简:第七章 第五节 美国文学











古挪威冒险故事“Vinland Saga”叙述爱冒险的莱弗埃里克松(Leif Eriksson)与一伙四处流浪的古挪威人在11世纪的头十年于美洲东北岸某处短暂定居的故事—可能是在加拿大的新斯科细亚省(Nova Scotia)。

然而,第一位为人熟知并持续在美洲与全世界接触者,始于意大利探险家克里斯托弗哥伦布(Christopher Columbus)的著名航行旅程,由西班牙皇后依莎贝拉(Isabella)所赞助。









殖民地时期的文学 (1607-1800)
(1706 – 1790) 菲利普· 弗瑞诺 (Philip Freneau 1752-1832) 安· 布拉德斯特里特 (Anne Bradstreet 1612?1672 )
, American Puritanism as a dominant religious factor in American life, was one of the most enduring shaping influences in

19 世纪美国诗人
亨利· 沃兹沃思· 朗费罗Henry
Longfellow 威廉· 卡伦· 布莱恩特 William Cullen Bryant 沃尔特· 惠特曼Walt Whitman 埃米莉•狄金森Emily Dickinson
亨利· 沃兹沃思· 朗费罗Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Sinclair Lewis (1930)辛克莱· 刘易斯《巴比特》 Eugene O‟Neil (1936)尤金· 奥尼尔《天边外》 Pearl S. Buck (1938)赛珍珠《大地》 T.S. Eliot (1948) 托马斯· 斯特恩斯· 艾略特《四个四重奏》 William Faulkner (1949)威廉· 福克纳《我弥留之际》 Ernest Hemingway (1954)欧内斯特· 海明威《老人与海》 John Steinbeck (1962)约翰· 斯坦贝克《人鼠之间》 Saul Bellow (1976)索尔· 贝娄《赫索格》 Isaac Bashevis Singer (1978)艾萨克· 巴什维斯· 辛格《魔术师· 原野王》 Toni Morrison(1993)托尼· 莫里森《最蓝的眼睛》、



James Fenimore Cooper (1789-1851)
The Leatherstocking Tales were a series of novels about the frontier lives of American settlers.
The Pioneers was the first of The Leatherstocking Tales. The other four stories are The Last of the Mohicans, The
An Introduction to British and American Culture
William Faulkner (1897-1962)
The Sound and the Fury Light in August Absalom, Absalom! Go Down, Moses
An Introduction to British and American Culture
Edgar Allan Poe (1809-1849)
The Raven (1844) was one of his most enduring works.
The Fall of the House of Usher The Masque of Red Death Legia
An Introduction to British and American Culture
Charaters: Hester Prynne, Roger Chillingworth, Arthur Dimmesdale
An Introduction to British and American Culture



第三节 浪漫主义文学
一、纳撒尼尔·霍桑 纳撒尼尔·
(1804-1864) 《红字》(1851) 红字》 1851) (The Scarlet Letter) Letter)
二、沃尔特·惠特曼(1819-1892) 沃尔特·惠特曼(1819-1892) • 《草叶集》(1855): 草叶集》 1855):
“这是一种感情或野心,想要以文学诗歌的形 这是一种感情或野心, 式,把处在这个时代以及现代美国的重要事实,我自 把处在这个时代以及现代美国的重要事实, 己的肉体、情感、道德、思想、 己的肉体、情感、道德、思想、以及美感上的个性忠 实地表露出来。” 实地表露出来。
我自己的歌(节选)(Song of Myself)
美国文学中有大量作品描写青少年在成长过程中 经历某个特别的事件(往往是不幸的事件) 经历某个特别的事件(往往是不幸的事件)或特别的遭 遇后,突然产生顿悟,对人生、对社会、 遇后,突然产生顿悟,对人生、对社会、对自我的认 识有了突飞猛进的变化,最后脱去幼稚的胎骨,成熟 识有了突飞猛进的变化,最后脱去幼稚的胎骨, 深沉起来,完成了青少年走向成年的社会化过程。 深沉起来,完成了青少年走向成年的社会化过程。美 国评论家把这类小说称为: initiation stories 国评论家把这类小说称为:
当任何形式的政府对这些目标具破坏作用时,人 当任何形式的政府对这些目标具破坏作用时, 民便有权力改变或废除它,以建立一个新的政府; 民便有权力改变或废除它,以建立一个新的政府; 其赖以奠基的原则,其组织权力的方式, 其赖以奠基的原则,其组织权力的方式,务使 人民认为唯有这样才最可能获得他们的安全和幸福。 人民认为唯有这样才最可能获得他们的安全和幸福。
哦.船长,我的船长! 船长,我的船长!



