Quantum statistics and Altarelli-Parisi evolution equations
2022年诺贝尔物理学奖量子纠缠2022 年诺贝尔物理学奖授予阿兰·阿斯佩(Alain Aspect)、约翰·克劳泽(John F. Clauser)和安东·塞林格(Anton Zeilinger),表彰他们“用纠缠光子进行实验,确立了贝尔不等式的违背,开创了量子息科学”。
2023诺贝尔物理学奖 解读
2023年诺贝尔化学奖发现和合成量子点引言1. 量子点(Quantum Dots)是一种被广泛应用于物理、化学、生物学和材料科学等领域的纳米材料。
2. 2023年诺贝尔化学奖的获奖者对量子点的发现和合成做出了重要贡献,为相关领域的研究和应用带来了突破性进展。
第一部分:量子点的发现3. 量子点最早由美国物理学家Louis E. Brus在1984年提出,他发现了半导体纳米晶体在光激发下呈现出尺寸依赖的光学性质。
4. 随后,许多科学家对量子点进行了深入研究,发现了它们的量子限制效应和色调依赖性质,为量子点的合成和应用奠定了基础。
第二部分:量子点的合成5. 量子点的合成一直是科学家们关注的焦点之一。
6. 随着科学技术的发展,研究人员不断探索新的合成方法,如微乳液法、热分解法、离子交换法等,逐渐实现了高效、低成本的量子点合成,为量子点的大规模应用奠定了基础。
第三部分:2023年诺贝尔化学奖的获得者7. 2023年诺贝尔化学奖的获得者在量子点的研究和应用方面取得了重大突破,对其发明和发现做出了杰出贡献。
8. 他们的研究不仅推动了科学理论的发展,还为量子点在荧光标记、生物成像、光催化和电子器件等方面的广泛应用提供了重要技术支持。
结论9. 2023年诺贝尔化学奖的颁发,标志着量子点研究取得了巨大的成就,对于促进纳米材料科学和技术发展具有重要意义。
10. 量子点的发现和合成不仅丰富了人们对纳米材料的认识,还为未来的科研和应用提供了无限可能,有望在多个领域产生革命性的影响。
量子点(Quantum Dots)是一种具有独特光学和电学性质的纳米材料,是纳米技术领域的重要研究对象。
电影《2012》世界末日 完整 中英文对白
Welcome,my friend. 欢迎,我的朋友。
Great to see you. 很高兴看到你。
Yeah,glad you made it. 很高兴你来了。
英文对白 2009)Remember my brother,Gurdeep?He's a student now. 记得我弟弟格帝吗?他现在是学生。
Namaste,Dr.Helmsley,sir. 你好,赫尔姆斯得博士。
Adrian,It's just Adrian. 艾德里安,叫我艾德里安。
Just don't pour too much,huh? 别一次倒太多,好吧? How do you work in this heat?你怎么能在这么热的地方工作? You've come on a good day,my friend. 今天算不错了,朋友。
Sometimes it can hit 120 degrees. 有时候温度会高达华氏 120 度(约 49 摄氏度)。
You have to come and meet Dr.Lokesh……a Fellow of quantum physics at the university in Chennai. 你得见见洛克西博士,他是钦奈大学的量子物理专家。
Dr.Helmsley. 赫尔姆斯利博士。
So,what are we looking at? 好了,你要给我看什么?These are neutrinos acting normally. 这些是正常的中微子。
Minuscule mass,no electrical charge. 没有质量,不带电荷。
They pass through ordinary matter almost (NAGA DENG COPPER MINE,INDIA 2009 年Hey,hey,watch out.Watch out.This can't be Ajit.He's a little man already. 那是阿吉特吧?他都长这么大了。
1956,达特茅斯,十位大牛聚集于此,麦卡锡(John McCarthy)给这个活动起了个别出心裁的名字:“人工智能夏季研讨会”(Summer Research Project on Artificial Intelligence),现在被普遍认为是人工智能的起点。
这一切都可以归结到1935年,爱因斯坦,波多尔斯基和罗森在“Can Quantum-Mechanical Description of Physical Reality be Considered Complete?”一文中提出了EPR悖论,从而引出了量子纠缠这个概念。
• 1973年Kobayashi-Maskawa在日本学术刊物 ”理论物理进展”(Progress of Theoretical Physics)发文指出如果自然界中还存在(至 少)第三代夸克(顶夸克t和底夸克b ),微观 粒子系统中的CP破坏现象就可以得到解释。 从而预言了底夸克b和顶夸克t的存在并为实 验所证实。他们还认识到B介子(包含b夸克 的介子)有可能是研究CP对称性破坏的最理 想的场所。发现对称性破缺的来源并预言了 自然界至少存在三代夸克。
• quark-parton model 那些自旋为1/2的部 分子(点粒子)就是所有的价夸克和海夸克。
量子色动力学理论 (非阿贝尔规范场)
1973年 Gross-Wilczek,Politzer奠定了量子色动力 学理论基础。证明了非阿贝尔规范场的渐近自由性
屏 蔽
• 实验上的Scaling现象告诉我们,如果电 子-质子的非弹散射是由于电子与质子 内部的许多类点成分发生不相干的弹性 散射所引起的,那么Scaling现象就自然 发生。人们将这些类点组成分称为部分 子(Parton)。
• 这样,电子和质子内的点Parton相互作 用发生弹性散射就成为电子-质子深度 非弹散射的基本过程。
• 计算物质世界的重量:物理学家最新的计算数据表明,标 准模型非常准确地预测了质子和中子的质量。
• 更快、更廉价的基因组测序
通过精密的工具和一系列的实验,Anton Zeilinger开始使用纠缠量 子态。此外,他的研究小组还展示了一种被称为量子隐形传态的现象, 使得在一定距离上将量子态从一个粒子移动到另一个粒子成为可能。
这些研究和实验为当前量子信息科 学的密集研究奠定了基础。能够操纵和 管理量子态及其属性,使我们能够发展 出具有意想不到的潜力的工具。这是量 子计算、量子信息的传输和存储,以及 量子加密算法的基础。这些日益完善的 工具使我们更加接近那些现实的应用。
诺贝尔物理学奖是阿尔弗雷德·诺贝 尔在其遗嘱中提到的第一个奖项。从 1901年至2021年,诺贝尔物理学奖已 颁发过115次,其中47次授予单一获奖 者,32次由两位获奖者分享,36次由三 位获奖者分享。
截至2022年,共有222位诺贝尔奖 物理学奖获得者。其中,美国科学家约 翰·巴丁是唯一曾在1956年和1972年两 次获得诺贝尔物理学奖的获奖者,这意 味Leabharlann 共有221人曾获得诺贝尔物理学奖 。
最年轻的诺贝尔物理学奖得主是劳伦斯· 布拉格,他1915年和父亲亨利·布拉格共同获 奖时年仅25岁。最年长的诺贝尔物理学奖得主 是亚瑟·阿斯金,他2018年获奖时已96岁。
在诺贝尔六大奖项中,物理学奖是女性获 奖人次第二少的奖项,只多于仅有2位女性获 奖的诺贝尔经济学奖。截至2021年,共有4名 女性曾获得诺贝尔物理学奖,分别是玛丽·居里 (1903年获奖,1911年获诺贝尔化学奖)、 玛丽亚·梅耶(1963年获奖)、唐娜·斯特里克 兰(2018年获奖)、安德烈娅·盖兹(2020年 获奖)。
John F. Clauser(约翰·克劳瑟,美 国理论和实验物理学家。1942年出 生于美国加利福尼亚州帕萨迪纳。 1969年获得美国纽约哥伦比亚大学 博士学位。以对量子力学的研究而出 名,尤其是对CHSH不等式的研究贡 献。
参考源双星系统模型: 其他有关这个引力源的模型包括“中间极模型”(IP), “非极化感应体模型”(UI),IP模型所描述的系统并不是一个超高密度的双星
磁白矮星的自旋,而UI模型描述的是一个能量更大的Jupiter-Io系统,非磁性白矮 星会绕着磁性白矮星公转,这样一个模型中5.4min的周期同样也是轨道周期,但 是双星是分离的。 在Keck-I上使用相位分辨光谱学,Roelofs等研究得到了一些 动力学证据【Roelofs G H A, Rau A, Marsh T R, Steeghs D, Groot P J and Nelemans G 2010 Astrophys. J.711 L138】发现J0806的平均光谱由离化的He发射谱线决定,这 些谱线的半高全宽度(full width at half maximum,FWHM)大约为 2500 km s1,在 时间分辨谱中,He I 4471线具有S型Doppler调制,它的强度随着不同的连续光通 量强度而变化,这意味着这些谱线源于相同的地区,使用线性投影Doppler X射线 断层摄影,可以测出相应的径向速度振幅的一半,对于He I 4471 (390 40)km s1 ,对于He II 4686 (260 40)km s1
旋周期性”预言的谱线变化并不一致,展宽而相当平稳的He II谱线是双星系统融 合的强烈信号,这与UI模型并不一致。 J0806的参数中具有最大不确定性的就是 到太阳的距离, 在基于X射线亮度【Roelofs G H A, Rau A, Marsh T R, Steeghs D, Groot P J and Nelemans G 2010 Astrophys. J.711 L138】对距离的估计和基于光学亮 度以及温度【Strohmayer T E 2005 Astrophys. J. 627 920】的大约差了1个因子10, 在【/grace】中甚至给出了更小的值(大约0.05kpc)。 J0806 具有相对较大的银河纬度(黄纬),大约 200【/grace】,认为 J0806到太阳的距离远大于5kpc几乎是不可能的。
上海师范大学硕士学位论文摘要摘 要自从广义相对论诞生以来,黑洞作为它的一个重要结论,一直是理论研究的一个热门对象。
我们首先用Hamilton-Jacobi 方法计算了真空环境下的Kerr黑洞暗影的大小和形状,从得到的结果看出影响黑洞暗影的主要因素为黑洞的质量M和自旋a;然后用反向射线追踪法对等离子体环境中的Kerr黑洞进行了研究,并引入两个参数,即黑洞暗影半径R s和形变参数σ对黑洞暗影的形状进行描述。
