bankers forum quotes
适合在银行交流的英语词汇和句子适合在银行交流的英语词汇和句子适合在银行交流的英语词汇和句子exchange table, conversion table 汇兑换算表foreign exchange 外汇exchange rate 外汇率conversion rate 折合率foreign exchange restriction 外汇限额foreign exchange quotations 外汇行情to check the rate for sb. 查牌价Please tell me how much you want to change.请告诉我你要换多少。
How much of the remittance do you want to convert into Japanese yen?你要把多少汇款换成日圆?What kind of currency do you want?要哪种货币?What''s it you wish to change?你有什么要换的?What kind of currency do you want to change?要换哪种货币?In what denominations?要什么面值的?Please tell me what note you want.请告诉我要什么钞票。
Will seven tens be all right?7张10元的.可以吗?Is it in traveler''s cheques?换旅行支票吗?I''d like to know how I shall give it to you.我想知道如何付钱给你。
How would you like it?你要什么面额的?Would you kindly sign the exchange form, giving your name and address?请在兑换单上签字,写出你的姓名和地址,好吗?Can you change me some money, please?能否请你给我兑换一些钱?Here it is, some French francs, Swiss francs, American dollars and a few Dutch guilders.这些就是:一些法国法郎,瑞士法郎,美圆和一些荷兰盾。
长久以来,独具特色地工作环境和职业习惯造就了独树一帜地华尔街“行话”.交易员、投行家、分析师和经纪商使用地行业词汇并不总是相同地.为了帮助我们理解华尔街“行话”地真实意思,整理了个短语.在华尔街石巷里地尤利西斯酒吧听那些投资银行家们高谈阔论,他们嘴里不断冒出一些令你深感困惑、甚至令你怀疑自己智商地词语,那么下面地这些解释能让你茅塞顿开.和指预计将上升或下降,分别用来表达对某事感觉不错,或者感觉很差.它是这么用地:投行家:我泡泡纱,法兰绒.——我喜欢泡泡纱,讨厌法兰绒.为了表示绝对确定,一个投行家可能会说,他们对一个结果或者目标“三倍”或者“三倍”.用讽刺方式来表达“千万别!”,典型地用法是这样地:投行家:我们去看“真爱至上”吧投行家:——意思就是千万别去!这意思是说,在既定市场环境中,——有大量地机会,或者——根本无利可图.投行家:“假设这周末去汉普顿度假,就是说要在夜店开狂欢,就是他还邀请了我地前任女友.”文档来自于网络搜索就是指某人假装对华尔街无所不知,但其实他什么事情也不懂,而且在不上档次地公司拿着微薄地薪水.这个词来源于世纪末期地俚语“”,意思是因为过度谨慎小心而退出协议地人.文档来自于网络搜索如果你不知道这个词,说明你根本不认识任何一个华尔街人. *是这样一种人:他经手大手笔地买卖,赚着高薪,是一个人人艳羡地混蛋.它曾在地《说谎者地扑克牌》一书中出现过,文档来自于网络搜索如果能赚到数百万美元,他就会成为最受崇敬地那类人——*.字面意思是“猎杀大象”.这个词之所以出名,就是因为巴菲特使用了它,意思是说你正在寻找大生意.在宣布与巴西私募巨头资本联手竞购亨氏食品公司之后,巴菲特在采访中使用了这个词:文档来自于网络搜索我正在寻找另外一头大象.如果你看到了任何一只,请告诉我.我们已经准备好了.那只猎杀大象地枪早已重装上阵,我扣动扳机地手指已经急不可耐.文档来自于网络搜索这是指大笔资金交易或者数额巨大地证券交易.对冲基金交易员:我那个在摩根士丹利工作地朋友每天都作着大规模交易,我们应该挖走他.这个词指很大一笔钱,它能让你提前退休,永远不需要再工作.这个词可以用在任何证券交易中,表示你非常看好.交易员们在平时生活中也会这么说,用来表达对一个事物地热情.文档来自于网络搜索交易员:“我被委内瑞拉年期国债麻醉了.”——我非常看好委内瑞拉年期国债.当卖方分析师调升或者调降股票评级,但是理由非常愚蠢地时候,交易员马上就会说:看到了吗?古根海姆分析师调降了股票评级!别指望这能赚钱!文档来自于网络搜索这是习惯说法,也是行业用语,意思就是你正在做交易.字面就是“打印在纸带上”指代下订单.过去,经纪人执行地交易指令都被记录在自动收报机地纸带上,很长很长地一卷纸,上面不间断地打印着交易指令.当然,现在这些指令都由计算机来完成了.文档来自于网络搜索然而,这句话却没有随着纸带地淘汰而消失.现在,这些“纸带”不仅仅用在股市或债市交易上,它还可能被用在其他任何事物上.文档来自于网络搜索这句话地意思是你已经提交了订单,不能再有更多其他地申请了这是也许、大概地意思.当为客户下单地时候,交易员可能会说“ ”,表明客户可能需要交易员再度确认指令,以保证下单准确无误.这个短句子也用在日常对话中,表示“可能”.文档来自于网络搜索投行家:我们下班后要去日本餐厅.投行家:.——看情况吧,也许能去,也许不能.是指女孩们或者客户们.无论怎样,这个世界总是有很多女孩子,也有一大堆客户.交易术语,意思就是你可以随意进入市场交易.如果你在交谈中听到这个词,这就是在说“请随意”“随你便”.投行家:我们应该买美元一瓶地意大利葡萄酒吗?投行家:——无所谓啦."升级想象一下,你在纽约梦幻市区酒店( )地酒吧里享受着,这时候你地董事总经理决定买些奢华地法国顶级伏特加来犒劳大家,这就是!文档来自于网络搜索交易之前如果投行家在酒吧里盯上一个女孩,但却被投行家抢先一步跑去和她搭讪……第二天,投行家就会对投行家说:“,.文档来自于网络搜索——比你快了一步!”' .其实,这是一句脏话.通常,初级投行家急匆匆地走过你身边,你就会听到他嘟囔了这句话.职员就是副总裁,他必须得给分析师和助理们分配工作任务,尤其是必须连夜赶工或周末加班地任务.文档来自于网络搜索?如果上司在上班时间这么问你,那是他在温和地同你商量,能不能周末过来加班?在华尔街,这句话就意味着无论你有什么度假计划,它都泡汤了.文档来自于网络搜索?分析师经常在上市公司业绩发布会上这么发问,意思是他要求得到更多细节.如果你同事在日常谈话中这么问你,那是他想八卦你夜不归宿地那晚究竟发生了什么.文档来自于网络搜索' .我在看(哈哈哈哈哈)。
You know what I like about people? 你知道我喜欢人哪一点吗They stack so well. 会耍手段Let me get this for you. 我来收拾吧Want the paper? 报纸还要吗No. 不了This is too much. 太多了It's not half enough. 差得远呢Thanks for opening up for me. 谢谢你为我开店Any time, day or night. You know that. 你知道我随时欢迎你来In a town where everyone's so carefully这个城市里,人人都在精心地改头换面reinventing themselves,what I like about Freddy 而弗莱迪的可贵之处is that he doesn't even pretend to change. 就是他甚至不装作要改变Ooh. I'm late. 我要迟到了Every Tuesday I sit down with the speaker and the我每周二都会和议长及多数党领袖一起majority leaderto discuss the week's agenda. 商讨一周的议事日程Well, discuss is probably the wrong word. 说是"商讨"可能不太准确They talk while I sit quietly 他们谈话,而我安静地坐着and imaging their lightly salted faces frying in想象他们淡腌过的脸在煎锅中炸a skillet.Vasquez must be shitting herself. 瓦斯奎兹肯定吓得拉裤子了Shitting herself, when Walker is shitting别说她,沃克肯定也是himselfand shoveling his shit on her shit. 俩人的屎都摞一起了Bob, I'm planning on eating. 鲍勃,我还想吃东西呢Do we have a backup on the docket? 有可以考虑的备用人选吗You're on that, right, Frank? 你在处理吧,弗兰克Yeah, I'm working with my staff-- 是的,我和我的团队...Republicans are gonna ram this up our ass. 共和党会为此对我们穷追烂打I would if I was them. 换了我也会这么做Why, even if we squeak it through the house, 就算众议院勉强通过watch them mangle it in the senate. 参议院也会百般刁难Or filibuster. 或阻挠议事国会投票前要就法案进行辩论,人数少的党派可找一个议员一直在台上讲,使法案不能进入投票,从而阻止一个法案通过Why, sure, if it looks anything like this... 好吧,反正这种情况...I don't know why Walker's 我不明白沃克为什么trying to tackle a charging elephant. 要对付一头横冲直撞的大象It's madness. 真是疯了Congressmen, sorry to interrupt, 各位议员,抱歉打扰了but I saw you sitting over here-- 我看见你们在这Remy. Gentlemen, this is Remy Danton. 雷米,各位先生,这是雷米·丹顿Remy, this is Speaker Birch and Congress-- 雷米,这位是博奇议长和鲍勃...I'm well aware. Mr. Speaker, Congressman. 我知道,议长先生,议员先生Remy just made partner at Glendon Hill. 雷米刚成为格兰顿-希尔的合伙人Glendon Hill? Great team over there. 格兰顿-希尔可挺不错啊Congratulations. - Thank you. 恭喜,-谢谢When was the last time they added a partner? 有多久没提拔合伙人了It's been a while. 挺久了Well, they know a winner when they see one. 他们一看就知道谁是好手Remy was the best press secretary I ever had. 雷米是我手下最好的新闻发言人Why did you let him go? 那你怎么放他走了I didn't. They stole him away. 我没有,他们把他挖走了What accounts do you have? 你们有哪些客户San Corp Industries is my main one. 桑科工业是我的主要客户I run that account now. 我负责他们公司Anyhow, I'll let you get back to it. 好了,那我就先走了Sorry again to interrupt. 再次抱歉打扰了No problem. 没关系Very nice to meet you both. 很高兴见到二位Nice. 真好Lobbyists keep getting younger and younger. 说客越来越年轻了He's probably making more than all of us他挣得大概比我们加起来还多combined.Gentlemen, this one's on me. 先生们,这顿算我的I'm gonna track down that check. 我去买单Glendon Hill fronts San Corp Industries. 格兰顿-希尔为桑科工业做说客San Corp is deep into natural gas. 桑科的天然气做得有声有色I don't give a hoot about natural gas, 但我才不在乎天然气but I have 67 deputy whips, 我有67位副党鞭and they all need cash to win races. 他们都需要钱来赢得竞选San Corp helps me purchase loyalty, 桑科帮我买到了忠诚and in return they expect mine. 也指望我以忠心相报It's degrading, I know, 我知道这很下作but when the tit's that big, 但利润如此丰厚everybody gets in line. 谁都想分一杯羹Tell them I'm on top of it. 告诉他们一切尽在掌握之中I need more than that. 这可打发不了我You are well aware that I do not drop the ball你知道我不会在这种事上犯错,雷米on things like this, Remy.Promises, Frank. 你的承诺,弗兰克,Secretary of State, Argentine and off shore当选国务卿,阿根廷的近海钻探合同drilling contracts--Talk to me when I've solved the problem. 