实用英语:地震安全手册(中英文对照)Important Numbers and Addresses重要电话号码及联系地址Your family may not be together when an earthquake strikes, so use the spaces below to record information that will help you communicate with one another. Remember, during the first 24 hours following a major earthquake, use your telephone only in case of an emergency.地震时您和家人可能会失散,所以,请在以下的空白处记下重要信息,以便失散后相互联系。
消防电话:119急救电话:120报警电话:110Police telephone_____________________________________________________Fire Departmenttelephone_____________________________________________Ambulancetelephone_________________________________________________________________________________________________________'s work address__________________________________________________________________ __Telephone/cellphone_________________________________________________________________________________________________________'s work addressTelephone/cellphone___________________________________________________School policy: ? Hold student ? Release student____________________________________________________________'s schoolTelephone/cellphone__________________________________________________School policy: ? Hold student ? Release studentName and telephone/cell phone number of anout-of-town relative or friend who can act as a point-of-contact for separated family members:__________________________________________________________________ __Location of Disaster Supplies Kit:__________________________________________________________________ __________ 的工作地址:____________________________________________电话/手机:_______________________________________________________的工作地址:____________________________________________电话/手机:_______________________________________________________的学校地址:____________________________________________电话/手机:____________________________________________学校采取措施:?让学生留在学校?疏散学生___________的学校地址:____________________________________________电话/手机:____________________________________________学校采取措施:?让学生留在学校?疏散学生一位外地亲友的名字和电话/手机号(作为家人失散后的联络点):_____________________应急物资存放地_____________________Are You Prepared for the Next Earthquake?你为下一次地震做好准备了吗?This booklet is designed to help you and your family plan for and survive a major earthquake. By taking action to be prepared, you can lessen the impact of an earthquake on your family. Set aside some emergency supplies, and teach your family what to do at home during and after a disaster. You could be without help for up to 72 hours, so learn to cope for at least that long.Movement of the ground is seldom the actual cause of death or injury. Most casualties result from partial building collapse and falling objects and debris, like toppling chimneys, falling bricks, ceiling plaster, and light fixtures. Many of these conditions are easily preventable.Because earthquakes occur without warning, it's important to take steps now to prepare, so that you know what you can do and how to respond - constructive, protective action is possible.这本小册子旨在帮助你和家人学会未雨绸缪,以便在大地震时逃生。
1. 嘿,你知道地震来的时候像什么吗?就像一头凶猛的野兽突然扑过来!所以啊,咱们可得学会怎么应对。
2. 地震的时候可别乱跑啊!你想想,要是乱跑不就像没头苍蝇一样啦?就像有个人在街上瞎跑,多危险呀!比如说在户外,远离建筑物、大树这些危险的东西。
3. 哎呀呀,要是你在学校里遇到地震,那可得听老师指挥呀!这可不是闹着玩的,老师就像我们的守护天使一样。
4. 家里是不是应该准备个应急包呀?这可太重要啦!就好像出门要带钥匙一样自然。
5. 你有没有和家人商量过地震时的逃生路线呀?这就好比出门前规划好走哪条路一样关键。
6. 地震后可别马上就跑回家里去啊,你以为房子还是原来那样安全吗?那可不一定哦!就像一个受伤的人,还没好利索你就去折腾他,多危险呀!等确定安全了再回去也不迟呀!
7. 大家要互相帮助呀!在地震的时候,别人有困难你能帮就帮一把。
8. 平日里多学习一些地震知识,这可不会吃亏呀!就像给自己的脑子充电一样。
9. 总之,地震防避真的很重要!别总觉得地震离自己很遥远,一定要重视起来呀!。
地震搜救手册and地震安全手册地震搜救手册and地震安全手册地震搜救手册and地震安全手册译者:译言责编发布:2013-04-20 13:12:25出处:译言网/view/137424/358047地震搜救手册地震搜救要点1.幸存者可能在坍塌建筑物中的蜂窝状空穴存活2-3周以上。
TheRichter Scale was devised by Charles Richter in 1935tocompare the energy level of earthquakes.An earthquake that measures a 2onthescale can be felt but causes little damage.One that measures 4.5onthescale can cause slight damage,and an earthquake that has a reading of over 7cancause major damage.It is important to note that a reading of 4indicates an earthquake ten times as strong as one with a reading of 3.So scientists want to be able to predict those earthquakes that have a reading of over 4ontheRichter Scale.
