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Part One

Chapter One Introducing Style

1.1 What is Style?

1.2 Style as Saying Different Things in Different Contexts

1. sentence

2. vocabulary

1.3 Style as Speakers from Different Background

1. social status

2. social class

3. race

4. sex: biological; social

5. time

1.4 Style as Functions of Texts

1. interview

2. commentary

1.5 The Stylistic Features

1. sound features: pun; rhyme; alliteration; elision

2. spelling: the elision of certain sounds; alternative pronunciation; mispronunciation; contraction

3. words: contexts; nominalized word and their corresponding verbs and adjectives; the same field or domain

4. grammar: the manipulation of syntactic structures; the use of parallel structures; sentences with different length and complexity

5. meaning: fields; personification; hyprbole / litotes; irony / satire

Chapter Two Lexicology

2.1 Morphemic Devices

(qualitative deviation or incongruity & quantitative deviation or deflection)

1. Neologism: affixation; compounding; derivation; conversion; blending

nonce words

2. Overregularity and High Frequency of Occurrence


2.2 Lexical Devices

1. Selection of Words

Features of register: field; tenor; mode

2. Classification of Words

Register and dialect

Commoncore words and words used in different varietis

Dialect: regional / of age, race, profession/ social structure / temporal

3. Rhetorical Series

Similar in certain aspects

Two / three / four or more items

4. Word Implications

Extended, transferred meanings; with emotive colouring (neutral / positive / negative);

synonymy (ideational / interpersonal / textual)

5. Play with Meaning: Rhetorical Devices

Meaning transference (simile / metaphor / personification / metonymy); Meaning extension and Contraction (hyperbole / litotes or meiosis); Contradiction in Logic (oxymoron / paradox); Meaning Conversion; Play on Homonymy (pun)

Chapter Three Grammar

3.1 Syntactic Deflection

1. The Unexpected High Frequency of Occurrence

Long sentences (vivid, rich, exuberant, luxurious)

Short sentences (direct, terse, concise, clear effect or continuous, compact, swift effect)

2. The Overregular Use of Certain Patterns or Models

Parallelisms; Antithesis; Chiasmus; Antistrophe; Repetition; Epizeuxis; Ploce

3.2 Syntactic Incongruity

1. Unusual Syntactic Structures

Loose Sentences; Periodic Sentences; Elliptical Sentences; Inverted Sentences; Rhetorical Questions

2. Violation of the Grammatical Rules

Ungrammatical sentences

Chapter Four Phonology and Graphology

4.1 Phonology

1. Sound and Writing

Two ways of representing the same thing / respective features

2. Phonological theory

Phoneme: synaesthesia

Incongruity: phonological transference and elision ( aphesis, syncope, apocope)

Sound Pattern: Alliteration; Assonance; Consonance

3. Syllable

Syllable Deflection: Para-rhyme; Reverse Rhyme; Rhyme (masculine rhyme vs. Feminine rhyme) (end rhyme & internal rhyme)

Defeated Expectation

4. Foot

Meter (foot) vs. rhythm (measure)

Foot Deflection

Metrical Deviation: change stress; put stress on what should be an unstressed syllable; change the order; reduce the number of feet.

Onomatopoeia: synaesthetic

5. Tone Group

6. Suprasegmental Features

Stress; Intonation (falling and rising); Pause

4.2 Graphology
