



b e ac h v i l l a g e a nd re s i d e n c e sBUENAVENTURAt h e n e w d e s t i n a t i o n o fP A N A M A23buenaventura introduction .........................................................................................................................location ......................................................................................................................................................................buenaventura overall master plan .......................................................................................................buenaventura beach village residences..........................................................................................inspiration................................................................................................................................................................... :introduction06-0708-0910-1118-1948-5122-2352-5962-6972-8124-25c o n t e n t sdesign team ........................................................................................................................................................94-9516-1740-45analysis process .................................................................................................................................................planning a vision ..............................................................................................................................................illustrative masterplan ...................................................................................................................................phasing plan.........................................................................................................................................................central gardens ................................................................................................................................................kid’s pool & riverfront boardwalk .........................................................................................................residential arrival ..............................................................................................................................................main arrival & beach front restaurant .............................................................................................beach club.............................................................................................................................................................boutique shopping & dining plazas .................................................................................................architectural character ...............................................................................................................................:master planning and design:design team28-37412-1384-9314-15B uenaventura, one of Panama’s most exclusive beach communities, islocated on the Pacific coast just 80 minutes south-west of Panama City.Panama’s fi rst beach front villages and residences are set within fl ourishinga 262 hectare parcel of land. Buenaventura currently offers single familyresidential opportunities and golf villas, as well as high and medium-densityresidential condominium options, making this a very dynamic community to bea part of. A Nicklaus Design championship golf course along with many otheramenities, such as the luxurious Bristol Hotel and Spa, two beach clubs, atennis center, and a boutique hotel with both whole and fractional ownershippossibilities will make Buenaventura the ultimate tropical destination.This booklet has been prepared as a summary of the design process andplanning