Earthquake prediction is still a young science.Everyone agrees that earthquakes cannot be predicted with any reliability.Scientists have only a partial understanding of the physical processes that cause earthquakes.Much more research has to be done.New and more up to-date methods have to be found for collecting earthquake data and analyzing it.However,scientists have had some success in predicting earthquakes.Several small earthquakes were predicted in New York State,in the eastern part of the United States.Chinese scientists predicted a major one in Haicheng in 1975,and Russian scientists predicted a major one in Garm in 1978.While this is a small start,it is still a beginning.
地震手册英语作文初中Earthquakes are natural disasters that can cause significant damage and loss of life. It is essential for everyone, especially students, to be aware of the necessary precautions and actions to take during an earthquake. Here is an English composition on an "Earthquake Manual" for middle school students:Earthquakes, although a natural phenomenon, can be quite terrifying and destructive. As middle school students, it is crucial to understand the basics of earthquake safety and preparedness. Here is a simple guide to help you stay safe during an earthquake.1. Understanding Earthquakes:An earthquake is the shaking of the Earth's surface caused by the sudden release of energy in the Earth's crust that creates seismic waves. Earthquakes can occur anywhere, but some regions are more prone to them due to the movement of tectonic plates.2. Preparing for an Earthquake:Before an earthquake occurs, it is important to be prepared. Here are some steps to take:- Learn about the local risks and hazards in your area.- Create an emergency plan with your family.- Have an emergency kit ready with essentials like water, food, and a first-aid kit.3. During an Earthquake:If you feel the ground shaking, follow these guidelines:- Drop, Cover, and Hold On: Drop to your hands and knees, cover your head and neck with your arms, and hold onto a sturdy piece of furniture.- Stay away from windows, glass, and anything that could fall or shatter.- If you are outside, move to an open area away from buildings, trees, and power lines.- If you are in a vehicle, pull over and stop, staying inside until the shaking stops.4. After an Earthquake:Once the shaking stops, be cautious of potential hazards:- Check for injuries and provide first aid if necessary.- Inspect your home for structural damage before entering.- Use battery-powered flashlights for illumination, as broken gas lines can cause fires.- Stay away from damaged buildings and roads.5. Communication:After an earthquake, communication networks may be disrupted. Have a backup plan for contacting family members and friends. Consider using social media or text messages, which may work when voice calls do not.6. Stay Informed:Listen to a battery-powered radio for updates andinstructions from authorities. Follow their guidance and stay away from areas that have been deemed unsafe.7. Community Involvement:Participate in community preparedness programs and drills. Knowing what to do can save lives.Conclusion:Earthquakes are unpredictable, but being prepared can make a significant difference in ensuring your safety and the safety of those around you. Educate yourself and your family about earthquake safety, and always have a plan in place.This composition provides a basic overview of what middle school students should know about earthquakes, how to prepare, and what to do during and after an earthquake. It isimportant to remember that staying calm and following safety guidelines can help mitigate the risks associated with earthquakes.。
地震手册英语作文Introduction:Earthquakes are natural disasters that can strike without warning, causing significant damage and loss of life. Being prepared for an earthquake is crucial for personal safety and the well-being of communities. This essay will outline the essential steps and measures one should take to prepare for and respond to an earthquake.Understanding Earthquakes:Before delving into preparedness, it's important to understand what causes earthquakes. They occur when theEarth's tectonic plates shift, releasing energy that travels through the ground in seismic waves. Familiarizing oneself with the seismic history of one's region can help in assessing the risk and preparing accordingly.Preparation at Home:1. Create an Emergency Kit: This should include a first-aid kit, non-perishable food, water, a flashlight, a battery-powered or hand-crank radio, and essential medications.2. Secure Furniture and Heavy Objects: Anchor large furniture and appliances to the wall to prevent them from toppling during a quake.3. Identify Safe Spots: Teach family members to seek shelter under sturdy tables or desks, away from windows and heavyobjects.4. Develop a Family Plan: Establish a communication plan and designate a meeting place outside the home in case of an emergency.5. Know How to Turn Off Utilities: Be prepared to turn off electricity, water, and gas supplies to prevent further damage or fire.Community