陕旅版英语五年级下册第一单元《How are you feeling now》Unit1第四课时 课件PPT

1. 集体力量是强大的,你们小组合作了吗?你能将这个原理应用于生活吗?你的探究目标制定好了吗? 2. 自学结束,请带着疑问与同伴交流。 3. 学习要善于观察,你从这道题中获取了哪些信息? 4. 请把你的想法与同伴交流一下,好吗? 5. 你说的办法很好,还有其他办法吗?看谁想出的解法多? 二、赏识类
number/ˈnʌmbə/ 数字 work/wək/ 工作
点击“Read a story”, 跟我一起读吧!
Read a story
艾丽斯:妈妈,我回来了。 你在哪儿?
托比:你看起来很伤心, 为什么? 艾丽斯:因为今天是3月 1日。是我的生日。但 是没有人在家。我感到 有点伤心。
爸爸&妈妈:亲爱的,生日快乐! 凯蒂:这是给你的礼物,艾丽斯。 艾丽斯:谢谢你。
1. 你虽然没有完整地回答问题,但你能大胆发言就是好样的!
1、你的眼睛真亮,发现这么多问题! 2、能提出这么有价值的问题来,真了不起! 3、会提问的孩子,就是聪明的孩子! 4、这个问题很有价值,我们可以共同研究一下! 5、这种想法别具一格,令人耳目一新,请再说一遍好吗? 6、多么好的想法啊,你真是一个会想的孩子! 7、猜测是科学发现的前奏,你们已经迈出了精彩的一步! 8、没关系,大声地把自己的想法说出来,我知道你能行! 9、你真聪明!想出了这么妙的方法,真是个爱动脑筋的小朋友! 10、你又想出新方法了,真会动脑筋,能不能讲给大家听一听? 11、你的想法很独特,老师都佩服你! 12、你特别爱动脑筋,常常一鸣惊人,让大家禁不住要为你鼓掌喝彩! 13、你的发言给了我很大的启发,真谢谢你! 14、瞧瞧,谁是火眼金睛,发现得最多、最快? 15、你发现了这么重要的方法,老师为你感到骄傲! 16、你真爱动脑筋,老师就喜欢你思考的样子! 17、你的回答真是与众不同啊,很有创造性,老师特欣赏你这点! 18、××同学真聪明!想出了这么妙的方法,真是个爱动脑筋的同学! 19、你的思维很独特,你能具体说说自己的想法吗? 20、这么好的想法,为什么不大声地、自信地表达出来呢? 21、你有自己独特想法,真了不起! 22、你的办法真好!考虑的真全面! 23、你很会思考,真像一个小科学家! 24、老师很欣赏你实事求是的态度! 25、你的记录很有特色,可以获得“牛津奖”!

Unit1 How Are You Feeling Now 第1课时教学设计【内容来源】陕旅教育出版社五年级下册Unit1【主题】Warming-up: Look and circle, Let’s lea rn【课时】第1课时一、教学目标1. 能听、说、读、写词汇:feel happy, feel sad, feel tired, feel angry, go out to play, make a snowman。
2. 学习运用I’m feeling... 表达自己的情感。
二、教学准备教师准备:1. Let’s learn部分的图片或猫的手偶。
2. 本课时的相关课件。
3. Let’s learn部分的教学音频。
4. 若干写有Let’s learn部分词汇的纸条。
三、教学方法建议课程导入(Leading In)(1)课前问答T: Good morning, everyone! Nice to see you again in English class. I am feeling happy now. Are you happy?(教师做出很高兴的表情)Ss: Yes.T: So we are feeling happy to be together again. And I hope we’ll feel happy all the time in our class.(2)新课导入Part A Warming-up: Look and circle引导学生观察本部分各图片中人物的神情,并通过图片中人物的神情推断他们的情绪:T: Now look at the girl in the pictures. How is she feeling? Which is happy? Can you circle it?之后引导学生说出各自的情感:T: What about you? How are you feeling now?通过此任务让学生提前感知本课要学习的内容,导入新课。
陕旅版五年级英语下册课件Unit 1 Part A课件

>>Presentation Let’s learn
feel angry
>>Presentation Let’s learn
feel tired
Read and match
feel angry
feel sad
feel happy
feel tired
Listen and answer
1. What are they doing? They’re making a big snowman.
2. How are they feeling now? Are they happy?
They’re very happy.
go out to play
She is feeling _h_a_p_p_y.
Let’s learn
make a snowman
She is feeling _h_a_p_p_y.
Let’s and say
How does she/he feeling?
Unit 1 How Are You Feeling Now?
Part A
Listen and enjoy
Are you happy? If you are happy, please clap you hands. If you are happy, please stomp your feet. If you are happy, please shout “hurray”.

