AWWA C210-2003 中文版 液态无溶剂环氧树脂涂层
AWWA C210 Liquid-Epoxy Coating Systems for the Interi or and Exterior of SteelAWWA Standard AWWA标准This document is an American Water Works Association (AWWA) standard. It is not a specification. AWWA standards describe minimum requirements and do not contain all of the engineering and administrative information normally contained in specifications. The AWWA standards usually contain options that must be evaluated by the user of the standard. Until each optional feature is specified by the user, the product or service is not fully defined. AWWA publication of a standard does not constitute endorsement of any product or product type, nor does AWWA test, certify, or approve any product. The use of AWWA standards is entirely voluntary. AWWA standards are intended to represent a consensus of the water supply industry that the product described will provide satisfactory service. When AWWA revises or withdraws this standard, an official notice of action will be placed on the first page of the classified advertising section of Journal AWWA. The action becomes effective on the first day of the month following the month of Journal AWWA publication of the official notice.此文件是美国自来水厂(AWWA)标准,不是规范。
ANSI/AWWA C116/A 21.162003
供水设备用球墨铸铁和灰铁配件的内外表面的 防护熔融胶合环氧涂层 给水钢管煤焦油保护涂层和内衬.热用搪瓷和 胶带 钢制供水管道的煤焦油保护涂层和内衬标准. 搪瓷和胶带.热水 商用4英寸和4英寸以上钢水管的水泥灰浆保护 衬和涂层 钢水管用特殊部件、连接件和配件的外部用低 温磁带涂层 钢制水管的内外层用液体环氧树脂涂层系统 给水钢管的内、外层熔化粘结环氧涂层 钢制水管内外的熔融胶合环氧树脂涂层 钢制水管的外层用挤压聚烯烃涂层 给水钢管用专用部件、连接件和配件外部可热 收缩交联的聚烯烃涂层 钢水管和配件聚氨基甲酸乙酯内或外涂层 钢水管、连接件、配件和特殊部件的内部和外 部用尼龙11基聚酰胺涂层系统 阀门和给水栓用防护性内部涂层 涂层的钢制储水箱 光纤涂层几何尺寸的测量方法 测量电器连接器件的金属涂层厚度的试验程序
10 ANSI/ASTM D2534-1988 11 ANSI/ASTM D3214-1997 12 ANSI/ASTM D3236-1988 13 ANSI/ASTM D3521-1986 14 ANSI/ASTM D3708-1988 15 ANSI/ASTM D4917-1997 16 ANSI/ASTM D4918-1997 17 ANSI/ASTM F1916-1998 18 ANSI/ASTM F2016-2000 19 ANSI/AWS A4.4M-2001
用光截面显微镜测量铝阳极镀层厚度及不透明 表面的其它透明涂层厚度的试验方法 金属表面自催化(无电)镍磷涂层标准规范 用硝酸蒸汽测试金属基体上金涂层孔隙率的标 准试验方法 用扫描电子显微镜测量横截面测定金属涂层厚 度的方法 热浸涂层用锭铁模型中GALFAN(锌-5%铝-含铈 稀土)合金的标准规范 金属涂层和无机物涂层的不同抽样 镉电沉积涂层标准规范 用重量分析法和其它化学分析法测定电沉积涂 层及相关涂层单位面积的质量 用凝胶体电谱法测定金属基物上金或钯涂层孔 隙度的标准试验方法 用湿硫黄蒸气("硫黄华")作金属涂层中孔隙率 测试的标准试验方法 用聚硫化物浸入法测试金属涂层中总疵点和机 械损坏的标准试验方法 镁和镁合金上非电解质转换涂层的标准规范 工程应用硬涂层阳极氧化规范 在锌和镉表面非铬酸涂层试验的标准实施规程 热处理平板玻璃的标准规范.HS和FT类涂层和 无涂层玻璃 建筑物内部辐射控制涂层系统(IRCCS)的安装 和使用的标准实施规程 建筑物外部防太阳辐射涂层的标准规范 用定量单点划痕试验测定陶瓷涂层粘结强度和 机械损坏类型的标准试验方法 涂层砖(由粘土或页岩制造的实心砌块)的标准 规范
ANSI/ANS 6.4-1997
ANSI/ASAE S261.7-1996
ANSI/ASAE S289.2-1998
ANSI/ASTM A421/A 421M-1998
ANSI/ASTM A615/A 615M-2001
ANSI/ASTM A704-1996
ANSI/ASTM D6783-2005
ANSI/AWWA C300-2004
ANSI/AWWA C301-1999
ANSI/AWWA C302-2004 ANSI/AWWA C303-2002 ANSI/AWWA C304-1999
ANSI/AWWA D110-2004
ANSI/AWWA D115-1995
Standard for Circular Prestressed Concrete Water Tanks with Circumferential Tendons Standard for Safety for Hand-held Motor-operated Electric Tools - Safety - Part 2-12: Particular
ASTM A 704/A 704M-2006