我解决问题之后再谈Don't waste my time when I'm working on solving现在别浪费我的时间the problem.When there's billions on the line, 事关数十亿资金You can't not call me back. 你不能不回我电话I can't not show up. 我也不能做鸵鸟Fine. Thank you for your diligence. 好吧,多谢费心Eight figures to you and the D triple C. 我们捐了上千万给民主党竞选委员会6 million to build that library of yours in your以你的名义建了座六百万的图书馆name.I know. 我知道,Don't make them throw money at your challenger别逼得他们下回去资助你的对手next cycle.You've made your point. 你说得很清楚了Have I? I hope so. 是吗,希望如此Such a waste of talent. 真是浪费啊He chose money over power-- 为了钱而放弃权利In this town, a mistake nearly everyone makes. 这个城市里,几乎人人都犯了这个错Money is the McMansion in Sarasota 金钱是萨拉索塔的巨无霸豪宅大型现代房屋,缺乏个性,和当地建筑格格不入that starts falling apart after ten years. 保质期就只有十年Power is the old stone building 权力是古老的石砌建筑that stands for centuries. 能屹立数百年I cannot respect someone who doesn't see the我要怎么尊重这都不懂的人difference.What am I looking at? 这是什么The Williams register. 威廉姆斯登记簿Williams? - College. 哪个,-那个大学September '78. 1978年9月And why am I looking at it? 让我看这个做什么The editorial. 那篇社论Not that interesting. 挺无聊的Michael Kern went to Williams. 迈克尔·科恩曾在威廉姆斯念书Check out the masthead. 看报头And then there's this. 还有这个It's thin. 站不住The guy's a unicorn. He pisses rainbows. 那家伙太讨喜了,屎都是香的You think we can get traction with this? 你觉得这个能吸引眼球,I think you could. 你可以Linda Vasquez is on the phone. 琳达·瓦斯奎兹的电话Ah, I'm surprised it took her this long. 没想到她这么久才打来It's only 6 past 9:00. 才9点06分Which means she read the Herald 3 hours ago 那她肯定三小时前就看过《先驱报》了and spent the past 2 1/2 getting reamed by the然后被总统骂了两个半小时president.Tell her I'm on my way. 跟她说我就来You were supposed to keep Donald in line. 你本该看着唐纳德的You assured me that you-- 你向我保证25 years he's been pushing this particular他推动这项议程有25年了agenda.We got between the mother bear and her cub. 他这就是护犊子It's a setback. That's all. 只是个小挫折罢了On our first day in office. 这是我们就职首日Linda, I've worked with four presidents. 琳达,我为四位总统工作过Setbacks are a dime a dozen with a bill of this这么大的法案,挫折在所难免size.Frank, if you can't control this-- 弗兰克,你要是控制不住局面I don't take well to being micromanaged, Linda. 我不喜欢被人死死盯着,琳达You want to do my job for me and run the White你是要一边打理白宫,还干我的活儿吗House?Good luck. I won't stand in your way. 祝你好运,我绝不阻拦Okay, Frank. Fine. This is yours now. 好吧,弗兰克,这事你解决If this thing can't make it to the floor in the 要是在一百天内,法案不能进行投票first 100 days,then I'll let you explain to the president 我就让你去跟总统解释why he lied to the American people. 他怎么对美国人民失信了I'm gonna get back to work. 我要回去干活了Please do. 请便Well, we really should be doing this on a Friday 这事真该放在周五instead of a Wednesday. 而不是周三If we do it on a Friday, 要是周五的话people have the weekend-- 大家周末就能...,Fine. We'll do it on Friday. 好吧,那就周五Is all the paperwork ready? 文件都弄好了吗Some of the more senior people are trickier. 部分老人比较棘手There's severance. 需要离职金But we shouldn't run into any legal issues. 应该没有什么法律问题吧No, no. We use at-will employment contracts不会的,我们签的都是自由雇佣合同across the board.Well, get started first thing Friday. 周五一来就着手这事I want all of the exit interviews done by lunch. 午餐前搞定所有离职面谈Claire, I just can't help but think that this is克莱尔,我就是觉得这是个错误a mistake.We've discussed this already, Evelyn. 我们已经谈过这个问题了,伊芙琳I know, I know, but I just have to say it 我知道,但出于良心for the sake of my conscience. 我必须说出来I think that you are dismantling 我觉得你在摧毁what we have built over the past ten years, 我们过去十年建立的一切and I-- 而我and I think the way you're handling this is... 我觉得你的处理方式is cruel. 很残忍It's not easy, Evelyn. 对我也不容易,伊芙琳But it's necessary. 但我必须这么做You have always asked me to be honest with you. 你一直让我实话实说It's how we work together. 这是我们共事的基础I disagree with something, I say it. 我有不同意见,就说出来Well, I disagree 100%. 我对此完全不赞同Please, Claire, don't do this. 求你,克莱尔,别这样做I respect your opinion, Evelyn, 我尊重你的意见,伊芙琳and I appreciate you sharing it with me, 我也很感谢你愿意告诉我but I'm not going to change my mind. 但我不会改变主意的Friday, then. 周五If that's what you want. 你说了算This is major reform, a complete overhaul. 这是一项重大改革,全面改革That would usually take months. 一般都要几个月呢Well, we only have days, not months. 我们只有几天,没有几个月But think about the process. We can't just但想想这个过程,我们不能随便... change--When I ask my colleagues, your bosses, 我询问我的同事,你们的上司who are the smartest minds in education, 教育界最聪明的人是谁out of hundreds, we arrived at you-- 千挑万选,选中了你们the six of you in this room. 这间房里的六位Now, I realize it is a difficult task, 我知道任务艰巨but we have the opportunity to make history here. 但我们现在有机会创造历史And I want all of us to make it together. 我希望大家能齐心协力So good luck. We're counting on you. 祝好运,靠你们了Page 1. 第一页These bullet points reflect 着重号标出了the key planks at the center of our bill. 法案的核心条款Get comfy. 坐舒服了This is your home until we have a presentable拿不出像样的初稿,就别想回家first draft.Donald, what a morning. 唐纳德,今早真够呛I have no idea how they got this. 我不知道他们怎么搞到的I specifically told my staff to destroy我明确告诉手下销毁一切everything.I can't imagine 我真不知...,It doesn't matter how it happened. 那不是重点We can't make it unhappen, so we have to adapt. 过去的没法改变,只能随机应变Don't they realize that this is a first draft? 他们不知道这只是初稿吗All we have here really is a perception problem. 其实就看你是站在什么角度了We don't get a second chance at a first第一印象只有一次,唐纳德impression, Donald.You know that. Now, look, I'm on your side, 你也知道,我当然站在你这边but Linda is furious. 但琳达很生气What's she saying? 她是什么意思They want to point fingers. 他们找人怪罪At me? 我吗I told her we cannot do that. 我跟她说不能这样I mean, you are vital to this process. 你对立法及其重要I'm up to here with them, Donald-- 唐纳德,我受够他们了for lying, for turning their back on you. 谎话连篇,落井下石You know, I'm of a mind to say screw it. 我要说,去你的I'll fall on this grenade myself, 这个栽我认了just to piss them off. 就气死他们Give me John King at CNN. 给我接CNN的约翰·金Wait, Frank. This is not your fault. 等等,弗兰克,这不是你的错No, we have to protect your reputation. 不,我们得保护你的声誉But you're the man that needs to get the bill但是你得保证法案通过投票through the house.I will-- hang on. I will assign it to one of my我会...等等,我会交待我的副手deputies,quietly manage it, and I'll help guide you私下搞定,教你怎么走那个过场through the process.I am not comfortable with this. 我不喜欢这样Well, then what do you suggest we do? 那你说我们怎么办What a martyr craves more than anything 烈士最渴求的is a sword to fall on, 就是壮烈牺牲so you sharpen the blade, 所以,你磨好兵刃hold it at just the right angle, 调整好角度and then 3, 2, 1-- 默数三,二,一It should be me. 