Numeca 画网格快速入门教程
numeca基本操作教程(2)2-5 FINE求解2-5.1 ⼯程控制台Project Management78. In the FINE interface project parameters, select the item Project Management/Project Settings (default). 在Import a grid file 中输⼊刚刚保存过的*.igg格式的⽂件。
80.In the Project units section, choose meters as the rotor37.geomTurbo file contained the geometryin meters (default)81.In the Computations area, rename "computation_1" in "coarse_choked"yh-1在左边列表框中,选择/Parameters/Configuration//Fluid Model选取流体类型,如:理想⽓体,真实⽓体,⽔,等!/Flow Model选择流动模型,定常或⾮定常流动,1)欧拉⽅程或NS ⽅程2;2)湍流模型(NS);3)是否考虑重⼒作⽤。
/Rotating Machinery 设置旋转参数,如转速等!2-5.2 步长和时间步设置82.时间步长设置。
选择Configuration / space & time83.时间选取定常解模式。
参考上⾯yh-12-5.3 在FINE查看⽹格88.单击Mesh图标在6.0以上版本中选择菜单Mesh/View On/Off89.单击图形查看按扭,如图2.5.3-1中下侧的图标2-5.4 物理模型2-5.4.1 概要(以下内容与6.0以上版本中的位置不同)90.打开对模型话框,Physical Model/General physics,如图2.5.4-191.选取Fluid model这个标签,92.弹出是否创建新流体的对话框,选择No.93.选取AIR(Perfect Gas)空⽓,理想⽓体.在这个列表框中。
Step 3. 端壁定义
1. 按照Step 2中第二步打开某一模板
打开模板之后 的默认几何形 状及视图
2. 点击“EndWalls”按钮,激活端壁控制线类型设定窗 口
Step 3. 端壁定义(2)
1. Bezier Curve(4 Control Points) : 三 阶 BEZIER曲线,通过八个参数控制点以及两个角度 确定一条型线。参数为(Z1,R1), (Z2,R2), L1, L2, 1, 2。其中(Z1,R1) (Z2,R2)为端点,L1,L2分别为到第 一个端点和第二个端点的长度, 1为Bezier曲线 前端角度,2为Bezier曲线后端角度。该曲线三 阶光顺。
*注意事项:当使用人员使用2或3的方法进行控制时, 必须保证参数表处于关闭状态,因为当参数表打开时, 用户在界面上的控制位置或输入的数值不能对参数表 中的对应参数进行更新,此时,如果使用人员点击了 参数表中的“Ok”按钮,则所有的参数仍将使用参数 表中的数值。 如果参数表处于关闭状态,则使用人员在界面中使用 2或3的方法进行的修改将自动对参数表中的数值进行 更新。
1. Planar—axial case
2. Cylindercal
上定义。此时叶片的所有截面皆为半径回转面,实际的 叶片由端壁截取。
NUMECA FINE/Design3D 2.1 培训教程
NUMECA 使用手记1.右手坐标系和右手系1 右手坐标系:X轴向右,Y轴向上,Z轴向自己。
2 右手系:一个空间直角坐标系,如果当右手(左手)的大拇指指向第一个坐标轴(x轴)的正向,而其余手指以第二个轴(y轴)绕第一轴转动的方向握紧,就与第三个轴(z轴)重合,就称此坐标系为右手(左手)坐标系。
2.2009.1.21建立叶轮模型所遇到的问题1 流道的方向定义为沿z轴的正向。
2 采用线来生成叶片时,lofted的方向为从盘侧指向盖侧,而不能相反。
3.使用Fine_turbo进行计算时所考虑的问题1 采用拟可压模型时各个参数的含义,例如β。
2 压比的含义如何处理。
2.在IGG 中,insert vertex和insert fixed point 有什么区别和联系。
Vertex 不会分割网格的边,而fixed point 则会分割网格的边为“two segment”。
3.在制作网格,给网格分区时,应采用insert fixed point。
6.分割面1. 先插入内部分割线“insert internal grid line”.2. 利用“boundary conditions”下的“edit patch”来分割patch,获得新的面。
结果分析利用NUMECA CFViwe™后处理工具进行,自动进入跨叶片截面模式。
更详细的说明见12-开始新的或打开现存S1面计算在开始界面下,Project Selection窗口允许创建新工程或打开现存工程。
对于创建新的跨叶片截面工程,按如下操作:1、单击按扭Create a New Project2、选取工程保存路径及输入文件名3、关闭Grid File Selection窗口,Design 2D不需要输入网格文件4、进入S1流面模块,菜单Modules/Design 2D如果要打开现存工程,在Project Selection窗口中单击Open an Existing Project 按扭,并在File chooser窗口中选取一个文件。
Numeca 画网格快速入门教程解析
Numeca 画网格快速入门教程本教材以一个典型的带分流叶片的离心叶轮为案例,采用铺网格面的方式重构几何,最后在AG5里画网格的一个标准流程。
Step 1:打开IGG, 从菜单File→Import→IGES导入原始几何文件,这里也可以导入其它格式的几何文件。
Step 2:在IGG的操作区域内单击右键,在弹出菜单中选择Select Surfaces(也可以用快捷键Strl+s),选择所有的面(快捷键a),然后再单击右键,选择hide select surfaces。
Step 3:选择左侧的Geometry→curve→CSpline命令,从hub线的入口端开始,隔一定长度点击一次,一直到出口端点,在原来的几何线上转换一条新的CSpline线,操作完毕后,该线处于选中状态(黄色),此时可以直接File→Export→Geometry Selection…输出为hub.dat。
然后单击右键弹出右键菜单,选择select curve,按下a,即取消所有线条的选中状态。
Step 4 :操作完成后,单击右键,选择hide all Geometry,隐藏所有几何文件,也可以选择所有线条隐藏。
然后再菜单Geometry→view →surfaces, 在弹出对话框中选择所有的面,apply之后,我们之前隐藏那些面又出现了。
这里当然也可以用工具栏的view下的geomtry→geomtry groups来分组几何,这个功能在面对几何比较多的时候很有用,可以快速实现几何的隐藏和显示。
step 5:选择工具栏Grid→create→Insert new face 就是第三个,将face grid 的四个顶点分别附着在叶片面的四个顶点上。
Step 1:打开IGG,从菜单File,lmport,IGES 导入原始几何文件,这里Step 2:在IGG的操作区域内单击右键,在弹出菜单中选择SelectSurfaces(也可以用快捷键Strl+s),选择所有的面(快捷键a),然后再单击右键, 选择hide select surfaces 。
Step 3:选择左侧的Geometry,curve,CSpline 命令,从hub线的入口端开始,隔一定长度点击一次,一直到出口端点,在原来的几何线上转换一条新的CSpli ne 线,操作完毕后,该线处于选中状态(黄色),此时可以直接File,Export,Geometry Selection…输出为hub.dat。
然后单击右键弹出右键菜单,选择select curve ,按下a,即取消所有线条的选中状态。
再重复上述操作,Step 4 :操作完成后,单击右键,选择 hide all Geometry ,隐藏所有几何文件,也可以选择所有线条隐藏。
然后再菜单 Geometry,view ‘surfaces, 在弹出对话框中选择所有的面,apply 之后,我们之前隐藏那些面又出现了。
完成shroud 线的制作和输出-rcaic Gri d这里当然也可以用工具栏的 view 下的geomtry,geomtry groups 来分组几何,就是第三个,将facegrid 的四个顶点分别附着在叶片面的四个顶点上Pwm匸沁“厘严F B VT I *呻爭r* 牛-印 刊t*严Latvia呷”AfUUnCmspS UJ H Stn !■ Ianss : F -LBWLfrllWQWhTlQ4IW-卜 prrFiK ■白 Er L 「Q.-t ■: KaGeometryLJiGridCr A-nrtn这个功能在面对几何比较多的时候很有用,可以快速实现几何的隐藏和显step 5: 选择工具栏 Grid,create,lnsert new faceGrid如果叶片面的四条边都三连续的单线条,这样操作就可以,如果是多条线段,需要通过insrert/edit,insert vertex 来插入控制点,使face grid 的segment 完全贴合叶片面的边。
31. 单击[
32. 单击如图2.4.2-2中 (7),将单选框[Reset Distribution at Inlet]和[ Reset Distribution at
Outlet]均选取 Yes.