Involvement:1. Participate in Local Drills: Engage in community earthquake drills to practice response procedures.2. Volunteer: Join local emergency response teams or organizations that focus on disaster preparedness.3. Stay Informed: Keep up-to-date with local emergency broadcasts and community guidelines for earthquake preparedness.Response During an Earthquake:1. Drop, Cover, and Hold On: If indoors, drop to the ground, take cover under a sturdy piece of furniture, and hold on until the shaking stops.2. Stay Indoors: Avoid going outside where falling debris could be a hazard.3. Be Cautious of Aftershocks: Aftershocks can follow the initial quake, so remain alert and prepared for furthershaking.Post-Earthquake Actions:1. Conduct a Personal Safety Check: Assess yourself and others for injuries and provide first aid if necessary.2. Inspect Your Home: Check for structural damage and potential hazards before entering.3. Communicate with Family: Use your pre-established communication plan to check on family members and report your status.4. Follow Official Instructions: Stay informed through local news and emergency services for updates and instructions.Conclusion:Earthquake preparedness is a multifaceted approach that involves understanding the nature of earthquakes, taking preventative measures at home, engaging with the community, and knowing how to respond during and after a quake. By following these guidelines, individuals and communities can minimize the impact of earthquakes and recover more quickly from their effects.。
英文作文 地震注意事项通告体裁
英文作文地震注意事项通告体裁English:In the event of an earthquake, it is important to remember several key safety precautions. Firstly, drop, cover, and hold on. This means dropping to the ground to prevent being knocked over, taking cover under a sturdy piece of furniture to protect yourself from falling objects, and holding on until the shaking stops. It is important to stay indoors during an earthquake and avoid doorways, windows, and exterior walls. If you are outside, move to an open area away from buildings, trees, and power lines. Stay away from hazardous materials and gas lines, and be prepared for aftershocks. Have an emergency kit ready with essentials such as water, food, medications, and a first aid kit. Lastly, stay informed by following updates from local authorities and be prepared to evacuate if necessary.中文翻译:在地震发生时,记住几个关键的安全预防措施非常重要。
在学校的地震险和逃生指南英文版英文回答:Earthquake Preparedness and Evacuation Guide for Schools.Before an Earthquake.Develop an emergency plan. This plan should include evacuation routes, shelter areas, and communication procedures.Conduct earthquake drills. These drills should help students and staff familiarize themselves with the evacuation plan and practice responding to an earthquake.Secure heavy objects. Bookshelves, cabinets, and other heavy objects can fall and cause injury during an earthquake. Secure these objects to prevent damage.Keep a first aid kit and other emergency supplies on hand. These supplies can be used to treat injuries and provide basic necessities in the event of an emergency.Educate students and staff about earthquake safety. Teach them about the potential hazards of earthquakes and how to stay safe during one.During an Earthquake.Stay calm and remain indoors. Do not run outside during an earthquake. Instead, stay inside and take cover under a sturdy table or desk.If you are outside, stay away from buildings and power lines. Duck and cover until the shaking stops.If you are in a car, pull over to the side of the road and stop. Stay in the car until the shaking stops.Do not use elevators. Elevators can malfunction during an earthquake and trap people inside.After an Earthquake.Check for injuries. Treat any injuries immediately.Check for damage to the building. If you see any cracks or damage, evacuate the building and report it to the authorities.Listen to the radio or TV for updates. Stay informed about the situation and follow any instructions from authorities.If you are unable to return home, go to a designated shelter. Shelters will provide food, water, and other assistance.Additional Tips.Have an emergency plan in place at home as well as at school. This will help you and your family stay safe in the event of an earthquake.Practice your earthquake plan regularly. This will help you and your family respond quickly and safely to an earthquake.Be aware of the earthquake hazards in your area. This will help you make informed decisions about how to prepare for and respond to an earthquake.中文回答:学校地震预案和逃生指南。
英文作文 地震注意事项通告体裁
