This manuscript was revised by the office on December 10, 2020.
其他宗教 印度教
犹太教 发源于西亚,主要
世 界 使用人数最多的语言 汉语是世界上 的 语 英语是世界上 流传 最广的语言 言 和 宗 世界三大宗教: 基督教、伊斯兰教、佛教 教
基督教是世界上信徒 最多的宗教
世界第一大宗教是: 基督教(约20亿人)
信仰的神是: 上帝
创始人是: 耶 稣
基 督 教
基督教是世界上信仰人数最多的宗教,目前信徒 约20亿人,分布在100多个国家和地区。耶稣是 传说中的基督教创始人,又称基督。基督是“救 世主”的意思,耶稣是基督的人间名字。《圣经 》是基督教经书的汇集,是基督各派宗教思想的 核心和指南。它分《旧约》、《新约》两个部分。
我国四大佛教名山 ——浙江省普陀山
三大 宗教
产生 年代
宗教 建筑 及标 志 教堂
巴勒斯 坦地区
公元1 世纪 《圣经》
欧洲、南美洲、 北美洲和大洋 州各国
伊斯兰 教
沙特阿 拉伯
亚洲和非洲,特 清真寺 公元7 别是西亚、北非 《古兰经》 世纪 和东南亚各地 佛塔 公元前 《佛经》 寺庙 6世纪 东亚、东南亚和 南亚的斯里兰卡
汉语、英语、法语、 俄语、西班牙语、 阿拉伯语
基督教英文简介 ppt课件
The main Christian festival:Easter
Easter is to commemorate the resurrection of Jesus, Easter usually in March 22 to April 25 , it is popular to eat Easter section of the egg to symbolize the resurrection and the life.
•With the betrayal of Judas , the Governor of Rome arrested the Jesus.
•Although Jesus didn’t do anything illegal, the Jewish priests demanded strongly to execute him. Finally, Jesus
Why did Jesus was crucified?
•Jewish belief in god, they don't allow anyone to blasphemy against god, and Jesus claiming to be the son of god, committed blasphemy. So the jews in order to maintain the status of the belief in people heart, will Jesus
The main Christian festival:Christmas Day
Christmas is the most important Christian festival, to celebrate the birth of Jesus,Scheduled December 25,and church will hold the Sunday night to celebrate the birth of Jesus on Christmas Eve.
The Daodejing, is widely regarded to be the most influential Taoist text. It is a foundational scripture of central importance in Taoism purportedly written by Lao zi sometime in the 3rd or 4th centuries BC.
Taoist symbols
The Taijitu ("yin and yang") symbol 太極圖 as well as the Ba gua 八卦 ("Eight Trigrams") are associated with Taoist symbolism. The yin and yang make an "S" shape, with yin on the right. One is likely to see this symbol as decorations on Taoist organization flags and logos, temple floors, or stitched into clerical robes. According to Song Dynasty sources, it originated around the 10th century. Previously, yin and yang were symbolized by a tiger and dragon.
Taoist alchemist Ge Hong, also known as Baopuzi (抱扑子 The "Master Embracing Simplicity") was active in the third and fourth centuries and had great influence on later Taoism.[17] Major scriptures were produced during this time period, including The Shangqing (上清 "Supreme Clarity") (365–370) and Lingbao (靈寶 "Sacred Treasure") scriptures (397–402) received at Maoshan.
2、班组完工后,对产品的保护进行系 统管理 ,对班 组已完 成并形 成系统 功能的 产品, 经验收 后,即 组织人 力、物 力和相 应的技 术手段 进行产 品保护 ,直至 形成最 终产品 ,并指 派专人 看护直 至交付 业主使 用为止 。
3 、张岱年在哲学研究上取得的巨大 成就, 跟他学 生时代 对中外 哲学典 籍的深 入研究 、名师 的指导 、好学 深思的 品性有 关。
公元7 世纪
《古兰经》 清真寺 真主安拉 穆罕墨德
公元前 6世纪
《佛经》 佛祖
佛塔 寺庙
欧洲、南美洲、北 美洲和大洋州各国
亚洲和非洲,特别 是西亚、北非和东 南亚各地
东亚、东南亚和南 亚的斯里兰卡
通过报纸、杂志广播、电视、 互联网等媒体,收集的相关报说 说宗教文化对人们生活的影响。
4、中国若不能创造出一种新哲学,则 民族再 兴只是 空谈” ,张岱 年这话 表明唯 有创造 新哲学 我们民 族才有 振兴的 希望
5 、开篇引用的两句民歌,颇具地域 风情和 民族特 色,既 暗示了 本文人 物之间 的关系 ,又营 造了浓 郁的抒 情氛围 。
6 、本文很少有直接抒发人物内心情 感的语 句,结 尾部分 描绘的 昏暗而 又不失 温暖的 静谧 场景,令人回味无穷。
1. 语言的作用是什么? 2. 联合国的工作语言是哪六种?主要分布在哪些
3. 英语为什么分布最广泛?
