




















在国防建设中,飞机襟翼、尾舵和起落架的调节、军舰和坦克炮塔的转动◆一用一备,运行可靠专有技术体现内置自动换向运行装置的独特构思,当一台发生故障,另一台自动投入运行,保证供水不中断◆成熟可靠的核心部件和优化设计, 节能效果好内置自动换向装置精心设计制作,强化其组装质量和形位公差控制、实现其灵活、密封、可靠、耐用度高;波纹管机械密封和强制环流冷却循环系统比一般离心泵的普通机封寿命长2倍以上;机泵同轴震动小;对流道结构作了优化设计,保证高效运行。






◆运行费用,降低50% ~70% 用水呈高峰、低估连续或阶梯形变化的应用工况(如供暖和冷却系统),在用水低谷时,双联泵为单泵运行模式,在用水高峰时,双联泵可双泵运行,从而实现了工作的高效节能。


4P空开100A}电流互感器A}电流互感器 A,B,C}KM0为25A 其余12A}端子排 LX2 53 - 79}2345678112345678BCDEFABISO9001:2000 Quality Management System CertificateCertificate No.: 证书编号:No:02406Q12269R0MTranslation译 校T. Ch.翻 译Aptitude Grade: First资质等级:甲级ISO9001:2000国际质量管理体系认证Joined CKD会 签本图的权益,属袁兆波本人所有。所含的专利、专有技术和信息,应予保密。事先未经本院书面许可,不得复制、提供或披露给任何第三方。 0.25A1ApprovedCheckedChecked项目经理Proj. Mgr.制 图}Drawing校 审审 核审 定Designed设 计配电柜布局图}4P空开100A}电流互感器 A,B,C}继电器24VDC KA0-KA7}继电器24VDC KA8 - KA21}接触器220VAC KM0 - KM6\P过流断路保护 FR0 - FR6}KM0为25A 其余12A}继电器24VDC\PKA22 - KA24}端子排 LX1 1 - 52}端子排 LX2 53 - 79}端子排 LX2 53 - 79}端子排 LX3 80 - 105}600mm}800mm}600mm}v}V}A相电流}V}A}A}A}AB相相电压}A相电流}B相电流}C相电流}AB相相电压}PV}SV}OFF}ON}AT}ALM1}ALM2}SET}SHYB}BR-7000}发酵3温显}C相电流}洗涤泵}N}L1}+}电压表 YH}电流互感器}5}6}7}53}SB1}2345678112345678BCDEFABISO9001:2000 Quality Management S


恒压供水电气控制系统确 认 \P(签章)}确 认\P日 期}确 认 \P(签章)}确 认\P日 期}确 认 \P(签章)}确 认\P日 期}电气原理图V1.0}14236589710CDBAHFEGCDEFBAHGIJIJKK14236589710\H0.7785x\H0.7785x\H0.7785x\H0.7785x设备名称}型 号}\H0.7785x比例}\H0.7785x\H0.7785x\H0.7692xC4\H0.7785xA1\H0.8xCDBA14236589710CDEFBAKIJHGIJHFEGK14236589710\H0.7785x\H0.7785x\H0.7785x\H0.7785x比例}\H0.7785x\H0.7785x\H0.7785x\H0.7785x设备名称}型 号}V1.0}1#热水泵W10}V10}U10}3 \fSimSun|b0|i0|c134|p2EM103~I>}I>}I>}W13}V13}U13}U1V1W1TSRW}V}U}水泵变频器}低水位指示N1011#水泵变频1312}11}109}876}54}3}2114}15}C214236589710CDBAIJHFEGCDEFBAIJHGKK\H0.7785x10311014236589710\H0.7785x\H0.7785x\H0.7785x\H0.7785x比例}\H0.7785x\H0.7785x\H0.7785x\H0.7785x设备名称}型 号}V1.0}1151#水泵变频运行指示1#水泵工频1#水泵工频运行指示SA01HR1KM11KM12HW1FR1KM11104KM12KM13114111113117122SA02HR3KM13KM14FR2KM13KM11KM14121118120HR2116123HR42#水泵变频2#水泵变频运行指示2#水泵工频2#水泵工频运行指示KM11}FR1W11}V11}U11}EM113~U1V1W1FR2KM12}KM13}KM14}QF01}2#热水泵3 \fSimSun|b0|i0|c134|p2W12}V12}U12}HW4109水泵变频故障指示水位控制器电源86AFR1527341TB24}TB25}TB26}E1E2E31511521532527ACS51025(RO3C)10(24v)2(AI1)12(DCOM)}27(RO3B)13(DI1)}125KM11KM13133红131黄132绿109101TB23}TB22}恒压供水工程电气控制系统恒压供水工程电气控制系统恒压供水工程电气控制系统RSGC20180930-2RSGC20180930-1RSGC20180930-3TB21}4(10V)3(AGND)1301K\H0.5x泉州泉州泉州低水位指示N1011#水泵变频1312}11}109}876}54}3}2114}15}C214236589710CDBAIJHFEGCDEFBAIJHGKK\H0.7785x10311014236589710\H0.7785x\H0.7785x\H0.7785x\H0.7785x比例}\H0.7785x\H0.7785x\H0.7785x\H0.7785x设备名称}型 号}V1.0}1151#水泵自动运行定时1#水泵变频运行指示1#水泵工频1#水泵工频运行指示SA00SA01HR1KM11KM12HW1FR1KM11106104105KM12KM13114KT1KT1111112113117122SA01HR3KM13KM14FR2KM13KM11KM14121KT2KT2118119120HR2116123HR4HW2HW3FR1FR21071082#水泵变频2#水泵自动运行定时2#水泵变频运行指示2#水泵工频2#水泵工频运行指示1#水泵故障指示2#水泵故障527341TB24}TB25}TB26}E1E2E315115215330C30AINVT1热泵热水工程电气控制系统RSGC20121106-4广东11(GND)}\P变频器}\H0.75xABB }132133131152151TB21TB22TB23TB24TB25153TB26黄色绿色红色152151153压力传感器E1E2E3热水水位TB内部端子号外部101Q02AC220V控制电源}电源进线}C}B}A}N}14(DI2)}12518(DI6)}125




