Warsaw University- Bialystok On Defining Functions on Binary Trees 1


Comma Category

Comma Category

FORMALIZED MATHEMATICSVol.2,No.5,November–December1991Universit´e Catholique de LouvainComma CategoryGrzegorz Bancerek Warsaw University,Bia l ystok IM PAN,Warszawa Agata Darmochwa l Warsaw Universityma category of two functors is introduced.MML Identifier:COMMACAT.The terminology and notation used in this paper have been introduced in the following articles:[9],[10],[1],[5],[2],[7],[4],[3],[6],and[8].We now define four new functors.Let x be arbitrary.The functor x1,1is defined by: (Def.1)x1,1=(x1)1.The functor x1,2is defined as follows:(Def.2)x1,2=(x1)2.The functor x2,1is defined by:(Def.3)x2,1=(x2)1.The functor x2,2is defined as follows:(Def.4)x2,2=(x2)2.In the sequel x,x1,x2,y,y1,y2are arbitrary.One can prove the following proposition(1) x1,x2 ,y 1,1=x1and x1,x2 ,y 1,2=x2and x, y1,y2 2,1=y1and x, y1,y2 2,2=y2.Let D1,D2,D3be non-empty sets,and let x be an element of[:[:D1,D2:], D3:].Then x1,1is an element of D1.Then x1,2is an element of D2.Let D1,D2,D3be non-empty sets,and let x be an element of[:D1,[:D2, D3:]:].Then x2,1is an element of D2.Then x2,2is an element of D3.For simplicity we follow a convention:C,D,E are categories,c is an object of C,d is an object of D,x is arbitrary,f is a morphism of E,g is a morphism of C,h is a morphism of D,F is a functor from C to E,and G is a functor from D to E.Let us consider C,D,E,and let F be a functor from C to E,and let G be a functor from D to E.Let us assume that there exist c1,d1,f1such679c 1991Fondation Philippe le HodeyISSN0777–4028680grzegorz bancerek and agata darmochwa l that f1∈hom(F(c1),G(d1)).The functor Obj(F,G)yields a non-empty subset of[:[:the objects of C,the objects of D:],the morphisms of E:]and is defined as follows:(Def.5)Obj(F,G)={ c,d ,f :f∈hom(F(c),G(d))}.In the sequel o,o1,o2will denote elements of Obj(F,G).The following propo-sition is true(2)Suppose there exist c,d,f such that f∈hom(F(c),G(d)).Then o=o1,1,o1,2 ,o2 and o2∈hom(F(o1,1),G(o1,2))and dom(o2)=F(o1,1)and cod(o2)=G(o1,2).Let us consider C,D,E,F,G.Let us assume that there exist c1,d1,f1such that f1∈hom(F(c1),G(d1)).The functor Morph(F,G)yielding a non-empty subset of[:[:Obj(F,G),Obj(F,G)qua a non-empty set:],[:the morphisms of C,the morphisms of D:]:]is defined by:(Def.6)Morph(F,G)={ o1,o2 , g,h :dom g=o11,1∧cod g=o21,1∧dom h=o11,2∧cod h=o21,2∧o22·F(g)=G(h)·o12}.In the sequel k,k1,k2,k′denote elements of Morph(F,G).Let us consider C, D,E,F,G,k.Then k1,1is an element of Obj(F,G).Then k1,2is an element of Obj(F,G).Then k2,1is a morphism of C.Then k2,2is a morphism of D.The following proposition is true(3)Suppose There exist c,d,f such that f∈hom(F(c),G(d)).Then(i)k= k1,1,k1,2 , k2,1,k2,2 ,(ii)dom(k2,1)=(k1,1)1,1,(iii)cod(k2,1)=(k1,2)1,1,(iv)dom(k2,2)=(k1,1)1,2,(v)cod(k2,2)=(k1,2)1,2,(vi)(k1,2)2·F(k2,1)=G(k2,2)·(k1,1)2.Let us consider C,D,E,F,G,k1,k2.Let us assume that there exist c1,d1, f1such that f1∈hom(F(c1),G(d1)).Let us assume that k11,2=k21,1.The functor k2·k1yielding an element of Morph(F,G)is defined as follows: (Def.7)k2·k1= k11,1,k21,2 , k22,1·k12,1,k22,2·k12,2 .Let us consider C,D,E,F,G.The functor◦(F,G)yields a partial function from[:Morph(F,G),Morph(F,G):]to Morph(F,G)and is defined by:(Def.8)dom(◦(F,G))={ k1,k2 :k11,1=k21,2}and for all k,k′such that k, k′ ∈dom(◦(F,G))holds◦(F,G)( k,k′ )=k·k′.Let us consider C,D,E,F,G.Let us assume that there exist c1,d1,f1 such that f1∈hom(F(c1),G(d1)).The functor(F,G)yielding a strict category is defined by the conditions(Def.9).(Def.9)(i)The objects of(F,G)=Obj(F,G),(ii)the morphisms of(F,G)=Morph(F,G),(iii)for every k holds(the dom-map of(F,G))(k)=k1,1,(iv)for every k holds(the cod-map of(F,G))(k)=k1,2,(v)for every o holds(the id-map of(F,G))(o)= o,o , id(o1,1),id(o1,2),comma category681(vi)the composition of(F,G)=◦(F,G).We now state two propositions:(4)The objects of˙(x,y)={x}and the morphisms of˙(x,y)={y}.(5)For all objects a,b of˙(x,y)holds hom(a,b)={y}.Let us consider C,c.The functor˙(c)yielding a strict subcategory of C is defined as follows:(Def.10)˙(c)=˙(c,id c).We now define two new functors.Let us consider C,c.The functor(c,C) yields a strict category and is defined by:,id C).(Def.11)(c,C)=(˙(c)֒→The functor(C,c)yields a strict category and is defined as follows:(Def.12)(C,c)=(id C,˙(c)).֒→References[1]Czes l aw Byli´n ski.Functions and their basic properties.Formalized Mathematics,1(1):55–65,1990.[2]Czes l aw Byli´n ski.Functions from a set to a set.Formalized Mathematics,1(1):153–164,1990.[3]Czes l aw Byli´n ski.Introduction to categories and functors.Formalized Mathematics,1(2):409–420,1990.[4]Czes l aw Byli´n ski.The modification of a function by a function and the iteration of thecomposition of a function.Formalized Mathematics,1(3):521–527,1990.[5]Czes l aw Byli´n ski.Partial functions.Formalized Mathematics,1(2):357–367,1990.[6]Czes l aw Byli´n ski.Subcategories and products of categories.Formalized Mathematics,1(4):725–732,1990.[7]Andrzej Trybulec.Binary operations applied to functions.Formalized Mathematics,1(2):329–334,1990.[8]Andrzej Trybulec.Domains and their Cartesian products.Formalized Mathematics,1(1):115–122,1990.[9]Andrzej Trybulec.Tarski Grothendieck set theory.Formalized Mathematics,1(1):9–11,1990.[10]Andrzej Trybulec.Tuples,projections and Cartesian products.Formalized Mathematics,1(1):97–105,1990.Received February20,1992。








