
1 A voyage to LilliputI was born in Nottinghamshire and was the third of five sons.My father was not a rich man,but he was able to send me to Cambridge University,where I studied for three years.When I left college,I continued my studies and became a doctor.But I always wanted to travel,and so I made several voyages as a ship's doctor.When I married my wife Mary,however,I planned to stay at home for a while.But aftera few years I discovered I was not earning enough money from my patients.I decided to go to sea again,and this time I joined a ship sailing to the islands in the South Pacific Ocean.We started our journey from Bristol on May 4th,1699.At first our voyage went well.We sailed across the Atlantic,round the coast of Africa and into the Indian Ocean.But before we could reach the Pacific,a violent storm hit us and drove us to the north-west of Tasmania.The wind drove our ship on to a rock,which broke the ship in half.Some of the sailors and I managed to get a boat into the water,and we rowed away to look for land.But when we were too tired to row any more,a great wave hit our small boat,and we all fell into the sea.I do not know what happened to my companions,but I suppose they were all drowned.The wind and waves pushed me along as I struggled to keep my head above water.I became very tired and soon felt I could not swim any more.Luckily,just then my feet touched the ground.I walked out of the sea and on to a beach,where there was no sign of any people or houses.I was so exhausted that I lay down and went to sleep.When I woke up next morning,and tried to get up,I could not move.I was lying on my back and my whole body,my arms and legs were strongly fastened to the ground.Even my hair,which was long and thick,was tied to the ground.The sun began to grow hot,and I was veryuncomfortable.Soon I felt something alive moving along my leg and up my body to my face,and when I looked down,I saw a very small human being,only fifteen centimetres tall.He had a bow and arrow in his hands,and there were forty more of these little men fol-lowing him.I was so surprised that I gave a great shout.They all jumped back,very frightened,and some hurt themselves by falling off my body.Meanwhile,I was struggling to unfas-ten myself,but just as I managed to pull my left arm free of the ropes,I felt a hundred arrows land on my free hand,and more arrows on my face and body.This was very painful,and made me cry aloud.I lay quietly,to see what would happen next.When they saw I was no longer struggling,they quickly built a platform next to my head,and an official climbed up there to speak to me.Although I could not understand his lan-guage,I understood that they would be friendly towards me-if I did not try to harm them.By now I was extremely hungry,so I used sign language to beg the official for food.He seemed to understand me,because immediately ladders were put against my sides and little men climbed up with baskets of food and drink.They were surprised at how much I could eat and drink.In just one mouthful I ate three of their meat dishes and three of their loaves of bread.I drank two of their barrels of wine,and was still thirsty,because that was only half a litre.While they were bringing me food,I wonderedwhether to pick up a handful of the little men and throw them to their death.But I was afraid they would shoot at me again,and anyway I was grateful for their kindness in giving me food and drink,so I did not move.After some time,another official climbed up to the platform and spoke to me.From his signs I understood that they were going to move me.The King of this country(which was called Lilliput)had ordered his people to carry me to the capital city,about a kilometre away.I made signs to ask whether I could be untied,but the official politely refused.While I was eating,a platform had been prepared to carry me.The people of Lilliput,known as the Lilliputians,are very intelligent and clever with their hands.For me,five hun-dred men built a special wooden platform with twenty-two wheels.Nine hundred of the strongest men worked for about three hours to lift me on to the platform,and one thousand five hundred of the King's largest horses(each eleven and a half centimetres high)pulled me to the capital.I did not know about any of this,because they had put a sleeping powder in my wine,and I was in a deep sleep.The King had decided I would stay in the largest available building,just outside the city gates.Its door was only a metre high and half a metre wide,so I could only just get inside on my hands and knees.My guards put ninety-one chains on my left leg,so that I could not escape.Thenthey cut the ropes that tied me and I was able to get to my feet.As I stood up,I heard cries of astonishment all around me.I felt rather miser-able,but at least I could walk about now,in a two-metre cir-cle.I was certainly an interesting sight for the Lilliputians,who had come out of the city in crowds of several thousand to see me.Now I had a good view of the countryside.The fields looked like flowerbeds in a garden,and even the tallest trees were on-ly two metres high.I was soon visited by the King himself.He has a strong,handsome face,and is very popular among his people.He ar-rived with his Queen,his children,and his lords and ladies,all dressed in beautiful gold and silver clothes.In order to make conversation easier,I lay on my side so that my face was close to him.I spoke to him in all the languages I knew,but we still could not understand each other.The King ordered his people to make me a bed,using six hundred Lilliputian beds.It was not very comfortable,but it was better than sleeping on the stone floor.He ordered the crowds of sightseers to go back to their homes,so that the work of the country could continue and I would not be annoyed.For a long time he discussed with his lords in private what should be done with me.I was told all this later by a good friend of mine.Clearly,such a large person could be a danger to his small people.At last it was decided that,as I had behaved so well up to now,I would be kept alive.Food and drink would be brought to me every day from all the vil-lages,six hundred people would be my servants,three hun-dred men would make me a new suit,and six teachers would teach me their language.And so in about three weeks I began to speak the language of Lilliput.The King often visited me,and every time he came,I asked him to take off my chains.He explained that first I must promise not to fight against Lilliput or hurt Lil-liputians,and that I must be searched for weapons.I agreed to both these things and carefully picked up two of his officers in my hands.I put them first in one pocket,then moved them to all my other pockets,except two which I kept secret.As they searched,they wrote down in a notebook details of all the things they found.Afterwards I read some of their report:‘In the second coat pocket we found two very large pieces of wood,and inside them were great pieces of metal,very sharp.In another pocket there was a most wonderful engine,at the end of a long chain.The engine was inside a huge round con-tainer,which was made half of silver and half of another metal.This second metal was very strange as we could see through it to some mysterious writing and pictures.The en-gine made a continuous loud noise.’The officers could not guess what these things were,but they were,of course,my two pocket knives and my watch.They also found my comb,a purse with several gold and silver coins,my gun and bullets.The King wanted to know what the gun was used for.‘Bring it out,’he ordered me,‘and show me how it works.’I took the gun out and put a bullet into it.‘Den't be afraid,’I warned the King.Then I fired the gun into the air.It was the loudest noise the Lilliputians had ever heard.Hundreds of them thought they were dead,and fell down.The King himself was very frightened.As I gave my gun to the officials to keep,I warned them to be careful with it.They allowed me to keep all my other things,and I hoped that one day soon I would be free.2 Life in LilliputI was careful to behave as well as possible,to persuade the King to give me my freedom.Lilliputians soon began to lose their fear of me.They called me the Man-Mountain.Sometimes I lay down and let them dance on my hand,and from time to time children came to play games in my hair.By now I was able to speak their language well.One day the King invited me to watch the regular entertain-ments,which are greatly enjoyed by him,his family,and his lords and ladies.I was most interested in the rope-dancing.A very thin rope is fixedthirty centimetres above the ground.People who want to become the King's most important officials jump and dance on this rope,and whoever jumps highest with-out falling gets the best job.Sometimes the King orders his lords to dance on the rope,to show that they can still do it.This sport is,of course,rather dangerous,and there are occa-sional deaths as a result.It seems a strange way of choosing of-ficials.There was another interesting entertainment.The King holds a stick in front of him,and sometimes moves it up and down.One by one,people come up to him and jump over the stick or crawl under it.They go on jumping and crawling as the King moves the stick.The winner is the one who jumps and crawls for the longest time,and he receives a blue ribbon to wear round his waist.The second best receives a red ribbon,and the third best gets a green one.Many of the Lil-liput lords wear their ribbons proudly at all times.I had cer-tainly never seen entertainment like this in any of the countries I had visited before.Some days later a strange black thing was seen on the beach where I had first arrived in Lilliput.When the people realized it was not alive,they decided that it must belong to the Man- Mountain,and the King ordered them to bring it to me.I thought I knew what it was.When it arrived,it was rather dirty because it had been pulled along the ground by horses.But I was delighted to see that it was in fact my hat.I had lost it in the sea when swimming away from the ship.I begged the King so often for my freedom that at last he and his lords agreed that I need not be a prisoner any longer.However,I had to promise certain things:·to help the Lilliputians in war and peace·to give two hours’warning before a visit to their capital,so that people could stay indoors·to be careful not to step on any Lilliputians or their animals·to carry important messages for the King if necessary·to help the King's workmen carry heavy stones·to stay in Lilliput until the King allowed me to leave.On his side the King promised I would receive food and drink,enough for 1,724 Lilliputians.I agreed to everything at once.My chains were broken,and I was free at last!The first thing I did was visit the capital city.The people were warned,so that they would not be in danger.I stepped carefully over the city wall,which was less than a metre high,and walked slowly through the two main streets.It is usually a very busy city,with shops and markets full of people,but to-day the streets were empty.There were crowds watching me from every window.In the middle of the city is the King's palace.The King had invited me to enter it,so I stepped over the surrounding wall into the palace garden.But unfortunately the palaceitself has walls a metre and a half high around it.I did not want to damage these walls by trying to climb over them.So I walked carefully back out of the city and into the King's park.Here I cut down several of the largest trees with my knife,and made two wooden boxes.When I returned to the palace with my boxes,I was able to stand on one box on one side of the wall and step on to the other box on the other side.I lay down on the ground and looked through the win-dows,right into the King's rooms.You cannot imagine a more beautiful place to live in.The rooms and furniture are perfect in every detail.As I was looking in,I could see the Queen,surrounded by her lords and ladies.She kindly put her hand ont of the window for me to kiss.I think I should give you some general information about Lilliput.Most Lilliputians are about fifteen centimetres tall.The birds and animals are,of course,much smaller than the people,and the tallest trees are only a little taller than I am.All crimes here are punished.But if someone is accused of a crime and then it is proved that the accuser is lying,the accus-er is immediately killed.Lilliputians believe that there are two sides to the law.Criminals must be punished,but people of good character must be rewarded.So if a man can prove that he has obeyed every law for six years,he receives a present of money from the King.They also believe that any man who is honest,truthful,and good can serve his King and country.It is moreimportant to have a good character than to be clever or intelligent.However,only those who believe in God are al- lowed to be the King’ s officials.Many of their laws and customs are very different from ours,but human nature is the same in every country.The Lil-liputians,like us,have learnt bad ways—choosing officials because they are able to dance on a rope is just one example.Now I shall return to my adventures in Lilliput.About two weeks after my first visit to the capital,I was visited by one of the King’ s most important officials.His name was Reldresal,and he had helped me many times since I had arrived in Lil-liput.I started the conversation.‘I'm so glad they've taken away my chains,’I told him.‘Well,my friend,’he answered,‘let me tell you some-thing.You're only free because the King knows we're in a very dangerous situation.’‘Dangerous?’I cried.‘What do you mean?’‘Lilliput has enemies at home and abroad,’he explained.‘For six years now we've had two political groups,the High-Heels and the Low -Heels.Perhaps the High-Heels were more popular in the past,but as you can see,our present King and all bis officials wear the lowest heels.The two groups hate each other,and a High-Heel will refuse tospeak to a Low-Heel.That's the problem in Lilliput.Now,we're getting in-formation that the people of Blefuscu are going to attack us.Have you heard of Blefuscu?It's an island very near us,almost as large and important as Lilliput.They've been at war with us for three years,you see.’‘But how did this war star t?’I asked.‘Well,you know,of course,that most people used to break their boiled eggs at the larger end.But our King's grandfather once cut a finger while breaking his egg this way,and so his father the King ordered all Lilliputians,from then on,to break the smaller end of their eggs.People who do that are called Small Endians.But Lilliputians feel strongly about this and some Big-Endians have fought angrily against this law.As many as eleven thousand people have been killed because they refused to break their eggs at the smaller end.Some of the Big-Endians have escaped to join our enemies in Blefuscu.The King of Blefuscu has always wanted to defeat Lilliput in war,and now we hear that he's prepared a large number of ships,which will attack us very soon.So you see,my friend,how much our King needs your help,in order to defeat his enemies.’I did not hesitate for a moment.‘Please tell the King,’I answered warmly,‘that l am ready to give my life to save him or his country.’3 Lilliput at warThe island of Blefuscu is only about a kilometre to the north of Lilliput.I knew that just beyond the narrow sea separating the two countries there were at least fifty war-ships ready to attack us,with many other smaller ships.But I kept away from that side of the coast,so that the people of Blefuscu would not see me.I had a secret plan.From the King's workmen I ordered fifty heavy metal hooks,each fastened to a piece of strong rope.I took off my coat and shoes,and walked into the sea with the hooks and ropes in my hands.The water was deep in the middle,so I had to swim for a few metres.But it only took me half an hour to get to Blefuscu.When the Blefuscans saw me,they were so frightened that they jumped out of their ships and swam to the beach.I then used one hook for each ship,and tied all the ropes together at one end.While I was doing this,the enemy shot thousands of arrows at me,which caused me a lot of pain.I was afraid of getting an arrow in my eyes,but I suddenly remembered I still had an old pair of reading glasses in my pocket,so I put them on and continued my work.When I was ready,I started walking into the shallow water away from Blefuscu.As I walked through the waves,I pulled the enemy's warships be-hind me.When the people of Blefuscu realized that all their warships were disappearing,their cries were terrible to hear.As I came nearer to Lilliput,I saw the King and all his lords and ladies standing on the beach.They could only see Blefuscu's warships coming closer,as I was swimming and my head was occasionally under the water.Therefore,they sup-posed that I had drowned,and that the Blefuscan ships were attacking.But when they saw me walking out of the sea,they welcomed me warmly with cries of astonishment and delight.The King himself came down to the water to meet me.‘Everyone in Lilliput is grateful to you!’he cried.‘For your bravery,you will be one of my lords from now on.’‘Thank you,sir,’I replied.‘And now,’he continued,‘go back and steal all the ene-my's ships,so that we can defeat Blefuscu for ever!We'll de-stroy theBig-Endians,and I'll become King of the whole world!’But I would not agree to this plan.‘Sir,’I replied,‘I will never help to take a brave nation's freedom away.Lilliput and Blefuscu should live in peace now.The King could not persuade me,and unfortunately he nev-er forgot that I had refused to do what he wanted.Although I had saved his country from attack by Blefuscan warships,he preferred to remember my refusal.From this time on,I heard from my friends that there were secretconversations in the palace between the King and some of his lords,who were jealous of me.These conversations nearly led to my death in the end.About three weeks later,the King of Blefuscu sent his offi-cials to ask for peace between the two countries.After the Ble-fuscans had arranged everything with the Lilliputian officials,they came to visit me.They had heard how I had prevented the King from destroying all their ships.After thanking me,they invited me to visit their country.However,when I asked the King of Lilliput if I could visit Blefuscu,he agreed,but very coldly.I learnt later that he and some of his lords considered I was wrong to have a conversa-tion with enemies of Lilliput.Now I was beginning to under-stand how difficult and dangerous political life can be.A few days later I had another chance to help the King.I was woken at midnight by the cries of hundreds of Lilliputians outside my house.‘Fire!Fire!’they shouted.‘The Queen's rooms in the palace are burning!Come quickly,Man-Mountain!’So I pulled on my clothes and hurried to the palace.A large part of the building was in flames.People were climbing lad-ders up the walls,and throwing water on the flames,but the fire was burning morestrongly every minute.At least the Queen and her ladies had escaped,but there seemed to be no way of saving this beautiful palace.Suddenly I had an idea.The evening before,I had drunk a lot of good wine,and very luckily I had not made water since then.In three minutes I managed to put out the whole fire,and the lovely old building was safe.I went home without waiting for the King's thanks,because I was not sure what he would say.Although I had certainly saved the palace,I knew it was a crime,punishable by death,to make water anywhere near the palace.I heard later that the Queen was so angry that she refused to enter any of the dam-aged rooms ever again,and promised to take her revenge on me.4 Gulliver escapes from LilliputI soon discovered that Flimnap,one of the King's highest officials,was my secret enemy.He had always disliked me,although he pretended to like me,but now he began to suspect his wife of visiting me privately,and he became jealous.Of course his wife did visit me,but always with her daughters and other ladies who came for regular afternoon vis-its.When visitors arrived at my house,I used to bring the coaches and horses inside,and put them carefully on my table.There was a high edge round the table,so that nobody would fall off.I sat in my chair with my face close to the table,and while I was talking to one group of visitors,the others used to drive round the table.I spent manyhours like this,in very enjoyable conversation.In the end Flimnap realized that his wife was not in love with me,and had not done anything wrong,but he was still angry with me.There were other lords who also disliked me,and together they managed to persuade the King that I was a danger to Lilliput.I knew they were discussing me in private,but I was seriously alarmed when I discovered what they had decided.Luckily,as well as Reldresal,I had another good friend among the King’ s officials.Late one night he visited me secretly,in order to warn me.‘You know,’he began,‘that you've had enemies here for some time.Many of the lords are jealous of your great success against Blefuscu,and Flimnap still hates you.They accuse you of crimes against Lilliput,crimes punishable by death!’‘But…’I cried,‘that's not right!I only want to help Lilliput!’‘Listen,’he said.‘I must tell you what I've h eard,al-though my life is in danger if I do.They've accused you of making water in the King's palace,refusing to take all the en-emy's ships,refusing to destroy all the Big-Endians,seeing the enemy's officials privately,and planning to visit Blefuscu in order to help the enemy against Lilliput.’‘This is unbelievable!’ I cried.‘I must say,’continued my friend,‘that our King remind-ed hislords how much you had helped the country.But your enemies wanted to destroy you,and they suggested setting fire to your house at night.Then you would die in the fire!’‘What!’I shouted angrily.‘Be quiet,nobody must hear us.Anyway,the King decided not to kill you,and that's when your friend Reldresal started speaking He agreed you’d made mistakes,but said that a good King should always be generous,as our King is.And he suggested that a suitable punishment would be for you to lose your sight.You’d still be strong enough to work for us,but you wouldn't be able to help the Big-Endians.’I covered my eyes with my hands.I had wanted to help these people and their King.How could they decide to punish me as cruelly as this?‘Your enemies were most disappointed with Reldresal’ s plan,’my friend went on.‘They said you were a Big—Endi-an in your heart,and reminded the King how much you cost Lilliput in food and drink.Reldresal spoke again,to suggest saving money by giving you a little less food every day.In this way you’d become ill,and in a few months you’d die.And so they all agreed.In three days Reldresal will be sent to explain your punishment to you.He'll inform you that the King has been very kind to you,and that you're lucky to lose only your eyes.You'll be tied dowu,and very sharp arrows will be shot into youreyes.The King's doctors will make sure that you can no longer see.’‘This is terrible news!’ I said,‘but thank you for warning me,my dear friend.’‘You alone must decide what to do,’ he replied,‘and now I must leave you,so that nobody suspects me of warning you.’When I was alone,I thought about the situation for a long time.Perhaps I was wrong,but I could not see that the King was being kind and generous in ordering such an inhuman pun-ishment.What should I do?I could ask for a trial,but I was not confident of the judges’honesty.I could attack the capital and kill all the Lilliputians,but when I remembered the King’ s past kindness to me,I did not want to do that.At last I decided to escape.And so,before Reldresal came to tell me of my punishment,I went to the north of Lilliput,where our ships lay.I took my clothes off and put them into one of the largest warships.I also put a blanket into it.Then I stepped into the sea,and swam to Blefuscu.By pulling the Lilliput warship behind me,I kept my clothes and blanket dry.When I arrived,the King of Blefuscu sent two guides to show me the way to the capital.There I met the King,the Queen and the lords and ladies in their coaches.I explained that I had come to visit Blefuscu,as Ihad been invited.How-ever,I did not say anything about the punishment waiting for me in Lilliput.They welcomed me warmly.That night,as there was no building big enough for me,I slept on the ground,covered by my blanket.It was not as comfortable as my bed in Lilliput,but I did not mind.I did not spend long in Blefuscu.Only three days after my arrival,I noticed a boat in the sea,near the beach.It was a real boat,large enough for me.Perhaps it had been driven there by a storm.I swam out to it and tied ropes to it.Then,with the help of twenty of Blefuscu's ships and three thousand sailors,I pulled it on to the beach.It was not badly damaged,and it was exciting to be able to start planning my journey back to England and my home.During this time,the King of Lilliput had written to ask the King of Blefuscu to send me back,as a prisoner,so that I could receive my punishment.The King of Blefuscu,however,replied that I was too strong to be taken prisoner,and that I would soon be returning to my country anyway.Secretly he invited me to stay and help him in Blefuscu,but I no longer believed in the promises of kings or their officials,so I politely refused.I was now impatient to start my voyage home,and the King ordered his workmen to repair the boat and prepare everything I needed.I had the meat of one hundred cattle and three hun-dred sheep to eat on thejourney,and I also had some live ani-mals to show to my friends in England.About one month later,I left Blefuscu,on September 24th,1701.The King,the Queen and their lords and ladies all came down to the beach to wave goodbye.After sailing all day,I reached a small island,where I slept that night.On the third day,September 26th,I saw a sail,and was delighted to discover that it was an English ship,on its way home to England.The captain picked me up,and I told him my story.At first he thought I was mad,but when I took the live animals out of my pocket to show him,he be-lieved me.We arrived home at last on April 13th,1702,and I saw my dear wife and children again.At first I was delighted to be at home again.I earned quite a lot of money by showing my Lil-liputian animals to people,and in the end I sold them for a high price.But as the days passed,I became restless,and wanted to see more of the world.And so,only two months later,I said goodbye to my family and sailed away again.5 A voyage to BrobdingnagI left Bristol on June 20th,1702,in a ship which was sailing to India.We had good sailing weather until we reached the Cape of Good Hope in South Africa,where we landed to get fresh water.We had tostay there for the winter,however,because the ship needed repairs and the captain was ill.In the spring we left Africa and sailed round the island of Madagascar into the Indian Ocean.But on 19th April the wind began to blow very violently from the west,and we were driv-en to the east of the Molucca Islands.On 2nd May the wind stopped blowing and the sea was calm.But our captain,who knew that part of the world very well,warned us that there would be a storm the next day.So we prepared the ship as well as we could,and waited.The captain was right.On 3rd May the wind began to get stronger.It was a wild,dangerous wind,blowing from the south this time.We had to take down our sails as the storm hit our ship.Huge waves crashed down on to us,and the wind drove our helpless ship eastwards into.the Pacific Ocean.For several days we struggled with the wind and waves,but at last the storm died away and the sea was calm again.Luckily,our ship was not badly damaged,but we had been driven over two thousand kilometres to the east.None of us knew exactly where we were,so the captain decided to contin-ue sailing eastwards,where we had never been before.We sailed on for another two weeks.Finally,on 16th June,1703,we saw a large island with a small piece of land joined to it.I later discovered that this country was called Brobdingnag.The captain sent some of his sailors in a boat to land there。