美国文学简史第一篇:美国文学简史Chapter 1 Colonial PeriodI.Background: Puritanism1.features of Puritanism(1)Predestination: God decided everything before things occurred.(2)Original sin: Human beings were born to be evil, and this original sin can be passed down from generation to generation.(3)Total depravity(4)Limited atonement: Only the “elect” can be saved.2.Influence(1)A group of good qualities –hard work, thrift, piety, sobriety(serious and thoughtful)influenced American literature.(2)It led to the everlasting myth.All literature is based on a myth –garden of Eden.(3)Symbolism: the American puritan’s metaphorical mode of perception was chiefly instrumental in calling into being a literary symbolism which is distinctly American.(4)With regard to their writing, the style is fresh, simple and direct;the rhetoric is plain and honest, not without a touch of nobility often traceable to the direct influence of the Bible.II.Overview of the literature1.types of writingdiaries, histories, journals, letters, travel books, autobiographies/biographies, sermons2.writers of colonial period(1)Anne Bradstreet(2)Edward Taylor(3)Roger Williams(4)John Woolman(5)Thomas Paine(6)Philip FreneauIII.Jonathan Edwards1.life2.works(1)The Freedom of the Will(2)The Great Doctrine of Original Sin Defended(3)The Nature of True Virtue3.ideas – pioneer of transcendentalism(1)The spirit of revivalism(2)Regeneration of man(3)God’s presence(4)Puritan idealismIV.Benjamin Franklin1.life2.works(1)Poor Richard’s Almanac(2)Autobiography3.contribution(1)He helped found the Pennsylvania Hospital and the American Philosophical Society.(2)He was called “the new Prometheus who had stolen fire(electricity in this case)from heaven”.(3)Everything seems to meet in this one man –“Jack of all trades”.Herman Melville thus described him “master of each and mastered by none”.Chapter 2 American Romanticism Section 1 Early Romantic PeriodWhat is Romanticism?l An approach from ancient Greek: Platol A literary trend: 18c in Britain(1798~1832)l Schlegel Bros.I.Preview: Characteristics of romanticism1.subjectivity(1)feeling and emotions, finding truth(2)emphasis on imagination(3)emphasis on individualism –personal freedom, no hero worship, natural goodness of human beings2.back to medieval, esp medieval folk literature(1)unrestrained by classical rules(2)full of imagination(3)colloquial language(4)freedom of imagination(5)genuine in feelings: answer their call for classics3.back to naturenature is “breathing living thing”(Rousseau)II.American Romanticism1.Background(1)Political background and economic development(2)Romantic movement in European countriesDerivative – foreign influence2.features(1)American romanticism was in essence the expression of “a real newexperience and contained “an alien quality” for the simple reason that “the spirit of the place” was radically new and alien.(2)There is American Puritanism as a cultural heritage to consider.American romantic authors tended more to moralize.Many American romantic writings intended to edify more than they entertained.(3)The “newness” of Americans as a nation is in connection with American Romanticism.