关键词:Hamilton-Jacobi方法,反向射线追踪法,黑洞暗影,等离子体Abstract Shanghai Normal University Master of PhilosophyAbstractBlack hole is one of the most popular object in theoretical study,since the general theory of relaticity was born.A lot of researchers studied the properties of block hole from different aspects in history.Of course a black hole itself cannot be seen directly but if it is in front of a luminous background or more generally,in the centre of a luminous asymptotically flat region(because of the bending of light it need not be behind the hole!)—it will cast a specific shadow.With the advance of the Event Horizon Telescope(EHT) project,the study of black hole shadow has stimulate a stirring of interest again.To study the shadow of black hole:,two methods usually be used:one is analytical,which use the Hamilton-Jacobi formalism of null geodesic;Another is numerical and a ray racing algorithm is applied.At first we use Hamilton-Jacobi Equation to research the shadow of Kerr black hole in vacuum environment,the size and the shape of the shadow depend on the mass and the angular momentum,and they can also depend on other parameters specific of the particular model adopted.Then we investigate the shadow of Kerr black hole with plasma by Ray-Tracing Algorithm.We discover that shape and size of shadow will effected by properties of plasma.The study of black hole shadow can not only used to explore the property of space-time in the vicinity of a black hole,but also to test the general theory of relativity.Keywords:the Hamilton-Jacobi formalism,Ray Tracing Algorithm,black hole shadow, plasma.目录第一章绪论 (1)1.1研究工作的背景与意义 (1)1.2黑洞暗影的国内外研究历史与现状 (2)1.3本文的主要贡献与创新 (3)1.4本论文的结构安排 (3)第二章黑洞基础简介 (4)2.1黑洞 (4)2.2Kerr黑洞 (5)第三章计算Kerr黑洞暗影:Hamilton-Jacobi方法 (6)3.1Hamilton-Jacobi方程 (6)3.2运动方程 (8)3.2.1Null测地线 (9)3.2.2光子的球形轨道 (9)3.3天球坐标 (9)3.4Kerr黑洞的暗影呈现 (12)第四章反向射线追溯法 (13)4.1在被等离子体包围的黑洞附近的光线 (13)4.2光线在等离子体的中的传播 (13)4.2.1应用到轴对称时空 (14)4.2.2观察者平面 (16)4.2.3初始条件 (17)4.3数值计算的结果 (18)4.3.1等离子体环境中Kerr黑洞暗影的刻画 (18)4.3.2等离子体对黑洞暗影影响的量化 (20)4.3.3黑洞暗影的四色渲染图 (21)第五章全文总结与展望 (23)5.1全文总结 (23)5.2后续工作展望 (23)参考文献 (24)攻读学位期间取得的研究成果 (28)致谢 (29)上海师范大学硕士学位论文第一章绪论第一章绪论1.1研究工作的背景与意义经过对太阳系和宇宙中各种现象的观测,广义相对论已经得到了很好的验证。
二次量子化英文文献An Introduction to Second Quantization in Quantum Mechanics.Abstract: This article delves into the concept of second quantization, a fundamental tool in quantum field theory and many-body physics. We discuss its historical development, mathematical formalism, and applications in modern physics.1. Introduction.Quantum mechanics, since its inception in the early20th century, has revolutionized our understanding of matter and energy at the atomic and subatomic scales. One of the key concepts in quantum theory is quantization, the process of assigning discrete values to physical observables such as energy and momentum. While first quantization focuses on the quantization of individual particles, second quantization extends this principle tosystems of particles, allowing for a more comprehensive description of quantum phenomena.2. Historical Development.The concept of second quantization emerged in the late 1920s and early 1930s, primarily through the works of Paul Dirac, Werner Heisenberg, and others. It was a natural extension of the first quantization formalism, which had been successful in explaining the behavior of individual atoms and molecules. Second quantization provided a unified framework for describing both bosons and fermions, two distinct types of particles that exhibit different quantum statistical behaviors.3. Mathematical Formalism.In second quantization, particles are treated as excitations of an underlying quantum field. This approach introduces a new set of mathematical objects called field operators, which act on a Fock space – a generalization of the Hilbert space used in first quantization. Fock spaceaccounts for the possibility of having multiple particles in the same quantum state.The field operators, such as the creation and annihilation operators, allow us to represent particle creation and destruction processes quantum mechanically. These operators satisfy certain commutation or anticommutation relations depending on whether the particles are bosons or fermions.4. Applications of Second Quantization.Second quantization is particularly useful in studying systems with many particles, such as solids, gases, and quantum fields. It provides a convenient way to describe interactions between particles and the emergence of collective phenomena like superconductivity and superfluidity.In quantum field theory, second quantization serves as the starting point for perturbative expansions, allowing physicists to calculate the probabilities of particleinteractions and scattering processes. The theory has also found applications in particle physics, cosmology, and condensed matter physics.5. Conclusion.Second quantization represents a significant milestone in the development of quantum theory. It not only extends the principles of quantization to systems of particles but also provides a unified mathematical framework for describing a wide range of quantum phenomena. The impact of second quantization on modern physics is profound, and its applications continue to expand as we delve deeper into the quantum realm.This article has provided an overview of second quantization, its historical development, mathematical formalism, and applications in modern physics. The readeris encouraged to explore further the rich and fascinating world of quantum mechanics and quantum field theory.。