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J/ E15、Universitàdegli Studi di CALABRIA3 Z# a: [: X1 X0 S2 e3 |卡拉布里亚大学(科森察市), p8 `% s$ j. o2 D Q" S& Dhttp://www.unical.it 6 q; R% K4 E* j& F. i& ^! v o( R+ s16、Universitàdegli Studi Meditteranea di Reggio Calabria$ V2 |: D$ B: |3 \% Khttp://www.unirc.it% ^- O1 d8 q2 |( t, N: f) J" g" n, P' ~- p17、Universitàdegli Studi di CAMERINO+ E, `& C$ N! }6 T$ c卡麦里诺大学(卡麦里诺市)4 T; c" Y$ s$ R! qhttp://www.unicam.it# o" K. E$ O7 a; s" Q; Z! o. n' I( G18、Universitàdegli Studi di CASSINO+ c, }- ^" l! q" p卡西诺大学(卡西诺市)& Q( }3 W: P8 L+ @, ihttp://www.unicas.it* O' I$ h' {9 C1 B) o8 [( K: p7 D3 W4 i& O& D$ i& y. B! I" m$ G& O. E19、Universitàdegli Studi del Molisel5 m- h6 q& M. v* mCampobasso " k5 q' q, B+ U: }http://www.unimol.it # W, w6 f$ Y/ V8 K- h0 l% h! Q7 ~" D p/ f1 n0 w D20、Università"Carlo Cattaneo"- LIUC Castellanza 2 g( u( F( B% Z3 b"卡尔罗•卡塔奈奥"大学(卡斯特兰察市)(私立); P# I* j& S2 Y2 a% K. thttp://www.unicas.it/ S% H6 s) b; f* \% H2 P, {: W2 H6 |% R/ |- h7 v3 ^' D21、Universitàdegli Studi di CATANIA / w/ P+ N9 N# w8 D! {3 X q4 R卡塔尼亚大学(卡塔尼亚市)4 S* `) w- o D& Y. y: K4 Jhttp://www.unict.it + \3 J0 @5 O7 ]& ~8 m! \Piazza Università, 2 0 O# h# ?- z) E- a# t# U1 j/ b5 z95124 Catania - ITALY) u: l6 V: j9 jT el: +39 095 7307111 $ i4 d* X9 U2 r% f' L& y; E* m: h( o5 A9 o22、Universitàdegli Studi di CATANZARO 6 s" O( h9 T' Y) Q卡丹扎罗大学(卡丹扎罗市), z6 J/ T* j# Q& e( e* E# O, t+ ]Universitàdegli Studi Magna Graecia –Catanzaro & P* o. h0 W$ q( ?7 a! ?http://www.unicz.it2 v) m; t/ G" W, }4 S* g" ?& C, y6 V5 X6 N k6 e* ]* w- N23、Universitàdegli Studi G.D'Annunzio di CHIETI 9 I k5 S, N5 K& ~5 y凯迪大学(凯迪市)7 c; e* l6 P, ]) W8 ?http://www.unich.it{: w2 W+ ?0 _6 _; \4 eVia dei Vestini 31, 66013 Chieti - tel. +39 0871 3551 9 P% Z0 V s7 D7 lV.le Pindaro 42, 65127 Pescara - tel. +39 085 453713 f) d) A' H: U" m1 F. N) b! x7 m% U; O0 ~F6 m1 X* e' L9 P4 Q1 t( X, J& S24、Universitàdegli Studi di FERRARA 4 Z; B; c$ @9 k" q弗拉拉大学(弗拉拉市), E$ F4 s6 F G" x- ghttp://www.unife.it6 |% M3 {9 m8 j! }1 A% `7 c8 o0 y% a8 P7 j& w5 |2 n25、Universitàdegli Studi di FIRENZE + P; u' ~0 }9 j' ]* \5 [佛罗伦萨大学(佛罗伦萨市)$ J- Z9 h' e, M# w. j4 N; ahttp://www.unifi.it/7 ~- X: |7 B9 n5 P6 A- {& hP.zza S.Marco, 4 - 50121 Firenze% z( E1 n3 ?: S% d4 x5 X& } W* B8 h* B5 G26、Universitàdegli Studi di FOGGIA6 g/ D0 D* s o# T福贾大学(福贾市)& l1 G( q' _7 ~" l7 fhttp://www.unifg.it " L8 x0 Y1 x+ l( S* `+ b1 D0 v( e: V1 x$ {3 S( K: n2 {G1 D5 R6 ^# s9 G& Q27、Universitàdegli Studi di GENOVA2 n1 ~4 @5 H4 o# `9 Y+ {- v# w9 B; Y热那亚大学(热那亚市)/ q# M3 F5 Q9 T5 c6 v/ S http://www.unige.it & }$ P5 ]0 _9 a" G/ w: A+ N, ?, s( B28、Universitàdegli Studi INSUBRIA Varese-Como " | r; I* z9 P7 v瓦莱塞-科莫伦巴第大学(瓦莱塞市)! A, m8 |! }; F; @0 F" h6 D; D3 i, K" {7 X29、Universitàdegli Studi di L'AQUILA+ p6 D/ t8 @6 |+ p% k I拉奎拉大学(拉奎拉市)- R9 ]* D) S) vhttp://www.univaq.it - ~1 H) `# P7 W0 J" r/ d( @) T, h* c4 `: a30、Universitàdegli Studi di LECCEq( O( c+ S, c莱切大学(莱切市)) X7 v- X0 }0 D1 Dhttp://www.unile.it 1 @0 t% f% ]4 ]) `+ p5 \, Z; n+ w- n, l; r, R- IM4 b" T {5 }2 k4 ?( g8 P9 x! |* P31、Universitàdegli Studi di MACERATA 2 q8 B8 x' u7 N* f+ {- ]* v马切拉塔大学(马切拉塔市) . U+ h! D) O, `3 Q$ q# X$ Xhttp://www.unimc.it+ t ?- Q2 x! R5 _4 Zd- I) w+ ^: _8 H32、Universitàdegli Studi di MESSINA( d: ~# c" f% L& q( Y" B8 ~1 j) j" k墨西拿大学(墨西拿市)0 d6 ^, g9 e8 Z) H7 ?http://www.unime.it: F# K& ]( ^/ K) T* a$ |- h9 h0 R. Q, V' i# G! x: `2 \9 Q33、Universitàdegli Studi di Milano& q( O4 C+ q8 z7 c3 M3 w米兰大学(米兰市)3 w3 [7 I2 F( ^- G; xhttp://www.unimi.it & }) t% z& t) X/ z$ U0 ? ?$ X) g/ S/ @: e# a( m; ]34、UniversitàCommerciale Luigi Bocconi! P! A8 V9 ~# i: T. W% ]米兰路易吉•博科尼商业大学(米兰市)(私立); {( m8 O# X3 Lhttp://www.uni-bocconi.it/6 n6 B% M3 r( Z$ {Via Sarfatti, 25 - 20136 Milano ) N+ k' c# D; ~) e" J/ t6 d' l* \* W centralino +39 02 5836.1 * c$ q0 H; }6 i- p. N9 n' Y& R$ j( B; M) x+ f. o35、UniversitàCattolica del Sacro Cuore- l8 G. M/ F8 g5 C3 w米兰圣心天主教大学(米兰市)(私立)3 V! c d; e; b5 t7 w. h http://www.unicatt.it 9 k: J( v4 l, R- d* H8 b; v$ R% v5 x5 w6 }- X36、Libera Universitàdi Lingue e Comunicazione IULM * s% Q3 J5 @9 T' j w0 {语言和沟通自由大学(米兰市)(私立)# t. Q6 ]5 d3 S4 i( p" S" _http://www.iulm.it : ~- Y+ s* ~( v' C: w4 m7 @+ L3 t! D, e$ ~! x+ q7 i8 X1 L5 b37、Politecnico di Milano$ |8 ]5 t Z' d: F7 n) V1 v米兰综合工学院(米兰理工大学)(米兰市)4 Z8 T! I Y+ J2 B" n, q7 H/ Shttp://www.polimi.it/ & B& @! H* z6 e9 n7 p, i! J$ g9 K" `/ e' F38、UniversitàVita-Salute San Raffaele9 J9 k& }/ j/ G圣拉斐尔生命健康大学(米兰市)(私立)+ K( a, ^- ^4 z3 a) M* R; Hhttp://www.univita.it- @$ u: U7 P- {8 _ @, w- C# b2 M) ~7 B4 A1 H: I39、Universitàdegli Studi di Milano-Bicocca( `. v' Z8 Q' K1 H+ `$ o9 V米兰毕博卡大学(米兰市)2 d0 y3 U8 }" [; o Ihttp://www.unimib.it 3 h" r6 u& Z: ~Piazza dell'Ateneo Nuovo, 1 - 20126, Milano+ j) P2 O* X* N6 ^: A5 @) B1 b+ Y/ S; k0 ], D+ |40、Universitàdegli Studi di MODENA e REGGIO EMILIA 4 V% }. S+ M, K莫德纳-雷焦埃米里亚大学(莫德纳市)1 B% j! ? ?1 @http://www.unimo.it6 `2 V5 w+ ^8 S% u" gVia Università4, 41100 Modena tel. 059 2056511 - Via Fogliani 1, 42100 Reggio Emilia tel. 0522 2766017 v8 P9 L7 {; v2 ~8 e5 S6 U) xN * _) O0 t8 s3 K4 N8 ~+ j41、Universitàdegli Studi di NAPOLI "Federico II"3 k7 {1 w* n1 R. Z那不勒斯“费代里科二世”大学(那不勒斯市)' d! W& k; N# f; P& ~# i; Ihttp://www.unina.it 0 s! g$ c) B# H5 A' |7 p0 Z+ `4 `42、Seconda Universitàdegli Studi di NAPOLI" T6 B6 g' [# W那不勒斯第二大学(那不勒斯市)) }3 F- M' a: ~3 \http://www.unina2.it/' b9 M: A, Q5 H! J0 N) `0 A4 \% h. u- B, ^! E5 i8 H- t43、Universitàdegli Studi di NAPOLI "Parthenope"S5 j& A: g% I那不勒斯“帕斯诺泼”大学(那不勒斯市)% e! H) N# f2 X+ mhttp://www.uninav.it/ % j2 \% b: E% `0 Q3 T s3 AVia Amm. F. Acton, 38 - 80133 Napoli - Tel.: 081 5475111 - Fax: 081 5521485 # Q- L! I; u }/ F P. T$ G1 Q. f% h! f7 [4 I5 U5 i1 K44、Istituto Universitario Orientale di NAPOLI; z% | c( x* P7 U, E4 z- \那不勒斯东方大学(那不勒斯市): g8 w# h" g9 Phttp://www.iuo.it- P+ z) E/ O7 L9 Q- E) p8 Y6 v1 P7 w, t+ u45、Istituto Universitario SUOR ORSOLA BENINCASA-NAPOLI: N" T. I3 Z5 T# a8 ~ A& W那不勒斯-索尔•奥尔索拉•贝宁卡萨大学(那不勒斯市)(私立): U. U) \* r8 ?* T" chttp://www.unisob.na.it" i8 @- \! n+ ]- Z- y# B+ a) ]" \& R# b0 @P( `- P: x4 C0 `# ~/ ~46、Universitàdegli Studi di PADOVA - s& T7 S$ l0 J& G帕多瓦大学(帕多瓦市)& a5 ?1 w$ e( g# Z! V% Ahttp://www.unipd.it, H" I3 w* z% a# F8 z+ o3 V3 ovia 8 Febbraio, 2 - 35122 Padova ' M. d; x O. G# H* p0 h. tCentralino: +39 049 827 5111/ ?& P3 r# I+ v- B! H0 {Call Centre: +39 049 827 3131 6 n% A5 w% h5 I- B8 ?0 p$ Q) y# Z0 O! C# B$ Q$ {47、Universitàdegli Studi di PALERMO + I# C7 f! z0 s帕莱尔莫大学(帕莱尔莫市)+ K; v9 y r* ?! U7 [( h: S% rhttp://www.unipa.it 3 A+ Z4 b3 w+ ?Viale delle Scienze (Parco d'Orleans) 90128 Palermo 5 z% ^1 L- Y1 g; ^/ I3 GTel +39 091238111 - Fax +39 0916529124! J! I `- d& q0 Z- [- [0 b3 K# p4 z- ]) k: |% h. `( |1 v48、Universitàdegli Studi di PARMA1 ?) k, }( d/ K0 g( p5 z) ~帕尔马大学(帕尔马市), z2 x# C) S( W% }( \http://www.unipr.it % K, ~% M& v& |2 e; u6 a- D1 d2 b. P% A49、Universitàdegli Studi di PAVIA 7 s7 K2 C) Z a8 F$ c3 |帕维亚大学(帕维亚市)1 l: F( C' K+ ~' Y$ ]7 K* jhttp://www.unipv.it7 w1 u6 m" W" `. j! L1 r* x, }6 g! ^ V# b$ L8 B$ h# S50、Universitàdegli Studi di Perugia - u2 A, {! d' V# w1 C& g: w 佩鲁贾大学(佩鲁贾市)! d, X5 l6 f4 e6 }5 F2 p& i1 Bhttp://www.unipg.it: p9 o+ h: W! _8 a- T7 d6 Y; Q6 |; }8 t- f; w: [51、Universitàper Stranieri di Perugia3 u. @" M1 L1 {! ]佩鲁贾外国人大学(佩鲁贾市)# C2 X" Z8 Y8 V7 G `! HFacoltàdi Lingua e Cultura Italiana意大利语言和文化学院0 ~( }$ m' I# ^) M* w, k5 G http://www.unistrapg.it7 A7 H6 C$ M7 r% t/ h; V! ]9 { [/ E/ x: R# o2 i8 R52、Universitàdegli Studi del PIEMONTE ORIENTALE Amedeo " O, n! o# A! K+ J2 r( p9 j. L: T9 `Avogadro- Vercelli + o: E& X; `: [/ \0 V皮埃蒙特东方大学(威尔切里市)D2 a5 d& A. Zhttp://www.unipmn.it 6 ]9 }5 t2 e1 E* H! W/ v% R, i0 B/ r( b- {- j9 V0 i1 z53、Universitàdegli Studi di PISA5 p e$ N) [1 J% o6 u- y% s比萨大学(比萨市)2 Y& k' h1 C! X6 }4 hhttp://www.unipi.it 5 P- ~; y1 C4 u" O7 U( u7 w, s$ f5 n0 \! W# z2 k+ v/ [54、Scuola Normale Superiore di PISA) {0 }9 T! l( Z比萨高等师范学校(比萨市)# W; E5 u* T$ Ehttp://www.sns.it0 M& e1 B6 Z( W2 j2 q3 [. y7 i6 v k4 n1 t: {; }% ^55、Scuola Sup. di Studi Univ. e Perfezionamento S. Anna di PISA ! i; l# @" ?8 z) ]( h( |7 d 比萨圣安娜高等学校(比萨市)6 g, c9 M( u! H0 |& zhttp://www.sssup.it/ s: m9 V1 Q. j, _Piazza Martiri della Libertà, 33 56127 Pisa (Italia) 0 g7 O; {" h- s, w! B$ { Tel. +39 050 883111 -- Fax +39 050 883296 8 W. E2 C$ D* U7 y4 G% c+ _* K# e/ U+ g1 u6 y! M3 r+ sR " {5 B6 y; | ]3 j% H56、Universitàdegli Studi Mediterranea di Reggio Calabria0 W+ [$ h. |2 X" ]2 x5 Z0 J雷焦卡拉布里亚地中海大学(雷焦卡拉布里亚市)" F2 A8 [4 _' _# k( Dhttp://www.unirc.it$ [# j4 x `7 `, p3 q7 Q: G* o9 W6 l2 T, w" X5 d' Q! R6 h- h- h+ `57、Universitàdella Calabria0 [9 W- V5 E8 R; Y3 k* j! I http://www.unical.it / k2 _' u* }5 e' g3 ~卡拉布里亚大学(Rende伦德市)1 ^9 u1 J0 n4 ?. j" F; n r# W M3 {* \% }, x9 J: f5 V58、Universitàdegli Studi di Roma La Sapienza- M. c! Q" ]6 o- y1 R9 t. u* A* l罗马第一大学;罗马萨比恩扎大学( V5 I; E; }6 Y, u j http://www.uniroma1.it" W7 N1 \5 T9 d9 A0 n; E# `1 o& p1 ~. S) s- m4 H3 X59、Universitàdegli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata+ _7 `& r; l+ P罗马第二大学& G; B) p# [# B/ V2 xhttp://www2.uniroma2.it8 V7 o) V, w6 ^( r) U0 @7 T; Y2 x. |60、Terza Universitàdegli studi di Roma 4 |6 K5 @* G7 i- {; ^- k$ e" s罗马第三大学( {0 m! w ~9 J/ ^0 ?7 Khttp://www.uniroma3.it4 ?1 w+ x4 ?! i* ~ T# q5 l3 ~9 m4 [ _61、Universita Cattolica del Sacro Cuore% x$ a' c# Y; F% j3 J9 w+ i罗马圣心天主教大学9 C! s0 X7 Z0 {: k; Vhttp://www.rm.unicatt.it ; a2 J" H$ o1 w3 P3 l3 U, p: w7 s' ^; N& X& G3 t* ]8 r62、UniversitàCampus Bio-Medico di Roma 6 B( X) G2 f% G; ` 罗马“生物医学校园”大学(罗马市)(私立)) h5 W, [# w$ H1 Phttp://www.unicampus.it 9 R) J7 B( G( V2 