American Academy of Arts and Sciences美国艺术与科学学院

关键词:协会,英译Abstract:view of the fact there ,this paper makes a systematic study of the English words with the meaning of “xiehui” in Chinese before coming up with a strategy of how toKey words:xiehui,corresponding English terms随着中国与其他国家在政治、经济和文化等方面交流的不断增多,各种协会不断登场,如何将汉语中的“协会”翻译到位非常重要。
然而,只要查看一下各国的翻译协会,就会发现“英国翻译协会”叫做Institute of Translation & Interpreting,“加拿大翻译协会”叫做Canadian Translators and Interpreters Council,“美国翻译协会”叫做,“纽约翻译协会”叫做New York Circle of Translators,美国“西北翻译协会”叫做Northwest Translators and Interpreters Society。

奖项名称及概况 brief introduction of the awards
奖项介绍 Introductions of the Awards of American Academy of Arts and Letters
前言 brief introductions of the contents
奖项名称及概况 brief introduction of the awards
• 20. Rome Fellowship in Literature • 21. Medal for Spoken Language • 22. The Mildred and Harold Strauss Livings • 23. Harold D. Vursell Memorial Award • 24. Morton Dauwen Zabel Award者
• 1977年考入原南京工学院( 现东南大学)建筑系。
• 1981年赴美自费留学。先后 在美国保尔州立大学和伯克利加 利福尼亚大学建筑系分别获得环 境设计理学士和建筑硕士学位。 在校时获得美国建筑师协会和基 金会奖金。
• 1984年毕业后曾先后在美国旧金 山一些建筑设计事务所工作。
金,后来争取在美国院士委员会的席位进还说服Mrs. Elizabeth Cochran

1、时装技术学院(Fashion Institute of Technology)时装技术学院(纽约)是美国纽约州立大学下属的艺术与设计学院,成立于1944年。
其他大名鼎鼎的毕业生还包括Reem Acra,Francisco Costa,Nina Garcia,Carolina Herrera和Calvin Klein。
2、帕森斯设计学院(Parsons)美国帕森斯设计学院1896年成立, 1970年Parsons正式与纽约的New School合并,从那时候开始,Parsons开始稳定的成长为全美最大的艺术与设计学校之一。
Parsons是时尚的殿堂,它的毕业生名单足以让你尖叫, Tom Ford , Donna Karan ,山本耀司, Marc Jacobs ,Alexander Wang , Anns Sui等设计大师都毕业于Parsons。
3、旧金山艺术大学(Academy of Art University)美国旧金山艺术大学,成立于1929年,已经逐步成为全美最大、获官方认可的等私立艺术院校。
4、罗德鸟设计学院(Rhode Island School of Design)罗德岛设计学院是全球非常有声望的设计院校之一,服装设计、珠宝设计和金属工艺;面料设计都是这里的明星专业课程。

“Oscar,” the origin of the name are not the same. The more credible is this story~~~~~
1931 Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences Library administrator Margaret in a closer look after the Awards,exclaimed: "ah! He looks just like my uncle Oscar!“A journalist next door heard and wrote: "Art and Science of staff passionately call the golden statue as Oscar.“ Since then, the name Oscar spread like wildfire.
at lat prize did he get?
Best Actor
Leonardo DiCaprio – The Revenant Playing a 19th-century huntsman, he endured punishing sub-zero temperatures and ate raw buffalo liver while shooting the film. He's already been rewarded for his efforts, having scooped up Best Actor trophies at this year's Baftas and Golden Globes.
Everyone is very happy,same as the United Nations
杨培东 戴宏杰简介

Peidong Yang (simplified Chinese: 杨培东born 1971) is a Chinese-born American chemist and material scientist. He is currently a Professor at the University of California, Berkeley (since 1999), member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. He is a Professor of Chemistry and a Professor of Materials Science.His research group studies the synthesis of nanomaterials and their electronic and optical properties. He is also a Department Head at the Joint Center for Artificial Photosynthesis,Senior Faculty Scientist at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, and Deputy Directted Nanomechanical Systems (COINS).He is an associate editor of the Journal of the American Chemical Society.
Peidong received a B.A. in Chemistry from the University of Science and Technology of China in 1993. For his graduate studies, he worked with Charles M. Lieber at Harvard University, and in 1997, he was awarded a Ph.D. in Chemistry. He was a post-doctoral fellow with Galen D. Stucky at University of California, Santa Barbara from 1997–1999, until being hired as an assistant professor in Chemistry at University of California, Berkeley, where he was granted tenure in 2004.

• expensive stars appear on TV for free
• cheaper to produce than movie or mini-series.
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Oscar Money-Maker #3: The Movie Industry
The Oscars as a Media Event
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33% of all Canadians watch all or part of the Oscars (48% adult women, 40% adult men, 12% children)
The Oscars as a Commodity
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Oscar Money-Maker #5: The Movie Studios
When are most Oscar potentials released? Why?
• December, to catch the holiday rush, and to ensure that movies are still in theatres.
Which winning movies don’t make much off the Oscars?
• Movies no longer in the theatre • Winners other than Best Picture
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The Oscars as a Contest
AMPAS members nominate 5 and pick 1 winner

电影名词解释(中英文对照)ABERRATION 像差摄影镜头因制作不精密,或人为的损害,不能将一点所发出的所有光线聚焦于底片感光膜上的同一位置,使影像变形,或失焦模糊不清。
ABSOLUTE FILM 绝对电影一种用抽象图形来诠释音乐的影片。
ABSTRACT FILM 抽象电影一种通过影片的剪辑、视觉技巧、声音性质、色彩形状以及韵律设计等,来表达意念,给人一种自由自在、不拘形式感觉的电影。
电影术语以及解释ACADEMIC EDITING 学院式剪接一种仔细依循电影剧情发展过程的剪接方式。
ACADEMY APERTURE 影艺学院片门由美国影艺学院推行的一种电影片门规格,主要是用于35毫米电影摄影机和放映机。
ACADEMY AWARDS 奥斯卡金像奖美国影艺学院于1972年设立的奖项,每年颁给表现杰出的电影工作者。
ACADEMY LEADER 影艺学院导片依据影艺学院所设定的标准,连接在放映拷贝首尾的一段胶片。
ACADEMY MASK 影艺学院遮片由影艺学院规画出来的一种遮掩摄影机部分片门的装置。
ACADEMY OF MOTION PICTURE ARTS &SCIENCE 美国影艺学院(台)美国电影艺术和科学学院(大陆)成立于1927年,宗旨是“提升电影媒体的艺术品质,提供电影工业不同部门及技术的普遍交流,促进动技术研究与文化发展的代表作,追求其既定的多元化目标”。
American literature美国文学

