC. changingD. have changed8. Mr. Reed made up his mind to devote all he had tosome schools for poor children.A. set upB. setting upC. have set upD. having set up9. There was a traffic jam, but she get to the destination in time. 总分合计人(签名)总分复核人(签名) 复查总分复查人(签名)A. couldB. mightC. ought toD. was able to10. “Do you thinkI should attend the lectureshe asked me. A. thatB. whetherC. ifD. whenPart I Vocabulary and Structure (1 x30 points)Directions: There are 30 incomplete statements in this part. You are required to completeeach one by choosing the most appropriate word or expression from the four choices marked A, B, C and D, then mark the corresponding letter on K the ANSWER SHEET.11 ・ a solution to the problem of water shortage, we have to put all our efforts together.A. To work outB. Working outC. Work outD. Being worked out12. Smith regrettedto the meeting yesterday.A. not goingB. not having been goingC. not to goD. not to be going13. A professor, along with some students,now working in the new laboratory.A. isB. wereC. areD. was14. Just as I was leaving the house, it occurred me that I had forgotten my keys.1. Word had come from the managera new transaction would be concluded. 2. 3. 4. A. whoB. thatC. whichD. when—Each of the students, working hard at his or her lessons,to go to university.A. onB. inC. atD. to15. Do you have any idea why he?A. is looked sadB. is looking sadC. looks sadlyD. looks sad16. My children are looking forward toa trip to Beijing next month. —So do I. A. hopeB. hopesC. hopingD. hopedMum is coming, what presentA. you expect has she got C. do you expect she has gotfor your birthday?B. you expect she has got D. do you expect has she got It is what you do rather than what you saymatters. A. thatB. whatC. whichD. thisA. makeB. makingC. be makingD. have made17. Numerous studies have shown thatthe teacher * s expectation, the greater theachievement of the student. 5. role she played in the film I No wonder she has won an Oscar.A. How interestingB. How an interestingA. the higherB. the highestC. as highD. the high18. We had a party last month and it was a lot of fun ? so let's have _________ _____ one this month.A. otherB. moreC. the otherD. another考帝冲利糅揪就盈(一)第2页(弗12页)考帝冲渤模秘试&(一)第1页(关12页)19. Why not to Professor Smith for advice? He is an expert in this field. A.go B. your going C. to go D・ you goOnly after the students have mastered the rules of pronunciation得分评卷人----------------------- P art n Reading Comprehension (2 x20 points)A. can they memorize words more easilyB. when can they memorize words more easilyC. then they can memorize words more easilyD. when they can memorize words more easilyThe city was destroyed in the earthquake in 1981.A , extremely B. virtually, we went to the seaside for a holiday.A. With the job finishedC. When the job finishedC. at leastD. by contrastB. With the job was finishedD. When the job has finishedMiss Main kept practicing until she finally herself for the job.A. affectedB. balancedC. qualifiedD. identifiedIn terms of artistic value, it is hard to say that one country ' s art form is greaterthanA. that of anotherC. one of anotherB.D.another oneone anotherThe decision made at the meeting was to my wishes.A. obviousB. persuasive C・ severe D. contraryThe governmentworking conditions.A. refusedto pressure from the trade union and decided to better theB. respondedC. roaredD. instructedThough badly damaged by fire, the ship tried toA. make forB. fish outher home port.C. bring backD. give way toUncle Sam is always proud of himself andA. powerfulB. loyalC.All of the people present agreed to discuss theSmith.A. but forB. exceptC.of others.horrible D. criticalissue at the next meetingas to D. thanMr.Martha felt that she really did not to be given such a great honor.A. reverseB. reserveC. deserveD. preserve考有冲利模揪试狄(一)第3页(关12页)Directions: There are4 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions orincomplete statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C andD. You should decide on the best choice and then mark the corresponding letter onthe ANSWER SHEET.' Passage OneWhat do we talk about when we talk about money? We often think about what we can buy with the moneywe have, what we can' t buy because we don' t have enough and what we' re planning to buy when we havemore. We discuss the careers that bring us money and the expenses that take it away. We talk about our favoriteshops and restaurants ? the causes we support, the places we've been and seen. We share dreams that only moneycan make real.In short, we talk about everything but money itself. In daily life, money is still a major conversationaltaboo (禁忌).This is a shame, because money is as interesting as the things it does and buys? and the moreyou know about it, the more interesting it is.As a financial advisor, I , ve seen hundreds of people learn to control their money instead of letting itcontrol them and watched as they increased their freedom, power and security by handling money consciously.Wouldn51 you like to know that you' 11 always have enough money to live exactly as you want to? 、You511 never be powerful in life until you 5 re powerful over your own money. Talking openly about it isthe first step.31.Which of the following is NOT discussed when we talk about money?A.The careers that bring us money.B.The causes we support.C.The dreams that only money can make real.D.Money itself.32.What can we know from the second paragraph?A.We should know more about money itself rather than avoid talking about it.B.Money itself can interest us and bring us happiness.C.The more money we earn, the more we should know about it.者噹冲利樸揪试彖(一)第4页(共12页)D. It is a shame that people talk too much about money.33.What does the writer want to say in the third paragraph?A.People should learn how to make money.B.People should know the value of money.C.People should learn to control their money.D.People should know how to use money to increase their power.34.The.writer5 s advice is that ・A.the more you talk about money, the more you can control itB.we should learn to be a good master of our money if we want to be powerful in lifeC.we should not be so worried about money if we want to have a free lifeD.the more money you have? the more powerful you are35.What will the writer probably talk about after the last paragraph?A.The importance of money.B.Money, power and security.C.The other steps for people to control money'.D.The steps for people to make money.The market is a concept. If you are growing tomatoes in your backyard for sale you are producing for the market. You might sell some to your neighbor and some to the manager of the local supermarket. But in either case, you are producing for the market. Your efforts are being directed by the market. If people stop buying tomatoes, you will stop producing them.If you take care of a sick person to earn money, you are producing for the market. If your father is a steel worker or a truck driver or a doctor or a grocer(食品商),he is producing goods or service for the market.When you spend your income, you are buying things from the market. You may spend money in stores, supermarkets, gas stations, and restaurants. Still you are buying from the market. When the local grocer hires you to drive the delivery truck, he is buying your labor in the labor market.The market may seem to be something abstract. But for each person or business who is making and selling something, it's very real. If nobody buys your tomatoes, it won' t be long before you get the message. The market is telling you something. It's telling you that you are using energies and resources in doing something the market doesn51 want you to do.36.Which of the following would be the best title?A.Selling and Buying考楠冲利樓揪就襄(一)第5页(普12页)B.What Is the MarketC.Eveiything You Do Is Producing for the MarketD.What the Market Can Do for YouAll of the following acts are producing for the market EXCEPT4A.working in a bankB. printing a bookC. attending a night schoolD. growing beans for saleYou are buying from the market when you .A.borrow a book from the libraryB. look after your childrenC.. drive to the seaside for a h olidayD. dine at a restaurantThe word u real n in the last paragraph (Line 2) most probably meansA.seriousB. genuineC. importantIn what way is the market very real for each person or business who ismaking and selling something?A.All of uscommunicate with one another nonvei'bally (不使用语言地),as well as with words. Most of the time we' re not aware that we are doing it. We gesture with elbows or a hand, meet someone else' s eyes and look away, change positions in a chair. These actions we assume are occasional. However in recent years researchers have discovered that there is a system to them almost as consistent and understandable as language.One important kind of body language is eye behavior. Americans are careful about how and when they meet one another * s eyes. In our normal conversation, each eye contact lasts only about a second before one or both of us look away. When two Americans look searchingly into each other5 s eyes, they become more intimate. Therefore, we carefully avoid this, except in suitable situations.Researchers who are engaged in the study of communication through body movement are not prepared to spell out a precise vocabulary of gestures. When an American rubs his nose, it may mean he is disagreeing with someone or refusing something. But there are other possible interpretations(解释),too. Another example: when a student in conversation with a professor holds the older man, s eyes a little longer than usual, it can be a sign of respect; it can be a challenge to the professor5s authority;it can be something else entirely. The researchers look for patterns in the 考帝冲利模揪就襄(一)第6页(为12页)situation, not for a separate meaningful gesture. concreteIt tells you what to produce.It tells you how to grow tomatoes.It provides you with everything you need.It helps you save money.B.C.D.Communications between human beings would be just dull if it were all done with words.41.The main idea of this article is that .A.study of communication through body movement is a new scienceB.body movements are as important as words in communicationC.all of us communicate with one anotherD.eye behavior is the most important part in body language42.What do researchers think of body language?A.Body language can be understood and used by people in communication.B.Body language is more important than spoken language in communication.C.Body language has been discovered in recent years.D.Body language is the study of communication via body movement.43.The word "intimate” in paragraph two probably means.A.greatB. closeC. goodD. important44.According to the passage, you make an American person feel uncomfortable if you .A.meet his eyesB.avoid meeting his eyesC.stare into his eyes for one secondD.look into his eyes for a long time45 ・The sentence “ the researchers look for patterns in the situation, not for a separate meaningfulgesture^ means .A.the researchers explain the meaning of a gesture according to the situation in which it is usedB.the researchers believe that one gesture has only one meaningC.the researchers think that one gesture cannot be used in different situationsD.the researchers look for patterns in textbooks to explain the meaning of a gestureDream is a story that a person “watches" or even takes part in during sleep. Dream events are imaginary, but they are related to real experiences and needs in the dreamer5 s life. They seem real while they are taking place. Some dreams are pleasant ? others are annoying, and still others are frightening.Everyone dreams, but some persons never recall dreaming. Others remember only a little about 考晰冲利糅拟就*(一)第7页(关12页)a dream they had just before awakening andnothing about earlier dreams. No one recalls all his dreams.Dreams involve little logical thought. In most dreams, the dreamer cannot control what happens to him. The story may be confusing, and things happen that would not happen in real life. People see in most dreams, but they may also hear, smell, touch, and taste in their dreams. Most dreams occur in color, but persons who have been blind since birth do not see at all in dreams.Dreams are a product of the sleeper' s mind. They include events and feelings that he has experienced. Most dreams are related to events of the day before the dream and strong wishes of the dreamer. Many minor incidents of the hours before sleep appear in dreams. Few events more than two days old turn up. Deep wishes or fears—especially those held since childhood——often appear in dreams ?and many dreams fulfill such wishes. Events in the sleeper * s surroundings——a loud noise, for example, may become part of a dream, but they do not cause dreams.Some dreams involve deep feelings that a person may not realize he has. Psychiatrists (精彳申病医生)often use material from a patient9 s- dreams to help the person understand himself better.Dreaming may help maintain good learning ability ? memory and emotional adjustment. People who get plenty of sleep—but are awakened each time they begin to dream—become anxious and restless.46.This passage is mainly about ・A.why we dream during sleepB.how we dream during sleepC.what dreams areD.what benefits dreams bring to people47.Can people recall their dreams?A.Not all people can recall their dreams.B.None of the people can recall their dreams.C.People usually can recall the whole dream before awakening.D.People sometimes can recall all the dreams they have during the night.48.Which of the following is Not true about dreams?A.Dream is a confusing story which involves little logical thought.B.Dream is related to the dreamer J s real life.C.Dream is an imaginary story which seems real while taking place.D.Dream involves events that always happen in real life.49.According to this passage ? psychiatrists can .A. help the dreamer recall his earlier dreams’考晰冲利模淞就彖(一)第8页(共12页)B.make the sleeper dream logicallyC.help the dreamer understand himself betterD.help the sleeper fulfill his dreams50.Least possible events that appear in dreams are ___________ .A.minor incidents that happened hours before one goes to sleepB.minor incidents that happened more than two days agoC.the strong wishes a person has since childhoodD.the strong fears a person has since childhood得分评卷人---------------------- Part JU Cloze (1x20 points)Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage andmark the corresponding letter on the ANSWER SHEET.Methods of studying vary; what works 51 for some students doesn, t work at all for others.The .only thing you can do is experiment 52 you find a system that does work for you. But two things are sure:53 else can do your studying for you, and unless you do find a system thatworks, you won't get through college. Meantime, there are a few rules that 54 for everybody. The first is that you don , t get 55 . The problem of studying, 56 enough to start with, becomes almost 57 when you are trying to do 58 in one weekend. 59 the fastest readers have trouble 60 that. And if you are behind in written work that must be 61 , the teacher who accepts it 62 late will probably not give you full credit. Perhaps he may hot accept it 63 . Getting behind in one class because you are spending so much time on another is reallyno 64 ・ Feeling pretty virtuous about the seven hours you spend on chemistry won51 65 onebit if the history teacher pops a quiz. And many freshmen do get into trouble by spending too much time on one class at the 66 of the others ? either because they like one class much better or because they find it so much harder that they think they should 67 all their time to it. 68 the reason, going whole work for one class and neglecting the rest of them is a mistake. If you face this 69 , begin with the shortest and easiest 70 , get them out of the way and' then go to themore difficult, time-consuming work.51. A. good B ・ easily C. sufficiently D. well52. A. until B. after C. while D. so考有冲利樓揪就欢(一)第9页(关12页)53. A. somebody B. nobody C. everybody D. anybody54. A. follow B. go C. operate D. work55. A. behind B. after C. slow D. later56. A. hardly B. unpleasant C. hard D. heavy57. A. improbable B. necessary C. impossible D. inevitable58. A. three week' s work B. three weeks' worksC. three weeks' workD. three week' s works59. A. Even B. Almost C. If D. With60. A. to do B. doing C. at doing D. with doing61. A. turned in B. turned up C. turned out D. given in62. A. very B. quite C. such D. too63. A. anyway B. either C ・at all D. too64. A. solution B. method C , answer D. excuse65. A. help B. encourage C. assist D. improve66. A. expense B. pay C. debt D. charge67. A. devote B. put C. spend D. take68. A. Whichever B. Whatever C ・ However D. Wherever69. A. attraction B. decision C ・ temptation D. dilemma70. A. arrangements B. way C. assignments D. class得分评卷人Part IV Error Correction(2 x 10 points)Directions: There are 10 sentences. Each of the following sentences has four underlined parts marked A, B, C, and D. You are required to identify the one that is incorrect, and then write the correspondingletter and the correct answer on the ANSWER SHEET.71.All the woman doctors were shocked at the unexpected accidents.A ¥ C D一72.Because they had spent too many times discussing the problem, the students lost the opportunitygto catch the last bus to the hospital.D '考帝冲利模秘就散(~)第10页(達12页)73.Today is such beautiful day that many people go for an outing.- - - D74.Under no circumstances we shall stop the research we've begun.A B~~ E D75.Two days past before he realized that the task was beyond his capacity.~A B~~ ~~C~~ ~~D~76.As soon as we've finished supper, we511 all go to downtown to see the Sound of Music.- p —c~~ B77.Her name sounds familiar with me but I can? t tell who she is at the moment. A ~B~CPart M Writing (20 points)Directions: For this part you should write a composition entitled Spam Messages no less than• 150 words, based on the picture given below. Please write on the ANSWER SHEET.78.The director and manager of the department are veiy strict with the employees.A "H B__ ~D~79.On seeing an old man fell off, a young man rushed up to help him.T B .. C ... ~D~80.Great changes have taken place since I had visited the city."~A B C~ D得分评卷人---------------------- Part V Translation (20 points)(1)描述该图片;(2)分析原因和危害。


