Diagram Understanding Using Integration of Layout Information and Textual Information Yasuh
错选、多选或未选均无分.1. ( )If a system is being developed where the customers are not sure of what theywant, the requirements are often poorly defined。
Which of the following would be an appropriate process model for this type of development?(A)prototyping(B)waterfall(C)V-model(D)spiral2. ()The project team developing a new system is experienced in the domain.Although the new project is fairly large, it is not expected to vary much from applications that have been developed by this team in the past. Which process model would be appropriate for this type of development?(A)prototyping(B)waterfall(C)V-model(D)spiral3. ()Which of the items listed below is not one of the software engineering layers?(A)Process(B)Manufacturing(C)Methods(D)T ools4. ()Which of these are the 5 generic software engineering framework activities?(A)communication,planning,modeling,construction,deployment(B) communication, risk management, measurement,production, reviewing(C)analysis,designing,programming, debugging, maintenance(D)analysis, planning,designing,programming,testing5. ()The incremental model of software development is(A)A reasonable approach when requirements are well defined.(B)A good approach when a working core product is required quickly。
plantuml integration 语法
plantuml integration 语法# PlantUML Integration: A Powerful Tool for Visualizing CodePlantUML is a valuable integration tool that helps developers transform complex code structures into comprehensive and visually appealing diagrams. This technology allows programmers to convey their ideas and concepts more effectively, making it easier for team members to understand and collaborate on software projects. In this document, we will explore the various aspects of PlantUML integration and highlight its benefits in the software development process.## What is PlantUML?PlantUML is an open-source tool that uses a simple textual language to enable the creation of UML (Unified Modeling Language) diagrams. It provides a convenient and concise way to describe various diagram types, including class diagrams, use case diagrams, sequence diagrams, and more. With PlantUML, developers can focus on understanding the underlying structure of their code and create visual representations effortlessly.## Integrating PlantUML into Software Development### Syntax Highlighting EditorsOne of the most useful features of PlantUML is its integration with syntax highlighting editors such as Visual Studio Code, Sublime Text, and Atom. By installing the appropriate extensions, developers can leverage the power of PlantUML directly within their favorite code editors. This integration enables real-time visualization of the code structure as developers write, making it easier to identify and resolve any design flaws early in the development process.### Version Control SystemsPlantUML integrates seamlessly with version control systems like Git. By storing PlantUML diagrams alongside code repositories, developers can keep track of changesmade to both the code and its visual representations. This integration ensures that diagrams are always up to date, providing a comprehensive overview of the software project's evolution over time. Additionally, maintaining UML diagrams in version control systems allows for easy collaboration among team members, enabling them to view and discuss the visualizations effortlessly.### Documentation GenerationGenerating documentation for software projects can be a time-consuming task. However, with PlantUML integration, developers can automatically generate UML diagrams from code comments or dedicated diagram files. By documenting the code using a predefined syntax, PlantUML can extract the necessary information and create comprehensive diagrams. This integration simplifies the process of creating and maintaining up-to-date documentation, ensuring that developers and stakeholders have easy access to relevant visual representations.### Continuous Integration and DeploymentPlantUML integration can also be utilized in continuous integration and deployment pipelines. By adding a step in the pipeline to generate UML diagrams, developers can have an overview of the code structure and architecture at each stage of the development cycle. This integration helps identify any potential issues early on, ensuring that the software is both functionally and visually sound before being deployed.## Benefits of PlantUML IntegrationThe integration of PlantUML into the software development process offers several benefits:- **Improved Code Understanding**: PlantUML diagrams provide a visual representation of complex code structures, making it easier for developers to understand and navigate through the codebase.- **Enhanced Collaboration**: Visual diagrams facilitate communication and collaboration among team members, as they provide a shared understanding of the software's architecture and design.- **Efficient Documentation**: PlantUML simplifies the process of creating documentation by automatically generating diagrams from code comments or dedicated diagram files, saving time and effort.- **Early Issue Identification**: With real-time visualization and continuous integration, potential design flaws and issues can be identified early in the development process, allowing for timely resolution.- **Streamlined Development**: PlantUML integration promotes a streamlined development workflow by providing developers with an overview of the code structure and architecture at each stage of development.## ConclusionPlantUML integration brings significant benefits to the software development process. It enables developers to visualize code structures effortlessly, improving code understanding, collaboration, and documentation. By leveraging PlantUML integration in various stages of software development, teams can enhance development efficiency and ensure the quality of their projects.。
Apigee Edge Pivotal Platform Solution 文件说明书
Apigee Edge - Pivotal Platform Solution PaperAnkur ShuklaDecember 2019This paper describes a few approaches on enabling API Management (using Apigee Edge) for your apps on Pivotal Application Service (PAS). The steps captured in this document have been validatedfor version 2.7 of PAS as of the publication date of this paper. You may have to make modifications as necessary for future versions. DefinitionsApigee EdgeApigee is a full lifecycle API management platform that enablesAPI providers to design, secure, deploy, monitor, and scale APIs. Apigee sits in-line with runtime API traffic and enforces a set ofout-of-the-box API policies, including key validation, quota manage-ment, transformation, authorization, and access control. API providers use the customizable developer portal to enable developers to con-sume APIs easily and securely as well as measure API performance and usage.Apigee MicrogatewayApigee Microgateway is a lightweight, secure, HTTP-based message processor designed especially for microservices. Its main job is to process requests and responses to and from backend services securely while asynchronously pushing valuable API execution data to Apigee Edge, where it’s consumed by the Edge analytics system.Apigee Microgateway depends on and interacts with Apigee Edge. Apigee Microgateway must communicate with an Apigee Edge organization to function. This Apigee Edge organization instance could be running on cloud as a managed service provided by Google/ Apigee, within your data center on premises, or on your own private/ public cloud.Apigee API ProxyYou expose APIs in Apigee Edge by implementing API proxies. API proxies decouple the app-facing API from your backend services, shielding those apps from backend code changes. An API proxy is essentially a message flow that is comprised of policies (XML con-figs) that execute in sequence when the API is invoked. These policies enable you to control the behavior of the underlying APIs. What are Route Services and how do they work?Cloud Foundry (CF) app developers may wish to apply security, trans-formation, or processing to requests before they reach an app. Common examples include authentication and rate limiting. RouteServices are a kind of Marketplace Service that developers can use to apply various transformations to application requests. This is typically done by binding an app’s route to a service instance. Through integra-tions with services, providers can offer these services to developers with an automated, self-service and on-demand user experience. In its current offerings, Cloud Foundry supports the following models for route-based services:1. Fully brokered service2. Static brokered service3. User-provided serviceFully brokered and static brokered require a service broker, which is typically deployed through Ops Manager as a Tile within your Cloud Foundry foundation. A user-provided service does not require a ser-vice broker and hence can be set up and configured completely by your developer. We will be using the user-provided service model as reference architecture pattern to demonstrate Apigee integrations. The following diagram illustrates the traffic flow for a typical route-based integration using the user-provided service discussed later in this document.PatternsThis section describes a few patterns/approaches that can provide API Management for applications deployed on PAS. The patterns differ depending on how the traffic flows and what components of Apigee (Edge vs Edge Microgateway) end up servicing traffic. Pattern: Apigee Edge Microgateway Service on PASApigee Edge Microgateway (EMG) can be hosted within the PAS platform as an application. This application can then be used to instantiate and provide a user-provided service. The user-provided service is then available for ‘binding’ to your applications and pro-vides services like API security using an API key or OAuth 2.0, support for CORS, rate limiting, and so on. This integration relies upon the Route Services-based integration pattern that is offered natively by the PAS platform.The following sequence diagram illustrates the typical flow of trafficwithin PAS:Apigee Edge Microgateway (EMG) Plan using User Provided Service (Route Services Integration) Setting up Microgateway as a User-ProvidedService (UPS)To use EMG as a user-provided service, we push EMG as an applica-tion to our CF environment. Once EMG is up and running as a CFapplication, we do the following:• Create an EMG-aware proxy within Apigee Edge to handleCF traffic.• Create a user-provided service by appending the CFapplication’s (EMG) URL to the EMG proxy's base path.Setting up an EMG application in CF, creating an EMG proxy defini-tion in Edge, and creating a UPS is only needed to be done once.After you create the UPS, you will only need to bind each (target)application that intends to use this service.PrerequisitePlease follow the Microgateway Operation and Configuration docu-mentation to ensure that you have a local copy of EMG set up tocommunicate with your Apigee Edge organization. The “config.yaml”file, key, and secret you'll create are required to push your EMG to CF.Create a User-Provided Servicea. Push EMG as an Application to CF:i. In a terminal, Git clone the EMG code repo and “cd” to the“microgateway” directory.ii. Edit the manifest.yml File and provide appropriate valuesfor the following environment variables:EDGEMICRO_KEY,EDGEMICRO_SECRET,EDGEMICRO_ENV,EDGEMICRO_ORGEDGEMICRO_CONFIG_DIR - hardcode this to valueto ‘./config’Note - To obtain key/secret, see the MicrogatewayOperation and Configuration documentation.iii. Copy your microcogateway’s config file from your homedirectory that was created during setup (seeprerequisites), and open the new file in an editor.iv. Optimize the config file created in the previous step for CFby changing the port to 8080 and adding plugins asshown in the following example: (Note - The OAuth pluginis disabled to limit the scope of this solution paper).v. Include the custom plugin cloud-foundry-emg-servicewithin the plugin sequence section (see previousexample). This plugin handles the routing aspect of thecalls to ensure that the handshake with the CF Routerhappens seamlessly. The sample code for this plugin isavailable here. (This is likely to be changed). Create aplugin directory and include the files (index.js & package.json) from the GitHub repo. For more information on howto use plugins with EMG, see Use plugins in the Apigeedocumentation.vi. In the Apigee EdgeUI, login to your Apigee organizationand create an EMG-aware proxy with the base path set tonet’. (Later, the ‘cloud-foundry-emg-service’ plugin willoverwrite this URL with the target CF application's URL).For reference on how to create an EMG-aware proxy, seeSetting up and configuring Edge Microgateway in theApigee documentation.Note - Since we have not enabled the OAuth plugin within our EMG service, we do not need to follow the rest of the above documenta-tion that details the process for creating API products, a developer, and a developer application. However, If you would like to use EMG's OAuth capabilities, you will need to create a product, developer, and application.vii. Your EMG application is now ready to be pushed to Cloud Foundry:b. Create the UPS using the cf create-user-provided-service com-mand, providing the URL for EMG from step vii appended with the basepath of the EMG-aware proxy from step vi) ‘/pcf’.This completes the UPS one-time setup steps. The service is ready to be used for binding by applications that require API management.Bind a Target Application to the EMG Provided Service Push your CF target application that requires API management capabilities from EMG and take note of App Name and Application’s URL.a. Now we are ready to bind our sample application to the UPS(EMG) using the bind-route-service command:b. Let's Test our binding by making cURL calls:Now repeat the cURL call in quick succession and you should see a spike arrest violation from EMG.Congratulations!! You have now secured your sample application with Apigee Edge Microgateway.Pattern: Apigee Edge Integration with PASSimilar to Apigee Edge Microgateway as a service (previous section),you can create a user-provided service (UPS) with your Apigee Edgeorganization to proxy your application hosted on PAS. The advantageof using an Apigee Edge organization as a UPS is that you can use allthe capabilities of the Apigee Edge platform (45+ out of box policies)and use advanced UI features like trace, since all your traffic will flowthrough Apigee Edge. This Apigee Edge ‘organization’ can be hostedin Apigee Cloud or your own on-premises datacenter (using Apigee onPremise Deployment Kit - OPDK).ORG Plan OverviewSimilar to the user-provided EMG service, the organization service isalso available for ‘binding’ to your applications and provides serviceslike API security using an API key or OAuth 2.0, support for CORS,rate limiting features, and more. The following sequence diagramillustrates the typical flow of traffic within PAS:Apigee Edge (ORG) Plan using User Provided Service (Route Services Integration)Setting up Apigee Edge Organization as aUser-Provided Service (UPS)To use the Apigee Edge organization (org) as a user-provided service, we will create and deploy a proxy within Apigee Edge to make it avail-able for API traffic. This proxy will handle CF traffic, and you'll use the proxy path to create a UPS within the PAS environment. Again, in this pattern too, creating a proxy in your Apigee org and UPS creation are only done once. After you configure the UPS, you will only need to bind each (target) application that intends to use this service. PrerequisiteSignup and register for a free Apigee Edge Evaluation Organization. See https:///apigee.Create a User-Provided Servicea. Create a proxy to act as a facade for your all applications on CF that require API management:i. Use the proxy bundle in this location to create a proxy withinyour Apigee Edge org by using the “Import a Proxy Bundle”dialog within the Apigee Edge UI. You can also import thisproxy using the Apigee Management API.ii. Ensure that your proxy is deployed to the desired environ-ment, illustrated by the following image. Be sure that yourvirtual host in Edge uses HTTPs, as CF requires an HTTPSendpoint for the route services integrations to work.Note - This proxy is a passthrough proxy and does not have any security built in. However, since this proxy is running on Apigee Cloud and will be picking up traffic from CF, you are free to use and implement the OAuth 2.0 or Verify API Key policies in addition to any of the other 45+ Apigee policies. The current implementation of this proxy handles the routing of the CF call to the correct CF target application that the original call was intended for.iii. Create the UPS using cf create-user-provided-servicecommand (provide the URL for the Org Plan Proxy wedeployed in Step ii).This completes the UPS one-time setup. The service is readyto be used for binding by applications that require APImanagement.Bind a Target Application to the Org UPSb. Push your CF target application that requires API managementcapabilities from the Apigee org and take note of App Name and Application’s URL.i. Now you are ready to bind the sample application to theuser provided service (org) using the b i nd-route-servicecommand:ii. Test the binding by making cURL calls:Now Turn on the trace feature within Apigee Edge and repeatthe cURL call. You should be able to see the API calltraversing through Apigee Edge.Note: If you are unfamiliar with how to use Apigee Trace tool, see Using the trace tool in the Apigee documentation.Congratulations!! You have now secured your sample application with and Apigee Edge org.Summary - Final thoughts…In this solution paper we discussed a couple of approaches on how Apigee could be used within PAS for API Management. In both the approaches we have relied on a single proxy creation within Apigee Edge to manage our runtime traffic for all CF Applications. This is an optimized approach as it induces less overhead by relying on one proxy / service for ‘N’ apps; in this scenario the analytics for the N apps, will be aggregated under the API proxy. Another approach obviously will be to create a separate proxy within Apigee Edge and then a new UPS using the proxy base paths. This will mean that you have one proxy and one UPS for each application. This approach induces extra overhead but has the side benefit of visualizing analyt-ics of each individual app.ResourcesMicrogateway custom plugin for the EMG pattern:https:///ankurshukla80/cloud-foundry-emg-service Proxy bundle for running the Apigee org pattern:https:///ankurshukla80/cloud-foundry-emg-service/blob/ master/Resources/Org-Plan-For-PCF_rev1_2019_12_05.zip。
Q3 1997 Q4 1997
Automotive manufacturers QS 9000,VDA6, AVSQ,EAQF
Short term harmonization
176 Task group
Q1 1998 ISO 9001:1994
Generic quality system basis
“Remote Locations” need to be covered too. “Remote Locations” cannot obtain standalone certification The Technical Specification can be applied throughout the automotive supply chain.