Physics 332–Problem Set #2(due Wednesday,April 26)1.Peskin and Schroeder,Problem 11.1.2.Peskin and Schroeder,Problem 11.2.3.Peskin and Schroeder,Problem 11.3.1Physics 332–Problem Set #3(due Wednesday,May 3)1.Peskin and Schroeder,Problem 12.1.2.Peskin and Schroeder,Problem 12.2.You should show that,with this βfunction,the mass m ψof the ψfield satisfies the Callan-Symanzik equation M ∂∂M +∂g m 12(4π)4+(4π)4+Physics 332–Problem Set #4(due Wednesday,May 10)1.Peskin and Schroeder,Problem 12.3.2.Peskin and Schroeder,Problem 13.1.1Physics 332–Problem Set #5(due Wednesday,May 17)1.Consider scalar electrodynamics:L =−14(F 6(φ48π224π2(5λ6λ(ϕ 2.Apply the methods of this problem to the Glashow-Salam-Weinberg model of weak interactions.(a)Compute the effective potential for the Higgs field to 1-loop order,ignoring all effects of quark masses but including the contributions of gauge fields.(b)Show that the theory has a first-order phase transition as a function of the renor-malized Higgs mass parameter μ2.(c)Show that this result implies a lower bound on the physical mass of the Higgs boson (the ‘Linde-Weinberg bound’).Compute the bound to leading order in coupling constants.(d)Now add in the contribution of the top quark.Show that,when the top quark mass is sufficiently heavy,the symmetry-breaking effect found in part (b)goes away.However,another pathology develops,in which,when m t is sufficiently large,the effective potential becomes negative at very large field values and causes an instability of the model.Estimate the value of the top quark mass,as a function of the Higgs boson and W boson masses,at which this instability takes place.2Physics 332–Problem Set #6(due Wednesday,May 24)1.Peskin and Schroeder,Problem 17.1.2.In class,I sketched the derivation of the βfunction of a non-Abeliangauge theory from the renormalization counterterms δ1,δ2,and δ3.Work through this calculation in full e the Feynman-‘t Hooft gauge.3.Peskin and Schroeder,Problem 16.3.Please note:This is a long calculation.The solution set for this problem set is 50pages long,of which 35pages are devoted to this problem.I do assure you that you will learn a considerable amount about how to calculation in gauge theories by doing this problem to the end.(Of course,it might be true that these are things that you never wanted to know ...)1。
蔡司 Elyra 7 配备 Lattice SIM
揭示充满活力的生命亚细胞器网络配备Lattice SIM²的蔡司Elyra 7超高分辨率活细胞成像系统/elyra› 简介›优势›应用›系统›技术参数›售后服务现代生命科学界有一大共识,即对生物实体(无论是高分子、细胞器、细胞、还是有机体)结构的洞悉是理解其功能的关键。
但是,当使用活体观察所需的最小曝光进行高速成像的时候,您是否必须牺牲分辨率?不一定!Lattice SIM²凭借其两倍于传统结构光照明显微镜(SIM)分辨率的性能,可以让您对苛刻条件下所采集到的精细图像细节进行重建。
使用SIM² Apotome,甚至可以实现无损的超高分辨率成像,这意味着以1:1的比例重建原始图像已经成为了现实——所有这些都具有出色的非焦平面光抑制和光学切面性能。
之前Lattice SIM和SIM Apotome的所有优势都保留在其后续的SIM²中。
Lattice SIM²可以根据需要与Elyra 7平台上的TIRF、SIM、SMLM和Airyscan成像相结合。
配备Lattice SIM²和SIM² Apotome的Elyra 7:兼具高速与超高分辨率成像›简介› 优势›应用›系统›技术参数›售后服务更简单、更智能、更高度集成Lattice SIM²获得更出色的分辨率新的图像重建算法SIM²可以将SIM技术提升到一个新的水平,可以让您尽可能充分的利用光子。
现在您可以使传统的SIM分辨率翻倍,辨析出超精细的亚细胞结构,甚至是那些相距不超过60 nm的结构。
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文档下载后可定制随意修改,请根据实际需要进行相应的调整和使用,谢谢!并且,本店铺为大家提供各种各样类型的实用资料,如教育随笔、日记赏析、句子摘抄、古诗大全、经典美文、话题作文、工作总结、词语解析、文案摘录、其他资料等等,如想了解不同资料格式和写法,敬请关注!Download tips: This document is carefully compiled by the editor. I hope that after you download them, they can help yousolve practical problems. The document can be customized and modified after downloading, please adjust and use it according to actual needs, thank you!In addition, our shop provides you with various types of practical materials, such as educational essays, diary appreciation, sentence excerpts, ancient poems, classic articles, topic composition, work summary, word parsing, copy excerpts,other materials and so on, want to know different data formats and writing methods, please pay attention!量子关联是量子力学中的一个重要概念,指的是两个或多个量子系统之间存在的相关性,即使它们之间被隔离也会保持。
绝热量子计算的物理学原理和实现摘要:绝热量子计算(Adiabatic Quantum Computation,简称AQC)是一种使用量子物理系统实现计算的方法,它的物理实现基于绝热定理和量子退相干的原理。
绝热量子计算(Adiabatic Quantum Computation,简称AQC)是量子计算领域中的一种重要方法,它通过利用量子系统的演化来实现计算。
改进化学测量琼斯〃雅各布〃柏济力阿斯于1779 年出生在瑞典的奥斯特戈特兰。
柏济力阿斯12 岁时被送到林可宾念书,在那里他得到私人辅导,对他有极大的帮助,这时他对博物学产生了极大兴趣。
在1796 年,他在乌普萨拉开始学医。
1800 年他成为斯德哥尔摩外科教授的助手,但是同时他也和一位年轻的矿业主魏特森格共同进行一系列化学研究。
1805 年他被任命为斯德哥尔摩东区的“穷人医生”。
1807 年他成为卡罗林斯卡医学院的化学教授。
1832 年,由于瑞典教育委员会不同意学院和完全大学享有同等地位,他辞去了学院教授职务。
他在晚年,1835 年,才和伊丽莎白〃玻平斯结婚。
太空安全的“公地悲剧 ”及其对策 3
二 、太空安全问题之一 : 轨道拥挤和碎片增多
由于 “公地 ”太空的重要性 , 吸引了许多牧羊人 ——— “主权国家 ”加入进来 , 竞相在太空 “放牧 ”, 而且努力增加 “各种羊群 ”, 即包括卫星在内的功能各异的航天器 。由此 , 产生了 “公 地 ”质量退化 , 即太空安全问题 : 太空轨道拥挤和碎片增多 , 影响航天器的正常运转 。
社会科学 2009年第 12期
程 群 : 太空安全的 “公地悲剧 ”及其对策
诺贝尔经济学奖获得者科斯教授在其 《社会成本问题 》一文中 , 从产权的角度 、以 “公地 悲剧 ”来阐释交易费用问题 。他认为 , 如果一块土地产权不清晰或者说产权公有 , 所有人都有 权利在公地上放牧 ; 在这种情况下 , 放牧的收益归自己 , 放牧的成本则由大家共同分摊 。在这种 成本收益分摊机制下 , 大家都会倾向于多放牧 、多获得收益 , 长此以往 , 最终会损害草地 , 使所 有的人都受损失 。
1. 玻色-爱因斯坦统计玻色-爱因斯坦统计是一种适用于玻色子(具有整数自旋的粒子)的统计学方法。
同时,它也是Bose-Einstein凝聚(Bose-Einstein condensation)的基础,后者是指在极低的温度下,玻色子将聚集成一个宏观量级的波函数,从而展现出量子效应。
2. 费米-狄拉克统计费米-狄拉克统计是适用于费米子(具有半整数自旋的粒子)的统计学方法。
与玻色-爱因斯坦统计不同,费米-狄拉克统计要求系统中的不同粒子不能占据同一个能级,即被称为泡利不相容原理(Pauli exclusion principle)。