乔纳森· 斯威夫特
作家简介: 乔纳森· 斯威夫特(1667—1745) 出生于爱尔兰都柏林,早年生活艰 苦,在亲友的帮助下才勉强上完大 学。1688年,爱尔兰面临着英国军 队的入侵,斯威夫特愤懑不安,郁 郁地离开故乡,来到英国,曾先后 做过乡村牧师以及贵族的私人秘书。 后来,他成了爱尔兰人民争取自由 和独立的伟大战士。不论是爱是憎, 他都是以前所未有的狂暴形式来表 现。一个个美好的希望破灭后,他 很失望,但他还在呐喊,于是,他 写了《格列佛游记》。
作家往往通过自己的作品来表达自己对 人生,对现实的一些看法和理想。例如, “世外桃源”就是陶渊明的理想国。在《格 列佛游记》的前两卷,我们读出了斯威夫特 对现实中的英国社会的厌憎,那么他理想当 中的国度应该是什么样子的呢?在三、四卷 里,他告诉我们了吗?
(设计意图:引导学生理解作者虚构慧马国的意义, 以便于对作品现实意义的把握。)
格列佛初到小人国时被捆绑,失去了自由,为了获得自 由,他答应了利里浦特国王帮助他攻打不来夫斯古的请求。 利里浦特皇帝的祖父小时候有一次吃鸡蛋,照古法打破 鸡蛋的大端,不小心弄破了手指,于是皇帝下令,以后吃鸡
批注:格列 佛的饮食与
解决了。 他真是个聪 明、勤劳的 人。懂的知
上盖 个国家交战通常是由于什
说,……有时是因为君王 们野心勃勃,总认为受他 们统治的土地和人民不够 多;有时是因为大臣们腐

1. 主人公:里梅尔·格列佛(Lemuel Gulliver),一名英国外科医生,后来成为船长。
2. 小人国(利立浦特):游记第一卷描绘了格列佛在小人国的经历。
3. 大人国(布罗卜丁奈格):在第二卷中,格列佛来到了大人国。
4. 飞岛国(勒皮他):第三卷主要讲述了飞岛国的游记,以及巴尔尼巴比、拉格奈格、格勒大锥和日本等地的见闻。
5. 慧骃国:第四卷讲述了格列佛在慧骃国的经历。