current manuals continue in force until 2000 or 2001
One Audit Is Now Possible, Reciprocal Recognition
Agreement for Internal Audit and Subcontractor Development
Goal of ISO / TS 16949
“The goal of this Technical Specification is the development of fundamental quality systems that provide for continuous improvement, emphasizing defect prevention and the reduction of variation and waste in the automotive supply chain”.
diagram例句- You can reduce long explanations to simple charts or diagrams.- The sound waves of the voice could be diagramed as in B.- And when you do find it, it's full of badly drawn diagrams that make no sense.- No map or diagram of the venues is available.- Another aid to understanding and recall is to make diagrams or sketches.- We usually can explain the gospel through outlines and diagrams.- Then she showed them a diagram of my spleen.- Let us now draw a diagram of each of these plots over one season.- The diagram shows the block diagram of an open loop system.- Draw a flow diagram for the production of a chicken curry.- The diagram below shows how value gets added to a product in a two stage production process.- Draw a diagram that shows a monopoly losing money in the short run.- The diagram appears to show the longer side of the rectangle as its base.- Do you want me to draw you a diagram?- It has a moving diagram showing energy flows and an electric blue battery charge gauge.- Do this exercise at regular intervals and draw a rough diagram as a record.- Draw a diagram showing the path of adjustment for the typical firm and for the industry.- See the diagram overleaf for proportions.- Or devise your own plans, sketching diagrams that you then convert into scale drawings.- We're still looking at the circuit diagram.- One of the drawings for it is a simple diagram that uses a flow chart to show different ways of introducing medicine into the body.- See diagram on opposite page.- Geography Basic Facts- I held textbooks of basic surgical techniques up to mirrors to see if the diagrams of knot tying made any more sense.- Push their chin upwards ( see diagram overleaf).- Taking Drugs Seriously- See diagram on page 66.- Dental formula refers to an adult mammal with the correct number of teeth.- Biology Basic Facts- Fry's main job seems to be standing in front of a whiteboard, using various equations and diagrams to explain that trains are quite fast and quite heavy.- This book also uses some very clear diagrams that almost anyone can understand.- Most coaches do not take care to properly diagram a play.- See the puzzle diagram for the finish.- The diagrams in the kit were useless.- And its circular campus is like a management diagram writ large.- There are contributions all across the plot from this diagram.- There are other features and other diagrams though.- Something about a rabbit and then some diagram.- He is fond of drawing diagrams to explain what he is talking about.- The central image in mainstream economics is the circular flow diagram.- The diagram consists of two rings.- Pictures or diagrams help in triggering memory processes during your exams.- They all come with detailed pruning advice and technical diagrams.- Some leave the organ out of anatomical diagrams altogether.- In the diagram below are three empty bar graphs that all refer to each other.- We can see this by looking at the diagram below.- The simple diagram of church plus churchyard becomes a field where inside and outside and new and ancient overlap.- Another useful graph could be an x: y diagram of speed vs swing.- It's a diagram for me to write these extremely complex densely structuredbooks.。
Customer Guide to Ai-Logix DP Integrations说明书
Customer Guide to Ai-Logix DPIntegrationsMay 2017IntroductionCustomer Guide to Ai-Logix DP Integrations Version: This guide should be used with NICE Uptivity (formerly Uptivity Premise) v5.6 or later.Revision: May 2017Copyright: ©2017 inContact, Inc.Contact: Send suggestions or corrections regarding this guide to***********************************.Introduction Table of ContentsIntroduction (4)Audience (4)Goals (4)Assumptions (4)Need-to-Knows (5)Customer Responsibilities (5)Ai-Logix DP Integration Overview (6)Premise Wiring Options (6)Known Limitations and Considerations (8)Telephony Requirements (8)Hardware (8)Software (8)Licensing (8)NICE Uptivity Requirements (9)Hardware (9)Software (9)Licensing (9)Customer Configuration Overview (10)Customer Administration Tasks (11)Channel Configuration Settings for Voice Boards (11)Document Revision History (13)IntroductionIntroductionAudienceThis document is written for customers and prospective customers interested in using NICE Uptivity Call Recording in a wired telephony environment using Ai-Logix trunk tap cards from AudioCodes. Readers who will perform procedures in this guide should have a basic level of familiarity with wired (TDM) telephony, general networking, the Windows operating system, and NICE Uptivity.GoalsThe goal of this document is to provide knowledge, reference, and procedural information necessary to understand a proposed Ai-Logix/NICE Uptivity integration, and to configure the telephony environment to support the integration.This document is NOT intended as a specific system or network design document, nor is it intended to instruct the reader on telecom cabling methods and procedures. If further clarification is needed, consult your telephony vendor(s). AssumptionsThis document assumes the reader has access to an NICE Uptivity Sales Engineer, Project Manager, or other resource to assist in applying this information to the reader's environment.Introduction Need-to-KnowsTo facilitate ease of use, this document takes advantage of PDF bookmarks.By opening the bookmark pane, readers can easily refer to the portion(s) of the guide that are relevant to their needs. For example, the NICE Uptivityapplication administrator can click the Customer Administration Tasksbookmark to jump directly to that section.To expand and collapse the bookmark pane, click the bookmark icon on the left side of the document window.For information and procedures related to NICE Uptivity configuration, consult your NICE Uptivity installation team.Ai-Logix DP cards are typically used to capture audio in combination with a separate CTI integration to your PBX for call control and metadata. In this scenario, refer to the applicable customer guide for your CTI integration for additional tasks and requirements.Customer ResponsibilitiesYou are responsible for supplying the physical connection(s), IP connection(s), or both to your telephone system, and for providing additional information about these connections to the NICE Uptivity Installation team. If you supply the server hardware for the installation, then you are also responsible for installing the physical Ai-Logix cards in the server.Ai-Logix DP Integration OverviewAi-Logix DP Integration OverviewThis integration uses Ai-Logix "DP" cards to capture digital audio from telephone trunks (such as E1s, T1s, and PRIs) via passive tap. A separate integration to your PBX is required for call control events and metadata.DP cards are sold only in dual-port versions. The number of channels that can be recorded per card depends on the trunk configuration. For example, a dual-port E1 card can record 60 channels, but a dual-port T1 card can record only 48 channels. Depending on the number of channels you want to record, multiple cards may be installed in a single NICE Uptivity system.Premise Wiring OptionsinContact recommends the wiring tap be accomplished through use of a patch panel that splits one input connection into two output connections, one to the PBX and one to the NICE Uptivity recording server. For more information, refer to AudioCodes documentation available from the AudioCodes website or from Uptivity Support.Wiring diagram for passive trunk tappingAi-Logix DP Integration OverviewGeneral architectural example of an integration using passive trunk tappingAi-Logix DP Integration OverviewKnown Limitations and Considerations•Because this integration requires the use of physical audio capture cards, virtualization of the NICE Uptivity recording server is not supported.•Ai-Logix integrations do not support the real-time blackout functionality in NICE Uptivity.Telephony RequirementsHardwareWhile recording is PBX-agnostic, some PBX hardware and phone models require special consideration. For details, refer to AudioCodes documentation or ask your NICE Uptivity Sales Engineer.SoftwareThere are no telephony software requirements for analog recording unless a PBX integration is used. Ask your NICE Uptivity Sales Engineer if you have questions. LicensingAdditional licensing is usually not required, but certain manufacturers require licensing to allow station tapping. For details, refer to AudioCodes documentation or ask your NICE Uptivity Sales Engineer.Ai-Logix DP Integration Overview NICE Uptivity RequirementsHardwareNICE Uptivity hardware requirements vary depending on system configurations. Appropriate hardware is identified during the system implementation process. Along with standard hardware, one or more of the following is specifically required for this integration based on the number of trunks to be recorded:•AudioCodes DP 6409 T1/E1 Passive Tap Call Recording BladeThis card is dual-port and can connect to up to two (2) trunks. The number of channels that can be recorded per trunk varies depending on the configuration of the trunk itself:•Single T1— 24 channels (23 channels for ISDN-signaled T1)•Dual T1— 48 channels (46 channels for ISDN-signaled T1)•Single E1— 30 channels•Dual E1— 60 channelsSoftwareThis guide covers the following release:•NICE Uptivity, v5.6 or laterAdditional third-party software is required for the Ai-Logix digital station integration:•AudioCodes SmartWORKS v3.11 – 5.4•AudioCodes SmartWORKS v5.9 in MS 2012 environmentsLicensing•One (1) Voice Seat license per trunk channel to be recorded•Additional licensing may be required if the system includes optional features (for example, Uptivity Screen Recording)Ai-Logix DP Integration OverviewCustomer Configuration OverviewThe following table provides a high-level overview of the customer configuration steps in Ai-Logix digital trunk integrations.Customer Administration Tasks Customer Administration TasksDuring ongoing use of the system, your Uptivity administrator may need to configure new channels or reconfigure existing channels. At those times, this integration requires changes to the Voice Boards page.The number of voice board channels corresponds to the number of channels configured on the physical Ai-Logix card. Adding channels may require purchase and installation of server hardware and Uptivity licensing. Contact Support for additional information.For more information on voice board tasks, search online help for keyword voice boards.Channel Configuration Settings for Voice BoardsThis section provides a reference to channel settings that must be configured for the Ai-Logix LD integration. You should refer to this section whenever you add new channels to your Uptivity system.Any other voice board changes should only be done under direct supervision from Uptivity Support. Done incorrectly, voice board modifications can have serious negative impact to your system. In addition, altering the hardware configuration of your system may void your warranty.The following table shows the settings that apply when configuring channels for Ai-Logix DP integrations.Customer Administration TasksDocument Revision History Document Revision History。
