unit 15研究生基础英语(毛大威)课后答案Unit15
(完整word版)研究生基础综合英语课后答案汇总 附词汇
Unit 1 对F的赞美1今年将有好几万的十八岁青年毕业,他们都将被授予毫无意义的文凭。
汉译英:1、汤姆和玛丽Tom and Mary have a cunning strategy for successful child-rearing .Like most other parents, they wouldn’t mind if their two daughters turned out to be among the next Mozarts. But essentially, they just want to help the girls get the most out of their lives. The key, they’ve decided, is the weekends, when they see to it that their daughters do pretty much nothing at all.2、有200年历史的京剧Peking opera, with 200years of history, is valued as part of the immense heritage of Chinese culture. Unfortunately , this heritage has seen its appeal to younger generations in China decline in recent years. But when I was in Hawaii, I was surprised and pleased to see that some young Americans were actively involved in this ancient oriental art and seriously studying the songs, speeches, movements and acrobatic conventions of the opera.3、反引力Antigravity is a property of empty space that exerts an out ward force life a compressed spring at every point in space. A given volume of space always has the same amount of dark energy, so when the distance between two galaxies doubles, the force pushing them away from each other is twice as strong. As the universe expands, the volume of space increases, which means more dark energy. By now, 14 billion years after the Big Bang, antigravity has overwhelmed, gravity, so the expansion will get faster and faster.4、电视新闻Television news reports and programs bring about both positive and negative influence. From the news reports, people get to know the great events that have happened, are happening or will happen in the world, such as wars in the Middle East and famine in Africa. As a result they broaden their mind. By watching television programs people also get to know other peoples and their cultures. However, television news reports and programs may mislead peoples. Violence and drug problems are harmful to young people. Political scandals, illegal campaign contributions and illegal financial manipulation greatly damage the nation’s image. Things go worse especially when international audiences lack context and a frame of reference.5、Ff。
基础英语(一)课后释义及翻译答案Unit 1Paraphrase:1.Our big old house was touched with the laughter and tears of four generations.Our big old house had seen the joys and sorrows of four generations of our family.2.I planted these roses a long, long time ago—before your mother was even adream.I planted these roses a long, long time ago, before your mother was born.3.Many sons went away to fight a great evil.Many sons left home to fight against the fascists.4.Take that special hello and lock it away within you.Take the first friendly greeting and always keep it deep in your heart.Translation:1.他对这次面试中可能提到的问题作好了准备。
(confront)He has prepared answers to the questions that he expects to confront during the interview.2.他悲惨的遭遇深深打动了我们,使我们几乎哭出声来。
(touch)His sad story touched us so deeply that we nearly cried.3.他们俩手挽着手沿着河边散步,有说有笑。
新现西1册课后答案 第15课
第十五课UNIDAD 15I. 请跟随录音填充单词中空缺的字母(De acuerdo con la grabación, completelas palabras con las letras que faltan).(录音)estu dian te via jan colom bia no re cién mien trasexpe rien cia mi sión informa ción me dio pa cien ciacua tro cuán do cuen to cuen tan cui dadogua po len gua pe queño que dan quie roq uién al guien chi co Chi na ba chi lleratoprove cho so despa cho maña na bañar niñoscumple años dueño a llálla mas bote llaca lle e dad actuali dad reali dad facul tadha blante ham bre his pano ho la hom bres oy h oy m uy Lui s Méxi coe xa men ta xi ta xis ta s ed sa ludseguri dad sucie dad universid ad v ez v ozzo na za patoIV. 请听录音,注意其中有关课文内容的判断,然后模仿所给的斜体字例子,口头予以肯定或否定,并说出完整的正确看法(Escuche la siguiente grabación. En ella, hay proposiciones que guardan relación con el contenido del texto. Usando la expresión oral, confírme su corrección o corríjalas, para lo que debe seguir la pauta de los ejemplos en cursiva. Complete el ejercicio poniendo, junto a cada preposic ión, las palabras “correcta” o “incorrecta). profesora recién llegada se llama Verónica Fernández. profesora, aunque recién llegada a Beijing, ya conoce bastante bien la ciudad.3.Lo que le ha sorprendido especialmente es la modernidad de la ciudad.4.Verónica Hernández conoce mucho el tema de la enseñanza del español comosegunda lengua.5.Verónica Hernández tiene mucho interés por mejorar el poco chino que sabe.6.Verónica Hernández está preocupada de trabajar en un país diferente al suyo.7.Verónica Hernández habla, además del español, francés y un poco de chino.8.Verónica Hernández va a dar clases de culturas precolombinas de Hispanoamérica,como la inca, la maya y la azteca.9.No es necesario que los alumnos conozcan, además de la lengua española, otrostemas relacionados con el mundo hispanohablante.10.Los profesores y alumnos de la Facultad de español reciben a la nueva profesoracon mucho cariño.11.El profesor recién llegado se llama José González. Es colombiano.12.Liu Yang ya lleva varios años estudiando español.13.Liu Yang y sus compañeros ya pueden hablar normalmente en español con elprofesores hispanohablante.14. A Liu Yang le interesa mucho recibir clases de un profesor hispanohablante.15. El profesor José González piensa hablar con el decano para que no le asigne eldictado de clases (授课)en el primer curso.16. JoséGonzález quiere plantear este problema al decano porque le parece muydifícil enseñar a alumnos que no saben nada de español.17. Liu Yang no se va a poner nervioso frente(面对) al profesor González, en la clase,porque ya lo conoce.18. El profesor colombiano está dispuesto a invitar a sus alumnos a su casa los finesde semanas para que ellos practique el español con élClave1.Incorrecta. La profesora recién llegada se llama Verónica Hernández.2.Incorrecta. Recién llegada a Beijing, la profesora solo conoce algunos aspectos dela ciudad.3.Correcta. Lo que le ha sorprendido especialmente a Verónica Hernández es lamodernidad de la ciudad.4.Correcta. Verónica Hernández es especialista en la enseñanza del español comosegunda lengua.5. Correcta. Por eso Verónica Hernández piensa salir a la calle y hablar con la gente.6. Incorrecta. Verónica Hernández está alegre de tener un primer contacto docentecon un medio cultural diferente.7. Correcta. Verónica Hernández, domina bastante bien una lengua extranjera, elfrancés y un poco de chino.8. Incorrecta. Ella solo va a hablar en clase sobre algunos temas de Historia deAmérica Latina, porque conoce bastante bien las culturas precolombinas.9. Incorrecta. No solo es necesario que los alumnos estudien la lengua española,sino que también adquieran otros conocimientos relacionados con el mundo hispanohablante.10. Correcta. Los profesores y alumnos de la Facultad de español reciben a la nuevaprofesora con los brazos abiertos.11. C orrecta. El profesor que acaba de llegar se llama José González. Es colombiano.12. Incorrecta. Liu Yang solo lleva un semestre estudiando español.13. Incorrecta. Liu Yang y sus compañeros son todavía estudiantes del primer curso.Solo saben decir muy pocas cosas en español.14. Correcta. A Liu Yang le interesa mucho que un profesor hispanohablante le déclases. Cree que puede ser una experiencia fascinante.15. Incorrecta. José González tiene mucho interés en enseñar a los estudiantes delprimer curso.16. Incorrecta. Al contrario (正相反), piensa que puede ser una experienciaenriquecedora ver cómo se aprende el español desde el comienzo.17. Correcta. Es verdad: ya lo conoce un poco. Sabe, por eso, que no se va a ponernervioso. .18. Correcta. El interés que tiene el profesor colombiano en enseñar español a susalumnos chinos es muy grande. Eso se ve en la amabilidad que tiene de invitarlosa su casa para que practiquen hablando con él.V. 请用下列各组单词造句, 注意应有的形态变化,并增添所需的小品词,然后译成汉语(Forme oraciones con las series numeradas de palabras cambiando lo que haya que cambiar y agregándolas partículas necesarias. Luego, tradúzcalas al chino):1.Es imposible aprender una lengua extranjera sin practicarla.Es imposible que aprendáis una lengua extranjera sin practicarla.2.Es mejor pronunciar el discurso en españolEs mejor que pronuncies el discurso en español3.Es provechoso conocer medios culturales diferentes.Es provechoso que conozcamos medios culturales diferentes.4.Está bien asignar a la profesora García al segundo curso.Está bien que el decano asigne a la profesora García al segundo curso.5.No está mal hablar un poco de tu experiencia docente.No está mal que hables un poco de tu experiencia docente.6.Los libros son importantes pero, para conocer de cerca la cultura de un país, esnecesario vivir en él.Los libros son importantes pero, para conocer de cerca la cultura de un país, es necesario que vivamos en él7. Es importante organizar cursos de verano para estudiantes extranjeros.Es importante que organicéis cursos de verano para estudiantes extranjeros.8. Es útil tener estas informaciones profesionalesEs útil que ustedes tengan estas informaciones profesionales.9. Está bien encargar esa misión a Dolores.Está bien que encargues esa misión a Dolores.10. Es difícil encontrar al decano en su oficina.Es difícil que encontremos al decano en su oficina.VI. 请将括号中的动词变为适当的人称和时态。