英文作文地震注意事项通告体裁Earthquake Preparedness Notice.What to do before an earthquake.Secure your home: Identify and secure potential hazards in your home, such as heavy furniture, appliances, and artwork that could fall and cause injury.Make an emergency plan: Develop a family emergency plan that includes evacuation routes, meeting places, and contact information for family members and emergency services.Stock up on supplies: Keep a supply of emergency supplies on hand, including water, non-perishable food, a first-aid kit, a flashlight, and a battery-powered radio.Know your evacuation routes: Plan multiple evacuation routes from your home and workplace, and practice themregularly.Attend earthquake preparedness classes: Learn about earthquake safety measures and how to respond to an earthquake.What to do during an earthquake.Stay calm and drop to the ground: If you are indoors, drop to the ground, take cover under a sturdy table or desk, and hold on until the shaking stops.Stay away from windows, outside doors, and walls: These areas are more likely to collapse or shatter.Protect your head and neck: Use your arms to protect your head and neck from falling objects.Evacuate if possible: If you are outside, move to an open area away from buildings, trees, power lines, andother potential hazards.Be aware of aftershocks: Aftershocks can occur for hours or even days after a major earthquake. Be prepared for additional shaking and follow the same safety precautions as during the main earthquake.What to do after an earthquake.Check for injuries: Check yourself and others for injuries and provide first aid as needed.Evacuate if necessary: If your home or workplace has been damaged, evacuate to a designated safe area.Stay informed: Listen to local news and radio for updates on the earthquake and any safety measures or instructions.Beware of hazards: Stay away from damaged buildings, downed power lines, and other potential hazards.Replenish supplies: Replenish your emergency supplies and prepare for any potential aftershocks.中文回答:地震前注意事项。
地震安全防范措施(英文)if you have received possibly have the earthquake warning, continuesto maintain listens to the local broadcasting station newest reportand the suggestion, like the suggestion switches off the liquid gas,the power source. greatly but the heavy object from high will put onto take away. the jar, the glass, the chinaware and other brittlethings admit in the low cabinet, the baggage shelf should have keepsoff the hand by to prevent the object whereabouts. the cabinet gateshould shut tightly, moves away to be hanging the object. belowprepares the goods by to prepare urgently needs: fresh fresh water andemergency food, flashlight, fire extinguisher. is far away thesepossibly to fall is pounding your thing, possibly can eradicate inoutdoors trees, in the small town construction even if enough issturdy cannot destroy, the chippings also possibly fall. runs awayspacious to place most ideal, but if does not have the enough time,stays is possibly safer in the room, on the avenue speech, the gaspiping or the electric wire which bursts can increase the risk. passesin and out the human is most dangerous, extremely easily is wounded bythe building in bricks and stones.in room: when the earthquake occurs, if in the indoors, stays ininside, extinguishes the fire, is far away the glass is specially thebig window (including mirror and so on). in the room quoin or has thegood strut internal way is good seeking asylum place. perhaps the lowground or the basement can provide the best survival opportunity.hides in under the table bottom or other firm furniture, this not onlycan provide the protection to you, moreover also has the big breathspace. when store, is far away the big cargo exhibition hall, thesecargos possibly can drop down. also is loaded with the elevator in themulti第1 2 页下一页。
地震自救(简要英文版)第一篇:地震自救(简要英文版)1,最重要:Remain calm as the quake occurs。
2,户外while you are driving, stop and stay inyour car.Don't stop on a bridge, or under trees, or a power line.3, 户外Move to an open area, away from falling objects, and drop to the ground, Stay away from buildings, power lines and trees.4,室内If you are in a building, try to get near a strong wall,the corner of the room.under a desk, bed,big machine.if the desk or table you are under moves, move with it.5,注意:away from windows, bookcases, and picture framesDo not use stairs or elevators to escape.Do not jump from a high building.If you are in a wheelchair, lock your wheels,protect your head with your arms.6,有时间的话Put on your helmet,flashlight, bottled water, and food,first-aid kit, gloves, hard hat, goggles护目镜, blankets, and closed-toe shoes,地震后1,Be prepared for aftershocks.2,Check for fire, gas, water, and electric lines.Gas fires often result from earthquakes地震前 Store heavy objects on low shelves.第二篇:地震自救方法地震心理学上有一个“12秒自救机会”,即地震发生后,若能镇定自若地在12秒内迅速躲避到安全处,就能给自己提供最后一次自救机会。
地震安全的英语作文带翻译Title: Earthquake Safety。
Earthquakes are natural disasters that can cause immense destruction and loss of life. Therefore, it is crucial for individuals, communities, and governments to prioritize earthquake safety measures. In this essay, we will explore the importance of earthquake safety and discuss various strategies to mitigate its impact.地震是自然灾害,可以造成巨大的破坏和生命损失。
First and foremost, earthquake safety begins with awareness and education. People living in earthquake-prone areas should be educated about the risks associated withearthquakes and how to prepare for them. This includes knowing what to do during an earthquake, such as "Drop, Cover, and Hold On," as well as having emergency kits and evacuation plans in place.首先,地震安全始于意识和教育。
