



SF-36,健康调查简表(the MOS item short from health survey, SF-36),是在1988年Stewartse研制的医疗结局研究量表(medical outcomes study –short from, MOS SF )的基础上,由美国波士顿健康研究发展而来。







如买菜、购物等:①限制很大②有些限制③毫无限制(4)上几层楼梯:①限制很大②有些限制③毫无限制(5)上一层楼梯:①限制很大②有些限制③毫无限制(6)弯腰、屈膝、下蹲:①限制很大②有些限制③毫无限制(7)步行1500米以上的路程:①限制很大②有些限制③毫无限制(8)步行1000米的路程:①限制很大②有些限制③毫无限制(9)步行100米的路程:①限制很大②有些限制③毫无限制(10)自己洗澡、穿衣:①限制很大②有些限制③毫无限制4、在过去4个星期里,您的工作和日常活动有无因为身体健康的原因而出现以下这些问题?(1)减少了工作或其他活动时间:①是②不是(权重或得分依次为1,2;下同)(2)本来想要做的事情只能完成一部分:①是②不是(3)想要干的工作或活动种类受到限制:①是②不是(4)完成工作或其他活动困难增多(比如需要额外的努力):①是②不是5、在过去4个星期里,您的工作和日常活动有无因为情绪的原因(如压抑或忧虑)而出现以下这些问题?(1)减少了工作或活动时间:①是②不是(权重或得分依次为1,2;下同)(2)本来想要做的事情只能完成一部分:①是②不是(3)干事情不如平时仔细:①是②不是6、在过去4个星期里,您的健康或情绪不好在多大程度上影响了您与家人、朋友、邻居或集体的正常社会交往?①完全没有影响②有一点影响③中等影响④影响很大⑤影响非常大(权重或得分依次为5,4,3,2,1)7、在过去4个星期里,您有身体疼痛吗?①完全没有疼痛②有一点疼痛③中等疼痛④严重疼痛⑤很严重疼痛(权重或得分依次为6,5.4,4.2,3.1,2.2,1)8、在过去4个星期里,您的身体疼痛影响了您的工作和家务吗?①完全没有影响②有一点影响③中等影响④影响很大⑤影响非常大(如果7无8无,权重或得分依次为6,4.75,3.5,2.25,1.0;如果为7有8无,则为5,4,3,2,1)您的感觉9、以下这些问题是关于过去1个月里您自己的感觉,对每一条问题所说的事情,您的情况是什么样的?(1)您觉得生活充实:①所有的时间②大部分时间③比较多时间④一部分时间⑤小部分时间⑥没有这种感觉(权重或得分依次为6,5,4,3,2,1)(2)您是一个敏感的人:①所有的时间②大部分时间③比较多时间④一部分时间⑤小部分时间⑥没有这种感觉(权重或得分依次为1,2,3,4,5,6)(3)您的情绪非常不好,什么事都不能使您高兴起来:①所有的时间②大部分时间③比较多时间④一部分时间⑤小部分时间⑥没有这种感觉(权重或得分依次为1,2,3,4,5,6)(4)您的心理很平静:①所有的时间②大部分时间③比较多时间④一部分时间⑤小部分时间⑥没有这种感觉(权重或得分依次为6,5,4,3,2,1)(5)您做事精力充沛:①所有的时间②大部分时间③比较多时间④一部分时间⑤小部分时间⑥没有这种感觉(权重或得分依次为6,5,4,3,2,1)(6)您的情绪低落:①所有的时间②大部分时间③比较多时间④一部分时间⑤小部分时间⑥没有这种感觉(权重或得分依次为1,2,3,4,5,6)(7)您觉得筋疲力尽:①所有的时间②大部分时间③比较多时间④一部分时间⑤小部分时间⑥没有这种感觉(权重或得分依次为1,2,3,4,5,6)(8)您是个快乐的人:①所有的时间②大部分时间③比较多时间④一部分时间⑤小部分时间⑥没有这种感觉(权重或得分依次为6,5,4,3,2,1)(9)您感觉厌烦:①所有的时间②大部分时间③比较多时间④一部分时间⑤小部分时间⑥没有这种感觉(权重或得分依次为1,2,3,4,5,6)10、不健康影响了您的社会活动(如走亲访友):①所有的时间②大部分时间③比较多时间④一部分时间⑤小部分时间⑥没有这种感觉(权重或得分依次为1,2,3,4,5)总体健康情况11、请看下列每一条问题,哪一种答案最符合您的情况?(1)我好象比别人容易生病:①绝对正确②大部分正确③不能肯定④大部分错误⑤绝对错误` (权重或得分依次为1,2,3,4,5)(2)我跟周围人一样健康:①绝对正确②大部分正确③不能肯定④大部分错误⑤绝对错误(权重或得分依次为5,4,3,2,1)(3)我认为我的健康状况在变坏:①绝对正确②大部分正确③不能肯定④大部分错误⑤绝对错误(权重或得分依次为1,2,3,4,5)(4)我的健康状况非常好:①绝对正确②大部分正确③不能肯定④大部分错误⑤绝对错误(权重或得分依次为5,4,3,2,1)。



国外物理学类核心期刊中英文对照物理总论类核心期刊表序号刊名中文译名中图刊号出版国1Physical review letters物理学评论快报530B0003美国2Physical review. E,Statistical,nonlinear,and soft matter physics物理学评论。

E辑,统计物理学、非线性和软凝聚态物理学530B0002-1E美国3Advances In physics物理学进展530C0002英国4Physics reports物理学报道530LB006荷兰5Physica. A物理学。

A辑530LB007荷兰6Journal of physics. D, Applied physics物理学杂志。

D辑,应用物理学539C0001英国7Journal Of physics。

A,Mathematics and general物理学杂志A辑,数理与普通物理学530C0003英国8Physics today今日物理学530B0005美国9Journal of the Physical Society of Japan日本物理学会志530D0002日本10Reports on progress In physics物理学进展报告530C0059英国11Computer physics communications计算机物理学通讯738LB002-A荷兰12Journal of mathematical physics数学物理学杂志533B0001美国13Journal of computational physics计算物理学杂志539B0002美国14Physica。

D,Nonlinear phenomena物理学。

D辑,非线性现象530LB009荷兰15Journal of experimental and theoretical physics实验与理论物理学杂志533B0006 美国16Communications In mathematical physics数学物理通讯533E0001德国17JETP letters实验与理论物理学杂志快报533B0005美国18Europhysics letters欧洲物理学快报530F054法国19Philosophical magazine哲学杂志530C0001英国20Annals of physics物理学纪事530B0007美国21Foundations Of physics物理学基础530LB003荷兰22American Journal of physics美国物理学杂志530B0006美国23Journal de physique. IV,Proceedings物理学杂志。



国外物理学类核心期刊中英文对照物理总论类核心期刊表序号刊名中文译名中图刊号出版国1Physical review letters物理学评论快报530B0003美国2Physical review. E,Statistical,nonlinear,and soft matter physics物理学评论. E辑,统计物理学、非线性和软凝聚态物理学530B0002-1E美国3Advances In physics物理学进展530C0002英国4Physics reports物理学报道530LB006荷兰5Physica. A物理学. A辑530LB007荷兰6Journal of physics. D, Applied physics物理学杂志. D辑,应用物理学539C0001 英国7Journal Of physics. A,Mathematics and general物理学杂志A辑,数理与普通物理学530C0003英国8Physics today今日物理学530B0005美国9Journal of the Physical Society of Japan日本物理学会志530D0002日本10Reports on progress In physics物理学进展报告530C0059英国11Computer physics communications计算机物理学通讯738LB002-A荷兰12Journal of mathematical physics数学物理学杂志533B0001美国13Journal of computational physics计算物理学杂志539B0002美国14Physica.D, Nonlinear phenomena物理学. D辑,非线性现象530LB009荷兰15Journal of experimental and theoretical physics实验与理论物理学杂志533B0006 美国16Communications In mathematical physics数学物理通讯533E0001德国17JETP letters实验与理论物理学杂志快报533B0005美国18Europhysics letters欧洲物理学快报530F054法国19Philosophical magazine哲学杂志530C0001英国20Annals of physics物理学纪事530B0007美国21Foundations Of physics物理学基础530LB003荷兰22American Journal of physics美国物理学杂志530B0006美国23Journal de physique. IV,Proceedings物理学杂志. 第IV辑,会议录530F0002 法国24Studies in history and philosophy of modern physics. 现代物理学的历史与哲学研究500C0078-B英国25Classical and quantum gravity经典引力和量子引力533C0056英国26Pramana格致530HA006印度27Annalen der Physik物理学纪事530E0006德国28Contemporary physics当代物理学530C0051英国29International Journal of theoretical physics国际理论物理学杂志533LB006荷兰30General relativity and gravitation广义相对论与万有引力533LB005荷兰31Canadian Journal of physics加拿大物理学杂志530NA001加拿大32Indian Journal of pure &applied physics印度理论与应用物理学杂志530HA005印度33Progress of theoretical physics理论物理学进展533D0001B本34The Journal of chemical physics化学物理学杂志542B0003美国35IEEE transactions on Instrumentation and measurement IEEE测试设备与测量汇刊730B0001TIM 美国36Journal of statistical physics统计物理学杂志533LB007荷兰37Technical physics letters技术物理学快报534B0060美国38Philosophical magazine letters哲学杂志快报530C0001-2英国39Journal of physical and chemical reference data物理与化学参考数据杂志530B0010美国40Physics World物理世界539C0051英国凝聚类物理核心期刊表序号刊名中文译名中图刊号出版国1Physical review. B,Condensed matter and materials physics物理学评论. B辑,凝聚态物质与材料物理学530B0002美国2Applied physics letters应用物理学快报539B0052美国3Journal Of applied Physics应用物理学杂志539B0001美国4Journal of crystal growth晶体生长杂志549LB001荷兰5Japanese Journal of applied physics. Part 1,Regular papers&short notes日本应用物理学杂志. 第一分册,一般论文和短评539D0001日本6Japanese Journal of applied physics. Part 2,Letters日本应用物理学杂志. 第二分册,快报539D0003日本7Physica. B,Condensed matter物理学B辑,凝聚态物质530LB008荷兰8Thin solid films固体薄膜712LD003瑞士9Journal of non-crystalline solids非晶性固体杂志549LB002荷兰10Journal of physics. Condensed matter物理学学报. 凝聚态物质538C0014英国11Applied physics. A,Materials science&Processing应用物理学. A辑,材料与处理539E0001-A德国12Chemical physics化学物理学542LB006荷兰13Journal of polymer science. Part B,Polymer physics聚合物科学杂志. B辑,聚合物物理学545B0001*2美国14Ferroelectrics铁电体536C0053A英国15Physica status solid. B,Basic research固体物理学B辑,基础研究538E0006 德国16Surface science表面科学538LB002荷兰17Solid State ionics固体离子538LB055荷兰18Solid state Communications固体通讯538C0006英国19Materials science forum材料科学论坛712LD006瑞士20Surface science reports表面科学报告538LB056荷兰21The journal of physics and chemistry of solids固体物理学与固体化学杂志538C0003英国22Solid state physics固态物理530B0014美国23Physica status solid. A,Applied research 固体物理学. A辑,应用研究538E0005德国24IEEE transactions on applied superconductivity IEEE应用超导汇刊730B0001 TASC 美国25Physics of the solid state固体物理学538B0078美国26Physica. C,Superconductivity物理学. C辑,超导530LB010荷兰27Journal of materials science材料科学杂志712LB017荷兰28The European physical Journal. B欧洲物理学杂志. B辑530E0003德国29Journal of vacuum science&technology. A,International journal devoted to vacuum,surfaces,and films真空科学与技术杂志A辑,国际真空、表面与膜杂志534B0001-1美国30Journal Of Vacuum Science&technology. B,Microelectronics and nanometer Structures 真空科学与技术杂志. B辑,微电子学与纳米结构534B0001-2/IP美国31Journal of low temperature physics低温物理学杂志534LB004荷兰32Acta crystallographica. Section B,Structural science结晶学报. B辑,结构科学549KD001-B丹麦33Journal Of materials research材料研究杂志712B0020美国34International journal of modern Physics. B,Condensed matter physics,statistical physics,applied physics国际现代物理学杂志. B辑,凝聚态物理、统计物理和应用物理530GL054新加坡35Journal Of applied Ctystallography应用结晶学杂志549KD002丹麦36Progress in surface science表面科学进展542C0009英国37Critical reviews In solid state and materials sciences固体与材料科学评论538B0072美国38Virtual journal of applications superconductivity超导电性应用虚拟杂志美国热学与物质分子运动类核心期刊表序号刊名中文译名中图刊号出版国l International journal of heat and mass transfer国际传热与传质杂志725C0006 英国2Journal of heat transfer传热杂志725B0001美国3International Journal of multiphase flow国际多相流杂志527C0003英国4Cryogenics低温学534C0001英国5Journal of thermophysics and heat transfer热物理学与热传导杂志533B0057美国6International Journal of thermophysics国际热物理学杂志534LB002荷兰7Cryo letters低温通讯534C0053英国8Low temperature physics低温物理学534B0059美国9Numerical heat transfer. Part A,Applications数值传热A辑,应用725B0059-A 美国10Numerical heat transfer. Part B,Fundamentals数值传热. B辑,基础725B0059-B 美国11The International Journal of heat and fluid flow国际热与流体流杂志527B0058 美国12International communications In heat and mass transfer国际传热与传质通讯725C0056英国现代物理学类核心期刊表序号刊名中文译名中图刊号出版国1Reviews of modern physics现代物理学评论530B0004美国2Physical review. D,Particles,fields,gravitation And Cosmology物理学评论. D辑,粒子、场、重力与宇宙学530B0002-4美国3Physics letters. B物理学快报. B辑530 LB004-B荷兰4Nuclear physics B核物理学. B辑538LB001-B荷兰5Nuclear Instruments&methods In physics research .Section A ,Accelerators,spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment物理学研究中的核仪器与方法. A辑;加速器、谱仪、探测器和相关设备723LB003-A荷兰6Nuclear Instruments&methods In physics research. Section B,Beam Interactions with materials and atoms物理学研究中的核仪器与方法B辑,射束与材料及原子的相互作用723LB003-B荷兰7Nuclear physics. A核物理学A辑538LB001-A荷兰8Physical review. C,Nuclear physics物理学评论. C辑,核物理学530B0002-3美国9Physics letters. A物理学快报A辑530LB004-A荷兰10Physical review. A,Atomic,molecular,and optica1 physics物理学评论. A辑,原子、分子和光学物理学530B0002-1A美国11Journal of molecular structure分子结构杂志542LB004-A荷兰12Molecular physics分子物理学538C0004英国13Radiation research辐射研究537B0012美国14Nuclear physics. B,Proceedings,supplements核物理学. B辑,会议录增刊538LB001-BZ荷兰15Physics of plasmas等离子体物理学527B0002-B美国16IEEE transactions on nuclear Science IEEE核科学汇刊730B0001 TNS美国17Radiation physics and chemistry辐射物理学与化学542C0003英国18The European Physics journal. A,Hadrons and nuclei欧洲物理学杂志A辑,强子与核子530E0001德国19International Journal of modern physics. A,Particles and fields, gravitation, cosmology国际现代物理学杂志A辑,粒子和场论、引力作用、宇宙论530GL052新加坡20Applied radiation and isotopes应用辐射与同位素538C0001英国21Radiation measurements辐射测量538C0058英国22Nuclear fusion核聚变723C0006英国23Journal of physics G,Nuclear and particle physics物理学杂志. G辑,核与粒子物理学538C0015英国24Journal Of physics. B,Atomic,molecular,and Optical physics物理学杂志. B辑,原子、分子与光物理538C0013英国25The European physical Journal. D,Atomic,molecular,and optical physics欧洲物理学杂志D辑,原子、分子、原子团和光学物理学530E0005德国26The European physical Journal. C, Particles and fields欧洲物理学杂志. C辑,粒子和场530E0004德国27Atomic energy原子能723LB002荷兰28Journal of plasma physics等离子体物理学杂志538C0008英国29Contributions to plasma physics等离子体物理论文集538E0007德国30Plasma physics and controlled fusion等离子体物理学与受控聚变538C0005英国31Journal of high energy physics高能物理学报538C0002/I英国32IEEE transactions on plasma science IEEE等离子体科学汇刊730B0001 TPS美国33Annual review of nuclear and particle science核与粒子科学年评723B0017 美国物理总论类扩展区期刊刊名中图刊号ISSN出版国1.Acta Physica Polonica,A530LH0010587-4246波兰2.Advances In Chemical Physics542B00180065-2385美国3.Annles de l’Institut Henri Poincare. Analyse Non Lineaire513F00030294-1449法国4.Annales Henri Poincare530LD0011424-0637瑞士5.Applied Magnetic Resonance536LE0010937-9347奥地利6.Applied Physics Letters539B00520003-6951美国7.Brazilian Journal of Physics530PC0020103-9733巴西8.Chaos510B00991054-1500美国puting In Science & Engineering730B0001CSE1521-9615美国10.Czechoslovak Journal of Physics530LJ0020011-4626捷克11.European Journal of Physics530C00670143-0807英国12.European Physical Journal Direct530E0010/I1435-3725德国13.European Physical Journal Applied Physics530F00571286-0042法国14.Few-Body Systems530LE0010177-7963奥地利15.Fortschritte der Physik530E00080015-8208德国16.International Journal of Modern physics C,Physics and computers530GL0570129-1831新加坡17.Inverse Problems530C00070266-5611英国18.Johns Hopkins APL Technical Digest0270-5214美国19.Journal of Applied Physics539B00010021-8979美国20.Journal of Nonlinear Science513E00100938-8974德国21.Journal of Supercritical Fluids810B01350896-8446美国22.Journal of the Korean Physical Society530GA0530374-4884韩国23.Letters In Mathematical Physics533LB0020377-9017荷兰24.New Journal of Physics530C0006/I1367-2630英国25.Physica Scripta. Topical Issue530KB001瑞典26.Physics Education530C00560031-9120英国27.Physics News Update美国28.Physics Teacher,The530B00530031-921X美国29.Physics,Uspekhi530C00701063-7869英国30.Progress Of Theoretical Physics. Supplement533D00010375-9687日本31.Reviews In Mathematical Physics533GL0510129-055X新加坡32.Revista Mexicana de Fisica530NC0010035-001X墨西哥33.Rivista Del Nuovo Cimento Della Societa Italiana di Fisica,La530MC002-F0393-697X意大利34.Societa Italiana di Fisica Nuovo Cimento B. General Physics,Relativity,35.Astronomy,and Mathematical Physics and Methods530MMB1594-9982意大利36.Technical Physics534B00511063-7842美国37.Theoretical and Mathematical Physics533LB0080040-5779荷兰38.Wave Motion527LB0540165-2125荷兰39.Waves In Random Media530C00680959-7174英国40.Zeitschrift fur Naturforschung. A,Journal of Physical Sciences530E00020932-0754德国。