33. 单击这个对话框右下角的[Apply] 按扭,如图 2.4.2-2 中 (5)
34. 单击这个对话框下面的[Accept] ,如图 2.4.2-2 中 (8)
81. In the Computations area, rename "computation_1" in "coarse_choked" 2-5.2 步长和时间步设置 82. 步长和
a) I- or H-type mesh b) Control of the grid points distribution at the leading and trailing edge. c) Control of the streamwise clustering by using the projected control points d) Control of the matching points near leading and trailing edges e) Advanced treatment: local smoothing
45. 关闭这个[M-theta grid Control] 对话框。 46. After selecting the view, move the mouse near the leading edge control point and until it is highlighted
as shown in the below figure.
TutorialsIGG™ v8.aDocumentation v8.aNUMECA International5, Avenue Franklin Roosevelt1050 BrusselsBelgiumTel: +32 2 647.83.11Fax: +32 2 647.93.98Web: ContentsTABLE OF CONTENTINTRODUCTIONTUTORIAL 1: Geometry Creation1-1 INTRODUCTION1-11-1.1 Introduction1-11-1.2 Prerequisites1-21-1.3 Preparation1-21-2 CARTESIAN POINT1-31-2.1 Create Cartesian Point1-31-2.2 Select Cartesian Point1-31-2.3 Delete Cartesian Point1-31-3 CURVES1-31-3.1 Create Curves1-31-3.2 Select Curves1-51-3.3 Visualize Curves1-51-3.4 Modify Curves1-61-3.5 Edit/Copy Curves1-71-3.6 Export Curves1-71-3 SURFACES1-81-3.1 Create Surfaces1-81-3.2 Select Surfaces1-101-3.3 Visualize Surfaces1-101-3.4 Modify Surfaces1-111-3.5 Edit/Copy Surfaces1-111-3.6 Export Surfaces1-11 TUTORIAL 2: 2D Airfoil Mesh Generation2-1 INTRODUCTION2-12-1.1 Introduction2-12-1.2 Prerequisites2-22-1.3 Presentation2-22-1.4 Preparation2-22-2 MESH GENERATION2-32-2.1 Define Project Configuration2-42-2.2 Define Geometry2-52-2.3 Create Blocks2-62-2.4 Define Clustering2-112-2.5 Generate Face Grid2-142-2.6 Control Mesh Quality2-162-2.7 Define Boundary Conditions2-172-2.8 Save Project2-18ContentsTUTORIAL 3: Pipe to Pipe Mesh Generation3-1 INTRODUCTION3-13-1.1 Introduction3-13-1.2 Prerequisites3-23-1.3 Presentation3-23-1.4 Preparation3-23-2 MESH GENERATION3-33-2.1 Define Geometry3-33-2.2 Create & Control Blocks3-53-2.3 Generate Block Grid3-133-2.4 Define Butterfly Topology3-143-2.5 Control Mesh Quality3-163-2.6 Define Boundary Conditions3-183-2.7 Define Full Non Matching Connection3-193-2.8 Save Project3-20TUTORIAL 4: Volute Mesh Generation4-1 INTRODUCTION4-14-1.1 Introduction4-14-1.2 Prerequisites4-24-1.3 Presentation4-24-1.4 Preparation4-24-2 MESH GENERATION4-34-2.1 Load Geometry4-34-2.2 Create & Control Blocks4-44-2.3 Generate Block Grid4-184-2.4 Control Mesh Quality4-194-2.5 Define Boundary Conditions4-204-2.6 Define Full Non Matching Connection4-224-2.7 Save Project4-23TUTORIAL 5: Axi Seal Leakage Mesh Generation5-1 INTRODUCTION5-15-1.1 Introduction5-15-1.2 Prerequisites5-25-1.3 Presentation5-25-1.4 Preparation5-25-2 MESH GENERATION5-35-2.1 Define Project Configuration5-35-2.2 Import Geometry5-45-2.3 Create & Control Blocks5-45-2.4 Define Clustering5-105-2.5 Control Mesh Quality5-135-2.6 Define Boundary Conditions5-155-2.7 Save Project5-18What’s in This Guide ?This Tutorial Guide contains a number of tutorials driving the user in IGG™ v8 to mesh different internal and external configurations. In each tutorial, features related to mesh generation are dem-onstrated.Tutorials 1 to 5 are detailed tutorials designed to introduce the beginner to IGG™ v8. These tutori-als provide explicit instructions for all steps of the mesh generation process. Tutorials 1 to 5 do not require any pre-requisite and can be treated separately, in any order. They address different types of applications, including both internal and external cases.Where to Find the Files Used in the Tutorials ?Each of the mesh generation starts from a geometry that is existing or is created. The appropriate files (and any other relevant files used in the tutorial) are stored on IGG™ v8 DVD-ROM, more precisely in the /DOC/_Tutorials directory.How to Use this Guide ?Depending upon your familiarity with computational fluid dynamics and your interest in some par-ticular configuration, you can use this tutorial guide in a variety of ways.For the BeginnerIf you are beginning user of IGG™, you should first read and solve tutorials 1 and 2, in order to familiarize yourself with the interface and basis of the mesh generation technique. You may then want to concentrate on a tutorial that demonstrates features that you are going to resolve. For exam-ple, if you are planning to mesh a volute, you should look at tutorial 4.For the Experienced UserIf you are an experienced user of IGG™, you can read and/or solve the tutorial(s) that demonstrate features that you are going to resolve. For example, if you plan to mesh a 2D airfoil, you should look at tutorial 2.Conventions Used in this GuideSeveral conventions are used in the tutorials to facilitate your learning process.Following a short introduction, each tutorial is divided into sections respectively related to the mesh generation steps from the geometry definition to the 3D mesh generation.Inputs required to execute the tutorials are restricted to the geometry, either in a ".dat" or CAD related format.The sequence of actions to be executed are described through a step-by-step approach, in the form of arabic numbers.Additional insight about some specific actions and/or features is frequently added to illustrate the tutorial further. This information is proposed for the purpose of clarity and completeness, and should not be executed. It appears in italicized type.Contact NUMECA support team at +32-2-647.83.11 or send an e-mail to for any question or information you may require. To allowNUMECA support to help you out within the shortest delays, please provide adetailed description of the observed behaviour and