Lesson 4 Nuclear Materials




核电专业英语 · 课件解析(工程人员用)Contents for TodayUnit 4 核反应堆理论ü链式反应ü热堆中子循环ü转化与增殖ü燃料循环Unit 5 核反应堆概念ü核电反应堆ü核燃料消耗ü反应堆控制ü反应堆运行的其他影响因素ü增殖快堆ü铀原料04Unit 4 核反应堆理论The Theory of Nuclear ReactorsUnit 4 -关键词汇及常用搭配(一)1. assembly(组件,系统)---相近:component(组件,部件)---相近:element(元件)2. critical(临界的)---衍生: subcritical(次临界的)---衍生:supercritical(超临界的)3. predominant(主要的)-侧重有优势的---相近:dominant -侧重处于支配地位的4. emerge from(浮现,出现,露出)e.g. His voice stopped short as he sawthe blade emerge from Tom's pocket.Unit 4 - 课文基础知识点Overviewp Nuclear reactor: The system in which a controlled, self-sustaining fission chain reaction takes place is called a nuclear reactor, and there are many possible types of reactors, depending on the materials of construction and energy of neutrons which cause fission.Unit 4 - 课文基础知识点The Chain Reaction (to be continued)11.The condition that is necessary for a stable, sustaining chain reaction is thatexactly one of the neutrons produced in one fission event proceeds to cause a second fission from which one neutron goes on to cause a third fission, and so on.2.In such a reaction the neutron density and fission rate remain constant.3.This condition can be expressed by means of multiplication factor k, which isthe ratio of the number of neutrons in one generation to the number of neutrons in the preceding generation.4.If k equals to 1, the chain reaction becomes sustaining, the reactor is said tobe critical,if it is greater than one, it’s supercritical, fission rate increase, possibly at an explosive rate, and if less than one, reactor is subcritical, the chain reaction decreases and eventually will dies out.The Chain Reaction (continued)15. A reactor is an assembly of many components of which we need tomention that the most important component of any reactor is the fuel in which fission takes place and energy is released.6.Another important factor is neutrons which are used up or lost in twoways, either leak out of the reactor or absorbed within the reactor.Absorption within the reactor includes fission and capture in the fuel and capture in other materials of the reactor such as the moderator, coolant, cladding and control rods. The rates of neutron production and lost depend on size and composition of the reactor.Neutron cycle in a thermal reactor21.Neutron life cycle: Fast neutrons will be slowed down by scatteringcollision with moderators during which they are thermalized untill they eventually disappear either by absorption in fuel or reactor materials, or being captured in U-238 or by leakage from the reactors. There's probability for each of these processes.2.The thermal utilization factor, f, is defined as the fraction of thermalneutrons absorbed in the reactor, which are absorbed in the fuel.3.It is evident that not all neutrons absorbed in the fuel cause fission, only55% of them cause fission.Unit 4 - 课文基础知识点Conversion and breeding31.In thermal reactors, practically all the fission occurs in U-235.2.In fast reactors, it is U-235 fission that predominates and sustain the chainreaction, while U-238 fission occurs to a very small extent.(强调句)3.Although U-238 can not itself be used as fuel in a nuclear reactor, it doeshave a vital role to play as an isotope from which new fissile fuel can be created called Pu-239. So it is with anohter fertile isotope Th-232.4.The process of transforming from fertile isotope(U-238, Th-232) to fissileisotope (Pu-239, U-233) is called “conversion” or “breeding”.5.Plutonium-239 has the similar characteristics to U-235 as far as fission isconcerned, it can be used both in thermal and fast reactors.Unit 4 - 课文基础知识点1.The vast majority of reactors built in the world have been fueled initially with natural or enriched uranium, of which the breeding ratio is less than 1 so that the amount of Pu-239 produced is less than that of U-235 used.2.Future reactors will be fueled with Pu-239 and depleted uranium as well as pure U-238, but only in fast reactors will the breeding ratio be greater than 1 in which more Pu-239 will be produced than that is destroyed.3.In addition to neutron capture in the moderator, structural materials etc., another point worthy of mention is to reduce or minimize neutron leakage from the core.Fuel cycle4Unit 4 -关键词汇及常用搭配(二)5. practically all(几乎所有的) 4.4---相近:nearly all / almost alle.g. Up to the present, nearly all nuclear reactorshave been fueled with natural or enricheduranium.6. 从句---that/which引导的定语从句---that引导的表语从句 4.1---as引导的原因状语从句 4.0---so that引导的结果状语从句 4.4---provided引导的条件状语从句(Unit 3, 3.3)---Only引导的状语前置(强调句式) 4.4---It is ... that..强调句式 4.3Self-test判断题:1. If the multiplication factor is less than one the reactor is supercritical. ( × )2. Nowadays most of commercial reactors use the slightly enriched uranium U-235 as fuel. ( √ )3. It is evident that all neutrons absorbed in the fuel cause fission. ( × )选择题:1. In the PWR ( D ) is necessary to achieve critical.A. uraniumB. naturally uraniumC. high enriched uraniumD. slightly enriched uranium2. Fast reactors contain no ( B ).A. uraniumB. moderatorC. coolantD. thermal neutron3. If the breeding ratio is much less 1, then ( D ) is used up.A. most of the available uraniumB. no uraniumC. a lot of uraniumD. only a fraction of the available uranium短语填空:1. Another point worthy of mention(值得注意的)is to reduce or minimize neutron leakage from the core.2. Plutonium-239 has the similar characteristics to U-235 as far as fission is concerned(就裂变而言).3. Up to the present, nearly all /almost all / practically all(几乎所有的)nuclear reactors have been fueled with natural or enriched uranium.05Unit 5 核反应堆概念Nuclear Reactor Concepts1. inhibit(防止,防腐蚀)---相近:inhibit sb from doing(防止...做.../约束...不做...)---相近:restain sb from doing(制止...做.../约束...不做...) ---相近:restrict sb to do(制止...做.../约束...不做...)---相反:constain sb to do(力劝/强迫...做... /约束...做...)2. justifiable(合理的,正当的)偏理法方面---相近: reasonable(合情合理的,有道理的)---相近:rational(有道理的,合理的)偏推理方面3. substantial(实质的)---衍生:大量的,重大的---相近:fundamental(基础的,根本的,重要的,重大的)4. suspend(悬浮,暂停)---相近:stop(stop to do停下来做另一件/stop doing停下手头的事)---相近:pause vi.(中途暂停/停顿一会再继续)---相近:halt vt.(突然中断)5. in the long run(从长远来看,归根到底)6. take account of(考虑)----take sb/sth into account(把...考虑在内)相近:take consideration of ----take sb/sth into consideration(把...考虑在内)take full account of = take full consideration of(充分考虑)1. Power Reactors-11.The large-scale reactors used for the production of thermal energy that is convertedto electrical power are much more complex, although the nuclear physics and theories are relatively simple.(理论与实际)2.The fresh fuel installed in a typical PWR consists of cylindrical pellets of slightlyenriched uranium oxide of diameter about 1 cm and length about 1.5 cm.(燃料)3. A zircaloy tube of wall thickness 0.6 mm is filled with the pellets to an active lengthof 365 cm and sealed to form a fuel rod (or pin), also called element.(燃料包壳)4.The tube provides cladding that retains radioactive fission products and protect thefuel from interaction with the coolant.