white oak
red oak
red elm
red beech
white beech
coil maple
figured maple
bird eye maple
stool hutch buffet server guest room suite end table coffee table square table round table sofa table cocktail table console table towel rack/hanger knife rack spoon rack wine rack luggage rack book room suite computer table book desk boodkcase magazine rack letter rack wall rack/hanger game table office collection office table
12 山紋西南樺 crown cut south-west birch 47
13 直紋西南樺 quart cut south-west birch 48


Chain wheel Foam
Link Foam
Axle Disc
Stem Cap
material for seal-cart on
Cha in wheel Set
Crank On ly
Chai n
B.B Sets
F.Reflector Bracket
R.Reflector Bracket
R.R eflector
Quick Release(for Seat Post)
Quick Release(for Front Wheel)
Quick Release(for Rear
Lighti ng System(ge nerator with Lighter and Cables)
Head Light
Rear Light
Dyn amo
water Bottle



9E燃气轮机中英文对照表2007年7月目录第一部分 DCS控制画面 (3)第二部分燃机报警文本 (13)第三部分报警的原因和处理 (25)第四部分跳机和自动正常停机的保护 (32)第五部分燃机基本控制装置功能代号 (35)第六部分燃气轮机发电设备可靠性指标中、英文对照表 (37)第七部分燃气轮机发电设备几个专业用语 (40)第八部分燃气轮机生产厂商排序 (41).第一部分 DCS控制画面启动控制画面Crude 原油Stop Valve 截止阀Gen 发电机Sys 系统Gas 天然气SRV 速比阀Control Valve 控制阀Turbine Status 燃机负荷状态Trubine State 燃机负荷选择Control Mode 控制方式Mist Status 混烧状态IGV Control IGV控制Speed Control 速度控制PF Control 功率因数控制Setpoint 设定点Reference 基准PF 功率因数CPD 压气机排气压力Ctda 压气机排气温度inlet Air 进气Exhaust 排气Master Control 主控制Start 启动Stop 停机Mode Select 方式选择Off 闭锁、停止Cooldown 盘车Crank 高盘Fire 点火Auto 自动Cooldown Control 盘车控制On 启动Generator Mode 发电机方式PF 功率因数VAR 无功Governor Mode 控制器方式Droop 有差Isoch 无差Fuel Select 燃料选择Heavy 重油Liquid 轻油Load Mode 负荷选择Base Load 基本负荷Preselect Ld 预选负荷Var Control 无功控制Raise 升Lower 降Startup Trend 启动曲线Master Reset 主复归Ack 确认Silence 消音Lock 闭锁Unlock 解锁Commend 命令Setup 启动Alarm 报警Speed 速度Max Vib 最大振动FSR 燃油流量基准Control 控制Monitor 监测Aux 辅助Tests 试验Start-up 启动FSR Control 燃油流量控制IGV Control IGV控制Liquid Fuel 燃油Lube oil 滑油Motors 马达Synchro 同期Water injection 注水CTRL Location 就地控制燃油控制画面to tank 到油箱Distillate fuel stop valve 轻油截止阀Liquid Fuel Stop Valve 燃油截止阀Purge Fuel Lines 清吹管线Purge Done 进行清吹Purge Man 手动清吹Purge Time 清吹时间Start Pump 启泵Stop Pump 停泵Trans to HF 切换到重油Fuel Nozzle Purge Air 燃料喷嘴清吹空气Heavy Fuel Temp 重油温度滑油控制画面Water Out 出水Water In 进水Lube Oil Pressure 滑油压力To Atmosphere 到大气To Bearing 去轴承马达控制画面Aux Lube Oil(88QA) 辅助滑油泵T.exh frame blow(88TK) 排气框架冷却风扇Water Inj. Pump(88WN) 注水泵Aux Hydr.Supply(88HQ) 辅助液压油泵Atom Air Booster(88AB) 辅助雾化空气泵AC Flow Divder(88FM) 燃油分配器马达Lube Oil Mist Elim(88QV) 滑油油雾分离器Cranking Motor(88CR) 启动马达Emerg Lube Oil(88QE) 应急滑油泵Bear Lift Pump(88QB1) 顶轴油泵Ture Gear Motor(88TG) 盘车马达Dist Fuel Forward Pump(88FD) 轻油前置泵LD Compart Cool Air Fans(88VG) 负荷联轴间冷却风扇part.Cool Fans(88BT) 透平间冷却风扇Fuel Additive Pumps(88FA) 抑钒剂泵Gas Skid Vent Fans(88VL) 气体小间通风扇Cool Water Pumps(88WC) 内冷却水泵Crude Fuel Forw.Pumps(88FU) 重油前置泵同期控制画面BREAKER TIMERS(CYCLE) 同期计时器(循环)NORMAL CLOSE TIME 正常合闸时间LEARNED CLOSE TIME 理论合闸时间ACTIVE CLOSE TIME 实际合闸时间BREAKER TRIP 开关跳闸BREAKER CLOSE 开关合闸AUTO PERMISSIVES 自动允许GENERATOR BKR SELECTED 发电机开关被选择SYNCH LOCKOUT 同期闭锁BUS VOLTAGE 母线电压BUS FREQUENCY 母线频率GENERATOR VOLTAGE 发电机电压GENERATOR FREQUENCY 发电机频率DIFFERENCE VOLTS 电压差DIFFERENCE FREQUENCY 频率差SEQUENCING SYNC PERMIT 同期程序允许AUTO SYNC PERMIT 自动同期允许Phase Angle 相角Volts Diff 电压差Slip Freq 频率差Frequency 频率Generator Sync Mode 发电机同期方式注水控制画面Flame Intensity 火焰强度Combusion Data 燃烧室数据Allowable Spread 允许温差Exhaust Spread 排气温差Exhaust Temperature 排气温度Reference Temperature 温度基准Flow Lockout 流量闭锁Reduce Flow 降低流量Actual Flow 实际流量Water/Fuel Ratio Ref 水/油比基准Water/Fuel Ratio Actual 实际水/油比轴承温度监视画面Thrust Bearing 止推轴承Turbine Bearing 透平轴承Generator Bearing 发电机轴承Bearing Trend 轴承温度曲线Seismic Vibration 振动Wheelspace 轮间Bearing Temperature 轴承温度Lube Oil Temperature 滑油温度发电机热电偶监视画面Middle Stator Temperature 定子中间温度RTD Stator Temperature 定子热电偶温度Stator Hot Air 定子热风Stator Cool Air 定子冷风Generator Exciter Air Temp 发电机励磁机风温轮间温度监视画面Inner 内部Outer 外部Forward 前面First Stage 第一级Second Stage 第二级Third Stage 第三级Wheelspace Temprature 轮间温度启动检查辅助画面Start Check 启动检查Bus Undetvoltage 母线低电压Customer Permissive To Start 用户允许启动Comp Inlet Thermcouples Disagree 压气机进口温度热电偶不一致IGV Control Valve Fault IGV控制阀故障Master Protective Startup Lockout 主保护启动闭锁HP Speed-Minimum Firing Spd HP速度-最小点火转速Lube Oil Tank TEMP-Normal 滑油箱温度正常Flame Detector Trouble 火焰探测器故障Control Mode=Off 控制方式=闭锁Hydraulic Protective Trouble 液压保护故障Comp Bleed Vlv or IGV Pos Lockout 压气机防喘阀或IGV位置故障Loss of Master Protective 主保护失去Loss Of Gas Skid Ventilation Shutdown 气体小间失去通风停机Emerg.Lube Oil Pump Undervolt.Relay 应急滑油泵低电压继电器动作Vibration Start Inhibit 振动故障禁止启动Loss Of CPD Bias 失去压气机出口压力偏差Fire System Trouble 点火系统故障Liqud Fuel Temp Low 燃油温度低NOT READY TO START 未准备启机Signals in the proper state to permit 当信号处于允许启机状态时是绿色。