Standard Specification for Welded Steel Plain Bar or Rod Mats for Concrete Reinforcement Standard Specification for Zinc-Coated (Galvanized) Steel Bars for Concrete
手持式电 动工具的 ANSI/UL 安全标准. 60745-2-12-2005 安全.第 2-12 部分:
混凝土振 捣器的特 殊要求 ANSI/UL 618-2003 混凝土圬 工砌筑单 元的安全 规范 ASME 锅炉 和压力容 器规程.第 3 节:核设 施元部件 制造规则. 第 2 分册. 混凝土反 应堆容器 和外壳标 准 核电厂建 筑阶段结 构混凝土, 结构钢,土 质和地基 的安装,检 验以及测 试用附加 质量保证 要求
ANSI/ASTM D2996-2001
Test Method for Impact Resistance of Thermoplastic Pipe and Fittings by Means of a Tup (Falling Weight)
ANSI/ASTM D2468-1996
Automotive Pipe Fittings
ANSI/UL 109-2004
Standard for Safety for Tube Fittings for Flammable and Combustible Fluids, Refrigeration Service, and Marine Use
ASTM A 674-2005
Malleable Iron Flanges, Pipe Fittings and Valve Parts for Railroad, Marine and Other Heavy Duty Service at Temperatures up to 650 Degrees F (345 Degrees C)
Panasonic WV-S1131 高质量的自动对焦摄像头说明书
Lens not includedPanasonic WV-S1131 captures the highest quality images automatically even in very challenging and fast-changingsurveillance environments. Intelligent Auto (iA) allows the camera to automatically adjust the key settings in real-time depending on the scenery and movement, reducing distortion such as motion blur and moving objects. New industry-leading 144dB dynamic range delivers balanced scene exposure in dynamic and extreme-backlit lighting environments. In addition, color night vision provides outstanding low-light performance with accurate color rendition and saturation from i-Pro's 1/3" sensor, rivaling the performance of costlier 1/2" sensor cameras in the market. The adopted H.265 Smart Coding technology, intelligently reduces bandwidth efficiency of up to 95%* more than H.264 for longer recording and less storage. Cameras out-of-the-box, support full data encryption streaming and is compliant to FIPS 140-2 Level 1 standards to keep your video secured.*Value in Advanced mode with Smart Facial Coding. It depends on the scene.Extreme image quality allows evidence to be captured even under challenging conditions-Auto Shutter speed control for fast moving vehicles -Sharp and clear images of a walking person day & night-Outstanding low light performance in true color with low noise for night time applications-Super Dynamic 144dB for backlit situations involving headlights and shadows on night streetsExtreme H.265 compression with new Smart Coding-Longer recording and less storage compared to any H.264 based compression techniques-New self-learning ROI* encoding (Auto VIQS) detects movement within the image and compresses the areas with little motion in order to reduce transmitted data while maintaining the quality of the image.