[专升本(地方)考试密押题库与答案解析]河南省专升本考试教育理论真题 2012 年
[专升本(地方)考试密押题库与答案解析]河南省专升本考试教育理论 真题 2012 年
河南省专升本考试教育理论真题 2012 年
一、选择题 教育学前 20 题,心理学后 20 题。在每小题的四个备选答案中选出一个正确答案。 问题:1. “自有人生,便有教育”,这句话体现了教育的______ A.历史性 B.永恒性 C.继续性 D.生产性 答案:B[解析] 题干的描述体现了教育的永恒性。教育的永恒性是指只要人类社会存在,就存 在着教育。 问题:2. 教育的最直接的功能是______ A.个体发展功能 B.社会发展功能 C.正向功能 D.教育本身固有的功能 答案:A[解析] 教育最直接的功能是个体发展功能,也称为教育的本体功能。 问题:3. ______是推动教育学发展的内在动力。
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[专升本(地方)考试密押题库与答案解析]河南省专升本考试教育理论真题 2012 年
问题:12. 体育运动员在国际比赛中得了金牌,奖励一直追溯到运动员的启蒙教练。这说明
答案:C[解析] 滞后性是教师劳动长期性的表现之一,教师的影响要很长时间才能见效。运
问题:27. 冬天洗衣服,乍洗很凉,过一段时间感觉也就不那么明显了,这是一种______现





这些农产品价格大幅上涨的主要的直接的原因是()A.这些农产品供不应求B.游资的炒作C.这些农产品使用价值的进一步发掘 D.干旱、洪灾等气候因素的影响2.国务院决定从2010年起,事业单位全面实行绩效工资。


实施绩效工资()①是社会主义分配原则的重要体现②有利于提高事业单位所有劳动者的收入③实现了按劳分配与按生产要素分配的统一④能够完善分配激励机制,调动劳动者的积极性A.①②④ B.①③④C.②③D.①④3.目前,国际油价持续上涨。


对此,国家运用的宏观调控手段是()①经济手段②政治手段③法律手段④行政手段A.①②B.①④ C.②③D.③④4.如图描述的是某商品的价格走势,下列对该图理解错误的是()A.该商品很可能出现供过于求的现象B.生产者可能会缩小该商品生产规模C.该商品的互补商品需求量会有所增加D.该商品的替代商品需求量会有所增加5. 您要发票吗?如果不要发票,我们可以免费提供饮料!”王老师和朋友在一家饭店吃饭时,服务员提出了这样的建议。

饭店的行为()A.尊重了消费者的选择权 B.属于骗税行为C.反映了市场调节具有盲目性 D.属于偷税行为6. 2010年上半年,全国法院受理的劳动争议案件呈井喷态势。



劳动者获得权利、维护权益的基础是 ( )A.依法签订劳动合同 B.保障劳动者主人翁地位C.建立和谐的劳动关系 D.自觉履行劳动者的义务中国消费者协会公布,“十五”期间,消费者对商品房广告的投诉不断上升,突出表现在三个方面:第一是在语言表述和图标上缩短房产项目与市中心的实际距离;第二是以“低起价”做诱饵;第三是配套设施宣传严重失实,实际上有的所需资金尚未落实,有的规划根本未获批准。



