专题 听力经典精讲(下)-讲义


高考英语二轮精讲精练讲义 专题 听力经典精讲(下)

高考英语二轮精讲精练讲义 专题 听力经典精讲(下)


为了更好的备战2012高考英语,下面是高考英语听力满分的几个技巧,希望能对广大考生有所帮助!预测技巧对话预测在听取对话,尤其是Part A—Short Conversation时,考生可以按照下例wh-问题进行预测:(1)Who are the two speakers?(2)What is the possible relationship between them?(3)When did they have the conversation?(4)Where did the conversation take place?(5)Why do they have the conversation?(6)What did they plan to do?语篇预测在Part B,Longer Conversation的听力过程中,考生按下列问题展开预测:(1)What is the topic of the passage?(2)Who is the speaker?(3)What facts did the speaker offer?(4)What facts did the speaker fail to offer?依靠开篇句预测英语听力的第一句话通常会透露整篇的主题,所以考生要善于抓住听力材料的首句信息。

例如:Americans have a popular saying “Time is money. ”从这一句开篇句我们可以预测的信息范围:(1)这是一篇关于时间的话题。

(2) 涉及的对象是美国人。



5、saying thank you
A、I’d better be going./ I really must be going now./ I think it’s about time I gotta going./ I really should be on my way.
B、So soon? why don’t you stay a little longer?/ but you just got here. Can’t you stay a little longer?/ What? Already? Won’t you have more coffee?/ not yet. At least have one for the road.
• department store, hardware store, restaurant, cafeteria,
• snack, dessert, appetizer, speciality, menu, waiter/waitress, knives/forks
• reception desk, lobby/lounge, suite, double room, attendant, check in/out

• daily necessities, pay by installments, be worthy the money, try it for size, go well with, be in season, out of style, household ware, cashier
D、I really don’t know how to thank you./ It’s most kind of you.



常见的理解说话者的意图、观点或态度的问题形式有: What does the man mean? What does the woman say about…? What does the woman think of…? How does the woman feel at the beginning of the conversation? What does the woman want to talk about with the man?
常见的对所听内容作出简单推断的问题形式有: What is the probable relationship between the two speakers? Where does this conversation take place? Where are the two speakers? When does this conversation take place? 4. 理解说话者的意图、观点或态度
What are the two speakers talking about? What are the speakers discussing?
专题一 听力理解
What is the main purpose of the speech?
What does the speaker want to tell us?
2. 获取事实性的具体信息 听力测试题中的对话或独白是围绕一个话题中心而展开的,同时必定要 有相关细节的支持,如具体的时间、地点、人物、数字、动作等。这类题通 常还要求考生对所获得的信息作一些简单的处理,如数字运算、时间顺序、 比较筛选、同义转换、确认因果关系等。 应注意,整体和细节是密切联系、相辅相成的,因此,应尽量在整体理


what I want to know is, what you are going to do about it at all? W: Well, I suppose we could exchange it for another model, if you really aren’t
happy with it. M: No, I certainly am not. W: Well, if I could just have the receipt. M: Oh, yes. Well, there is a slight problem about the receipt.
W: And what is that? M: Look. It says here that the noise from it should be undetectable by other
people. W: Yes, that’s right. M: But people can hear it, and t’s really embarrassing on the bus and
underground. W: Well, I’m sorry, but it must be the way you are wearing the headphones. M: Look. I know how to put earphones in my ears. Thank you very much. But
M: You have been in a university before, haven't you?
W: Yes, in Britain.
M: How do students go about getting jobs when they graduate?

