Multinomials and Polynomial Bosonic Forms for the Branching Functions of the $widehat{su}(2


Catalysis of Multicomponent Polyoxometalate Clusters

Catalysis of Multicomponent Polyoxometalate Clusters

多元多金属含氧簇合物在催化化学中的应用3单永奎33 戴立益 余淑媛 叶生荣 何鸣元33(华东师范大学离子液体化学研究中心 上海200062)摘 要 多金属含氧簇合物在催化化学中的重要性与日俱增,在原子经济反应和环境友好催化方面有着诱人的实用前景。



关键词 催化作用 多金属含氧簇合物中图分类号:O 614;O 64313 文献标识码:A 文章编号:10052281X (2003)022*******Ca ta lysis of M ulticom ponen t Polyoxom eta la te Clusters3S han Y ong ku i33 D a i L iy i Y u S huy uan Y e S heng rong H e M ingy uan 33(Cen ter fo r the Chem istry of I on ic L iqu ids ,East Ch ina N o rm al U n iversity ,Shanghai 200062,Ch ina )Abstract Catalysis by po lyoxom etalate clu sters is a field of increasing i m po rtance .Po lyoxom etalate clu sters have several advan tages as catalysts w h ich m ake them econom ically and environm en tally attrac 2tive ,and p rovide a good basis fo r the m o lecu lar design of m ixed ox ide catalysts.T he relati on sh i p am ong the fo llow ing fou r levels of info rm ati on can be estab lished on the m o lecu lar basis :catalysis p erfo rm ance ;chem ical and p hysical p rop erties ;m o lecu lar and bu lk com po siti on and structu re ;and m ethod of syn thesis of catalysts .T he review focu ses on catalysts of the m u lticom ponen t po lyoxom etalate clu sters to rep resen t info rm ati on m en ti oned above .Key words catalysis ;po lyoxom etalate clu sters 收稿:2001年11月,收修改稿:2002年10月 3国家重点基础研究专项经费资助(G 2000048)33通讯联系人 e 2m ail :shanyongku i @sina .com 多金属含氧簇合物就是杂多化合物和同多化合物,这类化合物的成键性质具有原子簇合物的成键特征[1,2],在近几年的文献中常被称为多金属含氧簇合物(po lyoxom etalate clu sters )[2]。