我来It was my bill. 这是我的法案No. Impossible. Donald, 不行,唐纳德education has been your life's work. 教育事业是你毕生的心血The truth is my heart is not in this fight. 实际上,我的心根本不在这儿You know me. I'm not a wheeler dealer. 你也知道,我不会精明算计I can put my mind to policy, 我全心投入制定政策but I'm no good at this brand of politics. 但没什么政治手腕Well, if not you, then who? 那要找谁替你呢It should be you, Frank. 应该你来,弗兰克You're formidable. People respect you. 你令人敬畏,受人尊重They will follow your lead. Let me-- 他们会听你的领导,让我let me be on the sidelines for this. 让我置身事外吧Well, I could only consider that as an option 要我考虑接受if I knew that I could still come to you for你得保证给我提建议counsel.Of course. Whatever you need. 当然,随时奉陪Part of me is glad this got leaked. 我内心多少庆幸泄密了Well, it would have been better if it hadn't, 如果没这事最好but at least people know where I stand. 但至少人们知道了我的立场Thank you, Donald. 谢谢你,唐纳德Happy to do it, Frank. 我的荣幸,弗兰克He has no idea we've got six kids in the next room 他不知道我们找了六个孩子在隔壁already working on a new draft. 紧锣密鼓地拟定新草案Stamper! But why dampen his mood by telling him? 斯坦福,何必要说出来让他伤心呢We just gave him a great gift-- 我们刚刚给了他份大礼a chance to fulfill his destiny. 让他能完成使命Write up a statement for Blythe-- 为布莱斯写一份声明有事要谈,今晚见stepping aside, fresh ideas, 退位让贤,提出新想法et cetera, et cetera, and make it dignified. 等等,等等,给他点面子He's a good man. 他是个好人Oh. And bring me that Williams editorial. 把威廉姆斯社论拿来收件人,佐伊·巴恩斯After careful thought and discussion with my经过慎重考虑和团队商议staff,I am relinquishing my management of the我将放弃教育改革法案的制订education reform act.I hope to remain a part of the process, 我仍然希望能略尽绵力but I won't be working-- 但我将不再...Why did you leak the draft? 你为什么要泄露草案I'm not exactly sure how it got leaked, 我不清楚怎么会泄露but, uh, it does represent-- 但是它代表了It came from your office, though, correct? 是从你办公室泄露出去的,对吗Uh, we wrote it, but I don't-- 是我们起草的,但我不Who'll be managing the bill now? 现在是谁负责这个法案Frank Underwood. 弗兰克·安德伍德Was that your choice, 是你的决定or did the administration-- 还是政府教室危机,唐纳德·布莱斯,泄露教育草案执笔人I feel very confident 弗兰克能力出众placing the bill in Frank's capable hands. 由他接手法案,我非常放心Ms. Barnes. 巴恩斯小姐How very deep throat of you. 你真够深喉深喉为1972年水门事件中内线的假名Well, I can't help you dispatch a president. 我没法帮你撵走一个总统How about a senator? 参议员怎么样The editorial on the Camp David Accords. 关于戴维营协议的社论戴维营协议:上世纪八十年代埃以签署的重要协议It is the opinion of this newspaper 本报认为that President Carter demand Israel 卡特总统应要求以色列withdraw all its citizens 撤出约旦河西岸from the Gaza Strip and West Bank." 及加沙地带的所有以色列公民Which it has illegally occupied since 1967. 以色列自1967年以来就非法占据了该地区Illegally occupied. 非法占据That's quite an incendiary quote, don't you这话肯定能引起轰动,你说呢think?For an administration that says 毕竟这届政府表示that the Middle East is its top foreign policy中东是外交政策的重中之重priority.Michael Kern? 迈克尔·科恩Did he personally write the editorial? 社论是他亲自执笔的吗He was the editor. 他是编辑But did he write it himself? 但是他执笔的吗Then there's no story. 那这就不算新闻I'm saying it's a question worth asking. 我认为这是一个值得指出的问题And if he denies involvement? 如果他否认与这篇文章有关呢He will. Let him. 那是必然,随他去This is a man trying to be confirmed as Secretary这个人正在等着正式上任国务卿of State.Everything is a story. 他的一切都是新闻There's no direct link. 可是没有直接关联I can't get this past Hammerchmidt. 汉默施密特不会允许见报的Remember this moment when you resisted me, 记住拒绝我的这一刻when you said the words "Then there is no story." 记住你亲口说,那这就不算新闻Get a good night's sleep, Ms. Barnes. 好好睡一觉吧,巴恩斯小姐You have a big day tomorrow. 明天还有的你忙Francis? 弗兰西斯What is this? 这是什么What does it look like? 你觉得像什么But the basement is mine. 但地下室是我的I know. It's not for me. 我知道,这不是给我的So who's it for? 那是给谁的For you. 给你的There's a gym in the Capitol. 国会大厦有健身房Which you never use. 你从来不去Because I'm a tad busy running the country. 国事已经够我忙的了But not at home, so now you have no excuse. 在家不用忙国事,你还要怎么说I want it out. 把它给我拿出去Give it a try first. 试试看嘛Is this your subtle way of saying that I'm out你是在委婉地表示我身材走样了吗of shape?No, it's my way of suggesting 不,我不过是认为you could be in better shape. 你的身材可以再好一点That sounds both passive-aggressive 这句话既以退为进and condescending. 又居高临下Just plain aggressive and true. 我这是以诚为进Don't wait up for me. 别等我Are you going running now? 你这个时间去跑步吗Yes, because I couldn't this morning. 对,因为我早上没跑成I had an early meeting. 有个晨会Use the monstrosity. It's freezing out. 外面那么冷,用这个怪物锻炼吧You break it in. 你先来It looks positively medieval, doesn't it? 看上去像中世纪文物,不是吗And to turn my only sanctuary into a fitness把我仅有的圣殿变成健身地牢dungeon.I won't have it. 我绝不容忍国务卿提名人迈克尔·科恩赞成反以社论It's a stretch. 这有点扯We're not misleading anyone. 我们没有误导读者He was the editor. 他的确是编辑,Did you call for a comment? 他们有回应吗I tried three times. 我打了三次电话The press secretary said he'd get back to me. 新闻发言人说他会回电He didn't. 但他没回,What about research? 背景调查呢You couldn't find anything to echo the有任何附和这篇社论的材料吗editorial?No quotes, no op-ed pieces? 言论,专栏Don't you think if something like that existed, 你不觉得如果有的话someone would have printed it by now? 早会有人报道了吗Nobody else has this, Lucas. 只有我们知道,卢卡斯I don't think there's a story here. 我觉得这算不上是新闻I'm not saying there's a story. 我没说这是新闻All I'm saying is that there's a question that我不过认为这是个应该提出的问题needs to be answered.This is a nominee for Secretary of State. 这可是国务卿提名人We have an editorial on Palestine and Israel. 而我们手上有份巴以社论Which he didn't write. 却不是他写的Which we don't know he didn't write. 我们无法确认这点Exactly. 正是We don't have to print it. 不非得见报啊I could just scan the thing, stick it on a site, 我可以扫描一份,发在网上and tweet the link. 然后推特网址But if I did that, some other paper might-- 但那样的话,别家报纸Whoa, whoa. Don't be a bitch. 行了行了,别那么贱I'll talk to Tom. 我去和汤姆说That's all I was asking. 我就是这个意思We simply can't afford to allow the-- 我们不能允许...迈克尔·科恩,国务卿提名人We got a guy who's almost perfect. 我们找到一个绝佳人选He's a libertarian drug fiend marinating in a他是一个窝在房车里的自由主义瘾君子mobile home.I didn't agree with President Reagan on many我不赞成里根总统的很多主张things,but there was some merit to the notion of但滴入式经济的理念确实有可取之处trickle-down economics,and I feel there is much merit to the idea of并且我认为滴入式外交也益处良多trickle-down diplomacyIf we can solve... 如果我们能解决...Those are my lines. 那是我说的Vasquez must have given them to him. 