2. 浙江绿邦泵业有限公司绿邦泵业有限公司坐落在素有“泵阀之乡”美称的温州永嘉县瓯北镇,是一家集开发、生产、销售、服务于一体的多元化企业。


3. 山东瑞格泵业有限公司山东瑞格泵业有限公司地处风景秀丽、名胜古迹盛多的山东省淄博市博山区,以精良的产品,蜚声各地。


主要产品有ZWY系列煤矿移动式瓦斯抽放泵站;2BE系列瓦斯抽放泵;SZ、SZB、SK、2BV、2BEA、2BEC 系列水环式真空泵及压缩机;2SK-P1系列两级水环泵---大气喷射泵机械;2SY系列水环压缩机;W、WY系列往复式真空泵;WL系列立式往复真空泵;X、2X系列旋片式真空泵;ZJ、ZBK系列罗茨真空泵;JZJ2S系列罗茨---水环真空机组;QJ 型井用潜水电泵、QJB型潜水电泵、ZJQ型潜水电泵、BQW 型隔爆潜水电泵、MD型矿用多级离心泵、MD(P)煤矿用耐磨多级离心泵。

4. 上海浩洋泵阀制造有限公司上海浩洋泵阀制造有限公司是一家致力于开发、生产、销售、水利建筑系统、减压系统、调节系统、全自动供水系统设备的专业厂家。

5. 苏州塑氟宝泵阀有限公司苏州塑氟宝泵阀有限公司于1995年在武汉成立了进口柴油发电机组中南地区售后服务中心及零配件仓库,1996年成立了进口柴油发电机组售后服务中心,在上海、浙江、江苏、安徽、江西、湖南、尼日尼亚等地相继成立了分公司,此类泵浦主要用于电镀酸洗、废液处理、酸碱液体输送等,因为专注,所以更加专业,苏州塑氟宝根据客户的需求,结合国内外的先进经验,投入大量的人力资金,不断开发PP和PVDF系列的新产品,主要系列有塑氟宝磁力泵,塑氟宝大头泵自吸泵、塑氟宝同轴自吸泵、塑氟宝耐空转自吸泵、塑氟宝循环微型MP磁力泵、塑氟宝非自吸式离心泵、塑氟宝耐酸碱磁力泵、塑氟宝耐酸碱自吸泵、塑氟宝耐酸碱耐空转立式泵、塑氟宝耐酸碱搅拌机等等,丰富的产品,高端的质量和良好的信誉赢得了客户的赞许。




2. 上海泉尔泵阀制造有限公司上海泉尔泵阀制造有限公司是一家集生产科研为一体的水泵阀门专业制造公司,公司拥有一批技术骨干和精良的生产设备,同时配备了优良的质量理人员,产品质量检测设施完善。

3. 广州市广冠水泵有限公司广州市广冠水泵有限公司(原广州市海珠水泵厂)是集产品科研、开发设计、生产、销售为一体的股份制公司,公司生产,检测设备齐全,各类专业人才济济,从产品开发设计、制造、销售和售后服务一直致力于ISO9001质量体系的建立、推广及实施。






4. 中国有色(沈阳)泵业有限公司中国有色(沈阳)泵业有限公司成立于2009年,是中国有色矿业集团下属中国有色金属建设股份有限公司的全资子公司,是国内首台套隔膜泵设计制造者,也是中国大型隔膜泵专业研发制造企业。