4562Olanzapine / Official Monographs USP 36C U= concentration of Olanzapine in the Sample C U= concentration of Olanzapine in the Samplesolution (mg/mL)solution (mg/mL)Acceptance criteria:98.0%–102.0% on the anhydrous,F= relative response factor for each impurity from solvent-free basis Table 2Acceptance criteria:See Table 2.IMPURITIES•R ESIDUE ON I GNITION〈281〉:NMT 0.1%Table 2•H EAVY M ETALS, Method II〈231〉:NMT 10ppmRelative Relative AcceptanceRetention Response Criteria, Change to read:Name Time Factor NMT (%)Olanzapine related•O RGANIC I MPURITIES compound Ba0.3 2.30.10 Buffer:Dissolve 13g of sodium dodecyl sulfate inOlanzapine related1500mL of water. Add 5mL of phosphoric acid, andcompound A b0.8v2.3v USP360.10 adjust with a sodium hydroxide solution to a pH of 2.5.Olanzapine 1.0——Solution A:Acetonitrile and Buffer (48:52)Solution B:Acetonitrile and Buffer (70:30)•ChloromethylMobile phase:See Table 1.olanzapiniumchloride c (if pres-0.15•(RB 1-Jun-ent) 1.1 1.02012)Table 1Any individual, un-——Time Solution A Solution B specified impurity0.10(min)(%)(%)Total impurities——0.4 01000a2-Methyl-10H-thieno-[2,3-b][1,5]benzodiazepin-4[5H]-one.101000b5-Methyl-2-((2-nitrophenyl)amino)-3-thiophenecarbonitrile.200100•c1-Chloromethyl-1-methyl-4-(2-methyl-10H-benzo[b]thieno[2,3-e][1,2501004]diazepin-4-yl)piperazin-1-ium chloride.•(RB 1-Jun-2012)271000SPECIFIC TESTS351000•W ATER D ETERMINATION, Method I〈921〉[N OTE—A suitable solvent system for water determina-Edetate disodium solution:37mg/L of edetate diso-tion in ketones and aldehydes (e.g., Hydranal compos-dium in Buffer ite 5K-working medium K or Aquastar composite 5K-Diluent:Acetonitrile and Edetate disodium solution solvent KC or equivalent) is recommended.](40:60)Acceptance criteria:NMT 1.0%System suitability solution:20µg/mL of USPOlanzapine RS and 2µg/mL each of USP Olanzapine ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTSRelated Compound A RS and USP Olanzapine Related•P ACKAGING AND S TORAGE:Preserve in well-closed contain-Compound B RS in Diluent ers, and store at room temperature.Standard solution:2µg/mL of USP Olanzapine RS in•USP R EFERENCE S TANDARDS〈11〉Diluent USP Olanzapine RSSample solution:0.4mg/mL of Olanzapine in Diluent USP Olanzapine Related Compound A RSChromatographic system5-Methyl-2-((2-nitrophenyl)amino)-(See Chromatography 〈621〉, System Suitability.)3-thiophenecarbonitrile.Mode:LC C12H9N3O2S259.28Detector:UV 220 nm USP Olanzapine Related Compound B RSColumn:4.6-mm × 25-cm; 5-µm packing L72-Methyl-10H-thieno-[2,3-b][1,5]benzodiazepin-4[5H]-Temperatures one.Column:35°C12H10N2OS230.29Sample:5°Flow rate:1.5mL/minInjection volume:20µLSystem suitabilitySample:System suitability solution Olanzapine Tablets[N OTE—Identify the peaks using the Relative RetentionTime values given in Table 2.]DEFINITIONSuitability requirements Olanzapine Tablets contain NLT 90.0% and NMT 110.0% Resolution:NLT 3.0 between olanzapine related com-of the labeled amount of olanzapine (C17H20N4S).pound A and olanzapineTailing factor:NMT 1.5 for the olanzapine peak IDENTIFICATIONRelative standard deviation:NMT 2.0% from fourreplicate injections for the olanzapine peakChange to read:AnalysisSamples:Standard solution and Sample solution•I NFRARED A BSORPTION〈197S〉Calculate the percentage of each impurity in the portionStandard solution:v30v USP36 mg/mL of USP Olanzapine of Olanzapine taken:RS in chloroformResult = (r U/r S) × (C S/C U) × (1/F) × 100Sample solution:Dissolve a quantity of powdered Tab-lets, equivalent to 30mg of olanzapine, in 30mL of r U= peak response of each impurity from the chloroform, and filter. Evaporate completely to dryness Sample solution with the aid of a current of air. Redissolve the residue in r S= peak response of olanzapine from the1mL of chloroform.Standard solutionC S= concentration of USP Olanzapine RS in theStandard solution (mg/mL)USP 36Official Monographs / Olanzapine4563ASSAY Standard solution:An amount, in mg, corresponding tothe Tablet label claim, of USP Olanzapine RS in1000mL of Medium. Transfer 5.0mL of this solution to Change to read: a tube, and add 2.0mL of Mobile phase.Sample solution:Pass a portion of the solution under •P ROCEDURE test through a suitable filter of 0.45-µm pore size.•[N OTE—A few drops of acetonitrile, not to exceed 5%Transfer 5.0mL of the filtrate to a tube, and add 2.0mL of the final volume, may be added to the Standard of Mobile phase.solution and Sample solution before final dilution to Chromatographic systemreduce foaming.]•(RB 1-Jul-2012)(See Chromatography 〈621〉, System Suitability.) Buffer 1:6.9g/L of monobasic sodium phosphate. Ad-Mode:LCjust with phosphoric acid to a pH of 2.5.Detector:UV 260 nmBuffer 2:12g/L of sodium dodecyl sulfate in Buffer 1Column:4.6-mm × 15-cm; 5-µm packing L10Mobile phase:Acetonitrile and Buffer 2 (1:1)Flow rate:1.5mL/minSystem suitability solution:0.1mg/mL of USP Injection volume:50µLOlanzapine RS and 0.01mg/mL of USP Olanzapine Re-System suitabilitylated Compound A RS in Mobile phase Sample:Standard solutionStandard solution:0.1mg/mL of USP Olanzapine RS in Suitability requirementsMobile phase Relative standard deviation:NMT 2.0%Sample solution:Transfer a known quantity of Tablets Analysis•(NLT 5)•(RB 1-Jul-2012), equivalent to NLT 25mg of Calculate the percentage of olanzapine (C17H20N4S) olanzapine, to a suitable volumetric flask. Dilute with dissolved:Mobile phase to volume, mix, and sonicate for 10 min.Centrifuge a portion of this solution, and dilute the Result = (rU/r S) ×C S× (V/L) × 100 clear supernatant with Mobile phase to obtain a solutioncontaining about 0.1mg/mL of olanzapine. [N OTE—Agi-r U= peak response from the Sample solutiontation of the flask may be necessary before sonication r S= peak response from the Standard solution to prevent Tablets from adhering to the flask, making C S= concentration of USP Olanzapine RS in the disintegration and dissolution difficult.]Standard solution (mg/mL)Chromatographic system V= volume of Medium, 900mL(See Chromatography 〈621〉, System Suitability.)L= label claim (mg/Tablet)Mode:LC Tolerances:NLT 80% (Q) of the labeled amount of Detector:UV 260 nm olanzapine (C17H20N4S) is dissolved.Column:4.6-mm × 15-cm; 5-µm packing L7•U NIFORMITY OF D OSAGE U NITS〈905〉:Meet theFlow rate:1.5mL/min requirementsInjection volume:20µLIMPURITIESSystem suitabilitySamples:System suitability solution and Standardsolution Change to read:[N OTE—The relative retention times for olanzapine re-lated compound A and olanzapine are 0.89 and 1.0,•O RGANIC I MPURITIESrespectively.]•[N OTE—A few drops of acetonitrile, not to exceed 5% Suitability requirements of the final volume, may be added to the Standard Resolution:NLT 2.0 between olanzapine and solution and Sample solution before final dilution to olanzapine related compound A, System suitability reduce foaming.]•(RB 1-Jul-2012)solution Buffer 1:3.3mL/L of phosphoric acid. Adjust with 50% Tailing factor:NMT 1.8, Standard solution sodium hydroxide to a pH of 2.5.Relative standard deviation:NMT 2.0%, Standard Buffer 2:8.7g/L of sodium dodecyl sulfate in Buffer 1 solution Buffer 3:18.6mg/L of edetate disodium (EDTA) in Analysis Buffer 2Samples:Standard solution and Sample solution Solution A:Acetonitrile and Buffer 2 (12:13)Calculate the percentage of olanzapine (C17H20N4S) in Solution B:Acetonitrile and Buffer 2 (7:3)the portion of Tablets taken:Diluent:Acetonitrile and Buffer 3 (2:3)System suitability solution:20µg/mL of USP Result = (r U/r S) × (C S/C U) × 100Olanzapine RS, and 2µg/mL each of USP OlanzapineRelated Compound B RS and USP Olanzapine Related r U= peak response from the Sample solutionCompound C RS in Diluentr S= peak response from the Standard solutionStandard solution:2µg/mL of USP Olanzapine RS inC S= concentration of USP Olanzapine RS in theDiluentStandard solution (mg/mL)Sensitivity solution:0.4µg/mL of USP Olanzapine RS inC U= concentration of olanzapine in the SampleDiluent from the Standard solutionsolution (mg/mL)Sample solution:Transfer a known quantity of Tablets Acceptance criteria:90.0%–110.0%to a suitable volumetric flask, and dilute with Diluent to PERFORMANCE TESTS volume to obtain a solution containing either 375 or •D ISSOLUTION〈711〉500µg/mL of olanzapine (based on the label claim).Medium:0.1 N hydrochloric acid; 900mL Centrifuge a portion of this solution, and use the super-Apparatus 2:50 rpm natant. [N OTE—Immediate agitation of the flask may be Time:30 min necessary to prevent Tablets from adhering to the flask, Mobile phase:10g/L of ammonium acetate in a mix-making dissolution and disintegration difficult. [C AU-ture of methanol and water (2:3). Adjust with hydro-TION—Do not sonicate.] The Sample solution is stable for chloric acid to a pH of 4.0.12 h at room temperature and 48 h if refrigerated.]4564Olanzapine / Official MonographsUSP 36Mobile phase:See Table 1.Table 2 (Continued)Relative Relative Acceptance Table 1Retention Response Criteria,NameTimeFactorNMT (%)Time Solution ASolution BAny individual un-(min)(%)(%)specified impuri-—01000ty1.00.20101000Total impurities—— 1.5200100a (Z )-4-(4-Methylpiperazin-1-yl)-3-(2-oxopropylidene)-1H -benzo[b ][1,2501004]diazepin-2(3H )-one.271000b 2-Methyl-10H -thieno-[2,3-b ][1,5] benzodiazepin-4[5H ]-one.c (Z )-1-{4-(4-Methylpiperazin-1-yl)-2-thioxo-1H -benzo[b ][1,4]diazepin-351003(2H )-ylidene}propan-2-one.d 2-Methyl-4-(4-methylpiperazin-1-yl)-10H -benzo[b ]thieno[2,3-e ][1,Chromatographic system4]diazepine 4’-N -oxide.(See Chromatography 〈621〉, System Suitability .)Mode:LCADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTSDetector:UV 220 nm•P ACKAGING AND S TORAGE : Preserve in tight, light-resistant Column:4.6-mm × 25-cm; 5-µm packing L7containers, and store at controlled room temperature.Column temperature:35°•USP R EFERENCE S TANDARDS 〈11〉Flow rate:1.5mL/min USP Olanzapine RSInjection volume:20µL USP Olanzapine Related Compound A RS System suitability5-Methyl-2-((2-nitrophenyl)amino)-Samples:System suitability solution , Standard solution ,3-thiophenecarbonitrile.and Sensitivity solution C 12H 9N 3O 2SSuitability requirementsUSP Olanzapine Related Compound B RSResolution:NLT 3.0 between olanzapine and2-Methyl-10H -thieno-[2,3-b ][1,5]benzodiazepin-4[5H ]-olanzapine related compound C, System suitability one.solutionC 12H 10N 2OSTailing factor:NMT 1.5 for the olanzapine peak, Sys-USP Olanzapine Related Compound C RStem suitability solution2-Methyl-4-(4-methylpiperazin-1-yl)-10H -benzo[b ]thieno Relative standard deviation:NMT 2.0%, Standard [2,3-e ][1,4]diazepine 4′-N -oxide.solutionC 17H 20N 4OS 328.43Signal-to-noise ratio:NLT 10, Sensitivity solution AnalysisSamples:Standard solution and Sample solutionCalculate the percentage of each impurity in the portion of Tablets taken:Olanzapine and Fluoxetine CapsulesResult = (r U /r S ) × (C S /C U ) × (1/F ) × 100DEFINITIONOlanzapine and Fluoxetine Capsules contain an amount of r U= peak response of each impurity from theolanzapine and fluoxetine hydrochloride equivalent to Sample solutionNLT 90.0% and NMT 110.0% each of the labeled r S = peak response from the Standard solution amount of olanzapine (C 17H 20N 4S) and fluoxetine C S = concentration of USP Olanzapine RS in the(C 17H 18F 3NO).Standard solution (µg/mL)C U = concentration of olanzapine in the SampleIDENTIFICATIONsolution (µg/mL)•The retention times of the major peaks in the Sample solu-F = relative response factor for each impurity listedtion correspond to those in the Standard solution , as ob-in Table 2tained in the Assay.Acceptance criteria:See Table 2.ASSAY•P ROCEDURETable 2Buffer:37mg/L of disodium ethylenediaminetetraace-Relative Relative Acceptance tate in water. Add 3.3mL of phosphoric acid, and ad-Retention Response Criteria,just with 50% sodium hydroxide to a pH of 2.5. Dis-Name TimeFactorNMT (%)solve 8.7g of sodium dodecyl sulfate in the resulting Olanzapine solution.lactam a0.26 1.00.50Mobile phase:Acetonitrile and Buffer (1:1)Olanzapine relat-•0.50•(RB 1-Standard solution:0.12mg/mL of USP Olanzapine RS ed compound B b 0.30 2.3Jul-2012)and 0.45mg/mL of USP Fluoxetine Hydrochloride RS in Olanzapine thio-Mobile phaselactam c0.34 1.00.50Sample solution:0.06–0.18mg/mL of olanzapine and 0.25-0.5mg/mL of fluoxetine in Mobile phase from a Olanzapine relat-counted number of Capsules ed compound C d 0.83v0.71v USP360.50Chromatographic systemOlanzapine1.0——(See Chromatography 〈621〉, System Suitability .)a (Z )-4-(4-Methylpiperazin-1-yl)-3-(2-oxopropylidene)-1H -benzo[b ][1,Mode:LC4]diazepin-2(3H )-one.Detector:UV 227 nmb 2-Methyl-10H -thieno-[2,3-b ][1,5] benzodiazepin-4[5H ]-one.Column:4.6-mm × 7.5-cm; 3.5-µm packing L7c (Z )-1-{4-(4-Methylpiperazin-1-yl)-2-thioxo-1H -benzo[b ][1,4]diazepin-Column temperature:40°3(2H )-ylidene}propan-2-one.d 2-Methyl-4-(4-methylpiperazin-1-yl)-10H -benzo[b ]thieno[2,3-e ][1,4]diazepine 4’-N -oxide.。

