Singular lagrangian systems and variational constrained mechanics on Lie algebroids
Systems and methods for evaluating the urethra and
专利名称:Systems and methods for evaluating theurethra and the periurethral tissues发明人:Ergin Atalar,Harald Hartmann Quick,ParagKarmarkar申请号:US09824536申请日:20010402公开号:US06898454B2公开日:20050524专利内容由知识产权出版社提供专利附图:摘要:The present invention provides systems and methods for the evaluation of the urethra and periurethral tissues using an MRI coil adapted for insertion into the male,female or pediatric urethra. The MRI coil may be in electrical communication with an interface circuit made up of a tuning-matching circuit, a decoupling circuit and a balun circuit. The interface circuit may also be in electrical communication with a MRI machine. In certain practices, the present invention provides methods for the diagnosis and treatment of conditions involving the urethra and periurethral tissues, including disorders of the female pelvic floor, conditions of the prostate and anomalies of the pediatric pelvis.申请人:Ergin Atalar,Harald Hartmann Quick,Parag Karmarkar地址:Columbia MD US,Essen-Werden DE,Elliot City MD US国籍:US,DE,US代理机构:Foley Hoag LLP代理人:Scott E. Kamholz更多信息请下载全文后查看。
Recent work have concerned the identification of stabilized modifications at room temperature due to the importance in the quality control of Portland cement. Differential thermal analysis (DTA) showes the T1–T2 transi-
The objective of this paper was to describe the superstructures of the monoclinic modification of C3S. Some indices for describing the reflections due to the superstructures were proposed to express the orientations and
1 Experimental
The specimens were provided by China Building Materials Academy (CBMA). A selected-area electron diffraction (SAED) technique was applied to record the reflections. A TEM device (Model JEM–2010UHR, JEOL, Tokyo, Japan) equipped with a double tilt goniometry was used to record the HRTEM images at an accelerating voltage of 200 kV. The preparation of specimens for the TEM was performed by a conventional method applied for the observation of ceramic powders except for the dispersion of the specimens in ethanol. Table 1 shows the chemical compositions of the specimens, which was provided by the CBMA. The three specimens are remarked as A, B, and C.
Journal of Machine Learning Research15(2014)3183-3186Submitted6/12;Revised6/13;Published10/14ooDACE Toolbox:A Flexible Object-Oriented Kriging ImplementationIvo Couckuyt∗********************* Tom Dhaene******************* Piet Demeester*********************** Ghent University-iMindsDepartment of Information Technology(INTEC)Gaston Crommenlaan89050Gent,BelgiumEditor:Mikio BraunAbstractWhen analyzing data from computationally expensive simulation codes,surrogate model-ing methods arefirmly established as facilitators for design space exploration,sensitivity analysis,visualization and optimization.Kriging is a popular surrogate modeling tech-nique used for the Design and Analysis of Computer Experiments(DACE).Hence,the past decade Kriging has been the subject of extensive research and many extensions have been proposed,e.g.,co-Kriging,stochastic Kriging,blind Kriging,etc.However,few Krig-ing implementations are publicly available and tailored towards scientists and engineers.Furthermore,no Kriging toolbox exists that unifies several Krigingflavors.This paper addresses this need by presenting an efficient object-oriented Kriging implementation and several Kriging extensions,providing aflexible and easily extendable framework to test and implement new Krigingflavors while reusing as much code as possible.Keywords:Kriging,Gaussian process,co-Kriging,blind Kriging,surrogate modeling, metamodeling,DACE1.IntroductionThis paper is concerned with efficiently solving complex,computational expensive problems using surrogate modeling techniques(Gorissen et al.,2010).Surrogate models,also known as metamodels,are cheap approximation models for computational expensive(black-box) simulations.Surrogate modeling techniques are well-suited to handle,for example,expen-sivefinite element(FE)simulations and computationalfluid dynamic(CFD)simulations.Kriging is a popular surrogate model type to approximate deterministic noise-free data. First conceived by Danie Krige in geostatistics and later introduced for the Design and Analysis of Computer Experiments(DACE)by Sacks et al.(1989),these Gaussian pro-cess(Rasmussen and Williams,2006)based surrogate models are compact and cheap to evaluate,and have proven to be very useful for tasks such as optimization,design space exploration,visualization,prototyping,and sensitivity analysis(Viana et al.,2014).Note ∗.Ivo Couckuyt is a post-doctoral research fellow of FWO-Vlaanderen.Couckuyt,Dhaene and Demeesterthat Kriging surrogate models are primarily known as Gaussian processes in the machine learning community.Except for the utilized terminology there is no difference between the terms and associated methodologies.While Kriging is a popular surrogate model type,not many publicly available,easy-to-use Kriging implementations exist.Many Kriging implementations are outdated and often limited to one specific type of Kriging.Perhaps the most well-known Kriging toolbox is the DACE toolbox1of Lophaven et al.(2002),but,unfortunately,the toolbox has not been updated for some time and only the standard Kriging model is provided.Other freely available Kriging codes include:stochastic Kriging(Staum,2009),2DiceKriging,3 Gaussian processes for Machine Learning(Rasmussen and Nickisch,2010)(GPML),4demo code provided with Forrester et al.(2008),5and the Matlab Krigeage toolbox.6 This paper addresses this need by presenting an object-oriented Kriging implementation and several Kriging extensions,providing aflexible and easily extendable framework to test and implement new Krigingflavors while reusing as much code as possible.2.ooDACE ToolboxThe ooDACE toolbox is an object-oriented Matlab toolbox implementing a variety of Krig-ingflavors and extensions.The most important features and Krigingflavors include:•Simple Kriging,ordinary Kriging,universal Kriging,stochastic Kriging(regression Kriging),blind-and co-Kriging.