第1篇IntroductionThe following teaching design is tailored for a middle school English class, focusing on a unit about "Hobbies and Interests." The lesson aims to enhance students' speaking and listening skills while fostering their ability to express their own hobbies and interests. The target age group is 13-15 years old, and the class duration is 45 minutes.Objective1. Knowledge Objective: Students will be able to understand and use key vocabulary related to hobbies and interests.2. Skill Objective: Students will be able to engage in a conversation about their hobbies and interests with their peers.3. Emotional Objective: Students will develop an interest in exploring and sharing their personal hobbies and interests.Teaching Aids- Whiteboard- Projector- Handouts with vocabulary and questions- Audio recording of a conversation about hobbies- Pen and paper for individual activitiesTeaching Procedure1. Warm-up (5 minutes)- Activity: Brainstorming- Ask students to write down their favorite hobbies on the board.- Encourage them to share their hobbies with the class and explain why they enjoy them.2. Presentation (10 minutes)- Activity: Vocabulary Presentation- Introduce key vocabulary related to hobbies and interests (e.g., collect, paint, read, play music, travel).- Use pictures and real-life examples to illustrate the meanings of the words.- Have students practice using the new vocabulary in sentences.3. Practice (15 minutes)- Activity: Role Play- Pair students up and give them a handout with a conversation about hobbies.- Ask them to read the conversation and practice it with their partner.- Monitor and provide feedback on their pronunciation and fluency.- Activity: Group Discussion- Divide the class into small groups.- Provide each group with a list of questions related to hobbies and interests.- Ask the groups to discuss the questions and share their opinions.4. Production (10 minutes)- Activity: Personal Hobbies Interview- Pair students up again.- Each student interviews their partner about their hobbies and interests using the questions provided.- The other student listens carefully and takes notes.- After the interview, the pair swaps roles.5. Assessment (5 minutes)- Activity: Quick Write- Ask students to write a short paragraph about their favorite hobby, using the new vocabulary and structure learned in the lesson.- Collect the writings for assessment.Conclusion- Activity: Sharing and Reflection- Ask students to share their favorite hobby with the class.- Encourage them to reflect on what they learned during the lesson and how they can incorporate their new vocabulary and skills into theirdaily lives.Feedback and ReflectionAt the end of the lesson, collect feedback from students regarding their learning experience. Reflect on the effectiveness of the teaching methods used and identify areas for improvement. Consider the following questions:- Did the students engage actively in the activities?- Did the vocabulary and skills presented align with the learning objectives?- Were the activities appropriate for the age and level of the students?- How can the lesson be adapted to better suit the needs of the students?ConclusionThis practical English teaching design aims to provide a structured and engaging lesson that enhances students' language skills while fostering their personal interests. By incorporating various activities and allowing for individual expression, the lesson encourages students todevelop a love for learning and a deeper understanding of the English language.第2篇Objective:The primary objective of this English teaching design is to enhance students' proficiency in English by integrating technology into the classroom. This approach aims to make learning more engaging, interactive, and effective, while also preparing students for the digital age.Target Audience:This lesson plan is designed for secondary school students in grades 9-12, with a focus on improving their reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills.Duration:One hour per session, for a total of 10 sessions over a month.Materials:- Interactive whiteboard or projector- Computers or tablets for each student- Internet access- Online learning platforms (e.g., Google Classroom, Edmodo)- Textbooks and supplementary reading materials- Flashcards- Markers and whiteboard erasersLesson Overview:The lesson will be divided into four main sections: Warm-up, Introduction, Activity, and Conclusion. Each section will incorporate technology to enhance the learning experience.1. Warm-up (10 minutes):- Activity: Use a PowerPoint presentation to display a series ofpictures related to the upcoming topic. Students will be asked to describe the pictures using complete sentences in English.- Technology Integration: Utilize the interactive whiteboard to allow students to contribute their descriptions directly onto the board.2. Introduction (10 minutes):- Activity: Introduce the new topic by showing a short video clip or a related news article. This will provide context and pique students' interest.- Technology Integration: Use a computer or tablet to project the video or article onto the screen. Encourage students to take notes on key points.3. Activity (30 minutes):- Activity: Divide the class into small groups and assign each group a different task using online learning platforms.- Group 1: Research a specific topic related to the lesson and create a presentation using Google Slides.- Group 2: Write a short story or a poem based on the lesson's theme and post it on a class blog using WordPress.- Group 3: Record a video discussing their understanding of the topic and upload it to a video sharing platform like YouTube.- Group 4: Create a mind map or Venn diagram comparing and contrasting two related topics using an online tool like XMind.- Technology Integration: Provide each group with a computer or tablet and internet access. Encourage students to collaborate and share their work online.4. Conclusion (10 minutes):- Activity: Bring the class back together to share their findings and discuss the common themes they noticed.- Technology Integration: Use the interactive whiteboard to display the groups' presentations, stories, videos, or mind maps. Have each group present their work and invite the class to ask questions or provide feedback.Assessment:- Formative Assessment: Monitor student participation during the activities and provide feedback on their progress.- Summative Assessment: At the end of the unit, administer a writtentest or an oral presentation to evaluate students' understanding of the key concepts.Reflection and Adaptation:- Reflection: After the completion of the lesson, reflect on the effectiveness of integrating technology into the classroom. Consider what worked well and what could be improved.- Adaptation: Adjust the lesson plan as needed to better suit the students' needs and preferences. For example, if a particular activity was not well-received, consider modifying it for the next session.Conclusion:This practical design for English language teaching demonstrates how technology can be effectively integrated into the classroom to enhance the learning experience. By incorporating various digital tools and platforms, teachers can create a more engaging, interactive, and effective learning environment that prepares students for the challenges of the digital age.第3篇IntroductionThe purpose of this English teaching design is to create an engaging and interactive learning environment that incorporates technology to enhance the learning experience of students. This case study focuses on a secondary school English class in China, where the target group is students in Grade 8. The lesson aims to improve students' reading comprehension and vocabulary acquisition skills through the use ofdigital tools and multimedia resources.ObjectiveBy the end of the lesson, students will be able to:1. Comprehend the main ideas and details of a given text.2. Expand their vocabulary through the use of digital dictionaries and interactive games.3. Develop critical thinking skills by analyzing and evaluating the content of the text.4. Demonstrate their understanding of the text through various forms of digital presentations.Materials and Resources1. Interactive whiteboard or computer projector.2. Projector-connected laptop with internet access.3. Digital dictionaries (e.g., Oxford Dictionaries Online).4. Vocabulary-building apps (e.g., Quizlet, Anki).5. Online reading materials (e.g., articles, stories, videos).6. Presentation software (e.g., PowerPoint, Google Slides).7. Handouts with text excerpts and questions.Teaching Procedure1. Warm-up (5 minutes)- Begin the lesson with a quick review of the previous lesson's vocabulary using a digital dictionary.- Engage students in a brief discussion about their weekendactivities using a digital platform (e.g., Padlet) to encourage interaction and participation.2. Introduction (5 minutes)- Introduce the theme of the lesson and the text to be studied using a digital presentation.- Highlight the learning objectives and expectations for the students.3. Pre-reading (10 minutes)- Use a digital platform to show a related video or image to activate prior knowledge and generate interest in the topic.- Distribute handouts with a few questions about the text to be studied. Encourage students to discuss their predictions with a partner.4. Reading (20 minutes)- Project the text on the interactive whiteboard or computer screen.- Divide the text into sections and have students read silently or in pairs.- Use a digital dictionary to look up any unfamiliar vocabulary words.- Encourage students to take notes on key information and main ideas.5. Comprehension Check (10 minutes)- Use a digital platform (e.g., Kahoot!, Quizizz) to assess students' understanding of the text.- Review the answers and discuss any misconceptions or difficult concepts.6. Vocabulary Building (15 minutes)- Introduce new vocabulary words related to the text using a vocabulary-building app.- Have students practice using the new words in sentences or complete exercises on the interactive whiteboard.7. Critical Thinking (10 minutes)- Present a series of questions or prompts that require students to analyze and evaluate the content of the text.- Encourage students to share their opinions and support their arguments with evidence from the text.8. Presentation (10 minutes)- Have students work in groups to create a digital presentation (e.g., using PowerPoint or Google Slides) summarizing their understanding ofthe text.- Allow each group to present their findings to the class.9. Closing (5 minutes)- Conclude the lesson by summarizing the main points discussed andthe new vocabulary introduced.- Assign homework that includes further reading and vocabulary practice.Assessment1. Formative Assessment:- Observe students' participation in discussions and group activities.- Monitor students' use of digital tools and resources during the lesson.- Use digital platforms to assess students' understanding of the text and vocabulary.2. Summative Assessment:- Evaluate students' digital presentations and their ability to summarize the text.- Assign a reflective essay or journal entry where students can express their thoughts on the text and the use of technology in the classroom.ConclusionThis English teaching design incorporates technology to create a dynamic and interactive learning environment that supports students' reading comprehension and vocabulary acquisition skills. By utilizing digital tools and resources, students are able to engage with the material in new and exciting ways, enhancing their learning experience and promoting critical thinking skills.。
simulink模块的分类及用途Commsim 2001 Education模块化通信仿真软件产品编号:808-110(单),112(10),115(25)Commsim 2001是一个理想的通信系统的教学软件。
Commsim2001含有200多个通用通信和数学模块,包含工业中的大部分编码器,调制器,滤波器,信号源,信道等,Commsim 2001中的模块和通常通信技术中的很一致,这可以确保你的学生学会当今所有最重要的通信技术。
