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2、主成分分析法的算法步骤2.1原始指标数据的标准化设有n个样本,p项指标,可得数据矩阵某(某ij)n某p,i1,2,...,n 表示n个样本,j=1,2,...,p表示p个指标,某ij表示第i个样本的第j 项指标值.用Zcore法对数据进行标准化变换:Zij(某ij某j)/Sj式中,某j(某)/niji1nSj(某ij某j)21/(n1)2i1ni1,2,...,nj1,2,...,p2.2求指标数据的相关矩阵R(rjk)p某pj1,2,...,pk1,2,...,prjk为指标j与指标k的相关系数.1nrjk[(某ij某j)/Sj][(某ik某k)2/Sk]n1i11n即rjkZijZjk有rij1,rjkrkjn1i1i1,2,...,nj1,2,...,pk1,2,...,p2.3求相关矩阵R的特征根特征向量,确定主成分由特征方程式Ip,可求得的p个特征根g(g1,2,...,p),1将其按大小顺序排列为12p,它是主成分的方差,它的大小描述了各个主成分在描述对象上所起作用的大小。
体育类省金奖 拓步体育旅游文化有限责任公司 09电信 09计科 林天飞 何陈文 09旅管 09财管 叶韩英 林丽婷 10电信 陈华津 10食科 林正方 10财管 10财管 许小青 陈巧炜
康跃体育旅游文化研究与企业开发利用 2013福建省大学生创新创业计划训练项目 小区智能监控系统的研制 基于时间序列与灰色拓扑的节假日火灾损失预测及综合治理
w(k) ~ 第k周(末)体重 c(k) ~第k周吸收热量
w(k 1) w(k ) c(k 1) w(k )
~ 代谢消耗系数(因人而异)
• 确定某甲的代谢消耗系数
10财管 10食科 10农区 09土木
林莉莉 赖燕秋 陈志微 王世宇
10国贸 10财管
林少郎 叶成群
10国贸 10财管 10计科 10广告
骆昊远 吴月 林燕凌 李鹏辉 乐圈传媒有限责任公司
10机械 10财管
10食科 10工程
10食科 10电信 10电信 09土木
陈达隆 庄宇斌
省优胜奖 农保生物农药有限公司 10食科 10电气 10财管 10食科 10土木 10农区 09土木 10国贸
具体阵容见表 1(数据结果在附表程序 1 后显示) :
高低杠 平衡木 跳马
1 0 0 1 0
2 1 1 1 1
3 0 0 0 1
4 0 1 1 0
5 1 1
6 1 1
7 1 0 0 0
8 0 1 0 0
9 1 1 1 1
10 1 0 0 1
自由体操 团队总分 最佳阵容见表 2: 全能选手 2,5,6,9
0 0 1 1 0
1 0 0 1 0
1 1 0 1 0
0 0 1 1 1
1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0
此为夺冠的第一种情况; 因此在得分最乐观的情况下,要夺冠的分值的取侄范围为: 236.2 ≤ Q ≤ 236.5。由数据观察可知每项各选手的评分精确到小数点后一位。所以我们就在 236.2~236.5之间分别取236.2,236.3,236.4,236.5这四个数值讨论, 然后在上述模型中的约束条件加一条:
具体阵容见表 3(数据结果在附表程序 2 后显示) :
高低杠 平衡木 跳马 自由体操 团体总分 最佳阵容见表 4: 全能选手 2 ,8 ,9, 10
1 0 0 1 0
2 1 1 1 1
3 0 0 0 1
4 0 1 1 0
5 6 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 224.7 分
7 1 0 0 0
高媛媛 09 审计一班 (09251002167)
本文根据参赛项目选拔人数和参数选手人数, 全能比赛人数等方面因素的影 响,确定约束条件建立目标函数,在此基础上得出模型。 对于问题一, 在每个选手的各项得分最悲观估算和均值估算的前提下,建立 了 0-1 规划模型, 确定目标函数和约束条件,然后用每个队员的最低分和平均分 分的数据通过 lingo 编程求得团体总分达到最高时的最佳阵容。 对于问题二,先是通过 0-1 规划模型,建立阵容矩阵,确定约束条件,然后 通过 lingo 编程计算得出夺冠最佳阵容,并计算出得分期望值,最后采用中心极 限定理和相关结论找出目标函数,建立模型,求出夺冠前景,以及能够战胜怎样 水平的对手.并用 lingo 软件实现求解。 所得结果汇总如下: 总分 全能运动员 非全能运动员 高低杠 平衡木 跳马 自由体操 最悲观 212.3 2、5、6、9 7、10 4、8 1、4 3、10 问题一 均值情况 224.7 2、8、9、10 6、7 4、7、8、9 3、6 4、5 1、6 1、4 1、2 3、5 3、5
尚寿亭 孔令彬 王玉学 教师组 尚寿亭
一等奖 二等奖 二等奖 二等奖 二等奖 二等奖 二等奖
1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1
徐松艳吕 尚寿亭 馨 张刚 田家国吴小 教师组 丽 夏传刚
上海赛 区:
上海交通 大学 中国纺织 大学 中国纺织 大学 中国纺织 大学 华东师范 大学 华东理工 大学 上海大学
浙江赛 区:
杭州电子 工业学院 浙江工业 大学 杭州电子 工业学院 杭州电子 工业学院 杭州电子 工业学院 浙江大学
王正方赵文 教练组 明 倪德娟 虞磊品史飞 指导组 云 王海澜 伍仕刚孟宪 教练组 丽 胡子昂
一等奖 一等奖 一等奖 一等奖 一等奖 一等奖 二等奖
季 凯兰海 华 石 娟 刘锡兵吴 杰 马军棋 杨 骏张子 健 刘自强 浙江大学 肖 菲胡凌 宣 忻 栋
宋 珍
二等奖 二等奖
山西赛 区:
山西财经 大学 华北工学 院 山西大学
李玉国刘菊 数模教练 一等奖 红 张峰沁 组
曾劲松俞 杰 薛大雷 韩 杰葛 亮 郭卿 山西大学 李晋斌孙成 宇 梁云峰
太原理工 大学 太原理工 大学 华北工学 院 华北工学 院 华北工学 院
康 凯杨 帆 孙美菊 谭 海蔺金 冯增朝 斗 郝志刚 郑龙涛刘 魏福义 飙 徐清宇 唐有海王景 潘晋孝 文 杨晓成 石 萍刘根 李有文 福 唐大勇
戚桂杰 程钧谟 指导组 张来亮 王子亭
亓 健
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河南赛 区:
郑州大学 李 迪李
王 杰
一等奖 一等奖
军 杨小正 解放军信 寇晓蕤眭新 韩中庚 息工程学 光 曾俊杰
数学建模国赛题目一、关于校园生活类- 逻辑:同学们在食堂排队打饭的时候,总是希望能尽快拿到食物。
- 逻辑:在宿舍里,每个舍友用电用水的习惯都不太一样。
二、环境保护类- 逻辑:城市里种了很多小树苗来美化环境,但是有些树苗活不了多久就夭折了。
- 逻辑:城市每天都会产生大量的垃圾,这些垃圾要从各个小区、街道收集起来,然后运到垃圾处理厂。
三、经济与商业类- 逻辑:校园小卖部里的商品琳琅满目,但是怎么给这些商品定价可是个大学问。
- 逻辑:现在有很多网红店,门口总是排着长长的队伍。
Team # 15263 Page 0 of 23Leaves_Classification_and_Leaf_Mass_EstimationLeaves Classification and Leaf Mass EstimationSummaryFor the first problem, we establish our neural network model to classify leaves of trees by taking eight characteristics of leaf into consideration. The eight characteristics consist of sawtooth number, petiole length, blade length, blade width, blade thickness, leaf area and circular degree. Our results are summarized in a conclusion that we classify leaves into fourteen types including linear, lanceolate, oblanceolate, spatulate, ovat, obovate, elliptic, oblong, deltoid, reniform, orbicular, peltate, perfoliate and connate. Our neural network implement the classification task reliably and correctly.For the second problem, we set up our AHP model to figure out the reasons why leaves have the various shapes and come to a conclusion that gene, auxin, climate and disease are the main reasons which lead to various shapes.For the third problem, we discuss this issue from the perspective of growth evolutionary and hormones, build cells mechanic model to solve this problem and sum up the conclusion that the shapes are inclined to minimize overlapping individual shadows that are cast so as to maximize exposure. The shape is effected by the distribution of leaves within the volume of the tree and its branches.For the fourth problem, we use statistical analysis knowledge to analyse the data among tree profiles, branching structure and leaf shapes, after mathematically analyzing, finally find that leaves shapes have a direct relation with the tree profile and branching structure,For the fifth problem,we formulate our volumetric method for leaf mass estimation and linear regression model for seeking and comparing the correlation between the leaf mass and tree height, tree mass and crown volume. We obtain that crown volume has the highest correlation with tree leaf mass. So we make use of the crown volume to estimate the leaf mass.At last ,we write one page summary sheet of our key findings.Key words: neural network, leaf classification, leaf mass estimation, AHP, leaf shape, volumetric method, linear regression modelContentsContents 0Ⅰ. Introduction (1)Ⅱ. Some Definitions (1)Ⅲ. General Assumptions (1)Ⅳ. Symbols (2)Ⅴ. Problem analysis (2)Ⅵ. Models (3)6.1 Neural network model to classify tree leaves (3)6.1.1 Neuromime (3)6.1.2 Multi-layer perceptron network (4)6.1.3 Back-propogation (5)6.1. 