polynomials 词根

polynomials 词根

一、polynomials 词根的定义polynomial 是由两个词根组成的,分别是 poly 和 nomial。

其中,poly 源自希腊语,意为“多”,nomial 则来自拉丁语 nomen,意为“名称”或“命名”。

polynomial 这个词的字面意思是“有多个名称的”,在数学上指的是由多个项构成的代数式。

二、polynomial 的基本概念1. 代数式的构成在数学中,代数式由多个项以加减法连接而成。

而一个 polynomial 就是一个包含多个项的代数式,其中每一项都是一个系数与一个或多个变量的乘积。

3x^2 - 2x + 5 就是一个 polynomial。

2. polynomial 的次数一个 polynomial 的次数是指该 polynomial 中变量的最高次幂。

在代数式3x^2 - 2x + 5中,x^2 的次数是2,所以这个代数式的次数就是2。

次数为0的 polynomial 被称为常数。

3. polynomial 的系数在一个 polynomial 中,各个项的系数是指与变量相乘的常数。

在代数式3x^2 - 2x + 5中,3、-2 和5就分别是各个项的系数。

三、polynomial 在数学中的应用1. 代数方程的求解在数学中,polynomial 经常用来表示代数方程。

通过对 polynomial 的分解、化简和整理,可以帮助我们更好地理解和求解各种代数方程。

2. 描述多项式函数多项式函数是一种常见的数学函数形式,它们在数学和科学领域中有着广泛的应用。

通过对 polynomial 的研究,我们可以更好地理解多项式函数的性质和特点。

3. 数据拟合在统计学和数据分析中,polynomial 也常常被用来进行数据的拟合和预测。

通过拟合 polynomial 函数,可以帮助我们更好地理解数据的规律和趋势。

四、对 polynomial 的研究和发展1. polynomial 的历史对 polynomial 的研究可以追溯到古希腊时期。



Brock Biology of MicroorganismsBilingual Glossary(For Internal Circulation Only)微生物学术语双语(中英文)对照北京林业大学生物科学与技术学院微生物教研室谢响明生物秀-专心做生物www.bbioo.com2007年6月10日Catalogue目录Chapter1 Microorganisms and MicrobiologyChapter 2 An Overview of Microbial LifeChapter 3 MacromoleculesChapter 4 Cell Structure/FunctionChapter5 Nutrition, Laboratory Culture, and Metabolism of MicroorganismsChapter 6 Microbial GrowthChapter 7 Principles of Microbial Molecular Biology Chapter 8 Regulation of Gene ExpressionChapter 9 Essentials of VirologyChapter 10 Bacterial GeneticsChapter 11 Microbial Evolution and Systematics Chapter 15 Microbial GenomicsChapter 18 Methods in Microbial EcologyChapter 19 Microbial Habitats, Nutrients Cycles Chapter 20 Microbial Growth ControlBilingual Glossary for MicrobiologyChapter 1Landmark:里程碑Ramifications:分支non-cellular life :非细胞生命prion:朊病毒microbial diversity and evolution:微生物的多样性和进化pathogens:病原体genetic engineering:基因工程entity:实体macromolecules:大分子Reproduction:繁殖Differentiation:分化Communication:信息沟通coding devices:编码机制attributes:特征,品质coordination.:协调regulation:调节optimally attuned to最适地调和populations:种群habitat.:生境assemblages:集合体microbial communities:微生物群落biofilms:生物被膜hot springs:温泉Aquatic:水生的Terrestrial:陆生的Prokaryotic cells:原核细胞ecosystem :生态系统biomass:生物量nitrogen:氮phosphorus:磷Bubonic Plague:鼠疫Fleas:跳蚤Mortality:死亡率Grotesque:奇异Liquefy:液化Influenza and pneumonia:流感和肺炎Tuberculosis:肺结核spontaneous generation:自然发生学说microbes:微生物Broth:肉汤Flask:烧瓶Guncotton filters:棉花滤器Dissolved:溶解的Ether:醚Particles:微粒flask with swan neck:曲颈瓶sterilization:灭菌vaccines:疫苗anthrax:炭疽热fowl cholera:禽流感rabies:狂犬病Germ theory:病菌说Koch’s postulates:科赫假设(法则) contagious diseases:传染病artificially infected animals:人工感染的动物Solid medium:固体培养基Gelatin:明胶Agar:琼脂Colony formation:菌落形成Differential staining:鉴别染色Pure culture:纯培养isolation:分离, 隔离inoculation:接种Tuberculin:结核菌素Diagnosis:诊断Subdisciplines:(学科的)分支enrichment culture:富集培养aerobic:需氧的N-fixing bacteria:固氮细菌sulfate-reducing:硫酸盐还原sulfur-oxidizing bacteria:硫氧化细菌root nodule:根瘤Lactobacillus:乳酸杆菌tobacco mosaic virus:烟草花叶病毒tenets:原则virology:病毒学nitrifying bacteria:硝化细菌nitrification:硝化作用oxidation of ammonia to nitrate:从氨氧化为硝酸盐hydrogen sulfide:硫化氰chemolithotrophy:无机化能营养型autotrophs:自养生物anaerobe :厌氧生物Clostridium pasteurianum:巴斯德羧菌属Medical microbiology and immunology:医学微生物学和免疫学Aquatic microbiology:水生微生物学Microbial ecology:微生物生态学Microbial systematic:微生物的系统学Microbial physiology:微生物生理学Cytology :细胞学Bacterial genetics:细菌遗传学Chapter 2Evolutionary History:进化史Elements:原理,基础Viral Structure:病毒结构The Tree of Life:生命树Physiological:生理学的Eukaryotic:真核的Cytoplasmic (cell)membrane:细胞质膜Cytoplasm:细胞质Macromolecules:大分子Ribosome:核糖体organic molecules:有机分子inorganic ions:无机离子rod-shaped prokaryote:杆状原核生物organelles:细胞器Archaea:古生菌Nucleus:细胞核(nuclear的复数)Mitochondrion(Mitochondrion复数)线粒体Chloroplast:叶绿体Metazoans:后生生物Cytoplasmic:细胞质的Membrane:膜,隔膜Endoplasmic reticulum:内质网Nucleoid:类核,拟核Nucleolus:核仁Nuclear:核的,细胞核Static:静态的metabolic abilities:代谢能力biosynthetic:生物合成genetic alterations:遗传改造Genomes:基因组Chromosome:染色体Circular:环状copy:拷贝haploid:单倍体extrachromosomal:染色体外的plasmids:质粒conferring:赋予properties:性质,特性Packaged :包裹的Yeast:酵母Folding:折叠的Packing:包装gene expression:基因表达diploid:二倍体cell division:细胞分裂mitosis:有丝分裂mitotic division:有丝分裂a full complement of genes:一整套基因meiosis:减数分裂gametes:配子sexual reproduction:有性繁殖Fusion:融合Zygote:接合子,受精卵Sequenced:测序的Phylogeny:系统发生Phylogenetically:系统发生地deduced from 从推论出comparative sequencing:比较测序Ribosomal RNA:核糖体RNAbarometers :气压计clinic:临床microbiology:微生物学identical copies:相同的拷贝polymerase chain reaction (PCR):聚合酶链式反应aligned :排列的algorithm:运算法则pair-wise comparisons:配对比较Domains:域Lineages:血统,世系Proteobacteria:蛋白细菌Cyanobacteria:蓝细菌Hyperthermophiles:极端嗜热菌Methanogens:产甲烷菌extreme halophiles:极端嗜盐菌slime molds:黏菌flagellates:鞭毛虫giardia:双滴虫(贾弟虫属)Eukarya (eukaryotes):真核生物Morphology:形态学Motility:运动性Mechanism:机制Developmental biology:发育生物学Adaptation:适应environmental extremes:极端环境Organic chemicals:有机化合物Inorganic chemicals:无机化合物Oxidizing:氧化Conserved:保存,保留high-energy compound:高能量化合物Aerobes:需氧生物Anaerobes:厌氧生物Chemoorganotrophs:化能有机营养生物Chemolithotrophs:化能无机营养生物Phototrophic:光和营养的Pigments:色素major nutrient:主要营养Heterotrophic:异养的Autotrophic:自养的Autotrophs;自养生物primary producers:初级生产者extreme environmental habitats:极端环境生境extremophiles:极端环境微生物,嗜极菌hot spring:温泉tolerant :忍耐的pathogenic:致病的Phylum:门Aquifex:产液菌属Thermotoga:栖热孢菌属green nonsulfur bacteria:绿色非硫细菌deinococcus:异常球菌属spirochetes:螺旋体green sulfur bacteria紫硫细菌planctomyces:浮霉状菌属phylogenetic:系统发生的depicted:描述的marine:海洋halobacterium:盐杆菌属natronobacterium:嗜盐碱杆菌属halophilic methanogens:嗜盐产烷生物methanosarcina:甲烷八叠球菌属thermoplasma:热源体属methanobacterium:甲烷杆菌属methanococcus:甲烷球菌属pyrococcus:火球菌属pyrolobus:热叶菌属methanopyrus:嗜热甲烷菌属thermoproteus:热变形菌属desulfurococcus:硫还原球菌属sulfolobus:硫化叶菌属hyperthermophiles:嗜热细菌halophiles:嗜盐菌acidophiles:嗜酸菌filamentous:丝状的Protozoans:原生动物Motile:运动的Lichens:地衣Diplomonads:双滴虫Trichomonads:毛滴虫,微孢子虫Flagellates:鞭毛虫Ciliates:纤毛虫Green algae:绿藻Red algae:红藻Fungi:真菌Diatoms:硅藻属Brown algae:褐藻Apex:顶点Chapter 4Locomotion:运动、行动Inclusions:内含物、包涵物Light Microscopy:光学显微镜Bright-field:明视野Phase contrast:相差Dark-field:暗视野Fluorescence:荧光Magnification:放大率Resolution:分辨率Staining:染色Increasing Contrast for Bright-Field Microscopy:提高明视野显微镜的对比效果positively charged (cationic):带正电的(阳离子,正离子)negatively charged:带负电的polysaccharide:多糖cationic dyes:阳离子染料Methylene blue:亚甲蓝Crystal violet:结晶紫Safranin:番红Differential stains-Gram stain:鉴别染色—格兰氏染色Gram-positive:格兰氏阳性Gram-negative:格兰氏阴性ethanol decolorizing:乙醇脱色refractive index:折射率specimen:样品scatter:分散,散射chlorophyll (autofluorescence):叶绿素(自身荧光)Three-Dimensional Imaging:三维成像Drawbacks:限制,缺点Differential Interference Contrast Microscopy (DIC):相差干涉显微镜Nucleus:核Eukaryotic cells:真核细胞Spores:孢子、芽孢Vacuole:液泡Granule:颗粒internal structure:内部结构Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM):原子力显微镜Fixatives:固定剂Coatings:膜、层、覆盖物Hydrated:水合物Confocal Scanning Laser Microscopy (CSLM):聚焦扫描激光显微镜Couples:连接,伴随Habitat:生境resolving power:分辨率vacuum:真空Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM):透射电子显微镜thin sectioning, 超薄切片EM staining:电子显微镜染色Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM):扫描电子显微镜external features:外部特征prokaryote:原核生物Coccus (cocci):球菌Rod:杆菌Spirilla:螺菌Spirochetes:螺旋体Appendaged bacteria:附属细菌Filamentous bacteria:丝状细菌in general inversely proportional to cell size:从大体上说是于细胞大小成反比的nanobacteria:纳米细菌precipitates:沉淀物biofilms:生物膜surface-to-volume (S/V) ratio表面积与体积比Membrane Transport Systems:膜运输系统Peptidoglycan:肽聚糖outer Membrane:外膜Glycerol backbone:甘油主键fatty acids:脂肪酸phosphate-containing groups-ester linkage:含有磷酸的基团—酯键phospholipid bilayer:磷脂双分子层hydrophobic:疏水的hydrophilic:亲水的phosphate group:磷酸基团embedded:内嵌的hydrophobic external surface spanning the membrane:疏水的外表面跨膜hydrogen bonds:氢键hydrophobic interaction:疏水相互作用transverse:横切fluid mosaic:流动镶嵌Membrane Strengthening Agents: Sterols and Hopanoids:膜巩固剂:固醇和类何帕烷chemical composition:化学组分methanotrophic:嗜甲烷细菌mycoplasmas:支原体exception:例外side chains:侧链isoprene:异戊二烯Glycerol diethers:甘油二醚glycerol tetraethers:甘油四醚monolayers:单分子层hyperthermophilic:极端嗜热Permeability barrier:渗透屏障(透性障)passive leakage:被动泄漏Protein anchor:蛋白锚定Energy conservation:能量贮存Proton motive force:质子动力Aquaporins:水通道蛋白low osmotic conditions:低渗透势条件hypo-osmotic shock:低渗透压休克Simple diffusion:简单扩散Carrier-mediated process:载体介导过程Uptake:摄取、吸收Saturated:饱和的Symporter:同向运输蛋白Uniporter:单向运输蛋白Antiporters:逆向运输蛋白Lac Permease:乳糖透过酶Lactose:乳糖Group translocation:基团转位Phosphotransferase system:磷酸转移酶系统Glucose:葡萄糖Mannose:甘露糖Fructose:果糖Phosphorylation:磷酸化Dephosphorylation:去磷酸化cascading fashion:级联方式phosphoenolpyruvate:磷酸烯醇式丙酮酸Periplasmic:周质的periplasmic -binding protein:周质结合蛋白maltose:麦芽糖disaccharide sugar:双糖a family of related proteins:相关蛋白的家族High affinity for substrate:对底物的高亲和力Hydrolysis:水解drive transport across the membrane:促进跨膜运输translocase:移位酶amylase:淀粉酶cellulase:纤维素酶starch:淀粉cellulose:纤维素toxin:毒素deleterious:有害的solutes:溶质turgor pressure:膨胀压Multilayered structure and complex:多层结构和复合体Periplasm space:周质空间Teichoic acids:磷壁酸ribitol phosphate residues核糖醇磷酸盐残基Lipoteichoic acid:脂磷壁酸Murein:胞壁质Derive:衍生物N-acetylglucosamine (G):N—乙酰葡糖胺N-acetylmuramic acid (M):N—乙酰胞壁酸L-alanine:L—丙氨酸D-glutamic acid:D—谷氨酸L-lysine:L—赖氨酸diaminopimelic acid (DAP):二氨基庚二酸tetrapeptide:四肽glycan:聚糖ß-1,4 linkage:ß-1,4连接interbridge:肽间桥capsular polymers:荚膜Protoplasts:原生质体Spheroplasts:原生质球Mycoplasma:支原体Osmotically:渗透地Thermoplasma:热原体属Lysozyme:溶菌酶Penicillin:青霉素ß-1,4 –glycosidic bonds:ß-1,4糖苷键saliva:唾液autolysin:自溶素transpeptidation:转肽Pseudopeptidoglycan:假肽聚糖N-acetyltalosaminuronic acids:N-乙酰塔罗糖胺糖醛酸Glycosidic bonds:糖苷键Polysaccharide:多糖Glycoprotein:糖蛋白Methanosarcina:甲烷八叠球菌glucuronic acid葡糖醛酸:galactosamine:半乳糖胺acetate:乙酸haiophilic Archaea:嗜盐古生菌Halococcus:盐球菌Paracrystalline surface layer:类结晶表面层hexagonal symmetry:六角对称lipopolysaccharide (LPS layer) :脂多糖Core polysaccharide:核心多糖O-polysaccharide:O—特异侧链LipidA:类脂ADisaccharide:双糖Endotoxin:内毒素Pathogenic:致病的Shigella:志贺氏菌属mol-weight :分子量Hydrolytic enzymes:水解酶Chemoreceptor:化学受体Flagella:鞭毛(复数)Flagellum:鞭毛Peritrichous:周生Polar:极生Lophotrichous:丛生Filament:鞭毛丝Flagellin:鞭毛蛋白Hook:钩motor portion:motor蛋白L-ring:L环P-ring:P环MS-ring:MS环Flexing:摆动Cheetah:猎豹Gliding:滑动Cyanobacteria:蓝细菌Myxococcus xanthus:黄色粘球菌physical or chemical gradients:物理或化学梯度Chemotaxes:趋化性Phototaxes:趋光性Other Taxes:其他趋性Temporal:时间的Spatial:空间的Tumbles:翻滚Attractant:引诱剂Scotophobotaxis (darkness escaping phototaxis):避暗趋光性Aerotaxis:趋氧性Osmotaxis:趋渗透性Elucidated:阐述signal transduction pathway,:信号传导途径Gas Vesicle:气泡Endospore:芽孢Fimbriae:菌毛Pili:性毛Pellicles:菌膜Conjugation:接合Symmetries:对称性Capsules and Slime Layers:荚膜和黏液层The Glycocalyx:多糖包被Matrix:矩阵Deformed:变形Phagocytic:吞噬细胞的Desiccation:干燥作用Carbon Storage Polymers:碳源贮存物PHB, poly-ß-hydroxybutyric acid:聚ß羟丁酸PHA, poly-ß-hydroxyalkanoate:聚ß羟基链烷酸Magnetosomes:磁小体Intracellular crystal particles:细胞内晶体颗粒Magnetotaxis:趋磁性aquatic Bacteria:水生细菌buoyancy:浮力purple and green phototrophic bacteria:紫色和绿色光养细菌watertight:防水的ribs:脊ß-sheet:ß折叠ą-helix:ą螺旋Germination:萌发Halotolerant:耐盐的Permian:休眠Dominican amberGut:消化道Morphology:形态学Refractile:折光的Exosporium:孢子外壁Cortex:皮层Calcium-dipicolinic acid complex:钙—吡啶二羧酸Cytoplasm:细胞质Small acid-soluble spore proteins (SASPs:酸溶小芽孢蛋白Ceases:终止Sporulation:芽孢形成Bacillus subtili:枯草芽孢杆菌s Outgrowth:生长Chapter 51. Oxidation-Reduction 氧化还原反应2. Catabolic Pathways 异化途径3. Proton Motive Force 质子动势4. Macronutrients 大量营养元素5. Cytochromes 细胞色素6. cellular respiration 细胞呼吸7. Siderophores 铁传递蛋白8. hydroxamate, 异羟肟酸9.enterobactin 肠杆菌素10.Acuqchelin儿茶酚11. Micronutrients 微量营养元素12. Trace elements微量元素13. Streptococcus链球菌属14. Lactobacillus乳杆菌属15. Leuconostoc明串球菌属16. distilled water 蒸馏水17. casein 酪蛋白18. soybean 大豆19. Leuconostoc mesenteroides肠膜明串珠菌20. Fastidious 营养复杂的,挑剔的21. Aseptic Technique 无菌技术22. Exergonic 放能的23. Endergonic 吸能的24. Redox 氧化还原作用25. hydrogen atom 氢原子26. reactants 反应物27. Chemoorganotrophy 化能有机营养28. Photophosphorylation 光和磷酸化29. Pyruvate 丙酮酸盐(或酯)30. Glycolysis 糖酵解31. glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate 3-磷酸甘油醛32. Saccharomyces cerevisa e啤酒酵母33. Beverage 饮料34. Yogurt 酸奶酪,酵母乳35. Pickled vegetables 盐渍蔬菜36. anaerobically 厌氧地37. Aerobic oxidation 有氧氧化38. Anaerobic oxidation 无氧氧化39. Dehydrogenase 脱氢酶40. Flavoproteins 黄素蛋白41. Iron-sulfur proteins 铁硫蛋白42. Quinones-non-protein 辅酶Q43. Heme 亚铁血红素44. Chemiosmosis 化学渗透势45. electrochemically potential 电子势46. alkaline 碱性的47. headpiece 帽子,头盔48. cyanide 氰化物49. Dinitrophenol(DNP) 二硝基苯酚50. Dicumarol 血液凝固防止剂51. the Citric Acid Cycle 柠檬酸循环52. aerobic respiration有氧呼吸53. Nitrate 硝酸盐54. ferric iron 铁离子55. sulfate 硫酸盐56. carbonate 碳酸盐57. Chemolithotrophy 矿质(无机)化能营养58. Ammonia 氨,氨水59. Chemolithotrophs 化能自养60. chemoorganotrophs 化能异养61. Phototrophy 光合营养62. Photoautotrophs 光合自养生物63. Phtoheterotrophs 光合异养生物64. Catabolism 分解代谢65. Anabolism 合成代谢Chapter 6Binary Fission二分裂Peptidoglycan肽聚糖Viable Counts活菌计数Turbidity浊度Continuous Culture连续培养Preexisting先前存在的Duplicate复制Monomers单体Coenzymes辅酶Cofactors辅助因子Polymerization reactions聚合反应Polymers聚合体Fts(f ilamentous t emperature s ensitive )Protein :丝状温敏蛋白mitochondria 线粒体chloroplasts叶绿体tubulin微管蛋白Divisome:分裂体Apparatus设备,仪器Cylinder圆柱体polymerize to form an intact ring聚合形成完整环penicillin青霉素MreBhomology 相同actin肌动蛋白cytoskeleton细胞骨架structural integrity结构的完整性autolysins自溶素lysozyme溶解酵素bactoprenol:细菌萜醇N-acetyl glucosamine N-乙酰葡糖胺N-acetylemuramic acid N-乙酰胞壁酸Pentapeptide peptidoglycan precursors五肽肽聚糖前体物Transpeptidation 转肽作用muramic acid residues 胞壁酸残基adjacent glycan chains 邻近多糖链noteworthy 值得注目的periplasm 周质Unsterilized 未灭菌的Detrimental 有害的Slope 斜面Semilogarithmic 半对数的Vessel 导管,器皿Elapsed时间流逝Inoculum 接种体Cryptic 秘密的Counting chambers:计数室plate count 平板计数colony count菌落计数Serial Dilutions 系列稀释Statistically:统计学地colony-forming unit 菌落形成单位Anomaly 不规则Magnitude 数量,量级Photometer 光度计Spectrophotometer 分光光度计The Chemostat 恒化器Cardinal 主要的,最重要的Optimum 最适宜的Pschrophile 嗜冷生物Mesophile 嗜温生物Thermophile 嗜热生物Hyperthermophile 极端嗜热生物Extremophiles 极端生物Psychrotolerant 耐寒的unsaturated fatty acids 不饱和脂肪酸morphological and physiological types形态的和生理的类型a critical amino acid substitution关键的氨基酸替代物counterpart 副本,配对物hydrophobic interiors 疏水的内部saturated fatty acids 饱和脂肪酸isoprene 异戊二烯monolayer 单层melting 熔化annealing退火Acidophile 嗜酸细菌Thiobacillus硫杆菌属Sulfolobus 硫化叶菌属Thermoplasma热源体属Alkaliphile 嗜碱微生物Carotenoids:类胡萝卜素Proteases 蛋白酶Lipases 脂肪酶Detergent 清洁剂Water activity:水活度vapor pressure 蒸汽压Osmophiles 嗜渗透微生物Xerophiles 旱生生物Sucrose 蔗糖Trehalose 海藻糖Glycerol 甘油,丙三醇Glycosides 配糖类Glycine 甘氨酸,氨基乙酸Betaine 甜菜碱Praline 果仁糖Staphylococcus葡萄球菌potassium ions钾离子Aerobes 需氧生物Anaerobes 厌氧生物thioglycolate broth巯基乙酸盐肉汤Anoxic jar 厌氧罐anoxic glove bag 厌氧手套peroxidase enzymes 过氧化物酶Airborn bacteria 空气携带菌Catalase 过氧化氢酶Peroxidase 过氧化物酶Superoxide dismutase 超氧化歧化酶(SOD)Superoxide reductase 超氧化还原酶obligately anaerobic:专性厌氧的Pyrococcus furiousus:激烈热球菌Chapter 7Pneumococcus 肺炎球菌Pathogenic 致病的Pneumonia 肺炎polysaccharide capsule 多糖荚膜pathogenicity 致病性transformation 转化Versatile 通用的,万能的in vivo体内in vitro体外ultracentrifugal, 超离心的diffusive 扩散electrophoretic 电泳的Polypeptide cleaving enzymes 多肽裂解酶Ribonulclease 核糖核酸酶Deoxyribonuclease 脱氧核糖核酸酶Amino acid 氨基酸hydrogen bonds 氢键grooves 凹槽polynucleotide多(聚)核苷酸Supercoiling 超螺旋Twisted 盘旋Predominantly 主要地Nucleosome 核小体Torsion 扭转Gyrase 解旋酶Topoisomerase:拓扑异构酶Nonchromosomal 非染色体的Extracellular 细胞外的Templates 模板deoxyribonucleic acid 脱氧核糖核酸isotope同位素Density gradient equilibrium sedimentation密度梯度平衡沉降Cesium chloride 氯化铯Centrifugation 离心Detection of peaks检测高峰fidelity 忠诚度dilemma 进退两难的局面Okazaki fragment 冈崎片断Polymerase 聚合酶Exonuclease 核酸外切酶Ligase 连接酶Helicase 螺旋酶Initiation 起始Elongation 延伸Termination 终止Triphosphate 三磷酸盐Purine 嘌呤Bacillus subtilis :枯草芽孢杆菌intrinsic terminators 内在终止子Transcription 转录Cotranscribed 共转录Polycistronic 多顺反子性的Operon 操纵子introns 内含子exons 外显子Splicing 拼接Ribonucleoprotein核蛋白(略作RNP)Capping 加帽Polyadenylation 多聚腺苷酸Deciphering 译码Polylysine多聚赖氨酸Polyproline 多聚脯氨酸Proline 脯氨酸Polyphenylalanine多聚苯基丙氨酸Phenylalanine 苯基丙氨酸Trinucleotide 三核苷酸密码子Codons 密码子codon-degeneracy:密码子的简并性Formylmethionine 甲酰甲硫氨酸Methionine 蛋氨酸Methylated 甲基化的Synthetase 合成酶Catalyzing 催化The peptide transferase reaction 转肽反应Streptomycin 链霉素Puromycin 嘌呤霉素Chloramphenicol 氯霉素Cycloheximide 放线菌酮,环己酰亚胺Tetracycline 四环素molecular chaperones 分子伴侣aggregation 聚合Signal recognition particle (SRP) 信号识别颗粒Chapter 8Scarce protein 稀有蛋白Abundant protein 丰度蛋白Posttranslationally 翻译后地Coarser 粗糙的Precursor 前体物(分子),-先导物Degrading 降解Allostery 变构Conformational change 构象变化Isozymes 同工酶Covalent modification 共价修饰Methylation 甲基化Glutamine synthetase 谷氨酸盐合成酶allosteric enzyme 变构酶adenylylation 腺嘌呤形成Global Control全局调控Regulator proteins调节蛋白Histones 组蛋白Nucleosomes 核小体Inducer诱导物Substrate 底物Corepressor 辅阻遏物Polymerase 聚合酶Maltose regulon 麦芽糖调节子consensus sequence 保守序列utilization 利用operons 操纵子Regulon调节子global regulatory system全局调控系统lac Operon 乳糖操纵子simultaneously 同时地Constitutive mutant组成型突变体lactose 乳糖Glucose 葡萄糖glucose effect葡萄糖效应diauxic growth二次生长Catabolite Repression分解代谢物阻遏catabolite activator protein (CAP)激活蛋白(活化蛋白)cAMP-receptor protein (CRP)环腺苷酸受体蛋白hydrolyze 水解galactose 半乳糖Galactosidase半乳糖苷酶Hydrolysis 水解Modulates 调节galactoside permease 半乳糖苷透性酶thiogalactoside transacetylase 硫代半乳糖苷转乙酰酶allolactose 异乳糖diffusible 可扩散的Intact copy完整拷贝positive control正调节negative control副调节Attenuation 衰减,弱化Two-component Regulatory Systems双组分调控系统Sensory proteins (transducers)感受器蛋白MCP –transducers MCP感受器m ethyl-accepting c hemotaxis proteins(MCP)接受甲基趋化性蛋白Methylase甲基化酶Chemotaxis 趋化性Tryptophan Operon 色氨酸操纵子Tandom 串联重复Insufficient 不足Termination 终止Dual Regulation of Trp Operon色氨酸的二重调节Translational attenuation翻译衰减(弱化)Bacillus subtilis 枯草芽孢杆菌trp attenuation protein色氨酸弱化蛋白Polycistronic 多顺反子性的Heat Shock Response 热激反应Global Control Networks全局调控网络Quorum Sensing:最少密度感应degraded by proteases 被蛋白酶降解Heat shock protein热激蛋白chaperones (chaperonin) 分子伴侣acylated homoserine lactone 酰化的高丝氨酸内酯bioluminescence 生物发光Sensor Kinases感受器激酶phosphorylation 磷酸化The phosphoryl group 磷酰基团Demethylated 脱甲基Flagellum 鞭毛Rotation of flagellum鞭毛旋转clockwise 顺时针counterclockwise 逆时针Antisense Nucleic Acid反义核酸Compartmentation分区Polycistronic mRNA多顺反子mRNA Splicing 接合,粘接Chapter 9Essentials本质Viral Replication病毒复制Viral Diversity病毒多样性Chromosome染色体Conferring new properties on the host赋予宿主新的特性Extracellular state-virus particles (virions)胞外状态-病毒颗粒(病毒粒子)Lysis:裂解genomic nucleic acid基因组核酸Intracellular state胞内状态the central dogma of molecular biology分子生物学中心法则Taxonomy分类学Bacteriophage嗜菌体Order目family (and subfamily)科(亚科)genus属species种morphology形态学suffix后缀Hepadnaviruses嗜肝DNA病毒Smallpox 天花病毒Polio virus 脊髄灰质炎病毒Nucleocapsid核壳体naked and enveloped裸露和包被的self-assembly自我装配molecular chaperones分子伴侣Virus Symmetry病毒对称Helical symmetry螺旋状对称Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV)烟草花叶病毒Icosahedral Symmetry二十面体Complex viruses复合体病毒Complex Symmetry复合体对称lipid bilayer脂双层glycoproteins糖蛋白Lysozyme溶菌酶reverse transcriptase逆转录酶retroviruses逆转录病毒Neuraminadase 神经氨酸酶(唾液酸苷酶)Semiliquid半流体Protoplasts原生质体Monolayer单层permanent cell lines:亲本细胞系primary cell lines:原初细胞系virus infection unit病毒侵染单位Plaque嗜菌斑tumor virus肿瘤病毒Plaque assay空斑测定Titer滴度,效价Suspension悬浮液plaque-forming units噬菌斑形成单位Attachment and Penetration吸附和侵入tail fibers尾丝polysaccharide多聚糖tail pins尾针Contraction 收缩tail sheath尾鞘Restriction enzyme限制性酶Invasion入侵methylation of purine and pyrimidine bases嘌呤和嘧啶碱基的甲基化glucosylation糖基化methylation甲基化Virulent Bacteriophage裂性噬菌体Temperate Bacteriophage温和噬菌体Viriods and Prions类病毒和朊病毒Schematic representations示意表示图Linear线性的Encode编码Hydroxymethylcytosine羟甲基胞嘧啶Cytosine胞嘧啶restriction endonucleases限制性内切酶circularly permuted环状变化Terminal repeats 末端重复Concatemer多联体Lysogeny溶原性Synchrony同步Provirus前病毒nitrogen mustards氮芥cohesive粘性的lysis or lysogeny裂解或溶源bidirection双向repressor protein 阻遏蛋白irrevocably不可逆地integrase整合酶PE(promoter establishment)启动子建立Topoisomerase拓扑异构酶Bracket括号Excisionase切除酶Compartmentation分隔Polycistronic多顺反子性的Monocistronic单顺反子性的5’ methylated guanosine triphosphate cap and 3’ poly A tail:5’甲基化三磷酸鸟苷酸帽子和3’多聚腺苷酸尾巴Endocytosis 内吞作用Lytic infection裂解传染Persistent infection持久传染Latent infection潜伏传染Foci焦距benign 良性的malignant 恶性的metastasis转移oncogenes致癌基因intermediate中间的Human immunodefiency virus (HIV)人类免疫缺陷病毒acquired immunodefiency syndrome (AIDS)获得性免疫缺陷综合症internal proteins内部蛋白endonuclease核酸内切酶Protease蛋白酶5’ capped and 3’ polyadenylated: 5’帽化和3’聚腺苷酸化Encapsidation壳体化Budding出芽RNA dependent DNA polymerase(RdDp)依赖于RNA的DNA聚合酶DNA dependent DNA polymerase(DdDp)依赖于DNA的DNA聚合酶Ribonuclease H核糖核酸酶Hcoconut cadang-cadang viroid椰子可可树类病毒citrus exocortis viroid柑橘裂皮类病毒scrape刮伤BSE: bovine spongiform encephalopathy牛绵状脑病pathogenic proteins病原蛋白质insoluble不可溶解的mad cow disease 疯牛病Chapter 10In Vivo活体内Mutants突变体Carcinogenesis致癌作用The Ames Test埃姆斯试验Genotype基因型Phenotype表现型lowercase letters小写字母uppercase letters大写字母italics斜体字superscript上标progeny后代Screening筛选Selection挑选Penicillin青霉素Lysozyme水解酶Spheroplast原生质球Nutritional Mutants营养突变体Imprint印迹Prototroph原养型Auxotroph营养缺陷型histidine auxotrophs组氨酸营养缺陷型微生物Spontaneous自发的Induced诱发的Point mutations点突变Base-Pair Substitutions碱基置换Silent mutation沉默突变Missense mutation错义突变Triplet三联体Temperature-sensitive mutants 温度敏感突变体conditionally lethal mutants条件致死突变体Nonsense mutation 无义突变Back Mutations or Reversions回复突变Compensate 补偿Transposition转位,转座proof-reading校对epidemic流行病Mutagens诱变剂Base analogs碱基类似物Radiation 辐射Transposon转位子,转座子Site-Directed Mutagenesis定点突变Mutagenicity致突变性Protocol 方案salmonella enterica沙门氏肠菌Trp- auxotroph色氨酸营养缺陷型Errorprone错误倾向Plasmids质粒Homologous 同源的redundant pathways冗余的途径Homologous Recombination同源重组SSB protein单链结合蛋白RecA protein RecA蛋白Nick formation缺口形成Strand invasion链侵入Heteroduplex formation 杂合双链形成Transformation转化Transduction转导Conjugation接合Transfection 转染Artificially Induced Competence人工诱导感受态Acinetobacter不动杆菌属Azotobacter固氮菌属Bacillus杆菌属Streptococcus链球菌属Haemophilus嗜血菌属Neisseria奈瑟球菌属Thermus栖热菌属Electroporation电穿孔Generalized transduction普遍性转导Specialized transduction特异性(局限性)转导Recipient受体temperate or virulent温和的或者裂性的lysogenization溶源化作用randomly incorporate随机整合Phage Conversion溶源转变,噬菌体转变Prophage前噬菌体Polysaccharide多糖Nontoxin非毒素Corynebacterium diphtheriae白喉杆菌toxin 毒素Supercoiled configuration超螺旋构型Incompatibility 不相容性,不亲和性Episomes游离体,附加体Curing(噬菌体)治愈Conjugative可接合的Hfr (high frequency of recombination)高频重组Rhizobium根瘤菌属Pseudomonas of octane辛烷假单胞菌camphor and naphthalene樟脑和卫生球Bacteriocins细菌素Resistance Plasmids- R Plasmids抗性质粒Sulfonamides磺胺药物Streptomycin链霉素Spectinomycin壮观霉素fusidic acid梭链孢酸chloramphenicol 氯霉素tetracycline四环素mercury汞Therapies治疗物Diarrhea痢疾CFA-colonization factor antigen 入侵因子抗原hemolysin and enterotoxin溶血素和肠毒素a wider spectrum of activity广谱活性colicins大肠肝菌素subtilisin枯草杆菌蛋白酶NisinA乳酸菌肽Arolling cycle replication滚环复制pilus菌毛IS(insertion sequences)插入序列Interrupted Mating中断杂交Agitation搅拌transposable elements转座因子transposase转位酶inverted terminal repeats末端反向重复序列Conservation保存,保守Replicative重复的Bacteriophages噬菌体Cointegrate共合体cointegrate structure共合体结构Mutagenesis with Transponsable Elements用转座子诱变insertional inactivation插入失活neomycin and kanamycin resistance新霉素和卡那霉素抗性tetracycline 四环素biological mutagen生物诱变剂vector载体Integrons整合子Integrase整合酶Genetic Map基因图谱Operon操纵子Polycistronic mRNA 多顺反子mRNABidirection双向Highly expressed genes高度表达基因Horizontal gene transfer水平基因转移Haemophilus influenzae流感嗜血杆菌Hyperthermophiles极端嗜热微生物Mycoplasma genitalium生殖道支原体Chlorella 绿藻的一种Methanococcus jannaschii詹氏甲烷球菌Pseudomonas aeruginosa铜绿假单胞菌Saccharomyces cerevisiae啤酒酵母Streptomyces coelicolor天蓝色链霉菌Treponema pallidum苍白密螺旋体(梅毒密螺旋体)Thermotoga maritima海栖热孢菌Unidentified reading frame-URF未经确认的阅读框架Genomic mining基因组挖掘Paralogs侧向同源Orthologs直向同源obligate parasitic bacterium严格寄生菌Helicobacter pylori螺旋幽门菌cyanobacterium Synechocytis 蓝细菌introns内含子Plasmodium falciparum疟原虫Malaria疟疾Encephalitozoon cuniculi 家兔脑内原虫病Ustilago maydis玉米黑粉病Phytopathogenic fungus植物病原真菌smut disease黑穗病Chapter 11Stromatolites叠层石Fossiled 化石Filamentous丝状的Systematics系统学Taxonomy分类法Diversification多样化Phylogeny系统发生, 发展史Endosymbiosis内共生Prokaryotes原核生物trapped sediments捕捉的沉淀物phototrophic bacteria光养细菌anoxygenic phototrophic bacteria 厌氧光养细菌lipoprotein vesicles脂蛋白小泡cyanobacterium 蓝细菌entity实体ferrous亚铁的photosynthesis光合作用oxygenation加氧作用,氧气形成oxic有氧的ozone shield臭氧层eukaryotes cell真核细胞chemoorganotrophic化能有机营养mitochondrion线粒体cytoplasm细胞质chloroplast叶绿体endosymbiotic内共生的phototroph光养生物,光能利用菌symbionts共生体metazoan后生生物Evolutionary Chronometers进化时钟Homologous function相同功能Sequence alignment序列排列,序列对比ATPase ATP酶genetic recombination遗传重组Ribosomal核糖体的Phylogenetic系统发生的Cellular细胞的Microbial Community Analysis微生物群体分析phylogenetic tree系统发育树Evolutionary distance ED 进化距离fluorescent i n-s itu h ybridization荧光素原位杂交Horizontal (lateral) gene transfer 水平(侧向)基因转移human genome人类基因组nematode线虫yeast酵母mustard芥菜parasites寄生虫vertebrates脊椎动物Peptidoglycan肽聚糖Cellulose纤维素Chitin几丁质,壳质Archaea古生菌Lipids脂质Ester酯RNA polymerase RNA聚合酶Polypeptides多肽Framework框架Phenotype显型,表现型Phylogenetics系统发生学Classical Taxonomy Morphology传统形态分类学fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) 脂肪酸甲基酯hybridization杂交genus属Molecular fingerprinting分子指纹PCR amplification聚合酶链式反应扩增Speciation物种形成coexist 共存prime ecological niche最初生态位ecotypes生态型Nomenclature命名法Manual手册Chapter 18Biodiversity 生物多样性Quantification 定量microorganisms微生物habitats栖息地Enrichment富集培养Staining染色Radioisotopes放射性同位素Microelectrodes微电极in situ(原位)Pure Culture纯培养Counterselective反选择enrichment vehicle富集培养手段purple紫色phototrophic光养anaerobes厌氧微生物microbial ecosystem 微生物生态系统tubes试管Agar shake琼脂震荡法dilution 稀释molten agar熔化的琼脂serial dilution 系列稀释inoculum接种体most probable numbers (MPN)最大概率数The Laser Tweezers 激光镊子microscopy显微镜术infrared laser 红外线激光器micromanipulation device显微操作装置trapped捕集的laser beam 激光柱contaminating污染Stable Isotope稳定同位素Azotobacter n.固氮(细)菌。