performed analysis.TUTORIAL 1:Geometry Creation1-1Introduction1-1.1IntroductionThe resolution of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) problems involves three main steps:•spatial discretization of the flow equations,•flow computation,•visualization of the results.To answer these questions, NUMECA has developed a F low IN tegrated E nvironment for internaland Turbomachinery assimilations. Called FINE™/Turbo, the environment integrates the followingtools:•IGG™ is an I nteractive G eometry modeler and G rid generator software, based on structured multi-block techniques,•AutoGrid™ is a three-dimensional Automated Grid generation software, dedicated to turboma-chinery applications. Similarly to IGG™, it is based on structured multi-block techniques,•Euranus is a state-of-the-art multi-block flow solver, able to simulate Euler and Navier-Stokes equations in the laminar, transitional and turbulent regimes,•CFView™ is a highly interactive flow visualization and post-treatment software,•FINE™ Graphical User Interface is a user-friendly environment that includes the different soft-wares. It integrates the concept of projects and allows the user to achieve complete simulations,going from the grid generation to the flow visualization, without the need of file manipulation.This tutorial is particularly adapted to the creation and modification of geometrical entities. Itmakes exclusive use of IGG™.In this tutorial you will learn how to:•Create Cartesian point,•Create and modify curve entities,•Create and modify surface entities,•Select and delete geometrical entities,Geometry Creation Introduction•Group/ungroup geometrical entities,•Save geometrical entities.1-1.2PrerequisitesThis tutorial does not require any particular prerequisite.1-1.3Preparation•Copy the files located in cdrom:\DOC\_Tutorials\IGG\Tutorial_1 to your working directory, where cdrom must be replaced by the name of your DVD-ROM.•Start IGG™ v8.xFor LINUX and UNIX systems, you can access IGG™ v8.x graphical user interface with thefollowing command lineigg -niversion 8x -print or igg -niversion autogrid8x -printFor WINDOWS systems, you can access IGG™ v8.x graphical user interface from the startmenu going to /Programs/NUMECA software/fine8x/IGG or /Programs/NUMECA software/autogrid8x/IGGMenu BarTool Bar3D ViewQuick Access PadControl Areakeyboard input areainformation areaYou’re now ready to start to create and modify geometrical entities!IGG™ v8 graphical user interface allows to visualize the geometry and mesh of the internal orexternal test case in a 3D view by default. The access to main menu and controls is proposedthrough a menu bar and a quick access pad, and is completed with a tool/icon bar and a control area(including the keyboard input area).Cartesian Point Geometry Creation1-2Cartesian Point1-2.1Create Cartesian Point1.Select the Geometry/Create Points/Cartesian Point menu to initiate the creation of aCartesian point2.Type the sequence <1 1 0> <Enter> in the keyboard input area. This action will create theCartesian point (black or white point is appearing in the graphics area)Cartesian points can also be defined as intersection between two selectedcurves or between a selected curve and a plane or between a selected curveand a surface (see User Manual for more details).3.Select the Geometry/Create Points/Cartesian Point menu to initiate the creation of a sec-ond Cartesian point4.Type the sequence <1 1 1> <Enter> in the keyboard input area. This action will create thesecond Cartesian point (second black or white point is appearing in the graphics area) 1-2.2Select Cartesian Point5.Select the Geometry/Select/Cartesian Points menu to select Cartesian points6.Move the mouse on the Cartesian point (1,1,1) and click-left on it when highlighted in blueto select it7.Click-right or <q> in the graphics area to end the selection1-2.3Delete Cartesian Point8.Select the Geometry/Delete/Cartesian Points menu to delete the selected Cartesian points(highlighted in blue)1-3Curves1-3.1Create CurvesThe following section describes how to:—create basic curves—use the keyboard or the mouse to input points—use the attraction featureThe below geometry, consisting of two polylines, one C-spline and one arc, will be created.Geometry Creation Curves9.Define a polyline curve:•Select the Geometry/Draw Polyline/Free menu (shortcut <p >) to initiate the creation of a polyline•Type the sequence <1 0 0> <Enter > in the keyboard input area . This action will create thefirst point of the polylineThe keystrokes are automatically echoed in the keyboard input area.•Enter a second point at position <1.2 0.5 0> and press <Enter >•Move the mouse near the Cartesian point. When close enough, the mouse will normally beattracted to this point if the attraction to points feature is enabled. If there is no attraction,press <a > in the graphics area. Then click-left to add this point to the polyline•Click-right or <q > in the graphics area to end the polyline creation•Repeat above steps to create another polyline passing through the points (0,0,0), (-0.2,0.5,0)and (0,1,0)10.Define a C-spline curve:•Select the Geometry/Draw CSpline/Free menu (shortcut <c >) to initiate the creation of aC-spline curve•Move the mouse near the point (0,0,0) of the second polyline. When close enough, themouse will normally be attracted to this point if the attraction to points feature is enabled. If there is no attraction, press <a > in the graphics area. Then click-left to add this point to the C-spline•Move the mouse somewhere between the points (0,0,0) and (1,0,0) and click-left to add apoint•Move the mouse near the point (1,0,0) of the first polyline. When close enough, the mousewill normally be attracted to this point if the attraction to points feature is enabled. If there is no attraction, press <a > in the graphics area. Then click-left to add this point to the C-spline•Click-right or <q > in the graphics area to end the C-spline creation11.Define a circular arc curve:•Select the Geometry/Circular Arc/Normal-Point-Point-Radius menu option to initiatethe creation of a circular arc. Several inputs will be requested to define the arcThe circular arc can be created using different methods (see User Manual for more details).