1. “一个人被送进围城以前,总以为那是一个一进去就没有出路的地方,等到真的进去了才发现,原来进去的时候,外面就有无数出路。
”- Before a person is sent into the besieged city, they always think it is a place with no way out. But once they're really inside, they realize that there are actually countless ways out on the outside.2. “我想找个人陪着我烦恼,使我们两个人的烦恼加起来,终于是减少了一些。
”3. “当时他感到一种“谁都恨不得立马去杀一个人”浑身酸痛的愉快。
”- At that moment, he felt a delightful kind of pain all over his body as if everyone was eager to immediately kill someone.4. “你以为嘛?”方鸿渐忍不住问,“你以为,娶一个正襟危坐的人,把她锁在屋里,你可以真真正正地做一个男子汉?”- "What do you think?" Fang Hongjian couldn't help but ask, "Do you think that marrying a woman who sits upright can make you a real man by locking her up at home?"5. “这种事情最好连人家妈妈都不要告诉。
”- "It's best not to even tell the other person's mother about this kind of thing."6. “可别想而已,而是要亲身努力。
上来的汤是凉的,冰淇淋倒是热的;鱼像海军陆战队,已登陆了好 几天;肉像潜水艇士兵,会长时期伏在水里;除醋以外,面包、牛 油、红酒无一不酸。 The soup was cold,and the ice cream was warm. The fish was like the Marine Corps. It apparently had already been on land for several days; the meat was like submarine sailors,having been submarine already for a long time. Besides the vinegar,the bread,the butter,and the red wine were all sour.
本次作业带给我如下数个体会: 1. 翻译要尽量遵循作者本意,在正确阐释的前提下做到言简 意赅,简洁明了; 2. 翻译要尽量保留作者原有情感元素,这样才堪称为成功的 的译作; 3. 翻译要多多考虑到文化差异,避免因特定文化背景、文化 元素对读者的理解造成的障碍; 4. 多读多积累;关于翻译,我还有许多需要学习。
此句同样带有鲜明的钱氏色彩,将比喻运用 得炉火纯青,并充分利用对比加深了嘲讽之 意,同时增进了语段的趣味性。本句并不涉 及文化背景,因此翻译文本对于读者来说应 该无理解问题,其中体现出作者对于运用英 语表达意义的游刃有余。
烤山薯这东西,本来像中国谚语里的私情男女,“偷着不如偷不 着”,香味比滋味好。 Roasted sweet potatoes are like il saying, “Having it isn’t as good as not having it.” The smell is better than the taste.
[ 关键词] 城 动 对 ; 喻 翻 围; 态 等 比 ;译
e a i r p y 《 围城》作为中国 2 0世纪 4 年代最为优秀的长篇小说,在中 cri s h nrca it fi n heis ii fb a-ud he 0 ar r…T e it tbly o o ,t ni dt o encr ,t a w e s sd nc ar n a dt n h r o s n i mel f at l o 国现代文学史影响巨大。其独特的艺术格调即在讽刺 中融入机智的 n ro n s f e a h i ,a di d io ,tes lo e rhc udbe al t a t t 1 — 7 d h o a s 成分,使得幽默跃然纸上。再者其文 中比喻、用典等辞格的灵活运 cle elc lr i . ( 6 1 ) 这是对方鸿渐家乡的民风的描述,其 中 “ 豆腐、轿子”是中国 用,更为此作品增添 了艺术魅力,并且使书中对人性 的讽刺 更为深 刻,同时更加意味深长 。 3 2 万余字 的 《 围城》 ,比喻就多达 70 , 特有 的物质文化现象,西方读者可能很少耳闻并没有亲身体验过 , 0处 铁的硬 ,豆腐的淡而无 味,轿子的容量狭 小”这些语 处处新颖奇特 . 令人难忘 。 钱钟书先生 自己认为: 比喻是文学辞藻 对于文本中 “ “ 的特色 ” 比喻是文学语言的根本 ” “ 。他本人生性快活 ,喜开玩笑; 句很难理解 ,笔者建议更具体的翻译可加上几个名词作注。从而对 T enat iy f o s bo ns , e i a l or r t u n s h 广文博知,中西兼通,熟知古今中外的文化典籍,日常生活 的俚俗 民风进一步进行解释:“h tc bi i n(t br e ) t ni dt o ba・u ( nni t ns)t arn so dnc i p y r g u h o s h 习谚,因此,喜于用喻,乐在用喻 ,精于用喻。取譬之源对于他就 is ii f enc d u is hfles ; enr w es f ea ar s ot i t e s , n a io , me f at c l e al -g d nd i h l ho c e 只是信手拈来。基于 《 围城》用喻 以加深讽刺力度随而产生意味深 ( h r s he n s ) a di dt n tes lo e r udb l d e c t r 长的幽默效果这一点,本文选用珍妮 ・ 凯利和茅 国权合译 的版本, t oa ti ”。