2012年重庆专升本《大学英语》预测练习试题I.Phonetics()1. A.horrible B.horse C.sort D.northern()2. A.hospital B.honour C.hotel D.however()3. A.manage B.matter C.madam D.many()4. A.gather ernment C.geography D.garden()5. A. bathroom B. eleventh C. breathe D. mathsII. Vocabulary and Structure()6. They all look so happy. They have succeeded in persua ding their teacher.A. canB. willC. mustD. would()7. A fight broke out among the football fans and soon it wen t control.A. underB. beyondC. aboveD. over()8. Not only you but also I __________ mistaken.A. amB.hadC.wereD.have()9. Hard as he worked from day till night, he couldn't make enough money to support his family.A.andB.butC.thereforeD. 不填()10. George this morning?-Not yet, but he is sure to be here before noon.A. Will you seeB. Did you seeC. Do you seeD. Have you seen()11. After a long discussion, the workers have finally the d ecision that they should hold on their strike for two more days.A. receivedB. foundC. explainedD. reached()12. Next weekend he will visit the airbase he worked 25 ye ars ago.A.whenB.asC.whereD.which()13. The sports team of our province won they did at the las t National Games.A. twice as many gold medals asB. as many twice gold meda ls asC. as many as twice gold medalsD. twice many gold medals than()14.Let's go out for a walk along the river band.A. What a fine dayB. What fine dayC. How fine dayD. How a fine day()15. It remains a question when the new classroom building .A. will be completedB. had been completedC. would be completedD. has been completed()16. While we boys were working hard in the garden, our sisters themselves in the sitting room.A. had enjoyedB. enjoyC. were enjoyingD. would enjoy()17. The pressure on the object in the water changes with the depth. , the further down you go , the greater the pressure is.A. In other wordsB. In another wordC. By the wayD. In a way()18. The Yangtze is the longest river in China,which some more bridges have been built in the past few years.A. ontoB. throughC. aboveD. over()19. My mother knows Jane; they to each other at a party.A. have been introducedB. are introducedC. were introducedD. had been introduced()20. I'm sure he understands you feel. He's very clever.A.whenB.whatC.whetherD.how()21. In those days we seldom went to the theatre, but we sa w filmsA. now and thenB. after a timeC. once and againD. in a while()22. Many things impossible in the past are quite common t oday.A. having been consideredB. to be consideredC. consideringD. considered()23. I'm not naturally a morning person, I have three clocks set for about 6:30 a.m.A. becauseB.soC. thoughD. all()24. that the family had taken with them was one bottle of orange.A. AnythingB. EverythingC. WhatD. All()25. The newspapers and magazines in the reading-room ou tside.A. are not to be takenB. are not to takeC. are not to be taken toD. are not taken to()26. A pipeline will be built to some eastern provinces with natu ral gas from the west of China.A. supplyB. sendC. sellD. offer()27.Is it really necessary to spend an hour in the bathroom eve ry morning your hair?A. to combB. combC. combingD. combs()28. he first heard of the chemist.A. That was from the teacher thatB. It was the teacher whomC. It was from the teacher thatD. That was the teacher whom()29. Passengers are advised not their bags unattended.A. having leftB. to leaveC. leaveD. leaving()30. has been pointed out before, air pollution is becoming more and more serious in large cities.A.ThatB. WhatC. WhichD. As()31.Your mother ____for you everywhere. Where have you bee n?A.had lookedB.has been lookingC.lookedD.was looking()32.Mr. Wilson asked me if thse islands_________Italy.A.have been belonged toB.are belong toC.belong toD.belonged to()33.He _______TV when I dropped in last night.A.was watchingB.had watchedC.watchedD.have been watching()34.He ______many experiences he ever_____in his childhood.A.gradually forget; hadB.is gradually forgetting; hadC.was gradually forgetting; had hadD.have gradually forgotten; ha d()35.Accidents happened frequently at that section of the road, but no accidents_____since last winter.A.have accurredB.doesn't haveC.didn't haveD.hasn't have()36.When he_____a new word in reading he_____consult the dictionary immediately.es across;likes toB.came across;like toC.has come across; like toD. comes across;like to()37.I hope that she______to the demands of the naughty boys.A.will not have agreedB.will not agreeC.will not be agreedD.will not have been agreed()38."Is the monitor in?" "He _____to the library."A.has beenB.has goneC.goesD.went()39.She gave me that notebook on my birthday, and I____it i t in my drawer.A.have since keptB.since keptC.am since keepingD.had since kep t()40.You ought to have put the milk in the refrigetor, now____ _sour.A.it is smeltB.I smeltC.it smellsD.it was smelling()41.I bought the bread last week. It_____stale. You'd better not take it now.A.is goingB.wasC.had beenD.is about to()42.He had already known the news before I _____him of it.A.had informedB.could informC.would informD.have informed()43.He_____for six years by the time he takes the IELTS exa mination next week.A.studied EnglishB.had been studying EnglishC.studies EnglishD.will have been studying English()44.The school authorities and teachers _____over the advanta ges and disadvantages of the educational system.A.were always arguedB.were always arguingC.had always arguedD.had always been argued()45.When I saw her smiling face, I knew she_____the first pr ize of the speech contest.A.hasB.has hadC.had hadD.was having()46.The united States______fifty states.A.consisted ofB.is consisted ofC.consistes ofD.consists()47.The Chinese food_____delicious.A.are tastedB.tasteC.is tastedD.tastes()48.Your hair needs_____. You'd better have it_____tomorrow.A.cutting; doneB.cutting;to be doneC.being cut;doneD.to be cu t;to be done()49._______,wood will soon burst into a flame.A.HeatingB.when heatingC.Being heatedD.When heated()50."How do you like your new position?" "I_____with it."A.don't satisfyB.am not satisfiedC.can't satisfyD.haven't satisfy()51.there are more than fifty proposals______at the conference.A.discussedB.to be discussedC.discussingD.having discussed()52.By the end of last year the railway_______.A.was being completedB.would be completedC.had completedD.had finally been completed()53.By the time the author comes back from abroad, all the books_______.A.will have punishedB.will have been punishedC.will be punishedD.have been punished()54.I wondered____to come for the party.A.should he been askedB.he askedC.if he should have been askedD.if he should have asked()55.Some forms of physical education_____by schools across t he nation.A.have been practisedB.practisedC.which practisedD.have practis edIII. Reading ComprehensionAI was 14 when Mr. Ingram knocked on our farmhouse door in Sacre d Heart, Okla. The old farmer lived about a mile down the road and ne eded help cutting grass. It was the first time I was actually paid for wor k- about 12 cents an hour, not bad when you consider it was 1939,a time when there was little business activity.Mr. Ingram liked the job I did and ended up hiring me to dig potato es. I even helped when a baby cow was being born.One day he found an old truck that was stuck in the soft, sandy s oil of the melon(瓜)field. It was full of melons that someone had tried to steal before their truck got stuck.Mr. Ingram explained that the truck's owner would be returning soo n, and he wanted me to watch and lean. It wasn't long before a man f rom a nearby village, who had a terrible reputation(名声)for fighting a nd stealing, showed up with his two full-grown sons. They looked very angry.Calmly Mr. Ingram said,"Well,I see you want to buy some waterm elons."There was a long silence before the man answered,"Yeah,I guess so. What are you getting for them?""Twenty-five cents each.""Well. I guess that would be fair enough if you help me get my truc k out of here."It turned out to be our biggest sale of the summer,and an unpleas ant,perhaps unfortunate,incident had been prevented. After they left,M r. Ingram smiled and said to me,"Son,if you don't forgive(原谅)your enemies, you're going to run out of friends." Mr. Ingram died a few yea rs later,but I have never forgotten him or what he taught me on my firs t job.()56. Which of the following best explains "ended up" as is use d in the passage ?A. enjoyedB. finishedC. got intoD. went on()57. The truck owners were angry because .A. they failed to get the melons away without being seenB. they forgot to have their truck checked before they startedC. they had got too many melons on the truckD. they knew they had a bad reputation()58. Why didn't the truck owners fight to get away the melons.A. The old farmer was a strong enemy.B.The price offered for t he melons was very low.C.It was hard to start a fight against friendly people.D.It was necessary to get the truck out before anythingBYou get all sorts of demands, and the mark of a good hotel is to supply whatever is asked for without sounding surprised. If a guest asks for rubber glover(手套), you don't ask why. You say, "No problem. What colour do you want?"There have been some demands which, much as I would have like d to fill, I couldn't. A Japanese businessman, for example, thought t he manager of a hotel was like the captain of a ship so he asked me to marry him and the woman he loved. There was one time, however,we did help out. A young man thought that if he asked his girlfriend to marry him at the Ritz she would say yes. He asked us to pt the ring in a cake, and she accepted.Top hotels are used more and more to impress. They are used for doing business. If you've got something to sell, take your clients(客户) to the best hotel where the surroundings are quite helpful. A friend of mine working at Savoy Hotel tells the story about a man who gave him 5 pounds to say " good morning, Mr. Smith" when he walked through t he door with two other men. This he did , and could hear Mr. Smith s aying, "I do wish they would leave me alone at this place."According to Julian Payne, the most powerful people in any hotel a re the porters, who carry bags for hotel guests. "Porters can do almost anything. They can get you tables at the best restaurants r tickets for a popular concert. Don't ask me how they do it or what their deal is beca use I don't know. Most of them have been there for years. They know more about the history of the hotel and the guests than anyone else. Th ey are invaluable. A head porter will come in even on his day off so he can say hello to someone he remembers visiting the hotel years ago."()59. When guests ask for something strange, the manager of a good hotel would think_________.A. how he can meet their needsB. why they have such demand sC.what problems the hotel hasD. who is the best person to go to()60. Which of the following examples explains "we did help out "?A. The hotel bought a ring for a young lady.B.A Japanese married the woman he loved.C.The manager once acted as a captain.D.A young lady agreed to marry her boyfriend.()61. By saying "I do wish they would leave me alone at this p lace, " Mr. Smith .A. showed that he disliked such people at the hotelB. gave the impression that he was a constant guestC. tried to make his clients feel sorry for himD. sounded as if he was tired of such greetings()62. Why are the porters considered the most powerful people in expensive hotels?A. they sell tickets for converts.B. they can complete difficult task s.C.they know the history of hotels.D.They usually work in a hotel for a long time.CTake a deep breath and spend a week with the Lee family in Minne apolis. The three older children-Anna, 12, Nathan, 9 , and Kristian, 7-play one sport or another almost all year round.(Lisa is only 1 so sh e gets a break here.) Anna's practicing football, volleyball, basketball and softball. Nathan and Kristian do them all except volleyball. In the su mmer, add on tennis and swim lessons.All of this means that dad, Darwin, a teacher, and mom, Joan n, a nurse, spend a lot of time making sure everyone gets where he needs to be. Family dimmers? Forget about it. A busy family timetable, says Barbara Carlson. A school teacher, has become the new thing th at shows your status(地位)。



2012年河南普通高校专升本考试高等数学模拟题(总分150, 做题时间150分钟)一. 单项选择题(每题2分,共计50分)1.SSS_SINGLE_SELA 5B 6C 7D 8该题您未回答:х该问题分值: 2答案:D2.SSS_SINGLE_SELABCD该题您未回答:х该问题分值: 2答案:B3.SSS_SINGLE_SELABCD该题您未回答:х该问题分值: 2答案:A4.SSS_SINGLE_SELA 连续点B 可去间断点C 跳跃间断点D 第二类间断点该题您未回答:х该问题分值: 2答案:C5.SSS_SINGLE_SELA -1B -2C -3D -4该题您未回答:х该问题分值: 2答案:C6.SSS_SINGLE_SELA 单调递减且为凸的B 单调递增且为凸的C 单调递减且为凹的D 单调递增且为凹的该题您未回答:х该问题分值: 2答案:B7.SSS_SINGLE_SELABCD该题您未回答:х该问题分值: 2答案:A8.SSS_SINGLE_SELA 0B 1/2C 2D 1该题您未回答:х该问题分值: 2答案:B9.SSS_SINGLE_SELABCD该题您未回答:х该问题分值: 2答案:B10.SSS_SINGLE_SELABCD该题您未回答:х该问题分值: 2答案:A11.SSS_SINGLE_SELA -3B -1C 1D 3该题您未回答:х该问题分值: 2答案:D12.下列广义积分收敛的是SSS_SINGLE_SELABCD该题您未回答:х该问题分值: 2答案:C13.SSS_SINGLE_SELABCD该题您未回答:х该问题分值: 2答案:C解:分析结果,就能知道选择C。