•Enter <0 0 1> <Enter > to define the arc normalpolyline 1polyline2C-splinearcCurves Geometry Creation •Move the mouse near the Cartesian point. When close enough the point will be highlighted (if there is no attraction, press <a> in the graphics area). Click-left to define the arc startpoint•Move the mouse near the point (0,1,0) of the second polyline. When close enough the point will be highlighted (if there is no attraction, press <a> in the graphics area). Click-left todefine the arc end point•Enter <0.6> <Enter> to define the arc radius•Press <o> until the circle has the same shape as the one presented on above figure. Then click-left to create the arcClick-right or <q> in the graphics area to end the arc creation.1-3.2Select CurvesThe curve selection operation is used to activate one or more curves for subsequent operations ingeometry modelling or grid generation. When a curve is selected it appears highlighted in yellow(default). All the curves created in the previous steps are selected.12.Select the Geometry/Select/Curves option to initiate curve(s) selectionThe shortcut <s> can also be used to activate the option without accessing themenu.13.Press <a> to unselect all the curves, which become unhighlighted14.Move the mouse over the C-spline which is then highlighted. At the same time, the name,type of curve and approximate arc length of the curve appear in the information area15.Click-left to select it16.Repeat above step to select the first created polyline17.Click-right to quit the selectionSelection and deselection of all curves can be done by pressing <a> repeat-edly (toggle option).1-3.3Visualize CurvesWhen importing complex models, many curves may be created and visualized in IGG™, makingthe graphics unclear. It is possible to visualize only specific curves on the screen, hiding all others,in the following way:18.Select the Geometry/View/Curves option. A curve chooser appears with the name of allthe curves. All the names are highlighted since all the curves are visible19.Select the C-spline in the chooser (click-left on it) and press Apply. Only the C-splinecurve now appears in the view20.Select the first polyline in the chooser (click-left on it) while holding the <Ctrl> key. Thepolyline is highlighted in the chooser, together with the C-spline. Press Apply to visualizeboth curves21.Select the first and last curves in the chooser while holding the <Shift> key. All the curvesare now selected. Press Apply to visualize them all22.Close the chooserAfter selecting the curves by using the Geometry/Select/Curves menu, the selected curves can befurther investigated in the following way:Geometry Creation Curves23.Select the Geometry/View/Curve Orientation menu. The default orientation of theselected curves is shown. This orientation is important for other geometry modelling andgrid generation operations. These orientations can be hidden by selecting the menu onceagain (toggle option)24.Select the Geometry/View/Control Points menu. The control points of the selected curvesappear now. This options acts as a toggle (display on-off) on all selected curves25.Select the Geometry/Select/Control Points menu. A control point must be selected. Whenmoving the mouse near a control point, the point becomes highlighted. Click-left on a con-trol point to display the point coordinates in the information area26.Click-right to quit the option27.Select the Geometry/Distance menu (). A prompt appears to select two points betweenwhich the distance will be measured and displayed:•Press <c> to disable the attraction to curves (this can be verified by moving the cursor near the start point of the C-spline. Normally, there is no attraction to the curve. Otherwise, press<c> a second time)•Move and attract the cursor over the start point of the C-spline. If there is no attraction, press <a>. Click-left on curve to select the start point•When moving the mouse, the distance between the selected point and the cursor is indi-cated. Move the mouse over the last point of the C-spline. The cursor is attracted to thepoint and the distance is indicating d=1•Click-left to fix the distance on the screenThe above steps can be repeated to measure the distance between otherpoints.