Gap-Year 间隔年
“间隔年”在发达国家非常流行,“间隔年”,英文中叫Gap Year,是西方的一种叫法。
还有一种“Career break”的说法,指的是已经有工作的人辞职进行间隔旅行,以调整身心或者利用这段时间去做别的事情。
The idea of “Gap Year” is getting popular in China recently. Gap Year means after graduation, to take a year break to go for a long travel or have some special experiences abroad before taking a job. And I support this idea. The Gap Year will benefit you in many ways. 最近在中国,“间隔年”这个概念变得越来越流⾏。
Gap Year is a good buffer to the graduates. They have been being a student since they went to the kindergarten, they are severely lacking of experience of being out of school, and they have no idea how would it be if they enter the society without enough preparation. The Gap Year will give them a certain amount of time to study on the real society, and help them make a sound choice of career. 间隔年对毕业⽣来说是⼀个很好的缓冲。
高中英语作文:间隔年GapYear.pdfGap year, or in other words, a year off between high school and college, has become a popular option for many students in recent years. Traditionally, students would head straight to college right after high school, but more and more students are choosing to take a gap year to travel, gain work experience, or explore other opportunities. In this essay, we will explore the pros and cons of taking a gap year.On the one hand, advocates of gap years argue that it provides an opportunity for students to explore the world and gain valuable life experiences that will benefit them in college and beyond. During a gap year, students can travel to new places and immerse themselves in different cultures, learn new skills, and gain work experience. This can help them develop independence, self-confidence, and a clearer understanding of their goals and aspirations. Additionally, taking a gap year can also allow students to take a break from the academic pressure of high school and college, and return to their studies with renewed energy and focus.On the other hand, critics of gap years argue that it can be a waste of time and money, and that students who take a gap year may struggle to get back into the academic mindset when they return to school. Additionally, taking a year off can put students at a disadvantage compared to their peers who go straight to college, in terms of building their academic and professional networks, and getting a head start on their careers.Ultimately, the decision to take a gap year should be a personal one and based on individual circumstances. It is important forstudents to consider their goals, financial situation, and the potential drawbacks before making a decision. Some students may benefit greatly from taking a gap year, while for others it may not be the right choice.In conclusion, gap years can provide valuable experiences and insights for students, but they also come with risks and drawbacks. It is up to each individual student to weigh the pros and cons and make an informed decision based on their own goals and circumstances.。
After the gap year ,you will see, I can
also live in this way.
•这是一种生活,而不是一个纯粹的旅游。间隔年 后,你会看到,我也能用这种方式生活下去。
•I have seen many people who regret because of lost youth, but no one regrets because of the gap year.“
•The practice of taking a gap year developed in the United Kingdom in the 1960s.
•In the United States, the gap year idea was promoted by Cornelius H. Bull to allow students more time to grow as a person, in 1980.
•Until now, most young people have regarded taking a gap year between school and higher education as a welldeserved period of rest and recreation after four years of exams.
•---------The Guardian:《Gap year travel: what to put in if you plan to take a year out》卫报
Gap Year大揭秘 真的适合中国学生吗?
Gap Year大揭秘真的适合中国学生吗?很多美国高中生在收到大学录取通知书之后,会选择休学一阵子,给自己一个所谓的“Gap Year”(间隔年)来调适状态。
罗宾·潘多利亚,间隔年组织思维无界(Thinking Beyond Borders)的创始人兼CEO,他还坦言孩子们在间隔年中收获的经验会帮助他们在大学里更好的思考——他们会更好的把学到的与生活实际所需相融合。
另外还有一种Career break,专指已经步入工作的专业人士的间隔年。
Lonely Planet 的创始人托尼惠勒当年就是在自己的间隔年经历中找到了自己毕生挚爱的事业,开创了这个现在全球驴友标准指南的图书系列。
Gap Year之后,更容易建立成熟的价值观,对人生的追求有更清晰的想法。
国外的孩子知道自己要什么,不少与推迟一年上大学的Gap Year经历有关
这被称为?'It is going to be the biggestthing ever for gap year programs in the United States,' (美国间隔年项目有史以来最大的一件事)。
为什么哈佛大学等名校鼓励新生晚一年入学,先去“放空自己”呢?Gap Year(间隔年,又被称为“空档年”)有着怎样的魔力,让总统子女也趋之若鹜呢?▋“先弄明白自己究竟要的是什么”Gap Year,简单来说就是欧美国家的青年在升学或者毕业后工作前做一次远足旅行(通常是9个月到1年),让自己在步入大学或社会之前,体验不同的社会环境与生活方式,培养国际观念和积极的人生态度,学习生存技能,增进自我了解。
但这并不妨碍它在发放录取通知书时鼓励学生选择Gap Year,在“停下来”的一年时间里,通过实习、志愿服务或旅行等方式丰富阅历。
而根据美国间隔协会(American Gap Association)统计,每年会有3万至4万名学生选择空档年(Gap Year),2015年这一人数比2014年增加22%。
奥巴马女儿也选择晚一年进入哈佛,再一次让Gap Year为各界特别是教育界所热议。
▋Gap Year的七大益处美国知名的新闻网站赫芬顿邮报(The Huffington Post)曾列出间隔年的系列好处,学院君归纳为其以下七点:1. 你将明白自己喜欢什么,以及生活中什么最重要如果你经历了广泛的世界,知道了世界的复杂和值得骄傲的事情,你将知道生命中什么最重要;如果在进入大学之前能够从容地决定你想怎样利用你在学校的时光,你将能消减一些不必要的课程,减少学费帐单支出和一些压力。
谁去 gap year 了?他们在想什么?