研究⽣英语(⽑⼤威)课后答案精华(Unit11-16)Toddler---child who has….. Acuity---sharpness Lapse—small error,…. Sterile---producing no useful….Huckster---person who tries….Hothouse---nurture with very….Peril---serious danger; Gadget---small mechanical device….Curriculum---subjects included in…Transcript---copy of an…Intrinsic---being part of…. Whimper---twitch or weak…. Seethe---to move about…Calibrate---to mark degrees…Throttle---a valve in…. Cosmic---a of or….Mar---to make less…Contaminate---to make impure…Far-fetched---too improbable…Blunder---a stupid unnecessary…1\He will come to---d(finishes)2\Do not disturb me---a(have been cleaning)3\It’s high time ---b(repaired) 4\Their struggle over---b(finally ended)5\Such a state---d(be put up with)6\Do you know---a(was won) 7\Having got on---b(had forgotten to bring)8\He told me---c(joined)1\All these products---a(attained)2\Every morning people---c(dressed)3\Getting off the---c(I found my…)4\His health---b(failing)5\The old man---d(to have taken …)6\Last week we---b(lying)7\The littlegirl---d(disappointing)8\Most of the---b(to eating)The phenomenonof…….(1-published 2-among3-were 4-parents 5-system6-findings 7-warning 8-only9-brains 10-to11-report 12-impact 13-off14-unremarkable 15-children16-on 17-late 18-damage19-worry 20-don’t)This year Idecided…(1-challenging2-took 3-case4-communication 5-set6-raise 7-aware 8-enough9-No 10-capable) Motorists aremore…(1-objects 2-see3-directed 4-attention5-hands-free 6-missing7-reacting 8-use 9-published 10-issue)1\We shoul(avail—of)2\By means of…(made up for)3\She is trying…(steer)4\Mary was worrying…(unsettling)5\Entering the living…(soothe)6\We notice that…(bilingual) 7\The librarian(assjduously) 8\Many old people…(anarchic)9\They are proposing(radical) 10\This is a…(optimizes)1\His claim to(far-fetched)2\The local police…(went off) 3\When we were…(ballooned)4\The company employed..(loopholes)5\I think perhaps…(hasty)6\If you think…(repulsive)7\Many people think…(repulsive)8\According to Piaget…(gradual)9\Humans cannot catch..(contaminated)10\The bank says..(term)1\The prices at…(excessive) 2\All the students(access)3\They havemade(contribution)4\That tallbuilding(projected)5\Mr.Kane is(available)6\The visitors(marveled at) 7\The witness didn’t(expose) 8\Her excitementwas(apparent)9\I saw him(addressing)10\Every year her(presented) 1\Despite the(error-prone)2\Four years had(elapsed) 3\He just got(commission)4\She(has a right)5\You’d better think(scare off)6\The frequentinterviews(intrusive)7\It was awful(all fingers)8\I received a (courteous)改错1\The concept is(C—who)2\They may not (A—serious) 3\Our task was(D –polar ears)4\It should be(D—another) 5\Together withthe(A—With)6\Although it(C—in the real world)7\The trip to(C—rather)8\While working on(C--three-hour)9\Communication(A—was) 10\This escape(D—with)1\I regret (C—should have planned)2\Investigatorsagreed(C—must/may/could) 3\You musthave(A—couldn’t)4\It was very(D—needn’t)5\You had better(A—省略to) 6\You reallyneedn’t(D—ought to)7\Since the TV(C—may)8\You mustn’t(A—shouldn’t) 9\I was fully(D—should)10\Come whatmust(B—may)1\After the Civil(B—去掉they)2\He was invited(C—to complete改为completing) 3\The president (B–Five-men改为five-man)4\The seeds of(B—their改为his)5\In thetechnique(B—knowing改为known)6\Breaking thesound(A—extra.. 改为extraordinary)7\Babe Ruth played(B--since 改为from)8\Not many young(B enough old改为old enough)。
钟候波整理第 1 页 共 4 页研究生基础英语课后答案Unit1-6 ※- - - - - - 单词词组互译- - - - - - - -※英译汉英译汉communication communication satellite satellite 通讯卫星通讯卫星 mobile mobile telephony telephony 移动通讯intelligent robot 智能机器人智能机器人 clone 克隆克隆telecommunications 远程通讯远程通讯 stock h older holder 股东股东taxing authority 税务机关税务机关 charitable organization 慈善机构善机构nonprofit firm 非盈利公司非盈利公司 sales forecast 销售预测销售预测economic forecast 经济预测经济预测 tourist resort 旅游胜地旅游胜地landscape scenery 山水风光山水风光 virgin forest 原始森林原始森林 hitchhiking 沿途免费搭乘他人便车旅行 outdoor outdoor adventures adventures 户外冒险活动险活动 a camper 野营者野营者 antibiotic 抗生素抗生素 gene 基因基因 El Nino 厄尔尼塔厄尔尼塔 marine 海产的,海运的;舰队,海运业海运业 vitamin 维生素维生素 humility 谦逊谦逊endeavor n n & v & v 努力,尝试尝试 sincerity 真诚真诚 挚真挚 patriotism 爱国主义爱国主义faith 信仰,信念信仰,信念 divine 神圣的,非凡的,崇高的崇高的reconcile 调和,和解调和,和解 self-observation 自我审视自我审视ethics ethics class class 道德教育课道德教育课 computer-aided computer-aided cheating cheating 利用计算机作弊利用计算机作弊failing grade 不及格不及格 plagiarism 剽窃剽窃mandatory penalty 强制惩罚强制惩罚 junk email harassment 垃圾邮件骚扰圾邮件骚扰汉译英汉译英文学literature 科幻小说science fiction 空间旅行space traveling 外星人外星人 alien 人类社会 human society 高技术高技术 high-technology 信息时代information information age age 信息产业information industry 管理管理 management 协调协调 coordinate 运作operate 人力资源人力资源 human resources 经费经费 funds 决策make decisions 政府部门governmental agencies 金融机构financial institution 远足hike 兜风go for a ride 观光sight-seeing 探险explore, exp loration ploration 交游go outing 滑雪滑雪 skiing 冲浪surfing 睡袋sleeping bag 导游图导游图 tourist map 夏令营summer camp 羊羔lamb 山羊goat 猪崽piglet 奶牛cow 牛犊calf 家禽fowl 哺乳动物mammal 畜家畜 domestic domestic animals animals 善意goodwill, goodwill, good good intentions 高尚noble 成就achievement, achievement, success,success, accomplishment 抱负ambition, aspiration 原则principle 奉献dedicate 平等equality 忠诚sincerity, loyalty, faithfulness 抄袭抄袭 copy / plagriarise 作弊作弊 cheating 道德准则道德准则 ethics 校行政人员校行政人员 school officials 开除开除 explusion 学年学年 school year 读书报告读书报告 book report 校园社区服务校园社区服务 on-compus community s evice sevice ※- - - - - -单词、时态填空- - - - - - - -※ Unit1 predict reveal dominate in in search of search of play a major role i n in call for in reality speculation a a wide wide range range of of respect 1、They got there in the late afternoon and went around in search of a place to stay.2、The astronomers were questioned on a wide range of subjects from physics to psychology. 3、As people spend more time watching TV and reading the newspapers, the media plays a major role in influencing their opinions. 4、T here was a strange silence about what was happening, but the details of the murder were finally revealed by the local paper. 5、After another round of negotiations, they finally signed a declaration calling for an immediate ceasefire. 6、Xiao Xiao Ling Ling Ling always always always seems seems seems so so so self-confident, self-confident, self-confident, but but in in reality reality she she is is extremely shy. 7、I have to admit that she is very nice as a hostess, but she dose tend to dominate the conversation. 8、Out of respect for the whishes of her family, the accident was not reported in the local media. 9、T he company's expansion was predicted on the assumption that sales would rise. 10、Any Any suggestion suggestion suggestion of of of an an an imminent imminent imminent crash crash crash in in in stock stock stock market market market is is is pure pure speculation. Unit2 require acquire operate comprehend motivate maintain adapt adapt to to be be certain certain access to coordinate component convert 1、As As an an an excellent excellent manager, he he is is is very very good good at at motivating his employees. 2、Their principal activities are to serve the French corporations operating abroad. 3、The two rival companies maintained close relations for ten years. 4、A large complex organization can be slow to adapt to changes. 5、The ability to use a language can be acquired only by the act of using the language.6、A password is needed to get access to the computer s ystem. system. 7、Good Good records records records are are required for for the the the preparation preparation preparation of of of complete complete complete and and accurate tax documents. 8、T hey read the story, but only a few fully comprehended its meaning. 9、They converted the medieval castle into a beautiful theater. 10、The doctor was certain after examining his wounds that he could not possibly live. Unit3 accessible to push off at a rice a craving for negotiate accommodate unique consistently 1、Housing could b e obtained be obtained at a price . 2、Medicine should not be kept where it is accessible to children. 3、Patrick is not sure whether he can negotiate the t urn at the bottom. turn at the bottom. 4、The The hungry hungry hungry beggar had beggar had a a craving craving craving for for food, food, any any any food left food left by by the the geests. 5、Let's push o ff off early so that we'll get there before nightfall. 