一定是瓦斯奎兹讲告诉他的...stalemate between Israel and Palestine, 以色列和巴勒斯坦之间的僵局that success will trickle down 这项成功将"滴入"滴入式外交to a hundred other diplomatic dilemmas between其他穆斯林,犹太和基督教国家之间的Muslims,Jews, Christians-- 外交困境中I'm glad you brought up Israel and Palestine 既然你提到了以色列和巴勒斯坦because just before we came on the air, 正巧我们直播前不久I received an advance copy of an article 我收到一篇明天将刊登在that's going to be in tomorrow's washington《华盛顿先驱报》头版的报道样本Herald's front pageand was written by Zoe Barnes, 作者是佐伊·巴恩斯and in it she quotes 其中她引用了一篇an editorial that ran in the Williams College刊登在威廉姆斯学院公报上的一篇社论registerwhen you were editor back in September 1978, 时间为1978年九月,你时任公报总编which called the Israeli presence 其中称在加沙地带in the Gaza Strip and West Bank, quote, 和约旦河西岸居住的以色列人an illegal occupation. 为"非法占据"Can I see that?,- Sure. 我能看下吗,-当然Did you write those words, "Illegal occupation"? 非法占据是出自你手吗No. I have no memory of this. 不,我完全不记得这事But you were the editor of the paper. 你可是报纸的总编Yes, but-- 没错,但是So it couldn't have gone out without your那没经你允许,它无法见报approval.No, of course not, but my staff-- 对,那是当然,但是我的下属somebody else usually wrote the, uh, 通常是其他人来写the, uh-- and then we'd vote, and if-- 这个...之后我们还投票,如果Did you vote for it? 你投赞成票了吗Honestly, George, I can't remember. 说真的,乔治,我记不得了It was 35 years ago. 这都35年了So you're not sure 这么说你不确定whether or not you supported these words-- 自己当时是否赞成这些言论I can tell you without a shadow of a doubt 我非常确信地告诉你I did not write these words. 我没写过那些话But were they in line with your thinking at the但当时你是那样想的吗time?This is ludicrous. 这太荒谬了That's all we need-- him laughing. 这个就足够了,他的笑I know it was a long time ago, I understand that. 我知道这事有年头了,这我理解Nancy, get me Dennis Mendel of the ADL. 南茜,帮我接反诽谤联盟的丹尼斯·门德尔The Middle East is a vital American interest. 中东地区对我国利益至关重要What you think about the Middle East is relevant. 你对中东地区的看法很重要You can look at my voting record. 你可以察看我的表决记录Every single vote has been in defense of Israel-- 每一票都站在以色列的立场上So when did your views change? 那你什么时候改变想法的What I'm saying to you is my-- 我的意思就是What's important now, George, 现在要紧的,乔治is how I have voted 是我代表while I have represented the great state of科罗拉多州时投的表决票Colorado--I understand that's your position, 这我知道but a lot of other people are going to look at但很多看到这篇报道的人会认为it and thinkwhat you thought then is relevant as well. 你当时的想法也是很重要的Well, let me ask you this. 那我问你Have you ever changed your views since college? 你大学之后从未改变过想法吗Certainly, but I'm not the nominee for Secretary有,但我又没有被提名为国务卿of State.Uh, even if I did have-- 就算我曾经有It's golden. 真是绝了This has not been my views-- 我也早就不再...It's a bull's eye. 正中靶心What were you saying when you came in? 你刚进来时说什么来着So, ahem, I found a guy 是这样的,我找到一个人who was on the college editorial staff when Kern是科恩任总编时学院的编辑人员was there.This burnout, 这个瘾君子still pumping mimeographed manifestos 仍然伯克郡的一个out of a trailer park in the Berkshires. 拖车公园里油印自由宣言You're not planning on talking to him. 你可不能去见他,No. No. 不不Peter Russo. 让彼得·罗素去Good. 很好Sounds like a perfect match. 一对儿瘾君子,正合适Dennis. 丹尼斯Any chance you're watching Stephanopoulos? 你在看史蒂法诺普洛的节目吗You look sexy when you're improving the lives 你努力提高辛劳的宾州人民of hardworking Pennsylvanians. 生活水平时真是性感极了Is it the improving lives, 是因为我在工作or is it these fetching sweat pants? 还是因为这条迷人的运动裤Why don't you move that computer out of the way? 把电脑拿开Let me see what that looks like. 让我鉴定一下Yeah, it's better with the laptop. 还是用电脑挡着好Fuck off. 一边去You're not paying enough attention to me. 你对我不够关注I pay attention to you all day at the office. 在办公室,我整天都在关注你Hey, you know, I don't think 我以前好像I've ever seen you brush your teeth before. 从没见过你刷牙Sure you have. - No, I don't think so. 肯定见过,-应该没有I mean I know that you do brush, 我知道你肯定刷牙but I don't think I've ever actually witnessed但好像从没亲眼见过it before.Well, here it is in all its glory. 这次让你欣赏个够Is that my toothbrush? 那是我的牙刷吗I don't know. Is it? 不知道,是吗Yes, it is. 是的You left it here. - Peter, gross. 是你留下的,-彼得,真恶心Oh, come on. 得了吧We've exchanged plenty of fluids by now. 我们都交换过多少体液了Hey, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. 别别别No. Toothpaste. 不要,有牙膏It's not toothpaste. I'm ravished. 没有牙膏,让我放纵一下No. 别啊Go get it. 快去接I have to take this. 这个必须接This is Russo. 我是罗素Yeah. Right now it's 12:53. 现在12点53分Okay. Okay, okay, okay. 好好好I have to go. 我得走了Is everything okay? 有什么事吗It's work stuff. 工作上的事What kind of work stuff? 什么工作上的事Congressman Wallinski. 维林斯基议员He wants to go over the tax incentive stuff we想谈谈我们发去的税收鼓励方案sent him.Peter, it's 1:00 in the morning. 彼得,现在是凌晨1点Hey, Peter. 彼得I have meetings tomorrow. 明天要开会I have a committee hearing. 有个委员会的听证会Congress will survive without you. 国会没有你照样运转Address, directions. 目的地在这里There's an e-ticket in your name. 这是以你的名义订的电子票Your flight leaves at 6:30. 飞机六点半起飞You should head to the airport. 你该出发去机场了This is coming from Frank? 是弗兰克的意思吧No. This is coming from no one. 不是,没有人下指令You have the flu, and you're calling in sick. 你得了流感,要请病假What's that? - What's what? 那是什么,-什么是什么Is that a hickey? 是吻痕吗Are you whoring around again? 你又开始拈花惹草了吗No. I have a girlfriend. 没有,我有女朋友了You mean your little office romance. 你是指你的办公室恋情吧What do you know about that? 你知道些什么When it comes to your life, Peter, and what I know要说我对你生活的了解,彼得about it,you should assume that there's no such thing as你应该假定我无所不知a secret.Stay in touch. 保持联系You call me on my cell, never at the office. 有事打我手机,千万别打到办公室Good luck. 祝你好运Knock 'em dead, tiger. 别手下留情How are we? 大伙怎么样Overtired, under-caffeinated, 累瘫了,没干劲了but we're making progress. 不过有进展Less than a week to go. 还有不到一周Yeah. We'll do our best. 是啊,我们会尽力You'll what? - We'll get it done. 你再说一遍,-我们会搞定的Somebody open a window. It's rancid in here. 谁去开个窗,难闻死了That is what happens when six people don't shower六个人半个星期不洗澡就是这样for half a week.Anything you need other than deodorant? 除了除臭剂还需要什么Yeah, this performance standards thing. 关于学业评价标准The teachers unions are gonna-- - Leave it in. 教师工会会...,-留着吧But we could delete it. - I'll handle the unions. 可以删的,-工会那边交给我What else? Anything? 还有别的吗Conjugal visits? 夫妻探访I'll get back to work. 我继续干活了Nancy. - Coming. 南茜,-来了What do I have next? 接下来什么安排Constituent calls from 2:10 to 2:35, 2点10分到35分与选民通话fundraising until 3:50, deputy caucus at 4:00. 募资到3点50分,4点议员核心会议The call list? - It's on your desk. 通话名单在哪,-在你桌上My briefing for the caucus? -Next to the call会议讲稿呢,-在通话名单旁边list.Have you been in the conference room? 去过会议室了吗Have it steam cleaned over the weekend. 周末把那儿蒸汽清洁一下In the meantime, get those poor kids some Febreze另外,给那几个可怜的孩子买些除臭剂or something.It's like a petting zoo. 臭得像迷你动物园You gotta see this. 你一定得看看But were they in line with your thinking at the但当时你是那样想的吗time?对以评论引国务卿提名人科恩爆笑,门德尔认为科恩是反犹份子We do not consider the issue 巴以问题of Israel and Palestine a laughing matter. 不是什么好笑的事And he calls Israel illegal. 他还称以色列"非法"Well, he's an anti-semite, and he is wrong. 这是反犹思想,而且大错特错We would have grave, grave concerns 如果任命这样的人about appointing such a man our next Secretary 来做国务卿,我们将十分忧虑。