Gulliver is He has a good memory ,be good at study and survey. He has a special thinking; nature is kind and honest, and friendly. For the friend he can pay the live. He is cleaver, brave. Greek rationalism was emphasized. The joy of people from the operation of reason use, because the reason is the unique human glory and power. In the classical rationalism who appears reason distinguishes man from other creatures. The human pursuit of rational life The highest level. He deal with is smooth and reasonable.Folin Nai Pu (Lilliput Kingdom Chancellor of the Exchequer) suspicious, sinister, vicious, cunning. He suspected that Gulliver and his wife of adultery to contact and let other ministers seek framed, and finally make get away.Sri Lanka (Lilliput Kingdom Admiral) jealousy, sinister and cunning. the king of Lilliput admire Gulliver. Sri Lanka, along with the Chancellor of the Exchequer Gulliver is going to murder Gulliver.Grid is a knowledgeable, sensible, kind, open-minded and good temperament, he used reason, justice, kindness to govern the country.The King Hui Yin wise, hardworking, brave, kind and friendly, with integrity - of the ideal of humanity.。


格列佛游记英文介绍Gulliver's Travels: An English Introduction with TranslationIntroduction:"Gulliver's Travels" is a satirical novel by Jonathan Swift, first published in 1726. It is a讽刺小说by Jonathan Swift,first published in 1726. The novel is a collection of voyages and adventures of Lemuel Gulliver, a doctor from Yorkshire. The book is divided into four parts, each part representing a different voyage and setting, ranging from a miniature land of Lilliputians to a giant island of Brobdingnagians. Through these voyages, Swift satirizes social institutions, political corruption, and human nature.Translation:介绍:《格列佛游记》是乔纳森·斯威夫特创作的一部讽刺小说,首次出版于1726年。
翻译:Part 1: The Voyage to LilliputIn this part, Gulliver finds himself washed ashore on the island of Lilliput, where the inhabitants are only six inches tall. He is captured and brought to the court of the king, who uses him as a showpiece due to his巨大体型. Gulliver gains the king's favor by helping put down a rebellion and becomes a minister of state. However, he soon becomes disillusioned with the court's political intrigues and corruption.翻译:第一部分:利立浦特之旅在这一部分,格列佛发现自己被冲到了利立浦特岛上,岛上的居民只有六英寸高。