efforts for this expansive and successful project to date. Thebeach village and residences have been developed in response to thesite analysis, market analysis, and project programs. The over archinggoal of these designs is to create a unique, world class destination thatseemlessly integrates itself with it’s natural and built surroundings.6789pa n a m a t h e s o u t h e r n m o s t c e n t r a l a m e r i c a n c o u n t r y b e t w e e n c o s t a r i c a a n d c o l o m b i acentrally located in panama along the paci fi c coastbeach front location in farollon, panama a short drive from panama cityl o c a t i o nCas co co c o vie v ie e jo,jo j o,o a Pa Pa P nam m a C a C a ity ty yb u e n a v e n t u r a o v e r a l lm a s t e r p l a nthe bristol resort at buenaventura1011b u e n a v e n t u r a b e ac hv i l l a g e r e s i d e n c e sthe town center at buenaventura13121415The inspiration for the beach village at Buenaventura is derived from the various villages and cities within Europe that represent the progression of the built environment. Various styles from Renaissance and Baroque Architecture can be found in several cities throughout Europe including Lucca and Florence in Italy; Barcelona, Spain; Lucerne, Switzerland. The idea is to represent these classic styles within the tropical environment of Buenaventura. The balance of the aged architecture with modern designs will add a dynamic product to the area of Rio Hato.i n s p i r a t i o na n a l y s i s p r o c e s sThe site analysis phase of the projectevaluates the site’s opportunities, constraints,and potential uses for the site. To facilitate theprocess, the design team prepared slope andelevation analysis as well as aerial imagerydrawings prior to arriving at the site. Elementstaken into account for a complete site analysisinclude:• Climate• Winds• Hydrology• Geology• Landforms• Vegetation• Wildlife• Views• Existing Elements and Uses• Historical Infl uences• Cultural Infl uencesThe Analysis and Site Reconnaissancestep provides an understanding of both thephysical site as well as market opportunitiesand constraints. This summary of developmentpotential will identify specific zones forpreservation and development, a summaryof findings for market support, potentialprogram elements and further data providedby specialized team members to specify theplanning and design.16171819The beach village conceptual master plan builds upon the analysis process, while also taking into consideration access points, vehicular and pedestrian circulation, existing fl ora preservation, and adjacent development parcels. Concepts generated begin to establish a vision for the development and strategically starts to place the project elements within the site.The objective of the design team is to create Panama’s fi rst beach front village and residences within a planned community crafting a high quality, sustainable retreat from the fast pace of Panama City. Buenaventura is to become an interconnected and essential development to the region and the country by providing quality service, amenities, and commerce creating high standards for future developments to strive for. Beyond the beach front village, the development must create a standard of living unseen in Latin America today. Buenaventura will build a sense of community integrating resort style living, signature golf and marine life providing ful fi llment for all residents and guests. The team’s objectives will be to incorporate the beach front village within features of the land and an overall sense of place, allowing Buenaventura to become a timeless place to be revered by generations to come.pla n nin g a v i s i o na n e l e