(0,2) 插值||(0,2) interpolation0#||zero-sharp; 读作零井或零开。

0+||zero-dagger; 读作零正。

1-因子||1-factor3-流形||3-manifold; 又称“三维流形”。

AIC准则||AIC criterion, Akaike information criterionAp 权||Ap-weightA稳定性||A-stability, absolute stabilityA最优设计||A-optimal designBCH 码||BCH code, Bose-Chaudhuri-Hocquenghem codeBIC准则||BIC criterion, Bayesian modification of the AICBMOA函数||analytic function of bounded mean oscillation; 全称“有界平均振动解析函数”。

BMO鞅||BMO martingaleBSD猜想||Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture; 全称“伯奇与斯温纳顿-戴尔猜想”。

B样条||B-splineC*代数||C*-algebra; 读作“C星代数”。

C0 类函数||function of class C0; 又称“连续函数类”。

CA T准则||CAT criterion, criterion for autoregressiveCM域||CM fieldCN 群||CN-groupCW 复形的同调||homology of CW complexCW复形||CW complexCW复形的同伦群||homotopy group of CW complexesCW剖分||CW decompositionCn 类函数||function of class Cn; 又称“n次连续可微函数类”。




Modification of DNA or RNA (DNA或RNA修饰):在最初合成聚核苷酸链之后核苷酸上所做的任何改变。

Modified bases (修饰碱基):除通常在DNA( T、C、G、A) 和RNA( U、C、G、A)四种碱基以外的碱基,通常是在核酸合成后发生改变。

Molecular chaperone (分子伴侣):协助一些蛋白质装配或者恰当折叠所需的蛋白质,但这种蛋白质并不是靶复合物的成分。

Monocistronic mRNA (单顺反子mRNA):编码一个蛋白质的mRNA。

Monolayer (单细胞层):指真核细胞在培养基上生长,只能形成一个细胞深度的一层。

Morphogen (形态发生因子):诱导特别细胞型以依赖其浓度形式发育的因子。

MPF(促成熟因子):是二聚体激酶,包括p34 催化亚基和周期蛋白调控亚基,其激活能引发有丝分裂进行。



Multicopy plasmids (多拷贝质粒):以大于一个拷贝出现在细菌中的质粒。

Multiforked chromosome (多叉染色体):在细菌中,有一个以上复制叉,因为在第一个复制循环结束之前第二个就已开始。

Multimeric protein (多亚基蛋白质):由一个以上亚基组成的蛋白质。

Mutagens (诱变剂):通过诱导DNA 上的突变增加突变率的物质。

Mutation (突变):指基因组DNA 序列上的任何改变。

Mutation frequency (突变频率):在种群中某个突变被发现的频率。

Mutation rate (突变率):某个突变发生的速率,通常用每个基因每代出现的次数表示。

Myeloma (骨髓瘤细胞):起源淋于巴细胞的一个肿瘤细胞株,通常产生一种免疫球蛋白质。

NNegative complementation (负互补):当等位基因间互补允许多亚基蛋白质中突变亚基抑制野生型亚基的活性时发生。

Multilayer sodium alginate beads with porous core containing chitosan based nanoparticles

Multilayer sodium alginate beads with porous core containing chitosan based nanoparticles