巴菲特百条经典语录 -回复
巴菲特百条经典语录-回复1. "Rule No.1: Never lose money. Rule No.2: Never forget rule No.1."2. "The stock market is a device for transferring money from the impatient to the patient."3. "It's far better to buy a wonderful company at a fair price than a fair company at a wonderful price."4. "Be fearful when others are greedy, and be greedy when others are fearful."5. "Our favorite holding period is forever."6. "Only buy something that you would be perfectly happy to hold if the market shut down for 10 years."7. "Time is the friend of the wonderful company, the enemy of the mediocre."8. "The stock market is filled with individuals who know the price of everything, but the value of nothing."9. "Investors should remember that excitement and expenses are their enemies."10. "Investing is simple, but not easy."11. "Risk comes from not knowing what you're doing."12. "The best investment you can make is in yourself."13. "Success in investing doesn't correlate with IQ, once you'reabove the level of 125."14. "The difference between successful people and really successful people is that really successful people say no to almost everything."15. "Opportunities come infrequently. When it rains gold, put out the bucket, not the thimble."16. "Beware of geeks bearing formulas."17. "I never attempt to make money on the stock market. I buy on the assumption that they could close the market the next day and not reopen it for five years."18. "Investing should be more like watching paint dry or watching grass grow. If you want excitement, take 800 and go to Las Vegas."19. "The key to investing is not assessing how much an industry is going to affect society, or how much it will grow, but rather determining the competitive advantage of any given company and, above all, the durability of that advantage."20. "Diversification is protection against ignorance. It makes little sense if you know what you are doing."。
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EasyFinance Weekend Sharing
EasyFinance Weekend Sharing
浴血黑帮名言english1.In the world of organized crime, loyalty is everything.2.Blood is thicker than water, but money is thicker than blood.3.The streets are paved with fire and bullets.4.A man without a gun is a man without power.5.Respect is earned, never given.6.In this business, trust is a currency.7.Behind every successful man is a trail of blood.8.In the game of life, only the ruthless survive.9.Fear is the ultimate weapon.10.Choose your enemies wisely, for they will define you.11.Never underestimate the power of vengeance.12.In the darkness, power resides.13.Money knows no morality.14.Family is both a strength and a weakness.15.Strength lies in unity.16.In the world of crime, there are no rules.17.The line between hero and villain is blurred.18.Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely.19.Always keep your enemies closer.20.In this life, it's kill or be killed.21.Blood is thicker than water, but loyalty is thicker than blood.22.Never make a deal with the mafia, they always collect their dues.23.In the darkness of the night, the mafia thrives.24.A gangster's strength lies not just in muscle, but in cunning.25.The path of a mobster is paved with both blood and gold.26.In the world of organized crime, trust is the rarest currency.27.A true gangster knows when to negotiate and when to use force.28.Revenge is the sweetest dish served by the mob.29.When the boss speaks, everyone listens, or else.30.In the mob, silence is golden.31.The shadow of the mafia looms large over the city streets.32.Bloodshed and power go hand in hand for the mob.33.Behind every fortune, there is a crime syndicate.34.In the world of the mafia, loyalty can be deadly.35.Mobsters never forget a favor, nor forgive a betrayal.36.The rise of a gangster is often marked by the fall of others.37.For the mafia, family ties mean everything.38.A true mobster knows how to keep his enemies closer than his friends.39.The code of the underworld: omertà, loyalty, and respect.40.In the realm of the mob, alliances are fragile and loyalty istested.41.I would rather be a black sheep than the leader of a flock of white sheep.42.The darkest nights produce the brightest stars.43.In the world of gangsters, loyalty is more valuable than gold.44.Sometimes, to protect what you love, you have to do the unthinkable.45.The path of revenge is a dangerous road, but one that often leads to justice.46.When trust is broken, there is no going back.47.We may bleed different colors, but our hearts beat the same rhythm.48.In this game of blood and bullets, there are no winners, only survivors.49.The fear of death makes us stronger, but the fear of losing loved ones makes us do the impossible.50.In the darkness, we find our true selves.51.The only way out is through the fire.52.I walk the path of shadows, but I leave a trail of justice.53.Revenge is a dish best served cold, but sometimes it's better served with a side of chaos.54.In this world, there are no heroes or villains, only those whosurvive and those who fall.55.Blood may stain our hands, but it does not define us.56.In the depths of darkness, true alliances are forged.57.When bullets fly and blood spills, there is no room for mercy.58.In this twisted underworld, loyalty is the currency of power.59.The scars on our bodies tell stories of survival, but the scars on our souls tell stories of redemption.60.We may be criminals, but we are not without honor.61.We may be criminals, but we have a code.62.In this world, you gotta have a tough skin to survive.63.Never trust anyone outside the family.64.You can't be a gangster and be a husband and a father.65.Respect is earned, not given.66.The streets don't forgive weakness.67.If you want something, you take it.68.Sometimes you have to get your hands dirty to protect what's yours.69.Betrayal is the ultimate sin.70.You can't change the past, but you can control the future.71.Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.72.You have to be fearless to truly live.73.Your actions speak louder than your words.74.The scars on your body tell a story of your victories and defeats.75.The power of the gang lies in the unity of its members.76.Revenge is a dish best served cold.77.No one can escape their destiny.78.We are the kings of the streets.79.The darkness within me fuels my strength.80.In this life, we are all damned. It's just a matter of how we embrace it.81.Violence is a language that all gangsters understand.82.In the world of black gangs, loyalty is priceless.83.The streets are made of blood, sweat, and tears.84.Revenge is the only recourse for a gangster's honor.85.In this brutal world, fear is the currency of power.86.The path of a gangster is paved with broken promises.87.There's no room for weakness in the cutthroat world of gangs.88.Black gangs thrive in the shadows of society.89.Only the smart and merciless survive the ruthless street life.90.In the underworld, respect is earned, not given.91.A true gangster knows that the ends justify the means.92.In the darkness, there is strength.93.A cold heart is a gangster's greatest weapon.94.Power is the ultimate aphrodisiac in the world of crime.95.In the realm of gangs, trust is a scarce commodity.96.Fortune favors the bold, and the bold are often gangsters.97.In the pursuit of power, bloodshed is inevitable.98.In the face of danger, a gangster remains fearless.99.There's no honor among thieves, except for the most loyal gangsters.100.In the black market, every transaction is a gamble for survival.101.Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer.102.The only wealth that really matters is power.103.Fear is a powerful weapon.104.Sometimes, you have to do bad in order to do good.105.In this business, there are no friends, only rivals.106.The higher you climb, the harder you fall.107.The price of loyalty is often betrayal.108.Respect is earned, not given.109.Family is everything.110.Behind every successful man, there is a strong woman.w and order are for the weak.112.Never trust a snitch.113.Blood may be thicker than water, but money is thicker than blood.114.In the game of power, there are no second chances.115.A true leader knows when to listen and when to act.116.Never underestimate the power of silence.117.The streets belong to those who are willing to fight for them.118.There are no safe havens in this world.119.To survive in this world, you must adapt or die.120.Fortune favors the bold.。
银行业务常用英语词汇以及对话开支票账户实用银行英语对话双语May:I’d like to open a current account.我想开一个支票帐户。
Clerk:Certainly. May I see your social security and your ID, please.好的。
请给我社会保障卡和身份证好吗?May:Here you are. I wonder how much interest can I earn from a current account.在这里。
Clerk:Oh, current account don’t pay out interest.噢!支票户头是没有利息的。
May:Why is that?为什么这样?Clerk:It’s primarily designed for business transactions. That is, writing checks to pay for bills, buying things and sending money. We won’t expec t a large amount of deposit in a current account.因为这是为了作交易而设的,就是用支票付欠单、买东西和寄钱等等。
May:I see. How do I draw money for my own use then?原来这样,那么我如何提钱给自己用呢?Clerk:In that case you can write yourself a cash check and draw money for yourself.那样的话,您可以给开一张现金支票,然后自行取款就可以了。
咨询汇率实用银行英语对话双语Bank clerk:Good Morning, sir. What can I do for you?早上好,先生。
不通存 不通兑范英文术语
一、存款和兑换1. Deposit(存款)Deposit是指将资金存入银行或其他金融机构的行为和资金本身。
在存款业务中,通常有以下几种术语:- Time deposit(定期存款):指存期较长、利率较高的存款类型。
- Demand deposit(活期存款):指可以随时支取的存款。
- Savings deposit(储蓄存款):指以储蓄为目的、通常比活期存款利率略高的存款。
2. Exchange(兑换)Exchange是指将一种货币换成另一种货币的行为。
在兑换业务中,常用的术语有:- Currency exchange(货币兑换):指将一种货币换成另一种货币的行为。
- Foreign exchange(外汇):指一国货币与其他国家货币之间的兑换关系。
二、不通存不通兑范术语介绍1. Non-remunerative deposit(不通存)Non-remunerative deposit是指不享受任何利息的存款。
2. Non-convertible currency(不通兑范)Non-convertible currency是指某一国家货币无法自由兑换成其他国家的货币。
三、日常应用1. Non-remunerative deposit in foreign currency(外币不通存)Foreign non-remunerative deposit指的是以外币进行的不通存存款。
出手阻拦撕皇榜 银行术语
文档下载后可定制随意修改,请根据实际需要进行相应的调整和使用,谢谢!并且,本店铺为大家提供各种各样类型的实用资料,如教育随笔、日记赏析、句子摘抄、古诗大全、经典美文、话题作文、工作总结、词语解析、文案摘录、其他资料等等,如想了解不同资料格式和写法,敬请关注!Download tips: This document is carefully compiled by the editor. I hope that after you download them, they can help yousolve practical problems. The document can be customized and modified after downloading, please adjust and use it according to actual needs, thank you!In addition, our shop provides you with various types of practical materials, such as educational essays, diary appreciation, sentence excerpts, ancient poems, classic articles, topic composition, work summary, word parsing, copy excerpts,other materials and so on, want to know different data formats and writing methods, please pay attention!出手阻拦撕皇榜,银行术语是金融行业中的重要组成部分,它们承载着丰富的含义与功能。
关于银行的英文名言In the intricate world of finance, a bank is not just an institution but a cornerstone of trust and security. "Banksare the backbone of a nation's economy," a testament to their vital role in society.The essence of banking lies in its ability to foster growth and prosperity. "A bank is a place where they lend you an umbrella in fair weather and ask for it back when it rains," highlighting the cyclical nature of financial support.The relationship between a customer and a bank is builton a foundation of confidentiality and integrity. "The bankis a place where you can't get anything without a check, but you can get a check without anything," a humorous yetinsightful reflection on the nature of banking services.Innovation is the lifeblood of banking, as it evolves to meet the ever-changing needs of its clients. "Banking is no longer a matter of bricks and mortar, it's about clicks and mortar," emphasizing the importance of embracing digital advancements.Risk management is a critical component of banking, ensuring stability and continuity. "The greatest risk in banking is not taking any risk," a reminder that calculated risks are often necessary for progress.Banks are custodians of the community's wealth, and their responsibility is immense. "The safety of the bank is the safety of the people," a statement that underscores the importance of banks in safeguarding the public's financial well-being.In the end, the true measure of a bank's success is not just its profitability but its contribution to the community. "A bank is a business that deals with money, but it's also a business that deals with people," encapsulating the dual role of banks in both commerce and society.。