这样加上括号里的几个表示特征的名词,读者可 h l l as 以不带有任何负荷的进行阅读, 并且对于此处民风的描述更加清楚。 结合奈达的动态对等理论对其中的辞格 比喻,尤其是明喻和暗喻的 但是也许会有人质疑 ,释译 的如此清楚到位是在怀疑读者的接受和 译例作一译例分析。 推理能力。仁者 见仁,智者见智 。 奈达的动态对等理论 徐炳 昌在其 《 暗喻种种》一书中提 出并列式暗喻,这是由于本 奈达于 16 年首次提出动态对等理论, 94 而后又在与泰伯合著的 或几个 )分句 .或者是一个 《 翻译理论与实践》中进一步解释说,动态对等是指 “ 用译入语复 体和喻体是平行结构 ,二者各是一个 ( 或几个 ) 句子 。 又因为这种暗喻通常情况下本体是由喻体引出的, 制出与源语信息最切近 的自 然对等,首先是意义对等,而后是文体 (
以下是一些相关参考内容:1. "人是感性动物。
" -这句话在小说开始的时候就被提及,是主人公庆南在对生活抱有不满的同时,也是对人性的独特见解。
"People are emotional creatures."2. "历史一旦沉没,它的声音是此起彼伏的,象曲飞扬的乐声,它揭示了它曾经胜利过,也揭示了它曾经失败过。
" - 这句话出现在小说的结尾,是作者钱钟书对历史的一种观察和思考。
"Once history sinks, its voice resurfaces, like the soaring melodiesof music. It reveals its victories and its failures."3. "人民和知识分子不能成为针锋相对的敌人,而应该相互理解、相互支持。
" - 这句话出现在小说中主人公庆南和淘气两兄弟之间的对话中,传达了一个重要的观点:人民和知识分子之间应该建立起一种合作和谐的关系。
"The people and the intellectuals should not be antagonistic enemies, but should understand and support each other."4. "随波逐流的人在生活中无所建树,只有那些坚持独立思考和行动的人才能真正成为改变社会的力量。
围城Fortress Besieged婚姻爱情▌婚姻是一座围城,城外的人想进去,城里的人想出来。
Marriage is like a fortress besieged: those who are outside want to get in, and those who are inside want to get out.▌那时候苏小姐把自己的爱情看得太名贵了,不肯随便施与。
In those days she valued her affection too highly to bestow it causally. Now, however, she was just like the person who has some fine clothes made and, saving them for good occasions, locks them in a chest. Then one or two years later she suddenly finds their style and design are out of fashion and is filled with disappointment and regret.▌有人失恋了,会把他们的伤心立刻像叫化子的烂腿,血淋淋地公开展览,博人怜悯,或者事过境迁,像战士的金疮旧斑,脱衣指示,使人惊佩。
Some people when jilted will immediately display their broken hearts in public and drip with blood like a beggar’s scraped legs to stir pity. Or else, after the whole affair is over, they will pull up their clothes in the manner of a veteran and point it out like an old battle scar to arouse awe and wonder.▌可是心里忘不了他,好比牙齿钳去了,齿腔空着作痛,更好比花盆里种的小树,要连根拔它,这花盆就得迸裂。
(钱钟书- 围城)翻译关键词:艳如桃李,冷若冰霜,华氏一百度“左右”译文:Miss Su, who pictured herself in the words of the familiar saying, "as delectableas peach and plum and as cold as frost and ice," decided she would allow Fang to humbly gaze at her in admiration and then prostrate himself to beg for her love. Who would have thought that while the temperature hovered around 100 degrees every day, this sweet, cool ice cream manner of hers was completely ineffective. (美Jeanne Kelly, Nathan K.Mao <译> –Fortress Besieged)资料个人收集整理,勿做商业用途翻译笔记:艳如桃李,冷若冰霜* 这句话出自于《苍鹰击割爱》。
文中译为as delectable as peach and plum and as cold as frost and icedelectable是一个GRE的词汇,常用在来说食物美味的,或者某件事或人是令人愉快的。
