Molecular mapping of two reverse photoperiod-sensitive genic male sterility genes (rpms1 and rpms2)



李莹(吉林医药学院 生物源自学工程学院,吉林 吉林 132013)
摘要:采用密度泛函理论(DFT)中 的 B3LYP 方 法,在 6-311+G(2df)基 组 水 平 上 优 化 气 相 条件下甲硫氨酸(Met)分子的 几 何 构 型,分 析 Met+2H2O 分 子 体 系 手 性 转 变 过 程 中 各 基 元 反应物的特征,并在 M06-2X/def2-TZVP 下,用 含 时 密 度 泛 函 理 论 (TDDFT)方 法 给 出 隐 式 溶剂甲醇下 Met+2H2O 分子体系 手 性 转 变 过 程 中 某 过 渡 态 体 系 的 分 子 轨 道 (MO)、自 然 跃 迁 轨 道 (NTO)和 空 穴-电 子 分 布 等 值 面 图 ,研 究 图 解 电 子 激 发 特 征 .结 果 表 明 :在 双 水 分 子 协 助下,H 原子迁移形成过渡态,导致 Met分子体系结构与反应物间发生显著变化,使分子功 能发生改变. 关 键 词 :甲 硫 氨 酸 ;图 解 分 析 ;基 元 反 应 ;过 渡 态 ;电 子 激 发 中图分类号:O561.4 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1671-5489(2021)04-0972-05
第59卷 第4期 2021 年 7 月
吉 林 大 学 学 报 (理 学 版 ) JournalofJilinUniversity (ScienceEdition)
Vol.59 No.4 July 2021
双水作用 Met过渡态电子激发特性的图解分析
采用密度泛函理论(DFT)中的 B3LYP[5]方法,在6-311+G(2df)基组水平上优化气相条件下 Met 分子的几何构型,分 析 Met+2H2O 分 子 体 系 手 性 转 变 过 程 中 各 基 元 反 应 物 和 过 渡 态 的 特 征;在 M06-2X/def2-TZVP[6-7]下,用含时密度泛函理论 (TDDFT)方 法 给 出 隐 式 溶 剂 甲 醇 下 Met+2H2O 分 子体系手性转变过程中第一基元反应过渡态 体 系 的 MO、NTO 和 空 穴-电 子 分 布 等 值 面 图,并 研 究 图 解电子激发特征.



关于Formal Charge与Partial Charge的区别要知道,⼀种不管formal charge还是partial charge都不是实际能够直接经过实验看到的原⼦性质。

实际上分⼦不是由线将点连起来的,即使是同⼀个分⼦,不⼀样价键表达⽅式下,该分⼦中的formal charge可能定位不同(⽐如去质⼦化的羧酸,可以表⽰为开库勒式与芳⾹式,两种⽅式的formal charge定位完全不同),不⼀样的partial charge计算⽅法也会给同⼀个分⼦中的同⼀个原⼦分配不⼀样的电荷,⽐如苯环可以表⽰为[cH+]1[cH-][cH+][cH-][cH+][cH-]1。

两者的区别⾸先, 出于⽤价键表征分⼦的需要,formal charge 为整数.与原⼦价、键级以及连接性⼀起定义分⼦.第⼆,partial charge为浮点数,⽤在计算化学与分⼦模拟中。


Partial chargePartial atomic chargesPartial charges are created due to the asymmetric distribution of electrons in chemical bonds. The resulting partial charges are a property only of zones within the distribution, and not the assemblage as a whole. For example, chemists often choose to look at a small space surrounding the nucleus of an atom: When an electrically neutral atom bonds chemically to another neutral atom that is more electronegative, its electrons are partially drawn away. This leaves the region about that atom's nucleus with a partial positive charge, and it creates a partial negative charge on the atom to which it is bonded.In such a situation, the distributed charges taken as a group always carries a whole number of elementary charge units. Yet one can point to zones within the assemblage where less than a full charge resides, such as the area around an atom's nucleus. This is possible in part because particles are not like mathematical points--which must be either inside a zone or outside it--but are smeared out by the uncertainty principle of quantum mechanics. Because of this smearing effect, if one defines a sufficiently small zone, a fundamental particle may be both partly inside and partly outside it.UsesPartial atomic charges are used in molecular mechanics force fields to compute the electrostatic interaction energy using Coulomb's law. They are also often used for a qualitative understanding of the structure and reactivity of molecules. Methods of determining partial atomic chargesDespite its usefulness, the concept of a partial atomic charge is somewhat arbitrary, because it depends on the method used to delimit between one atom and the next (in reality, atoms have no clear boundaries). As a consequence, there are many methods for estimating the partial charges. According to Cramer (2002), all methods can be classified in one of four classes: Class I charges are those that are not determined from quantum mechanics, but from some intuitive or arbitraryapproach. These approaches can be based on experimental data such as dipoles and electronegativities.Class II charges are derived from partitioning the molecular wave function using some arbitrary, orbital based scheme.Class III charges are based on a partitioning of a physical observable derived from the wave function, such as electron density.Class IV charges are derived from a semiempirical mapping of a precursor charge of type II or III to reproduceexperimentally determined observables such as dipole moments.The following is a detailed list of methods, partly based on Meister and Schwarz (1994).Population analysis of wavefunctionsMulliken population analysisCoulson's chargesNatural chargesCM1, CM2, CM3 charge modelsPartitioning of electron density distributionsBader charges (obtained from an atoms in molecules analysis)Density fitted atomic chargesHirshfeld chargesMaslen's corrected Bader chargesPolitzer's chargesVoronoi Deformation Density chargesCharges derived from density-dependent propertiesPartial derived chargesDipole chargesDipole derivative chargesCharges derived from electrostatic potentialChelpChelpG, Breneman modelMK, Merz-KollmanCharges derived from spectroscopic dataCharges from infrared intensitiesCharges from X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (ESCA)Charges from X-ray emission spectroscopyCharges from X-ray absorption spectraCharges from ligand-field splittingsCharges from UV-vis intensities of transition metal complexesCharges from other spectroscopies, such as NMR, EPR, EQRCharges from other experimental dataCharges from bandgaps or dielectric constantsApparent charges from the piezoelectric effectCharges derived from adiabatic potential energy curvesElectronegativity-based chargesOther physicochemical data, such as equilibrium and reaction rate constants, thermochemistry, and liquiddensities.Formal chargesFormal chargeIn chemistry, a formal charge (FC) is the charge assigned to an atom in a molecule, assuming that electrons in a chemical bond are shared equally between atoms, regardless of relative electronegativity.The formal charge of any atom in a molecule can be calculated by the following equation:FC = V - N - B/2Where V is the number of valence electrons of the atom in isolation (atom in ground state); N is the number of non-bonding electrons on this atom in the molecule; and B is the total number of electrons shared in covalent bonds with other atoms in the molecule.When determining the correct Lewis structure (or predominant resonance structure) for a molecule, the structure is chosen such that the formal charge (without sign) on each of the atoms is minimized.Formal charge is a test to determine the efficiency of electron distribution of a molecule. This is significant when drawing structures.Examples:Carbon in methane: FC = 4 - 0 - (8÷2) = 0Nitrogen in NO2-: FC = 5 - 2 - (6÷2) = 0double bonded oxygen in NO2-: FC = 6 - 4 - (4÷2) = 0single bonded oxygen in NO2- FC = 6 - 6 - (2÷2) = -1An alternative method for assigning charge to an atom taking into account electronegativity is by oxidation number. Other related concepts are valence which counts number of electrons that an atom uses in bonding and coordination number, the number of atoms bonded to the atom of interest.Contents1 Examples2 Alternative method3 Formal Charge vs. Oxidation State4 References5 External linksExamplesAmmonium NH4+ is a cationic species. By using the vertical groups of the atoms on the periodic table it is possible to determine that each hydrogen contributes 1 electron, the nitrogen contributes 5 electrons, and the charge of +1 means that 1 electron is absent. The final total is 8 total electrons (1 × 4 + 5 − 1). Drawing the Lewis structure gives an sp3 (4 bonds) hybridized nitrogen atom surrounded by hydrogen. There are no lone pairs of electrons left. Thus, using the definition of formal charge, hydrogen has a formal charge of zero (1- (0 + ½ × 2)) and nitrogen has a formal charge of +1 (5− (0 + ½ × 8)). After adding up all the formal charges throughout the molecule the result is a total formal charge of +1, consistent with the charge of the molecule given in the first place.Note: The total formal charge in a molecule should be as close to zero as possible, with as few charges on the molecule as possibleExample: CO2 is a neutral molecule with 16 total valence electrons. There are three different ways to draw the Lewis structureCarbon single bonded to both oxygen atoms (carbon = +2, oxygens = -1 each, total formal charge = 0)Carbon single bonded to one oxygen and double bonded to another (carbon = +1, oxygen double = 0, oxygen single = −1, total formal charge = 0)Carbon double bonded to both oxygen atoms (carbon = 0, oxygens = 0, total formal charge =0)Even though all three structures gave us a total charge of zero, the final structure is the superior one because there are no charges in the molecule at all.Alternative methodAlthough the formula given above is correct, it is often unwieldy and inefficient to use. A much quicker and still accurate method is to do the following:Draw a circle around the atom for which the formal charge is requested (as with carbon dioxide, below)Count up the number of electrons in the atom's "circle." Since the circle cuts the covalent bond "in half," each covalent bond counts as one electron instead of two.Subtract the number of electrons in the circle from the group number of the element (the Roman numeral from the older system of group numbering, NOT the IUPAC 1-18 system) to determine the formal charge.The formal charges computed for the remaining atoms in this Lewis structure of carbon dioxide are shown below. Again, this method is just as accurate as the one cited above, but is much easier to use. It is important to keep in mind that formal charges are just that-formal, in the sense that this system is a formalism. Atoms in molecules do not have "signs around their necks" indicating their charge. The formal charge system is just a method to keep track of all of the valence electrons that each atom brings with it when the molecule is formed.Formal Charge vs. Oxidation StateThe concept of oxidation states constitutes a competing method to assess the distribution of electrons in molecules. If the formal charges and oxidation states of the atoms in carbon dioxide are compared, the following values are arrived at:The reason for the difference between these values is that formal charges and oxidation states represent fundamentally different ways of looking at the distribution of electrons amongst the atoms in the molecule. With formal charge, the electrons in each covalent bond are assumed to be split exactly evenly between the two atoms in the bond (hence the dividing by two in the method described above). The formal charge view of the CO2 molecule is essentially shown below:The covalent (sharing) aspect of the bonding is overemphasized in the use of formal charges, since in reality there is a higher electron density around the oxygen atoms due to their higher electronegativity compared to the carbon atom. This can be most effectively visualized in an electrostatic potential map.With the oxidation state formalism, the electrons in the bonds are "awarded" to the atom with the greater electronegativity. The oxidation state view of the CO2 molecule is shown below:Oxidation states overemphasize the ionic nature of the bonding; most chemists agree that the difference in electronegativity between carbon in oxygen is insufficient to regard the bonds as being ionic in nature.In reality, the distribution of electrons in the molecule lies somewhere between these two extremes. The inadequacy of the simple Lewis structure view of molecules led to the development of the more generally applicable and accurate valence bond theory of Slater, Pauling, et al., and thenceforth the molecular orbital theory developed by Mulliken and Hund.。



二、遗传三大基本定律杂交(hybridization):遗传学中经典的也是常用的实验方法,通过不同的基因型的个体之间的交配而取得某些双亲基因重新组合的个体的方法互交(reciprocal cross):甲乙两种具有不同遗传特性的亲本杂交回交(back cross):子一代与亲本之一相交配的一种杂交方法测交(test cross):杂种子一代与隐形纯和类型交配,用来测定杂种F1遗传型的方法纯种(true breeding):指相对与某一或某些形状而言在自交后代中没有分离而可真实遗传的品种显性性状(dominant character):具有相对性状的双亲杂交所产生的子一代中得到表现的那个亲本性状隐性性状(recessive character):没有得到表现的那个亲本性状基因型(genotype):指所研究性状所对应的有关遗传因子表型(phenotype):指在特定环境下所研究的基因型的性状表现纯合体(homozygote):由两个相同的遗传因子结合而成的个体杂合体(heterozygote):由两个不同遗传因子结合而成的个体等位基因(alleles):指一对同源染色体的某一给定位点的成对的遗传因子单因子杂种(Monohybrid):the offspring of two parents that are homozygous for alternate alleles of a gene分离定律:配子形成过程中,成对的遗传因子相互分离,结果,如在杂合体中,半数的配子带有其中一个遗传因子,另一半的配子带有另外一个遗传因子共显性(codominance):宏观上呈显隐性关系的相对性状,在分子水平上却呈共显性关系,即二者的基因都表达从而产生两种不同的蛋白质自由组合规律:形成配子时等位基因分离,非等位基因以同等的机会在配子内自由组合,通过不同基因型配子之间的随机结合,形成F2的表型比例连锁与交换定律:处于同一染色体上的两个或两个以上基因遗传时,联合在一起的频率大于重新组合的频率;配子形成过程中,同源染色体的非姊妹染色单体间发生局部交换的结果导致重组类型的产生交换值(crossing-over value):大小用来表示基因间距离的长短表型模写(phenocopy):环境改变引起的表型改变,有时与某基因引起的表型变化很相似外显率(penetrance):某一基因型个体显示其预期表型的比率,是基因表达的另一变异方式表现度(expressivity):基因的表达程度存在一定的差异,描述基因表达的程度三、染色体与遗传基因型性别决定系统(genotypic sex determination system):与染色体或基因型有关的性别决定系统异配性别(heterogametic sex):产生两种不同的配子同配性别(homogametic sex)性染色体(Sex chromosomes):与性别决定有明显而直接关系的染色体常染色体(Autosomes):性染色体以外的所有染色体巴氏小体(Barr body):又名性染色质体(sex-chromatin body)是一种高度浓缩的、惰性的、异染色质化的小体,它就是失活的X染色体性反转(sex reversal):指生物从一种性别转为另一种性别的现象初级例外子代(primary exceptional progeny):例外子代与它们同一性别的亲本一样,雌蝇偏母,雄蝇偏父,次级例外子代:初级例外雌蝇的例外子代性相关遗传(Sex-related inheritance):指和性别相关连的遗传现象伴性遗传(Sex-linked inheritance):遗传学上,将位于性染色体上的基因所控制的性状的遗传方式交叉遗传(criss-cross inheritance):男性所拥有的来自母系的X连锁基因将来只能传给他女儿的遗传现象限性遗传(sex-limited inheritance):有些基因并不一定位于性染色体上,但它所影响的特殊性状只在某一种性别中出现的遗传方式从性遗传(sex influenced inheritance):有些基因虽然位于常染色体上,但由于受到性激素的作用,因而使得它在不同性别中的表达不同的遗传现象剂量补偿效应(dosage compensation effect):指在XY性别决定机制的生物中,使性连锁基因在两种性别中有相等或近乎相等的有效剂量的遗传效应假显性(pseudo-dominance):又称拟显性,一条染色体上的显性基因缺失,导致同源染色体上的隐性等位基因(非致死)表现效应交换抑制突变(crossover suppressor mutations):由于染色体倒位所造成交换抑制因子(crossover represspr)平衡致死系(balanced lethal system):又称永久杂种(permanent hybrid),紧密连锁或中间具有倒位片段的相邻基因由于生殖细胞的同源染色体不能交换,所以可以用非等位基因的双杂合子,保存非等位基因的纯合隐性致死基因的品系罗伯逊易位(Robertsonian translocation):又称着丝粒融合或整臂融合,发生于近端着丝粒染色体之间的特殊易位方式基数:一个染色体组内含有的染色体数又称基数,用x表示整倍体(euploid):含有一套或多套完整染色体组的个体多倍体(polyploid):超过两个染色体组的个体非整倍体(aneuploid):染色体组内个别染色体数目的增减,使细胞内染色体数目不成完整的染色体组倍数单倍体:是指体细胞内具有本物种配子染色体数目(n)的个体,它可以是天然的,也可以是人工诱变或培育的四、遗传图的制作和基因定位图距(map distance):即两个基因在染色体图上距离的数量单位,它以重组1%去掉%号表示基因在染色体上的一个距离单位,即某基因间的距离为一个图距单位(map unit, mu),现用厘摩(cM)基因定位(gene mapping):指将基因定位于某一特定的染色体上,以及测定基因在染色体上线性排列的顺序与距离两点测交(two-point testcross):指每次只测定两个基因间的遗传距离,这是基因定位的最基本方法三点测交(three-point testcross):就是通过一次杂交和一次测交,同时确定三对等位基因(即三个基因位点)的排列顺序和它们之间的遗传距离干涉(interference):每发生一次单交换时,它的临近基因间也发生一次交换的机会就减少并发系数(coefficient of coincidence,c):干涉的程度,其值为:实际双交换值/理论双交换值负干涉(negative interference):并发系数大于1,即一次交换的发生使第二次发生交换的频率增加了染色体干涉(chromosomal interference)就一个完整的染色体为单位来说的,第一次交换发生后,第二次交换可以在任意两条非姊妹染色单体间进行。



植物反转录转座子及其分子标记王子成1,2李忠爱2邓秀新1(1华中农业大学作物遗传改良国家重点实验室,湖北武汉,4300702 河南大学生命科学学院,河南开封,475001)摘要:反转录转座子(retrotransposon)是真核生物中一类可移动因子,可分为LTR反转录转座子和非LTR反转录转座子。

反转录转座子以高拷贝在植物界广泛分布,可以通过纵向和横向分别在世代之间和不同种之间进行传递,同一家族的反转录转座子具有高度的异质性. 在一些生物的和非生物的逆境条件下,反转录转座子的转录可以被激活。