Scalable FunctionalityLike all other Electronics Workbench products Commsim 2001 is available in three tiers for the education community:Single: For use by professors/teachers in the creation of lectures, lessons, assignments etc Lab:For use by students in on-campus computer labsStudent: A special version for use by students on home PCs onlyHow Commsim is UsedCommsim 2001 is a powerful yet easy to use simulation tool that provides fast, accurate viewing of signals at any point in your system, via a natural sequence of steps. This power is presented to the user through an intuitive GUI(graphical User Interface) enabling drag and drop simplicity, just like all of the other products in the Electronics Workbench Family.Features at a Glance:∙Industry's Largest Library∙200+ Blocks∙Communication & Math Blocks∙Build your own Blocks/Models∙Drag and Drop Diagram Construction∙Analog, Digital & Mixed Systems∙Automatic Wiring∙Analog and Digital Modulators/Demodulators∙Wide variety of Encoders/Decoders∙Adaptive Equalizers∙Vector and Matrix Operations∙All popular Channel Models∙Filter Design Wizard and Response Viewer∙PLLs∙RF Elements and Accurate Distortion∙Complex Math∙Complex Envelope Representation∙Continuous, Discrete and Hybrid Simulation∙Autorestart and Single Step Algorithms∙Euler, Trapezoidal and Runge Kutta Integration Methods ∙Look-up Table Wizard∙Signal Probes∙Large variety of Plot Options∙Mathcad, Matlab OLE IntegrationPlacing and Connecting BlocksPlace desired blocks from the library by dragging and dropping(from either the menus or the toolbar) any of the over 200 functional blocks available. Once placed, connecting blocks is extremely straightforward-just click on one block's output then on other blocks input and Commsim takes care of the rest. Its that simple!You can also make use of hierarchical blocks to break up more complex systems, each of which can be assigned its own symbol.Blocks LibrariesThe science of understanding and teaching communication systems lies in being aware of a wide variety of "functional blocks" of technology available to "construct" the optimal transmitter or receiver, given a particular type of signal and channel.Commsim 2001 helps you to ensure your students learn all of today's most important communication technologies by delivering blocks to match all of the commonly used techniques in communications. The commsim library contains the industry's largest selection of coders, modulators, filters, sources, channels etc. You can even create your own blocks using equations or lower level functional blocks. Library BlocksBecause the right library is so essential to a good communications simulator, we have explained each family of blocks in detail. Simply click on the family to view more information.ChannelsEncoding/DecodingModulators/DemodulatorsOther Communication BlocksBasic BlocksChannelsModeling the medium through which a transmitted signal must pass is essential to accurately capture delay and distortion effects. Channels include copper wire, fiber, free space, etc.Channel Blocks Modeled in Commsim 2001∙Add.White Gaussian Noise (Complex & Real)∙Binary Symmetric Channel∙Jakes Mobile∙Multipath∙Propagation Loss∙Rice/Rayleigh Fading∙Rummler Multipath∙TWTAEncoding/DecodingSingle encoding is performed to increase the reliability of information transfer and can include companding and quantization (analog signals) or forward error correction (using convolutional or trellis cooling on digital signals).Commsim 2001 includes the following Encoders/Decoders∙Block Interleaver∙Convolutional Encoder∙Convolutional Interleaver∙Gray Decoder∙Gray Encoder∙Trellis Decoder∙Viterbi Decoder (Hard & Soft)Modulators/DemodulatorsCommsim provides the following analog and digital modulators/demodulation blocks, a subset of which use coherent methods(require phase synchronization in demodulation):Commsim 2001 includes the following Modulators/Demodulators∙AM∙DQPSK∙pi/4-DQPSK∙FM∙FSK∙I/Q∙MSK∙PM∙PAM (4,8)∙PPM∙PSK (2,4,8,16)∙QAM (16,32,64,256)∙SQPSK∙DQPSK∙pi/4-DQPSK Detector∙FM Demodulator∙PPM Demodulator∙PSK Detector (2,4,8,16)∙PAM Detector (2,4,8,16)∙QAM Detector (16,32,64,256)Other BlocksCommsim 2001 also provides many other communication blocks (filters, PLLs, digital etc.) and general mathematical functions (complex math, estimatio, etc.)Basic BlocksCommsim 2001 offers over 90 blocks for linear, non linear, continous, discrete-time, time varying, and hybrid system design.Basic Blocks Modeled in Commsim 2001∙Animation∙Annotation∙Arithmetic∙Boolean∙DDE∙Integration∙Linear Systems∙Matlab Interface∙Matrix Operations∙Nonlinear∙Optimization∙Random Generator∙Signal Consumer∙Signal Producer∙Time Delay∙TranscendentalCDMA通信系统的MATLAB仿真张广森,王虎(中国民航学院通信工程系,天津 300300)摘要:在简要介绍MATLAB语言的基础上,对使用MATLAB语言仿真的CDMA 通信系统进行描述。
I.1 基本风险管理简易方法
I.2 Failure Mode Effects Analysis (FMEA)
《信号与系统》专业术语中英文对照表第 1 章绪论信号(signal)系统(system)电压(voltage)电流(current)信息(information)电路(circuit)网络(network)确定性信号(determinate signal)随机信号(random signal)一维信号(one–dimensional signal)多维信号(multi–dimensional signal)连续时间信号(continuous time signal)离散时间信号(discrete time signal)取样信号(sampling signal)数字信号(digital signal)周期信号(periodic signal)非周期信号(nonperiodic(aperiodic)signal)能量(energy)功率(power)能量信号(energy signal)功率信号(power signal)平均功率(average power)平均能量(average energy)指数信号(exponential signal)时间常数(time constant)正弦信号(sine signal)余弦信号(cosine signal)振幅(amplitude)角频率(angular frequency)初相位(initial phase)周期(period)频率(frequency)欧拉公式(Euler’s formula)复指数信号(complex exponential signal)复频率(complex frequency)实部(real part)虚部(imaginary part)抽样函数Sa(t)(sampling(Sa)function)偶函数(even function)奇异函数(singularity function)- 奇异信号(singularity signal)单位斜变信号(unit ramp signal)斜率(slope)单位阶跃信号(unit step signal)符号函数(signum function)单位冲激信号(unit impulse signal)广义函数(generalized function)取样特性(sampling property)冲激偶信号(impulse doublet signal)奇函数(odd function)偶分量(even component)奇分量(odd component)正交函数(orthogonal function)正交函数集(set of orthogonal function)数学模型(mathematics model)电压源(voltage source)基尔霍夫电压定律(Kirchhoff’s voltage law(KVL))电流源(current source)连续时间系统(continuous time system)离散时间系统(discrete time system)微分方程(differential function)差分方程(difference function)线性系统(linear system)非线性系统(nonlinear system)时变系统(time–varying system)时不变系统(time–invariant system)集总参数系统(lumped–parameter system)分布参数系统(distributed–parameter system)偏微分方程(partial differential function)因果系统(causal system)非因果系统(noncausal system)因果信号(causal signal)叠加性(superposition property)均匀性(homogeneity)积分(integral)输入–输出描述法(input–output analysis)状态变量描述法(state variable analysis)单输入单输出系统(single–input and single–output system)状态方程(state equation)输出方程(output equation)多输入多输出系统(multi–input and multi–output system)时域分析法(time domain method)变换域分析法(transform domain method)卷积(convolution)傅里叶变换(Fourier transform)拉普拉斯变换(Laplace transform)- 第 2 章连续时间系统的时域分析齐次解(homogeneous solution)特解(particular solution)特征方程(characteristic function)特征根(characteristic root)固有(自由)解(natural solution)强迫解(forced solution)起始条件(original condition)初始条件(initial condition)自由响应(natural response)强迫响应(forced response)零输入响应(zero-input response)零状态响应(zero-state response)冲激响应(impulse response)阶跃响应(step response)卷积积分(convolution integral)交换律(exchange law)分配律(distribute law)结合律(combine law)第3 章傅里叶变换频谱(frequency spectrum)频域(frequency domain)三角形式的傅里叶级数(trigonomitric Fourier series)指数形式的傅里叶级数(exponential Fourier series)傅里叶系数(Fourier coefficient)直流分量(direct composition)基波分量(fundamental composition)n 次谐波分量(n th harmonic component)复振幅(complex amplitude)频谱图(spectrum plot(diagram))幅度谱(amplitude spectrum)相位谱(phase spectrum)包络(envelop)离散性(discrete property)谐波性(harmonic property)收敛性(convergence property)奇谐函数(odd harmonic function)吉伯斯现象(Gibbs phenomenon)周期矩形脉冲信号(periodic rectangular pulse signal)周期锯齿脉冲信号(periodic sawtooth pulse signal)周期三角脉冲信号(periodic triangular pulse signal)- 周期半波余弦信号(periodic half–cosine signal)周期全波余弦信号(periodic full–cosine signal)傅里叶逆变换(inverse Fourier transform)频谱密度函数(spectrum density function)单边指数信号(single–sided exponential signal)双边指数信号(two–sided exponential signal)对称矩形脉冲信号(symmetry rectangular pulse signal)线性(linearity)对称性(symmetry)对偶性(duality)位移特性(shifting)时移特性(time–shifting)频移特性(frequency–shifting)调制定理(modulation theorem)调制(modulation)解调(demodulation)变频(frequency conversion)尺度变换特性(scaling)微分与积分特性(differentiation and integration)时域微分特性(differentiation in the time domain)时域积分特性(integration in the time domain)频域微分特性(differentiation in the frequency domain)频域积分特性(integration in the frequency domain)卷积定理(convolution theorem)时域卷积定理(convolution theorem in the time domain)频域卷积定理(convolution theorem in the frequency domain)取样信号(sampling signal)矩形脉冲取样(rectangular pulse sampling)自然取样(nature sampling)冲激取样(impulse sampling)理想取样(ideal sampling)取样定理(sampling theorem)调制信号(modulation signal)载波信号(carrier signal)已调制信号(modulated signal)模拟调制(analog modulation)数字调制(digital modulation)连续波调制(continuous wave modulation)脉冲调制(pulse modulation)幅度调制(amplitude modulation)频率调制(frequency modulation)相位调制(phase modulation)角度调制(angle modulation)频分多路复用(frequency–division multiplex(FDM))时分多路复用(time–division multiplex(TDM))相干(同步)解调(synchronous detection)- 本地载波(local carrier)系统函数(system function)网络函数(network function)频响特性(frequency response)幅频特性(amplitude frequency response)相频特性(phase frequency response)无失真传输(distortionless transmission)理想低通滤波器(ideal low–pass filter)截止频率(cutoff frequency)正弦积分(sine integral)上升时间(rise time)窗函数(window function)理想带通滤波器(ideal band–pass filter)第 4 章拉普拉斯变换代数方程(algebraic equation)双边拉普拉斯变换(two-sided Laplace transform)双边拉普拉斯逆变换(inverse two-sided Laplace transform)单边拉普拉斯变换(single-sided Laplace transform)拉普拉斯逆变换(inverse Laplace transform)收敛域(region of convergence(ROC))延时特性(time delay)s 域平移特性(shifting in the s-domain)s 域微分特性(differentiation in the s-domain)s 域积分特性(integration in the s-domain)初值定理(initial-value theorem)终值定理(expiration-value)复频域卷积定理(convolution theorem in the complex frequency domain)部分分式展开法(partial fraction expansion)留数法(residue method)第 5 章策动点函数(driving function)转移函数(transfer function)极点(pole)零点(zero)零极点图(zero-pole plot)暂态响应(transient response)稳态响应(stable response)稳定系统(stable system)一阶系统(first order system)高通滤波网络(high-low filter)低通滤波网络(low-pass filter)- 二阶系统(second system)最小相移系统(minimum-phase system)维纳滤波器(Winner filter)卡尔曼滤波器(Kalman filter)低通(low-pass)高通(high-pass)带通(band-pass)带阻(band-stop)有源(active)无源(passive)模拟(analog)数字(digital)通带(pass-band)阻带(stop-band)佩利-维纳准则(Paley-Winner criterion)最佳逼近(optimum approximation)过渡带(transition-band)通带公差带(tolerance band)巴特沃兹滤波器(Butterworth filter)切比雪夫滤波器(Chebyshew filter)方框图(block diagram)信号流图(signal flow graph)节点(node)支路(branch)输入节点(source node)输出节点(sink node)混合节点(mix node)通路(path)开通路(open path)闭通路(close path)环路(loop)自环路(self-loop)环路增益(loop gain)不接触环路(disconnect loop)前向通路(forward path)前向通路增益(forward path gain)梅森公式(Mason formula)劳斯准则(Routh criterion)第 6 章数字系统(digital system)数字信号处理(digital signal processing)差分方程(difference equation)单位样值响应(unit sample response)卷积和(convolution sum)- Z 变换(Z transform)序列(sequence)样值(sample)单位样值信号(unit sample signal)单位阶跃序列(unit step sequence)矩形序列(rectangular sequence)单边实指数序列(single sided real exponential sequence)单边正弦序列(single sided exponential sequence)斜边序列(ramp sequence)复指数序列(complex exponential sequence)线性时不变离散系统(linear time-invariant discrete-time system)常系数线性差分方程(linear constant-coefficient difference equation)后向差分方程(backward difference equation)前向差分方程(forward difference equation)海诺塔(Tower of Hanoi)菲波纳西(Fibonacci)冲激函数串(impulse train)第7 章数字滤波器(digital filter)单边Z 变换(single-sided Z transform)双边Z 变换(two-sided (bilateral) Z transform)幂级数(power series)收敛(convergence)有界序列(limitary-amplitude sequence)正项级数(positive series)有限长序列(limitary-duration sequence)右边序列(right-sided sequence)左边序列(left-sided sequence)双边序列(two-sided sequence)Z 逆变换(inverse Z transform)围线积分法(contour integral method)幂级数展开法(power series expansion)z 域微分(differentiation in the z-domain)序列指数加权(multiplication by an exponential sequence)z 域卷积定理(z-domain convolution theorem)帕斯瓦尔定理(Parseval theorem)传输函数(transfer function)序列的傅里叶变换(discrete-time Fourier transform:DTFT)序列的傅里叶逆变换(inverse discrete-time Fourier transform:IDTFT)幅度响应(magnitude response)相位响应(phase response)量化(quantization)编码(coding)模数变换(A/D 变换:analog-to-digital conversion)- 数模变换(D/A 变换:digital-to- analog conversion)第8 章端口分析法(port analysis)状态变量(state variable)无记忆系统(memoryless system)有记忆系统(memory system)矢量矩阵(vector-matrix )常量矩阵(constant matrix )输入矢量(input vector)输出矢量(output vector)直接法(direct method)间接法(indirect method)状态转移矩阵(state transition matrix)系统函数矩阵(system function matrix)冲激响应矩阵(impulse response matrix)朱里准则(July criterion)。