在费米-狄拉克统计下,如果所有粒子都处在能量状态$E_i$上,其总能量为:$$U=\sum\limits_i n_i E_i$$其中$n_i$表示占据能量状态$E_i$ 的粒子数,由于泡利不相容原理的存在,$n_i$仅可能取0或1。
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a r X i v :h e p -p h /9510430v 1 27 O c t 1995Quantum statistics and Altarelli-Parisi evolution equationsG.Mangano ,G.Miele and G.Migliore Dipartimento di Scienze Fisiche,Universit`a di Napoli -Federico II -,and INFN -Sezione di Napoli,Mostra D’Oltremare Pad.20,80125,Napoli,Italy.Abstract The phenomenological evidence of quantum statistical effects in parton physics is here briefly summarized,and the recent good results obtained by parameter-izing the parton distributions in terms of Fermi-Dirac and Bose-Einstein statis-tical functions are discussed.In this framework we study the modification of the scaling behaviour of parton distributions due to quantum statistical effects.In particular,by following a well-known formal analogy which holds between the Altarelli-Parisi evolution equations,at leading-log approximation,and a set of Boltzmann equations,we suggest a generalization of evolution equations to take into account Pauli exclusion principle and gluon induced emission.PACS number:13.60.-rpublished in Nuovo Cim.A108(1995)867-882.11IntroductionThe low x regime in deep inelastic processes has recently received much attention due,in particular,to the advent of the HERA electron-proton machine,which would provide precision measurements in the region Q2>10GeV2and x≥10−4[1].In the limit of very small momentum fraction one deals with a dense system of partons in a weak coupling limit,in which,however,interactions among partons cannot be neglected,being able to build up,as we know from many cases in condensed matter physics,a collective dynamics.The aim of this paper is to study the effect of statistical correlations among partons,due to their Fermi or Bose nature,in the Q2evolution of their distribution functions.These correlations,in fact,would be expected whenever the parton wave functions overlap.In terms of the two phase-space variables Q2and x,it is possible to distinguish three regions in which strong interactions among partons,dictated by QCD,behave quite differently:1)For high values of Q2and small densitiesρ,defined as the number N of partons per unit of rapidity y=log(1/x)in the transverse planeρ=dNπR2h(1)with R h the radius of the hadron,one can powerfully apply the perturbative QCD methods.In particular,the Q2evolution of structure functions can be evaluated at leading-log level in Q2by standard Altarelli-Parisi equations(AP)[2]when the follow-ing conditions are satisfied:αs<<1,αs log Q2≈1,andαs log(1/x)<<1.Alterna-tively,in the kinematical region:αs log Q2<<1,andαs log(1/x)≈1and still with αs<<1,the approach of extracting the contribution of the order[αs log(1/x)]n,leads to Fadin-Kuraev-Lipatov equations(FKL)[3].2)The low Q2regime,or equivalently the long-distance interaction region,is typically the realm of non-perturbative QCD.In this case,the value of the strong coupling constant is large and one is dealing with the confinement problem.3)Finally,for high Q2and large densities,as already mentioned,we are still in non-perturbative conditions,but in this case,the latter are rather due to the large number of partons which interact each other.This high density QCD regime is particularly in-teresting from a theoretical point of view,since the small value of the coupling constant2gives us a chance to successfully face the problem.Many attempts have been already addressed to understand the main characteristics of this parton-plasma dynamics.In particular,due to interactions among partons,one should expect nonlinear effects in the Q2evolution of distribution functions:stated differently,microscopical processes with two or more partons in the initial state become relevant in changing their resulting number.This point of view is at the basis of Gribov-Levin-Ryskin equations(GLR) [4],where besides parton decays,whose probability is proportional toαsρ,parton an-nihilation processes are explicitly taken into account.These introduce in the scaling equations a quadratic term in the distribution functions of the formα2sρ2/Q2.Hence, one gets for the particle balance in a cell of the phase-space a Vlasov equation∂2ρπρ−α2sshown to be equivalent to a set of Boltzmann transport equations,which,as well-known,describe the approach towards equilibrium conditions of a thermodynamical system,where a simple function of Q2plays the role of time.In this sense one can guess,in strict analogy with H-Boltzmann theorem,that parton distributions would asymptotically reach equilibrium shape at infinite Q2.The good agreement with the data of equilibrium-like distributions at Q2=4GeV2,could therefore suggest that thermalization process is quite rapid.The stated analogy between transport equations and AP straightforwardly leads to a generalization of the latter in a regime of quite large densities[12].In fact,AP are strictly equivalent only to a set of Boltzmann equations for a very dilute system,where all quantum statistical effects,namely Pauli blocking and induced gluon emission, are