高三英语复习:听力精讲 状语从句 阅读训练 讲义+笔记

高三英语复习:听力精讲 状语从句 阅读训练 讲义+笔记

模考听力精讲精练核心语法回顾V :三大从句II阅读专项精练II :六选Lesson 10 四本讲目录模考听力精讲精练模考听力短对话讲解模考听力长对话训练核心语法回顾V:三大从句II最难的状从来了你怕吗?阅读专项精练II:六选四(A) What Is Nonverbal Communication?(B) Motivating Employees under Unfavorable ConditionsQuiz: Why you should not worry about procrastination听力能力提升听力只能练!练!练!解题指导☞听力短对话作答听力短对话时,常见问题如下:,仔细辨别题目中可能存在的②需在加以克服。


由于短对话文本与问题只播放一遍,即使某一题无法明确答案,仍需紧跟听力内容保持作答节奏6. A. Get a new bus schedule. B. Read the notice on the window.C. Go and ask the ticket seller.D. Board the bus to Cleveland.Annie提示:Short ConversationsW: Oh, that wasn’t me. That was my sister Jane. She’s in your class.Q: What does the woman mean?Annie再次提示:Short Conversations的选项中如出现第三位人物(the man/the woman之外), 务必理清人物关系与评价。

8.took overB. He is making plans to expand his operation.M: Fifteen years if you can believe that. I bought it from a small operation to what it is today.Q: What do we learn about the man?PHRASAL VERB If you take over a company, you getcontrol of it, for example, by buying its shares. 接管(公司)9. A. The man and the woman are working on a joint project.B. The woman is going to make her topic more focused.C. It took a lot of time to get the man on the right track.D. One should choose a broad topic for a research paper.M: You are on the right track. I just think you need to narrow the topic down.W: Yeah, you’re right. I always start by choosing too broad a topic when I’m doing a research paper.Q: What do we learn from the conversation?图片来自网络,侵权请联系删除10.B. The woman’s kids can play football with his son.C. Many children feel bored when left alone.look forward to it all week.Q: What does the man mean?Annie再次提示:Short Conversations那么,这套听力短对话带给我们什么了呢?Annie提示1:任何题型中的but/yet/however后往往为重点所在,听力短对话尤其如此。





文章内容来源于科学美国人60秒(scientific american 60s ),并通过笔者精心挑选取出了当中符合新托福听力考试内容的文章。

根据中国学生在听力训练当中遇到的难点比如连读,变音,失爆,弱音,有针对的提取出影响考生对句子理解的部分词组(词汇或短句), 在加上科学美国人60秒(scientific american 60s )原本就比较快的语速,这样的话能使考生快速有效的提高听力水平。