Context understanding
Analyze the context in which the term is used to better understand its meaning and usage
Semantic relationships
Identify semantic relationships between terms and concepts, such as synonyms, antonyms, and related terms
The process of varying a carrier wave's characteristics to encode information
Cellular network
A wireless communication network that covers a wide area using a network of base stations
Computer Science Vocabulary
Reading comprehension of electronic information related professional English
Methods for reading professional literature
A formal language used to create executable programs that control the behavior of a computer system
Data structure
Operating system
Programming language
Semantic differences
Suppliers' cost of processing and producing raw materials into finished goods forms a part of the value chain.2.生产商通过将原材料转化为成品和服务来增加价值。
Manufacturers add value by transforming raw materialsinto finished goods and services.3.生产商通过优化生产过程和提高生产效率来降低成本。
Manufacturers reduce costs by optimizing production processes and increasing production efficiency.4.经销商通过销售和分销渠道的建立和管理来提高产品的市场可及性。
Distributors enhance the market accessibility of products through the establishment and management of sales and distribution channels.5.经销商协助生产商将产品推广到更广阔的市场。
Distributors assist manufacturers in promoting productsto a broader market.6.零售商通过提供便捷的购物环境和个性化的购物体验来增加产品的附加值。
Retailers add value to products by providing convenient shopping environments and personalized shopping experiences.7.零售商通过与客户建立良好的关系来提高忠诚度和重复购买率。
单片机暑期培训(实训项目)论文基于STC89C52RC的智能避障灭火小车学院:电子与控制工程学院专业:自动化姓名及学号:201332010411 崔曜东201332010413 毛宜酉201332010416 廖正指导教师:龚贤武李杰雷旭完成时间:二〇一四年十月目录中文摘要 (1)一.工作目的 (1)二.研究方法 (1)三.成果 (2)四.结论 (2)English Abstract (2)A. Work purposes (3)B.The research methods (3)C.Results (3)D.Conclusions. (3)绪论 (5)1.智能灭火小车控制系统的设计背景和意义 (5)2.智能灭火小车控制系统的目标 (6)3.主要内容 (6)论文主体 (7)一.设计方案的确定 (7)系统设计及方案 (7)整体方案设计 (7)2.2 硬件实现方案 (8)2.2.1 MCU的选择 (8)2.2.2 电机选择 (9)2.2.3 传感器的选择 (9)2.3 硬件总体设计方案 (12)2.4 软件总体设计方案 (12)3.硬件单元电路设计 (13)3.1 电源电路 (13)3.2 微控制器模块的设计 (13)3.2.1 STC89C52RC单片机介绍 (13)3.3 电机驱动电路的设计 (15)3.4 传感器电路的设计 (16)3.5 火焰传感电路的设计 (18)3.7 灭火驱动电路 (19)4.软件的实现 (23)4.1 软件开发平台介绍 (23)4.2 主程序流程图 (25)4.3 寻迹程序流程图 (25)5 系统功能调试 (27)5.2 功能测试 (27)5.2.1 驱动电路部分 (27)5.2.2 寻迹部分 (28)5.2.4 灭火效果部分 (28)5.3 调试心得 (28)中文摘要本次设计CPU采用Atmel公司STC系列单片机中的89C52RC,完成的是暑期单片机培训结束后的实习项目。
郑州航空工业管理学院英文翻译2011 届电气工程及其自动化专业班级题目遗传算法在非线性模型中的应用姓名学号指导教师黄文力职称副教授二О一一年三月三十日英语原文:Application of Genetic Programming to Nonlinear ModelingIntroductionIdentification of nonlinear models which are based in part at least on the underlying physics of the real system presents many problems since both the structure and parameters of the model may need to be determined. Many methods exist for the estimation of parameters from measures response data but structural identification is more difficult. Often a trial and error approach involving a combination of expert knowledge and experimental investigation is adopted to choose between a number of candidate models. Possible structures are deduced from engineering knowledge of the system and the parameters of these models are estimated from available experimental data. This procedure is time consuming and sub-optimal. Automation of this process would mean that a much larger range of potential model structure could be investigated more quickly.Genetic programming (GP) is an optimization method which can be used to optimize the nonlinear structure of a dynamic system by automatically selecting model structure elements from a database and combining them optimally to form a complete mathematical model. Genetic programming works by emulating natural evolution to generate a model structure that maximizes (or minimizes) some objective function involving an appropriate measure of the level of agreement between the model and system response.A population of model structures evolves through many generations towards a solution using certain evolutionary operators and a “survival-of-the-fittest” selection scheme. The parameters of these models may be estimated in a separate and more conventional phase of the complete identification process.ApplicationGenetic programming is an established technique which has been applied to several nonlinear modeling tasks including the development of signal processing algorithms and the identification of chemical processes. In the identification of continuous time system models, the applicationof a block diagram oriented simulation approach to GP optimization is discussed by Marenbach, Bettenhausen and Gray, and the issues involved in the application of GP to nonlinear system identification are discussed in Gray ’s another paper. In this paper, Genetic programming is applied to the identification of model structures from experimental data. The systems under investigation are to be represented as nonlinear time domain continuous dynamic models.The model structure evolves as the GP algorithm minimizes some objective function involving an appropriate measure of the level of agreement between the model and system responses. One examples is ∑==ni e J 121 (1) Where 1e is the error between model output and experimental data foreach of N data points. The GP algorithm constructs and reconstructs model structures from the function library. Simplex and simulated annealing method and the fitness of that model is evaluated using a fitness function such as that in Eq.(1). The general fitness of the population improves until the GP eventually converges to a model description of the system.The Genetic programming algorithmFor this research, a steady-state Genetic-programming algorithm was used. At each generation, two parents are selected from the population and the offspring resulting from their crossover operation replace an existing member of the same population. The number of crossover operations is equal to the size of the population i.e. the crossover rate is 100℅. The crossover algorithm used was a subtree crossover with a limit on the depth of the resulting tree.Genetic programming parameters such as mutation rate and population size varied according to the application. More difficult problems where the expected model structure is complex or where the data are noisy generally require larger population sizes. Mutation rate did not appear to have a significant effect for the systems investigated during this research. Typically, a value of about 2℅ was chosen.The function library varied according to application rate and what type of nonlinearity might be expected in the system being identified.A core of linear blocks was always available. It was found that specific nonlinearity such as look-up tables which represented a physical phenomenon would only be selected by the Genetic Programming algorithm if that nonlinearity actually existed in the dynamic system.This allows the system to be tested for specific nonlinearities.Programming model structure identificationEach member of the Genetic Programming population represents a candidate model for the system. It is necessary to evaluate each model and assign to it some fitness value. Each candidate is integrated using a numerical integration routine to produce a time response. This simulation time response is compared with experimental data to give a fitness value for that model. A sum of squared error function (Eq.(1)) is used in all the work described in this paper, although many other fitness functions could be used.The simulation routine must be robust. Inevitably, some of the candidate models will be unstable and therefore, the simulation program must protect against overflow error. Also, all system must return a fitness value if the GP algorithm is to work properly even if those systems are unstable.Parameter estimationMany of the nodes of the GP trees contain numerical parameters. These could be the coefficients of the transfer functions, a gain value or in the case of a time delay, the delay itself. It is necessary to identify the numerical parameters of each nonlinear model before evaluating its fitness. The models are randomly generated and can therefore contain linearly dependent parameters and parameters which have no effect on the output. Because of this, gradient based methods cannot be used. Genetic Programming can be used to identify numerical parameters but it is less efficient than other methods. The approach chosen involves a combination of the Nelder-Simplex and simulated annealing methods. Simulated annealing optimizes by a method which is analogous to the cooling process of a metal. As a metal cools, the atoms organize themselves into an orderedminimum energy structure. The amount of vibration or movement in the atoms is dependent on temperature. As the temperature decreases, the movement, though still random, become smaller in amplitude and as long as the temperature decreases slowly enough, the atoms order themselves slowly enough, the atoms order themselves into the minimum energy structure. In simulated annealing, the parameters start off at some random value and they are allowed to change their values within the search space by an amount related to a quantity defined as system ‘temperature’. If a parameter change improves overall fitness, it is accepted, if it reduces fitness it is accepted with a certain probability. The temperature decreases according to some predetermined ‘cooling’ schedule and the parameter values should converge to some solution as the temperature drops. Simulated annealing has proved particularly effective when combines with other numerical optimization techniques.One such combination is simulated annealing with Nelder-simplex is an (n+1) dimensional shape where n is the number of parameters. This simples explores the search space slowly by changing its shape around the optimum solution .The simulated annealing adds a random component and the temperature scheduling to the simplex algorithm thus improving the robustness of the method .This has been found to be a robust and reasonably efficient numerical optimization algorithm. The parameter estimation phase can also be used to identify other numerical parameters in part of the model where the structure is known but where there are uncertainties about parameter values.Representation of a GP candidate modelNonlinear time domain continuous dynamic models can take a number of different forms. Two common representations involve sets of differential equations or block diagrams. Both these forms of model are well known and relatively easy to simulate .Each has advantages and disadvantages for simulation, visualization and implementation in a Genetic Programming algorithm. Block diagram and equation based representations areconsidered in this paper along with a third hybrid representation incorporating integral and differential operators into an equation based representation.Choice of experimental data set——experimental designThe identification of nonlinear systems presents particular problems regarding experimental design. The system must be excited across the frequency range of interest as with a linear system, but it must also cover the range of any nonlinearities in the system. This could mean ensuring that the input shape is sufficiently varied to excite different modes of the system and that the data covers the operational range of the system state space.A large training data set will be required to identify an accurate model. However the simulation time will be proportional to the number of data points, so optimization time must be balanced against quantity of data. A recommendation on how to select efficient step and PRBS signals to cover the entire frequency rage of interest may be found in Godfrey and Ljung’s texts.Model validationAn important part of any modeling procedure is model validation. The new model structure must be validated with a different data set from that used for the optimization. There are many techniques for validation of nonlinear models, the simplest of which is analogue matching where the time response of the model is compared with available response data from the real system. The model validation results can be used to refine the Genetic Programming algorithm as part of an iterative model development process.Selected from “Control Engineering Practice, Elsevier Science Ltd. ,1998”中文翻译:遗传算法在非线性模型中的应用导言:非线性模型的辨识,至少是部分基于真实系统的基层物理学,自从可能需要同时决定模型的结构和参数以来,就出现了很多问题。
