Unit5-Section B 新视野英语教程Book 4课件

  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
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liable:adj. 对······有偿付责任;易于······的;倾向
e.g. -He is liable for the damage to the house. 他有责任赔偿房子的损失。
他一生气就爱吼叫。 He’s liable to shout when he gets angry.
turn down: (把某物) 折起来;翻下来
e.g. - I turned down the page as a mark where I stopped reading.
如果你想把书保存好,就不要老是把书页折起来。 If you want to maintain books well , don’t turn down their pages too often.
prescribe: vt. 规定;指定;开药;开处方
e.g. -You have no prescribe how others should behave, as we are equal. 你没有权利规定别人应该如何为人处事,因为我们是平等的。
belong to: 属于
e.g. - the house belonged to him. 这套房子属于他。
这个岛屿属于中国。 This island belongs to China.
formality: n. [U] 拘泥形式; 拘谨; 遵守礼节
e.g. - Let’s quit the formality of a thank-you note. 让我们省却简函致谢的客套。
Para. 2
On the other hand, there is considerable merit in owning your own books: you do not need permission to read them, and you can do with them as you wish, in any way that is comfortable for you. Books are for use, not for show; you should own no book that you are afraid to mark up, or afraid to place on the table, wide open and face down. A good reason for marking favorite passages in books is that this practice enables you to remember more easily the significant sayings and minor details of a story, to refer to them quickly, and then in later years, to visit them as you would a forest where you once found a new path. You have the pleasure of going over old ground, and recalling both the intellectual scenery and your own earlier self.
Para. 4
There are, of course, no friends like living, breathing men and women; my devotion to reading has never resulted in me isolating myself from everyone. But then, how could it, really? Books are of the people, by the people, and for the people. Literature is the part of history that will never die. Book friends have this advantage over living friends, though: you can enjoy all aspects of society, throughout the world, whenever you feel like it. Society's most interesting people who have died are beyond our physical reach, and usually, those living are almost as inaccessible. And as for our personal friends and family, we cannot always reach them. But in a private library, you can, at any moment, spend time with Socrates or Shakespeare or Carlyle or Dumas or Dickens or Shaw. And there is no doubt that in these books you see these people at their best; they wrote for you and I; they "laid themselves out"; they did their ultimate best to entertain and to give us a fountain of knowledge from which to drink. You are as important to them as an audience is to an actor, only instead of seeing them masked, you hear their deepest thoughts and take with you a piece of their hearts as you read. For this reason alone, do they not deserve to be read?
3. What is the criterion while choosing books?
4. Have you ever benefited from the books ? Please talk about your view about the book?
Intensive Reading
即使与亲密的朋友在一起,他也遵守 某种程度的礼节。
Even with close friends he observe a certain formality.
see (to it) that: 确保;一定做到
e.g. - Please see that the room is locked before you leave. 你离开之前务必把房间锁好。
Para. 3
Everyone should begin collecting a private library in youth; the instinct of private property, which is fundamental in human beings, can be developed in this way with every advantage and no real evils. Everyone should have their own bookshelves, which should not have doors, glass windows, or keys; they should be free and accessible to the hand, as well as to the eye. Books make for the best decorations; they are more varied in color and appearance than any paper for the walls that you might buy; they are more attractive in design, and they have the prime advantage of being separate personalities, so that if you sit alone in the room in the lamplight, close friends surround you. The knowledge that they are there in plain view is both stimulating and refreshing. Most of my indoor life is spent in a room containing six thousand books; and I have a stock answer to the invariable question that comes from strangers: "Have you read all of these books?" "Some of them multiple times, " I say. This reply is both true and unexpected.
你要确保该工作妥当地完成。 You must see that the job is done properly.
leave around: 乱丢;乱放
e.g. - She often leaves her glat leave the toys around.
Para. 1
Reading is one of the greatest things a person can do for fun. And usually, we enjoy reading books that belong to us much more than those that we borrow. A borrowed book is like a guest in the house-it must be treated with a certain considerate formality. You must see that it is not damaged in any way, taking care to conserve its original form. You cannot leave it around carelessly, mark in it, turn down the pages, or use it familiarly; ultimately, you are liable for the maintenance of this book .Then, one day, someone will prescribe its return, and it will no longer be with you.
Owning Books
Questions and Answers
The following questions are open-ended without no right and no wrong answers.
1. How many books do you have?
2. What kinds of books do you have the most?