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1834 years BaTuoErDi was born in a French Italian family. He has fond from youth sculpture art, free the image of the goddess very early in his mind there. 1851 Louis napoleon Bonaparte launched a coup to overthrow the day after the second republic, a group of staunch republican in the street built fortifications, dusk gathers around, a young girl holding the flaming torch, overleap obstacles, chanted "forward" slogan rushed at the enemy, the bonapartists assert the gun went off, girl fall in the pool of blood. BaTuoErDi news of this fact, the mood to be calm. From now on the plus brave girl became the symbol of freedom in his heart. In 1865, BaTuoErDi in other people's initiative, decided to shape a symbol of the statue of liberty, by the French people's contributions, as the French government for the U.S. government to celebrate the 100th anniversary of independence of the gift.
Statue of spiral steps in the body that tourists who can surmount it's head, this is equivalent to climb a house 12 stories of the building (due to too high, and later began to install the elevator from base for visitors up and down).
自1886年落成之后,自由女神每年被闪 电击中约600次。2010年9月底,纽约摄影 师杰伊·菲恩在曼哈顿炮台公园市夜间的暴 风雨中拍下了壮观瞬间,一道闪电击中了自 由女神像。9月22日晚上,为了拍摄闪电打 中自由女神像的照片,费恩冒着暴风雨在曼 哈顿的巴特利公园城守候了将近2个小时, 摆好相机拍了80多张照片,最终在当晚8点 45分等来了这一罕见时刻。费恩说:“天 上一共闪了81道闪电,最后才有一道闪电 打中自由女神。”“这是我见过的首张闪电 打中自由女神像的的照片。”
自由女神置于一座混凝土制高46米的台 基上,该底座是由著名的约瑟夫·普利策 筹集10万美金建成。现在的底座已成为 美国移民史博物馆。在花岗岩构筑的神 像基座上,镌刻着美国女诗人埃玛·娜莎 罗其(Emma Lazarus)的一首脍炙人口的 诗《新巨人》: “送给我,你那疲 乏的和贫困的,挤在一起渴望自由呼吸 的大众,你那熙熙攘攘的岸上被遗弃的 可怜的人群,你那无家可归饱经风波的 人们,一齐送给我,我站在金门口,高 举自由的灯火。”
Statue of Liberty full name is \"a bronze Statue of Liberty national monument\" (the Statue of Liberty), official name is \"shining the world free goddess\", on 28 October 1886 in the New York city harbor stands in the Liberty island near the Hudson River, was regarded as the symbol of the United States. Creator is Frederick, auguste · BaTuoErDi. In 1984, it was inscribed on the world heritage list.
Since 1886, after completion, the statue of liberty by lightning each year about 600 times. The end of September 2010, the New York photographer jay filo grace battery park city at night in Manhattan in a storm of snapped the spectacular moment, a flash of lightning struck the statue of liberty. September 22, at night, to take the lightning struck the statue of liberty's photos, other braved the storm in Manhattan bartley park city waiting for nearly two hours, set cameras took more than 80 photographs, finally in that night 8 o 'clock to the classification of 45 a rare moment. The law. "the 81 total heaven flash of lightning, and finally the word has a lightning struck the statue of liberty." "This is the first I've seen lightning struck the statue of liberty's photos."
自由女神穿着古希腊风 格的服装(一说罗马古 代长袍),头戴光芒四 射的冠冕,七道尖芒象 征世界七大洲。自由女 神像腰宽10.6米,嘴宽 91厘米,右手高举象征 自由的火炬,长达12.8 米,火炬的边沿上可以 站12个人。
左手捧着一本封面刻 有“1776年7月4日” 字样的法律典籍,象 征着这一天签署的 《独立宣言》。脚下 是打碎的手铐、脚镣 和锁链,象征着挣脱 暴政的约束和自由。 神态端庄安详,亲切 自然。
雕像高46米,加基 座为93米,重达 225吨(合49万 磅),是金属铸造。 整座铜像以120 吨 的钢铁为骨架,80 吨铜片为外皮,以 30万只铆钉装配固 定在支架上。
女神像体内的螺 旋形阶梯使游客能 登上它的头部,这 相当于攀登一幢12 层高的楼房(由于 过高,后来从基座 开始安装了电梯方 便游人上下)。
1834 years BaTuoErDi was born in a French Italian 1834年巴托尔迪出生在法国的一个意大利人家庭。 family. He has fond from youth sculpture art, free the 他从青年时代起就酷爱雕塑艺术,自由女神的形 image of the goddess very early in his mind there. 1851 Louis napoleon Bonaparte launched a coup to 象很早就存在于他的心目中了。1851年路易·拿 overthrow the day after the second republic, a group 破仑·波拿巴发动政变推翻第二共和国后的一天, of staunch republican in the street built fortifications, 一群坚定的共和党人在街头筑起防御工事,暮色 dusk gathers around, a young girl holding the flaming 苍茫时,一个年轻姑娘手持熊熊燃烧的火炬,跃 torch, overleap obstacles, chanted "forward" slogan 过障碍物,高呼“前进”的口号向敌人冲去,波 rushed at the enemy, the bonapartists assert the gun 拿巴分子的枪声响了,姑娘倒在血泊中。巴托尔 went off, girl fall in the pool of blood. BaTuoErDi news of this fact, the mood to be calm. From now on the 迪耳闻这一事实,心情久久不能平静。从此这位 plus brave girl became the symbol of freedom in his 高攀火炬的勇敢姑娘就成为他心中自由的象征。 heart. In 1865, BaTuoErDi in other people's initiative, 1865年,巴托尔迪在别人的提议下,决定塑造一 decided to shape a symbol of the statue of liberty, by 座象征自由的塑像,由法国人民捐款,作为法国 the French people's contributions, as the French 政府送给美国政府庆祝美国独立100周年的礼物。 government for the U.S. government to celebrate the 100th anniversary of independence of the gift.
自由女神像全名为 “自由女神铜像国家纪 念碑” 念碑”(the Statue of Liberty), ),正式名称是 Liberty),正式名称是 “照耀世界的自由女 1886年10月 神”,于1886年10月28 日矗立在美国纽约市海 港内的自由岛的哈德逊 河口附近, 河口附近,被誉为美国 的象征。 的象征。创作者是弗雷 德里克·奥古斯特· 德里克·奥古斯特·巴 托尔迪。1984年 托尔迪。1984年,它被 列入世界遗产名录。 列入世界遗产名录。