14.SSS_SINGLE_SELA 26/3B 13/3C 8D 4该题您未回答:х该问题分值: 2答案:B15.SSS_SINGLE_SELABCD该题您未回答:х该问题分值: 2答案:C16.SSS_SINGLE_SELABCD该题您未回答:х该问题分值: 2答案:A17.SSS_SINGLE_SELA 1/6B -1/6C 0D 极限不存在该题您未回答:х该问题分值: 2答案:B18.SSS_SINGLE_SELA 1/eB 1C eD 0该题您未回答:х该问题分值: 2答案:C19.SSS_SINGLE_SELABCD该题您未回答:х该问题分值: 2答案:A20.SSS_SINGLE_SELA -1B 0C 1D 2该题您未回答:х该问题分值: 2答案:C21.下列正项级数收敛的是SSS_SINGLE_SELABCD该题您未回答:х该问题分值: 2答案:C22.SSS_SINGLE_SELABCD该题您未回答:х该问题分值: 2答案:D23.SSS_SINGLE_SELABCD该题您未回答:х该问题分值: 224.SSS_SINGLE_SELA 取极小值B 取极大值C 不取极值D 取最大值该题您未回答:х该问题分值: 2答案:A二、填空题(每题2分,共30分)25.SSS_FILL该题您未回答:х该问题分值: 2答案:26.SSS_FILL该题您未回答:х该问题分值: 2答案:27.SSS_FILL该题您未回答:х该问题分值: 2答案:SSS_FILL该题您未回答:х该问题分值: 2答案:29.SSS_FILL该题您未回答:х该问题分值: 2答案:30.SSS_FILL该题您未回答:х该问题分值: 2答案:31.SSS_FILL该题您未回答:х该问题分值: 2答案:32.SSS_FILL该题您未回答:х该问题分值: 2答案:33.SSS_FILL该题您未回答:х该问题分值: 2答案:34.SSS_FILL该题您未回答:х该问题分值: 2答案:35.SSS_FILL该题您未回答:х该问题分值: 2答案:36.SSS_FILL该题您未回答:х该问题分值: 2答案:37.SSS_FILL该题您未回答:х该问题分值: 2答案:38.SSS_FILL该题您未回答:х该问题分值: 2答案:39.SSS_FILL该题您未回答:х该问题分值: 2答案:三、判断题(每小题2分,共10分)40.SSS_JUDGEMENT正确错误该题您未回答:х该问题分值: 2答案:错误41.SSS_JUDGEMENT正确错误该题您未回答:х该问题分值: 2答案:错误42.SSS_JUDGEMENT正确错误该题您未回答:х该问题分值: 2答案:错误43.SSS_JUDGEMENT正确错误该题您未回答:х该问题分值: 2答案:正确44.SSS_JUDGEMENT正确错误该题您未回答:х该问题分值: 2答案:正确四、计算题(每小题5分,共40分)45.SSS_TEXT_QUSTI该题您未回答:х该问题分值: 5答案:46.SSS_TEXT_QUSTI该题您未回答:х该问题分值: 5答案:47.SSS_TEXT_QUSTI该题您未回答:х该问题分值: 5答案:48.SSS_TEXT_QUSTI该题您未回答:х该问题分值: 5答案:49.SSS_TEXT_QUSTI该题您未回答:х该问题分值: 5答案:50.SSS_TEXT_QUSTI该题您未回答:х该问题分值: 5答案:51.SSS_TEXT_QUSTI该题您未回答:х该问题分值: 5答案:52.SSS_TEXT_QUSTI该题您未回答:х该问题分值: 5答案:五、应用题(每题7分,共计14分)53.SSS_TEXT_QUSTI该题您未回答:х该问题分值: 7答案:54.SSS_TEXT_QUSTI该题您未回答:х该问题分值: 7答案:六、证明题(6分)55.SSS_TEXT_QUSTI该题您未回答:х该问题分值: 6答案:1。



2012年成人高招模拟考试试卷(一)(集合与简易逻辑、不等式、函数)班级 姓名 分数 一、选择题:(每小题5分,共85分)(1) 设集合A={a ,b ,c ,d },B={a ,b ,c },则集合A B=( ). (A ) {a ,b ,c } (B ){d } (C ){a ,b ,c ,d } (D )φ (2)设集合M={χ|χ≥-1},集合N={χ|χ≤3}.则M N=( ). (A )[-1,+ ∞ ) (B )(-∞, 3) (C )R (D )[-1,3 ](3)设甲:x=4π, 乙:sinx=2,则( ). (A )甲是乙的充分条件但不是必要条件 (B )甲是乙的必要条件但不是充分条件 (C )甲是乙的充分必要条件(D )甲不是乙的充分条件也不是必要条件 (4)设甲:2χ-1>0, 乙:χ<1. 则( ).(A )甲是乙的充分条件但不是必要条件 (B )甲是乙的必要条件但不是充分条件 (C )甲是乙的充分必要条件(D )甲不是乙的充分条件也不是必要条件 (5)不等式|2x+3|>5的解集为( ). (A ){x|x <-4或x >1} (B ){x|x <-4} (C ){x|x >1} (D ){x|-4<x <1} (6) 不等式x 2-x -2≤0的解集为( ).(A ){x|x ≤-1或x ≥2} (B ){x| -1≤x ≤2} (C ){x|x ≤-1} (D ){x|x ≥2}(7) 1221log 8log 24-⎛⎫+- ⎪⎝⎭=( ).(A )3 (B )2 (C )0 (D )1 (8)函数()f x =23log (2)x x -的定义域是( ).(A )(-∞,0) (2,+∞) (B )(-∞,-2) (0,+∞)(C )(0,2) (D )(-2,0) (9)如果3log 4a <log 2a x 且0<a <1.则( ). (A )0<x <38 (B )x <38 (C )0<x (D )38 (10)下列函数中为奇函数的是( )(A )y=12x⎛⎫⎪⎝⎭(B )y=x 4 (C )y=log 3x (D )y=2sinx(11)设函数()f x =x 2+3x+1,则()1f x +等于( ). (A )x 2+3x+2 (B )x 2+3x+5(C )x 2+5x+5 (D )x 2+3x+6 (12)设0<a <1,则( ). (A )13a<12a(B )13a>12a(C )1()3a <1()2a (D )1log 3a <1log 2a(13)已知集合A={1,2、3、4},B={-1<χ<3},则A ∩B=( ). (A ) {0,1,2} (B ){1,2}(C ){1,2,3} (D ){-1,0,1,2} (14)不等式|x-2|<3的解集中包含的整数共有( )(A )8个 (B )7个 (C )6个 (D )5个(15)若1ma ⎛⎫ ⎪⎝⎭=5,则2ma -=( )(A )125(B )25(C )10 (D )25(16)41log 2= ( )(A )2 (B )12(C )-12(D )-2(17)下列函数中,既是偶函数,又在区间(0,3)为减函数的是( )。



[解析] 本题考查谓语动词suggest的用法。

当suggest,demand,insist等充当“建议,要求,坚持”等含义时,其后的宾语从句的谓语动词为should do或动词原形的虚拟语气形式。


比较:We suggest, that he should make a trip plan. 又如:He insisted that. John should be punished. /He insisted John was foolish. 本题中的suggest的含义为“表明,暗示”。

[译文] 事实表明,当时的形势很严峻。

2.答案:B[解析] 本题考查倒装句的用法。

当not until置于句首时,句子应采用倒装句型,本题为部分倒装,时态是一般过去时。

[译文] 上个星期我才知道了这个让人难过的消息。

3.答案:A[解析] 本题考查代词的用法。

neither表示两者任何一方都不,谓语动词厢单数;none表示三者或以上人或物都不,谓语动词用单数;both表示两者都,谓语动词用复数[译文] 这两本书的观点都是:核危险并没有增加。

A.Neither B.Some C.None D.Both4. 答案:A[解析] 本题考查词义辨析。

词组benefit from的含义为“从……中受益”。

value价值;interest 利益,利率;advantage优势,长处。

[译文] 老师们从这种先进的教学方法中受益匪浅。

5.答案:C[解析] 本题考查定语从句关系词的用法。

从本句的含义和结构可以看出,代替先行词“reason”的关系代词在定语从句“he gave me…”中充当(直接)宾语,而不是充当原因状语,因此不能选择关系副词why。


比较:The reason why he was late for class is not clear.[译文] 对他上课迟到一事,他给出的理由不充分。





1.泰罗在伯利恒钢铁公司做过有名的铁锹试验,他据此提出的管理原理是()A. 差别计件工资制B. 标准化C. 例外原则D.计划职能与执行职能相分离2.梅奥在西方电气公司进行的霍桑试验,在哪个阶段试验得出了企业中存在非正式组织的结论 ( )A.工场照明试验B.继电器装配室试验C.大规模访谈D.接线板接线工作室试验3.由美国管理学家彼得·德鲁克创立的,被称为“管理中的管理”的是()A.质量管理 B .人力资源管理 C.目标管理 D.作业管理4.经验学派的的代表人物是()A.泰罗 B.德鲁克 C.巴纳德 D.赫兹伯格5.“外行领导内行”说明高层管理者更需要具备( )A.人际关系技能 B 技术技能 C 概念技能D沟通技能6.人口、教育、风俗习惯等属于与管理有关的()A.政治与法律环境B.技术环境C.经济环境D.社会与文化环境7.在环境较为不确定时,内部组织比较松散,决策权力分散并且权力层级不明确,组织结构设计可采取()A.机械式组织B.有机式组织C.虚拟式组织D.分权式组织8.某公司有员工64 人,假设管理幅度为8人,则该公司的管理人员应为(),管理层次有()A.9 人,3 层B8人,3 层C8人,2 层 D.9 人,2 层9.在激励工作中,最为重要的是发现职工的()A.安全需求 B .潜在需求 C.主导需求 D .自我实现的需求10.根据价值链分析法,下列属于基本活动的是()A.内部后勤B.服务C.采购D.市场营销11.清华紫光总裁张本正说:“我只管原则问题,不管一般问题。