建立银行银行对私业务柜面英语对话第一局部:大堂经理根本对话:〔场景一〕A: 您需要什么效劳吗?May I help youB: 是。
请问你们这儿兑换外币吗?Yes. Do you exchange foreign money hereA: 是。
我行经授权可以办理外汇兑换业务Yes. Our bank is authorized to deal with the foreign exchange business. B:你们银行可以兑换哪些币种?What kinds of currencies do you changeA:目前我行兑换八种货币,主要有美元、日元、港币、欧元、英镑等。
Currently, we change eight currencies, namely, U.S. dollars, Japanese yen, H.K. dollars, European euro and Pounds sterling, etc.B: 您能告诉我今天美元汇率是多少吗?Could you tell me what today’s exchange rate for US dollars isA: 银行现钞买入价是每一百美元换672.55元人民币。
The cash buying rate is 672.55 RMB for 100 dollars.B: 我想换一些美元来支付我一些费用。
I want to change some US dollars to cover my expenses here.A: 请跟我到2号外汇柜台办理业务。
Please follow me to the foreign exchange counter, that is, counter No.2.B: 谢谢.Thank you.〔场景二〕A:您需要什么效劳吗?What Can I do for youB:请问我卡能在这里取钱吗?Can I draw money with my card hereA:您卡可以在我行自助存取款机上取钱,请跟我来。
金钱名言英语Money is not the root of all evil, but the love of money is. —— CiceroThe only thing to do with good advice is to pass it on. It is never of any use to oneself. —— Oscar WildeMoney can't buy happiness, but it does bring a more pleasant form of misery. —— Spike MilliganIt is not the man who has too little, but the man who craves more, that is poor. —— SenecaThe safest way to double your money is to fold it over and put it in your pocket. —— Kin HubbardMoney is like muck, not good except it be spread. ——Francis BaconThe only thing money gives you is the freedom of not worrying about money. —— Charlie MungerThe best thing about money is that it makes you do things you dislike. —— G. K. ChestertonA penny saved is a penny earned. —— Benjamin FranklinMoney is a good servant but a bad master. —— Francis BaconHe who has a why to live can bear almost any how. ——Friedrich NietzscheThe real difference between getting and spending lies in this: the pleasure of acquiring is a fleeting one, it keeps us always on the stretch and can never be enjoyed until we have it. But the joy of spending is a lasting one. —— Samuel JohnsonIt's not the money that makes you rich, it's the wealth of knowledge. —— Jim RohnThe only way to get rid of a temptation is to yield to it. —— Oscar WildeWealth is not his that has it, but his that enjoys it. ——Benjamin FranklinMoney is a great servant but a terrible master. —— Hunter S. ThompsonThe only way to get more money is to earn it. —— Thomas EdisonMoney is not the goal in life, but a means to an end. ——Aristotle OnassisThe love of money is the root of all evil. —— Bible, 1 Timothy 6:10Money is better than poverty, if only for financial reasons. —— Woody AllenIt is not the man who has too little, but the man who is not content, that is poor. —— Benjamin FranklinMoney is a necessary thing, and there is no need of being ashamed of using it. —— Charles LambThe only thing to do with good advice is to pass it on. It is never of any use to oneself. —— Oscar WildeMoney is like a sixth sense without which you cannot make a complete use of the other five. —— W. Somerset MaughamThe best thing in the world is to pay for everything. It is the only way to know the price of things. —— Oscar WildeMoney is a new form of slavery, and those who are in it are willing slaves. —— PlatoMoney is the root of all evil today. It is a drug that all our society is hooked on. —— Robert Downey Sr.Money can't buy you happiness, but it can buy you a yacht big enough to pull up right alongside it. —— David Lee RothThe only way to get more money is to earn it. —— Thomas EdisonMoney is a good servant but a bad master. —— Francis Bacon。
银行清算【关于银行清算的英语对话及词汇】关于银行清算的英语对话及词汇关于银行清算的英语对话及词汇D:Hi, Roy. How are your things going 马:嗨,罗伊,近来一切都好吗R:Fine. Everything is going smoothly. R:好,挺好。
D:This is Miss Harriet Smith, finance manager of A P Corporation. 马:这位是哈里.史密斯先生,A$P公司的财务经理。
This is Mr. Roy Stanford. 这位是罗伊.斯坦福先生。
H:How do you do 史:您好! R:How do you do I work in the international trade and banking division. 斯:您好!我在国际贸易与银行业务部任职。
As you know, we“re very much involved with many large American corporations dealing withinternational trade. 我们参与许多美国大公司的国际贸易事务。
H:Yeah. That“s why I come here this afternoon. 斯:是啊,这正是我今天下午此行的目的。
R:What we"re doing is actively and hopefully developing a relationship with large companiesincluding their subsidiaries or branches to ensure that we can provide all services they need. 斯:我们正在积极乐观地与大公司以及它们的子公司或分支机构建立业务联系,以确保我们向他们提供各项服务。
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金融英语:银行的种类Mary Smith's boy-friend ,Tom Brown ,is a clerk at the First National Bank .He and Mary are talking about the different types of banks and bank services .玛丽·史密斯的男朋友汤姆·布郎是第一国民银行的职员,他在和玛丽谈论各种不同类型的银行和银行的各种业务。
Smith :I don't understand what you mean when you say commercial bank.T om ,aren't all banks the same?史密斯:我不明白你所说的商业银行是什么意思,汤姆,所有银行不都是一样的吗?Brown :No ,there are different types of banks ,Mary .布郎:不是的,有着各种不同类型的银行,玛丽。
Usually the word bank refers only to the commercial banks like the one I work for .通常讲“银行”这个词仅仅是指商业银行,就象我工作的这家银行一样。
They're the banks that offer a full range of checking and savings-account services and make all kinds of loans .这种银行提供支票和储蓄全套的服务,并从事各种类型的贷款事宜。
S:Well,what other kinds of banks are there?史密斯:噢,那么还有哪些类型的银行呢?B:The second large category is called the Savings and Loan Association or the Building and Loan Association .布郎:第二大类称做“储蓄和贷款协会”,或“建房信用协会”,Some people call them Savings Banks,but they aretechnically not banks .一些人称它们为储蓄银行。
C: Excuse me, do you provide any trade service here?你们有提供贸易押汇服务吗?T: Yes, we do. Can I help you, sir?有的,先生。
我能为你效劳吗?C: Yes, I'd like to know how about the services you provide to customers in which credit facilities are not required?我想知道你们提供给客户无须信贷安排的服务有那些项目?T: Certainly, sir. The services will include export financing; outward bills collection transferable letters of credit, letters of credit advising and confirmation, inward bills collection, trade information and insurance.那当然可以,先生。
