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Four key principles lie at the heart of NLP
Outcomes: “know what you want.” NLP claims that knowing precisely what
you want helps you achieve it.
Rapport: establish rapport with yourself and then with others. Sensory acuity: use your senses. Look at, listen to, and feel what is actually
Flexibility: doing things differently if what you are doing is not working.
keeping changing what you do until you get what you want.
(O’ Connor and McDermott 1996; Revell and Norman 1997)
tries to explain verbal and nonverbal information processing.
Programing: refers to observable patterns or programs of
thought and behavior.
Neurolinguistic programing (NLP) refers to a training philosophy and set of training techniques first developed by John Grindler and Richard Bandler in the mid-1970s as an alternative form of therapy.
John Grindler
Richard Bandler
Grindler and Bandler develop NLP as a system of techniques therapists could use in building rapport with clients, gathering information about their internal and external views of the world, and helping them achieve goals and bring about personal change. They sought to fill what they perceived to be a gap in psychological thinking and practice of the early 1970s by developing a series of step-by-step procedures that would enable people to improve themselves.
不只是模仿他人,还模仿自己:去发现自己的大脑和身体如何工作,运用同一模式去使 某些事的效果更好。
1. NLP可从根本上解决学生的学习动力问题 2. NLP能够提高学生的学习效率
减少学习英语时的挫折感 NLP的应用法见后
3. NLP可以提升学生的心理素质
In language teaching, the impact of NLP to some teachers stem from the fact that it offers a set of humanistic principles that provide either a new justification for well-known techniques from the communicative or humanistic repertoire or a different interpretation of the role of the teacher and the learner, one in harmony with many learner-centered, person-centered views.
Neurolinguistic Programming
Neurs to beliefs about the brain and how it functions. Linguistic: Refers to a theory of communication, one that
增强学生信心 (凡事没有失败,只有回应信息 )
1.大部分人,视觉记忆效果最佳的眼珠位置是在左上方 2.分节记忆。 把信息分成五至七个小节,然后组合成一体 重点在形成图像 (如记单词)
每个人在记忆的时候所擅用的感官系统不同。应用多感官记忆效果更好。 (默读或朗读一篇英语课文的效果没有自己把课文内容表演出来的效果好)
NLP is a collection of techniques, patterns, and strategies for assisting effective communication, personal growth and change, and learning. It is based on a series of underlying assumptions about how the mind works and how people act and interact. (Revell and Norman 1997:14)
用做游戏的方式和心态学习以增加动机和兴趣 李阳疯狂英语中的“一三五”学习法 “一口气训练法”,“三最口腔肌肉训练法”—最大声、最清晰、最快速, “五大发音秘诀”—长元音拉长; 双元音夸张饱满; 短元音短促有力、干净利落、收腹; 连读;略读和咬舌头。
学生问自己“对的问题” “注意力等于事实” e.g. 我喜欢用什么方法学英语?