关键词反转录转座子,分子标记Plant retrotransposons and their molecular markersWang Zicheng1,2Li Zhongai2Deng Xuixin11 National Key Laboratory of Crop Genetic Improvement, Huazhong Agriculture university HubeiWuhan, 4300702 College of life science ,Henan University, Henan Kaifeng, 475001Abstract: Retrotransposons are a class of eukaryotic transposable elements, consisting of the long terminal repeat (LTR) and non-LTRretrotransposons. Retrotransposons are ubiquitous in the plant kingdom by high copy number and can be transmitted between generations by vertical transmission and between species by horizontal transmission. The same family retrotransposons presented highly heterogeneous populations in all higher plant genomes. Many of the plant retrotransposons are transcriptionally activated by various biotic and abiotic stress factors. Retrotransposons are used as molecular markers for their traits. S-SAP, IRAP, REMAP and RBIP are developed and will be applied widely in gene mapping, genetic biodiversity and phylogeny studies, and cultivar certification.Key words: retrotransposons molecular markers反转录转座子是广泛分布于真核生物中的一类可移动因子,因其转座需经过由RNA介导的反转录过程而得名。



二维核磁共振波谱(Two Dimensional NMR Spectroscopy)基本原理:在波谱技术中,二维核磁共振波谱的是近年来发展最快的领域之一。



(4)超导磁体的发展,使核磁共振波谱的检测灵敏度核分辩率显著提高;比如,现在900 MHz的仪器,其灵敏度和分辩率的提高,使微量样品的检测和合理解释复杂生物大分子的结构及分子作用成为现实。

超导磁体磁场的稳定和均匀性极大地推动了NOE 效应测定在有机化合物结构和立体构型确定中的应用以及在生物大分子分子内部相互作用和分子之间相互作用研究中的应用。

尽管核磁共振的硬件技术得到显著发展,但是对于一些复杂化合物,尤其当结构中存在化学位移相近的自旋体系时,得到一维1H NMR图谱仍然存在信号的严重重叠,比如,甾体类化合物的脂肪部分,它们的质子信号相互重叠呈现复杂的多重峰,使信号的指定很困难。






2001年,C. Djian-Caporalino · L.Pijarowski · A. Fazari M. Samson · L.Gaveau · C.O’Byrne · V. Lefebvre C. Caranta · A. Palloix · P. Abad发表文章High-resolution genetic mapping of the pepper (Capsicum annuumL.)resistance loci Me3 and Me4 conferring heat-stable resistance to root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne spp.)采用从C. annuum F1代得到的双单倍体(DH)群体构建了两张种内图谱,主要采用AFLP 和RAPD标记。

图谱长度1,582 cM ,共227 标记,18个连锁群,覆盖了67%的辣椒基因。

本研究采用的材料是C. annuum parents ‘Yolo Wonder’(‘YW’) and‘PM687’。


PM687和YW杂交F1代有103个单双倍体(DH),163株F2代个体,‘Perennial’, another inbred line of C. annuum (see Table 1)used to generate the DH200 pepper map,另外一个亲本。









a.已在讨论部分增加了变应原组分检测在螨虫变应原致敏的患者中的诊断和指导治疗上的作用:“在变应性疾病的诊断过程中应该特别注意Der p 10的检测,如阳性还需检测其它变应原如虾、蟑螂、蛔虫等的组分,此类患者血清屋尘螨粗提物sIgE或SPT 阳性可能是由虾、蟑螂或蛔虫过敏引起的交叉反应,而不是真正对屋尘螨过敏。


有研究变应原分子诊断可改善SPT 造成的50%以上不准确的SIT治疗[5],这提示很多多变应原致敏的患者接受不正确的SIT治疗处方。



而变应原组分检测可辨别真正致敏的组分和交叉致敏组分和不引起致敏或者只引起轻微诊断的组分,从而为临床变应性疾病的诊断和变应原规避方案及治疗的选择提供了更加准确的实验室依据,故我在文本中增加了变应原组分检测在猫毛狗毛宠物过敏的诊断和指导患者进行变应原回避措施上的作用:“变应原组分检测应用于猫狗过敏患者的诊断和治疗的意义在于,如果患者检测出Fel d 1或Can f 1,患者则应避免接触猫或者狗,建议居住环境中不能饲养猫狗,而如果对真正致敏组分阴性的患者其并不是真正对猫或狗过敏,根据变应原组分的检测结果,可以为患者选择放不放弃家里养宠物提供更加科学准确的诊断依据,避免给患者带来不必要的困扰。



Views&CommentsOptically Digitalized Holography:A Perspective for All-Optical MachineLearningMin Gu a,Xinyuan Fang a,b,Haoran Ren c,Elena Goi aa Laboratory of Artificial-Intelligence Nanophotonics,School of Science,RMIT University,Melbourne,VIC3001,Australiab National Laboratory of Solid State Microstructures,College of Engineering and Applied Sciences,Nanjing University,Nanjing210093,Chinac Chair in Hybrid Nanosystems,Nanoinstitute Munich,Faculty of Physics,Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich,Munich80539,GermanyHolography,which was invented by Dennis Gabor in1948, offers an approach to reconstructing both the amplitude and phase information of a three-dimensional(3D)object[1].Since its inven-tion,the concept of holography has been widely used in various fields,such as microscopy[2],interferometry[3],ultrasonography [4],and holographic display[5].Optical holography can be divided into two steps:recording and reconstruction.A conventional holo-gram is recorded onto a photosensitivefilm as the interference between an object beam carrying the3D object information and a reference beam.Thereafter,the original object wavefront is reconstructed in the3D image space by illuminating the reference beam on the recorded hologram.Digital holography was invented by Brown and Lohmann in 1966,marking a milestone breakthrough in optical holography based on computer-generated holograms(CGHs)[6].Instead of performing complex two-step optical holography,CGHs provide a simple way to obtain the amplitude and phase information of a digital hologram based on various computational algorithms. CGH-based digital holography has recently been realized through both passive[7]and active photonic devices[8].The advent of the computer-addressed spatial light modulator (SLM)opens up the possibility of dynamic digital holography that is capable of rapidly switching holograms within only a few microseconds[9].SLM-assisted digital holography has been applied in3D displays[10],holographic encryption[11],digital holographic microscopy[12],optical data storage[13],optical trapping[14],and so forth.However,several compelling chal-lenges still remain for digital holography,including a smallfield of view,low resolution,narrow bandwidth,optically thick holo-grams,and multiple diffraction orders.To overcome these challenging issues,high-resolution and opti-cally thin metasurfaces have been put forward in order to digitalize CGHs[15].Unfortunately,the formidable complexity and high cost of the fabrication methods—namely,electron-beam lithography and focused ion-beam lithography—limit the practical applications of small metasurface holograms.Optically digitalized holography (ODH)has recently been proposed and demonstrated[16–18], opening up the possibility of using optical methods to generate high-resolution,large-scale,and cost-effective holograms[19–21].The new method is based on the vectorial Debye diffraction theory [22]in conjunction with inversed Fourier transform[23–25].The3D direct laser writing technique has been experimentally used in ODH to optically digitalize CGHs in different photosensitive materials.A tightly-focused femtosecond laser beam is scanned on a photosensitive material to print3D nanostructures,where different-sized nanostructures correspond to multilevel amplitude and/or phase modulation in the CGHs.It is notable that the recent development of super-resolution direct laser writing techniques holds great promise for digitalizing ultrahigh-definition CGHs with extremely small pixels[26].On the other hand,galvo scan mirrors and diffraction-limited two-dimensional(2D)[23,24]and3D[25] multifocal arrays have enabled fast and parallel direct laser writing with a throughput that is increased by orders of magnitude.As a result,ODH-based holograms with high resolution and a large size enablefloating displays of holographic images with an ultra-wide viewing angle and a high spatial bandwidth product.In this con-text,an ODH hologram with a resolution of550nm was fabricated in graphene oxides[16,17]and photoresist[18],resulting in a3D display with an ultra-wide viewing angle of52°[17].Moreover, an ultra-thin ODH hologram with an optically thin thickness of 20nm was fabricated by exploiting multi-reflection phase accu-mulation in a topological insulator thinfilm[27].Recently,artificial intelligence has attracted a surge of interest, due to its widespread application in medical image analysis[28], molecular and material science[29],speech recognition[30],and so forth.It is envisioned that optical holography can provide great advantages to artificial intelligence.Pioneering work extending optical holography to artificial neural networks dates back to the 1990s[31];in that work,the activity of each neuron was coded in the amplitude or intensity of optical beams.Due to the angle selectivity in Bragg diffraction,a complex mapping relationship in neurons can be represented by a3D volume hologram based on the multiplexing of holographic gratings.However,the lack of prac-tical devices at that time that could implement a holographic device acting as complex neurons prevented the advancement of this idea. Recently,ODH has enabled the fabrication of high-resolution holographic devices performing the function of artificial neural net-works.All-optical machine learning using diffractive deep neuralnetworks has been successfully demonstrated to perform image classification in the terahertz (THz)band [32].To achieve the learn-ing function,multilayer holograms were computationally designed based on advanced deep-learning algorithms and were experimen-tally fabricated by 3D printing.Extending 3D printing [32]to 3D high-resolution laser printing [26,33]can provide an all-optical machine learning chip ranging from the THz to visible regions (Fig.1).The merging of ODH with artificial intelligence will lead to significant breakthroughs in both fundamental research and practical holographic applications in future.We envisage that extending the working wavelength from the THz to visible frequency range will open up new perspectives for applications such as a smarter imager [34],light fidelity (Li-Fi)[35],and security access.However,the implementation of a high-definition holographic display based on artificial intelligence presents a formidable task for computation that lies significantly beyond current capabilities;therefore,new computational algo-rithms must be developed to mitigate this challenge.We have thus embarked on an exciting journey to explore new artificial intelligence-based ODH.Alternatively,optical machine leaning can be implemented on on-chip nanophotonic circuits [36].The combi-nation of these two approaches may provide an entirely new platform for neural technology and engineering in brain-like exploration that can benefit the development of new medical procedures for curing mental disorders—which currently demand an approximate annual cost of $1trillion around the world and $90billion in China.AcknowledgementsMin Gu acknowledges support from the Australian Research Council (ARC)through the Discovery Project (DP180102402).Xinyan Fang acknowledges support from a scholarship from theChina Scholarship Council (201706190189).Haoran Ren acknowledges financial support from the Humboldt Research Fellowship from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation.References[1]Gabor D.A new microscopic principle.Nature 1948;161(4098):777.[2]Gabor D.Microscopy by reconstructed wave-fronts.Proc R Soc Lond A MathPhys Sci 1949;197(1051):454–87.[3]Powell RL,Stetson KA.Interferometric vibration analysis by wavefrontreconstruction.J Opt Soc Am 1965;55(12):1593–8.[4]Baum G,Stroke GW.Optical holographic three-dimensional ultrasonography.Science 1975;189(4207):994–5.[5]Leith EN,Upatnieks J.Wavefront reconstruction with diffused illumination andthree-dimensional objects.J Opt Soc Am 1964;54(11):1295–301.[6]Brown BR,Lohmann plex spatial filtering with binary masks.ApplOpt 1966;5(6):967–9.[7]Verbeeck J,Tian H,Schattschneider P.Production and application of electronvortex beams.Nature 2010;467(7313):301–4.[8]Zhang Z,You Z,Chu D.Fundamentals of phase-only liquid crystal on 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基因相关词汇专业英语翻译Aactivation domain 活化结构域adapters 连接物adenine 腺嘌呤adenosine 腺ADP (adenosine diphosphate) 腺二磷酸affinity column 亲和柱AFLP (amplified fragment length polymorphisms) 增值性断片长度多态现象agrobacterium 农杆菌属alanine 丙氨酸allele 等位基因amber mutation 琥珀型突变AMP (adenosine monophosphate) 腺一磷酸ampicillin 氨青霉素anchor primer 锚状引物annealing 退火annealing temperature 退火温度anticodon 反密码子AP-PCR (arbitrarily primed PCR) 任意引物聚合链反应arbitrary primer 任意引物ATP (adenosine triphosphate) 腺三磷酸autosome 常染色体Bbaculovirus 杆状病毒base pair 基对base sequence 基顺序beta-galactosidase β-半乳糖beta-glucuronidase β-葡糖醛酸糖bioluminescence 生物发光bioremediation 生物降解biotechnology 生物技术blotting 印迹法blue-white selection 蓝白斑筛选blunt end 平(整末)端Ccatalyst 催化剂cDNA library 反向转录DNA库centromere 着丝体centrosome 中心体chemiluminescence 化学发光chiasma 交叉chromomere 染色粒chromoplast 有色体chromosomal aberration 染色体畸变chromosomal duplication 染色体复制chromosomal fibre 染色体牵丝chromosome 染色体chromosome complement 染色体组chromosome map 染色体图chromosome mutation 染色体突变clone 克隆cloning 无性繁殖系化codon 密码子codon degeneracy 密码简并codon usage 密码子选择cohesive end 黏性末端complementary DNA (cDNA) 反向转录DNA complementary gene 互补基因consensus sequence 共有序列construct 组成cosmids 黏性质粒crossing over 互换cyclic AMP (cAMP) 环腺酸cytosine 胞嘧啶Ddark band 暗带deamination 脱氨基作用decarboxylation 脱羧基作用degenerate code 简并密码degenerate PCR 退化性聚合链反应dehydrogenase 脱氢denaturation 变性deoxyribonucleoside diphospahte 脱氧核糖核一磷酸deoxyribonucleoside monophospahte 脱氧核糖核二磷酸deoxyribonucleoside triphospahte 脱氧核糖核三磷酸deoxyribose 去(脱)氧核糖dicarboxylic acid 二羧酸digoxigenin 洋地黄毒diploid 二倍体DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) 去(脱)氧核糖核酸DNA binding domain DNA结合性结构域DNA fingerprinting DNA指纹图谱DNA helicase DNA解螺旋DNA kinase DNA激DNA ligase DNA连接DNA polymer DNA聚合物DNA polymerase DNA聚合double helix 双螺旋double-strand 双链Eelectroporation 电穿孔endonuclease 内切核酸enhancer 增强子enterokinase 肠激episome 游离基因ethidium bromide 溴乙锭eukaryotic 真核生物的euploid 整倍体exonuclease 外切核酸expressed-sequence tags 表达的序列标记片段extron 外含子FF factor F因子FAD (flavine adenine dinucleotide) 黄素腺嘌呤二(双)核酸feedback control 反馈控制feedback inhibition 反馈抑制feedback mechanism 反馈机制first filial (F1) generation 第一子代FISH (fluoresence in situ hybridization) 荧光原位杂交forward mutation 正向突变F-pilus F纤毛functional complementation 功能性互补作用fusion protein 融合蛋白Ggel electrophoresis 凝胶电泳gene 基因gene cloning 基因克隆gene conversion 基因转变gene duplication 基因复制gene flow 基因流动gene gun 基因枪gene interaction 基因相互作用gene locus 基因位点gene mutation 基因突变gene regulation 基因调节gene segregation 基因分离gene therapy 基因治疗geneome 基因组/ 染色体组genetic map 基因图genetic modified foods (GM foods) 基因食物genetics 遗传学genetypic ratio 基因型比/ 基因型比值genome 基因组/ 染色体组genomic library 基因组文库genotype 基因型giant chromosome 巨染色体globulin 球蛋白glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase 6-磷酸葡萄糖脱氢GP (glycerate phosphate) 磷酸甘油酸脂GTP (guanine triphosphate) 鸟三磷酸guanine 鸟嘌呤Hhaploid 单倍体haploid generation 单倍世代heredity 遗传heterochromatin 异染色质Hfr strain 高频重组菌株holoenzyme 全homologous 同源的housekeeping gene 家务基因hybridization 杂交Iimmunoglobulin 免疫球蛋白in vitro 在体外/ 在试管内in vivio 在体内independent assortment 独立分配induced mutation 诱发性突变induction 诱导initiation codon 起始密码子inosine 次黄insert 插入片段insertional inactivation 插入失活interference 干扰intergenic 基因间的interphase 间期intragenic 基因内的intron 内含子inversion 倒位isocaudarner 同尾酸isoschizomer 同切点JKkanamycin 卡那毒素klenow fragment 克列诺夫片段Llac operon 乳糖操纵子ligase 连接ligation 连接作用light band 明带linker 连接体liposome 脂质体locus 位点Mmap distance 图距离map unit 图距单位mature transcript 成熟转录物metaphase 中期methylase 甲基化methylation 甲基化作用microarray 微列microinjection 微注射missense mutation 错差突变molecular genetics 分子遗传学monoploid 单倍体monosome 单染色体messenger RNA (mRNA) 信使RNAmultiple alleles 复(多)等位基因mutagen 诱变剂mutagenesis 诱变mutant 突变体mutant gene 突变基因mutant strain 突变株mutation 突变mutation rate 突变率muton 突变子NNAD (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide) 烟醯胺腺嘌呤二核酸NADP (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate) 烟醯胺腺嘌呤二核酸磷酸nicking activity 切割活性nonsense codon 无意义密码子nonsense mutation 无意义突变Northern blot Northern印迹法nuclear DNA 核DNAnuclear gene 核基因nuclease 核酸nucleic acid 核酸nucleoside 核nucleoside triphosphate 核三磷酸nucleotidase 核酸nucleotide 核酸nucleotide sequence 核酸序列Ooligonucleotide 寡核酸one gene one polypeptide hypothesis 一个基因一种学说operon 操纵子oxidative decarboxylation 氧化脱羧作用oxidative phosphorylation 氧化磷酸化作用PPCR (polymerase chain reaction) 聚合链反应peptidepeptide bond 键phagemids 噬菌粒phosphorylation 磷酸化作用physical map 物理图谱plasmid 质粒point mutation 点突变poly(A) tail poly(A)尾polymerase 聚合polyploid 多倍体positional cloning 位置性无性繁殖系化primary transcript 初级转录物primer 引物probe 探针prokaryotic 原核的promoter 启动子protease 蛋白purine 嘌呤pyrimidine 嘧啶QRrandom segregation 随机分离RAPD (rapid amplified polymorphic DNA) 快速扩增多态DNAreading frame 阅读码框recessive gene 隐性基因recombinant 重组体recombinant DNA technology 重组DNA技术recombination 重组regulator (gene) 调控基因replica 复制物/ 印模replica plating 复制平皿(板)培养法replication 复制replication origin 复制起点reporter gene 报道基因repression 阻遏repressor 阻遏物repressor gene 阻遏基因resistance strain 抗药性菌株restriction 限制作用restriction enzyme 限制性内切restriction mapping 限制性内切图谱retrovirus 反转录病毒reverse transcription 反转录作用RFLP (restricted fragment length polymorphisms) 限制性断片长度多态现象ribonucleotide 核糖核酸ribose 核糖ribosomal RNA (rRNA) 核糖体RNAribosome 核糖体RNA (ribonucleic acid) 核糖核酸RNA polymerase I RNA聚合IRNA polymerase II RNA聚合IIRNA polymerase III RNA聚合IIIR-plasmid R质粒/ 抗药性质粒Ssecond filial (F2) generation 第二子代self-ligation 自我连接作用shuttle vectors 穿梭载体sigma factor σ因子single nucleotide polymorphism 单核酸多态性single-stranded DNA 单链DNAsister chromatid 姊妹染色单体sister chromosome 姊妹染色体site-directed mutagenesis 定点诱变somatic cell 体细胞Southern blot Southern印迹法splice 拼接star activity 星号活性stationary phase 静止生长期sticky end 黏性末端stop codon 终止密码子structural gene 结构基因supernatant 上层清液supressor 抑制基因Ttelophase 末期template 模板terminator 终止子tetracycline 四环素thymine 胸腺嘧啶tissue culture 组织培养transcription 转录作用transfer RNA (tRNA) 转移RNA transformation 转化作用transgene 转基因translation 翻译/ 平移transmembrane 跨膜triplet 三联体triplet code 三联体密码triploid 三倍体UVvector 载体WWestern blot Western印迹法Aalternative splicing -- Eukaryotic genes are composed of exons and introns, the latter being removed by RNA splicing before transcribed mRNA leaves the nucleus. Commonly, a single gene can encode several different mRNA transcripts, caused by cell- or tissue-specific combination of different exons. This is known as alternative splicing.Annealing -- The time- and temperature-dependent process by which two complementary single-stranded polynucleotides associate to form a double helix (see also hybridization)Antisense strand -- the DNA strand of a gene which, during transcription, is used as a template by RNA polymerase to synthesize a complementary RNA strand.反股-- 意指一股DN**段为基因之所在,因此可用来当做模版使得RNA反转录脢在转录RNA时,可以合成和此DN**段完全结合的RN**段。