周翔圣 按周翔圣托福听力讲义-辨音听写-81 Cricket Fossil Reveals Ancient SongCrickets make a big contribution to the sounds of a summer night. And they’ve been doing so for some 165 million years. Now paleontologists ________________________________ bushcricket —based on its remains.The researchers got hold of a bushcricket fossil from the Jurassic period with well preserved wings. Even the stridulating organs, which______________________, were visible, which allowed researchers to compare the extinct cricket to 59 living species. The scientists concluded that the crickets ___________________________in short bursts. And based on physiology and the comparisons, they estimated _________________each note that the ancient species sang. Here’s the call: [Cricket sound]The study is in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.周 翔 圣的 托 福 讲 义 我的微博:h t t p ://w e i b o .c o m /z x i a n g s h e ngQ Q :331447992 w w w .y o u x u e d u .c n 优 旭 教 育This work shows that ______________________ music had already evolved over a hundred million years ago. Like modern bushcricket species, the ancient male crickets probably sang to advertise _______________ to potential mates. As a bonus, they’ve helped us know a bit about the sound of their long lost world.—Sophie Bushwickhave reconstructed the song of a long-extinct insects rub together to make noise produced single frequencies the pitch and length of the anatomy to make their presence and reproductive quality2 Upbleat Finding: Kids Start To Sound Alike Over TimeThe sounds many animals make are determined by their genes —they don't have to learn them. Humans, on the other hand, ______________languages and accents, stuff we pick up from those around us. We're not alone. Whales, elephants, songbirds and bats also listen and learn.Now there's literally a new kid on the block: goats. Because baby goats learn to bleat just like the kids_________________. So finds a study in the journal Animal Behaviour .Researchers studied four groups of pygmy goat kids on an English farm —all with the same father , to___________________. They recorded the kids' bleats at one week old and at five weeks, then analyzed those calls. And they found that kids raised within the same______________________________, like this: [two goat sounds] or this [two other goat sounds]. Compare that to these two kids, who grew up apart: [two different goat sounds]. Hear the difference?If you were a goat, the authors say, those different 'accents' might be a good way to identify outsiders. Then again, if you had trouble______________________, don't let it get your goat. I kid!—Christopher Intagliata2 have all sorts of they hang out with minimize genetic differences group started to sound similar over time keeping track of who's who周 翔 圣的 托 福 讲 义 我的微博:h t t p ://w e i b o .c o m /z x i a n g s h e ngQ Q :331447992 w w w .y o u x u e d u .c n 优 旭 教 育3 Smoking Messes Mouth Bacterial CommunityIt's no secret cigarettes can yellow your teeth. But tobacco smoke has another , unseen effect._________________ healthy bacteria in your mouth, leaving the field open for pathogenic bugs —like the kind that cause gum disease. So says a study in the journal Infection and Immunity. [Purnima S. Kumar et al., "Tobacco smoking affects bacterial acquisition and colonization in oral biofilms"]Researchers gave a complete dental cleaning to 30 volunteers, half of whom were regular smokers. Then, ________________________, they took plaque samples and sequenced the DNA in those scrapings. And they found that non-smokers__________________________, dominated by a few benign species. That's good, because a healthy biofilm educates your immune system —__________________________________—and it keeps bad bacteria at bay.Smokers, on the other hand, had wildly transient populations, with species moving in and out —which_____________________________. Smokers also had higher levels of inflammation, which can destroy friendly bacteria, too. The researchers ______________ why smoking has this effect. But if you're looking for a new reason to quit, how about avoiding your dentist?—Christopher IntagliataIt can wipe out the as bacteria moved back in tended to have stable bacterial communities preventing unnecessary attacks and inflammation opened up real estate for the bad bugs aren't sure yet4 Our Birth Control Undermines AmphibiansThe most ______________________________________estrogen. But the hormone doesn’t just prevent human babies. It may be lowering numbers of frog babies, too. Because estrogens__________________________ a woman’s system, and back into the environment —where they interfere with the courtship of frogs.Researchers ________________________containing various周 翔 圣的 托 福 讲 义 我的微博:h t t p ://w e i b o .c o m /z x i a n g s h e ngQ Q :331447992 w w w .y o u x u e d u .c n 优 旭 教 育concentrations of estrogen —comparable to levels previously measured in nature. And they found that males exposed to estrogen made signifi cantly fewer ‘advertisement’ calls: mating calls that say “hey ladies, I’m over here.” Instead, the frogs made more so -called ‘rasping’ calls: a sign the boys _________ turned on as they used to be.As it turns out, neither were the ladies. Because when researchers played back estrogen-influenced calls to females, the lady frogs weren’t as hot to hop, __________________________ the crooning of control frogs. Those findings appear in the journal Public Library of Science ONE.The authors say less seductive mating calls could mean fewer tadpoles. Which means our sex lives _________________ blame for making global populations of amphibians croak.—Christopher Intagliata4 common types of ingested birth control contain can travel unaltered through bathed male frogs in tanks weren’t as compared to when they heard could be partly to5 New Male Terminates Monkey PregnanciesIn the lab, female rodents sometimes terminate their pregnancies after being exposed to new males. It’s called the Bruce effect, fo r researcher Hilda Bruce. Now a study in the journal Science [link to come] finds that the Bruce effect occurs in the wild, and______________________. To discover whether the Bruce effect is a naturally__________________, researchers from the University of Michigan observed a wild population of gelada monkeys. They measured hormones in the animals’ feces to identify pregnant females and their conception dates.Gelada monkeys live in small groups, with several females and a single male. When a rival displaces the male in a gelada family, he frequently kills his predecessor’s progeny. And the females know it. The researchers found that females impregnated by the old male terminate 80 percent of their pregnancies __________ male takes over .周 翔 圣的 托 福 讲 义 我的微博:h t t p ://w e i b o .c o m /z x i a n g s h e ngQ Q :331447992 w w w .y o u x u e d u .c n 优 旭 教 育Those females were quicker to conceive again with the new male than were females who hadn’t been pregnant. _________________ offspring at risk of death, females subject to the Bruce effect invest in new progeny —with a better chance of survival.—Sophie Bushwick6 Fish Finning Fails FinanciallyTens of millions of sharks are killed for their fins each year . It's not just a tragic abuse of the animals. It's bad business."They're basically swimming dollar signs, whether you're trying to kill them for their meat or their fins or _____________________ at them for ecotourism." That's Austin Gallagher , a doctoral student at the University of Miami. I spoke with him on February 26th."We did some calculations and the__________________. We determined that the average shark was worth about $200,000 over the course of its life. And when you compare it to finning that animal--a one-time extractive use--________________ is worth about 40 percent more."Gallagher and his doctoral advisor Neil Hammerschlag published the study last year in Current Issues in Tourism."Since this paper came out, I got an email from somebody in Bali just a weeks ago saying, `We're using your paper to stop illegal harvest of thresher sharks in Bali at a local dive community.'"--Steve Mirsky7 Mars Swings Into Opposition March 3Now's a great time to ____________________ telescope. Because Saturday, March 3, is the Mars Opposition. It's one of the times that the Earth and Mars pass the closest to one another . The name - the Mars opposition - means that Mars and the Sun ________________________ . And it happens only once every two years and two months.But if you don't have such equipment handy, you might want to head over to the online Slooh Space Camera. It's usually a members-only site that周 翔 圣的 托 福 讲 义 我的微博:h t t p ://w e i b o .c o m /z x i a n g s h e ngQ Q :331447992 w w w .y o u x u e d u .c n 优 旭 教 育____________________________ web images broadcast from telescopes around the world and to click to snap photos. The pictures get integrated into Google Earth/Sky. The site also offers free weekly space shows.But Saturday ___________________________ the Mars Opposition, hosted by astronomy experts. It'll include views of the planet from a variety of observatories including those in Arizona and the Canary Islands. You'll be able to pick out____________________________, volcanoes and polar caps.The online broadcast will begin on Saturday at 11 pm Eastern time. Head over to the online Slooh Space Camera.--Cynthia Graber8 Earthshine Sets Example for Life-Light SearchHow can we search for life on exoplanets? Step one: examine the Earth_________________________. That’s the idea behind a recent look at earthshine.Researchers aimed what’s officially called the Very Large Telescope, housed at the European Southern Observatory, at the moon. They measured earthshine: ______________________the Earth, hits the moon and bounces back.The scientists are looking for ______________________ —such as evidence of the gases associated with organic life. Such gas signatures are generally tough to find, because any planetary light is ___________________________ host star . But in this effort, the research team also ______________________light. Because light reflected off a planet is polarized. But light from the star is not.The analysis of earthshine correctly ________________________ has a partly cloudy atmosphere and is covered with oceans and some vegetation. The researchers could even ascertain changes in cloud cover and vegetation as the Earth turned. The research was published in the journal Nature.Similar scrutiny of actual exoplanets may one day ____________________ good suspects for harboring life —via their周 翔 圣的 托 福 讲 义 我的微博:h t t p ://w e i b o .c o m /z x i a n g s h e ngQ Q :331447992 w w w .y o u x u e d u .c n 优 旭 教 育light.—Cynthia Graber周 翔 圣的 托 福 讲 义 我的微博:h t t p ://w e i b o .c o m /z x i a n g s h e ngQ Q :331447992 w w w .y o u x u e d u .c n 优 旭 教 育。