Unit1 How Are You Feeling Now?单词:1、feel感觉;感到2、happy高兴的,快乐的3、 sad悲伤的;难过的,4、tried疲劳的5、angry生气的, 愤怒的6、go out to play出去玩7、snowman雪人8、make a snowman.堆雪人9、why为什么 10、because因为11、drink喝 12、make使,让 15、so因此;所以 16、tell告诉短语:1、good idea 好主意2、why not?为什么不?3、drink some water 喝点水4、on time 按时5、come on加油,来吧6、a little一点;少许句子:1.--How are you feeling now?你现在感觉怎么样?--I am feeling情绪形容词我感觉....2.You look sad.你看起来悲伤。
She/He looks sad。
3.Because it is snowing again.因为又在下雨呢。
4.I can’t go out to play.我不能出去玩。
5.We can make a snowman. 我们可以堆雪人。
6.Sit down and drink some water.坐下,喝点水。
7.--Why is she/he angry?她/他为什么生气?--Because....因为...8.Colin is late again.This makes her very angry.Colin又迟到了,那使她非常生气。
9.So Miss White is telling him to come to school on time and not to be late again。
语法:1、sth makes sb +情绪形容词某事让某人.....Unit 2 Spring is Coming!单词:1、spring,春天2、summer夏天3、 autumn秋天4、 winter冬天5、season季节6、 plant trees植树7、 ride a bike骑自行车8、Tree Planting Day植树节 9、interesting有趣的 10、March 3月--My favorite season is...我最喜欢的季节是....3.Spring is coming!春天到了!4.How happy we are!我们多么高兴啊!5.I plant trees with my parents every year on Tree Planting Day.每年植树节我和父母一块去植树。

A. So
B. But C. Because
( B )4. It's______ good idea.
A. an
B. a
C. the
( A )5. I can't________ out to play.
A. go
B. going C. goes
snowman 雪人
【复数形式】 snowmen 【短语】 make a snowman 堆雪人
The children are making a snowman. 孩子们正在堆雪人。
感觉;感到 高兴的;快乐的 悲伤的;难过的
feel /fiːl/ 感觉;感到
【用法】 feel是感官类动词,类似的单词还有: sound(听起来), look(看起来), smell(闻起来), taste(尝 起来)等 【短语】 feel lonely 感到孤单
【例句】 Come on! Let's dance! 来吧!我们跳舞吧!
What's missing?
feel come on
go out to play happy
because why tired sad
最新陕旅版五年级英语下册教案(精品)Unit 1 How Are You Feeling Now

Unit1 How Are You Feeling Now?第一课时教学目标:学习“四会”单词:feel happy, feel sad, feel tired, feel angry, go out to play, make a snowman. 用所学单词和句型描述自己或他人的感受。
教学重点:能听懂、会写、会读、会说feel happy, feel sad, feel tired, feel angry, go out to play, make a snowman。
教法:高效课堂教学模式学法:自主探究合作交流教具准备:小黑板单词卡片教学环节:•学习目标(一)出示学习目标:学习“四会”单词:feel happy, feel sad, feel tired, feel angry, go out to play, make a snowman. 用所学单词和句型描述自己或他人的感受。
(二)学习How are you feeling now? I’m ... 句型并学会如何表达。
(三)用句子How are you feeling now? I’m ... 同桌相互问答。
•课堂作业•作业当堂清1.单词拼写feel h___ ppy feel s___ d feel t_____ ed feel ang___2. 英汉互译感到快乐_____________ feel sad ____________感到累______________ 感到生气_____________ go out to play _______________ 堆雪人______________ •挑战自我扮演表情完成对话How are you feeling now?I’m…板书设计:Unit 1 How Are You Feeling Now?happyfeel sadtried,angry,go out to play, make a snowman课后反思:第二课时教学目标:1、学习主系表结构的句型:主+系+表,即:人称+am/is/are+形容词2、句型学习How are you feeling now? I’m …教学重点:熟练掌握句型,并进行简单的对话。