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例如:Fang X.J., and Wu W.R., 2003, Molecular selection, Fenzi Zhiwu Yuzhong (Molecular Plant Breeding), 1(1): 1-5 (方宣钧, 吴为人, 2003, 分子选择, 分子植物育种, 1(1): 1-5)在正文中引用格式为:(方宣钧和吴为人, 2003)Fukui K., and Iijima K., 1991, Somatic chromosome map of rice byimaging methods, Theor. Appl. Genet., 81: 589-596在正文中引用格式为:(Fukui and Iijima, 1991)c.引用的参考文献作者3人或3人以上时作者姓名,年份,文献题名,刊名,卷号(期号) :起止页码。

在正文中直接列出第一作者的姓名(英文用第一作者的姓)及论文发表的年份,后加“等”或“et al.”。

例如:Duan Y.S., Zhao S.H., Wu W.R., Zhou Y.C., Qi J.M., Pan R.S., Lin L.H., Chen Z.W., Gong H.Z., and Mao D.M., 2003, Saturating a molecular linkage map of rice with SSR markers, Fenzi Zhiwu Yuzhong (Molecular Plant Breeding), 1(4): 475-479 (段远霖, 赵守环, 吴为人, 周元昌, 祁建民, 潘润森, 林荔辉, 陈志伟, 宫华忠, 毛大梅, 2003, 用SSR标记提高水稻分子连锁图谱密度, 分子植物育种, 1(4): 475-479)在正文中引用格式为:(段远霖等, 2003)Causse M.A., Fulton T.M., Cho Y.G., Ahn S.N., Chunwongse J., Wu K., Xiao J., Yu Z., Ronald P.C., Harrington S.E., Second G., McCouch S.R., and Tanksley S.D., 1994, Saturated molecular map of the rice genome based on an interspecific backcross population, Genetics, 138: 1251-1274在正文中引用格式为:(Causse et al., 1994)d.私人通讯和Internet 网站上的信息和资料的引用直接在正文中引用,文后参考文献中不必列出例如:私人通讯引用形式:(吴为人, 2003, 私人通讯)2专著作者姓名,著/编著/ed., (如为译著还应写出译者姓名) 出版年份,书名,版次(初次不写),出版者(出版社),出版地(国家和城市),pp.+ 引文页码。

2018年web of scicence(228)

2018年web of scicence(228)

2018年web of scicence(209条)1.Melon variety NUN 31017 MEM甜瓜品种嫩31017 MEM2. PDC1, a pyruvate/alpha-ketoacid decarboxylase, is involved in acetaldehyde, propanal and pentanal biosynthesis in melon (Cucumis melo L.) fruit. PDC1是一种丙酮酸/ -酮酸脱羧酶,参与甜瓜果实中乙醛、丙醛和戊醛的生物合成。

3. Arsenic removal by natural and chemically modified watermelon rind in aqueous solutions and groundwater用天然和化学改性西瓜皮去除水中和地下水中的砷4. Transcriptome-wide responses of adult melon thrips (Thrips palmi) associated with capsicum chlorosis virus infection成年甜瓜蓟马(thrips palmi)对辣椒萎黄病病毒感染的转录组应答5. Enabling Pt-free photocatalytic hydrogen evolution on polymeric melon: Role of amorphization for overcoming the limiting factors在聚合甜瓜上实现无pt光催化制氢:克服限制因素的非晶化作用6. Cucumis metuliferus reduces Meloidogyne incognita virulence against the Mi1.2 resistance gene in a tomato-melon rotation sequence. 黄瓜属刺角瓜在番茄-甜瓜轮作序列中降低了根结线虫未知的对Mi1.2抗性基因的毒力。