1 A voyage to LilliputI was born in Nottinghamshire and was the third of five sons.My father was not a rich man,but he was able to send me to Cambridge University,where I studied for three years.When I left college,I continued my studies and became a doctor.But I always wanted to travel,and so I made several voyages as a ship's doctor.When I married my wife Mary,however,I planned to stay at home for a while.But aftera few years I discovered I was not earning enough money from my patients.I decided to go to sea again,and this time I joined a ship sailing to the islands in the South Pacific Ocean.We started our journey from Bristol on May 4th,1699.At first our voyage went well.We sailed across the Atlantic,round the coast of Africa and into the Indian Ocean.But before we could reach the Pacific,a violent storm hit us and drove us to the north-west of Tasmania.The wind drove our ship on to a rock,which broke the ship in half.Some of the sailors and I managed to get a boat into the water,and we rowed away to look for land.But when we were too tired to row any more,a great wave hit our small boat,and we all fell into the sea.I do not know what happened to my companions,but I suppose they were all drowned.The wind and waves pushed me along as I struggled to keep my head above water.I became very tired and soon felt I could not swim any more.Luckily,just then my feet touched the ground.I walked out of the sea and on to a beach,where there was no sign of any people or houses.I was so exhausted that I lay down and went to sleep.When I woke up next morning,and tried to get up,I could not move.I was lying on my back and my whole body,my arms and legs were strongly fastened to the ground.Even my hair,which was long and thick,was tied to the ground.The sun began to grow hot,and I was veryuncomfortable.Soon I felt something alive moving along my leg and up my body to my face,and when I looked down,I saw a very small human being,only fifteen centimetres tall.He had a bow and arrow in his hands,and there were forty more of these little men fol-lowing him.I was so surprised that I gave a great shout.They all jumped back,very frightened,and some hurt themselves by falling off my body.Meanwhile,I was struggling to unfas-ten myself,but just as I managed to pull my left arm free of the ropes,I felt a hundred arrows land on my free hand,and more arrows on my face and body.This was very painful,and made me cry aloud.I lay quietly,to see what would happen next.When they saw I was no longer struggling,they quickly built a platform next to my head,and an official climbed up there to speak to me.Although I could not understand his lan-guage,I understood that they would be friendly towards me-if I did not try to harm them.By now I was extremely hungry,so I used sign language to beg the official for food.He seemed to understand me,because immediately ladders were put against my sides and little men climbed up with baskets of food and drink.They were surprised at how much I could eat and drink.In just one mouthful I ate three of their meat dishes and three of their loaves of bread.I drank two of their barrels of wine,and was still thirsty,because that was only half a litre.While they were bringing me food,I wonderedwhether to pick up a handful of the little men and throw them to their death.But I was afraid they would shoot at me again,and anyway I was grateful for their kindness in giving me food and drink,so I did not move.After some time,another official climbed up to the platform and spoke to me.From his signs I understood that they were going to move me.The King of this country(which was called Lilliput)had ordered his people to carry me to the capital city,about a kilometre away.I made signs to ask whether I could be untied,but the official politely refused.While I was eating,a platform had been prepared to carry me.The people of Lilliput,known as the Lilliputians,are very intelligent and clever with their hands.For me,five hun-dred men built a special wooden platform with twenty-two wheels.Nine hundred of the strongest men worked for about three hours to lift me on to the platform,and one thousand five hundred of the King's largest horses(each eleven and a half centimetres high)pulled me to the capital.I did not know about any of this,because they had put a sleeping powder in my wine,and I was in a deep sleep.The King had decided I would stay in the largest available building,just outside the city gates.Its door was only a metre high and half a metre wide,so I could only just get inside on my hands and knees.My guards put ninety-one chains on my left leg,so that I could not escape.Thenthey cut the ropes that tied me and I was able to get to my feet.As I stood up,I heard cries of astonishment all around me.I felt rather miser-able,but at least I could walk about now,in a two-metre cir-cle.I was certainly an interesting sight for the Lilliputians,who had come out of the city in crowds of several thousand to see me.Now I had a good view of the countryside.The fields looked like flowerbeds in a garden,and even the tallest trees were on-ly two metres high.I was soon visited by the King himself.He has a strong,handsome face,and is very popular among his people.He ar-rived with his Queen,his children,and his lords and ladies,all dressed in beautiful gold and silver clothes.In order to make conversation easier,I lay on my side so that my face was close to him.I spoke to him in all the languages I knew,but we still could not understand each other.The King ordered his people to make me a bed,using six hundred Lilliputian beds.It was not very comfortable,but it was better than sleeping on the stone floor.He ordered the crowds of sightseers to go back to their homes,so that the work of the country could continue and I would not be annoyed.For a long time he discussed with his lords in private what should be done with me.I was told all this later by a good friend of mine.Clearly,such a large person could be a danger to his small people.At last it was decided that,as I had behaved so well up to now,I would be kept alive.Food and drink would be brought to me every day from all the vil-lages,six hundred people would be my servants,three hun-dred men would make me a new suit,and six teachers would teach me their language.And so in about three weeks I began to speak the language of Lilliput.The King often visited me,and every time he came,I asked him to take off my chains.He explained that first I must promise not to fight against Lilliput or hurt Lil-liputians,and that I must be searched for weapons.I agreed to both these things and carefully picked up two of his officers in my hands.I put them first in one pocket,then moved them to all my other pockets,except two which I kept secret.As they searched,they wrote down in a notebook details of all the things they found.Afterwards I read some of their report:‘In the second coat pocket we found two very large pieces of wood,and inside them were great pieces of metal,very sharp.In another pocket there was a most wonderful engine,at the end of a long chain.The engine was inside a huge round con-tainer,which was made half of silver and half of another metal.This second metal was very strange as we could see through it to some mysterious writing and pictures.The en-gine made a continuous loud noise.’The officers could not guess what these things were,but they were,of course,my two pocket knives and my watch.They also found my comb,a purse with several gold and silver coins,my gun and bullets.The King wanted to know what the gun was used for.‘Bring it out,’he ordered me,‘and show me how it works.’I took the gun out and put a bullet into it.‘Den't be afraid,’I warned the King.Then I fired the gun into the air.It was the loudest noise the Lilliputians had ever heard.Hundreds of them thought they were dead,and fell down.The King himself was very frightened.As I gave my gun to the officials to keep,I warned them to be careful with it.They allowed me to keep all my other things,and I hoped that one day soon I would be free.2 Life in LilliputI was careful to behave as well as possible,to persuade the King to give me my freedom.Lilliputians soon began to lose their fear of me.They called me the Man-Mountain.Sometimes I lay down and let them dance on my hand,and from time to time children came to play games in my hair.By now I was able to speak their language well.One day the King invited me to watch the regular entertain-ments,which are greatly enjoyed by him,his family,and his lords and ladies.I was most interested in the rope-dancing.A very thin rope is fixedthirty centimetres above the ground.People who want to become the King's most important officials jump and dance on this rope,and whoever jumps highest with-out falling gets the best job.Sometimes the King orders his lords to dance on the rope,to show that they can still do it.This sport is,of course,rather dangerous,and there are occa-sional deaths as a result.It seems a strange way of choosing of-ficials.There was another interesting entertainment.The King holds a stick in front of him,and sometimes moves it up and down.One by one,people come up to him and jump over the stick or crawl under it.They go on jumping and crawling as the King moves the stick.The winner is the one who jumps and crawls for the longest time,and he receives a blue ribbon to wear round his waist.The second best receives a red ribbon,and the third best gets a green one.Many of the Lil-liput lords wear their ribbons proudly at all times.I had cer-tainly never seen entertainment like this in any of the countries I had visited before.Some days later a strange black thing was seen on the beach where I had first arrived in Lilliput.When the people realized it was not alive,they decided that it must belong to the Man- Mountain,and the King ordered them to bring it to me.I thought I knew what it was.When it arrived,it was rather dirty because it had been pulled along the ground by horses.But I was delighted to see that it was in fact my hat.I had lost it in the sea when swimming away from the ship.I begged the King so often for my freedom that at last he and his lords agreed that I need not be a prisoner any longer.However,I had to promise certain things:·to help the Lilliputians in war and peace·to give two hours’warning before a visit to their capital,so that people could stay indoors·to be careful not to step on any Lilliputians or their animals·to carry important messages for the King if necessary·to help the King's workmen carry heavy stones·to stay in Lilliput until the King allowed me to leave.On his side the King promised I would receive food and drink,enough for 1,724 Lilliputians.I agreed to everything at once.My chains were broken,and I was free at last!The first thing I did was visit the capital city.The people were warned,so that they would not be in danger.I stepped carefully over the city wall,which was less than a metre high,and walked slowly through the two main streets.It is usually a very busy city,with shops and markets full of people,but to-day the streets were empty.There were crowds watching me from every window.In the middle of the city is the King's palace.The King had invited me to enter it,so I stepped over the surrounding wall into the palace garden.But unfortunately the palaceitself has walls a metre and a half high around it.I did not want to damage these walls by trying to climb over them.So I walked carefully back out of the city and into the King's park.Here I cut down several of the largest trees with my knife,and made two wooden boxes.When I returned to the palace with my boxes,I was able to stand on one box on one side of the wall and step on to the other box on the other side.I lay down on the ground and looked through the win-dows,right into the King's rooms.You cannot imagine a more beautiful place to live in.The rooms and furniture are perfect in every detail.As I was looking in,I could see the Queen,surrounded by her lords and ladies.She kindly put her hand ont of the window for me to kiss.I think I should give you some general information about Lilliput.Most Lilliputians are about fifteen centimetres tall.The birds and animals are,of course,much smaller than the people,and the tallest trees are only a little taller than I am.All crimes here are punished.But if someone is accused of a crime and then it is proved that the accuser is lying,the accus-er is immediately killed.Lilliputians believe that there are two sides to the law.Criminals must be punished,but people of good character must be rewarded.So if a man can prove that he has obeyed every law for six years,he receives a present of money from the King.They also believe that any man who is honest,truthful,and good can serve his King and country.It is moreimportant to have a good character than to be clever or intelligent.However,only those who believe in God are al- lowed to be the King’ s officials.Many of their laws and customs are very different from ours,but human nature is the same in every country.The Lil-liputians,like us,have learnt bad ways—choosing officials because they are able to dance on a rope is just one example.Now I shall return to my adventures in Lilliput.About two weeks after my first visit to the capital,I was visited by one of the King’ s most important officials.His name was Reldresal,and he had helped me many times since I had arrived in Lil-liput.I started the conversation.‘I'm so glad they've taken away my chains,’I told him.‘Well,my friend,’he answered,‘let me tell you some-thing.You're only free because the King knows we're in a very dangerous situation.’‘Dangerous?’I cried.‘What do you mean?’‘Lilliput has enemies at home and abroad,’he explained.‘For six years now we've had two political groups,the High-Heels and the Low -Heels.Perhaps the High-Heels were more popular in the past,but as you can see,our present King and all bis officials wear the lowest heels.The two groups hate each other,and a High-Heel will refuse tospeak to a Low-Heel.That's the problem in Lilliput.Now,we're getting in-formation that the people of Blefuscu are going to attack us.Have you heard of Blefuscu?It's an island very near us,almost as large and important as Lilliput.They've been at war with us for three years,you see.’‘But how did this war star t?’I asked.‘Well,you know,of course,that most people used to break their boiled eggs at the larger end.But our King's grandfather once cut a finger while breaking his egg this way,and so his father the King ordered all Lilliputians,from then on,to break the smaller end of their eggs.People who do that are called Small Endians.But Lilliputians feel strongly about this and some Big-Endians have fought angrily against this law.As many as eleven thousand people have been killed because they refused to break their eggs at the smaller end.Some of the Big-Endians have escaped to join our enemies in Blefuscu.The King of Blefuscu has always wanted to defeat Lilliput in war,and now we hear that he's prepared a large number of ships,which will attack us very soon.So you see,my friend,how much our King needs your help,in order to defeat his enemies.’I did not hesitate for a moment.‘Please tell the King,’I answered warmly,‘that l am ready to give my life to save him or his country.’3 Lilliput at warThe island of Blefuscu is only about a kilometre to the north of Lilliput.I knew that just beyond the narrow sea separating the two countries there were at least fifty war-ships ready to attack us,with many other smaller ships.But I kept away from that side of the coast,so that the people of Blefuscu would not see me.I had a secret plan.From the King's workmen I ordered fifty heavy metal hooks,each fastened to a piece of strong rope.I took off my coat and shoes,and walked into the sea with the hooks and ropes in my hands.The water was deep in the middle,so I had to swim for a few metres.But it only took me half an hour to get to Blefuscu.When the Blefuscans saw me,they were so frightened that they jumped out of their ships and swam to the beach.I then used one hook for each ship,and tied all the ropes together at one end.While I was doing this,the enemy shot thousands of arrows at me,which caused me a lot of pain.I was afraid of getting an arrow in my eyes,but I suddenly remembered I still had an old pair of reading glasses in my pocket,so I put them on and continued my work.When I was ready,I started walking into the shallow water away from Blefuscu.As I walked through the waves,I pulled the enemy's warships be-hind me.When the people of Blefuscu realized that all their warships were disappearing,their cries were terrible to hear.As I came nearer to Lilliput,I saw the King and all his lords and ladies standing on the beach.They could only see Blefuscu's warships coming closer,as I was swimming and my head was occasionally under the water.Therefore,they sup-posed that I had drowned,and that the Blefuscan ships were attacking.But when they saw me walking out of the sea,they welcomed me warmly with cries of astonishment and delight.The King himself came down to the water to meet me.‘Everyone in Lilliput is grateful to you!’he cried.‘For your bravery,you will be one of my lords from now on.’‘Thank you,sir,’I replied.‘And now,’he continued,‘go back and steal all the ene-my's ships,so that we can defeat Blefuscu for ever!We'll de-stroy theBig-Endians,and I'll become King of the whole world!’But I would not agree to this plan.‘Sir,’I replied,‘I will never help to take a brave nation's freedom away.Lilliput and Blefuscu should live in peace now.The King could not persuade me,and unfortunately he nev-er forgot that I had refused to do what he wanted.Although I had saved his country from attack by Blefuscan warships,he preferred to remember my refusal.From this time on,I heard from my friends that there were secretconversations in the palace between the King and some of his lords,who were jealous of me.These conversations nearly led to my death in the end.About three weeks later,the King of Blefuscu sent his offi-cials to ask for peace between the two countries.After the Ble-fuscans had arranged everything with the Lilliputian officials,they came to visit me.They had heard how I had prevented the King from destroying all their ships.After thanking me,they invited me to visit their country.However,when I asked the King of Lilliput if I could visit Blefuscu,he agreed,but very coldly.I learnt later that he and some of his lords considered I was wrong to have a conversa-tion with enemies of Lilliput.Now I was beginning to under-stand how difficult and dangerous political life can be.A few days later I had another chance to help the King.I was woken at midnight by the cries of hundreds of Lilliputians outside my house.‘Fire!Fire!’they shouted.‘The Queen's rooms in the palace are burning!Come quickly,Man-Mountain!’So I pulled on my clothes and hurried to the palace.A large part of the building was in flames.People were climbing lad-ders up the walls,and throwing water on the flames,but the fire was burning morestrongly every minute.At least the Queen and her ladies had escaped,but there seemed to be no way of saving this beautiful palace.Suddenly I had an idea.The evening before,I had drunk a lot of good wine,and very luckily I had not made water since then.In three minutes I managed to put out the whole fire,and the lovely old building was safe.I went home without waiting for the King's thanks,because I was not sure what he would say.Although I had certainly saved the palace,I knew it was a crime,punishable by death,to make water anywhere near the palace.I heard later that the Queen was so angry that she refused to enter any of the dam-aged rooms ever again,and promised to take her revenge on me.4 Gulliver escapes from LilliputI soon discovered that Flimnap,one of the King's highest officials,was my secret enemy.He had always disliked me,although he pretended to like me,but now he began to suspect his wife of visiting me privately,and he became jealous.Of course his wife did visit me,but always with her daughters and other ladies who came for regular afternoon vis-its.When visitors arrived at my house,I used to bring the coaches and horses inside,and put them carefully on my table.There was a high edge round the table,so that nobody would fall off.I sat in my chair with my face close to the table,and while I was talking to one group of visitors,the others used to drive round the table.I spent manyhours like this,in very enjoyable conversation.In the end Flimnap realized that his wife was not in love with me,and had not done anything wrong,but he was still angry with me.There were other lords who also disliked me,and together they managed to persuade the King that I was a danger to Lilliput.I knew they were discussing me in private,but I was seriously alarmed when I discovered what they had decided.Luckily,as well as Reldresal,I had another good friend among the King’ s officials.Late one night he visited me secretly,in order to warn me.‘You know,’he began,‘that you've had enemies here for some time.Many of the lords are jealous of your great success against Blefuscu,and Flimnap still hates you.They accuse you of crimes against Lilliput,crimes punishable by death!’‘But…’I cried,‘that's not right!I only want to help Lilliput!’‘Listen,’he said.‘I must tell you what I've h eard,al-though my life is in danger if I do.They've accused you of making water in the King's palace,refusing to take all the en-emy's ships,refusing to destroy all the Big-Endians,seeing the enemy's officials privately,and planning to visit Blefuscu in order to help the enemy against Lilliput.’‘This is unbelievable!’ I cried.‘I must say,’continued my friend,‘that our King remind-ed hislords how much you had helped the country.But your enemies wanted to destroy you,and they suggested setting fire to your house at night.Then you would die in the fire!’‘What!’I shouted angrily.‘Be quiet,nobody must hear us.Anyway,the King decided not to kill you,and that's when your friend Reldresal started speaking He agreed you’d made mistakes,but said that a good King should always be generous,as our King is.And he suggested that a suitable punishment would be for you to lose your sight.You’d still be strong enough to work for us,but you wouldn't be able to help the Big-Endians.’I covered my eyes with my hands.I had wanted to help these people and their King.How could they decide to punish me as cruelly as this?‘Your enemies were most disappointed with Reldresal’ s plan,’my friend went on.‘They said you were a Big—Endi-an in your heart,and reminded the King how much you cost Lilliput in food and drink.Reldresal spoke again,to suggest saving money by giving you a little less food every day.In this way you’d become ill,and in a few months you’d die.And so they all agreed.In three days Reldresal will be sent to explain your punishment to you.He'll inform you that the King has been very kind to you,and that you're lucky to lose only your eyes.You'll be tied dowu,and very sharp arrows will be shot into youreyes.The King's doctors will make sure that you can no longer see.’‘This is terrible news!’ I said,‘but thank you for warning me,my dear friend.’‘You alone must decide what to do,’ he replied,‘and now I must leave you,so that nobody suspects me of warning you.’When I was alone,I thought about the situation for a long time.Perhaps I was wrong,but I could not see that the King was being kind and generous in ordering such an inhuman pun-ishment.What should I do?I could ask for a trial,but I was not confident of the judges’honesty.I could attack the capital and kill all the Lilliputians,but when I remembered the King’ s past kindness to me,I did not want to do that.At last I decided to escape.And so,before Reldresal came to tell me of my punishment,I went to the north of Lilliput,where our ships lay.I took my clothes off and put them into one of the largest warships.I also put a blanket into it.Then I stepped into the sea,and swam to Blefuscu.By pulling the Lilliput warship behind me,I kept my clothes and blanket dry.When I arrived,the King of Blefuscu sent two guides to show me the way to the capital.There I met the King,the Queen and the lords and ladies in their coaches.I explained that I had come to visit Blefuscu,as Ihad been invited.How-ever,I did not say anything about the punishment waiting for me in Lilliput.They welcomed me warmly.That night,as there was no building big enough for me,I slept on the ground,covered by my blanket.It was not as comfortable as my bed in Lilliput,but I did not mind.I did not spend long in Blefuscu.Only three days after my arrival,I noticed a boat in the sea,near the beach.It was a real boat,large enough for me.Perhaps it had been driven there by a storm.I swam out to it and tied ropes to it.Then,with the help of twenty of Blefuscu's ships and three thousand sailors,I pulled it on to the beach.It was not badly damaged,and it was exciting to be able to start planning my journey back to England and my home.During this time,the King of Lilliput had written to ask the King of Blefuscu to send me back,as a prisoner,so that I could receive my punishment.The King of Blefuscu,however,replied that I was too strong to be taken prisoner,and that I would soon be returning to my country anyway.Secretly he invited me to stay and help him in Blefuscu,but I no longer believed in the promises of kings or their officials,so I politely refused.I was now impatient to start my voyage home,and the King ordered his workmen to repair the boat and prepare everything I needed.I had the meat of one hundred cattle and three hun-dred sheep to eat on thejourney,and I also had some live ani-mals to show to my friends in England.About one month later,I left Blefuscu,on September 24th,1701.The King,the Queen and their lords and ladies all came down to the beach to wave goodbye.After sailing all day,I reached a small island,where I slept that night.On the third day,September 26th,I saw a sail,and was delighted to discover that it was an English ship,on its way home to England.The captain picked me up,and I told him my story.At first he thought I was mad,but when I took the live animals out of my pocket to show him,he be-lieved me.We arrived home at last on April 13th,1702,and I saw my dear wife and children again.At first I was delighted to be at home again.I earned quite a lot of money by showing my Lil-liputian animals to people,and in the end I sold them for a high price.But as the days passed,I became restless,and wanted to see more of the world.And so,only two months later,I said goodbye to my family and sailed away again.5 A voyage to BrobdingnagI left Bristol on June 20th,1702,in a ship which was sailing to India.We had good sailing weather until we reached the Cape of Good Hope in South Africa,where we landed to get fresh water.We had tostay there for the winter,however,because the ship needed repairs and the captain was ill.In the spring we left Africa and sailed round the island of Madagascar into the Indian Ocean.But on 19th April the wind began to blow very violently from the west,and we were driv-en to the east of the Molucca Islands.On 2nd May the wind stopped blowing and the sea was calm.But our captain,who knew that part of the world very well,warned us that there would be a storm the next day.So we prepared the ship as well as we could,and waited.The captain was right.On 3rd May the wind began to get stronger.It was a wild,dangerous wind,blowing from the south this time.We had to take down our sails as the storm hit our ship.Huge waves crashed down on to us,and the wind drove our helpless ship eastwards into.the Pacific Ocean.For several days we struggled with the wind and waves,but at last the storm died away and the sea was calm again.Luckily,our ship was not badly damaged,but we had been driven over two thousand kilometres to the east.None of us knew exactly where we were,so the captain decided to contin-ue sailing eastwards,where we had never been before.We sailed on for another two weeks.Finally,on 16th June,1703,we saw a large island with a small piece of land joined to it.I later discovered that this country was called Brobdingnag.The captain sent some of his sailors in a boat to land there。