例如:What delectable dinner it is!这顿晚餐真是美味极了!还有什么词语可以来形容女子美貌的呢?是不是想到了“沉鱼落雁,闭月羞花”?沉鱼落雁makes the fish sink and wild geese fall闭月羞花a beauty which obscure the moon and make flowers blush对啦?小编小哈扯开一下,大家知不知道,这两个词是形容哪四位古代美女哒?华氏一百度“左右”* 这里特别指出左右,是不是有点奇怪?左右无非就是left and right?哈哈,我们来看,文中是怎么翻译的。
1. 一个气概飞扬,鼻子直而高,侧望像脸上斜搁了一张梯,颈下打的领结饱满齐整得使方鸿渐绝望地企羡。
(167)His nose was straight and high; his profile gave the impression of a ladder propped against his face. The bow tie at his neck was so large and neat that Hung-chien was struck with hopeless admiration.2. 李先生脸上少了那副黑眼镜,两只大白眼睛像剥掉壳的煮熟鸡蛋。
(283)Without his dark glasses on his face, Li’s large, white eyes looked like two shelled hard-boiled eggs.3. 鼻子短而阔,仿佛原有笔直下来的趋势,给人迎鼻孔打了一拳,阻止前进,这鼻子后退不迭,向两傍横溢。
(401)His nose was short and wide, as though it had originally come straight downward but had received a head-on punch in the nostrils and, unable to come down further, had retreated by fanning out on both sides.4. 红海早过了。
(7)The Red Sea had long since been crossed, and the ship was now on its way over the Indian Ocean; but as always the sun mercilessly rose early and set late, encroaching upon the better part of the night. The night, like paper soaked in oil, had become translucent. Locked in the embrace of the sun, the night’s own form was indiscernible. Perhaps it had become intoxicated by the sun, which would explain why the night sky remained flushed long after the gradual fading of the rosy sunset.5. 他那天晚上的睡眠,宛如粳米粉的线条,没有粘性,拉不长。
It is said that "girl friend" is the scientific term for “sweet heart”, making it sound more dignified, just as the biological name for rose is "rosaceous dicotyledonous," or the legal term for divorcing one's wife is "negotiated separation by consent."方鸿渐陪苏小姐在香港玩了两天,才明白女朋友跟情人事实上绝然不同。
Only after Fang Hung-chien had escorted Miss Su around Hong Kong for a couple of days did he realize that a girl friend and a sweetheart were actually two completely different things.苏小姐是最理想的女朋友,有头脑,有身分,态度相貌算得上大家闺秀,和她同上饭馆戏院并不失自己的面子。
Miss Su was the ideal girl friend, with the brains, the status, the poise, and looks of a girl of good family. Going to restaurants and theaters with her was no cause for disgrace.他们俩虽然十分亲密,方鸿渐自信对她的情谊到此而止,好比两条平行的直线,无论彼此距离怎么近,拉得怎么长,终合不拢来成为一体。
《围城》的借喻摘录英文回答:Metaphorical Expressions in "Fortress Besieged"1. "A besieged city": The protagonist Fang Hongjian feels trapped and isolated in his marriage and social life.2. "A tightrope walker": Fang Hongjian tries to balance his personal desires with societal expectations.3. "A pawn in a chess game": Fang Hongjian realizesthat he is merely a pawn in the larger scheme of things, manipulated by those around him.4. "A bird in a cage": Fang Hongjian feels stifled and restricted in his marriage.5. "A fish out of water": Fang Hongjian feels like an outsider in the intellectual circles he attempts to join.中文回答:《围城》中的比喻。