•Derivatives of the prediction and prediction variance.•Flexible hyperparameter optimization.•Useful utilities include:cross-validation,integrated mean squared error,empirical variogram plot,debug plot of the likelihood surface,robustness-criterion value,etc.•Proper object-oriented design(compatible interface with the DACE toolbox1is avail-able).Documentation of the ooDACE toolbox is provided in the form of a getting started guide (for users),a wiki7and doxygen documentation8(for developers and more advanced users). In addition,the code is well-documented,providing references to research papers where appropriate.A quick-start demo script is provided withfive surrogate modeling use cases, as well as script to run a suite of regression tests.A simplified UML class diagram,showing only the most important public operations, of the toolbox is shown in Figure1.The toolbox is designed with efficiency andflexibil-ity in mind.The process of constructing(and predicting)a Kriging model is decomposed in several smaller,logical steps,e.g.,constructing the correlation matrix,constructing the1.The DACE toolbox can be downloaded at stochastic Kriging toolbox can be downloaded at /.3.The DiceKriging toolbox can be downloaded at /web/packages/DiceKriging/index.html.4.The GPML toolbox can be downloaded at /software/view/263/.5.Demo code of Kriging can be downloaded at //legacy/wileychi/forrester/.6.The Krigeage toolbox can be downloaded at /software/kriging/.7.The wiki documentation of the ooDACE toolbox is found at doxygen documentation of the ooDACE toolbox is found at diagram of the ooDACE toolbox.regression matrix,updating the model,optimizing the parameters,etc.These steps are linked together by higher-level steps,e.g.,fitting the Kriging model and making predic-tions.The basic steps needed for Kriging are implemented as(protected)operations in the BasicGaussianProcess superclass.Implementing a new Kriging type,or extending an existing one,is now done by subclassing the Kriging class of your choice and inheriting the(protected)methods that need to be reimplemented.Similarly,to implement a new hyperparameter optimization strategy it suffices to create a new class inherited from the Optimizer class.To assess the performance of the ooDACE toolbox a comparison between the ooDACE toolbox and the DACE toolbox1is performed using the2D Branin function.To that end,20data sets of increasing size are constructed,each drawn from an uniform random distribution.The number of observations ranges from10to200samples with steps of10 samples.For each data set,a DACE toolbox1model,a ooDACE ordinary Kriging and a ooDACE blind Kriging model have been constructed and the accuracy is measured on a dense test set using the Average Euclidean Error(AEE).Moreover,each test is repeated 1000times to remove any random factor,hence the average accuracy of all repetitions is used.Results are shown in Figure2a.Clearly,the ordinary Kriging model of the ooDACE toolbox consistently outperforms the DACE toolbox for any given sample size,mostly due to a better hyperparameter optimization,while the blind Kriging model is able improve the accuracy even more.3.ApplicationsThe ooDACE Toolbox has already been applied successfully to a wide range of problems, e.g.,optimization of a textile antenna(Couckuyt et al.,2010),identification of the elasticity of the middle-ear drum(Aernouts et al.,2010),etc.In sum,the ooDACE toolbox aims to provide a modern,up to date Kriging framework catered to scientists and age instructions,design documentation,and stable releases can be found at,I.Couckuyt,K.Crombecq,and J.J.J.Dirckx.Elastic characterization of membranes with a complex shape using point indentation measurements and inverseCouckuyt,Dhaene and Demeester(a)(b)Figure2:(a)Evolution of the average AEE versus the number of samples(Branin function).(b)Landscape plot of the Branin function.modelling.International Journal of Engineering Science,48:599–611,2010.I.Couckuyt,F.Declercq,T.Dhaene,and H.Rogier.Surrogate-based infill optimization applied to electromagnetic problems.Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering:Advances in Design Optimization of Microwave/RF Circuits and Systems, 20(5):492–501,2010.A.Forrester,A.Sobester,and A.Keane.Engineering Design Via Surrogate Modelling:A Practical Guide.Wiley,Chichester,2008.D.Gorissen,K.Crombecq,I.Couckuyt,P.Demeester,and T.Dhaene.A surrogate modeling and adaptive sampling toolbox for computer based design.Journal of Machine Learning Research,11:2051–2055,2010.URL,H.B.Nielsen,and J.Søndergaard.Aspects of the Matlab toolbox DACE. Technical report,Informatics and Mathematical Modelling,Technical University of Den-mark,DTU,Richard Petersens Plads,Building321,DK-2800Kgs.Lyngby,2002.C.E.Rasmussen and H.Nickisch.Gaussian processes for machine learning(GPML)toolbox. Journal of Machine Learning Research,11:3011–3015,2010.C.E.Rasmussen and C.K.I.Williams.Gaussian Processes for Machine Learning.MIT Press,2006.J.Sacks,W.J.Welch,T.J.Mitchell,and H.P.Wynn.Design and analysis of computer experiments.Statistical Science,4(4):409–435,1989.J.Staum.Better simulation metamodeling:The why,what,and how of stochastic Kriging. In Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference,2009.F.A.C.Viana,T.W.Simpson,V.Balabanov,and V.Toropov.Metamodeling in multi-disciplinary design optimization:How far have we really come?AIAA Journal,52(4): 670–690,2014.。
1 Lagrangian 2 Dual Function 3 Dual Problem 4 Weak and Strong Duality 5 KKT conditions 6 Summary
Weak and Strong Duality I
From the lower bound property, we know that g (λ, ν ) ≤ p for feasible (λ, ν ). In particular, for a (λ, ν ) that solves the dual problem. Hence, weak duality always holds (even for nonconvex problems): d ≤p The difference p − d is called duality gap. Solving the dual problem may be used to find nontrivial lower bounds for difficult problems.