y, T! p! j6 }$ e; r+ u M, a63、LUISS-Libera UniversitàInternazionale degli Studi Sociali" {5 d7 E9 u3 K( O社会学习国际自由大学;罗马路易斯国际社会大学(罗马市)(私立) . D) |% a; G& s- d d* n8 R3 Chttp://www.luiss.it * }" A8 h: S) y/ Q7 D1 j, x% x1 ~8 x+ s64、LUMSA-Libera UniversitàMaria Santissima Assunta1 e( j# Y/ C7 g% }圣玛丽亚自由大学(罗马市)(私立)d) t0 I: [! k/ S7 t3 ~http://www.lumsa.it 7 k/ }) R- S% P* p3 t( {4 qSede Centrale- o* I. M- Y( }* S) _( h3 hVia della Traspontina, 21 , n, p5 v5 \1 _& q% W r00193 Roma 6 a1 Q7 q! T$ A$ iTel. +39.06.6842219 N' q8 ^- B- d2 fFax +39.06.6878357 & R$ a3 @0 P/ Jemail: lumsa@lumsa.it7 ]8 v p; t @. }; J' J5 @7 u, y4 _6 G6 P+ I! T0 f65、Iums - Istituto Universitario di Scienze Motorie 3 o3 H$ K1 s2 ?; W汽车科学学院(罗马市)# o2 I7 q' U$ i7 F6 uhttp://www.iusm.itg: n, ?/ q9 h; W: S$ L. f, j P66、Pontificia UniversitàGregoriana ! n6 V: m m) y( ^4 B! khttp://www.unigre.urbe.it2 g# H1 U9 M+ t1 p* B8 Q$ T3 wPiazza della Pilotta,4 00187 Roma % W- M+ a: Z8 w& i$ wTel. 06-67011 ( S6 a1 `0 n3 l& ^6 _& W) ], M! ]8 w! V# \( C7 t67、Pontificia Universitàdella Santa Croce0 a$ v7 a3 y% t5 Chttp://www.asc.urbe.it : q8 M0 Z9 l/ ^* s+ O5 A( S7 H. L# }, A: d' f9 [& H68、Libera Universitàdegli Studi "S. Pio V" ROMA' Z) | R7 \1 f罗马"圣•比奥五世"大学(罗马市)(私立)6 P+ a3 x* J4 y9 ^$ Uhttp://www.luspio.it9 t3 M) z* l! A9 `! F9 l' c4 q* r0 IS" F7 I' J0 T9 I& f0 U/ L$ d69、Universitàdegli Studi di SALERNO 3 U' I' W9 E% G. v萨莱诺大学(萨莱诺市)) T5 ]& D% U* Z Q7 ]1 Shttp://www.unisa.it 9 h( ]% {: V! Q6 Y) |. b# w. N) \( _70、Universitàdegli Studi-Repubblica di San Marino P: H8 e5 x- O9 i4 D8 T2 F" Y圣马力诺共和国大学2 Q$ s5 M/ V L- T$ Whttp://www.unirsm.sm* r+ ]; @- P: j& m; l- P+ E, i3 Q. \$ T9 x5 |. {+ _+ G: Y( T0 c71、Universitàdegli Studi di SASSARI * C$ K" B, A) z% F" B萨撒里大学(萨撒里市): e, u+ P. I. h- fhttp://www.uniss.it 0 O* c5 b/ R1 h) B( ~2 q, x. s K6 f9 T2 @3 `/ m( }72、Universitàdegli Studi di SIENA $ j; [4 p7 Y* w7 J锡耶纳大学(锡耶纳市)- J8 r* y+ a) `( r. E5 Khttp://www.unisi.it " l0 @/ Q6 I# kw& Y+ y0 O5 S5 Y' ~2 o8 ]6 }73、Universitàper Stranieri di SIENA 7 ?# U" `1 v& _9 {! a C0 G+ F) s& V锡耶纳外国人大学(锡耶纳市). V: S0 k! o5 A" O; ahttp://www.unistrasi.it $ s& o$ I4 n1 T: [! T. j' e; i; L$ R+ {7 f N74、Universitàdegli Studi di TERAMO1 R) F: `/ b9 F& ?, {* a特拉莫大学(特拉莫市)% w$ h. s6 u4 b$ [" ? |4 [& thttp://www.unite.it% X2 m: b, _& d& s( F/ |. a8 W2 w, q2 s# y+ O I+ a0 e75、Universitàdegli Studi di TORINO. X% N( f; C* l2 o" I都灵大学(都灵市)7 t1 K: T$ y$ t+ ~% [8 Q$ B7 Rhttp://www.unito.it+ Z- U. A3 i: s" Z0 N- t7 D, A7 E' b1 c3 B. U76、Politecnico di TORINO , }) M- |; B- L2 H% g都灵理工大学(都灵市) . t t4 L. a( K( s9 J+ T9 `6 ^; Lhttp://www.polito.it8 f! P) f2 W h. ^, \0 v8 x( A9 v, T1 D( ?1 p' }; R77、Universitàdegli Studi di TRENTO2 a% b2 [' B8 n* m/ h8 l0 W特伦多大学(特伦多市): M2 N) D+ @" }8 J! f! b% Phttp://www.unitn.it- }+ ~7 s3 o% d/ I) X0 G* u) ~( r1 [4 [6 W+ x- H78、Universitàdegli Studi di TRIESTE3 j3 C8 t2 ]" ~; D5 I的里亚斯特大学(的里亚斯特市)0 f' V# _' S6 a1 h* @5 rhttp://www.univ.trieste.it" }4 @9 b s* |5 N0 o' t4 H9 O8 o) d7 p$ Z3 c, Z3 J79、Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati di TRIESTE ! V+ ~; q0 U* ] a1 s+ P3 F的里亚斯特国际高等教育学院(的里亚斯特市)9 \( U& {: \9 |1 z8 _http://www.sissa.it 4 I2 }% j9 j* V5 ?7 a' ~: f7 g+ h* z3 g& v& y& O9 s8 B* S# S* ]80、Universitàdegli Studi di TUSCIA; j( ^3 b' r/ w$ e1 {. ?4 Q图思雅大学(威特尔博市Viterbo)8 G" n6 w3 w5 m/ qhttp://www.unitus.it2 r1 n# h( ? X( }U ( f9 c% I O; a81、Universitàdegli Studi di UDINE) s9 \2 k! r3 n' W乌迪内大学(乌迪内市)- |9 i9 ? r7 F" F- xhttp://www.uniud.it) I8 y" T- n# V: y, A3 u* z0 A( h4 S/ B$ PVia Palladio, 82 M, v4 O" j7 K9 ZPalazzo Florio $ M) o' B! G. a$ c2 w4 C33100 UDINE6 |" q* W9 X$ \0 @Tel. +39 0432-556111% t, ^+ J* O2 ]4 u5 [Fax +39 0432-507715 , Z; |* u" M" f8 \ }+ c" A1 n' f% m# }+ C82、Universitàdegli Studi di URBINO# x4 c& }8 f8 |! T1 U乌尔比诺大学(乌尔比诺市)(私立), A4 ~. J# \/ n6 w K$ _http://www.uniurb.it . E$ R* F% z+ E7 Y/ K2 e, ^; Y3 K5 P/ _4 y' b1 V0 M& _. v83、Universitàdella VALLE D'AOSTA " N% S* S% L6 b. }) M) L$ q7 u5 q1 X瓦莱达奥斯塔大学(瓦莱达奥斯塔市); h `. r% k' h* _ R. ^4 ahttp://www.univda.it7 ^; v& S5 Q% f) t8 r6 l& @Strada Cappuccini, 2A11 100 AOSTA7 j! ^3 B' f# Q9 u) D2 D$ }Tel: 0165-306711 7 C6 g+ u6 s) TFax: 0165-32835 % z2 U& t5 H$ }Email: info@univda.it2 o3 G, f# N! L$ g/ V! v/ U4 [- \. j# V84、Università"CàFoscari" di VENEZIA* {& d6 r3 K) d威尼斯大学(威尼斯市) . j3 S/ Q, ]6 j* Q3 x5 Ohttp://www.unive.it5 m$ w# t) Y' o! @. U, T. p/ p1 i! f q" {( t4 n( K85、Istituto di Architettura di VENEZIA( UniversitàIuav di VENEZIA) ; u J! G% R& C6 U" z' |威尼斯建筑学院(威尼斯市)! u! j4 [1 u% yhttp://www.iuav.it 8 G" A/ o; G B' Y% w1 M7 T y, f5 S7 a6 M. N* B86、Universitàdegli Studi di VERONA8 {8 W' q q. U) W* m' D6 C% }维罗纳大学(维罗纳市)9 G/ i6 }) x/ Phttp://www.univr.itDivision of Precision Science & Technology and Applied Physics , Osaka university.。