g a n t l i f e s t y l e C R E A T Ei l l u s t r a t i v e m a s t e r p l a nLEGEND1. ARRIV AL PLAZA TO VILLAGE2. ACCESS TO PARKING BELOW3. GOLF CART BRIDGE4. KIDS CLUB ENTRY PLAZA W/ SCULPTURE5. CLUB GARDEN WITH INFORMAL LAWN6. KIDS CLUB POOL7. DECK W/ COVERED PERGOLA SEATING8. RIO HATO9. RESIDENTIAL PRIV ATE PATIOS10. PEDESTRIAN BOARDWALK11. RESIDENTIAL PLAZA W/ ENTRY GATE & WALLS12. CENTRAL GARDEN W/ FEATURE FOUNTAIN13. NATURAL GRASS ON EXISTING GROINS14. SPECIALTY RETAIL SHOPS PLAZAS15. RETAIL SCULPTURE PLAZA16. ELEV ATED WOOD DECK PROMENADE17. TERRACED RETAIL PLAZA18. RESTAURANT MAIN ARRIV AL19. OCEAN FRONT RESTAURANT20. WOOD DINING TERRACES 21. BEACH FRONT VIEWING TERRACE22. POOL BAR DECK23. VIEWING TERRACE WATER FEATURE24. POOL BAR/GRILL25. MAIN POOL W/ INFINITY EDGE26. ACCESS TO BEACH27. ELEV ATED PLUNGE POOLS28. BEACH CLUB29. SERVICE BUILDING30. UPPER PLAZA W/ FOUNTAIN31. VEHICULAR DROP-OFF PLAZA TO BEACH CLUB32. MAIN STAIRCASE TO BEACH CLUB AREA33. HOTEL VEHICULAR DROP-OFF PLAZA34. VEHICULAR ACCESS AND TEMPORARY PARKING35. VEHICULAR ROTUNDA PLAZA36. VEHICULAR ROADWA Y TO RESIDENTIAL37. MAIN VEHICULAR ROADWA Y TO VILLAGEBEACH VILLAGE TOTALSSPACEApartmentsCirculationHotel (138 Rooms)RetailKid’s ClubClub HouseRestaurantAmenitiesWater SportsStorageAdministration & Employees Back of HouseParking (638)TerracesPlazas & StreetsGreen AreasConcrete SlabsTOTAL AREA COVERED AREA AREA38740910396781620272253280046020022464241512224126095.5196882532118314.589999APARTMENTSTYPE1 Bedroom2 Bedrooms3 Bedrooms3 Bedrooms PlusAREA BY UNIT95125150200PERCENTAGE25%50%12.50%12.50%TOTALAREA7077.5186255587.5745038740TOTAL UNITS74.514937.2537.252982223p l a n p h a s i n gPHASE I DEVELOPMENT TOTALS APARTMENTS1 Bedroom2 Bedrooms3 Bedrooms3 Bedrooms PlusTOTAL APARTMENTSCirculationRetailKid’s ClubClub HouseWater SportsStorageAdministration & EmployeesBack of HouseParking (227)TerracesPlazas & StreetsGreen AreasConcrete SlabsTOTAL AREACOVERED AREA QUANTITY2447121295AREA228058751800240012355286240027225322002127475151281881008527638052309232425G R E E No p e n s p a c e s2829c e n t r a l g a rde n s LEGEND1. ENTRY STAIRS TO CENTRAL GARDEN2. 2.0M PEDESTRIAN WALKWA Y3. STAIR ACCESS TO SECOND FLOOR (+5.50)4. STAIR ACCESS TO LOWER STOOP (+2.50)5. LOWER PEDESTRIAN PLAZA6. INTERIOR STAIR ACCESS7. 2.5M PEDESTRIAN WALKWA Y8. BENCH SEATING9. FEATURE FOUNTAIN10. LANDSCAPEk e y m ap31k e y m a pc e n t r a l g a rde n s303233k e y m apc e n t r a l g a rde n s3435c e n t r a l g a rde n si m a g e s3637M A K E A N E Wr o u t i n e40k i d ’s p o o l &rive r fr ont bo ardwa lkLEGEND1. ACCESS FROM MAIN ARRIV AL2. OPEN GREEN SPACES3. KID’S POOL AND ACTIVITY AREA4. RIVERSIDE SEATING AREA5. PEDESTRIAN BOARDWALK6. RESIDENTIAL PRIV ATE PATIOS122346k e y m a p41564243k i d ’s p o o l &r i ve rf r o n t b o a r d w a l kp i d ’r e s i d e n t i a l pa t i o &b o a r d walkk eymaps&kk p o o l r i v e r s i d e d e c k4445 i ma gesa f a m i l y G R O W49488LEGEND1. VEHICULAR ROADWA Y2. DROP-OFF PLAZA3. PRIV ACY WALL W/ PLANTERS4. PEDESTRIAN PLAZA W/ FEATURE PALMS5. FEATURE FOUNTAIN6. ARCHED BREEZEWA Y TO UPPER LEVEL7. PEDESTRIAN PLAZA W/ FOUNTAIN8. RESIDENTIAL PRIV ATE PATIO9. PEDESTRIAN BOARDWALK 10. NATURAL GRASS JETTY 11. RIO HATOresidential arrivalp48k e y m a p5051i m a g es52531k e y m a p223451235455m a i n a r r i v a l &r e s t a u r a n tm a i n a r r i v a l p l a za5657m a i n a r r i v a l&r e s t a u r a n tb e ac h f r o n t r e s t a u r a nt5859 i m a g esE L E VAT Ey o u r p l e a s u r e6263 b e a c h c l ubLEGEND1. VEHICULAR MAIN ARRIV AL W/ FEATURE FOUNTAIN2. PEDESTRIAN BREEZEWA Y W/ PERGOLA3. BEACH CLUB FACILITIES4. UPPER POOL DECK W/ SEATING5. PLUNGE