1. 围城,男主人公方鸿渐在婚姻与社会生活中感到困顿和孤立。
2. 走钢丝的人,方鸿渐试图在个人欲望和社会期望之间保持平衡。
3. 棋盘上的棋子,方鸿渐意识到自己只是大棋盘中的一枚棋子,任凭周围人摆布。
4. 笼中鸟,方鸿渐在婚姻中感到压抑和束缚。
5. 水中鱼,方鸿渐在试图融入的知识分子圈子里感到格格不入。
(钱钟书- 围城)翻译关键词:艳如桃李,冷若冰霜,华氏一百度“左右”译文:Miss Su, who pictured herself in the words of the familiar saying, "as delectableas peach and plum and as cold as frost and ice," decided she would allow Fang to humbly gaze at her in admiration and then prostrate himself to beg for her love. Who would have thought that while the temperature hovered around 100 degrees every day, this sweet, cool ice cream manner of hers was completely ineffective. (美Jeanne Kelly, Nathan K.Mao <译> –Fortress Besieged)资料个人收集整理,勿做商业用途翻译笔记:艳如桃李,冷若冰霜* 这句话出自于《苍鹰击割爱》。
文中译为as delectable as peach and plum and as cold as frost and icedelectable是一个GRE的词汇,常用在来说食物美味的,或者某件事或人是令人愉快的。
例如:What delectable dinner it is!这顿晚餐真是美味极了!还有什么词语可以来形容女子美貌的呢?是不是想到了“沉鱼落雁,闭月羞花”?沉鱼落雁makes the fish sink and wild geese fall闭月羞花a beauty which obscure the moon and make flowers blush对啦?小编小哈扯开一下,大家知不知道,这两个词是形容哪四位古代美女哒?华氏一百度“左右”* 这里特别指出左右,是不是有点奇怪?左右无非就是left and right?哈哈,我们来看,文中是怎么翻译的。
例如“诗”这个比喻中的关键字眼“ the, The”以及“栩栩如生”这个比喻中的关键字眼“ vivid,To make them seem like a living person”。
可是仔细阅读后,却发现并不是如此,例如,“活泼”一词应该解释为“ lively, lively, active”,而这个比喻的真正内涵是“ attractive”,而不是“ lively”,更不是“ lively”,因为这两个单词在短语中均未被提及,不存在相互呼应之处。
二、词汇上的不足三、句子停顿和韵律上,英语多为“ there is”“ there are”等短句,这不利于表达意思的完整表达,如“ There is no place like home”,停顿在一般,容易让读者误解,或许在想:“这句话还没有说完呢,怎么就突然停下来了?”类似的还有“ There are some good books in this book”。
【双语美文】《围城》经典语录(双语)1. 无边的风景"不必为我担心,我会看透这世界的,这个世界真的很大很大,没有围城,大家都是一个样子。
""Don't worry about me, I will see through the world, it is really big, without the city walls, everyone is the same."2. 孤独的繁华"这世界上最低能的就是把繁华当寂寞,把忙碌当幸福。
""The lowest thing in the world is to take prosperity as loneliness and busyness as happiness."3. 人生的选择"当一个人的快乐刚刚好,那么你就是幸福的;当一个人的痛苦刚刚好,那么你就是快乐的。
""When a person's happiness is just right, then you are happy; when a person's p本人n is just right, then you are happy."4. 做自己"不要因为孤独而恋爱,要选择爱,因为你爱他(她),而不是因为你需要他(她)。
""Don't fall in love because of loneliness, choose to love because you love him (her), not because you need him (her)."5. 自由的价值"出路是那样的艰难,你要做的是坚持自己的方向,不要因为别人怎么看你,而去要去改变自己。
The Besieged City
这四字词在汉译英中很常见,我们翻译时重要的还 是理解原文,大家注意前文有说到方鸿渐想起了唐晓芙, 说明他的感情在一段时间的平静后又突然爆发,带有一 点点“涌上心头”的那种味道,我们可以用如译文中的 flare up,也可以用see red、flare out来形容。如: 对他们过去敌人的一切旧恨宿怨顿时涌上心头。 All the old hatred for their former enemy flared up.