(4)As a logical result of the foreign and native factors at work, American romanticism was both imitative and independent.III.WashingtonIrving1.several names attached to Irving(1)first American writer(2)the messenger sent from the new world to the old world(3)father of American literature2.life3.works(1)A History of New York from the Beginning of the World to the End of the Dutch Dynasty(2)The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon, Gent.(He won a measure of international recognition with the publication of this.)(3)The History of the Life and Voyages of Christopher Columbus(4)A Chronicle of the Conquest of Granada(5)The Alhambra4.Literary career: two parts(1)1809~1832a.Subjects are either English or Europeanb.Conservative love for the antique(2)1832~1859: back to US5.style – beautiful(1)gentility, urbanity, pleasantness(2)avoiding moralizing – amusing and entertaining(3)enveloping stories in an atmosphere(4)vivid and true characters(5)humour – smiling while reading(6)musical languageIV.James Fenimore Cooper1.life2.works(1)Prec aution(1820, his first novel, imitating Austen’s Pride and Prejudice)(2)The Spy(his second novel and great success)(3)Leatherstocking Tales(his masterpiece, a series of five novels)The Deerslayer, The Last of the Mohicans, The Pathfinder, The Pioneer, The Prairie3.point of viewthe theme of wilderness vs.civilization, freedom w, order vs.change, aristocrat vs.democrat, natural rights vs.legal rights4.style(1)highly imaginative(2)good at inventing tales(3)good at landscape description(4)conservative(5)characterization wooden and lacking in probability(6)language and use of dialect not authentic5.literary achievementsHe created a myth about the formative period of the American nation.If the history of the United States is, in a sense, the process of the American settlers exploring and pushing the American frontier forever westward, then Cooper’s Leatherstocking T ales effectively approximates the American nationalexperience of adventure into the West.He turned the west and frontier as a useable past and he helped to introduce western tradition to American literature.第二篇:英美文学简史新词Chapter 1 the making of England第一页Primitive原始社会的Clustering 丛团Hut茅草屋Vitality生命力Invade侵入Occupy占有Chieftain首领Subjugate征服Refinement改良Christianity基督教christian 基督教的第二页Swarm大群人Pirate海盗Dialect方言Kinship王权Compose1写、创作(乐曲、歌剧等)2组成Booty战利品Amusement娱乐Democracy民主Incompatible合不来的Gemtile非犹太的Territory领土Feudalism封建制Heathen不信教的、异教徒第三页Monastery修道院Monk修士、僧侣Chapter2Relic遗风Preserve保护Minstrel(中世纪)游方诗歌演唱者 Fragmentv、n 碎片片段Devour吞食Grapple(with)扭住(对手)扭打格斗Avail(against sb)抵挡Combat格斗搏斗战斗Retreat撤退退却Rejoice高兴Avenge伸冤Counseller顾问Plunge猛进入38个单词1第四页Trophy奖品战利品Den穴Belche喷(火)forth its fire Bid说=sayEnvelope包围包住Impenetrable不可穿越的forest Marsh沼泽Superstitious迷信的Marvellous 第五页AlliterationConsonantMetaphorAttendantCondemnTingePermanentChapter3vikingplunderprose第六页confescatebestowbaronvassaloathsecurepropertymanifestationsupremacychronicleprominentdominentintermingletendbishoparchbishopabbottoil第七页sustain奇妙的头韵辅音隐喻侍者责备淡的色调或痕迹a tinge of 永久的北欧海盗掠夺散文没收赠与小块土地男爵封臣誓言保护资产显示至高无上编年史的突出的最突出的、占支配地位的混合照管主教大主教男修道院长辛苦工作支撑41个单词2courageous勇敢的heretics犯异端罪的人perish毁灭plague瘟疫poll-tax人头税impose对()课税pauperize贫穷slogan口号格言】sermon讲道bondagestuff ornament ermine spicesryemanorpomp sovereign第八页remonstate oppressor treacherously apealprevailverse tournament codemoral chivalry apprenticeship solemncycle第九页rim culmination collapse patronize charge fabricateconvert第十页Masterpiece奴役天鹅绒布料装饰貂皮貂香料黑麦庄园浮华最高统治者抗议。