POOL W/ INFINITY EDGE6. STAIRS TO LOWER TERRACE7. MAIN POOL W/ INFINITY EDGE8. PEDESTRIAN STONE BRIDGE9. LOWER POOL DECK W/ SEATING10. POOL BAR/GRILL11. POOL BAR DECK12. POOL BAR DECK FOUNTAIN WALL13. STAIR ACCESS TO BEACH14. BEACH SHOWER15. JACUZZI16. PERGOLA W/ SEATING17. PEDESTRIAN PLAZA W/ FOUNTAIN18. OCEAN FRONT VIEWING TERRACE W/ FOUNTAIN19. ACCESS TO RETAIL THROUGH ARCHED BREEZEWA Y20. ACCESS TO RESIDENTIALk e y m ap65b e ac h c l ub644k e y m a p66b e ac h c l u bpk e y m a p 676869 i m a g esI N S P I R E a look of your own7273boutique shopping & dinning plazasLEGEND1. MAIN STAIRCASE TO BEACH CLUB ANDRETAIL AREAS2. UPPER RETAIL PLAZA WITH FOUNTAIN3. BEACH FRONT VIEWING TERRACE4. TERRACED RETAIL PLAZA5. CLUB GARDEN WITH INFORMAL LAWN6. ELEV ATED WOOD DECK PROMENADE7. EVENT DECK WITH PERGOLA SEATING8. SPECIALTY RETAIL SHOP PLAZA234514466778k e y m a p7475s a r w a y t o e a c c u b o u t i q u e s h o p p i ngt i b h lbk e y m a p7677b o u t i q u e s h o p p i n g7879b o u t i q u e s h o p p i ngt e r r a c e d r e t a i l p l a z ask e y m a p8081 i m a g esE X P E R I E N C E a h i g h e r s t a n d a r d85a r c h i te ctu ralc h a r a c t e r8487a r c h i t e c t u r a lc h a r a c t e r86a r c h i t e c t u r a lc h a r a c t e r88899190a r c h i t e c t u r a lc h a r a c t e r9293 i m a g es9594With more than 1.000.000 mt2 of built projects in more than 15 countries and with a serious commitment with sustainable design and so-cial responsibility, Zürcher has designed many projects of different scale and complexity.Our services include architectural design, master planning, landscape design, interiorarchitecture and interior design, and our experience includes avariety of projects with a specialty in hospitality design.Zürcher Arquitectos’ experience includes projects in Costa Rica such as Four Seasons Hotel at Peninsula Papagayo, Punta Is-lita Hotel, Dominical Hills Residences, El Silencio Lodge, among others, in which the minimum environmental impact and the conservation of available natural resources have been the premises to obtain a balance between the development of the project and the preservation of nature.We not only worry about creating projects in balance with na-ture, but also we use nature to inspire our projects. Our proj-ects’ concepts respond directly to their surroundings.The constant search for new ideas, new construction materi-als and new technologies are keys to the development of our projects.The Buenaventura design and planning team is a collaboration of the worlds leading planners, market consultants, architects, engineers and developers. Each team member is a master at their own unique niche in the creation of projects around the world. d e s i g n t e a mEDSA is one of the leading planning and landscape architectural fi rms in the world with of fi ces in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, the Firm’s headquarters, as well as Orlando, Florida; Baltimore, Maryland; and Beijing, China. Practicing since 1960, the fi rm is widely recognized for its abilities to deal with complex projects in the following practice areas: campus and cultural planning, community planning, hotels and resorts, ecotourism, urban design, and attractions and entertainment. At EDSA, each effort is guided by a strong commitment to providing the highest level of service possible. Successful urban design, planning, and landscape architectural design projects require the highest level of expertise and professionalism. EDSA has been ful fi lling – and surpassing – that requirement since our inception. As a result, we have been recognized with over 200 industry awards.f e b r u a r y1,2010。