(燃料包壳作用)5.About 200 fuel rods are grouped in a bundle called a fuel assembly, and about150~180 assmeblies are assembled in a cylindrical array to the reactor core.(堆芯构成)1. Power Reactors-26.The reactor core is mounted on supports in a steel pressure vessel of outsidediameter about 5m, height 12m and wall thickness about 30cm.(堆芯布局)7.Control rods are used to change the amount of neutron absorption which areinserted in some vacant fuel pin spaces magnetically connected to drive mechanisms, on interruption of magnet current, the rods drop into the core by the gravity force.(控制棒工作原理)8.The vessel is filled with light water, which serves as neutron moderator and ascoolant to remove fission heat energy, as well as containing boric acid solution which strongly absorbs neutrons and thus inhibits neutron multiplication.—neutron poison(水及硼酸的作用)9. A shield of concrete surrounding the pressure vessel and other equipment is toprovide protection against neutrons and gamma rays from the nuclear reaction.(混凝土防护层的作用)10.The power reactor is designed to withstand the effects of high temperature anderosion from moving coolant and nuclear radiation.(反应堆设计的基本要求)2. Consumption of Nuclear Fuels1.There is a subtle relationship between the consumption of nucelar fuels and otherquantities such as the levels of power, neutron flux, criticality, reactivity control, the expense(成本) of fuel fabrication and storage, the efficiency of conversion of thermal energy to electrical energy, and the time of prolonged(长期的)operation of reactors.(核燃料消耗的多少与很多因素存在关联)3. Reactor Control1.At the beginning, an amount of uranium fuel needed to achieve criticality is loadedinto the reactor, and then if excess fuel is added, some compensating actions must be taken to inhibit the reactor from supercriticality.(防止超临界)2.In the PWR the excess fuel reactivity is reduced by the inclusion(介入)of controlrods and boron solution.(反应性控制手段)3.The reactor is brought to full power and operating temperature and pressure bymeans of rod position adjustment.4.As the reactor operates and fuel begins to burn out, the concentration of boron isreduced. By the end of cycle, the extra fuel is gone and all of the available control absorption has been removed when the reactor is shutdown for refueling. (控制过程)5.Such operation in which the power is kept constant is called “base load operation”.4. Other Effects on Reactor Operation1.Above the f actors mentioned, several other phenomena must be taken into account in the design andoperation of reactors:(影响反应堆运行的其他因素)•If a reactor is fueled with natural uranium or slightly enriched uranium, the generation of plutonium tends to extend the cycle time.(燃料种类对于燃料循环的影响)•Small amounts of higher plutonium isotopes are also formed as important fuels, poisns or nuclear wastes (e.g. Pu-240, Pu-241, Pu-242, they are called transuranic materials or actinides).•The fission products also absorb neutrons, which has an effect on the design of control requirements.(裂变产物的影响)2.The reactor cycle could be increased to a time as long as merely adding more U-235 at thebeginning, but there are limitations to such additions:•The more the excess fuel is added, the greater must be the control by rods or soluble poison (boron);•Radiation and thermal effects on fuel and cladding increase with life.3.Burn-up is the amount of allowable total energy extracted from the uranium, including allfissionable isotopes, expressed as the number of megawatt-day per metric ton uranium (MWd/tU). 4. A typical average value of burn-ups is 30000MWd/tU for current operating PWRs, but larger valuesof this quantity is desirable with further modifications and advancements.5. The Fast Breeder Reactor1.Several fast reactors have been designed and operating successfully throughout theworld. The USA is the first country to generate electricity from an experimental breeder reactor.2.It used liquid metal as coolant, so such FBR is usually called Liquid Metal fastbreeder reactor (LMFBR), most famous FBR: French Phenix and SuperPhenix, Japan’s Monju anf Russia’s BN series.(主流快堆)3.The use of liquid sodium as coolant ensure that there is little neutron moderation infast reactors. But the problems are its high melting point and neutron activation, so an intermediate heat exchanger is employed.(液态钠的利弊及应对措施)4.The French Phenix fast reactor is one of the most sucessful commercial breederreactors, above and below the core and surrounding it is the “blanket”containing depleted uranium (almost U-238) in which neutron absorption occurs to produce plutonium-239. After the reactor is shutdown Pu-239 produced in the blanket is extracted by reprocessing for use as new core fuel.(快堆可产生钚,经后处理再利用)6. Uranium as an Energy Resource1.Almost all nuclear power reactors in the world use uranium fuel to produceelectricity.(铀燃料的地位)2.Uranium is found quite widely in the earth's crust in very small concentrations, andminute quantities in ores and sea water which are not economically justifiable to explore.(铀资源在地壳的分布情况)3.Uranium is comparable with the world’s proved oil reserves and slightly greaterthan the world’s proved natural gas reserves. It is speculated taht each of the three resources will be nearly used up for about 50 years.(铀资源与其他资源的对比)4.Taking account of the large existing stockpiles of depleted uranium, spent fuel andPu-239, if breeder reactors are sucessfully introduced on a large scale without posing any serious operational or safety problems, uranium will present an enormous(巨大的)potential in providing energy for many centuries.(铀资源前景)7. The +比较级1(比较状语从句),the +比较级2(主句)(越...就越...)1)The more ..., the greater ...(5.4)e.g. The more excess fuel is added, the greater must be the control by rods and solublepoison.2)The more..., the better...e.g. The more English you practise, the better your English is.3)The more..., the more...e.g. The more he earns, the more he wants.4)The harder..., the more...e.g. The harder you work, the more you will learn.7. 常用词语burn-up(燃耗)baseload operation(基荷运行)peakload operation(调峰运行)complex(复杂的)----simple(简单的)fresh fuel(新燃料)----spent fuel(乏燃料)intermediate heat exchanger(中间热交换器) thermal efficiency(热效率)neutron poison(中子毒物)expense(成本,开支)----cost(成本)Unit 5 - 重要考点参考判断题:1. In a power reactor the energy production depends on moderator. (×)2.The time of the operating fuel cycle is about several years. ( × )3.The more excess fuel is added, the greater must be the control by rods and soluble poison.( √ )选择题:3. ( ) excess fuel is added, the greater must be the control by rods and soluble poison.A. The moreB. the moreC. MuchD. More4. The liquid sodium is a good ( C ) in the reactor.A. moderatorB. fertile materialC. coolantD. blanket5. Uranium is ( C ) quantity in sea water.A. not present anyB. present largeC. present smallD. some6. The depleted uranium is valuable in ( C ).A. PWRB. heavy water reactorC. a breeder blanketD. tested reactor7. Uranium as an energy resource will mainly depend on the following factors :( D )A. the extent of uranium resourceB. the way it’s usedC. public acceptanceD. all of the abovep课堂及课后作业1.通读Unit 4-5课文,完成Self-test;2.理解Unit 4-5课文基础知识点;3.掌握Unit 4-5的重要词汇及固定搭配(整理笔记)。