《黑色与金色下的夜曲:坠落的烟 火》
• 美国文学
美国文学表现为多元化,热爱 自由,追求以个人幸福为中心的美 国梦。美国文学大致出现过3次繁荣: 19世纪前期形成民族文学,第一和 第二次世界大战后,美国文学两度 繁荣,并产生世界影响,已有近10 位作家获得诺贝尔文学奖。
托马斯· 杰弗逊
• 19C初,一些以美国为背景、 美国人为主人公的作品开始 出现,初具美利坚民族的特 色。欧文(1783~1859)致力 发掘北美早期移民的传说故 事。《见闻札记》
《睡谷的传说》 讲述了睡谷附近一个 美丽的山村塔里敦里, 乡村教师伊卡博 德· 克莱恩偶遇“无 头骑士”的故事。
《康乃馨、百合与玫瑰花》是萨金特表现瞬间光影效果最突出、最著名的一幅 油画。这幅画是他精心制作的传世经典作品,描绘了孩子在花丛中点灯笼的情景。 这幅画的题材们是无关紧要的,最具有魅力的是画面千变万化的丰富色彩,令人赏 心悦目,虽然重视色彩的表现,但花的形状历历可见,丰富的色彩和花的芬芳融为一 体。现收藏在伦敦泰德画廊
“哦亲爱的大夫,我的娃娃生病了,很难受,您帮我给他看看吧。” “ 嗯,善良的好孩子,我来听听啊,哪儿的问题呢?”

The Academy Award (informally known as the Oscar) is an accolade by the American Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (AMPAS) to recognize excellence of professionals in the film industry, including directors, actors, and writers. The formal ceremony at which the awards are presented is one of the most prominent award ceremonies in the world and is televised live in more than 200 countries annually. It is also the oldest award ceremony in the media; its equivalents, the Grammy Awards (for music), Emmy Awards (for television), and Tony Awards (for theatre) are modeled after the Academy.学院奖(奥斯卡的正式名称)是由美国电影艺术与科学学院(AMPAS)为表彰电影业,包括导演,演员,作家和优秀的专业人才而设置的奖项。
中文看最下面:Oscar AwardsCurrent AwardsSome awards are for a film as a whole, some are for an aspect of a film.Best Picture – 1928 to presentBest Leading Actor – 1928 to presentBest Leading Actress – 1928 to presentBest Supporting Actor – 1936 to presentBest Supporting Actress – 1936 to presentBest Animated Feature – 2001 to presentBest Art Direction – 1928 to present (also called Interior or Set Decoration)Best Cinematography – 1928 to presentBest Costume Design – 1948 to presentBest Director – 1928 to presentBest Documentary FeatureBest Documentary Short SubjectBest Film Editing – 1935 to presentBest Foreign Language Film – 1947 to presentBest Makeup – 1981 to presentBest Original Song – 1934 to presentBest Original Score – 1934 to presentBest Animated Short Film – 1931 to presentBest Live Action Short Film – 1931 to presentBest Sound Mixing – 1930 to presentBest Sound Editing – 1963 to presentBest Visual Effects – 1939 to presentBest Adapted Screenplay – 1928 to presentBest Original Screenplay – 1940 to presentRetired AwardsBest Assistant Director – 1933 to 1937Best Dance Direction – 1935 to 1937, 1962Best Engineering Effects – 1928 onlyBest Score -- Adaptation or TreatmentBest Original Musical or Comedy ScoreBest Short Film - Color – 1936 and 1937Best Short Film - Live Action - 2 Reels – 1936 to 1956Best Short Film - Novelty – 1932 to 1935Best Original Story – 1928 to 1956Best Unique and Artistic Quality of Production – 1928 onlyIn the first year of the awards, the Best Director category was split into separate Drama and Comedy categories. At times, the Best Original Score category has been split into separate Drama and Comedy/Musical categories. Today, the Best Original Score category is one category. From the 1930s through the 1960s, the Cinematography, Art Direction, and Costume Design awards were split into separate categories for black and white and color films. Special AwardsThese awards are voted on by special committees, rather than by the Academy membership as a whole. Current AwardsAcademy Honorary Award – 1928 to presentAcademy Special Achievement AwardAcademy Award, Scientific or Technical – 1931 to present at three levelsThe Irving G. Thalberg Memorial Award – 1938 to presentThe Jean Hersholt Humanitarian AwardGordon E. Sawyer AwardRetired AwardsAcademy Juvenile Award – 1934 to 1954奥斯卡奖项(the Award Category)入围者the Entrants提名Nomination提名者the Nominees最佳影片Best Motion Picture最佳导演Best Director最佳男主角Best(Leading)Actor最佳女主角Best(Leading)Actress最佳男配角Best Supporting Actor最佳女配角Best Supporting Actress最佳外语片Best Foreign Film最佳艺术指导Best Arts/Set Direction最佳摄影Best Cinematography最佳服装设计Best Costume Design最佳视觉特效Best Visual Effects最佳原创剧本Best Original Screenplay最佳改编剧本Best Adapted Screenplay最佳原创音乐Best Original Score最佳原创歌曲Best Original Song最佳剪接Best Film Editing最佳音效Best Sound最佳音效剪接Best Sound Editing最佳化妆Best Make-up最佳动画短片Best Animated Short Subject最佳纪录长片Best Documentary Feature最佳纪录短片Best Documentary Short Feature最佳剧情短片Best Live Action Short Film对于那些事业有成的电影人士还会授予特殊奖或荣誉奖Special/Honorary Awards。
2014 考研英语阅读真题Text 4(英语一)

2014 Text 4(英语⼀)“The Heart of the Matter,” the just-released report by the American Academy of Arts and Sciences(AAAS), deserves praise for affirming theimportance of the humanities and social sciences to the prosperity and security of liberal democracy in America.美国艺术和科学研究院刚发布的“问题核⼼”报告,肯定了⼼⼼和社会科学对美国的繁荣和保障⼼由⼼主的重要性,这⼼点是值得赞扬的。
Regrettably, however, the report's failure to address the true nature ofthe crisis facing liberal education may cause more harm than good.但令⼼遗憾的是,报告没能说明⼼由教育所⼼临的危机的实质。
In 2010, leading congressional Democrats and Republicans sent letters tothe AAAS asking that it identify actions that could be taken by “federal, state and local governments , universities, foundations,educators, individual benefactors and others” to “maintain national excellence in humanities and social scientific scholarship and education.”2010年,⼼主党和共和党国会主要领导⼼致信美国艺术和科学研究院,要求其确定为保持国家在⼼⼼和社会科学学术和教育的卓越成就,联邦、州、地⼼政府、⼼学、基础学校、教育者、个⼼捐助者和其它⼼些机构或个⼼可以采取的⼼动。