如有你有帮助,请购买下载,谢谢!阿基米德蜗杆 Archimedes worm安全系数 safety factor; factor of safety安全载荷 safe load凹面、凹度 concavity扳手 wrench板簧 flat leaf spring半圆键 woodruff key变形 deformation摆杆 oscillating bar摆动从动件 oscillating follower摆动从动件凸轮机构 cam with oscillating follower 摆动导杆机构 oscillating guide-bar mechanism摆线齿轮 cycloidal gear摆线齿形 cycloidal tooth profile摆线运动规律 cycloidal motion摆线针轮 cycloidal-pin wheel包角 angle of contact保持架 cage背对背安装 back-to-back arrangement背锥 back cone ;normal cone背锥角 back angle背锥距 back cone distance比例尺 scale比热容 specific heat capacity闭式链 closed kinematic chain闭链机构 closed chain mechanism臂部 arm变频器 frequency converters变频调速 frequency control of motor speed变速 speed change变速齿轮 change gear ; change wheel变位齿轮 modified gear变位系数 modification coefficient标准齿轮 standard gear标准直齿轮 standard spur gear表面质量系数 superficial mass factor表面传热系数 surface coefficient of heat transfer 表面粗糙度 surface roughness并联式组合 combination in parallel并联机构 parallel mechanism并联组合机构 parallel combined mechanism并行工程 concurrent engineering并行设计 concurred design, CD不平衡相位 phase angle of unbalance不平衡 imbalance (or unbalance)不平衡量 amount of unbalance 不完全齿轮机构 intermittent gearing波发生器 wave generator波数 number of waves补偿 compensation参数化设计 parameterization design, PD残余应力 residual stress操纵及控制装置 operation control device槽轮 Geneva wheel槽轮机构 Geneva mechanism ;Maltese cross槽数 Geneva numerate槽凸轮 groove cam侧隙 backlash差动轮系 differential gear train差动螺旋机构 differential screw mechanism差速器 differential常用机构 conventional mechanism; mechanism in common use 车床 lathe承载量系数 bearing capacity factor承载能力 bearing capacity成对安装 paired mounting尺寸系列 dimension series齿槽 tooth space齿槽宽 spacewidth齿侧间隙 backlash齿顶高 addendum齿顶圆 addendum circle齿根高 dedendum齿根圆 dedendum circle齿厚 tooth thickness齿距 circular pitch齿宽 face width齿廓 tooth profile齿廓曲线 tooth curve齿轮 gear齿轮变速箱 speed-changing gear boxes齿轮齿条机构 pinion and rack齿轮插刀 pinion cutter; pinion-shaped shaper cutter齿轮滚刀 hob ,hobbing cutter齿轮机构 gear齿轮轮坯 blank齿轮传动系 pinion unit齿轮联轴器 gear coupling齿条传动 rack gear齿数 tooth number齿数比 gear ratio齿条 rack如有你有帮助,请购买下载,谢谢!齿条插刀 rack cutter; rack-shaped shaper cutter齿形链、无声链 silent chain齿形系数 form factor齿式棘轮机构 tooth ratchet mechanism插齿机 gear shaper重合点 coincident points重合度 contact ratio冲床 punch传动比 transmission ratio, speed ratio传动装置 gearing; transmission gear传动系统 driven system传动角 transmission angle传动轴 transmission shaft串联式组合 combination in series串联式组合机构 series combined mechanism串级调速 cascade speed control创新 innovation ; creation创新设计 creation design垂直载荷、法向载荷 normal load唇形橡胶密封 lip rubber seal磁流体轴承 magnetic fluid bearing从动带轮 driven pulley从动件 driven link, follower从动件平底宽度 width of flat-face从动件停歇 follower dwell从动件运动规律 follower motion从动轮 driven gear粗线 bold line粗牙螺纹 coarse thread大齿轮 gear wheel打包机 packer打滑 slipping带传动 belt driving带轮 belt pulley带式制动器 band brake单列轴承 single row bearing单向推力轴承 single-direction thrust bearing单万向联轴节 single universal joint单位矢量 unit vector当量齿轮 equivalent spur gear; virtual gear当量齿数 equivalent teeth number; virtual number of teeth 当量摩擦系数 equivalent coefficient of friction当量载荷 equivalent load刀具 cutter导数 derivative倒角 chamfer 导热性 conduction of heat导程 lead导程角 lead angle等加等减速运动规律 parabolic motion; constant acceleration and deceleration motion等速运动规律 uniform motion; constant velocity motion等径凸轮 conjugate yoke radial cam等宽凸轮 constant-breadth cam等效构件 equivalent link等效力 equivalent force等效力矩 equivalent moment of force等效量 equivalent等效质量 equivalent mass等效转动惯量 equivalent moment of inertia等效动力学模型 dynamically equivalent model底座 chassis低副 lower pair点划线 chain dotted line(疲劳)点蚀 pitting垫圈 gasket垫片密封 gasket seal碟形弹簧 belleville spring顶隙 bottom clearance定轴轮系 ordinary gear train; gear train with fixed axes动力学 dynamics动密封 kinematical seal动能 dynamic energy动力粘度 dynamic viscosity动力润滑 dynamic lubrication动平衡 dynamic balance动平衡机 dynamic balancing machine动态特性 dynamic characteristics动态分析设计 dynamic analysis design动压力 dynamic reaction动载荷 dynamic load端面 transverse plane端面参数 transverse parameters端面齿距 transverse circular pitch端面齿廓 transverse tooth profile端面重合度 transverse contact ratio端面模数 transverse module端面压力角 transverse pressure angle锻造 forge对称循环应力 symmetry circulating stress对心滚子从动件 radial (or in-line ) roller follower对心直动从动件 radial (or in-line ) translating follower如有你有帮助,请购买下载,谢谢!对心移动从动件 radial reciprocating follower对心曲柄滑块机构 in-line slider-crank (or crank-slider) mechanism 多列轴承 multi-row bearing多楔带 poly V-belt多项式运动规律 polynomial motion多质量转子 rotor with several masses惰轮 idle gear额定寿命 rating life额定载荷 load ratingII 级杆组 dyad发生线 generating line发生面 generating plane法面 normal plane法面参数 normal parameters法面齿距 normal circular pitch法面模数 normal module法面压力角 normal pressure angle法向齿距 normal pitch法向齿廓 normal tooth profile法向直廓蜗杆 straight sided normal worm法向力 normal force反馈式组合 feedback combining反向运动学 inverse ( or backward) kinematics反转法 kinematic inversion反正切 Arctan范成法 generating cutting仿形法 form cutting方案设计、概念设计 concept design, CD防振装置 shockproof device飞轮 flywheel飞轮矩 moment of flywheel非标准齿轮 nonstandard gear非接触式密封 non-contact seal非周期性速度波动 aperiodic speed fluctuation非圆齿轮 non-circular gear粉末合金 powder metallurgy分度线 reference line; standard pitch line分度圆 reference circle; standard (cutting) pitch circle分度圆柱导程角 lead angle at reference cylinder分度圆柱螺旋角 helix angle at reference cylinder分母 denominator分子 numerator分度圆锥 reference cone; standard pitch cone分析法 analytical method封闭差动轮系 planetary differential复合铰链 compound hinge 复合式组合 compound combining复合轮系 compound (or combined) gear train 复合平带 compound flat belt复合应力 combined stress复式螺旋机构 Compound screw mechanism 复杂机构 complex mechanism杆组 Assur group干涉 interference刚度系数 stiffness coefficient刚轮 rigid circular spline钢丝软轴 wire soft shaft刚体导引机构 body guidance mechanism刚性冲击 rigid impulse (shock)刚性转子 rigid rotor刚性轴承 rigid bearing刚性联轴器 rigid coupling高度系列 height series高速带 high speed belt高副 higher pair格拉晓夫定理 Grashoff`s law根切 undercutting公称直径 nominal diameter高度系列 height series功 work工况系数 application factor工艺设计 technological design工作循环图 working cycle diagram工作机构 operation mechanism工作载荷 external loads工作空间 working space工作应力 working stress工作阻力 effective resistance工作阻力矩 effective resistance moment公法线 common normal line公共约束 general constraint公制齿轮 metric gears功率 power功能分析设计 function analyses design共轭齿廓 conjugate profiles共轭凸轮 conjugate cam构件 link鼓风机 blower固定构件 fixed link; frame固体润滑剂 solid lubricant关节型操作器 jointed manipulator惯性力 inertia force如有你有帮助,请购买下载,谢谢!惯性力矩 moment of inertia ,shaking moment惯性力平衡 balance of shaking force惯性力完全平衡 full balance of shaking force惯性力部分平衡 partial balance of shaking force 惯性主矩 resultant moment of inertia惯性主失 resultant vector of inertia冠轮 crown gear广义机构 generation mechanism广义坐标 generalized coordinate轨迹生成 path generation轨迹发生器 path generator滚刀 hob滚道 raceway滚动体 rolling element滚动轴承 rolling bearing滚动轴承代号 rolling bearing identification code 滚针 needle roller滚针轴承 needle roller bearing滚子 roller滚子轴承 roller bearing滚子半径 radius of roller滚子从动件 roller follower滚子链 roller chain滚子链联轴器 double roller chain coupling滚珠丝杆 ball screw滚柱式单向超越离合器 roller clutch过度切割 undercutting函数发生器 function generator函数生成 function generation含油轴承 oil bearing耗油量 oil consumption耗油量系数 oil consumption factor赫兹公式 H. Hertz equation合成弯矩 resultant bending moment合力 resultant force合力矩 resultant moment of force黑箱 black box横坐标 abscissa互换性齿轮 interchangeable gears花键 spline滑键、导键 feather key滑动轴承 sliding bearing滑动率 sliding ratio滑块 slider环面蜗杆 toroid helicoids worm环形弹簧 annular spring 缓冲装置 shocks; shock-absorber灰铸铁 grey cast iron回程 return回转体平衡 balance of rotors混合轮系 compound gear train积分 integrate机电一体化系统设计 mechanical-electrical integration system design 机构 mechanism机构分析 analysis of mechanism机构平衡 balance of mechanism机构学 mechanism机构运动设计 kinematic design of mechanism机构运动简图 kinematic sketch of mechanism机构综合 synthesis of mechanism机构组成 constitution of mechanism机架 frame, fixed link机架变换 kinematic inversion机器 machine机器人 robot机器人操作器 manipulator机器人学 robotics技术过程 technique process技术经济评价 technical and economic evaluation技术系统 technique system机械 machinery机械创新设计 mechanical creation design, MCD机械系统设计 mechanical system design, MSD机械动力分析 dynamic analysis of machinery机械动力设计 dynamic design of machinery机械动力学 dynamics of machinery机械的现代设计 modern machine design机械系统 mechanical system机械利益 mechanical advantage机械平衡 balance of machinery机械手 manipulator机械设计 machine design; mechanical design机械特性 mechanical behavior机械调速 mechanical speed governors机械效率 mechanical efficiency机械原理 theory of machines and mechanisms机械运转不均匀系数 coefficient of speed fluctuation机械无级变速 mechanical stepless speed changes基础机构 fundamental mechanism基本额定寿命 basic rating life基于实例设计 case-based design,CBD基圆 base circle如有你有帮助,请购买下载,谢谢!基圆半径 radius of base circle基圆齿距 base pitch基圆压力角 pressure angle of base circle基圆柱 base cylinder基圆锥 base cone急回机构 quick-return mechanism急回特性 quick-return characteristics急回系数 advance-to return-time ratio急回运动 quick-return motion棘轮 ratchet棘轮机构 ratchet mechanism棘爪 pawl极限位置 extreme (or limiting) position极位夹角 crank angle between extreme (or limiting) positions计算机辅助设计 computer aided design, CAD计算机辅助制造 computer aided manufacturing, CAM计算机集成制造系统 computer integrated manufacturing system, CIMS计算力矩 factored moment; calculation moment计算弯矩 calculated bending moment加权系数 weighting efficient加速度 acceleration加速度分析 acceleration analysis加速度曲线 acceleration diagram尖点 pointing; cusp尖底从动件 knife-edge follower间隙 backlash间歇运动机构 intermittent motion mechanism减速比 reduction ratio减速齿轮、减速装置 reduction gear减速器 speed reducer减摩性 anti-friction quality渐开螺旋面 involute helicoid渐开线 involute渐开线齿廓 involute profile渐开线齿轮 involute gear渐开线发生线 generating line of involute渐开线方程 involute equation渐开线函数 involute function渐开线蜗杆 involute worm渐开线压力角 pressure angle of involute渐开线花键 involute spline简谐运动 simple harmonic motion键 key键槽 keyway交变应力 repeated stress 交变载荷 repeated fluctuating load交叉带传动 cross-belt drive交错轴斜齿轮 crossed helical gears胶合 scoring角加速度 angular acceleration角速度 angular velocity角速比 angular velocity ratio角接触球轴承 angular contact ball bearing角接触推力轴承 angular contact thrust bearing角接触向心轴承 angular contact radial bearing角接触轴承 angular contact bearing铰链、枢纽 hinge校正平面 correcting plane接触应力 contact stress接触式密封 contact seal阶梯轴 multi-diameter shaft结构 structure结构设计 structural design截面 section节点 pitch point节距 circular pitch; pitch of teeth节线 pitch line节圆 pitch circle节圆齿厚 thickness on pitch circle节圆直径 pitch diameter节圆锥 pitch cone节圆锥角 pitch cone angle解析设计 analytical design紧边 tight-side紧固件 fastener径节 diametral pitch径向 radial direction径向当量动载荷 dynamic equivalent radial load径向当量静载荷 static equivalent radial load径向基本额定动载荷 basic dynamic radial load rating 径向基本额定静载荷 basic static radial load tating径向接触轴承 radial contact bearing径向平面 radial plane径向游隙 radial internal clearance径向载荷 radial load径向载荷系数 radial load factor径向间隙 clearance静力 static force静平衡 static balance静载荷 static load静密封 static seal如有你有帮助,请购买下载,谢谢!