4 2
He + N → O + H
14 7 17 8 1 1
1 1
H + Li → 2 He
7 3 4 2
1 1
H + C → N +γ
12 6 13 7
Since the neutron is a neutral (中性的) particle it does not experience electrostatic repulsion (静电排斥) and can readily penetrate (穿透) a target nucleus (靶核). Neutrons are thus especially useful as projectiles to induce reactions. Several examples : The conversion of mercury (汞) into gold, the alchemist (炼金术士)'s dream, is described by因
应率 我们可以进行一套假想的实验来阐明截面的概念。如Fig, 4.2图(a)截面积为1㎝的试管仅有一个靶核。一个入射粒子 被平行于试管的X轴注入,但它的准确位置是不确定的。很 明显碰撞的几率,标为σ以及微分截面,是目标面积比上试 管的面积的值,为1。
In a time of one second, the number of them (projectiles) that pass through the target volume is nv, and since the chance of collision (碰撞) of each with one target atom is σ , the number of collisions is nvNσ. We can thus define the reaction rate (反应率) per unit volume, 一秒钟的时间内,通过给定体积的入射粒子数是nv, 一秒钟的时间内,通过给定体积的入射粒子数是 , 一个靶原子的碰撞几率是σ,碰撞数是nvNσ。我们 一个靶原子的碰撞几率是 ,碰撞数是 。 可以确定每单位体积内的反应率, 可以确定每单位体积内的反应率, R=nvNσ R = nvNσ

Lesson 4 Nomenclature of Inorganic Compounds

Lesson 4  Nomenclature of Inorganic Compounds

Nitrous acid
2.4 Coordination Complex 配合物
① Ligands
Negative ions as ligands:Ligand = Element’s root –o
CN- Cyano NO3- Nitrato
F- Fluoro
Chloro Br- Bromo
高某酸根 per-ate
高某酸 per-ic
正酸根 –ate
正酸 –ic
亚酸根 –ite
亚酸 -ous
次酸根 hypo-ite
次酸 hypo-ous
H2CO3 Carbonic acid
Sulfuric acid
H2SO3 Sulfurous acid
Nitric acid
2.2 Metal Compounds 金属化合物
① Naming metal ions (cations) 阳离子命名
Single valence ions Cation’s name = Element
Al3+ Aluminium
Multivalence ions Cation’s name = element(N)
since this is the property that determines its chemical behavior.
Nomenclature [‘nəʊmən,kleɪtʃə] n.命名法,术语

高一英语上unit2 lesson 4(PPT)4-4

高一英语上unit2 lesson 4(PPT)4-4
于陶瓷制品中,特别是用于;微信红包群 微信红包群 ; 搪瓷制品中,锂化合物的主要作用是作助熔剂。 氟化锂对紫外线有极高的 透明度,用它制造的玻璃可以洞察隐蔽在银河系最深处的奥秘。锂玻璃可用来制造电视机显像管。 二战期间,美国飞行员备有轻便应急的氢气源—氢化锂丸。 当飞机失事坠落在水面时,只要一碰到水,氢化锂就立即溶解释放出大量的氢气,使救生设备充气膨胀. 锂的焰色 锂的焰色 用氘化锂和氚化锂来代替氘和氚 装在氢弹里充当,达到氢弹爆炸的目的。中国于 7年月7日成功爆炸的第一颗氢弹里就是利用氘化锂。 硼氢化锂和氢化铝锂,在有机化学反应中被广泛用做 还原剂,硼氢化锂能还原醛类、酮类和酯类等。氢化铝锂,是制备物、香料和精细有机化学品等中重要的还原剂。氢化铝锂,也可用作喷气燃料。氢化铝锂 是对复杂分子的特殊键合的强还原剂,这种试剂已成为许多有机合成的重要试剂。 有机锂化合物与有机酸反应,得到能水解成酮的加成产物,这种反应被用
• 3. What did he do afterwards(之后,后 来)?
优点,已被广泛应用于各种领域,是很有前途的动力电池。用锂电池发电来开动汽车,行车费只有普通汽油发动机车的/。由锂制取氚,用来发动原子电池组, 中间不需要充电,可连续工作年。要解决汽车的用油危机和排气污染,重要途径之一就是发展向锂电池这样的新型电池。 锂化合物早先的重要用途之一是用
Read again and finish the table.
Christopher Reeve
before the accident
1.made films and TV shows
2.most famous for his_S_up_e_r_m_a_n_films
after the accident
1.learnt to _b_r_e_a_th_e_on his own 2.started a new life