谁去 gap year 了?他们在想什么?每年,1000 个中国年轻人会坐上飞往新西兰的飞机,他们下决心要离开这里一年,但在行程的目的地,并没有已经安排妥当的工作或课程在等着。
“不知道会发生什么”,他们对此心知肚明,并称呼这一年为“ gap year(间隔年)”——有点儿漫长的中场休息。
2012 年冬天,他已经抽空考了雅思,去机场前,宋钊在行李箱中塞了一大把中国结。
现在,他们都坐上了这架飞机,手里攥着由新西兰派发的打工旅行签证(working holiday visa)。
从 2008 年开始,新西兰向中国内地 18 到 30 岁的年轻人提供这样的机会,以便他们在新西兰旅游、生活、工作,赚取旅费。
穷游网、Lonely Planet 都推出过支持年轻人旅游的资助项目。
而根据新西兰驻上海总领事馆提供的数据,2014 年 1000 个名额在 9 小时内被抢完,今年只花了 1 小时 45 分钟。
Not just about fun
• In the West, the term "gap year" usually refers to a period before college or immediately afterwards, but the current definition in China is slightly different. A lot of people didn't know about gap years during their school days or were not financially able, have chosen to make up for the missed lesson after working for a few years. Gap years and working holidays are still relatively new concepts in China, so a lot of people tend to romanticize them before setting out.
• On December 1, 2006, he only entities with a twenty thousand yuan RMB bank card, with a about "gap year" dreams, from macau after Thailand, Burma, India, Pakistan, Xinjiang, to Tibet, Nepal, and the way the travel, the side to the identity of the volunteer service to ngos, help the local people who need help. When he came back after 13 months, he and his wife met in the journey of Japan, began their new life in Japan together.
Mind the gap year间隔年
Mind the gap year间隔年间隔年,近年来,间隔年(gap year)的理念大热。
While her fellow students prepare for the new semester, Chen Yanmei is on her way to Tibet.19岁的陈艳梅就读于上海大学管理专业,自从她实施自己的间隔年旅行计划后,就打消了近期返校的念头。
The 19-year-old management major at Shanghai University has no plans to return to campus anytime soon as she’s taken a gap year to travel.正在读大二的她说:“大学生活同高中生活并没有太大的区别。
”“College life is not much different from high school,”said sophomore Chen. “I feel burnout and study wears me out. So I think I’ll take a year off and come back with renewed enthusiasm.”大学间隔年越来越受到学生们的青睐。
Taking a gap year in college has become more appealing to students. While experts say that taking time off could be beneficial, there are several hurdles.据《新民晚报》报道,由新浪网发起的一份在线调查显示,有73.3%的中国学生渴望能体验一次间隔年。
对间隔年的理解英文作文英文回答:The concept of a "gap year" refers to taking a break from formal education or work for a certain period of time, usually a year, to engage in activities that promote personal growth and development. It is a time for self-discovery, exploration, and gaining new experiences before transitioning into the next phase of life.During a gap year, individuals have the opportunity to pursue various interests, such as traveling, volunteering, working, or learning new skills. For example, someone may choose to travel to different countries to experience different cultures and broaden their perspective. Another person may decide to volunteer in a community service project to make a positive impact on society. Some individuals may even opt to work or intern in a field related to their future career goals, gaining valuable practical experience.One of the main benefits of a gap year is the chance to step out of one's comfort zone and gain a deeper understanding of oneself. It allows individuals to reflect on their values, passions, and goals, and to explore their interests without the pressure of academic or professional commitments. This self-reflection can be instrumental in making informed decisions about future educational or career paths.Moreover, a gap year can also enhance one's personal and professional skills. For instance, traveling to different countries can improve language skills, adaptability, and cultural awareness. Volunteering or working in a different environment can develop teamwork, leadership, and problem-solving abilities. These skills are highly valued by universities and employers, as they demonstrate a well-rounded individual with a broader perspective on life.Furthermore, a gap year can provide a break from the constant pressure and stress of academic or work life. Itoffers a chance to recharge and rejuvenate before divinginto the next phase of life. This period of rest and relaxation can contribute to improved mental health and overall well-being.中文回答:“间隔年”是指在正式教育或工作之外,暂停一段时间(通常为一年),参与促进个人成长和发展的活动。
什么是gap year意思指的是摘要:Gap year(空档年)是一个英国词儿,指学生离开学校一段时间,经历一些学习以外的事情,比如外出旅行或者工作。
Gap year is an English expression (also known as drop year, deferred year, bridging year, etc) referring to a period of time - not necessarily a year in which students take time off and do something other than schooling, such as travel or work. The year out is most commonly taken after secondary school and before starting university. However, over recent years there has been an increase in 21-23 year olds taking a year out after completing their degree.Gap year(空档年)是一个英国词儿,指学生离开学校一段时间,经历一些学习以外的事情,比如外出旅行或者工作。