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Paragraph 1:When the ground beneath your feet starts shaking violently, your first instinct may be to panic. However,it's important to stay calm and remember the safety measures outlined in this earthquake handbook. By being prepared and knowing what to do before, during, and after an earthquake, you can greatly increase your chances of staying safe.Paragraph 2:Before an earthquake strikes, it's crucial to create an emergency plan with your family or colleagues. This plan should include a designated meeting point, a communication strategy, and a list of important contacts. Additionally, you should secure heavy furniture and objects to preventthem from falling during the tremors. Remember, being proactive is key to minimizing the potential damage caused by an earthquake.Paragraph 3:During an earthquake, your immediate priority should be to find a safe spot. Drop to the ground, take cover under a sturdy piece of furniture, and hold on until the shaking stops. Avoid standing near windows, as shattered glass can cause severe injuries. If you are outdoors, move to an open area away from buildings, trees, and power lines. Stay vigilant and be prepared for aftershocks, which can occur minutes or even hours after the initial quake.Paragraph 4:After the shaking subsides, it's important to assess the situation and prioritize your safety. Check yourself and others for injuries, and administer first aid if necessary. Be cautious of potential hazards, such as gas leaks or electrical damage. If you smell gas or notice anysigns of a leak, evacuate the area immediately and contact the relevant authorities. Remember to listen to local news updates for instructions and information on emergency shelters.Paragraph 5:In the aftermath of an earthquake, it's crucial to support each other and the community. Check on your neighbors, particularly the elderly or those with disabilities, to ensure their well-being. Offer assistance to those in need and report any significant damage to the appropriate authorities. Remember, recovery takes time, but by coming together and supporting one another, we can rebuild stronger than before.Paragraph 6:In conclusion, earthquakes are unpredictable and can cause significant damage and loss of life. However, by following the guidelines outlined in this earthquake handbook, you can increase your chances of staying safe andminimizing the impact of these natural disasters. Remember to stay calm, be prepared, and support one another during these challenging times.。
Earthquake and Tsunami Smart ManualA guide for protec ting your familyE ARTHQUAKE AND TSUNAMI SM ART M ANUAL2PreparedBCA Narrative of Huu-ay-aht Seismic HistoryOn January 26, 1700 at about 9 p.m., a powerful magnitude 9 earthquake struck off the coast of B.C. and, without warning, was followed by a catastrophic tsunami that devastated the village of Loht’a. With no time to respond, all 5,000 residents of Loht’a were lost to this devastating event. This is the story of the Great Tsunami and Earthquake that was told to me by my grandparents, George and Louisa Johnson. For generations, Elders in our community as well as other First Nations along the coast have maintained this legend and others like it, as an oral history of our people. Today, our people call Anacla (Pachena Bay) home and this oral history plays a central role in how we understand tsunami risks in our community. We are able to use our history to learn from the past and preparing for future tsunamis.E ARTHQUAKE AND TSUNAMI SM ART M ANUAL3Unreinforced masonry structures may sustainsignificant damage from earthquakes.Earthquake and Tsunami SmartEarthquakes are common in B.C., with more than 2,500 recorded each year in and around the province. Most are too small to be felt, but an earthquake capable of causing structural damage is expected to occur somewhere in the province about once every decade. There is a real risk that one of these could be “the big one.”Tsunamis can be associated with earthquakes. Sometimes a large earthquake beneath the ocean floor will produce a tsunami, which is a series of large waves. A damaging tsunami is a rare, but serious event. If you live in or near a coastal region of our province, there is a possibility that you may have to respond to a tsunami threat one day.Preparation is the key to survival in the event of an earthquake or tsunami. However, for some of us, putting together an emergency supplies kit and creating a family disaster plan can seem overwhelming.Following these Earthquake and Tsunami Smart guidelines is simple and takes little time. Sharing what you have learned with neighbours, family and friends may save lives. Take the time now to prepare.The B.C. coast is considered a high-risk earthquake zone. In this region,the movement of these plates that causes small earthquakes (daily),potentially damaging earthquakes (decades apart), and some of the3 types of earthquakesCrustal earthquakesDeep earthquakesSubduction zone The shaking motion of an earthquake is due to this