Lesson four 第四课(1)

Lesson four 第四课(1)

Ⅲ Translation skill翻译技 翻译技 巧—词义的选择 词义的选择
1.根据单词在句中的词性来确定词义 It’s round. 它是圆的。(形容词) The electrons round about the nucleus of atom. 电子绕原子核运动。(动词) The bus rounded the corner slowly. 公共汽车慢慢拐弯。(动词)
removal n. 除去,迁移,拆卸 dust removal 除尘 oil removal 除油
ⅡEnriching vocabulary 单 词扩展
tandem n. 串级 in tandem 一前一后的,协力的 in tandem with 同…串联,同…合作
Ⅲ Translation skill翻译技 翻译技 巧—词义的选择 词义的选择
阳极A与最上面的P层相连接,阴极C与最下层的n 层相连,控制极G则与npn晶体管的p层相连。
Ⅲ Translation skill翻译技 翻译技 巧—词义的选择 词义的选择
5.根据单复数形式来确定词义 water waters 水 水域 the last word the last words 定论 临终遗言 work works 工作 工厂
Build a bridge 架桥 Build a fire 生火 Build a car 制造汽车
Ⅲ Translation skill翻译技 翻译技 巧—词义的选择 词义的选择
Heavy wire 粗线 Hea烈的炮火
Ⅲ Translation skill翻译技 翻译技 巧—词义的选择 词义的选择
Heavy load 重载 Heavy machine 重型机械 Heavy task 繁重的任务 Heavy traffic 拥挤的交通



UNIT 4 NUCLEAR FISSION核裂变1. The neutron-nuclei reactors fall into three general categories, namely, scattering, capture and fission.中子与核子的反应分为三种形式,分别为散射、辐射俘获和裂变。

2. After absorption of a neutron, a nucleus breaks int o two lighter nuclei, called fission fragments, with the li beration of a considerable amount of energy and two or thre e neutrons; this phenomenon is called nuclear fission.吸收一个中子后,原子核分裂为两个轻核称为裂变碎片,同时释放出一定的能量和2到3个中子,这种现象称为核裂变。

3. It should be noted that it is only with the fission nuclides that a self-sustaining fission chain is possible.必须指出的是只有易裂变的核素才有可能进行自持式裂变。

4. Uranium-233, Uranium-235, plutonium-239, which will undergo fission with neutron of any energy, are referred t o as fission nuclides.U-233,U-235,PU-239能够和任何能量的中子发生裂变,即易裂变核素。

5. Since fission of thorium-232 and uranium-238 is pos sible with sufficient fast neutron, they are knows as fissi onable nuclides; moreover, since thorium-232 and uranium-23 8 can be converted into the fissile nuclides, uranium-233 a nd plutonium-239, respectively, they are also called fissil e nuclides.因为在足够快中子的轰击下,Th-232和U-238能进行核裂变,它们被称为可裂变核素。



Lesson 1 The Basic Concepts for Nuclear Physics1.1 Atoms and NucleiThe atoms of all elements, which at one time were thought to be the fundamental particles of nature, consist of numbers of three more fundamental particles-protons, neutrons and electrons. The arrangement of these particles within the atom, and in particular the number of protons and electrons, determine the chemical identity of the element. The atom consists of nucleus in which all the positively charged protons and uncharged neutrons are closely grouped together, and a number of negatively charged electrons moving in orbital paths around the nucleus. In an electrically neutral or unionized atom the number of protons is equal to the number of electrons, and this number, Z, is the atomic number of a particular element and identifies it. (This number corresponds to the position of the element in the Periodic Table.) The number of neutrons in the nucleus is denoted by N, and the sum of the number of neutrons and protons in the nucleus is called, for reason that will shortly be apparent, the mass number, A.N+Z=AThe term nucleon is applied to all particles, both protons and neutrons, in the nucleus.1.2 IsotopesAtoms having the same atomic number Z, but different numbers of neutrons N are called isotopes of the element identified by Z, and all elements have a number of isotopes,in some cases twenty or more. The naturally occurring elements each have one or more stable isotopes which exist naturally, and other isotopes which are unstable or radioactive and can be produced by artificial means. Different isotopes of an element behave identically as far as their chemistry is concerned, which is not surprising as chemical bonds exist between electrons. Isotopes differ from one another physically in that the masses and other characteristics of their nuclei are different, which is to be expected as it is in the nuclei that the difference between two isotopes lies.1.3 The Units of Nuclear PhysicsThe properties of protons and electrons, and in particular their mass and charge, are important as they determine the way in which these particles behave. This is therefore a convenient point to introduce some of the units in common use in atomic and nuclear physics and nuclear engineering.The unit of mass is the unified atomic mass unit (u). It is defined as one twelfth of the mass of a neutral carbon 12 atom. Its value is1u=1.6604 ×10-27 kgor alternatively 1kg=6.023×1026 u 。