4 NN’s use to classify leaves (6)6.2 Studying the reasons of the various shapes that leaves have (6)6.2.1 Set up a AHP model to value these base factors (6)6.2.2 Paired comparison matrix structure (7)6.2.3 Calculation of the weight vector and the consistency test (8)6.3 Optimize leaves shape for maximize exposure (9)6.3.1 Explain and answer requirment (9)6.3.2 Set up a Elastic mechanics model (9)6.4 Tree profile and branching structure’s influence on leaf shape. (10)6.4.1 Analysis about the impact of tree profile to leaf shape (10)6.4.2 Electric tree branch angle’s impact analysis (13)6.5 Estimation of the leaf mass (14)6.5.1 Build up a volumetric model (14)6.5.2 The correlation of leaf mass vs. mean crown radius’s cubic (15)6.5.3 The correlation between the leaf mass and the height of the tree (16)6.5.4 The dry leaf mass vs. the volume of the tree (17)6.5.5 The relationship between the leaf mass and mean crown radius (18)Ⅶ. Conclusions (19)Ⅷ. Strengths and Weakness of the Model (19)Ⅸ. Future Work (20)Ⅹ. References (20)Key Findings (21)Ⅰ. IntroductionAs is known to all,there are not two leaves exactly alike. Plant leaves have diverse and elaborate shapes and venation patterns. The beauty of them has attracted curiosity of many people involving biologists, physicists, mathematician, artists, computer scientists, etc. for a long time. The leaf study of forests and of individual tree is important to understand resource allocation of trees, atmosphere—biosphere exchange processes, and the energy budget, it would also be valuable for individual tree growth.The aim of this article is to develop models for leaf shapes classification and to figure out the main factors which lead to the various leaf shapes. At the same time, we find out the interaction between tree (It’s profile/branching structure) and tree leaf. Though there are so many methods to estimate the leaf mass. We solve this problem through a correlation between the leaf mass and the size characteristics of the tree.Ⅱ. Some Definitions●LeafTo a plant, leaves are food producing organs. Leaves "absorb" some of the energy in the sunlight that strikes their surfaces and also take in carbon dioxide from the surrounding air in order to run the metabolic process of photosynthesis.●Phototropism[1]Phototropism is directional growth in which the direction of growth is determined by the direction of the light source. It causes the plant to have elongated cells on the farthest side from the light. Phototropism is one of the many plant tropisms or movements which respond to external stimuli.●Polar Auxin Transport(PAT) [2]PAT is the regulated transport of the plant hormone auxin in plants. It is an active process, the hormone is transported in cell-to-cell manner and one of the main features of the transport is its directionality (polarity). The polar auxin transport has coordinative function in plant development, the following spatial auxin distribution underpins most of plant growth responses to its environment and plant growth and developmental changes in general.●Apical Dominance[3]It is the phenomenon whereby the main central stem of the plant is dominant over other side stems; on a branch the main stem of the branch is further dominant over its own side branch.Ⅲ. General Assumptions●The influence of variation in thickness of leaves can be neglect.●We do not take the influence of the artificial factor into consideration.●Regardless of the influence of deformation of cell.●We regard the crown of the tree as a half sphere.●The leaves in the crown are evently distributed.●Neglect genic mutation influence.Ⅳ. Symbols(Mark:Other symbols will be given in the specific model)Ⅴ. Problem analysisThe first question requires us to build a mathematical model to describe and classify leaves. We think that the standard of classification is the shape of leaf. So we need to study the characteristics of leaf and to ensure that how to define a type of leaf by the combination of some characteristics. In addition, we should figure out how and how much these characteristics have influence on defining a type of leaf. So we take eight characteristics into consideration including master sawtooth number, petiole length, blade length, blade width, blade thickness, leaf area and circular degree. We find that neural networks hold the capacity to process huge data and can be used to describe cognition, classification and some other intelligent behaviors. So we make a decision to use the neural networks to make a classification of tree leaves.The second question requires us to figure out the reasons that why the leaves have various shapes. It is easy to know that the shape of a leaf mainly decided by the gene of the tree. But we know that the leaves of the same tree always have different shapes with the same genes. So we can draw a conclusion that the shape of leaf is not only decided by the gene of the tree as well as influenced by environmental factors. We choose these factors to analyze the specific influence on the forming process ofthe shape of leaf by using an AHP model.The third question wants us to get know of that whether the leaf have a “hobby ” to keep a state to maximize exposure and minimize overlapping individual shadows that are cast. In addition, if the shape of leaf is effected by the distribution of branches and the volume of the tree. So we should make a survey to make it clear that the relationship between crown ’s surface area and the leaf area of a total tree. Then we need to study the sunshine ’s influence on the formation of leaf.We think the fourth question ’s aim is to research that whether the tree profile or the branching structure has influence on leaf shape. In this question we think that the “profile ” of a tree is the crown, and there is a possibility that different crown has different influence on the leaf shape.The last question is require us to find a correlation between the leaf mass and the size characteristics of the tree (height, mass, volume defined by the profile), and then make use of one or more of this characteristics to estimate the leaf mass of a tree.