Chapter 7: the Era of Realism and Naturalism
In 1860, there were fewer than 100 millionaires; by 1875, there were more than 1,000. From 1860 to 1914, the United States was transformed from a small, young, agricultural ex-colony to a huge, modern, industrial nation. A debtor nation in 1860, by 1914 it had become the world's wealthiest state, with a population that had more than doubled, rising from 31 million in 1860 to 76 million in 1900. By World War I, the United States had become a major world power. As industrialization grew, so did alienation. Characteristic American novels of the period Stephen Crane's Maggie: A Girl of the Streets, Jack London's Martin Eden, and later Theodore Dreiser's An American Tragedy depict the damage of economic forces and alienation on the weak or vulnerable individual. Survivors, like Twain's Huck Finn, Humphrey Vanderveyden in London's The Sea-Wolf, and Dreiser's opportunistic Sister Carrie, endure through inner strength involving kindness, flexibility, and, above all, individuality.



第七章 19世纪⽂学(⼆)(批判现实主义⽂学) 19世纪⽂学是指法国“七⽉⾰命”(1830)到“巴学)黎公社⾰命”(1871)。














批判现实主义: ⼀、法国⽂学代表⼈物及作品:梅⾥美:19世纪法国极富艺术魅⼒的作家。






美国文学史Chapter Seven

美国文学史Chapter    Seven

• 5. Poe’s assumption seems to be that every mind is half mad or capable of slipping into insanity. As a result of this, his fictional characters are mostly neurotics. • 6. Poe’s heroes are mostly “isolatoes”, with no sense of identity, no names even, alienation from society. • 7. Poe was also a full rational human being with an intuitive faculty; he was immensely interested in deduction and induction. He wrote half a dozen detective stories on the ratiocinative basis. • 8. Poe’s style is too traditional to reflect the peculiarity of his theme, which is responsible for his difficult prose.
VI. Poe as a Poet
• • • • • His Poetry “A Dream Within A Dream” “Annabel Lee” “The Bells” "The City in the Sea" "The Conqueror Worm"
"Eldorado" "Lenore" "The Haunted Palace" “Sonnet – To Science” "The Raven" "Ulalume" “Israfel”

美国文学课件7The Literature of the Romantic Period5

美国文学课件7The Literature of the Romantic Period5

• Walt Whitman is often referred to as the “father of the free verse”.
• He wrote in broad, flowing, conversational rhythms, comparing his poetry to “large, billowy waves.”
– Unending life • Civility (n)
美国文学课件7The Literature of the Romantic Period5
1. Free verse and Whitman 2. Emily Dickinson • Emily Dickinson’s life • Analysis of “Because I could not Stop for
• No consistent metrical patterns • The length of the poetic lines varies. • Ideas of individuality and collectivity
2. Emily Dickinson (1830-1886)
• One of the greatest American poets, but unknown until after her death – Out of her nearly 1800 poems, only seven poems were published during her lifetime.
– This blend of imagination and empathy 移情作用is at the heart of this poem.

英美文学简史 第7章 浪漫主义时期

英美文学简史 第7章 浪漫主义时期
18 18
• • • • • • • •
Poetry I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud Influence of Natural Objects London, 1802 Love My Heart Leaps Up When I Behold She Dwelt Among the Untrodden Ways To a Skylark To the Cuckoo We Are Seven
1791 took his B.A. from Cambridge 1798 wrote Lyrical Ballads
1799 moved to the Lake District of England with his sister 1843 succeeded Robert Southey (1774-1843) as England's poet laureate. 1850 died April 23,.
7 7
• “the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings,” and pressed for the use of natural everyday diction in literary works. Coleridge emphasized the importance of the poet’s imagination and discounted adherence to arbitrary literary rules. • Such English romantic poets as Byron, Shelley, Keats, Robert Southey, and William Cowper 8






















美国文学课件7The Literature of the Romantic Period5

美国文学课件7The Literature of the Romantic Period5
– Unending life • Civility (n)
– He showed civility when he opened the door for his friend• Surmised (v)
– After seeing how much it was raining, Joel surmised that his friends would not want to go for a bike ride.
And I had put away My labour, and my leisure too, For His Civility.
This “civility” that Death exhibits in taking time out for her leads her to give up on those things that had made her so busy. So they can just enjoy this carriage ride.
• Companionships with several men although she never married
– Benjamin F. Newton, a law student in her father’ office
– Reverend Charles Wadsworth, the image of a “lover”
Stanza 3 • We passed the school where children strove
At Recess — in the Ring; We passed the Fields of Gazing Grain, We passed the Setting sun.

美国文学课件 chapter7-

美国文学课件 chapter7-

■But, with mien风度 of lord or lady, perched above my chamber door-Perched upon a bust of Pallas帕拉斯 just above my chamber door-Perched, and sat, and nothing more.
■Much I marvelled this ungainly fowl to hear discourse so plainly, Though its answer little meaning-little relevancy bore; For we cannot help agreeing that no living human being
■Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there wondering, fearing, Doubting, dreaming dreams no mortals ever dared to dream before; But the silence was unbroken, and the stillness gave no token,
■But the Raven, sitting lonely on that placid bust, spoke only That one word, as if its soul in that one word he did outpour Nothing farther then he uttered; not a feather then he fluttered--
■And so faintly you came tapping, tapping at my chamber door, That I scarce was sure I heard you"-here I opened wide the door-Darkness there and nothing more.