•Click-right to quit the option.1-3.4Modify CurvesExisting selected curves can be modified within IGG™ in the following way:28.Select the Geometry/Modify Curve/Add Control Point option to add control points onselected curve by click-left on itCurves Geometry Creation29.Select the Geometry/Modify Curve/Remove Control Point option to remove a controlpoint on selected curve by click-left on control point30.Select the Geometry/Modify Curve/Modify Point (On surface) option to move an exist-ing control point on selected curve (on surface) by click-left to select the point and click-left after moving the control point31.Select the Geometry/Modify Curve/Set Name... option to impose a userdefined name tothe selected entity (one curve should be selected)32.Select the Geometry/Modify Curve/Divide option to split the selected curve at a userde-fined location by click-left on it (one curve should be selected)33.Select the Geometry/Modify Curve/Reverse option to reverse the curve orientation plot-ted when selecting Geometry/View/Curve Orientation menu1-3.5Edit/Copy CurvesExisting selected curves can be moved or copied within IGG™ in the following way:34.Select the Geometry/Select/Curves menu to select all the curves (highlighted in yellow)35.Select the Geometry/Edit/Copy menu to copy all the selected entities with a translation,rotation, scaling or mirror operation36.Type <new> <Enter> to impose a userdefined prefix to the geometrical entities that will becreated37.Type <t> <Enter> to select a copy with a translation38.Type <1 0 0> <Enter> to impose the translation vectortranslation (1 0 0)The menus Geometry/Edit/Translate, Rotate, Scale or Mirror allow to moveand not to copy the selected geometry.1-3.6Export CurvesIt is possible to save during the work the curves created in the previous steps. Only the curvesselected are saved into a file:39.Select the Geometry/Select/Curves menu to select all the curves (highlighted in yellow)Geometry Creation Surfaces40.Select File/Export/Geometry Selection... menu. A file chooser is opened to specify the name of a file ".dat" (with corresponding Parasolid ™file "X_T"). This file can be readback using the File/Import/IGG Data... menu ().1-4Surfaces 1-4.1Create Surfaces In this section simple surface creation is described, starting from a set of curves. A new session will be opened to clear all previous drawings.41.Select File/New - yes to close the current project and open a new, empty, project.Opening a new project closes the current project without automatic saving.42.Define a lofted surface:•Select File/Import/IGG Data and choose the file "geometry_curves.dat" in the\DOC\_Tutorials\IGG\Tutorial_1 directory of the installation cdrom. Three curves are readand stored in the geometry repository•Select the curves using Geometry/Select/Curves (<s >) in the order indicated on the figure•Verify that the curves are well oriented by using the Geometry/View/Curve Orientationmenu otherwise you need to reverse the curves by using the Geometry/Modify Curve/Reverse menu in order to impose the same orientation to all the curves•Select the Geometry/Surface/Lofted menu in the Quick Access Pad . A NURBS surface,interpolating the curves is now created. Notice that two new curves, representing surfaceboundaries, are created. These curves automatically appear in the curve chooser (Geome-try/View/Curves ) when it is opened123Boundary curves automatically created1234Surfaces Geometry Creation43.Define a coons patch:A Coons surface is a surface interpolating 4 boundary curves using a bilinearinterpolation. To avoid overlapping with the lofted surface, the selected curveswill be copied and translated.•Select the four boundary curves (<s>) of the lofted surface, in the order indicated in the above figure•Select the Geometry/Edit/Copy menu in the Quick Access Pad. IGG™ interrogates whether the duplicated curves must be translated, rotated, scaled, mirror or not. To avoid overlappingwith the existing curves and surface, a translation will be performed•Type <new> <Enter> to impose a userdefined prefix to the geometrical entities that will be created•Type <t> <Enter> to select a copy with a translation•Type <1 1 1> <Enter> to impose the translation vectorThe selected curves are duplicated and the new curves are automaticallyselected (the other curves are now unselected)•Select the Quick Access Pad/Geometry/Surface/Coons menu. A new surface is created which interpolates the four selected curvesIt can be noticed that 4 additional curves have been created. These are curves following the parametricdirections of the surface and are used to provide a better visualization of the surface.44.Define a surface of revolution:A surface of revolution will be created by rotating a newly created curve aroundthe Y axis.•First create a C-spline (Geometry/Curve/CSpline) between the points (-0.5,-2,0.1), (-0.5,0,0.2) and (-0.5,2,0.1). These points were selected so that the surface of revolution thatwill be created intersects the lofted surface•Make this curve the only selected curve (Geometry/Select/Curves)•Select Geometry/Surface/Revolution in the Quick Access Pad to create a surface of revolu-tion by rotating this new curve around a line parallel to the Y axis. The rotation origin is takenso that the surface of revolution intersects the lofted surface•Type <0 1 0> <Enter> to select the rotation axis direction•Type <-0.5 0 -1> <Enter> to select the rotation axis origin•Type <300> <Enter> to select the angle of rotationGeometry Creation SurfacesAs it may be noticed, the curve used for the rotation constitutes the first boundary of the surface.Three other boundary curves are automatically created to delimitate the surface.1-4.2Select SurfacesThe surface selection operation is used to activate one or more surfaces for subsequent operations in geometry modelling (i.e surface-surface intersection) or grid generation (i.e. face grid mapping).When a surface is selected its boundary curves appear highlighted in red or yellow.45.Select the Geometry/Select/Surfaces menu to initiate surface(s) selectionThe <Ctrl-s> shortcut can also be used to activate the same option, withoutaccessing the menu.46.Press <a > to unselect all the surfaces (toggle option), which become unhighlighted (bound-ary curves are unhighlighted)47.Move the mouse over the lofted surface. The surface becomes highlighted in blue.48.Click-left to select the surface. The boundary curves remain now permanently in red or yel-low49.Repeat