”这句话体现了泰罗科学管理理论中的()A.标准化原理B.计划与职能分开C.例外原则D.能力与工作相适应12.“幼童”经营单位的特点是()A.市场占有率较高,业务增长率较高B.市场占有率较高,业务增长率较低C.市场占有率较低,业务增长率较高D.市场占有率较低,业务增长率较低13.要想避免多头领导和多头指挥,必须做好组织中的哪项工作?()A.计划B.组织C.领导D. 控制14.“治病不如防病,防病不如讲卫生”。



专科接本科教育考试英语模拟试题2(考试时间:90分钟;总分:120分)1. A. shoot B. cool C. cookie D. bamboo2. A. north B. worse C. horse D. force3. A. published B. glared C. saved D. proved4. A. faint B. failure C. bargain D. complain5. A. freight B. receive C. conceive D. Deceive 1C 2. B 3. A 4. C 5.1. —Excuse me, can you tell me where the nearest bank is, please?—______ Oh yes! It's past the office, next to a big market.A. Mm, let me think.B. Oh, I beg your pardon?C. You're welcome.D. What do you mean?2、. — I wonder if I could possibly use your car for tonight?—______. I'm not using it anyhow.A. Sure, go aheadB. I don't knowC. Yes, indeedD. I don't care3、—Will you be able to finish your report today? —_______.A. I like itB. I hope soC. I‟ll do soD. I‟d love i t4、-I‟m thinking of the test tomorrow. I‟m afraid I can‟t pass this time.-! I‟m sure you‟ll make it.A. Go aheadB. Good luckC. No problemD. Cheer up5、—Would you like some more soup?—_______.It is delicious, but I‟ve had enough.A. Yes, pleaseB. No, thank you.C. Nothing moreD. I'd like some AABDBSection BDirections: In this section there is a long conversation with 5 missing sentences. At the end of conversation, there is a list of given choices. You are required to select the ONE that best fits into the conversation. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. Note that there are two additional choices and you may not use any of the choices in the list more than onceDoctor: Ok, David, you‟ve got a touch of the flu.David :11? They say an attack of the flu is sometimes followed by another illness. 12.Doctor: Don‟t worry. Your condition is not as bad as that. 13, and take this medicine.David :Is medicine effective? 14,I can‟t afford to be sick nowDoctor :15, you will be fineA .No need to get so nervous B. you are careful C. The trouble is D. Take it easyE. Is it seriousF. It worries meG. yes you can 11. E 12. F 13. D 14. C 15. A2. You cannot be _____ careful when you drive a car.A. veryB. soC. tooD. enough3. In general, the amount that a student spends for housing should be held to one-fifthof the total ______ for living expenses.A. acceptableB. availableC. advisableD. applicable4. Every man in the country has the right to live where he wants to , ______ the color of his skin.A. with the exception ofB. in the light ofC. by virtue ofD. regardless of6. I hate people who _____ the end of a film that you have not seen before.A. revealB. rewriteC. reviseD. reserve8. The old couple decided to _____ a boy and a girl though they already had three children.A. adaptB. bringC. receiveD. adopt9. The government is trying to do something to ____ better understanding between the two nations .A. raiseB. promoteC. heightenD. increase10. The newspaper didn‟t mention the ___ of the damage caused by the fire.A. rangeB. levelC. extentD. quantity11. The soldier was _____ of running away when the enemy attacked.A. scoldedB. chargedC. accusedD. punished12. Had he worked hard, he _____ the exams.A. must have got throughB. would have got throughC. would get throughD. could get through13. Only under special circumstances _____ to take make-up tests.A. are freshmen permittedB. permitted are freshmenC. freshmen are permittedD. are permitted freshmen15. It seems oil ___ from this pipe for some time. We‟ll have to take the machine apartto put it right.A. had leakedB. is leakingC. leakedD. has been leaking16. It is vital that enough money ____ to fund the project.A. be collectedB. must be collectedC. is collectedD. can be collected17.The pressure _____ causes Americans to be energetic, but it also puts them under a constant emotional str ains.A. to competeB. competingC. to be competedD. having competed18. Your hair wants ____.You‟d better have it done tomorrow.A. cutB. to cutC. cuttingD. being cut19. As teachers we should concern ourselves with what is said, not what we think ____.A. ought to be saidB. must sayC. have to be saidD. need to say20. Once environmental damage ___ , it takes many years for the system to recover.A. has doneB. is to doC. doesD. is done21. The general commanded the soldiers _____ the enemy and defend their country.A. attackB. to attackC. attackingD. attacked22. The court ordered him to pay $ 1,000 in ____ for the accident.A. injuriesB. harmsC. damagesD. dangers23. We can gain some time if we ____ this field.A. cut downB. cut shortC. cut inD. cut across26.A rumor has ____ that he is going to resign the appointment.A. got inB. got overC. got aboutD. got downKey to Test 1:2.C3.B4.D 6.A 8.D 9.B 10.A 11.C 12.B 13.A 15.D 16.A 17.A 18.C 19.A 20.D 21. B 22.C 23. D 26.CDogs are social animals and without proper training, they will behave like wild animals. They will soil your house, destroy your belongings, bark excessively, fight other dogs and even bite you.Nearly all behavior problems are perfectly normal dog activities that occur at the wrong time or place or are directed at the wrong thing. The key to preventing or treating behavior problems is learning to teach the dog to redirect its normal behavior to outlets that are acceptable in the domestic setting.One of the best things you can do for your dog and yourself is to obedience train it. Obedience training doesn’t solve all behavior problems, but it is the foundation for solving just about any problem. Training pens up a line of communication between you and your dog. Effective communication is necessary to instruct your dog about what you want it to do.Training is also an easy way to establish the social rank order. When your dog obeys a simple request of “come here, sit,”it is showing obedience and respect for you. It is not necessary to establish yourself as top dog or leader of the pack(群)by using extreme measure. You can teach your dog its subordinate(从属的)role by teaching it to show submission to you. Most dogs love performing tricks for you to pleasantly accept that you are in charge.Training should be fun and rewarding for you and your dog. It can enrich your relationship and make living together more enjoyable. A well-trained dog is more confident and can more safely be allowed a greater amount of freedom than an untrained animal.21. Behavior problems of dogs are believe to _______.A) be just part of their natureB) worsen in modern societyC) occur when they go wildD) present a threat to the community22. The primary purpose of obedience training is to _______.A) teach the dog to perform clever tricksB) make the dog aware of its owner’s authorityC) provide the dog with outlets for its wild behaviorD) enable the dog to regain its normal behavior23. Effective communication between a dog and its owner is _______.A) essential to solving the dog’s behavior problemsB) the foundation for dogs to perform tasksC) a good way to teach the dog new tricksD)an extreme measure in obedience training24. Why do pet dogs love performing tricks for their masters?A) To avoid being punished.B) To show their affection for their masters.C) To win leadership of the dog pack.D) To show their willingness to obey.25. When a dog has received effective obedience training, its owner _______.A) can give the dog more rewardsB) will enjoy a better family lifeC) can give the dog more freedomD) will have more confidence in himselfPassage TwoQuestions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage:Engineering students are supposed to be examples of practicality and rationality, but when it comes to my college education I am an idealist and a fool. In high school I wanted to be an electrical engineer and, of course, any sensible student with my aims would have chosen a college with a large engineering department, famous reputation and lots of good labs and research equipment. But that‟s not what I did.I chose to study engineering at a small liberal-arts(文科)university that doesn’t even offer a major in electrical engineering. Obviously, this was not a practical choice; I came here for more noble reasons. I wanted a broad education that would provide me with flexibility and a value system to guide me in my career. I wanted to open my eyes and expand my vision by interacting with people who weren‟t studying science or engineering. My parents, teachers and other adults praised me for such a sensible choice. They told me I was wise and mature beyond my 18 years, and I believed them.I headed off to college sure I was going to have an advantage over those students who went to big engineering “factories”where they didn’t care if you have values or were flexible. I was going to be a complete engineer: technical genius and sensitive humanist(人文学者)all in one.Now I’m not so sure. Somewhere along the way my noble ideals crashed into reality, as all noble ideals eventually do. After three years of struggling to balance math, physics and engineering courses with liberal-arts courses, I have learned there are reasons why few engineering students try to reconcile(协调)engineering with liberal-arts courses in college.The reality that has blocked my path to become the typical successful student is that engineering and the liberal arts simply don’t’mix as easily as I assumed in high school. Individually they shape a person in very different ways; together they threaten to confuse. The struggle to reconcile the two fields of study is difficult.26. The author chose to study engineering at a small liberal-arts university because he _______.A) wanted to be an example of practicality and rationalityB) intended to be a combination of engineer and humanistC) wanted to coordinate engineering with liberal-arts courses in collegeD) intended to be a sensible student with noble ideals.27. According to the author, by interacting with people who study liberal arts, engineering students can _______.A) balance engineering and the liberal artsB) receive guidance in their careersC) become noble idealistsD) broaden their horizons28. In the eyes of the author, a successful engineering student is expected _______A) to have an excellent academic recordB) to be wise and matureC) to be imaginative with a value system to guide himD) to be a technical genius with a wide vision29. The author’s experience shows that he was _______.A) creativeB) ambitiousC) unrealisticD) irrational30. The word “they”in “…together they threaten to confuse.”(Line 3, Para.5) refers to _______A) engineering and the liberal arts.B) reality and noble idealsC) flexibility and a value systemD) practicality and rationalityPassage fourQuestions 31 to 35 are based on the following passage:Priscilla Ouchida’s “energy-efficient”house turned out to be a horrible dream. When she and her engineer husband married a few years ago, they built a $100,000, three-bedroom home in California. Tightly sealed to prevent air leaks, the house was equipped with small double-paned(双层玻璃的)windows and several other energy-saving features. Problems began as soon as the couple moved in, however. Priscilla’s eyes burned. Her throat was constantly dry. She suffered from headaches and could hardly sleep. It was as though she had suddenly developed a strange illness.Experts finally traced the cause of her illness. The level of formaldehyde(甲醛)gas in her kitchen was twice the maximum allowed by federal standards for chemical workers. The source of the gas? Her new kitchen cabinets and wall-to-wall carpeting.The Ouchidas are victims of indoor air pollution, which is not given sufficient attention partly because of the nation’s drive to save energy. The problem itself isn’t new. “The indoor environment was dirty long before energy conservation came along,”says Moschandreas, a pollution scientist at Geomet Technologies in Maryland. “Energy conservation has tended to accentuate the situation in some cases.”The problem appears to be more troublesome in newly constructed homes rather than old ones. Back in the days when energy was cheap, home builders didn’t worry much about unsealed cracks. Because of such leaks, the air in an average home was replaced by fresh outdoor air about once an hour. As a result, the pollutants generated in most households seldom build up to dangerous levels.31. It can be learned from the passage that the Ouchidas’house _______.A) is well worth the money spent on its constructionB) is almost faultless from the point of energy conservationC) failed to meet energy conservation standardsD) was designed and constructed in a scientific way32. What made the Ouchidas’new house a horrible dream?A) Lack of fresh air.B) Poor quality of building materials.C) Gas leakage in the kitchen.D) The newly painted walls33. The word “accentuate”(Line 4, Para.3) most probably means “_______”.A) relieveB) accelerateC) worsenD) improve34. Why were cracks in old houses not a big concern?A) Because indoor cleanliness was not emphasized.B) Because energy used to be inexpensive.C) Because environmental protection was given top priority.D) Because they were technically unavoidable.35. This passage is most probably taken from an article entitled “_______”.A) Energy ConservationB) Houses Building CrisisC) Air Pollution IndoorsD) Traps in Building ConstructionPassage FourQuestions 36 to 40 are based on the following passage:In 1993. New York State ordered stores to charge a deposit on beverage(饮料)containers. Within a year. Consumers had returned millions of aluminum cans and glass and plastic bottles. Plenty of companies were eager to accept the aluminum and glass as raw materials for new products. But because few could figure out what to do with the plastic, much of it wound up buried in landfills(垃圾填埋场). The problem was not limited to New York. Unfortunately, there were too few uses for second-hand plastic.Today, one out of five plastic soda bottles is recycled(回收利用)in the United States. The reason for the change is that now there are dozens of companies across the country buying discarded plastic soda bottles and turning them into fence posts, paint brushes, etc.Shrinking landfill space, and rising costs for burying and burning rubbish are forcing local governments to look more closely at recycling. In many areas, the East Coast especially, recycling is already the least expensive waste-management option. For every ton of waste recycled, a city avoids paying for its disposal, which, in parts of New York, amounts to saving of more than $100 per ton. Recycling also stimulates the local economy by creating jobs and trims the pollution control and energy costs of industries that make recycled products by giving them a more refined raw material.36. What regulation was issued by New York State concerning beverage containers?A) Beverage companies should be responsible for collecting and reusing discarded plastic soda bottles.B) Throwaways should be collected by the state for recycling.C) A fee should be charged on used containers for recycling.D) Consumers had to pay for beverage containers and could get their money back on returning them.37. The returned plastic bottles in New York used to _______.A) end up somewhere undergroundB) be turned into raw materialsC) have a second-life valueD) be separated from other rubbish38. The key problem in dealing with returned plastic beverage containers is _______.A) to sell them at a profitable priceB) how to turn them into useful thingsC) how to reduce their recycling costsD) to lower the prices for used materials39. Recycling ahs become the first choice for the disposal of rubbish because _______.A) local governments find it easy to manageB) recycling ahs great appeal for the joblessC) recycling causes little pollutionD) other methods are more expensive40. It can be concluded from the passage that _______A) rubbish is a potential remedy for the shortage of raw materialsB) local governments in the U.S. can expect big profits from recyclingC) recycling is to be recommended both economically and environmentallyD) landfills will still be widely used for waste disposal 21. A 22. C 23. B 24. D 25. C 26. B 27.D 28. D 29. C 30. A31. B 32. A 33. C 34. B 35. C 36. D 37. A 38. B 39. D 40. CFor the past two years, I have been working on students‟ evaluation of classroom teaching. I have kept a record of informal conversations __71__ some 300 students from at __72__ twenty-one colleges and universities. The students were generally __73__ and direct in their comments __74__ how course work could be better __75__. Most of their remarks were kindly ___76___ —with tolerance rather than bitterness—and frequently were softened by the __77__ that the students were speaking __78__ some, not all, instructors. Nevertheless, __79__ the following suggestions and comments indicate, students feel __80__ with things-as-they-are in the classroom.Professors should be __81__ from reading lecture notes. “It makes their __82__ monotonous(单调的).”If they are going to read, why not __83__ out copies of the lecture? Then we __84__ need to go to class. Professors should __85__ repeating in lectures material that is in the text-book. “__86__ we’ve read the material, we want to __87__ it or hear it elaborated on, __88__ repeated.” “A lot of students hate to buy a __89__ text that the professor has written __90__ to have his lectures repeat it.”71. A) involving B) counting C) covering D) figuring72. A) best B) least C) length D) large73. A) reserved B) hard-working C) polite D) frank74. A) over B) at C) on D) of75. A) presented B) submitted C) described D) written76. A) received B) addressed C) made D) taken77. A) occasion B) truth C) case D) fact78. A) on B) about C) at D) with79. A) though B) whether C) as D) if80. A) dissatisfied B) unsatisfactory C) satisfied D) satisfactory81. A) interfered B) interrupted C) discouraged D) disturbed82. A) voices B) sounds C) pronunciation D) gestures83. A) hold B) leave C) drop D) give84. A) couldn’t B) wouldn’t C) mustn’t D) shouldn’t85. A) refuse B) prohibit C) prevent D) avoid86. A) Once B) Until C) However D) Unless87. A) remember B) argue C) discuss D) keep88. A) yet B) not C) and D) or89. A) desired B) revised C) required D) deserved90. A) about B) how C) but D) only 71. A 72. B 73. D 74. C 75. A 76. C 77. D 78. B 79. B 80.A81.A 82.D 83. B 84.A 85C 86.B 87.D 88.B 89C 90CDirections: for this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic: My opinion on Campus Love. You should write at least 120 words according to the situation given below in Chinese:1. Some people are strongly against campu s love.2. Some people accept it.3. My view.My opinion on Campus LoveCampus love isn…t a newly-born phenomenon. Some people are strongly against it while some others think it…s natural. I don…t advocate it. The reasons are as follows. First of all, undergraduates are neither fully psychologically mature nor able to assume the responsibility, especially freshmen and sophomores. Second, they may indulge in it, thus dilapidate their study, which isn…t rare. Third, some just take advantage of it to kill time, av oid boredom with much time at their own disposals, have someone keep company, etc. What…s more, some change dating "partners" frequently, holding a paradox opinion that they could show off their charm or accumulate experience, but more often than not, they would leave a bad impression, such as lacking the sense of responsibility, on others, especially their former sweethearts. Last, the proportion of successful couples is too low. The overwhelming majority reach the same end-parting just before graduation, forced by reality, etc.So, look before you leap, discard campus love and make a wiser decision after graduation.。