4. 你知道哪些宗教? 5. 世界三大宗教的名称、源地、诞生年代、经
语言是人类最重 要的交际工具。
英美概况课件英美宗教Religion in the UKReligionMajor Differences Between C & P Catholic Vs. ProtestantPower and authority of the Pope as head of the Church in setting rules of moral conduct ?emphasis on ritualeducation of children into the faithimportance of Virgin MaryMore individualistic attitude generallyimportance of individual conscience in relationship to God less formal services of worship (less ceremonial)Hinduismis thought to be the oldest major world religion that is still practiced today. It was the firstreligion that had a concept of reincarnation(转世,再生).In Hinduism spiritual practice (such as praying or doing special exercises called yoga) isvery important.JudaismJudaism is one of the oldest religions on Earth.Religious Jews believe that Moses brought the Ten Commandments十诫and the Torah(圣经旧约前5卷) down from Mount Sinai.西奈山(为上帝授与摩西十诫之处))believe that God had considered the Jews His chosen people.Major Denominations in the UKthe Church of Englandthe Roman Catholic Churchthe Free/Nonconformist Churches不信奉英国国教的Denominations in the UKChurch of England /Anglican Churchone of the many protestant sects which began in English after Henry VIII.the King , not the Pope, was the supreme head of the English ChurchIts head is sovereign, and its religious head is the Archbishop of CanterburyEngland is divided into 43 dioceses,教区each with a bishop.Every diocese has a cathedral as its central church .Roman Catholic Churchthe world’s largest Christian church and its hierarchy is headed by the Pope.have played a prominent role in the politics and history of Western civilization since the 4thcentury.Prayers and devotions to the Blessed Virgin Mary are part of Catholic piety.The Church defines its mission as spreading the gospel (福音)of Jesus Christ,administering the sacraments (圣礼)and exercising charityThe Free/Nonconformist ChurchesIt is a collective name for all non-Anglican and non-Roman Catholic Christian churches inBritain.The Free/Nonconformist ChurchesThe MethodistThe Quakers公谊会教徒,贵格会教徒,教友会教徒(基督教教派,反对暴力,宗教仪式简单且无神职人员)the Puritansthe Baptist浸礼会the Presbyterian Church长老会The Methodist (卫理公会)The Methodism is a group of Protestant denominationsThe Quakers/Religious Society of FriendsThe first Quakers were Christians but the religion today includes some other people whoare not ChristianQuakers believe they could talk to God themselves - that they did not need a priest orminister to do it for them.Quakers worship in "meetings for worship", Quakers believe that a meeting for worshiphelps them to understand what God wants.PuritanismThe Puritans were radical Protestants who determined to “purify” the Anglican Chur ch ofall the corruption and ceremonial pomp of the Roman Catholic of that time.Puritanism advocates stern simplicity and strict moralityThe BaptistBaptist churches do not have a central principal authorityBaptists share so-called "orthodox" Christian beliefs with most other moderate or conservative Christian denominations Some beliefs about one God; Jesus' death, burial, and bodily resurrection; the Trinity; the need for salvation etc.The Presbyterian ChurchPresbyterianism is the established religion in Scotland. by1560 it was the official religion ofthe Scotland nation.Decline of Religion in the UKRecently Religion has seriously declined in the UK. Only a minority go to church regularly.A large proportion of people are not really interested in it at all.Reasons: 1. successes of modern science and Darwin’s Theory of Evolution2. the general improvement in social conditions and the variety of modern entertainmentReligion in USAThe Development of American ReligionsThree faith and American Religious PreferencesProtestants and Protestant GroupsCatholicsFeatures of American ReligionReligious Problems in the USChanging Religious LandscapeThe Development of American ReligionsImmigrationReligious FreedomProselytism (n. 劝诱改信仰,改信宗教)ImmigrationProtestants from the old worldImmigrants from other European countries brought their religionsReligious FreedomAmerican Independence advanced the religious libertyThe first Amendment to the Constitution of the United Statesguarantees the freedom ofreligionno state-supported religion, which hoped to ensure that diversity of religious belief would never become the source of social or political injustice or disaffection.American government would not meddle in religious affairs or require any religious beliefs of its citizens. In some ways, the government supports all religion.The government does not pay ministers’ salaries or require any belief as a condition of holding public offices.ProselytismProselytizing is the act of attempting to convert people to another opinion and, particularly,another religion.Evangelical (信福音主义者) Christians often use the term "witnessing" to mean discussingone's faith with another person with the intent of proselytism.Three faithsBy the 1950s, a kind of “three faiths” model had developed in the US. Americans wereconsidered to come in three basic varieties: Protestant, Catholic, and Jewish, but