above steps to select the surface of revolution50.Click-right to quit the selectionSelection and deselection of all the visible surfaces can be done by pressing<a> repeatedly (toggle option).1-4.3Visualize SurfacesSurfaces stored in IGG ™ are by default visualized by displaying their boundaries. As soon as the boundary curves of a surface are visible, the surface is considered visible. The following step describes how to hide surfaces, hence hide their boundaries.51.Select the Geometry/View/Surfaces option. A surface chooser appears with the name ofall the surfaces in the geometry repository. All surfaces in the chooser are highlighted sincethey are all visible in the graphics area52.Select the lofted surface (click-left on it) in the chooser and press Apply . The lofted surface appears alone in the graphics area with all the previously created curvesboundary curvesSurfaces Geometry Creation53.Select the surface of revolution (click-left on it) in the chooser while holding the <Ctrl> key.The surface of revolution is highlighted in the chooser together with the lofted surface. PressApply to visualize both surfaces. Notice that the surface of revolution is now unselected inthe graphics area (highlighted in blue)54.Select the first and last surfaces (click-left on them) in the chooser while holding the <Shift>key. All surfaces are highlighted in the chooser. Press Apply to visualize them all in thegraphics area55.Close the chooser1-4.4Modify SurfacesWhen manipulating parametric surfaces, it is possible to create curves in the parametric directions ofthe surfaces. These curves can be used to better visualize the surfaces or for other geometry and gridmodelling operations.56.After selecting a surface, select the Geometry/Modify Surface/Representation menu.IGG™ requests the number of curves to be created in the u and v direction of each selectedsurface:•Type <15 15> <Enter> to plot 15 curves in both parametric directions of the selected surfaces•Repeat the previous step and specify 5 curves in each direction57.Select the Geometry/Modify Surface/Add uv Curves menu. Then a point must be selectedon the selected surfaces:•Move the mouse inside the limits of the selected surfaces. Two orthogonal curves appear at the mouse position. The attraction feature can be enabled, if needed•Click-left to add the two curves in the geometry repositoryThe curves created in the above steps are deleted when the surface is deleted,except if they are used by other entities.1-4.5Edit/Copy SurfacesExisting selected surfaces can be moved or copied within IGG™ as presented on the curves in section1-3.5.1-4.6Export SurfacesIt is possible to save during the work the curves and surfaces created in the previous steps. Only thecurves and surfaces selected are saved into a file:58.Select the Geometry/Select/Curves and Surfaces menu to select respectively the curves(highlighted in yellow) and the surfaces (highlighted in red or yellow)59.Select the File/Export/Geometry Selection... menu. A file chooser is opened to specify thename of a file ".dat" (with corresponding Parasolid™ file "X_T"). This file can be read backusing the File/Import/IGG Data... menu ()Geometry Creation SurfacesTUTORIAL 2:2D Airfoil MeshGeneration2-1Introduction2-1.1IntroductionThe resolution of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) problems involves three main steps:•spatial discretization of the flow equations,•flow computation,•visualization of the results.To answer these questions, NUMECA has developed a F low IN tegrated E nvironment for internaland Turbomachinery assimilations. Called FINE™/Turbo, the environment integrates the followingtools:•IGG™ is an I nteractive G eometry modeler and G rid generator software, based on structured multi-block techniques,•AutoGrid™ is a three-dimensional Automated Grid generation software, dedicated to turboma-chinery applications. Similarly to IGG™, it is based on structured multi-block techniques,•Euranus is a state-of-the-art multi-block flow solver, able to simulate Euler and Navier-Stokes equations in the laminar, transitional and turbulent regimes,•CFView™ is a highly interactive flow visualization and post-treatment software,•FINE™ Graphical User Interface is a user-friendly environment that includes the different soft-wares. It integrates the concept of projects and allows the user to achieve complete simulations,going from the grid generation to the flow visualization, without the need of file manipulation.A C-type block grid around an airfoil is proposed to explain the basic features of the major topol-ogy and grid generation modules within IGG™.The tutorial shows the successive steps that must be followed to generate a 2D mesh and to definethe boundary conditions required before starting a solver:•Set up a 2D project,•Import/Create geometry curves needed for meshing,•Define the topology before meshing,。
visual modflow用户手册[整理版]
visual modflow用户手册[整理版] VisualMODFLOW专业地下水流动和污染物运移模拟的集成三维图形模拟环境Waterloo Hydrogeologic许可证Waterloo Hydrogeologic公司(WHI)保留这个软件复制品的所有权。
Waterloo Hydrogeologic公司授权你可以复制软件的文档副本。
说该软件“象一本书”, Waterloo Hydrogeologic公司的意思是,比如,任何人可以使用该软件,并且它可以自由地从一台计算机移到另一台计算机上,只要它不是同时在两台计算机上使用。
特别是,你不能出售、出租、分发下一级许可、或租借本软件或其文档;在没有得到Waterloo Hydrogeologic公司书面同意以前不能对该软件或文献做篡改、修订、或摘用,包括,但不仅限于翻译、反编译、反汇编、或制造下游产品。
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2、保证Waterloo Hydrogeologic公司保证,在正常使用情况下,从购买之日起30天内磁盘材料和文件在材料和制造工艺上不会受到损坏,一旦材料和制造工艺上有缺损,Waterloo Hydrogeologic公司将给你替换缺损的磁盘和文件。
一般不用将叶轮所有叶片和轮盖造型出来, 只需一个叶片即可, 如下图所示。
生成实体后,保存为 iges 格式文件,然后在 IGG 中打开。 2.2 处理几何数据