The practice of taking a deferred year developed in the United Kingdom in the 1960s. During this time, a student might travel, engage in volunteer work overseas or undertake a working holiday abroad.空档年这种做法于二十世纪六十年代兴起于英国。
gap year 口译交传
Gap Year 口译交传简介Gap Year(间隔年)是指学生在高中毕业或大学毕业后,暂时放弃学业,选择去旅行、工作或参加志愿者活动等一系列非正式教育的经历。
在Gap Year中,口译交传可以帮助旅行者与当地人进行沟通,解决语言障碍,获得更深入的体验和了解。
本文将详细介绍Gap Year和口译交传的重要性、技巧以及如何充分利用这个机会来提升自己。
Gap Year 的益处1. 个人成长Gap Year提供了一个独特的机会,让年轻人离开舒适区,挑战自己并发展个人技能。
2. 文化体验通过Gap Year,年轻人可以深入了解不同国家和地区的文化。
3. 语言学习在Gap Year中,年轻人有机会学习和实践外语技能。
4. 社会参与许多年轻人选择在Gap Year期间参加志愿者活动,为社会做出贡献。
口译交传的重要性在Gap Year中,口译交传是一项重要的技能,可以帮助旅行者与当地人进行有效的沟通。
以下是口译交传的几个重要性:1. 消除语言障碍当旅行者到达一个新的国家或地区时,可能会遇到语言障碍。
gap year英语二
gap year英语二English: A gap year can be a valuable experience for young adults in many ways. It provides the opportunity for personal growth, self-discovery, and cultural immersion. During this time, individuals can explore their interests, gain new skills, and broaden their perspectives by stepping out of their comfort zones. Moreover, a gap year can also enhance one's resume and future career prospects. Taking a break from traditional education to engage in meaningful activities such as volunteering, internships, or travel can demonstrate initiative, independence, and adaptability to potential employers or universities.中文翻译: 间隔年对年轻人来说,在很多方面都可以是一种有价值的经历。
对gap year的理解英文作文
对gap year的理解英文作文英文回答:Gap year is a term that refers to a break or a year off taken by students or young adults before they continuetheir education or enter the workforce. It is a period of time where individuals have the opportunity to explore new experiences, gain valuable skills, and broaden their horizons.There are several reasons why people choose to take a gap year. Firstly, it provides a chance for personal growth and self-discovery. During this time, individuals can step out of their comfort zones, challenge themselves, and learn more about their strengths and weaknesses. For example, I have a friend who took a gap year and spent six months volunteering in a remote village in Africa. This experience not only allowed her to make a difference in the lives of others, but also helped her develop resilience, adaptability, and a greater sense of empathy.Secondly, a gap year can be an opportunity to gain practical skills and knowledge. Many individuals choose to use this time to learn a new language, acquire professional certifications, or engage in internships or apprenticeships. These experiences can greatly enhance their resumes and make them more competitive in the job market. For instance, my cousin took a gap year and worked as an intern at a marketing agency. This hands-on experience not onlyprovided her with valuable insights into the industry, but also helped her build a network of contacts that proved beneficial when she started her career.Furthermore, a gap year can also be a chance to explore different cultures and broaden one's perspective. Traveling to different countries and immersing oneself in new environments can lead to a deeper understanding and appreciation of diversity. It can also help individuals develop a global mindset and become more adaptable in an increasingly interconnected world. For example, I met a fellow traveler during my gap year who had spent several months backpacking through South America. Through hisinteractions with locals and exposure to different ways of life, he gained a newfound appreciation for cultural diversity and a desire to work in international development.In conclusion, a gap year offers numerous benefits for personal growth, skill development, and cultural exploration. It allows individuals to step out of their comfort zones, gain practical experiences, and broadentheir horizons. Whether it is through volunteering, internships, or travel, a gap year can be a transformative period that shapes one's future endeavors.中文回答:间隔年是指学生或年轻人在继续教育或进入职场之前休息或休假的一年。
• Australia • Australia is a popular
destination for overseas gap year travelers as well as being a common source of gap year travelers. Usually, around 2% of Australians take a year off prior to attending tertiary education and choose to travel abroad (usually South East Asia or Europe) or within Australia go backpacking.