Ⅵ. Models6.1 Neural network model to classify tree leavesOur duty is to find an approach to how to classify leaves. We use Neural network model NN to classify tree leavesAs for classification, Neural network model is greatly able to get a fairly ideal conclusion. To distinguish one leaf shape patterns from each other, Neural network model is optimal . Through a study sample progress on and off, in which we adjust ()w i accordingly. Eventually our model is so “smart” as to identify different leaf shapes. A leaf sample characterize 8 features as mentioned-above. And it is necessary for us to explain the model and we separate NN as three parts to expatiate.6.1.1 NeuromimeThe follow graph is a base part of NN .Figure 6.1-1: neuromimeSolution to input signal:1p k kj j j u w x ==å(1)Where w is the weight, x is the input node value:k k k v u q =- (2)k is Threshold value:()k k y v j = (3) ()j is activation function, k y is the output of a neuron in the successivelayer. The activation function ()v jis a nonlinear function and is given by: ()()11exp v v j =+- (4) 6.1.2 Multi-layer perceptron networkThis is the main structure of NN .Figure 6.1-2:Multi-layer perceptron networkThe structure of the Artificial Neural Network ANN in this work contains three layers: input, hidden and output layers as shown in figure 6.1-2. We use input layer to input the characteristics of the leaves. Each layer contains ,i j and k nodes. The node is also called neuron or unit. This study summarized eight factors for ANN input, that is to say 8i =. The eight input units are sawtooth number, petiole length, blade length, blade width, blade thickness, leaf area and circular degree.For the hidden layer we make 3j =. The function of the output layer is to output classified information corresponding to the input data. The value of k ranges from the types of leaves we need to identify. The jk w is denoted as numerical weights between input and hidden layers, ij w between hidden and output layers as alsoshown in figure 6.1-2.In fact, as for a sample of “s ”, the input of the hidden layer is: 21s s j jk k k h w I ==å (5)The corresponding output state: 21()()s ss j jk j k k H h w I j j ===å (6)Therefore, the superimposed signal i received is: 332111()ss s jk i ij j ij k j j k h w H w w I j =====邋?(7)The final output of the network is: 332111()()(())ss z s jk i i ij j ij k j j k O h w H w w I j j j j ======邋?(8)We hope the final output is idealization. For example. For example,after learning maple leaf ‘s features, if the output is like the form of ()1,0,1,0,1,1,0, we called the output like this the ideal output, the ideal output is noted for {}s i T .Figure 6.1-2: Different types of shapes ()a Linear. ()b Lanceolate. ()c Oblanceolate. ()d Spatulate. ()e Ovate. ()f Obovate. ()g Elliptic.()h Oblong. ()i Deltoid. ()j Reniform. ()k Orbicular. ()l Peltate. ()m Perfoliate ()n Connate.6.1.3 Back-propogationIn order to minimizing the differences between actual output and desired output ,we choose BP algorithm,which is one part of NN .As set forth, the error obtained when training a pair (pattern) consisting of both input and output given to the input layer of the network is given by: 255,1()()2i i i s E w T O =-å (9)Where 5i T is the i th component of the desired output vector and 5i O is thecalculated output of i th neuron in the output layer.Combine (8) with (9), we can draw: 23255,111()[(())]2jk i ij k s i j k E W T w w I j j ===-邋? (10)This is a nonlinear function which is continuously differentiable. In order to obtain the minimum point and the value, the most convenient is to use the steepest()E W , when 10()()E W E W <, we get the ideal value of the variables ,i j w 6.1. 4 NN ’s use to classify leavesThrough NN , single several models leaves and grouping and number of them. Then , learning each group, NN is acquaintance each models. If want to classify one leaf. We are able to let NN to solve this problem, eventually, we classify the leaf as like-model.6.2 Studying the reasons of the various shapes that leaves have.Leaves have a variety of forms. There are lots of reasons account for leaves varying in shapes and size, listed as follows: Overall, the reasons can be divided into external and internal factors.External factors:● Seasons and climate (including wind, sunlight, moisture, temperature); ● Plant diseases and insect pests;● Artificial factor;Internal factors:● Deformation of cells, moisture loss of Mesophyll cells may cause volumedecrease;● Phytohormone auxin;● Difference gene.we believe that there exits 4 base factors that lead to the variety of leaves shape. They are climate, disease, phytohormone and gene. And we endeavor find out reasons to them.climate: the change of sun shine ,water ,temperature ,humidity which alters leaves shape.disease: through effecting the activity of an enzyme, so that influence leaves shape.Phytohormone auxin: have influence on gene expressiongene: through DNA determine the general leaf