第1期/No.1研究论文/Research Articles一个水稻温度敏感失绿突变体的遗传分析及分子定位Genetic Analysis and Molecular Mapping of A Thermo-sensitive Chlorosis Mutant in Rice董彦君(Dong Y.J.),林冬枝(Lin D.Z.),梅杰(Mei J.),苏倩倩(Su Q.Q.)张建辉(Zhang J.H.),叶胜海(Ye S.H.),张小明(Zhang X.M.)水稻转录因子基因SUSIRI的过表达及RNA干扰对水稻分子及表型效应的分析Molecular and Phenotypic Analysis on Effect of Over-expression and RNA Interference of A Transcriptional Factor Gene SUSIRI on Transgenic Rice陈坚(Chen J.),连肖华(Lian X.H.),杨志敏(Yang Z.M.),陈彬(Chen B.),郑斯平(Zheng S.P.),朱炳耀(Zhu B.Y.)星星草(Puccinellia tenuifolra)铵转运蛋白(PutAMT)及N、C末端缺失对NH4+吸收能力的影响Effect of Ammonium Transporter(PutAMT)and N-、C-terminally Truncated Forms on NH4+Uptake Capacity in Pucc-inellia tenuifolra卜媛媛(Bu Y.Y.),孙博(Sun B.),骆媛媛(Luo Y.Y.),周爱民(Zhou A.M.),柳参奎(Liu S.K.)研究报告/Research Reports123份水稻重要品种的SSR核心标记指纹分析Fingerprinting Analysis of123Rice Varieties Based on The New SSR Core Markers田大刚(Tian D.G.),林艳(Lin Y.),刘华清(Liu H.Q.),苏军(Su J.),陈在杰(Chen Z.J.),颜静宛(Yan J.W.),许彦(Xu Y.),王锋(Wang F.)谷子基因组SSR信息分析和标记开发Survey of SSRs in Foxtail Millet Genome and Development of SSR Markers张晗(Zhang H.),王雪梅(Wang X.M.),王东建(Wang D.J.),孙加梅(Sung J.M.),杨延兵(Yang Y.D.),段丽丽(Duan L. L.),李华(Li H.),宋国安(Song G.A.),王晓宇(Wang X.Y.),李汝玉(Li R.Y.)利用Insertion/Deletion(InDel)分子标记检测玉米互交种混杂的原理及应用The Principle of Distinguishing Maize Hybrids of Direct and Reciprocal Crosses Using Insertion/Deletion(InDel) Markers and Its Application葛敏(Ge M.),蒋璐(Jiang L.),张晓林(Zhang X.L.),赵涵(Zhao H.),张体付(Zhang T.F.)农杆菌介导法将DREB2A基因转入玉米Transformation of Salt-Tolerance Gene DREB2A into Maize Mediated by Agrobacterium Tumefaciens王奕(Wang Y.),任贤(Ren X.),于志晶(Yu Z.J.),蔡勤安(Cai Q.A.),林秀峰(Lin X.F.),马瑞(Ma R.)甘蓝型油菜甜菜碱醛脱氢酶基因(BnBADH-1)的克隆与真核表达载体的构建The Cloning of Betaine Aldehyde Dehydrogenase Gene from Brassica napus(BnBADH-1)and the Construction of Eu-karyotic Expression Vector柴靓(Chai L.),李浩杰(Li H.J.),蒲晓斌(Pu X.B.),张锦芳(Zhang J.F.),蒋俊(Jiang J.),胡海兵(Hu H.B.),郑本川(Zheng B.C.),蒋梁材(Jiang L.C.)大豆热激转录因子GmHsFA1对高温和干旱信号的表达反应The Expression Response in Transgenic GmHsFA1Soybean to the Signals of Heat and Drought Stress吴广锡(Wu G.X.),魏崃(Wei L.),唐晓飞(Tang X.F.),王伟威(Wang W.W.),王鹏飞(Wang P.F.)王兴宇(Wang X.Y.),刘丽君(Liu L.J.)大豆KCS基因的克隆及结构预测Cloning of Soybean KCS Gene and Predicting of Its Structure赵艳(Zhao Y.),翟莹(Zhai Y.),邱增成(Qiu Z.C.),徐红红(Xu H.H.),国春晖(Guo C.H.)基因枪介导擎天凤梨遗传转化体系的建立Establishment of Particle Bombardment-mediated Genetic Transformation System of Guzmania Bromeliad沈晓岚(Shen X.L.),王炜勇(Wang W.Y.),毛碧增(Mao B.Z.),俞少华(Yu S.H.),田丹青(Tian D.Q.),俞信英(Yu X.J.)1-7 8-13 14-19 20-29 37-47 48-52 30-3653-61 62-71 72-76 77-84丽穗凤梨杂交后代ISSR鉴定Identification of Vriesea Hybrids by ISSR葛亚英(Ge Y.Y.),张飞(Zhang F.),王炜勇(Wang W.Y.),沈晓岚(Shen X.L.),田丹青(Tian D.Q.),俞信英(Yu X.Y.),郁永明(Yu Y.M.)番茄WRKY转录因子in silico鉴定及表达分析In silico Identification and Expression Analysis of WRKY Transcription Factors in Tomato万红建(Wan H.J.),俞锞(Yu K.),袁伟(Yuan W.),刘云飞(Liu Y.F.),叶青静(Ye Q.J.),王荣青(Wang R.J.),阮美颖(Ruan M.Y.),姚祝平(Yao Z.P.),杨悦俭(Yang Y.J.)红肉猕猴桃新品系SF-HY-0201遗传特性Genetic Characteristics of A New Red-flesh Kiwi Fruit Line SF-HY-0201谢玥(Xie Y.),潘美玲(Pan M.L.),庄启国(Zhuang Q.G.),王丽华(Wang L.H.),郑晓琴(Zheng X.Q.),廖明安(Liao M.A.),李明章(Li M.Z.)青研系列大白菜杂交种及亲本指纹图谱构建和杂种纯度鉴定Fingerprints of Hybrids and Their Parents of the Qinyan Series of Chinese Cabbage and Purity Identification of Hybridss杨晓云(Yang X.Y.),田术美(Tiana S.M.),张清霞(Zhang Q.X.),张淑霞(Zhang S.X.),司朝光(Si C.G.),王媛(Wang Y.),王德森(Wang D.S.)韭菜根再生相关因素的研究The Factors Affecting on Regeneration of Root Tips of Chinese Chive张学智(Zhang X.Z.),张彦良(Zhang Y.L.),李梅兰(Li M.L),高行英(Gao X.Y.),侯文菊(Hou W.J.),马建平(Ma J.P.),李春琳(Li C.L.),侯雷平(Hou L.P.)中小花型蝴蝶兰种质遗传多样性的形态与SRAP分析Genetic Diversity of Phalaenopsis Cultivars in Small And Medium Sizes Based on With The Markers of Morpholo and SRAP钟淮钦(Zhong H.Q.),钟海丰(Zhong H.F.),林兵(Lin B.),黄敏玲(Huang M.L.),吴建设(Wu J.S.),樊荣辉(Fan R.H.)光照对月季‘光谱’花青素合成及其CHS和DFR基因表达的影响Effect of Light on the Anthocyanin Biosythesis and Expression of CHS and DFR in Rosa chinensis‘Spectra’骆菁菁(Luo J.J.),李虹(Li H.),柏斌斌(Bai B.B.),俞红强(Yu H.Q.),游捷(You J.)细胞转化获得转白细胞介素-4基因胡萝卜(Daucus carrot)Transferred Interleukin-4Gene in Carrot(Daucus carota)by Cell Transformation高金秋(Gao J.Q.),于丽杰(Yu L.J.),陶雷(Tao L.)风信子ISSR-PCR体系的优化及引物筛选Optimization of ISSR-PCR Reaction System and Primer Selection for Hyacinth胡凤荣(Hu F.R.),王斐(Wang F.),王志强(Wang Z.Q.),任翠(Ren C.),鲍仁蕾(Bao R.L.)第2期/No.2研究论文/Research Articles一个新的水稻叶绿素缺失黄叶突变体遗传分析及其基因定位Genetic Analysis and Molecular Mapping of a Novel Chlorophyll-deficient Yellow-leaf Mutant in Rice周华(Zhou H.),潘佑找(Pan Y.Z.),刘秀艳(Liu X.Y.),马晓静(Ma X.J.),陈素丽(Chen S.L.),林冬枝(Lin D.Z.),王俊敏(Wang J.M.),董彦君(Dong Y.J.),滕胜(Teng S.)水稻OsC2HC-1锌指蛋白基因的表达分析及对盐碱逆境的响应Expression Analysis of Rice Zinc Finger Protein Gene OsC2HC-1and Response to Salt-alkali and Oxidative Stresses 郑恒(Zheng H.),管清杰(Guan Q.J.),柳参奎(Liu S.K.)85-89 90-98107-112 99-106 119-125 113-118126-131 132-138 139-144145-151 152-162211-216研究报告/Research Reports小麦三属杂交后代的分子细胞遗传学检测Molecular Cytogenetic Detection of Offspring in Wheat Trigeneric Hybridization厉永鹏(Li Y.P.),姜博(Jiang B.),李宇新(Li Y.X.),张杰(Zhang J.),李集临(Li J.L.),张延明(Zhang Y.M.)利用SSR 标记研究新疆特早熟玉米自交系遗传多样性Genetic Diversity of Inbred Lines of Especial-Precocious Maize in Xinjiang Revealed by SSR Markers杨杰(Yang J.),韩登旭(Han D.X.),邵红雨(Sha H.Y.),梁晓玲(Liang X.L.),阿布来提·阿布拉(Abulaiti A.),李铭东(Li M.D.)利用SSR 标记筛选DUS 测试中甘蓝型油菜近似品种Screening Similar Varieties of Rapeseed (Brassica napus L.)in DUS Testing Using SSR Markers赖运平(Lai Y.P.),张浙峰(Zhang Z.F.),王丽容(Wang L.R.),何巧林(He Q.L.),黄维藻(He Q.L.),张新明(Zhang X.M.),堵苑苑(Du Y.Y.),余毅(Yu Y.)浙江省番茄黄化曲叶病毒的分子鉴定及序列分析Molecular Identification and Sequence Analysis of Tomato Yellow Leaf Curl Virus袁伟(Yuan W.),万红建(Wan H.J.),王荣青(Wang R.Q.),叶青静(Ye Q.J.),阮美颖(Ruan M.Y.),李志邈(Li Z.M.),周国治(Zhou G.Z.),姚祝平(Yao Z.P.),刘云飞(Liu Y.F.),杨悦俭(Yang Y.J.)抗感枯萎病香蕉的细胞结构抗性研究Cell Structure Alteration of Banana Cultivars with Different Resistance to Fusarium Oxysporum f.sp.Cubense 邝瑞彬(Kuang R.B.),李春雨(Li C.Y.),杨静(Yang J.),魏岳荣(Wei Y.R.),杨乔松(Yang Q.S.),胡春华(Hu C.H.),盛鸥(Sheng O.),易干军(Yi G.J.)香蕉ARF3基因全长克隆及其对枯萎病菌的响应特性分析Cloning the Full-length cDNA of ARF3Gene from Banana (Musa acuminata )and Characterizing Its Response to Ban-ana Fusarium杨浩(Yang H.),杜中军(Du Z.J.),徐立(Xu L.),唐志鹏(Tang Z.P.),李志英(Li Z.Y.)海南粗榧GGPPs 基因克隆与诱导表达分析Cloning and Induced Expression Analysis of GGPP Synthase Gene from Cephalotaxus mannii 钱丹(Qian D.),江雪飞(Jiang X.F.),乔飞(Qiao F.)成熟软化期苦瓜果实均一化全长cDNA 文库的构建与EST 分析Construction and EST A Nalysis of the Normalized Full-Length cDNA Library of Momordica charantia Fruit Ripening and Softening Stage高山(Gao S.),陈桂信(Chen G.X.),许端祥(Xu D.X.),林义章(Lin Y.Z.),潘东明(Pan D.M.)农杆菌介导的INH 基因瞬时表达系统的建立及表达分析Establishment and Expression Analysis of Agrobacterium -mediated INH Gene Transient Expression System 张月丽(Zhang Y.L.),杨艳丽(Yang Y.L.),姜晶(Jiang J.)一个杨树第V 类几丁质酶基因的克隆及表达分析Molecular Cloning and Expression Analysis of a Class V Chitinase Gene from Populus江聪(Jiang C.),宋佳亮(Song J.L.),黄瑞芳(Huang R.F.),黄敏仁(Huang M.R.),徐立安(Xu L.A.)结球甘蓝抗霜霉病基因连锁的SCAR 标记开发Development of SCAR Molecular Marker Linked to Downy Mildew Resistance Gene in Cabbage 王神云(Wang S.Y.),曹家树(Cao J.S.),余小林(Yu X.L.),黄建新(Huang J.X.),李建斌(Li J.B.)三种常用亲本分析软件效率的比较——以鹅掌楸属树种控制授粉子代亲本分析为例A Comparison among Three Softwares of Parentage Analysis (CERVUS,COLONY and PAPA)—A Case Study on Parentage Analysis of Control Pollination Progenies in Liriodendron 李博(Li B.),潘文婷(Pan W.T.),李康琴(Li K.Q.),李火根(Li H.G.)163-167168-173174-184185-192193-198199-203204-210217-224225-231232-240241-248299-306技术主题/Technology Features适合双向电泳的大白菜花蕾蛋白提取及浓度测定方法The Best Method for Extracting and Concentration Detecting of Proteins Used for Two-dimensional Electrophoresis from Flowering Buds of Chinese Cabbage (Brassica rapa L.ssp.pekinensis )周雪(Zhou X.),冯辉(Feng H.),冀瑞琴(Ji R.Q.)大豆总RNA 提取方法比较及其在基因克隆和表达分析中的应用Different Methods for Extracting Total RNA and Their Application in Gene Cloning and Gene Expression Analysis in Soybean (Glycine max )郭彬(Guo B.),侯思宇(Hou S.Y.),黄可盛(Huang K.S.),路阳(Lu Y.),韩渊怀(Han Y.H.),王玉国(Wang Y.G.)东方百合杂种后代试管苗叶片总DNA 提取方法的选择Choosing Suitable Method to Extract Genomic DNA from the Leaves of In-tube Seedling of the Hybrid Offspring of Oriental Lily胡凤荣(Hu F.R.),国荣荣(Guo R.R.),王斐(Wang F.),王江勇(Wang J.Y.)彩色马蹄莲mRNA 差异显示技术体系的建立Establishment of mRNA Differential Display Technology in Colour Calla (Zantedeschia spp.)杨柳燕(Yang L.Y.),张永春(Zhang Y.C.),汤庚国(Tang G.G.),许晓岗(Xu X.G.),孙翊(Sun Y.),李宏义(Li H.Y.)万寿菊雄性不育系ISSR-PCR 体系建立与优化Establishment and Optimization of ISSR-PCR Reaction System for Male Sterile Lines of Marigold 伍亚平(Wu Y.P.),唐道城(Tang D.C.)Photoshop 在体系优化中的应用Application of Photoshop in Optimization of SSR System杨旭(Yang X.),杨敏生(Yang M.S.),杨艳丽(Yang Y.L.),杨林(Yang L.)评述与展望/Reviews and Progress水稻脆性基因的功能研究进展Reseach Progress on Functions of Brittle Culm Genes in Rice 童川(Tong C.),童杰鹏(Tong J.P.),孙出(Sun C.),沈圣泉(Shen S.Q.)第3期/No.3研究论文/Research Articles利用生物信息学和qRT-PCR 分析鉴定水稻细菌性条斑病QTL qBlsr5a 的候选基因Identification of Candidate Genes for QTL qBlsr5a Conferring Resistance to Bacterial Leaf Streak in Rice by Bioin-formatics and qRT-PCR Analyses谢小芳(Xie X.F.),林德塨(Lin D.G.),许国泉(Xu G.Q.),李春兰(Li C.L.),陈志伟(Chen Z.W.),吴为人(Wu W.R.)番茄SBP 基因家族的全基因组鉴定、结构特征及表达分析Genome-wide Identification,Structure Characterization and Expression Analysis of SBP Gene Family in Tomato 万红建(Wan H.J.),袁伟(Yuan W.),俞锞(Yu K.),刘云飞(Liu Y.F.),李志邈(Li Z.M.),叶青静(Ye Q.J.),王荣青(Wang R.Q.),阮美颖(Ruan M.Y.),周国治(Zhou G.Z.),姚祝平(Yao Z.P.),杨悦俭(Yang Y.J.)研究报告/Research Reports水稻剑叶叶宽遗传分析及基因定位Genetic Analysis and Gene Mapping of Rice Flag Leaf Width Trait 姜敬伟(Jiang J.W.),余显权(Yu X.Q.),齐明(Qi M.)稻瘟病抗性基因Pi -km 在陕西省稻种资源中的分布状况Distribution of Blast Resistant Gene Pi -km in Rice Germplasms in Shanxi Province of Northwest China 张羽(Zhang Y.),冯志峰(Feng Z.F.),崔明珠(Cui M.Z.),张晓娟(Zhang X.J.)255-261262-266281-285293-298311-316307-310249-254267-272286-292273-280385-392379-384317-325332-338326-331339-344SSR 标记遗传距离与杂交稻农艺性状一般配合力的相关性分析Analysis on Correlation Between Genetic Distances Based on Simple Sequence Repeat Markers and Geneal Com-bining Ability in Hybrid Rice王玉平(Wang Y.P.),郭明星(Guo M.X.),王峰(Wang F.),赵敏会(Zhao M.H.),冉金蓉(Ran J.R.),刘志(Liu Z.),钟由源(Zhong Y.Y.),林纲(Lin G.),李仕贵(Li S.G.)玉米ZmCIPK42克隆及逆境胁迫后表达特异性分析ZmCIPK42Cloning and Its Specific Expression Profiles Under Stress in Maize 陈勋基(Chen X.J.),陈果(Chen G.),邵琳(Shao L.),黄全生(Huang Q.S.)转AhCMO 基因玉米后代的获得及耐盐性鉴定Recovery and Salt-tolerance Evaluation of Maize Transgenic Progeny with AhCMO Gene 任小燕(Ren X.Y.),杜建中(Du J.Z.),孙毅(Sun Y.)农杆菌介导的转双价基因耐草甘膦玉米研究Studies on the Agrobacterium Mediaed Transformation of the Bivalent Gene Conferring Glyphosate Tolerance into Maize Lines余桂容(Yu G.R.),刘艳(Liu Y.),杜文平(Du W.P.),宋军(Song J.),张莲(Zhang L.),陆伟(Lu W.),徐利远(Xu L.Y.)云南小油菜(Brassica campestris )乙酰辅酶A 羧化酶BCCP 亚基基因的克隆及序列分析Cloning and Sequence Analysis of Acetyl-CoA Carboxylase BCCP Subunit from Yunan Xiao Rapeseed (Brassica campestris )龚莹(Gong Y.),彭少丹(Peng S.D.),陈升位(Chen S.W.),王学军(Wang X.J.),官春云(Guan C.Y.),林良斌(Lin L.B.)马铃薯茎尖玻璃化法超低温保存后DNA 甲基化的遗传变异Genetic Variation of DNA Methylation in Potato Shoot Tips After the Cryopreservation by Vitrification Approach 王芳(Wang F.),石茹(Shi R.),王舰(Wang J.)大白菜与甘蓝寄生霜霉菌的致病性与rDNA-ITS 序列分析Pathogenicity and rDNA-ITS Sequences Analysis of the Oomycete Hyaloperonospora parasitica Parasiting on Chinese Cabbage and Cabbage张胜菊(Zhang S.J.),于拴仓(Yu S.C.),张凤兰(Zhang F.L.),余阳俊(Yu Y.J.),赵岫云(Zhao X.Y.),张德双(Zhang D.S.),汪维红(Wang W.H.)‘阿蒂擎天’凤梨谷胱甘肽-S -转移酶基因的克隆与乙烯诱导表达特性的初步分析Cloning of Glutathione-s-transferase Gene and Primary Expression Analysis in Guzmania wittmackii ‘Attila ’Induced by Ethylene丛汉卿(Cong H.Q.),信彩云(Xin C.Y.),张银东(Zhang Y.D.),李志英(Li Z.Y.),徐立(Xu L.)蜻蜓凤梨FLD 同源基因的克隆及表达分析Cloning and Expression Analysis of FLD Homologous Gene from Aechmea fasciata 罗轩(Luo X.),丛汉卿(Cong H.Q.),李丽(Li L.),李新国(Li X.G.)番茄查尔酮合成酶基因的鉴定及生物信息学分析Identification and Bioinformatics Analysis of Chalcone Synthase Genes in Tomato阮美颖(Ruan M.Y.),万红建(Wan H.J.),叶青静(Ye Q.J.),王荣青(Wang R.J.),姚祝平(Yao Z.P.),周国治(Zhou G.Z.),俞锞(Yu K.),袁伟(Yuan W.),刘云飞(Liu Y.F.),杨悦俭(Yang Y.J.)马尾松转录组测序和分析Analysis on Transcriptome Sequenced for Pinus massoniana王晓锋(Wang X.F.),何卫龙(He W.L.),蔡卫佳(Cai W.J.),阮倩倩(Ruan Q.Q.),潘婷(Pan T.),季孔庶(Ji K.S.)滇杨优树基因组及其无性系落叶期侧芽cDNA 的AFLP 分析AFLP Analysis of the Genomes and Lateral Buds cDNA in Defoliation Period of Plus Tree Clones in Populus yunnanensis李里(Li L.),江涛(Jiang T.),王滨蔚(Wang B.W.),吴海(Wu H.),周安佩(Zhou A.P.),刘东玉(Liu D.Y.),何承忠(He C.Z.)345-350351-357365-370371-378358-364393-402469-476403-414415-420431-436437-442443-450451-459利用SNP 和EST-SSR 分子标记鉴定荔枝新种质御金球A Novel Litchi Germplasm (Litchi chinensis Sonn.),Yujinqiu,Indentified by EST-SSR and SNP Analysis孙清明(Sun Q.M.),李永忠(Li Y.Z.),向旭(Xiang X.),陈道明(Chen D.M.),杨晓燕(Yang X.Y.),方静(Fang J.),吴绪波(Wu X.B.),周东辉(Zhou D.H.),马帅鹏(Ma S.P.),马文朝(Ma W.C.)用ISSR 分子标记鉴定亚洲百合杂种F1代Identification of Asian Lily Hybrid F1by Using ISSR管洁(Guan J.),焦雪辉(Jiao X.H.),吴锦娣(Wu J.D.),王青(Wang Q.),吕英民(Lv Y.M.)防风(Saposhnikovia divaricata )组织培养中的玻璃化现象研究Studies on Vitrification of Test-tube Saposhnikovia divaricate 马晓菲(Ma X.F.),张家菁(Zhang J.J.),于元杰(Yu Y.J.)技术主题/Technology Features枸杞花药线粒体分离纯化方法A Method of Extracting and Purifying Anther Mitochondria in Lycium barbarum L.林佳(Lin J.),尹晓雯(Yin X.W.),郑蕊(Zheng R.),章英才(Zhang Y.C.),徐青(Xu Q.)津田芜菁隐花色素CRY1RNA 干涉载体的构建Cryptochrome CRY1RNA Interference Vector of Tsuda Turnip Built by Gateway Clone Technique 孙梅(Sun M.),周波(Zhou B.),马光(Ma G.),刘明雪(Liu M.X.),李玉花(Li Y.H.)评述与展望/Reviews and Progresses水稻耐冷胁迫的研究进展Research Progress on Cold Stress in Rice饶玉春(Rao Y.C.),杨窑龙(Yang Y.L.),黄李超(Huang L.C.),潘建伟(Pan J.W.),马伯军(Ma B.J.),钱前(Qian Q.),曾大力(Zeng D.L.)稻瘟菌效应蛋白研究进展Recent Advances in Researches on Rice Blast Effector Proteins郑月琴(Zheng Y.Q.),林艳(Lin Y.),何燕华(He Y.H.),陈松彪(Chen S.B.),王锋(Wang F.)图位克隆技术在玉米基因分离中的应用The Application of Map-based Cloning in Maize Gene Isolation 吕洪坤(Lv H.K.),郑军(Zheng J.)第4期/No.4研究论文/Research Articles转CryIAb 水稻在不同生长条件下的适合度Fitness of Transgenic Insecticidal Rice under Different Growing Condition苏军(Su J.),宋亚娜(Song Y.N.),姚玉仙(Yao Y.X.),陈建民(Chen J.M.),吴明基(Wu M.J.),李刚(Li G.),陈子强(Chen Z.Q.)转ZmPEPC 与ZmPPDK 基因拟南芥对干旱胁迫的反应Response of Maize C 4-type PEPC and PPDK Transgenic Arabidopsis Plants to Drought-Stress杜西河(Du X.H.),许为钢(Xu W.G.),胡琳(Hu L.),张磊(Zhang L.),李艳(Li Y.),齐学礼(Qi X.L.),王会伟(Wang H.W.),王玉民(Wang Y.M.)研究报告/Research Reports水稻OsPIP1;2植物过表达及亚细胞定位载体的构建Construction of OsPIP1;2Over-expression Vector and Transient Vectors of Subcellular Localization魏毅东(Wei Y.D.),张扬(Zhang Y.),许惠滨(Xu H.B.),谢华安(Xie H.A.),王宗华(Wang Z.H.),张建福(Zhang J.F.)460-468477-484485-493421-430559-565551-558539-544503-508509-516532-538494-502云南小麦亚种和四个稀有小麦种的遗传关系Genetic Relationships between Triticum aestivum subsp.Yunnanense and 4Rare Wheat Species 周国雁(Zhou G.Y.),伍少云(Wu S.Y.),李文春(Li W.C.),汤翠凤(Tang C.F.)53个小麦品种中1BL/1RS 易位系的分子检测Detection of 1BL/1RS by Molecular Markers in 53Wheat Varieties魏学军(Wei X.J.),张娜(Zhang N.),胡亚亚(Hu Y.Y.),王飞(Wang F.),彭巧慧(Peng Q.H.),杨文香(Yang W.X.)玉米低磷响应基因ZmPAP18的表达特征与序列变异分析Expression and Sequence Variant Analysis of a Low-Phosphorus Responsive Gene ZmPAP18in Maize 苏顺宗(Shu S.Z.),刘丹(Liu D.),吴玲(Wu L.),聂治(Nie Z.),张啸(Zhang X.),易双(Yi S.),高世斌(Gao S.B.)应用SSR 鉴定化学杀雄杂交油菜秦杂油19种子纯度的研究Studies on the Purity Identification of Qinzayou 19Chemical Emasculation Hybrid with SSR Markers in Brassica napus 李保军(Li B.J.),王灏(Wang H.),王爱娜(Wang A.N.),李殿荣(Li D.R.),田建华(Tian J.H.),王晓东(Wang X.D.),罗斌(Luo B.),赵亚军(Zhao Y.J.),赵卫国(Zhao W.G.),李建厂(Li J.C.),栗茂腾(Li M.T.)两个新疆棉花品种体细胞胚胎发生的比较研究Comparative Studies of Somatic Embryogenesis of Two Cotton Cultivars (Gossypium hirsutum L.)in Xinjiang 李鹏飞(Li P.F.),程文翰(Cheng W.H.),王凡龙(Wang F.L.),张新宇(Zhang X.Y.),朱华国(Zhu H.G.),孙杰(Sun J.)‘寒富’ב四倍体嘎拉’苹果的三倍性杂交后代ISSR 和AFLP 分析Genetic Variation Analyses of Apple Triploid Hybrid Progenies from ‘Hanfu ’伊‘4xGala ’by ISSR and AFLP 王玉霞(Wang Y.X.),李林光(Li L.G.),何平(He P.),张丽杰(Zhang L.J.),董文轩(Dong W.X.)外源基因在苹果转基因植株的稳定性研究Studies on Stability of Exogenous Gene in Transgenic Apples (Malus domestica Borkh.)王倩倩(Wang Q.Q.),常腾飞(Chang T.F.),师校欣(Shi X.X.),杜国强(Du G.Q.)双丙氨磷在橡胶树遗传转化中的应用Application of Bialaphos in Hevea Genetic Transformation谢黎黎(Xie L.L.),安泽伟(An Z.W.),姜泽海(Jiang Z.H.),李雅超(Li Y.C.),翟琪麟(Zhai Q.L.),黄华孙(Huang H.S.)不同单株叶籽银杏DNA 甲基化MSAP 分析Analysis on DNA Methylation of Ginkgo biloba L.var.epiphylla MSAP王聪聪(Wang C.C.),李际红(Li J.H.),邢世岩(Xing S.Y.),吴岐奎(Wu Q.K.),姚培娟(Yao P.J.)不同抗生素对韭菜根愈伤组织诱导及再生的影响Effects of Antibiotics on Plant Regeneration on Chinese Chive (Allium tuberosum Rottle)Callus 高行英(Gao X.Y.),李梅兰(Li M.L.),王婷婷(Wang T.T.),银利辉(Yin L.H.),侯雷平(Hou L.P.)一个抗赤星病基因的SSR 标记连锁群A Linkage Group of SSR Markers Linked to the Resistant Gene on Tobacco Brown Spot蒋彩虹(Jiang C.H.),王元英(Wang Y.Y.),任民(Ren M.),张兴伟(Zhang X.W.),杨爱国(Yang A.G.),程立锐(Cheng L.R.),冯全福(Feng Q.F.),罗成刚(Luo C.G.)海南钻喙兰B 类MADS-box 基因的克隆与表达分析Cloning and Expression Analysis of B Type MADS-box Genes Involving in Floral Development from Rhynchostylis gigantean张俊芳(Zhang J.F.),李志英(Li Z.Y.),徐立(Xu L.)大岩桐SPY 同源基因的克隆及其功能分析Cloning and Functional Analysis of a SPY Homologous Gene in Sinningia speciosa Hiern 钟丹(Zhong D.),姜仕豪(Jiang S.H.),胡立霞(Hu L.X.),陈敏(Chen M.),庞基良(Pang J.L.)近缘属SSR 标记引物在光萼荷属植物中的通用性Transferability of SSR Markers on Aechmea Bromeliads王炜勇(ang W.Y.),俞少华(Yu S.H.),张飞(Zhang F.),沈晓岚(Shen X.L.),葛亚英(Ge Y.Y.),俞信英(Yu X.Y.),张智(Zhang Z.),郁永明(Yu Y.M.)525-531545-550517-524566-569570-574575-582583-587634-638639-644465-475476-485600-604588-594605-610595-599技术主题/Technology Features水稻根系蛋白质提取方法的改良The Modified Method for Rice Root Protein Extraction 秦利征(Qin L.Z.),赵全志(Zhao Q.Z.),李俊周(Li J.Z.)抗除草剂转基因玉米快速有效鉴定方法的建立Establishiment of Methods for Identifying Rapidly and Effectively Herbicide-resistant Transgenic Maize郭嘉(Guo J.),孙传波(Sun C.B.),姜志磊(Jiang Z.L.),孟凡梅(Meng F.M.),曲文利(Qu W.L.),袁英(Yuan Y.)杂交油菜宁杂11号种子纯度SSR 标记快速检测方法Rapid Purity Identification of Hybrid Rapeseed Ningza No.11by Using SSR Markers 陈锋(Chen F.),张洁夫(Zhang J.F.),陈松(Chen S.),浦惠明(Pu H.M.),戚存扣(Qi C.K.)番茄花粉管通道遗传转化方法Transgenic Technology of Pollen-tube Pathway in Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum M.)金晓霞(Jin X.X.),李婉婷(Li W.T.),于丽杰(Yu L.J.)菜豆ISSR-PCR 体系的优化与验证Optimization of ISSR-PCR Reaction System and Its Verification in Common Bean 杨晶(Yang J.),张广臣(Zhang G.C.)评述与展望/Reviews and Progresses水稻花器官发育的分子机理The Molecular Mechanism of Floral Organ Development in Rice 于新(Yu X.),王建军(Wang J.J.),王才林(Wang C.L.)水稻种质资源的分子鉴定和育种利用Molecular Identification and Breeding Application of Rice Germplasm叶卫军(Ye W.J.),胡时开(Hu S.K.),李媛媛(Li Y.Y.),马伯军(Ma B.J.),郭龙彪(Guo L.B.)WRKY 转录因子的结构及其在植物抗逆境胁迫中的功能The Structure and Function of WRKY Transcription Factors in Abiotic and Biotic Stress 伍林涛(Wu L.T.),杜才富(Du C.F.),张敏琴(Zhang M.Q.),周凌(Zhou L.),韩宏仕(Han H.S.)荒漠木本植物种子盐逆境萌发研究进展Advances in Seed Germination of Desert Woody Plants under Salinity Stress 冯爽(Feng S.),马书荣(Ma S.R.)第5期/No.5研究论文/Research Articles大豆GST 基因家族全基因组筛选、分类和表达Genome-Wide Filter,Classification and Expression Analysis of GST Gene Family in Soybean 江董丽(Jiang D.L.),才华(Cai H.),端木慧子(Duanmu H.Z.),朱延明(Zhu Y.M.)大豆应答玉米小斑病菌胁迫的蛋白质双向电泳分析Proteomic Analysis of Glycine max Leaf in Response to Stress of Bipolaris maydis董玉梅(Dong Y.M.),何霞红(He X.H.),苏源(Su Y.),李成云(Li C.Y.),肖秋芸(Xiao Q.Y.),赵正龙(Zhao Z.L.),朱有勇(Zhu Y.Y.)研究报告/Research Reports分子标记辅助选择改良天B 和龙特甫B 稻米品质Molecular Marker-assisted Selection for Improving Rice Quality of Maintainer Lines Tian B and Longtepu B胡德辉(Hu D.H.),刘开雨(Liu K.Y.),周萍(Zhou P.),刘芳(Liu F.),韦政(Wei Z.),黎志方(Li Z.F.),邱永福(Qiu Y.F.),李容柏(Li R.B.)611-616617-624625-633486-493538-545529-537546-551552-556东北粳稻群体结构和连锁不平衡分析Analysis of Population Structure and Linkage Disequilibrium for Japonica Rice in Northeast刘化龙(Liu H.L.),郑洪亮(Zheng H.L.),赵宏伟(Zhao H.W.),王敬国(Wang J.G.),孙健(Sun J.),刘涛(Liu T.),张艳梅(Zhang Y.M.),邹德堂(Zou D.T.)甘蓝型油菜SSR 标记遗传多样性及其与农艺性状关联分析Genetic Diversity and Association Analysis using SSR Markers in Brassica napus L.张锦芳(Zhang J.F.),李浩杰(Li H.J.),张雪花(Zhang X.H.),蒲晓斌(Pu X.B.),蒋俊(Jiang J.),柴靓(Chai L.),崔成(Cui C.),蒋梁材(Jiang L.C.)机采紧凑型棉花类固醇5琢-还原酶基因(GhDET2)单核苷酸多态性Single Nucleotide Polymorphism of Steroid 5Alpha-reductase Gene (GhDET2)in Compact Cotton Germplasms Adapt for Picking Mechanization郭宝生(Guo B.S.),王凯辉(Wang K.H.),赵存鹏(Zhao C.P.),刘素恩(Liu S.E.),杜海英(Du H.Y.),耿军义(Geng J.Y.)利用重组自交系进行陆地棉(Gossypium hirsutum L.)棉籽油分含量和蛋白质含量的QTL 定位Identification of QTL for Cottonseed Oil and Protein Content in Upland Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.)Based on a RIL Population刘小芳(Liu X.F.),李俊文(Li J.W.),余学科(Yu X.K.),石玉真(Shi Y.Z.),贾菲(Jia F.),孙福鼎(Sun F.D.),刘爱英(Liu A.Y.),龚举武(Gong J.W.),商海红(Shang H.H.),巩万奎(Gong W.K.),王涛(Wang T.),邓化冰(Deng H.B.),袁有禄(Yuan Y.L.)利用分子标记辅助选育白菜薹复等位基因型雄性不育系The Directional Transfer of a Multiple-allele Male Sterile Line in Chinese Cabbage by using Molecular Marker-assisted Selection王秋实(Wang Q.S.),刘志勇(Liu Z.Y.),张曦(Zhang X.),冯辉(Feng H.)低氮条件下黄瓜寡肽转运蛋白(OPT)基因的克隆及表达分析Cloning and Expression Analysis of Cucumber Oligopeptide Tansporter Gene under Low Nitrogen Conditions 何红梅(He H.M.),秦智伟(Qin Z.W.),冯卓(Feng Z.),武涛(Wu T.),辛明(Xin M.),周秀艳(Zhou X.Y.)番茄多心室形成与调控位点fas 和lc 序列变异的关系The Relationship between Forming and Regulating Multi-locule Number and Mutant fas and lc in Tomato 刘莹(Liu Y.),张庆波(Zhang Q.B.),李会(Li H.),李天来(Li T.L.)水稻种子人工老化与自然老化的分析比较Comparative Analysis of Artificial Aging and Natural Aging with Rice Seeds许惠滨(Xu H.B.),魏毅东(Wei Y.D.),连玲(Lian L.),朱永生(Zhu Y.S.),谢华安(Xie H.A.),王宗华(Wang Z.H.),张建福(Zhang J.F.)黄瓜‘浙秀1号’种子纯度的SSR 鉴定Application of SSR Markers in ‘Zhexiu 1’Hybrid Seed Purity Test of Cucumber周胜军(Zhou S.J.),张鹏(Zhang P.),朱育强(Zhu Y.Q.),陈新娟(Chen X.J.),陈丽萍(Chen L.P.)浙江省叶用芥菜地方品种的形态多样性Morphological Diversity Analysis of Edible Leaf Mustard Landraces of Zhejiang Province王炜勇(Wang W.Y.),俞少华(Yu S.H.),李鲁峰(Li L.F.),张飞(Zhang F.),沈晓岚(Shen X.L.),俞信英(Yu X.Y.),潘钢敏(Pang G.M.),楼春燕(Lou C.Y.),郁永明(Yu Y.M.)濒危药用植物青天葵器官大小调控基因EBP1的克隆与分析Cloning and Analysis of an Organ Size Regulator Gene EBP1from Nervilia fordii (Hance)Schtlr.黄琼林(Huang Q.L.),梁凌玲(Liang L.L.),何瑞(He R.),詹若挺(Zhan R.T.),陈蔚文(Chen W.W.)矮牵牛自交不亲和性基因sx 的克隆及功能初步分析Cloning and Preliminary Functional Analysis of sx Gene in Petunia hybrida祝建波(Zhu J.B.),何黎(He L.),邱红林(Qiu H.L.),陈泉(Cheng Q.),闫甜甜(Yan T.T.),程晨(Cheng C.)494-501502-512513-519520-528557-561562-570571-577578-584585-591 MiAsg分子克隆及与南方根结线虫病害的关系Molecular Clone of MiAsg Gene and the Its Relationship with Disease Caused by Meloidogyne incognita梅眉(Mei M.),黄永红(Huang Y.H.),茆振川(Mao Z.C.),刘志敏(Liu Z.M.),谢丙炎(Xie B.Y.)农杆菌介导番茄遗传转化的相关因素优化Optimization of the Factors Related to the Efficiency of Agrobacterium-mediated Transformation of Tomato付超(Fu C.),王婷婷(Wang T.T.),银利辉(Yin L.H.),王玉川(Wang Y.C.),侯雷平(Hou L.P.),高行英(Gao X.Y.),李梅兰(Li M.L.)东方百合‘Sorbonne’原生质体培养初步研究Preliminary Study on Protoplast Culture of Lilium oriental Hybrids‘Sorbonne’秦晓杰(Qin X.J.),段华金(Duan H.J.),朱永平(Zhu Y.P.),王小巧(Wang X.Q.),李琼洁(Li Q.J.),赵兴富(Zhao X.F.),和凤美(He F.M.)黄连木遗传转化中抗生素种类和浓度的优化Studies on Optimizationof Antibiotic Species and Concentration in Genetic Transformation of Pistacia chinensis Bunge侯金艳(Hou J.Y.),李明浩(Li M.H.),毛颖基(Mao Y.J.),杨鸣雷(Yang M.L.),石珏(Shi J.),黄胜威(Huang S.W.),吴丽芳(Wu L.F.)技术主题/Technology Features油茶cDNA-AFLP技术反应体系建立的研究Establish a cDNA-AFLP Technology System in Camellia oleifera谢一青(Xie Y.Q.),黄勇(Huang Y.),卓仁英(Zhuo R.Y.),李志真(Li Z.Z.),姚小华(Yao X.H.)芝麻全长cDNA文库的构建及序列分析Construction and Sequence Analysis of a Full-length cDNA Library for Sesame魏利斌(Wei L.B.),苗红梅(Miao H.M.),张体德(Zhang T.D.),李春(Li C.),张海洋(Zhang H.Y.)青枯菌诱导的烟草叶片全长cDNA文库的构建和初步分析Construction and Primary Analysis of Tobacco Leaf Full-length cDNA Library Induced by Ralstonia Solanacearumr张冲(Zhang C.),蔡铁城(Cai T.C.),陈华(Chen H.),曾建斌(Zeng J.B.),庄伟建(Zhuang W.J.)评述与展望/Reviews and Progresses自交衰退新解New Theory of Inbreeding Depression王浩(Wang H.)香蕉枯萎病病原菌的研究进展Progresses on Pathogens of Banana Fusarium Wilt:A Review李斌(Li B.),盛鸥(Sheng O.),李春雨(Li C.Y.),魏岳荣(Wei Y.R.),左存武(Zuo C.W.),胡春华(Hu C.H.),易干军(Yi G.J.),罗充(Luo C.)果实涩味分子研究进展Molecular Research Progress in Fruit Astringent罗晓文(Luo X.W.),刘敏(Liu M.),齐晓花(Qi X.H.),徐强(Xu Q.),陈学好(Chen X.H.)盐胁迫对作物根系的影响及基因工程改良The Influence of Salt Stress on Crop Root and Its Genetic Improvement束红梅(Shu H.M.),郭书巧(Guo S.Q.),巩元勇(Gong Y.Y.),倪万潮(Ni W.C.),沈新莲(Shen X.L.),张香桂(Zhang X.G.),徐鹏(Xu P.)第6期/No.6评述与展望/Reviews and Progress水稻产量分子设计育种研究进展Approach to Rice Breeding by Molecular Design in Grain Yield张分云(Zhang F.Y.),李宏(Li H.),周向阳(Zhou X.Y.),王重荣(Wang C.R.),周德贵(Zhou D.G.),赖穗春(Lai S.C.),陈立云(Chen L.Y.),周少川(Zhou S.C.)592-599 600-604 605-610 611-616 617-623 624-629 630-637 638-646 647-656 657-662663-672673-679研究论文/Research Articles分子标记辅助选择改良Ⅱ-32B 的外观品质Molecular Marker-assisted Selection for Improving Appearance Quality of Ⅱ-32B方珊茹(Fang S.R.),吴春珠(Wu C.Z.),刘玉芹(Liu Y.Q.),郑苹立(Zheng P.L.),熊雪娇(Xiong X.J.),沈伟锋(Shen W.F.),庄丽萍(Zhuang L.P.),赵明富(Zhao M.F.)分子标记辅助选择改良杂交水稻组合Q 优6号的白叶枯病抗性Improvement of Bacterial Blight Resistance of Hybrid Rice Q-You 6by Molecular Marker-Assisted Selection 闫成业(Yan C.Y.),仲雪婷(Zhong X.T.),Gandeka M.,牟同敏(Mou T.M.)农杆菌介导磷高效转录因子OsPTF1转化大豆研究Transformation of OsPTF1into Soybean by Agrobacterium -mediated Method梁慧珍(Liang H.Z.),董薇(Dong W.),余永亮(Yu Y.L.),杨红旗(Yang H.Q.),杜华(Du H.),李彩云(Li C.Y.)研究报告/Research ReportsBcICE1基因表达模式及调控转基因水稻抗冷通路研究Study on Expression of BcICE1Gene and Its Regulation Function of Cold Responsive Signalling Pathway in Tran-sgenic Rice向殿军(Xiang D.J.),满丽莉(Man L.L.),王丽娜(Wang L.N.),张娣(Zhang D.),殷奎德(Yin K.D.),宋群雁(Song Q.Y.),徐正进(Xu Z.J.)共转化水稻植株T-DNA 共整合结构的分子分析Molecular Characterization of 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液相色谱词汇中英文对照液相色谱词汇中英文对照高效毛细管电泳high—performance capillary electrophoresis归一化法normalization method毛细管等电聚焦capillary isoelectric focusing毛细管等速电泳isotachophoresis毛细管电色谱capillary electrochromatography毛细管电泳capillary electrophoresis毛细管电泳电喷雾质谱联用capillary electrophoresis – electr芯片电泳microchip electrophoresis色谱法chromatography色谱峰chromatographic peak色谱峰区域宽度peak width色谱富集过样samt injection of chromatography色谱工作站chromatographic working station色谱图chromatogram色谱仪chromatograph色谱柱chromatographic column色谱柱column色谱柱切换技术switching column technique毛细管超临界流体色谱法capillary supercritical fluid chromat…毛细管电泳基质辅助激光解吸电离质谱离线检测off—line capillar…毛细管电泳离子分析capillary ion analysis毛细管电泳免疫分析immunity analysis of capillary electropho…毛细管胶束电动色谱micellar electrokinetic chromatography毛细管凝胶电泳capillary gel electrophoresis毛细管凝胶柱capillary gel column毛细管亲和电泳affinity capillary electrophoresis毛细管区带电泳capillary zone electrophoresis毛细管有效长度the effective length of capillary electrophor…间接检测indirect detection间接荧光检测indirect fluorescence detection间接紫外检测indirect ultraviolet detection检测器detector检测器检测限detector detectability检测器灵敏度detector sensitivity检测器线性范围detector linear range阴离子交换剂anion exchanger阴离子交换色谱法anion exchange chromatography, AEC高速逆流色谱法high speed counter—current chromatography高温凝胶色谱法high temperature gel chromatography高效液相色谱-付里叶变换红外分析法high performance liquid ch…高效液相色谱法high performance liquid chromatography高效柱high performance column高压流通池技术high pressure flow cell technique高压输液泵high pressure pump高压梯度high-pressure gradient高压液相色谱法high pressure liquid chromatography阴离子交换树脂anion exchange resin荧光薄层板fluorescent thin layer plate荧光检测器fluorescence detector荧光色谱法fluorescence chromatography迎头色谱法frontal chromatography迎头色谱法frontal method硬(质)凝胶hard gel有机改进剂organic modifier有机相生物传感器Organic biosensor有效峰数effective peak number EPN有效理论塔板数number of effective theoretical plates有效塔板高度effective plate height有效淌度effective mobility淤浆填充法slurry packing method予柱pre-column在线电堆集on-line electrical stacking在柱电导率检测on—column electrical conductivity detection噪声noise噪信比noise –signal ratio增强紫外-可见吸收检测技术UV—visible absorption enhanced det…窄粒度分布narrow particle size distribution折射率检测器refractive index detector,RID真空脱气装置vacuum degasser阵列毛细管电泳capillary array electrophoresis蒸发光散射检测器evaporative light—scattering detector, ELSD整体性质检测器integral property detector正相高效液相色谱法normal phase high performance liquid chro…正相离子对色谱法normal phase ion-pair chromatography正相毛细管电色谱positive capillary electrokinetic chromatog…直接化学离子化direct chemical ionization GC-MS直接激光在柱吸收检测on-column direct laser detection纸色谱法paper chromatography置换色谱法displacement chromatography制备色谱preparative chromatography制备色谱仪preparative chromatograph制备柱preparation column智能色谱chromatography with artificial intelligence质量色谱mass chromatography质量型检测器mass detector质量型检测器mass flow rate sensitive detector中压液相色谱middle—pressure liquid chromatography重建色谱图reconstructive chromatogram重均分子量weight mean molecular weight轴向扩散longitudinal diffusion轴向吸收池absorption pool of axial direction轴向压缩柱axial compression column柱端电导率检测out—let end detection of electrical conductiv…柱负载能力column loadability柱后衍生化post-column derivatization柱老化condition (aging) of column柱流出物(column) effluent柱流失column bleeding柱内径column internal diameter柱前衍生化pro-column derivatization柱切换技术column switching technique柱清洗column cleaning柱容量column capacity柱入口压力column inlet pressure柱色谱法column chromatography柱上检测on—line detection柱渗透性column permeability柱寿命column life柱头进样column head sampling柱外效应extra—column effect柱温箱column oven柱效column efficiency柱压column pressure柱再生column regeneration柱中衍生化on-column derivatization注射泵syringe pump转化定量法trans-quantitative method紫外-可见光检测器ultraviolet visible detector,UV-Vis紫外吸收检测器ultraviolet absorption detector自动进样器automatic sampler自由溶液毛细管电泳free solution capillary electrophoresis总分离效能指标over-all resolution efficiency总交换容量total exchange capacity总渗透体积total osmotic volume纵向扩散longitudinal diffusion组合式仪器系统building block instrument最佳流速optimum flow rate最佳实际流速optimum practical flow rate最小检测量minimum detectable quantity最小检测浓度minimum detectable concentration萃取色谱法extraction chromatography脱气装置degasser外标法external standard method外梯度outside gradient网状结构reticular structure往复泵reciprocating pump往复式隔膜泵reciprocating diaphragm pump微分型检测器differential detector微孔树脂micro—reticular resin微库仑检测器micro coulometric detector微量进样针micro-syringe微量色谱法micro-chromatography微乳液电动色谱microemulsion electrokinetic chromatography微生物传感器Microbial sensor微生物显影bioautography微填充柱micro-packed column微吸附检测器micro adsorption detector微型柱micro-column涡流扩散eddy diffusion无机离子交换剂inorganic ion exchanger无胶筛分毛细管电泳non-gel capillary electrophoresis无孔单分散填料non-porous monodisperse packing无脉动色谱泵pulse-free chromatographic pump物理钝化法physical deactivation吸附等温线adsorption isotherm吸附剂adsorbing material吸附剂活性adsorbent activity吸附平衡常数adsorption equilibrium constant吸附溶剂强度参数adsorption solvent strength parameter吸附色谱法adsorption chromatography吸附型PLOT柱adsorption type porous—layer open tubular colum…吸附柱adsorption column吸光度比值法absorbance ratio method洗脱强度eluting power显色器color—developing sprayer限制扩散理论theory of restricted diffusion线速度linear velocity线性梯度linear gradient相比率phase ratio相对保留值relative retention value相对比移值relative Rf value相对挥发度relative volatility相对灵敏度relative sensitivity相对碳(重量)响应因子relative carbon response factor相对响应值relative response相对校正因子relative correction factor相交束激光诱导的热透镜测量heat lens detection of intersect …相似相溶原则rule of similarity响应时间response time响应值response小角激光散射光度计low—angle laser light scattering photomet…小内径毛细管柱Microbore column校正保留体积corrected retention volume校正曲线法calibration curve method校正因子correction factor旋转薄层法rotating thin layer chromatography旋转小室逆流色谱rotational little-chamber counter—current c…选择性检测器selective detector循环色谱法recycling chromatography压电晶体piezoelectric crystal压电免疫传感器Piezoelectric Immunosensor压电转换器piezoelectric transducer压力保护pressure protect压力上限pressure high limit压力梯度校正因子pressure gradient correction factor压力下限pressure low limit衍生化法derivatization method衍生化试剂derivatization reagent阳离子交换剂cation exchanger阳离子交换色谱法cation exchange chromatography, CEC氧化铝色谱法alumina chromatography样品环sample loop样品预处理sample pretreatment液-液分配色谱法liquid—liquid partition chromatography液—液色谱法liquid—liquid chromatography液滴逆流色谱drop counter-current chromatography液固色谱liquid-solid chromatography液晶固定相liquid crystal stationary phase液态离子交换剂liquid ion exchanger液相传质阻力resistance of liquid mass transfer液相色谱—傅里叶变换红外光谱联用liquid chromatography—FTIR 液相色谱—质谱分析法liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry 液相色谱—质谱仪liquid chromatography-mass spectrometer液相色谱法liquid chromatography液相载荷量liquid phase loading溶剂效率solvent efficiency溶解度参数solubility parameter溶液性能检测器solution property detector溶胀swelling溶质性质检测器solute property detector容量因子capacity factor渗透极限分子量permeation limit molecular weight生物色谱biological chromatography生物特异性柱biospecific column生物自显影法bioautography升温速率temperature rate湿法柱填充wet column packing十八烷基键合硅胶octadecyl silane石墨化碳黑graphitized carbon black示差折光检测器differential refraction detector试剂显色法reagent color—developing method手动进样器manual injector手性氨基酸衍生物GC固定相chiral amino aci d derivatives stat…手性拆分试剂chiral selectors手性固定相chiral stationary phase手性固定相拆分法chiral solid phase separation手性环糊精衍生物GC固定相chiral cyclodextrin der GC手性金属络合物GC固定相chirametal stationary phase in GC 手性流动相chiral mobile phase手性流动相拆分法chiral mobile phase separation手性色谱chiral chromatography手性试剂chiral reagent手性衍生化法chiral derivation method疏溶剂理论solvophobic theory疏溶剂色谱法solvophobic chromatography疏溶剂作用理论solvophobic interaction principle疏水作用色谱hydrophobic interaction chromatography树脂交换容量exchange capacity of resin数均分子量number mean molecular weight双保留机理dual reservation mechanism双活塞往复泵two-piston reciprocating pump双束差分检测器detector of dual-beam difference双柱色谱法dual column chromatography水凝胶hydragel水系凝胶色谱柱aqua—system gel column死区域dead zone死体积dead volume塔板理论方程plate theory equation碳分子筛carbon molecular sieve特殊选择固定液selective stationary phase梯度洗脱gradient elution梯度洗脱装置gradient elution device梯度液相色谱gradient liquid chromatography体积排斥理论size exclusion theory体积排斥色谱size exclusion chromatography体积色谱法volumetric chromatography填充柱packed column填料packing material停流进样stop—flow injection通用型检测器common detector涂层毛细管coated capillary拖尾峰tailing peak拖尾因子tailing factor流动分离理论separation by flow流动相mobile phase流动相梯度eluent gradient流体动力学进样hydrostatic pressure injection流体力学体积hydrodynamic volume流型扩散dispersion due to flow profile脉冲阻尼器pulse damper酶传感器Enzyme sensor酶联免疫传感器Enzyme linked immunosensor酶免疫分析enzyme immnunoassay内标法internal standard method内标物internal standard内梯度inside gradient逆流色谱法counter-current chromatography逆流色谱仪counter current chromatograph凝胶过滤色谱gel filtration chromatography凝胶内体积gel inner volume凝胶色谱法gel chromatography凝胶色谱仪gel chromatograph凝胶渗透色谱gel permeation chromatography凝胶外体积gel interstitial volume凝胶柱gel column浓度梯度成像检测器concentration gradient imaging detector 浓度型检测器concentration detector排斥极限分子量exclusion limit molecular weight排斥体积exclusion volume排阻薄层色谱法exclusion TLC漂移drift迁移时间migration time迁移时间窗口the window of migration time前延峰leading peak前沿色谱法frontal chromatography强碱性阴离子交换剂strong-base anion exchanger强酸性阳离子交换剂strongly acidic cation exchanger切换时间switching time去离子水deionized water全多孔硅胶macro-reticular silica gel全多孔型填料macro-reticular packing material全二维色谱Comprehensive two-dim ensional gas chromatography…全硅烷化去活complete silylanization deactivation溶剂强度solvent strength激光解吸质谱法laser desorption MS,LDMS激光色谱laser chromatography激光诱导光束干涉检测detection of laser—induced light beam I…激光诱导毛细管振动测量laser—reduced capillary vibration det…激光诱导荧光检测器laser—induced fluorescence detector记忆峰memory peak记忆效应memory effect夹层槽sandwich chamber假峰ghost peak间断洗脱色谱法interrupted—elution chromatography间接光度(检测)离子色谱法indirect photometric ion chromato…间接光度(检测)色谱法indirect photometric chromatography减压液相色谱vacuum liquid chromatography键合固定相bonded stationary phase键合型离子交换剂bonded ion exchanger焦耳热joule heating胶束薄层色谱法micellar thin layer chromatography胶束液相色谱法micellar liquid chromatography交联度crosslinking degree阶梯梯度stagewise gradient进样阀injection valve进样量sample size进样器injector聚苯乙烯PSDVB聚硅氧烷高温裂解去活high—temperature pyrolysis deactivation…聚合物基质离子交换剂polymer substrate ion exchanger绝对检测器absolute detector可见光检测器visible light detector可交换离子exchangable ion空间性谱带加宽band broadening in space空穴色谱法vacancy chromatography孔结构pore structure孔径pore diameter孔径分布pore size distribution控制单元control unit快速色谱法high—speed chromatography理论塔板高度height equivalent to a theoretical plate(HETP)理论塔板数number of theoretical plates峰面积peak area峰面积测量法measurement of peak area峰面积校正calibration of peak area峰容量peak capacity固定相stationary phase固定液stationary liquid固定液的相对极性relative polarity of stationary liquid固定液极性stationary liquid polarity固相扩散solid diffusion固相荧光免疫分析solid phase fluorescence immunoassay固有粘度intrinsic viscosity光散射检测器light scattering detector硅胶silica gel硅烷化法silanization硅烷化法silanizing硅烷化载体silanized support过压液相色谱法over pressured liquid chromatography,OPLC恒流泵constant flow pump恒温操作constant temperature method恒压泵constant pressure pump红色载体red support红外检测器infrared detector红外总吸光度重建色谱图total infrared absorbance reconstruct…化合物形成色谱compound-formation chromatography化学发光检测器chemiluminescence detector化学发光检测器Chemiluminescence detector,SCD化学键合固定相bonded stationary phase化学键合相色谱bonded phase chromatography化学色谱法chemi—chromatography环糊精电动色谱cyclodextrin electrokinetic chromatography环形展开比移值circular development Rf value环形展开法circular development缓冲溶液添加剂buffer additives辉光放电检测器glow discharge detector混合床离子交换固定相mixed-bed ion exchange stationary phase 混合床柱mixed bed column活塞泵piston pump活性activation活性硅胶activated silica gel活性氧化铝activated aluminium oxide基流background current or base current基线baseline基线宽度baseline width基质substrate materials基质隔离技术matrix isolation technique电歧视效应the effect of electrical discrimination电迁移进样electrophoretic injection电渗流electroendosmotic flow电渗流标记物electroendosmotic flow marker电渗流淌度electroendosmotic mobility电泳淌度electrophoretic mobility调整保留时间adjusted retention time调整保留体积adjusted retention volume叠加内标法added internal standard method二极管阵列检测器diode-array detector,DAD二维色谱法two-dimensional chromatography二元溶剂体系dual solvent system反冲洗back wash反吹技术back flushing technique反峰negative peak反离子counter ion反相高效液相色谱法reversed phas e high performance liquid ch…反相离子对色谱reversed phase ion pair chromatography反相离子对色谱法reversed phase ion—pair chromatography反相毛细管电色谱reverse capillary electrokinetic chromatogr…反相柱reversed phase column反应色谱reaction chromatography反圆心式展开anti-circular development反转电渗流reverse electroendosmotic flow范第姆特方程式van Deemter equation仿生传感器Biomimic electrode放射性检测器radioactivity detector放射自显影autoradiography非极性固定相non—polar stationary phase非极性键合相non—polar bonded phase非水系凝胶色谱柱non-aqua—system gel column非水相色谱nonaqueous phase chromatography非吸附性载体non-adsorptive support非线性分流non-linearity split stream非线性色谱non—linear chromatography非线性吸附等温线non-linear adsorption isotherm酚醛离子交换树脂phenolic ion exchange resin分离-反应-分离展开SRS development分离数separation number分离因子separation factor分离柱separation column分配等温线distribution isotherm分配色谱partition chromatography分配系数partition coefficient分析型色谱仪analytical type chromatograph分子扩散molecular diffusion封尾endcapping峰高peak heightpH梯度动态分离dynamic separation of the pH gradient pH值梯度洗脱pH gradient elutionZata电势Zata potentialZ形池Z-form pool氨基键合相amino-bonded phase氨基酸分析仪amino acid analyzer安培检测器ampere detector白色载体white support半微柱semimicro-column半制备柱semi-preparation column包覆型离子交换剂coated ion exchanger包覆型填料coated packing material保护柱guard column保留间隙retention gap保留时间retention time保留体积retention volume保留温度retention temperature保留值定性法retention qualitative method保留值沸点规律boiling point rule of retention保留值碳数规律carbon number rule of retention保留指数retention index保留指数定性法retention index qualitative method背景电导background conductance苯酚磺酸树脂phenol sulfonic acid resin苯乙烯styrene比保留体积specific retention volume比例阀proportional valve比渗透率specific permeability比移值Rf value便携式色谱仪portable chromatograph标准偏差standard deviation表观电泳淌度apparent electrophoretic mobility表观交换容量apparent exchange capacity表面电位检测器surface potential detector表面多孔硅胶superficially porous silica gel表面多孔填料superficially porous packing material表面多孔型离子交换剂superficially porous ion—exchanger玻璃球载体glass beads support不分流进样splitless sampling参比柱reference column场放大进样electrical field magnified injection场流分离field-flow fractionation场流分离仪field-flow fractionation场效应生物传感器Field effect transistor based Biosensor常压液相色谱法common-pressure liquid chromatography超声波脱气ultrasonic degas程序变流色谱法programmed flow (gas)chromatography程序升温进样programmed temperature sampling程序升温色谱法programmed temperature (gas) chromatography 程序升温蒸发器programmed temperature vaporizer ,PTV程序升压programmed pressure大孔树脂macro-reticular resin大孔填料macro-reticular packing material大内径毛细管柱Megaobore column单活塞往复泵single piston reciprocating pump单相色谱仪single phase chromatograph单向阀one—way valve单柱离子色谱法single column ion chromatography等度洗脱isocratic elution等离子体色谱法plasma chromatography等途电泳—毛细管区带电泳耦合进样isotachophoresis injection—c…低负荷柱low load column低容量柱low capacity column低压梯度low—pressure gradient低压液相色谱low—pressure liquid chromatography电导池conductance cell电导检测法conductance detection电荷转移分光光度法charge transfer spectrophotometry电化学检测器electrochemical detector电解抑制器electrolyze suppressor。