6、John and A rmstrong maintain Armstrong maintain consistently a high standard. 7、Those foreign students are accommodated in Canadian homes near the campus for a three-week orientation program. 8、Each person's signature is unique and that will help us to find out if this document is a forgery. Unit4 clone donation donor transplant cattle recipient mammal initiate reverse at intervals light u p up 1、The cost of feeding fully grown cattle for a period of time can be significant 2、Nonsexual Nonsexual reproduction reproduction reproduction from from from a single a single parent is already already possible possible possible and and every clone produced in this way is absolutely identical to the parent. 3、Former Former students students students collected collected collected money money money for scholarship for scholarship fund. fund. We We We are are are very very grateful to the donors for their generous donations. 4、Baby animals o f of mammals such as mice, cows and monkeys get milk from their mothers breasts. 5、We transplanted the small peach tree from the back of the house to the front because it did not get enough sunlight there. 6、Shall we recipients the order and put Z Z at at at the beginning of the beginning of t his this dictionary? 7、The searchlight reverse the whole area.8、The government lit up a large-scale campaign to eliminate illiteracy. 9、The initiated of Nobel Prize are honored at special ceremonies in Sweden and Norway. 10、Rain fell at irregular intervals throughout the n ight. night. Unit5 Jane was confined to bed due to illness for three months Many women l ost lost their jobs during the economic depression The corrupting effects of complete power ruined many politicians Her first reaction to the news was a mixture of grief and comfort The journalist wrote an article in which police corruption was exposed to the full Shop assistants are asked to make every endeavor to provide the customer satisfaction he argued that the British legal system was derived from Roman law and has evolved into a complicated system The disease is spreading quickly in the city and people ,especially children and t he aged ,are at risk the aged ,are at risk The book gives readers a deeper insight i nto European culture into European culture The witness gave the police a full account of what had happened in the courtyard Unit6 dedicate …to tend t o to subject …to involve compared with doctoral attribution wise up 1. He has been depressed and h is his novel tends to be pessimistic. 2. The researchers subjected the material to all kinds of tests before they put it into use. 3. T oday oday most most most parents parents parents think think think they they they should involve should involve themselves themselves in in in their their children children’’s education, 4. He has run into some difficulties , but he knew that they were nothing compared with y ours.yours. 5. It was at Stanford University that Albert Marvell decided to dedicate his life to science. 6. From this initial dissatisfaction my own doctoral thesis developed. 7. It is regarded as a social norm that one should always remember to cite others others’’words with proper attribution. 8. Wise up V i ctoria,ictoria,ictoria, Jane is cheating you. She has never returned money Jane is cheating you. She has never returned money to anyone she borrowed from. ※- - - - - -近义选词填空(两个词中选适合意思)- - - - - -※ Unit1 钟候波整理第 2 页 共 4 页1. The students attended a class entitled “Beyond Tradition ”,in which they discussed the effect of technology on t raditional traditional culture 2. China has a vast territory and abundant resources .she is a large country with a long history and a rich cultural heritage 3. At At the the the conference conference , , the the minister a accused accused the the organization organization of of sponsoring terrorism . 4. The research program is sponsored by a large computer company 5. The drop in student numbers added further complication to the situation 6. Now he was getting a lesson in the complexity of diesel engines 7. Being a member of Animal Adoration Society, she seems to think that animal rights should prevail over everything else 8. It was obvious that her husband completely dominated her. 9. As one of the leading candidates for the presidency, he still needs the help of his supporters to win the election 10. In most most cases, cases, investors are entitled to to a a reasonable reasonable reasonable return on their return on their money Unit2 John did not follow the correct p rocedure procedure in applying for the job The firm is now on the p rocess process of moving the machines to a new factory The scientists from the two medical schools are cooperating in the attempt to find a cure for the disease They appointed a new manager to coordinate the work of the team He set an objective for the new organization to provide free legal aid to the poor The main objection to program was that it would cost too much They used a new drug in the treatment that is effective against the cancer A successful manager n eeds an needs an e fficient efficient secretary The installation of the new machinery has doubled the productivity of the factory factory The new training program made the workers highly productive Unit3 Since 1978, the amount of money available to buy books has fallen by 17% The building h as been made has been made accessible to disabled people She is c onstantly constantly changing her mind He has c onsistently consistently stood firm on the side of the oppressed people They convert an old stable into a little comfortable h ouse house Because the normal w ord order word order is reversed in passive in passive voice sentences, they are sometimes hard to follow If you enjoy outdoor activities, this is the trip for you I reckon it it’’s warm enough to eat outdoors this evening The Tibetan h ighland is a land of blue highland is a land of blue skies and warm sunshine She looked out over the rooftops and the open sky Unit4(选择题)(选择题)Nobody can help but be fascinated by the world into which he is taken by science fiction He claimed to be an expert in astronomy , but in fact he is quite ignorant on the subject , w hat little what little he knows about i t it i s is out of date and inaccurate The The managjng director managjng director refused to accept neither of the the four four four proposals proposals made by the contractors Professor Smith implied ,but did not directly say , that Americans are more concerned with making money than anything else There is e very every possibility o f our of our winning the game There There people people people spoke spoke at at the the meeting ,one ,one was was a a lawyer lawyer ,another a teacher ,and t he the third was a social worker I have been to the doctor ’s about my backache , he says there is nothing serious ,but I must ile up for a few days The New York T imes will soon carry colour advertisements; none of this will matter if newspapers eventually disappear We stood up , thinking through the possibilities ,There weren weren’’t many Melton Melton Brown Brown Brown was was was the the the only only only salon salon salon producing producing producing its its its own own own shampoos shampoos shampoos and and hair-care products all based on h erbal recipes herbal recipes Unit5 An An aircraft aircraft aircraft carrier carrier carrier and and and nineteen warships nineteen warships left left the the the naval naval naval base base base today today today for for exercises at sea He He returned to returned to South South Carolina Carolina Carolina in in in 1966 1966 1966 and and and established established established his his his own own own legal legal practice The The kidnappers kidnappers threatened to to kill the hostages unless they kill the hostages unless they received received a a ransom of $500,000 In his inaugural a ddress Lincoln repeated that address Lincoln repeated that his government posed no threat to slavery in the states If they had negotiated a peace earlier they could have avoided this terrible , bloody war He flew nine special missions in that area in 2003 and has experience with biological w arfare The object of the war to restore the Union ; but the cause of the war was slavery It took her three months to recover her spirits after that unex pected blow The newspaper aims to reflect the views of the middle class Their main purpose was to deflect attention from the opponents ’ criticism Unit6 1. 1. They knew They knew that that it is it is a a criminal criminal offense to sell pirated v ideos on videos on the street. 2. 2. She is very sensitive She is very sensitive and will be o ffended offended if you don ’t t accept accept accept her her invitation. 3. 