shape6.2.1 Set up a AHP model to value these base factorsWe solve this problem based on the reasons listed above. After analyzing all of them, we hold an opinion that human attempt is usually fairly haphazard. Since we view all the leaves ’ living environment is stable, we don ’t take artificial factor intoconsideration. We definite "total impact" as "target layer”, and climate, disease, phytohormone, gene as the "criterion layer". As shown in the following figure 6.2-1:Figure 6.2-1:reasons for the various shapes6.2.2 Paired comparison matrix structureTo analyze the e ffects of electric vehicles’ widespread use on the environment, social, economic and health, we each take two factors:,(,1,2,4)i j C C i j = (11) ,(,1,2,4)i j C C i j = (12)They are used to represent environmental, economic, social and health by turns. All results are available the following pairwise comparison matrix: 1(),0,i j n n i j j i i j A a a a a ´=>=(13)i ij j c a c = (14) Obviously:1ii a = (15) The result we used paired comparison of the paired comparison matrix is:121211232111221111232A 轾犏犏犏犏犏=犏犏犏犏犏臌When we take comparison of them qualitatively, there are five clear hierarchy in people's minds usually, which is expressed as:Table 6.1-1: the meaning of the Measure 1-9 ,6.2.3 Calculation of the weight vector and the consistency testUse MATLAB software to calculate the pairwise comparison matrix for the largest eigenvalue and the maximum eigenvector that the eigenvalue corresponding. Then we will normalization the above-mentioned vector, the normalized results as the weight vector of the comparison factor. Following the results:4.2072,(0.4226,0.3081,0.2563,0.0131)T l z ==Usually, the pairs comparison matrix is not the same array. But if its feature vectors of eigenvalue corresponding can be used as a weight vector of factors to be compared, the extent of its inconsistency should be within the range of:0.1CI CR RI=< (16) Selecting 0.1 in this type has a certain subjective wishes.1n CI n l -=- (17) CI represents consistency index, RI represents its Random Consistency Index, CR represents its consistency ratio.From the equation above we can draw:4.207240.0690741CI -==-From the table above, we can get:4n =The corresponding RI is 0.900.069070.07670.10.90CR ==<This means our model has passed the consistency test, z can be used as a weight vector.From the analysis we elicit a conclusion that gene is maximally impacted, and then gene, phytohormone, climate, dease is following.6.3 Optimize leaves shape for maximize exposure6.3.1 Explain and answer requirmentFrom the model 2’s conclusion we get above, we acquaint that sunlight is a critical factor for plants. Plants are photoautotrophs, obtain their own energy through photosynthesis and produce oxygen in the meantime. From evolutionary considerations, it seems that the leaves always in a favorable direction, so that they can maximize their exposure to the sun. As is considered above, sunlight changes the blade shape through influencing the distribution of growth hormones. Thus we discuss this issue from the perspective of growth hormones. First of all, we need to know more specifically how growth hormones affect leaves. Growth hormones is a directional transport, but sometimes it transports to the backlight. By inhibiting the growth of the shaded side to effects the phototropism movement of plants. Due to this pheno menon leaves “do their best efforts” make themselves exposed. In other words , It is to minimize mutual shading impact. We try to build cells mechanic model to solve this problem, meanwhile, explain reasons for this phenomenon.Conclusion: plants always “optimize ” their leaves shape for maximize exposure. Put another way, they are “minimize” overlapping individual shadows that are cast . The result can primely explain the reasons. 6.3.2 Set up a Elastic mechanics modelWe choose Elastic mechanics model to simplify and imitate Physical force of mesophyll cells. We assume that each cell of leaf is subject to two forces, one is the expansive force in f generated by cytoplasm of cells inside; another one is external tension out f generated by cell wall, as shown in figure 6.3-1.Figure 6.3-1:Elastic rigid modelIn order to describe the two physical forces leaf cells suffered more accurately. We can build contractive spring to present the expansive force of the cell, similarly, tension springs can be used to express the tension between the cells. Therefore, only these two forces balance each other, a cell can stay in stable geometry which can use the following equation to express.0()in out f f k s s =-=--Where S is cells’ original length in the saturated state, 0S presents the length after power expansion and p is external impulse, k represents spring stiffness.This model describe because of the photosynthesis, cells affected by growth hor mones, leading to a result that the shapes “minimize” overlapping individual shadows that are cast, so as to maximize exposure.Thus, a leaf tends to increase the surface area as large as possible to maximize metabolic capacity, because metabolism produces the energy and materials required to sustain and reproduce life.6.4 Tree profile and branching structure’s influence on leaf shape.We strive to explore the relationships between distribution of leaves within the “volume” of the tree and leaves shape.6.4.1 Analysis about the impact of tree profile to leaf shapeWe analyze this problem based on biology. We take the influence of wind into consideration in addition to those