话说方鸿渐在这段话里真把两者的意思条分缕析了一番,虽说 这有点像在玩文字游戏,但细细品来,却不无道理,“想到”是不 能与“想”划等号的。“想到(think of; call to mind; recall)”一个 人,通常用于表达因某些原因突然想起某人。而“想(remember with longing; miss)”表达的更倾向于对某人一直以来的一种怀念、 惦记与记挂。两者的感情色彩显然是不一样的。如: 忽然想到一个重要的人 suddenly think of someone important 你走了以后,我们都很想你。 After you left, we all missed you.
(3)人情事理:ways of the world,如: 不懂人事 not know the ways of the world (4)人的意识对象:consciousness of the outside world,如: 他昏迷过去,不省人事。He fainted and lost consciousness. (5)人力能做到的事:what is humanly possible,如: 尽人事 do whatever one is capable of; do one's best (6)馈赠的礼物:gift,如: 送人事 give a present
围城 中的比喻
《围城》Fortress BesiegedTranslated byJeanne Kelly and Nathan Mao (珍妮·凯利茅国权)1.夜仿佛纸浸了油,变成半透明体。
The night, like paper soaked in oil, had become translucent.2. 孩子不足两岁,塌鼻子,眼睛两条斜缝,眉毛高高在上,跟眼睛远隔得彼此要害相思病,活像报上讽刺画里中国人的脸。
Her son, not yet two years old, had a snub nose, two slanted slits for eyes, and the eyes must have pined for each other—a living replica of the Chinese face in newspaper caricatures.2.那女人平日就有一种孤芳自赏、落落难合的神情――大宴会上没人敷衍的来宾或喜酒席上过时未嫁的少女所常有的神情――此刻更流露出嫌恶,黑眼也遮盖不了。
Ordinarily the young woman had a rather conceited, aloof expression, much like that of a neglected guest at a large party or an unmarried maiden at a wedding feast. At that moment her distaste for the child surfaced so much so that not even her sunglasses could hide it.3.忠厚老实人的恶毒,像饭里的沙砾或者出骨鱼片里未净的刺,会给人一种不期待的伤痛。
The viciousness of a kind, simple-hearted soul, like gritty sand in the rice or splinters in a deboned fish, can give a person unexpected pain.5.有人叫她“熟食铺子”(charcuterie), 因为只有熟食店会把那许多颜色暖热的肉公开陈列;又有人叫她”真理“,因为据说”真理是赤裸裸的“。
【翻译笔记】《围城》英译选句 - “懂做人的道理”
His conduct at school was disgraceful.