2.2.1 如上图所示,在 IGG 中打开 2.1 中得到的 iges 格式文件,然后取出 ps1, ps2,ss1,ss2 线。这里 ps 指的是 pressure surface,即压力面,ss 指的是 sucktion suface,即吸力面,1 指的是叶根,即叶片压力面或者吸力面与轮 盘交接的一端,2 指的是叶顶,即叶片压力面或者吸力面与轮盖交接的一 端。 2.2.2 对于二元叶片,不需要通过造型——取线的方式得到 ps1,ps2,ss1,ss2 线,只需要对叶片型线的坐标数据进行处理,制作出.dat 数据文件。 在一个.txt 文本文件中,前三行分别输入: #文件名(ps1 或 ps2 或 ss1 或 ss2) 坐标系(zr 或 xyz,这里是对叶片型线处理,所以用 xyz 坐标系) 坐标点数 从第四行开始输入坐标点。 数据输入完成后,将.txt 文件名后缀改为.dat。 2.2.3 将文件名分别为 ps1,ps2,ss1,ss2 的文件制作完成后,再重新导入 IGG, 利用放样(loft)功能,将 ps1,ps2 线生成 ps 面,ss1,ss2 线生成 ss 面。 2.2.4 制作轮盘,轮盖的几何数据文件。 同 2.2.2 中相同,由轮盘(hub) ,轮盖(shroud)的坐标得到相应的.dat 文
(n >2)
多重网格的层数为:min(n)+1 如:17=24+1,min(n)=4,即满足 5 重多重网格。 61=25+24+23+22+1,min(n)=2,即满足 3 重多重网格。 对于网格质量报表, 这里一般只关心 negtive cells (负网格) , min skewness (最小正交度),max asp ratio(最大长宽比) ,max exp ratio(最大延展比)四 项指标。 正交性(Orthogonality) :网格相邻两条边之间相互垂直的程度。二 维标准,范围 0-90°。正交性表征网格面两条边之间的最小角度。如果两条 边的夹角大于 90°,则正交性按(180-实际角度)确定。 长宽比(Aspect Ratio):如图示。二维标准,范围 1-10000。如果实 际值超出这个范围,重置为 10000。
LaserCAD 软件操作说明书
3.5.5 矩形 ................................................................... 17 3.5.6 椭圆 ................................................................... 17 3.5.7 贝塞尔曲线 ............................................................. 17 3.5.8 文本 ................................................................... 18 3.6 工具 ....................................................................... 18 3.6.1 阵列复制 ............................................................... 18 3.6.2 按图层选择对象 ......................................................... 18 3.6.3 水平翻转 ............................................................... 19 3.6.4 垂直翻转 ............................................................... 19 3.6.5 手动排序 ............................................................... 19 3.6.6 优化排序 ............................................................... 20 3.6.7 曲线光滑 ............................................................... 20 3.6.8 删除重叠线 ............................................................. 20 3.6.9 合并相连线 ............................................................. 21 3.6.10 编辑引入引出线 ........................................................ 21 3.6.11 自动生成引入引出线 .................................................... 21 3.6.12 位图反色 .............................................................. 22 3.6.13 位图挂网 .............................................................. 22 3.6.14 创建位图块 ............................................................ 23 3.6.15 创建位图轮廓线 ........................................................ 24 3.6.16 闭合检查 .............................................................. 24 3.6.17 平行偏移 .............................................................. 24 3.6.18 测量周长 .............................................................. 25 3.6.19 预算加工时间 .......................................................... 25 3.6.20 模拟加工输出 .......................................................... 25 3.7 设置 ....................................................................... 25 3.7.1 系统参数设置 ........................................................... 25 工作空间 ............................................................. 26 附加功能 ............................................................. 27 工艺参数 ............................................................. 29 厂家参数 ............................................................. 30 用户参数 ............................................................. 33 3.7.2 阵列加工参数 ........................................................... 35 3.7.3 图形相对位置 ........................................................... 35 3.7.4 恢复到默认参数 ......................................................... 36 3.8 视图 ....................................................................... 37 3.8.1 如何调出隐藏的工具栏 ................................................... 37 3.9 帮助 ....................................................................... 37 3.9.1 关于信息的修改与定制 ................................................... 37 3.9.2 软件图标的修改 ......................................................... 39 4.1 通过 USB 与板卡建立连接 ..................................................... 39 4.2 选择网络通信方式 ........................................................... 40 4.2.1 通过网络与板卡直连 ..................................................... 40 4.2.2 通过路由器与板卡连接 ................................................... 43 4.3 设置图层参数 ............................................................... 45 4.3.1 调整图层的加工顺序 ..................................................... 49 4.4 设备控制 ................................................................... 49 4.5 加载图形数据以及设备文档管理 ............................................... 49 4.5.1 启动加工以及相关控制 ................................................... 52 5.1 手动加载“AWCLASERCUT”工具条 ............................................... 53 5.2 显示被隐藏的“AWCLASERCUT”工具条 ........................................... 55 5.3 导入 DST/DSB 文件 ........................................................... 55 5.4 从 CORELDRAW 切换到通用版软件 ................................................ 56 6.1 手动加载“激光加工”菜单和“激光加工”工具条 ............................... 57 6.2 从 AUTOCAD 切换到通用版软件 ........................................AD 软件操作说明书
NUMECA FINE/Turbo™6.x 并行计算培训教程WINDOWS NT/2K/XP/2003操作系统并行计算前提条件1.为保证软件能够进行并行计算功能,需要在软件安装时安装并行计算功能(Parallel Computation)2.软件许可证需要包含并行计算特征(可电话咨询尤迈克公司进行许可证验证,以确认是否有并行计算功能。
多台PC分布式并行计算设定如果是单机多CPU并行计算设定,请跳至PageStep 1: 用户管理1. 添加用户在每一台并行机上创建一个相同的帐号及相同的密码。
例如,创建用户名numeca(也可是其它任意用户名),2. 为用户创建本地路径在用户属性中,添加本地路径,路径可为硬盘上任何已经存在的目录Step 2: 配置管理1. 编辑rhost.txt用文本编辑器打开c:\winnt\rhost.txt文件。
假设共有三台机器并行,主机名分别为PC1、PC2、PC3,则在rhost.txt文件中添加以下语句:PC1 numeca (注释:主机名用户名)PC2 numecaPC3 numeca2. 运行用户注册工具在NUMECA安装目录下(以FINE61-4版本为例),运行FINE61-4\bin\MPIRegister.exe,出现以下提示窗口:输入做并行的用户名,并连续输入两次用户登陆密码,“y”确认。