Well,everybody and welcome to this class on Listening Comprehension,as you have already known,my name is Zhouwei,an d my English name is Jack,I’m a BBC,Beijing Born Chinese,I’ve been a teacher for around two years,teaching oral English and Listening Comprehension, I enjoy teaching very much, and I am ready to put my heart and soul into teaching, through two years of teaching English, I have got many happiness and sense of achievement.I’ll be your teacher for the next five hours, during this period of time we’re learning not only some very useful and effective techniques to crack your exam,but also some skills improve your learning ability.At last,please turn your cell phone into vibrate mode,for it will disturb our listening equipment.Q/A:Now let me ask you a few questions:1) Where can you most probably hear this talk?A. In a class of Listening Comprehension.B. In a class of Reading Comprehension.C. In a class of Oral English.2)What’s my English name?A. ZhouweiB. JackC. BBC3) How long does the class last?A. Two hoursB. Five hoursC. Ten hours4)What do I mean by turn your cell phone into vibrate mode.A. You can make a phone call in Jack’s classB. Cell phone disturbs everybody.C. Try not to make a sound with your phone.其实这就是一篇很典型的听力段子题,在生活中的任何一次对话,都是这样一个过程,听(输入信息)→想(处理信息)→说(输出信息),在我们听力的考试里这三个过程分别是:读→听→选,读:预测内容,确定重点。