原文:这孩子不错!他回国船坐二等,我以为他火车一定坐头等,他还是坐二等车,不志高气满,改变本色,他已经懂做人的道理了。(钱钟书 - 围城 )
译文:Such a fine lad! He came back on the boat in second class, so I thought for sure he’d go first class on the train, but still he went second class. He hasn’t become haughty and proud and changed his true nature. He already knows how to conduct himself. (美 Jeanne Kelly, Nathan K.Mao <译> –Fortress Besieged)
“他已经懂做人的道理了”,译文为He already knows how to conduct himself“他已经知道如何管理自己”,“他已经知道该如何待人接物”。这样中译回来难免听起来纠结,但原话这样的英译却是非常地道的。
奇趣横生的比喻围城英文回答:The metaphorical novel "围城" (Weicheng) by Qian Zhongshu is a brilliant work that is full of wit and humor. It portrays the absurdities and ironies of life in a way that is both entertaining and thought-provoking. The title "围城" literally means "surrounded city," but it metaphorically represents the predicaments and dilemmas faced by the characters in the story.The city in the novel can be seen as a microcosm of the larger society. It is a place where people are trapped by their own desires, ambitions, and social expectations. The characters in the novel are like the inhabitants of the city, constantly struggling to find their own path and escape from the confinements of societal norms.One of the most interesting aspects of the novel is the use of language and wordplay. Qian Zhongshu's writing isfilled with clever metaphors and witty dialogue that add depth and complexity to the story. The language itself becomes a tool for the author to explore the themes of the novel and convey his ideas.The characters in the novel are also depicted in a way that is both humorous and relatable. They are flawed and imperfect, yet their struggles and dilemmas resonate with the readers. Through their experiences, the novel explores universal themes such as love, marriage, and the pursuit of happiness.The novel also satirizes the traditional Chinese society and its rigid social hierarchy. The characters in the novel are constantly trying to conform to societal expectations and norms, but their efforts often lead to frustration and disappointment. This critique of social norms and conventions adds a layer of depth to the story and makes it more thought-provoking.Overall, "围城" is a fascinating and engaging novelthat uses metaphors and humor to explore the complexitiesof human nature and society. It is a timeless work that continues to resonate with readers today.中文回答:《围城》是钱钟书创作的一部充满机智和幽默的比喻小说。
围城里面的语段和读后感英文回答:Passages from "The Besieged City":"Marriage is a besieged city, the besiegers are outside the city, and the besieged are inside. The city is very strong, and the enemy is very strong, but both sides are very tired, so they have a stalemate.""Life is a series of sieges, and marriage is the most important one. In marriage, each person is both a besieger and a besieged, and the battle is endless.""The city is a symbol of marriage, and the enemy is a symbol of the problems that every marriage faces. The battle is a symbol of the struggle that every couple must go through in order to make their marriage work."Personal Reflections on "The Besieged City":Qian Zhongshu's novel "The Besieged City" is a complex and insightful exploration of the nature of marriage and human relationships. Through the experiences of Fang Hongjian and Su Wenwan, the novel reveals the challenges, complexities, and ultimately the beauty of marriage.One of the most striking aspects of the novel is its use of the metaphor of a besieged city to represent marriage. This metaphor captures the sense of isolation, vulnerability, and yet also the resilience