EN15502 (冰箱新标准)中文

EN15502 (冰箱新标准)中文

Interdisziplin.rer NormenbereichSecteur interdisciplinaire de 常态化按 ISO 15502EINGETRAGENE 基准 D SCHWEIZERISCHEN NORMEN- VEREINIGUNG SNV NORME ENREGISTR é E DE L ′协会瑞士 DE 常态化假的 f ü r/ Remplace Ausgabe/版本: 2005-12SN 按 ISO 5155:1996 SN 按 ISO 8561/A1:1999SN 按 ISO 7371:1996 SN 按 28187:1994SN 按 ISO 7371/A1:1999 SN 按 28187/A1:1999SN 按 ISO 8561:1996家庭使冷却器械–特性和测试方法(ISO 15502:2005)Haushalt-K ü hl-/ Gefrierger.te –Eigenschaften und Pr ü fverfahren(ISO 15502:2005)Appareils de r é frig é定额à用法 m é不断地唠叨恼人–Caract é ristiques et m é thodes d'essai(ISO 15502:2005)Normen-下载-Beuth- Dario Markenartikelvertrieb GmbH& 公司公斤-KdNr.6946660-LfNr。

3104863001-2006-02-10 16:05按 ISO 15502 死 Europ.ische 基准:2005个帽子兽穴状态 einer Schweizer 基准。

La Norme europ é enne 按 ISO 15502:2005 le statut d ′ une Norme suisse。


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典型应用如下:●液化气的生产、贮存和运输●工作温度低于+200℃以下的测量和控制仪器,如温度调节装置●金属和其他材料间的螺旋连接器衬套●双金属和温控双金属●膜式框架●荫罩●航空工业的CRP部件回火模具●低于-200℃的人造卫星和导弹电子控制单元框架●激光控制装置电磁镜头中的辅助电子管耐蚀合金国内牌号包括:NS111,NS112,NS113,NS131,NS141,NS142,NS143,NS311,NS314,NS315,NS321,NS322,NS331,NS332,NS333,NS334,NS335,NS336,NS334, NS341,NS411等。

耐蚀合金国外牌号包括:incoloy800/800H;incoloy825;inconel600/690/625;hastelloyB/B2/C/C-4等一、蒙乃尔:Monel400、NO4400、Alloy400;NO5500、MonelK500二、上海蓝东实业英科乃尔:UNS N06600、Inconel600、Alloy600、Inconel601、Alloy601;UNS N06625、1A97铝合金、Alloy625;Inconel690Incondl718InconelX-750三、Carpenter20合金:Alloy20cb-3、UNS NO8020四、英科:UNS S66286/Incoloy A-286、Incoloy800,UNS NO8810、Incoloy800H、Alloy800H,Incoloy825、Incoloy926/1.4529,1.4562、Nimonic80A、Incoloy901Din1.4898五、哈氏合金:Hastelloy C-276、C-22、C-4、Hastelloy B、B-2、B-3、Hastelloy X、Hastelloy G30六、固溶强化性铁镍基合金:NS111、NS112、NS141、NS142、七、固溶强化型镍基合金:NS312、NS313、NS321、NS322、NS331、NS334、NS335、八、时效强化型镍基合金:NS411九、上海蓝东实业固溶强化型铁基合金:GH1015、GH1035、GH1040、GH1131、GH1140十、时效硬化性铁基合金:GH2018、GH2036、GH2038、GH2130、GH2132、十一、固溶强化型镍基合金:GH3030、GH3039、GH3044、GH3028十二、时效硬化型镍基合金:GH4033、、GH4049、GH4133、十三、奥氏体不锈钢:UNS N08904/904L/1.4539、Nitronic60/UNS S21800、nitronic50/XM-19/UNS S20910、316Ti、316N、316LN、316LMod、317L、317LN、310S、1Cr25Ni20Si2、1Cr20Ni14Si2、2Cr25Ni20、1Cr18Ni9Ti、0Cr25Ni20、1Cr18Ni9、1Cr18Ni12MO2Ti、2507/F53十四、上海蓝东实业双相不锈钢:UNS S31803/F51/1.4462/2205、UNS S32750/F53/2507、S32760/F55、254SMo/S31254/F44/1.4547、329J1/S32900/1.4460、SAF2506、S32550/F61 F60/S32205十五、沉淀硬化不锈钢:UNS S17400/17-4PH/SUS630/0Cr17NiCu4Nb、UNS S17700/17-7PH/SUS631十六、其它:4J29、4J36Invar36、4J34、4J42、SUS431/1Cr17Ni2、SUH660A4,Al-6XN/N08367十七、蓝东实业钛合金:TA1、TA2、TC4十八、铝合金:6061、6063、7075、2A12、2A14、1050、5052等十九、上海蓝东实业铜合金:C1100、C1020、C5441、QCr0.6-0.4-0.05、QCr0.5、QCr0.5-0.2-0.1、QBe0.3-1.5、HPb63-3、QSn4-4-4、QAl9-4、QSi1-3、QSn6.5-0.4、CuSn4、CuSn8、CuSn6、Pb104、Pb101、Pb103、C5212、C5111、C5191、C52100、C51100、QSn8-0.3、QSn4-0.3、QSn6.5-0.1、BZn18-26、BZn18-18、BMn3-12、BZn15-20、BMn40-1.5、C7701、C7521、C77000、C75200、C75400、Cu6Ni1.5Al、Cul3Ni3Al、QBe0.4-1.8、QBe0.6-2.5、QBe1.9-0.1、QBe1.9、CuZn39pb3、CZ101、CZ102、CZ103、CZ106、CZ107、CZ108、CZ109、CZ125、CZ119、CZ120、上海蓝东实业CZ121、CZ122、C1020等以上可提供圆棒、板材、管材、锻件、法兰、带材。


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Pivot Cap
material for seal-cart on
Wire Guide
Battery Light
StemBushi ng
Brake Cablee nds
Brake Cable cover ends
Derailleur Cablecovere nds
WaterBottle Cage
Fen derStay
Fen derTail
Fen derClip
BasketBi nder
Ball Retainers

ASTM 36与Q235

ASTM 36与Q235

ASTM 36与Q235一、 ASTM 36简介1、ASTM 36是美标碳素结构板,执行标准ASTM A36/A36M-03a本标准适用于桥梁和建筑用的铆接,螺栓连接和焊接结构,以及一般用途的结构钢品质的碳素钢型钢,钢板和棒钢。

ASTM 36所用的钢应是镇静钢。

2、 ASTM 36相当中国牌号Q235。



二、Q235简介1、 Q235中Q代表的是这种材质的,后面的235,就是指这种材质的屈服值,在235MPa左右。




它的钢号冠以”Q“,代表钢材的屈服点,后面的数字表示屈服点数值,单位是MPa例如Q235表示屈服应力(σs)为235 MPa的碳素结构钢。




Q235A级,是不作冲击韧性试验要求;Q235B级,是作常温(20℃)冲击韧性试验;Q235C 级,是作0℃冲击韧性试验;Q235D级,是作-20℃冲击韧性试验。





RSS 36-D-ST 商品说明书

RSS 36-D-ST 商品说明书

DataOrdering data Product type descriptionRSS 36-D-STArticle number (order number)101213954EAN (European Article Number)4030661410623eCl@ss number, Version 9.027-27-24-03CertificationsCertificatesTÜV cULusECOLAB EAC FCC ICGeneral data Product nameRSS 36RSS36-D-STActuation from side Thermoplastic enclosure 27 mm x 108.2 mm x 35 mmMisaligned actuation possible 1 x connector socket M12, 8-pole Universal coding with RFID technologyMax. 31 sensors can be wired in series.2 short-circuit proof PNP safety outputsHigh repeat accuracy of the switching pointsRFID-technology for needs-based protection against tamperingIntegral cross-short, wire-breakage and externalvoltage monitoring of the safety cables up to the control cabinetStandards IEC 60947-5-3general information Universal codingLowActive principle RFIDHousing construction form BlockInstallation conditions(mechanical)not flushSensor topology Sensor for series wiringEnclosure material Plastic, glass-fibre reinforced thermoplastic, self-extinguishing Active area Glass-fibre, reinforced thermoplasticGross weight80 gTime to readiness, maximum2,000 msReaction time, maximum100 msDuration of risk, maximum200 msGeneral data - FeaturesDiagnostic output YesShort circuit detection YesShort-circuit recognition YesSafety functions YesCascadable YesIntegral System Diagnostics,statusYesNumber of LEDs3Number of semi-conductoroutputs with signaling function1Number of fail-safe digitaloutputs2Safety appraisalStandards ISO 13849-1 IEC 60947-5-3 EN 62061 IEC 61508Performance Level eControl category to EN138494PFH-value 2.70 x 10⁻¹⁰ /h Safety Integrity Level (SIL)3Mission Time20 Year(s) Mechanical dataActuating panels lateralActive area lateralMounting A screw length of 25 mm is sufficient for sensor mounting and for side mounting of the actuators. 30 mm long screws are recommended when the actuator is mounted upright and/or when the sealing discs are used.Switch distance12 mm Ensured switch distance "ON" Sao10 mm Ensured switch distance "OFF"Sar20 mm Hysteresis (Switch distance), maximum2 mm Repeat accuracy R R0.5 mmNote (Repeat accuracyR )Axial offset: The long side allows for a maximum height misalignment (x) ofsensor and actuator of 8 mm (e.g. mounting tolerance or due to guard doorsagging). The axial misalignment (y) is max. ± 18 mm (see figure: Operating principle). Minimum clearance between two sensor systems 100 mm.Mechanical data - Connection technique Terminal Connector Connector M12, 8-poleNote The cable section of the interconnecting cable must be observed! Cable length and cable section alter the voltage drop depending on the output currentMechanical data - DimensionsHeight of sensor25 mm Length of sensor22 mm Width of sensor106.3 mmAmbient conditionsProtection class IP 65 to IEC/EN 60529 IP 67 to IEC/EN 60529 IP 69 to IEC/EN 60529Ambient temperature,minimum-25 °C Ambient temperature,maximum+70 °C Storage and transporttemperature, minimum-25 °C Storage and transporttemperature, maximum+85 °C Material temperatureresistance of the cable (inmotion), minimum-10 °CMaterial temperatureresistance of the cable (atrest), minimum-30 °CMaterial temperature+105 °Cresistance (long-term),maximumResistance to vibrations to EN10 … 55 Hz, amplitude 1 mm 60068-2-6Restistance to shock30 g / 11 msIIIAmbient conditions - Insulation valueRated impulse withstand0.8 kVvoltageIIIDegree of pollution to VDE30100Electrical dataVoltage type DC (direct current)No-load current100 mARated operating voltage24 VDC −15 % / +10 %Rated operating voltage,20.4 VDCminimumRated operating voltage,26.4 VDCmaximumOperating current600 mARequired rated short-circuit100 Acurrent to EN 60947-5-1Switching frequency, approx. 1 HzElectrical data - Fail-safe digital outputsRated operating current250 mA(safety outputs)Output current, (fail-safe0.25 Aoutput), maximumP-type1 VCurrent leakage0.5 mAElectrical data - Diagnostic outputP-type2 VElectrical data - Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)IEC 61000-6-4IEC 60947-3Status indicationNote (LED switching conditions display)LED yellow: Operating condition LED green: Supply voltageLED red: FaultPin assignmentPIN 1A1 Ue BrownPIN 2X1 Safety input 1 WhitePIN 3A2 GND BluePIN 4Y1 Safety output 1 BlackPIN 5OUT Diagnostic output OUT GreyPIN 6X2 Safety input 2 violetPIN 7Y2 Safety output 2 redPIN 8IN without function PinkScope of deliveryIncluded in delivery Actuators must be ordered separately. AccessoryRecommendation (actuator)RST 36-1RST 36-1-R PROTECT PSC1 SRB-E-301ST SRB-E-201LCNotesNote (General)Evaluation requirements: dual-channel safety input, suitable for p-type sensors with NO function. The safety-monitoring module must tolerate internal functional tests of the sensors with cyclic switch-off of the sensor outputs for max. 2 ms. Short-circuit recognition by the evaluation is not necessary.Ordering codeProduct type description: RSS 36 (1)-(2)-(3)-ST(1)without Standard codingI1Individual codingI2Individual coding, for multiple applications(2)D With diagnostic outputSD With serial diagnostic function(3)without without latchingR with latching, latching force approx. 18 NPicturesProduct picture (catalogue individual photo)ID: krss3f11| 106,3 kB | .png | 74.083 x 216.253 mm - 210 x 613Pixel - 72 dpi| 501,7 kB | .jpg | 196.144 x 572.911 mm - 556 x 1624Pixel - 72 dpi| 165,0 kB | .jpg | 27.093 x 79.079 mm - 320 x 934Pixel - 300 dpiDimensional drawing basic componentID: 1rss3g03| 25,8 kB | .jpg | 112.889 x 78.317 mm - 320 x 222Pixel - 72 dpi| 8,8 kB | .png | 74.083 x 51.506 mm - 210 x 146 Pixel- 72 dpi| 55,0 kB | .cdr || 124,2 kB | .jpg | 352.778 x 245.181 mm - 1000 x 695Pixel - 72 dpiContact arrangement| 18,0 kB | .cdr |K.A. Schmersal GmbH & Co. KG, Möddinghofe 3, D-42279 WuppertalThe details and data referred to have been carefully checked. Images may diverge from original. Further technical data can be found in the manual. Technical amendments and errors possible.Generated on 08.07.2020 15:56:49。