Lesson3★ 三个基本思路: ⼀、学习话题:学⼏门课,课程难不难,课的进展,考试如何,作业如何,⽼师怎样,实验课怎样,图书馆怎样…… 回答:基本上都是抱怨 ⼆、⽣活话题:穷,省钱,购物⼀定要bargain,带学⽣证, 例如:1. I want to make a long distance call. When is the best time? 例如:2. Maybe I ought to subscribe to the journal. 捐献;定购订阅。

Why don't you save the money and read it in the library? 例如:3. A) To wear a heavy sweater to the game. B) To postpone the game. C) To change tickets. D) To watch the game at home. 三、混合话题,但忙于学习。

场景题: 选项的特点:1. 地点;2. to do表⽬的;3. -ing;4. A and B结构,⼈物关系 提问特点: What, Where, When, Who 总结重点: 出题思路 判断场景的线索词 例如:fine 罚款(校外交通;校内图书馆) cashier 出纳(各个场景) teller (银⾏)出纳员 ATM (Automatic Teller Machine) ⾃动提款机 [P24-1] A) He is still being treated in the hospital. B) He has had an operation. C) He’ll rest at home for another two weeks. D) He returned to work last week. M: How is your father, Mary? The last time I came to see you, you were about to take him to the hospital. W: He came home last week. The operation was very successful. The doctor said he’ d almost recovered and could go back to work next week. Q: What did the woman say about her father? 注:be about to do 正要做某事 医院场景: 1、医⽣难找 2、病情如何 3、有病耽误课 miss the class 缺课的原因: 1、⽣病 get ill 2、睡过头 over sleep 3、traffic (车坏了,或者交通的问题) 医院的线索词: operation ⼿术 infirmary (校内)医务室;cafeteria 饭堂;tuition 学费 treat, treatment 治疗(过程) cure 治愈(结果) [study, learn; search, find; try, manage] clinic 诊所 ward 病房 student health center 学⽣健康中⼼ medical center 医疗中⼼ prescribe 开处⽅;preview 预习;interview ⾯试;international 国际的 fill the prescription 抓药 refill the prescription 再抓药 check out 办理出院⼿续 emergency department 急诊室 [P24-3] A) To meet Tom Wang. B) To work in his office. C) To go to hospital. D) To attend a meeting. M: This is Tom Wang speaking. Could you tell me Mr. Smith’s schedule for tomorrow? I would like to meet him at his convenience. W: Let me see. He’ll go to see his doctor at 8, and chair a meeting at 10 in the morning. Well, he will be in the office the whole afternoon. Q: What does Mr. Smith plan to do at 10 o’clock tomorrow morning? 注:chair 主持 打电话场景: 1、约⼈肯定约不到 make an appointment (约医⽣) 2、约会去不了 come up 突然来临 reschedule 重新安排时间 fit me in 安排 3、电话打不通,打错电话 run out of coin 硬币⽤光 cut off 通话被中断 hang up 挂断电话 receiver 听筒 hook 挂钩 telephone book 电话簿 yellow pages 电话簿 yellow press ⾊情出版物 dial the number 打电话 打电话步骤: look up the number in the telephone; pick up the receiver; drop the coins in the slot 投币孔; dial the number you wanted. [P25-4] A) She was afraid she might be kept too late. B) She would have something more important to do. C) She had to meet a friend of hers. D) She was not in the mood to attend the party. W: Hello, Steve. This is Susan. I’m afraid I won’t be able to come to the party. I was just asked to go to a meeting. M: Do come after your meeting, Susan. Our party won’t be over until midnight. Q: Why did the woman say that she could not join in the party? 注:be in the mood to do sth. 愿意做某事,有这种⼼情做某事 [P25-9] A) To write a check. B) To find a telephone number. C) To ring up somebody. D) To check the telephone service. W: I’m sorry, but the number you are dialing is not in service. M: But that’s impossible. I just spoke to him this morning. Could you please check it for me? Q: What is the man trying to do? 注:operator 接线员 [P27-2] A) The woman is being interviewed by a reporter. B) The woman is asking for a promotion. C) The woman is applying for a job. D) The woman is being given an examination. M: Now, I'm going to start off by asking you a difficult question. Why would you like to get this post? W: Well-first of all I know that your firm has a very good reputation. Then I've heard you offer good opportunities for promotion for the right person. Q: What do we know from this conversation? ⼯作场景: 1、找到⼯作⾼兴 2、失去⼯作伤⼼ 3、拒绝⼯作奇怪(主动拒绝令⼈感到奇怪) 找⼯作的步骤: 1、信息来源:newspaper 报纸: classified ad. 分类⼴告, help and wanted section 供求关系版 bulletin board公告板 flier 传单www.E考试就到考试⼤ 2、打电话确认 3、准备简历 4、⾯试:携带证明 identification、证书 certificate;确定你是否有资格qualification (be qualified for some post; be up to 胜任);推荐信 reference letter。