sudden release ofenergy. The first sign of an earthquake may be a loud bang or a roar. several seconds to several minutes. Over the following hours or days,E ARTHQUAKE AND TSUNAMI SM ART M ANUALEarthquakes are an unavoidablenatural hazard, but properplanning and a well-informed andwell-prepared public can reducetheir impact.5E ARTHQUAKE AND TSUNAMI SM ART M ANUAL6PreparedBCKnow the Risks – TsunamisLike earthquakes, tsunamis can happen at any time of the day or night, under any kind of weather conditions, and in all seasons. Beaches open to the ocean or by bay entrances, as well as tidal flats and the shores of coastal rivers or inlets exposed to the open ocean, are especially vulnerable to tsunamis.The force of tsunami waves can cause great destruction. The first wave of a tsunami is often not the largest. Other waves may follow every few minutes, for a period of hours.Tsunami waves can kill and injure people and cause great property damage where they come ashore. Understanding what a tsunami can do, and how to react during its approach, is vital to local communities and people along B.C.’s coast.The first wave of atsunami may not bethe largest. Otherwaves may followevery few minutes,for a period of hours.E ARTHQUAKE AND TSUNAMI SM ART M ANUAL7Following an earthquake far away in the Pacific Ocean, it may take hours for waves to reach coastal B.C. However, a closer earthquake couldgenerate a tsunami capable of reaching the shore in a matter of minutes.This logo has been adopted as the tsunami hazard symbol forBritish Columbia.There is a Tsunami NotificationsProcess Plan in place to pass thewarning to coastal communities asquickly as possible, but sometimesthere is not enough time to reacheveryone – especially in moreremote communities.It is important to remember that tsunamis are rare events and not all earthquakes will generate a tsunami. However, it is also critical to know what to do as a precaution if you live in a vulnerable area.The potential power of a tsunami is illustrated here. A car has been tossedonto the roof of a building.E ARTHQUAKE AND TSUNAMI SM ART M ANUAL8PreparedBCTake the First Critical Step Toward Personal PreparednessImagine that a major earthquake has occurred, causing widespread damage, cutting power and gas lines. Or, you have just been warned that a tsunami is on its way towards your community.If your home is no longer safe – you must leave immediately. You cannot gather food from the kitchen, fill bottles with water, grab a first-aid kit from the closet and snatch a flashlight and a portable radio from the bedroom quickly enough. You need to have these items packed and ready in one place before disaster strikes.It makes sense – and doesn’ttake much time – to beprepared. This checklist willget you started.E ARTHQUAKE AND TSUNAMI SM ART M ANUAL 9Basic Emergency Supply KitFirst Aid kit andmedicationsBattery-poweredor hand crankradio tuned toEnvironmentCanada weatherBattery-poweredor hand crankflashlight withextra batteriesWhistle to signalfor helpCell phone withchargers, inverteror solar chargerLocal maps (identifya family meetingplace) and somecash in small bills At least a three-day supply of non-perishable food. Manual can opener for cans Garbage bags, moist towelettes and plastic ties for personal sanitation Water, four litres per person per day for at least three days, for drinking and sanitation Dust mask to help filter contaminated air Seasonal clothing and footwareE ARTHQUAKE AND TSUNAMI SM ART M ANUAL 10PreparedBCWhen an Earthquake Happens – Remember to Drop, Cover and Hold On DuringIt’s 7:00 p.m. and an earthquake strikes. Each family member is in a different room – do you know how to protect yourselves?By planning ahead, all members of a family will know what to do during an earthquake. Knowing what to expect can reduce panic and ensure you think clearly and act quickly. It’s a good idea when forming an earthquake preparedness plan for families to walk from room to room choosing the best places to be during a quake. It’s also a good idea to discuss what to do if you are away from home.A tsunami is a series ofwaves – the first wavemay not be the largest.Dangerous waves andcurrents can last formany hours.E ARTHQUAKE AND TSUNAMI SM ART M ANUALIndoors, the safest places are beneath sturdy furniture, beside a solidinside wall or in a corner or inside an inner hallway. Hold on tight toheavy furniture if you are using it as cover to keep it from movingaround. Avoid windows.If you’re outdoors, stay in the open, away from trees, buildings andpower lines. You could be driving when a quake hits. Stop your car awayfrom overpasses, bridges and power lines and stay inside your vehicle.Once you’re in a safe place, protect your head and hold on until allmotion stops.11E ARTHQUAKE AND TSUNAMI SM ART M ANUAL12PreparedBCAfterWhen an earthquake is over, it’s important to stay calm and move cautiously, checking for unstable objects and other hazards above and around you. You or others may be injured. Treat yourself first and then assist others.Check gas, water and electrical lines. Also, be aware that