5.Her most recent work Obsessive Genius: The Inner World of Marie Curie(执着的 天才:居里夫人的魅力世界) has been translated into 21 languages world-wide.
Selected Awards and Honors
Barbara Goldsmith (1937-Now)
1 Early Biography
2 Recent Biography & Books 3 Selected Awards and Honor
Early Biography
1.She was born in New York City. 2. In her early twenties, she wrote a series of prize-winning profiles of such Hollywood luminaries. 3. In the late 1960s she initiated the “The Creative Environment” series.
April 15, 2000 A member of The American Academy of Arts and Sciences
Authors Guild Award Knight’s Cross of the Order of Merit medal
May 11, 2009
Recent Biography & Books
1.In 1975, Goldsmith completed her first book, The Straw Man(稻 草人), a novel about the New York art world.

美国电影艺术和科学学院(Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences)
奥斯卡(Oscar)与玛格丽特· 哈里克
类型 是指称文学样式和种类的法语词汇。其概念可以追溯到古希腊时 代亚里士多德的《诗学》,他最早将当时的文学加以分门别类。 电影类型与类型电影 1. 电影类型:电影诞生后,类型的观念被借鉴进电影领域,电影 被分门别类,逐渐形成了不同的“电影类型”。 2. 类型电影(类型片):随着二三十年代美国好莱坞逐渐成为全 球电影制作的中心,好莱坞制片厂体制下的电影类型得到扩展、 完善和定型,形成了代表美国电影主流的“类型电影”。类型电 影是指在主题思想、故事情节、人物类型、影片场景和电影技巧 等方面具有明显相似性的一组影片。到目前为止,有775种被界定 的电影类型。
Nineties. 1 "Titanic" (1997) 2 "Star Wars Episode 1" (1999) 3 "Jurassic Park" (1993) 4 "Independence Day" (1996) 5 "the lion king" (1994) 6 "Agam story" (1994) 7 "the sixth sense" (1999) 8 "Jurassic Park 2" (1997) 9 "men in black" (1997) 10 "doomsday" (1998)

PERSONAGEOF THE EDITION责任编辑:沈少娟Eric Owen Moss was born and raised in Los Angeles, California. He received a Bachelor of Arts from the University of California at Los Angeles, and holds Masters Degrees in Architecture from both the University of California at Berkeley, College of Environmental Design and Harvard Uni-versity’s Graduate School of Design.Eric Owen Moss Architects was founded in 1973. The Culver City-based officehas completed pro-jects in the United States and around the world. There are 22 published monographs on the work of the office, and EOMA projects have garnered over 140 local, national, and international design awards. Moss has received numerous prestigious honorsincluding: Academy Award in Architecture from the American Academy of Arts and Letters, 1999; AIA|LA Gold Medal, 2001; Distinguished Alumni Award from the University of California, Berkeley, 2003; Arnold W. Brunner Memorial Prize, recognizing a distinguished history of architectural design, 2007; Jencks Award by the Royal Institute of British Architects, 2011; National Academy induction, 2014; Austrian Dec-oration of Honor for Science and Art from the Austrian President during a ceremony at Hofburg Palace, 2016; Beidou Master Award in Ordos, China, 2017; Arpafil Award in Guadalajara, 2019.Time Magazine listed Vespertine as one of the World’s Greatest Places to Visit in 2018, and in 2020 Conjunctive Points – The New City was awarded the AIA Twenty-five Year Award. Per the AIA, “the Twenty-five Year Award showcases buildings that set a precedent. The award is con-ferred on a building that has stood the test of time for 25-35 years and continues to set standards of excellence for its architectural design and significance.” Eric Owen Moss was also awarded the 2020 American Prize for Architecture from the Chicago Athenaeum and European Centre for Architecture Art Design and Urban Studies. The prize, also known as the Louis H. Sullivan Award, recognizes offices and practitioners that have “emblazoned a new direction in the history of American Architecture.”Moss has held teaching positions at major universities around the world including Harvard, Yale, Columbia, University of Applied Arts in Vienna, and the Royal Academy in Copenhagen. He has been a longtime professor at the Southern California Institute of Architecture (SCI-Arc), and served as its director from 2002-2015. He received the Most Admired Educator Award from the Design Futures Council in 2013, and The AIA|LA Educator of the Year in 2006.埃里克•欧文•莫斯出生于加利福尼亚州的洛杉矶,并在那里长大。
Unit 5.Force of nature. ppt

Louis Pasteur Some of his works are: separation of mirror image molecules and effect of polarized light identification of the parasite that was killing silkworms James Maxwell He is known for the "Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism" published in 1873. Maxwell independently developed the "Maxwell-Boltzmann kinetic theory of gases". Edwin Hubble "Hubble's Law" stated that galaxies move away from each other at a speed determined by the distance that separated them. He classified galaxies as per their distance, shape, brightness patterns and content. Paul Dirac He received a Nobel prize in 1933 for the work on antiparticles. The "Dirac equation" was a version of the Schrodinger's equation.
Barbara Goldsmith is a noted author, historian. Her best-selling books include The Straw Man, Little Gloria…Happy at Last, Johnson v. Johnson, and Other Powers: The Age of Suffrage, Spiritualism, and the Scandalous Victoria Woodhull (soon to be a major motion picture produced by Kathleen Kennedy for Universal Studios) and Obsessive Genius: The Inner World of Marie Curie. Barbara Goldsmith has long been at the forefront of the effort to preserve our written heritage. She is the donor of the Goldsmith Conservation and Preservation Laboratories at the New Yse Divisions were recently named in her honor.