1. 荷兰花卉村



2. 美国梅里蒙特别墅



3. 澳大利亚Hilltop咖啡庄园







尽管 Scot Gilbert Laing Meason 在1828 人类已经在周围设计景观。



15 个来进行讨论——一些是很出名的,而一些1.橘院橘院位于西班牙南部的 Mosque of C órdoba (或叫做 Mezquita de C órdoba,在西班牙很有名)内,被认为是欧洲最古老的花园之一。

它是在 784 年大清真寺开始建造时建立的。

开始的时候植物有石榴树、柏树以及棕榈树,现在花园有许多的橘子树——准确的说是 98 棵——至少是在 18 世纪末成排种植的。


2.坎普广场在意大利有 700 年历史的锡耶纳是欧洲主要的公共空间之一。

原来的时候该广场是古罗马广场,自 12 世纪建立市政厅以来,就是城市的文化中心。

锡耶纳居民称它为“Il Campo ”,也因为其活跃的特性和社会聚会以及互动的优势,成为居民和社会空间。

著名的丹麦设计师兼城市规划师Jan Gehl 赞美坎普广场是人类标准的冠军作品,是“百分百完美的地方”。

3. Ry ōan-ji 花园日本京都 Ryōan-ji 寺里的石头花园被认为是枯山水或者是枯山水花园最好的例子之一。

世人不清楚是谁以及何时建造的 Ryōan-ji 花园,推测是在 15 世纪末以及 17 世纪之间建造的。

花园本身是很简单的:四周墙面的土以及石块形成了 15 块石头,放在以白色倾斜的砾石组成的矩形上。


’Este4.Villa d和世界其他顶级的花园一样,意大利蒂沃利的 Villa d ’Este是其热情的主人自愿花费大量金额来建造的。




















































国外园艺造景设计案例1. 香格里拉花园(Shangri-La Gardens)位于中国云南省丽江市,是一座集园林设计、植物种植和文化传承于一体的园艺景观。


2. 阿姆斯特丹花卉市场(Amsterdam Flower Market)是荷兰阿姆斯特丹市的一个著名景点,也是欧洲最大的花卉市场之一。


3. 凯尔特园艺展览馆(Celtic Gardens)位于爱尔兰,是一个集传统爱尔兰园艺和文化于一体的园林景观。


4. 塞浦路斯国家植物园(Cyprus National Botanic Gardens)是塞浦路斯的一个著名景点,也是一个重要的植物研究中心。


5. 温莎城堡花园(Windsor Castle Gardens)位于英国伦敦附近的温莎城堡内,是一个历史悠久的皇家花园。


6. 布拉格植物园(Prague Botanical Garden)位于捷克布拉格市,是一个集植物保护、科研和园艺展示于一体的综合性植物园。


7. 悉尼植物园(Royal Botanic Garden Sydney)是澳大利亚悉尼市的一个著名景点,也是澳大利亚最古老和最重要的植物园之一。


8. 莫纳罗风景园(Monaro Landscape)位于澳大利亚新南威尔士州,是一个以当地自然风光为基础的园林景观。

2007年国外景观设计欣赏 共65页

2007年国外景观设计欣赏 共65页
— 2019 Professional Awards Jury Comments
Projecቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ Statement
Two courtyards interlink the residence allowing each room to enjoy the visual landscape. The garden is built as a functioning green roof over a portion of the residence, leaving the steeply sloping site undisturbed. Water is the unifying element in the landscape design. Atmospheric mist, single rivulets, cascades, and still pools portray water in its various states and forms. Just beyond the walls, the native landscape has been retained and preserved.
旧金山Curran House低收入房屋
Curran House提出经济适用房的供应,展示设计品质,它通过客户的支持和有 前瞻性的设计团队的合作才能完成。由于大部分Curran House的居民不养车以 及住区附近交通便捷,客户与建筑师决定不设计停车位。节省下来的钱,设计 师准备用于建设平缓的绿地、园地与私密的阳台。Curran House是你想要的也 是能够负担得起的实用住房。