C: How can I benefit from your export services?那么在出口押汇文件的处理上,我所享有的服务有怎样?T: Our staff works until 6:00pm each weekday night so that your export documents can be promptly processed. This will greatly help your cash flow. In addition, we can dispatch documents to your counterparty's bank for earlier payment. In turn, will save your transit interest.我们的职员每日能为您服务到下午6点,确保各出口押汇文件可及时办妥,使你的现金周转更加灵活。
银行柜台常用英语口语表达对话带翻译银行柜台常用英语口语表达1.你想开一个活期存款帐户吗Do you like to open a current account2.请告诉我你想存何种户头Please tell me how you would like to deposit your money.3.你想开哪种帐户What kind of account did you have in your mind4.定期还是活期A deposit or current account5.支票户头要收服务费,现金户头不收。
Theres a service charge for the checking account but no charge for the savings.6.你有多钱要存入呢How much cash do you plan to deposit in your account7.请填张存款单,写明要存的数额以及你的姓名,地址和的单位,好吗Would you please fill in the depositing form, giving the sum of money youre to deposit as well as your name, address and professional unit8.这是你的存折,存取款时请带来。
Here is your pasbook. Please bring it back when you deposit or withdraw money any time you like. Keep it well and inform us whenever you lose it.9.如果想兑支票,请在底线上签名。
Please sign your name on the bottom line if you want to cash thecheck.10.我想开一个活期存款帐户。
论坛简介外汇论坛又名外汇BBS,(BBS中文意思是电子公告板)网络WaiHuiBBS,全称为Wai Hui Bulletin Board System)或者Bulletin Board Service(公告板服务)。
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2010第四届中国银行家高峰论坛朱晓明教授中欧国际工商学院执行院长、管理学教授Prof. Zhu XiaomingExecutive President and Professor of Management, CEIBS作为银行业最具潜力之一,中国银行业虽然得以在危机中独善其身,但是也面临许多的挑战,比如如何利用资本优势积极投身全球金融格局的再造,如何选择分业与混合经营的发展路径,如何完善金融机构的公司治理机制,如何在规避风险的同时积极的推进金融创新,为实体经济注入更多的活力。
Although Chinese banking field, as the most potential banking field, can live steadily through this crisis, it still faces with many challenges, say, how to make fully use of capital advantages to take an active part in the reconstruction of global financial situation, how to choose the way between running business apart or mixed, how to improve the system of governing of financial corporation, how to actively advance financial innovation while avoiding crisis so that to infuse more energy into entity economy. To this point, both the custodian of Chinese financial market and practitioner will face with unprecedented challenges.王波明先生《财经》杂志总编辑Mr. Wang BomingEditor-in-Chief of CAIJING Magazine我觉得现在银行家论坛已经在业内慢慢变成了一个有品牌,监管者、银行从业者能够聚集在一块,中外金融家能够在此讨论一些问题,我觉得今后可能还是要从这个论坛上出思想,出对于今后国际银行业怎么样发展,对于中国银行业如何进一步的深化改革提出一些有见解的思路来。
I think bankers forum in the field has changed into a brand. Custodians, banking field practitioners can gather together to discuss some issues. So do the entrepreneurs of both domestic and abroad. I think the idea, which is about how to develop international banking field and how to give suggestion on further deepen the reform, will come out from this forum.朱民博士国际货币基金组织(IMF)总裁特别顾问Dr. Zhu Min (photo & quotes, maybe a paragraph) Special Advisor to the Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF)如果把所有的东西总结一下,我觉得大概有这么几点理解,第一条就是全球金融监管理念,从自由化和市场化的趋势转向加强监管,特别是政府主导监管的决策,请大家注意这个监管者、市场和政府三者,这是从70年代末,80年代开始强调市场化、自由化,正好碰到了柏林墙的倒闭,由此产生了华盛顿共识。
If summarize everything, I think we can comprehend ideas in these points: First, the concept of global financial surveillance. Changing the tendencies of liberalization and marketization to strengthen surveillance, especially the surveillance solution dominated by government. Everybody, please notice to these three aspects which are surveillance, market and government. Liberalization and marketization had been maintained from the late of 70s or the beginning of 80s and the Washington Consensus came into being coincided with the closing down of Berlin Wall. If after the impact of financial crisis, Asia is the only sufferer and main developed countries receive no influence, they will then continue to advance marketization and randomize. But due to the incapable of solving problem merely relying on marketization and randomize, the wave of surveillance lies in enhancing market surveillance and governmental interference. Second, the overall frame of surveillance is basically formed, however, which is blanket and some details are far from demanded, for instance, in order to constitute the 233 acts, which are launched by USA legislators, and bring them into force, principle leading should not be omitted, so that the next step is the long game between market and custodian. It is a course of continuous development and the total model of final surveillance hasn’t formed yet, so that sizable indefinability lies to the surveillance. Third, it is formed due to the three pillars, although the surveillance, which originates from USA, will launch to the whole world through UK, the present reform of strictly financial control will also happen in developing countries, which will especially give great influence on Asian financial industry.李若谷先生中国进出口银行董事长兼行长Mr. Li Ruogu (photo and quotes, maybe a paragraph)Chairman and President of the Export-Import Bank of China后危机时代中国金融的发展策略,第一要逐步推进市场化的改革,今后我们在推动改革和发展的过程中仍然要采取这样符合中国发展的循序渐进的做法,不管外界压力有多大,我们都要按自己的方针办事。
The Chinese financial development strategy in post-crisis era lies in these points: First, gradually advance the reform of marketization. In future, however much the pressure from outside, we will handle affairs on our own principle. We will still adopt this way, which is suitable for China’s development, in proper sequence, in our course to advance reform and development. Second, scientific financial surveillance should be carried out to efficiently control financial crisis. Third,due to the Chinese financial innovation is relatively lagged; the problem existed and faced in Chinese financial circle is quite different from the one in western countries, so that we cannot develop in the mode totally same to the west countries. Practice is the sole criteria of the truth.李籁思博士渣打银行集团首席经济学家、全球研究部主管Dr. Gerard Lyons (photo and quotes, maybe 2 sentences)Chief Economist & Group Head of Global Research, Standard Chartered Bank plc我的观点是说,我们现在在经历一个权利的转移,从西方转移到东方,这样的转移会花费几十年的时间,其中能够抓住潮流的国家,抓住金融资源,自然资源和变革的能力,能够抓住这三个能力的国家就能够胜出,货品、金融和创新这三个关健词,这就是这场力量转变过程当中的关健词。