-New “Smart Facial Coding” adds more bandwidth reduction for ID camera applications mainly capturing faces*Region of InterestExtreme Data Security-Full encryption SD card edge recording to keep your data safe -FIPS 140-2 Level 1 compliant-Full end-to-end system encryption with supported VMS and devices to protect from IP snooping/spoofing and detect data alterationiA (intelligent Auto) H.265 Network Camera•Full HD 1080p 60fps •iA (intelligent Auto)•Extreme Super Dynamic 144dB •Color night vision (0.0007 to 0.01 lx)•H.265 Smart Coding•FIPS 140-2 Level 1 compliantKey Features•Public safety (City / Road / Highway / Port)•Transportation (Airport / Train / Subway)•Retail / Bank / Education / Hospital / BuildingApplicationsWV-S1131PJ(Made in JAPAN)DISTRIBUTED BY :https:///PanasonicNetworkCamera(2A-170DA)Trademarks and registered trademarks– iPad and iPhone are registered trademarks of Apple Inc.– Android is a trademark of Google Inc.– ONVIF and the ONVIF logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of ONVIF Inc.– All other trademarks identified herein are the property of their respective owners.• Masses and dimensions are approximate. • Specifications are subject to change without notice.Important– Safety Precaution : Carefully read the Important Information, Installation Guide and operating instructions before using this product.– Panasonic cannot be responsible for the performance of the network and/or other manufacturers' products used on the network.Specifications*2 Super Dynamic function is automatically set off on 60 fps mode.*3 Stabilizer, Smart Facial Coding, i-VMD can not be used at the same time.*4 When “3 mega pixel [4 : 3](30fps mode)” is selected for “Image capture mode”, “90 °” and “270 °” cannot be selected.*5 Used by super resolution techniques*6 Transmission for 4 streams can be individually set.*7 Only use AAC-LC (Advanced Audio Coding - Low Complexity) when recording audio on an SD memory card.*8 Including alarms from Plug-in SoftwareAppearanceOptional AccessoryUnit : mm (inches)Notification sent to the monitoring screen。
用于球铁压力管和管件的橡胶垫圈连接的美国标准ANSI AWWA C111
机械连接主要是为3-24in(76-610mm)的管子及3-48in (76-1219mm)的管件设计的。
ANSI/ASME B1.1-89—统一英制螺纹。
ANSI/ASME B1.2-83—统一英制螺纹量规及测量。
ANSI/AWWA C110/A21.10-93—3-48in(75-1200mm),用于水和其它液体的球铁和灰铁管件的美国标准。
ANSI/AWWA C115/A21.15-94—带有球铁或灰铁螺纹法兰的法兰球铁管的美国标准。
ANSI/AWWA C151/A21.51-91—用于水或其它液体的离心铸造球铁管的美国标准。
ANSI/AWWA C153/A21.53-94—3-24in(76-610mm)和54-64in (1400-1600mm),用于水路设施的球铁压制管件的美国标准。
ANSI/AWWA C600-93—安装球铁水道主干及其配件的美国标准。
ANSI/AWWA C651-92—对水道主干杀菌的美国标准。
Welded Carbon Steel Tanks for Water Storage
3. ANSI/AWWA G100-2005 发布日期:2005.06.29 ,实施日期:2005.12.01 现行
Polyethylene Encasement for Ductile-Iron Pipe Systems
Wire-Wound, Circular Prestressed Concrete Water Tanks
23. ANSI/AWWA C110-2008 发布日期:2008.01.01 ,实施日期: 现行
6. ANSI/ASME-ITI/AWWA J-100-2010 发布日期:2010.01.01 ,实施日期: 现行
水和废水系统风险和弹性管理用联合ASME-ITI/AWWA RAMCAP标准
Joint ASME-ITI/AWWA RAMCAP Standard for Risk and Resilience Management of Water and Wastewater Systems
1. ANSI/AWWA B408-13 水处理化学品-非氧化剂类型化学品