冰区航行,应尽可能避免在冰区内抛锚,如必须抛锚,则链长应该()。A.以2~3节为宜B.以3~5节为宜C.不超过水深的2倍D.不超过水深的4倍 [单选,A型题]可作片剂崩解剂的是()A、交联聚乙烯吡咯烷酮B、预胶化淀粉C、甘露醇D、聚乙二醇E、聚乙烯吡咯烷酮 [单选]硬化性苔藓合并鳞状上皮增生者的治疗正确的是()A.氟氢松局部涂擦B.先用氟氢松局部涂擦,继用丙酸睾丸酮外用C.黄体酮局部涂擦D.丙酸睾丸酮外用E.先用黄体酮局部涂擦,继用丙酸睾丸酮外用 [单选]产后胎盘附着部位子宫内膜全部修复约需()A.2周B.3周C.4周D.5周E.6周 [单选]下列关于战略决策说法不正确的是()。A、情报分析服务于战略决策,只能间接作用于涉烟违法犯罪,产生社会效益B、战略决策可以是针对某一类涉烟违法犯罪采取的防控措施,但不能是针对区域间涉烟违法犯罪的不平衡采取的管理力量部署调整的决策C、战略决策可以涉及到烟草专卖 [单选,B1型题]蟾酥的功效是()A.杀虫,解毒,截疟B.杀虫,解毒,通便C.杀虫止痒,燥湿,温肾壮阳D.解毒,止痛,开窍醒神E.解毒,杀虫,止血 [单选]应当如何看待咨询师的仪表礼仪?()A.无关重要B.是个人形象和魅力的最好证明C.是个人品德和能力的最好证明D.是个人生活中最为重要的方面 [单选]煤的水分是评价煤炭经济价值的基础指标。煤的变质程度越低,其内在水分越()。A.低B.高C.无影响 [填空题]粗集料在混合料中起()作用。 [问答题,简答题]防止直接触电的措施? [单选,B1型题]吴茱萸()A.显微特征可见果皮表皮细胞中散有油细胞B.显微特征可见非腺毛壁疣明显且簇晶较多C.显微特征可见种皮内层栅状石细胞内含硅质块D.显微特征可见外果皮为数十列石细胞E.药材的显微特征有镶嵌细胞且糊粉粒中含细小簇晶 [单选]低合金结构钢是在普通碳素结构钢的基础上,加入质量分数不超过()的合金元素,以提高其强度。A、2%~3%B、3%~4%C、4%~5%D、3%~5% [单选]骨盆外测量骶耻外径(EC)的后标志点是().A.第五腰椎棘突上B.米氏菱形窝的上角C.腰骶部菱形窝的中央D.髂后上棘连线中点下2~2.5cmE.髂嵴后连线中点上1.5cm [单选]各热流的换热顺序安排与()有关。A.换热温差B.流量C.温度D.温位和热容器 [单选]肾盂肿瘤最常见的病理类型是()。A.鳞状上皮癌B.移行上皮细胞癌C.透明细胞癌D.腺癌E.恶性淋巴瘤 [单选]丙烯塔压力正常,丙烯质量不合格,下列哪项是正确的()。A、提高塔底蒸汽量B、提高回流量C、降低脱丙烷塔塔压D、提高脱丙烷塔塔底温度 [问答题,简答题]激发学习动机的技术。 [单选]检测信号波动时,必然会引起输出波动,消除的常见方法是采用()。A、阻尼;B、分流;C、反馈;D、放大。 [单选]下列哪一种是急性扁桃体炎的主要并发症()A.扁桃体周围脓肿B.急性喉炎C.心肌炎D.关节炎E.咽旁脓肿 [单选]下列计量单位中,不属于我国法定计量单位的有()。A.天B.度C.公里D.欧姆 [单选]一般情况下,冰山水下体积和水上体积分别约为冰山总体积的和()。A.1/8,7/8B.7/8,1/8C.2/8,6/8D.6/8,2/8 [单选,A1型题]脑出血最好发的部位是()。A.脑叶B.小脑C.脑室D.脑桥E.基底节区出血 [单选]施工作业水域涉及两个和两个以上海事局时,施工作业者的申请应向()提出,或向指定的海事局提出。A.其中任一个海事局B.其共同的上一级海事局C.下一级海事局D.海事总局 [单选]胎盘功能检查方法不包括()A.缩宫素激惹试验B.羊水肌酐值C.尿E测定D.尿E/C比值E.血清HPL值 [单选]急性盆腔炎的主要症状()A.下腹疼痛难忍,伴高热不退B.腹胀,恶心呕吐C.尿频尿急D.白带增多E.下腹一侧撕裂样痛 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]基础护理合格率的控制指标属于()A.过程控制B.反馈控制C.同期控制D.环节质量控制E.面向未来控制 [单选,A1型题]泻下逐水,去积杀虫的药物是()A.芫花B.使君子C.贯众D.牵牛子E.仙鹤草 [单选]管理信息系统有以下三个特点:在企业管理中全面使用计算机;采用决策模型解决结构化的决策问题和使用()。A、数据库技术B、数据库技术和计算机网络C、计算机网络技术D、通信技术 [单选]类风湿关节炎的治疗目的是()。A.减轻症状,控制病情的发展B.尽可能保持受累关节的功能C.减少关节的破坏,以达到较长时间的临床缓解D.促进已破坏的关节骨的修复,并改善其功能E.以上都是 [问答题,简答题]为什么不能用清水冲洗电器设备及开关? [单选,A1型题]关于乌药的归经说法正确的是()A.肺、肝、脾、肾经B.肺、胃、脾、膀胱经C.肺、脾、肾、膀胱经D.肝、胃、肾、膀胱经E.肝、肾、胃、小肠经 [问答题,案例分析题]男性,19岁。主诉:反复喘息、胸闷14年,加重2天就诊。请针对该案例,说明问诊内容与技巧。 [单选]使用浏览器上网时,不影响系统和个人信息安全的是()。A.浏览包含有病毒的网站B.浏览器显示网页文字的字体大小C.在网站上输入银行账号、口令等敏感信息D.下载和安装因特网上的软件或者程序 [单选]流行性腮腺炎为()A.呼吸道飞沫传播B.粪-口传播C.血液及注射传播D.虫媒传播E.接触传播 [单选]国家对音像制品的零售,实行()。A.保证金制度B.追惩制度C.备案制度D.许可制度 [单选]20℃时,某物质在50g水中溶解20克时,达到饱和,则该物质的溶解度为()g。A、20B、50C、40D、70 [单选]某电脑有限公司推出了“钛金”“铱金”系列品牌电脑,其最适宜采用的信息传递形式是()。A.电子邮件B.新闻发布会C.通知D.声明 [单选]国家税金、耕地占用税和营业税属于()负担。A.隐性B.显性C.间接D.直接 [单选]用于治疗肥厚性鼻炎的硬化剂为()。A.1%普鲁卡因B.80%甘油C.氯仿D.地塞米松E.以上都不是 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]关于原子能级的相关叙述,错误的是()A.电子在各个轨道上具有的能量是连续的B.原子能级,以电子伏特表示C.结合力与原子序数有关D.移走轨道电子所需的最小能量叫结合能E.原子处于能量最低状态时叫基态