局部自由度 passive degree of freedom矩阵 matrix矩形螺纹 square threaded form锯齿形螺纹 buttress thread form矩形牙嵌式离合器 square-jaw positive-contact clutch绝对尺寸系数 absolute dimensional factor绝对运动 absolute motion绝对速度 absolute velocity均衡装置 load balancing mechanism抗压强度 compression strength开口传动 open-belt drive开式链 open kinematic chain开链机构 open chain mechanism可靠度 degree of reliability可靠性 reliability可靠性设计 reliability design, RD空气弹簧 air spring空间机构 spatial mechanism空间连杆机构 spatial linkage空间凸轮机构 spatial cam空间运动副 spatial kinematic pair空间运动链 spatial kinematic chain空转 idle宽度系列 width series框图 block diagram雷诺方程Reynolds‘s equation离心力 centrifugal force离心应力 centrifugal stress离合器 clutch离心密封 centrifugal seal理论廓线 pitch curve理论啮合线 theoretical line of action隶属度 membership力 force力多边形 force polygon力封闭型凸轮机构 force-drive (or force-closed) cam mechanism 力矩 moment力平衡 equilibrium力偶 couple力偶矩 moment of couple连杆 connecting rod, coupler连杆机构 linkage连杆曲线 coupler-curve连心线 line of centers链 chain链传动装置 chain gearing 链轮 sprocket ; sprocket-wheel ; sprocket gear ; chain wheel 联组V 带 tight-up V belt联轴器 coupling ; shaft coupling两维凸轮 two-dimensional cam临界转速 critical speed六杆机构 six-bar linkage龙门刨床 double Haas planer轮坯 blank轮系 gear train螺杆 screw螺距 thread pitch螺母 screw nut螺旋锥齿轮 helical bevel gear螺钉 screws螺栓 bolts螺纹导程 lead螺纹效率 screw efficiency螺旋传动 power screw螺旋密封 spiral seal螺纹 thread (of a screw)螺旋副 helical pair螺旋机构 screw mechanism螺旋角 helix angle螺旋线 helix ,helical line绿色设计 green design ; design for environment马耳他机构 Geneva wheel ; Geneva gear马耳他十字 Maltese cross脉动无级变速 pulsating stepless speed changes脉动循环应力 fluctuating circulating stress脉动载荷 fluctuating load铆钉 rivet迷宫密封 labyrinth seal密封 seal密封带 seal belt密封胶 seal gum密封元件 potted component密封装置 sealing arrangement面对面安装 face-to-face arrangement面向产品生命周期设计 design for product`s life cycle, DPLC 名义应力、公称应力 nominal stress模块化设计 modular design, MD模块式传动系统 modular system模幅箱 morphology box模糊集 fuzzy set模糊评价 fuzzy evaluation模数 module如有你有帮助,请购买下载,谢谢!摩擦 friction摩擦角 friction angle摩擦力 friction force摩擦学设计 tribology design, TD摩擦阻力 frictional resistance摩擦力矩 friction moment摩擦系数 coefficient of friction摩擦圆 friction circle磨损 abrasion ;wear; scratching末端执行器 end-effector目标函数 objective function耐腐蚀性 corrosion resistance耐磨性 wear resistance挠性机构 mechanism with flexible elements 挠性转子 flexible rotor内齿轮 internal gear内齿圈 ring gear内力 internal force内圈 inner ring能量 energy能量指示图 viscosity逆时针 counterclockwise (or anticlockwise) 啮出 engaging-out啮合 engagement, mesh, gearing啮合点 contact points啮合角 working pressure angle啮合线 line of action啮合线长度 length of line of action啮入 engaging-in牛头刨床 shaper凝固点 freezing point; solidifying point扭转应力 torsion stress扭矩 moment of torque扭簧 helical torsion spring诺模图 NomogramO 形密封圈密封 O ring seal盘形凸轮 disk cam盘形转子 disk-like rotor抛物线运动 parabolic motion疲劳极限 fatigue limit疲劳强度 fatigue strength偏置式 offset偏( 心) 距 offset distance偏心率 eccentricity ratio偏心质量 eccentric mass偏距圆 offset circle 偏心盘 eccentric偏置滚子从动件 offset roller follower偏置尖底从动件 offset knife-edge follower偏置曲柄滑块机构 offset slider-crank mechanism拼接 matching评价与决策 evaluation and decision频率 frequency平带 flat belt平带传动 flat belt driving平底从动件 flat-face follower平底宽度 face width平分线 bisector平均应力 average stress平均中径 mean screw diameter平均速度 average velocity平衡 balance平衡机 balancing machine平衡品质 balancing quality平衡平面 correcting plane平衡质量 balancing mass平衡重 counterweight平衡转速 balancing speed平面副 planar pair, flat pair平面机构 planar mechanism平面运动副 planar kinematic pair平面连杆机构 planar linkage平面凸轮 planar cam平面凸轮机构 planar cam mechanism平面轴斜齿轮 parallel helical gears普通平键 parallel key其他常用机构 other mechanism in common use起动阶段 starting period启动力矩 starting torque气动机构 pneumatic mechanism奇异位置 singular position起始啮合点 initial contact , beginning of contact气体轴承 gas bearing千斤顶 jack嵌入键 sunk key强迫振动 forced vibration切齿深度 depth of cut曲柄 crank曲柄存在条件 Grashoff`s law曲柄导杆机构 crank shaper (guide-bar) mechanism曲柄滑块机构 slider-crank (or crank-slider) mechanism 曲柄摇杆机构 crank-rocker mechanism如有你有帮助,请购买下载,谢谢!曲齿锥齿轮 spiral bevel gear曲率 curvature曲率半径 radius of curvature曲面从动件 curved-shoe follower曲线拼接 curve matching曲线运动 curvilinear motion曲轴 crank shaft驱动力 driving force驱动力矩 driving moment (torque)全齿高 whole depth权重集 weight sets球 ball球面滚子 convex roller球轴承 ball bearing球面副 spheric pair球面渐开线 spherical involute球面运动 spherical motion球销副 sphere-pin pair球坐标操作器 polar coordinate manipulator燃点 spontaneous ignition热平衡 heat balance; thermal equilibrium人字齿轮 herringbone gear冗余自由度 redundant degree of freedom柔轮 flexspline柔性冲击 flexible impulse; soft shock柔性制造系统 flexible manufacturing system; FMS柔性自动化 flexible automation润滑油膜 lubricant film润滑装置 lubrication device润滑 lubrication润滑剂 lubricant三角形花键 serration spline三角形螺纹 V thread screw三维凸轮 three-dimensional cam三心定理 Kennedy`s theorem砂轮越程槽 grinding wheel groove砂漏 hour-glass少齿差行星传动 planetary drive with small teeth difference 设计方法学 design methodology设计变量 design variable设计约束 design constraints深沟球轴承 deep groove ball bearing生产阻力 productive resistance升程 rise升距 lift实际廓线 cam profile 十字滑块联轴器double slider coupling; Oldham‘s coupling 矢量 vector输出功 output work输出构件 output link输出机构 output mechanism输出力矩 output torque输出轴 output shaft输入构件 input link数学模型 mathematic model实际啮合线 actual line of action双滑块机构 double-slider mechanism, ellipsograph双曲柄机构 double crank mechanism双曲面齿轮 hyperboloid gear双头螺柱 studs双万向联轴节 constant-velocity (or double) universal joint 双摇杆机构 double rocker mechanism双转块机构 Oldham coupling双列轴承 double row bearing双向推力轴承 double-direction thrust bearing松边 slack-side顺时针 clockwise瞬心 instantaneous center死点 dead point四杆机构 four-bar linkage速度 velocity速度不均匀( 波动) 系数 coefficient of speed fluctuation 速度波动 speed fluctuation速度曲线 velocity diagram速度瞬心 instantaneous center of velocity塔轮 step pulley踏板 pedal台钳、虎钳 vice太阳轮 sun gear弹性滑动 elasticity sliding motion弹性联轴器 elastic coupling ; flexible coupling弹性套柱销联轴器 rubber-cushioned sleeve bearing coupling 套筒 sleeve梯形螺纹 acme thread form特殊运动链 special kinematic chain特性 characteristics替代机构 equivalent mechanism调节 modulation, regulation调心滚子轴承 self-aligning roller bearing调心球轴承 self-aligning ball bearing调心轴承 self-aligning bearing调速 speed governing如有你有帮助,请购买下载,谢谢!调速电动机 adjustable speed motors调速系统 speed control system调压调速 variable voltage control调速器 regulator, governor铁磁流体密封 ferrofluid seal停车阶段 stopping phase停歇 dwell同步带 synchronous belt同步带传动 synchronous belt drive凸的,凸面体 convex凸轮 cam凸轮倒置机构 inverse cam mechanism凸轮机构 cam , cam mechanism凸轮廓线 cam profile凸轮廓线绘制 layout of cam profile凸轮理论廓线 pitch curve凸缘联轴器 flange coupling图册、图谱 atlas图解法 graphical method推程 rise推力球轴承 thrust ball bearing推力轴承 thrust bearing退刀槽 tool withdrawal groove退火 anneal陀螺仪 gyroscopeV 带 V belt外力 external force外圈 outer ring外形尺寸 boundary dimension万向联轴器 Hooks coupling ; universal coupling 外齿轮 external gear弯曲应力 beading stress弯矩 bending moment腕部 wrist往复移动 reciprocating motion往复式密封 reciprocating seal网上设计 on-net design, OND微动螺旋机构 differential screw mechanism位移 displacement位移曲线 displacement diagram位姿 pose , position and orientation稳定运转阶段 steady motion period稳健设计 robust design蜗杆 worm蜗杆传动机构 worm gearing蜗杆头数 number of threads 蜗杆直径系数 diametral quotient蜗杆蜗轮机构 worm and worm gear蜗杆形凸轮步进机构 worm cam interval mechanism蜗杆旋向 hands of worm蜗轮 worm gear涡圈形盘簧 power spring无级变速装置 stepless speed changes devices无穷大 infinite系杆 crank arm, planet carrier现场平衡 field balancing向心轴承 radial bearing向心力 centrifugal force相对速度 relative velocity相对运动 relative motion相对间隙 relative gap象限 quadrant橡皮泥 plasticine细牙螺纹 fine threads销 pin消耗 consumption小齿轮 pinion小径 minor diameter橡胶弹簧 balata spring修正梯形加速度运动规律 modified trapezoidal acceleration motion 修正正弦加速度运动规律 modified sine acceleration motion斜齿圆柱齿轮 helical gear斜键、钩头楔键 taper key泄漏 leakage谐波齿轮 harmonic gear谐波传动 harmonic driving谐波发生器 harmonic generator斜齿轮的当量直齿轮 equivalent spur gear of the helical gear心轴 spindle行程速度变化系数 coefficient of travel speed variation行程速比系数 advance-to return-time ratio行星齿轮装置 planetary transmission行星轮 planet gear行星轮变速装置 planetary speed changing devices行星轮系 planetary gear train形封闭凸轮机构 positive-drive (or form-closed) cam mechanism虚拟现实 virtual reality虚拟现实技术 virtual reality technology, VRT虚拟现实设计 virtual reality design, VRD虚约束 redundant (or passive) constraint许用不平衡量 allowable amount of unbalance许用压力角 allowable pressure angle如有你有帮助,请购买下载,谢谢!许用应力 allowable stress; permissible stress悬臂结构 cantilever structure悬臂梁 cantilever beam循环功率流 circulating power load旋转力矩 running torque旋转式密封 rotating seal旋转运动 rotary motion选型 type selection压力 pressure压力中心 center of pressure压缩机 compressor压应力 compressive stress压力角 pressure angle牙嵌式联轴器 jaw (teeth) positive-contact coupling雅可比矩阵 Jacobi matrix摇杆 rocker液力传动 hydrodynamic drive液力耦合器 hydraulic couplers液体弹簧 liquid spring液压无级变速 hydraulic stepless speed changes液压机构 hydraulic mechanism一般化运动链 generalized kinematic chain移动从动件 reciprocating follower移动副 prismatic pair, sliding pair移动关节 prismatic joint移动凸轮 wedge cam盈亏功 increment or decrement work应力幅 stress amplitude应力集中 stress concentration应力集中系数 factor of stress concentration应力图 stress diagram应力—应变图 stress-strain diagram优化设计 optimal design油杯 oil bottle油壶 oil can油沟密封 oily ditch seal有害阻力 useless resistance有益阻力 useful resistance有效拉力 effective tension有效圆周力 effective circle force有害阻力 detrimental resistance余弦加速度运动 cosine acceleration (or simple harmonic) motion 预紧力 preload原动机 primer mover圆带 round belt圆带传动 round belt drive 圆弧齿厚 circular thickness圆弧圆柱蜗杆 hollow flank worm圆角半径 fillet radius圆盘摩擦离合器 disc friction clutch圆盘制动器 disc brake原动机 prime mover原始机构 original mechanism圆形齿轮 circular gear圆柱滚子 cylindrical roller圆柱滚子轴承 cylindrical roller bearing圆柱副 cylindric pair圆柱式凸轮步进运动机构 barrel (cylindric) cam圆柱螺旋拉伸弹簧 cylindroid helical-coil extension spring圆柱螺旋扭转弹簧 cylindroid helical-coil torsion spring圆柱螺旋压缩弹簧 cylindroid helical-coil compression spring 圆柱凸轮 cylindrical cam圆柱蜗杆 cylindrical worm圆柱坐标操作器 cylindrical coordinate manipulator圆锥螺旋扭转弹簧 conoid helical-coil compression spring圆锥滚子 tapered roller圆锥滚子轴承 tapered roller bearing圆锥齿轮机构 bevel gears圆锥角 cone angle原动件 driving link约束 constraint约束条件 constraint condition约束反力 constraining force跃度 jerk跃度曲线 jerk diagram运动倒置 kinematic inversion运动方案设计 kinematic precept design运动分析 kinematic analysis运动副 kinematic pair运动构件 moving link运动简图 kinematic sketch运动链 kinematic chain运动失真 undercutting运动设计 kinematic design运动周期 cycle of motion运动综合 kinematic synthesis运转不均匀系数 coefficient of velocity fluctuation运动粘度 kenematic viscosity载荷 load载荷—变形曲线 load—deformation curve载荷—变形图 load—deformation diagram窄V 带 narrow V belt如有你有帮助,请购买下载,谢谢!毡圈密封 felt ring seal展成法 generating张紧力 tension张紧轮 tension pulley振动 vibration振动力矩 shaking couple振动频率 frequency of vibration振幅 amplitude of vibration正切机构 tangent mechanism正向运动学 direct (forward) kinematics正弦机构 sine generator, scotch yoke织布机 loom正应力、法向应力 normal stress制动器 brake直齿圆柱齿轮 spur gear直齿锥齿轮 straight bevel gear直角三角形 right triangle直角坐标操作器 Cartesian coordinate manipulator 直径系数 diametral quotient直径系列 diameter series直廓环面蜗杆 hindley worm直线运动 linear motion直轴 straight shaft质量 mass质心 center of mass执行构件 executive link; working link质径积 mass-radius product智能化设计 intelligent design, ID中间平面 mid-plane中心距 center distance中心距变动 center distance change中心轮 central gear中径 mean diameter终止啮合点 final contact, end of contact周节 pitch周期性速度波动 periodic speed fluctuation周转轮系 epicyclic gear train肘形机构 toggle mechanism轴 shaft轴承盖 bearing cup轴承合金 bearing alloy轴承座 bearing block轴承高度 bearing height轴承宽度 bearing width轴承内径 bearing bore diameter轴承寿命 bearing life 轴承套圈 bearing ring轴承外径 bearing outside diameter轴颈 journal轴瓦、轴承衬 bearing bush轴端挡圈 shaft end ring轴环 shaft collar轴肩 shaft shoulder轴角 shaft angle轴向 axial direction轴向齿廓 axial tooth profile轴向当量动载荷 dynamic equivalent axial load轴向当量静载荷 static equivalent axial load轴向基本额定动载荷 basic dynamic axial load rating轴向基本额定静载荷 basic static axial load rating轴向接触轴承 axial contact bearing轴向平面 axial plane轴向游隙 axial internal clearance轴向载荷 axial load轴向载荷系数 axial load factor轴向分力 axial thrust load主动件 driving link主动齿轮 driving gear主动带轮 driving pulley转动导杆机构 whitworth mechanism转动副 revolute (turning) pair转速 swiveling speed ; rotating speed转动关节 revolute joint转轴 revolving shaft转子 rotor转子平衡 balance of rotor装配条件 assembly condition锥齿轮 bevel gear锥顶 common apex of cone锥距 cone distance锥轮 bevel pulley; bevel wheel锥齿轮的当量直齿轮 equivalent spur gear of the bevel gear 锥面包络圆柱蜗杆 milled helicoids worm准双曲面齿轮 hypoid gear子程序 subroutine子机构 sub-mechanism自动化 automation自锁 self-locking自锁条件 condition of self-locking自由度 degree of freedom, mobility总重合度 total contact ratio总反力 resultant force如有你有帮助,请购买下载,谢谢!总效率 combined efficiency; overall efficiency组成原理 theory of constitution组合齿形 composite tooth form组合安装 stack mounting组合机构 combined mechanism阻抗力 resistance最大盈亏功 maximum difference work between plus and minus work纵向重合度 overlap contact ratio纵坐标 ordinate组合机构 combined mechanism最少齿数 minimum teeth number最小向径 minimum radius作用力 applied force坐标系 coordinate frame。