国外英语论文网站Worcester Polytechnic Institute/Pubs/ETD/伍斯特工学院:包括670余篇学位论文,其中有550多篇全文,硕士论文4篇。


The university of Nottingham/诺丁汉大学的论文数据库。


Australian Digital Theses Program.au澳洲数字论文计划,由澳洲大学图书馆员协会发起。


University of South Florida/cgi-bin/ETD-db/ETD-...D-search/search南佛罗里达大学的989篇电子版博硕论文,涵盖地理学、医学、电子学等学科的内容。


Virginia Commonwealth University/ETD-db/ETD-search/search弗吉尼亚公共资产大学的768篇博硕论文,包括化学、生物、医学、会计学、艺术、语言、工学、教育等学科。


The Pennsylvania State University's electronic Theses and Dissertations Archives/ETD-db/ETD-search/search宾夕法尼亚州大学电子论文库,包含1848篇全文,涵盖材料学、教育学、工学、法学、医学、航空、经济、化工、建筑等各个学科。


North Carolina State University/ETD-db/ETD-search/search北卡罗来纳州州立大学的3937篇免费博硕论文,涵盖了化学、物理学、电子电气、核能、机械、材料、食品、林业、土壤等各学科。

University of Pretoria : Electronic Theses and Dissertationshttp://upetd.up.ac.za/比勒陀利亚大学的电子学位论文,含3000多篇电子博硕论文,涵盖社会学、食品、建筑、经济、信息、生化、教育、管理、心理学、法学等学科,其中2876篇可免费获取全文。



根据2016年U.S. News 全美大学排名,亚利桑那州立大学W.P.Carey商学院全美排名35名,供应链管理全美排名第4名。

根据2015年U.S. News 全美大学排名,亚利桑那州立大学W.P.Carey商学院全美排名27名,供应链管理全美排名第3名。

根据2014年U.S. News 全美大学排名,亚利桑那州立大学嘉芙莲.K.赫尔贝格艺术设计学院全美排名22名。




主校园坐落在坦佩,是ASU 校园面积和学生人数最多的校园;西校园,1984年成立于菲尼克斯西北方,提供高年级及研究生学习;理工校园,1996年成立于Poly,EasternMesa(曾是空军基地);菲尼克斯校园,是ASU最新校园,2006年成立于菲尼克斯市中心。














塔夫斯大学塔夫茨大学(Tufts University)是美国著名大学,也是波士顿仅次于哈佛大学和麻省理工学院的波士顿五大名校(哈佛大学、麻省理工学院、塔夫茨大学、波士顿学院,布兰迪斯大学、)之一,也是25所“新常春藤”成员之一。

从学生录取、教师的教学到学术研究、教学和科研设施的建立以及对教师的业绩评估等,塔夫茨大学(Tufts University)都遵从以质取胜、注重革新的办学原则。


塔夫茨大学拥有美国最古老和最富盛名的国际关系研究生院之一 ---弗莱彻法律与外交学院。

著名的生物医学研究中心--塔夫茨医学中心 (Tufts Medical Center) 是塔夫茨大学医学院的主要教学医院。

弗里德曼(Friedman School) 营养科学与政策学院在营养学上名声在外,是学术界的标杆之一。


北伊利诺伊大学北伊利诺伊大学(Northern Illinois University,简称NIU)是位於美国伊力诺依州迪卡尔布的一所公立学校,由伊利诺州州长约翰·彼得·奥尔特盖尔德於1895年5月22日建立。



据《America’s Best Colleges 1995》大学年鉴指出,学生选修最多的学科,包括商科管理(17%)、社会科学(15%)、教育(9%)、健康科学(8%)、大众传播(8%)。




北伊利诺伊大学(Northern Illinois University,简称NIU)是位於美国伊力诺依州迪卡尔布的一所公立学校,由伊利诺州州长约翰·彼得·奥尔特盖尔德於1895年5月22日建立。



据《America’s Best Colleges 1995》大学年鉴指出,学生选修最多的学科,包括商科管理(17%)、社会科学(15%)、教育(9%)、健康科学(8%)、大众传播(8%)。