Example: Standard Form LP II
Hence, the dual function is g (λ, ν ) = inf L(x, λ, ν ) =
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[5]万霞, 刘建平. 临床试验中的随机分组方法. 中医杂志2007 年第 48 卷第3 期
阳性对照组:通常是给予疾病模型动物已知应 该有效的药物或者其他有效因素的处理;目的 是对比某受试药物与阳性药物对比,是否有效; 举例:已知阿霉素对乳腺癌肿瘤生长有抑制作 用,因此我们可以选用阿霉素作为阳性对照, 来判断此受试药物的治疗效果。
问题二: 每组几只合适?
动物实验设计应遵循实行“3R原则”,包括实验 动物的替代、减少和优化原则,其中减少即指 尽量减少实验动物的数量。查阅文献,并未发 现对实验动物数目有绝对要求,但在减少的同 时,一定要满足统计学要求。统计学上要求一 般至少每组有6个可用数据,才有意义。
[2] Festing M F, Altman D G. Guidelines for the Design and Statistical Analysis of Experiments Using Laboratory Animals[J]. Ilar Journal, 2002, 43(4): 244-258.
一般小鼠的每组一般不少于10只; 一般大鼠每组不少于6只; 大动物等级越高,价格越贵,根据情况可适当
问题三: 如何进行随机分配?
根本不同的实验目的,实验对象,分组时常用的 方法有:完全随机设计、随机区组设计等[3-4]。 实现随机分组时需要利用随机数字表以及随机数 余数分组法。
优势:区间分组将保证了实验组间的生物差异减到了 最小,遵循了一致性原则与随机性原则,使实验结果 更具有统计学意义。
注:有时候我们会碰到多个因素,则需要依次分区, 如:40只体重差异较大的小鼠,雌雄不一,此时我们 不能只按照体重区组分配,需要先把雌雄分开,然后 各自按体重分层。即它要求随机先按某一因素分成相 等的几组,再在组内按另一因素分成几个区。
Value Engineering1研究背景自1988年Stefan Hilger 在他的博士论文中首次提出测度链上的微分方程理论以来,测度链上时滞动力方程的研究成为目前国际上关注的一个新课题,对其研究具有重要的理论价值和实际应用价值。
而对于许多情况,只需考虑测度链的一种特殊情形———时标,时标指的是实数R 的任意一个非空闭子集,以符号表示。
本文考虑时标上二阶非线性中立型微分方程(x(t)+n i =1∑p i (t)x(τi (t)))ΔΔ+mj =1∑q j (t)f j (x(r j (t)))=0,t ⩾t 0>0(1)的振动性,其中p i (t),q j (t)∈C rd ([t 0,∞),R +),0⩽τi (t)<t ,0⩽r j (t)<t,r j (t)非减,q j (t)不最终恒为零,f j (x)/x ⩾εj >0,i=1,2,…n ,j=1,2,…m,本文中记ε=min{εj },r(t)=min{r j (t)},z(t)=x(t)+ni =1∑p i(t)x(τi (t))。
2主要结果引理1设x(t)为(1)的非振动解,若x(t)最终为正(负),则最终有z Δ(t)>0(z Δ(t)<0)。
证明假设x(t)为(1)的最终正解(最终负解同样可证),即存在充分大的t 1⩾t 0>0,当t ⩾t 1时,x(t)>0,x(τi (t))>0,x(r i (t))>0,易知z(t)=x(t)+ni =1∑p i (t)x(τi (t))⩾0且z ΔΔ(t)=-m j =1∑q j (t)f j (x(r i (t)))⩽0(2)故知z Δ(t)单调递减,且z Δ(t)>0。
若不然,则z Δ(t)⩽0,因为q j (t)不最终恒为零,故z Δ(t)不最终恒为零,故存在t 2,当t ⩾t 2⩾t 1,有z Δ(t)⩽z Δ(t 2)(3)对(3)式从t 2到t 积分,有z(t)-z(t 2)⩽t t ∫z Δ(t 2)ΔS=z Δ(t 2)(t-t 2),当t→∞时,得z(t)→-∞。
三、学科总论:1994 -1996年中科院《转基因动物通讯》转载了1994年5月曾(杰)邦哲 (Zeng BJ)的 “结构论-泛进化论”(又称自组织系统结构理论)。
实验方法与系统方法构成科学研究的基该方法,19世纪是实验生物学(生态、生理、遗传与医学等)范式建 立,20世纪是实验生物学迅速发展和系统生物学(生态、生理、遗传与医学等)范式形成。系统科学(包括控制 论、信息论)根源于生命科学,发展了计算机科学而又应用于生物科学,将开发出生物计算机。维纳与香农从动 物与通讯行为的研究中提出控制论与信息论,整个系统科学根植于有机体哲学思维。系统生物学,最初开创于贝 塔郎菲的一般系统理论与理论生物学,艾根的超循环理论发展了细胞、生物化学与分子层次的系统论。20世纪70 年代国际召开了“系统论与生物学” (systems theory and biology)会议,80年代召开了生物化学系统论、生 物系统的计算机模型等探讨的国际会议 (第11届国际分子系统生物学会议2009年6月于中科院上海召开)。系统 生物学的概念在20世纪中叶已经提出,合成生物学的概念提出于基因重组技术的产生,进化理论、有机分子合成 可以说是最早的探索。
维相依和 C o p u l a 领域的最新科研成果。 本次会议 由中央财经大学 中国精算研究 院主
办, 由加拿大滑铁卢大学统计与精算系蔡军教授、 美
汇报了他们在河 口 海岸科学研究领域所做的开拓性 研究。
次, 会议承办单位和举办地点由国际河 口海岸科
涉及学科面广 。 来自 不 萎 分会场的报告内容丰富 , 同研究 区域、 不同专业背景的人员互相学习和借鉴, 象
学学会遴选 。2 0 1 0年国际河 口海岸科学学会主席 M i k e E l l i o t t 教授访 问华东师范大学河 口海岸学国家
重点实验室时 ,注意到这里有很强的科研队伍和国 讨论热烈。 会议还为青年学者、 研究生评选 出了最佳 际先进的仪器设备 ,故将此作为承办单位候选机构 口 头报告奖 、最佳展板奖和河 口海岸学国家重点实 之一, 2 0 1 2 年正式与其签约 , 合作举办 2 0 1 3 年的大 鼓励年轻人积极参会 、 共同研讨 。 会。 举办这样的国际会议 , 为展示河 口海岸学国家重 目 验室奖等 ,
择; ②藤 C o p u l a s 的潜在变量 ; ③保险公司运营和相
依建模 ; ④S i b u y a C o p u l a s ; ⑤C o p u l a s ( 非) 相依极值 渐近线在高频财务数据 中的应用 ;⑥运用藤方法学 习贝叶斯结构 ;⑦多种业务的相关损失三角结构 ;
尼 黑召开 了相近 主题 的 国际会议 。
拿大滑铁卢大学数学学 院统计 与精算学系副教授 、 中国中央财经大学长江学者陈建成教授合作主持。 本 次 会 议 的科 学 委 员 会 成 员 有 C l a u d i a C z a d o
关键词:茭草;固氮菌;变形梯度凝胶电泳;多样性中图分类号:S792.39⽂献标识码:A⽂章编号:1672-8246(2014)03-0129-05Nitrogen-fixing Bacteria Diversity in theRhizosphere Soil ofZizania caduciflora in Jianhu WetlandCHEN Ge-yan,YANG Pu-qiu,FAN Guo-sheng,LIN Kai-wen,WANG Shu(Southwest Forestry University,Kunming Yunnan650224,P.R.China)Abstract:The diversity and community structure of nitrogen-fixing bacteria in the rhizosphere soil of Zizania ca-duciflora roots were investigated by using denaturing gradient gelelectrophoresis(DGGE).The results showed that Shannon-Wiener index and simpson index nitrogen-fixing bacteria of rhizosphere soil of Zizania caduciflora in Yongfeng river were the highest,while the lowest index were found in Heihui river.The result of canonical corre-spondence analysis of the relationships between nitrogen-fixing bacteria and soil chemical parameters showed thatNH4+and NO3-had an significiant impact on nitrogen-fixing bacteria community.The sequence comparison anal-ysis showed that all sequences could be divided into two groups,namely Betaproteobacteria and Gammaproteobac-teria,and among these,11belongs to Betaproteobacteria(accountsfor84.6%),and2blongs Gammapro-teobacteria(accounts for15.3%).In addition,The result of cluster analysis based on DGGE sequences showed that most nitrogen-fixing bacteria belongs toRhodocyclales(accounts for84.6%),and only small portion belongs to Chromatiales(15.3%).Key words:Zizania caduciflora;nitrogen-fixing bacteria;denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis(DGGE);di-versity剑湖湿地位于云南省⼤理州剑川县内东南,地处东经99?55'、北纬26?28',海拔2186m,是云南省典型的⾼原湿地,滇西北⾼原最具代表性的湿地类型之⼀[1]。