格列佛游记简介及人物分析英语论文(范文大全)第一篇:格列佛游记简介及人物分析英语论文Term Paper for Selected Readings in British LiteratureTitle: People Analysis of Gulliver's TravelsName:(中文Grade:_____________three________Class:______________six________Number:___________ ________Date: _________ Dec.20.2010_____People Analysis of Gulliver's Travels1.Introduction(四号)The Author gives some account of himself and family.His first inducementsto Travel.He is shipwrecked, and swims for his life.Gets safe on shore in thecountry of Lilliput.Is made a prisoner, and carried up the country.For theLilliput ,Gulliver is a huge thing but for the Blefuscu he is big like tower.Whenhe travels again, he also unlucky that the strom attacked him again.He wasbring a strange land.There people is very taller like a tower but he is small likemouse.They use him make money and consider him as a ter the king havebuy him.He show off his country that great ,wise , able government and fairlows.However, the king censure and contradict it.At the third year, he companythe king visit.Because of he missing his hometown so he pretend fall ill,and go toseaside breath fresh air.The eagle think that his house is turtle and take it flythen many eagle rob it , at last ,unlucky the house drop in the sea.The author, bya lucky accident, finds means to leave Blefuscu;and after some difficulties,returns safe to his native country.A great storm described;the long boat sent tofetch water;the author goes with it to discover the country.He is left on shore, isseized by one of the natives, and carried to a farmer’s house.His reception, withseveral accidents that happened there.A description of the inhabitants.Adescription of the farmer’s daughter.The author carried to a market-town, andthen to the metropolis.The particulars of his journey.The author sent for to court.The queen buys him of his master the farmer,and presents him to the king.He disputes with his majesty’s great scholars.Anapartment at court provided for the author.He is in high favour with the queen.He stands up for the honor of his own country.His quarrels with the queen’sdwarf.The country described.A proposal for correcting modern maps.Theking’s palace;and some account of the metrop olis.The author’s way of traveling.The chief temple described.Several adventurers that happened to the author.The execution of a criminal.The author shows his skill in navigation.Theemperor of Lilliput, attended by several of the nobility, comes to see the Authorin his confinement.The emperor's person and habits described.Learned menappointed to teach the Author their language.He gains favor by his milddisposition.His pockets are searched, and his sword and pistols taken from him.The Author diverts the emperor, and his nobility of both sexes, in a veryuncommon manner.The diversions of the court of Lilliput described.TheAuthor has his liberty granted him upon certain dendo, themetropolis of Lilliput, described, together with the emperor's Palace.Aconversation between the Author and a principal secretary concerning theaffairs of that empire.The Author's offer to serve the emperor in his wars.TheAuthor, by an extraordinary stratagem, prevents an invasion.A high title ofhonor is conferred upon him.Ambassadors arrive from the emperor of Blefuscu,and sue for peace.Of the inhabitants of Lilliput;their learning, laws, andcustoms;the manner of educating their children.The Author's way of living inthat country.His vindication of a great lady.The Author, being informed of adesign to accuse him of high treason, makes his escape to Blefuscu.His receptionthere.The Author, by a lucky accident, finds means to leave Blefuscu;and aftersome difficulties, returns safe to his native country.Several contrivances of the author to please the king and queen.He showshis skill in music.The king inquires into the state of England, which the authorrelates to him.The king’s observations thereon.The author’s love of his country.He makes a proposal of much advantage to the king, which is rejected.Theking’s great ignorance in politics.The learning of that country very imperfectand confined.The laws, and military affairs, and parties in the state.The kingand queen make a progress to the frontiers.The author attends them.Themanner in which he leaves the country very particularly related.He returns toEngland.The author sets out on his third voyage.Is taken by pirates.The maliceof a Dutchman.His arrival at an island.He is received into Laputa.Thehumours and dispositions of the Laputians described.An account of theirlearning.Of the king and his court.The author’s reception there.Theinhabitants subject to fear and disquietudes.An account of the women.Aphenomenon solved by modern philosophy and astronomy.Th e Laputians’ greatimprovements in the latter.The king’s method of suppressing insurrections.Theauthor leaves Laputa;is conveyed to Balnibarbi;arrives at the metropolis.Adescription of the metropolis, and the country adjoining.The author hospitablyreceived by a great lord.His conversation with that lord.The author permittedto see the grand academy of Lagado.The academy largely described.The artswherein the professors employ themselves.A further account of the academy.The author proposes some improvements,which are honourably received.The author leaves Lagado: arrives at Maldonada.No ship ready.He takes a short voyage to Glubbdubdrib.His reception by thegovernor.A further account of Glubbdubdrib.Ancient and modern historycorrected.The author returns to Maldonada.Sails to the kingdom of Luggnagg.The author confined.He is sent for to court.The manner of his admittance.Theking’s great lenity to his subjects.The Luggnaggians commended.A particulardescription of the Struldbrugs, with many conversations between the author andsome eminent persons upon that subject.The author leaves Luggnagg, and sailsto Japan.From thence he returns in a Dutch ship to Amsterdam, and fromAmsterdam to England.2.AnalysisGulliver is a like travels, they are tired of along and bored.Hehas a goodmemory ,be good at study and survey.He has a special thinking;nature is kindand honest, and friendly.For the friend he can pay the live.He is cleaver, brave.Greek rationalism was emphasized.The joy of people from the operation ofreason use, because the reason is the unique human glory and power.In theclassical rationalism who appears reason distinguishes man from other creatures.The human pursuit of rational life The highest level.He deal with is smooth andreasonable.The emperor of Lilliput, attended by several of the nobility, comes to see theauthor in his confinement.The emperor’s person and habit described.Learnedmen appointed to teach the author their language.He gains favour by his milddisposition.His pockets are searched, and his sword and pistols taken from himThe author diverts the emperor, and his nobility of both sexes, in a veryuncommon manner.The diversions of the court of Lilliput described.The authorhas his liberty granted him upon certain conditions.Talking clever , decisive act,to play it by ear, to seize every opportunity to seek freedom, there is a strongself-confidence, believe they can succeed.He was honest, patriotic, very spare hispride, for he who is full of hostility to hatred, disgust and contempt, but respectsa noble man, knowledgeable scholar.He is a general query spirit, love of truth, acourageous endurance.He traveled among the increasing insight into the socialreality of corruption, come to the conclusions of British society is not civilized.Gulliver's image, is the embodiment of thought.The author gives his all thevirtues described by the characters, Gulliver does not care about personal gainsand losses, and caring for others.Gulliver is a positive good character.He wasalways frank account of their own weaknesses and mistakes, but the advantage isno mention of their own.His humble , studious, hard with a new vision to meetnew realities.He never give up on themselves, even to him as a plaything forpeople to watch over, still poised to maintain their dignity, to equal the country'sking of attitude and adult conversation.Courage to help his country againstforeign invasion villain, but categorically refused to villain policy of aggressionand expansion in the King's service.Folin Nai Pu(Lilliput Kingdom Chancellor of the Exchequer)suspicious,sinister, vicious, cunning.The relevant circumstances: Gulliver Renhuai generous and trapping do not come Cliffs fleet for war by the ancient kingappreciated Lilliput, Folin Nai Pu to very angry, and suspected that Gulliver andhis wife of adultery to contact Let other ministers seek framed, much vilified,and finally forced to flee not to Gulliver Ancient Graves.Sri Lanka to open Switzerland(Lilliput Kingdom Admiral)jealousy, sinisterand cunning.The relevant circumstances: the king of Lilliput ambitious, do notcome with the neighboring countries of ancient war, Groves, Gulliver can notwade through the Straits to most ancient fleet captured over Hargreaves, fromGulliver by Lilliputian King reuse, Sri Lanka, Switzerland open to muchdissatisfaction with the Chancellor of the Exchequer Gulliver murder conspiracy.Grid is a learned, sensible, kind, open-minded and strong rule of themonarch.The relevant circumstances: grid King knowledgeable, goodtemperament, he used reason, justice, kindness to govern the country, he hatesthe despicable glibenclamide Buddha says politicians, the bloodshed of war.Inthe first, the treatment of some of Gulliver mean the feeling of life, but with thesecond part, this feeling will disappear.Reason the King Hui Yin wise, hardworking, brave, kind and friendly, withintegrity-of the ideal of humanity.After the king villain stingy, greedy vanity,ruthless.“Gulliver's Travels” Gul liver in the perspective of the protagonistdescribes the adventures of the four country adventure: Lilliput, Brobdingnag,flying island, and Hui-Yin States.Gulliver'sshipwreck, came to Lilliput.Residents here only six inches tall, monarch greed war rolling country.Theauthor condescending point of view, looking down with a giant vision of humanabsurdity small.Gulliver's curiosity, the strayed Brobdingnag.Spire height, suchas resident here superiority in weapons, the National Wei Hehe.Point of view ofa small dwarf, looking vulgar and heartless man.Gulliver every pirate, visit theflying islands.This dependency was shrouded control, urban and ruraldesolation, barren.To the usual mentality of, head of human madness and evilnature.Gulliver was mutiny, Hui Yin traverse the country.This ruler highlyrational, humanoid animals, evil, inferior.A rational point of view of animals,examination of human nature.“Gulliver’s Travels” deeply ironic corruption ofcurrent affairs, to bizarre and even disgusting plot, silly satire pedantic, andreflect on different aspects of human nature.Is the adventure story is fantasyfiction, is a travelogue, a political commentator, is the allegorical literature, it isworth reading the classic view.Analysis of “Gulliver's Travels” in the superb Artand Culture of Irony.He was honest, patriotic, very tolerate his face, and full of hostile enemies ofhis people hate, disgust and contempt, but respect a nobleman, knowledgeablescholar.On the whole that he is a spirit of challenge, love of truth, there are thosewho swim endurance.He among the tour, insight into the increasing degradationof social reality, society and come to the UK uncivilized conclusion.Gulliver'simage, is the embodiment of thought.Of to give himself all the virtues describedby the characters, Gulliver does not care about the individuals have loss, whilecaring for others, Gulliver is a positive good character.3.Conclusion(四号)Fantasy plot combining the authenticity and reality, but also to add fictionunique artistic charm.Although the author is a fictional show's magical world offairy tale, but it is based on the real life of British society was based.Because ofthe precise, delicate, aptly described, people feel it is a fictional illusion, it seemsthat all the facts are the truth.Of simple and concise style of writing.He oncedeclared: “I would prefer the simplicity of narrative writing out theextraordinary fact that, as I wrote this book primarily reports to you, not foryour amusement.” Despite the Lilliput, B robdingnag, the country Hui YinDifferent scenarios, the hero of the situation is not the same,but the layout of thewhole novel, the style consistent, Gulliver each sea has detailed account of thecauses and effects, complex plot according to numerous time and space in theorder described Simple and vivid writing, strong narrative, which for hundredsof years, “Gulliver's Travels” in the European tastes, including women andchildren.Not only attacked the social status of the novel, still deeper level, thedirect irony of human nature itself.In the fourth volume, the on the ”money “that part of discussion is the case.Gulliver came to no money, no military policeHui Yin(Malaysia)countries, the owner explained to his horse, said: ”We get awild monkey that whether it be with or save, money is better, not Fill time.because their nature is so, not extravagance is insatiable.the rich enjoy the laborof the poor, the poor and the rich in the number ratio is a thousand to one.Therefore, the majority of our people were forced off A miserable life......."Author notes that capitalist society between people purely financialrelationships.And thus had a question of human nature.参考文献:第二篇:格列佛游记人物简介佛林奈浦(财政大臣):猜忌、阴险、狠毒、狡诈。

格列佛游记简介"Gulliver's Travels" is a satirical novel by Jonathan Swift, first published in 1726. The work is a collection of voyages and adventures of Lemuel Gulliver, a ship's surgeon and naturalist. Through his extraordinary journeys to far-flung lands, Swift mocks and criticizes the vices andfollies of human society, particularly those of the English society of his time.Gulliver's first voyage takes him to the island of Lilliput, where he is captured and becomes a giant in the eyes of the tiny inhabitants. His experiences there highlight the absurdities of war and political ambition. In his second voyage, he visits the island of Brobdingnag, where he is shrunk to a mere fraction of his original size and becomes a curiosity to the giants who inhabit the land. Here, Swift criticizes the arrogance of scientific pretension and the folly of human vanity.In his third voyage, Gulliver visits the flying island of Laputa and its neighboring islands, where he encounters academics and politicians who are obsessed with mathematical theories and political intrigues. This voyagemocks the emptiness of intellectual pursuits divorced from practical application. Finally, in his fourth voyage, Gulliver visits the land of the Houyhnhnms, where he encounters a race of intelligent horses who possess noble qualities such as reason, virtue, and kindness. This utopian society serves as a sharp contrast to the corrupt and degenerate human society he has encountered elsewhere. Throughout the novel, Swift employs irony, satire, and parody to expose the vices and foolishness of human nature. His critique of society is particularly severe in his portrayal of the English upper classes, who are often depicted as vain, arrogant, and self-serving. However, Swift's satire is not without humor, and his vivid imagination and skillful storytelling make "Gulliver's Travels" not only a profound social commentary but also a delightful read.The novel's influence has been felt across the globe, with its themes and characters resonating through the ages. It has been translated into numerous languages and adapted for stage and screen, making it one of the most enduring and popular works of literature in the English canon.**《格列佛游记》简介**《格列佛游记》是乔纳森·斯威夫特于1726年首次发表的一部讽刺小说。