International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 85(2016)1–8Contents lists available at ScienceDirectInternational Journal of BiologicalMacromoleculesj o u r n a l h o m e p a g e :w w w.e l s e v i e r.c o m /l o c a t e /i j b i o m acMultilayer sodium alginate beads with porous core containing chitosan based nanoparticles for oral delivery of anticancer drugJing Li a ,Changqing Jiang b ,Xuqian Lang a ,Ming Kong a ,Xiaojie Cheng a ,Ya Liu a ,Chao Feng a ,∗,1,Xiguang Chen a ,∗,1a College of Marine Life Science,Ocean University of China,Qingdao 266003,PR China bQingdao Municipal Hospital,Qingdao 266003,PR Chinaa r t i c l ei n f oArticle history:Received 14November 2015Received in revised form 14December 2015Accepted 19December 2015Available online 24December 2015Keywords:ChitosanPorous-beadsInternal crosslinking External crosslinking Sustained releasea b s t r a c tTo develop efficient and safe anticancer drug doxorubicin hydrochloride (DOX)delivery system for oral chemotherapy,chitosan based nanoparticles (CS/CMCS–NPs)composed of chitosan (CS)and o-carboxymeymethy chitosan (CMCS)were immobilized in multilayer sodium alginate beads (NPs–M–Beads).Two kinds of NPs–M–Beads,with or without porous core,were respectively prepared by internal or external ionic gelation method.In the small intestine,the intact CS/CMCS–NPs were able to escape from porous-beads and sustained release the loading DOX.In vivo results showed that the DOX could be efficiently absorbed by small intestine of SD rat and the higher concentration of the DOX in major organs of rats were found after oral administration of Porous-Beads,which were about 2–4folds higher than that of non-porous-beads.These results suggested that the NPs–M–Beads with porous core to be exciting and promising for oral delivery of DOX.©2015Elsevier B.V.All rights reserved.1.IntroductionOral delivery of anticancer drug is still an essential procedures for cancer treatment [1].Although,it is effective for cancer therapy,the side effect due to the impulse high concentration anticancer-drug in bloodstream and the inconveniences during chemotherapy compromise its clinical treatment efficacy [2].Oral administration of anticancer drug is a viable alternative to intravenous injection,since it can maintain an optimum blood drug concentration and improves convenience and compliance of patients [3,4].Neverthe-less,anticancer drugs especially those with excellent anticancer effects such as doxorubicin hydrochloride (DOX)and Taxanes (paclitaxel and docetaxel)are not orally bioavailable owing to their peculiar physicochemical properties,and physiological barri-ers in gastrointestinal (GI)tract [5].The high cost of manufacturing novel formulations and limited therapeutic window of existing anticancer drugs also restricts the developability for oral route of administration [6].∗Corresponding authors.Fax:+8653282032586.E-mail addresses:fengchao@ (C.Feng),xgchen@ (X.Chen).1These authors contributed equally.To improve oral bioavailability of conventional anticancer drugs,nanoparticles immobilized multilayer sodium alginate beads (NPs–M–Beads)were successfully developed by dropping aque-ous chitosan/carboxymethyl chitosan nanoparticles blended with alginate (ALG)into CaCl 2solution in our recent study [7].The crosslinking between −COO −groups on ALG and Ca 2+occurred from external of ALG matrix to form the compact core of multi-layer bead.The ALG matrix could protects encapsulated DOX loaded chitosan/carboxymethyl chitosan NPs (DOX:CS/CMCS–NPs)from undesirable drug release in gastric juices [8,9]and rapidly releases the intact DOX:CS/CMCS–NPs in small intestine.However,the lim-ited stability of NPs–M–Beads in small intestine resulting in overly rapid drug release in small intestine compromised oral bioavail-ability of anticancer drug.To overcome above limitation,we constructed the porous core of multilayer beads by internal gelation method to improve their ability of drug control release.By dropping aqueous chi-tosan/carboxymethyl chitosan nanoparticles blended with alginate (ALG)and CaCO 3into hydrochloric acid,the crosslinking between Ca 2+and −COO −groups on ALG occurred from interior of ALG matrix to form a compact core with porous structure in multi-layer bead.The crosslinking effect was strengthened in core of porous multilayer beads and it may overcome undesirable drug release encountered in NPs–M–Beads to prolong the contact time/10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2015.12.0640141-8130/©2015Elsevier B.V.All rights reserved.2J.Li et al./International Journal of Biological Macromolecules85(2016)1–8between formulation and small intestinal mucosa,thereby poten-tially enhancing drug delivery efficacy[10,11].In this study,we prepared NPs–M–ALG–beads with porous core to improve their stability in GI tract.The morphology of the NPs–M–ALG–Beads were characterized by scanning electron microscopy(SEM).The drug Loading Efficiency(LE)was deter-mined using a UV–Vis spectrophotometer.The swelling property and release profiles of DOX were evaluated in simulated gastric and intestinalfluid.Finally,the tissue distribution of anticancer drug after oral administration of NPs–M–ALG–Beads was studied qualitatively and quantificationally.2.Materials and methods2.1.MaterialsCS(molecular weight,MW:10kDa,degree of deacetylation, DD:89%)was obtained from Biotech Co.(Mokpo,Korea).CMCS (MW:12kDa,DD:81%,Degree of substitution,DS:92%)was synthe-sized and characterized by the method described by Chen[12]. Sodium alginate,calcium chloride,liquid paraffin,Span80and Tween80were purchased from Sinopharm Chemical Reagent Co., Ltd.(Shanghai,China).Sodium triphosphate(TPP)were purchased from Sigma(St.Louis,USA).DOX was supplied by Zhejiang Hai zheng Co.,Ltd.(China).All other reagents and solvents were of analytical grade.2.2.Preparation of DOX-loaded CS/CMCS–NPsDOX-loaded CS/CMCS–NPs(DOX:CS/CMCS–NPs)were prepared according to a modified process by Feng[13](Scheme1).Briefly, DOX aqueous solution(1mg/mL,1mL)was premixed with CS (1mg/mL,6mL)under magnetic stirring for15min.Subsequently, CMCS solution(1mg/mL,2mL)and TPP(1mg/mL,1mL)were blended with the mixture under constant stirring for30min,and DOX:CS/CMCS–NPs were formed.2.3.Preparation of nanoparticles immobilized multilayer sodium alginate beadsNanoparticles immobilized multilayer sodium alginate beads (NPs–M–ALG–Beads)were prepared by external ionic gelation and Layer-by-Layer(LBL)method,according to Feng[7],which was divided into two processes(Scheme1).Before the tiny hole drop-ping process,5mL of DOX:CS/CMCS–NPs(1mg/mL)was sonicated for5min,Power30%.Then,DOX:CS/CMCS–NPs were premixed with5mL sodium alginate solution(ALG,3%w/v)under magnetic stirring for15min.Then,the mixture solution was dropped into 100mL CaCl2solution(3%,w/v),used an injection syringe with-out a needle at a dropping rate of1.0mL/min and under stirring (100rpm)for30min to form the core of bead.The prepared core beads were removed from the solution and washed the residual CaCl2with distilled water.During the coating process,the core beads were immersed in ALG(1.5%w/v)solution for1min.Then the prepared core beads was poured into liquid paraffin(oil phase) contained span80(0.5mL)and Tween80(0.5mL)in advance while stirring(300rpm).The CaCl2solution was then added to the mix-ture10min later and stirred for another15min to form1-layer NPs–M–ALG–Beads.Then the1-layer beads were taken out from the mixture and rinsed with distilled water until the liquid paraf-fin was removed completely.The coating process was repeated3 times until the3-layer NPs–M–ALG–Beads were prepared.NPs–M–ALG–Beads with porous core was prepared by internal ionic gelation,whose tiny hole dropping process was different from that of NPs–M–ALG–Beads without porous(Scheme1).In the tiny hole dropping process,DOX:CS/CMCS–NPs were premixed with 5mL sodium alginate solution(ALG,3%w/v)containing0.5g CaCO3. Then,the mixture solution was dropped into100mL hydrochloric acid(HCl,0.185%w/v),used an injection syringe without a needle at a dropping rate of1.0mL/min and under stirring(100rpm)for 30min until the core beads were allfloating on the liquid level.The coating process was same as above mentioned.The prepared NPs–M–ALG–Beads with or without porous core (Porous-Beads,Non-Porous-Beads)were then freeze-dried for24h and stored in glass vial.2.4.Characterization of NPs–M–ALG–BeadsThe morphology of the NPs–M–ALG–Beads including porous-Beads and Non-Porous-Beads were observed by scanning electron microscopy(SEM,JSM-6010LA,JEOL Ltd.,Japan).The particle size of NPs–M–ALG–Beads was determined to calculate the average diameter.The mean of diameter(D)was cal-culated using Eq.(1):D=nd/n n≥100(1)where d is the diameter of each beads,n is the total number of beads measured,and D is the mean diameter.To measure Loading Efficiency(LE)of DOX in beads,the free DOX in supernatants was determined using UV–vis spectropho-tometer measurement.In the end of tiny hole dropping process, the Porous-Beads supernatant was assayed spectrophotometrically for DOX content at the wavelength of480nm and compared with the standard curve constructed.Supernatant from the Non-Porous-Beads was taken as control sample.All samples were analyzed in triplicate.The LE was determined according to Eq.(2):LE(%)=(Dose added–Does free)/Dose added×100%(2) where Dose added is total amount of DOX added,Does free is free DOX in supernatant and W is the weight of freeze-dried beads.2.5.Swelling studyThe swelling characteristic of beads were carried out in four sim-ulatedfluids,simulating the complete gastrointestinal(GI)tract environment[14,15]:simulated gastricfluid at pH1.2for2h,sim-ulated duodenumfluid at pH6.0for2h,simulated jejunumfluid at pH7.0for2h,and simulated ileumfluid at pH7.4for2h.The ingredients of simulatedfluids were as follows:Simulated gastricfluid(SGF,pH1.2)was prepared by dissolving 0.2g NaCl,7mL concentrated HCl,and3.2g pesin in1L deion-ized water;pH was adjusted to1.2±0.5.Simulated intestinalfluid (SIF,pH7.4)was prepared by dissolving6.8g KH2PO4,190mL NaOH(0.2N),and10.0g pancreatin in1L deionized water;pH was adjusted to7.4±0.5.Simulated duodenumfluid(pH6.0)was pre-pared by mixing SGF pH1.2and SIF pH7.4in a volume ratio of 30:70;pH was adjusted to6.0±0.5.Simulated jejunumfluid(pH 7.0)was SIF adjusted to7.0±0.1.Simulated ileumfluid was SIF adjusted to7.4±0.1.The freeze-dried beads were dipped in the corresponding swelling medium with the pH range from1.2to7.4at37◦C and shaken(100rpm)for8h.The beads were periodically removed (every30min)and weighed till the beads showed constant weight or complete disintegration.The swollen beads were taken out using a blunt-ended forcep and weighed after carefully wiping off resid-ual liquid with afilter paper[16].All experiments were done in triplicate.The dynamic weight change of the beads was calculated according to Eq.(3):S W=(W S–W0)/W0×100%(3)J.Li et al./International Journal of Biological Macromolecules85(2016)1–83Scheme.1.Preparation of nanoparticles immobilized multilayer sodium alginate beads.where W S is the weight of the swelling bead,and W0is the abso-lutely dried weight of beads.3.1.DOX release in simulated GIfluidDOX release of beads was tested in simulated GIfluid.About 0.03g(Non-Porous)and0.06g(Porous)beads were immersed in 20mL of different simulatedfluid respectively:simulated gastric fluid at pH1.2for2h,simulated duodenumfluid at pH6.0for2h, simulated jejunumfluid at pH7.0for2h,and simulated ileumfluid at pH7.4for2h.Then,gently shaken in a thermostatted shaker bath at37◦C,50rpm.At appropriate intervals(every30min),3mL of the solutions were replaced by the same amount fresh medium,the amount of DOX released in the medium was evaluated at481nm using an UV–vis spectrophotometer.All samples were analyzed in triplicate.At predetermined time(0h,2h,4h,6h and8h),the release buffer was observed by transmission electron microscope(TEM, JEM-1200EX,JEOL Ltd.,Japan)without being stained.All procedures were carried out in the dark and carbon dioxide blowing to avoid photodegradation of DOX.3.2.Animal study3.2.1.AnimalsAdult male Sprague–Dawley(SD)rats(180–220g)were housed and cared in air-conditioned quarters under a photoperiod sched-ule of12h light/12h dark cycles.The rats received standard laboratory chow and tap water available ad libitum2weeks prior to the experiments.The rats were fasted overnight to prevent food fluorescence interference before experiments.All experiments on animals were carried out in accordance with the European Com-munity Council Directive of November24,1986(86/609/EEC).3.2.2.Ex vivo tissue distributionSD rats were used and randomly divided into three groups (n=5for each studied group).After fasting overnight,different formulations:1mL DOX aqueous solution,equal to0.073g Non-Porous-Beads and0.013g Porous-Beads were administered orally to the rats respectively.Major organs(heart,liver,spleen,lung and kidney)were dis-sected from SD rats bodies at(2h,4h,6h,8h,24h)after oral administration.To determine DOX level in organs,certain weight of each organ were homogenized in2mL deionized water(pH7.0) using tissue homogenizer at20,000rpm for5min,then quanti-fied with afluorescence plate reader(Bio-Tek Instruments,Ex/Em 480/560nm).4.Results and discussion4.1.Preparation and characterization of beadsNPs–M–ALG–Beads without porous core(Non-Porous-Beads) were prepared by external ionic gelation(Scheme1).First, DOX:CS/CMCS–NPs were prepared by the ionic gelation among positively charged CS,DOX and negatively charged CMCS,TPP was used as a crosslinker to further stabilize nanoparticles structure [13].After dropping DOX:CS/CMCS–NPs and ALG solution mixture into CaCl2solution,the−COO−groups on ALG were cross-linked by Ca2+to form the core of multilayer bead.During the coating process, the ALG was attracted on the surface of core beads when the core beads were immersed in the ALG solution.Then,the beads were separated from each other and suspended in oil phase after they were poured into oil phase.As the CaCl2was added to the mixture, the ALG attracted on the surface of core beads would be again cross-linked by Ca2+to form one layer.Repeating the coating process3 times,the Non-Porous-Beads with3layers could be prepared.NPs–M–ALG–Beads with porous core(Porous-Beads)was pre-pared by internal ionic gelation,whose tiny hole dropping process was different from that of NPs–MkALG–Beads without porous (Scheme1).After dropping ALG containing DOX:CS/CMCS–NPs and CaCO3into HCl,the core beads with porous were formed due to Ca2+induced cross-linking among−COO−groups on ALG and pore-forming effect of CO2produced by reaction between CaCO3and HCl.The coating process of Porous-Beads was same as that of Non-Porous-Beads.The coating process was also repeated3times to prepare Porous-Beads with3layers.The morphology of freezing dry Non-Porous-Beads and Porous-Beads was observed using SEM(Fig.1).Either Non-Porous-Beads or Porous-Beads prepared were spherical in shape with rough sur-face(Fig.1A and B).The Porous-Beads presented a bigger diameter (4.252±0.1mm,Table1)than Non-Porous-Beads(3.556±0.2mm, Table1)because of the bulk effect of CO2.No significant difference in layer surface morphology was found between the Non-Porous-Beads or Porous-Beads(Fig.1C and D).The LBL structure could be seen clearly(Fig.1E and F)in two kinds of pare with Non-Porous-Beads(Fig.1G),the core beads of Porous-Beads exhibited dense and radiation porous structure(Fig.1H).Nanopar-ticles could be found clearly in the core of Non-Porous-Beads and Porous-Beads(Fig.1I and J),indicating that DOX:CS/CMCS–NPs were successfully immobilized in the multilayer beads.4J.Li et al./International Journal of Biological Macromolecules85(2016)1–8Fig.1.SEM micrographs of Porous-Bead and Non-Porous-Bead.(A)individual Non-Porous-Bead;(B)individual Porous-Bead;(C)surface microstructures of Non-Porous-Bead;(D)surface microstructures of Porous-Bead;(E)dissected Non-Porous-Bead;(F)dissected Porous-Bead;(G)core bead of Non-Porous-Bead;(H)core bead of Porous-Bead;(I) dissected core bead of Non-Porous-Bead;(J)dissected core bead of Porous-Bead.J.Li et al./International Journal of Biological Macromolecules85(2016)1–85 Table1Mean particle sizes,zeta potential values,polydispersity index(PDI)and loading efficiency(LE)of DOX:CS/CMCS–NPs,non-porous-beads and porous-beads.Mean particle size Zeta potential(mV)PDI LEDOX:CS/CMCS–NPs279.3±8.3nm32.6±1.10.1671.85%±3.1 Non-porous-beads 3.556±0.2mm––42.90%±4.5Porous-beads 4.252±0.1mm––54.16%±8.2Fig.2.Swelling characteristics of Non-Porous-Beads and Porous-Beads in the sim-ulatedfluid of the GI tract.(n=3).4.2.Loading efficiency(LE)of the beadsPrevious studies indicated that the LE of DOX were poor in CS nanocarriers,no more than22.56%±1.2[17],because of elec-trostatic repulsion between positively charged CS and positively charged DOX[18,19](Table1).In our recent report,the introduction of CMCS significantly increased the LE of DOX from22.56%±1.2[17] to71.85%±3.1[20],mainly resulted from the electrostatic adsorp-tion between negatively charged CMCS and positively charged DOX. In this study,DOX:CS/CMCS–NPs were loaded in the core of mul-tilayer ALG beads.The preparation process of the core beads in multilayer ALG beads had a significant effect on the Loading Effi-ciency(LE)of DOX in pare with Non-Porous-Beads,the LE of Porous-Bead was54.16%±8.2,about1.2folds higher than that of Non-Porous-Beads(42.90%±4.5).This phenomenon was attribute to the sufficient crosslinking and high loading capacity given by porous structure of core in Porous-Beads.Actually,larger size and CO2produced in formation of core bead in Porous-Beads would lead to more diffusing of DOX:CS/CMCS–NGs.Nevertheless, the fast and morefirmness crosslinking induced by internal ionic gelation guaranteed high LE of Porous-Beads.4.3.The swelling behaviors of beadsThe swelling characteristics of Non-Porous-Beads and Porous-Beads were evaluated in simulated GI tractfluid(Fig.2).The corresponding photographs were respectively taken at0h,2h,4h, 6h,and8h(Fig.3).In simulated gastricfluid(pH1.2),Non-Porous-Beads and Porous-Beads exhibited lower and approximately the same swelling ratio(no more than4%,Fig.2).The minimal swelling ratio was beneficial for restraining the rate of drug release.Ouw-erx et al.reported that at low pH values(<4),the carboxylate groups of alginate were protonized[21].The lessen of electrostatic repulsion among these groups could brought about stabilization of beads.In the simulated gastricfluid,the beads maintained spherical shape andfloated on the surface of liquid(Fig.3).It was due to the intramolecular and intermolecular-hydrogen bond between−COOH and−OH groups and the ionic cross-links by Ca2+ between the carboxylate ions(−COO−)on the ALG and CMCS in DOX:CS/CMCS-NPs.The stable ion crosslinking reactions under the low pH condition resulted in low swelling degree of Non-Porous-Beads and Porous-Beads.In simulated duodenumfluid(pH6.0),from the2th to4th h, the swelling ratios of test beads increased significantly compared to those in simulated gastricfluid(Fig.2).The volume of beads increased with the increase of the swelling time(Fig.3).With the increase of pH,the repulsive force produced by the deproto-nated carboxyl group(−COO−)of ALG between layer,deprotonated −COO−of ALG and CMCS in DOX:CS/CMCS–NPs resulted in higher swelling ratio.Dainty et al.(1986)[22]also reported that the dis-ruption of calcium-alginate gel matrix occurs faster in phosphate buffer above a pH5.5due to the chelating action of the phosphate ions.At these neutral pH values,the affinity of phosphate for cal-cium is higher than that of alginate[23].However,Porous-Beads still exhibited compact structure in the simulated duodenumfluid, while the Non-Porous-Beads was begin to disintegrate(Fig.3),the result was also shown as the swelling ratio begin sharply down (Fig.2).These phenomena indicated that the internal ionic gela-tion of Porous-Beads was more stable than external ionic gelation of Non-Porous-Beads,which was beneficial to prolong the contact time between the DOX:CS/CMCS–NPs and the small intestine and thus enhance the absorption of drug.In simulated ileumfluid,at the6th h,Non-Porous-Beads was nearly disintegrated completely,while the Porous-Beads were still spherical but the structure were very fragile(Fig.3).The−NH3+ groups on CS and CMCS in DOX:CS/CMCS–NPs had completely deprotonated,which deeply weakened the electrostatic interac-tion.Finally,the Non-Porous-Beads was disintegrated completely in the simulated ileumfluid,meanwhile,the Porous-Beads was nearly disintegrated.Above results demonstrated that the Porous-Beads with inter-nal crosslinking structure was much stronger and could prolong the residence time of formulation in GI tract,thus enhance the efficiency of drug delivery.4.4.In vitro drug releaseTo track the drug release characteristics of beads in response to simulatedfluid,the beads were studied in vitro at different pH environment:simulated gastricfluid,pH1.2;simulated duo-denumfluid,pH6.0;simulated jejunumfluid,pH7.0;simulated ileumfluid,pH7.4,respectively.After2h of incubation in sim-ulated gastricfluid,no free DOX was tested in release buffer of Non-Porous-Beads due to the excellent protective effect of multi-layer ALG matrix(Fig.4A).The cumulative release of DOX(%)from Non-Porous-Beads in simulated duodenumfluid(pH6.0)were 27.27%.Non-Porous-Beads had probably insufficient cross-linking density to prevent drug molecules to diffuse out,about60%DOX was released(56.62%)in Simulated jejunumfluid within6h.Corre-spondingly,in simulated duodenum,jejunum and ileumfluids,the disintegration of multilayer ALG beads led to a large release of DOX, the cumulative amount of DOX released was increased significantly until reach100%.Fig.4B showed the successive release profile of DOX from Porous-Beads simulating the environments of stomach,different sections of the small intestine,respectively.The trend in drug release of Porous-Beads were similar with that of Non-Porous-6J.Li et al./International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 85(2016)1–8Fig.3.Photographs of Non-Porous-Beads and Porous-Beads in the simulated fluid of the GI tract at 0h,2h,4h,6h,8h,respectively.Fig.4.DOX release profiles and TEM images of Non-Porous-Beads (A)and Porous-Beads (B)in simulated GI tract fluids (n =3).Beads in corresponding simulated GI fluid,but the release rate of Porous-Beads group was obviously slower than that of Non-Porous-Beads group in simulating gastric,duodenum and jejunum fluid.At pH 1.2(simulating the environments of stomach),although part of DOX were released from the ALG matrix with the swelling of multilayer ALG beads,the DOX release ratio was no more than 10%(Fig.4B),indicating the release of DOX from the Porous-Beads could be suppressed in gastro.With the increase of volume,the Porous-Beads showed higher specific surface area which made for drug release were formed in the first 2h.The cumulative release of DOX (%)was approximately 16.80%and 29.78%at pH 6.0and 7.0(simu-lating the environments of duodenum and jejunum),respectively.At pH 7.4(simulating the environment of ileum),Porous-Beads were soon disintegrated,associated with a fairly fast release of DOX.The corresponding photographs of simulated GI fluid was taken at predetermined times (0h,2h,4h,6h,and 8h)and observed by TEM (Fig.4A and B).In simulating gastric fluid,no DOX:CS/CMCS–NPs was found in the release buffer of Non-Porous-Beads.After 2h incubation in simulated duodenum fluid,a number of DOX:CS/CMCS-NPs were observed in the release buffer by TEM.After 2h of incubation in stimulated jejunum fluid,the structure of DOX:CS/CMCS-NPs were gradually loose.Finally,after 2h of incu-bation in stimulated ileum fluid,the DOX:CS/CMCS–NPs almost lost their shape.The internal crosslinking network of Porous-Beads was more stable than the external crosslinking network of Non-Porous-Beads,given low swelling degree and sustained release ability of in GI pared with Non-Porous-Beads,the release trend of Porous-Beads was the same but the disintegration of DOX:CS/CMCS–NPs in Porous-Beads was slower and occurred in simulated jejunum fluid (Fig.4B).When the beads are taken orally,it goes to the stomach and resides there for a certain period first.Then it passes on to duodenum,jejunum and finally reaches the ileum.The total gas-trointestinal transit time for beads may vary from 16to 24h [24]depending on the physiology of the patient.In this journey along gastrointestinal tract,the beads have to get exposed to a sharp pH change in the range 1–2to 6–8along the whole tract.Therefore,behavior of beads as oral dosage form can be best visualized by exposing the beads to the environment of changing pH similar to human.The drug release ratio of two kinds of beads was low (no more than 10%)during 2h incubated in stimulated gastric fluid (Fig.4A and Fig.4B)due to the excellent resistance of multilayer ALG matrix against gastric acid.The following drug release charac-teristic in simulated small intestinal fluid could be explained by the swelling characteristics of Porous-Beads as above mentioned.The porous structure of Porous-Beads with internal crosslinking net-work effectively promoted the stability of DOX:CS/CMCS–NPs and delayed the release of DOX in GI tract,illustrating that the internal crosslinking may play a key role in drug release.Porous-Beads had the higher ability to deliver DOX to small intestine and were more likely to release the loaded DOX only when they infiltrated into the intestinal mucosa and approached enterocytes.4.5.Tissue distributionThe organ distribution of beads was investigated in Sprague–Dawley (SD)rats (180–220g),to determine the DOX level in organs,organs were excised at 24h after oral administra-tion of beads to rats,the homogenized organs was quantified with a fluorescence plate reader (Fig.5).J.Li et al./International Journal of Biological Macromolecules85(2016)1–87Fig.5.Quantification of tissue distribution of DOX in rats organs(n=3).Error bars represent standard deviation.The results of quantitative experiment showed that similar trends appeared in a time-dependent manner after2h,4h and24h oral administration respectively.No significant DOX was detected in major organs of rats after oral administration of DOX aqueous solution,demonstrating poor absorption of DOX in DOX aqueous solution group.For Non-Porous-Beads group,low DOX level was found in organs,which might be due to the weak capacity to entrap-ping DOX of Non-Porous-Beads in GI tract.On the contrary,all organs of rats after oral administration of Porous-Beads showed significant higher DOX level compare with the Non-Porous-Beads group for thefirst8h and maintained for24h.It was attributed to the internal crosslinking structure of Porous-Beads can guar-antee its sustained drug release effect within24h.After24h, the liver exhibited the highest level(13.119␮g/g tissue)followed by heart(7.824␮g/g tissue),kidneys(4.496␮g/g tissue),lung (1.667␮g/g tissue),and spleen(0.936␮g/g tissue).Porous-Beads group exhibited higher drug entrapment capacity and absorption enhancement.The DOX concentration in rats organs after oral administration Porous-Beads were about2–4folds higher than corresponding organs of Non-Porous-Beads group.These results demonstrated that the internally crosslinked Porous-Beads were more effective than Non-Porous-Beads with external crosslinking structure as oral delivery carrier of DOX,and markedly maintained high concentration of the anticancer drug in organs.5.ConclusionIn this study,NPs–M–ALG–Beads with Porous core(Porous-Beads)were constructed by internal ionic gelation for oral delivery of anticancer drug.The internal crosslinked Porous-Beads were more efficient in the entrapment of the drug and showed more delayed drug release and higher organ drug concentration than those of oral administration of external crosslinked Non-Porous-Beads.Above results indicated that Porous-Beads with sufficient internal crosslinking structure are more suitable for the drug sus-tained release,these biocompatible bead systems can pass the acidic gastricfluid without liberating substantial amounts of the loaded drug.The internal crosslinking made of Porous-Beads drug delivery systems have excellent potentials as carriers for the sus-tained release of oral drugs.AcknowledgementsThis work was supported by The National Natural Science Foun-dation of China NSFC Shandong joint fund(NO.U1406402-5), Promotive Research Fund for Young and Middle-aged Scientists of Shandong Province(NO.BS2015SW010),Public Science and Tech-nology Research Founds Projects of Ocean(NO.2015418022),The National Natural Science Foundation of China(NO.31500807)and The Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities(NO. 201513045).References[1]Y.Guo,M.Chu,S.Tan,S.Zhao,H.Liu,B.O.Otieno,X.Yang,C.Xu,Z.Zhang,Mol.Pharm.11(2014)59–70.[2]L.Mei,Z.Zhang,L.Zhao,L.Huang,X.L.Yang,J.Tang,S.S.Feng,Adv.Drug 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聚赖氨酸 应用