的档案管理(Chemical Compatability of Common Technology Products)
2. ANSI/AWWA B603-18 水处理化学品-磷酸三钠(Sodium Tripolyphosphate)
3. ANSI/AWWA B604-18 水处理化学品-硫酸铝铵
(Ammonium Aluminum Sulfate)
4. ANSI/AWWA B605-18 水处理化学品-硫酸铝(Aluminum Sulfate)
5. ANSI/AWWA B606-18 水处理化学品-硫酸铁(Ferric Sulfate)
6. ANSI/AWWA B607-18 水处理化学品-硫酸铁铵(Ferric Ammonium Sulfate)
7. ANSI/AWWA B701-19 水处理化学品-硫酸亚铁(Ferrous Sulfate)
8. ANSI/AWWA B702-19 水处理化学品-聚合氯化铁(Polyaluminum Chloride)
9. ANSI/AWWA B703-19 水处理化学品-聚合氯化铁铵(Polyaluminum Chloride Ammonia)
AWWA standard steel-ring flanges, Class B* (86 psi)Drilling TemplateOD of FlangeID ofFlangeThickness ofFlange (T)Numberof BoltHolesDiam. ofBoltHolesDiam. ofBoltCircleWeightsNominalPipeSize(A)(B)Slip-On Blind(C)Slip-on Blind4 9.00 4.57 0.625 0.625 8 0.750 7.50 8 115 10.00 5.66 0.625 0.625 8 0.875 8.50 9 146 11.00 6.72 0.688 0.688 8 0.875 9.50 11 198 13.50 8.72 0.688 0.688 8 0.875 11.75 15 2810 16.00 10.88 0.688 0.688 12 1.000 14.25 19 3912 19.00 12.88 0.688 0.719 12 1.000 17.00 28 5814 21.00 14.19 0.688 0.791 12 1.125 18.75 34 7816 23.50 16.19 0.688 0.892 16 1.125 21.25 41 11018 25.00 18.19 0.688 0.950 16 1.250 22.75 41 13220 27.50 20.19 0.688 1.040 20 1.250 25.00 49 17522 29.50 22.19 0.750 1.132 20 1.375 27.25 57 21924 32.00 24.19 0.750 1.216 20 1.375 29.50 67 27726 34.25 26.19 0.812 1.307 24 1.375 31.75 80 34128 36.50 28.19 0.875 1.398 28 1.375 34.00 94 41430 38.75 30.19 0.875 1.477 28 1.375 36.00 105 49332 41.75 32.19 0.935 1.581 28 1.625 38.50 132 61334 43.75 34.19 0.935 1.661 32 1.625 40.50 137 70736 46.00 36.19 1.000 1.751 32 1.625 42.75 161 82438 48.75 38.19 1.000 1.853 32 1.625 45.25 185 98040 50.75 40.19 1.000 1.933 36 1.625 47.25 193 110842 53.00 42.19 1.125 2.023 36 1.625 49.50 234 126444 55.25 44.19 1.125 2.114 40 1.625 51.75 249 143646 57.25 46.19 1.125 2.194 40 1.625 53.75 260 160048 59.50 48.19 1.250 2.285 44 1.625 56.00 306 180050 61.75 50.19 1.250 2.377 44 1.875 58.25 317 201752 64.00 52.19 1.250 2.468 44 1.875 60.50 339 224954 66.25 54.19 1.375 2.559 44 1.875 62.75 397 249960 73.00 60.19 1.500 2.820 52 1.875 69.25 508 334466 80.00 66.19 1.625 3.092 52 1.875 76.00 664 440372 86.50 72.19 1.750 3.353 60 1.875 82.50 802 558278 93.00 78.19 2.000 64 2.125 89.00 100084 99.75 84.19 2.000 64 2.125 95.50 114590 106.50 90.19 2.250 68 2.438 102.00 140496 113.25 96.19 2.250 68 2.438 108.50 1586102 120.00 102.19 2.500 72 2.688 114.50 1912108 126.75 108.19 2.500 72 2.688 120.75 2136114 133.50 114.19 2.750 76 2.938 126.75 2525120 140.25 120.19 2.750 76 2.938 132.75 2795126 147.00 126.19 3.000 80 3.188 139.25 3252132 153.75 132.19 3.000 80 3.188 145.75 3572138 160.50 138.19 3.250 84 3.438 152.00 4101144 167.25 144.19 3.250 84 3.438 158.25 4475Notes: All dimensions measured in inches. All weights in pounds and are approximate. *Pressure rating at atmospheric temperature is 86 psi. These flanges have the