台 台 台 台 台 台 台 台 台 台 台 台
3 3 3 1 2 3 3 3 1 1 1 1
中国哈尔滨辰能工大环保科技 股份有限公司 中国哈尔滨辰能工大环保科技 股份有限公司 中国哈尔滨辰能工大环保科技 股份有限公司 中国哈尔滨辰能工大环保科技 股份有限公司 中国哈尔滨辰能工大环保科技 股份有限公司 南京水夫
序号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 部位 混凝沉淀池 混凝沉淀池 混凝沉淀池 混凝沉淀池 混凝沉淀池 混凝沉淀池 普快滤池 供水泵房 产品名称 湍流混合设 备 湍流凝聚设 备 受控沉淀设 备 沉淀设备托 管 沉淀设备压 管 集水槽 长柄滤头 单级双吸卧 式离心清水 泵(供水 单级双吸卧 式离心清水 泵(反冲洗 水泵) 移动式潜水 排污泵 产品规格 WTH-400 L=3.0m WTNJ-I,单套10000m3/d WTXB-I,斜板长1m,间距25mm DN25 DN15 WTJS-I单套10000m3/d D20 L=468.7 材质 SS304 SS304 乙丙共聚 镀锌钢管 不锈钢管 SS304 ABS 单位 数量 台 套 m2 m m 套 个 台 生产厂家 中国哈尔滨辰能工大环保科技 2 股份有限公司 中国哈尔滨辰能工大环保科技 2 股份有限公司 中国哈尔滨辰能工大环保科技 128 股份有限公司 中国哈尔滨辰能工大环保科技 256 股份有限公司 中国哈尔滨辰能工大环保科技 256 股份有限公司 中国哈尔滨辰能工大环保科技 2 股份有限公司 中国哈尔滨辰能工大环保科技 5444 股份有限公司 4 中国上海凯泉泵业(集团)有 限公司 中国上海凯泉泵业(集团)有 限公司 德国威乐水泵公司 百事德机械(江苏)有限公司 美国米顿罗公司 中国哈尔滨辰能工大环保科技 股份有限公司 中国哈尔滨辰能工大环保科技 股份有限公司



























长沙自平衡多级泵厂家宏力水泵整理 IS65-40-250型单级单吸离心泵概述:

流量:Q =25m3/h
扬程:H =80m























容 器 类
塔 器 类
机 泵 类
RE-201 氧化反应器 丙烯罐 ST-201 丙烯醛中间罐 ST-202 丙烯醛成品罐 V-201 热风缓冲罐 V-202 丙烯缓冲罐 V-203 导热油储罐 V-204 热油膨胀罐 V-205 冷油膨胀罐 V-206 丙烯酸水储罐 V-207 尾气气液分离器 V-208 解析塔顶回流罐 V-209 阻聚剂配制釜 T-201 洗酸塔 T-202 吸收塔 T-203 解析塔 J-201 空压机 P-201 补油泵 P-202 热油冷却泵 P-203 冷油冷却泵 P-204 反应器轴流泵 P-205 洗酸塔循环泵 P-206 丙烯酸水装车泵 P-207 吸收塔底泵 P-208 解析塔底泵 P-209 解析塔回流泵
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
江苏西湖 上海凯凯泵业 上海凯凯泵业 蚌埠
未订货 未订货 未订货 已订货 利用T-03再沸器
蛇管换热器,DN800×2355×8mm,换热面积:8.0㎡ 蛇管换热器,DN800×2355×8mm,换热面积:3.04㎡ DN300×2400,电压:380V,功率:100KW 管壳固定管板式换热器,DN300×2000,10㎡ 管壳固定管板式换热器,DN450×4590,30㎡
计量泵,JXM40/0.8,电机功率:0.55KW 磁力泵,32CQ-25PB,电机功率:1.1KW 磁力泵,32CQ-25PB,电机功率:1.1KW LW-0.8/16-24,电机功率:22KW
304# 304# 304# 碳钢 Q235B/20# Q345R/20# Q345R/20# Q345R Q235B/20# 304#/20# 304# 外管: 20# 304#/304#焦作 焦作 扬中华生 焦作