小约翰·柯布(John B Cobb Jr.)
文与科学院(American Academy of Arts and Sciences)院士,世界著名后现代思想家、生态经济学家、过程哲学家、建设性后现代主义和有机马克思主义的领军人物、美国中美后现代发展研究院院长、美国国家人文与科学院院士。
American Academy of Arts and Sciences美国艺术与科学学院

American Academy of Arts and SciencesFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaJump to: navigation, searchCoordinates : 42°22′51″N 71°06′37″W42.380755°N 71.110256°WThe House of the Academy, Cambridge, Massachusetts.The American Academy of Arts and Sciences (American Academy) is one of the oldest and most prestigious honorary societies and a leading center for independent policy research in the United States. Election to the Academy is considered one of the nation’s highest honors since its founding during the American Revolution by John Adams, John Hancock, James Bowdoin and other scholar-patriots who contributed prominently to the establishment of the new nation, its government, and its Constitution.[1]Today the Academy is with a dual function: to elect to membership finest minds and most influential leaders, drawn from science, scholarship, business, public affairs, and the arts, from each generation, and to conduct policy studies in response to the needs of society. Major Academy projects now have focused on higher education and research, humanities and cultural studies, scientific and technological advances, politics, population and the environment, and the welfare of children. Dædalus, the Academy’s quar terly journal, is widely regarded as one of the world's leading intellectual journals.[2]The Academy is headquartered in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Contents[hide]∙ 1 Overview∙ 2 Membershipo 2.1 Founding memberso 2.2 Memberso 2.3 Classes and sections∙ 3 Presidents, 1791-present∙ 4 Activitieso 4.1 Projectso 4.2 Research fellowship programso 4.3 Awardso 4.4 National Commission on the Humanities and Social Sciences ∙ 5 See also∙ 6 External links∙7 References[edit] OverviewThe Academy was established by Massachusetts legislature on 4 May 1780. Its purpose, as described in its Charter of Incorporation, is "to cultivate every art and science which may tend to advance the interest, honor, dignity, and happiness of a free, independent, and virtuous people."[3] The sixty-two incorporating fellows represented varying interests and high standing in the political, professional, and commercial sectors of the state. The first class of new members, chosen by the Academy in 1781, included Benjamin Franklin and George Washington as well as several foreign honorary members. The initial volume of Academy Memoirs appeared in 1785, and the Proceedings followed in 1846. In the 1950s the Academy launched its journal Daedalus, reflecting its commitment to a broader intellectual and socially-oriented program.[4]The Academy has sponsored a number of awards throughout its history. Its first award, established in 1796 by Benjamin Thompson (Count Rumford), honored distinguished work on "heat and light" and provided support for research activities. Additional prizes recognized important contributions in the sciences, social sciences, and humanities. In 2000, a scholar-patriot award was inaugurated to honor individuals who have made significant contributions to the work of the Academy and whose lives exemplify the founders' vision of service to society.Since the second half of the twentieth century, policy research has become a central focus of the Academy. In the late 1950s, arms control emerged as a signature concern of the Academy. The Academy also served as the catalyst in establishing the National Humanities Center in North Carolina. In the late 1990s, the Academy developed a new strategic plan, focusing on four major areas: science, technology, and global security; social policy and education; humanities and culture; and education. In 2002, the Academy established a visiting scholars program in association with Harvard University. Now a group of 54 academic institutions from acrossthe country have become university affiliates of the Academy to support this program.[5][edit] Membership[edit] Founding membersCharter members of the Academy are Samuel Adams, John Adams, John Bacon, James Bowdoin, Charles Chauncy, John Clark, David Cobb, Samuel Cooper, Thomas Cushing, Nathan Cushing, William Cushing, Tristram Dalton, Francis Dana, Samuel Deane, Perez Fobes, Caleb Gannett, Henry Gardner, Benjamin Guild, John Hancock, Joseph Hawley, Edward Augustus Holyoke, Ebenezer Hunt, Jonathan Jackson, Charles Jarvis, Samuel Langdon, Levi Lincoln, Daniel Little, Elijah Lothrup, John Lowell, Samuel Mather, Samuel Moody, Andrew Oliver, Joseph Orne, Theodore Parsons, George Partridge, Robert Treat Paine, Phillips Payson, Samuel Phillips, Jr., John Pickering, Oliver Prescott, Zedekiah Sanger, Nathaniel Peaslee Sargeant, Micajah Sawyer, Theodore Sedgwick, William Sever, Stephen Sewall, David Sewall, John Sprague, Ebenezer Storer, Caleb Strong, James Sullivan, John Bernard Sweat, Nathaniel Tracy, Cotton Tufts, James Warren, Samuel West, Edward Wigglesworth, Joseph Willard, Samuel Williams, Abraham Williams, Nehemiah Williams, and James Winthrop.[edit] MembersFrom the beginning, the membership, nominated and elected by peers, has included not only scientists and scholars but also writers and artists as well as representatives from the full range of professions and public life. Throughout the Academy’s history, 10,000 fellows have been elected, including such notables as John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, John James Audubon, Joseph Henry, Washington Irving, Josiah Willard Gibbs, Augustus Saint-Gaudens, J. Robert Oppenheimer, Willa Cather, T. S. Eliot, Edward R. Murrow, Jonas Salk, Eudora Welty, and Duke Ellington. Foreign honorary members have included Leonhard Euler, Marquis de Lafayette, Alexander von Humboldt, Leopold von Ranke, Charles Darwin, Jawaharlal Nehru, Werner Heisenberg, and Alec Guinness. Astronomer Maria Mitchell was the first woman to be elected to the Academy, in 1848. The current membership encompasses over 4,000 fellows and foreign honorary members on the roster, including more than 250 Nobel laureates and more than 60 Pulitzer Prize winners.[6][edit] Classes and sectionsThe current membership is divided into five classes and twenty-four sections.[7]Class I – Mathematical and Physical Sciences∙Section 1. Mathematics∙Section 2. Physics∙Section 3. Chemistry∙Section 4. Astronomy (including Astrophysics) and Earth Science ∙Section 5. Engineering Sciences and Technologies∙Section 6. Computer Sciences (including Artificial Intelligence and Information Technologies)Class II – Biological Sciences∙Section 1. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology∙Section 2. Cellular and Developmental Biology, Microbiology and Immunology (including Genetics)∙Section 3. Neurosciences, Cognitive Sciences, and Behavioral Biology∙Section 4. Evolutionary and Population Biology and Ecology∙Section 5. Medical Sciences (including Physiology and Pharmacology), Clinical Medicine, and Public HealthClass III – Social Sciences∙Section 1. Social and Developmental Psychology and Education ∙Section 2. Economics∙Section 3. Political Science, International Relations, and Public Policy∙Section 4. Law (including the Practice of Law)∙Section 5. Archaeology, Anthropology, Sociology, Geography and DemographyClass IV – Arts and Humanities∙Section 1. Philosophy and Religious Studies∙Section 2. History∙Section 3. Literary Criticism (including Philology)∙Section 4. Literature (Fiction, Poetry, Short Stories, Nonfiction, Playwriting, Screenwriting)∙Section 5. Visual Arts and Performing ArtsClass V – Public affairs, business, and administration ∙Section 1. Public Affairs, Journalism, and Communications∙Section 2. Business, Corporate and Philanthropic Leadership ∙Section 3. Educational, Scientific, Cultural and Philanthropic Administration[edit] Presidents, 1791-present∙1791–1814 John Adams∙1814–1820 Edward Augustus Holyoke∙1820–1829 John Quincy Adams∙1829–1838 Nathaniel Bowditch∙1838–1839 James Jackson[disambiguation needed]∙1839–1846 John Pickering[disambiguation needed]∙1846–1863 Jacob Bigelow∙1863–1873 Asa Gray∙1873–1880 Charles Francis Adams∙1880–1892 Joseph Lovering∙1892–1894 Josiah Parsons Cooke∙1894–1903 Alexander Agassiz∙1903–1908 William Watson Goodwin∙1908–1915 John Trowbridge∙1915–1917 Henry Pickering Walcott∙1917–1919 Charles Pickering Bowditch∙1919–1921 Theodore William Richards∙1921–1924 George Foot Moore∙1924–1927 Theodore Lyman∙1927–1931 Edwin Bidwell Wilson∙1931–1933 Jeremiah D. M. Ford∙1933–1935 George Howard Parker∙1935–1937 Roscoe Pound∙1937–1939 Dugald C. Jackson∙1939–1944 Harlow Shapley∙1944–1951 Howard Mumford Jones∙1951–1954 Edwin Herbert Land∙1954–1957 John Ely Burchard∙1957–1961 Kirtley Fletcher Mather∙1961–1964 Hudson Hoagland∙1964–1967 Paul A. Freund∙1967–1971 Talcott Parsons∙1971–1976 Harvey Brooks∙1976–1979 Victor Frederick Weisskopf∙1979–1982 Milton Katz∙1982–1986 Herman Feshbach∙1986–1989 Edward Hirsch Levi∙1989–1994 Leo Leroy Beranek∙1994–1997 Jaroslav Pelikan∙1997–2000 Daniel C. Tosteson∙2000–2001 James O. Freedman∙2001–2006 Patricia Meyer Spacks∙2006–2009 Emilio Bizzi∙2010–present Leslie C. Berlowitz[edit] ActivitiesThe Academy carries out nonpartisan policy research by bringing together scientists, scholars, artists, policymakers, business leaders, and other experts to make multidisciplinary analyses of complex social, political, and intellectual topics. The Committee on Studies is responsible for reviewing and approving all studies undertaken in the name of the Academy and helping to identify proposed studies that will make optimum use of Academy expertise and resources. The Committee on Studies works closely with the Committee on Publications to ensure that Academy project reports and publications enhance the stature of the institution and the visibility of its intellectual contributions to the scholarly and policy communities and to the public at large.[edit] ProjectsThe Academy's four major program areas are:∙Science, Technology, and Global Security: Explore how the international community can devise new cooperative structures to improve global security, analyzes the impact of rapid developments in science and technology, and develops policies to govern these transformations.∙Social Policy and American Institutions: Carry out studies that focus on American institutions at the crossroads, particularly the government and the corporation.∙Humanities and Culture: Enhance public understanding of the value and role of the humanities in American life and create new resources to inform coherent policy analyses relative to the humanities.∙Education: Deal with education at all levels—from primary and secondary education to teaching and research at the universitylevel.[edit] Research fellowship programsVisiting Scholars Program: An interdisciplinary research fellowship housed at the headquarter of the Academy in Cambridge, Massachusetts, with a purpose is to stimulate and support scholarly work by promising scholars and practitioners in the early stages of their careers and to foster exchange between an emerging generation of scholars and Academy members with shared interests.Hellman Fellowship in Science and Technology Policy: A research fellowship for early-career professional with training in science or engineering who is interested in transitioning to a career in public policy and administration. While in residence at the headquarter of the Academy, the Hellman Fellow will work with senior scientists and policy experts on critical national and international policy issues related to science, engineering, and technology.[edit] Awards∙Scholar-Patriot AwardThis award, founded in 2000, recognizes the extraordinary contributions of individuals who share the commitment of the Academy's founders, a group of patriots who devoted their lives to promoting the arts and sciences in service to the nation.∙Founders AwardEstablished in the 225th anniversary year of the Academy, this award honors men, women and institutions that have advanced the ideals of the founders of the Academy. Recipients embody the spirit of the founders - a commitment to intellectual inquiry, leadership and active engagement.∙Amory PrizeGiven since 1940, this prize recognizes major contributions to reproductive biology. It is supported by an endowment fund established by Mr. Francis Amory.∙Emerson-Thoreau MedalThe Emerson-Thoreau Medal was established in 1958 to give special recognition to distinguished achievement in the broad field of literature. Given at the discretion of the Council of the Academy on the recommendation of a nominating committee, the prize is awarded to a person for his or her total literary achievement rather than for a specific work.∙Award for Humanistic StudiesThe American Academy Award for Humanistic Studies was established in 1975 by the Council of the Academy in an attempt to ensure that superior humanistic scholarship, despite its lower visibility to the general reading public, receives appropriate recognition. The Humanities Award complements the Emerson-Thoreau Medal for achievement in literature. Both awards are administered by a single committee of seven members of the Academy.∙Rumford PrizeEstablished in 1839, this is one of the oldest scientific prizes in the United States. This prize recognizes contributions to the fields of heat and light, broadly interpreted. The award now consists of asilver-and-gold medal. The endowment was created by a bequest to the Academy from Benjamin Thompson, Count Rumford, in 1796.∙Talcott Parsons PrizeFirst awarded in 1974, this prize was established to honor the noted sociologist and former president of the Academy and is awarded for contributions to the social sciences (broadly defined). An effort is made to rotate the prize among the various social science disciplines, including law, history, and linguistics.∙Poetry Prize in Honor of May SartonPresented for the first time in 2008, this prize recognizes emerging poets of exceptional promise and distinguished achievement. It was established to honor the memory of longtime Academy Fellow May Sarton, a poet, novelist, and teacher who during her career encouraged the work of young poets.[edit] National Commission on the Humanities and Social SciencesIn 2011, a bipartisan group of Members of the United States Senate and House of Representatives called on the Academy to organize a national committee, prepare a report, and recommend concrete, actionable steps to ensure the nation’s excellence in the humanities and the social sciences.At the request of the Congress, the Academy has created the Commission on the Humanities and Social Sciences to claim a space in the national dialogue for the humanities and the social sciences and to recommend specific steps that government, schools and universities, cultural institutions, businesses, and philanthropies can take to support and strengthen these areas of knowledge.[8]。