same OD and drilling as ANSI/ASME B16.1 class 125 cast-iron flanges. In sizes 24in. and smaller they also match ANSI/ASME B16.5 150-psi standard for steel flanges.Texas Flange 877-610-8924AWWA standard steel-ring flanges, Class D* (175-150psiDrilling TemplateOD of FlangeID ofFlangeThickness ofFlange (T)Numberof BoltHolesDiam. ofBoltHolesDiam. ofBoltCircleWeightsNominalPipeSize(A)(B)Slip-On Blind(C)Slip-on Blind4 9.00 4.57 0.625 0.625 8 0.750 7.50 8 115 10.00 5.66 0.625 0.650 8 0.875 8.50 9 146 11.00 6.72 0.688 0.693 8 0.875 9.50 11 198 13.50 8.72 0.688 0.812 8 0.875 11.75 15 3310 16.00 10.88 0.688 0.953 12 1.000 14.25 19 5412 19.00 12.88 0.812 1.117 12 1.000 17.00 33 9014 21.00 14.19 0.933 1.133 12 1.125 18.75 47 11116 23.50 16.19 1.000 1.265 16 1.125 21.25 60 15518 25.00 18.19 1.062 1.331 16 1.250 22.75 64 18520 27.50 20.19 1.125 1.448 20 1.250 25.00 79 24422 29.50 22.19 1.188 1.568 20 1.375 27.25 90 30424 32.00 24.19 1.250 1.661 20 1.375 29.50 112 37826 34.25 26.19 1.312 1.786 24 1.375 31.75 129 46628 36.50 28.19 1.312 1.906 28 1.375 34.00 141 56530 38.75 30.19 1.375 2.008 28 1.375 36.00 164 67132 41.75 32.19 1.500 2.150 28 1.625 38.50 211 83434 43.75 34.19 1.500 2.252 32 1.625 40.50 220 95936 46.00 36.19 1.625 2.370 32 1.625 42.75 261 111638 48.75 38.19 1.625 2.506 32 1.625 45.25 301 132540 50.75 40.19 1.625 2.509 36 1.625 47.25 313 143842 53.00 42.19 1.750 2.729 36 1.625 49.50 364 170644 55.25 44.19 1.750 2.849 40 1.625 51.75 387 193546 57.25 46.19 1.750 2.952 40 1.625 53.75 404 215348 59.50 48.19 1.875 3.072 44 1.625 56.00 460 242050 61.75 50.19 2.000 3.196 44 1.875 58.25 507 271252 64.00 52.19 2.000 3.315 44 1.875 60.50 542 302154 66.25 54.19 2.125 3.435 44 1.875 62.75 614 335560 73.00 60.19 2.250 3.779 52 1.875 69.25 763 448166 80.00 66.19 2.500 4.136 52 1.875 76.00 1021 589072 86.50 72.19 2.625 4.480 60 1.875 82.50 1203 745878 93.00 78.19 2.750 64 2.125 89.00 137484 99.75 84.19 2.875 64 2.125 95.50 164690 106.50 90.19 3.000 68 2.438 102.00 187296 113.25 96.19 3.250 68 2.438 108.50 2291102 120.00 102.19 3.250 72 2.688 114.50 2485108 126.75 108.19 3.375 72 2.688 120.75 2884114 133.50 114.19 3.500 76 2.938 126.75 3214120 140.25 120.19 3.500 76 2.938 132.75 3558126 147.00 126.19 3.750 80 3.188 139.25 4065132 153.75 132.19 3.875 80 3.188 145.75 4614138 160.50 138.19 4.000 84 3.438 152.00 5047144 167.25 144.19 4.125 84 3.438 158.25 5680Notes: All dimensions measured in inches. All weights are in pounds and are approximate. *Pressure rating at atmospheric temperature: sizes 4-12 in. inclusive, 175 psi; sizes larger than 12 in., 150 psi. These flanges have the same OD and drilling as ANSI/ASME B16.1 class 125 cast-iron flanges. In sizes 24in. and smaller they also match ANSI/ASME B16.5 150-psi standard for steel flanges.Texas Flange 877-610-8924AWWA standard steel-hub flanges, Class D* (175-150 psi)Drilling