专利名称:SYSTEMS AND METHODS FOR VISUAL INTERACTION WITH BUILDINGMANAGEMENT SYSTEMS发明人:Rana Guha Thakurta,Nicholas Gerard Busalacki,Mrunal S. Bujone,EswarkumarBorra,Sneha Santosh Pallewar申请号:US16503407申请日:20190703公开号:US20200034622A1公开日:20200130专利内容由知识产权出版社提供专利附图:摘要:A system for displaying information to a user. The system includes a building management system (BMS) including at least one operating device. The system includes a mixed reality (MR) device. The MR device includes an optical projection system configured to display images and includes a controller including a processing circuit in communication with the optical projection system, the BMS, and a cloud database. The processing circuit is configured to receive a user input from a component of the MR device and provide a request for a device model and data describing the at least one operating device to the cloud database storing the device model and the data. The request is based on the user input. The processing circuit is configured to receive the device model and the data and display, via the optical projection system, a visualization of the device model and the data.申请人:Johnson Controls Technology Company地址:Auburn Hills MI US国籍:US更多信息请下载全文后查看。
第46卷第6期2023年11月河北农业大学学报JOURNAL OF HEBEI AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITYVol.46 No.6Nov.2023基于TaqMan探针的实时荧光LAMP 检测肉制品中鸭源性成分研究柳梦思1,时国强1,高娜婷1,焦义然1,孙旭飞2,孟亚南3,董振国1(1.河北三狮生物科技有限公司,河北 石家庄 050035;2.河北农业大学 食品科技学院,河北 保定 071000;3.河北农业大学 生命科学学院,河北 保定 071000)摘要:本研究建立1种基于TaqMan探针的实时荧光环介导等温扩增(Loop-mediated isothermal amplification,LAMP)(TaqMan—LAMP)检测方法,用于肉制品中鸭源性成分的快速鉴别。
所建立的TaqMan-LAMP检测方法特异性强,仅鸭肉基因组DNA呈现特异性扩增曲线,30 min内完成检测,灵敏度为0.001%(w/w),重复性好,批次内变异系数CV为1.99%,对47份肉制品进行检测,检测结果与国标法相比,相对敏感性、特异性和符合率均为100%。
关 键 词:环介导等温扩增;TaqMan-LAMP;鸭源性成分;检测中图分类号:S152开放科学(资源服务)标识码(OSID):文献标志码:AStudy on detection of duck-derived ingredients in meat products by real-time fluorescent LAMP based on TaqMan probeLIU Mengsi1, SHI Guoqiang1, GAO Nating1, JIAO Yiran1, SUN Xufei2, MENG Yanan3, DONG Zhenguo1(1. Hebei sanshibio-tech co.,ltd, Shijiazhuang 050035, China;2. College of Food Science and Technology, Hebei Agricultural University, Baoding 071000, China;3. College of Life Sciences, Hebei Agricultural University, Baoding 071000, China)Abstract: In this study, a real-time Loop-mediated isothermal amplification assay based on TaqMan probe(TaqMan-LAMP) was developed for the rapid identification of duck-derived components in meat products.Cytbwas used as the target gene to design specific primers followed by establishment and optimization of a real-timefluorescent LAMP detection method whose specificity and sensitivity was then tested and compared with GB/T38164-2019 real-time fluorescence PCR method on the commercial meat products. Only the genomic DNA ofduck meat showed a specific amplification curve within 30 min with a sensitivity of 0.001% (w/w), suggesting thehigh specificity of the TagMan-LAMP repeatability of the method was high, and the coefficient of variation (CV )收稿日期:2023-09-23基金项目: 国家自然科学基金项目(32172288);石家庄市科技孵化计划项目(211510109A).第一作者:柳梦思(1989—),硕士,从事合成化学在分子生物学中的应用等研究.E-mail:********************通信作者:孟亚南(1992—),博士,副教授,从事微生物核酸快速检测等研究.E-mail:*******************文章编号:1000-1573(2023)06-0089-06DOI:10.13320/ki.jauh.2023.009790第46卷河北农业大学学报in batches was 1.99%. The detection results of 47 meat products were compared with the national standard method, and the relative sensitivity, specificity and coincidence rate were 100%.The TaqMan-LAMP detection method established in this study is rapid with strong specificity, high sensitivity and good reproducibility. Thus, the Tag-LAMP method is is suitable for rapid detection of duck-derived components in meat products.Keywords: Loop-mediated isothermal amplification, TaqMan -LAMP, duck-derived ingredients, detection法GB/T 38164-2019[25]进行验证。
7 3 2 1 2 2 3 3 3
王科范 吴锦荣 张福俊 邓富国 张江敏 周昱 陈继胜 田建祥 杨友文 李文成 石林 曹海霞 毛宇亮 王鹿霞 袁晓忠 林国星 姚晓燕 陈华星 张志彬
smr2129 Smr2147 Smr2150
黄兆泳 窦汝静 曹鹏 徐克舰 汪悦 毛安民 王少伟 王伟
陈海山 熊隽
徐力刚 许月萍 张静 张佳华 王澄海
地球科学领域 (12) 36 37 38 39 40 smr2167 Smr2160 smr2165
王革丽 卜令兵 吴晶 徐义贤 张永谦
序 号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 地球科学领域 (12பைடு நூலகம் smr2153 数学领域 (8) 高能物理领域(2) smr2156 smr2154 smr2145 凝聚态物理领域 smr2144 (18) smr2143 领域及活动 姓名 单位 总数
中国科学院大气物理研究所 南京信息工程大学 江苏省地震局 中国地质大学 中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所
1 1
中科院高能物理研究所 河南大学 四川大学 北京交通大学 北京师范大学 中国科学院物理研究所 江苏科技大学 华中师范大学 曲阜师范大学 合肥工业大学 西北工业大学 中科院苏州纳米技术与纳米仿生 研究所 苏州大学 湘潭大学 北京科技大学 上海交通大学 厦门大学 东南大学 北京大学 贵州大学 南京大学 清华大学 北京理工大学 青岛大学 中国计量学院 山东曲阜师范大学 山西大学 浙江大学
1. Euler-Lagrange上同调的定义及相关理论。
2. 保体积系统的定义及相关理论。
3. Euler-Lagrange上同调与保体积系统之间的联系及其具体应用。
4. 实际应用中的案例分析。
signalingofangiogenesisandmatainingSignaling Vascular Morphogenesis and Maintenance Douglas HanahanScience 277: 48-50, in Perspectives (1997)Blood vessels are constructed by two processes: vasculogenesis, whereby a primitive vascular network is established during embryogenesis from multipotential mesenchymal progenitors, and angiogenesis, in which preexisting vessels (both in embryo and adult) send out capillary sprouts to produce new vessels (1-3). Endothelial cells are centrally involved in each process: They migrate and proliferate and then assemble into tubes with tight cell-cell connections to contain the blood. Peri-endothelial support cells are recruited to encase the endothelial tubes, providing maintenance and modulatory functions to the vessels; such cells include pericytes for small capillaries, smooth muscle cells for larger vessels, and myocardial cells in the