3. The The The most most most common common complaint from from car car car drivers is drivers is about about the lack the lack of parking facilities. 4. Customers c omplained complained to the company about the poor bus service. 5. The y ’y’ve come to the conclusion that he is not the right person for the job. 6. He c oncluded concluded from what he was told that the situation in the city was bad and getting worse. 7. He worked hard and was soon promoted t o marketing to marketing m anager manager . 8. The committee has decided to remove the corrupt a dministrator administrator . 9. The worked out a program to speed up the development of new energy sources . 10.T he made use of the available financial resource to establish a small science laboratory. 11.V 11.Violence and crime are iolence and crime are pervasive features o f city life. of city life. 12.A resolution A resolution to to maintain maintain maintain the truce was carried by the truce was carried by an overwhelming majority. ※- - - - - -介词填空- - - - - -※ Uint2 He said that they should examine all the costs involved in the p roject first project first Dealing with this diversity of human resources in the 2010’s and beyond will be a significant challenge to managers Smith Smith’’s s T T uesday uesday morning morning morning experiences experiences experiences are are are typical typical typical of of of managerial managerial managerial work,work, which is varied, fragmented, and difficult to plan and organize. Effective Effective managers managers managers may be one of may be one of a a developed developed developed country country country’’s s most most most valuable valuable resources, and they are one of the most needed resources in less developed countries countries The specific tasks of a manager in a college or university department differ from those of people managing in other organizations Bad Bad management management results results in in in poor poor poor employee employee employee morale, morale, morale, poor poor poor quality, quality, quality, low low productivity, and u nnecessary employee-employer conflicts unnecessary employee-employer conflicts Errors in judgement for job hunting can prevent even the finest candidate from landing the job she or he wants The business plan is a written document that clearly defines the goals of a business and outlines the methods for achieving them Rapid Rapid technological developments in technological developments in t ransportation transportation transportation and and and communications communications have brought the peoples o f the world closer together of the world closer together in a physical sense A A recent survey revealed that 54 recent survey revealed that 54 percent considered a a foreign foreign foreign language language necessary for d oing doing business abroad Unit3 He said that they should examine all the costs involved in the project first That That is is the the usual usual usual way way the the telecommunications telecommunications company company deals deals with complaints Despite a thorough investigation, no trace of the escaped prisoner has been found About 1000 local workers were employed in the tourism industry last year At the heart of Dr. Piaget ’s theories was an orderly schedule of stages, of children children’’s perceptions by age UNIT5 She never lost lost faith in faith in Steven Steven who who who was now under heavy was now under heavy criticism criticism on on account of his failure At t he moment the moment N atasha is on Natasha is on the point of losing her self-control After After a a a cabinet cabinet cabinet meeting meeting meeting in in in the the the morning morning morning and and and a a a drive drive drive with with with Mary Mary Mary in in in the the afternoon , Lincoln was in excellent spirits His wife did not want him to run for the Presidency because she feared for his safety The white mist was so thick that at five paces from the house one saw nothing but a shadowy mass Nature is a friend whom we keep until death, and into whom we shall enter when we die Serving in two partnerships, he quickly built up a good practice based on his reputation He finally moved out of the fifteenth address the family had lived in sin ce his birth into room in Furnival ’s Inn For a long time, he has b een suffering from the discord been suffering from the discord between his life and his beliefs Objections Objections to to slavery slavery in in the mid-Western states states did did have have a a moral ingredient ingredient ,but ,but ,but the the the driving driving driving energy energy energy was was was territorial territorial territorial and and and did did did not not not imply imply sympathy for b lacks blacks ※- - - - - -动词时态填词- - - - - -※ Unit2 I I was waiting was waiting all all the the the morning. morning. morning. Y Y ou should have have told told told me me me you you you weren weren weren’’t coming There must have been a bad accident here. Look at all the broken glass around. I should like to have been told the result earlier You needn ’t have carried all those parcels by yourself .The shop would have delivered them if you had required it No one dared to question the o rder of the commander at that time order of the commander at that time I can ’t find my mobile phone. I may have left it in the restaurant y esterday yesterday Since you ’ve finished w ith with these magazines, y ou may as you may as well sell them and make some money. ----Look! ----Look! T T hose people who who are are are coming coming coming into the into the hall hall are are are carrying carrying carrying wet wet umbrellas ----It must be raining /must have been raining outside Unit6 1. I wouldn ’t have gotten lost if I had asked for directions. (ask) 2. If I hadn ’t to study I would have gone to the concert. (go) 3. If I had had enough money I would have paid cash for the house.(pay) 4. If she had written it down on the calendar, she wouldn wouldn’’t have forgotten it.(forget). 5. She wouldn ’t had bought that car even if she had had enough money. (have) 6. They would have gone on the trip if it hadn hadn’’t rained. (rain). 7. Had Had they they they known known known you you you didn didn didn’’t t have training, have training, they would have hired you.(hire) 8. It is rewarding and perfectly harmless, otherwise I wouldn ’t have d one done it . (do) 9. She She suggested suggested suggested that that that we we we should should should set set set as as as deadline deadline deadline for for for handing handing handing in in in the the proposals. (set) 10. I am lucky that I am interested in the subject I have chosen, otherwise I 钟候波整理第 3 页 共 4 页would be depressed. (depress) ※- - - - - -句子改错题- - - - - -※ Unit1 Eventually he realizes (what )that they are asking themselves a question which has never occurred to himModern drugs have a new role (to be played)to play in controlling diseases of the mind she has a cheerful disposition and has kept in contact (for) with most of her friends from college After After another another another round round round of of of negotiations negotiations negotiations ,they ,they ,they (called (called (called on on on )called )called )called for for for the the immediate release o f the of the hostages There were some delays on the road because of heavy traffic and it (spend) took him there hours to get to the airport. Unit2 Believe it or not ,his success was due (in) to luck The changes have been apparent (at) over the past five years. In addition (for) to English, the students learn art ,music and history Tim likes o utdoor activities. He outdoor activities. He will to out (another) rather than stay home. She hasn ’t made up her mind as (for) to where she will spend her holiday Unit3 The police (says) say that they have arrested twenty people following the disturbance Business Business managers managers managers focused focused focused on on on increasing increasing increasing their their their personal wealth personal wealth by by any any available (mean)means The taste of vitamins is not so nice ,so the flavour sometimes(need ) needs to be disguised In Wai W en Bookshop (is) are to be found books in Wen Bookshop (is) are to be found books in various languages An ex p ert pert together with some assistants (were) was sent to help resolve the problem They They’’ve got two hundred books ,one hundred and twenty are in Chinese and the rest (is) are in English English Lake Superior is such a large freshwater lake that the waves (that breaks) that break on its shores are like the waves of the sea (Here are are things) things) The things things you you can do in the the European European “good outdoors ”include camping, snow –mobiling, skiing, hunting and horseback riding Unit 5 In a war in which every state