TemplateOD of FlangeID ofFlangeThicknessof FlangeOverallThicknessDiam.OfHubNumberof BoltHolesDiam.of BoltHolesDiam.of BoltCircleWeightNomPipeSize(A)(B)(T)(L)(E)(C)4 9.00 4.57 0.500 0.875 5.312 8 0.750 7.50 75 10.00 5.66 0.562 1.250 6.312 8 0.875 8.50 96 11.00 6.72 0.562 1.250 7.562 8 0.875 9.50 11 8 13.50 8.72 0.562 1.250 9.688 8 0.875 11.75 15 10 16.00 10.88 0.688 1.250 12.000 12 1.000 14.25 22 12 19.00 12.88 0.688 1.250 14.375 12 1.000 17.00 33 14 21.00 14.19 0.750 1.250 15.750 12 1.125 18.75 43 16 23.50 16.19 0.750 1.250 18.000 16 1.125 21.25 52 18 25.00 18.19 0.750 1.250 19.875 16 1.250 22.75 52 20 27.50 20.19 0.750 1.250 22.000 20 1.250 25.00 61 22 29.50 22.19 1.000 1.750 24.250 20 1.375 27.25 92 24 32.00 24.19 1.000 1.750 26.125 20 1.375 29.50 105 26 34.25 26.19 1.000 1.750 28.500 24 1.375 31.75 119 28 36.50 28.19 1.000 1.750 30.500 28 1.375 34.00 130 30 38.75 30.19 1.000 1.750 32.500 28 1.375 36.00 144 32 41.75 32.19 1.125 1.750 34.750 28 1.625 38.50 182 34 43.75 34.19 1.125 1.750 36.750 32 1.625 40.50 191 36 46.00 36.19 1.125 1.750 38.750 32 1.625 42.75 207 38 48.75 38.19 1.125 1.750 40.750 32 1.625 45.25 237 40 50.75 40.19 1.125 1.750 43.000 36 1.625 47.25 249 42 53.00 42.19 1.250 1.750 45.000 36 1.625 49.50 287 44 55.25 44.19 1.250 2.250 47.000 40 1.625 51.75 334 46 57.25 46.19 1.250 2.250 49.000 40 1.625 53.75 348 48 59.50 48.19 1.375 2.500 51.000 44 1.625 56.00 407 50 61.75 50.19 1.375 2.500 53.000 44 1.875 58.25 421 52 64.00 52.19 1.375 2.500 55.000 44 1.875 60.50 448 54 66.25 54.19 1.375 2.500 57.000 44 1.875 62.75 475 60 73.00 60.19 1.500 2.750 63.000 52 1.875 69.25 605 66 80.00 66.19 1.500 2.750 69.000 52 1.875 76.00 718 72 86.50 72.19 1.500 2.750 75.000 60 1.875 82.50 803 78 93.00 78.19 1.750 3.000 81.250 64 2.125 89.00 1010 84 99.75 84.19 1.750 3.000 87.500 64 2.125 95.50 1160 90 106.50 90.19 2.000 3.250 93.750 68 2.438 102.00 1430 96 113.25 96.19 2.000 3.250 100.000 68 2.438 108.50 1618 Notes: All dimensions measured in inches. All weights in pounds and are approximate. Hub flanges are tobe used on pipe that has an OD equal to the nominal pipe size in the first column. *Pressure rating at atmospheric temperature: sizes 4-12 in. inclusive, 175 psi; sizes larger than 12 in., 150 psi. These flangeshave the same diameter and drilling as ANSI/ASME B16.1 class 125 cast-iron flanges. In sizes 24in. andsmaller they also match ANSI/ASME B16.5 150-psi standard for steel flanges.Texas Flange 877-610-8924AWWA standard steel-hub flanges, Class E* (275psi)Drilling TemplateOD of FlangeID ofFlangeThicknessof FlangeOverallThicknessDiam.OfHubNumberof BoltHolesDiam.of BoltHolesDiam.of BoltCircleWeightNomPipeSize(A)(B)(T)(L)(E)(C)4 9.00 4.57 0.938 1.312 5.312 8 0.750 7.50 135 10.00 5.66 0.938 1.438 6.438 8 0.875 8.50 146 11.00 6.72 1.000 1.562 7.562 8 0.875 9.50 178 13.50 8.72 1.125 1.750 9.688 8 0.875 