four factors above. Especially for those huge trees, spatial distribution would influence the leaf shape, namely the answer to this question is positive. Because of the complexity of genetic mutation, we solve this problembased on environment and auxin without regard to gene mutation. We use the impact of wind instead of environmental influence.Auxins are not synthesized in all cells (even if cells retain the potential ability to do so, only under specific conditions will auxin synthesis be activated in them). For that purpose, auxins have to be translocated toward those sites where they are needed. Translocation is driven throughout the plant body, primarily from peaks of shoots to peaks of roots. Polar auxin transport would lead to phyllotaxis disorder and leaves of different size. (from development mechanism of the leaves). As the result, some leaves well be enriched response to uneven distribution of the auxins.[8] Leaves away from sun may have bigger leaf area to get more sunlight. Due to the influence of wind, the downwind leaves were significantly better than those in upwind direction.Conclusion: leaves shape are influenced by leaves ’ three-dimensional effect at the tree and its branches. Set up mathematic functionsSpace analysis on a tree as is shown in figure. Now we choose a leaf located in (,,)x y z to study its’ shape. Determine leaf shape through integrated impacts of auxin, sunlight and wind. We provide a coefficient h to indicate the leaf shape:Figure 6.4-1:Tree space coordinate systemWe provide a coefficient h to indicate the leaf shape:/(*)s l b h =Where s is leaf area, l is the length of leaf, b is the width of leaf. Find out space function expressions about the three factors:Where N is Auxin concentrations, F is Light flux, S is leaf surface, F is wind force, v is wind speed and k is a constant coefficient, which used to quantify the influence of windThen we can get:Auxin concentrations:(,,)N N x y z =Light flux:*T d S F =òLeaves_Classification_and_Leaf_Mass_EstimationWe introduce2(,,)*(,,)F x y z k v x y z = (18)Then we can get:(,,)(,,)(,,)s f N F l g N F b h N F =F =F =F (19)(,,)*(,,)*(,,)*(,,)x y z v x y z x y z N x y z h a b g =+F + (20)where v is weed speed, F is Luminous flux, which used to quantify the influence of wind, ,,a b g is the corresponing weight coefficient. Whether tree branching influence leaves shape.Firstly, we believe that the main feature of tree profile would be tree shape. due to the subtle differences of light, temperature, humidity and velocity of wind among different tree shapes ,so that leaf shapes are various. In a word, leaf shapes are relative to tree shapes. There is a graph we can offer.Table 6.4-1: some explanationTable 6.4-2 : The canopy characteristics indexes under different tree shape Tree shape LAIELADPMLAISFDSFCSFOpen cebter shape *1.338a *6.843a *14a *0.203a *0.211a *0.210a Spindle shape 1.807ab 2.359b 34b0.168ab 0.123b 0.129b Disperse lamination shape1.617b4.851ab*19a0.126b0.127b0.128bNote: Different letters in columns of the table show the significant differences(0.05a =)Trees with open cebter shape ()OCS have the advantages of receiving more sunlight. It ’s LAI lower than the other two, 35.1% lower than spindle shape ()SS , 20.9%lower than disperse lamination shape DLS .OCS has larger light site coefficient than the other two shapes. Its’ISF , DSF and GSF are 17.2%、41.7%、 38.6% larger than SS and is 37.9%、39.8%、39.0% larger than DLS .Trees with Spindle shape have growing weakness, no apparent spacing betweenlayers and poor lighting. Its’ LAI is the biggest among the three shapes. Its’ increasing rang of ISF is 25% higher than DLS , its ’ DSF and GSF is 3.3%, 0.8%- lower than DLS .So it is obviously that leaf shape relates to tree shape. 6.4.2 Electric tree branch angle’s impact analysisIn addition to tree profile, tree branch angles also influence leaf shapes. Figure shows different tree branch angle effect on the tree area.When two new branch units (unit 3 and unit 5) arise from the distal end of a previous unit (mother unit) there is a regular asymmetry in the branch angle s (θ1 and θ2, respectively) a previous theoretical model for treelike bodies to develop a reliable computer simulation of tree geometry for this species. The treelike bodies in the original, theoretical model were developed with only two parameters, the ratio of mother to daughter branch unit lengths and the asymmetry of forking.Figure 6.4-2 : T ree branch angle’s impact on leaf area.Figure 6.4-2 is variation of the effective leaf area of a branch tier depending on the branch angles, 1q and 2q . The titer of the five lateral branch complexes is simulated with three orders of bifurcation according to the rules of Terminalia-branching. The divergence angle of the first branch unit of each branch complex equals 138.5. The sign of the branch angles of the first branch unit in each successive branch complex alternate. The ratios of branch lengths of units 3 and 5 to that of their mother unit are 0.94 and 0.87, respectively. The radius of the leaf disk approximation is 0.8 where the length of the longest distal branch unit is unity. Simulations of the branch tiers are projected on a horizontal plane. 