介绍《格列佛游记》英语作文Gulliver's Travels is a classic work of satire written by Jonathan Swift in the early 18th century. This novel follows the adventures of Lemuel Gulliver, a ship's surgeon who finds himself shipwrecked on a series of fantastical islands inhabited by strange and fascinating peoples. Through Gulliver's experiences, Swift offers a biting commentary on the foibles and flaws of human society.The novel begins with Gulliver setting out on a series of voyages that take him to the tiny nation of Lilliput where the inhabitants are only six inches tall, the land of the giant Brobdingnagians, the floating island of Laputa, and the country of the Houyhnhnms where intelligent horses rule over human-like Yahoos. Each of these settings provides Gulliver with a unique lens through which to view the societies and customs of his own world.In Lilliput, Gulliver is at first seen as a threat by the diminutive citizens but eventually wins their trust and becomes an advisor to the emperor. The Lilliputians' petty political squabbles and absurd traditions provide a satire of the European power struggles and courtintrigues of Swift's time. Gulliver is appalled by the Lilliputians' more ridiculous practices such as the complex system of religious and political allegiances determined by how one cracks open a boiled egg.When Gulliver is marooned in Brobdingnag, the tables are turned and he becomes the tiny one, dwarfed by the 60-foot-tall inhabitants. Here, the satire shifts to an examination of the failings of Gulliver's own society as seen through the eyes of the Brobdingnagian king, who is horrified by the violence and corruption he learns of in Gulliver's homeland. The king's lengthy critiques of European civilization stand as a scathing indictment of the perceived moral and political decline of the continent.Gulliver's journey to the flying island of Laputa provides an opportunity for Swift to satirize the pretensions of scientists and philosophers. The Laputans are so absorbed in abstract theorizing that they have become utterly impractical, to the point of starving because they cannot be bothered to grow their own food. Gulliver is struck by their obsession with mathematics and music to the exclusion of more practical concerns.The final and most unsettling part of Gulliver's travels takes him to the land of the Houyhnhnms, a race of intelligent, rational horses who live in harmony and balance. In contrast, the human-like Yahoosare portrayed as brutish, irrational creatures driven by base desires. Gulliver is so impressed by the Houyhnhnms' virtues that he comes to see his fellow humans as little more than Yahoos. This part of the novel represents Swift's most scathing indictment of humanity itself.Throughout Gulliver's Travels, the protagonist serves as a kind of lens through which the reader can examine the foibles and absurdities of human civilization. As Gulliver encounters one strange culture after another, his perceptions of his own world are radically altered. The reader is invited to see the familiar through new eyes and to question the assumptions and prejudices that underlie their own society.At its core, Gulliver's Travels is a work of profound social and political satire. Swift uses the fantastic premise of a man traveling to bizarre lands to make pointed critiques of the corruption, injustice, and irrationality he saw in 18th-century Europe. The novel's enduring popularity and influence stem from its ability to engage with timeless questions about the human condition.While the fantastical settings and characters of Gulliver's Travels may seem like mere flights of fancy, Swift's underlying message is deadly serious. Through Gulliver's experiences, the author invites the reader to reflect on the flaws and shortcomings of their own world and to consider whether humanity is truly deserving of its vaunted status. Inthis way, the novel remains a challenging and thought-provoking work that continues to resonate with readers centuries after its initial publication.。

格列佛游记简介英语作文In the whimsical realm of literature, "Gulliver's Travels" by Jonathan Swift stands as a towering monument of satire and adventure. The story follows the titular character, Lemuel Gulliver, a ship's surgeon with an insatiable thirstfor exploration and a penchant for finding himself in themost peculiar of predicaments.Our journey begins with Gulliver's first voyage, where he finds himself stranded on the island of Lilliput. Here, he encounters the diminutive Lilliputians, who are but sixinches tall. Their society, with its intricate political machinations and petty squabbles, serves as a humorous microcosm of the larger world. Swift uses this setting topoke fun at the follies of mankind, highlighting theabsurdity of human conflicts when viewed from a different perspective.Gulliver's second voyage leads him to Brobdingnag, a land inhabited by giants. Here, the roles are reversed, andGulliver is the one who is small. The Brobdingnagians, with their towering stature and superior wisdom, offer a freshlens through which to view the human condition. Swift's witis sharp as he satirizes the vices and virtues of the human race, all while Gulliver navigates the perils of being a tiny spectacle in a land of giants.The third voyage takes Gulliver to the flying island ofLaputa, where the inhabitants are so engrossed in mathematical and scientific pursuits that they've lost touch with practicality. The absurdity of their obsession with abstract thought is a comical critique of the intellectualism of Swift's time.Finally, Gulliver's fourth and most poignant journey brings him to the land of the Houyhnhnms, a society of horses who possess reason and virtue, and their human counterparts, the Yahoos, who are depicted as brutish and vile. This voyage serves as a stark contrast between the ideal and the base, prompting readers to reflect on the nature of civilization and the true meaning of humanity.Throughout his travels, Gulliver's experiences are a blend of the fantastical and the philosophical, a narrative that is as entertaining as it is thought-provoking. Swift's "Gulliver's Travels" is not just a tale of adventure; it is a mirror held up to society, reflecting our own follies and virtues back at us with a healthy dose of humor and a touch of the extraordinary.。

格列佛游记英语读书报告篇一:Gulliver's Travels by Jonathan Swift is a satirical novel that takes its readers on a journey through four extraordinary lands. The story follows Lemuel Gulliver, a ship surgeon, as he embarks on various voyages, encountering bizarre creatures and societies along the way.The first part of the book takes place in Lilliput, a land inhabited by tiny people no more than six inches tall. Gulliver finds himself a giant among them and becomes an object of fascination and curiosity. Swift uses this setting to criticize the pettiness and absurdity of human politics and society. The constant power struggles and ridiculous laws in Lilliput reflect the flaws and shortcomings of the larger world.In the second part, Gulliver finds himself in Brobdingnag, a land of giants. Here, he becomes the tiny one, facing various dangers and challenges. Swift's intention in this section is to highlight the flaws of humanity when observed from a different perspective. The giants' disgust with Gulliver's appearance and their brutal honesty in discussing his flaws emphasizes the pettiness and insignificance of human vanity and pride.The third voyage takes Gulliver to Laputa, a floating island inhabited by intellectuals who are completely disconnected from the real world. Swift uses this part to criticize the obsession with abstract knowledgethat doesn't serve any practical purpose. The inhabitants of Laputa are so engrossed in their theoretical pursuits that they neglect the needs and problems of their society.The final part of the book is set in the land of the Houyhnhnms, where intelligent horses rule over a race of savage humanoid creatures called Yahoos. Gulliver is initially fascinated by the noble and rational Houyhnhnms, but as he spends more time among them, he becomes increasingly disillusioned with humanity. The Yahoos, representing the worst traits of humanity, stand in stark contrast to the intelligent and virtuous horses. Swift uses this part to criticize human nature itself, suggesting that humans are no better than the vilest of creatures.Overall, Gulliver's Travels serves as a scathing critique of human society, politics, and nature. Swift uses the absurd and fantastical elements of the story to present a mirror to the flaws and follies of his contemporary world. The novel remains a classic in English literature and a timeless commentary on the human condition.。
格列夫游记 论文

格列佛游记J onathan斯威夫特,儿子的英语律师乔纳森斯威夫特老,出生于爱尔兰都柏林,在1667年 11月30号。
他在那里长大,照顾他的叔叔在出席圣三一学院的年龄为14 ,在他下榻七年来,在1688年毕业。
In that year, he became the secretary of Sir William Temple, an English politician and member of the Whig party. In 1694 , he took religious orders in the Church of Ireland and then spent a year as a country parson.在这一年,他成为国务卿威廉爵士寺,英文的政治家和会员的辉格党。
He then spent further time in the service of Temple before returning to Ireland to become the chaplain of the earl of Berkeley.然后,他花更多的时间服务于庙,然后再返回爱尔兰成为牧师的伯爵伯克利。
Meanwhile, he had begun to write satires on the political and religious corruption surrounding him, working on A Tale of a Tub, which supports the position of the Anglican Church against its critics on the left and the right, and The Battle of the Books, which argues for the supremacy of the classics against modern thought and literature.同时,他已经开始撰写讽刺的政治和宗教腐败围绕着他,努力的故事浴缸,它支持的立场,圣公会对批评的左派和右派,战斗的书籍,这些主张至高无上的经典对现代思想和文学。

英语作文我最喜欢格列佛游记Amidst the vast literary landscape, there are numerous works that captivate the imagination and inspire the spirit. However, among these, "Gulliver's Travels" by JonathanSwift stands out as a favorite of mine. This essay explores my affection for this timeless classic and the reasons it holds a special place in my heart.The allure of "Gulliver's Travels" lies in its unique blend of adventure, satire, and profound philosophical insights. The narrative follows the misadventures of Lemuel Gulliver, a surgeon who finds himself in a series of extraordinary and surreal situations. His journey takes him to lands where he encounters giants, dwarfs, horses, and other fantastical creatures. These encounters not only provide thrilling adventures but also serve as a mirror reflecting the social and political realities of Swift's time.One of the most compelling aspects of the novel is its use of satire. Through Gulliver's interactions with the various inhabitants of his fantastical lands, Swift skewers the folly and hypocrisy of human society. For instance, inthe land of the giants, Gulliver's small size exposes the arrogance and vanity of the giants, who see him as a mere curiosity rather than a fellow sentient being. Similarly,in the land of the dwarfs, Gulliver witnesses the decadence and corruption of the ruling class, who are obsessed with power and luxury.The philosophical underpinnings of "Gulliver's Travels" are also noteworthy. Swift explores themes such as the nature of human society, the relationship between reason and emotion, and the role of government. Through Gulliver's eyes, we are presented with a critique of society's ills and a vision for a better world. Swift's insights are as relevant today as they were centuries ago, making the novel a timeless classic.The writing style of Jonathan Swift is another reason for the book's enduring appeal. His wit, humor, and irony are employed masterfully, keeping the reader engaged and amused throughout. The narrative flows seamlessly, with each adventure building upon the previous one, creating a compelling narrative arc. The characters, too, are well-drawn and believable, with Gulliver himself embodying the spirit of curiosity and exploration.In conclusion, "Gulliver's Travels" is not just a story of adventures; it is a profound exploration of human society and the human condition. Its timeless themes, incisive satire, and captivating narrative make it a must-read for any literature lover. As for me, it remains one of my favorite books, a testament to the enduring power of Jonathan Swift's genius.**我最喜欢的格列佛游记**在文学的广袤天地中,有无数作品激发着人们的想象力,鼓舞着人们的精神。