细菌遗传合成代谢功能的突变型(anabotic function mutants)合成代谢功能(anabolic functions):野生型(wild type)在基本培养基上具有合成和生长所必需的有机物的功能营养缺陷型(auxotroph):野生型品系的任何一个基因突变,都不能进行一个特定的生化反应,从而阻碍整个合成代谢功能的实现分解代谢功能的突变型(catabolic functional mutation分解代谢功能(catabolic function):指野生型E coli能利用比葡萄糖复杂的不同碳源,转化成葡萄糖或其他简单的糖类,也能把复杂的氨基酸或脂肪分子降解成乙酸或三羧酸循环的中间产物的功能抗性突变型细菌由于某基因的突变而对某些噬菌体或抗菌素产生抗性(resistant),从而使其不能吸附或吸附在这种突变细菌上的能力降低conjugation (接合生殖)F因子又称性因子或致育因子(sex or fertility factor),它是能独立增殖的环状DNA分子F+细菌丢失F因子,成为F-细菌(acriflavine处理)F-受体细胞只接受部分的供体染色体,这样的细胞称为部分二倍体(partial diploid)或半合子(merozygote)内基因子(endogenote)和外基因子(exogenote)重组作图(recombination mapping)是根据基因间重组率进行基因定位末端(outside marker),受体部位(recept site):外源DNA片段进入受体细菌形成临时性通道的特定区域感受态细胞(receptor site):能接受外源DNA分子并被转化的细菌细胞感受态因子(competence factor):促进转化作用的酶或蛋白质分子噬菌体所携带供体(细菌)染色体片段是完全随机的,即供体基因组中所有基因具有同等机会被转导形成部分二倍体,经交换和重组后,形成转导频率大致相等的不同转导子,这种转导称为普遍性转导(general transduction)共转导或并发转导(cotransduction):指两个基因同时转导的现象,如果两个基因共转导的频率愈高,表明两个基因连锁愈紧密,相反共转导频率愈低,则表明两个基因距离愈远双因子转导(two-factor transduction)实验:就是每次观察两个基因的转导,通过每两个基因的共转导频率确定这些基因在染色体上的顺序溶菌酶(lysozyme)原噬菌体(prophage)或原病毒(provirus):是指整合到宿主染色体中的噬菌体基因组溶源性(lysogeny):有些细菌带有某种噬菌体,但并不立即导致溶菌,这种现象称为溶源性;这种细菌称为溶源性细菌或溶源菌(lysogenic bacterium),此过程称为溶源周期裂解途径:裂解周期(lytic cycle)溶源途径:溶源周期(lysogenic cycle)条件致死突变型。