negligible.These can be simply introduced by adding in the collisional integral appropriate factors of the form(1±f),where f are parton statistical functions,namely their distributions once the level degeneracy has been subtracted out(see section3). This procedure leads to a set of generalized nonlinear AP equations,which recover the usual AP in the low density region,but whose validity is quite wider,since the effects originated by quantum statistics have been explicitly taken into account.The paper is organized as follow:in section2we briefly review main experimental results leading to the conclusion that quantum statistics may play a role in parton dy-namics inside hadrons.The thermodynamical model proposed in[5]is also described. In section3we will show,following[11],that AP equations can be formally viewed as transport equations:this can be achieved by considering non regularized splitting functions and by explicitly computing infrared virtual gluon contributions.The gen-eralization of AP to a new set of nonlinear equations which contain quantum statistics effects is the subject of section4.Finally in section5we give our conclusions and remarks.2Pauli exclusion principle in deep inelastic scat-tering2.1Experimental resultsDeep inelastic experiments seem to be an inexhaustible source of information on the hadronic structure and continue to considerably improve our understanding of strong interaction dynamics.A measurement of proton and neutron F2(x)structure function performed by the NMC Collaboration at CERN[8]suggests a rather large SU(2)flavour4breaking in the sea quark[13].In particular they have obtained a determination for the differenceI G= 10dy3(u+¯u−d−¯d)=13(¯u−¯d).(4)This result,which represents a relevant violation of the Gottfried sum rule[7],yields¯d−¯u= 10dx[¯d(x)−¯u(x)]=0.15±.04.(5)The inequality¯d>¯u,however,was already argued many years ago by Field and Feyn-man[14]on pure statistical basis.They suggested that in the proton the production from gluon decays of u¯u-pairs with respect to d¯d-pairs would be suppressed by Pauli principle because of the presence of two valence u quarks but of only one valence d quark.Assuming this point of view,the experimental result(3)naturally leads to the conclusion that quantum statistical effects would play a sensible role in parton dynam-ics and that,in particular,parton distribution functions are affected by them.In this picture one may also easily account for the known dominance at high x of u-quarks over d-quarks,whose characteristic signature is the fast decreasing of the ratio F n2(x)/F p2(x) in this regime.Fermi statistics imply,in fact,a broader distribution for u quarks,due to their larger abundance.Another evidence for the effect of the Pauli principle on the parton structure follows from the double helicity asymmetry for polarized muon(electron)-polarized proton deep inelastic scattering A p1(x).By denoting with q+(x)(q−(x))quark distributions with helicity parallel(antiparallel)to the proton helicity,A p1(x)is defined asA p1(x)≡g p1(x)4u(x)+d(x).(6)Experimentally this quantity increases towards unity for high x[9],thus in this regime u+(x)dominates over u−(x),d+(x),and d−(x).This interesting behaviour can be in-terpreted reminding that at Q2=0thefirst momenta of the valence quark distributions are related to the axial couplings F and D through the following relationsu+val=1+F,u−val=1−F,d+val=1+F−D2.(7)5Reminding that F=0.477±.011≈1/2and D=.755±.011≈3/4[15],weget forthe valencequark abundances u+val≈3/2,u−val≈1/2,d+val≈3/8and d−val≈5/8.The fact that dominant distributions correspond to highest values of the valence abundances gives the abundance-shape correlation,which is the typical property of the Fermi-Dirac distribution function:larger abundances correspond to broader distributions.In particular,from the previously obtained values for thefirst momenta one can extrapolate the useful relation valid for the quark distributions[6]u−(x)=13(F p2(x)−F n2(x)) u+d.(10) Then,neglecting the d quarks term in g p1(x)(∆d val=−1/4∆u val and e2d=1/4e2u), we getxg p1(x)≈2¯x +1−1.(12)6Here˜x(q a)plays the role of the thermodynamical potential,¯x of the temperature and f(x)is the level-density in the x variable.This function is ultimately related to the non perturbative dynamics responsible for the binding of quarks and gluons inside the hadrons,so it is theoretically undetermined.Analogously for the gluons(we neglect their polarization)the Bose-Einstein relation has been assumedG(x)=16¯x −1−1,(13)where now the factor16/3is due to the colour degeneracy with respect to the quarks case and to the sum over the two helicity states.Notice that the weight function f(x) has been assumed universal,being the same in(12)and(13).Moreover,the previous considerations allow also to assume the relationd(x)=u−(x)¯xexp x−˜x(u−)and Q 2regime,AP equations provide a reliable description for scaling [2].As already mentionedintheIntroduction,the low x region is characterized by an overdense parton medium,so one has to expect nonlinear effects in the