1q and 2q , respectively, are as follows: (a)10 and -30-; (b) 40 and 30-; (c)24.6 and 41.4; (d) 10 and 50-; (e) 40 and 50-. Maximum effective leaf area is (c)Figure shows that the observed branch angles result in the maximum effective leaf surface possible for a branch system that follows this pattern of branching. In addition, the natural constraints on bifurcation of lateral branches result in a greatereffective leaf area per leaf cluster than when branching is unrestrained.Conclusion: We get the conclusion that branching pattern in Terminalia is correlated with efficient presentation of leaf surface to direct sunlight rather than simply with maximum total leaf surface.6.5 Estimation of the leaf massAs is known to all, a tree usually has tens of thousands of leaves which we cannot accurately count even by modern instruments. So it ’s hard to calculate the leaf mass of a tree precisely. But we can try to looking for some characteristics which may have a correlation with the leaf mass of a tree. After consulting some articles and books related to calculating the leaf mass, we establish our volumetric method for leaf mass estimation.6.5.1 Build up a volumetric modelA volumetric approach for estimating leaf mass has superiority, because of its relatively simple non-destructive data requirements in field surveys, its potential applicability to the plethora of species found in natural landscapes, and its flexibility in modeling both tree and shrub morphology.A big tree usually has many characteristics, such as stump diameter, crown depth, crown protection, tree height, ground-crown distance ()h , mean crown radius ()r , trunk circum breast height and DBH (diameter at breast height ()d ). We think that “volume defined by the profile” is the crown of the tree. From the names, we know that the characteristics are easy to measure ( Some letters mean is shown below, we put a broad-leaved tree as the research object ).Figure 6. 5-1: some characteristics of a treeIn order to simplify our model and also make our model has more researchsignificance, we choose broad-leaved tree as the research object. We regard the crown of the tree as a half sphere, and through the ball volume formula 343V r p =,we get the volume of the crown.Any three points which can form a unit area on the half sphere form a closed volume with sphere center, we assume that the leaf mass of every closed volume is equal. That is to say, the leaves in the crown are evenly distributed (Schematic diagram is below).Figure 6.5-2: 1s is a unite area and every volume liake green part is equalWe make the leaf mass of the unite volume equal to r ()3/kg m , so the leaf mass of a tree is:323g m V r r pr == (21)From the equation above we can get: the leaf mass of a tree is proportional to the crown r adius’s cubic .6.5.2 The correlation of leaf mass vs. mean crown radius’s cubicIn order to prove the formula above is correct, we find some data in the table 6.5-1 to check the relationship between mean crown radius and dry leaf mass.Table 6.5-1: 14 blue oak trees’s data of mean crown radius and dry leaf mass TreeMean crown radiusCrown r adius’s cubicDry leaf mass(.)no()m()3m()kg1 1.1 1.331 3.752 2 8 9.753 1.1 1.331 2.214 1.4 2.744 5.235 1.8 5.832 6.796 1.2 1.728 1.957 1.1 1.331 4.428 1.5 3.375 5.389 3.6 46.656 29.30 10 1.1 1.331 1.83 11 1.5 3.375 5.23 12 1.2 1.728 2.20 13 1.8 5.832 9.04 142.19.2615.93The figure 6.5-3 shows that the relationship between leaf weight and mean crownradius’s cubic was quite linear. Linear model is chosen to describe the correlation of l eaf mass vs. mean crown radius’s cubic because leaf mass should increase as the square of the crown radius, and for this correlation an 2R of 0.9088 is obtained (Figure 6.5-3).。
三、获奖比例及等级分布数学建模国赛的获奖比例及等级分布如下:- 一等奖:约1%- 二等奖:约5%- 三等奖:约20%省级奖的获奖比例及等级分布由各省份自行确定,但总体而言,获奖比例较国家奖有所提高,旨在鼓励更多学生积极参与。
西南民族大学第二届数学建模竞赛策划书西南民族大学数学建模协会2010年10月20日目录:1社团简介................................................................................................................ - 2 -1.1 协会概况 .................................................................................................................... - 2 -1.2 协会定位 .................................................................................................................... - 2 -1.3 协会宗旨 .................................................................................................................... - 2 -1.4 协会文化 .................................................................................................................... - 3 -2 活动介绍............................................................................................................... -3 -2.1主题............................................................................................................................... - 3 -2.2 项目.............................................................................................................................. - 3 -2.3 活动背景 .................................................................................................................... - 3 -2.4 活动宗旨 .................................................................................................................... - 5 -2.5 活动单位 .................................................................................................................... - 5 -2.6 活动时间及地点....................................................................................................... - 5 -2.7 活动对象 .................................................................................................................... - 5 -2.8 活动实施过程 ........................................................................................................... - 6 -2.9 评卷及颁奖................................................................................................................ - 8 -2.10 经费预算 .................................................................................................................. - 9 -3 赞助商权益介绍................................................................................................. - 11 -3.1学校市场分析........................................................................................................... - 11 -3.2赞助可行性 ............................................................................................................... - 11 -3.3赞助方式.................................................................................................................... - 12 -4 结束语................................................................................................................. - 15 -1社团简介1.1 协会概况数学建模协会于2009年4月26正式成立,是一个新的协会。