3. 重新启动计算机Step 3: pvm管理1.关闭所有用于并行机器上的正在运行的FINE软件2. 从任务管理器中删除pvm*.exe的进程,或者重新启动计算机3. 清除所有并行机器上c:\tmp目录下的pvm*.* 文件Step 4: 界面管理1.在主控机上以numeca用户登陆(其它机器可意任何帐户登录)2.启动FINE界面,并通过菜单Modules ÆTask Manager切换至Task Manager窗口,双击左侧的HOSTDEFINITION,进入HOSTS Definition页面3. 点击Add Host,在弹出是对话框中输入主机名、用户名以及操作系统Step 4: 界面管理(续) 4. Accept后弹出如下菜单系统完成主机添加,在HOSTNAME中会多出一计算机名。
scratchn阶方格 -回复
下面列举一些常见的应用和意义:1. 图像处理:n阶方格可以用于描述图像中的像素。
2. 网络布局:n阶方格可以用于描述网页上的布局。
3. 游戏设计:n阶方格可以用于设计各种类型的游戏。
4. 算法分析:n阶方格可以用于分析和研究各种算法。
matlab numel函数用法
matlab numel函数用法
num_elements = numel(array)
3. numel函数还可以用于计算字符串的字符数。
(2)建立柱体绕流流道的三维几何模型和网格模型(3)在FINE TURBO中设置计算条件,求解出非定常流动数据,以动画表示。
要求在AUTGRID5中做出它的三维水体的网格,在FINE TURBO 中计算出泵的水力参数,撰写出从做网格开始到得到计算结果的过程中具体详细步骤和计算结果目录流体机械内部流动数值模拟课程题目 (2)1.柱体的三维绕流设计及计算 (4)1.1创建几何模型 (4)1.2绘制网格 (4)1.3设置边界条件及计算 (4)1.4后处理 (13)2.某型水泵蜗壳的三维水体网格划分 (19)2.1几何模型导入 (19)2.2绘制B LOCK (22)2.3设置边界条件 (28)2.4划分网格 (33)2.5质量检查 (34)3.计算某型号单级离心水泵叶轮单流道水力性能 (37)3.1A UTO G RID5 (37)3.2计算处理 (45)参考文献 (51)1.柱体的三维绕流设计及计算1.1创建几何模型几何尺寸(计算域):600(长)*60(宽)*40(高)几何尺寸(方柱):10(长)*10(宽)*40(高)1.2绘制网格注意通过“挤压”的面边界条件设定时按search来连通两个面IGG网格画法详见题目21.3设置边界条件及计算设置边界条件:流体为不可压常温水,进口速度为0.8m/s ,出口外接大气压(101300Pa)打开igg模块中已设置完备的网格文件参考如上图设置参数已收敛保存定常结果右击新建一个名为unsteady的运算点击开始计算计算运行后保存当前文件名为unsteady1后再次新建一个名为unsteady2的运算点击开始计算1.4后处理点击CFV 点击start点击ok整体窗口如图所示点击视图不再显示几何轮廓再次点击出现如下图所示依次点击1(有√复选框),2 点击获得图像点击按钮局部放大便于观察可见如上图流场点击按钮可出现动画流场逐帧图示如下2.某型水泵蜗壳的三维水体网格划分某型水泵蜗壳的三维几何模型(见附件1)。
MIKE21 FM网格生成器培训教程目录17简介 (1)17.1概念 (2)17.2边界定义 (3)18开始 (3)18.1介绍 (3)18.2数据位置 (4)18.3 步骤1 - 建立一个工作区域 (4)18.4步骤2 - 导入模型边界线 (5)18.5步骤3 - 编辑陆地边界线 (7)18.6 步骤4 - 定义开边界 (9)18.7步骤5 - 生成网格 (9)18.8步骤6 - 对陆地边界进行光滑处理 (10)18.9步骤7 - 网格地形插值 (12)18.10 步骤8 - 对网格进行光滑处理 (15)18.11 步骤9 - 使用多边形来控制节点密度 (15)MzGeneric.pdf手册中Mesh Generator部分17 简介网格生成器(mesh generator)为制作三角网格提供了工作平台。
基于 MIKE Zero 之上的MIKE 21 Flow Model FM, MIKE 3 Flow Model FM 和 MIKE 21 Spectral Wave Model FM,都是以三角网格为基础的。
图 17.1 全球模型的陆地/海洋边界网格的生成包括选择适当的模拟范围,确定地形网格的分辨率,考虑流场,风场和波浪场的影响,为开边界和陆地边界确定边界代码。
生成网格文件可以使用MIKE Zero网格生成器。
所有关于生成网格文件的配置信息都在网格定义文件(扩展名*.mdf) 中, 文件可以被修改和再利用。
网格生成器的功能包括从不同的外部信息源(例如. XYZ 水深点,XYZ等值线,MIKE 21矩形网格地形,MIKE C-MAP数据) 输入原始数据,或是用内置的制图工具手动创建地形数据。
边界条件数据存储在Face中,材料数据和源项存储在Zone的Cell中网格形状:2D模拟中,常见的网格形状为三角形和四边形;3D 模拟中,包括有四面体、六面体、棱柱形和多面体网格。
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Numeca 画网格快速入门教程本教材以一个典型的带分流叶片的离心叶轮为案例,采用铺网格面的方式重构几何,最后在AG5里画网格的一个标准流程。
Step 1:打开IGG, 从菜单File→Import→IGES导入原始几何文件,这里也可以导入其它格式的几何文件。
Step 2:在IGG的操作区域内单击右键,在弹出菜单中选择Select Surfaces(也可以用快捷键Strl+s),选择所有的面(快捷键a),然后再单击右键,选择hide select surfaces。
Step 3:选择左侧的Geometry→curve→CSpline命令,从hub线的入口端开始,隔一定长度点击一次,一直到出口端点,在原来的几何线上转换一条新的CSpline线,操作完毕后,该线处于选中状态(黄色),此时可以直接File→Export→Geometry Selection…输出为hub.dat。
然后单击右键弹出右键菜单,选择select curve,按下a,即取消所有线条的选中状态。
Step 4 :操作完成后,单击右键,选择hide all Geometry,隐藏所有几何文件,也可以选择所有线条隐藏。
然后再菜单Geometry→view →surfaces, 在弹出对话框中选择所有的面,apply之后,我们之前隐藏那些面又出现了。
这里当然也可以用工具栏的view下的geomtry→geomtry groups来分组几何,这个功能在面对几何比较多的时候很有用,可以快速实现几何的隐藏和显示。
step 5:选择工具栏Grid→create→Insert new face 就是第三个,将face grid 的四个顶点分别附着在叶片面的四个顶点上。
如果叶片面的四条边都三连续的单线条,这样操作就可以,如果是多条线段,需要通过insrert/edit→insert vertex来插入控制点,使face grid 的segment完全贴合叶片面的边。
Step 6:光标移动到黄色的segment附近,单击右键,在弹出菜单中选择segment→set number of points,设置网格点数,一般这里只是铺网格以生成新的几何,所以网格点数设置多一点没关系,多的网格数使得网格能更好地贴近原始几何面。
在弹出的对话框中,选择at start,然后在右边输入一个合理的数值,再点击apply to segment。
在下拉列表里,有各自加密方式可以选择,在这里选择的是at start,因为我们选中的那条segment,起点在前缘,注意观察箭头方向。
对另外一条平行的边作同样的操作,(注意,设置网格点数时,操作一条边,平行的另一条页自动设置为同样的数值,但是分布操作只对单个segment有效,你可以在设置完一条边以后,不退出对话框,直接选择另一个segment ,点击apply to segment来完成设置)面。
Step 7:选择工具栏Grid→geberate→project face 就是最下一排倒数第二个按钮,弹出对话框,点击apply,将网格完全投影在叶片面上,可以看到操作时,网格面有所变化,一般直纹面差异不大,但非直纹面变化较大。
Step 8:选择geomtry→surface→from face grid,生存一个新的几何面,这个面系统会默认给予一个名称,一般为cspline_XXXX,XXXX代表四位数字。
通过右键菜单隐藏原始的叶片面,Step 9:通过右键菜单选择刚生成的cspline面,如果你之前操作不成功,没有隐藏原始的叶片面,不知道选择的是那个面时,可以在选择面时,注意观察如下图中最下方的两个空白处的标识,前一个显示的当前光标的坐标值,后一个则显示光标位置首先几何的名字,如此便可分辨出新生成的面和原始的集合面。
当然,也可以通过前文所说的Geometry→view →surfaces命令来操作,不过要麻烦些。
选中面之后,选择Geometry→modify surface→representation,在如下图的命令行里输入2 5,表示将这个面以竖2横5的几条线重新描述。
如果你得到的结果是如下图这种的,则重复上述操作,在命令行中输入5 2 即可。
最后可以得到这样的结果:Step10 :通过右键菜单,进行选择线条操作,并将刚刚生成的5条子午向的线条按序选中。
我们在上一步生成的cspline面此时是处于选中状态的,而新生存的loft_XXXX 是处于非选中状态,通过右键菜单才做,隐藏cspline面,选中loft面。
通过File→Export→Geometry Selection…输出为mss.dat.(mainblade suction surface),以同样的操作来完成其他主叶片压力面,分流叶片压力面和吸力面的生成和输出,并分别命名为mps.dat sps.dat sss.dat.在操作后面三个面时,前面的face grid是可以沿用的,直接将四个定点附着好,从step 7开始操作即可。
Step 11:此时,我们所有的几何文件准备完毕,可以直接进入到AG5里进行操作,但是AG 在8.7的版本的一个严重的缺陷就是当叶片与hub和shroud线没有相交时,会报错,也延伸不了,但在AG4中可以延伸。
首先进入AG4 界面,点击set up 弹出geometry & topology control 界面,勾选geometry definition。
通过from data file依次定义hub , shroud , pressure side , suction side.然后选择surface edition,在expansion中输入0.05 0.05,就可以看到叶片在hub和shroud侧各延伸了5%。
选中叶片所在区域,按下快捷键Ctrl+s,再按一下或两下a,就可以看到叶片变成红色,表示叶片的两个面均处于选中状态,通过菜单File→Export→Geometry Selection…输出为mainblade.dat,对分流叶片以同样的操作,输出为spliteblade.dat。
Step 12:最终,我们终于来到AG5,之所以我们之前花费这么多心血来准备这些dat文件,是因为AG对这样的dat文件识别性最好,最不容易出现错误,网格质量也最好。
在AG5里的操作相对简单,在工具栏geometry definition→import and link CAD,弹出ImportCAD对话框,选择File→open打开相应的dat文件,并依次定义hub,shroud,mainblade,spliteblade,这些操作任何一个教材里都有,这里不再重复。
设置完之后,在mesh control 里设置一下cell width值,理论上来说,这个值是要通过计算Y+来得到的,不过我觉得计算Y+是一件很蛋疼的事情,所以一般都设置成0.005。
此时,点击(Re)set default topology来生成拓扑结构,生成之后检查B2B网格。
然后通过B2B mesh topology control来控制拓扑,一般来说,设置一下几个即可:A)一般选择默认的网格类型B)不勾选topology下的matching periodicityC)Grid points下可以设置网格密度,数字可以调整。
D)在某些情况下,勾选sharp treatment at leading edge,sharp treatment at trailing edge或其对前尾缘做处理的选项。
E)在mesh下,可以设置增长率和cellwidth值,这些设置一般比较少用到设置完之后,点击generate b2b 重新生成b2b网格,然后检查一下网格质量,一般都会比较好,正交性在25以上,如果不好,查看质量不好网格的分布区域,如果是分布在前尾缘,则可以通过选择mesh control optimization control弹出optimization properties对话框,勾选expert,将skewness control选择为medium,重新生存b2b,网格质量会得到一定程度的改善。
点击Generate 3D,生成3D网格。