卢克斯的三维权力观1史蒂文·M.卢克斯(Steven M. Lukes)是当代著名哲学家、社会学家和政治学家,他在权力、理性与个人主义等问题的研究上做出了卓越的贡献。
卢克斯生于一九四一年,一九五八年在英格兰北部纽卡斯特皇家文理学校(Royal Grammar School)毕业后负笈于牛津大学贝利奥尔学院、纳菲尔德学院与伍斯特学院,从事政治与哲学方面的研究。
一九六八年,卢克斯以《埃米尔·杜克海姆:思想传记》(Emile Durkheim: an Intellectual Biography)的论文获得博士学位。
由于其杰出的学术贡献,卢克斯被英国皇家学院(British Academy)和美国艺术与科学院(American Academy of Arts and Sciences)授予院士。
然而,这样的看法却受到了亨特(Floyd Hunter)与米尔斯(Wright Millis)的质疑。

海明威生平简介英文版_sapir生平简介英文版Sapir (Eda. 1884 ~ 1939) American anthropologist, linguist. American Academy of Arts and Sciences. January 26, 1884 was born in Germany Laoen Fort (now Poland Le Borg), February 4, 1939 died in New Haven. Sapir moved to the United States at the age of five. Since 1907 in the University of California, Pennsylvania University engaged in research and teaching. In 1909 by the Columbia University doctorate. From 1910 to 1925, he was the director of the Department of Anthropology at the Canadian National Museum in Ottawa. In 1925, he was an associate professor and professor of anthropology and linguistics at the University of Chicago. In 1931 to Yale University, Ren Gang establishedthe Department of Anthropology. He served as president of the American Language Institute and president of the American Society of Humanities.Major achievementsHe developed the phoneme theory, according to the distribution pattern of speech analysis of speech, is the concept of phoneme, one of the earliest proposed, he changed in the form of the table can replace the phonemes are classified as a class. In the history of comparative linguistics, he has donea lot of research work to explore the relationship between the language. He suggests structural stress theory that language changes (phonemes, morphological changes) are due to the influence of the patterns inherent inthe language itself. He studied the ancient Indo-European language accordingto the material of the Twilfire. He also believes that the Indo-European and Semitic languages may be the same source. Sapir believes that the expressionof different languages will be the same objective world of different analysis and interpretation.Academic ResearchHis linguistic anthropological studies include the following three aspects: the American Indian nation and its language, the general concept of mankind,the relationship between culture and personality. Author of "Linguistic" and "Sapir"."Linguistic theory" is the main masterpiece of Sapir. The book is divided into 11 chapters, mainly on the nature of the language, structure, evolution and its thinking, race, culture and art and other aspects of the relationship. The main contents of the book are as follows:The view of the nature of languageLanguage is not instinctive but social custom. "Speech is a non-instinctive, acquired, 'cultural' function." Here is different from the general view is to highlight the "cultural" function. At the same time that "language is only a habit of sound symbols system." And later mentioned that language is a "tool for expressing meaning". So Sapir's language definition comprehensively sums up what the predecessors say is a kind of communication tool and language is a symbolic system of these two views, and put them organically together.The relationship between language and mindHe speaks the language component as a "concept" symbol, that language mode determines the mode of thinking, and even implies that the language precedes thinking. He said: "Just as mathematical reasoning can not be done with a set of appropriate mathematical symbols, there is no language, thinking and daily use may not be more imagined.Emphasize voice modeThe phonetic model has its psychological basis. He believes that behind the surface of the voice system, "there is a more limited, 'internal' or'ideal' system", the surface system of voice can change, the internal model is unchanged.Distinguish between four categories of grammatical conceptsClass Ⅲ is the concept of spec ific relations, is like "sex", "the class" is the concept of specific relationship, is the basic concept, the basic concept is independent of the word or the root, on behalf of things, actions or nature; Ⅱ class is derived concept, The class is a purely re lational concept, which is a grammatical concept represented by grammatical means such as "lattice" which expresses syntactic relations as well as grammatical means such as word order and function words that express pure syntactic relations.Unique language type insightsHe does not think that the classification of the form does not work, because no language is simple, often can be divided into several morphological types; in the language type of advanced and home is more ridiculous, "every language is like a basic Planning or fixed genre.The language of this type or planning or structure 'nature', than we cite any single phenomenon is morefundamental. " He distinguishes the language from the language according to his expression of the four types of grammatical concepts in different languages.Language, race and cultureHe speaks of the evolution of language as a "flow", which has a general direction, that is, "slope"; language contact is one of the reasons for the evolution of language, but borrow must follow the flow.As for language, race and culture, these three are not necessarily linked. "It is difficult to prove that 'temperament', the overall emotionalinclination of a nation is basically a cultural trend and a determinant of the flow, although it will be revealed when the individual is grasping the composition of the culture.""Language and our ideas are intertwinedly intertwined, in a sense they are the same thing. The basic thinking structure does not show important racial differences, so the infinite variation of language form, that is, thinking Of the infinite variation of the real process, does not point out that there are such important differences in the race, "I do not believe that culture and language really causal relationship.Culture The name can be defined as what a society does and what it is. Language refers to how people think specifically.Language theory"Linguistics" quoted in the language of up to 60 or more, which shows the rich knowledge of Sapir language, especially in the book to provide the American Indian language is even more eye-opener. It has a wide influence on American linguistics.感谢您的阅读,祝您生活愉快。