美国文学chapter 5

美国文学chapter 5

Major features of American Realism
1. Familiar aspects of contemporary life and everyday
scenes 2. Stressing the function of environment in shaping
character, and taking characterization as the center of the story 3. Open ending 4. Focusing on commonness of the lives of the common people 5. Emphasizing objectivity 6. Presenting moral visions
Excerpts of The Cop and the Anthem
On his bench in Madison Square Soapy moved uneasily. When wild geese honk high of nights, and when women without sealskin coats grow kind to their husbands, and when Soapy moves uneasily on his bench in the park, you may know that winter is near at hand.
lowly as well as the marginalized • Moral values
The Age of Realism
William Dean Howells
O’ Henry Henry James
Sherwood Anderson



美国文学精华HIGHLIGHTS OF AMERICAN LITERATURE目录Table Of Contents国家萌芽期National Beginnings第一章班杰明•富兰克林Benjamin Franklin(1706-1790)第二章华盛顿•欧文Washington Irving (1783-1859)第三章詹姆斯•费尼莫•库珀James Fenimore Cooper (1789-1851)第四章飞利浦•佛瑞诺Philip Freneau (1752-1832)第五章威廉•卡伦•布莱恩特William Cullen Bryant (1794-1878)第六章埃德加•爱伦坡Edgar Allan Poe (1809- 1849)第七章纳撒尼尔•霍桑Nathaniel Hawthorne (1804-1864)浪漫主义与理智判断Romanticism and Reason第八章拉尔夫•沃多•埃默森Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882)第九章亨利•戴维梭罗Henry David Thoreau (1817-1862)第十章赫曼•梅维尔Herman Melville (1819-1891)第十一章亨利•卫兹伍•郎费罗Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (1807-1882) 第十二章华特•惠特曼Walt Whitman (1819-1892)第十三章爱蜜丽•迪克生Emily Dickinson (1830-1886)第十四章马克•吐温Mark Twain (1835-1910)第十五章史蒂芬•克莱恩Stephen Crane (1871 -1900)第十六章亨利•詹姆斯Henry James (1843-1916)美国短篇小说:19世纪的发展The American Short Story: 19th Century Developments第十七章安布鲁斯•毕尔斯Ambrose Bierce (1842-1914)第十八章史帝芬•克莱恩Stephen Crane (1871-1900)第十九章埃德加•爱伦坡Edgar Allan Poe (1809-1849)第二十章法兰克•史塔顿Frank R Stockton (1834-1902)现实与反应主义Realism and Reaction第二十一章西尔多•德莱塞Theodore Dreiser (1871-1945)第二十二章爱德恩•阿灵顿•罗宾森Edwin Arlington Robinson (1869-1935) 第二十三章卡尔•山博格Carl Sandburg (1878-1967)第二十四章辛克莱•刘易斯Sinclair Lewis (1885-1951)第二十五章亨利•门肯Henry L. Mencken (1880-1956)第二十六章史考特•费兹杰罗 F. Scott Fitzgerald (1886-1940)第二十七章约翰•史坦贝克John Steinback (1902-1968)散文与诗歌中的现代声音Modern Voices in Prose and Poetry第二十八章厄年斯特•海明威Ernest Hemingway第二十九章威廉•福克纳William Faulkner第三十章罗柏特•佛斯特Robert Frost第三十一章阿契博得•麦克列许Archibald MacLeish威廉•卡洛斯•威廉斯William Carlos Williams and 蓝斯顿•休斯Langston Hughes第三十二章凯瑟琳•安•波特Katherine Ann Porter第三十三章索尔•贝罗Saul Bellow第三十四章雷夫•艾利森Ralph Ellison第三十五章罗伯•罗威尔Robert Lowell西尔多•罗特克Theodore Roethke兰德尔.贾雷尔Randall Jarrell and 詹姆斯.赖特James Wright当代美国戏剧作品Modern American Drama第三十六章「回归尘土」Return to Dust第三十七章「其它的演员」The Other Player国家萌芽期National Beginnings美国早期的文学既非美国人所著也非真正的文学,这些著作不属于美国的原因就是因为它们都是从英国流传进来的。