Module 1Unit 1 AccommodationEast or west, home is the best1. ListeningV ocabulary:accommodation landlord/landladyproperty/real-estate agent/agency tenant/lodgeradvertisement flatapartment,dormitoryhomestay avenuelane bedroomliving room dining roomsitting room bathroomstove microwave ovenrefrigerator sofa/couchcarpet garagedeposit rentPart One: Chinese whispers game-- what does your apartment look like?Rules: Divide the whole class into several groups. The first players listen to the same dialogue about an apartment and then whisper what they hear to their next team players. Each player successively whispers what the player believes he or she heard to the next. The last plays announce the statement by writing it down on the b lackboard. The team with more original information wins.Part Two: Talking to a property agentListen and complete the dialogue.Agent: Helen, I’ve heard you want to move into a 1____ _____family. Is that right? Helen: Y es, that’s right. I’ve been staying with my cousin and now her boyfriend is arriving from 2___ _______ and I have to move out.Agent: Oh, that’s bad luck. Well, Ineed to take down your details first. Helen, what’s you surname?Helen: 3__________Agent: And your age?Helen: I am 4_________years old.Agent: What’s your nationality?Helen: Y ou mean my country?Agent: Y es.Helen: I am from Canada.Agent: OK, Canadian. How long have you been in Britain.Helen: 5_______in Glasgow and 6___ ___in Sheffield.Agent: Well, and your present address?Helen: Flat 1, 7______ _______, Sheffield.Agent: Do you know your postcode?Helen: Y es, it is 8 _____________.Skills: Number Diction.Listen and write down the numbers you hear.1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.13. 14. 15. 16.Tips: 1. 在国外,租房一般是通过广告(advertisement)找到房屋经济人(real-estate/ property agent)或个人房东private landlord来完成的;租赁关系中,房客称为tenant或lodger, 房东称为landlord或landlady(女房东);租房时,首次入住,除了租金(rent),还需要交纳押金(deposit),一般押金的数额为一个月的房租。