聚赖氨酸   应用

Biochemical Engineering Journal 65 (2012) 70–81Contents lists available at SciVerse ScienceDirectBiochemical EngineeringJournalj o u r n a l h o m e p a g e :w w w.e l s e v i e r.c o m /l o c a t e /b ejReviewReview on production and medical applications of ␧-polylysineSwet Chand Shukla a ,Amit Singh b ,Anand Kumar Pandey c ,Abha Mishra a ,∗aSchool of Biochemical Engineering,Institute of Technology,Banaras Hindu University,Varanasi 221005,India bDepartment of Pharmacology,Institute of Medical Sciences,Banaras Hindu University,Varanasi 221005,India cSchool of Biomedical Engineering,Institute of Technology,Banaras Hindu University,Varanasi 221005,Indiaa r t i c l ei n f oArticle history:Received 3May 2011Received in revised form 28March 2012Accepted 2April 2012Available online 11 April 2012Keywords:␧-PolylysineHomopolyamideS.albulus Lysinopolymerus Conjugate Drug carrier Targetinga b s t r a c t␧-Polylysine (␧-PL)is a homopolyamide linked by the peptide bond between the carboxylic and epsilon amino group of adjacent lysine molecules.It is naturally occurring biodegradable and nontoxic towards human.This review article gives an insight about the various ␧-PL producing strains,their screening procedures,mechanism of synthesis,characterization,and its application in the medical field.The poly cationic nature of ␧-PL at physiological pH makes it as one of the potential candidates in the field of drug delivery.Most of the biomedical applications till date use synthetic ␣-PLL as a raw material.However,it is believed that naturally occurring ␧-PL would be an ideal substitute.© 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.Contents 1.Introduction ..........................................................................................................................................712.Origin and distribution of ␧-PL ......................................................................................................................713.Mechanism of synthesis .............................................................................................................................714.Biosynthesis and molecular genetics ................................................................................................................715.Microbial production of ␧-polylysine ................................................................................................................726.Screening and detection of ␧-PL production in microbial system...................................................................................737.Purification and characterization of ␧-PL ............................................................................................................738.Conformation of ␧-PL ................................................................................................................................749.Application of polylysine in medicine ...............................................................................................................749.1.Polylysine as a drug carrier ...................................................................................................................749.2.Polylysine as nanoparticles...................................................................................................................759.3.Polylysine as a gene carrier...................................................................................................................759.4.Polylysine as liposomes ......................................................................................................................769.5.Polylysine as interferon inducer .............................................................................................................769.6.Polylysine as lipase inhibitor .................................................................................................................779.7.Polylysine as hydrogel ........................................................................................................................779.8.Polylysine as coating material................................................................................................................779.9.Other applications ............................................................................................................................7810.Conclusion ..........................................................................................................................................78References ...........................................................................................................................................78Abbreviations:Pls,polylysine synthetase;NaSCN,sodium thiocynate;FTIR,Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy;NMR,nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy;MION,monocrystalline iron oxide nanoparticle;NPs,nanoparticles;IgM,immunoglobulin M.∗Corresponding author.Tel.:+919451887940.E-mail (A.Mishra).1369-703X/$–see front matter © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved./10.1016/j.bej.2012.04.001S.C.Shukla et al./Biochemical Engineering Journal 65 (2012) 70–81711.Introduction␧-Polylysine (␧-PL)is a basic polyamide that consists of 25–30residues of l -lysine with an ␧-amino group-␣-carboxyl group link-age (Fig.1).Polyamide can be grouped into two categories,one in which the polyamide consists of only one type of amino acid linked by amide bonds called homopolyamide and the other which consists of different amino acids in their chain called proteins [1].Furthermore,proteins are biosynthesized under the direction of DNA,while the biosynthesis of homopolyamides is catalyzed by peptide synthetases.Therefore,the antibiotics that are inhibitors of translation such as chloramphenicol,do not affect the biosyn-thesis of polyamides.Proteins in general exhibit exact length,whereas homopolyamides show a remarkable variation in molec-ular weight.Amide linkages in proteins are only formed between ␣-amino and ␣-carboxylic groups (␣-amide linkages),whereas amide bonds in homopolyamide involve other side chain functions such as ␤-and ␥-carboxylic with ␧-amino groups [1].Particularly,chemically synthesized polylysine were found to have linkages between ␣-carboxyl and ␣-amino group.Many workers investi-gated various applications of ␣-PL in the drug delivery system.However,␣-PL was reported to be toxic to human beings,and there-fore,research has now been diverted towards finding naturally occurring polymers [2,3].␧-PL is an unusual naturally occurring homopolyamide having linkages between the ␧-amino group and ␣-carboxylic group,and it shows high water solubility and sta-bility.No degradation is observed even when the ␧-PL solution is boiled at 100◦C for 30min or autoclaved at 120◦C for 20min [4].␧-PL was discovered as an extracellular material of Streptomyces albulus ssp.Lysinopolymerus strain 346during screening for Dra-gendorff’s positive substances [5–7].Mutation studies were made by nitrosoguanidine treatment on wild type Lysinopolymerus strain 346to enhance the ␧-PL production.As a result of mutation,S-(2-aminoethyl)-l -cysteine and glycine resistant mutant were isolated,with four times higher amounts of ␧-PL than the wild type [8].␧-PL is a cationic surface active agent due to its positively charged amino group in water,and hence they were shown to have a wide antimi-crobial activity against yeast,fungi,Gram positive,Gram negative bacterial species [4,9].The excreted polymer is absorbed to the cell surfaces by its cationic property,leading to the striping of outer membrane and by this mechanism the growth of microbes sensi-tive to ␧-PL is inhibited.␧-PL degrading enzyme plays an important role in self-protection of ␧-PL producing microbes [9].Due to its excellent antimicrobial activity,heat stability and lack of toxicity,it is being used as a food preservative [10,11].Naturally occurring ␧-PL is water soluble,biodegradable,edible and nontoxic toward humans and the environment.Therefore,␧-PL and its derivatives have been of interest in the recent few years in food,medicine and electronics industries.Derivatives of ␧-PL are also available which offers a wide range of unique applications such as emul-sifying agent,dietary agent,biodegradable fibers,highly water absorbable hydrogels,drug carriers,anticancer agent enhancer,biochip coatings,etc.Polylysine exhibits variety of secondary struc-tures such as random coil,␣-helix,or ␤-sheet conformations in aqueous solution.Moreover,transitions between conformations can be easily achieved using,salt concentration,alcohol con-tent,pH or temperature as an environmental stimulus.There is aH NH*CH 2CH 2CH 2CH 2CH NH 2CO*OHnFig.1.Chemical structure of epsilon polylysine.growing interest in using ␧-PL and its derivatives as biomaterials and extensive research has been done leading to a large number of publications [4,12–15].The present review focuses on various pro-cess parameters for maximal yield of polymer by microbial system more specifically by actinomycetes,probable biosynthetic route and its application,especially in pharmaceutical industries.2.Origin and distribution of ␧-PLNot much is known about the ␧-PL producing microbial species existing in the environment.It is observed that ␧-PL producers mainly belong to two groups of bacteria’s:Streptomycetaceae and Ergot fungi .Besides Streptomyces albulus ,a number of other ␧-PL producing species belonging to Streptomyces,Kitasatospora and an Ergot fungi,Epichole species have been isolated [16].Recently,two Streptomyces species (USE-11and USE-51)have been isolated using two stage culture method [17].3.Mechanism of synthesis␧-Polylysine (␧-PL)is a homopolymer characterized by a pep-tide bond between ␣-carboxyl and ␧-amino groups of l -lysine molecules.Biosynthetic study of ␧-PL was carried out in a cell-free system by using a sensitive radioisotopic ␧-PL assay method,suggested that the biosynthesis of ␧-PL is a non ribosomal peptide synthesis and is catalyzed by membrane bound enzymes.In vitro ,␧-PL synthesis was found to be dependent on ATP and was not affected by ribonuclease,kanamycin or chloramphenicol [18].In a peptide biosynthesis,amino acids are activated either by adeny-lation or phosphorylation of carboxyl group.Adenylation occurs in translation and in the nonribosomal synthesis of a variety of unusual peptides [19,20];Phosphorylation has been suggested for the biosynthesis of glutathione [21].In the former,ATP is con-verted to AMP and pyrophosphate by adenylation,and in the latter,phosphorylation leads to ADP and phosphate as the final prod-ucts.The synthesis of ␧-PL,a homopolypeptide of the basic amino acid l -lysine,is similar to that of poly-(␥-d -glutamate)in terms of adenylation of the substrate amino acid [18].Through the exper-imental observations,the probable mechanism of synthesis was suggested by Kawai et al.showed that in the first step of ␧-PL biosynthesis l -lysine is adenylated at its own carboxyl groups with an ATP-PPi exchange reaction.The active site of a sulfhydryl group of an enzyme forms active aminoacyl thioester intermediates,lead-ing to condensation of activated l -lysine monomer.This is the characteristic feature of nonribosomal peptide synthetase enzyme [22–24].␧-PL producing strain of Streptomyces albulus was found to pro-duce ␧-PL synthetase (Pls).A gene isolated from the strain was identified as a membrane protein with adenylation and thiolation domains which are characteristic features of the nonribosomal pep-tide synthetases (NRPSs).␧-PL synthetase has six transmembrane domains surrounding three tandem soluble domains without any thioesterase and condensation domain.This tandem domain itera-tively catalyzes l -lysine polymerization using free l -lysine polymer as an acceptor and Pls-bound l -lysine as a donor,thereby yielding chains of diverse length (Fig.2).Thus,␧-PL synthetase acts as a ligase for peptide bond formation [25].Yamanaka et al.suggested that ␧-PL synthetase function is regulated by intracellular ATP and found that acidic pH conditions are necessary for the accumulation of intracellular ATP,rather than the inhibition of the ␧-PL degrading enzyme [26].4.Biosynthesis and molecular geneticsThe precursor of ␧-PL biosynthesis was identified to be l -lysine by radiolabeling studies using [14C]-l -lysine in Streptomyces72S.C.Shukla et al./Biochemical Engineering Journal 65 (2012) 70–81Fig.2.Mechanism for synthesis of ␧-polylysine.albulus 346[18].However,a high-molecular-weight plasmid (pNO33;37kbp)was detected in ␧-PL-producing S.albulus ,and the replicon of pNO33was used to construct a cloning vector for S.albu-lus strain [27].The order and number of NRPSs modules determine the chain length of the ␧-PL [24,28].However,the chain length of ␧-PL was shortened by the use of aliphatic hydroxy-compound and ␤-cyclodextrin derivative [29,30].␧-PL with more than nine l -lysine residues severely inhib-ited the microbial growth while the ␧-PL with less than nine l -lysine residues showed negligible antimicrobial activity.All the strains producing ␧-PL from glycerol showed lower number aver-age molecular weight (M n )than those obtained from glucose [31].The ␧-PL-degrading activity was detected in both ␧-PL tolerant and ␧-PL producing bacteria.The presence of ␧-PL-degrading activity in Streptomyces strains is closely related with ␧-PL-producing activ-ity,which indicates that tolerance against ␧-PL is probably required for ␧-PL producers.The presence of ␧-PL degrading enzyme is detri-mental to industrial production of ␧-PL.Therefore,␧-PL degrading enzyme of S.albulus was purified,characterized and the gene encoding an ␧-PL degrading enzyme of S.albulus was cloned,and analyzed [32].The ␧-PL-degrading enzyme of S.albulus is tightly bound to the cell membrane.The enzyme was solubilized by NaSCN in the presence of Zn 2+and was purified to homogeneity by phenyl-Sepharose CL-4B column chromatography,with a molecular mass of 54kDa.The enzymatic mode of degradation was exotype mode and released N-terminal l -lysine’s one by one.Streptomyces vir-giniae NBRC 12827and Streptomyces noursei NBRC 15452showed high ␧-PL-degrading aminopeptidase activity and both strains have the ability to produce ␧-PL,indicating a strong correlation between the existence of ␧-PL degrading enzyme and ␧-PL produc-ing activity [33].␧-PL degrading enzymes were also found in ␧-PL tolerant microorganisms,Sphingobacterium multivorum OJ10and Chryseobacterium sp.OJ7,which were isolated through enrichmentof the culture media with various concentrations of ␧-PL.S.mul-tivorum OJ10could grow well,even in the presence of 10mg/ml ␧-PL,without a prolonged lag phase.The ␧-PL-degrading enzyme activity was also detected in the cell-free extract of ␧-PL tolerant S.multivorum OJ10.The enzyme catalyzed an exotype degradation of ␧-PL and was Co 2+or Ca 2+ion activated aminopeptidase.This indicates the contribution of ␧-PL-degrading enzymes to the toler-ance against ␧-PL [34].An ␧-PL degrading enzyme of ␧-PL tolerant Chryseobacterium sp.OJ7,was also characterized and the purified enzyme catalyzed the endotype degradation of ␧-PL,in contrast to those of Streptomyces albulus and Sphingobacterium multivorum OJ10.Probably,their possession of proteases enables their growth in the presence of a high ␧-PL concentration.␧-PL degradation was also observed by commercially available proteases,such as Pro-tease A,Protease P and Peptidase R [34,35].5.Microbial production of ␧-polylysinePolylysine can be synthesized by chemical polymerization start-ing from l -lysine or its derivatives.Researchers described two different routes to polymerize lysine residues without the use of protection groups.However,linear ␧-PLL can be obtained by applying 1-ethyl-3-(3-dimethylaminopropyl)carbodiimide as an activating agent for the polycondensation of l -lysine in an aqueous medium.In contrast to this,␣-poly(l -lysine)can be obtained by using dicyclohexyl carbodiimide and 18-crown-6ether in chloro-form [36].Dendrimeric ␣,␧-polylysine were synthesized by using solid phase peptide synthesis method and used dendritic ␣,␧-polylysine as a delivery agent for oligonucleotides [37,38].Moccia et al.for the first time reported ␣,␧-polylysine by assembling Fmoc and Boc protected l -lysine monomers by solid phase synthesis [39].Guo et al.synthesized ␧-PL-analogous polypeptides with not only similar ␣-amino side groups but also similar main chain throughS.C.Shukla et al./Biochemical Engineering Journal65 (2012) 70–8173microwave assisted click polymerization technique[40].Recently, Roviello et al.synthesized a cationic peptide based on l-lysine and l-diaminobutyric acid for thefirst time by solid phase synthesis [41].␧-PL was discovered as an extracellular material produced by filamentous actinomycetes group of micro-organism Streptomyces albulus ssp.Lysinopolymerus strain346more than35years ago [5].It is synthesized by a nonribosomal peptide synthetase and released extracellularly.In actinomycetes group of organisms l-lysine is synthesized through the diaminopimelic acid pathway. Diaminopimelate is formed via l-aspartate(Asp)produced by com-bining oxaloacetate in the tricarboxylic acid cycle with ammonium as a nitrogen source.Citrate was found to be facilitator for the production much more than other organic acids of TCA cycle[24].Studies revealed that decline in pH during the fermentation pro-cess is an essential condition for the accumulation of␧-PL.Shima et al.carried out two-step cultivation method for S.albulus.Strain wasfirst grown for24h in a culture medium containing glycerol as carbon source with yeast extract,then in second step medium was replaced by glucose,citric acid with(NH4)2SO4[42].It was found that the mutant of strain346decreases the culture pH from its initial value of6.8–4.2by36h,and slowly decreased thereafter to 3.2at96h.The accumulation of␧-PL in the broth increased signifi-cantly when the culture pH was about4.0.The fed batch cultivation was adopted to enhance the␧-PL production with two distinct phases.In phase I,cell was grown at pH(6.8)optimum for cul-ture growth then in phase II,the pH was kept around4.0by the addition of glucose.Depletion of glucose causes an increase in pH of the culture broth leading to the degradation of the produced ␧-PL.Thus the pH control strategy in fed batch culture success-fully enhanced the yield of␧-PL to almost9fold[43].The airlift bioreactor(ABR)was also evaluated and compared with jar fer-mentor for␧-PL production.The results showed that the production level of␧-PL in a ABR with a power consumption of0.3kW/m3was similar to that in a5-l jar fermentor with power consumption of 8.0kW/m3.The leakage of intracellular nucleic acid(INA)-related substance into the culture broth in the ABR was70%less than that in the jar fermentor.Thus,ABR system with low intracel-lular nucleic acid-related substances minimize the difficulties of downstream processing for recovery and purification of the poly-mer products.Furthermore,the use of ABR is promising tool for the low-cost production of␧-PL of high purity[44].In some␧-PL producing strains,the production of␧-PL is unstable and depen-dent on cell density which can cause problem such as high viscosity and low oxygen transfer efficiency.Furthermore,increase of agita-tion speeds leads to the rise of shear stresses which might cause undesired effects on mycelial morphology,product formation,and product yields.Bioprocesses using immobilized cells on various inert supports can increase overall productivity and minimize pro-duction costs[45].Bankar et al.reported that aeration and agitation of the fermentation broth markedly affect␧-PL production,cell mass formation,and glycerol utilization.Fermentation kinetics per-formed revealed that␧-PL production is growth-associated,and agitation speed of300rpm and aeration rate at2.0vvm supports higher yields of␧-PL[46].Many efforts have been made to opti-mize the media in order to enhance the productivity of␧-PL.Shih and Shen applied response surface methodology for optimization of␧-PL production by Streptomyces albulus IFO14147[47].It was found that␧-PL production started on agar plated with iron two or three days earlier than that on plates without iron.Manganese and cobalt were also found to have stimulating effect on␧-PL produc-tion.Kitasatospora kifunense strain produces␧-PL of shorter chain length about8–17lysine residues[48].Metabolic precursors such as amino acids,tricarboxylic acid cycle intermediates and cofactors have been investigated for improved production of␧-PL.Addition of citric acid after24h and l-aspartate after36h of fermentation medium had a significant effect on␧-PL production[49].Zhang et al.investigated the production of␧-PL on immobilized cells of Kitasatospora sp.MY5-36on bagasse,macroporous silica gel,syn-thetic sponge,loofah sponge and found that loofah sponge gave highest production of␧-PL in shakeflask culture[50].6.Screening and detection of␧-PL production in microbial systemNishikawa and Ogawa developed a simple screening method to detect␧-PL producing microbes.Screenings were carried out on agar plates containing either basic or acidic dyes.The dyes used were,Poly R-478,Remazol Brilliant Blue-R(RBBR)and Methylene blue.The screening method was based on the rationale interac-tion that occurs between charged groups of the secreted␧-PL and charged group of the basic or acidic dyes.A synthetic glycerol(SG) medium containing either0.02%of acidic dye Poly R-478/RBBR or0.002%of Methylene blue was used for the primary screen-ing.The SG medium was composed of glycerol10g,ammonium sulfate0.66g,sodium dihydrogen phosphate0.68g,magnesium phosphate heptahydrate0.25g,yeast extract0.1g,and1.0ml of Kirk’s mineral solution in1l of distilled water.The pH was adjusted to7.0with1M NaOH solution,and the medium was solidified by adding1.5%agar.The plates were incubated at28◦C for about one week;microbes forming specific colonies interacting with dyes were picked up and purified after several culture transfers.The acidic dye condensed around the organism’s colonies while basic dye was excluded from the surrounding zone.A zone of at least five mm in diameter for each colony was needed to visualize the interaction between secreted substances and dyes[16].The concentrations of␧-PL in the culture broth can be deter-mined by using either the spectrophotometric method or HPLC method.The colorimetric method is based on the interaction between␧-PL and methyl orange,which is an anionic dye,and thus the interaction of cationic␧-PL with anionic methyl orange in the reaction mixture led to form a water insoluble complex[51].The HPLC method for␧-PL detection was reported by Kahar et which HPLC column(Tsk gel ODS-120T,4.6mm×250mm)with a mobile phase comprising of0.1%H3PO4was used[43].7.Purification and characterization of␧-PL␧-PL a cationic polymer,can be isolated at neutral pH,and puri-fied from the culture broth by ion exchange chromatography using an Amberlite IRC-50(H+form)column[5,52].The culture super-natant can be passed through an Amberlite IRC-50column at pH 8.5with successive washing by0.2N acetic acid and water.The elution can be made with0.1N hydrochloric acid,and the eluate can be neutralized with0.1N sodium hydroxide to pH6.5.Sub-sequent purification can be done by using CM-cellulose column chromatography to get␧-PL in homogeneity.The purification of the product can be monitored by UV absorption at220nm and fur-ther characterized by amino acid analysis.The molecular weight of␧-PL can be estimated by gelfiltration on a Sephadex column [16,53].Kobayashi et al.extracted the␧-PL from Kitasatospora kifu-nense.The pH of the culturefiltrate wasfirst adjusted to7.0,and the aliquot was mixed with Gly-His-Lys acetate salt as an inter-nal peptide standard.The resulting mixture was then applied to Sep-Pak Light CM cartridge.The cartridge was washed with water and␧-PL was eluted with0.1M HCl.The eluate was lyophilized and the residue was dissolved in0.1%pentafluoropropionic acid [46].Recently,ultra-filtration technique for fractionation of␧-PL of different molecular weight has been applied.The␧-PL with molec-ular weight higher than2kDa form a␤-turn conformation whereas molecular weight smaller than2kDa possesses a random coil74S.C.Shukla et al./Biochemical Engineering Journal65 (2012) 70–81conformation.The fraction of␧-PL with molecular weight higher than2kDa was found to have significant antibacterial activity, while the fraction with molecular weight smaller than2kDa shows nominal antibacterial activity[54].8.Conformation of␧-PLStructure and conformation studies are prerequisite to under-stand the functional behavior of␧-PL.Numerous workers have investigated the conformation and the molecular structure of microbially produced␧-PL by NMR,IR and CD spectroscopy[55,56]. The thermal property of crystalline␧-PL was determined by Lee et al.[52].The glass transition temperature(T g)and the melting point(T m)was observed to be88◦C and172.8◦C respectively.The results from pH dependent IR and CD spectra,1H and13C NMR chemical shifts together with that of13C spin-lattice relaxation times T1indicated that␧-PL assumes a␤-sheet conformation in aqueous alkaline solution.␧-PL at acidic pH might be in an electro-statically expanded conformation due to repulsion of protonated ␣-amino group,whereas at elevated pH(above p K a of the␣-amino group)the conformation was found to be similar to the antiparallel ␤-sheet.The molecular structure and conformation of microbial␧-PL was studied by FT-IR and Raman spectroscopy.␧-PL was found to assumed a␤-sheet conformation in the solid state and solid state 13C NMR also revealed that␧-PL existed as a mixture of two crys-talline forms.Spin-lattice relaxation times yield two kinds of T1s corresponding to the crystalline and amorphous components,with the degree of crystallinity as63%[57].Solid-state high-resolution13C and15N NMR spectra of micro-bial␧-PL derivatives with azo dyes have been measured.These chemically modified␧-PL’s Exhibit15N NMR signals characteristic of the binding mode at the␣-amino groups.The spectral analy-sis reveals that the␧-PL/DC sample contains a small amount of ion complexes with methyl orange(MO).It has been shown that side chain␣-amino group of␧-PL does not make a covalent bond with methyl orange(MO)but forms a poly-ion complex,(␧-PL)-NH3+SO3−-(MO).On the other hand,dabsyl chloride(DC)makes covalent bond with␧-PL to form sulfonamide,(␧-PL)-NH-SO2-(DC). However,a few tens percent of DC change to MO by hydrolysis to form a poly-ion complex,(␧-PL)-NH3+SO3−-(MO)[58].Rosenberg and Shoham characterized the secondary structure of polylysine with a new parameter namely,the intensity ratio of the bands of charged side chain amine NH3+and amide NH bands.The enthalpy of the secondary structure transition,which is observed in PLL at the change of pH from11to1amounts to4.7kJ mol−1[59].9.Application of polylysine in medicinePolylysine is available in a large variety of molecular weights. As a polypeptide,polylysine can be degraded by cells effortlessly. Therefore,it has been used as a delivery vehicle for small drugs[60]. The epsilon amino group of lysine is positively charged at phys-iological pH.Thus,the polycationic polylysine ionically interacts with polyanion,such as DNA.This interaction of polylysine with DNA has been compacted it in a different structure that has been characterized in detail by several workers[61–66].In addition,the epsilon amino group is a good nucleophile above pH8.0and there-fore,easily reacts with a variety of reagents to form a stable bond and covalently attached ligands to the molecule.Several coupling methods have been reported for preparation of conjugated of␧-PL [67–70].(a)Modification of epsilon amino groups of polylysine with bifunctional linkers containing a reactive esters,usually add a reac-tive thiol group to the polylysine molecule and consequent reaction with a thiol leads to a disulfide or thioether bond,respectively.This has been used to couple large molecules,such as proteins to polylysine.(b)Compounds containing a carboxyl group can be acti-vated by carbodiimide,leading to the formation of an amide bond with an epsilon amino group of polylysine.(c)Aldehydes,such as reducing sugars or oxidized glycoprotein,form hydrolysable schiff bases with amino groups of␧-PL,which can be selectively reduced with sodium cyanoborohydride to form a stable secondary amine.(d)Isothiocyanate reacts with epsilon amino groups by forming a thiourea derivative.(e)Antibody coupling can also be done specif-ically to the N-terminal amino group of polylysine[71,72].A variety of molecules such as proteins,sugar molecules and other small molecules have been coupled to polylysine by using these methods.Purification of the conjugates are usually being achieved by dialysis or gelfiltration in conjunction with ion-exchange chromatography or preparative gel electrophoresis. Fractionation of the ligand–polylysine ratio and conjugate size can be done by using acid urea gel electrophoresis in combination with cation-exchange HPLC,ninhydrin assay and ligand analysis (sugar,transferrin,etc.)[73].Galactose terminated saccharides such as galactose,lactose and N-acetylgalactosamine were found to be accumulated exclusively in the liver,probably by their hepatic receptor.These conjugates could therefore be excellent carriers for a drug delivery system to the liver.The other saccharides such as the mannosyl and fucosyl conjugates are preferentially delivered to the reticuloendothelial systems such as those in the liver,spleen and bone marrow.In particular,fucosyl conjugates accumulated more in the bone marrow than in the spleen whereas xylosyl con-jugates accumulated mostly in the liver and lung.Generally,the accumulated amount in the target tissue increased with increasing molecular weight and an increased number of saccharide units on each monomer residues of polymer[74].One of the disadvantages of polylysine from the pharmaceu-tical point of view is its heterogeneity with respect to molecular size.The size distribution of polylysine with degrees of polymer-ization(dp)can be reduced by gel permeation chromatography. Al-Jamal et al.studied sixth generation(G6)dendrimer molecules of␣-poly-l-lysine(␣-PLL)to exhibit systemic antiangiogenic activ-ity that could lead to solid tumor growth arrest.Their work showed that G6PLL dendrimer have an ability to accumulate and persist in solid tumor sites after systemic administration and exhibit antian-giogenic activity[75].Sugao et al.reported6th generation dendritic ␣-PLL as a carrier for NF␬B decoy oligonucleotide to treat hepatitis [76].Han et al.synthesized a new anti-HIV dendrimer which con-sisted of sulfated oligosaccharide cluster consisting with polylysine core scaffold.The anti-HIV activity of polylysine-dendritic sulfated cellobiose was found to have EC50-3.2␮g/ml for viral replication which is as high as that of the currently clinically used AIDs drugs. The results also indicated that biological activities were improved because of dendritic structure in comparison to oligosaccharide cluster which were reported to have low anti-HIV activity[77].9.1.Polylysine as a drug carrierPolylysine can be used as a carrier in the membrane transport of proteins and drugs.Shen and Ryser reported that␣-PLL was found to be easily taken up by cultured cells.In fact,the conju-gation of drug to polylysine markedly increased its cellular uptake and offers a new way to overcome drug resistance related to defi-cient transport[60,78,79].Resistance toward methotrexate has been encountered in the treatment of cancer patients.The poly lysine conjugates of methotrexate(MTX)were taken up by cells at a higher rate than free drugs form.This increased uptake can overcome drug resistance due to deficient MTX transport.Addi-tion of heparin at a high concentration restores growth inhibitory effect of MTX-poly lysine[11,60].Shen and Ryser worked conjuga-tion of␣-PLL to human serum albumin and horseradish-peroxidase。