[P R O D U C T C A T A L O G 2009]SLG SERIES STAINLESS STEEL VERTICAL MULTI-STAGE PUMP(50Hz)业务手机13817274226152019965751 Performance range, Product range2 Outlina of product, Running condition, Model meaning3 Main purpose, Motor, Performance curve4 Structure drawing7 Maximum inlet pressure7 Maximum working pressure8 Minimum inlet pressure9 Example for both working and inlet pressures10 Performance curve, performance table and installation dimension38 Electric connection38 Starting the pump40 Service40 Guard against frost41 Noise produced with both motor and pump41 Failure possible causes48 1116 2232 4464 88128 176 256403 660Q [ IM.GPM ]Q [ US.GPM ]H [ m ]3002001201008060402010H ] Q [ L/s ]SLG/SLGFSLG, SLGF1,2,3,4,8,12,1620 SLGF 8 - 2 /13(m /h) ()304316LNumber of impellerNumber of stage3Rated flow (m /h)(Omitted for the common type)flow-passing components are made of ss304or 316LLight vertical multi -stage centrifugal pumpSLG, SLGF32,42,65,85,120150 SLG F 32- 30- 210 103(m /h) ()304316LNumber of small impeller Number of stage 3Rated flow (m /h)(Omitted for the common type)flow-passing components are made of ss304or 316LLight vertical multi -stage centrifugal pumpSLG/SLGF are non-self-suction vertical multi-stage cen-trifugal pumps mounted with a standard motor, the motor shaft is linked, via the pump head, directly with the pump shaft with a clutch, both pressure-proof barrel and flow-passing components are fixed in between the pump head and the water in-out section with pull-bar bolts and both water inlet and outlet of the pump are positioned on one line of the pump bottom; and the pumps can be fitted with an intelligent protector, in case of necess ity, to effectively protect them against dry movement, lack-of-phase, overload etc.-15~+70 +70~+120 +401000mThin, clean, non-combustible non-explosive liquids con-taining no solid grains or fibers.Liquid temperatu re: constant-temperature type -15~+70 hot-water type +70~120 Ambient temperature: max. +40 Elevation: max. 1000m12900rpm 2950rpm 2ISO9906A2 3201mm /s4SLG/SLGFSLGSLGFSLG/SLGF are the products of multiple functions, app-licable for transporting various different media from tap wa ter to industrial liquids and suitable for different ranges of temp-erature, flow and pressure. SLG is applicable for non-corrosive liquids while SLGF for lightly corrosive ones.Water supply: filter and transportation and quartering water feed for water works, boost for main pipes and high buildings. Industrial boost: flowing water system, cleaning system, high pressure rinsing system, fire fighting system.Industrial liquid transportation: cooling & air-conditioning system, boiler water supply & condensing system, completion of machine tools, acid and alkali.Water treatment: extra-filter system, reverse osmosis system, distilling system, separator, swimming pool.Irrigation: farmland irrigation, sprinkler irrigation, trickle irrigation.The description below is applicable for the curves shown on the back:1. All the curves are based on the values measured at the constant speed of 2900rpm or 2950rpm of the motor.2. The allowed curve differences comply with ISO9906, Appendix A.3. The water at 20 containing no air is used for the 2measurement, the moving viscosity of it is 1mm /s.4. The pump shall be used within the performance range shown by the thickened curves so as to prevent against over-heat due to an undersized flow and prevent the motor against overload due to an oversized flow.IP55 F50Hz 1220-230/240V3200-220/346-380V 3220-240/380-415V 3380-415VThe motor is a full closed, air-cooled t wo-pole standard one.Protection rating: IP55 Insulation grade: FStandard voltage: 50Hz 1220-230/240V3200-220/346-380V 3220-240/380-415V 3380-415VSLG, SLGF1,2,3,4Structure drawingSLG, SLGF8,12,16,20 Structure drawingSLG, SLGF32,42,65,85 Structure drawingSLG, SLGF120,150 Structure drawingThe following table show the maximum inlet pressure. However, the real inlet pressure+valve-closed pressure must be lower than the maximum permitted working pre-ssure.The chart below shows the limits of both pressure and temperature, and both have to be within the shown range.H(m)H=Pb10.2-(NPSH)r-Hf-Hv-HsPb(bar)(1bar)Pb(bar)NPSH=(m)(NPSH) Hf(m)Hv(m)Hs0.5mH HH HGas etching may occur in case the pressure inside of the pump is lower than the steam pressure of the liquid being t ra-nsported and, to avoid it, it shall be done to ensure a minimum pressure on the inlet side of the pump. The maximum suction head H(m) can be calculated by the formula below:H=Pb10.2 (NPSH)r Hf Hv HsPb=atmospheric pressure (bar)(the atmospheric pressure can be set as 1bar)In a closed system, Pb is the system pressure (bar)NPSH=net positive suction head (m)(can be read at the pump's possible maximum flow on the NPSH curve)Hf=the pipeline loss at the entrance(m)Hv=the steam pressure (m)Hs=safety margin =minimum 0.5 water headThe pump can run under the maximum suction head H if the calculated value H is a positive one and, in case of a negative one, there shall be a water head of a minimum inlet pressure H.SLG5-1616bar10bar10.6bar10bar16-10.6=5.4barSLG5-216bar6bar1.4bar6bar1.4bar6+1.4=7.4bar7.4bar6barThe valves of both working and inlet pressures shownin the table can not be taken into consideration individuallyand must be taken into comparison, for instance:Example 1:Pump model: SLG5-16Max. working pressure: 16barMax. Inlet pressure: 10barValve-closed pressure: 10.6barThe pump can not be started with the inlet pressureat 10bar, the inlet pressure must be lower than 16-10.6=5.4barExample 2:Pump model: SLG5-2Max. working pressure: 16barMax. Inlet pressure: 6barValve-closed pressure: 1.4barThe pump can be started with the inlet pressure at6bar, as the valve-closed pressure is 1.4bar, so the wor-king pressure is 6+1.4=7.4bar, contrarily, the pump's ma-ximum working pressure should be limited at 7.4bar, thisis because higher working pressure requires an inlet pre-ssure more than 6bar.Check to make sure the pump can not be/is not in the gas etching stateSLG1-25~1-36There are variations with SLG1-25~1-36 non-elliptical flange pipeli ne link and theout-form dimensions of single-phase motor and explosion-isolating motor, pleaseconsult this Co. for the details.SLG2-18~2-26There are variations with SLG2-18~2-26 non-elliptical flange pipeli ne link and theout-form dimensions of single-phase motor and explosion-isolating motor, please consult this Co. for the details.SLG3-25~3-36There are variations with SLG3-25~3-36 non-elliptical flange pipeli ne link and theout-form dimensions of single-phase motor and explosion-isolating motor, please consult this Co. for the details.SLG4-19~4-22There are