第一部分(共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)1.Since we can do nothing about it, we _________ as well consult Mr. Smith about the matter.A.can B.mustC.need D.may2.The project is far behind schedule. It’s impossible for you to ______ it in a week. A.catch upon up toC.add up to D.hold on to3.We all know that good results ________ for you when you start doing things you love.A.are waiting B.have waitedC.have been waiting D.will be waiting4.When faced with a big challenge ________ potential failure seems to hide at every corner, maybe you've heard this advice before: “Be more confident.”A.where B.whose C.which D.of which5.According to the local law, no one ______ enter the building site without permission. A.can B.mustC.shall D.dare6.It’s difficult for us to learn a lesson in life ________ we’ve actually had that lesson. A.while B.since C.until D.when7.—I have been considering cancelling the project because it seems hard to go farther. —But it's too early to________ now. There's still much hope.A.pick up the pieces B.throw in the towelC.go through your paces D.jump down your throat8.Don’t forget to send ______ attended the conference a follow-up email. A.however B.whateverC.whoever D.wherever9.As to the long-term effects of global warming some believe that the damage has been done, ______________________.A.otherwise we take steps to make up that we take steps to make upC.whether we take steps to make up now or notD.unless we take steps to make up now10.______, his ideas was accepted by all the people at the meeting.A.Strange as might it sound B.As it might sound strangeC.As strange it might sound D.Strange as it might sound11.Many netizens are impressed with the excuse given by a teacher for quitting her job ______ she owes the world a visit.A.because B.that C.where D.why12.The wet weather will continue tomorrow, when a cold front to arrive. expected expectingC.expects D.will be expected13.—-What difference will it make _____we shall go to the concert on Tuesday or Saturday?—They offer a discount on weekdays.A.that B.whenC.if D.why14.Mother told me in a phone call that she had written to me a week before, but Ihav en’t C.something D.anything15.Having pictures to color will keep children ______for hours.A.amused B.amusingC.amuse amuse16.This restaurant has an inviting, homelike atmosphere ______ many others are short of.A.where B.whenC.that D.what17.In that remote area, the trees _____ by the volunteers are growing well. A.planted B.planting C.being planted plant18.Parents often tell their children that they __________ take candy from strangers. A.needn't B.wouldn't C.shouldn't D.daren't19.While watching television, ____.A.the doorbell rang B.we heard the doorbell ringC.there was someone knocking at the door D.the doorbell was ringing20.A lot of food as well as some tents _________to Yushu since the earthquake occurred. A.has been transported B.have been being transported D.are transported第二部分阅读理解(满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。