• On December 1, 2006, he only entities with a twenty thousand yuan RMB bank card, with a about "gap year" dreams, from macau after Thailand, Burma, India, Pakistan, Xinjiang, to Tibet, Nepal, and the way the travel, the side to the identity of the volunteer service to ngos, help the local people who need help. When he came back after 13 months, he and his wife met in the journey of Japan, began their new life in Japan together.
gap year翻译
gap year翻译gap year英/ˈɡæp jɪə(r) 美/[ˈɡæp jɪr]n.空缺年(常指中学毕业后上大学前所休的一年假期,用于实习或旅游)双语例句1.I'm planning to take a gap year and go backpacking in India.我准备休假一年去印度背包旅行。
2.I went around the world in my gap year.我在上大学前空闲的一年里周游了世界。
3.That is a record14.7%increase in the number of students taking a gap year.选择间隔年的学生人数发生了创纪录的14.7%的增长。
4.It is not surprising that more and More students are taking a gap yearto earn money to support their study for the degree.越来越多的学生利用空档年挣钱来支持他们的学位学习,这并不奇怪。
5."Students who take a well-planned year out are more likely to be satisf ied with,and complete,their chosen course.Students who take a gap yea r are often more mature and responsible,"he said.他说:"那些计划周密的学生更可能对自己选择的课程感到满意,也更可能完成学业。
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Working holiday Visa
A visa which allows travellers to work (and sometimes study) in the country to supplement( 补充) their travel funds.
You might be able to get this visa if you: • are at least 18 but have not turned 31 years of age at the time you lodge your application • will not be with a dependent child while you are in Australia • have enough money to support yourself on a working holiday (about AUD 5000) • have enough money to buy a return or onward travel ticket at the end of your stay
ADBCB ADBCD AABCD CBADC and; to; training; yourself; died; looked/was looking; suddenly; a/the; ill; hours
Year ?
Please mind the gap between the train and platform.
(3) In the travelling, you can come up with what you are interested in and then set your goal in life. It’s also a voyage of discovery.
You will be able to work out who you are and what you are for. The experiences of different cultures offer you interesting lessons. You can learn more about the world and get to know yourself better.
In the 1960s, it was developed in the UK.
In the 1980s, it expanded to many countries. Nowadays, the gap year is all over the world.
Why do people tend to(倾向于) have a gap year ?
(2) It
can teach people how to adapt to the unfamiliar world, how to live in harmony( 和 谐 ) with others and how to cope with stress(抗压).
When you come across problems
(at least two years of undergraduate university study.)
• have functional English (IELTS:4.5) • have a letter of support from your government (except applicants from Israel, the People’s Republic of China and the United States of America) • meet character and health requirements • are a genuine visitor.
The culture, scenery, food and people there will give you a lot of fun.
What can people do during the gap year ?
Firstly, have a temporary work in various youth hostels in exchange for free room and board. Secondly, do volunteer work. You should pay for the transportation, but the accommodation(住宿 ), food is for free. Thirdly, you can go for a trip while taking parttime jobs. (In some countries, there are working holiday visas which allow you to work in that country.)
• have not previously entered Australia on a Work and Holiday visa (subclass 462) or a Working Holiday visa (subclass 417) • meet the educational requirements
Gu Shaoqiang, a psycology teacher working in this school for 10 years submitted this resign application and got approved. The world is so big that I want to have a look.
(1) Having a gap year can broaden people’s horizons, know more about the world culture, acquire out-of-school knowledge and help them see the world from different angles(角度).
世界没变 ,我变了
(4) Face Challenges and Have Fun
A gap year is not only a time to take a vacation, but also a time to face challenges. Gap year students usually work, volunteer or take service projects. You have to learn how to get along in the real world. This process isn’t always easy, but it is an important part of growing up.
Generation gap
Question : What is Gap Year ?
In Western countries, before entering university or going to work, many young people spend about one year doing a long trip or some nongovernmental and volunteer work. We call the people who take the gap year ‘gapper’.