University of Warsaw Faculty of ChemistryChemical Technology DivisionFundamentals of Chemical Technology and Chemicals Management LaboratoryCatalytic dehydration of alcohols Theory and manual for experiment 26Instructor dr Hanna Wilczura-WachnikIntroduction – Theoretical BackgroundNearly all biological reactions and most industrial synthesis require catalyst. Presently, catalysis is the most important technology in environmental protection, i.e., the prevention of emissions different toxic chemicals. A well-known example is the catalytic converter for automobiles.The term “catalysis” was introduced by Berzelius in 1836. Describing various reactions he found that catalysts posses special powers that can influence the affinity of chemical compounds. After many years in 1895 Ostwald proposed the following definition of catalysts: “a catalyst accelerates a chemical reaction without affecting the position of the equilibrium”. Additionally it was assumed that the catalyst remained unchanged in the course of the reaction. This definition is still valid today. Now it is know that during the catalytic process between reactants and catalyst the chemical bodings are formed. The catalysis is realized as a cyclic process with the following steps:1. the reactants are bound to one form of the catalyst,2. the intermediate catalysts-reactant complexes are formed (usually the intermediate catalyst complexes are highly reactive and difficult to detect),3. the reaction performs,4. the products are released from another form of catalyst, regenerating its initial state.The simple catalytic cycle is shown in Figure 1.Figure 1. Catalytic cycle schemeThe suitability of a catalyst for an industrial process depends mainly on the following properties:- activity- selectivity- stability.Depending on industrial priority mentioned above properties can be ordered as follows:selectivity>stability>activity.Such order is a consequence of today’s preference according to which optimizing of existing processes is more preferable than developing new ones.The catalyst definition assumes that, an ideal one would not be consumed during reaction, but this is not the case in practice. Usual the catalyst undergoes chemical changes, and its activity as a function of time becomes lower. Such activity decreasing is called catalyst deactivation. Deactivated catalyst must be regenerated or if it is necessary replaced.Activity of given catalyst is a measure of how fast reaction (or reactions) proceeds in the presence of the catalyst. The reaction rate v is calculated according the following equation: tc m s ∗=ν [mol L -1 h -1 or mol kg -1 h -1] where:s m - a converted amount of substance of a reactant [mol] c - a catalyst volume or mass [L] or [kg]t - a time [h].Another important property of catalysts apart from accelerating reaction is the influencing on the selectivity of chemical reactions. The catalyst selectivity involves obtained different products from a given starting compound by using different catalyst system. It means that employing two different catalysts is possible obtaining completely different products from the same starting material. In Figure 2 are given samples of different products obtaining from the same material – synthesis gas using different catalysts.Figure 2. Synthesis gas products depending on used catalystIn industrial practice this possibility reaction control sometimes is more important than the catalytic activity.The selectivity S of a reaction is calculated as a fraction of starting material A that is converted to the product B. Selectivity S can be calculated according to the equation:in reaction A B ][][)()()()(end A b A end A b A m m m m S −−=totally in whole processCatalyst stability is a third property important from industrial point of view because the chemical, thermal and mechanical stability of catalyst determines its lifetime in industrial reactors. The total catalyst lifetime is of crucial importance for the economics of a technological process.There are numerous factors influencing on catalyst stability. Among many there are: decompositions, coking and poisoning. Catalyst time stability depends on reaction conditions including reactants purity. Usually decreasing of catalyst stability is determined by measuring activity or/and selectivity as a function of time.Catalyst deactivation can be reversible or not depending. Reversibly deactivated catalyst can be regenerated. Usually it is done in a separate process.Catalyst classificationThere is not general catalyst classification because variant criteria can be taken into account. Usually there are: aggregation state, structure, composition andarea of application. The most popular classification is according to the state of aggregation in which catalysts act. There are: heterogeneous, homogeneous and enzymatic catalysts (Scheme 1).Scheme 1. Catalysts classificationHeterogeneous and homogeneous catalysts belong to the wider used in industry. Enzymatic catalysts are employed mainly in pharmaceutical and cosmetic technologies.Generally, the main characteristic feature of heterogeneous catalytic systems is that they are in solid state and in a different phase than entrance compounds and reaction products. The most important advantages of these catalysts are a higher selectivity and reparability comparing to homogenous ones. The characteristic features of both catalysts types are compare in Table 1.Table 1. Comparison of homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysts featuresEnzymes are classified as a separate class of catalysts. They have significant advantages (activity, selectivity, specificity), and disadvantages (costs) comparing to heterogonous and homogeneous catalysts. Enzyme-catalyzed reactions are very expensive. Enzymatic catalysis is used mainly in pharmaceutics, dairy and food industries. Till now the main technologies preferably use heterogeneous catalysts or homogeneous.Depending on state aggregation catalyst are gases, liquids and solids. Industrially important are liquid and solid catalysts. It is worth to mention that around 75% of all chemicals are produced in processes employing catalysts. For example the production of synthetic fibers, plastics, pharmaceutics, agents, resins, crop-protection, and pigments required catalytic processes. Moreover in such technologies as the crude-oil processing and petrochemistry catalysts are necessary on purification stages, refining and other. Catalysts have been used in inorganic technologies like synthesis of sulfuric acid, the conversion of ammonia to nitric acid. Finally, environmental protection measures such as automobile exhaust control, and purification of off-gases from power stations and industrial plant would be inconceivable without catalysts. Recently many selective catalysts likemulticomponent oxides and metallic catalysts, zeolites and metal complexes have been developed.All catalytic process can be classified according to reaction mechanism as: - oxidation-reduction reactions (redox reactions): hydrogenation, dehydrogenation, oxidation. The typical catalysts: metals, semiconducting metal oxides and sulfides.- acid-base reactions: hydrolysis, isomerization, cracking, alkylation. Typical catalysts: the Brönsteds and Lewis’s acids and bases, oxides: aluminium, magnesium, and aluminosilicates.- reactions with coordinative mechanism: polymerization, oligomerization, carbonylation, hydrogenation, hydroformylation. Typical catalysts: metals complexes (usually transition metals) bimetallic systems.From the historical point of view dehydration of ethanol to ethylene (in 1787 by Priestley’s) is the first reaction performed with solid catalyst. Catalytic dehydration of alcohols is a simple method for alkenes obtaining. Al2O3as a catalyst needs a specific preparation: hydrated aluminium oxide needs calcinations at temperature above 200o C ( at this temperature in dehydroxylation water molecules and oxide ions O2- are created). Dehydroxylation causes a surface defects as Lewis acidic centers (unsaturated Al3+ions) and basic Lewis centers (O2- ions) creation. Water molecules deactivate Lewis centers and create strongly acidic Brönsted’s centers. Alcohols dehydration reaction performs on Brönsted’s active centers where hydroxyl groups disconnect proton from alcohol molecule. During reaction alcohol molecule adsorbed on aluminium oxide surface reacts with proton. As a products carbo- cation and water molecules are created according to relation:is called carbo-cation.On catalyst surface carbo-cation decomposes according to relation:Above reaction is one of the possible mechanisms. At lower temperature is possible reaction in which as a product suitable ethers can be obtained.Dehydration of alcohols with aluminum oxide (Al2O3) as a catalyst is a sample of olefins production.Requirements for students1. Catalysis, definition of catalysts. Catalysts classification. Catalyst activity, selectivity and stability.2. Heterogeneous and homogeneous catalysts –characteristic properties, similarity and differences.3. Catalytic processes classification. Example of catalytic reaction and typical catalysts.4. Dehydration of alcohols. Reaction mechanism, employed catalysts. Brönsted and Lewis acidic centers.5. glc basic principles.5. Knowledge on the exercise aim, procedure runs and devices described in this manual.Literature:Exercise manual nr 26 accessible in student laboratory and on the web page:.pl/people/AMyslinski/nowy/lab.html.Supplemental literature:J.Hagen “Industrial catalysis. A practical approach.”Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH, Weinheim, Germany 2006.R.A.Van Santen, M.Neurock “Molecular heterogeneous catalysis”. Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH, Weinheim, Germany 2006.D.W.Grant, “Gas-liquid chromatography” Van Nostrand Reinhold Company London 1971.Manual for experimentExperiment aimThe main aiml of this experiment is catalytic dehydration of chosen alcohol and study an influence of temperature, time and raw material dosage speed on the final products. In the experiment hexanol will be dehydrated using Al2O3as a catalyst. The reaction products will be analyzed with gas-liquid chromatography using Hewlett-Packard GC 6890.Installation descriptionA schematic diagram of device is presented in Figure 1. The reaction is performed at isothermal conditions in reactor (1) filled with catalysts (4,6g (5mL) Al2O3)Temperature inside the catalyst bed (2) is measured with thermocouple (3). Control unit (4) is a temperature regulator (involves on temperature programming). Alcohol is dosing with a stable rate into reactor with calibrated syringe using infusion pump (10). Reaction products passing through condenser (5) cool down and finally condensate in receiver (6). Element (8) is filled with “dry ice +acetone” in which all residual products are freezing out. Washer (9) filled with paraffin oil indicates gas flow. Air pump (12) doses air into reactor during catalyst regeneration. Inert gas (Ar in balloon 13) is used for reaction products removing from catalyst bed and at final step of catalyst regeneration for air removing.Figure 1. Installation scheme: 1- reactor; 2- catalyst bed; 3 – thermocouple; 4 – temperature control unit; 5 – Liebig condenser; 6 – receiver; 7 – elevator; 8 – “dry ice” container; 9 – washer; 10 – infusion pump; 11 – crane; 12 – air pump; 13 – balloon.Experiment steps1. Turn on air pump (12) and temperature control unit (4) set-up 600o C forcatalyst regeneration (1hour).2. Weight products receiver (6).3. Decrease temperature to value 250o C – 350o C according to teachersuggestion and purge catalyst bed with Argon.4. Set dosing speed on suitable value (proposed by instructor).5. Fill syringe with hexanol and place needle through membrane into reactor.6. Connect receiver (6) with Liebig condenser (5).7. Start dosing alcohol (pump “on”) and note time.8. Reaction duration suggests instructor.9. Time over, turn off dosing alcohol, take out needle.10. P urge catalyst bed with Ar (balloon 13).11. D isconnect receiver, weight it and make glc * of reaction products.12. O btained results note in suitable results sheet.13. C alculate composition of reaction product using glc calibrating curves**.14. R egenerate catalyst and eventually perform process under different conditions(change temperature, hexanol dosing speed,) according to points from 4 till15.**The quantity of hexane and hexanol in reaction products calculate according to the following equations (obtained earlier in separate calibration procedures):for hexanol: y=154845x – 7395where: y is the hexanol peak areax is the hexanol quantity in miligramsfor hexene: y* = 175968x* + 1594where: y is the hexene peak areax* is the hexane quantity in milligrams*glc basic principles are described belowGas-liquid chromatography is a form of column chromatography in which the absorbing medium is a liquid of low volatility, called the liquid phase, and this is dispersed over the surface of an inert solid support. The latter is usually a granular material which does not itself adsorb the components but which merely acts to hold the liquid phase in a stable dispersed form. A gas stream, known as a carrier gas, flows continuously through the column and the temperature of the system is controlled. When a small quantity of a volatile mixture is applied to the column the components are distributed between two phases and therefore moved more slowly than carrier gas stream, due to the retarding effect of the liquid phase. The column should be sufficiently long due to separating components as a result of differences in this retarding effect. When the separated components are eluted from the column a sensitive device, known as a detector, converts the concentration or mass substance contained in he exit gas stream into an equivalent electrical or other measurable signal (depending on detector type). This signal is usually measured by some continuous recording device to produce a chromatogram. Typical chromatogramconsists of a number of peaks ach of which corresponds to a component of the mixture. The position of each of these peaks is characteristic of the component to which it is due. These characteristic positions are measured in terms of the volume of carrier gas which has passed through the column between the time application of the sample to the column and the time of emergence of the component. This gas volume is called the retention volume, V R, and is a fundamental gas chromatography property in qualitative analysis. The size of each peak (its area or height), is normally proportional to the amount of component causing it. This property is an important prerequisite for accurate quantitative analysis.Experiment report should be prepared according to pattern attached to manual and contained:- an aim of experiment,- an experiment brief description- glc results description and interpretation (including glc analysis parameters), - a table containing obtained and calculated data,- results discussion, and comments (including yield of reaction, sources of errors),- Sankey diagram (if necessary prepared on basis of process mass flow balance) with a suitable scale and stream legends,- conclusions (among, if the aim of experiment has been achieved),- students remarks and suggestions if there are some (for example how to improve some steps of experiment).A results sheet signed by instructor should be attached.。