SANTA CRUZ BIOTECHNOLOGY, INC.The Power to QuestionSlit2 siRNA (h): sc-42258Santa Cruz Biotechnology, Inc.1.800.457.3801 831.457.3800 fax 831.457.3801 Europe+00800 4573 8000 49 6221 4503 0 STORAGE AND RESUSPENSIONStore lyophilized siRNA duplex at -20° C with desiccant. Stable for at least one year from the date of shipment. Once resuspended, store at -20° C, avoid contact with RNases and repeated freeze thaw cycles.Resuspend lyophilized siRNA duplex in 330 µl of the RNAse-free water provided. Resuspension of the siRNA duplex in 330 µl of RNAse-free water makes a 10 µM solution in a 10 µM Tris-HCl, pH 8.0, 20 mM NaCl, 1 mM EDTA buffered solution.APPLICATIONSSlit2 siRNA (h) is recommended for the inhibition of Slit2 expression in human cells.Slit2 (E-20):sc-16619 is recommended as a control antibody for Western Blotting (starting dilution 1:100, dilution range 1:100-1:1,000) or immuno-fluorescence (starting dilution 1:50, dilution range 1:50-1:500) protein detection using the recommended secondary reagents listed below.RECOMMENDED SECONDARY REAGENTSTo ensure optimal results, the following support (secondary) reagents are recommended: 1) Western Blotting: use donkey anti-goat IgG-HRP: sc-2020(dilution range: 1:2000-1:100,000) or Cruz Marker™ compatible donkey anti-goat IgG-HRP: sc-2033 (dilution range: 1:2000-1:5000), Cruz Marker™Molecular Weight Standards: sc-2035, TBS Blotto A Blocking Reagent:sc-2333 and Western Blotting Luminol Reagent: sc-2048. 2) Immunofluo-rescence: use donkey anti-goat IgG-FITC: sc-2024 (dilution range: 1:100-1:400) or donkey anti-goat IgG-TR: sc-2783 (dilution range: 1:100-1:400)with UltraCruz™ Mounting Medium: sc-24941.SUPPORT REAGENTSFor optimal siRNA transfection efficiency, Santa Cruz Biotechnology’s siRNA Transfection Reagent: sc-29528 (0.3 ml), siRNA Transfection Medium: sc-36868 (20 ml) and siRNA Dilution Buffer: sc-29527 (1.5 ml) are recommended. Control siRNAs or Fluorescein Conjugated ControlsiRNAs are available as 10µM in 60 µl. Each contain a scrambled sequence that will not lead to the specific degradation of any known cellular mRNA.Fluorescein Conjugated Control siRNAs include: sc-36869, sc-44239, sc-44240 and sc-44241. Control siRNAs include: sc-37007, sc-44230,sc-44231, sc-44232, sc-44233, sc-44234, sc-44235, sc-44236, sc-44237 and sc-44238. Semi-quantitative RT-PCR may be performed using RT-PCR Primer: Slit2 (h)-PR: sc-42258-PR (20 µl, 464 bp). Annealing temperature for the primers should be 55-60° C and the extension temperature should be 68-72° C.BACKGROUNDSecreted leucine-rich repeat-containing proteins 1-3 (Slit1-3) are secreted glycoproteins that influence axonal guidance and mediate normal neural development by acting as high-affinity signaling ligands for the repulsive guidance receptor, Roundabout (Robo). Within the developing central nervous system (CNS) of different vertebrate systems, Slit proteins are expressed in equivalent regions, suggesting a conserved function among vertebrate homologs. Slit is expressed in the midline of the central nervous system in both vertebrates and invertebrates, where it functions as a regulatory factor of mesodermal cell movement during gastrulation. Slit2 is a short range inhibitory guidance cue for retinal ganglion cell (RGC) axons that may mediate spatial progression of RGCs.REFERENCES1.Rothberg, J.M., et al. 1990. slit: an extracellular protein necessary for development of midline glia and commissural axon pathways contains both EGF and LRR domains. Genes Dev. 4: 2169-2187.2.Holmes, G.P ., et al. 1998. Distinct but overlapping expression patterns of two vertebrate slit homologs implies functional roles in CNS development and organogenesis. Mech. Dev. 79: 57-72.3.Brose, K., et al. 1999. Slit proteins bind Robo receptors and have an evolu-tionarily conserved role in repulsive axon guidance. Cell 96: 795-806.4.Hu, H. 1999. Chemorepulsion of neuronal migration by Slit2 in the devel-oping mammalian forebrain. Neuron 23: 703-711.5.Yuan, W., et al. 1999. The mouse SLIT family: secreted ligands for ROBO expressed in patterns that suggest a role in morphogenesis and axon guidance. Dev. Biol. 212: 290-306.6.Erskine, L., et al. 2000. Retinal ganglion cell axon guidance in the mouse optic chiasm: expression and function of robos and slits. J. Neurosci. 20:4975-4982.7.Niclou, S.P ., et al. 2000. Slit2 is a repellent for retinal ganglion cell axons.J. Neurosci. 20: 4962-4974.CHROMOSOMAL LOCATIONGenetic locus: SLIT2 (human) mapping to 4p15.2; Slit2 (mouse) mapping to 5 B3.PRODUCTSlit2 siRNA (h) is a target-specific 20-25 nt siRNA designed to knock down gene expression. Each vial contains 3 nmoles of lyophilized siRNA, sufficient for a 10 µM solution once resuspended using protocol below. Suitable for 50-100 transfections.RESEARCH USEFor research use only, not for use in diagnostic procedures.PROTOCOLSSee our web site at or our catalog for detailed protocols and support products.元器件交易网。


原代培养 (primary culture):从动物机体取出进行培养的细胞群。
传代培养 (passage):将细胞从一个培养瓶转移到另外一个培养瓶即称为传代或传代培养。
一、动物细胞培养 cell culture
组织培养 (tissue culture):诱发产生愈伤组织,诱导再分化可培养出再生植株 单倍体培养(haploid culture ):花药或花粉培养获得单倍体植株,人为加倍后可得到完全纯合的个体 原生质体培养(protoplast culture):
三、细胞工程— —细胞融合
两个或多个细胞合并成一个双核或多核细胞的过程称为细胞融合 (cell fusion)或细胞杂交 (cell hybridization) 基因型相同的细胞融合称为同核体;来自不同基因型的杂交细胞称为异核体; 诱导方法:生物(病毒)、化学(PEG)、物理(电激、激光)。
2、相差显微镜 phase contrast microscope
F. Zernike于1935年发明并因此获1953年诺贝尔物理奖
倒置相差显微镜 inverted phase contrast microscope
负染色技术 Negative staining
冷冻蚀刻电镜技术 Freeze Etching electron microscopy
20世纪60年代问世,用来观察标本的表面结构 目前扫描电镜的分辨力为 6~10 nm。
2、扫描电子显微镜 scanning electron microscope, SEM







第一部分(共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)1.—Are you coming to Jeff’s party?—I’m not sure. I ______ go to the concert instead.A.must B.wouldC.should D.might2.— Which classical Chinese poem do you like best?—Don’t laugh if we lay drunken on the battleground; how many soldiers ever came back______.A.old and young B.up and down and sound D.right and wrong3.Lisa wouldn’t ________ the job any more. She had a big argument with her boss and resigned.A.come up with B.keep up withC.make up with D.put up with4.While watching television, ____.A.the doorbell rang B.we heard the doorbell ringC.there was someone knocking at the door D.the doorbell was ringing5.________ themselves in the community services, students can gain experience for growth.A.Involved B.To involveC.Having been involved D.Involving6.The foreigners here are greatly impressed by the fact that _______ people from all walks of life are working hard for ________ new Tianjin.A./; a B./; theC.a; a D.the; the7..She is fed up with sharing a house with others; , she is looking for her own flat.A.moreover B.otherwise C.however D.therefore8.__________him not to do so, he wouldn’t have made such a serious mistake.A.Did I persuade B.If I persuadeC.If I should persuade D.Had I persuaded9.You won’t find paper cuttin g difficult _____you keep practicing it.A.even if long as if D.ever since10.— Y ou should have helped your mom wash the dishes.—I meant .But she is always telling me to do C.doing so D.doing11.—The terrible accident is under investigation.—Actually, quicker action _________ those workers trapped in the mine.A.might have saved B.must have saved C.should have saved D.could have saved12.---Do you think Peter is a good partner?--- Not really! There are some things that are not easy to ________ , and his laziness is one.A.put aside B.put up withC.think of D.get along with13.—What do you think of the movie last night?—When I got there it _______, so I only watched the end.A.finished B.had finishedC.was finishing D.has finished14.—It’s so humid these days!—Don’t worry! The rain ________ to stop from tomorrow.A.will expect B.expectsC.will be expected expected15.We had wanted to surprise Father with a birthday gift, but my sister _______ by asking him what he would like. A.licked her lips B.ate her wordsC.spilt the beans D.pulled his leg16._____what they say about me, I’m going to continue my work.A.In terms of B.Regardless ofC.Instead of D.In favor of17.Interest is as ________ to learning as the ability to understand,even more so.A.vital B.availableC.specific D.similar18.I ______ football since I left university.A.didn’t play B.don’t playC.won’t play D.haven’t played19.volleyball is her main focus, she is also great at basketball.A.Since B.OnceC.Unless D.While20.Instead of making choices for their children, liberal parents usually say, “Go where you ________ .”A.will B.shouldC.can D.must第二部分阅读理解(满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。








第一部分(共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)1.He’s as a “bellyacher”—he’s always complaining about something.A.who is known B.whom is knownC.what is known D.which is known2.________ who are able to work through the struggle are the ________ who are going to be successful. A.Someone; one B.Anyone; oneC.He; ones D.Those; ones3.______ is important in study is diligence rather than intelligence.A.Which B.WhatC.Who D.When4.The movie couldn’t be more boring.I wish I ________ to it.A.had not been B.have not beenC.did not go D.have not gone5.Last December China _____ 100 Chinese and 10 foreigners for their outstanding contributions to the country’s reform and opening-up.A.distinguished B.sponsoredC.acknowledged D.evaluated6.Ladies and gentlemen, on behalf of our government, I'd like to ________ a sincere welcome and heartfelt gratitude. A.exploit B.exposeC.expand D.extend7.—You ought to have made an apology to Tom yesterday evening.—Yes, I know I __ __.A.ought to have B.have to C.should D.must have8.—Next week I will go to a job interview. will you give me some suggestions?—Smiling is a great way to make yourself ________.A.stand out B.turn out D.pick out9.Every man has his faults. We should, therefore, lean to be ________ of others.A.ignorant B.responsibleC.reliable D.tolerant10.The 19th Party Congress drew up a blueprint for China’s development in the next three decades and more.this blueprint into reality, we must be down-to-earth in our approach, take one step at a time as we move forward and deliver solid outcomes.A.Turning B.TurnedC.Turn D.To turn11.— Do you like the book you father bought you?—Very much. It’s exactly______I wanted.A.which B.thatC.what D.how12.In Sydney, there’s only ________ average of 23 days a year when ________sun doesn’t shine.A.the, the, /, the D.the, /13._____ is often the case, we have worked out the production plan.A.Which B.When C.What D.As14.---We want someone to design the new art museum for me.---_____ the young fellow have a try?A.Shall B.May C.Will D.Need15.Since we can do nothing about it, we _________ as well consult Mr. Smith about the matter.A.can B.mustC.need D.may16.Y ou should first explore your talents and get to know yourself so as to make a list of _________ you think your real interests lie.A.that B.whatC.where D.how17.I hope my teacher will take into _______ the fact that I was ill just before the exams when she marks my paper. A.idea B.considered C.account D.thought18.— Hello, Paul, do you like to join us in playing football? We need one more person to ____ a team.—Y es, I’d like to.A.pick up B.pick out C.make up D.make out19.Some experts think, ________ genes, intelligence also depends on an adequate diet, a good education and a nice home environment.A.instead of B.except forC.apart from D.far from20.I _________ to help you to do homework but I couldn't spare any time. I ________ a composition last night and I'llfinish it tomorrow.A.wanted;wrote B.had wanted;was writingC.had wanted;wrote D.wanted;have been writing第二部分阅读理解(满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。


