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2018年可锐考研英语优秀阅读文章赏析(五)Businesses and cyber-security
A spook speaks.

Its cost may be hard to count, but cybercrime hascompanies worried.

LIKE blooms on a peculiar plant, speeches by thehead of the British security service are rare; andwhen they do appear, they draw attention. On June 25th Jonathan Evans, the director-general of MI5, burst into oratorical flower for the first time in 21 months. After commentingon preparations for the Olympic Games and on counter-terrorism, Mr Evans turned to cyber-security-where the front line…is as much in business as it is in government. States as wellas criminals were up to no good, he said: in particular, a major London listed company withwhich we have worked had lost revenue of some £800m to state-sponsoredcyber-attack. The firm in question had lost intellectual property and had been put at adisadvantage in commercial negotiations.

6月25日,军情五处的总干事Jonathan Evans在沉默了21个月后首次发表演讲。




Examples and rumours abound of companies being burgled by cyberfrauds, cyberspooks orcyber-mischief-makers. On June 26th America s Federal Trade Commission sued WyndhamWorldwide, a hotel group, alleging that security failures at the company in 2008 and 2009had led to the export of hundreds of thousands of guests payment-card account numbers toa domain registered in Russia. The FTC says millions of dollars were lost to fraud.Wyndham says it knows of no customers who lost money and that the FTC s claims are without merit .



The loss of industrial secrets is perhaps even more worrying to companies than that of theircustomers credit-card data. Some think worry is overdue. Mark Anderson, the chairman ofINVNT/IP, a new organisation of technology companies, says: We are encouraged bydiscovering the number of global technology CEOs who have come to understand thisissue and its importance to their own company welfare, regardless of the incentives andprotestations offered by China, Russia and other nations known to actively steal IP.

INVNT/IP是一家新成立的技术公司,他的总裁Mark Anderson 说:中国、俄罗斯和其他猖狂进行IP偷窃的国家如今一味发表声明以正其身,尽管如此,我们仍然备受鼓舞,因为我们发现世界上越来越多技术公司总裁意识到网络安全的问题及其对他们公司资产的重要性。

Working out the cost of cybercrime is a devil of a job. The FTC and Wyndham are poles aparton their estimates of the effect of the credit-card thefts. Companies say they are underconstant cyber-attack in ever more ingenious forms, but they are loth to say in public howoften the raiders get through and how much damage they do—assuming that the breach isspotted. That suggests the damage is underreported. When they are speaking to thesecurity services they may be more forthcoming, but will they be accurate? Companiesmight anyway have lost some of the business written off to cybercrime. In that case, MrEvans s £800m would be on the high side.




In a report by Britain s Cabinet Office last year, Detica, the software arm of BAE Systems, adefence company, put the cost of cybercrime to the country at a staggering £27 billion, or1.8% of GDP. Businesses bore £21 billion, mostly because of the theft of secrets andindustrial espionage. Lots of people doubted these numbers-including, it seems, the Ministryof Defence, which commissioned a study from a team led by Ross Anderson, a computer-security expert at Cambridge University.


包括国防部在内的许多人都质疑这份数据,国防部还特此委任了剑桥大学计算机安全专家Ross Anderson组织团队开展研究。

The team s report, published this month, shies away from adding up totals, preferring toassess the costs of different types of crime in turn, but comes up with much lower
figures-partly because it discounts Detica s numbers for intellectual-property theft and espionageentirely, saying they have no obvious foundation . Most of the cost of cybercrime, itconcludes, is indirect, such as spending on antivirus software or other corporate defences.In other words, a lot goes on payments by one lot of businesses to another: the computer-security industry.



That may be inevitable. Cyber-attacks are happening more often and are becoming moreprecisely targeted. Greg Day, the chief technology officer for security in the Europeanbusiness of Symantec, a computer-security firm, says that for years cybercrime was moreor less random , as crooks looked for any holes they could find anywhere. In the pastcouple of years, however, they have chosen their corporate targets more precisely.Symantec observed virtually no targeted attacks before Stuxnet, a worm that attackedindustrial-control systems, appeared in 2010. Last December it spotted an average of 154 aday.

计算机安全公司赛门铁克的欧洲分公司技术总监Greg Day说,过去的网络犯罪多多少少有点随机性,不法分子只是在到处找寻他们可以突破的漏洞而已。



The bad guys are increasingly using social media to try to find a way in, either by gatheringintelligence or by befriending employees who may be tricked into opening an e-mail withnasty code within. People, a security-industry adage runs, are the weakest link. Trainingthem to be careful may still be the best defence.



A shiny new telescope is crowding out NASA s other science missions
THE Hubble space telescope, an orbiting observatory launched in 1990 by NASA, America
sspace agency, has been one of that agency s most successful missions since the Apollo moonshots in the 1960s and 1970s. It has produced a string of scientific achievements: confirmingthat most galaxies have a black hole in the middle; providing a front-row seat for thecollision, in 1994, of a comet with the planet Jupiter; and helping to uncover the strangefact that the expansion of the universe seems to be accelerating. But beyond the science,it has also been a public-relations hit. Its beautiful images have introduced a generation tothe wonders of astronomy.





So in 2002, when the agency considered plans for a successor that would study the universein infra-red, rather than visible light, would be ready to fly in 2010 and would cost just $2.5billion, saying yes was easy. Nine years later, NASA is regretting that decision. The JamesWebb space telescope , as the new machine is called, is still in the workshop, and itslaunch date has been set back repeatedly . Its cost hasgone up to $8.8 billion, a figure that, if history is any guide, could rise still further. Whichwould be embarrassing at the best of times, but with public-spending cuts looming andNASA s budget flat for the foreseeable future, it is causing real strains.






In July, irritated by the JWST s rising costs, the House of Representatives tried to cut $1.9billion from NASA s budget for next year, in an attempt to have the project cancelled. OnNovember 1st, after lobbying from the telescope s defenders , the Senate passed a bill that restored the telescope s funding.


But it is not just politicians that are restive. Astronomers have long worried that theballooning costs of the telescope would affect NASA s other science projects. Officially, thespace agency will say only that other missions will be delayed, but there are fears that somecould be cut completely. One potential sacrifice is WFIRST, an infra-red space telescopeintended for launch in 2020. This is designed to probe the nature of dark energy , which
isthought to be responsible for the quickening expansion of the universe that Hubble helpedbring to the world s attention. A string of other, smaller projects could suffer as well.






The telescope s advocates say junking it now would be a false economy. Most of the hardwarehas already been built, so cancelling it, they argue, would mean throwing all that away. Andthey play on fears that America is in danger of losing its pre-eminence in high-budget bigscience , following the closure earlier this year of the Illinois-based Tevatron, the second-most-powerful particle accelerator in the world.



The JWST, if it does eventually fly, would surely do some spectacular science. The size ofits mirror-25 square metres, as against Hubble s 4.5—and the location of its orbit far from thereflected light of Earth will allow it to study some of the earliest events in the universe, including the formation of the first galaxies. It will also help with thesearch for extrasolar planets.



Hubble, of course, was also late-and around $2 billion over budget. It was lampooned afterits launch when a wonky mirror meant that its images were blurred almost to the point ofuselessness, and a mission by the Space Shuttle to fix the problem cost hundreds of millionsof dollars. Given its subsequent record, few now begrudge the cost. With all that in mind,NASA will press on with the JWST, at least for now. All that remains for America sastronomers to do is pray that their favourite mission is not one of those delayed, or evencancelled, to keep the new telescope on track.