They possess active learning and engagement with the material by allowing students to interact with the diagram and test their knowledge
They help students see the big picture and understand how different language components fit together
Group vocabulary based on graphical categories, such as nouns, verbs, objections, advertisements, etc
Functional vocabulary
Identify vocabulary that serves specific functions, such as expressing opinions, making suggestions, giving examples, etc
Tenses and Voices
Tenses are used to express time in English There are three main tensions - present, past, and future Each tense has different forms and uses, such as the present simple, present continuous, past simple, past continuous, future simple, and future continuous
Visio 2024
You can easily connect shapes in your diagram using the Connector tool This allows you to create flowcharts, org charts, and other types of diagrams that require connections between elements
• Settings: Visio 2024 allows you to customize the interface to suit your preferences You can adjust settings such as the default font, color scheme, and snap to grid options to optimize your workflow
Visio 2024 Basic
Interface Introduction and Settings
• Ribbon: The Ribbon is the main toolbar in Visio 2024, providing quick access to commonly used commands and features It is organized into tabs, each representing a different category of tools
A wide range of intelligent templates for quick start and accelerated production
The ability to link shapes to real-time data, making diagrams more dynamic and informative
英语思维导图范文The Power of English MindmappingMindmapping is a powerful tool that can help organize and structure information in a visually appealing and intuitive way. When applied to the context of learning and practicing English, mindmapping can be an invaluable asset in developing language skills and comprehension. In this essay, we will explore the numerous benefits of using English mindmaps and delve into the practical steps involved in creating effective ones.At its core, a mindmap is a diagram that radially arranges information around a central topic or idea. This visual representation allows the brain to quickly grasp connections, hierarchies, and relationships between different concepts. In the case of English, a mindmap can serve as a versatile framework for consolidating vocabulary, grammar rules, idioms, conversational phrases, and other linguistic elements.One of the primary advantages of using English mindmaps is theirability to facilitate better retention and recall of information. The human brain is wired to process and remember visual information more effectively than purely textual data. By creating a mindmap that incorporates keywords, images, colors, and spatial organization, learners can tap into their natural cognitive tendencies and create stronger neural pathways associated with the target language.Moreover, mindmaps encourage a holistic approach to language learning. Rather than compartmentalizing different aspects of English, such as vocabulary and grammar, a mindmap allows learners to see the interconnectedness of these elements. This promotes a deeper understanding of the language and enables learners to apply their knowledge more flexibly in real-world situations.Another significant benefit of English mindmapping is its ability to foster creativity and critical thinking. The process of constructing a mindmap requires learners to actively engage with the material, make connections, and organize information in a way that makes sense to them. This cognitive exercise not only enhances language skills but also cultivates problem-solving abilities, analytical thinking, and divergent thinking – all of which are essential for effective communication and academic or professional success.Furthermore, English mindmaps can be tailored to individual learning styles and preferences. Some learners may find that the visual andspatial nature of mindmaps aligns well with their preferred mode of processing information, while others may benefit from the kinesthetic experience of physically creating and manipulating the mindmap. This flexibility allows learners to optimize their learning experience and maximize their language development.Creating an effective English mindmap involves several key steps. First, it is crucial to identify the central topic or theme that will serve as the foundation of the mindmap. This could be a specific grammar concept, a set of vocabulary related to a particular domain, or a broader theme such as "Academic English" or "Business English."Next, learners should begin to branch out from the central topic, adding related subtopics, keywords, and supporting information. This process encourages the exploration of connections and the establishment of hierarchies within the language. The use of color-coding, images, and visual cues can further enhance the mindmap's clarity and memorability.As the mindmap grows in complexity, learners should continuously review and refine it, adding new information, making adjustments, and identifying areas that require further study or practice. This iterative process not only strengthens language proficiency but also fosters a deeper understanding of the language as a whole.In conclusion, the integration of mindmapping into the study of English can be a transformative experience for language learners. By leveraging the power of visual organization, learners can enhance their vocabulary, grammar comprehension, and overall language fluency. Moreover, the process of creating and refining English mindmaps cultivates critical thinking, problem-solving, and creative abilities – skills that are invaluable in academic, professional, and personal settings. As learners continue to explore and master the art of English mindmapping, they will undoubtedly unlock new pathways to linguistic proficiency and personal growth.。
2019外研版高中英语选择性必修三Unit6 Understanding ideas 板块教学设计
3.Ss retell according to the timeline or take notes or draw pictures.
TrainSs’ability to get the specific information based on the timeline.
3. T asks Ss to retell in groups, lets one student to retell andthe other group members take notes or draw pictures.
1. Ss read paragraphs 3 to 5andcomplete the diagram in Activity 4.
Help Ss understand the passage better by understanding the writer’s writing background and personality.
Activity 2
1. T asks Ss to describe snow using their own language and exchange their description in groups.
1.Ss read the introduction to the writer and answer Question 1.
2. Ss search for the information by themselves and answer Question 2.
Help Ss get information about the writer.
SSI 接口同步串行接口SSI的工作原理SSI (Synchronous Serial Interface,同步串行接口)是一个全双工的串行接口,允许芯片与多种串行设备通信。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
'katsura '
taika (follicle)
Figure 4: The variety of fruits
('ellipsoidal) ('lanceolate) ~cordate\ ) shape k shape \ shape ha no katachi (leaf shape)
(nectary) ~ --
(axii) youhei (petiole) takuyou (stipules) ha (leaf)
Figure 2: An examples of PBF diagrams (leaf)
tegration of pattern (layout) information and natural language information for semantic understanding the PBF diagrams. In this study, for the observation and experiments, we use a PBF (in Japanese) the subject of which are wild flowers of Japan.
Diagram Understanding Using Integration of Layout Information and Textual Information
Yasuhiko Ryukoku
Makoto Nagao Kyoto U n i v e r s i t y
Figure 3: The shape of leafehiscence)
2 Diagram Understanding P B F D i a g r a m Understanding
2.1 A diagram in the PBF consists of its title and elements. A title shows the subject of the diagram and it is generally located under the diagram. Elements may be classified into three types: • symbol, • sketch, • word. Symbols (arrow, line, parenthesis, etc.) connect diagram elements. Sketches represent the features of a plant readably and accurately. The features represented by sketches are explained by words in the diagram. Observing the PBF diagrams, the information explained by words is classified into five categories, such as: 1. names of plant parts. (example) "takuyou (stipules)" in Figure 2 2. types of plant parts. (example) "taika (follicle)" and "mikanjyoka (hespidium)" in Figure 4 3. properties of plant parts. (example) "daenkei (ellipsoidal shape)" in Figure 3 4. names of plant species. (example) "katsura" and "natsumikan" in Figure 4 5. additional explanation. (example) "shinpi no chuou ga sakeru (carpel splits open in its center)" in Figure 5 Diagram understanding is the semantic interpretation of the elements in the diagram. As mentioned, in the PBF diagrams, the information represented by sketches is explained by words. From this, we
shinpi no chuou g a sakeru
(carpel splits open in its center) r e k k a i (dehiscence)
Figure 5: The process of dehiscence
conclude that the semantic interpretation of the PBF diagrams is the classification of words in a diagram into these five categories. For this purpose, we propose a new framework for the semantic interpretation of words in the PBF diagrams by using not only the pattern (layout) information but also the natural language information. The reason is as follows: there is no composing rule that strongly restricts the positions of elements and the semantic relations between elements. In other words, there are many ways of composing diagrams to explain an idea. For this reason, it is difficult to interpret the PBF diagrams only by using the pattern (layout) information. For example, "daenkei (ellipsoidal shape)", "hishinkei (lanceolate shape)", and "shinkei (cordate shape)" in Figure 3 represent the properties of the plant part, on the contrary, "taika (follicle)" and "mikanjyoka (hespidium)" in Figure 4 represent the types of the plant part. In spite of the semantic difference, all these words are located under the corresponding sketches, respectively. 2.2 Related Work
spiraeacantoniensis ~ : - - ~ , ~ 1.5m ~ ' ~ -
2-5cm, W6-20mm~ ~a~j,
Figure 1: An example o f a PBF article (in Japanese)
chumyaku youeki
(midrib) ! !
Yoshida, Sakyo-ku Kyoto, Japan
Seta, O t s u
Shiga, Japan watanabe@rins.ryukoku.ac.jp 1 Introduction
Pattern information and natural language information used together can complement and reinforce each other to enable more effective communication than can either medium alone (Feiner 91) (Nakamura 93). One of the good examples is a pictorial book of flora ( P B F ) . In the PBF, readable explanations which combine texts, pictures, and diagrams are achieved, as shown in Figure 1 and 2. Taking advantage of this, we propose here a new method for analyzing the PBF diagrams by using natural language information. In the PBF, many kinds of information about plants are generally stored in the following media: • picture, • explanation text, and • diagram. Pictures and explanation texts describe the shape, botany, and environment of each plant, as shown in Figure 1. On the contrary, as shown in Figure 2, diagrams describe very clearly the following kinds of information: • correspondence between each part of the plant and its name • part-whole relationship and synonymous words As a result, diagrams are quite important in order to understand the explanation of each plant. For example, pictures and explanation texts cannot convey the information which is necessary to answer the following questions: • which part of plant is "takuyou (stipules)"? • what shape is "hishinkei (lanceolate shape)"? Consequently, we have to investigate the method for understanding diagrams. It is certain that diagrams are effective means of communication. However, it is also true that we feel difficulties when we try to understand diagrams without the explanation by natural language. From this, we conclude that natural language information is important to understand diagrams. Corn sequently, we propose a new framework for the in-