Fluke OS36-2 小型热敏电压传感器说明书

Fluke OS36-2 小型热敏电压传感器说明书

J-52The small size and built-in features of the OS36-2 make it ideal for infrared monitoring tasks. The narrow 35° field of view and small aperture allow small-target measurements of up to 4 mm (0.16"). The threaded head securely mounts through abulkhead or threads into a tapped hole. The internal air purge passages provide a convenient and highly efficient method of maintaining optical cleanliness in harsh environments.Compact Infrared ThermocoupleU I nfrared Thermocouple WorkhorseU 35° (2:1) Field of View U Built-In Air PurgeU J, K, E, or T Thermocouple Output Signal U Self-PoweredU Temperature CompensatedSpecificationsRange: -45 to 1150°C (-50 to 2000°F)See range chart for linear ranges. Measurement is practical beyondthermocouple table values by use of radiation laws. Polynomials available upon request.Field of View: 35° (2:1)Minimum Spot Size: 4 mm (0.16")Operating Ambient Temperature Range: -18 to 85°C (0 to 185°F)Air Purge: Built-in flow for operation at temperatures of -18 to 116°C (0 to 240°F)Ambient Temperature Compensation: Internal temperature cold junction compensation up to 538°C (1000°F) water-cooled, 400°C (750°F) air-cooled; cooling jacket optional (model OS36-SPC ) Output Impedance: 4 to 8 k Ω (varies by model)Dimensions: 6.22 L x 1.27 cm diameter (2.45 x 0.5"); 0.9 m (36") PFA coated lead wiresWeight: 44 g (1.6 oz) with cableComes complete with operator’s manual.Note: Stripped leads are standard.To order with GMPsubminiature low-noise thermocouple connector pair, add suffix “-GMP ” to model number for an additional cost.To order with GST standard-size low-noise thermocouple connector pair, add suffix “-GST ” to model number for an additional cost.Ordering Examples: OS36-2-K-140F-GMP, infraredthermocouple sensor Type K, with 25 to 80°C (80 to 180°F) range, GMP low-noise subminiature connectors.OS36-2-J-240F, infrared thermocouple sensor Type J, with 95 to 130°C (200 to 270°F) range.OCW-3, OMEGACARE SM extends standard 2-year warranty to a total of 5 years.OS36-2 SeriesOS36-2-J-140F shown actual size.**Right-Angle ModelsTo order with right-angle view, for use in difficult-to-view applications, change model number from “OS36-2” to “OS36-2-RA” for an additional cost.Ordering Example: OS36-2-RA-K-240F , infrared thermocouple, Type K, 95 to 130°C (200 to 270°F) range, right-angle view, stripped lead termination.Air Purge Standard.35° Field of Viewand Air Purge HeadOMEGACARE SM extendedwarranty program is available for models shown on this page. Ask your sales representative for full details when placing an order. OMEGACARE SM covers parts, labor and equivalent loaners.。



直流高速断路器UR 36 81/82SUR 40 81/82S使用手册文档编号: SG101782TEN语言: 简体中文版本: A01 发行日期: 2005年11月7日页数: 60Sécheron SARoute des Moulières 51217 Meyrin – 瑞士 日内瓦电话:+41(0)22 739 41 11 传真:+41(0)22 738 48 11 电子信箱:info@网址:版权所有© 2005 Sécheron SA瑞士 日内瓦禁止对本文档进行全部或部分复制或将本文档泄漏给任何第三方。


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Sécheron 公司保留所有权利,尤其是提出的一般发货条件中的有关权利。

版本修订记录目录A. 简介A.1 综述A-9A.1.1 说明A-9A.1.2 高速断路器的指定用途A-9A.1.3 主要特征A-10A.1.4 功能A-10A.1.5 设备标识A-11A.1.6 类型测试A-11A.1.7 常规测试A-11A.2 安全注意事项A-11A.2.1 危险信息A-12A.2.2 操作人员使用要求A-12B. 技术规格B.1 特性B-13B.1.1 断路电流参数B-13B.1.2 主电路B-13B.1.3 控制电路B-14B.1.4 工作条件B-14B.1.5 辅助触头特性B-14B.2 断路器控制B-15B.3 闭合线圈的典型值B-16C. 安装C.1 重量和尺寸C-17C.1.1 UR36 C-17C.1.2 UR40 C-18C.2 一般要求C-18C.3 包装C-18C.4 设备运输受损防护步骤C-19C.5 搬运C-19C.6 存放C-19C.7 弃置C-19C.8 固定C-20C.8.1 安装位置C-20C.8.2 工作位置中必须遵守的间隙C-20 C.9 低压电路连接C-21C.10 主电路连接C-22C.11 接地连接C-22C.12 最大电流释放设定值(Id)C-23C.12.1 脱扣装置C-23C.12.2 设定步骤C-23C.13 最终目视检查和测试C-23D. 维护D.1 所需工具和消耗品D-25D.2 标准紧固扭矩D-26D.3 定期检查D-26D.4 零件更换标准D-27D.5 步骤D-27D.6 步骤D-28D.6.1 拆卸电弧隔板D-28D.6.2 检查D-28D.6.3 重新安装电弧隔板D-28D.7 详细检查D-29D.7.1 测清洁触头区域D-29D.7.2 检查触头磨损尺寸“W”D-29D.7.3 检查并调整间隙X D-30D.7.4 检查并调整间隙Y D-31D.7.5 检查并调整间隙Z D-32D.7.6 检查润滑情况D-32D.8 更换磨损部件程序D-33D.8.1 拆卸固定触头、电极和金属条D-33D.8.2 更换动触头D-33D.8.3 重新装配金属条、电极和固定触头D-34 D.8.4 更换脱离子板和隔板D-35D.8.5 更换灭弧角D-36D.9 更换拨叉组件D-36D.10 更换闭合装置D-37D.11 每10000次过电流脱扣后的维护操作D-38 D.11.1 更换直接脱扣装置D-38D.12 售后服务D-39E. 故障查询E.1 步骤E-41E.1.1 主电路故障E-41E.1.2 辅助开关故障E-42E.2 调整E-43E.3 性能检查E-44E.4 更换辅助触头E-45E.5 更换推杆和减震器E-46F. 备用零件目录F.1 列表说明: F-47F.2 推荐的备用零件F-47F.3 售后服务F-47F.4 备用零件目录F-48F.4.1 主电路F-48F.4.2 闭合装置F-49F.4.3 附件F-49F.4.4 电弧隔板F-50F.4.5 框架和附件F-50G. 可选部件G.1 “Imax”脱扣计数器和触头磨损指示灯G-51 G.1.1 说明G-51G.1.2 维护G-51G.1.3 故障查询G-51G.1.4 备用零件目录G-51G.2 闭合装置手册G-52G.2.1 说明G-52G.2.2 维护G-52G.2.3 故障查询和备用零件目录G-52G.3 脱扣装置手册:M3型断路器G-53G.3.1 说明G-53G.3.2 维护G-53G.3.3 故障查询G-53G.3.4 故障查询和备用零件目录G-53G.4 间接释放装置G-54G.4.1 说明G-54G.4.2 维护G-54G.4.3 故障查询G-55G.4.4 故障查询和备用零件目录G-55G.5 位置指示灯G-55G.5.1 说明G-55G.5.2 维护、故障查询和备用零件目录G-55G.6 检查和调整间隙J G-56G.6.1 测量G-56G.6.2 调整G-56G.7 限压电阻G-57G.7.1 说明G-57G.7.2 维护G-57G.7.3 故障查询G-57G.7.4 故障查询和备用零件目录G-57G.8 扫动触头. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G-58 G.8.1 说明 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G-58G.8.2 维护 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G-58G.8.3 故障查询. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G-58G.8.4 备用零件目录 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G-58G.9 DE型直接脱扣装置 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G-59 G.9.1 说明 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G-59G.9.2 最大电流释放设定值(Id). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G-59G.9.3 维护 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G-59G.9.4 故障查询和备用零件目录 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G-59A. 简介危险!为了最大限度的保证安全操作,维修人员和操作人员必须在进行设备安装、维护和调整之前,以及启动设备之前,认真阅读A.2 "安全注意事项"。



韩语常用语中文对照发音爸爸:啊爸(阿波几)妈妈:哦妈(哦猫尼)哥哥(女生叫的):哦罢哥哥(男生叫的):hiang奶奶:哈拉么你爷爷:哈拉波几姐姐(女生叫的):哦你姐姐(男生叫的):努那大叔:阿则西小姐:啊嘎西姨妈:姨某阿姨:阿祖妈朋友:亲古舅舅:桑寸(其实是“三寸”的意思,韩国亲戚关系都是以寸记,夫妻0寸,父子1寸等等)你:挠我们:吾利谁:奴古(塞哦是说话的语气词)怒古塞呦我:那(是我,那呀;我走了:那卡哒)喜欢你;卒阿嗨我爱你:萨郎嗨非常(很):挠木(非常喜欢你:挠木挠木卒阿嗨)是;耐/叶不是:阿尼呦(加“呦”是敬语,不加就是非敬语)不行:阿恩duai (恩发急促短音)不知道:木拉不要/不喜欢:西痨不要走:卡机马走!:卡! 快走!!:吧里卡!走啦~:卡匝!我走了!:那卡哒!起来!:一捞拿出来:纳挖进来!:偷拉挖上车:踏你好:阿尼哦哈塞呦:可以有很多用法,打招呼可以,分手再见也可以谢谢:抗撒哈米大/哭骂吾思密达不好意思:崔松哈米大对不起:米啊耐(米啊哈米大)没事/没关系:捆擦那有祝贺,恭喜:租卡嗨(呦)拜托:扑他哈米大可爱: 亏妖wao漂亮: 叶波哒傻瓜: 怕bou (加感叹词: 怕bou呀)有趣: 猜米一扫真神奇:兴给疯了:米弃(有时后会发音像比弃)什么:木奥为什么?: why(这个是完全照搬英语发音)怎么回事?: 温一里呀?怎么/怎么办: 凹刀开你说什么?: 木森素里啊? /木森骂李啊?真的: 从骂儿(也可以说"井匝")知道:阿拉扫,知道吗也是用阿拉扫,只不过最后那个扫用疑问语气快点: 吧里又:斗但是:哈几慢可是:恳带说说看/说吧!: 马儿嗨pua好吃: 马西达吃吧: 猫糕你好吗?an nyeong ha se yao1.谢谢 gam sa ham ni da2.对于不起mi an nae yao3.不打紧逼gwaen chanh na yao4.多少钱eol ma ye yao5.请自便宜些zhonm ssa ge ju se yao6.不消客套cheon man ne yao8. 失仪了/欠善意思il lye ham ni da9. 是ye/ne10. 不是a ni yo11. 拜托了pu tak ham ni da12 .再会(对于走的人说) an nyeong hi ga se yao13 .再会(对于留下的人说) an nyeong hi gye se yao14. 我想去韩国han guk ga go sip peo yao15.敬辞卫生间在哪儿hwa jang sile eo di e i搜刮引擎优化yao16.请给我ju se yao17.请给我收条yeong su jeung eul ju se yao18.请帮我忙tao wa ju se yao19.我是神州人jeo neun zhonggu sa lam im ni da20.幸会ban gap seum ni da21.是谁呀?nu gu se yao22.我爱你sa lang hae yao23.我很挂念你po gao sip peo yao教你几句韩国语--中文发音弄笑版1 、你好——平以及平静哈些腰2 、谢谢——感木刹哈姆尼大3 、再会——平以及平静一嘎些要4 、你尊姓?——生哈密额特开对于西角?5 、不妨——怪音刹那呦6 、是!不是!——内!啊你要!7 、行!不行——照四姆尼大!安对于姥尼大!8 、这位是我的伴侣——一不嫩择一亲姑一姥尼大!9 、对于不起——来安哈姆尼大10 、他是谁?——择刹拉门奴古教?11 、不懂患上——毛录姆尼大!12 、我是神州人——择嫩中姑一尼姆尼大13 、这是啥子?——1个森姆鹅西姆尼嘎?14 、很开心熟悉你!——满那北归对于额对于班嘎不四姆尼大15 、我去黉舍——择嫩哈个要也嘎姆尼大16 、母亲——阿妈妮17 、羊——羊18 、一二三四五——一儿、一、萨姆、萨、噢19 、太贵了——木比萨滚要20 、便宜点儿——胶木撒给海主些要21 、我要这个—— 1个儿老租席不希要22 、这个多少钱——1个森儿妈一姆尼姆嘎24 、卫生间在哪儿?——化妆浸礼额第几要?25 、在哪儿换钱——额第也色换真儿哈姆你嘎26 、请给我收条——择哎给赢输证儿租些要27 、去机场——工航也嘎不西大28 、快点——八九29 、这是啥子处所——一额个一嫩额第教?30 、请在这儿停一下——一额个一也色些我住些31 、在火车站下——个一擦一额给色内里姆尼大32 、请帮我照张像——纱巾胶木几个租主席列33 、等一下——暂干个一鼎力大举些要34 、几点了——米额西一姆匿嘎35 、有房间吗?——宾帮一因那要36 、有座位吗?——宾杂里嘎银那要?37 、蜜斯真标致——啊嘎西森木也不内要38 、好吃——马戏四姆尼大39 、再来一杯吧——韩赞以及哈不西大40 、请给我看看菜单——Menu盘胶木租席不西要41 、帮帮我——胶木倒洼祖些要42 、怎么样?——额带要?43、哪儿有德律风——额第ei择哪嘎因那要44、错了!——特里额色要45 、啥子呀——母额嘎要46 、为啥子——歪要47 、我买一份报纸——新门韩克日租西要48 、上、下、左、右——位、阿类、文照、袄人照49 、警惕——造西木哈要些50 、危险——为什么木还要51 、救命——萨里鹅租些要52 、克制抽烟——何不淹跟母鸡53 、失火了!——倒霉呀!54 、克制照相——串儿硬跟母鸡55 、周末去哪啊儿——租马利额底嘎些腰56 、你喜欢足球吗?——出古早啊哈些腰57 、生辰欢愉——先影儿出卡还要58 、你多的年数了——那一嘎额的开队西母尼嘎59、这段忙吗?——腰字母把不要尼嘎60、慢慢来——岑岑你哈些要61 、哥哥——昆拜62 、请再说一遍——大西韩本马儿四木还租些喂(打电话时):呀扑赛哟吃饭:潘博死:初宝贝:爱gi亲亲:波波睡觉:嚓(二声)情人:爱宁老公:难彭朋友:亲古大婶:啊君马走:卡喜欢:促哇(诶偶,安大)爱:撒朗(诶偶,安大)不,不是:啊泥(哦)没有:噢扑嗦努力:啊杂加油:fighting不要:哈集马不喜欢:西罗还有一些同中文发音很相似,像韩国,太阳,基本同中文发音一样。