evolution equations due to the overlapping of parton wave-functions.Thus,a quite natural conclusion is that a set of generalized AP equations which would describe the evolution in the moderately low x region,should take into account quantum statistical effects.A way to approach this problem is to start from the analogy showed in [11]occurring between standard leading-log AP equations and Boltzmann transport equations.3Altarelli-Parisi evolution equations as a set ofBoltzmann equationsAs well-known,the logarithmic dependence on Q 2of the parton distribution momenta,predicted in the framework of perturbative QCD ,has a simple and beautiful inter-pretation in terms of evolution equations for parton distribution functions [2].At leading-log level,the AP equations can be written in the following wayd2π 1x dy y ,(17)where t =ln(Q 2/µ2),µis some renormalization scale and p A (x,t )denote the parton distribution functions (A,B =quarks,antiquarks and gluons).By definingτ≡1αs (t ),(18)with b ≡(33−2n f )/(12π)(n f is the number of flavours),Eq.(17)becomes d y B p B (y,τ)P AB x1The integrals are defined in this prescription by10[f (z )/(1−z )+]dz ≡ 10[f (z )−f (1)]/(1−z )dz8and virtual soft gluons emissions.In this way one getsP qq=4(1−z)++32[z2+(1−z)2],(21)P gq=4z,(22)P gg=6 z(1−z)+1−z(1−z)+ +2πbδ(1−z).(23)The microscopic picture beyond the scaling violation equations(19),however,has one main difficulty:the splitting functions(20)-(23)cannot be all interpreted,strictly speaking,as probability densities,since they are not positive definite(e.g. 10P qq(z)dz= 0).This,in particular,is the reason for not having explicitly,in the r.h.s.of(19),terms corresponding to inverse processes,in which a parton with x momentum fraction ends up in others with smaller momenta.An alternative representation of(19)has been developed in[11],where their mi-croscopical interpretation is more clear.According to this,instead of using direct 1/(1−z)+regularization,it is shown how the virtual diagrams,responsible for par-ton wave function renormalization,are equivalent to real diagrams with negative sign. Using in fact Mueller cut-vertices technique[20],in addition to the ordinary real di-agrams,leading to positive contribution to parton distributions variation,a negative term arises,corresponding to virtual gluon emission diagrams with exactly the same form for the unregularized parton splitting function as that of the real ones.By helicity conservation at the quark-gluon vertex,and assuming n f different flavours for quarks(j=1,...,n f)with two helicity states(λ=+,−),the evolution equations for polarized quark distribution functions can be cast in the following form dz γqq(z)q jλx2γqg(z)G xone hasdzγgg(z)Gx z,τ +¯q jλ x2G(x,τ) 10dz[γgg(z)+2n fγqg(z)].(25) In the previous equations the splitting functionsγAB are defined byγqq=41−z,(26)γqg=131+(1−z)2z +z4Statistical effects on parton distribution scaling behaviourAs well-known,the Boltzmann set of equations describes the evolution to equilibrium states of systems composed by many particles of several species(i specie-index i= 1,..,n)mutually interacting[21].Assuming for simplicity particles homogeneously and isotropically distributed,we can define the numerical distribution functions asn i(ǫ,t)≡g i(ǫ)f i(ǫ,t),(30) withǫdenoting the energy,f i(ǫ,t)the statistical functions(they recover the usual Bose/Einstein or Fermi/Dirac at the thermal equilibrium),and g i(ǫ)the level-densities (weights)corresponding toǫ.These last quantities should befixed from the beginning, by studying the hamiltonian of the system.From(30)follows the expression for the total number-density of i-particlesN i(t)= d3 p2ǫA d3 p C(2π)2×δ3( p A− p B− p C)n A(ǫA,t)g B(ǫB)[1±f B(ǫB,t)]g C(ǫC)[1±f C(ǫC,t)] − d3 p A2ǫC |M(B→A+C)|2δ(ǫB−ǫA−ǫC)where|M|2are the squared moduli of transition amplitudes and the sign in thefinal state factors is positive/negative depending on the bosonic/fermionic nature of parti-cles.In the limit of very small f i one has(1±f i)∼1and the collisional term for very dilute systems is recovered.Coming back to the analogy between AP equations and Boltzmann equations out-lined in the previous section,it is physically reasonable to imagine that the AP evolu-tion equations have to be modified for sufficiently low x.In this regime the nucleons arefilled with a large number of quark-antiquark pairs and gluons(the sea)and thus, to take into account in the correct way the presence of this large number of partons, the decay processes should be considered in presence of a surrounding plasma of both Fermi and Bose particles.Corrections induced by quantum statistical effects to the scaling behaviour dictated by standard AP equations are therefore generally present, and in particular we expect that:a)Pauli blocking will suppress the production of quarks and antiquarks with fractionx corresponding to filled levels;b)the gluon emission probability through bremsstr¨a hlung processes,considered inthe standard picture leading to AP equations,will be enhanced by the contribu-tion of induced-emission in