heart.The establishment and remodeling of blood vessels is controlled by paracrine signals, many of which are protein ligands that bind and modulate the activity of transmembrane receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs). This realization has emerged from the discovery and analysis of RTKs expressed on endothelial cells and of their ligands. Our basic view of RTK signaling has come from studies (performed largely in fibroblasts) of ligand-dependent autophosphorylation and activation of the branched Ras pathways. The results suggest that most RTKs are similarly coupled into the intracellular signal transduction cascade and are capable of inducing cell proliferation. However, the lessons from endothelial cells present a far more complicated picture. This complexity is highlighted by an article in this issue (4 page 55) of a ligand, called angiopoietin-2 (Ang2), that interferes with the kinase activity of an endothelial cell-selective RTK named Tie2. Remarkably, this inhibition of Tie2 kinase activity does not block endothelial cell proliferation and angiogenesis, but rather facilitates it.Tie2 has two ligands, Ang1 and Ang2. Another major regulator of vasculogenesis and angiogenesis is vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF, also called vascular permeability factor, VPF). VEGF signaling is itself mediated by two other endothelial cell-selective RTKs, called VEGF-R1 and VEGF-R2 (Flt1 and Flk1/KDR, respectively).Mice carrying homozygous disruptions in the two highly homologous VEGF receptors die in mid-gestation of acute vascular defects, implicating each in vasculogenesis and developmental angiogenesis. However, the phenotypes are distinct--and instructive (see figure 1). VEGF-R2 knockout mice, which die by embryonic day 8.5 (E8.5), lack both endothelial cells and a developing hematopoietic system, implicating VEGF as a signal in the determination first of a hemato-angioblast progenitor and then of endothelial cells (5). In contrast, VEGF-R1 knockout mice, whichalso die around E8.5, have normal hematopoietic progenitors and abundant endothelial cells, which migrate and proliferate but do not assemble into tubes and functional vessels (6). Thus, these highly homologous RTKs send distinctive signals in endothelial cells.Tie2 knockout mice die somewhat later in embryogenesis (E9.5 to E10.5). The Tie2 null phenotype is distinct from that of the VEGF receptor knockouts and is also informative. Endothelial cells are present in normal numbers and are assembled into tubes, but the vessels are immature, lacking branching networks and proper organization into large and small vessels (7, 8). There is also an absence of the angiogenesis that vascularizes the neuroectoderm by capillary sprouting from the primitive vascular network (or plexus). Notably, the vessels that do form lack an intimate encapsulation by peri-endothelial support cells. In the heart, the endocardium and myocardium do not show tight association and structural complexity; rather, the endocardial cells have aberrant, rounded shapes, are only loosely attached to the surrounding basement membrane, and in many locations are disconnected from myocardial cells. Similar defects in vessel architecture are evident in other tissues. Thus, the Tie2 tyrosine kinase appears to control the capability of endothelial cells to recruit stromal cells to encase the endothelial tubes so as to stabilize the structure and modulate the function of blood vessels.The fourth endothelial cell-selective RTK, Tie1, is remarkably similar in structure to Tie2 and appears to control another aspect of vessel integrity. Knockout mice lacking Tie1 die over a variable period, ranging from E14.5 to birth, of edema and hemorrhage, implicating the Tie1 signal in control of fluid exchange across capillaries and in hemodynamic stress resistance (8, 9).New insights into the surprising concept that the Tie2 RTK is primarily coupled into a signal transduction circuit that elicits vessel maturation and maintains vessel integrity comes from functional analyses of the angiopoietins that bind to Tie2 and modulate its activity (4, 10, 11). The Tie2 ligands Ang1 and Ang2 are both ~75-kD secreted proteins with considerable sequence homology; each contains a coiled-coil and a fibrinogen-like domain. Both bind to the Tie2 receptor with similar affinity, and neither binds to the related receptor Tie1. Yet their effects on Tie2 are distinctive, as are their expression patterns in the mouse. Ang1 induces autophosphorylation of Tie2 in cultured endothelial cells. In marked contrast, Ang2, which binds with similar affinity, does not induce receptor phosphorylation. Rather, it can competitively inhibit Ang1--induced kinase activation of the Tie2 receptor. Thus Ang2 presents a negative signal to Tie2, a remarkable observation given its high homology to Ang1.Moreover, this distinctive effect is apparently endothelial cell-specific. If a modified Tie2 is forcibly expressed in 3T3 fibroblasts, both Ang1 and Ang2 induce receptor phosphorylation and yet do not stimulate