劳尔色卡色号,中英文颜色名称对照列表RAL 3004 Purple red 紫红色 RAL 3007 Black red RAL 3011 Brown red RAL 3005 Wine red RAL 3009 Oxide red 番茄红 RAL 3013 Tomato red RAL 3014 Antique pink 淡粉红色 RAL 3015 Light pink RAL 3018 Strawberry red 交通红 RAL 3020 Traffic redRAL 3017 Rose 玫瑰色 古粉红色 草莓红RAL 3012 Beige red 米红色 RAL 3016 Coral red 珊瑚红色 RAL 3027 Raspbery red色悬钩子红 RAL 3031 Orient red 戈亚红色 RAL 4001 Red lilac 丁香红 RAL 4002 Red violet 紫红色 RAL 4003 Heather violet石南紫 RAL 4004 Claret violet 酒红紫 RAL 4005 Blue lilac 丁香蓝 RAL 4006 Traffic purple 交通紫 RAL 4007 Purple violet紫红蓝色 RAL 4008 Signal violet 信号紫罗兰 RAL 4009 Pastel violet崧蓝紫色 RAL 4010 Telemagenta 电视品红色 RAL 5000 Violet blue 紫蓝色 RAL 5001 Green blue 蓝绿色 RAL 5002 Ultramarine blue 蓝 群青 RAL 5003 Sapphire blue 蓝宝石蓝 RAL 5004 Black blue 蓝黑色 RAL 5005 Signal blue 信号蓝 RAL 5007 Brillant blue 亮蓝色 RAL 5008 Grey blue 灰蓝色 RAL 5009 Azure blue 天青蓝 RAL 5010 Gentian blue 龙胆蓝色 RAL 5011 Steel blue 钢蓝色 RAL 5012 Light blue 淡蓝色 RAL 5013 Cobalt blue 钻蓝色 RAL 5014 Pigeon blue 鸽蓝色 RAL 5015 Sky blue 天蓝色 RAL 5017 Traffic blue 交通蓝鮭鱼粉红色 RAL 3022 Salmon pink绿松石海蓝色 RAL 5020 Ocean blue 夜蓝色 RAL 5022 Night blue 崧蓝蓝色 RAL 5024 Pastel blue 翡翠绿 RAL 6001 Emerald greet 橄榄绿 RAL 6003 Olive green 苔藓绿 RAL 6005 Moss green 淡橄榄绿 RAL 6011 Reseda green 芦苇绿 RAL 6013 Reed green RAL 6017 May green 崧蓝绿色 RAL 6019 Pastel green 浅绿色 RAL 6021 Pale green 交通绿 RAL 6024 Traffic green 蛋白石绿色 RAL 6026 Opal green 松绿色 RAL 6028 Pine green 信号绿 6032 Signal greet RAL 7001 Silver grey RAL 5018 Turquoise blue RAL 6034 Pastel turquoies 绿松石RAL 6009 Fir greet 冷杉绿 银灰色 RAL 6007 Bottle green 瓶绿 RAL 6015 Black olive 黑齐墩果色 五月绿 崧蓝 RAL 5019 Capri blue 卡布里蓝色 RAL 5021 Water blue 不来梅蓝色 RAL 5023 Distant blue RAL 6000 Patina green RAL 6002 Leaf green RAL 6004 Blue green RAL 6006 Grey olrve RAL 6008 Brown green RAL 6010 Grass greet RAL 6012 Black green RAL 6014 Yellow olive RAL 6016 Turquoise green RAL 6018 Yellow green RAL 6020 Chrome green RAL 6022 Olive drab RAL 6025 Fern green RAL 6027 Light green RAL 6029 Mint green RAL 6033 Mint turquoise RAL 7000 Squirrel grey RAL 7002 Olive grey 冷蓝色 铜锈绿色叶绿色 蓝绿色 橄榄灰绿 褐绿草绿色 墨绿色 橄榄黄 绿松石绿黄绿色 铭绿色 橄榄土褐色 蕨绿色 浅绿色 薄荷绿 薄荷绿蓝色 松鼠灰 橄榄灰绿色)探圳印刷包験設計咗產* 主页I联系公司概况产品展示印刷设备印刷常识合作流程联系我们招聘英才颜色中英文对照表温馨提示:快速查找颜色请按Ctrl+F油色#817936 绀桔梗#444693赤白橡#deab8a肌色#fedcbd 伽罗色#7f7522橙色#f47920 青丹#80752c花色#2b4490瑠璃色#2a5caa灰茶莺色琉璃绀银煤竹#4a3113 千草色#77ac98薄色#918597涅色青緑薄鼠#412f1f #007d65 #6f6d85 胡桃色浅緑鸠羽鼠#845538 #84bf96 #594c6d 香色緑菖蒲色#8e7437 #45b97c #694d9f 国防色草色江戸紫#69541b #225a1f #6f599c 练色木贼色紫#d5c59f #367459 #8552a1 肉色常盘色灭紫#cd9a5b #007947 #543044 人色緑青色葡萄鼠#cd9a5b #40835e #63434f 土色千歳緑古代紫#b36d41 #2b6447 #7d5886 小麦色深緑暗红#df9464 #005831 #401c44 琥珀色萌葱色葡萄#b76f40 #006c54 #472d56 木兰色青白橡茄子绀#ad8b3d #375830 #45224a 栀子色革色紫绀#dea32c #274d3d #411445 朽叶麹尘浓色#d1923f #375830 #4b2f3d 萱草色仙斎茶二蓝#c88400 #27342b #402e4c 黄金若竹色菖蒲色#c37e00 #65c294 #c77eb5 金色青磁色牡丹色#c37e00 #73b9a2 #ea66a6 金茶青竹色赤紫#e0861a #72baa7 #f173ac卵色铁色白#ffce7b #005344 #fffffb山吹色锖鼠胡粉色#fcaf17 #122e29 #fffef9黄土色铁御纳戸生成色#ba8448 #293047 #f6f5ec朽叶色青緑灰白#896a45 #00ae9d #d9d6c3空五倍子色锖浅葱石竹色#76624c #508a88 #d1c7b7 莺茶水浅葱象牙色#6d5826 #70a19f #f2eada向日葵色新桥色乳白色#ffc20e #50b7c1 #d3d7d4 郁金色浅葱色薄钝#fdb933 #00a6ac #999d9c砂色白群银鼠#d3c6a6 #78cdd1 #a1a3a6芥子色御纳戸色茶鼠#c7a252 #008792 #9d9087淡黄瓮覗鼠色#dec674 #94d6da #8a8c8e亜麻色水色薄墨色#b69968 #afdfe4 #74787c 枯色蓝鼠利休鼠#c1a173 #5e7c85 #7c8577鸟子色秘色铅色#dbce8f #76becc #72777b黄色空色灰色#ffd400 #90d7ec #77787b蒲公英色青钝色#ffd400 #009ad6 #4f5555中黄蓝色煤竹色#ffe600 #145b7d #6c4c49以下资料内容为包装印刷提供 所有内容仅供学习参考 ■■格式■GHH LightPi nk 浅粉红#FFB6C1 255,182,193 Pink 粉红#FFC0CB 255,192,203 ■ Crims on 猩红#DC143C 220,20,60 O Lave nderBlush 脸红的淡紫色#FFF0F5 255,240,245 O PaleVioletRed 苍白的紫罗兰红色#DB7093 219,112,147 HotP ink 热情的粉红#FF69B4 255,105,180 DeepPi nk 深粉色#FF1493 255,20,147 MediumVioletRed 适中的紫罗兰红色#C71585 199,21,133 Orchid 兰花的紫色#DA70D6 218,112,214D Thistle蓟 #D8BFD8 216,191,216 刈安色 #f0dc70 黄檗色 #fcf16e 緑黄色 #decb00 鶸色 #cbc547 海松色 #6e6b41 勿忘草色 #7bbfea 露草色 #33a3dc 缥色 #228fbd 浅缥 #2468a2 黒茶 #563624 黒橡 #3e4145 浓鼠 #3c3645 墨 #464547 鶸茶 #596032 #2570a1 #281f1d 山鸠色 薄花色 蝋色 #525f42 #2585a6 #2f271d 生壁色 绀青 紫黒 #5f5d46 #1b315e #1d1626薄缥 黒plumVioletMagentaFuchsiaDarkMagentaPurpleMediumOrchidDarkVoiletDarkOrchidIndigoBlueVioletMediumPurpleMediumSlateBlueSlateBlueDarkSlateBlueLavenderGhostWhite■Blue〔MediumBlueMid nightBlueDarkBlue■Navy〔RoyalBlueCorn flowerBlue| | LightSteelBlue| LightSlateGray 李子#DDA0DD 221,160,221 紫罗兰#EE82EE 238,130,238 洋红#FF00FF 255,0,255 灯笼海棠(紫红色)#FF00FF 255,0,255 深洋红色#8B008B 139,0,139 紫色#800080 128,0,128 适中的兰花紫#BA55D3 186,85,211 深紫罗兰色#9400D3 148,0,211 深兰花紫#9932CC 153,50,204 丰宀士靛冃#4B0082 75,0,130深紫罗兰的蓝色#8A2BE2 138,43,226 适中的紫色#9370DB 147,112,219 适中的板岩暗监灰色#7B68EE 123,104,238 板岩暗监灰色#6A5ACD 106,90,205 深岩暗监灰色#483D8B 72,61,139 熏衣早花的淡紫色#E6E6FA 230,230,250 幽灵的白色#F8F8FF 248,248,255 纯监#0000FF 0,0,255适中的蓝色#0000CD 0,0,205午夜的蓝色#191970 25,25,112 深蓝色#00008B 0,0,139海军蓝#0000800,0,128皇军蓝#4169E1 65,105,225 矢车菊的监色#6495ED 100,149,237 淡钢蓝#B0C4DE 176,196,222 浅石板灰#778899 119,136,153□ SnowI LightCoralWhiteDI WhiteSmokeGainsboro 深鲜肉(鲑鱼)色番茄薄雾玫瑰鲜肉(鲑鱼)色雪淡珊瑚色玫瑰棕色印度红纯红棕色耐火砖深红色栗色纯白白烟Gain sboro浅灰色银白色深灰色灰色暗淡的灰色纯黑#E9967A#FF6347#FFE4E1#FA8072#FFFAFA#F08080#BC8F8F#CD5C5C#FF0000#A52A2A#B22222#8B0000#800000#FFFFFF#F5F5F5#DCDCDC#D3D3D3#C0C0C0#A9A9A9#808080#696969#000000233,150,122255,99,71255,228,225250,128,114255,250,250240,128,128188,143,143205,92,92255,0,0165,42,42178,34,34139,0,0128,0,0255,255,255245,245,245220,220,220211,211,211192,192,192169,169,169128,128,128105,105,1050,0,0以上资料内容为包装印刷提供所有内容仅供学习参考。

Messko直流电源操作说明书2084 SNT 36 2 BA

Messko直流电源操作说明书2084 SNT 36 2 BA

www .messko.de直流电源/ P ower supply 操作说明书2084 / Operating Instructions 2084型号: SNT 36目录Contents1安全性 (4)1.1安全规程 (4)1.2指定用途 ........................... ..... ... .. (4)1.3 关于设备操作的重要提示 (41)Safety (4)1.1Safety instructions (4)1.2Specified application (4)1.3 Important notes on equipment operation ........................42 产品规格............................................................................52Product specification .....................................................53 安装....................................................................................53Installation .. (54)电气连接 (6)4.1输入电压 (6)4.2 输出电压 (64)Electrical connection (6)4.1Input voltage (6)4.2 Output voltage (65)技术参数 (7)5Technical data (7)请妥善保存该手册,可用作未来的参考资料!Please keep this manual at hand for future reference!1安全性1Safety1.1安全规程从事本装置的安装,投入运行,操作,维护和修理的人员 - 必须有合格的专业资格 -必须严格遵守下述使用说明违章操作或错误使用可能导致 - 造成严重的或致命的伤害 - 损坏本装置和用户的其他设备 - 降低设备的效率在安全规程上本说明书采用如下三种方式强调一些重要事项:1.1Safety instructionsAll personnel involved in installation, commissioning, operation or maintenance of this equipment must: - be suitably qualified and- strictly observe these operating instructions. Improper operation or misuse can lead to - serious or fatal injury,- damage to the equipment and other property of the user - a reduction in the efficiency of the equipment.Safety instructions in this manual are presented in three diffe-rent forms to emphasize important information.1.2规定的用途SNT36型装置是带有24VDC 输出电压的预备连接开关式电源组。