石油的起源石油有机成因1. 石油是由多种碳氢化合物和特定矿物质如硫磺在极大压力下混合而成。


2. 当小型海洋动植物死亡后,尸体会下沉。






3. 被部分分解的残骸会形成巨大的胶状物,而后会慢慢地被层层泥沙所覆盖。





石油无机成因4. 尽管现在被接受的石油形成理论包括动植物有机残留物质到碳氢化合物的缓慢转变过程(有机成因说或生物成因说),但这并不是被唯一提出的理论。



5. 最新的石油无机成因理论认为,石油是在地壳和下地幔中经过无机过程形成的。




6. 石油无机成因理论之所以得到拥护有很多原因,但很多当代支持者指出在彗星、流星和其它无生命特征的星球上存在着甲烷,他们并以此作为证据证明有机物在石油的产生过程中并不是必不可少的。


Lesson 4 Nuclear Materials

Lesson 4 Nuclear Materials
Words 2
Magnesium [mA^5ni:zjEm], n. 镁 Magnox [5mA^nCks], n. 镁诺克斯合金 metallurgy [me5tAlEdVi], n. 冶金 nickel [5nikl], n. 镍 oxide [5Cksaid], n. a. 氧化物(的) oxidize [5Cksi7daiz], v. 使氧化,生锈 paraffin [5pArEfIn], n. 石蜡 wax [wAks], n. 石蜡 pellet [5pelit], n. 燃料芯块,片 phase [feiz], n. 相 potassium [pE5tAsjEm], n. 钾 pyrolitic, a. 热解的 silicon [5silikEn], n. 硅 sodium [5sEudjEm, -diEm], n. 钠 tin [tin], n. 锡 lead [li:d], n. 铅 zircaloy [5zE:kElCi], n. 锆合金 toxic [5tRksIk], a. 有毒性的
Alpha phase uranium has a density of 19g/cm3 and a thermal conductivity which varies from 25W/mK at 25oC to 42W/mK at 665oC.
The transition from alpha to the beta phase takes place at 665oC and is accompanied by dimensional changes in crystalline structure of the uranium, expansion along one axis and contraction along the others. 从a到b相的转变发生在665oC,并伴随铀晶体结构尺寸变化,沿一个轴伸长, 另一个轴缩短。


• 美国朋友们给他寄去了好几包裹食品。
• Parcels of food were ~ed to him by A….
• 政府正准备派出4000士兵对全岛进行搜索。
• The gov. was preparing to ~ 4, 000 s….
➢ constitute:
➢ 1) compose; form. be the componets or essence of; make up form 构成,构成
• survive
• v. remain alive or in existence; live longer than; outlive 活着,继续存在;比…活得长
• He was the only passenger that survived the plane crash.
• 他是这次飞机失事中惟一幸存旳乘客。 • (点拨)意为“比某人多活……年”时,介词
The Pros and Cons of Nuclear Energy
• Advantages:
• 1.Reduction in air pollution: a coal-fire plant releases much more radioactivity, co2 and other elements into the atmosphere than a properly-functioning nuclear power plant does. Nuclear energy is extremely clean and not poisonous;
• Are you for or against nuclear weapons? Why?
• 2. Do you think nuclear energy is a safe and economical source of energy? Explain.


3.情态动词“have to”的用法对于部分学生来说可能较难理解,容易与其他情态动词混淆。

Unit 4

Unit 4

Specialized English forMaterials Science and EngineeringDong-Yun Zhang1Part ⅠIntroduction to Materials Science and Engineering Unit 4 Physical and Chemical Properties of Materials2Glossarydensityflammabilitycorrosionoxidationcondensephaseplasmacoefficientpliablemercuryvacuumparamagneticdiamagneticferromagneticbrassinductance密度易燃,可燃性侵蚀(腐蚀,锈)氧化,氧化作用,生锈升华相,相位,时期,阶段等离子体系数易曲折的,柔软的,柔顺的汞,水银真空,空间顺磁性的,顺磁性体反磁性的,反磁性体铁磁的,铁磁体黄铜感应系数,自感应3ConceptsPlasma—等离子体又叫做电浆,是由部分电子被剥夺后的原子及原子被电离后产生的正负电子组成的离子化气体状物质,它广泛存在于宇宙中,常被视为是除去固、液、气外,物质存在的第四态。





4TranslationAn object will float in water if its density is less than the density of water and sink if its density is greater than that of water. Similarly, an object with specific gravity less than one will float and those with a specific gravity greater than one will sink.一个物体的密度比水小时,它会浮在水上,比水大时,它会下沉。



• How does it work? The air inside is warm because the glass
traps the heat from the sun and keeps it from escaping. This makes the greenhouse heat up and so the plants can grow throughout the cold period.
Scientists Opinion Janice Foster ◆ Over the next 100 years the amount of
warming could be as low as 1 to 1.5 degrees Celsius, but it could be as high as 5 degrees Celsius. ◆ An increase of five degrees would be a _c_a_t_a_s_tr_o_p_h_e_.
• 4. Listen to part 2 again and fill in the blanks.
LI BIN: … What about f_a_c_to_r_i_e_s_? They don’t cut down on their use of _e_n_e_r_g_y.
KEELING: No, they don’t. However, that is a _p_r_o_b_le_m__ we must work on as a _g_lo_b_a_l_ community. That means _d_e_v_el_o_p_e_d_ and _d_e_v_e_lo_p__in_g_ countries will have to work together.

nuclear materials and energy的分区

nuclear materials and energy的分区

nuclear materials and energy的分区
1. 燃料:核能和核材料的燃料区是核反应堆的心脏,它由浓缩铀或钚构成,通常被包在石墨或锆等材料中,用于制造核反应堆中产生核能的裂变反应。