摘要:本发明总体上涉及异戊二烯基半胱氨酸羧基甲基转移酶(Icmt)的抑制剂,特别是抑制Icmt 活性的化合物以及其药物组合物。





有报道迷走神经张力高的或不同给药方式(如快速静脉注射或推注)的 健康青年志愿者给予本品后发生心动过缓和窦性停搏
治疗可能包括减少或停止本品输注,增加静脉液体的流速,抬高下肢, 以及使用升高血压的药物(静脉给予抗胆碱能药物。例如,格隆溴铵、 阿托品)
患有晚期心脏传导阻滞和/或严重的心室功能不全的患者给予本品时 应该小心谨慎
➢ 全麻术前/术中
补液,全身麻醉前/麻醉诱导后,给予病人的艾贝宁,静脉、泵 注,维持到手术0.2~0.7μg/kg/h结束前30min,注意镇痛药量适当 节30%~50%
➢ 局麻手术
补液,手术开始前10~20min,给予1~1.5μg/kg/h艾贝宁,静脉、 泵注,达到满意镇静程度后,逐渐减量到0.3~0.5μg/kg/h,维持到 手术结束
剂量依赖性镇静和抗焦虑(脑和蓝斑核) 具有镇静及镇痛作用(脊髓和脊髓上部位) 减少血浆儿茶酚胺浓度 中枢性降压和减慢心率 利尿(抑制ADH分泌和拮抗ADH肾小管作用) 抑制涎腺分泌
作为术前用药减轻焦虑提供镇静 预防喉镜检查及支气管镜检查引起心律失常和心肌缺血 抑制气管插管引起交感反应 困难气道的镇静 减少诱导药物用量 减少围术期心血管发病率和死亡率
另一研究也发现,在术中静脉给予1µg·kg-1右美托咪定, 可明显降低术后寒战的发生率(15% VS 5%)
➢ 负荷剂量1μg/kg ,静脉泵注10 min ➢ 继而以0.2~0.7 g·kg-1·h-1的速度维持 ➢ 滴定至药效
小贴士:静脉、泵注,维持到手术结束前30min注意镇痛药量适 当节俭 30%~50%













1.美国癌症协会(ACS)代表团到北京大学临床肿瘤学院访问 [J],
2.美国坎萨斯州密苏里大学及其“斯诺基金会”代表团来我院参观访问 [J], 田上
3.尼泊尔中国专家友好协会主席来我所参观访问 [J],
4.北京大学临床肿瘤学院武爱文、季加孚等应邀为“美国国立癌症研究所杂志”撰写述评 [J],
5.美国圣托马斯大学副校长陈思齐一行来我院参观访问 [J],

















N 总平面图
效 果 图
外部环境分析 功能分析
区位 周围用地建筑面积 交通组织 校园尺度内开放空间分布情况 教学区 休闲区 反思区
布局结构 植被布置分析
区位 周围用地建筑面积 交通组织 校园尺度内开放空间分布情况
B空间为教学楼周围的草 坪,起到美化环境与交通 连接的作用
C空间为图书馆旁的一片 绿地,紧靠着ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้干道,起 到隔绝噪音与美化周边环 境的作用
D空间为建造在校园中轴 上的一处广场绿地,造型 规整内有连接各个建筑物 的道路若干
教学示范 学习体验 参观科普
聚会集会 休闲休憩
静思默想 阅读写作
“户外课堂”理念 新罕布什尔州的特色
选择当地特色植物 & 结合场地条件
成熟林地 林地边缘 灌木围绕的草地
植物分析—— 空间围和中的设计
“植物屏风”将空间 分割开来,为开阔的 空间营造出私密性、 亲切感。
植物分析—— 学习借鉴
草本层位于乔木、灌木和建筑构成 的U型空间,是进行活动的开敞处所。
庭院乔灌草的搭配充分考虑了限定 条件,通过“植物屏风”划分空间, 保证了景观与实用性的双赢。
铺装在设计上的作用 植物材料选择的依据 植物在空间围和中的设计 学习借鉴的经验 设计特色——大卵石




1.美籍华人学者薛凤生教授来我院讲学 [J], 王珏;
2.美籍学者晋聪博士应邀前来我院讲学 [J], 无
3.美籍华人陈亨博士应聘为周口师专名誉教授 [J], 每文
4.美国纽约大学教授陈亨博士应邀回国在我院讲学我院举行仪式聘请陈亨博士为名誉教授 [J], 高明乾
5.美籍华人学者沈己尧教授来鲁讲学 [J], 韩淑举;姜泽