and strength that are inherent in marriage. As Fang Hongjian and Su Wenwan struggle to navigate the challenges of their marriage, they are constantly reminded of the fact that they are both besiegers and besieged, both attacking and defending, both hurt and healing.The novel also explores the idea that marriage is a microcosm of life itself. Just as every marriage faces its own unique challenges, so too does every individual face their own unique challenges in life. The battle for Fang Hongjian and Su Wenwan is not just a battle for theirmarriage, but also a battle for their own identities and their own place in the world.Ultimately, "The Besieged City" is a novel about the human condition. It is a story about the struggles and triumphs of marriage, but it is also a story about the struggles and triumphs of life itself. Through its rich characters and insightful observations, the novel offers a profound exploration of the human experience and the complexities of human relationships.中文回答:《围城》中的语段:"婚姻是一座围城,城外的人想进去,城里的人想出来。
围城里面的语段和读后感(中英文版)The novel "The Besieged City" offers a plethora of thought-provoking passages that reflect the complexities of human relationships and the paradoxes of life.One such passage that resonated with me is, "Marriage is like a fortress besieged: those who are outside want to get in, and those who are inside want to get out." This metaphorical statement encapsulates the Grass-is-greener syndrome, where people yearn for what they don"t have, only to realize the grass isn"t always greener on the other side.《围城》这部小说中充满了许多发人深省的语段,反映了人际关系的复杂性和生活的矛盾。
As I delved into the novel, I was struck by the author"s nuanced portrayal of characters, each embodying unique flaws and virtues.The protagonist, Fang Huai, represents the struggles of an intellectual seeking fulfillment in both love and career.His journey highlights the irony that the more we pursue happiness, the more elusive it becomes.在深入阅读这部小说时,我被作者对人物的细腻描绘所打动,每个人物都拥有独特的缺陷和美德。
”柔嘉顿足道:“你为什么不早跟我说?我家里没有这一套,我自己刚脱离学校,全不知道这些奶奶经,麻烦死了!我不高兴做你们方家的媳妇了!”(钱钟书-围城)翻译关键词:倒胃口,想起来,应该,奶奶经译文:Hung-chiensaid,“Ihatethemmyself.Luckilywewon’teverbelivingtogether.Irealizethemealtodaypletelyturnedyour stomach.Bytheway,speakingofthechildren,itjustourredtome.Ith inkyou’resupposedtogivethemsomeFirstMeetingmoney,andtipstothetwose rvants.”Jou-chiastampedherfootandcried,“Whydidn’tyoutellmeearlier?Wedon’tdothatinourfamily.I’mjustoutofschool.Idon’tknowallthosesillyoldrules.Whatanuisance!Idon’tlikebeingyourFangfamilydaughter-in-lawanymore!”(美JeanneKelly,NathanK.Mao–FortressBesieged)翻译笔记:倒胃口指某种东西吃得太多而把胃口弄坏,也常用来比喻对一件事的厌烦情绪。
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围城Fortress Besieged婚姻爱情▌婚姻是一座围城,城外的人想进去,城里的人想出来。
Marriage is like a fortress besieged: those who are outside want to get in, and those who are inside want to get out.▌那时候苏小姐把自己的爱情看得太名贵了,不肯随便施与。
In those days she valued her affection too highly to bestow it causally. Now, however, she was just like the person who has some fine clothes made and, saving them for good occasions, locks them in a chest. Then one or two years later she suddenly finds their style and design are out of fashion and is filled with disappointment and regret.▌有人失恋了,会把他们的伤心立刻像叫化子的烂腿,血淋淋地公开展览,博人怜悯,或者事过境迁,像战士的金疮旧斑,脱衣指示,使人惊佩。
Some people when jilted will immediately display their broken hearts in public and drip with blood like a beggar’s scraped legs to stir pity. Or else, after the whole affair is over, they will pull up their clothes in the manner of a veteran and point it out like an old battle scar to arouse awe and wonder.▌可是心里忘不了他,好比牙齿钳去了,齿腔空着作痛,更好比花盆里种的小树,要连根拔它,这花盆就得迸裂。