WORLD LANDSCAPE 全球顶尖10×100景观(中文版)-规划设计

WORLD LANDSCAPE 全球顶尖10×100景观(中文版)-规划设计






Planning DesignD ur ing the ur ban development, an increasingly impor tant s t r a n d o f t h e u r b a n r e g e n e r a t i o n p i c t u r e i s s u p p l i e d b y t h e u r b a n d e s i g n a n d l a n d s c a p e a r c h i t e c t w h o s e v i s i o n fo r g re e n s p a c e a n d t h e i n t ro d u c t i o n o f c o l o u r i n to w h a t o t h e r w i s e m i g h t b e a d r e a r y u r b a n l a n d s c a p e , c a n n o t only lif t a new office or housing development to a higher, m o r e p r o f i t a b l e l e v e l , b u t a l s o t h e h e a r t s a n d m i n d s o f those who live or work there. From this perspective, human a n d c i t y a r e d e p e n d e n t w i t h e a c h o t h e r. A c i t y a l w a y s i s c o m p o s e d o f p l a n e s t r u c t u r e , s k y l i n e o f b u i l d i n g s , s t r e e t f u r n i t u r e , r e g i o n a l l a n d m a r k s , o p e n s p a c e , a n d p l a n t l a n d s c a p e , w h i c h a r e m a t e r i a l p a t t e r n s t h a t a r e f o r m e d b y c h o i c e b e h a v i o u r i n d a i l y l i f e , a n d w h i c h c o n t a i n s n a t u r a l l a w , s o c i a l c o n t e x t , h u m a n e m o t i o n s a n d h i s t o r y. W e c o u l d c a l l t h i s c i v i l i z a t i o n o f h u m a n. M e a n w h i l e , t h e d e v e l o p m e n t o f u r b a n i s a c c o m p a n i e d b y v a r i o u s i s s u e s , s u c h a s : e n v i r o n m e n t a l p o l l u t i o n a n d e c o l o g i c a l i m b a l a n c e c a u s e d b y i n d u s t r i a l p r o d u c t i o n , d e s t r u c t i o n o f n a t u ra l l ayo u t o f c i t y c a u s e d by u r b a n i s m , i m p a c t o n t h e r e l a t i o n s h i p b e t w e e n h u m a n a n d n a t u r e c a u s e d b y t h e n e g l e c t o f e c o -e f f i c i e n c y a n d t h e p u r s u i t o f e c o n o m i c b e n e f i t s. H u m a n m u s t p o n d e r o v e r t h e d i r e c t i o n o f u r b a n d e v e l o p m e n t , a n d t h e n m a k e u s e o f a w i d e r a n g e o f k n o w l e d g e a n d w e a l t h o f i m a g i n a t i o n a n d creativit y to per fec t the urban planning, construc tion and m a n a g e m e n t , t o e n h a n c e t h e q u a l i t y o f u r b a n e c o l o g i c a l environment, to promote the rational distribution of cities, to reunify the economic and ecological benefits.巴特利公园城街区景观项目类型:城市规划项目地点:纽约曼哈顿项目成本:2650万美金所获奖项:2007年美国建筑师协会纽约分会项目荣誉奖2005年美国建筑师协会城市设计奖2005年美国建筑师协会规划分析奖位于曼哈顿岛西部的巴特利公园城是一座都市生活气息浓厚的社区,由尼尔森 · 洛克菲勒发起。


港 口 岛 公 园


140hm2的慕尼黑奥林匹克公园是格茨梅克最重 要的代表作品。公园位于慕尼黑北部,距市中心 4km,1972年第20界夏季奥运会在此举办。公园基 址原是一块极为荒凉的空地,周围是兵营及工业用 地,南部是二战后由城市中清理出来的废墟瓦砾所 堆积的高60m的小山,地段一直作为练兵场来利用。
公园规划的目标是要把奥运会办成“绿色的奥 运会”。在规划时考虑运动会结束后的使用问题。 体育设施成为市民健身和文化活动的场所,运动员 村成为居住区和大学生宿舍,绿地则是市民休闲娱 乐的公园。
1924年出生于瑞典的斯德哥尔摩,曾在那里学习园 艺,后来有机会在德国斯图加特的瓦伦丁事务所实习。 然后又在斯德哥尔摩市的海么林事务所工作,
1958—1960年在斯德哥尔摩艺术学院学习建筑, 1957年建立了自己的事务所,并很快取得了一些影 响。 1965年马汀松来到德国卡尔斯鲁厄大学建筑系新成 立的景观与园林研究室工作,直到1991年以后他才返回 瑞典。
作为建筑师和景观设计师,鲍尔不仅能做大尺 度的规划,也可以完成小尺度的设计,具备了建筑 设计、城市设计到景观设计的多方面的能力。

Landscape Architecture 国外优秀景观设计11

Landscape Architecture 国外优秀景观设计11

PlanPhotoshop Close-up Perspective
Photoshop Perspective
Photoshop Perspective
P r he
k c i rr e D
Concept: Analyze Design of a significant landscape architect and produce an over view of the project and the final design. Skills: -Analysis -Hand Graphics -Ink -Prismacolor -Colored Pencil -Mylar
Factory converted into apartments with high amounts of paving and no green areas. added plants and statue to soften building facade and provide pedestrians with a green space.
a r G
c S ll
eP rojects
Palm model 1
Palm model 2