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格列佛游记(英文原版,Gullivers Travels)"的介绍"When bending my eyes downward as much as I could, I perceived a human not six inches high!"When Lemuel Gulliver sets off from London on a sea voyage, little does he know the many incredible and unbelievable misadventures awaiting him. Shipwrecked at sea and nearly drowned, he washes ashore upon an exotic island called Lilliput-where the people are only six inches tall! Next he visits a land of incredible giants called Brobdingnagians. They are more than sixty feet tall! He travels to Laputa, a city that floats in the sky, and to Glubbdubdrib, the Island of Sorcerers. His final voyage brings him into contact with the Yahoos-a brutish race of subhumans-and an intelligent and virtuous race of horse, the Houyhnhnms.First published in 1726, Gulliver's Travels remains one of the most exciting fantasy adventures ever written."格列佛游记(英文原版,Gullivers Travels)"的作者简介(1667-1745), ed. at Trinity College, Dublin, entered household of Sir W. Temple at Moor Park 1692, and became his secretray, became known to William III., and met E. Johnson (Stella), left T. in 1694 and returned to Ireland, took orders and wrote Tale of a Tub and Battle of Books (published 1704), returned to Sir W. T. 1698, and on his death in 1699 published his works, returned to Ireland and obtained some small preferments, visits London and became one of the circle of Addison, etc., deserts the Whigs and joins the Tories 1710, attacking the former in various papers and pamphlets, Dean of St. 1713, he began hi s Journal to Stella, Drapier’s Letters appeared 1724, visits England, and joins with Pope and Arbuthnot in Miscellanies 1726, published Gulliver’s Travels 1727."格列佛游记(英文原版,Gullivers Travels)"的书评Spotlight ReviewsReviewer: C. Gilbert "frumiousb" (Amsterdam, the Netherlands)I haven't read this book since I read it as a child, and it was amazing how much of it had stuck with me, and how vividly. There were sections (particularly in Brobdingnag) where I could almost recite word-for-word what was going to happen next.Happily, like Alice in Wonderland, this is a book that ages very well. There was still the element of being just a plain old good travel story with strong images (particularly in the Lilliput and Brobdingnag sections) but there was also awicked sense of satire that continues to be relevant and funny now more than three hundred years after the book was originally written.The latter two sections of the book-- Laputa and the land of the Houyhnhnms-- are perhaps a little less vivid for being more pointed in their satirical content (interestingly I have no memory of these sections from my childhood reading) but that in no way detracts from the value of the book.A must-read.Reviewer: Brian P. McDonnell (Holbrook, MA USA)Gulliver's Travels are broken up into four parts. The first two parts are the most famous, where Gulliver visits a land in which he is a giant and another in which it is filled with giants. Although they are very good, I found them somewhat boring. This is probably due tot he fact that I had heard these stories in so many variations already, they no longer had that originality to them. The next two parts however I found to be excellent. Several authors have expounded upon these stories or have continued them in one form of another of them. It is good to finally find the source of such great insight. For example the world in the clouds is quite humorous, and Douglas Adams makes a similar use of this satire in one of his Hitchhiker's Guide to the Universe series. The island of wizard's where you can call up any of the dead to have them tell their part in history can be seen in "To Your Scattered Bodies Go" by Philip Jose Farmer (a Hugo award winner.) The final part about humans being nothing but Yahoos, and inferior to Horses is brilliant. A reversal of roles with other animals to give us a new perspective of ourselves is imitated in other such classics as "The Time Machine" by H.G. Wells, "The Island of Dr. Monreau" also by H.G. Wells, "Planet of the Apes", "Animal Farm" by George Orwell, plus several Star Trek and Twilight Zone episodes.One of the most interesting questions about Gullivers Travels is whether the Houyhnhnms represent an ideal of rationality or whether on the other hand they are the butt of Swift's satire. In other words, in Book IV, is Swift poking fun at the talking horses or does he intend for us to take them seriously as the proper way to act? If we look closely at the way that the Houyhnhnms act, we can see that in fact Swift does not take them seriously: he uses them to show the dangers of pride.First we have to see that Swift does not even take Gullver seriously. For instance, his name sounds much like gullible, which suggests that he will believe anything. Also, when he first sees the Yahoos and they throw excrement on him, he responds by doing the same in return until they run away. He says, "I must needs discover some more rational being," even though as a human he is already the most rational being there is. This is whySwift refers to Erasmus Darwins discovery of the origin of the species and the voyage of the Beagle-to show how Gulliver knows that people are at the top of the food chain. But if Lemule Gulliver is satirized, so are the Houyhnhnms, whose voices sound like the call of castrati. They walk on two legs instead of four, and seem to be much like people. As Gulliver says, "It was with the utmost astonishment that I witnessed these creatures playing the flute and dancing a Vienese waltz. To my mind, they seemed like the greatest humans ever seen in court, even more dextrous than the Lord Edmund Burke" . As this quote demonstrates, Gulliver is terribly impressed, but his admiration for the Houyhnhnms is short-lived because they are so prideful. For instance, the leader of the Houyhnhnms claims that he has read all the works of Charles Dickens, and that he can singlehandedly recite the names of all the Kings and Queens of England up to George II. Swift subtly shows that this Houyhnhnms pride is misplaced when, in the middle of the intellectual competition, he forgets the name of Queen Elizabeths husband.Swifts satire of the Houyhnhnms comes out in other ways as well. One of the most memorable scenes is when the dapple grey mare attempts to woo the horse that Guenivre has brought with him to the island. First she acts flirtatiously, parading around the bewildered horse. But when this does not have the desired effect, she gets another idea: "As I watched in amazement from my perch in the top of a tree, the sorrel nag dashed off and returned with a yahoo on her back who was yet more monstrous than Mr. Pope being fitted by a clothier. She dropped this creature before my nag as if offering up a sacrifice. My horse sniffed the creature and turned away." It might seem that we should take this scene seriously as a failed attempt at courtship, and that consequently we should see the grey mare as an unrequited lover. But it makes more sense if we see that Swift is being satiric here: it is the female Houyhnhnm who makes the move, which would not have happened in eighteenth-century England. The Houyhnhm is being prideful, and it is that pride that makes him unable to impress Gullivers horse. Gulliver imagines the horse saying, Sblood, the notion of creating the bare backed beast with an animal who had held Mr. Pope on her back makes me queezy .A final indication that the Houyhnmns are not meant to be taken seriously occurs when the leader of the Houynhms visits Lilliput, where he visits the French Royal Society. He goes into a room in which a scientist is trying to turn wine into water (itself a prideful act that refers to the marriage at Gallilee). The scientist has been working hard at the experiment for many years without success, when the Houyhnmn arrives and immediately knows that to do: "The creature no sooner stepped through the doorway than he struck upon a plan. Slurping up all the wine in sight, he quickly made water in a bucket that sat near the door" .。

格列佛和小人国的大小比例是12: 1。

格列佛游记英语书评第一篇:格列佛游记英语书评Book’s name: Gulliver’s TravelsAuthor’s name: Jonathan SwiftThe book was published by Tsinghua University Press(2008.5)Abstract1.The country round appear like a continued garden;and the enclosed fields, which were generally forty feet square ,resembled so beds of flowers.These fields were intermingled with woods of half a stag , and the tallest trees , as I could judge , appeared to be seven feet.I viewed the town on my left hand , which looked the painted scene of a city in a theatre.2.However I made a shift to creep on all four , and shelter myself , by lying flat on my face on the lee-side of a border of lemon thyme , but so bruised from head to foot , that I could not go abroad in ten days.3.Add to all this , the pleasure of seeing the variousrevolution of states and empires;the changes in the lower and upper world4.Doubting or not believing, are so little known in this country , that the inhabitants cannot tell how to behave themselves under such circumstances.5.In the trial of persons accused for crimes against the State , the method is much more short and commendable : the judge sends to second the disposition of those in power;after which he can easily hang or save the criminal , strictly persevering all forms of low.Recently I read a book called Gulliver’s Travels.In the book, Gulliver came across many wonderful experiences.He went to some isolatedsocieties where he met different kinds of creatures.Rebellion as Gulliver was , he was unwilling to follow in his father’s step, to be a famous doctor.What he liked was to travel and adventure at the sea.By a chance , he found a job on a ship , then he began his adventure.Unfortunately, the ship ran into a strongstorm ,and all the people sunk into the water.Another day , Gulliver came to himself on a beach.However , to his surprise , he was tied down to the ground with small ropes, a lot of tiny person walking around ter he knew that this country was called Lilliput.After Gulliver’s endeavor , citizens in this country began to like him.What’s more , he acquainted himself with the king and some officials.In the meanwhile , Gulliver helped to defeat the enemy , put off a big fire , teach the tiny people.However , Gulliver’s second adventurehappened in a giant country.In this country ,was much bigger than Gulliver had met.Certainty this bring damager to him.At first he nearly became the child’s dessert , then one night , he got into trouble again.He defeated two enormous rats only with his tiny sword.In the following days Gulliver lived under a frightened life , for every creature here could threat his life.Different from the former countries , Gulliver entered a country at his third adventure, where horses were the directors ,the creatures similar to men were severed as slaves…I spent many weeks finishing the book.The plotattracted me so much that that I can clearly remember the story when I close the book.What’s more, through t he knowledge of the author’s background ,I also learn a lot under the words.For instance , the plot that the tiny people break out a war just for a ridiculous reason reflects on the reality.At that age ,people who had power and wealth tried to gain whatever they want without thinking of other’s feelings.Besides, thisbook reveals people’s evil character.The creatures in Houyhnhnms is the epitome of people who are cruel, crazy and inferior.As far as I am concerned, if man continue to behave like today , maybe in the future , other high creatures will appear, like the giant ,the horse in the book, to direct the world ,at that time man suffer misery what they had ever composed on others.第二篇:【格列佛游记】书评)【格列佛游记】书评寒假里,我读了英国作家乔纳森·斯威夫特的《格列佛游记》,小说以辛辣的讽刺与幽默、离奇的想象和夸张,描述了酷爱航海冒险的格列佛,四度周游世界,经历了大大小小惊险而有趣的奇遇。