2. 中子慢化剂:中子慢化剂是一种吸收中子的物质,它可以通过降低中子的能量,使其更容易被核燃料吸收,从而提高核反应的效率。


3. 控制棒:控制棒是一种用于控制核反应速率的棒状物质,通常由铅、硼等能够吸收中子的物质制成。


4. 安全壳:安全壳是一种用于保护反应堆免受辐射和外部干扰的容器,通常由钢板、混凝土等材料制成。


5. 废物处理区:废物处理区是核反应堆中产生的放射性废物的处理区域,包括废物的存放、处理、处置等环节。


6. 其他:除了上述区域,核能和核材料的分区还包括核燃料的制备区、反应堆的控制系统区等。



BOOK4U42ndEDQ4SS上外教何兆熊综合教程4PRE-READING QUESTIONS1.When and where was the first atomic bomb produced?2.What do you know about the nuclear bombing during the Second World War?3. Do you know when and where China conducted its first nuclear test?4. What are nuclear weapons? Which countries hold them?Audiovisual supplement From On Native Soil1.Why did Sally Regenhard say that 9/11 was “a shattering of faith”?2.Why did Carol Ashley think that there must be an investigation?3.What do you know about the 9/11 attacks and what influences have the events exert?Script:Policeman: Move back! Move back!Policeman: Move it! Go back!Eunice Hanson: I knew we had enemies, naturally, but I always felt pretty safe here. I never, never, in a million years dreamed that anything like this could happen to us.Sally Regenhard: We believed in the system and you know, 9/11 was a shattering of faith.Carol Ashley: 3000 people were killed. It was a mass murder. And there needed to be an investigation.Max Cleland: The surviving family members, nobody can deny that they had the ultimate claim to the truth about 9/11.COMPREHENSION QUESTIONS1. Why does the author think that Yamahata’s picturescompose the fullest record of nuclear destruction inexistence? (Paragraph 1)2. Why were the bodies often branded with the patterns of their clothes?3.Why does the author particularly mention “a view of mountains” in one of the pictures?4.What was the purpose of the picture exhibition in the United States fifty years after the bombing?5.Why are Yamahata’s pictures still news? (Paragraph 2)6.Why is the meaning of Yamahata’s pictures universal?7.Why has Nagasaki always been in the shadow of Hiroshima?8.Which city is more representative of the nuclear danger which still hangs over human beings, Hiroshima orNagasaki?9.What is the universal meaning of Yamahata’s photos? (Paragraph 3)10.Do Yamahata’s pictures fully express the author’s intention of writing? Why or why not? (Paragraph 3) Dictation Nagasaki had never been subjected to large scale bombing / prior to the explosion of the atomic bomb there. / On August 1st, 1945, however, / a number of highly explosive bombs were dropped on the city. / A few of these bombs hit the shipyards and dock areas / in the southwest portion of the city. / Several of the bombs hit the Mitsubishi Steel and Arms Works / and six bombs landed at the Nagasaki Medical School and Hospital,/ with three direct hits on buildings there. / While the damage from these few bombs was relatively small, / it created considerable concern in Nagasaki / and a number of people, / principally school children, / were evacuated to rural areas for safety, / thus reducing the population in the city / at the time ofthe atomic attack.。



普高英语第四册课件Title: Course Materials for Intermediate Level EnglishIntroduction:In the field of education, course materials play a crucial role in providing students with essential knowledge and guidance. This article aims to present an overview of the course materials for the fourth volume of the Senior High School English curriculum, focusing on their content and format.Content:The fourth volume of the Senior High School English curriculum builds upon the foundation laid in the previous three volumes. It covers a wide range of topics, including literature, grammar, vocabulary, listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. The course materials are designed to cater to the needs of intermediate-level learners, helping them enhance their language proficiency and communicative abilities.1. Literature:The literature section of the course materials introduces students to various literary genres, such as poetry, short stories, and extracts from novels. It encourages students to analyze and interpret literary works, focusing on themes, character development, and narrative techniques. Additionally, it provides students with comprehensive background information about authors and their works, fostering a deeper understanding and appreciation of literature.2. Grammar and Vocabulary:The grammar section of the course materials reinforces and expands students' knowledge of English grammar rules. It covers topics such as tenses, sentence structures, conditionals, and reported speech, among others. The materials incorporate both explanations and practice exercises to help students improve grammatical accuracy.Similarly, the vocabulary section focuses on expanding students' vocabulary repertoire. It introduces new words and idiomatic expressions, providing explanations and contextual examples. Interactive activities and exercises enable students to practice using the newly acquired vocabulary in different contexts.3. Listening and Speaking:The listening section of the course materials exposes students to a variety of listening tasks. These tasks include comprehension exercises, dictation, and dialogues. The materials aim to improve students' listening skills, including their ability to understand different accents and speech patterns.Integrated with the listening section, the speaking section encourages students to engage in meaningful conversations. It offers opportunities for pair and group work, role-plays, and presentations. Through these activities, students gain confidence in expressing their thoughts and ideas in English while enhancing their fluency and accuracy.4. Reading and Writing:The reading section of the course materials provides students with authentic and engaging texts. These texts cover a wide range of genres,including newspaper articles, magazine extracts, opinion pieces, and biographies. Comprehension exercises and questions accompany the texts, challenging students to analyze and understand the content thoroughly.The writing section guides students in developing their writing skills. It familiarizes them with different types of writing, such as descriptive, narrative, and argumentative essays. The materials provide step-by-step instructions and sample compositions, allowing students to practice structuring their ideas and constructing coherent and well-organized texts.Conclusion:The course materials for the fourth volume of the Senior High School English curriculum offer a comprehensive and well-structured approach to language learning. By incorporating various components, such as literature, grammar, vocabulary, listening, speaking, reading, and writing, these materials aim to equip students with the necessary skills to succeed in English language acquisition. The thoughtful design and engaging content of the course materials facilitate an effective learning experience for students, fostering their growth and development in the English language.。


