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Present perfective
• Form: have/has + -ed • Meaning:
现在完成体表示之前已发生或完成的动作或状态,其结果的影响现在还 存在;也可表示持续到现在的动作或状态。
• Usage:“已完成”:指动作或过程发生在说话之前某个没有明确
说出的过去时间(常指最近的过去时间),现在已经完成了,并与现 在的情况有联系。
3.You will hardly believe it, but this is the third time tonight someone ____ me. A. telephoned B. has telephoned C. telephones D. should telephone 4. The company ____ a rise in salary for a long time, but nothing has happened yet. A. is promised B. is promising C. has been promising D. promised
differences between Present perfective and Past tense
• 现在完成时表示的是与现在有联系 • 过去时表示过去已经发生并且结束的动作 e.g. He has lived in China for ten years. (含义是:他可能还住在中国,也可能刚刚离开中国。) He lived in China for ten years. (含义是:他现在已经不在中国。)
Additional explanation about perfective aspect
• 1.完成体与since-分句
带现在完成体的主句常与since-词组或since-分句连用,表示自从某一“时点 ”以来一直存在着某种事态。 e.g. He has told us English since 2006. 在since-分句中有时也可用持续性动词或静态动词的一般过去时,表示自从某 一“时段”以来一直存在着某种事态。 e.g. The house has been in bad repair since he lived in it. (自从他过去住在 那里以来,房子就没有修缮过。) We have known each other since we were at college. Notice: 这里的一般过去时意味着动作或状态已经结束或不存在,如果要表示动 作或状态还未结束或存在,就得用完成体。
• “未完成”:表示一个动作或状态在过去某时之前已经开始,一直延续 到这一过去时间,而且到那一时间还未结束,仍有继续下去的可能性 。 e.g. By six o’clock they had worked twelve hours.
Past perfective progressive
• Form: had been + -ing • Meaning: 表示在过去的某一时刻之前开始的动作或状态 一直持续到过去(说话)为止。 • Usage: 与现在完成进行时的用法相仿,只是把时间推移 到了过去。 e.g. We had been waiting for her for 2 hours by the time she came.
Imaginary use of past perfective
过去完成体与一般过去时均可表示主观设想。 如果是与事实相反的,不能实现的,用过去完成体表示。 如果是真实的,能实现的,用一般过去时表示。
1.____,the players began the game. A. Having taken our sits B. Being taken the sits C. After we had taken our seats D. Taking the seats
完成体在 It is/was the first time + that-分句中的使 用
• 当主句动词为is/will be时,that-分句动词一律用现在完成体;引导词 that可以省略,例如: It’s the first time I have been here. 当主句动词为was时,that-分句动词通常用过去完成体
Perfective aspect
主讲ຫໍສະໝຸດ Baidu汪思 组员:汪思 黄思敏 何莲
• • • • •
Present perfective Present perfective progressive Past perfective Past perfective progressive Additional explanations
用法的主要区别:“已完成”用法通常不与表示一段时间 的状语连用,而“未完成”用法通常都要与表示一段时间 的状语连用。
I have finished my homework. (已完成用法)
I have known him for 8 years. (未完成用法)
Present perfective progressive
Past perfective
• Form: had + -ed • Meaning:表示“过去”这一时间段内发生的事情,它表 达的是在某个过去动作或时间点之前发生的动作,简单的 讲就是“过去的过去”发生的事情。 • Usage:“已完成”:表示一个动作或状态在过去某个时间 之前已经完成或结束。 e.g. I had written the article when they came.
• Similarities:都表示动作进行的状态,并且都对事物的发展有影响。 e.g. We’ve been living here for ten years. We’ve lived here for ten years. • Differences: 现在完成进行体还带有进行体的持续性、暂时性和未完 成性,有时不能与现在完成体互换使用。 e.g. Who’s been eating my dinner?(有剩余) Who’s eaten my dinner?(已吃完)
e.g. : He has turned of the light.(灯在一个过去时间被关掉, 说话时仍关着。 • “未完成”:指动作或状态从过去某时开始,继续到现在,可能继续 下去,也可能刚刚结束。 e.g. : He has lived here since 1960.(他从1960年来到这里居住,至今 还住在这里,也有可能刚刚搬走。)
• Form: have/has been + -ing • Meaning: 表示从过去某时开始一直持续到现在的动作, 并且还将持续下去。 • Usage:“未完成”。
Comparison between Present perfective and Present perfective progressive
That’s all, thank you!
2.“Let’s hurry, the president is coming. ” “Oh, hasn’t he come yet? I was afraid we ____” A. already miss him B. has already missed him C. had already missed him D. have already missed him