there may be other types of hazards caused by earthquakes, including fire, landslides, highway damage, dike failures, liquefaction, cracks, etc.This turn-of-the-century wooden residence in Christchurch New Zealand was moved off its foundation during a 6.3 magnitude earthquake in 2011.E ARTHQUAKE AND TSUNAMI SM ART M ANUAL13Check around your residence. If yoususpect a gas leak, turn off the gasvalve and open the windows of yourhome. Caution! Once the gas is shutoff at the meter, DON’T try to turnIf your house has suffered considerable damage and is unsafe, you may need to leave immediately. Gather your emergency supplies together and listen to a battery-operated radio or car radio for instructions by emergency officials through the news media. Evacuation reception centres may be opened to help with food and lodging, and medical centres may be opened for those who have been injured.E ARTHQUAKE AND TSUNAMI SM ART M ANUAL14PreparedBCTsunami Warning – Head for High GroundThe Tsunami Warning System is an international program to detect tsunamis and provide notification and warnings to all countries bordering the Pacific Ocean, Indian Ocean and the Caribbean. Emergency Management BC receives alerts and advises:B.C. coastal communities in the risk areas (municipalities, regional districts and First Nations)RCMPCanada Coast Guard, the Canadian Forces, Nav Canada, Environment Canada, and other federal government agencies media networks and outlets, and other provincial and federal officialsIf a large undersea earthquake takes place near the B.C. coast, the first tsunami waves may reach the shore minutes after the ground stops shaking. The best warning is the earthquake itself. Residents in tsunami risk areas should be prepared to get to higher ground or inland immediately.NEVER go to the coast to watch a tsunami.NEVER go down to the water if you see it startto recede as this could be an indication that atsunami may follow. A tsunami moves fasterthan a person can run. MOVE to high groundimmediately!Zone AZone DZone EThe North Coast and Haida GwaiiThe Central Coast and northeast Vancouver Island coast including Kitimat, Bella Coola and Port HardyThe outer west coast of Vancouver Island from Cape Scott to Port RenfrewThe Juan de Fuca Strait from Jordan River to Greater Victoria including the Saanich PeninsulaThe Strait of Georgia including the Gulf Islands, Greater Vancouver and Johnstone StraitZone CZone BE ARTHQUAKE AND TSUNAMI SM ART M ANUAL15Depending upon an earthquake’s origin, atsunami could reach the B.C. coast in as littleas 15 minutes – or over 15 hours later. Littlecan be done to warn of local tsunamis becausetheir travel time is so short.A tsunami struck B.C.’s west coast in1964, causing extensive damage toPort Alberni and other communitiesin the area.E ARTHQUAKE AND TSUNAMI SM ART M ANUAL16PreparedBCDuringIf you are near the ocean and you feel a large earthquake, you should go inland or to higher ground immediately – do not wait for an official warning. Know your local community’s suggested evacuation routes to safe areas and proceed there immediately. Be aware that damaged roads and bridges and debris caused by the earthquake may prevent driving.If you are on a boat when a tsunami is coming, you should leave the harbour for the open water, but do not risk your life to move your boat into deeper water if it is too close to the wave arrival time. Tsunamis are scarcely noticed when they pass under a boat in deep water. If you are in a float plane in a harbour, take off for a safe landing area on a lake or on land, or away from areas at risk.E ARTHQUAKE AND TSUNAMI SM ART M ANUAL17If you are camping on a beach or near the ocean, you may have to abandon your belongings in order to save your life.Remember: you cannot outrun a tsunami sodon’t go down to the water if you see it startto recede.Once a community is alerted that the arrival of a distant tsunami is (or may be) expected, residents will be warned in a number of different ways. In some locations, a siren is used, while others depend on a telephone fan-out or a door-to-door or loud hailer system. Once you have the initial warning, listen to your radio for updates.own for at least three days – thismeans when you leave, takeyour emergency supplies kitfrom your home, work or carwith you.E ARTHQUAKE AND TSUNAMI SM ART M ANUAL18PreparedBCAfterFollowing a tsunami that reaches our shores, do not return to the area after the first wave. Tsunamis generally involve several powerful waves. Wait for emergency management officials to give the “all clear” before you return to your home.Stay tuned to your radio or marine radio during a disaster. Bulletins will be issued by emergency officials providing updates on the situation.Call 911 only for life-threatening emergencies.Remember, taking the time to preparenow can save lives in the future.The aftermath of a tsunami can be devastating. The debris at this location in the Sendai region of Japan was about one metre deep following thecatastrophic 9.0 magnitude earthquake and tsunami in 2011.E ARTHQUAKE AND TSUNAMI SM ART M ANUAL19For Additional InformationPreparedness and awareness information is available through Emergency Management BC gov.bc.ca/PreparedBCInformation about current earthquake activity and past events can be found at Natural Resources Canadawww.earthquakescanada.nrcan.gc.ca/index-eng.phpInformation about tsunamis can be found at Fisheries and Oceans Canada www.