presence of a rather relevant number of gluons in the sea.These effects would favour the production of gluon-quark pairs with larger values of x for the quarks and a smaller one for the gluon.Moreover the gluon conversion processes in q−¯q pairs are expected to be reduced.As shown in(32),(33)in non-equilibrium statistical mechanics all these effects are simply included by multiplying the amplitudes modulus squared of the relevant processes,appearing in the collisional integral,by the factors1−f or1+f for each Fermi or Bose particle in thefinal state,with f denoting the particle distribution functions without any level-density factor.In equilibrium conditions these f reach the standard stationary Fermi-Dirac or Bose-Einstein form,while in general they depend on time.Thus,it is reasonable to expect that similar factors should be introduced in the generalized AP equations.In other words,standard AP equations correspond to a set of Boltzmann equations for a dilute system of partons,where statistical effects can be neglected:for higher parton densities,if we assume that this analogy still holds2,itfollows that these effects,which are present in transport equations,should be present in scaling equations as well.In the same spirit of(12)and(13)[5],we will parametrize the quark,antiquark and gluon distributions asq jλ(x,τ)=g jλ(x)fλj(x,τ),(34)¯q jλ(x,τ)=¯g jλ(x)¯fλj(x,τ),(35)G(x,τ)=g G(x)f G(x,τ),(36) where g jλ(x),¯g jλ(x)and g G(x)are weight functions,whereas fλj(x,τ),¯fλj(x,τ)and f G(x,τ)are purely statistical distributions,which depending onτcannot be assumed in principle to have equilibrium form.The explicit form for g-functions,which contains the divergency at x=0,should befitted from experimental data,as in[5],or deduced from theoretical expected behaviour,like,for example,Regge theory.We stress that the factorized form(34)-(36),in particular the hypothesis that the singular functions g jλ,¯g jλand g G do not depend onτis compatible with predictions of both Regge theory and QCD for the behaviour of parton distributions at the end-point x=0.As it is well-known,in this regime one hasp A(x,Q2)∼ξA(Q2)x−αA,(37) withαA not depending on Q2,at least for large Q2[22].Within the factorized expression(34)-(36)thefinal state factors are written in the form1−fλj,1−¯fλj and1+f G for quarks,antiquarks and gluons respectively.We are now able to introduce a set of generalized scaling equations for quarks and gluons.Here we will consider for simplicity the case in which the gluons are supposed not to have a significant net polarization in the nucleons with respect to the one carried by quarks.We will assume,therefore G+(x,τ)=G−(x,τ)=G(x,τ)/2.It should be pointed out that this approximation is consistent with the results obtained in[5]and [6],where it is argued that Pauli principle plays the essential role to generate the polarization of the quark sea.This approximation is instead less satisfactory in the framework of the different interpretation of the violation of Ellis-Jaffe sum rule based on the axial-vector current anomaly[23].This latter case,in fact,would require a very large gluon polarization,i.e.∆G=G+−G−∼3÷4.Notice however that,as shown in[5],gluons are expected to be more numerous than quarks,due to their Bose nature, so in any case one has∆G/G<<∆q/q,which supports our approximation.By helicity conservation at the quark-gluon vertex,it is easily seen that generalized evolution equations for polarized quark distribution functions get the following form13[12]d z γqq (z )q jλxz −1 ,τ+1z ,τ 1−f λj (x,τ) 1−¯f −λj x 1dτG (x,τ)= 1x dzz ,τ [1+f G (x,τ)] 1+f G x1z ,τ 1−f λj x 1z,τ 1−¯f λj x 12G (x,τ)10dz {γgg (z )[1+f G (xz,τ)][1+f G (x (1−z ),τ)]+n f j =1 λ=+,−γqg (z ) 1−f λj (xz,τ) 1−¯f −λj (x (1−z ),τ) .(39)Note that also in this case,as in (24)and (25)the divergent contributions due to γAB exactly cancel.These generalized equations predict also a different,more com-plicated,evolution for momenta.By taking Mellin transform of both sides of (38)and (39),in fact,one sees that the standard scaling behaviour should be corrected by terms quadratic and cubic in distribution functions,which are not simply products of momenta of quarks and gluon densities.Finally,as for the standard AP equations,the scaling behaviour for unpolarized quark distributions can be obtained by simply considering the sum q j (x,τ)=q j +(x,τ)+q j −(x,τ)(the same holds for antiquarks).Notice,however,that since the introduction of final state statistical factors spoils the linearity of the equations,the evolution of q j (x,τ)will depend on both the polarized distribution functions and not simply on their sum.145Conclusions and remarksAs suggested by some experimental results[8],[9],the Fermi/Bose nature of partons could sensibly affect the observable quantities in deep inelastic scattering on nucleons. This idea,already successfully applied in[5]and[6],mainly motivates our paper,in which a set of generalized scaling-law equations for parton distributions which take into account quantum statistics effects are suggested.It is