CHEMICAL INDUSTRY AND ENGINEERING PROGRESS 2017年第36卷第4期·1324·化 工 进展官能化POSS 的制备及其在有机硅材料中的应用进展王峰,牟秋红,彭丹,张方志,李金辉,赵宁,于一涛,李冰(山东省科学院新材料研究所,山东省粘接材料重点实验室,山东 济南250014)摘要:笼型低聚倍半硅氧烷(POSS )是一种新型纳米有机-无机杂化材料,具有独特的物理化学性质。

将官能化POSS 用于有机硅材料的制备与改性,能够显著改善有机硅材料的物理化学性能,拓宽其应用领域。

本文首先总结了POSS 的制备方法,重点对聚合物改性中常用的官能化POSS 的制备进行了综述,包括:八苯基POSS 、八乙烯基POSS 、八氢基POSS 、环氧基POSS 、氨基POSS 、异氰酸酯基POSS 和单官能化POSS 。

然后从物理改性与化学改性两方面总结了官能化POSS 在有机硅材料中的应用进展。

最后对官能化POSS 在制备及应用领域的发展方向进行了展望。

目前,POSS 已经在聚合物改性领域展现出巨大的潜力,随着新型POSS 化合物的出现,官能化POSS 在有机硅材料领域的应用将取得更大的进展。

关键词:官能化POSS ;制备;有机硅;改性中图分类号:TQ264.1+4 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1000–6613(2017)04–1324–09 DOI :10.16085/j.issn.1000-6613.2017.04.023Synthesis of functionalized polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane and itsapplication in siliconeWANG Feng ,MU Qiuhong ,PENG Dan ,ZHANG Fangzhi ,LI Jinhui ,ZHAO Ning ,YU Yitao ,LI Bing(Shandong Provincial Key Laboratory of Adhesive Materials ,Insititute of Advanced Materials ,Shandong Academy ofScience ,Jinan 250014,Shandong ,China )Abstract :Polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane (POSS )is a kind of nanoscale compound with cage-like organic-inorganic hybrid structure ,with many unique physical and chemical properties. Functionalized POSS javascript:void(0);can be used in the synthesis and modification of silicone materials to improve their physical and chemical properties ,and broaden their applications. In this paper ,the synthesis methods of POSS were reviewed ,with the emphasis on the functionalized POSS ,including octaphenyl-POSS ,octavinyl-POSS ,octahydro-POSS ,epoxy-POSS ,amino-POSS ,isocyanate-POSS and mono-functionalized POSS. In addition ,the application progress of functionalized POSS in silicone was summarized from aspects of both physical and chemical modification. POSS has shown great potential in the field of polymer modification ,and the application trend of functionalized POSS in silicone materials was also prospected. In the future ,with the appearance of new POSS compounds ,the application of functionalized POSS in silicone materials would achieve greater progress. Key words :functionalized POSS ;preparation ;silicone ;modification笼型低聚倍半硅氧烷(POSS )是一种新型纳米有机硅材料,具有独特的多面体笼型结构,笼型骨架由Si —O 键组成,多面体顶角的Si 原子可以连接不同有机官能团(分子结构如图1所示)。



