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One year,Cangjie hunted in the South.He climbed a mountain called Yangxu,which lies beside the water of Xuan Hu Luo Mang(玄扈洛邙)。 Suddenly, he saw a big turtle, and there were many blue pattern on its enomorous back.He was curious about it,so,he took it away and made a futher research on it. He thought that since patterns can express the meaning.If he could set a rule, wasn’t it that it wil be much easier for everyone to convey their thoughts and record things?
一、汉字的产生 (The original of Chinese history)
① 仓颉造字的传说 ② 汉字起源的说法
二、演变(The development)
① 甲骨文 ② 金文 ③ 大篆 ④ 小篆 ⑤ 隶书 ⑥ 楷书 ⑦ 字体 ⑧ 行书 ⑨ 草书 ⑩ 印刷体电脑
一、汉字的产生(The original of Chinese character)
3.大篆 西周后期,汉字发展演变为大篆。 (In the later age of The Western Zhou Dynasty,Chinese character had been developed into Dazhuan.) 大篆,也称籀(zhòu)文。因其着录于字 书《史籀篇》而得名。《汉书· 艺文志》: “《史籀》十五篇,周室王太史籀作大 篆。”《说文》中保留了籀文225个,是 许慎依据所见到的《史籀》九篇集入的.
2.金文 金文是指铸刻在殷周青铜器上的铭 文,也叫钟鼎文。 (Jinwen refers to the inscription carved on the surface of bronze ware,which had been called Zhongdingwen also.) 商周是青铜器的时代,青铜器的礼 器以鼎为代表,乐器以钟为代表, “钟鼎”是青铜器的代名词。所谓 青铜,就是铜和锡的合金。中国在 夏代就已进入青铜时代,铜的冶炼 和铜器的制造技术十分发达。因为 周以前把铜也叫金,所以铜器上的 铭文就叫作“金文”或“吉金文 字”;又因为这类铜器以钟鼎上的 字数最多,所以过去又叫作“钟鼎 文”。 金文应用的年代,上自商代 的早期,下至秦灭六国,约1200多 年。金文的字数,据容庚《金文编》 记载,共计3722个,其中可以识别 的字有2420个。
1.甲骨文 甲骨文是中国已发现的古代文字中时代最早、体系较为完整的文字。 (Oracle bone inscriptions is the earliest and the most completive characters in the ancient characters that has been founded.) 甲骨文主要指殷墟甲骨文,又称为“殷墟文字”、“殷契”,是殷商时代刻 在龟甲兽骨上的文字。19世纪末年,在殷代都城遗址(今河南安阳小屯)被 发现。甲骨文继承了陶文的造字方法,是中国商代后期(前14~前11世纪) 王室用于占卜记事而刻(或写)在龟甲和兽骨上的文字。殷商灭亡周朝兴起 之后,甲骨文还延绵使用了一段时期 。
Cang thought it day and night.He observed everywhere, known the distributions of stars in the night sky,the appearance of mountains and rivers on the groud,the trace of all the creatures,the shapes of the instruments and plants.After mastering all of it, he could described the appearance, created different symbols and defined each symbols a concreat meaning they presented.He pieced the symobol together according to his own mind and showed it to other people.With his explaination ,people can understand it easily.Cang called this kind of symbol as “Character”.
By 李阳冰
曹操《龟虽寿》 隶书
5.隶书 隶书,亦称汉隶,是汉 字中常见的一种庄重的 字体。 (Clerical script, also called Han Li,which is a kind of sript common in Chinese character that looks like more solemn.) 书写效果略微宽扁,横 画长而直画短,呈长方 形状,讲究“蚕头雁 尾”、“一波三折”。 隶书起源于秦朝,由程 邈形理而成,在东汉时 期达到顶峰,书法界有 “汉隶唐楷”之称。
⑤汉字源于图画.认为二者并不同源,图画在先,文字在后,文 字是在图画的基础上产生的。(Chinese character originated from pictures ,but they didn’t have the same origin.It was pictures that earlier than the characters,meanwhile,character was produced on bisis of pictures.) ⑥汉字源于先民的社会实践。认为文字的产生直接导源于原始 的记事方法 。(Chinese characters originated from ancestors’ social practice,which had been thought the production of characters rooted in the original recording methods directly.) ⑦中国文字西来说.(Chinese characters came from the Western country.)
4.小篆 小篆又名秦篆,为秦朝丞相李斯等人所整理出的标准字体。由大篆简化而成。 又名玉筋篆。 (Xiao Zhuan is also called Qin Zhuan,which is a kind of standard character that had been sorted out by the prime minister Li Si in Qin dynasty.)因其具有笔力遒劲之意。小篆之形体结构规正协调,笔势匀圆整齐, 偏旁也作了改换归并。与大篆相比较无象形性。从大篆到小篆的文字变革,其 在中国文字史上具有极重大的意义。
2.汉字起源的说法繁多,历代学者各抒己见,这包括: ① 汉字源于结绳.认为文字是在上古时期结绳治事的启示下创制而成的。(It originated from tying a knot,which had been created during the ancient time to record things.) ② 汉字始于八卦.认为文字产生于易卦的卦象,如乾卦为天,坤卦为地,坎卦 为水,离卦为火等。(It began with the Eight Diagrams八卦,which had been thought that characters were produced from easy hexagrams trigram.For example,Qian trigrams for days,Kun trigrams for land,Can trigrams for water,Li trigrams for fires and so on.) ③ 仓颉视龟作书.认为仓颉受到灵龟的启示创制了文字。(Cangjie regard the turtles back as the writing place,which had been thought Cangjie had gotten the inspiration from the mirical turtle and created characters.) ④ 汉字、图画同源.认为书画异名而同体,在文字产生的初期,书亦画,画亦 书。(Chinese character and picture have the same origin,which had been thonght pictures and characters are different in their names,but same in the appearance.During the early age of creation,there was no difference between pictures and characters.)
1.仓颉造字的传说(The legend for Cangjie of making Chinese character)
According to the legend, cang jie “began to do the character, tie a knot by using dai”(始做书契,以代结绳)。In the past, people kept tying kont to memorize things, they play a big knot for the important thing, a small one to memorize the summary, and there was a serial knot for the relative ting. Then it was developed to memorize the thins with a knife engraved in MuZhu as symbols as a guide. With the development of history, civilized progressive, things became multifarious,the method of using a knife carving into the woods and tying konts cannot adapt to the needs.So,creating Chinese characters seems to become an urgent necessity . During the control of emperor Huang,which is a period having much more creatable inventions, people not only invented the sericulture, but also invented the boat, vehicles, arrow, mirror and cooking pot and retort, and so on. Under the influence of invention and creation, cang jie finally determined to the Chinese character.