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《白鲸》(Moby Dick, 1851) 反映了“变动时代的一切变动 的思想和感情”,“美国想象 力最辉煌的表达”,是一部百 科全书式的作品。 以实玛利 (Ishmael)、亚哈 (Ahab)、莫比· 迪克(白鲸)、 魁魁格。
朗费罗 (Henry Wadsworth Longfellow,1807-1882)
3. 写于南北战争后的诗作(1865年以后) 《思想》、《致政府》; 《啊,法兰西的星》等。
表现了民主政治的主题和世界大同的理想, 强调人民当家作主,希望全世界人民团结友爱了诗人的民主理想、乐观主义, 对生活的敏感与热爱。
《草叶集》的艺术风格: 个人爱好: 意大利歌剧;演讲术;大海的波涛声。 (1)模拟意大利歌剧的形式; (2)平行句、重叠句和夸张的语言,雄辩的风格; (3)口语和散文诗的节奏,有如海浪的节奏。
2. 内容、思想倾向和艺术风格都呈现出多样 性、庞杂性;
3. 生活气息浓郁,平民色彩鲜明,开朗、豪 放; 4. 文学浪潮迭起,日新月异,瞬息万变。
民族文学的诞生以浪漫主义运动为开端,代表作 家有欧文和库珀等。他们以美国的历史传说、风 土人情、自然风光为题材,用浪漫主义笔法,描 画出“童年”美国的形象,写出了具有民族风格 的作品,第一次打破了对英国文学的依附,可以说 是美国民族文学的先驱。
我歌唱带电的肉体, 我所喜爱的人们围绕着我, 我也围绕着他们 他们不让我离开, 直到我与他们同去, 响应了他们。 不让他腐朽, 并把他们满满的装上了灵魂。
…… 男人或女人的肉体的美
肉体本身是难以形容的, 男性的肉体是完美的, 女性的肉体也是完美的。 ……
2.写于南北战争期间的诗作(1861-1865) 《桴鼓集·父亲,赶快从田地里上来》等诗,大力 宣传反对蓄奴制的思想, 表达了广大人民和废奴主 义者的心声。 《啊,船长,我的船长哟!》、《当紫丁香最 近在庭院中开放的时候》两首诗,悼念与歌颂在 战争结束时被杀害的林肯总统。
诗人在《自己之歌》中说明了“草叶”的寓意: 平凡、普通的人和事物;富于生命力,象征着不 断发展前进的美国和人类;它是诗人“意向的旗 帜”,它的绿色代表着诗人关于民主自由的希望 和理想。
诗集的主题: 通过一个普通美国人的生活、情感和思想,去表 现他的国家和他的时代的一般人民。
开创了美国文学史上三种不同类型 的小说: 《间谍》(1821):革命历史题材 《开拓者》(1823):边疆题材 《水手》(1824):海上题材
30年代以后美国社会意识的变化:民主空气 增长;超验主义团体出现;作家们的种种疑 虑的产生。
美国浪漫主义文学的基调由乐观转向怀疑; 内容上集中于宣扬人的本性、智慧和创造力, 强调个人意志和绝对自由。
主题: 作品以殖民地时期新英 格兰生活为背景,通过 上述人物形象及其命运, 暴露了当时政教合一体 制统治下社会的黑暗, 深入探究了罪恶、人性、 爱情、道德、宗教等问 题。
人物形象: 海丝特·白兰 丁梅斯代尔 齐灵沃斯 珠儿
麦尔维尔 ( Herman Melville, 1819-1891)
第七章 第五节 美国文学
历史背景: 1775-1783北美独立战争; 1783年美利坚合众国的成立; 1861-65年的南北战争。 独立战争以后,特别是进入19世纪之后, 独立的美国文学开始诞生。
1. 富于民主自由精神,个人主义、个性解放 的观念较为强烈;
啊,船长,我的船长哟! 我们可怕的航程已经终了, 我们的船渡过了每一个难关, 我们追求的锦标已经得到, 港口就在眼前, 我已听见钟声, 听见了人们的欢呼, 千万只眼睛在望着我们的船, 它坚定威严而勇敢。 只是,啊,心哟! 心哟!心哟! 啊!鲜红的血滴, 就在那甲板上, 我的船长躺下了, 他已浑身冰凉, 停止了呼吸。
1. 斯托夫人(1811-1896)的长篇小说 《汤姆叔叔的小屋》(1852),以生动、 逼真的描写,揭露了黑人奴隶的非人生活 和蓄奴制的残暴,林肯总统称为“发动了 一场战争的小妇人”。 2. 希尔德烈斯(1807-1865)的长篇小 说《白奴》(1836),在题材和主题上都 与上述作品相近。 3.废奴文学是美国现实主义文学的先声。