But deep down she could not forget him. It was like the gum left empty and aching after a tooth is extracted, or like a small tree in a flower pot. To pull it up roots and all, one mush smash the pot.▌她跟辛楣的长期认识并不会日积月累地成为恋爱,好比冬季每天的气候罢,你没法把今天的温度加在昨天的上面,好等明天积成个和暖的春日。
It must be said that her long years of friendship with Hsin-mei did not add up to love, just as in winter on one can add today’s temperature to yesterday’s to come up with a warm spring day for tomorrow.▌老头子恋爱听说像老房子着了火,烧起来没有救的。
An old man’s love was said to be like an old house set ablaze. Once it started burning, there was no saving it.人物描写▌假使她从帆布躺椅上站起来,会见得身段瘦削,也许轮廓的线条太硬,像方头钢笔划成的……When she rose from the canvas lounge chair, one could see how slight she was. Moreover, the outline of her figure was perhaps too sharp, as if it had been drawn with a squared-nibbed pen.▌方鸿渐看唐小姐不笑的时候,脸上还依恋着笑意,像音乐停止后袅袅空中的语音。
Fang Hung-chien noticed that the trace of a smile lingered on Mi ss T’ang’s face when she was not smiling, like the last few notes that float in the air after the music ceased.▌她(唐小姐)眼睛并不顶大,可是灵活温柔,反衬得很多女人的大眼睛只像政治家讲的大话,大而无当。
Not especially large, her eyes were lively and gentle, making the big eyes of many women seem like the big talk of politicians – big and useless.▌李先生脸上少了那副黑眼镜,两只大白眼睛像剥掉壳的煮熟鸡蛋。
Without his dark glasses on his face, Li’s large, white eyes looked like two shelled hard-boiled eggs.▌孩子不足两岁,塌鼻子,眼睛两条斜缝,眉毛高高在上,跟眼睛远隔得彼此要害相思病,活像报上讽刺画里的中国人的脸。
Her son, not yet two years old, had a snub nose, two slanted slits for eyes, and eyebrows so high up and removed from the eyes that the eyebrows and the eyes must have pined for each other – a living replica of the Chinese face in newspaper caricatures.▌顾尔谦的兴致像水里浮的软木塞,倾盆大雨都打他不下。
Ku Er-chien’s enthusiasm was like a cork floating on water that even a heavy downpour couldn’t knock over.▌她冷淡的笑容,像阴寒欲雪天的淡日。
Her faint smile was like an overcast sky on a cold dreary day.▌幸亏年轻女人的眼泪还不是秋冬的雨点,不致把自己的脸摧毁得衰败,只像清明时节的梦雨,浸肿了地面,添了些泥。
Fortunately, a young girl’s tears aren’t yet like the raindrops of autumn or winter. They don’t bring destruction and ruin to the face, but are more like the steady rains of early April, which soak and swell the ground, making it muddier.人生百态▌这一张文凭,仿佛有亚当、夏娃下身那片树叶的公用,可以遮羞包丑。
The diploma, it seemed, would function the same as Adam and Eve’s figleaf. It could hid a person’s shame and wrap up his disgrace.▌忠厚老实人的恶毒,像饭里的砂砾或者出骨鱼片里未净的刺,会给人一种不期待的伤痛。
The viciousness of a kind, simple-hearted soul, like gritty sand in the rice or splinters in a deboned fish, can give a person unexpected pain.▌事实上,一个人的缺点正像猴子的尾巴,猴子蹲在地面的时候,尾巴是看不见的,直到他向树上爬,就把后部供大家瞻仰,可是红臀长尾巴本来就有,并非地位爬高了的新标识。
A person’s shortcomings are just like a monkey’s tail. When it’s squatting on the ground, its tail is hidden from view, but as soon as it climbs a tree, it exposes its backside to everyone. Nevertheless, the long tail and red bottomwere there all the time. They aren’t just a mark of having climbed to a higher position.▌(张先生)喜欢中国话里夹无谓的英文字。
Mr. Chang liked to sprinkle his Chinese with meaningless English expressions. It wasn’t that he had new ideas, which were difficult to express in Chinese and required the use of English. The English words inlaid in his speech could not thus be compared with the gold teeth inlaid in one’s mouth, since gold teeth are not only decorative but functional as well. A better comparison would be with the bits of meat stuck between the teeth – they show that one has had a good meal but are otherwise useless.▌张太太上海话比丈夫讲得好,可是时时流露乡土音,仿佛罩褂太小,遮不了里面的袍子。