2. What do we learn about the woman from the dialogue?(201603-3) A. She bought a suitable skirt. B. She wanted to purchase a skirt. C. She returned a skirt to the shop. D. She complained about the service.
每题有15秒答题时间(5秒用作听前读 题,10秒用作听后答题)。 每段录音材料只播一遍。
二、A节 短对话
通常为以What, When, Where, Why, Who,How等开头的特殊疑问句,如: What is the woman doing at t open on Sundays? Where is the man`s house located? Why is the woman angry with her son? How does the man feel about his grade?
3. What does the woman say about the data in the article? A. It is original. B. It is reliable. C. It is questionable. D. It is authoritative.
听力原文: M: Do you believe it, Mary? Accessible use of mobile-phones over many years could increase the risk of cancer. W: Well, I read that article too. But I doubt it. There are huge question marks over the reliability of the data. 男生说的观点,女生表示质疑


学习如何在有图表的 听力材料中获取所需 信息,并回答相应问 题。
综合各类题型的听力 材料,综合运用各项 听力技巧和策略。
学习如何利用题目提示信中提供的关键词和短 语,快速定位正确答案。
掌握提高听力速度和准确性的方法和技巧,以 应对考试中的时间压力。
学习识别和过滤干扰信息,专注于听取 与问题相关的关键信息。
《雅思听力精讲》PPT课 件
本课件旨在为雅思考试的学生提供听力技巧、策略和练习,助您取得更好的 成绩。精心准备的内容将使您在考试中取得更高的得分。
深入了解各类听力题型,包括选择题、填空题、 图表题和综合题,准确把握答题技巧。
了解各种常见的听力场景,如学校、商场、机 场等,提高对场景信息的敏感度。
通过上下文和问题提示,提前预测听力 材料的内容,增强理解能力。
识别关键信息词汇和数字,加强记忆并 提高答题准确性。
通过选择正确答案, 提高对听力材料的理 解和答题技巧。
通过填写关键词或短 语,加强对听力材料 的理解和记忆。



雅思听力真经讲义贵学教育李慧芳雅思听力破冰之旅●听力六大障碍1.常见核心词汇(experimental design, facilities)2.考点词(不同section 中都会考到的单词animal-wildlife)3.词组(听力中听懂,口语中也可以应用)4.常见动词的不规则形式5.多义词(issue 在图书馆场景中是期刊号)6.场景●雅思听力考试的四大难点1.考点词汇熟悉敏感度差2.听不到关键词3.多数情况会受到答案位置干扰信息的影响4.选择题不能很好的从头跟到尾●How to solve the p roblems?⏹难点一解决方案雅思听力考点词1700-1800认真做听力机经考点词汇的听写,克服音生,拼生和纯生的现象音生:见到认识,也会拼写,但是对于发音没有任何感觉,此类词汇属于阅读和写作词汇,不是听力的有效词汇(建议做跟读)拼生:能够听到答案,但是不能准确拼写。



建议:在做题的时候总结替换规律,熟悉的替换词越多,失分的可能性越小⏹难点三解决方案多数情况下受到答案处干扰信息的影响:1.审题过程中找题点(题点: 听力考试三大考点, 替换词, 同根词)2.三角法则:关键词+语气定位+替换语气定位?(听力中要注意:并列结构, 强调, 重复, 否定, 序数词, 同根词, 笑声,重读)Example Name of club:Answer KingswellPlay Royal Hunt of the Sun Dates Starting timeOctober 13th to 18 pm17Tickets availablefor 19andPrice20£⏹难点四解决方案如何更好地follow 一个topic ?1.要有全局意识2.听力的导向性词汇●听力考试三大考点时间,数字,数量多少⏹时间考点题干中出现表时间或暗示时间的词,此处为考点,同时为干扰所在1.过去,现在,将来2.各种具体表示时间的词(时间表时间,时态表时间)◆审题Notes on sports clubFacilities available: Golf12Classes available: ·Kick-boxing·3Additional facility: 4 (restaurant opening soon) 空1,2 和Golf 为并列关系。