2021年数模国赛c题摘要:一、2021 年数模国赛C 题背景及概述1.数模国赛简介2.2021 年数模国赛C 题内容概述二、2021 年数模国赛C 题第一问解析1.问题一要求2.问题一思路分析3.问题一具体解答三、2021 年数模国赛C 题第二问解析1.问题二要求2.问题二思路分析3.问题二具体解答四、2021 年数模国赛C 题第三问解析1.问题三要求2.问题三思路分析3.问题三具体解答五、2021 年数模国赛C 题总结1.整体难度评价2.考察能力评价3.建议及展望正文:一、2021 年数模国赛C 题背景及概述数模国赛,全名为全国大学生数学建模竞赛,是中国工业与应用数学学会主办的面向全国大学生的群众性科技活动,目的在于激励学生学习数学的积极性,提高学生建立数学模型和运用计算机技术解决实际问题的综合能力,鼓励广大学生踊跃参加课外科技活动,开拓知识面,培养创造精神及合作意识,推动大学数学教学体系、教学内容和方法的改革。
2021 年数模国赛C 题以某企业的原材料订购和运输问题为背景,要求参赛者建立数学模型,解决企业原材料订购、运输以及库存管理等实际问题。
二、2021 年数模国赛C 题第一问解析1.问题一要求问题一要求参赛者根据企业生产需求、原材料库存量和供应商供货周期等因素,制定原材料订购方案,使企业既能满足生产需求,又能最小化原材料库存成本。
全国数学建模大赛历年题目分析以及参赛成功方法数学建模竞赛的赛题分析1. CUMCM历年赛题简析2. “彩票中的数学”问题3. 长江水质的评估、预测与控制问题4. 煤矿瓦斯和煤尘的监测与控制问题5. 其他几个数学建模的问题数学建模竞赛的规模越来越大,水平越来越高;竞赛的水平主要体现在赛题水平;赛题的水平主要体现:(1)综合性、实用性、创新性、即时性等;(2)多种解题方法的创造性、灵活性、开放性等;(3)海量数据的复杂性、数学模型的多样性、求解结果的不唯一性等。
一、CUMCM历年赛题的简析1. CUMCM 的历年赛题浏览:1992年:(A)作物生长的施肥效果问题(北理工:叶其孝)(B)化学试验室的实验数据分解问题(复旦:谭永基)1993年:(A)通讯中非线性交调的频率设计问题(北大:谢衷洁)(B)足球甲级联赛排名问题(清华:蔡大用)1994年:(A)山区修建公路的设计造价问题(西电大:何大可)(B)锁具的制造、销售和装箱问题(复旦:谭永基等)1995年:(A)飞机的安全飞行管理调度问题(复旦:谭永基等)(B)天车与冶炼炉的作业调度问题(浙大:刘祥官等)一、CUMCM历年赛题的简析1. CUMCM 的历年赛题浏览:1996年:(A)最优捕鱼策略问题(北师大:刘来福)(B)节水洗衣机的程序设计问题(重大:付鹂)1997年:(A)零件参数优化设计问题(清华:姜启源)(B)金刚石截断切割问题(复旦:谭永基等)1998年:(A)投资的收益和风险问题(浙大:陈淑平)(B)灾情的巡视路线问题(上海海运学院:丁颂康)1999年:(A)自动化机床控制管理问题(北大:孙山泽)(B)地质堪探钻井布局问题(郑州大学:林诒勋)(C)煤矸石堆积问题(太原理工大学:贾晓峰)一、CUMCM历年赛题的简析1.CUMCM 的历年赛题浏览:2000年:(A)DNA序列的分类问题(北工大:孟大志)(B)钢管的订购和运输问题(武大:费甫生)(C)飞越北极问题(复旦:谭永基)(D)空洞探测问题(东北电力学院:关信)2001年:(A)三维血管的重建问题(浙大:汪国昭)(B)公交车的优化调度问题(清华:谭泽光)(C)基金使用计划问题(东南大学:陈恩水)2002年:(A)汽车车灯的优化设计问题(复旦:谭永基等)(B)彩票中的数学问题(信息工程大学:韩中庚)(D) 球队的赛程安排问题(清华大学:姜启源)一、CUMCM历年赛题的简析1.CUMCM 的历年赛题浏览2003年:(A)SARS的传播问题(集体)(B)露天矿生产的车辆安排问题(吉林大:方沛辰)(D)抢渡长江问题(华中农大:殷建肃)2004年:(A)奥运会临时超市网点设计问题(北工大:孟大志)(B)电力市场的输电阻塞管理问题(浙大:刘康生)(C)酒后开车问题(清华大学:姜启源)(D)公务员的招聘问题(信息工程大学:韩中庚)2005年:(A)长江水质的评价与预测问题(信息工大:韩中庚)(B)DVD在线租赁问题(清华大学:谢金星等)(C) 雨量预报方法的评价问题(复旦:谭永基)一、CUMCM历年赛题的简析1.CUMCM 的历年赛题浏览2006年:(A)出版社的资源管理问题(北工大:孟大志)(B)艾滋病疗法的评价及预测问题(天大:边馥萍)(C)易拉罐形状和尺寸的设计问题(北理工:叶其孝)(D)煤矿瓦斯和煤尘的监测与控制问题(信息工程大学:韩中庚)2007年:(A)中国人口增长预测问题(清华大学:唐云)(B)“乘公交,看奥运”问题(吉大:方沛辰,国防科大:吴孟达)(C)“手机套餐”优惠几何问题(信息工程大学:韩中庚)(D)体能测试时间的安排问题(首都师大:刘雨林)一、CUMCM历年赛题的简析一、CUMCM历年赛题的简析1.CUMCM 的历年赛题浏览2001年夏令营三个题:(A)三峡工程高坡开挖优化设计(三峡大学:李建林等)(B)城市交通拥阻的分析与治理(北京理工大学:叶其孝)(C)乳房癌的诊断问题(复旦大学:谭永基)2006年夏令营三个题:(A)教材出版业的市场调查、评估和预测方法问题(北工大:孟大志)(B)铁路大提速下的京沪线列车调度问题(信息工程大学:韩中庚)(C)旅游需求的预测预报问题(北京理工:叶其孝)2、从问题的实际意义分析32个问题从实际意义分析大体上可分为:工业、农业、工程设计、交通运输、经济管理、生物医学和社会事业等七个大类。
2002高教社杯全国大学生数学建模竞赛A 题 车灯线光源的优化设计 参考答案注意:以下答案是命题人给出的,仅供参考。
一. 假设和简化 (略)二. 模型的建立建立坐标系如下图,记线光源长度为l ,功率为W ,B,C 点的光强度分别为)(l h B W 和)(l h C W ,先求)(l h B 和)(l h C 的表达式,再建立整个问题的数学模型.以下均以毫米为单位,由所给信息不难求出车灯反射面方程为6022y x z +=,焦点坐标为(0,0,15)。
1) 位于点P(0,w,15)的单位能量的点光源反射到点C(0, 2600, 25015)的能量设反射点的坐标为Q )60,,(22y x y x +.记入射向量为a ,该点反射面外法线方向为b ,不难得到反射向量c满足.22b bba a c ⋅-= 记222y x r +=,由)1,30/,30/(),1560,,(2-=--=y x b r w y x a从而得),,(z y x c c c c =的表达式)900(6081000036001800900)9002(90022242222++-+=+--=+=r wy r r c r r y w c r xyw c z y x注意到反射光通过C 点,应有60/25015,2600,2r kc y kc x kc z y x -=-=-=其中k 为常数. 从上述第一式可解得0=x 或wyr k 29002+-=.由此得反射点坐标满足以下两组方程:⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧--±=-=⎪⎩⎪⎨=--++-+++-223459005200)2600(133750.021060000001350810000)8100009360000()46800001498200(1800)2600(y y x w w y w y w y w y y w y通过计算可知,存在56.10-≈C w ,当Cw w 0>时第一组方程不存在满足2236≤r 的实根,即无反射点. 而当C w w 0<时,有两个反射点2,1),60/,,0(2=i y y Q i i i .而第二组方程仅当5609.18119.3-<<-w 时存在满足2236≤r 的一对实根,即有两个反射点),60,,(22y x y x +±记为43,Q Q . 若反射点的坐标为),,(z y x Q ,则位于点)15,,0(w P 的单位能量点光源经Q 点反射到C点的能量密度(单位面积的能量, 正比于光强度)为 24cos PQL πβ=其中2222)1560/()(-+-+=r w y x PQ而β为反射向量与z 轴的夹角,.60/25015cos 2QCr -=β2))(),(l h l h C B 的表达式长l 的具有单位能量的线光源位于点)15,,0(w P 的长dw 的微小线光源段反射到C 点的能量密度为 ,/)()(41l w f w E i i ∑==其中⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧=--∉--∈=⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧=-∉-∈=4,3,]5609.1,8119.3[,0]5609.1,8119.3[,4cos )(2,1,],30[,0],2/[,4cos )(20002i w w PQ w f i w w w l w PQ w f iii C Ci i i πβπβ长l 的具有单位能量的线光源反射到C 点的能量密度为 .)()(2/2/⎰-=l l C dw w E l h类似可得)(l h B 的表达式.相应的反射点方程为⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧--±=-=⎪⎩⎪⎨=--++-+++-223459002600)1300(137500.010530000001350810000)8100004680000()23400001498200(1800)1300(y y x w w y w y w y w y y w y相应的,78.00-≈Bw 而第二组方程的有两个反射点的范围为].7800005.0,906.1[--∈w3) 优化设计的数学模型设线光源的功率为W , 则它反射到B 点和C 点的能量密度分别为W l h B ⋅)(和W l h C ⋅)(.问题的数学模型为:⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧≥≥≤≤1)(2)(..min 00W l h W l h t s W C B l l三. 模型的求解)(),(l h l h C B 可以用数值积分求得. )(l h B 应具备下列性质:⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧≤<↓≤≤↑=<<=0''0,,20,0)(l l l l l l w l l l h B BB BB B 其中B l 为起亮值,'B l 为最大值点,0l 为考察的最大范围,例如取为20mm 。