We mustn’t eat food in class. We must get to class on time. …
Group work
Work in small groups. Think of other school rules in your school. Then make a poster with the rules listed.
Review the words.
teamwork 协同合作,配合
musical 音乐的
instrument 乐器
camera 照相机
chopsticks 筷子
Review the words.
2. 预习下节课内容。
1.完成课后习题。 2.回顾本节课内容。
glue metal paper plastic material object
胶水 金属 纸;纸张 塑料 材料 物品,东西;目标
•Gramma r
•Gramma r
can’t have to
can have to
can can’t
have to can
can can’t can can’t
Listen and circle the sentences you hear.
1. a) There are some snacks in the cupboard. b) There are some snakes in the cupboard.
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Alpha phase uranium has a density of 19g/cm3 and a thermal conductivity which varies from 25W/mK at 25oC to 42W/mK at 665oC.
The transition from alpha to the beta phase takes place at 665oC and is accompanied by dimensional changes in crystalline structure of the uranium, expansion along one axis and contraction along the others. 从a到b相的转变发生在665oC,并伴随铀晶体结构尺寸变化,沿一个轴伸长, 另一个轴缩短。
Words 2
Magnesium [mA^5ni:zjEm], n. 镁 Magnox [5mA^nCks], n. 镁诺克斯合 金 metallurgy [me5tAlEdVi], n. 冶金 nickel [5nikl], n. 镍 oxide [5Cksaid], n. a. 氧化物(的) oxidize [5Cksi7daiz], v. 使氧化, 生锈 paraffin [5pArEfIn], n. 石蜡 wax [wAks], n. 石蜡 pellet [5pelit], n. 燃料芯块,片 phase [feiz], n. 相 potassium [pE5tAsjEm], n. 钾 pyrolitic, a. 热解的 silicon [5silikEn], n. 硅 sodium [5sEudjEm, diEm], n. 钠 tin [tin], n. 锡
Uranium Dioxide 二氧化铀
UO2 is a black powder, melting point 2865oC, theoretical density 10.96g/cm3.

Much higher burnups (燃耗) than pure uranium By far the most common nuclear fuel for PWR NPPs No reaction with water at high temperature Dimensional changes 尺寸变化 Swelling (肿胀), cracks and voids (空位), structural changes 结构变化
4.1 fuels 燃料-4.1.1 Uranium
Uranium in one form or another is by far the most common fuel material for nuclear reactors. 不同形式的铀是反应堆中最常用的一种燃料。 by far是加重语气,说明了the most的程度。 It can be used either as pure uranium, a metal, or as compound such as uranium dioxide UO2 or uranium carbide UC. 它可以或者作为纯铀金 属状态使用,或者以化合物的形式,例如二氧化铀或碳化铀,来使用。 Uranium is a rather soft and ductile metal which oxidizes readily in air and water at high temperature. 铀是一种很软而且延展性很好的金属,它 在高温时容易在空气和水中氧化。 Its melting point is 1133oC. It exists in one of three allotropic forms depending on its temperature. These different forms are called the alpha, beta or gamma phase, and changes from one phase to another due to temperature changes are accompanied by density changes. 其 熔化温度位1133oC,根据其温度,它以三种同素异形体之一的形态存在, 这些形态为a,b或者g相,并且它们之间因温度变化而相互转化时会伴有密 度变化。
To avoid distortion due to these anisotropic dimensional changes 665oC is considered to be the maximum operating temperature of uranium. 为了防止由于各向异性尺寸变化所造成的变形,665oC被认为是(金 属)铀的最高工作温度。 Metallic uranium is also very susceptible to radiation damage which produces dimensional changes and swelling above about 450oC. 金属 铀也非常容易受到辐照损伤,在大约450oC以上产生尺寸变化和肿胀。 Consequently high burnups of metallic uranium fuel are not possible. In the British gascooled Magnox Reactors, which are the principal users of this type fuel, the burnup is limited to about 3500MWd/t. 在主要 采用这种燃料的英国美诺克斯气冷堆中,其燃耗被局限在3500MWd/t.
Words 3
Allotropic [9AlEJ5trCpIk] a. 同素异型的 anisotropic [E7naisEu5trCpik], a.各向异 性 ceramic [si5rAmik], a. 陶瓷的 component [kEm5pEJnEnt], n. 元素,组成部 分 conductivity [7kCndQk5tiviti], n. 传导率 corrosion [kE5rEuVEn], n. 腐蚀 erosion [i5rEuVEn], n.冲蚀 crack [krAk], n. 开裂 stress corrosion cracking (SCC), n. 应力腐蚀开裂 criticality [kriti5kAliti] n. 临界(性,状态) crystalline [5kristElain], a. 晶体状的 diffuse [di5fju:z], n. 扩散 dimensional [di5menFEnEl], a. 尺寸的 distortion [dis5tC:FEn], n. 变形 dose [dEus], n. 剂量 trap [trAp], n. 阱,收集器
Radiation damage

To summarize, the low operating temperature, susceptible to radiation damage and low permissible burnup of uranium are serious disadvantages to its choice as a reactor fuel, and account for (说明,解 释) its very limited use. (参见p76注释2) Uranium dioxide UO2 is a black powder which can be fabricated by cold pressing (冷压) and sintering (烧结) at high temperature to produce small cylindrical ([sI5lIndrIk(E)l], 圆柱体的) pellets, and in this form it is by far the most common material for the fuel of commercial reactors. In this ceramic form UO2 has good stability at high temperature and good resistance to radiation damage which enables it to be used to high burnups. The melting point (熔点) is 2865oC and the theoretical density (理论密度) is 10.96g/cm3, although in practice (实际上) the density of UO2 pellets produced as described above is about 10g/cm3. The thermal conductivity is low, being about 2.5W/mK in the temperature range from 1000 to 2000oC, however this low thermal conductivity (热导率) is compensated for (补偿) by the very high melting point which permits high maximum fuel temperatures.
Lesson 4 Nuclear Materials
Words 1
Cadmium [5kAdmiEm], n, 镉 cobalt [kE5bC:lt, 5kEubC:lt], n. 钴 mercury [5mE:kjuri], n. 水银 nitrogen [5naitrEdVEn], n. 氮气 uranium [juE5reiniEm], n. 铀 plutonium [plu:5tEuniEm], n. 钚 zirconium [zE:5kEuniEm], n. 锆 beryllium [bE5riljEm], n. 铍 boric acid, n. 硼酸 boron [5bC:rEn], n. 硼 carbide [5kB:baid], n. 碳化物 chromium [5krEumjEm], n. 铬 dioxide [dai5Cksaid], n. 二氧化物 eutectic [ju:5tektik], a. 共晶的 hafnium [5hAfniEm], n. 铪 (拼音ha-1) hydrocarbon [5haidrEu5kB:bEn], n. 碳氢化合物 gadolinium [7^AdE5liniEm], n.钆 (拼 2