unit1 Forces of nature

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Forces of nature: volcanoes([vɔl′keinəu], 火山), earthquake, hurricanes (飓风, (尤指西印度群岛的)旋风), tornadoes([tɔ:′neidəu], 龙卷风; 旋风)
Does the weather have big influence on the war?
-- xinxuan
There are some famous words in ancient times in China. One of them says“the victory of the war needs three important conditions: the good weather , favorable geographical position and the support of people.” But what is the real relationship betwee n the weather and the wars?And does the weather have big influence on the wars?
In 1812, Napoleon Bonaparte, Emperor of French, led his Grand Army into Russia. And he had an army of fearsome strength. With the hope of victory, he lost in the end. Maybe he was a great fighter and leader in the war. But comparing with the raw, bleak, bitter Russian winter, he was so weak and had no way to win. So what can we get from this war? We see the weather make thousands of people die of hungry and cold. Man may change the history but man can’t change the nature. Also during the World War Ⅱ, German hated the weather very much. When Hitler attacked England, he got so many troubles. The weather in England is changeful, which became the advantage to the English army in the war. So the weather in England turned into a secret and no weather fore cast was given in those years. That’s why the English like talking about weather when they meet each other. What a closed relationship between the weather and the wars it is!
But some other people may say the war in modern times was different. The new weapon and the advanced technology are applied in the war, but the weather is also the sticking point. Gulf war in 1991 and Iraq war in 2003 were good examples. America used the accurate system of weather forecast for their manoeuver. So the war ended quickly.
In my opinion, the weather has a big influence on the wars no matter what the wars will be like. Sometimes the weather is so good that it helps the people in the wars, but sometimes people may ignore it just because it didn’t help them. All i n all, the influence of the weather always exists!
Why Would We Want to Mess with the Weather?
According to Gen Gordon Sullivan, former Army chief of staff, "As we leap technology into the 21st century, we will be able to see the enemy day or night, in any weather- and go after him relentlessly." A global, precise, real-time, robust, systematic weather-modification capability would provide war-fighting CINCs with a powerful force multiplier to achieve military objectives. Since weather will be common to all possible futures, a weather-modification capability would be
universally applicable and have utility across the entire spectrum of conflict. The capability of influencing the weather even on a small scale could change it from a force degrader to a force multiplier.
据高顿苏利文将军——前陆军参谋长说,“当我们使技术跃入21世纪(非人类/ 敌人幻觉妄想“鲤鱼跳龙门”——跃入人类的世界后的情形),我们将无论白天黑夜、在任何天气情况下都能够看见敌人,并无休止地追逐他。

(想必是非人类/ 敌人作为瞎子一直看不见、作为“门外汉”一直够不到和跟不上“敌人”——人类憋的。




People have always wanted to be able to do something about the weather. In the US, as early as 1839, newspaper archives tell of people with serious and creative ideas on how to make rain. In 1957, the president's advisory committee on weather control explicitly recognized the military potential of weather-modification, warning in their report that it could become a more important weapon than the atom bomb.
人们曾一直想要能够就天气做些什么(非人类/ 敌人想要就人类世界的一切做些什么,目的在于改造和控制,尤其是难以改造和控制的,例如天上的。

只有经过极端的改造之后性质相反的世界,才是非人类/ 敌人所适应的世界——破败、动荡、荒芜、怪诞、肮脏、丑恶、黑暗......人类所极不适应的另一个世界。


在美国,早在1839年,存档报纸就提到关于如何造雨有着认真(对于非人类/ 敌人来说攸关生存的事情不是闹着玩的,它们根本玩不起,而是表现出“偏执”的特征。

)和创造性构想(对于人类的自然世界而言,异类——非人类/ 敌人的任何构想都是新异的,此即其所谓“创造性”。


1957年,总统有关“天气控制”问题的顾问委员会明确地认识到了“天气修改”的军事潜力,在其报告中警告,它可能成为一种比原子弹更重要的武器(非人类/ 敌人总是比人类更早地嗅到“武器”的气味。

However, controversy since 1947 concerning the possible legal consequences arising from the deliberate alteration of large storm systems meant that little future experimentation could be conducted on storms which had the potential to reach land. In 1977, the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution prohibiting the hostile use of environmental modification techniques. The resulting "Convention on the Prohibition of Military or Any Other Hostile Use of Environmental Modification Technique (ENMOD)" committed the signatories to refrain from any military or other hostile use of weather-modification which could result in widespread, long-lasting, or severe effects. While these two events have not halted the pursuit of weather-modification research, they have significantly inhibited its pace and the development of associated technologies, while producing a primary focus on suppressive versus intensification activities.



虽然这两件事未曾遏止对于“天气修改”研究的嗜好(非人类/ 敌人的这种出自本性的危害性嗜好是无可遏止的除非将其置于绝对控制之下——封锁监禁在孤岛集中营中或者消灭掉。




The influence of the weather on military operations has long been recognized. During World War II, Eisenhower said,

In Europe bad weather is the worst enemy of the air [operations]. Some soldier once said, "The weather is always neutral." Nothing could be more untrue. Bad weather is obviously the enemy of the side that seeks to launch projects requiring good weather, or of the side possessing great assets, such as strong air forces, which depend upon good weather for effective operations. If really bad weather should endure permanently, the Nazi would need nothing else to defend the Normandy coast!





The impact of weather has also been important in more recent military operations. A significant number of the air sorties into Tuzla during the initial deployment supporting the Bosnian peace operation aborted due to weather. During Operation Desert Storm, Gen Buster C. Glosson asked his weather officer to tell him which targets would be clear in 48 hours for inclusion in the air tasking order (ATO). But current forecasting capability is only 85 percent accurate for no more than 24 hours, which doesn't adequately meet the needs of the ATO planning cycle. Over 50 percent of the F-117 sorties weather aborted over their targets and A-10s only flew 75 of 200 scheduled close air support (CAS) missions due to low cloud cover during the first two days of the campaign. The application of weather-modification technology to clear a hole over the targets long enough for F-117s to attack and place bombs on target or clear the fog from the runway at Tuzla would have been a very effective force multiplier. Weather-modification clearly has potential for military use at the operational level to reduce the elements of fog and friction for friendly operations and to significantly increase them for the enemy.




50%以上的F-117型战机出动架次在其目标上空因为天气原因而夭折了,A- 10s型战机在战争的最初两天内在200项预定的“近距离空中

为了在目标地区上空开辟出一个足够长的使得F-117s型战机能够袭击将炸弹投放于目标地区的洞(“在上空开辟出一个洞”是非人类/ 敌人企图从另一个世界洞悉人类世界的情结之一。



“天气修改”显然有在行动层面(非人类/ 敌人是“行动型”的——盲目的“试误”行动。

非人类/ 敌人通过事后(失败后)的教训来获知什么是有效的和什么是会受到惩罚因而不可做的。

非人类/ 敌人的这种行动模式的致命缺陷在于,当它们知道什么是不可做的时候往往已经来不及无法挽回了。


人类在行动之前会先经过理智的思考,过分、注定失败和邪恶卑鄙的事情人类根本不会去做,因此人类的行动往往是顺利和成功的,在非人类/ 敌人那里除外。

)减少雾的成份以及友军行动的摩擦力(非人类/ 敌人在人类的世界实质上举步维艰,一是因为它们没有任何适应于人类世界的正面能力,二是因为它们的目的和行动方向与人类世界的发展前进方向正相反。

)而为敌方(人类)显著增加它们(非人类/ 敌人要将原本其自身作为被诅咒的异类特有的为难处境加诸人类。

这就是非人类/ 敌人所可能作用于人类的东西。