variations with SLG4-19~4-22 non-elliptical flange pipeli ne link and theout-form dimensions of single-phase motor and explosion-isolating motor, please consult this Co. for the details.SLG8-14~8-20There are variations with SLG8-14~8-20 non-elliptical flange pipeli ne link and theout-form dimensions of single-phase motor and explosion-isolating motor, pleaseconsult this Co. for the details.The out-form dimensions of single-phase motor and explosion-isolating motor, please consult this Co. for the details.The out-form dimensions of single-phase motor and explosion-isolating motor, please consult this Co. for the details.The out-form dimensions of single-phase motor and explosion-isolating motor, please consult this Co. for the details.The out-form dimensions of single-phase motor and explosion-isolating motor, please consult this Co. for the details.The out-form dimensions of single-phase motor and explosion-isolating motor, please consult this Co. for the details.The out-form dimensions of single-phase motor and explosion-isolating motor, please consult this Co. for the details.The out-form dimensions of single-phase motor and explosion-isolating motor, please consult this Co. for the details.The out-form dimensions of single-phase motor and explosion-isolating motor, please consult this Co. for the details.The out-form dimensions of single-phase motor and explosion-isolating motor, please consult this Co. for the details.In a device there is water-hammer danger, it should be always done to mount a check valve on the side of the pump's outlet. Never use a quick-closed valve, such as a quick-closed sprayer, which can cause water-hammer so as to affect the joint between both motor and pump shaft, evenit may cause the pump shaft broken as a serious codition.Do not start the pump before it is not primed and ex-hausted.1.PrimingS ystem with the liquid level higher than the pump'sinletClose the drainage valve and screw out the bolts onthe pump casing. Please pay attention to the direction ofthe exhaust mouth so as to make sure the flowing-out waterwould not cause people injured and the motor or other partsdamaged. And pay special attention to the hot water in ahot-water apparatus which may cause scald danger.1902345Remember to turn off the power before opening thewiring case and removing any part of the pump.The electric connection must be done by a qualifiedelectrician according to the related rules.The wires of the motor have to be correctly connectedto those of the power switch.Both operation voltage and frequency are marked onthe nameplate. Take care to ensure the power to be usedis suitable for the motor.The three-phase motor must be connected to a starterwith a protective function.1.The wiring case can be turned by 90and then stayat the position. T o be in need, dismantte the protective coverof clutch, but don t move cluthc.2.Screw out the fixing bolts on the motor.3.Move the motor to the desired position.4.Put on the bolts and then tighten them.5.Mount the protective cover on the clutch.Carry out the electric connection upon the line drawinginside of the wiring case.Do not start the pump before it is not fully filledwith water.Slowly open the valve on the water suction pipe tilla puff of stable fluid flows out of the exhaust hole.Tighten the exhaust screws and open the outlet valvecompletely.2Opened system with the liquid level lower than the pump's inletFirst prime both water suction pipe and pump fully with liquid, then start the pump.Close the drainage valve. By referring to figure 2, aim the by-pass valve at the stop shift and screw it out a little.Take off the priming cork and prime liquid into the priming mouth till both water suction pipe and pump full of liquid, then tighten the by-pass valve again.Put the priming cork on and tightly screw it in.1 Figure 1Close drainage isolating valve and take off the prim-ing cork to prime and the priming mount till both suctionpipe and pump full of liquid.12. S tartingBefore starting the pump, fully open the valve on thesuction side of the pump while let the one on the drain-out side almost closed.Start the pump.To start, let the pump exhaust by loosening the exhaustscrews on its top till a puff of stable fluid flows out of theexhaust hole, then tighten the screws, see figure1.Pay attention to the direction of the exhaust hole soas to ensure the flow-out liquid will not cause people in-jured or the motor or the other parts damaged. And payspecial attention to the hot water in a hot water devicewhich may cause scald danger.Slowly open the outlet valve when the pipeline systemis full of liquid, till it is completes opened.It would be best to let the pump exhaust in a fixedperiod when it is used to transport the liquid containingair and, to do this, loosen the exhaust screws on the pumpcasing.2Drain water out of the pump when to stop use of it during the period of frost so as to prevent it from damage and split. To do it, loosen the exhaust bolts on the top of it and take out the drainage cork on the base and, after the water is completely out, remount the removed parts or keep them well.Do not screw the exhaust bolts in and remount the drainage cork before the pump is used again. Prior to pu-tting the drainage cork on the base foundation. Ami the by-pass valve at the stop shift and then screw it out. See figure 2.Mount the drainage cork by way of tightening the big joint nut under the by-pass valve and the process to remount is the reversed way to remove.4kW100203.Frequency of starting and stoppingThe times for the motor with a power less than 4kW to be started have not to be over 100 par hour, while 20 for other ones.Before service, check the pump to ensure no power in connected to it and it is impossible for it to be started suddenly.No need of service for both shaft and its seal of the pump. Remove the protective cover on one side of the clu-tch, if not to drain out the pump completely in case of a long term stop, and then drop several drops of silicon oil on the shaft between both pump top and clutch, thus making the surface of the shaft seal not adhered.Pay attention to the protective cover when to put it on, it should be vertienlly aligned inside of the cavity of the pump top.The motors bearing:No need of service for the motor without lubricaing nozzle, while for the one with the nozzle should be lubri-cated with high-temperature Lithium based lubricating grease. It is recommended clean and lubricate both pump and motor once to stop use of the pump if the motor is used per senson (the one not to be used for over six months per year)()2Note: The tolerance to be 2% of the average valve in the talbe.。