was providing its sons for the army , every election (deflected ) reflected reactions to the ebb and flow of successes in the field he did not blame her at all; (by ) on the contrary; he remembered with love and gratitude the forty long years of their life together V oters were inclined towards one party or the other according to how they saw their interests being (effected ) affected at any particular moment Nationally, he h as raised the discussion has raised the discussion of (which ) what was at stake to a high high moral moral moral level level level and and and shown shown shown himself himself himself to to to be be be a a a worthy worthy worthy opponent opponent opponent of of of the the country country’’s most formidable orator The only company he had was his fellow-workers and illiterate boys with whom he had nothing (for ) in common ,though they were kind to him in their rough way He was thus by the age of twenty-three (full ) fully independent ,conscious that he could depend on no one but himself ,but with a good appreciation of his own abilities He He relaxed relaxed relaxed as as as energetically energetically energetically as he as he did did everything everything everything else else else ,squeezing ,squeezing ,squeezing every every ounce of interest and pleasure (on ) out of the Italian adventure Not content to rest on his laurels ,Orlando has accepted what may be his most (ambition ) ambitious role to date in the movie T he Trojan War Professor Professor Smith Smith Smith supervised supervised supervised her her her senior senior senior thesis thesis thesis in in in nuclear nuclear nuclear physics physics physics and and provided her (for (for ) ) ) with with with a wonderful a wonderful research research ex ex perience perience and with his and with his friendship It was made clear to the first generation of Canadian-born children (who) that the path to opportunity was through education ※- - - - - -英译汉- - - - - -※ 1、Science fiction is a literature genre developed in the 20th century in which the fiction writer addresses how scientific discoveries, technological developments, and future events and societal changes affect human beings.The The description description description of of of these these these influences influences influences may may may be be be a a a careful careful careful and and and informed informed extrapolation extrapolation of of of scientific scientific scientific facts facts facts and and and principles, principles, or or it it it may may may range range range into into farfetched areas flatly contradictory of such facts and principles. 科幻小说是20世纪发展起来的一种文学体裁,世纪发展起来的一种文学体裁,科幻小说作家在其作品科幻小说作家在其作品中描述科学发现、技术进步以及未来的事情和社会变化如何影响人类。
研究生英语(毛大威)课后答案精华(Unit11 16)
研究生英语(毛大威)课后答案精华(Unit11 16)研究生英语(毛大威)课后答案精华(unit11-16)蹒跚学步的孩子…。
curriculum---subjectsincludedin…抄本…intrinsic---beingpartof….whimper---twitchorweak….seethe---tomoveabout…calibrate---tomarkdegrees…throttle---avalvein….cosmic---aofor….mar---tomakeless…contaminate---tomakeimpure…牵强的---太不可能的…错误---不必要的…2\\donotdisturbme---a(havebeencleaning)3\\t hightime--b(已修复)4\\t他们的艰难跋涉--b(已修复)5\\suchastate---d(beputupwith)6.你知道吗?a(Waswen)7.有Goton--b(Hadfottentobring)8\\hetoldme---c(joined)1\\alltheseproducts---a(attained)2\\everymorningpeople---c(dressed)3\\gettingoffthe--c(ifoundmy…)4\\hishealth---b(failing)5\\theoldman--d(tohavetake…)6\\lastweekwe---b(lying)7\\thelittlegirl---d(disappointing)8.大多数情况下--b(脚趾)的现象……。
(1-published2-among3-were4-parents5-system6-findings 7-warning 8-only 9-brains10-to)motoristsaremo re…(1-objects2-see3-directed4-attention5-hands-free6-missing7-reacting8-use9-published10-issue)1.我们应该(利用)2\\bymeansof…(madeupfor)3\\sheistrying…(转向)4\\marywas令人担忧…(不安)5\\entering the living…(安抚)6\\wenoticethat…(bilingual)7\\thelibrarian(assjduously)8\\manyoldpeople…(ana rchic)9\\t他们提出(激进的)10\\t这是…(优化)1\\thepricesat…(excessive)2\\allthestudents(access)3\\theyhavemade(contributi on)4\\thattallbuilding(projected)5\\mr.kaneis(available)6\\thevisitors(marvele dat)7\\thewitnessdidn’t(ex pose)8\\herexcitementwas(apparent)9\\i突发奇想(寻址)10\\everyyearher(presented)5\\t you'dbetterthink(恐吓)6\\t频繁的评论(侵扰性)7\\t这是可怕的(所有手指)8\\t我收到了(礼貌的)错误纠正1\\theconceptis(c―who)2\\theymaynot(a―serious)3\\ourtaskwas(dcpolarears)它应该是(另一个)和(另一个)6\\althoughit(c―intherealworld)7\\thetripto(c―相反)8\\whileworkingon(c--three-hour)1\\iGret(c―应保留计划)2\\investigators同意(c―必须/可能/可能)3\\n你必须(a―不能)4\\itwasvery(d―needn’t)5\\youhadbetter(a―省略to)6\\youreallyneedn’t(d―oughtto)7\\s incethetv(c―may)1 \\结束后(B--移除)7\\baberuthplayed(b--since改为from)8\\notmanyyoung(从benougold变为oldenough)。
英译汉英译汉Unit 11. Two noted Americans explain why it ’s not what you earn-it s not what you earn-it’’s what you learn.两位美国名人解释为什么不是你所挣的而是你所学的更重要。
2. I have never thought I was better than anyone else, but I have always believed I 2. I have never thought I was better than anyone else, but I have always believed I couldn’t couldn’t couldn’t be out be out worked.我从不认为我那时比其他任何人强,但我一直相信我当时干的活儿别人都赶不上。
3. Watching my money grow was more rewarding than anything I could have bought. 看着存款数增加比我当时原本可以买到的任何东西都更让我满足。
4. I took a genuine interest in their questions and was able to translate what they wanted into make up ideas. 我发自内心地关心她们的问题,并能理解她们的愿望,给她们出些该如何化妆的点子5. I ended up selling a record amount of cosmetics. 结果我创下了化妆品销售的最好成绩。
Unit 21. With the click of a mouse, information from the other end of the globe will be transported to yo ur computer screen at the extremely fast speed of seven-and-a-half times around the earth per seco nd.只要用鼠标点击一下,在地球另一端的信息马上就会以每秒钟绕地球七周半的惊人速度传输到你的电脑屏幕上。
研究生综合英语课文译文及课后练习答案第一课Text A 自由落体[1] 直到动身的那一天,我才感到告别和真正离家对我所产生的影响,这使我比闹钟预定的时间提前一小时醒来。
[2] 一整天都是这样:我突然感到自己将会怀念许多人和事。
[3] 突然间,我那些渴望独立和自由的豪言壮语变成了可怕的现实。
[4] 事实上,在我决定要离家的时候,我所有的个人问题仿佛都烟消云散了,我才不在乎呢,反正我要走了。
[5] 老爸和继母要送我去学校,不过,我要首先和妈妈告别。
高中英语北师大版必修5:Unit 15 LearningSectionⅣLesson4 Understanding课后篇巩固提升一、单词拼写1.—What did the doctor say just now?—He said that walking slowly was (有益的)to your health.2.—Could you tell me how you (获得)such a skill?—By training hard.3.—What did the man hold the party for?力劝)us to protect the environment.4.—Why is your brother so happy today?—Because his boss (赞成)his suggestion.5.My father used to be very (保守的).Therefore,when my brother (力劝)him to resign from his company,my father was (不情愿的).At last he (赞成)of my brother’s proposal and set up a company with my brother. (鼓舞)by them,I decided to work harder to (获得)good grades.二、写出画线部分的汉语意思The old man was accustomed to 1. living in the village.When the weather was hot,he tended to 2. sit in the shadow 3. of the tall trees.He seldom cared about religion 4.and civilization5. .He hoped to live in his kingdom6. happily forever.答案1.习惯于 2.往往会 3.阴影 4.宗教 5.文明 6.王国三、用所给词的适当形式填空1.The theory is based on a series of wrong (assume).2.He showed his (approve)by shaking my hands.3.Several people witnessed the attack,but no one came to her (defend).4.You’ll have to do a lot of (think)before you can work out this problem.5.The agreement will be (benefit)to both sides.四、用方框内所给短语的适当形式填空(每个限用一次)1.None of you should do anything that is not by the teacher.2.He who does his duty being praised.3.I used to get up late,but now I getting up early.4.Please don’t your parents’ wishes.5.What a surprise!Fred eat much more when he gets angry.五、阅读理解AHarvard University in the United States has been ranked as the university with the best “reputation” in the world.The TimesHigherEducation magazine has listed 200 top universities all over the world based on how they are regarded by a group of international college teachers.That is to say,the list measures how universities are regarded,rather than how they actually perform.A subjective(主观的),word-of-mouth quality such as “reputation” has genuine(真正的)economic value for universities,said Simon Marginson,professor of higher education at the University of Melbourne in Australia.“Reputation is not just an impression,though it might be not as reliable as performance by objective indicators(客观指数),” said Prof.Marginson.Based on the views of 13,000 college teachers around the world,it confirms the power of the big US universities,which dominate this list.7 of the top 10 are US universities,headed by Harvard and Massachusetts Institute ofTechnology(MIT).Furthermore,14 of the top 20 are from the US.Cambridge is the highest ranking UK university in the list,in third place,with Oxford ranked as sixth.For students applying to university,reputation might be hard to measure,but is an important part of the attractiveness,said the president of Cambridge University’s students’ union,Rahul Mansigani.“Reputation makes a huge difference;if there is an idea that somewhere is great,it will get lots of good people applying whether it’s true or not.Factors such as a sense of history and the presence of outstanding college teachers were part of the reputation of Cambridge,”he said.1.What is special about the ranking of universities?A.It is very subjective.B.It involves many indicators.C.It is made by international professors.D.It includes all the universities across the world.,这一排名具有一定的主观性,它是根据世界上很多大学老师的看法而综合得出的。