2012年成人高等学校专升本招生全国统一考试 OK

2012年成人高等学校专升本招生全国统一考试         OK



1.2)2cos(lim1--→x x x =A.1B.cos1C.0D.2π2.设函数y=x 2+1,则dxdy = A331x B.x 2 C.2x D.21x 3. 设函数f (x )=cosx ,则f ’(2π)=A.-1B.- 21C.0D.14.下列区间为函数f (x )=sinx 的单调增区间的是A.(0,2π)B.(2π,π) C.(2π,23π) D (0, 2π)5.dx x ⎰3=A.3x 3+c B.x 3+c C.c x +33 D 2x+c 6.dx x ⎰+11=A.e 1+x+c Bc x++11. C.x+c D.ln|1+x|+c 7.设函数z=ln (x+y ),则an x z|∂∂= A.0 B. 21C.ln2D.18. 曲线y=24x -与x 轴所围成的平面图形的面积为A.2B.4C.2πD.4π9.设函数z=e x+y 2,则22xz∂∂=A.2yB.e x +2yC.e x +y 2D.e x10. 设事件A 、B 互不相容,P(A)=0.3,P(B)=0.2,则P (A+B )=A.0.44B.0.5C.0.1D.0.06二、填空题:11~20小题,每小题4分,共40分,把答案填写在答题卡相应题号后........。

11. 32lim 22-++∞→x x x x = . 12. xxx 32sin lim∞→= .13.设函数f (x )={,10,2<+≥+x x x x a 在x=0处连续,则a= .14.曲线y=x 3+3x 的拐点坐标为 .15.设函数f (x )=cosx ,则f ’(x)= .16.曲线y=sin (x+1)在点(-1,0)处的切线率为 . 17.dx xe x ⎰22= . 18.⎰1cos xdx = .19.⎰+∞-0dx e x = .20.设函数z=x 3e x,则全微分dz= .三、解答题:21~28小题,共70分,解答应写出推理、演算步骤,并将其写在答题卡相应.....题号后...。