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Power IntegrationsDesign Example ReportTitle42W, 4 Output Supply using TOP245Y Specification Input: 230 VACOutputs: 5V/4A, 6.8V/1.8A, 12V/0.8A, -10V/0.1A Application Set Top Box w/Hard DriveAuthor Power Integrations Applications Department Document Number DER-36 Date April 27, 2004 Revision1.0Summary and Features• High Efficiency (81% min) • Low Parts Count • Low Output Ripple• Meets Conducted CISPR22B EMI with Margin •Small Transformer (EER35)The products and applications illustrated herein (including circuits external to the products and transformer construction) may be covered by one or more U.S. and foreign patents or potentially by pending U.S. and foreign patent applications assigned to Power Integrations. A complete list of Power Integrations’ patents may be found at .Table Of Contents1Introduction (3)2Power Supply Specification (4)3Schematic (5)4Circuit Description (6)4.1Input EMI Filtering (6)4.2TOPSwitch Primary (6)4.3Output Rectification (6)4.4Output Feedback (6)5PCB Layout (7)6Bill Of Materials (8)7Transformer Specification (10)7.1Electrical Diagram (10)7.2Electrical Specifications (10)7.3Materials (11)7.4Transformer Build Diagram (11)7.5Transformer Construction (12)8Transformer Spreadsheets (13)9Performance Data (17)9.1Thermal Performance (17)10Waveforms (18)10.112V Output Turn Off (18)10.25V Transient Response (19)11Conducted EMI (20)12Revision History (22)Important Note:Although this board is designed to satisfy safety isolation requirements, the engineering prototype has not been agency approved. Therefore, all testing should be performed using an isolation transformer to provide the AC input to the prototype board.Design Reports contain a power supply design specification, schematic, bill of materials, and transformer documentation. Performance data and typical operation characteristics are included. Typically only a single prototype has been built.1 IntroductionThis document is an engineering report describing a 230VAC input, 4 output supply power supply utilizing a TOP245Y. This power supply is intended for use in a set top box. The document contains the power supply specification, schematic, bill of materials, transformer documentation, printed circuit layout, and performance data.2 Power Supply SpecificationDescriptionSymbol MinTypMaxUnitsCommentInput Voltage V IN 180 265 VAC 2 Wire – no P.E.Frequencyf LINE 47 50 HzNo-load Input Power (230 VAC) 0.3 WOutputOutput Voltage 1V OUT1 4.75 5.00 5.25 V± 5% Output Ripple Voltage 1 V RIPPLE1 50 mV 20 MHz BandwidthOutput Current 1 I OUT1 1 2.5 4 AOutput Voltage 2 V OUT2 6.12 6.80 7.48 V± 10% Output Ripple Voltage 2 V RIPPLE2 50 mV 20 MHz Bandwidth Output Current 2 I OUT2 1.2 1.5 1.8 A Output Voltage 3 V OUT3 10.8 12.0 13.2 V ± 10%Output Ripple Voltage 3 V RIPPLE3 50 mV 20 MHz BandwidthOutput Current 3 I OUT3 0.2 0.8 2.5 A Output Voltage 4 V OUT4 -9 -10 -11 V ± 10%Output Ripple Voltage 4 V RIPPLE4 50 mV 20 MHz BandwidthOutput Current 4I OUT4 0.05 0.10 ATotal Output PowerContinuous Output Power P OUT 41.8 WPeak Output Power P OUT_PEAK52.7 WEfficiency η 80 %Measured at P OUT (42 W), 25o C EnvironmentalConducted EMIMeets CISPR22B / EN55022BSafety Designed to meet IEC950, UL1950Class IISurge 4 kV 1.2/50 µs surge, IEC 1000-4-5,Series Impedance:Differential Mode: 2 ΩCommon Mode: 12 ΩSurge 3 kV100 kHz ring wave, 500 A short circuit current, differential and common modeAmbient Temperature T AMB 0 60 oCFree convection, sea level3 Schematic4 Circuit Description4.1 Input EMI FilteringComponents L5, L8, L10, C4, and C10 provide EMI filtering, while L4, L5, L10, SG1, and RV1 provide line surge protection.4.2 TOPSwitch PrimaryComponents D2, R1-2, and C5 comprise an RCD clamp with damping to limit the primary leakage spike. Use of a normal recovery diode in this clamp circuit allows some leakage energy to be recycled. Capacitors C16 and C19 bypass the U2 control pin. Components C19 and R9 also provide frequency compensation for U2. Resistor R8 sets the U2 current limit to 90% of its nominal value.4.3 Output RectificationOutput rectification and filtering is provided by D4 and C8-9 for the 5V output, D1 and C7 for the 6.8V output, D3 and C2 for the 12V output, and D7 and C12 for the –10V output. Components L1, 3, L6, L7, L9, C3, C6, C13 and C15 are used for additional high frequency filtering. Ferrite bead L2 is used to center the 12V output closer to its nominal value.4.4 Output FeedbackOutput feedback is provided from the 5V output. Resistors R7 and R11 program the output voltage. The output error signal is coupled back to the supply primary via R5 and U1. Capacitor C18 and 10 compensate U3, while C17 allows current through U1 during startup to prevent output overshoot. Resistor R4 discharges C17 when the supply is off.5 PCB LayoutFigure 2 – Printed Circuit Layout.6 Bill Of MaterialsItem Qty PartReferenceDescription Mfg Part Number Mfg1 2 C1 C5 Cap,Cer,2200pF, 1KV, 10% DD-222 Vishay2 4 C2 C7 C8C9 Cap,Al Elect,1500uF,35V,12.5mmX35mm,LXZSeries,NIPPON CHEMI-CONLXZ35VB152MK35LL Nippon Chemi-Con3 3 C3 C13 C15 Cap,Al Elect,100uF,25V,6.3mmX11.5mm,NHGSeries,PanasonicECA-1EHG101 Panasonic4 1 C4 Cap,Cer,2.2nF, Y2, 250VAC 440LD22 Cera-Mite5 1 C6 Cap,AlElect,470uF,35V,10mmX20mm,LXZSeries,NIPPON CHEMI-CONLXZ35VB471MJ20LL Nippon Chemi-Con6 1 C10 Cap,Metal Poly,0.1uF, 250/275VAC ECQ-U2A104ML Panasonic7 1 C11 Cap,AlElect,100uF,400V,30mmX25mm,TSEDSeries, PanasonicECO-S2GP101CA Panasonic8 1 C12 Cap,AlElect,100uF,25V,6.3mmX11.5mm,LXZSeries,NIPPON CHEMI-CONLXZ25VB101MF11LL Nippon Chemi-Con 9 1 C14 Cap,AlElect,1uF,50V,5mmX11.5mm,NHGSeries,PanasonicECA-1HHG010 Panasonic10 2 C16 C18 Cap,Cer, 0.10 uF, 50V, X7R, 10% ECU-S1H104KBB Panasonic11 1 C17 Cap,Al Elect,10uF,50V,5mmX11.5mm, NHGSeries,PanasonicECA-1HHG100 Panasonic 12 1 C19 Cap,AlElect,47uF,16V,5mmX11.5mm,NHGSeries,PanasonicECA-1CHG470 Panasonic13 1 D1 Rectifier Schottky 5A 60V DO-201AD SB560 GeneralSemiconductor14 5 D2 D5 D6D8 D10Rectifier GPP 600V 1.5A DO-204 1N5397 Rectron15 1 D3 Diode,Ultrafast, 8A, 100V MUR820 ON Semiconductor16 1 D4 Diode Schottky 45V 20A TO-220AB MBR2045CT GeneralSemiconductor17 1 D7 Diode Schottky,100V 1A DO-41 SB1100 Diodes, Inc.18 1 D9 Diode SGL JUNC 100V 4.0NS DO-35 1N414819 1 F1 FUSE T-LAG 3.15A, 250V,Slo-Blo Bel Fuse20 1 J1 GeoundWireAssembly21 1 J2 AC Input Receptacle HJC-028 Singatron22 1 J3 CONN HEADER 10POS(1 X10) .156 VERT TIN Molex23 1 J4 CONN HEADER 4POS(1 X 4) .156 VERT TIN Molex24 5 L1 L3 L6 L7L11 Inductor,3.3uH,2.66A 822LY_3R3MToko25 2 L2 Bead,Ferrite, 3.25X3.5 mm,43 material 2643001501 Fair-Rite26 3 L4 L5 L10 Inductor,40uH,Toroid27 1 L8 LINEFILTER,10mH,1.2A TDK28 1 L9 Bead, Ferrite, 6.7mm X 3.5mm, 43 material 2743004112 Fair-rite29 1 R1 Res, 10.0, 1/2W, 5%, Carbon Film CFR-50JB-10R Yageo30 1 R2 Res, 100K ,1W, 5%, Metal Film RSF200JB-100K Yageo31 1 R3 Res, 4.7, 1/2W, 5%, Carbon Film CFR-50JB-4R7 Yageo32 1 R4 Res, 10K, 1/8W, 5%, Carbon Film CFR-12JB-10K Yageo33 1 R5 Res, 150, 1/8W, 5%, Carbon Film CFR-12JB-150R Yageo34 1 R6 Res, 330, 1/8W, 5%, Carbon Film CFR-12JB-330R Yageo35 2 R7 R11 Res,10.0K, 1/4W, 1%, M-FILM MFR-25FBF-10K0 Yageo36 1 R8 Res,7.50K, 1/4W, 1%, M-FILM MFR-25FBF-7K50 Yageo37 1 R9 Res, 6.8, 1/8W, 5%, Carbon Film CFR-12JB-6R8 Yageo38 1 R10 Res, 4.7K, 1/8W, 5%, Carbon Film CFR-12JB-4K7 Yageo39 1 RT1 Thermistor,5 Ohms,3 A SCK-053 THINKINGELECTRONICS40 1 RV1 VARISTOR 275V 75J 14MM RADIAL LA V275LA20A Littlefuse41 1 SG1 GasTube,470V,5kA,Axial B88069X5740S102Epcos 42 1 T1 XFMR,HORIZ,16 Pin,776uH,EER35 Core43 1 U1 IC,PC817A,PHOTOCOUPLER TRAN OUT CTR 80-160% 4-DIPISP817A ISOCOM44 1 U2 IC,TOP245Y,INT.OFF-LINESWITCHER,60W,TO220-7C TOP245Y PowerInt.45 1 U3 IC,TL431CLP, ADJ SHUNT REG TO-92 TL431CLP TI7 Transformer Specification7.1 Electrical DiagramFigure 3 –Transformer Electrical Diagram7.2 Electrical SpecificationsElectrical strength 60 Hz 1 second, FromPins 1-6 to Pins 7-123000 VacPrimary Inductance Pins 1-4, All otherwindings open, 100 kHz791uH+/-10%Resonant Frequency Pins 1-4, All otherwindings open1.3 MHz (min)Primary leakage inductance Pins 1-4, Pins 7-12shorted, 100 kHz<15 uH7.3 MaterialsItem Description[1] Core: EER35, ungapped, Nippon Ceramic NC-2H material orequiv. Gap for A L of 220 nH/T2[2] Bobbin: EER35 Horizontal 12 pin, TDK BEER35-1116CPH orequivalent[3] Magnet Wire: #26 AWG Solderable Double Coated[4] Copper Foil, 0.50” X 0.005” thick[5} Tinned Bus Wire, 24 AWG[6] Tape: 3M Type 1298 Polyester Film or equiv. 1.03” wide[7] Tape: 3M Type 1298 Polyester Film or equiv. 0.65” wide[8] Tape: 3M Type 1298 Polyester Film or equiv. 0.55” wide[9] Tape: 3M Type 44. Polyester web or equiv. 0.24” wide (min)Varnish[10] Transformer7.4 Transformer Build DiagramTapeFigure 4 – Transformer Build Diagram.7.5 Transformer ConstructionWINDING INSTRUCTIONS:Margin Taping Apply a 0.24” margin at each side of bobbin usingitem [9]. Match combined height of primary and biaswindings.½ Primary Winding Start at pin 4. Wind 30 turns of item [3] in a singlelayer. Finish at pinBasic Insulation Apply one layer of tape [8] for basic insulation.Bifilar Bias Winding Start at pin 6. Wind 7 bifilar turns of item [3]uniformly in a single layer, across entire width ofbobbin. Finish on pin 5.Reinforced Insulation Apply three layers of tape [6] for reinforcedinsulation.Margin Taping Apply a 0.24” margin at each side of bobbin usingitem [9]. Match combined height of secondarywindings.Secondary Foil Winding Prepare a cuffed foil assembly using items [4], [5],[7], and [8]. Starting at pin 14, wind 3 turn of foil,finish at pin 15. Wind one turn of foil, finish at pins 9and 10, Wind three remaining turns, finish at pins 11and 12.10 V Bifilar Winding Starting at pin 13, wind 5 bifilar turns of item [4]directly on top of the foil winding. Space turnsevenly across bobbin. Finish at pin 16.Reinforced Insulation Apply three layers of tape [6] for reinforcedinsulation.Margin Taping Apply a 0.24” margin at each side of bobbin usingitem [9]. Match combined height of primary andshield windings.Shield Winding Starting at Pin 1, wind 5 bifilar turns of item [3].Spread turns evenly across bobbin. Finish at pin 8.Basic Insulation Apply one layer of tape [9] for basic insulation.