Unit 1 How Are You Feeling Now学习重点:有关情绪的单词学习难点:How is he feeling? He’s feelling……I like ….. It makes me happy.I don’t like…….It makes me sad/angry/tired.一、重点单词(一)写出单词的英文二、重点句型一、看图,写单词。
1. __________2. __________3. __________4. __________二、选择下列短语正确的汉语意思。
( ) 1. feel tiredA. 感到伤心B. 感到累C. 感到生气( ) 2. make a snowmanA. 堆雪人B. 玩雪C. 雪人( ) 3. come onA. 上来B. 过来C. 加油( ) 4. a littleA. 一点B. 几乎没有C. 许多( ) 5. get out to playA. 去玩B. 一起玩C. 出去玩三、根据首字母提示完成句子。
1. I’m very sad b__________ it’s snowing again.2. D__________ some water, please.3. We can m__________ a s__________ in winter.4. Miss White is angry. S__________ she is t__________ colin not to be late again.四、单项选择。
( ) 1. ---I can’t go out to play.---Why ________?A. don’tB. notC. doesn’t ( ) 2. --- ________ is Miss White angry?---Because Colin is late again.A. WhyB.WhatC. How ( ) 3. I’m feeling ________ sad.A. littleB. someC. a little ( ) 4. I like playing football. It ________ me happy.A. makesB. makeC. making ( ) 5. --- ________ are you so happy?---I’ve got a gift from my friend.A. HowB.WhatC. Why五、情景选择。

新版陕旅版五年级英语(下册)(全册)知识点整理-CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1Unit1 How Are You Feeling Now?单词:1、feel感觉;感到2、happy高兴的,快乐的3、 sad悲伤的;难过的,4、tried疲劳的5、angry生气的, 愤怒的6、go out to play出去玩7、snowman雪人 8、make a snowman.堆雪人 9、why为什么 10、because因为11、drink喝 12、make使,让 15、so因此;所以 16、tell告诉短语:1、good idea 好主意2、why not为什么不3、drink some water 喝点水2、4、on time 按时5、come on加油,来吧6、a little一点;少许句子:1.--How are you feeling now你现在感觉怎么样--Because....因为...8.Colin is late again.This makes her very angry.Colin又迟到了,那使她非常生气。
9.So Miss White is telling him to come to school on time and not tobe late again。
语法:1、sth makes sb +情绪形容词某事让某人.....Unit 2 Spring is Coming!单词:1、spring,春天2、summer夏天3、 autumn秋天4、 winter冬天5、season季节6、 plant trees植树7、 ride a bike骑自行车8、Tree Planting Day植树节 9、interesting有趣的 10、March 3月11、April四月 12、May五月 13、warm 暖和的 14、hot热的15、go swimming去游泳 16、cool凉爽的 17、rich富有的;丰富的18、cold寒冷的 19、in spring 在春天重点句型:1.--What do you do in季节在...你经常干什么4.--My favorite season is...我最喜欢的季节是....5.Spring is coming!春天到了!4.How happy we are!我们多么高兴啊!5.I plant trees with my parents every year on Tree Planting Day.每年植树节我和父母一块去植树。

陕旅版英语五年级下册第一单元英语作文范文全文共5篇示例,供读者参考篇1标题: Hello, Unit 1! 你好,第一单元!大家好,我是小明。
这个单元的主题是"My Day"(我的一天)。
书中有一位叫Bao Bao的小男孩,还有一只很棒的狗狗朋友Dingding。
首先是单词部分,本单元介绍了很多和"一天"有关的词汇,比如wake up(醒来)、brush teeth(刷牙)、get dressed(穿衣服)等等。
接着就是课文Bao Bao的一天了。
我还记得第一次听老师读这个故事,感觉就像在看一场精彩的话剧演出!Bao Bao早上起床、吃早餐、上学、放学后做作业、锻炼身体、吃晚饭、玩游戏、睡觉……真是忙碌又丰富多彩的一天啊!正是因为如此贴近生活,我觉得这个单元的内容都特别容易理解和记忆。
学会了how早、what time等问句后,我就跟爸爸妈妈反复练习,希望能用流利的英语问他们各种各样的时间问题。
有时候他们开玩笑说"不知道",我就会学着Bao Bao那样嬉皮笑脸地再追问一次,气氛特别欢乐。
至于单元练习,我觉得最有意思的是让我们根据自己的实际情况订正Bao Bao的一天安排。
我们班同学都写出了不一样的"Xiao Ming的一天",真是佩服老师设计如此生动有趣的环节。