一、字母顺序表 (1)二、常用的数学英语表述 (7)三、代数英语(高端) (13)一、字母顺序表1、数学专业词汇Aabsolute value 绝对值 accept 接受 acceptable region 接受域additivity 可加性 adjusted 调整的 alternative hypothesis 对立假设analysis 分析 analysis of covariance 协方差分析 analysis of variance 方差分析 arithmetic mean 算术平均值 association 相关性 assumption 假设 assumption checking 假设检验availability 有效度average 均值Bbalanced 平衡的 band 带宽 bar chart 条形图beta-distribution 贝塔分布 between groups 组间的 bias 偏倚 binomial distribution 二项分布 binomial test 二项检验Ccalculate 计算 case 个案 category 类别 center of gravity 重心 central tendency 中心趋势 chi-square distribution 卡方分布 chi-square test 卡方检验 classify 分类cluster analysis 聚类分析 coefficient 系数 coefficient of correlation 相关系数collinearity 共线性 column 列 compare 比较 comparison 对照 components 构成,分量compound 复合的 confidence interval 置信区间 consistency 一致性 constant 常数continuous variable 连续变量 control charts 控制图 correlation 相关 covariance 协方差 covariance matrix 协方差矩阵 critical point 临界点critical value 临界值crosstab 列联表cubic 三次的,立方的 cubic term 三次项 cumulative distribution function 累加分布函数 curve estimation 曲线估计Ddata 数据default 默认的definition 定义deleted residual 剔除残差density function 密度函数dependent variable 因变量description 描述design of experiment 试验设计 deviations 差异 df.(degree of freedom) 自由度 diagnostic 诊断dimension 维discrete variable 离散变量discriminant function 判别函数discriminatory analysis 判别分析distance 距离distribution 分布D-optimal design D-优化设计Eeaqual 相等 effects of interaction 交互效应 efficiency 有效性eigenvalue 特征值equal size 等含量equation 方程error 误差estimate 估计estimation of parameters 参数估计estimations 估计量evaluate 衡量exact value 精确值expectation 期望expected value 期望值exponential 指数的exponential distributon 指数分布 extreme value 极值F factor 因素,因子 factor analysis 因子分析 factor score 因子得分 factorial designs 析因设计factorial experiment 析因试验fit 拟合fitted line 拟合线fitted value 拟合值 fixed model 固定模型 fixed variable 固定变量 fractional factorial design 部分析因设计 frequency 频数 F-test F检验 full factorial design 完全析因设计function 函数Ggamma distribution 伽玛分布 geometric mean 几何均值 group 组Hharmomic mean 调和均值 heterogeneity 不齐性histogram 直方图 homogeneity 齐性homogeneity of variance 方差齐性 hypothesis 假设 hypothesis test 假设检验Iindependence 独立 independent variable 自变量independent-samples 独立样本 index 指数 index of correlation 相关指数 interaction 交互作用 interclass correlation 组内相关 interval estimate 区间估计 intraclass correlation 组间相关 inverse 倒数的iterate 迭代Kkernal 核 Kolmogorov-Smirnov test柯尔莫哥洛夫-斯米诺夫检验 kurtosis 峰度Llarge sample problem 大样本问题 layer 层least-significant difference 最小显著差数 least-square estimation 最小二乘估计 least-square method 最小二乘法 level 水平 level of significance 显著性水平 leverage value 中心化杠杆值 life 寿命 life test 寿命试验 likelihood function 似然函数 likelihood ratio test 似然比检验linear 线性的 linear estimator 线性估计linear model 线性模型 linear regression 线性回归linear relation 线性关系linear term 线性项logarithmic 对数的logarithms 对数 logistic 逻辑的 lost function 损失函数Mmain effect 主效应 matrix 矩阵 maximum 最大值 maximum likelihood estimation 极大似然估计 mean squared deviation(MSD) 均方差 mean sum of square 均方和 measure 衡量 media 中位数 M-estimator M估计minimum 最小值 missing values 缺失值 mixed model 混合模型 mode 众数model 模型Monte Carle method 蒙特卡罗法 moving average 移动平均值multicollinearity 多元共线性multiple comparison 多重比较 multiple correlation 多重相关multiple correlation coefficient 复相关系数multiple correlation coefficient 多元相关系数 multiple regression analysis 多元回归分析multiple regression equation 多元回归方程 multiple response 多响应 multivariate analysis 多元分析Nnegative relationship 负相关 nonadditively 不可加性 nonlinear 非线性 nonlinear regression 非线性回归 noparametric tests 非参数检验 normal distribution 正态分布null hypothesis 零假设 number of cases 个案数Oone-sample 单样本 one-tailed test 单侧检验 one-way ANOVA 单向方差分析 one-way classification 单向分类 optimal 优化的optimum allocation 最优配制 order 排序order statistics 次序统计量 origin 原点orthogonal 正交的 outliers 异常值Ppaired observations 成对观测数据paired-sample 成对样本parameter 参数parameter estimation 参数估计 partial correlation 偏相关partial correlation coefficient 偏相关系数 partial regression coefficient 偏回归系数 percent 百分数percentiles 百分位数 pie chart 饼图 point estimate 点估计 poisson distribution 泊松分布polynomial curve 多项式曲线polynomial regression 多项式回归polynomials 多项式positive relationship 正相关 power 幂P-P plot P-P概率图predict 预测predicted value 预测值prediction intervals 预测区间principal component analysis 主成分分析 proability 概率 probability density function 概率密度函数 probit analysis 概率分析 proportion 比例Qqadratic 二次的 Q-Q plot Q-Q概率图 quadratic term 二次项 quality control 质量控制 quantitative 数量的,度量的 quartiles 四分位数Rrandom 随机的 random number 随机数 random number 随机数 random sampling 随机取样random seed 随机数种子 random variable 随机变量 randomization 随机化 range 极差rank 秩 rank correlation 秩相关 rank statistic 秩统计量 regression analysis 回归分析regression coefficient 回归系数regression line 回归线reject 拒绝rejection region 拒绝域 relationship 关系 reliability 可*性 repeated 重复的report 报告,报表 residual 残差 residual sum of squares 剩余平方和 response 响应risk function 风险函数 robustness 稳健性 root mean square 标准差 row 行 run 游程run test 游程检验Sample 样本 sample size 样本容量 sample space 样本空间 sampling 取样 sampling inspection 抽样检验 scatter chart 散点图 S-curve S形曲线 separately 单独地 sets 集合sign test 符号检验significance 显著性significance level 显著性水平significance testing 显著性检验 significant 显著的,有效的 significant digits 有效数字 skewed distribution 偏态分布 skewness 偏度 small sample problem 小样本问题 smooth 平滑 sort 排序 soruces of variation 方差来源 space 空间 spread 扩展square 平方 standard deviation 标准离差 standard error of mean 均值的标准误差standardization 标准化 standardize 标准化 statistic 统计量 statistical quality control 统计质量控制 std. residual 标准残差 stepwise regression analysis 逐步回归 stimulus 刺激 strong assumption 强假设 stud. deleted residual 学生化剔除残差stud. residual 学生化残差 subsamples 次级样本 sufficient statistic 充分统计量sum 和 sum of squares 平方和 summary 概括,综述Ttable 表t-distribution t分布test 检验test criterion 检验判据test for linearity 线性检验 test of goodness of fit 拟合优度检验 test of homogeneity 齐性检验 test of independence 独立性检验 test rules 检验法则 test statistics 检验统计量 testing function 检验函数 time series 时间序列 tolerance limits 容许限total 总共,和 transformation 转换 treatment 处理 trimmed mean 截尾均值 true value 真值 t-test t检验 two-tailed test 双侧检验Uunbalanced 不平衡的 unbiased estimation 无偏估计 unbiasedness 无偏性 uniform distribution 均匀分布Vvalue of estimator 估计值 variable 变量 variance 方差 variance components 方差分量 variance ratio 方差比 various 不同的 vector 向量Wweight 加权,权重 weighted average 加权平均值 within groups 组内的ZZ score Z分数2. 最优化方法词汇英汉对照表Aactive constraint 活动约束 active set method 活动集法 analytic gradient 解析梯度approximate 近似 arbitrary 强制性的 argument 变量 attainment factor 达到因子Bbandwidth 带宽 be equivalent to 等价于 best-fit 最佳拟合 bound 边界Ccoefficient 系数 complex-value 复数值 component 分量 constant 常数 constrained 有约束的constraint 约束constraint function 约束函数continuous 连续的converge 收敛 cubic polynomial interpolation method三次多项式插值法 curve-fitting 曲线拟合Ddata-fitting 数据拟合 default 默认的,默认的 define 定义 diagonal 对角的 direct search method 直接搜索法 direction of search 搜索方向 discontinuous 不连续Eeigenvalue 特征值 empty matrix 空矩阵 equality 等式 exceeded 溢出的Ffeasible 可行的 feasible solution 可行解 finite-difference 有限差分 first-order 一阶GGauss-Newton method 高斯-牛顿法 goal attainment problem 目标达到问题 gradient 梯度 gradient method 梯度法Hhandle 句柄 Hessian matrix 海色矩阵Independent variables 独立变量inequality 不等式infeasibility 不可行性infeasible 不可行的initial feasible solution 初始可行解initialize 初始化inverse 逆 invoke 激活 iteration 迭代 iteration 迭代JJacobian 雅可比矩阵LLagrange multiplier 拉格朗日乘子 large-scale 大型的 least square 最小二乘 least squares sense 最小二乘意义上的 Levenberg-Marquardt method 列文伯格-马夸尔特法line search 一维搜索 linear 线性的 linear equality constraints 线性等式约束linear programming problem 线性规划问题 local solution 局部解M medium-scale 中型的 minimize 最小化 mixed quadratic and cubic polynomialinterpolation and extrapolation method 混合二次、三次多项式内插、外插法multiobjective 多目标的Nnonlinear 非线性的 norm 范数Oobjective function 目标函数 observed data 测量数据 optimization routine 优化过程optimize 优化 optimizer 求解器 over-determined system 超定系统Pparameter 参数 partial derivatives 偏导数 polynomial interpolation method 多项式插值法Qquadratic 二次的 quadratic interpolation method 二次内插法 quadratic programming 二次规划Rreal-value 实数值 residuals 残差 robust 稳健的 robustness 稳健性,鲁棒性S scalar 标量 semi-infinitely problem 半无限问题 Sequential Quadratic Programming method 序列二次规划法 simplex search method 单纯形法 solution 解 sparse matrix 稀疏矩阵 sparsity pattern 稀疏模式 sparsity structure 稀疏结构 starting point 初始点 step length 步长 subspace trust region method 子空间置信域法 sum-of-squares 平方和 symmetric matrix 对称矩阵Ttermination message 终止信息 termination tolerance 终止容限 the exit condition 退出条件 the method of steepest descent 最速下降法 transpose 转置Uunconstrained 无约束的 under-determined system 负定系统Vvariable 变量 vector 矢量Wweighting matrix 加权矩阵3 样条词汇英汉对照表Aapproximation 逼近 array 数组 a spline in b-form/b-spline b样条 a spline of polynomial piece /ppform spline 分段多项式样条Bbivariate spline function 二元样条函数 break/breaks 断点Ccoefficient/coefficients 系数cubic interpolation 三次插值/三次内插cubic polynomial 三次多项式 cubic smoothing spline 三次平滑样条 cubic spline 三次样条cubic spline interpolation 三次样条插值/三次样条内插 curve 曲线Ddegree of freedom 自由度 dimension 维数Eend conditions 约束条件 input argument 输入参数 interpolation 插值/内插 interval取值区间Kknot/knots 节点Lleast-squares approximation 最小二乘拟合Mmultiplicity 重次 multivariate function 多元函数Ooptional argument 可选参数 order 阶次 output argument 输出参数P point/points 数据点Rrational spline 有理样条 rounding error 舍入误差(相对误差)Sscalar 标量 sequence 数列(数组) spline 样条 spline approximation 样条逼近/样条拟合spline function 样条函数 spline curve 样条曲线 spline interpolation 样条插值/样条内插 spline surface 样条曲面 smoothing spline 平滑样条Ttolerance 允许精度Uunivariate function 一元函数Vvector 向量Wweight/weights 权重4 偏微分方程数值解词汇英汉对照表Aabsolute error 绝对误差 absolute tolerance 绝对容限 adaptive mesh 适应性网格Bboundary condition 边界条件Ccontour plot 等值线图 converge 收敛 coordinate 坐标系Ddecomposed 分解的 decomposed geometry matrix 分解几何矩阵 diagonal matrix 对角矩阵 Dirichlet boundary conditions Dirichlet边界条件Eeigenvalue 特征值 elliptic 椭圆形的 error estimate 误差估计 exact solution 精确解Ggeneralized Neumann boundary condition 推广的Neumann边界条件 geometry 几何形状geometry description matrix 几何描述矩阵 geometry matrix 几何矩阵 graphical user interface(GUI)图形用户界面Hhyperbolic 双曲线的Iinitial mesh 初始网格Jjiggle 微调LLagrange multipliers 拉格朗日乘子Laplace equation 拉普拉斯方程linear interpolation 线性插值 loop 循环Mmachine precision 机器精度 mixed boundary condition 混合边界条件NNeuman boundary condition Neuman边界条件 node point 节点 nonlinear solver 非线性求解器 normal vector 法向量PParabolic 抛物线型的 partial differential equation 偏微分方程 plane strain 平面应变 plane stress 平面应力 Poisson's equation 泊松方程 polygon 多边形 positive definite 正定Qquality 质量Rrefined triangular mesh 加密的三角形网格 relative tolerance 相对容限 relative tolerance 相对容限 residual 残差 residual norm 残差范数Ssingular 奇异的二、常用的数学英语表述1.Logic∃there exist∀for allp⇒q p implies q / if p, then qp⇔q p if and only if q /p is equivalent to q / p and q are equivalent2.Setsx∈A x belongs to A / x is an element (or a member) of Ax∉A x does not belong to A / x is not an element (or a member) of AA⊂B A is contained in B / A is a subset of BA⊃B A contains B / B is a subset of AA∩B A cap B / A meet B / A intersection BA∪B A cup B / A join B / A union BA\B A minus B / the diference between A and BA×B A cross B / the cartesian product of A and B3. Real numbersx+1 x plus onex-1 x minus onex±1 x plus or minus onexy xy / x multiplied by y(x - y)(x + y) x minus y, x plus yx y x over y= the equals signx = 5 x equals 5 / x is equal to 5x≠5x (is) not equal to 5x≡y x is equivalent to (or identical with) yx ≡ y x is not equivalent to (or identical with) yx > y x is greater than yx≥y x is greater than or equal to yx < y x is less than yx≤y x is less than or equal to y0 < x < 1 zero is less than x is less than 10≤x≤1zero is less than or equal to x is less than or equal to 1| x | mod x / modulus xx 2 x squared / x (raised) to the power 2x 3 x cubedx 4 x to the fourth / x to the power fourx n x to the nth / x to the power nx −n x to the (power) minus nx (square) root x / the square root of xx 3 cube root (of) xx 4 fourth root (of) xx n nth root (of) x( x+y ) 2 x plus y all squared( x y ) 2 x over y all squaredn! n factorialx ^ x hatx ¯ x barx ˜x tildex i xi / x subscript i / x suffix i / x sub i∑ i=1 n a i the sum from i equals one to n a i / the sum as i runs from 1 to n of the a i4. Linear algebra‖ x ‖the norm (or modulus) of xOA →OA / vector OAOA ¯ OA / the length of the segment OAA T A transpose / the transpose of AA −1 A inverse / the inverse of A5. Functionsf( x ) fx / f of x / the function f of xf:S→T a function f from S to Tx→y x maps to y / x is sent (or mapped) to yf'( x ) f prime x / f dash x / the (first) derivative of f with respect to xf''( x ) f double-prime x / f double-dash x / the second derivative of f with r espect to xf'''( x ) triple-prime x / f triple-dash x / the third derivative of f with respect to xf (4) ( x ) f four x / the fourth derivative of f with respect to x∂f ∂ x 1the partial (derivative) of f with respect to x1∂ 2 f ∂ x 1 2the second partial (derivative) of f with respect to x1∫ 0 ∞the integral from zero to infinitylim⁡x→0 the limit as x approaches zerolim⁡x→0 + the limit as x approaches zero from abovelim⁡x→0 −the limit as x approaches zero from belowlog e y log y to the base e / log to the base e of y / natural log (of) yln⁡y log y to the base e / log to the base e of y / natural log (of) y一般词汇数学mathematics, maths(BrE), math(AmE)公理axiom定理theorem计算calculation运算operation证明prove假设hypothesis, hypotheses(pl.)命题proposition算术arithmetic加plus(prep.), add(v.), addition(n.)被加数augend, summand加数addend和sum减minus(prep.), subtract(v.), subtraction(n.)被减数minuend减数subtrahend差remainder乘times(prep.), multiply(v.), multiplication(n.)被乘数multiplicand, faciend乘数multiplicator积product除divided by(prep.), divide(v.), division(n.)被除数dividend除数divisor商quotient等于equals, is equal to, is equivalent to 大于is greater than小于is lesser than大于等于is equal or greater than小于等于is equal or lesser than运算符operator数字digit数number自然数natural number整数integer小数decimal小数点decimal point分数fraction分子numerator分母denominator比ratio正positive负negative零null, zero, nought, nil十进制decimal system二进制binary system十六进制hexadecimal system权weight, significance进位carry截尾truncation四舍五入round下舍入round down上舍入round up有效数字significant digit无效数字insignificant digit代数algebra公式formula, formulae(pl.)单项式monomial多项式polynomial, multinomial系数coefficient未知数unknown, x-factor, y-factor, z-factor 等式,方程式equation一次方程simple equation二次方程quadratic equation三次方程cubic equation四次方程quartic equation不等式inequation阶乘factorial对数logarithm指数,幂exponent乘方power二次方,平方square三次方,立方cube四次方the power of four, the fourth power n次方the power of n, the nth power开方evolution, extraction二次方根,平方根square root三次方根,立方根cube root四次方根the root of four, the fourth root n次方根the root of n, the nth root集合aggregate元素element空集void子集subset交集intersection并集union补集complement映射mapping函数function定义域domain, field of definition值域range常量constant变量variable单调性monotonicity奇偶性parity周期性periodicity图象image数列,级数series微积分calculus微分differential导数derivative极限limit无穷大infinite(a.) infinity(n.)无穷小infinitesimal积分integral定积分definite integral不定积分indefinite integral有理数rational number无理数irrational number实数real number虚数imaginary number复数complex number矩阵matrix行列式determinant几何geometry点point线line面plane体solid线段segment射线radial平行parallel相交intersect角angle角度degree弧度radian锐角acute angle直角right angle钝角obtuse angle平角straight angle周角perigon底base边side高height三角形triangle锐角三角形acute triangle直角三角形right triangle直角边leg斜边hypotenuse勾股定理Pythagorean theorem钝角三角形obtuse triangle不等边三角形scalene triangle等腰三角形isosceles triangle等边三角形equilateral triangle四边形quadrilateral平行四边形parallelogram矩形rectangle长length宽width附:在一个分数里,分子或分母或两者均含有分数。


腮腺或颌下腺复发性多形性腺瘤表现为术区皮下1个或多个结节、串珠 或呈葡萄状,小者如绿豆粒样,大者如黄豆或更大。单个或彼此分开的多 发灶,肿块常可活动,但大多数因局部瘢痕的关系,动度甚微或随瘢痕组 织一起整块组织活动。
1.肉眼观 多形性腺瘤大小自数毫米直径至十几厘米不等。肿瘤多 呈圆形或卵圆形,外表光滑,或呈分叶或结节状。肿瘤可有结缔组织 包膜包绕,但厚薄不一。在同一肿瘤的不同区域,厚薄亦可不同。有 的包膜不完整,肿瘤与周围正常组织相连。剖面根据肿瘤细胞结构不 同,可有不同表现:
王洁等明确认为肿瘤性肌上皮细胞是多形性腺瘤主要增生的肿瘤细胞, 黏液样区域局部肿瘤性肌上皮细胞细胞质中富含胶质纤维蛋白和波形蛋 白中间丝,具有早期软骨样细胞改变。因此,肌上皮细胞在多形性腺瘤 的组织发生中起重要作用。司徒镇强等在研究涎腺及涎腺肿瘤细胞中间 丝的分布特点说明了涎腺肿瘤的上皮发生来源,并应用HHF35(鼠抗人肌 动蛋白抗体)进行研究观察,发现在正常涎腺组织除血管外,仅有肌上皮 细胞对其呈强阳性反响。
另4例肉眼所见即未切净,放疗后有3例复发。曾经提到放射治疗 预防不恰当的术式所发挥的作用值得疑心,特别是在有肿瘤残存 的情况下有可能促使恶性变。在Stevens和Hobsley分析的28例复发 性混合瘤中有4例恶性变就与术后放射治疗有关。
2.光镜所见 多形性腺瘤的组织结构复杂,同一肿瘤的不同部位,或 各个多形性腺瘤之间均有不同的组织像。但构成多形性腺瘤的主要成 分为腺上皮细胞、肌上皮细胞、黏液、黏液样组织及软骨样组织,这 些组织形成导管样结构、黏液样组织及软骨样组织、肌上皮片块等根 本结构,有时可见鳞状化生。



多向药理学英文Multidisciplinary PharmacologyPharmacology is a dynamic and multifaceted field that encompasses the study of the effects of drugs and other chemical substances on living organisms. This broad discipline encompasses a wide range of subfields, each with its own unique focus and methodologies. From the development of new therapeutic agents to the investigation of the underlying mechanisms of drug action, pharmacology plays a crucial role in advancing our understanding of the complex interactions between chemical compounds and biological systems.One of the key aspects of modern pharmacology is its multidisciplinary nature. Researchers in this field often collaborate with experts from diverse backgrounds, such as chemistry, biology, medicine, and engineering, to tackle complex problems and drive innovation. This collaborative approach allows for a more comprehensive understanding of the various factors that influence the efficacy, safety, and delivery of drugs.The development of new drugs is a prime example of the multidisciplinary nature of pharmacology. This process involves amultitude of steps, each requiring specialized knowledge and expertise. Chemists are responsible for the synthesis and structural optimization of potential drug candidates, while biologists and pharmacologists investigate the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic properties of these compounds. Clinical researchers then evaluate the safety and efficacy of the drugs through carefully designed clinical trials, often in collaboration with medical professionals.Another area where the multidisciplinary nature of pharmacology is evident is in the field of personalized medicine. As our understanding of the genetic and molecular factors that influence an individual's response to drugs continues to grow, pharmacologists work closely with geneticists, bioinformaticians, and clinicians to develop tailored treatment strategies. This approach aims to maximize the therapeutic benefits and minimize the potential for adverse effects, ultimately leading to more effective and personalized healthcare.Furthermore, pharmacology plays a crucial role in the development of novel drug delivery systems. Researchers in this field collaborate with engineers and material scientists to design innovative drug formulations and delivery mechanisms, such as nanoparticles, transdermal patches, and implantable devices. These advancements not only improve the bioavailability and targeted delivery of drugs but also enhance patient adherence and quality of life.Beyond the realm of drug development, pharmacology also intersects with other disciplines in the pursuit of a deeper understanding of biological processes. Pharmacologists often work alongside neuroscientists, immunologists, and toxicologists to elucidate the mechanisms underlying the physiological and pathological effects of various chemical compounds. This cross-pollination of ideas and expertise leads to groundbreaking discoveries that can have far-reaching implications for human health and disease management.In the field of environmental pharmacology, pharmacologists collaborate with ecologists and environmental scientists to investigate the impact of pharmaceutical and chemical pollutants on the natural environment. This multidisciplinary approach is crucial for developing strategies to mitigate the environmental consequences of drug manufacturing, consumption, and disposal, ensuring a more sustainable and eco-friendly future.The multidisciplinary nature of pharmacology also extends to the realm of education and training. Pharmacology programs often incorporate elements from various scientific disciplines, such as biology, chemistry, and mathematics, to provide students with a well-rounded understanding of the field. This interdisciplinary approach prepares the next generation of pharmacologists to tacklecomplex problems and contribute to the advancement of human health and well-being.In conclusion, the multidisciplinary nature of pharmacology is a testament to the field's inherent complexity and the need for a collaborative, integrated approach to address the challenges and opportunities in the development and application of therapeutic agents. By fostering interdisciplinary collaboration and embracing a multifaceted perspective, pharmacologists can continue to push the boundaries of scientific knowledge and contribute to the betterment of human health and the global environment.。