½ Primary Winding Starting at pin 2, wind 30 turns of item [3] in a singlelayer. Finish at pin 1.Outer Insulation Apply 3 Layers of tape [6] for outer insulation Varnish Impregnate transformer using item [10]8 Transformer SpreadsheetsACDC_TOPGX_Rev1.7_082203 Copyright Power Integrations Inc.2003 INPUT INFO INFO OUTPUT OUTPUT UNIT TOP_GX_FX_082203.xls:TOPSwitch-GX/FXContinuous/Discontinuous Flyback Transformer Design SpreadsheetENTER APPLICATION VARIABLESVACMIN 190 Volts Minimum AC Input Voltage VACMAX 265 Volts Maximum AC Input Voltage fL 50 Hertz AC Mains Frequency VO 5 Volts Output Voltage PO 53 Watts Output Powern 0.8 Efficiency Estimate Z 0.5 Loss Allocation Factor VB 12 Volts Bias VoltagetC 3mSeconds Bridge Rectifier ConductionTime EstimateCIN 100 uFarads Input Filter CapacitorENTER TOPSWITCH-GX VARIABLES TOP-GX TOP245 Universal 115 Doubled/230VChosen DeviceTOP245 TOP245 Power Out Power Out60W 85W KI 0.8External Ilimit reduction factor (KI=1.0 for default ILIMIT, KI <1.0 for lower ILIMIT)ILIMITMIN1.296 1.296 Amps Use 1% resistor in setting external ILIMITILIMITMAX1.584 1.584 Amps Use 1% resistor in setting external ILIMITFrequency - (F)=132kHz, (H)=66kHzFFull (F) frequency option - 132kHz fS 132000132000 132000 Hertz TOPSwitch-GX Switching Frequency: Choose between 132 kHz and 66 kHzfSmin124000 124000 Hertz TOPSwitch-GX Minimum Switching FrequencyfSmax140000 140000 Hertz TOPSwitch-GX Maximum Switching FrequencyVOR 110Volts Reflected Output Voltage VDS 10 Volts TOPSwitch on-state Drain toSource VoltageVD 0.5Volts Output Winding Diode Forward Voltage DropVDB 0.7Volts Bias Winding Diode Forward Voltage DropKP 0.60Ripple to Peak Current Ratio (0.4 < KRP < 1.0 : 1.0< KDP<6.0)ENTER TRANSFORMER CORE/CONSTRUCTION VARIABLES Core Type EER35 Core EER35 EER35 P/N: PC40EER35-ZBobbinEER35_BOBBIN EER35_BOBBIN P/N: BEER-35-1116CPH AE 1.07 1.07 cm^2 Core Effective CrossSectional AreaLE9.08 9.08 cm Core Effective Path Length AL 2770 2770 nH/T^2 Ungapped Core EffectiveInductanceBW26.1 26.1 mm Bobbin Physical Winding WidthM 6mm Safety Margin Width (Half the Primary to Secondary Creepage Distance)L 2Number of Primary LayersNS 3Number of Secondary TurnsDC INPUT VOLTAGE PARAMETERSVMIN 251 251 Volts Minimum DC Input Voltage VMAX 375375 Volts Maximum DC Input VoltageCURRENT WAVEFORM SHAPE PARAMETERSDMAX 0.31 0.31 Maximum Duty Cycle IAVG 0.260.26 Amps Average Primary Current IP1.20 1.20 Amps Peak Primary Current IR 0.720.72 Amps Primary Ripple Current IRMS0.49 0.49 Amps Primary RMS CurrentTRANSFORMER PRIMARY DESIGN PARAMETERSLP 791791 uHenries Primary Inductance NP 60 60 Primary Winding Number ofTurnsNB77 Bias Winding Number ofTurnsALG 220 220 nH/T^2 Gapped Core EffectiveInductanceBM14821482 Gauss Maximum Flux Density at PO,VMIN (BM<3000)BP19511951 Gauss Peak Flux Density (BP<4200) BAC 445 445 Gauss AC Flux Density for Core LossCurves (0.5 X Peak to Peak)ur18711871 Relative Permeability ofUngapped CoreLG 0.56 0.56 mm Gap Length (Lg > 0.1 mm) BWE 28.2 28.2 mm Effective Bobbin Width OD 0.47 0.47 mm Maximum Primary WireDiameter including insulationINS 0.06 0.06 mm Estimated Total InsulationThickness (= 2 * film thickness)DIA 0.41 0.41 mm Bare conductor diameter AWG 27 27 AWG Primary Wire Gauge(Rounded to next smaller standard AWG value)CM203203 Cmils Bare conductor effective areain circular milsCMA418418 Cmils/Amp Primary Winding CurrentCapacity (200 < CMA < 500)TRANSFORMER SECONDARY DESIGN PARAMETERS (SINGLE OUTPUT / SINGLE OUTPUT EQUIVALENT)Lumped parametersISP 24.07 24.07 AmpsPeak Secondary Current ISRMS14.38 14.38 Amps Secondary RMS CurrentIO10.60 10.60 Amps Power Supply Output Current IRIPPLE9.72 9.72 AmpsOutput Capacitor RMS Ripple CurrentCMS 2876 2876 Cmils Secondary Bare Conductorminimum circular milsAWGS 15 15 AWG Secondary Wire Gauge(Rounded up to next larger standard AWG value)DIAS 1.45 1.45 mm Secondary Minimum BareConductor DiameterODS 4.70 4.70 mm Secondary Maximum OutsideDiameter for Triple Insulated WireINSS1.621.62 mm Maximum SecondaryInsulation Wall ThicknessVOLTAGE STRESS PARAMETERSVDRAIN626626 Volts Maximum Drain VoltageEstimate (Includes Effect ofLeakage Inductance)PIVS 24 24 Volts Output Rectifier MaximumPeak Inverse VoltagePIVB 55 55 Volts Bias Rectifier Maximum PeakInverse Voltage TRANSFORMER SECONDARY DESIGN PARAMETERS(MULTIPLE OUTPUTS)1st outputVO1 5.0 VoltsVoltageOutputIO1 2.500 Amps Output DC CurrentPowerPO1 12.50 12.50 Watts OutputVD1 0.5 Volts Output Diode ForwardVoltage DropNS1 3.00 3.00 Output Winding Number ofTurnsISRMS1 3.391 3.391 Amps Output Winding RMS Current IRIPPLE1 2.29 2.29 Amps Output Capacitor RMS RippleCurrentPIVS1 24 24 Volts Output Rectifier MaximumPeak Inverse VoltageBareWindingCMS1 678 678 Cmils OutputConductor minimum circularmilsAWGS1 21 21 AWG Wire Gauge (Rounded up tonext larger standard AWGvalue)ConductorBareDIAS1 0.73 0.73 mm MinimumDiameterODS1 4.70 4.70 mm Maximum Outside Diameterfor Triple Insulated Wire2nd outputVoltageOutputVO2 6.8 VoltsIO2 1.500 Amps Output DC CurrentPO2 10.20 10.20 Watts OutputPowerVD2 0.5 Volts Output Diode ForwardVoltage DropNS2 3.98 3.98 Output Winding Number ofTurnsISRMS2 2.035 2.035 Amps Output Winding RMS Current IRIPPLE2 1.37 1.37 Amps Output Capacitor RMS RippleCurrentPIVS2 32 32 Volts Output Rectifier MaximumPeak Inverse VoltageBareCMS2 407 407 Cmils OutputWindingConductor minimum circularmilsAWGS2 24 24 AWG Wire Gauge (Rounded up tonext larger standard AWGvalue)Conductor DIAS2 0.51 0.51 mm MinimumBareDiameterODS2 3.54 3.54 mm Maximum Outside Diameterfor Triple Insulated Wire3rd outputVoltageVO3 12.0 VoltsOutputIO3 2.500 Amps Output DC CurrentPO3 30.00 30.00 Watts OutputPowerVD3 0.7 Volts Output Diode ForwardVoltage DropNS3 6.93 6.93 Output Winding Number ofTurnsISRMS3 3.391 3.391 Amps Output Winding RMS Current IRIPPLE3 2.29 2.29 Amps Output Capacitor RMS RippleCurrentPIVS3 55 55 Volts Output Rectifier MaximumPeak Inverse VoltageBareCMS3 678 678 Cmils OutputWindingConductor minimum circularmilsAWGS3 21 21 AWG Wire Gauge (Rounded up tonext larger standard AWGvalue)Conductor DIAS3 0.73 0.73 mm MinimumBareDiameterODS3 2.04 2.04 mm Maximum Outside Diameterfor Triple Insulated Wire9 Performance DataAll measurements performed at room temperature, 60 Hz input frequency, unless otherwise specified.9.1 Thermal PerformanceThermal measurements were made with the power supply mounted in the chassis, using a slip-on heat sink on the TOPSwitch. A thermocouple was attached to the heat sink next to the TOPSwitch source tab using solder. Another thermocouple was soldered to a length of adhesive-backed copper tape, which was attached to the transformer. A thermocouple was taped in the center of the chassis, with the junction in free air. This thermocouple was used to measure the ambient air temperature inside the chassis. All holes in chassis were sealed with tape except ventilation holes in chassis and holes used for load and thermocouple wires. A solid cardboard sheet was used as the chassis top lid. The thermal chamber temperature outside the chassis was adjusted until the desired temperature was attained inside the chassis. Due to the limited size of the thermal chamber, the chassis was inserted diagonally into the chamber, with the power supply side tilted up. This may mean that the local ambient temperature of the supply was higher than that that measured by the thermocouple, which was located in the chassis center. The internal ambient temperature was allowed to rise with the unit running at the worst case power dissipation (e.g. 180VAC) until the unit shutdown (S/D) and the maximum ambient temperature was then recorded. The device was allowed to cool and restart, and the thermals measured using the nominal supply voltage at both normal room ambient and the elevated temperature at which shut down occurred at low line.Item 180VAC230VAC230VACAmbient 58 59 23 TOPSwitch (U3) S/D 122 87 Transformer (T1) S/D 73 5210 Waveforms10.112V Output Turn OffThe waveforms shown below were taken with output loads set to 5V/4A, 6.8V/1.5A, and 12V/0.5A, with a fixed 100 ohm resistor on the –10V output. The 5V and 12V outputs were monitored with an oscilloscope. The oscilloscope was triggered on the falling edge of the 5V output. The waveforms show the rise in the lightly loaded 12V output just before the heavily loaded +5V output goes out of regulation after removal of AC power. Use of a heavy foil on the transformer secondaries, along with a small ferrite bead in series with the 12V rectifier, keeps the 12V overshoot within 5%. The ferrite bead also helps to center the 12V output.Figure 5 - 180 VAC, 5V/4A, 12V/0.5A, 6.8V/1.5A,10msec/divUpper: 12V, 2V / divLower: 5V, 1V / divFigure 6 - 230 VAC, 5V/4A, 12V/0.5A, 6.8V/1.5A,10msec/divUpper: 12V, 2V / div Lower: 5V, 1V / divFigure 7 - 180VAC, 5V/4A, 12V/0.5A, 6.8V/1.5A, 10msec/div. Upper: 12V Output, 2V / div Lower: 5V Output, 1V / div .10.2 5V Transient ResponseTransient response measurements were taken for the 5V output using a 1A-2.5A-1A current step, with the 12V output loaded to 0.5A, and the 6.8v output at 1.5A. The cathode terminal of the TL431 error amplifier was loaded to determine its voltageexcursion under these transient conditions. As shown below, the cathode excursion of the TL431 does not approach saturation, under these load conditions.Figure 11 - 230VAC Input, 5V Load Step of 1A-2.5A-1A, 1msec/div. Upper: 5V Load, 1A/div. Middle: TL431 Drain Voltage, 50mV/div. Lower: 5V Output, 50mV/div11 Conducted EMITests were performed in open air with resistive load. The supply was mounted inside the chassis. The secondary return was connected to the chassis at the end of the load cable. The primary ground lead (when used) was connected to the chassis using the fast-on terminal provided at the chassis rear panel. The chassis was hard wired to the LISN ground. The margin at the second harmonic will be 2-3dB better using the TDK choke instead of the Panasonic choke.ground wire connected to chassis.ground wire left open.12 Revision HistoryDate Author Revision Description & changes Reviewed April 27, 2004 RH 1.0 First Release VCFor the latest updates, visit our Web site:Power Integrations may make changes to its products at any time. Power Integrations has no liability arising from your use of any information, device or circuit described herein nor does it convey any license under its patent rights or the rights of others. POWER INTEGRATIONS MAKES NO WARRANTIES HEREIN AND SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, AND NON-INFRINGEMENT OF THIRD PARTY RIGHTS.PATENT INFORMATIONThe products and applications illustrated herein (including circuits external to the products and transformer construction) may be covered by one or more U.S. and foreign patents or potentially by pending U.S. and foreign patent applications assigned to Power Integrations. A complete list of Power Integrations’ patents may be found at .The PI Logo, TOPSwitch,TinySwitch,LinkSwitch,and EcoSmart are registered trademarks of Power Integrations. PI Expert and DPA-Switch are trademarks of Power Integrations.© Copyright 2004, Power Integrations.WORLD HEADQUARTERS Power Integrations5245 Hellyer Avenue,San Jose, CA 95138, USA Main: +1-408-414-9200 Customer Service: Phone: +1-408-414-9665 Fax: +1-408-414-9765 e-mail:usasales@ CHINA (SHENZHEN)Power IntegrationsInternational Holdings, Inc.Rm# 1705, Bao Hua Bldg.1016 Hua Qiang Bei Lu,Shenzhen, Guangdong,518031, ChinaPhone: +86-755-8367-5143Fax: +86-755-8377-9610e-mail: chinasales@ITALYPower Integrations s.r.l.Via Vittorio Veneto 12,Bresso, Milano,20091, ItalyPhone: +39-028-928-6001Fax: +39-028-928-6009e-mail:eurosales@SINGAPORE (ASIA PACIFICHEADQUARTERS)Power Integrations, Singapore51 Newton Road,#15-08/10 Goldhill Plaza,Singapore, 308900Phone: +65-6358-2160Fax: +65-6358-2015e-mail:singaporesales@AMERICASPower Integrations, Inc.4335 South Lee Street,Suite G,Buford, GA 30518, USA Phone: +1-678-714-6033 Fax: +1-678-714-6012 e-mail:usasales@ GERMANYPower Integrations, GmbHRueckertstrasse 3,D-80336, Munich, GermanyPhone: +49-895-527-3910Fax: +49-895-527-3920e-mail: eurosales@JAPANPower Integrations, K.K.Keihin-Tatemono 1st Bldg.12-20 Shin-Yokohama,2-Chome,Kohoku-ku, Yokohama-shi,Kanagawa 222-0033, JapanPhone: +81-45-471-1021Fax: +81-45-471-3717e-mail:japansales@TAIWANPower IntegrationsInternational Holdings, Inc.17F-3, No. 510,Chung Hsiao E. Rd., Sec. 5,Taipei, Taiwan 110, R.O.C.Phone: +886-2-2727-1221Fax: +886-2-2727-1223e-mail:taiwansales@CHINA (SHANGHAI) Power Integrations International Holdings, Inc. Rm 807, Pacheer, Commercial Centre,555 Nanjing West Road, Shanghai, 200041, China Phone: +86-21-6215-5548 Fax: +86-21-6215-2468 e-mail:chinasales@ INDIA (TECHNICAL SUPPORT)Innovatech261/A, Ground Floor7th Main, 17th Cross,SadashivanagarBangalore, India, 560080Phone: +91-80-5113-8020Fax: +91-80-5113-8023e-mail: indiasales@KOREAPower IntegrationsInternational Holdings, Inc.8th Floor, DongSung Bldg.17-8 Yoido-dong,Youngdeungpo-gu,Seoul, 150-874, KoreaPhone: +82-2-782-2840Fax: +82-2-782-4427e-mail:koreasales@UK (EUROPE & AFRICAHEADQUARTERS)1st Floor, St. James’s HouseEast StreetFarnham, Surrey GU9 7TJUnited KingdomPhone: +44-1252-730-140Fax: +44-1252-727-689e-mail: eurosales@APPLICATIONS HOTLINE World Wide +1-408-414-9660APPLICATIONS FAXWorld Wide +1-408-414-9760ER or EPR template – Rev 3.4 – Single sided。