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American Academy of Arts and SciencesFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaJump to: navigation, searchCoordinates : 42°22′51″N 71°06′37″W42.380755°N 71.110256°WThe House of the Academy, Cambridge, Massachusetts.The American Academy of Arts and Sciences (American Academy) is one of the oldest and most prestigious honorary societies and a leading center for independent policy research in the United States. Election to the Academy is considered one of the nation’s highest honors since its founding during the American Revolution by John Adams, John Hancock, James Bowdoin and other scholar-patriots who contributed prominently to the establishment of the new nation, its government, and its Constitution.[1]Today the Academy is with a dual function: to elect to membership finest minds and most influential leaders, drawn from science, scholarship, business, public affairs, and the arts, from each generation, and to conduct policy studies in response to the needs of society. Major Academy projects now have focused on higher education and research, humanities and cultural studies, scientific and technological advances, politics, population and the environment, and the welfare of children. Dædalus, the Academy’s quar terly journal, is widely regarded as one of the world's leading intellectual journals.[2]The Academy is headquartered in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Contents[hide]∙ 1 Overview∙ 2 Membershipo 2.1 Founding memberso 2.2 Memberso 2.3 Classes and sections∙ 3 Presidents, 1791-present∙ 4 Activitieso 4.1 Projectso 4.2 Research fellowship programso 4.3 Awardso 4.4 National Commission on the Humanities and Social Sciences ∙ 5 See also∙ 6 External links∙7 References[edit] OverviewThe Academy was established by Massachusetts legislature on 4 May 1780. Its purpose, as described in its Charter of Incorporation, is "to cultivate every art and science which may tend to advance the interest, honor, dignity, and happiness of a free, independent, and virtuous people."[3] The sixty-two incorporating fellows represented varying interests and high standing in the political, professional, and commercial sectors of the state. The first class of new members, chosen by the Academy in 1781, included Benjamin Franklin and George Washington as well as several foreign honorary members. The initial volume of Academy Memoirs appeared in 1785, and the Proceedings followed in 1846. In the 1950s the Academy launched its journal Daedalus, reflecting its commitment to a broader intellectual and socially-oriented program.[4]The Academy has sponsored a number of awards throughout its history. Its first award, established in 1796 by Benjamin Thompson (Count Rumford), honored distinguished work on "heat and light" and provided support for research activities. Additional prizes recognized important contributions in the sciences, social sciences, and humanities. In 2000, a scholar-patriot award was inaugurated to honor individuals who have made significant contributions to the work of the Academy and whose lives exemplify the founders' vision of service to society.Since the second half of the twentieth century, policy research has become a central focus of the Academy. In the late 1950s, arms control emerged as a signature concern of the Academy. The Academy also served as the catalyst in establishing the National Humanities Center in North Carolina. In the late 1990s, the Academy developed a new strategic plan, focusing on four major areas: science, technology, and global security; social policy and education; humanities and culture; and education. In 2002, the Academy established a visiting scholars program in association with Harvard University. Now a group of 54 academic institutions from acrossthe country have become university affiliates of the Academy to support this program.[5][edit] Membership[edit] Founding membersCharter members of the Academy are Samuel Adams, John Adams, John Bacon, James Bowdoin, Charles Chauncy, John Clark, David Cobb, Samuel Cooper, Thomas Cushing, Nathan Cushing, William Cushing, Tristram Dalton, Francis Dana, Samuel Deane, Perez Fobes, Caleb Gannett, Henry Gardner, Benjamin Guild, John Hancock, Joseph Hawley, Edward Augustus Holyoke, Ebenezer Hunt, Jonathan Jackson, Charles Jarvis, Samuel Langdon, Levi Lincoln, Daniel Little, Elijah Lothrup, John Lowell, Samuel Mather, Samuel Moody, Andrew Oliver, Joseph Orne, Theodore Parsons, George Partridge, Robert Treat Paine, Phillips Payson, Samuel Phillips, Jr., John Pickering, Oliver Prescott, Zedekiah Sanger, Nathaniel Peaslee Sargeant, Micajah Sawyer, Theodore Sedgwick, William Sever, Stephen Sewall, David Sewall, John Sprague, Ebenezer Storer, Caleb Strong, James Sullivan, John Bernard Sweat, Nathaniel Tracy, Cotton Tufts, James Warren, Samuel West, Edward Wigglesworth, Joseph Willard, Samuel Williams, Abraham Williams, Nehemiah Williams, and James Winthrop.[edit] MembersFrom the beginning, the membership, nominated and elected by peers, has included not only scientists and scholars but also writers and artists as well as representatives from the full range of professions and public life. Throughout the Academy’s history, 10,000 fellows have been elected, including such notables as John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, John James Audubon, Joseph Henry, Washington Irving, Josiah Willard Gibbs, Augustus Saint-Gaudens, J. Robert Oppenheimer, Willa Cather, T. S. Eliot, Edward R. Murrow, Jonas Salk, Eudora Welty, and Duke Ellington. Foreign honorary members have included Leonhard Euler, Marquis de Lafayette, Alexander von Humboldt, Leopold von Ranke, Charles Darwin, Jawaharlal Nehru, Werner Heisenberg, and Alec Guinness. Astronomer Maria Mitchell was the first woman to be elected to the Academy, in 1848. The current membership encompasses over 4,000 fellows and foreign honorary members on the roster, including more than 250 Nobel laureates and more than 60 Pulitzer Prize winners.[6][edit] Classes and sectionsThe current membership is divided into five classes and twenty-four sections.[7]Class I – Mathematical and Physical Sciences∙Section 1. Mathematics∙Section 2. Physics∙Section 3. Chemistry∙Section 4. Astronomy (including Astrophysics) and Earth Science ∙Section 5. Engineering Sciences and Technologies∙Section 6. Computer Sciences (including Artificial Intelligence and Information Technologies)Class II – Biological Sciences∙Section 1. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology∙Section 2. Cellular and Developmental Biology, Microbiology and Immunology (including Genetics)∙Section 3. Neurosciences, Cognitive Sciences, and Behavioral Biology∙Section 4. Evolutionary and Population Biology and Ecology∙Section 5. Medical Sciences (including Physiology and Pharmacology), Clinical Medicine, and Public HealthClass III – Social Sciences∙Section 1. Social and Developmental Psychology and Education ∙Section 2. Economics∙Section 3. Political Science, International Relations, and Public Policy∙Section 4. Law (including the Practice of Law)∙Section 5. Archaeology, Anthropology, Sociology, Geography and DemographyClass IV – Arts and Humanities∙Section 1. Philosophy and Religious Studies∙Section 2. History∙Section 3. Literary Criticism (including Philology)∙Section 4. Literature (Fiction, Poetry, Short Stories, Nonfiction, Playwriting, Screenwriting)∙Section 5. Visual Arts and Performing ArtsClass V – Public affairs, business, and administration ∙Section 1. Public Affairs, Journalism, and Communications∙Section 2. Business, Corporate and Philanthropic Leadership ∙Section 3. Educational, Scientific, Cultural and Philanthropic Administration[edit] Presidents, 1791-present∙1791–1814 John