格列佛游记读后感英语作文(大全五篇)第一篇:格列佛游记读后感英语作文My thought after reading “Gulliver's travels” This book ,whose name is “Gulliver's travels”, written with satire and humor spice, strange imagination and exaggeration, describes Gulliver who loves sailing adventure everywhere around the world, has experienced large and small, thrilling and interesting adventure.In Lilliput, he became a huge monster, invulnerable, even though swallow dozens of head of cattles ,he will still not fill his stomach;in Brobdingnag, he has become a doll of giants, which was played in the palm of giants' hands, and fight against flies and bees;later, he came to the mysterious flying island, where people use the power of the lower part of birds and the force of a magnet at the bottom of the seabed, to move follow their own bent, meanwhile ,it is also a strange country where ghost can be summoned at any time to engage in some special communication, and people make rather baffling study;also in the Houyhnhnms which is a shame , where things upside down ,there are many of the more unbelievable stories took place there.As reading, I dream I with The Gulliver together get into a fantasy world of that.Those little people who like doll, tall and mighty giants, like a flying fish flying island residents, as well as the Houyhnhnms' people and Jehu, left me deep impression, and make me so surprised and happy.Meanwhile ,in this story hero Gulliver at the face of the crisis, witty, brave, and resourceful, gets out of the danger time after time.As far as I am concerned ,this is what we are supposed to learn, no matter what difficulties we encounter and however difficult question need we solve, we must keep calm, have positive response to overcome the trouble wemeet!We should apply the spirit that don't fear of difficulties to study and life!第二篇:格列佛游记英语读后感格列佛游记英语读后感Gulliver’s Travel is a fairy tale written by Jonathan Swift.It’s a very interesting story full of imagination.Besides, the description is vivid and appealing, when I read it I feel like I’m traveling with the hero in the story.Jonathan Swift was born in Ireland, but his parents are English.He has written many books such as A Tale of A Tub and The Battle of Books, respectively criticizes and attacks the corruption of religion and prejudice of scholar authority.His Drapier’s letters reveals the attempt of England to destroy the economy of Ireland.For this reason, English government awarded 300pounds for catching Swift.However, nobody in Ireland betrayed him.Swift died in 1745, and he said in his testament that he would give all his property to the charity.Gulliver’s Travels tells a story of Captain Gulliver’s unique experience.Gulliver has a strong desire of traveling around the world since he grew up.However, when he became a captain, he travels not between different countries but between strange places we never imagine.The first time, his boat encountered a storm and he swan to the shore.When he woke up he found himself surrounded by small men later he realized he had come to the country “Liliput”,which was a country of small men.In the country, the people treated him very friendly, they gave him food and drink and wine.He? lived happily and he was nice to them as ter, the king asked him to help fight the other country Blefuscu for a very amusing reason: people there break their eggs at the big end while people in Liliput break eggs on the small end.Gulliver helped the king win the battle andsoon after that he went home.The second time, he set sail and met a fierce storm again.This time he found a land which was a country named Broadingnag.It was a country of giants.You can guess his whereabouts.The huge people treated him as a pet.They put him on show, give speech and do sword drill, till he was tired ter he was sent to the Queen, the Queen liked him very much and had him dine with her everyday.But life was not easy for him.Nevertheless, something interesting happened.When he wanted to read, he had to climb up on the book and walk from left to right to read a line.Imagine that scene I couldn’t help laughing.Another story is playing the piano.He had to strike the keys hard with his first.People comment the book as a satire to England even to the whole Europe.In detail, that is, the first experience use the amusing reason of war to criticize the parties and religion of England, the second experience satirizes the boast and conceit of the whole Europeans.Nevertheless, in my opinion, I only see the vivid portrayal and th e interesting imagination.Maybe it’s because it’s the first time I read the story and know not so much about the background and situation of the author and his society, but the story really impresses me.I like the exotic experience of Gulliver, and I like Swifer’s imagination.A masterpiece which can influence generation after generation surely has its reason, maybe for the profound understanding of history, maybe for the description of people’s life.This novel may have something to do with sarcasm, but to me, at least by now, is a pure fantasy and a wonderful fairy tale.第三篇:格列佛游记读后感《格列佛游记》是一本十分著名的小说,大家在读过以后有什么感悟呢?以下是小编收集的格列佛游记读后感五篇,仅供大家阅读参考!格列佛游记读后感一这个暑假,我读了一本书,名叫《格列佛游记》。
[英语作文]2021最新关于格列夫游游记英语读后感「带中文」2021最新关于格列夫游游记英语读后感「带中文」Friend, do you love books? In fact, each a valuable book is a must-read in people life of classic!In the book that I read, what impressed me most, is the gulliver's travels. Travel has written many very mysterious and interesting story, like "Lilliput travel notes", "brobdingnag travel notes" and so on.My favourite is "the houyhnhnms travel notes". In the houyhnhnms, thehorse is a virtue, a wise animal, there is no thought, no feelings of the "hu", "kindness and friendship" is the two kinds of virtue in this country. Wrote in the travel notes, visit to the houyhnhnms, gulliver met kind houyhnhnms, learning their language. In their language did not "lie" and "cheat" and other words, more do not understand what is "suspect", what is a "no confidence". In their country, didn't fight and quarrel, no war and smoke, and no good or bad. In their country, everything is fine and happy, real and transparent.See here, don't you feel sad for the real world of deception? From the book, you can understand me of a person, you shouldn't try to make our world become like the houyhnhnms, happy every day happy?Friends, love the book! From the book, you can find a magical unknownworld!朋友,你爱书吗?其实,每一本有价值的书都是人一生中不可不读的经典呢!在我读过的书中,给我印象最深的,就是《格列佛游记》了。
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Term Paper for Selected Readings in British Literature Title: People Analysis of Gulliver's TravelsName: (中文)Grade:_____________three________Class:______________six________Number:___________ ________Date: _________ Dec.20.2010_____People Analysis of Gulliver's Travels1. Introduction(四号)The Author gives some account of himself and family. His first inducements to Travel. He is shipwrecked, and swims for his life. Gets safe on shore in the country of Lilliput. Is made a prisoner, and carried up the country. For the Lilliput ,Gulliver is a huge thing but for the Blefuscu he is big like tower. When he travels again, he also unlucky that the strom attacked him again. He was bring a strange land. There people is very taller like a tower but he is small like mouse. They use him make money and consider him as a toy. Later the king have buy him. He show off his country that great ,wise , able government and fair lows. However, the king censure and contradict it. At the third year, he company the king visit. Because of he missing his hometown so he pretend fall ill,and go to seaside breath fresh air. The eagle think that his house is turtle and take it fly then many eagle rob it , at last ,unlucky the house drop in the sea. The author, by a lucky accident, finds means to leave Blefuscu; and after some difficulties, returns safe to his native country. A great storm described; the long boat sent to fetch water; the author goes with it to discover the country. He is left on shore, is seized by one of the natives, and carried to a farmer’s house. His reception, with several accidents that happened there. A description of the inhabitants. A description of the farmer’s daughter. The author carried to a market-town, and then to the metropolis. The particulars of his journey.The author sent for to court. The queen buys him of his master the farmer, and presents him to the king. He disputes with his majesty’s great scholars. An apartment at court provided for the author. He is in high favour with the queen. He stands up for the honor of his own country. His quarrels with the queen’s dwarf. The country described. A proposal for correcting modern maps. The king’s palace; and some account of the metropolis. The author’s way of traveling. The chief temple described. Several adventurers that happened to the author. The execution of a criminal. The author shows his skill in navigation. The emperor of Lilliput, attended by several of the nobility, comes to see the Author in his confinement. The emperor's person and habits described. Learned men appointed to teach the Author their language. He gains favor by his mild disposition. His pockets are searched, and his sword and pistols taken from him. The Author diverts the emperor, and his nobility of both sexes, in a very uncommon manner. The diversions of the court of Lilliput described. The Author has his liberty granted him upon certain dendo, the metropolis of Lilliput, described, together with the emperor's Palace. A conversation between the Author and a principal secretary concerning theaffairs of that empire. The Author's offer to serve the emperor in his wars.The Author, by an extraordinary stratagem, prevents an invasion. A high title of honor is conferred upon him. Ambassadors arrive from the emperor of Blefuscu, and sue for peace.Of the inhabitants of Lilliput; their learning, laws, and customs; the manner of educating their children. The Author's way of living in that country. His vindication of a great lady. The Author, being informed of a design to accuse him of high treason, makes his escape to Blefuscu. His reception there.The Author, by a lucky accident, finds means to leave Blefuscu; and after some difficulties, returns safe to his native country.Several contrivances of the author to please the king and queen. He shows his skill in music. The king inquires into the state of England, which the author relates to him. The king’s observations thereon.The author’s love of his country. He makes a proposal of much advantage to the king, which is rejected. The king’s great ignorance in politics. The learning of that country very imperfect and confined. The laws, and military affairs, and parties in the state. The king and queen make a progress to the frontiers. The author attends them. The manner in which he leaves the country very particularly related. He returns to England. The author sets out on his third voyage. Is taken by pirates. The malice of a Dutchman. His arrival at an island. He is received into Laputa. The humours and dispositions of the Laputians described. An account of their learning. Of the king and his court. The author’s reception there. The inhabitants subject to fear and disquietudes. An account of the women. A phenomenon solved by modern philosophy and astronomy. The Laputians’ great improvements in the latter. The king’s method of suppressing insurrections. The author leaves Laputa; is conveyed to Balnibarbi; arrives at the metropolis. A description of the metropolis, and the country adjoining. The author hospitably received by a great lord. His conversation with that lord. The author permitted to see the grand academy of Lagado. The academy largely described. The arts wherein the professors employ themselves.A further account of the academy. The author proposes some improvements, which are honourably received. The author leaves Lagado: arrives at Maldonada. No ship ready. He takes a short voyage to Glubbdubdrib. His reception by the governor.A further account of Glubbdubdrib. Ancient and modern history corrected.The author returns to Maldonada. Sails to the kingdom of Luggnagg. The author confined. He is sent for to court. The manner of his admittance. The king’s great lenity to his subjects. The Luggnaggians commended. A particular description of the Struldbrugs, with many conversations between the author and some eminent persons upon that subject. The author leaves Luggnagg, and sails to Japan. From thence he returns in a Dutch ship to Amsterdam, and from Amsterdam to England.2. AnalysisGulliver is a like travels, they are tired of along and bored. He has a good memory ,be good at study and survey. He has a special thinking; nature is kindand honest, and friendly. For the friend he can pay the live. He is cleaver, brave. Greek rationalism was emphasized. The joy of people from the operation of reason use, because the reason is the unique human glory and power. In the classical rationalism who appears reason distinguishes man from other creatures. The human pursuit of rational life The highest level. He deal with is smooth and reasonable.The emperor of Lilliput, attended by several of the nobility, comes to see the author in his confinement. The emperor’s person and habit described. Learned men appointed to teach the author their language. He gains favour by his mild disposition. His pockets are searched, and his sword and pistols taken from him The author diverts the emperor, and his nobility of both sexes, in a very uncommon manner. The diversions of the court of Lilliput described. The author has his liberty granted him upon certain conditions. Talking clever , decisive act, to play it by ear, to seize every opportunity to seek freedom, there is a strongself-confidence, believe they can succeed. He was honest, patriotic, very spare his pride, for he who is full of hostility to hatred, disgust and contempt, but respects a noble man, knowledgeable scholar. He is a general query spirit, love of truth, a courageous endurance. He traveled among the increasing insight into the social reality of corruption, come to the conclusions of British society is not civilized. Gulliver's image, is the embodiment of thought. The author gives his all the virtues described by the characters, Gulliver does not care about personal gains and losses, and caring for others. Gulliver is a positive good character. He was always frank account of their own weaknesses and mistakes, but the advantage is no mention of their own. His humble , studious, hard with a new vision to meet new realities. He never give up on themselves, even to him as a plaything for people to watch over, still poised to maintain their dignity, to equal the country's king of attitude and adult conversation. Courage to help his country against foreign invasion villain, but categorically refused to villain policy of aggression and expansion in the King's service.Folin Nai Pu (Lilliput Kingdom Chancellor of the Exchequer) suspicious, sinister, vicious, cunning. The relevant circumstances: Gulliver Renhuai generous and trapping do not come Cliffs fleet for war by the ancient king appreciated Lilliput, Folin Nai Pu to very angry, and suspected that Gulliver and his wife of adultery to contact Let other ministers seek framed, much vilified, and finally forced to flee not to Gulliver Ancient Graves.Sri Lanka to open Switzerland (Lilliput Kingdom Admiral) jealousy, sinister and cunning. The relevant circumstances: the king of Lilliput ambitious, do not come with the neighboring countries of ancient war, Groves, Gulliver can not wade through the Straits to most ancient fleet captured over Hargreaves, from Gulliver by Lilliputian King reuse, Sri Lanka, Switzerland open to much dissatisfaction with the Chancellor of the Exchequer Gulliver murder conspiracy.Grid is a learned, sensible, kind, open-minded and strong rule of the monarch. The relevant circumstances: grid King knowledgeable, good temperament, he used reason, justice, kindness to govern the country, he hatesthe despicable glibenclamide Buddha says politicians, the bloodshed of war. In the first, the treatment of some of Gulliver mean the feeling of life, but with the second part, this feeling will disappear.Reason the King Hui Yin wise, hardworking, brave, kind and friendly, with integrity - of the ideal of humanity. After the king villain stingy, greedy vanity, ruthless. "Gulliver's Travels" Gulliver in the perspective of the protagonist describes the adventures of the four country adventure: Lilliput, Brobdingnag, flying island, and Hui-Yin States. Gulliver's shipwreck, came to Lilliput. Residents here only six inches tall, monarch greed war rolling country. The author condescending point of view, looking down with a giant vision of human absurdity small. Gulliver's curiosity, the strayed Brobdingnag. Spire height, such as resident here superiority in weapons, the National Wei Hehe. Point of view of a small dwarf, looking vulgar and heartless man. Gulliver every pirate, visit the flying islands. This dependency was shrouded control, urban and rural desolation, barren. To the usual mentality of, head of human madness and evil nature. Gulliver was mutiny, Hui Yin traverse the country. This ruler highly rational, humanoid animals, evil, inferior. A rational point of view of animals, examination of human nature. "Gulliver’s Travels" deeply ironic corruption of current affairs, to bizarre and even disgusting plot, silly satire pedantic, and reflect on different aspects of human nature. Is the adventure story is fantasy fiction, is a travelogue, a political commentator, is the allegorical literature, it is worth reading the classic view. Analysis of "Gulliver's Travels" in the superb Art and Culture of Irony.He was honest, patriotic, very tolerate his face, and full of hostile enemies of his people hate, disgust and contempt, but respect a noble man, knowledgeable scholar. On the whole that he is a spirit of challenge, love of truth, there are those who swim endurance. He among the tour, insight into the increasing degradation of social reality, society and come to the UK uncivilized conclusion. Gulliver's image, is the embodiment of thought. Of to give himself all the virtues described by the characters, Gulliver does not care about the individuals have loss, while caring for others, Gulliver is a positive good character.3. Conclusion(四号)Fantasy plot combining the authenticity and reality, but also to add fiction unique artistic charm. Although the author is a fictional show's magical world of fairy tale, but it is based on the real life of British society was based. Because of the precise, delicate, aptly described, people feel it is a fictional illusion, it seems that all the facts are the truth. Of simple and concise style of writing. He once declared: "I would prefer the simplicity of narrative writing out the extraordinary fact that, as I wrote this book primarily reports to you, not for your amusement. " Despite the Lilliput, Brobdingnag, the country Hui Yin Different scenarios, the hero of the situation is not the same, but the layout of the whole novel, the style consistent, Gulliver each sea has detailed account of the causes and effects, complex plot according to numerous time and space in theorder described Simple and vivid writing, strong narrative, which for hundreds of years, "Gulliver's Travels” in the Europe an tastes, including women and children. Not only attacked the social status of the novel, still deeper level, the direct irony of human nature itself. In the fourth volume, the on the "money " that part of discussion is the case. Gulliver came to no money, no military police Hui Yin (Malaysia) countries, the owner explained to his horse, said: "We get a wild monkey that whether it be with or save, money is better, not Fill time. because their nature is so, not extravagance is insatiable. the rich enjoy the labor of the poor, the poor and the rich in the number ratio is a thousand to one. Therefore, the majority of our people were forced off A miserable life ... .... "Author notes that capitalist society between people purely financial relationships. And thus had a question of human nature.参考文献:[ 1 ]周作人. 欧洲文学史[M ]. 石家庄: 河北教育出版社,2002.[ 2 ] [美]M. H. 阿伯拉姆. 简明外国文学词典[ K]. 曾忠禄,郑子红,邓建标,译. 长沙:湖南人民出版社, 1987.[ 3 ] [美]鲁宾斯坦. 英国文学的伟大传统(中) [M ]. 陈安全,[ 4 ] /view/79427.htm。