难点:waiter男服务生;waitress女服务生;police officer / policeman警察;businessman 商人知识梳理【听力课堂】worker工人teacher 老师student学生doctor医生nurse护士businessman商人clerk 职员farmer农民driver司机boss老板waiter男服务生waitress女服务生actor 男演员actress 女演员pilot 飞行员police officer / policeman警察听单词,选图片:()A B C答案:A思路分析:doctor听单词,选图片:()A B C答案:C思路分析:nurse听句子,选择正确的图片:()A B C答案:A思路分析:My uncle is a pilot.听问句,选答语:()A. He is my father.B. He is tall.C. He is an actor.答案:C思路分析:What does he do?听问题,选答语:()A. Yes, it is.B. Yes, I am not sure.C. Yes, he is a clerk.答案:A思路分析:Is it interesting to be a clerk?【听力欣赏】Jobs Song同步练习(答题时间:15分钟)一.听音圈词:1. worker world2. businessman busy man3. driver diver4. waiter waitress5. farmer harmer6. nurse earth7. actress actor二.听问句,选答语:1. A. No, he isn’t. B. Yes, he isn’t. C. He is a teacher.2. A. Yes, she is. B. She is my mother. C. A nurse.3. A. She does homework. B. She is a clerk. C. She is happy.4. A. He is my father’s brother. B. He is Wang Ming. C. He is a pilot. 三.听短文,给下面图片排序:1. 2. 3. 4.答案一.1. worker2. businessman3. driver4. waitress5. farmer6. nurse7. actor听力原文:1. worker2. businessman3. driver4. waitress5. farmer6. nurse7. actor二.ACBC听力原文:1.Is your dad a driver?2.Is your mom a doctor or a nurse?3.What does your sister do?4.What is your uncle?三.3421听力原文:Look! This is a photo of my family. This is my father. He is a police officer. This is my mother. She works in a hospital. She is a doctor. My grandpa and grandma are teachers. They teach children Chinese. I am a student. I love my family.。











例:1)我们这帮同学中,小刘是最慷慨的,哪次同学聚会不是他掏腰包呀?2) 汶川大地震发生后,很多企业和个人纷纷慷慨解囊,援助灾区的救援和重建工作。





















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在听取对话,尤其是Part A—Short Conversation时,考生可以按照下例wh-问题进行预测:
(1)Who are the two speakers?
(2)What is the possible relationship between them?
(3)When did they have the conversation?
(4)Where did the conversation take place?
(5)Why do they have the conversation?
(6)What did they plan to do?
在Part B,Longer Conversation的听力过程中,考生按下列问题展开预测:
(1)What is the topic of the passage?
(2)Who is the speaker?
(3)What facts did the speaker offer?
(4)What facts did the speaker fail to offer?

例如:Americans have a popular saying “Time is money. ”从这一句开篇句我们可以预测的信息范围:

(2) 涉及的对象是美国人。


(A) Husband and wife.
(B) Waiter and customer.
(C) Student and teacher.
(D) Receptionist and guest.


I just can’t believe you are a police officer,Kay. I remember in high school, you always wanted to be a lawyer.
如果考生意识到该对话中的关键词为in high school,那么他马上可以意识到这是两个老同学之间的对话。

例如:Good morning, ladies and gentlemen . Welcome to Universal Studio. I’d like to guide
you all the way in the amazing park and share the wonderful moments with you.
这段话的关键词是guide, park,从中考生可以推断说话人是导游。

husband—wife teacher—student
boss—employee waiter—customer
doctor—patient parents—kid
classmates—roommates shop assistant—customer

如果对话中出现special price,那么对话很可能发生在商店;treatment,therapy等词可以透露出医患关系。

check in入住登记check out结账
book a room预定房间double room双人房passenger乘客
economy class经济舱business class公务舱
高考听力的第二部分Longer Conversation所占时间较长,如果考生能够培养一定的速记技巧,有助于保持部分听力内容,帮助记忆。


↑up ↓down ←left →right =equal

ex—expensive lg—large
eq—earthquake ys—yesterday




切记对于没有听清的试题(尤其是PartA—short conversation)采取及时放弃的原则,即随便选择一个选项,把注意力集中到下一题,一定要抢在下一题播放之前,看完下一题的全部4个选项,