Adams∙1814–1820 Edward Augustus Holyoke∙1820–1829 John Quincy Adams∙1829–1838 Nathaniel Bowditch∙1838–1839 James Jackson[disambiguation needed]∙1839–1846 John Pickering[disambiguation needed]∙1846–1863 Jacob Bigelow∙1863–1873 Asa Gray∙1873–1880 Charles Francis Adams∙1880–1892 Joseph Lovering∙1892–1894 Josiah Parsons Cooke∙1894–1903 Alexander Agassiz∙1903–1908 William Watson Goodwin∙1908–1915 John Trowbridge∙1915–1917 Henry Pickering Walcott∙1917–1919 Charles Pickering Bowditch∙1919–1921 Theodore William Richards∙1921–1924 George Foot Moore∙1924–1927 Theodore Lyman∙1927–1931 Edwin Bidwell Wilson∙1931–1933 Jeremiah D. M. Ford∙1933–1935 George Howard Parker∙1935–1937 Roscoe Pound∙1937–1939 Dugald C. Jackson∙1939–1944 Harlow Shapley∙1944–1951 Howard Mumford Jones∙1951–1954 Edwin Herbert Land∙1954–1957 John Ely Burchard∙1957–1961 Kirtley Fletcher Mather∙1961–1964 Hudson Hoagland∙1964–1967 Paul A. Freund∙1967–1971 Talcott Parsons∙1971–1976 Harvey Brooks∙1976–1979 Victor Frederick Weisskopf∙1979–1982 Milton Katz∙1982–1986 Herman Feshbach∙1986–1989 Edward Hirsch Levi∙1989–1994 Leo Leroy Beranek∙1994–1997 Jaroslav Pelikan∙1997–2000 Daniel C. Tosteson∙2000–2001 James O. Freedman∙2001–2006 Patricia Meyer Spacks∙2006–2009 Emilio Bizzi∙2010–present Leslie C. Berlowitz[edit] ActivitiesThe Academy carries out nonpartisan policy research by bringing together scientists, scholars, artists, policymakers, business leaders, and other experts to make multidisciplinary analyses of complex social, political, and intellectual topics. The Committee on Studies is responsible for reviewing and approving all studies undertaken in the name of the Academy and helping to identify proposed studies that will make optimum use of Academy expertise and resources. The Committee on Studies works closely with the Committee on Publications to ensure that Academy project reports and publications enhance the stature of the institution and the visibility of its intellectual contributions to the scholarly and policy communities and to the public at large.[edit] ProjectsThe Academy's four major program areas are:∙Science, Technology, and Global Security: Explore how the international community can devise new cooperative structures to improve global security, analyzes the impact of rapid developments in science and technology, and develops policies to govern these transformations.∙Social Policy and American Institutions: Carry out studies that focus on American institutions at the crossroads, particularly the government and the corporation.∙Humanities and Culture: Enhance public understanding of the value and role of the humanities in American life and create new resources to inform coherent policy analyses relative to the humanities.∙Education: Deal with education at all levels—from primary and secondary education to teaching and research at the universitylevel.[edit] Research fellowship programsVisiting Scholars Program: An interdisciplinary research fellowship housed at the headquarter of the Academy in Cambridge, Massachusetts, with a purpose is to stimulate and support scholarly work by promising scholars and practitioners in the early stages of their careers and to foster exchange between an emerging generation of scholars and Academy members with shared interests.Hellman Fellowship in Science and Technology Policy: A research fellowship for early-career professional with training in science or engineering who is interested in transitioning to a career in public policy and administration. While in residence at the headquarter of the Academy, the Hellman Fellow will work with senior scientists and policy experts on critical national and international policy issues related to science, engineering, and technology.[edit] Awards∙Scholar-Patriot AwardThis award, founded in 2000, recognizes the extraordinary contributions of individuals who share the commitment of the Academy's founders, a group of patriots who devoted their lives to promoting the arts and sciences in service to the nation.∙Founders AwardEstablished in the 225th anniversary year of the Academy, this award honors men, women and institutions that have advanced the ideals of the founders of the Academy. Recipients embody the spirit of the founders - a commitment to intellectual inquiry, leadership and active engagement.∙Amory PrizeGiven since 1940, this prize recognizes major contributions to reproductive biology. It is supported by an endowment fund established by Mr. Francis Amory.∙Emerson-Thoreau MedalThe Emerson-Thoreau Medal was established in 1958 to give special recognition to distinguished achievement in the broad field of literature. Given at the discretion of the Council of the Academy on the recommendation of a nominating committee, the prize is awarded to a person for his or her total literary achievement rather than for a specific work.∙Award for Humanistic StudiesThe American Academy Award for Humanistic Studies was established in 1975 by the Council of the Academy in an attempt to ensure that superior humanistic scholarship, despite its lower visibility to the general reading public, receives appropriate recognition. The Humanities Award complements the Emerson-Thoreau Medal for achievement in literature. Both awards are administered by a single committee of seven members of the Academy.∙Rumford PrizeEstablished in 1839, this is one of the oldest scientific prizes in the United States. This prize recognizes contributions to the fields of heat and light, broadly interpreted. The award now consists of asilver-and-gold medal. The endowment was created by a bequest to the Academy from Benjamin Thompson, Count Rumford, in 1796.∙Talcott Parsons PrizeFirst awarded in 1974, this prize was established to honor the noted sociologist and former president of the Academy and is awarded for contributions to the social sciences (broadly defined). An effort is made to rotate the prize among the various social science disciplines, including law, history, and linguistics.∙Poetry Prize in Honor of May SartonPresented for the first time in 2008, this prize recognizes emerging poets of exceptional promise and distinguished achievement. It was established to honor the memory of longtime Academy Fellow May Sarton, a poet, novelist, and teacher who during her career encouraged the work of young poets.[edit] National Commission on the Humanities and Social SciencesIn 2011, a bipartisan group of Members of the United States Senate and House of Representatives called on the Academy to organize a national committee, prepare a report, and recommend concrete, actionable steps to ensure the nation’s excellence in the humanities and the social sciences.At the request of the Congress, the Academy has created the Commission on the Humanities and Social Sciences to claim a space in the national dialogue for the humanities and the social sciences and to recommend specific steps that government, schools and universities, cultural institutions, businesses, and philanthropies can take to support and strengthen these areas of knowledge.[8]。