fibroblast proliferation. Similarly, Ang1-induced autophosphorylation of Tie2 does not affect endothelial cell growth in culture, consistent with the Tie2 knockout phenotype, which indicated that Tie2 is not required for endothelial cell proliferation during vasculogenesis. Functional studies in transgenic and gene-knockout mice support the notion that Ang1 signals Tie2 to recruit support cells, and that Ang2 inhibits this capability. Gene-knockout mice that lack Ang1 die with similar vascular defects to the Tie2 knockout mice (11). Transgenic mice overexpressingthe negative ligand Ang2 in endothelial cells also die during embryogenesis, again with similar vascular defects (4). Thus, overexpression of Ang2 phenocopies loss of Ang1 expression, consistent with their opposite activities. Collectively, the data argue that Ang1 is the major physiological ligand for Tie2's functional role in recruiting and sustaining peri-endothelial support cells, whereas Ang2 serves to block this function, thereby relaxing these intimate and critical associations.Why then does Ang2 exist? No doubt the Ang2 gene-knockout phenotype will prove illuminating. Meanwhile, the prevailing evidence suggests that Ang2 allows vascular remodeling, and in particular angiogenesis, processes that may be restricted by the encapsulation with basement membrane and peri-endothelial support cells. The clues come from the expression patterns of Ang1 and Ang2.Ang1 is widely expressed both in the embryo and in the adult (4, 10). Ang2 is also widely expressed in the embryo. However, its expression pattern in the adult (in a limited survey) is provocative: Ang2 is selectively expressed in ovary, uterus, and placenta, the three tissues subject to physiological angiogenesis (4). The possible association of Ang2 with adult angiogenesis was investigated during ovulation, which is marked by distinctive phases of vascular quiescence, angiogenesis, and vascular regression. Ang2 expression in these stages was compared to that of Ang1 and VEGF. In early follicles, the vasculature is quiescent, and Ang1 is expressed, with little or no VEGF or Ang2 expression. In late pre-ovulatory follicles and in the postovulatory corpus luteum, where angiogenesis is ongoing, both VEGF and Ang2 are up-regulated, while Ang1 expression persists. Notably, Ang2 expression appears punctate, or focal. Finally, in nonproductive follicles, which show vascular regression, Ang2 is expressed at uniformly high levels, provocatively in the absence of VEGF expression.These patterns of expression, when considered in the context of the lessons from the various gene-knockout phenotypes (see Fig. 1), collectively suggest a model for control of vasculogenesis, vessel maturation and maintenance, angiogenesis, and regression, as illustrated in Fig. 2. The Ang1/Tie2 circuit appears to mediate vessel maturation from simple endothelial tubes into more elaborate vascular structures composed of several cell types, and the maintenance of those vessels via the cell-cell and cell-matrix associations that produce them. Consequently, Ang1 may also help preserve endothelial cell quiescence. Focal expression of Ang2 evidently blocks the Ang1/Tie2 signal, resulting in a loosening of this tight vascular structure and thereby exposing the endothelial cells to activating signals from angiogenesis inducers, including VEGF. If VEGF (or another angiogenesis inducer) is present, the endothelial cells become activated to migrate and proliferate, producing new capillary sprouts and in turn tubes. One can envision that the more uniform presence of Ang1 allows a shift in the local balance of Ang1/Ang2 back in favor of Ang1, to effect maturation and stabilization of the newly formed vessels. Thus, there appears to be a collaboration between VEGF, Ang2, and Ang1 to elicit angiogenesis. In contrast, vascular regression is associated with very high-level expression of Ang2 in the absence of the activating (survival) signal from VEGF, presumably overwhelming the Ang1 signal and thereby producing catastrophic detachment from matrix and support cells, most likely with consequent apoptosis.The work by Maisonpierre et al. (4) introduces an inhibitory ligand, Ang2, for the Tie2 regulatory RTK that normally helps maintain vascular integrity. A model is emerging of a regulatory mechanism through which blood vessels are constructed, maintained, remodeled, and eliminated. Other factors are also involved, during embryonic vasculogenesis and angiogenesis, and for physiological and pathological angiogenesis in the adult. For example, gene-knockout mice have also implicated a G protein-coupled receptor in vascular regulation, because in the absence of Ga13, embryos die at E8.5 to E9.5, with defects in vascular assembly and angiogenesis (12). Moreover, a reciprocal paracrine signal has been revealed by gene-knockout mice that lack the genes for neuregulin, which is expressed in the endocardium of the heart, and the ErbB-2/3/4 RTKs, which are expressed in myocardium. Knockouts of this ligand or of its receptors produces