磁力泵结构图以下几款磁力泵结构图供用户、施工方或设计院参考【CQB-F型衬氟塑料磁力泵】结构爆炸图:CQB-F氟塑料磁力泵价格编号型号进口出口流量扬程电机功率电压转避单价(元)(mm) (mm) (ms/h) (m) (kw) (v) (r/min) 普通型防爆型18 CQB15-10-85F 15 10 1.8 8 0.12 2202900 1599 019 CQB20-15-105F 20 15 3 12 0.37 220 1877 020 CQB15-10-85F 15 10 1.8 8 0.12 380 1529 021 CQB20-15-105F 20 15 3 12 0.37 380 1738 219622 CQB32-25-125F 32 25 3.2 20 1.1 380 3336 382323 CQB40-32-115F40 32 6.3 15 1.1 380 4379 486524 CQB40-32-145F 6.3 25 1.5 380 4587 514325 CQB50-40-125F50 40 12.5 20 2.2 380 5838 639426 CQB50-40-160F 12.5 32 4 380 6116 695027 CQB65-50-125F65 50 25 20 4 380 7367 834028 CQB65-50-160F 25 32 5.5 380 7645 861829 CQB80-65-125F80 65 50 20 7.5 380 14595 1570730 CQB80-65-160F 50 32 11 380 15568 27647【CQB-G型高温磁力驱动泵】结构图:1泵体8轴承体2静环9外磁钢总成3叶轮10隔离套4后密封环11内磁钢总成5止推环12冷却箱6轴承13轴7轴套14联接架CQB-G型高温磁力驱动离心泵价格编号型号进口出口流量扬程电机功率电压转避单价(元)(mm) (mm) (ms/h) (m) (kw) (v) (r/min) 普通型防爆型33 CQB32-20-125G32 20 3.220 1.5 3802900 6325 695034 CQB32-20-160G 32 2.2 380 6950 764535 CQB40-25-125G40 25 6.3 20 2,2 380 9035 973036 CQB40-25-160G 32 3 380 10564 1153737 CQB40-25-200G 50 5.5 380 11815 1292738 CQB50-32-125G50 32 12.5 20 3 380 10981 1056439 CQB50-3:2-160G 32 4 380 12093 1306640 CQB50-32-200G 50 7.5 380 14456 1556841 CQB50-32-250G 80 15 380 23769 2599342 CQB65-50-125G65 502520 5.5 380 12788 1390043 CQB65-50-160G 32 7.5 380 14456 1556844 CQB65-40-200G40 50 15 380 23352 2557645 CQB65-40-250G 80 22 380 28634 3085846 CQB80-65-125G 80 65 50 20 7.5 380 15985 1723647 CQB80-65-160G 32 15 380 20850 2307448 CQB80-50-200G50 50 22 380 29190 3169249 CQB80-50-250G 80 37 380 33082 3586250 COB100-80-125G100 8010020 15 380 25576 2766151 CQB100-80-160G 32 22 380 30024 3238752 CQB100-65-200G65 50 37 380 40588 4336853 CQBIC0-65-250G 80 55 380 46565 50944【CQB-L型立式管道磁力泵】结构图:1泵壳2叶轮5隔离套6止推环3密封环4轴承体7轴承8轴套11螺母12联接架9轴10内磁钢总成13外磁钢总成14电机【CQB型不锈钢磁力离心泵】结构爆炸图:CQB磁力驱动泵价格型号口径流量扬程转速电机功率电压单价进口出口普通型防爆型CQB32-20-10532 20 3.2 12.529001.1 380 5630 6116CQB32-20-125 20 1.5 380 5769 6255 CQB32-20-160 32 2.2 380 8062 8618CQB40-25-12540 25 6.3 20 2.2 380 8062 8618CQB40-25-160 32 3 380 9313 10008 CQB40-25-200 50 5.5 380 10147 11259CQB50-32-12550 32 12.5 20 3 380 9452 10147CQB50-32-160 32 4 380 10425 11259 CQB50-32-200 50 7.5 380 12232 13344 CQB50-32-250 80 18.5 380 20155 22796CQB65-50-12565 502520 4 380 10147 10981CQB65-50-160 32 7.5 380 10981 12024CQB65-40-20040 50 15 380 16819 18904CQB65-40-250 80 22 380 21823 24881CQB80-65-12580 655020 7.5 380 12649 13900CQB80-60-160 32 11 380 16541 18070CQB80-50-20050 50 22 380 22657 25715CQB80-50-250 80 37 380 25298 30580CQB100-80-125100 8010020 15 380 19321 21406CQB100-80-160 32 22 380 21823 24881CQB100-65-20065 50 37 380 27800 32943CQB100-65-250 80 55 380 34750 41700【CQB型不锈钢磁力离心泵】结构图:1泵体2叶轮3轴承体4止推环5隔离套6轴套7泵轴8轴承9内磁钢总成10外磁钢总成11联接架12底座13电机CQB磁力驱动泵价格型号口径流量扬程转速电机功电压单价进口出口率普通型防爆型CQB32-20-10532 20 3.212.52900 1.1 380 5630 6116CQB32-20-125 20 1.5 380 5769 6255 CQB32-20-160 32 2.2 380 8062 8618CQB40-25-12540 25 6.3 20 2.2 380 8062 8618CQB40-25-160 32 3 380 9313 10008 CQB40-25-200 50 5.5 380 10147 11259CQB50-32-12550 32 12.5 20 3 380 9452 10147CQB50-32-160 32 4 380 10425 11259 CQB50-32-200 50 7.5 380 12232 13344 CQB50-32-250 80 18.5 380 20155 22796CQB65-50-12565 502520 4 380 10147 10981CQB65-50-160 32 7.5 380 10981 12024CQB65-40-20040 50 15 380 16819 18904CQB65-40-250 80 22 380 21823 24881CQB80-65-12580 655020 7.5 380 12649 13900CQB80-60-160 32 11 380 16541 18070CQB80-50-20050 50 22 380 22657 