Unit 11)From her accent I guess she’s from the Northeast.2)It was very clever of her to turn his argument against himself.3)I found a couple of shoes under the bed but they don’t make a pair.4)Dr. Bright always take his time as he examines his patients and treats them with extreme care. 5)British companies are trying to avoid the fate their American counterparts have already suffered.6)Wilfred’s remarks confirmed me in my opinion that he was an honorable(诚实的) young man.7)The key witness for the prosecution(原告方) was offered police protection after she received death threats.8)I thought that was the end of the matter but subsequent events proved me wrong.9)Having practiced for so long, the New Y ork baseball team stand a chance of winning the World Series (美国职业棒球大赛) this year.10)At the trial ,Bob’s teacher, who was called as a character witness , said he was a quiet boy who had never been in trouble before.Unit1 翻译1) 发言人(spokesman)明确表示总统在任何情况下都不会取消(cancel)这次旅行。
毛大威教育硕士专业学位研究生基础英语课后答案(自己概括,保证都是标准答案)Unit7 Music单词词组英汉互译作曲家,交响乐,旋律 / 曲调,节奏音符,主题,音色,和睦/ 和声。
pop music playwright classical music country musicvocalist/pop singer the blues light music conductorSECTION ATextual organization:General statement:We all listen to music on three separate planesPlane1: the sensuous planeFurther explanation:Listening to music for the sheer pleasure of the musical sound itself and hearing music without thinking, without considering it in any way.Plane2: the expressive planeFurther explanation:All music has an expressive power, all music has a certain meaning behind the notes and that meaning behind the notes constitutes what the piece(of music) is saying and what the piece is about.Plane3: the sheerly musical planeFurther explanation:Besides the pleasurable sound of music and the expressive felling that it gives off, music does exists in terms of notes themselves and of their manipulation.Yet while listening to music most listener:are not sufficiently conscious of the third plane./tend to listen on one or the otherof the three planes.The author concludes that:We listen to music in all three ways/and on all three planes at the same time.The theme of the text:When listen to music ,one should be a more conscious and aware listener—not someone who is just listening, but someone who is listening for something.Understanding long/difficult sentences1.doesn’tneed to think anything but just enjoy.2.cause/effect3.the meaning of music4. typical music commentator advocating this idea that music should have meaning.5. discourage wherever and whenever it is met.SECTION BVocabulary studyA)b c a g d h f eB)1. so to speak(能够这么说)2. strive for (争取 /奋斗)3.be alive to(对敏感)4.take into account(考虑 /重视)5.sensitive to(敏捷的)6.carried away (得意忘形)mensurate with(以相当 )8.give off(发出)9.self-evident (不问可知的)10.clarity(清楚 /清晰)C)1.other2.dancing3.else4.stage5.like6.over7.discover8.event9.for10.madeSECTION CGRAMMAR REVIEWA)1.The new-type cell phone will be made smaller and smaller.新式的手机越造越小。
15考研英语真题答案1、What2、Concluded3、On4、Compared5、Samples6、Insignificant7、know8、resemble9、also10、Perhaps11、to12、drive13、rather than14、benefits15、faster16、understand17、contributory18、tendency19、Ethnic20、seeII Reading comprehensionPart A21.D ended his reign in embarrassment.22. C to give voters more public figures to look up to23. A the role of the nobility in modern democracy24. D fails to adapt himself to his future role.25. D Carlos, a lesson for all Monarchies26. C check suspect's phone contents without being authorized.27.A disapproval28.A getting into one's residence29. C citizens' privacy is not effectively protected30.B new technology requires reinterpretation of the constitution31.B journals are strengthening their statistical checks32.B marked33. D set an example for other journals34. C has room for further improvement35.A science joins Push to screen statistics in papers36. D the consequences of the current sorting mechanism37. A more journalists may be found guilty of phone hacking38. C was hardly convincing39. B generally distorted values40. D moral awareness matters in editing a newspaperPart B41.C If you are unfamiliar with words or idioms, you guess at their meaning, using…42.E You make further inferences...43.G Rather ,we ascribe meanings to...44.B factors such as...45.A Are we studying that ...Part C46)受到各种强大的动机所驱使,这场运动在荒野中开创了一个国家;本质使然,它也塑造了这片未知大陆的性格和命运。
研究生基础英语课后答案Unit1-5Unit1II V ocabulary study 词汇学习 第6页A)1、They got there in the late afternoon andwent aroundin search of a place to stay.他们在下午晚些时候到达那里并四处寻找栖身之地。
2、The astronomers were questioned on a wide range of subjects from physics to psychology.宇航员被问到广泛的问题,从物理学到心理学。
3、As people spend more time watching TV and reading the newspapers, the media plays a major role in influencing their opinions. 注意复数加s因为人们花大量的时间看电视、看报纸,媒体在影响他们的观点上发挥了主要作用。
4、There was a strange silence about what was happening, but the details of the murder were finally revealed by the local paper.人们对于关于当时发生的事情表现出奇怪的沉默,但是谋杀的细节最终被当地报纸揭露出来。
5、After another round of negotiations, they finally signed a declaration calling for an immediate ceasefire. 经过又一轮谈判之后,他们终于签署了号召立即停火的宣言。
6、Xiao Ling always seems so self-confident, but in reality she is extremely shy.小玲看起来总是很自信,但实际上她十分害羞。
研究生基础英语课后答案Unit1-6※- - - - - - 单词词组互译- - - - - - - -※英译汉communication satellite 通讯卫星mobile telephony 移动通讯intelligent robot 智能机器人clone 克隆telecommunications 远程通讯stock holder 股东taxing authority 税务机关charitable organization 慈善机构nonprofit firm 非盈利公司sales forecast 销售预测economic forecast 经济预测tourist resort旅游胜地landscape scenery 山水风光virgin forest 原始森林hitchhiking 沿途免费搭乘他人便车旅行outdoor adventures户外冒险活动a camper 野营者antibiotic 抗生素gene 基因El Nino 厄尔尼塔marine 海产的,海运的;舰队,海运业vitamin 维生素humility 谦逊endeavor n & v 努力,尝试sincerity 真诚真挚patriotism 爱国主义faith 信仰,信念divine 神圣的,非凡的,崇高的reconcile 调和,和解self-observation 自我审视ethics class 道德教育课computer-aided cheating 利用计算机作弊failing grade 不及格plagiarism 剽窃mandatory penalty 强制惩罚junk email harassment 垃圾邮件骚扰汉译英文学literature 科幻小说science fiction空间旅行space traveling 外星人alien人类社会human society 高技术high-technology信息时代information age 信息产业information industry管理management 协调coordinate运作operate 人力资源human resources经费funds 决策make decisions政府部门governmental agencies 金融机构financial institution远足hike 兜风go for a ride观光sight-seeing 探险explore, exploration交游go outing 滑雪skiing冲浪surfing 睡袋sleeping bag导游图tourist map 夏令营summer camp羊羔lamb 山羊goat 猪崽piglet 奶牛cow牛犊calf 家禽fowl 哺乳动物mammal家畜domestic animals 善意goodwill, good intentions高尚noble 成就achievement, success, accomplishment抱负ambition, aspiration 原则principle奉献dedicate 平等equality忠诚sincerity, loyalty, faithfulness 抄袭copy / plagriarise作弊cheating 道德准则ethics校行政人员school officials 开除explusion学年school year 读书报告book report校园社区服务on-compus community sevice※- - - - - -单词、时态填空- - - - - - - -※Unit1predict reveal dominate in search of play a major role in call for in reality speculation a wide range of respect1、They got there in the late afternoon and went around in search of a place to stay.2、The astronomers were questioned on a wide range of subjects from physics to psychology.3、As people spend more time watching TV and reading the newspapers, the media plays a major role in influencing their opinions.4、There was a strange silence about what was happening, but the details of the murder were finally revealed by the local paper.5、After another round of negotiations, they finally signed a declaration calling for an immediate ceasefire.6、Xiao Ling always seems so self-confident, but in reality she is extremely shy.7、I have to admit that she is very nice as a hostess, but she dose tend to dominate the conversation.8、Out of respect for the whishes of her family, the accident was not reported in the local media.9、The company's expansion was predicted on the assumption that sales would rise.10、Any suggestion of an imminent crash in stock market is pure speculation.Unit2require acquire operate comprehend motivate maintainadapt to be certain access to coordinate component convert1、As an excellent manager, he is very good at motivating his employees.2、Their principal activities are to serve the French corporations operating abroad.3、The two rival companies maintained close relations for ten years.4、A large complex organization can be slow to adapt to changes.5、The ability to use a language can be acquired only by the act of using the language.6、A password is needed to get access to the computer system.7、Good records are required for the preparation of