quite natural to think that quantum statistics may modify the scaling be-haviour of parton distribution functions for rather small x and high Q2.This regime is in fact characterized by a large number of partons,which partially overlap their wave-functions,thus to correctly treat it one has to think in terms of parton-plasma dynamics,and the expected modifications to the standard AP evolution equations should have both dynamical(different processes)and/or statistical nature(statistical correlation between the wave functions).The Gribov-Lipatov-Ryskin equations[4]represents a successful attempt to describe this system.It focus the attention only on the dynamical aspect of the problem,con-sidering new interactions among partons which introduce in tha scaling-law nonlinear terms of the parton distribution functions.These processes,which become relevant with the increasing of the density,differently from the one considered in the standard AP approach involve two or more partons in the initial state(annihilation processes). In this paper we have stressed a different but complementar aspect,trying to introduce only the modifications to the evolution equation which are of genuine quantum statis-tical origine.Hence,a complete description of this region in the x−Q2plane should take into account both the results.At low x,but still at high Q2(perturbative QCD regime),the bremsstr¨a hlung processes,responsible at leading-log level for scaling breaking,are likely supposed to occur in presence of such an overdense gas of partons.In this case Pauli blocking and gluon stimulated emission play a relevant role in parton distributions dynamics and thus in their scaling-law.We have introduced both this statistical effects to obtain a generalized evolution law,starting from the observation that an intriguing analogy holds between AP equations,at leading-log,and a set of Boltzmann transport equations for a dilute gas of partons[11],where a simple function of the scale variable Q2in AP equations plays the role of time parameter.Extending this analogy also to the case of a dense system,which is the case for the x−Q2region under study,one is naturally led to a new set of evolution equations in which statistical factors(1−f jλ(x,τ))or (1+f G(x,τ))appear in the r.h.s.of the evolution equation(collisional integral)to take into account thefinal state of the emitted parton.This approach implicitely suggests to15consider a parton distribution q jλ(x,τ)as the product of a pure weight factor g jλ(x,τ) connected to the level-density and independent of Q2,like for example suggested at low x by the Regge theory[22],times the statistical distributions f jλ(x,τ).According to this analogy and by virtue of Boltzmann H theorem,one would naturally expect that the normalized parton distributions f jλ(x,τ),¯f jλ(x,τ)and f G(x,τ)should approach stationary Fermi and Bose expressions as Q2increases.Remarkably,these conclusions seem to agree with the phenomenological results obtained in[5]and suggest that the thermalization process is rapid enough to essentially reach the equilibrium conditions at Q2=4GeV2.This question,together with the new equation for momenta of distributions(no more linear and simple like in AP equations)will be the subject for further publications.Finally,we want to stress the difference of this approach with respect to the way in which the occurrence of Pauli blocking effects are perturbatively studied in the litera-ture[24].The single,independent parton picture,which is at the basis of the improved parton model,is only possible for quite large x,where the low density partonfluid whichfills the hadron,allows to neglect the statistical correlations between partons due to the overlapping of their wave functions.This is not the case when we move to the low x regime,and thus in this region this treatment is not completely justi-fied.Alternative approaches,even if heuristic,as the one presented here,have to be investigated,analyzingfirst of all their predictions.AcknowledgementsWe thank Prof.Franco Buccella for encouraging this work and for his valuable comments.16References[1]G.Wolf,Preprint DESY94-022(February1994).[2]G.Altarelli and G.Parisi,Nucl.Phys.B126(1977),298.V.N.Gribov and L.N.Lipatov,Sov.Jour.Nucl.Phys.15(1972),438,675.L.N.Lipatov,Sov.Jour.Nucl.Phys.20(1975),94.Y.L.Dokshitzer,Sov.Phys.JETP46(1977),641.[3]E.A.Kuraev,L.N.Lipatov and V.S.Fadin,Sov.Phys.JETP45(1977),199.Ya.Ya.Balitskii and L.N.Lipatov,Sov.J.Nucl.Phys.28(1978),822.[4]L.V.Gribov,E.M.Levin and M.G.Ryskin,Phys.Rep.100(1983),1.[5]C.Bourrely,F.Buccella,G.Miele,G.Migliore,J.Soffer and V.Tibullo,Zeit.Phys.C62(1994),431.[6]F.Buccella and J.Soffer,Mod.Phys.Lett.A8(1993),225;Europh.Lett.24(1993)165;Phys.Rev.D48(1993),5416.[7]K.Gottfried,Phys.Rev.Lett.18(1967),1174.[8]M.Arneodo et al.(New Muon Coll.),Phys.Rev.D50(1994),R1.[9]J.Ashman,et al.(European Muon Coll.),Phys.Lett.B206(1988),364;Nucl.Phys.B328(1989),1.[10]P.L.Anthony et al.(E142Coll.),Phys.Rev.Lett.71(1993),959.[11]J.C.Collins and Jianwei 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