25715CQB80-50-250 80 37 380 25298 30580CQB100-80-125100 8010020 15 380 19321 21406CQB100-80-160 32 22 380 21823 24881 CQB100-65-200 65 50 37 380 27800 32943CQB100-65-250 80 55 380 34750 41700【CQF型工程塑料磁力驱动泵】结构爆炸图:注:1、泵体:增强聚丙稀; 2、静环:碳化硅或氧化铝陶瓷;3、动环:填充F4;4、叶轮:增强聚丙稀;5、密封圈:氟橡胶;6、隔板:增强聚丙稀;7、隔离套:增强聚丙稀;8、外磁:HT200+永磁体;9、转子:增强聚丙稀+永磁体;10、主轴:碳化硅或氧化铝陶瓷;11 轴承:填充F4;12、支架:HT200CQF工程塑料磁力驱动泵价格进口出口流量扬程电机功率电压单价{元)编号型号(MM) (MM) (M3/H) (m) (kw) (v) 普通型防爆型18 10CQF-3 10 8 0.9 3 0.025 220 32019 14CQF-5 14 10 1.2 5 0.12 220 69520 16CQF-8X 16 10 1.8 8 0.18 220 73721 20CQF-12X 20 15 3 12 0.37 220 87622 14CQF-5 14 10 1.2 5 0.12 380 62623 16CQF-8X 16 10 1.8 8 0.18 380 66724 20CQF-12X 20 15 3 12 0.37 380 737 118225 25CQF-15X 25 20 6.4 15 1.1 380 1251 187726 32CQF-15X32 25 6.6 15 1.1 380 1251 187727 32CQF-25 4.8 25 1.1 380 1362 208528 32CQF-25X 4.8 25 1.5 380 1807 278029 40CQF-20X 40 32 10.8 20 2.2 380 1946 291930 50CQF-25X50 40 12.5 25 3 380 3058 417031 50CQF-32X 12.5 32 4 380 3197 4309【CQ型磁力驱动泵】结构爆炸图:注:泵体材质:304不锈钢;动环材质:填充四氟;静环材质:陶瓷;叶轮:304不锈钢;密封圈:橡胶;隔板:304不锈钢;轴套:填充四氟;压盖:304不锈钢;泵轴:304不锈钢;内磁钢总成:304不锈钢+磁铁;隔离套:304不锈钢;外磁钢总成:铸钢+磁铁CQ型系列磁力泵价格进口出口流量扬程电机功率电压单价{元)编号型号(MM) (MM) (M3/H) (m) (kw) (v) 普通型防爆型1 16CQ-8 16 12 1.8 8 0.18 220 10432 20CQ-12 20 123 12 0.37 220 11953 16CQ-8 16 12 1.8 8 0.18 380 10014 20CQ-12 20 12 3 12 0.37 380 1084 14605 25CQ-15 25 20 5.4 15 1.1 380 1668 22246 32CQ-1532 25 6.6 15 1.1 380 1779 22947 32CQ-25 4.8 25 1.1 380 2016 25028 32CQ-25N 4.8 25 2.2 380 2502 33369 40CQ-2040 32 10.8 20 2.2 380 2502 333610 40CQ-32 12 32 2 380 3336 403111 50CQ-2560 4014.4 25 4 380 3336 403112 50CQ-40 13.2 10 4 380 3336 403113 50CQ-50 32 7.8 50 5.5 380 4865 403114 65CQ-2565 50 16.8 25 5.5 380 4031 521315 65CQ-35 27 35 7.5 380 5004 611616 80CQ-2080 65 50 20 7.5 380 7089 813217 80CQ-35 50 35 11 380 13414 14526【CWB型磁力驱动旋涡泵】结构图:1进出口接管8止推环2泵壳9隔离套3密封垫10内磁组件4泵盖组件11外磁组件5叶轮12联接架6轴承13底板7轴14电机【MP型塑料微型磁力驱动循环泵】结构图:部件材料1固定螺丝及垫圈不锈钢2泵壳增强聚丙烯3泵轴氧化铝陶瓷4叶轮增强聚丙烯5被动磁铁锶铁氧体6密封圈氟橡胶7隔离套增强聚丙烯8主动磁铁锶铁氧体9电机【ZBF型塑料自吸磁力泵】结构图:序号零件名称材质或牌号1泵体增强聚丙烯2叶轮增强聚丙烯3内磁钢总成铁氧体4轴套碳石墨5隔离套增强聚丙烯6外磁钢总成铁氧体7联接架HT2008电机Y2或YB29止推环氮化硅10泵轴氮化硅11动环填充四氟12静环氮化硅13密封圈氟橡胶14排水螺栓增强聚丙烯【ZCQ型自吸式磁力泵】结构图:1泵体2静环3动环4加水螺栓5叶轮6密封圈7隔板8隔离板9外磁钢总成10内磁钢总成11泵轴12轴套13联接架14电机ZCQ型自吸式磁力泵价格ZCQB-F氟塑料自吸磁力泵价格编号型号进口出口流量扬程自吸高度电机功率电压单价(元)(mm) (mm) (m3/H)(m) (m) (kw) (v) 普通型防爆型1 ZCQ20-12-11020 12 3 12 4 0.37 220 2224 02 ZCQ20-12-1103 124 0.37 380 2029 25723 ZCQ25-20-115 25 20 5.4 15 4 1.1 380 3406 41704 ZCQ32-25-11532 25 6.6 15 4 1.1 380 3406 41705 ZCQ32-25-145 4.8 25 4 1.1 380 3725 44906 ZCQ40-32-13240 32 10.8 20 4 2.2 380 4448 55607 ZCQ40--32-160 12 32 4 4 380 5769 67428 ZCQ50-40-14550 4014.4 25 4 4 380 5977 69509 ZCQ50-40-160 13.2 32 4 4 380 6464 743710 ZCQ50-32-200 32 7.8 50 4 5.5 380 6742 827111 ZCQ65-50-14565 50 16.8 25 4 5.5 380 6950 847912 ZCQ65-50-160 27 32 4 7.5 380 7645 931313 ZCQ80-65-12580 6550 20 4 7.5 380 9035 1070314 ZCQ80-65-160 50 32 4 15 380 18070 2015515 ZCQ80-50-200 50 50 50 4 22 380 20989 2293516 ZCQl00-80-160100 80 90 32 4 22 380 24325 2710517 ZCQ100-65-200 65 80 50 4 37 380 30580 34055ZCQB-F 氟塑料40ZCQB-20FL 20 6.3 2.2 7848 824840ZCQB-32FL 32 6.3 4 10757 11301 50ZCQB-20FL 20 12.5 2.2 7848 8248自吸磁力泵价格50ZCQB-25FL 25 12.5 4 8728 9271 50ZCQB-32FL 32 12.5 5.5 12580 13475 50ZCQB-45F 45 12.5 7.5 19485 2034865ZCQB-32FL 32 25 7.5 13730 1459465ZCQB-45F 45 25 11 24009 25096 80ZCQB-20FL 20 50 7.5 19037 19919 80ZCQB-32FL 32 50 11 22954 23978 80ZCQB-45F 45 50 18.5 29236 29828。