defects in the developing heart analogous to those observed when Ang1 or Tie2 is missing (13-16). A similar role is suggested by gene-knockout mice for platelet-derived growth factor and its receptors in other tissue vasculature (17, 18). Furthermore, there is clear evidence in the adult for additional angiogenesis inducers and for an increasing number of angiogenesis inhibitors that act directly on endothelial cells (19-21). Thus, regulation of angiogenesis in ovulation and implantation, in wound healing, and in chronic pathological situations such as tumor progression will indeed be complex, but tractable using the power of animal models. That complexity notwithstanding, the evidence is compelling that VEGF and the angiopoietins, and their cognate receptors, are critical components of the vascular regulatory machinery. It will be of particular interest to establish the possible contributions of Ang2 to tumor angiogenesis, whereby the quiescent vasculature (likely maintained in part by Ang1/Tie2) is activated to elicit and chronically effect the angiogenic phenotype that accompanies tumor growth and metastasis. Ang2 could well serve as an initial angiogenic signal, locally opening up the vessel structure to allow protease degradation of thebasement membrane surrounding the endothelium and accessibility to that endothelium by angiogenesis inducers such as VEGF, thereby eliciting capillary sprouting and in turn new blood vessels that sustain a tumor as it expands.Fig. 1. Lessons from gene-knockout miceThe endothelial cell-selective RTKs VEGF-R1, VEGF-R2, Tie1, and Tie2 have all been ablated in gene-knockout mice. Each RTK knockout produced embryonic lethality with vascular defects. However, their distinctive phenotypes indicate that each of these tyrosine kinases controls a specific, complementary function in endothelial cells that collectively can account for a significant part of endothelial cell morphogenesis into functional vessels. See (22) for receptor structures.Fig. 2. Regulation of vascular morphogenesis, maintenance, and remodeling by RTKs and their ligandsA model for regulation of the vascular endothelium manifested by the prototypical angiogenesis factor VEGF and a new class of angiogenic regulators, Ang1 and Ang2. All three ligands bind to RTKs that have similar cytoplasmic signaling domains. Yet their downstream signals elicit distinctive cellular responses. Only VEGF binding to the VEGF-R2 sends a classical proliferative signal. When first activated in embryogenesis, this interaction induces the birth and proliferation of endothelial cells. In contrast, VEGF binding to VEGF-R1 elicits endothelial cell-cell interactions and capillary tube formation, a process that follows closely proliferation and migration of endothelial cells. Ang1 binding to the Tie2 RTK recruits and likely maintains association of peri-endothelial support cells (pericytes, smooth muscle cells, myocardiocytes), thus solidifying and stabilizing a newly formed blood vessel. The newly discovered Ang2, although highly homologous to Ang1, does not activate the Tie2 RTK; rather, it binds and blocks kinase activation in endothelial cells. The Ang2 negative signal causes vessel structures to become loosened, reducing endothelial cell contacts with matrix and disassociating peri-endothelial support cells. This loosening appears to render the endothelial cells more accessible and responsive toward the angiogenic inducer VEGF (and likely to other inducers). Finally, Ang2 is expressed at uniformly high levels in vascular regression in nonproductive ovarian follicles; the lack of VEGF coexpression suggests that loosening of cell-matrix interactions in the absence of a growth or survival signal elicits endothelial cell death, likely by apoptosis. No doubt additional factors play into these distinctive states, including the emerging class of angiogenesis inhibitors that directly block endothelial cell proliferation and migration.。
Lagrangian cell-centered conservative scheme
Lagrangian cell-centered conservative scheme Quan-wen GE【期刊名称】《应用数学和力学(英文版)》【年(卷),期】2012(000)010【摘要】This paper presents a Lagrangian cell-centered conservative gas dynamics scheme. The piecewise constant pressures of cells arising from the current time sub-cell densities and the current time isentropic speed of sound are introduced. Multipling the initial cell density by the initial sub-cell volumes obtains the sub-cell Lagrangian masses, and dividing the masses by the current time sub-cell volumes gets the current time sub-cell densities. By the current time piecewise constant pressures of cells, a scheme that conserves the momentum and total energy is constructed. The vertex velocities and the numerical fluxes through the cell interfaces are computed in a consistent manner due to an original solver located at the nodes. The numerical tests are presented, which are representative for compressible flows and demonstrate the robustness and accuracy of the Lagrangian cell-centered conservative scheme.【总页数】22页(P1329-1350)【作者】Quan-wen GE【作者单位】Institute of Applied Physics and Computational Mathematics, Beijing 100094, P. R. China【正文语种】中文【中图分类】O241.82因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。