我们参赛选择的题号是(从A/B/C/D中选择一项填写): A 我们的参赛报名号为(如果赛区设置报名号的话):所属学校(请填写完整的全名):参赛队员(打印并签名) :1.刘冲2.3.指导教师或指导教师组负责人(打印并签名)日期: 2013 年 9 月 16 日赛区评阅编号(由赛区组委会评阅前进行编号):编号专用页赛区评阅编号(由赛区组委会评阅前进行编号):全国统一编号(由赛区组委会送交全国前编号):全国评阅编号(由全国组委会评阅前进行编号):车道被占用对城市道路通行能力的研究摘要本文就交通事故对通行能力的影响进行分析研究,主要对实际通行能力的变化、排队长度、事故持续时间、交通流量等问题建立相应的数学模型,并运用、等软件工具对模型求解。
SPSS MATLAB针对问题一,首先对视频一进行数据采集和提取,利用插值法对缺失数据进行补充。
二、题目一:城市人群流动的模拟与预测1. 题目描述该题目要求参赛选手利用数学建模方法,对城市人群的流动规律进行深入研究,以求得未来一段时间内的人口迁移趋势,并提出相应的预测模型。
2. 题目分析城市人群流动在城市规划和资源配置方面具有重要意义。
三、题目二:新冠疫情传播动力学建模1. 题目描述该题目要求参赛选手利用传染病传播动力学模型,对新冠病毒在特定地区的传播规律进行建模和预测,并提出有效的控制方案。
2. 题目分析面对新冠疫情的挑战,利用数学建模方法进行传播规律分析和预测成为一种重要手段。
四、题目三:电商评台用户行为分析与预测1. 题目描述该题目要求参赛选手基于大数据分析和机器学习方法,对电商评台用户的行为进行模式识别和预测分析,提出相关的营销策略和推荐系统。
2. 题目分析电商评台用户行为分析和预测是当前大数据时代的热点研究领域。
五、题目四:气候变化对农作物产量的影响研究1. 题目描述该题目要求参赛选手分析气候变化对农作物产量的影响规律,建立气候-作物生长模型,预测未来农作物的产量变化趋势。
2. 题目分析气候变化对农作物产量的影响是当前关注的热点问题。
我们知道,抄袭别人的成果是违反竞赛规则的, 如果引用别人的成果或其他公开的资料(包括网上查到的资料),必须按照规定的参考文献的表述方式在正文引用处和参考文献中明确列出。
我们参赛选择的题号是(从A/B/C/D中选择一项填写): A我们的参赛报名号为(如果赛区设置报名号的话):所属学校(请填写完整的全名):宁波工程学院参赛队员(打印并签名) :1. 沈小凤2. 汪徐燕3. 何江鸿指导教师或指导教师组负责人(打印并签名):数模组日期: 2010 年 8 月 22 日赛区评阅编号(由赛区组委会评阅前进行编号):编号专用页赛区评阅编号(由赛区组委会评阅前进行编号):全国统一编号(由赛区组委会送交全国前编号):全国评阅编号(由全国组委会评阅前进行编号):数模队组建方案的优化与选取摘要本文以全国大学生数学建模竞赛组队为背景,结合每个队至少有一名是计算机专业的,不能3人都是女的,尽量满足双方的志愿并使各队实力均衡等要求,对最优的组队方案进行了分析。
2002高教社杯全国大学生数学建模竞赛B 题 彩票中的数学 参考答案注意:以下答案是命题人给出的,仅供参考。
1. 模型假设与符号说明彩票摇奖是公平公正的,各号码的出现是随机的; 彩民购买彩票是随机的独立事件;对同一方案中高级别奖项的奖金比例或奖金额不应低于相对低级别的奖金比例或奖金额;根据我国的现行制度,假设我国居民的平均工作年限为T =35年。
jr ---第j 等(高项)奖占高项奖总额的比例,3,2,1=j ;i x ----第i 等奖奖金额均值,71≤≤i ; i p ----彩民中第i 等奖i x 的概率,71≤≤i ;)(i x μ----彩民对某个方案第i 等奖的满意度,即第i 等奖对彩民的吸引力,71≤≤i ;λ----某地区的平均收入和消费水平的相关因子,称为“实力因子”,一般为常数; F ----彩票方案的合理性指标,即方案设置对彩民吸引力的综合指标;2. 模型的准备(1)彩民获各项奖的概率从已给的29种方案可知,可将其分为四类,1K :10选6+1(6+1/10)型、2K : n 选m )/(n m 型、3K :n 选1+m )/1(n m +型和4K :n 选m )/(n m 无特别号型,分别给出各种类型方案的彩民获各奖项的概率公式:● ● 1K :10选6+1(6+1/10)型7611021051-⨯=⨯=p ,7621081054-⨯=⨯=p ,56193101.8102-⨯=⨯=C p 461919110194102.61102-⨯=+=C C C C p , 361101919110110195103.421022-⨯=+=C C C C C C p 261919191101101919110110110196104.199510)23(32-⨯=⨯+⨯⨯-⨯+⨯=C C C C C C C C C C C p● ● 2K :n 选m )/(n m 型m n C p 11=,m n m m C C p 12-=,m n m n m m C C C p 1)1(13+--=,mn m n m m C C C p 1)1(24+--=,m n m n m m C C C p 2)1(25+--=,m n m n m m C C C p 2)1(36+--=,mn m n m m C C C p 3)1(37+--=。
表一 10名职工工资水平、工作年限和性别数据第3号题农产品定价某国政府要为其牛奶、奶油和奶酪等奶制品定价。
各种产品的百分比组成见下表:产品\成分脂肪奶粉水牛奶 4 9 87奶油80 2 18奶酪1 35 30 35奶酪2 25 40 35往年的国内消费和价格如下表:产品牛奶奶油奶酪1 奶酪2 消费量(千吨)4820 320 210 70价格(元/吨)297 720 1050 815价格的变化会影响消费需求。
表现这一规律要用需求关于价格的交叉伸缩性EAB定义作:EAB=A需求提高百分数/B价格提高百分数奶酪1到奶酪2的E12值和奶酪2到奶酪1的交叉伸缩性E21值,同样可以凭数据用统计方法求出已经求出牛奶、奶油、奶酪1、奶酪2的E值依次为0.4,2.7,1.1和0.4以及E12=0.1, E21=0.4.试求出4种产品的价格,试所导致的需求使销售总收入为最大。
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艾滋病的医学全名为“获得性免疫缺损综合症”,英文简称AIDS,它是由艾滋病毒(医学全名为“人体免疫缺损病毒”, 英文简称HIV)引起的。
4种疗法的日用药分别为:600mg zidovudine或400mg didanosine(去羟基苷),这两种药按月轮换使用;600 mg zidovudine加2.25 mg zalcitabine(扎西他滨);600 mg zidovudine 加400 mg didanosine;600 mg zidovudine加400 mg didanosine,再加400 mg nevirapine (奈韦拉平)。
(3) 艾滋病药品的主要供给商对不发达国家提供的药品价格如下:600mg zidovudine 1.60美元,400mg didanosine 0.85美元,2.25 mg zalcitabine 1.85美元,400 mg nevirapine 1.20美元。
二、模型的假设1、艾滋病人CD4的数目直接体现其的病况轻重,有无生命危险;2、大部分统计的艾滋病人对所服用的药物没有能够影响统计结果的过敏反应;3、 CD4的数目和HIV数目之间存在随着CD4的增加而HIV减少的关系,在药物效果的比较上,主要以CD4的数目来体现;4、抽样的病人在得病的时间内,不考虑其短期内会死亡;5、最佳治疗终止时间是指CD4的数目已减到一定的程度,再治疗无太大意义。
三、符号的说明(,)M j k表示第i 种疗法的第j 段检测时间的第k个年龄群对应的ilog(CD4+1)平均值123,,ααα 各年龄段所占总体的百分比 t 最佳治疗终止时间0v CD4的初始数值1f 患者对费用的满意度 2f 药效对患者的效用度 k F 药效总体评价函数四、问题的分析及模型的准备问题的分析:1、通过对统计结果的分析,得到艾滋病人的CD4数目以一定的概率分布,同理两个CD4数目之间的人数也以一定的概率分布,我们认为这样的概率分布应该是满足一定的规律。
因此我们试图通过对某一时期内,各CD4数目区间所对应的人数的描述得到某一函数;2、利用对函数的分析,我们可以提取决定函数分布的因子,从而通过对各时期的决定因子的计算得出其与时间之间的关系;3、在四种药物的评价中,我们同样利用各种药物中的决定因子的变化规律来评价不同药物作用的效果;4、病人选药时主要考虑的因素有药效和药的价格,价格因数的影响主要又和病人的收入状况有关; 模型的准备:1、人口增长模型在统计中的应用:没有环境压力下的人口增长满足指数增长即:0()(1)t N t N r =+对于在体内受破坏的细胞即CD4,则在没有环境压力下满足:0()(1)t N t N r =-其中r 为CD4的降低率;药效也主要体现在对r 的作用上,设某种药的药效满足和时间的关系()M m t =.则: 0()(1())tN t N r m t =-+2、“1-9尺度”:各因素间的不能用一个绝对的标准进行测量,故只能采用一种相对标度来加以测量,层次分析法是采用“1-9”尺度,将b 1,b 2....b n ,两两相对地比较它们对A 的影响力。
所谓“1-9尺度”是将b i ,b j 对a 的影响程度的比记按下面的尺度赋值: /1j bi b = 表示b i ,b j 对a 的影响力相等;/3j bi b =表示b i ,b j 对a 的影响力比b j 略大;/5j bi b =表示b i ,b j 对a 的影响力比b j 大;/7j bi b =表示b i ,b j 对a 的影响力比b j 大;/9j bi b =表示b i ,b j 对a 的影响力比b j 大很多;/2(1,2,3,4)j bi b k k ==分别表示bi 对a的影响和bj对a的影响和bj对a的影响在/21jbi b k=-和/21jbi b k=+之间五、问题一模型的建立与求解通过对问题一的分析以及数据的统计,为了达到计算简便、建模合理的目的,在对数据的处理上,我们主要按以下原则进行:1.由于数据量并非很大,为了得到预测的最优解,我们仅除去某些特殊数据,分析其它大部分的数据;2.病人治疗检测次数基本为五次,因此我们在处理数据时分五个时间段;3.通过对数据的统计,我们利用多数整合少数的原则划分时间点:第一时间点为0—2周,第二时间点为3—6周,第三时间点为7—12周,第四时间点为13—29周,第五时间点为30—45周;4.以邻近时间点为一个时间段,我们分析相同时间段内CD4的数量变化。
假设每一个时间段都能用相似的指标描绘CD4的变化规律,通过图形的整体趋势假设是满足指数分布:b xy a e⋅=⋅ln lny a b x=+⋅其中,X为各CD4数量区间,Y为各区间对应人数分布数统计出每一人数段X内CD4数量(这里用ln i y表示)的分布:据此我们用MATLAB软件对以上数据进行线性拟合:度,对于本模型来说每一个时间段曲线的曲度直接影响了CD4数的密集区,因为时间段必为正值,即有:b 的绝对值越大,函数的变化率越大,这段CD4数量越集中于较大值,CD4整体数量越大。
因此,可以忽略a 的影响,只考虑b 值的变化,将b 的大小作为衡量一个时间段内药效的指标。
通过考虑b 值在不同时间段的变化情况,利用MATLAB 做出b 在整个测试阶段内的变化曲线如下:-3时间段/周b 值b 值随时间的变化曲线继续假定此函数的指数性,应用上面的拟合方法:'t x b a e ⋅=⋅ 'ln ln b a t x =+⋅通过以上函数的等价性,利用MATLAB 拟合出其函数为:t ⋅(-0.0371-5.1266)b=e描述其图像如下图:-3时间段/周b 值b 值随时间的变化曲线由以上函数曲线可以看出:药效随着时间的有逐渐降低的趋势, 由(1)、(2)、(3)可得:y a t =⋅⋅+-x (0.0371 5.1266)定义当t ⋅+0.0371 5.1266>10时药效就已经不明显,即t=131.36周时为停药的最佳时间 利用F 检验证明以上线性拟合的合理性:[1]证明:在概率统计中有t 分布和F 分布的关系:21,n n t F =.则当0H 成立时^211,22xxn t l F k F y a e βδ-⋅⋅⋅==⋅=⋅(-0.0371x-5.1266)(-0.0371-5.1266)xy=e对给定的显著性水平α,当()1,2n F F α->时,拒绝原假设0H ,即认为线性相关关系显著。
又因为1^2212^^1__^222111111()22()e i i i n i i xxi i Q y y n n y y x x l δββ====⋅=⋅---⎛⎫=-=⋅-=⋅ ⎪⎝⎭∑∑∑,我们记1_^21()R i i SS y y ==-∑,它是n 个回归值的变差平方和,反映了由于X 与Y 的线性关系所引起的波动。
称E e SS Q =为剩余平方和,它表示除了X 对Y 线性影响之外的其他因素对实验结果的影响。