\Q-17\W1专业太阳能光热系统集成商}ADN80供热水口01(外端内丝)代码口径说明FEDDN20温度传感器口(预留盲管)EDN15液位传感器口(内丝)冷水口(外端内丝)JICK预留口(外端内丝)位于水箱顶KKDN40供水口01DN80供水口02DN50D∅2600ABBCDN50供热水口02(外端内丝)DN65DN40回水口(外端内丝)FC端内丝)DN50HI排污口(外端内丝)水箱最低点J溢流口(外端内丝)水箱高点处ABHEF排污溢流口,水箱最低最高处桶盖固定使用专业紧固件水箱盖示意图冷水口DN65热泵上循环口DN50DN50热泵下循环口DN20温度传感器口(预留盲管)DN15液位传感器口DN65DN65DN65DN32回水口(距顶部150mm)冷水口DN65热泵上循环口DN50供水口01DN65供水口02DN50DN50热泵下循环口G1G2DN50热泵下循环口G1数量1个1个1个1个1个1个2个1个1个1个2个150150温度/液位传感器口板材说明:内胆尺寸:4000*2000*2000(h)\P 外形尺寸:4120*2120*2120(h)\P 本水箱用作冷水箱\P\C256\P 外壳:0.8mm、SUS201不锈钢板504001501502600
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