2. 短篇小说集《述异集》(Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque, 1840): 描写可怕的、不寻常的事件,人的痛苦感 受和精神折磨;背景多为密室、城堡或倒 塌的寺院,衬以朦胧、凄惨的气氛;人物 往往博学多才,但在劫难逃。
3. 长诗《乌鸦》 (The Raven,1845):
超验主义是一场思想解放运动,产生于 19 世纪30-40年代的波士顿地区,先表现为宗 教、哲学思想中的改革,后扩展到文学创作 领域。以爱默生为代表。
超验主义认为大自然内蕴着终极真理,每一 种自然现象都是某种精神的象征,人凭借着 直觉就能感悟宇宙精神,应该充分信赖自身 的智慧和力量。
爱默生( Ralph Waldo Emerson, 1803-1882):
《论自然》(1836)、 《神学院献辞》(1838) 等散文著作,集中表现了 他的超验主义思想。 美国后期浪漫主义文学在 理论和创作上的最早代表。
梭罗 (Henry David Thoreau, 1817-1862)
《瓦尔登湖》(1854) 大自然的启示 对人生真谛的思索
五、爱伦· 坡( Edgar Allen Poe,1809-1849)
坡在19世纪美国文学的发 展中占有特殊的地位。他 的诗歌、短篇小说及文学 评论,是美国文学的重要 组成部分,特别是他的短 篇小说创作,开创了美国 侦探小说之先河,同时又 深入探究描写了人类心理 和情感最隐秘的角落。
1. 理论著述: 《创作哲学》(1846) 《诗歌原理》(1850)。 认为诗应以“美”为目标,严格遵守格律; 文学既不是客观现实的反映,也不是作家内 心感受的抒发,而是一种“纯艺术”,为了 创造某种 “预定的气氛” 而给人以美的享 受。
学者型诗人,哈佛大学教授; 促进了欧、美的文学交流。 《海华沙之歌》是以印第安人为主人公的长诗。 海华沙是印第安神话中的英雄、西风之子,通过 对海华沙的歌颂表现了对资本主义的批判,在同 辈作家显得独树一帜。
废奴文学(abolition literature) 是指于19世纪30年代在美国产生而盛 行于50年代的,以废除奴隶制度,揭 露和控诉奴隶主罪行为目的的美国资 产阶级进步文学潮流。
《我歌唱带电的肉体》、 《自己之歌》 、 《欢乐之歌》、《大路之歌》、《欧罗巴》„„
主要内容是赞美人, 歌颂劳动和劳动者的伟大, 歌唱大自然的壮丽景色和不断更新; 呼吁人们去争取真正的民主和自由。
我,惠特曼, 一个美国人, 一个粗鲁汉, 一个世界, 纵情声色…… 饥餐,渴饮, 传种接代。
诗人悲叹去世的爱人,流露出一种 绝望的心理。他的诗作中大都出现 一些古怪、奇特、病态的形象,表 现忧郁的情绪;常用象征、暗示的 手法,且富有音乐性。
六、惠特曼(Walt Whitman 1819-1892)
《草叶集》(Leaves of Grass ,1855—1892)的版 本:1855年初版收12首诗; 以后每次再版,都增加一些 诗作;1892年第9版(临终 版)收383首诗。
“我到林中去,为的是有目的地生活,只面对生 活中的要素。看看我是否学到了生活要教给我的 东西,免得到了临死的时候,才发现我根本就没 有生活过。我不愿过不是生活的生活,须知生活 无限珍贵。”
霍桑( Nathaniel Hawthorne,1804-1864)
短篇小说集《重讲一遍的故事》 (Twice Told Tales, 1837, 1842)、《古屋青苔》 (Mosses from an Old Manse, 1846)等; 长篇小说《红字》(The Scarlet Letter,1850 )、《带七 个尖角阁的房子》(The House of Seven Gables, 1851)、 《福谷传奇》(The Blithedal Romance,1852)等。
华盛顿· 欧文 ( Washington Irving,1783-1859 1783-1859) —— “美国文学之父”;他的《见 闻札记》 (1820 ),开创了美国短篇小说的传统; 《瑞普· 温克尔》、《睡谷的传说》是其中的名 凡· 篇。
库珀( James F. Cooper, 1789-1851 ) 《皮袜子故事集》