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Contents 1. Introduction 2. Lie algebroids 2.1. The prolongation of a Lie algebroid over a fibration 2.2. Lagrangian and Hamiltonian mechanics on Lie algebroids 3. Constraint algorithm and reduction for presymplectic Lie algebroids 3.1. Constraint algorithm for presymplectic Lie algebroids 3.2. Reduction of presymplectic Lie algebroids 4. Singular Lagrangian systems on Lie algebroids 5. Vakonomic mechanics on Lie algebroids 5.1. Vakonomic equations and vakonomic bracket 5.2. The variational point of view 5.3. Examples 6. Conclusions and future work Acknowledgments References 1 3 6 8 10 10 12 15 23 23 30 33 40 41 41
1. Introduction There is a vast literature around the Lagrangian formalism in mechanics justified by the central role played by these systems in the foundations of modern mathematics and physics. In some interesting systems some problems often arise due to their singular nature that give rise to the presence of constraints manifesting that the evolution problem is not well posed (internal constraints). Constraints can also
manifest a priori restrictions on the states of the system which are often imposed either by physical arguments or by external conditions (external constraints). Both cases are of considerable importance. Systems with internal constraints are quite interesting since many dynamical systems are given in terms of non-symplectic forms instead of the more habitual symplectic ones. The more frequent case appears in the Lagrangian formalism of singular mechanical systems which are a commonplace in many physical theories (as in Yang-Mills theories, gravitation, etc). Also, in systems that appears as a limit (as in Chern-Simons lagrangians); for instance consider the following lagrangian 1 L = mi (q ˙i )2 + eAi (q )q ˙i − V (q ) 2 in the limit mi → 0 for some i. In other cases, it is necessary work with a new singular lagrangian in a extended space since the original lagrangian is “ill defined” (only locally defined on the original space), as it happens for the electron monopole system (see [16]). Another motivation for the present work is the study of lagrangian systems subjected to external constraints (holonomic and nonholonomic) [3]. These systems have a wide application in many different areas: engineering, optimal control theory, mathematical economics (growth economic theory), subriemannian geometry, motion of microorganisms, etc. Constrained variational calculus have a rich geometric structure. Many of these systems usually exhibit invariance under the action of a Lie group of symmetries and they can be notably simplified using their symmetric properties by reducing the degrees of freedom of the original system. In previous studies it is imposed a separate study for each class of systems since the lack of a unified framework for dealing simultaneously with all the systems. Recent investigations have lead to a unifying geometric framework to covering these plethora of particular situations. It is precisely the underlying structure of a Lie algebroid on the phase space which allows a unified treatment. This idea was first introduced by Weinstein [34] in order to define a Lagrangian formalism which is general enough to account for the various types of systems. The geometry and dynamics on Lie algebroids have been extensively studied during the past years. In particular, in [27], E. Mart´ ınez developed a geometric formalism of mechanics on Lie algebroids similar to Klein’s formalism of the ordinary Lagrangian mechanics and, more recently, a description of the Hamiltonian dynamics on a Lie algebroid was given in [23, 28]. The key concept in this theory is the prolongation, T E E , of the Lie algebroid over the fibred projection τ (for the Lagrangian formalism) and the prolongation, T E E ∗ , over the dual fibred projection τ ∗ : E ∗ → Q (for the Hamiltonian formalism). See [23] for more details. Of course, when the Lie algebroid is E = T Q we obtain that T E E = T (T Q) and T E E ∗ = T (T ∗Q), recovering the classical case. Another approach to the theory was discussed in [14]. The existence of symmetries in these systems makes interesting to generalize the Gotay-Nester-Hinds algorithm [13] to the case of Lie algebroids with a presymplectic section. These results are easily extended to the case of implicit differential equations on Lie algebroids. The second author and collaborators analyzed the case of nonholonomic mechanics on Lie algebroids [8]. Now, we also pretend to study singular Lagrangian systems and vakonomic mechanics on Lie algebroids (obtained through the application of a constrained variational principle). The paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we recall the notion of a Lie algebroid and several aspects related with it. In particular, we describe the prolongation T E E of a Lie algebroid E over the projection τ : E → Q and how to