CATALYSIS: NMR method visualizes hydrogenation reactions inside microreactor
ANY INDUSTRIAL PROCESSES rely on catalytic hydrogenation. Pinpointing the active parts of a catalyst bed could help optimize those processes. A new nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) imaging method allows researchers to visualize where hydrogenation reactions occur as gas-phase reactants flow through a microreactor (Science 2008, 319, 442). The method could be used as a tool for catalyst development and microreactor characterization. The method was developed by a team led by chemistry professor Alexander Pines and postdoctoral associate Louis-S. Bouchard of Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and the University of California, Berkeley. The researchers use the para form of hydrogen to amplify the NMR signal of the product of a catalytic hydrogenation reaction. p-H2, a spin isomer of molecular hydrogen in which the magnetic spins of the two protons are aligned in opposite directions, has no observable NMR signal on
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Theor Appl Genet (2008) 118:77–83DOI 10.1007/s00122-008-0877-1ORIGINAL PAPERMolecular mapping of two reverse photoperiod-sensitive genic male sterility genes (rpms1 and rpms2) in rice (Oryza sativa L.)H. F. Peng · Z. F. Zhang · B. Wu · X. H. Chen ·G. Q. Zhang · Z. M. Zhang · B. H. Wan · Y. P. LuReceived: 15 April 2008 / Accepted: 23 August 2008 / Published online: 23 September 2008© Springer-Verlag 2008Abstract The reverse photoperiod-sensitive genic male sterility (PGMS) and thermo-sensitive genic male sterility (TGMS) lines have an opposite phenotype compared with normal PGMS and TGMS lines widely used by the two-line system in current hybrid rice seed production. Thus, the application of reverse PGMS and TGMS lines can compen-sate PGMS and TGMS lines in hybrid rice production. YiD1S is a reverse PGMS line, in which pollen fertility is mainly regulated by day-length, but also in X uenced by tem-perature. Genetic analysis indicated that male sterility of YiD1S was controlled by two recessive major genes. An F2 population from a cross between YiD1S and 8528 was developed and used for molecular mapping of the two reverse PGMS genes which were W rst named rpms1 and rpms2. Both simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers and bulked segregant analysis (BSA) were used in this study. As a result, one reverse PGMS gene (rpms1) was mapped to the interval between SSR markers RM22980 (0.9cM) and RM23017 (1.8cM) on chromosome 8. Eight SSR markers, YDS818, RM22984, RM22986, RM22997, YDS816, RM23002, RM339 and YDS810 completely co-segregated with the rpms1 gene. Another reverse PGMS gene (rpms2) was mapped to the interval between SSR markers RM23898 (0.9cM) and YDS926 (0.9cM) on chromosome 9. The physical mapping information from publicly available resources shows that the rpms1 and rpms2 loci are located in a region of 998 and 68kb, respec-tively. The analysis based on marker genotypes showed that the e V ect of rpms1 was slightly larger than that of rpms2 and that the two genes interacted in controlling male sterility.IntroductionHybrid rice breeding has made a tremendous contribution to food security in China. Spontaneous male sterile lines play a pivotal role in large-scale hybrid seed production. Discovery and successful utilization of a wild abortive type of cytoplasmic male sterile (CMS) line resulted in a break-through for utilization of heterosis in a self-pollinated crop (Liao and Fu 1995). The three-line system (CMS line, maintainer line, and restorer line) was developed to produce hybrid seed and proved to be e V ective for increasing rice yield. However, the three-line hybrid breeding system is time-consuming and costly for hybrid seed production. Maintaining the CMS line and choosing an appropriate restorer line for developing the fertile hybrids are the major limitations. The discovery and successful utilization of photoperiod-sensitive genic male sterility (PGMS) and thermo-sensitive genic male sterility (TGMS) led to the development of a simple and highly e Y cient two-line hybrid breeding system. Compared with the three-line sys-tem, the two-line system has many advantages for hybridH. F. Peng, Z. F. Zhang and B. Wu contributed equally to this work. Communicated by T. Sasaki.H. F. Peng · B. WuCollege of Life Science, South China Agricultural University, Guangzhou 510642, Chinae-mail: phf72@Z. F. Zhang · X. H. Chen · G. Q. Zhang · Z. M. Zhang ·B. H. Wan · Y. P. Lu (&)College of Agriculture,South China Agricultural University,Guangzhou 510642, Chinae-mail: lupeng72@seed production. First, because male sterility expression in PGMS and TGMS rice is mainly regulated by photoperiod and/or temperature, PGMS and TGMS plants can be used not only as male sterile lines, but also as a maintainer lines. Second, any normal fertile plants are able to restore its fer-tility in the F1, which providing a broad basis for screening strong heterotic combinations. Third, the PGMS and TGMS trait is usually controlled by one or two major nuclear genes, so it should be relatively easy to transfer to diverse genetic backgrounds (Yuan 1990). These advanta-ges make the two-line system to be widely used to hybrid seed production in rice.In general, PGMS lines are predominantly photoperiod-sensitive and TGMS lines predominantly temperature-sen-sitive. Currently, most PGMS or TGMS lines used by two-line system are sterile under long day-length and/or high temperature, but fertile under short day-length and/or low temperature. These lines are usually called normal PGMS or TGMS. To normal PGMS or TGMS system, sudden drop in temperature can be disastrous due to reversion to fertile phase resulting in self seed of the female parent dur-ing hybrid seed production. In order to overcome the poten-tial risk caused by unpredicted low temperature below the critical level in hybrid seed production, rice breeders not only have been working for breeding PGMS and TGMS lines with a lower sterility-inducing critical temperature, but also have been focusing on the exploration of new PGMS or TGMS resources for many years. After the 1990s, one kind of new PGMS and TGMS germplasm, which are sterile under short day-length and/or low temper-ature, but fertile under long day-length and/or high temper-ature, was discovered and reported in succession, such as IVA (Zhang et al. 1991), N10S and N13S (Li et al. 1991), YDS (Gao 1991), go543S (Yang and Zhu 1996), Dian-nongS-2 (Jiang et al. 1997), J207S (Jia et al. 2001), and so on. Owning to having an opposite phenotype compared to normal PGMS and TGMS, this kind of new PGMS and TGMS germplasm is called reverse PGMS and TGMS, which can compensate normal PGMS and TGMS lines in hybrid rice production and make two-line hybrid rice used in much large areas.Since PGMS in rice was reported from China (Shi 1985), there have been considerable advances in di V erent aspects related to theory and technique of two-line system in hybrid rice. However, the PGMS and TGMS mechanism is not yet clear up to now, which became one of the maxi-mum limit to the development of two-line system in hybrid rice. Mapping and cloning of the PGMS and TGMS genes will be especially useful in understanding the PGMS and TGMS mechanism. To date, three normal PGMS genes from 32001S and Nongken58S, pms1, pms2, and pms3 have been mapped on chromosomes 7, 3, and 12, respec-tively (Zhang et al. 1994; Mei et al. 1999). Eight normal TGMS genes, tms1 from 5460S (Wang et al. 1995), tms2 from PL-12 (Yamaguchi et al. 1997), tms3 from IR32364 (Subudhi et al. 1997), tms4 from TGMS-VN1 (Dong et al. 2000), tms5 from AnnongS-1 (Wang et al. 2003), tms6(t) from 0A15-1(Wang et al. 2004), TGMS from SA2 (Reddy et al. 2000), and ms-h(t) from Hwacheong ms-h (Koh et al. 1999), have been mapped on the chromosomes 8, 7, 6, 2, 2, 3, 9, and 9, respectively. One reverse TGMS gene, rtms1 from J207S, has been mapped on chromosome 10 (Jia et al. 2001). One speci W c TGMS gene from Sokcho-MS, tms6 has been mapped on chromosome 5 (Lee et al. 2005). Because Sokcho-MS is completely sterile at above 27°C and/or below 25°C, but fertile at 25–27°C regardless of the levels of day-length, tms6 is neither identical to normal TGMS genes nor identical to reverse TGMS gene. Among these genes, pms1, pms3, and tms5, have been physically mapped to a region of 85, 28.4, and 19kb, respectively (Liu et al. 2001; Lu et al. 2005; Yang et al. 2007). However, none of the reverse PGMS genes has been mapped as yet. YiD1S is a reverse PGMS line developed from the cross of indica variety “B3”and japonica variety “Hongjing” in China (Gao 1991). During the past several years, we have conducted exhaustive studies on its characteristic of fertil-ity alteration, inheritance, utilization, and so on. Our previ-ous studies proved the reverse PGMS trait of YiD1S, and showed that male sterility expression in YiD1S was also in X uenced by temperature (Lu YP et al. 2001). Genetic analysis indicated that the male sterility of YiD1S was con-trolled by two recessive major nuclear genes, and may be in X uenced by many minor genes (Lu et al. 2000). On the basis of these results above, this paper reports mapping of the two major reverse PGMS genes by using SSR marker technique combined with bulked segregant analysis. Genetic e V ects based on the marker genotypes were also estimated for rpms1 and rpms2.Materials and methodsDevelopment of mapping populationYiD1S is the original source of the two reverse PGMS genes (rpms1 and rpms2) in rice, which was crossed with seven rice cultivars with normal pollen fertility for screen-ing of the mapping population. When YiD1S was com-pletely sterile after the late of September, the pollen fertility of each F2 individual was examined at this moment. The F2 population with apparent bimodal distribution of pollen fer-tility and a relatively high level of polymorphism between the parents was selected as the mapping population. Thus, an F2 population consisting of 948 individuals derived from the cross YiD1S£8528 was used for the molecular map-ping of two reverse PGMS genes. The mapping populationwas planted in the farm of South China Agricultural Uni-versity in Guangzhou, China.Examination of pollen fertilityTo evaluate the pollen fertility, about 15 spikelets were sampled from three panicles per F2 plant during anthesis and their anthers were squashed in 1% iodine-potassium iodide (I-KI) solution for examination of pollen fertility. All round, darkly stained pollen were scored as fertile, and the unstained shriveled or spherical pollen or yellow-col-ored pollen were scored as sterile. The average pollen fertil-ity from three panicles was expressed as percentage.DNA preparationDNA of each F2 individual and both parents was extracted from fresh-frozen leaves. Two DNA bulks, F (fertile) and S (sterile) were constructed by selecting extreme individuals from the F2 population of the cross YiD1S£8528. DNA bulk F was made by mixing equal amounts of DNA from ten extremely fertile plants, and DNA bulk S was made by mixing equal amounts of DNA from ten extremely sterile plants.SSR analysisA total of 513 SSR markers, including 85 SSR markers designed using the sequence information of the two reverse PGMS genes region in rice genome (http://www.ncbi. ), simple sequence repeat identi W cation tool (SSRIT) () and Premier 5 software, were used to amplify DNA fragment according to the PCR procedure previously described by Panaud et al. (1996). The ampli W cation products were analyzed on the 6% PAGE gel and detected by silver staining.Linkage analysis and genetic e V ects analysisThe linkage between molecular markers and reverse PGMS loci were determined with BSA and recessive class approach. The polymorphism between the parents was W rst detected with SSR markers covering 12 rice chromosomes. Then, the polymorphic markers were further used for iden-tifying possible reverse PGMS genes-containing chromo-some regions with sterile and fertile DNA bulks from the F2 population of the cross YiD1S£8528. The map locations of reverse PGMS genes were W nally determined in 52 highly sterile individuals from mapping population with the polymorphic markers between two DNA bulks. The recom-bination frequency (c) was calculated with the formula: c=(N1+N2/2)/N, in which N is the total numbers of sterile plants surveyed, N1 is the number of individuals with homozygous band from the fertile parent; N2 is the number of individuals with heterozygous band from the two parents (Zhang et al. 1994). Then the recombination frequency was converted into genetic distance (centiMorgan, cM) using Kosambi function (Kosambi 1944). Linkage maps were made using the software MAPCHART. The genetic e V ects based on the marker genotypes were estimated for rpms1 and rpms2 using a random sample of 484 individuals taken from the mapping population according to the method pre-viously described by Zhang et al. (1994). Using marker genotypes as groups, the genetic e V ects of rpms1 and rpms2 were evaluated by the di V erence between the average pol-len fertility of homozygous dominant allele and that of homozygous recessive allele at its own locus, respectively. SAS 8.0 software was used for a two-way analysis of vari-ance (ANOVA) of rpms1 and rpms2.ResultsPollen fertility in mapping populationAfter the late of September in 2005, YiD1S was completely sterile in Guangzhou, China. Similar results were also obtained in 1995, 1996, 1998 (Wan et al. 1998; Lu YP et al. 2001) and 2004 (date not shown). This suggested that YiD1S is a reverse PGMS line with highly sensitive to pho-toperiod. In sterile stage of YiD1S, the pollen fertility of the F2 population from the cross YiD1S£8528 was examined at this moment. The distribution of the pollen fertility fre-quency of 948 F2 plants is given in Fig.1. A bimodal distri-bution was observed in this F2 population, and Chi-square analysis showed that breaking at any point in the apparent valley with pollen fertility between 20 and 30% W t to a 15:1 segregation ratio ( 2=0.145, P>0.25), which suggested male sterility of YiD1S was controlled by two recessive major genes under short day-length and low temperature. This result is consistent with the previous reports on genetic analysis of male sterility in YiD1S (Lu et al. 2000).Fig.1Distribution of the pollen fertility of 948 F2 plants from the cross of YiD1S and 8528 in Guangzhou at late cropping season of 2005Mapping of two reverse PGMS genesA total of 358 SSR markers distributed on 12 rice chromo-somes, were selected to screen polymorphism between the two parental varieties YiD1S and 8528. Of these, 133 SSR markers were polymorphic between the parents. These polymorphic SSR markers were further used to screen polymorphism between the sterile and fertile DNA bulks. Nine SSR markers RM72, RM44, RM339, PSM527, PSM284, PSM399, PSM157, PSM158, and RM105 from chromosomes 8 and 9 were polymorphic between both the bulks as well as the parents. The linkage of nine polymor-phic SSR markers to the two reverse PGMS genes were fur-ther con W rmed using 52 highly sterile plants in the F2 population. Thus, the two reverse PGMS genes in YiD1S were located on chromosomes 8 and 9, which were desig-nated rpms1 and rpms2, respectively.Subsequently, 59 SSR markers from chromosome 8 and 96 SSR markers from chromosome 9 were used to W ne map the two reverse PGMS genes. As a result, 17 SSR markers from chromosome 8 and 19 SSR markers from chromosome 9 were able to detect clear polymorphism between the bulks as well as the parents. A total of 36 polymorphic SSR mark-ers were used to analyze 52 highly sterile plants in the F2 population. Based on the SSR marker and the phenotypic segregation data, partial linkage maps for the region around rpms1 and rpms2 were constructed, respectively (Fig.2). The rpms1 gene was W ne mapped between RM22980 and RM23017 at a genetic distance of 0.9 and 1.8cM on chro-mosome 8, respectively (Fig.2a). Eight SSR markers, YDS818, RM22984, RM22986, RM22997, YDS816,RM23002, RM339, and YDS810 completely co-segregated with rpms1 gene, no recombinant was detected in 52 highly sterile plants. The rpms2 gene was W ne mapped between RM23898 and YDS926 at a genetic distance of 0.9 and 0.9cM on chromosome 9, respectively (Fig.2b). The physi-cal mapping information from publicly available resources shows that the markers RM22980 and RM23017 are located in the positions of 17,258 and 18,256kb on chromosomes 8 (GenBank Accession No. AP008214), and the markers RM23898 and YDS926 are located in the positions of 6,863 and 6,931kb on chromosome 9 (GenBank Accession No. AP008215). Thus, the rpms1 and rpms2 loci have been mapped within the region of 998 and 68kb, respectively. Table 1 shows partial primer sequences used for W ne map-ping two reverse PGMS genes.Genetic e V ects of two reverse PGMS genesTwo SSR markers, RM339 closely linked to the rpms1 and YDS926 closely linked to the rpms2, were used to further assay the genotypes of 484 individuals taken at random from F2 population of the cross YiD1S£8528. The genetic e V ects based on marker genotypes were estimated for the two loci using a two-locus model (Table2). The data of Table2 shows that highly sterile individuals are apparently homozygous for recessive alleles at both loci, whereas all other genotypes appear to produce highly fertile individu-als. The result suggests that male sterility in YiD1S is con-trolled by two interactive reverse PGMS genes (rpms1 and rpms2) together. Further analysis indicate that the e V ect of rpms1(85.14–56.51=28.63)is slightly larger than that of rpms2 (82.77–56.67=26.10) in controlling male sterility.A two-way ANOVA, using the marker loci RM339 and YDS926, revealed that rpms1 and rpms2 had highly signi W-cant e V ects on male sterility, respectively. Moreover, inter-action between rpms1 and rpms2 was also highly signi W cant (Table3).DiscussionThis is the W rst report on molecular mapping of the reverse PGMS genes in rice. The results of this study showed that two reverse PGMS genes, rpms1 and rpms2, were located Fig.2Genetic maps showing the locations of two reverse photope-riod-sensitive genic male-sterile genes: (a) the rpms1 gene region on chromosome 8; (b) the rpms2 gene region on chromosome 9. The ge-netic distances (cM) between each gene loci and markers were esti-mated by using highly sterile F2 individuals from the cross of YiD1S and 8528between RM22980 and YDS810 on chromosome 8 and between RM23898 and YDS926 on chromosome 9, respec-tively. Among the above-mentioned three PGMS genes and nine TGMS genes and one reverse TGMS genes mapped on the di V erent chromosomes, only tms1, TGMS and ms-h (t)were mapped on chromosomes 8 and 9, respectively. Previ-ous studies indicated that tms1 locus was located in theregion above the RG978 (17,433kb) at a genetic distance of 8.5cM on chromosome 8 (Wang et al. 1995; Lu XG et al. 2001), while rpms1 locus was located in the region containing RG978 (17,433kb) between RM22980(17,258kb) and RM23017 (18,256kb) on chromosome 8(GenBank Accession No. AP008214). TGMS locus between RM257 (66.1cM, Cornell SSR 2001) and EAA/MCAG near the central region of chromosome 9 (Reddy et al. 2000) and ms-h (t) locus between RG451 (105.5cM,Cornell SSR 2001) and RZ404 (111.1cM, Cornell SSR 2001) near the bottom of chromosome 9 (Koh et al. 1999)were located in the region below the RM105 (32.1cM,Cornell SSR 2001), while rpms2 locus between RM23898and YDS926 near the top of chromosomes 9 was located in the region above the RM105 (32.1cM, Cornell SSR 2001)at a genetic distance of 23.4cM. Therefore, two reverse PGMS genes (rpms1 and rpms2) are non-allelic to the other mapped PGMS and TGMS genes (including reverse TGMS gene) in rice. The analysis based on marker genotypes showed that the e V ect of rpms1 was slightly larger than that of rpms2 and that the two genes interacted in controlling reverse PGMS. When compared with three normal PGMS genes (pms1, pms2 and pms3) controlling normal PGMS,the genetic e V ect of two reverse PGMS genes is similar to that of pms1 and pms3 from Nongken58S (Mei et al. 1999),but di V erent from that of pms1 and pms2 (the e V ect of pms1is 2–3 times larger than that of pms2) from 32001S (Zhang et al. 1994) in controlling male sterility.Male sterility/fertility expression of PGMS and TGMS lines are regulated by photoperiod and/or temperature, this make potential risk of fertility X uctuation exist in hybrid seed production using two-line system. However, tempera-Table 2The genetic e V ect estimate of the two loci using the average of pollen fertility (%) for each of the two reverse PGMS loci genotypes (11, 12, 22) marked by RM339 and YDS926 on chromosomes 8 and 9,respectively11 homozygote for the allele from YiD1S, 22 homozygote for the al-lele from 8528, 12 heterozygote. The average of pollen fertility is cal-culated according to a theoretical 1:2:1 ratio within each class of the F 2populationRM33911 12 22 Avera g eYDS92611 12 22 Avera g e56.5156.67 82.42 67.10 10.04 77.67 86.17 78.39 67.71 82.7785.79 82.36 80.57 85.1476.56Table 3Two-way ANOVA of the e V ect of two reverse PGMS loci on pollen fertility based on genotypes at the two marker loci RM339(closely linked to rpms1) and YDS926 (closely linked to rpms2)E V ect df Mean square F P RM339228821.37166.86<.0001YDS926223953.43138.68<.0001RM339£YDS926410694.9561.92<.0001Table 1Primer sequences used for W ne mapping the rpms1 and rpms2Primer Chromosome Forward primer (5Ј–3Ј)Reverse primer (5Ј–3Ј)RM229808ATCGAATTAGACTCGGGCAACG ATCGTGCTGGGAGACTATCAAGC YDS8188CCGTTGGATCTGGTCGTAT GCTATTGGGCTATTTCATTTCT RM229848TTGCCCATCCAAACAAACTGG ACCATGGTCCTCCTTCCTGTCC RM229868TGTTGGTGAACATCTCCCATGC GTCTCAGAAGAATGCACACACAGC RM229978AGTCATGGTGTTGGACTGTTGG CAAGATGGATGTGTGAACATGG YDS8168AGATTCAAGTTTCTGCGGT CCCAGCACAATCAGCAGT RM230028CGTCGGTTCGGTGAGATATAAAGG AACCCATTCTCTGGCTACATTGC RM3398GTAATCGATGCTGTGGGAAG GAGTCATGTGATAGCCGATATG YDS8108CCCTTTGGCTTATCTTGGTG AAAGAGGATTGGAGGGACAG RM230178GTCAAACCTTTCACCTTCTCACG AGGCGAGGCGAGATCTGAGGRM238989CACAGGGATAGTGTGGTTTGTGG GGTAAAGCAGGTGTTTCACAAGATCC YDS9269TAGTTATGTTTATGCGTTGTGC TGGCGACCTACGAGTGTTT RM69209AATCGTATTGCCAGCGAGAC AGAGCGTACCACAAATGAGG YDS9169GGGATGAGGCTATTGACTTGCATGTATCTGTATTGAAAC RM239089GGTCACCCTTCAAAGATGTCATGGATCCCGCTATCGAAGGTGAAACGture is changeable and photoperiod is changeless on the whole in di V erent years at the same hybrid seed production area. Thus, the PGMS trait mainly regulated by photope-riod should have a more stable expression compared with the TGMS trait mainly regulated by temperature. To reverse PGMS lines, male sterility-inducing environmental factor is predominantly short day-length. Although in X u-enced by temperature in di V erent degrees, male sterility expression of reverse PGMS lines is more thorough and hybrid seed production safer under conditions of unpre-dicted low temperature. Moreover, owning to a speci W c characteristic of fertility alteration, the reverse PGMS and TGMS lines have two sterility phases in a year, thus hybrid seed production can be successfully done at early cropping season and late cropping season in the double cropping areas of rice. If the season of fertility alteration is appropri-ate, hybrid seeds produced at early cropping season can be used at late cropping season, and hybrid seeds produced at late cropping season can be used at early cropping season next year. Therefore, the reverse PGMS or TGMS line is a promising germplasm in the double cropping of rice area and helpful to solve the problem such as fertility X uctuation in X uenced by low temperature in current hybrid rice seed production (Wan et al. 1998). But reverse PGMS and TGMS system has a potential risk of fertility X uctuation resulted from high temperature in hybrid seed production, so reverse PGMS lines with highly sensitive to photoperiod and low sensitive to temperature are more useful in the dou-ble cropping areas of rice. Molecular mapping of two reverse PGMS genes (rpms1 and rpms2) in this study pro-vide a basis for cloning the two genes, which will be help-ful to understand the PGMS mechanism at the molecular level and facilitate the development of practical reverse PGMS lines used to hybrid rice seed production. 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