an increasing number of Americans did not fit into any of these groups.American Religious PreferencesProtestants and Protestant Groups in the USAThe majority of the Americans (over 50%) are protestants.The Baptists are the largest protestant group and most blacks are Baptists.Next to Baptists, most numerous Protestants are Methodist.Two major Denomination in America (results of nativedevelopment)Christian Science (基督教科学派)Mormonism (摩门教)Christian Sciencefounded in 1879Health depended on right mental attitudesIllness can only be cured mental consciousness.Christian Scientists believe that through prayer, knowing and understanding, all thingsare possible for good through God.Mormonismfounded by Joseph Smith in 1830practised polygamy (plural marriage)Mormons believe that the church founded by Joseph Smith was a literal restoration ofprimitive Christianity, Mormonism classifies itself within ChristianityFeatures of American ReligionThe variety of beliefsthe emphasis on social problemsthe separation of church and state(政教分离)Eastern Orthodoxyadherents believe in trinity of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.God is reached by personal prayer and devotion conducted in the church and in private,everyday life.The Variety of Beliefsthe wide variety of denominationsEmphasis on social problems and humanitarian idealsfocus on improving the present world by doing one’s duty.less concentrate on winning salvation in the next world through repentance.The separation of church and statemean that religion and government must stay separate for the benefit of both, includingthe idea that the government must not impose religion on Americans nor create any law requiring it.no established state religion in the USReligious Problems in the USsome small sects are intolerant, some emotional, some odd and brutal, some hysterical.The Issue of Abortionthe Issue of Abortion remains controversial because of opposition from many religions.The nation is divided over the moral right of a woman to terminate a pregnancy.。
七年级上册第四章第二节 世界的语言和宗教共32张PPT
非洲北部和东部 部
基督礼拜在教堂,集中分布欧美大。 伊斯兰教穆斯林,清真寺里诵古兰。 佛教源于古印度,盛于东亚东南亚。 三大宗教特色异,同源亚洲广流传。
现在全球旅游热,假如你只会说汉语或英语、西班牙语、 俄语、阿拉伯语、法语,去哪些国家和地区旅游没有语言障碍? 分组合作查图、指图抢答介绍。
联合国的工作语言: 汉语、英语、 法语、俄语、西班牙语、阿拉伯语。
非洲东部 和南部
非洲北部 西亚
第四章 居民与聚落
第二节 世界的语言和宗教
爱: Love : Amour: Rak:
汉语 英语 法语 泰国语
语言是人类最重要的交际工具。 语言是人类文化累积和传承的工具。 语言是民族的重要特征之一。
据估计,全世界大约有3000~4000种语言,其中使用人 数超过100万的语言有100种左右,超过5000万的有20种左右。 从使用人数上来说,汉语名列榜首,大约有13亿,其次是英 语,有4亿多,西班牙语名列第三,有3亿。从使用的广泛程 度来说,英语使用最广。英语最初是英国的民族语言,后来 由于英国的殖民扩张和国际贸易等活动的扩展,英语的使用 就越来越广,现在已成为国际政治、经济、文化等活动中使 用最为广泛的语言。
A.佛教 B.犹太教 C.天主教 D.伊斯兰教
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The doctrines(教条) of Islam
six faith
Believe in Allah
Believe in messenger
Believe in angels
Believe in classic
Believe the day of judgment
Believe in life after death
five pillars Shahada Prayers Saum Taxation Pilgrimage
Obey to the five pillars is the basic reflection of the Muslim faith.
In 630 A.D ,he personally led the million people Muslim of the great army to conquer Mecca ,and Medina as the center ,unified Arabia Peninsula (半岛) ,established a theocratic state .
“Edict(敕令) of Milan”, declared common freedom with
Christianity and all other religions, without discrimination. Since then, Christianity became an official recognition of the legitimate(合法) religion. In 392, Christianity became the state religion of Roman Empire, and gradually became the main spiritual pillar of Medi European feudal society. In 1054, Christianity was split into the Roman Catholic and Orthodox. In the l6 century, with the rise of Western European nation-state and public class, the Reformation movement broke out against rule of the Pope. After these, some of the new sect(教派), known as the "Protestant", were split from the Catholic Church. So, Christianity is general of Catholic, Orthodox and Protestant
Christian classic is “Bible.” “Bible” is accounts of God‘s revelation(启示录), is the Christian General principles of faith and life skills
standards, is the eternal truth
Major Christian festivals
Christmas Good Friday Easter Ascension Day Halloween
Christianity had a very big impact to Western civilization. Humanist tradition, as the center of freedom, equality, and fraternity(博爱), enjoyed "born equal" popular support, became heart of "Declaration of Independence," "Declaration of Human Rights", and a long-term spiritual driving force of the Western democratic.
In 622 A.D ,due to the opposition and persecution by nobility from Mecca ,he moved to Medina ,to preach(传教) .And established a theocratic religion commune(公社)organization .
The three major religions in the world
By Zoe
Christianity Buddhism Islam
Christianity is rooted in Judaism and founded by Jesus in a mid-century , and breakaway from Judaism as an independent religion in135 years. Early Christianity had been subjected to cruel persecution(迫害) and repression(镇压) of the Roman emperors. In 313, the Roman Emperor Constantine I issued
The main style of Christian Architecture
Islam was founded in the early seventh century ,the founder of Mohammed .