Travel Adventures in Our CityLast week, our class took a field trip to explore the different places of interest in our city. It was anexciting day filled with learning and fun.In the morning, we gathered at the school gate and boarded the buses. Everyone was excited and talking about what we might see during the trip. Our first destinationwas the city museum, where we learned about the history and culture of our city. The guides explained about thedifferent exhibits and how they represented the growth and development of our city over the years. We also saw someold artifacts and photos that gave us a glimpse into the past.After the museum, we visited the botanical garden. The gardens were beautiful with a variety of flowers and plants. We walked through the gardens and learned about different types of plants and their uses. The teachers also pointed out some rare and endangered plants and explained the importance of conserving them.Lunch was served at a nearby park, where we ate picnic-style and shared stories about our favorite parts of the trip. In the afternoon, we visited the zoo. The animals were fascinating, and we learned a lot about their habits and habitats. The keepers explained how they took care of the animals and taught us about the importance ofprotecting wildlife.The highlight of the day was the visit to the planetarium. We watched a 3D show about the solar system and learned about the different planets and stars. It was like being in outer space! The show was so realistic that we felt like we were floating in space.Before we knew it, it was time to go back to school. Everyone was tired but happy. The trip was not only fun but also educational. We learned a lot about our city and the world around us. I am looking forward to our next fieldtrip and more adventures to explore!**城市中的旅行冒险**上周,我们班组织了一次实地考察,探索了城市中的不同名胜古迹。

>L>ePt’rsa cptlai cye
>L>isPtreanctai cned tick or cross
She looks happy. She is feeling happy.
I’m feeling happy now. What about you?
>L>isPtreens eanntda tai onnswer
1. What are they doing? They’re making a big snowman.
2. How are they feeling now? Are they happy? Theeanc tai cned follow
Dad: You look sad, dear. Why? Kitty: Because it’s snowing again. I can’t go out to play. Dad: Why not? Come on. We can make a snowman. Kitty: A snowman! It’s a good idea.
Unit1 How are you feeling now?
>L>isLteeanda- innd enjoy
Are you happy? If you are happy, please clap you hands. If you are happy, please stomp your feet. If you are happy, please shout “hurray”.
>L>isPtreanc tai cned follow

Unit1 How Are You Feeling Now 教学内容与目标【内容来源】陕旅教育出版社五年级下册Unit1【单元总目标】本单元内容围绕情感展开,这也是教材第图次明确出现情感的表达。
可结合四年级下册Unit 4 What Do You Do on Saturday? 中有关日常活动的词汇以及四年级上册Unit 8 Boys Like to Play Ball和五年级上册Unit 3 My Favorite Food Is Hamburgers表述爱好的句式结构,引入有关情感的表达。
本单元的重点内容是学习使用情感类词汇,并就情感进行表述及问答,难点是如何正确运用I’m feeling ... 和形容词happy, sad, tired, angry等来描述自己相应的情感。
第一课时以part A中Let’s learn部分的词汇教学为主,可通过对日常活动名称和个人喜好的复习,用以旧带新的方式引出有关情感的词汇;第二课时为Part A中Let’s talk部分的会话教学,在学习重点功能句How are you feeling now? Are you happy ? I’m feeling ... 的同时,学习运用有关情感的词汇就自己或他人的情感进行表述和问答;第三课时以part B中的Let’s learn more为主,拓展学习“make sb+情感类词汇”等句式结构的表达;第四课时以Read the words部分的语音教学、Read a story部分的小故事为主要内容,并通过检测活动巩固本单元知识。
【单元具体目标】知识目标一、能听、说、读、写以下词汇:feel happy, feel sad, feel tired, feel angry, go out to play, make a snowman.二、能听懂、会说、会读、会用下列句型:1. You look sad.2. — How are you feeling now?—I’m feeling very ...3. — Are you happy / tired ...?—Yes, a little.4. — Miss White is angry. Why is she angry?—Colin is late again. This makes her very angry.情感目标一、通过有趣的游戏和活动,提高学生学习英语的兴趣。