预测题(5)本试卷分为第I 卷(选择题)和第II 卷(非选择题)两部分.满分150分.考试时间120分钟.第I 卷(选择题 共50分)一、选择题:本大题共10小题,每小题5分,共50分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的.1. 设集合}4,3,2,1{=U ,}2,1{=A ,}4,2{=B ,则=)(B A C U ( ) A .}2{ B .}3{ C .}4,2,1{ D .}4,1{ 2.22(1)1i i-+-=( ) A .1i + B .1i -+ C .1i - D .1i --3. 设曲线)(x f y =在某点处的导数值小于1-,则过该点曲线的切线的倾斜角θ的取值范围是( ) A. 30,4π⎛⎫ ⎪⎝⎭ B. 3,4ππ⎛⎫⎪⎝⎭ C. 0,4π⎛⎫ ⎪⎝⎭ D. ,4ππ⎛⎫⎪⎝⎭错题目 4.已知22ππθ-<<,且sin cos ,a θθ+=其中()0,1a ∈,则关于tan θ的值,在以下四个答案中,可能正确的是( ) A.2- B.13-C. 2 或13D. 2-或13-5.对于数列{}n a ,“12,,n n n a a a ++(n=1,2,3, …)成等比数列”是“212n n n a a a ++=”的( )A. 必要不充分条件B.充分不必要条件C. 充要条件D.既不充分也不必要条件 6. 容量为100的样本数据,依次分为8组,如下表:则第三组的频率是( )A .0.12B .0.21C .0.15D . 0.287.已知流程图如右图所示,该程序运行后,为使输出的b 值为16,则循环体的判断框内①处应填( )A. 2B. 3C. 5D. 78.方程1lg30x x--=的解所在区间为( ) A (0,1) B (1,2) C (2,3) D (3,+∞)9.设变量x y ,满足约束条件236y x x y y x ⎧⎪+⎨⎪-⎩≤≥≥,则目标函数2z x y =+的最小值( )A.3B.4C.5D.610.过双曲线12222=-by a x ()0,0a b >>上任意一点P ,引与实轴平行的直线,交两渐近线于M 、N 两点,则PM NP ⋅的值是( )A. 22a b B. ab 2 C. 2a D. 2a -第Ⅱ卷(非选择题 共100分)二、填空题:本大题共5小题,每小题5分,共25分.将答案填在题中的横线上. 11.如图,在台湾“莫拉克”台风灾区的搜救现场,一条搜救狗沿正北方向行进x m 发现生命迹象,然后向右转105,行进10m 发现另一生命迹象,这时它向右转135回到出发点,那么x =_____. 12.对几何体:①正方体;②正三棱锥;③球;④圆锥.其各自的三视图中,有且仅有两个视图相同的几何体是________. 13.已知等差数列{}n a 中,有11122012301030a a a a a a ++++++=成立.类似地,在正项等比数列{}n b 中,有_____________________成立.14.给出下列命题:①对∀实数y ,都∃一个实数x ,使得43y x =;②两个非零向量a与b 垂直的充要条件是|a +b |=|a -b |;③如果两条直线b a ,和平面M 满足M a ⊥,且M b ⊥,则b a //;④∃一个实数x ,使230x x -+≤.其中,假命题的序号是_________.15.(考生注意:请在下列三题中任选一题作答,如果多做,则按所做的第一题评分) A. (不等式选讲选做题)不等式112x x +≥+的实数解集为_________.B. (几何证明选讲选做题)如图,在△ABC 中,AB =AC ,以BC 为直径的半圆O 与边AB 相交于点D ,切线DE ⊥AC ,垂足为点E .则AECE=_______________.C. (坐标系与参数方程选做题)直线112,:2x t l y t =+⎧⎨=+⎩()t 为参数与直线22cos ,:sin x s l y s αα=+⎧⎨=⎩()s 为参数平行,则直线2l 的斜率为 . B AxC 13501050O三、解答题:本大题共6小题,共75分.解答应写出文字说明,证明过程或演算步骤. 16.(本小题满分12分)已知函数)22sin(cos sin 2)(π++=x x x x f .(I )若R x ∈,求)(x f 的最小正周期和单调递增区间; (II )设]3,0[π∈x ,求)(x f 的值域.17.(本小题满分12分)已知数列{}n a ,{}n b ,满足条件12(0)n n a a k k +=+≠,10n n n b a a +=-≠. (Ⅰ)求证:数列{}n b 是等比数列;(Ⅱ)若11k a ==,求数列{}n a ,{}n b 的通项公式. 18.(本小题满分12分)如图,在四棱锥P ABCD -中,底面ABCD 是正方 形,侧棱PD ⊥底面ABCD ,4,3PD DC ==,E 是PC 的中点.(I )证明://PA BDE 平面;(II )求PAD ∆以PA 为轴旋转所围成的几何体体积.19.(本小题满分12分)一商场对每天进店人数和商品销售件数进行了统计对比,得到如下表格:其中1234567i =,,,,,,.(Ⅰ)以每天进店人数为横轴,每天商品销售件数为纵轴,画出散点图. (Ⅱ)求回归直线方程.(结果保留到小数点后两位)(参考数据:7i=13245i ix y=∑,25x =,15.43y =,7215075i i x ==∑,27()4375x =,72695x y =)(Ⅲ)预测进店人数为80人时,商品销售的件数.(结果保留整数)20.(本小题满分13分) 已知圆C 方程为:224x y +=.(I )直线l 过点()1,2P ,且与圆C 交于A 、B 两点,若||23AB =,求直线l 的方程; (II )过圆C 上一动点M 作平行于x 轴的直线m ,设m 与y 轴的交点为N ,若向量OQ OM ON =+,求动点Q 的轨迹方程,并说明此轨迹是什么曲线.21.(本小题满分14分) 已知函数323()(2)632f x ax a x x =-++-. (I )当2a >时,求函数()f x 极小值;(II )试讨论曲线()y f x =与x 轴公共点的个数.参考答案 一、选择题 1.B .(){1,24}{3}.U U C A B C ==,2.C.22(1)1211i i i i i-+=+-=--. 3.B. 因为tan 1k θ=<-,0θπ≤<,所以34πθπ<<. 4.B .由题意知02πθ-<<,从而tan 0θ<.此时有cos sin sin 0cos sin ,a θθθθθ=->->⇒>-即有 1tan 0.θ-<< 对照选择支,应选B.5.B. 显然,前面可以推出后面,后面推不出前面.其反例数列为1,0,0,0,…. 6. B.因为101331513129100,x x +++++++=得7x =,所以,第三组的频数321x =,于是,第三组的频率是:210.21100=. 7.B. 当a =1时,进入循环,此时b =21=2;当a =2时,再进入循环, 此时b =22=4;当a =3时,再进入循环,此时b =24=16. 所以, 当a =4时,应跳出循环,得循环满足的条件为a ≤3,故选B.8.C .方程可以转化为lg 3x x =-,在同一平面直角坐标系中,画出函数lg y x =与3y x =+的图象,它们的交点横坐标0x ,显然在区间(1,3)内,由此可排除A ,D .至于选B 还是选C ,由于画图精确性的限制,单凭直观就比较困难了实际上这是要比较0x 与2的大小.当x=2时,lgx=lg2,3-x=1.由于lg2<1,因此0x >2,从而判定0x ∈(2,3).9. A . 在坐标系中画出可行域△ABC ,A(2,0),B(1,1),C(3,3),则目标函数2z x y=+的最小值为3.10.D . 设),(y x p ,则(,),(,),a aM y y N y y b b- 于是 (,0)(,0)a a PM PN y x y x b b⋅=-⋅--()()a ay x y x b b =---22222222222221()a a b x y b x a y a b b b=-=-==,所以 2PM NP PM PN a ⋅=-⋅=-. 二、填空题11.. ∵180754560A ∠=--=.∴10sin 45sin 60x =,∴3x m =. 12.④. 用三视图的概念容易做出只有圆锥满足题意,应填④. 13.30302110201211b b b b b b =.由算术平均数类比几何平均数,容易得出30302110201211b b b b b b =.14.①④. 分别判断命题如下:① 假命题.反例:取2y =-,则432x ≠-;② 真命题.因为对于非零向量b a ,,有||||)()(022b a b a b a b a b a b a -=+⇔-=+⇔=⋅⇔⊥;③真命题.此命题是直线与平面平行的性质定理,可用反证法证明; ④假命题.因为“对R x ∈∀,221113()024x x x -+=-+>”是真命题,所以,它的否定是假命题.15.A .3,2x ≤-且2x ≠-. 原不等式等价于12x x +≥+,且2x ≠-,等价于2212x x +≥+,且2x ≠-,得3,2x ≤-且2x ≠-.B. 1.3连结CD ,则CD ⊥AB, ∴D 是AB 中点.∵AE =12AD=14AB ,∴EC=3AE ,∴CE AE 31=,即13AE CE =.C.12. 直线1l 的斜率为12112y k x -==-,因为12l l ,所以2l 得直线的斜率为21.2k =三、解答题16. (I)()sin 2cos 2)4f x x x x π=+=+.周期22T ππ==;……………………3分 令222242k x k πππππ-≤+≤+,得388k x k ππππ-≤≤+. 所以,单调递增区间为3,,88k k k Z ππππ⎡⎤-+∈⎢⎥⎣⎦. ……………………6分 (II )解法1:当]3,0[π∈x ,112,4412t x πππ⎡⎤=+∈⎢⎥⎣⎦,由11,,412y t t ππ⎡⎤=∈⎢⎥⎣⎦的图象可知,当2t π=时,y;……………………9分当1112t π=时,y111122π=.所以,值域⎣. ……………………12分解法2:若30π≤≤x ,则1211424πππ≤+≤x ,4sin 426)64sin(12sin 1211sin πππππ<-=-==, ……………………9分 ∴1)42sin(426≤+≤-πx ,2)42sin(2213≤+≤-πx . 故函数)(x f 的值域为]2,213[-. ……………………12分 17.(Ⅰ)当2n ≥时,11111112()(2)(2)2n n n n n n n n n n n n n n a a b a a a k a k b a a a a a a ----+----+-+====---,……………….4分 所以数列{}n b 是以2为公比的等比数列.…………………………….6分 (Ⅱ)由11k a ==,则21213a a =+=, 则有1212b a a =-=,所以1222n n n b -=⋅=.解法1:由121n n a a +=+得112(1)n n a a ++=+,又1120a +=≠,所以数列{1}n a +是以2为首项,2为公比的等比数列,……………………10分 所以11222n n n a -+=⋅=.所以21n n a =-. …………………………………….12分 解法2:由已知得12n n n a a +-=, 则212a a -=;2322a a -=; 3432a a -=;112n n n a a ---=(2)n ≥.累加得23112222n n a a --=++++.即2311222221n n n a -=+++++=-.当1n =时,11a =也成立,所以数列{}n a 的通项公式21n n a =-.………..12分 18.(I )连接,A C 交BD 于O ,连接EO . …………2分ABCD 是正方形,∴O 为AC 中点,E 为PA 的中点, ∴//OE PA . …………………5分 又OE ⊂平面BDE ,PA BDE ⊄平面,//PA BDE 平面.………………6分(II )过D 作PA 的垂线,垂足为H ,则几何体为DH 为半径,分别以,PH AH 为高的两个圆锥的组合体侧棱PD ⊥底面ABCD .∴PD DA ⊥,4,3PD DA DC ===, ∴5PA =.431255PD DA DH PA ⨯===. …………8分 221133V DH PH DH AH ππ=+=213DH PA π …………10分 2112()535π=⨯⨯=485π=. …………12分 19.(Ⅰ)散点图如图………………………………………………4分(Ⅱ)7i=13245i ix y=∑,25x =,15.43y =,7215075i i x ==∑,2()4375n x =DD 1HP∴71722170.797()i ii i i x y x y b xx ==-⋅=≈-∑∑, ………………………………………………7分4.32a y bx =-=- ………………………………………………8分∴回归直线方程是0.79 4.32y x =- ……………………………………9分 (Ⅲ)进店人数80人时,商品销售的件数0.7980 4.32y =⨯-59≈件………………………………………12分20.(I )当直线l 垂直于x 轴时,则此时直线方程为1x =,l与圆的两个交点坐标为(和(1,,其距离为. ……………………2分若直线l 不垂直于x 轴,设其方程为()21y k x -=-,即20kx y k --+=设圆心到此直线的距离为d,则=,得1d =. …………………4分 所以1=,解得34k =, 故所求直线方程为 3450x y -+=.综上所述,所求直线方程为3450x y -+=或1x =. ……………………6分 (II )设点M 的坐标为()000,0x y y ≠(),Q 点坐标为(),x y ,则N 点坐标是()00,y . 因为OQ OM ON =+,所以()()00,,2x y x y = 即0x x =,02y y =. ………………8分 又因为22004x y +=, 所以224(0)4y x y +=≠, 所以Q 点的轨迹方程是221(0)416x y y +=≠, ………………11分 这说明轨迹是中心在原点,焦点在y 轴,长轴为8、短轴为4的椭圆,除去短轴端点 . …………13分21. (I )'22()33(2)63()(1),f x ax a x a x x a=-++=-- ………3分 ()f x 极小值为(1)2a f =-. ………6分 (II )①若0a =,则2()3(1)f x x =--,()f x ∴的图象与x 轴只有一个交点;……8分②若0a <, ∴()f x 极大值为(1)02a f =->, ()f x 的极小值为2()0f a<, ()f x ∴的图象与x 轴有三个交点;③若02a <<,()f x 的图象与x 轴只有一个交点;………10分④若2a =,则'2()6(1)0f x x =-≥,()f x ∴的图象与x 轴只有一个交点; ⑤若2a >,由(1)知()f x 的极大值为22133()4()044f a a =---<,………12分 ()f x ∴的图象与x 轴只有一个交点;综上知,若0,()a f x ≥的图象与x 轴只有一个交点;若0a <,()f x 的图象与x 轴有三个交点. ………14分。