complete and accurate tax documents.8、They read the story, but only a few fully comprehended its meaning.9、They converted the medieval castle into a beautiful theater.10、The doctor was certain after examining his wounds that he could not possibly live.Unit3 accessible to push off at a rice a craving fornegotiate accommodate unique consistently1、Housing could be obtained at a price .2、Medicine should not be kept where it is accessible to children.3、Patrick is not sure whether he can negotiate the turn at the bottom.4、The hungry beggar had a craving for food, any food left by the geests.5、Let's push off early so that we'll get there before nightfall.6、John and Armstrong maintain consistently a high standard.7、Those foreign students are accommodated in Canadian homes near the campus for a three-week orientation program.8、Each person's signature is unique and that will help us to find out if this document is a forgery.Unit4clone donation donor transplant cattle recipientmammal initiate reverse at intervals light up1、The cost of feeding fully grown cattle for a period of time can be significant2、Nonsexual reproduction from a single parent is already possible and every clone produced in this way is absolutely identical to the parent.3、Former students collected money for scholarship fund. We are very grateful to the donors for their generous donations.4、Baby animals of mammals such as mice, cows and monkeys get milk from their mothers breasts.5、We transplanted the small peach tree from the back of the house to the front because it did not get enough sunlight there.6、Shall we recipients the order and put Z at the beginning of this dictionary?7、The searchlight reverse the whole area.8、The government lit up a large-scale campaign to eliminate illiteracy.9、The initiated of Nobel Prize are honored at special ceremonies in Sweden and Norway.10、Rain fell at irregular intervals throughout the night.Unit51.Jane was confined to bed due to illness for three months2.Many women lost their jobs during the economic depression3.The corrupting effects of complete power ruined many politicians4.Her first reaction to the news was a mixture of grief and comfort5.The journalist wrote an article in which police corruption was exposed to the full6.Shop assistants are asked to make every endeavor to provide the customer satisfaction7.he argued that the British legal system was derived from Roman law and has evolved into a complicated system8.The disease is spreading quickly in the city and people ,especially children and the aged ,are at risk9.The book gives readers a deeper insight into European culture10.The witness gave the police a full account of what had happened in the courtyardUnit6dedicate…to tend to subject…to involvecompared with doctoral attribution wise up1. He has been depressed and his novel tends to be pessimistic.2. The researchers subjected the material to all kinds of tests before they put it into use.3. Today most parents think they should involve themselves in their children’s education,4. He has run into some difficulties , but he knew that they were nothing compared with yours.5. It was at Stanford University that Albert Marvell decided to dedicate his life to science.6. From this initial dissatisfaction my own doctoral thesis developed.7. It is regarded as a social norm that one should always remember to cite others’words with proper attribution.8. Wise up Victoria, Jane is cheating you. She has never returned money to anyone she borrowed from.※- - - - - -近义选词填空(两个词中选适合意思)- - - - - -※Unit11. The students attended a class entitled “Beyond Tradition ”,in which they discussed the effect of technology on traditional culture2. China has a vast territory and abundant resources .she is a large country with a long history and a rich cultural heritage3. At the conference , the minister a accused the organization of sponsoring terrorism .4. The research program is sponsored by a large computer company5. The drop in student numbers added further complication to the situation6. Now he was getting a lesson in the complexity of diesel engines7. Being a member of Animal Adoration Society, she seems to think that animal rights should prevail over everything else8. It was obvious that her husband completely dominated her.9. As one of the leading candidates for the presidency, he still needs the help of his supporters to win the election10. In most cases, investors are entitled to a reasonable return on their moneyUnit21.John did not follow the correct procedure in applying for the job2.The firm is now on the process of moving the machines to a new factory3.The scientists from the two medical schools are cooperating in the attempt to find a cure for the disease4.They appointed a new manager to coordinate the work of the team5.He set an objective for the new organization to provide free legal aid to the poor6.The main objection to program was that it would cost too much7.They used a new drug in the treatment that is effective against the cancer8. A successful manager needs an efficient secretary9.The installation of the new machinery has doubled the productivity of the factory10.The new training program made the workers highly productiveUnit31.Since 1978, the amount of money available to buy books has fallen by 17%2.The building has been made accessible to disabled people3.She is constantly changing her mind4.He has consistently stood firm on the side of the oppressed people5.They convert an old stable into a little comfortable house6.Because the normal word order is reversed in passive in passive voice sentences, they are sometimes hard tofollow7.If you enjoy outdoor activities, this is the trip for you8.I reckon it’s warm enough to eat outdoors this evening9.The Tibetan highland is a land of blue skies and warm sunshine10.She looked out over the rooftops and the open skyUnit4(选择题)1.Nobody can help but be fascinated by the world into which he is taken by science fiction2.He claimed to be an expert in astronomy , but in fact he is quite ignorant on the subject , what little he knowsabout it is out of date and inaccurate3.The managjng director refused to accept neither of the four proposals made by the contractors4.Professor Smith implied ,but did not directly say , that Americans are more concerned with making money thananything else5.There is every possibility of our winning the game6.There people spoke at the meeting ,one was a lawyer ,another a teacher ,and the third was a social worker7.I have been to the doctor’s about my backache , he says there is nothing serious ,but I must ile up for a few days8.The New York Times will soon carry colour advertisements; none of this will matter if newspapers eventuallydisappear9.We stood up , thinking through the possibilities ,There weren’t many10.Melton Brown was the only salon producing its own shampoos and hair-care products all based on herbal recipes Unit51.An aircraft carrier and nineteen warships left the naval base today for exercises at sea2.He returned to South Carolina in 1966 and established his own legal practice3.The kidnappers threatened to kill the hostages unless they received a ransom of $500,0004.In his inaugural address Lincoln repeated that his government posed no threat to slavery in the states5.If they had negotiated a peace earlier they could have avoided this terrible , bloody war6.He flew nine special missions in that area in 2003 and has experience with biological warfare7.The object of the war to restore the Union ; but the cause of the war was slavery8.It took her three months to recover her spirits after that unexpected blow9.The newspaper aims to reflect the views of the middle class10.Their main purpose was to deflect attention from the opponents’ criticismUnit61. They knew that it is a criminal offense to sell pirated videos on the street.2. She is very sensitive and will be offended if you don’t accept her invitation.3. The most common complaint from car drivers is about the lack of parking facilities.4. Customers complained to the company about the poor bus service.5. The y’ve come to the conclusion that he is not the right person for the job.6. He concluded from what he was told that the situation in the city was bad and getting worse.7. He worked hard and was soon promoted to marketing manager.8. The committee has decided to remove the corrupt administrator.9. The worked out a program to speed up the development of new energy sources.10.The made use of the available financial resource to establish a small science laboratory.11.Violence and crime are pervasive features of city life.12.A resolution to maintain the truce was carried by an overwhelming majority.