采用PP管及配件:根据给水设计图配置好PP管及配件,用管件在 管材垂 直角切 断管材 ,边剪 边旋转 ,以保 证切口 面的圆 度,保 持熔接 部位干 净无污 物




采用PP管及配件:根据给水设计图配置好PP管及配件,用管件在 管材垂 直角切 断管材 ,边剪 边旋转 ,以保 证切口 面的圆 度,保 持熔接 部位干 净无污 物



采用PP管及配件:根据给水设计图配置好PP管及配件,用管件在 管材垂 直角切 断管材 ,边剪 边旋转 ,以保 证切口 面的圆 度,保 持熔接 部位干 净无污 物




旧金山Curran House低收入房屋
Curran House提出经济适用房的供应,展示设计品质,它通过客户的支持和有 前瞻性的设计团队的合作才能完成。由于大部分Curran House的居民不养车以 及住区附近交通便捷,客户与建筑师决定不设计停车位。节省下来的钱,设计 师准备用于建设平缓的绿地、园地与私密的阳台。Curran House是你想要的也 是能够负担得起的实用住房。
Environmental sensitivity and sustainability By limiting the disturbance with walls and adapting the home to the hillside site, the residential garden becomes part of the natural setting. Sustainable design elements include:
The second garden, in comparison, is an expansive, promontory entertainment space. The design program anticipated large gatherings of the owners’ friends. With frequent afternoon rains, the space is designed to include the possibility of tenting the entire yard. A cascading wall of water forms the backdrop to the garden, disappearing suddenly into quiet reflecting pools, one of which also functions as a recreational spa. A separate, geometric pool of shallow water is located in the center of the courtyard. From the promontory above, this plane provides a mirror to the dramatic ever changing sky. The promontory garden is elevated above the surrounding landscape to celebrate the dramatic views at the very edge of the skyline.


5.3.4 詹姆斯.罗斯(JAMES C. ROSE 1910— 1991)
1930年代晚期,罗斯在《进步 建筑〉Progressive Architecture) 杂志上发表了一系列文章。
《园林中的自由〉(Freedom In The Garden) 《植物指示了花园的形式〉 (Plants Dictate Garden Forms) 《景观设计中清晰的形式〉 (Articulate Form In The Landscape Design) 《为什么不尝试科学?〉(Why Not Try Science)
公司改善员工的工作环境的同时也提高了 公司的形象,优美的环境同时象征着企业的地 位、财富、实力和产品的卓越。
3)从50年代末开始,城市更新成为各州 的政策。
美国与欧洲不同,欧洲由于历史的原因, 稠密的城市与丰富的广场并存,而美国19世纪末 20世纪初城市的迅速发展并没有带来城市中心开 放空间的显著增加,至二战结束,美国的城市大 多是繁杂、拥挤的地方,只有极少或根本没有开 放空间。
20世纪50、60年代,美国经济进入了自20 年代以来持续时间最长的繁荣时期。经济的发 展和国家的建设带动了景观行业的迅速发展。
1)美国新城镇运动的复兴; 二战以后,美国的社会处在巨大的变化之 中,大量的退伍军人使城市人口大大增加,新 的住宅建设成为迫切需要。面对城市环境的恶 化,中产阶级家庭逐渐迁移到市郊环境优美的 新社区。 市郊居住区的建设导致了美国新城镇运动 的复兴,郊区以城市为中心迅速扩展,这种盲 目的扩展给城市带来了巨大的压力,同时也给 设计师带来了巨大的机遇和挑战。
他在自己的家庭花园中设计了一个便于他的 舞蹈家妻子排练、教学和表演的木质平台,这 个设计后来也给他自己很多启发,他发现室外 空间就是一个舞台,在以后的许多设计中他都 表达了这一观点。



丹麦当代景观设计小览丹麦位于欧洲大陆的西北端,南同德国接壤,西濒北海,北与挪威、瑞典隔海相望,面积4.3万 k㎡,地势低平舒缓,人口543万,是北欧五国中面积最小的国家。



1.丹麦的设计背景1.1 作为北欧国家的丹麦北欧国家在地理文化、语言政治经济等方面具有很多的相似性和趋同性,历史上这一地区的政治单元分分合合,相互交融,经过数世纪的演变才逐步形成现在这样五个独立的主权国家。














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