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/science/Publications/article/2005/ 24-04-2005-eng.htmThis material has been prepared by the Province of British Columbia in cooperation with:Governmentof CanadaNatural Resources CanadaFisheries and Oceans Canada Gouvernementdu Canada Ressources Naturelles CanadaPêches et Océans CanadaThe British Columbia Ministry of Justice and the Crown accept no responsibility or liability for any loss or damage that any person may sustain as a result of the information in, or anything done or omitted pursuant to this manual.。
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《地震安全手册》Water. 水Store at least 1 gallon of water per person per day and be prepared for a 72-hour period. A normally active person needs at least ½gallon of water daily just for drinking. In determining adequate quantities, take the following into account:每人每天至少需储备 1 加仑(3.8 升)的水,并以此标准一次备够72 小时之用。
一般情况下,一个活跃的正常人,光饮用,每天就需要消耗1/2 加仑(1.9 升)的水。
为了保证足够的量,应考虑以下因素:Individual needs vary depending on age, physical condition, activity, diet, and climate. Children, nursing mothers, and ill people need more water.Very hot temperatures can double the amount of water needed.A medical emergency might require more water.个体需求量因年龄、体质、活动量、饮食、气候等有差异。
It is recommended that you buy commercially bottled water. Keep bottled water in its original container and do not open it until you need to use it. Also, pay attention to the expiration or “use by” date.建议你购买一些瓶装水。
Food. 食品It’s always a prac tical idea to keep a supply of non-perishable food on hand that can be rotated into your diet and replenished on a regular basis. Have a sufficient supply of canned or dehydrated food, powdered milk, and canned juices for at least 72 hours. Dried cereals and fruits and non-salted nuts are good sources of nutrition. Keep the following points in mind:作为一个很实用的主意,应经常准备一些不易腐坏的食品以便随时食用。
请注意以下几点:•Avoid foods that will make you thirsty. Choose salt-free crackers, whole grain cereals, and canned goods with high liquid content.不要选择那些让你容易口渴的食品。
•Stock foods that do not require refrigeration, cooking, water, or special preparation. You may already have any of these on hand.只储备无需冷藏、烹饪或特殊处理的食品。
•Remember to include foods for infants and special dietary needs. You should also have kitchen accessories and cooking utensils, especially a manual can opener.别忘了食品中应包括婴儿和特殊饮食需要者的食品。
Flashlights and spare batteries.应急灯和备用电池Keep a flashlight beside your bed, at your place of work, and in your car. Do not use matches or candles after an earthquake until you are certain that no gas leaks exist.在你的床边、工作地点以及车里放一盏应急灯。
不要在地震后使用火柴或蜡烛, 除非你能确定没有燃气泄漏。
Portable, battery-powered radio or television and spare batteries.便携式电池供电收音机或电视机以及备用电池Most telephones will be out of order or used for emergency purposes, so radios will be your best source of information. You may also want to have a battery-powered CB or other two-way radio.大多数电话将会无法使用或只能供紧急用途,所以收音机将会是你最好的信息来源。
First aid kit and manual.急救箱和急救手册Keep a first aid kit at home and in your car. Also, have a manual such as Standard First Aid & Personal Safety by the American Red Cross. Have members of your household take basic first aid and CPR courses在家里和车里准备一个急救箱。
Fire extinguishers.灭火器Keep a fire extinguisher at home and in your car. Some extinguishers are good only for certain types of fires — electrical, grease, or gas. Class ABC extinguishers are designed for safe use on any type of fire. Your fire department can show you how to use an extinguisher properly.在你的家里和车里都要配备灭火器。
Special needs.特殊用品Keep a supply of special needs items, such as medications, extra eyeglasses, contact lens solutions, hearing aid batteries, items for infants (formula, diapers, bottles, and pacifiers), sanitation and hygiene items (moist towelettes and toilet paper), and any items unique to your family’s needs.准备必要的特殊用品,比如药品,备用眼镜,隐形眼镜护理液,助听器电池,婴儿物品(婴儿食品、尿布、奶瓶和奶嘴),卫生用品(小湿巾和手纸)等家所须的任何物品。
Important papers and cash.重要的文件和现金Be sure to have a supply of cash for use if ATMs, banks, and credit card systems are not operating. Also, keep copies of credit and identification cards and important documents, such as insurance policies and financial records.确保在自动取款机、银行和信用卡系统瘫痪时,有足够的现金可用。
Tools. 工具In addition to a pipe wrench and crescent wrench (for turning off gas and water valves), you should have a lighter, a supply of matches in a waterproof container, and a whistle forsignaling rescue workers.除了准备一个管钳和一个可调扳手(用来关闭气阀和水管),你要有一个打火机,一盒装在防水盒子里的火柴和一个用来呼叫援救人员的哨子。
Clothes.衣服If you live in a cold climate, you must think about warmth. You might not have heat after an earthquake. Think about your clothing and bedding supplies. Be sure to have one complete change of clothing and shoes per person, including the following:如果你所处的地区天气寒冷,必须考虑到保暖。