※- - - - - -介词填空- - - - - -※Uint21.He said that they should examine all the costs involved in the project first2.Dealing with this diversity of human resources in the 2010’s and beyond will be a significant challenge tomanagers3.Smith’s Tuesday morning experiences are typical of managerial work, which is varied, fragmented, and difficult toplan and organize.4.Effective managers may be one of a developed country’s most valuable resources, and they are one of the mostneeded resources in less developed countries5.The specific tasks of a manager in a college or university department differ from those of people managing inother organizations6.Bad management results in poor employee morale, poor quality, low productivity, and unnecessaryemployee-employer conflicts7.Errors in judgement for job hunting can prevent even the finest candidate from landing the job she or he wants8.The business plan is a written document that clearly defines the goals of a business and outlines the methods forachieving them9.Rapid technological developments in transportation and communications have brought the peoples of the worldcloser together in a physical sense10.A recent survey revealed that 54 percent considered a foreign language necessary for doing business abroadUnit31.He said that they should examine all the costs involved in the project first2.That is the usual way the telecommunications company deals with complaints3.Despite a thorough investigation, no trace of the escaped prisoner has been found4.About 1000 local workers were employed in the tourism industry last year5.At the heart of Dr. Piaget’s theories was an orderly schedule of stages, of children’s perceptions by ageUNIT51.She never lost faith in Steven who was now under heavy criticism on account of his failure2.At the moment Natasha is on the point of losing her self-control3.After a cabinet meeting in the morning and a drive with Mary in the afternoon , Lincoln was in excellent spirits4.His wife did not want him to run for the Presidency because she feared for his safety5.The white mist was so thick that at five paces from the house one saw nothing but a shadowy mass6.Nature is a friend whom we keep until death, and into whom we shall enter when we die7.Serving in two partnerships, he quickly built up a good practice based on his reputation8.He finally moved out of the fifteenth address the family had lived in since his birth into room in Furnival’s Inn9.For a long time, he has been suffering from the discord between his life and his beliefs10.Objections to slavery in the mid-Western states did have a moral ingredient ,but the driving energy was territorialand did not imply sympathy for blacks※- - - - - -动词时态填词- - - - - -※Unit21.I was waiting all the morning. You should have told me you weren’t coming2.There must have been a bad accident here. Look at all the broken glass around.3.I should like to have been told the result earlier4.You needn’t have carried all those parcels by yourself .The shop would have delivered them if you had required it5.No one dared to question the order of the commander at that time6.I can’t find my mobile phone. I may have left it in the restaurant yesterday7.Since you’ve finished with these magazines, you may as well sell them and make some money.8.----Look! Those people who are coming into the hall are carrying wet umbrellas----It must be raining /must have been raining outsideUnit61. I wouldn’t have gotten lost if I had asked for directions. (ask)2. If I hadn’t to study I would have gone to the concert. (go)3. If I had had enough money I would have paid cash for the house.(pay)4. If she had written it down on the calendar, she wouldn’t have forgotten it.(forget).5. She wouldn’t had bought that car even if she had had enough money. (have)6. They would have gone on the trip if it hadn’t rained. (rain).7. Had they known you didn’t have training, they would have hired you.(hire)8. It is rewarding and perfectly harmless, otherwise I wouldn’t have done it . (do)9. She suggested that we should set as deadline for handing in the proposals. (set)10. I am lucky that I am interested in the subject I have chosen, otherwise I would be depressed. (depress)※- - - - - -句子改错题- - - - - -※Unit11.Eventually he realizes (what)that they are asking themselves a question which has never occurred to him2.Modern drugs have a new role (to be played)to play in controlling diseases of the mind3.she has a cheerful disposition and has kept in contact (for) with most of her friends from college4.After another round of negotiations ,they (called on )called for the immediate release of the hostages5.There were some delays on the road because of heavy traffic and it (spend) took him there hours to get to theairport.Unit21.Believe it or not ,his success was due (in) to luck2.The changes have been apparent (at) over the past five years.3.In addition (for) to English, the students learn art ,music and history4.Tim likes outdoor activities. He will to out (another) rather than stay home.5.She hasn’t made up her mind as (for) to where she will spend her holidayUnit31.The police (says) say that they have arrested twenty people following the disturbance2.Business managers focused on increasing their personal wealth by any available (mean)means3.The taste of vitamins is not so nice ,so the flavour sometimes(need ) needs to be disguised4.In Wai Wen Bookshop (is) are to be found books in various languages5.An expert together with some assistants (were) was sent to help resolve the problem6.They’ve got two hundred books ,one hundred and twenty are in Chinese and the rest (is) are in English7.Lake Superior is such a large freshwater lake that the waves (that breaks) that break on its shores are like the waves of the sea8.(Here are things) The things you can do in the European “good outdoors ”include camping, snow –mobiling, skiing, hunting and horseback ridingUnit 51.In a war in which every state was providing its sons for the army , every election (deflected ) reflected reactions tothe ebb and flow of successes in the field2.he did not blame her at all; (by ) on the contrary; he remembered with love and gratitude the forty long years oftheir life together3.Voters were inclined towards one party or the other according to how they saw their interests being (effected )affected at any particular moment4.Nationally, he has raised the discussion of (which ) what was at stake to a high moral level and shown himself tobe a worthy opponent of the country’s most formidable orator5.The only company he had was his fellow-workers and illiterate boys with whom he had nothing (for ) incommon ,though they were kind to him in their rough way6.He was thus by the age of twenty-three (full ) fully independent ,conscious that he could depend on no one buthimself ,but with a good appreciation of his own abilities7.He relaxed as energetically as he did everything else ,squeezing every ounce of interest and pleasure (on ) out ofthe Italian adventure8.Not content to rest on his laurels ,Orlando has accepted what may be his most (ambition ) ambitious role to datein the movie The Trojan War9.Professor Smith supervised her senior thesis in nuclear physics and provided her (for ) with a wonderful researchexperience and with his friendship10.It was made clear to the first generation of Canadian-born children (who) that the path to opportunity wasthrough education※- - - - - -英译汉- - - - - -※1、Science fiction is a literature genre developed in the 20th century in which the fiction writer addresses how scientific discoveries, technological developments, and future events and societal changes affect human beings. The description of these influences may be a careful and informed extrapolation of scientific facts and principles, or it may range into farfetched areas flatly contradictory of such facts and principles.科幻小说是20世纪发展起来的一种文学体裁,科幻小说作家在其作品中描述科学发现、技术进步以及未来的事情和社会变化如何影响人类。
Unit 7 Text1 How We Listen to MusicWe all listen to music according to our separate capacities. But for the sake of analysis, the whole listening process may become clearer if we break it up into its component parts, so to speak. In a certain sense we all listen to music on three separate planes. For lack of a better terminology , one might name these:(1)the sensuous plane,(2)the expressive plane, (3)the sheerly musical plane.我们根据各自的能力来听音乐,打个比方来说,如果我们把音乐分成不同的部分,整个听的过程就变得很清楚了。
The simplest way of listening to music is to listen for the sheer pleasure of the musical sound itself. That is the sensuous plane. It is the plane on which we hear music without chinking, without considering it in any way. One turns on the radio while doing something else and absent-mindedly bathes in the sound .A kind of brainless but attractive state of mind is engendered by the mere sound appeal of the music.最简单的听音乐方式就是听乐声给我们带来纯粹的愉悦,这是感官层面。