2012-A new global approach to design for additive manufacturing

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A new global approach to design for additive


R. Ponche a , J.Y. Hascoet a , O. Kerbrat a & P. Mognol a

a Institut de Recherche en Communications et Cybernetique de Nantes (UMRCNRS 6597) ,

Nantes , France

Published online: 20 Jun 2012.


A new global approach to design for additive manufacturing

A method to obtain a design that meets specifications while optimizing a given

additive manufacturing process is presented in this paper

R.Ponche*,J.Y .Hascoet,O.Kerbrat and P .Mognol

Institut de Recherche en Communications et Cybernetique de Nantes (UMRCNRS 6597),Nantes,France

(Received 10February 2012;final version received 22March 2012)

Nowadays,due to rapid prototyping processes improvements,a functional part can be built directly through additive manufacturing.It is now accepted that these new processes can increase productivity while enabling a mass and cost reduction and an increase of the parts functionality.However,in order to achieve this,new design methods have to be developed to take into account the specificities of these processes,with the Design For Additive Manufacturing (DFAM)concept.In this context,a methodology to obtain a suitable design of parts built through additive manufacturing is proposed;both design requirements and manufacturing constraints are taken into account.Keywords:additive manufacturing;design;DFAM;methodology


Recent progress has permitted transition from Rapid Prototyping to Additive Manufacturing (AM).Indeed,today,with this kind of manufacturing process,not only can prototypes be produced but also real functional parts in current materials including metals,polymers and ceramics (Mognol et al.2011).Because AM for produc-tion eliminates the need for tooling and can generate free forms,many of the current restrictions of design for manufacturing and assembly are no longer valid (Pessard et al .2007).However,whatever the technology used (Wohlers 2010),as in all the manufacturing processes,the AM ones have characteristics and specificities of their own which may have an impact on the manufactured part’s quality.In order to utilise in the best way the AM possibilities in terms of design and to ensure the quality of the produced parts,a global numerical chain which allows a move from functional specifications of a part to its manufacturing,must be defined (Figure 1).The

purpose of this numerical chain (Bonnard et al .2010)is to reach a global process control from knowledge of the process obtained from experimentations,measurements and simulations.Among the prerequisite to achieving such a numerical chain,a Design For Manufacturing (DFM)(Gupta et al .1997)approach is required which allows the taking into account of the AM process capabilities and limits directly from the design stage.

1.1Design for additive manufacturing

Several works have been carried out concerning the classical DFM approach (Shukor and Axinte 2009)for AM.Concerning manufacturability estimation,manufac-turing cost and time have been analysed (Alexander 1998,Ruffo et al .2006)according to the manufacturing sequence.Similarly,the relationship between part surface quality and manufacturing sequence has been studied (Arni and Gupta 2001,Ancu and Caizar 2010).From

*Corresponding author.Email:remi.ponche@irccyn.ec-nantes.fr

Virtual and Physical Prototyping,Vol.7,No.2,June 2012,93Á


Virtual and Physical Prototyping

ISSN 1745-2759print/ISSN 1745-2767online #2012Taylor &Francis


D o w n l o a d e d b y [H u a z h o n g U n i v e r s i t y o f S c i e n c e & T e c h n o l o g y ] a t 18:23 15 N o v e m b e r 2013