1、已知5lim6,1x ax x →∞+=-则常数a =( )A 、1B 、5C 、6D 、1- 2、函数(0)xy x x =>的导数为( ) A 、1x y xx -= B 、ln xy x x =C 、1ln x x y xxx x -=+ D 、(ln 1)x y x x =+3、0()0f x ''=是()y f x =的图形在0x 处有拐点的( )A 、充分条件B 、必要条件C 、充分必要条件D 、以上说法都不对 4、若21()(0)f x x x'=>,则()f x =( )A CB 、C C CD 、ln x C + 5、广义积分x e dx +∞-=⎰( )A 、不收敛B 、1C 、1-D 、06、设cos xz e y =,则2zx y∂=∂∂( ) A 、sin x e y B 、 sin x xe e y +C 、cos x e y -D 、sin xe y -二、填空题(本大题共6小题,每小题6分,共24分,请把正确答案的结果添在划线上)。

7、设)(x f 为连续函数,则=+-+⎰-dx x x x f x f 311])()([8、2sin bad x dx da =⎰________________________(其中a 为变量,b 为常量)。

9、设22ln()z x y =+,则定积分11x y dz===___________________________________10、设(1,0,2)a =-,(3,1,1)b =-,则a b ⋅=___________,a b ⨯=__________________ 11、设1nn n a x∞=∑的收敛半径为R ,则21nn n a x∞=∑的收敛半径为________________________12、交换二次积分次序()=⎰⎰dx y x f dy eey 10,_______________________________三、计算题(本大题共8小题,每小题8分,共64分)。







1、0=x 是xx x f 1sin )(=的( ) A 、可去间断点B 、跳跃间断点C 、第二类间断点D 、连续点2、若2=x 是函数)21ln(ax x y +-=的可导极值点,则常数=a ( ) A 、1- B 、21 C 、21- D 、13、若⎰+=C x F dx x f )()(,则⎰=dx x xf )(cos sin ( )A 、C x F +)(sinB 、C x F +-)(sinC 、C F +(cos)D 、C x F +-)(cos4、设区域D 是xoy 平面上以点)1,1(A 、)1,1(-B 、)1,1(--C 为顶点的三角形区域,区域1D 是D 在第一象限的部分,则:=+⎰⎰dxdy y x xy D)sin cos (( )A 、⎰⎰1)sin (cos 2D dxdy y xB 、⎰⎰12D xydxdyC 、⎰⎰+1)sin cos (4D dxdy y x xyD 、05、设yx y x u arctan),(=,22ln ),(y x y x v +=,则下列等式成立的是( ) A 、y v x u ∂∂=∂∂ B 、x v x u ∂∂=∂∂C 、xv y u ∂∂=∂∂ D 、yv y u ∂∂=∂∂ 6、正项级数(1)∑∞=1n nu、(2)∑∞=13n nu,则下列说法正确的是( )A 、若(1)发散、则(2)必发散B 、若(2)收敛、则(1)必收敛C 、若(1)发散、则(2)不定D 、若(1)、(2)敛散性相同二、填空题(本大题共6小题,每小题6分,共24分,请把正确答案的结果添在划线上)。

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2012年普通高等学校专升本招生考试考前冲刺预测试卷(二) 高等数学 一、单项选择题:本大题共10小题,每小题3分,共30分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的,把所选项前的字母填在题后的括号内. 1.下列函数为有界函数的是 ( ) A .sin x y e = B.tan y x = C.2log y x = D.1y x = 2. 11lim(1)sin 1x x x →-=- ( ) A.-1 B.1 C.0 D.发散 3.设()sin f x x =,则'(0)f = ( ) A.0 B.1 C.-1 D.不存在 4.当0x →时,1cos ()x f x x -=是x 的 ( ) A.高阶无穷小 B.低阶无穷小 C.等价无穷小 D.同阶无穷小 5.设2xy z e yx =+,则(1,2)z y ∂=∂ ( ) A.1e + B.21e + C.221e + D.21e + 6.设()f x 在(,)-∞+∞上有连续的导数,则下面等式成立的有
( ) A.1'(2)(2)2f x dx f x c =+⎰ B.'(2)(2)f x dx f x c =+⎰ C.'(2)2()f x dx f x c =+⎰ D.(2)2(2)d f x dx f x dx =⎰ 7.A 是n 阶对称矩阵,B 是n 阶方阵,则下列为对称方阵的是( ) A. AB BA - B.'ABA C. 'BAB D.AB BA + 8.行列式0A ≠是方阵A 可逆的 ( ) A.充分条件 B.必要条件 C.充要条件 D.非充要条件 9.袋中有两个白球一个红球,甲从袋中任取一球,放回后,乙再从袋中任取一球
考场座位号_______ 姓名________


时,则甲、乙两人取得的球是同颜色的概率为 ( ) A.19 B.29 C.49 D.59
k c p k ξ== , 1,2,k = , 则常数c =( ) A.1 B.2 C.12
D.4 二、填空题:本大题共10小题,每小题3分,共30分,把答案填在题中横线上.
11.已知曲线1x ye x +=,则过点(0,1)且与曲线相切的切线方程为 __________
12.设D 是由1x y +=, 1x y -= , 0x = 所围成的区域,则D
dxdy =⎰⎰__________
13.已知数项级数12012n n u
∞==∑,则lim n n u →∞
=__________ 14.已知ln z z xy
=,则dz =___________ 15.设(,)f x y 在D:21y x ≤- , 21y x ≥-上连续,则将(,)D
f x y dxdy ⎰⎰化为先对y
再对x 的二次积分为_____________
16.已知()f x 在点0x 连续,且000(2)()lim 1x f x x f x x
∆→-∆-=∆,则0'()f x =__________ 17.
0ydx -=的通解为____________
18.A 为三阶方阵,1
A =-,则1(3)2A A -*-=__________ 19.已知100020003A ⎛⎫ ⎪= ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭
,B 是秩为2的3阶方阵,P=AB ,则秩P=_____________
20.已知ξ是连续型随机变量,且(13)0.4p ξ<<=,则(2)p ξ==____________

x x x e →--.
22.函数21sin 0()0
0x x f x x x ⎧≠⎪=⎨⎪=⎩ , 求(0)f '
0x xe dx +∞-⎰.
25. 24.求微分方程3'2x xy y x e -=的通解.
n n x n ∞
27.已知函数()y f x y =+,''f 存在,且'()1f x ≠,求
dy dx
28.已知X AX B =+,其中010111101A ⎛⎫ ⎪=- ⎪ ⎪-⎝⎭
, 112053B -⎛⎫ ⎪= ⎪ ⎪-⎝⎭ ,求矩阵X .
3 4226423x x x x x x x x λλλ+=⎧⎪++=+⎨⎪++=+⎩有解,并求出解的一般形式.
150x f x x x ⎧>⎪=⎨⎪≤⎩ , 求在仪器使用的最初200小时内恰好有两只电
四.应用与证明题. (本题20分,其中31题12分,32题8分)
31. 设D 由抛物线24y x =与284y x =-所围成的平面图形,求(1)D 的面积;(2)D 绕x 轴旋转形成的旋转体的体积
32.已知矩阵A 满足2A A =,证明:
20A E -≠。