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FORMALIZED MATHEMATICSVolume5,Number1,1996Warsaw University-Bia l ystokOn Defining Functions on Binary Trees1Grzegorz Bancerek Polish Academy of Sciences Institute of MathematicsWarsawPiotr RudnickiUniversity of Alberta Department of Computing ScienceEdmontonSummary.This article is a continuation of an article on defining functions on trees(see[6]).In this article we develop terminology special-ized for binary trees,first defining binary trees and binary grammars.Werecast the induction principle for the set of parse trees of binary gram-mars and the scheme of defining functions inductively with the set asdomain.We conclude with defining the scheme of defining such functionsby lambda-like expressions.MML Identifier:BINTREE1.The terminology and notation used here are introduced in the following articles: [12],[14],[15],[13],[8],[9],[5],[7],[11],[10],[1],[3],[4],[2],and[6].Let D be a non empty set and let t be a tree decorated with elements of D. The root label of t is an element of D and is defined by:(Def.1)The root label of t=t(ε).One can prove the following two propositions:(1)Let D be a non empty set and let t be a tree decorated with elementsof D.Then the roots of t = the root label of t .(2)Let D be a non empty set and let t1,t2be trees decorated with elementsof D.Then the roots of t1,t2 = the root label of t1,the root label of t2 .A tree is binary if:(Def.2)For every element t of it such that t/∈Leaves(it)holds succ t={t0 ,t 1 }.The following propositions are true:10grzegorz bancerek and piotr rudnicki(3)For every tree T and for every element t of T holds t∈Leaves(T)ifft 0 /∈T.(4)For every tree T and for every element t of T holds t∈Leaves(T)iffitis not true that there exists a natural number n such that t n ∈T.(5)For every tree T and for every element t of T holds succ t=∅ifft∈Leaves(T).(6)The elementary tree of0is binary.(7)The elementary tree of2is binary.Let us note that there exists a tree which is binary andfinite.A decorated tree is binary if:(Def.3)dom it is binary.Let D be a non empty set.Observe that there exists a tree decorated with elements of D which is binary andfinite.Let us mention that there exists a decorated tree which is binary andfinite.Let us observe that every tree which is binary is alsofinite-order.We now state four propositions:(8)Let T0,T1be trees and let t be an element ofT0,T1.Then(i)for every element p of T0such that t= 0 p holds t∈Leaves( T0,T1)iffp∈Leaves(T0),and(ii)for every element p of T1such that t= 1 p holds t∈Leaves( T0,T1)iffp∈Leaves(T1).(9)Let T0,T1be trees and let t be an element ofT0,T1.Then(i)if t=ε,then succ t={t 0 ,t 1 },(ii)for every element p of T0such that t= 0 p and for everyfinite sequence s1holds s1∈succ p iff 0 s1∈succ t,and(iii)for every element p of T1such that t= 1 p and for everyfinitesequence s1holds s1∈succ p iff 1 s1∈succ t. (10)For all trees T1,T2holds T1is binary and T2is binary iffT1,T2is binary.(11)For all decorated trees T1,T2and for arbitrary x holds T1is binary andT2is binary iffx-tree(T1,T2)is binary.Let D be a non empty set,let x be an element of D,and let T1,T2be binary finite trees decorated with elements of D.Then x-tree(T1,T2)is a binaryfinite tree decorated with elements of D.A non empty tree construction structure is binary if:(Def.4)For every symbol s of it and for everyfinite sequence p such that s⇒p there exist symbols x1,x2of it such that p= x1,x2 .One can check that there exists a non empty tree construction structure which is binary and strict and has terminals,nonterminals,and useful nonterminals.The scheme BinDTConstrStrEx concerns a non empty set A and a ternary predicate P,and states that:on defining functions on binary trees11 There exists a binary strict non empty tree construction structureG such that the carrier of G=A and for all symbols x,y,z of Gholds x⇒ y,z iffP[x,y,z]for all values of the parameters.One can prove the following proposition(12)Let G be a binary non empty tree construction structure with terminalsand nonterminals,and let t3be afinite sequence of elements of TS(G),and let n1be a symbol of G.Suppose n1⇒the roots of t3.Then(i)n1is a nonterminal of G,(ii)dom t3={1,2},(iii)1∈dom t3,(iv)2∈dom t3,and(v)there exist elements t4,t5of TS(G)such that the roots of t3= the root label of t4,the root label of t5 and t4=t3(1)and t5=t3(2)andn1-tree(t3)=n1-tree(t4,t5)and t4∈rng t3and t5∈rng t3.Now we present three schemes.The scheme BinDTConstrInd concerns a binary non empty tree construction structure A with terminals and nonterminals and a unary predicate P,and states that:For every element t of TS(A)holds P[t]provided the parameters have the following properties:•For every terminal s of A holds P[the root tree of s],•Let n1be a nonterminal of A and let t4,t5be elements of TS(A).Suppose n1⇒ the root label of t4,the root label of t5 and P[t4]and P[t5].Then P[n1-tree(t4,t5)].The scheme BinDTConstrIndDef concerns a binary non empty tree construc-tion structure A with terminals,nonterminals,and useful nonterminals,a non empty set B,a unary functor F yielding an element of B,and a5-ary functor G yielding an element of B,and states that:There exists a function f from TS(A)into B such that(i)for every terminal t of A holds f(the root tree of t)=F(t),and(ii)for every nonterminal n1of A and for all elements t4,t5ofTS(A)and for all symbols r1,r2of A such that r1=the root labelof t4and r2=the root label of t5and n1⇒ r1,r2 and for allelements x3,x4of B such that x3=f(t4)and x4=f(t5)holdsf(n1-tree(t4,t5))=G(n1,r1,r2,x3,x4)for all values of the parameters.The scheme BinDTConstrUniqDef deals with a binary non empty tree con-struction structure A with terminals,nonterminals,and useful nonterminals,a non empty set B,functions C,D from TS(A)into B,a unary functor F yielding an element of B,and a5-ary functor G yielding an element of B,and states that: C=Dprovided the following requirements are met:12grzegorz bancerek and piotr rudnicki•(i)For every terminal t of A holds C(the root tree of t)=F(t), and(ii)for every nonterminal n1of A and for all elements t4,t5ofTS(A)and for all symbols r1,r2of A such that r1=the root labelof t4and r2=the root label of t5and n1⇒ r1,r2 and for allelements x3,x4of B such that x3=C(t4)and x4=C(t5)holdsC(n1-tree(t4,t5))=G(n1,r1,r2,x3,x4),•(i)For every terminal t of A holds D(the root tree of t)=F(t), and(ii)for every nonterminal n1of A and for all elements t4,t5ofTS(A)and for all symbols r1,r2of A such that r1=the root labelof t4and r2=the root label of t5and n1⇒ r1,r2 and for allelements x3,x4of B such that x3=D(t4)and x4=D(t5)holdsD(n1-tree(t4,t5))=G(n1,r1,r2,x3,x4).Let A,B,C be non empty sets,let a be an element of A,let b be an element of B,and let c be an element of C.Then a,b,c is an element of[:A,B,C:].Now we present two schemes.The scheme BinDTC DefLambda deals with a binary non empty tree construction structure A with terminals,nonterminals, and useful nonterminals,non empty sets B,C,a binary functor F yielding an element of C,and a4-ary functor G yielding an element of C,and states that: There exists a function f from TS(A)into C B such that(i)for every terminal t of A there exists a function g from B intoC such that g=f(the root tree of t)and for every element a of Bholds g(a)=F(t,a),and(ii)for every nonterminal n1of A and for all elements t1,t2ofTS(A)and for all symbols r1,r2of A such that r1=the root labelof t1and r2=the root label of t2and n1⇒ r1,r2 there existfunctions g,f1,f2from B into C such that g=f(n1-tree(t1,t2))and f1=f(t1)and f2=f(t2)and for every element a of B holdsg(a)=G(n1,f1,f2,a)for all values of the parameters.The scheme BinDTC DefLambdaUniq deals with a binary non empty tree construction structure A with terminals,nonterminals,and useful nonterminals, non empty sets B,C,functions D,E from TS(A)into C B,a binary functor F yielding an element of C,and a4-ary functor G yielding an element of C,and states that:D=Eprovided the parameters satisfy the following conditions:•(i)For every terminal t of A there exists a function g from B into C such that g=D(the root tree of t)and for every element aof B holds g(a)=F(t,a),and(ii)for every nonterminal n1of A and for all elements t1,t2ofTS(A)and for all symbols r1,r2of A such that r1=the root labelof t1and r2=the root label of t2and n1⇒ r1,r2 there existfunctions g,f1,f2from B into C such that g=D(n1-tree(t1,t2))on defining functions on binary trees13 and f1=D(t1)and f2=D(t2)and for every element a of B holdsg(a)=G(n1,f1,f2,a),•(i)For every terminal t of A there exists a function g from B into C such that g=E(the root tree of t)and for every element aof B holds g(a)=F(t,a),and(ii)for every nonterminal n1of A and for all elements t1,t2ofTS(A)and for all symbols r1,r2of A such that r1=the root labelof t1and r2=the root label of t2and n1⇒ r1,r2 there existfunctions g,f1,f2from B into C such that g=E(n1-tree(t1,t2))and f1=E(t1)and f2=E(t2)and for every element a of B holdsg(a)=G(n1,f1,f2,a).Let G be a binary non empty tree construction structure with terminals and nonterminals.Note that every element of TS(G)is binary.References[1]Grzegorz Bancerek.Introduction to trees.Formalized Mathematics,1(2):421–427,1990.[2]Grzegorz Bancerek.Joining of decorated trees.Formalized Mathematics,4(1):77–82,1993.[3]Grzegorz Bancerek.K¨o nig’s lemma.Formalized Mathematics,2(3):397–402,1991.[4]Grzegorz Bancerek.Sets and functions of trees and joining operations of trees.Formal-ized Mathematics,3(2):195–204,1992.[5]Grzegorz Bancerek and Krzysztof Hryniewiecki.Segments of natural numbers andfinitesequences.Formalized Mathematics,1(1):107–114,1990.[6]Grzegorz Bancerek and Piotr Rudnicki.On defining functions on trees.FormalizedMathematics,4(1):91–101,1993.[7]Czes l aw Byli´n ski.Finite sequences and tuples of elements of a non-empty sets.Formal-ized Mathematics,1(3):529–536,1990.[8]Czes l aw 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