多光子电离的英文Multiphoton IonizationMultiphoton ionization is a fundamental process in quantum mechanics and atomic physics, where an atom or molecule absorbs multiple photons simultaneously, leading to the ejection of an electron and the creation of an ion. This phenomenon has been extensively studied and has found numerous applications in various fields, including spectroscopy, materials science, and laser technology.The concept of multiphoton ionization can be traced back to the early 20th century, when physicists began to explore the interactions between light and matter at the atomic and molecular level. In the 1930s, the pioneering work of Maria Göppert-Mayer laid the theoretical foundation for the understanding of multiphoton processes. She demonstrated that the probability of such processes occurring is proportional to the product of the intensities of the involved photons, rather than being dependent on the intensity of a single photon.The underlying mechanism of multiphoton ionization can beunderstood through the principles of quantum mechanics. When an atom or molecule is exposed to a high-intensity electromagnetic field, such as that produced by a laser, the electrons within the system can absorb multiple photons simultaneously. This absorption of multiple photons can provide the necessary energy to overcome the ionization potential of the atom or molecule, leading to the ejection of an electron and the formation of an ion.The specific number of photons required for ionization depends on the energy of the photons and the ionization potential of the target system. In general, the higher the energy of the photons, the fewer photons are needed for ionization. Conversely, the lower the energy of the photons, the more photons are required to achieve ionization.Multiphoton ionization has several important characteristics that distinguish it from single-photon ionization. Firstly, the probability of multiphoton ionization is highly dependent on the intensity of the electromagnetic field. As the intensity of the field increases, the probability of multiphoton ionization increases dramatically. This nonlinear relationship between the intensity and the ionization probability is a key feature of multiphoton processes.Secondly, multiphoton ionization can occur even when the energy of a single photon is insufficient to ionize the atom or molecule. In such cases, the combined energy of multiple photons can exceed theionization potential, leading to the ejection of an electron.The applications of multiphoton ionization are widespread and diverse. In spectroscopy, multiphoton ionization techniques, such as resonance-enhanced multiphoton ionization (REMPI), have been used to study the electronic structure and dynamics of atoms and molecules with high sensitivity and selectivity. These techniques have been invaluable in the investigation of complex molecular systems and the exploration of fundamental physical and chemical processes.In materials science, multiphoton ionization has found applications in the development of novel materials and the study of their properties. For instance, multiphoton-induced chemical reactions have been used in the fabrication of three-dimensional microstructures and the development of photoresists for high-resolution lithography.In laser technology, multiphoton ionization has played a crucial role in the development of advanced laser systems. The ability to control and manipulate the ionization of atoms and molecules using intense laser fields has enabled the development of high-power, ultrafast laser sources and the exploration of nonlinear optical phenomena.Furthermore, multiphoton ionization has been studied in the context of astrophysics and atmospheric science, where it plays a role in the interaction of high-energy photons with matter in the upperatmosphere and in various astrophysical environments.In conclusion, multiphoton ionization is a fundamental and versatile phenomenon in quantum mechanics and atomic physics, with numerous applications across various scientific and technological fields. The ongoing research and development in this area continue to expand our understanding of the complex interactions between light and matter, leading to new discoveries and advancements that have the potential to shape the future of scientific exploration and technological innovation.。



AP生物学词汇Unit 1 The Chemistry of Life 生命中的化学Hydrophobic 疏水的Vinegar 血浆Biome群落Cis-trans isomers 顺反异构体Calorimeter 热量计Disaccharides 二糖Glucose 葡萄Fructose 果Lactose 乳Cellulose纤维素 ^亡^几丁质,壳质,角素;Glycerol 甘油Testosterone 雄激素Cholesterol 胆固醇Polymers 聚合物Fibrous 纤维covalent bonding 共价键(非极性)分子polymer多聚物功能团protein蛋白质nucleic acid 核酸RNA核糖核酸metabolism新陈代谢Hydrophilic 亲水的miscible互溶的isomers 同分异构enantiomers对映异构体monosaccharides 果糖polysaccharide 多糖galactose半乳糖maltose 麦芽sucrose 蔗starch淀粉glycogen 糖原carboxyl 烃基estradiol雌激素phospholipids 磷脂polypeptides 多肽chaperone 伴侣ionic bonding 离子键hydrogen bonding 氢键polar, (non polar) molecule 极性monomer 单体functional group (有机化学中的) carbohydrate糖类,碳水化合物lipid 脂类DNA脱氧核糖核酸enzyme生物酶activation energy反应起始需要的能Enzymes 酶Catabolism分解代谢Globular 球状 Cofactors辅助因子Cooperativity 协同anabolism合成代谢tertiary 三级 coenzymes辅酶Unit 2 The Cell 细胞 prokaryote 原核生物 cell membrane 细胞膜 fluid mosaic model (生物膜的)流动镶嵌模型diffusion 扩散active transport 主动运输 endocytosis 月包吞 chloroplast 叶绿体 lysosome 溶酶体cytoskeleton 细胞骨架 fermentation发酵,无氧呼吸chemiosmosis化学偶联oxidative phosphorylation 氧化磷酸化electron transport chain 电子传递链 lactic acid 乳酸 photosynthesis 光合作用 autotrophy自养生物 heterotrophy异养生物light reaction 光反应 calvin cycle (dark reaction) 暗反应 thylakoid类囊体stroma叶绿体基质carbon fixation固碳(合成糖)的反应Countercurrent exchange 逆流变换 hydrophilic 亲水Protein kinase 蛋白激酶eukaryote真核生物phospholipid bilayer 磷脂双分子层 osmosis 渗透 exocytosis 月包吐 organelle细胞器 mitochondria 线粒体 ribosome核糖体cellular respiration 细胞呼吸 glycolysis 糖酵解citric acid (kreb’s) cycle 三羧酸循环 Endosymbiosis 内共生 Prokaryotes 原核 nucleolus 核仁 peroxisomes过氧化物酶endoplasmic 内质网cytosol 细胞质 eukaryotes真核Ribosomes核糖体Nucleus 核 Vacuoles液泡,收缩泡chromosome 染色体prophase 前期anaphase 后期cytokinesis胞质分裂haploid单倍体sister chromatid 姐妹染色单体 dominant 显性phenotype表现型homozygous 纯合子P,F1,F2 generation 母代,子一代,子二代 law of segregation 分离定律independent assortment 自 由组合定律 law ofincomplete dominance 不完全显性codominance 共显性 sex-linked 伴性遗传DNA replication DNA M^ semi-conservative replication 半保留复制 polymerase复制酶(延长DNA 链)conjugation接合(通过F 因子) transduction 转导(通过病毒)transformation 转化(通过感受态细胞)gene expression 基因表达 operon 操纵子recombinant DNA DNA 重组级数 restriction enzyme 限制性内切酶plasmid 质粒gel electrophoresis 凝胶电泳Unit 3 Genetics 遗传 mitosis有丝分裂interphase 间期 metaphase 中期 telophase 末期meiosis减数分裂 diploid 双倍体 allele 等位基因 recessive 隐性 genotype基因型 heterozygous 杂合子 test cross 测交replication fork 复制叉 mutation 突变 transcription 转录 exons外显子virus病毒retrovirus逆转录病毒okazaki fragment 冈崎片段 frame shift读码框迁移 introns内含子 translation 番利译bacteriophage 噬菌体 bacteria细菌PCR polymerase chain reaction 聚合酶链反应DNA sequencing DNA 测序Human genome project人类基因组工程Respiration 呼吸Aerobic 有氧Pyruvate丙酮酸The citric acid cycle 三烃酸循环anaerobic 无氧glycolysis 糖酵解glucose 葡萄synthase 合酶Gradient 梯度Unit 4 Mechanisms of evolution 进化原理paleontology古生物学embryology月丕胎学comparative anatomy 比较解剖学homologous structures 同源性结构analogous structures 同功性结构artificial selection 人工选择natural selection 自然选择bottle-neck effect 瓶颈效应hardy-weinberg equilibrium H-W群体进化平衡(公式)gene drift基因漂移gene flow基因扩散allopatric isolation 地理隔离sympatric isolation 非地理隔离divergent evolution 发散式进化convergent evolution 聚合式进化parallel evolution 平行式进化gradualism渐变式进化punctuated equilibrium 跃进式进化endosymbiotic theory 内共生学说antenna pigments 天线色素thylakoids类囊体grana 基粒chemiosmosis 化学渗透photorespiration光呼吸peroxisomes过氧化物酶体Unit 5 Biological diversity生物分类和多样性Three domain生物三界Archaea古生菌thermophile 嗜热菌halophile嗜盐菌protist原生生物algae原生藻diatom硅藻fungi真菌moss苔藓植物fern羊厥植物gymnosperm裸子植物angiosperm被子植物bilateral体对称invertebrate无脊椎动物vertebrate有脊椎动物Mitosis有丝分裂meiosis减数分裂、成熟分裂Centromere着丝点chromatids染色单体Interphase 中期Unit 6 Plant form and function 植物结构和功能parenchyma薄壁组织collenchyma厚角组织sclerenchyma厚壁组织vascular tissue 维管组织xylem木质部phloem韧皮部sieve tube筛管细胞companion cell 伴随细胞 root 根 root hair 卞艮毛 cortex 皮质 leaf 叶 stomata气孔细胞guard cell保卫细胞vascular bundle 维管束鞘 transpiration 蒸腾作用 plant hormone植物激素 auxin 植物生长素apical dominance 顶端优势 gibberellin 赤霉素 cytokinin细胞分裂素 ethylene 乙烯催熟剂 abscisic acid (ABA)脱落酸 phototropism 趋光性 photoperiodism 光周期性 Hybrid 杂合 Dominant 显性Law of segregation 分离定律 Backcross 回交 Independent assortment 自由组合 Epistasis 异位显性 Autosomes 常染色体 Hemophilia 血友病 Pedigree 系谱图Karyotype 染色体组型Genomic imprinting 基因组印迹Unit 7 Animal form and function 动物生理和功能 homeostasis 动态平衡,稳态 respiratory System 呼吸系统gill 鳃 lung 肺 hemoglobin血红蛋白circulatory System 循环系统open circulatory system 开放循环系统 closed circulatory system 闭合循环系统 heart心脏atria动脉 ventricle 静脉 valve心瓣pulmonary circuit 肺循环homozygous 纯合(pure ) recessive 隐性monohybrid但因子杂种testcross 测交pleiotropy 多效性 penetrance 夕卜显率 chromosomes 性染色体chiasma 交叉mutations 突变 nondisjunction 不分离 pleiotropy 多效性systemic circuit 体循环capillary毛细血管RBC红细胞WBC白细胞platelet血小板plasma血浆excretory system 泌尿系统urea尿素uric acid 尿酸digestive system 消化系统salivary amylase唾液淀粉酶pharynx 咽stomach 胃pepsin胃蛋白酶small intestine 小肠pancreas 胰腺liver肝脏gall bladder 胆large intestine 大肠nervous system 神经系统peripheral (神经)末梢区域的 animal behavior 动物行为 FAP (sign stimlulus)应激反应 imprinting 印随 classical conditioning 经典条件作用,条件反射 operant conditioning 操作性条件反射habituation条件适应polymerase 聚合酶topoisomerases拓扑异构酶telomerase 端粒酶 transcription 转录sickle cell anemia 镰刀性贫血 lytic cycle 裂解周期 lysogenic cycle 溶原化循环 temperate viruses 弱毒性病毒 transduction 转导binary fission 无丝分离 operon 操纵子 prions 肮病毒 histones 组蛋白acetylation 乙酰化作用epigenetic inheritance 表观遗传 gel electrophoresis 凝胶电泳Unit 8 Ecology 生态survivorship curves 生存曲线exponential growth 指数生长carrying capacity (一个环境条件所允许的最大种群数量)负载力 r-selected, K-selected 见相关课本 predation捕食者 symbiosis 共生 mutualism互利共生 commensalism非互利共生parasitism 寄生 biome生境Template 模板Helicases解旋酶Telomeres 端粒 Triplet 三个一组 Initiation 开始Bacteriophages 噬菌体Virulent phage烈性噬菌体Prophage 前噬菌体Retroviruses 逆转录病毒 Nucleoid 伪核 Plasmid 质粒 Promoter 启动子 Genome 染色体组 Nucleosome 核小体 Methylation 甲基化tropical rain forest 热带雨林savanna热带稀树大草原temperate grassland 温带草原temperate deciduous forest 温带落叶林desert沙漠taiga针叶林tundra冻原freshwater淡水生境marine海水生境primary producer初级生产者primary consumer初级消费者secondary consumer 次级消费者tertiary consumer 三级消费者decomposer 分解者food web食物链ecological pyramid食物链金字塔eutrophication 富营养化carbon cycle 碳循环water cycle 水循环nitrogen cycle 氮循环phosphorus cycle 磷循环greenhouse effect, global warming 温室效应ozone depletion臭氧层变薄acid rain 酸雨loss of habitat & biodiversity 生物多样性受损deforestation森林砍伐和破坏introduced species外来入侵生物overexploitation 过度开发desertification 沙漠化。

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1re are many polynomial generalizations of conformal field theory characters/branching functions [1]-[32]. Often, these polynomials come from finite dimensional statistical mechanical configuration sums and yield the characters of conformal field theories as the order of the polynomial tends to infinity. Polynomial expressions are useful since they often permit derivations of recursion relations in the order of the polynomial. These recursion relations allow the proof of nontrivial identities between polynomial expressions and hence also for the corresponding infinite series obtained by taking the order of the polynomial to infinity. In their bosonic form most of these polynomial representations use q -binomials or Andrews’ and Baxter’s [3] q -trinomials. In particular, Andrews, Baxter and Forrester [1] express the configuration sums of their ABF model in terms of binomials which are polynomial forms of the branching functions of the M (p, p + 1), M (2, 2p + 1), M (2p − 1, 2p + 1) minimal models and the Zp parafermion model in the different regimes. These bosonic polynomial forms have been generalized to the arbitrary minimal models M (p, p′ ) by Forrester and Baxter [2]. Further, Andrews and Baxter [3] give bosonic polynomial versions of the branching functions of the superconformal unitary models SM (5, 7) and the minimal models M (2, 7) in terms of trinomials. Warnaar and Pearce [19], [20] use trinomials to express E6,7,8 type Rogers-Ramanujan identities. Berkovich, McCoy and Orrick [28] give
Multinomials and Polynomial Bosonic Forms for the Branching Functions of the su(2)M × su(2)N /su(2)M +N Conformal Coset Models
arXiv:hep-th/9510168v3 27 Mar 1996
Anne Schilling

Institute for Theoretical Physics, State University of New York at Stony Brook, Stony Brook, NY 11794-3800
Abstract We give explicit expressions for the q-multinomial generalizations of the q-binomials and Andrews’ and Baxter’s q-trinomials. We show that the configuration sums for the generalized RSOS models in regime III studied by Date et al. can be expressed in terms of these multinomials. This generalizes the work of ABF and AB where configuration sums of statistical mechanical models have been expressed in terms of binomial and trinomial coefficients. These RSOS configuration sums yield the branching functions for the su(2)M × su(2)N /su(2)M +N coset models. The representation in terms of multinomials gives Rocha-Caridi like formulas whereas the representation of Date et al. gives a double sum representation for the branching functions.

e-mail address: anne@
polynomial forms for the SM (2, 4ν ) and M (2ν − 1, 4ν ) characters in terms of trinomials. These characters have been further investigated by Berkovich and McCoy [32]. In this paper we generalize the q -binomial and Andrews’ and Baxter’s q -trinomial coefficients [3] to q -multinomial coefficients for which we give explicit formulas in equation (2.8). We further write the configuration sums for the generalized RSOS models in regime III studied by Date et al. [4]-[7] in terms of these multinomials (see equation (3.13) and (3.15)). The configuration sums of the generalized RSOS models in regime III which are polynomials coincide with the branching functions of the su(2)M × su(2)N /su(2)M +N coset models as the order of the polynomial limits to infinity. Date et al. [5], [6] give several representations for these RSOS configuration sums: 1) double sum expressions, 2) single sums in terms of binomials and 3) for a special case an expression in terms of multinomials previously defined by Andrews [45]. These multinomials, however, differ from the ones used in this paper and are not appropriate for taking the limit that gives the branching functions. The RSOS models studied by Date et al. generalize the ABF [1] and AB [3] statistical models which correspond to the cases N = 1 and N = 2, respectively. ABF and AB find expressions for the configuration sums in terms of bi- and trinomials. These configuration sums yield Rocha-Caridi type [34] expressions for the branching functions whereas Date et al. [5], [6] obtain double sum expressions which, in turn, can be expressed in terms of elliptic theta functions. In this paper we generalize the expressions given by ABF and AB and write the configuration sums in terms of multinomials which generalize AB’s trinomials [3]. They yield branching functions of the type given in [36]. For the proof of the configuration sums in terms of multinomials one can use the fact that the configuration sums of the RSOS models obey certain recursion relations. We will show that this induces certain depth one recursion relations for the multinomials (see equation (2.15)) which are proven in section 4. Usually one finds two very distinct solutions to these kinds of recursion relations, a fermionic solution and a bosonic solution. By computing both one gets Rogers-Ramanujan type identities. Schur [37] was the first to prove such Bose-Fermi identities by proving the Rogers-Ramanujan identities via recursion relations. Recently fermionic type solutions of the RSOS models and hence the su(2)M × su(2)N /su(2)M +N coset models have been found and proven. The characters for the case N = 1 and also the identity character for arbitrary N have been conjectured by Kedem et al. [9]. A polynomial form of these characters has been conjectured by Melzer [17] and proven by Berkovich [18] and Warnaar [26], [31]. The fermionic branching functions for N = 2 have been conjectured by Baver and Gepner [27]. Polynomial fermionic forms for general N have recently been found and proven by the author [30]. As the order of the polynomial configuration sum in terms of multinomials tends to infinity it factorizes into a Rocha-Caridi type sum and a parafermionic configuration sum. Therefore for the structure of the branching function of the su(2)p−N −2 × su(2)N /su(2)p−2 coset models we obtain