11.75 28 10 16.00 10.88 1.188 1.938 12.000 12 1.000 14.25 37 12 19.00 12.88 1.250 2.188 14.375 12 1.000 17.00 59 14 21.00 14.19 1.375 2.250 15.750 12 1.125 18.75 78 16 23.50 16.19 1.438 2.500 18.000 16 1.125 21.25 101 18 25.00 18.19 1.562 2.688 19.875 16 1.250 22.75 110 20 27.50 20.19 1.688 2.875 22.000 20 1.250 25.00 139 22 29.50 22.19 1.812 3.125 24.000 20 1.375 27.25 162 24 32.00 24.19 1.875 3.250 26.125 20 1.375 29.50 197 26 34.25 26.19 2.000 3.375 28.500 24 1.375 31.75 235 28 36.50 28.19 2.062 3.438 30.750 28 1.375 34.00 269 30 38.75 30.19 2.125 3.500 32.750 28 1.375 36.00 303 32 41.75 32.19 2.250 3.625 35.000 28 1.625 38.50 375 34 43.75 34.19 2.312 3.688 37.000 32 1.625 40.50 401 36 46.00 36.19 2.375 3.750 39.250 32 1.625 42.75 452 38 48.75 38.19 2.375 3.750 41.750 32 1.625 45.25 528 40 50.75 40.19 2.500 3.875 43.750 36 1.625 47.25 573 42 53.00 42.19 2.625 4.000 46.000 36 1.625 49.50 648 44 55.25 44.19 2.625 4.000 48.000 40 1.625 51.75 688 46 57.25 46.19 2.688 4.062 50.000 40 1.625 53.75 733 48 59.50 48.19 2.750 4.125 52.250 44 1.625 56.00 799 50 61.75 50.19 2.750 4.125 54.250 44 1.875 58.25 827 52 64.00 52.19 2.875 4.250 56.500 44 1.875 60.50 922 54 66.25 54.19 3.000 4.375 58.750 44 1.875 62.75 1024 60 73.00 60.19 3.125 4.500 65.250 52 1.875 69.25 1253 66 80.00 66.19 3.375 4.875 71.500 52 1.875 76.00 1623 72 86.50 72.19 3.500 5.000 78.500 60 1.875 82.50 1922 78 93.00 78.19 3.875 5.375 84.500 64 2.125 89.00 2279 84 99.75 84.19 3.875 5.375 90.500 64 2.125 95.50 2586 90 106.50 90.19 4.250 5.750 96.750 68 2.438 102.00 3061 96 113.25 96.19 4.250 5.750 102.750 68 2.438 108.50 3432 Notes: All dimensions measured in inches. All weights in pounds and are approximate. Hub flanges are tobe used on pipe that has an OD equal to the nominal pipe size in the first column. *Pressure rating at atmospheric temperature is 275 psi. These flanges have the same diameter and drilling as ANSI/ASMEB16.1 class 125 cast-iron flanges. In sizes 24in. and smaller they also match ANSI/ASME B16.5 150-psistandard for steel flanges. The thickness of a 150-psi flange from which the raised face has been removedshall be no less than dimension T minus 0.06 in.Texas Flange 877-610-8924Formally Table 4 Class EAWWA standard steel-ring flanges, Class E* (275psi) Table 5 Class E (Blinds from table 7) (C-207-94)Drilling TemplateOD of FlangeID ofFlangeThickness ofFlange (T)Numberof BoltHolesDiam. ofBoltHolesDiam. ofBoltCircleWeightsNominalPipeSize(A)(B)Slip-On Blind(C)Slip-on Blind4 9.00 4.57 1.125 1.125 8 0.750 7.50 14 205 10.00 5.66 1.188 1.188 8 0.875 8.50 16 266 11.00 6.72 1.313 1.313 8 0.875 9.50 20 358 13.50 8.72 1.500 1.500 8 0.875 11.75 33 6110 16.00 10.88 1.563 1.563 12 1.000 14.25 44 8912 19.00 12.88 1.750 1.750 12 1.000 17.00 71 14114 21.00 14.19 1.875 1.875 12 1.125 18.75 94 18416 23.50 16.19 2.000 2.000 16 1.125 21.25 120 24618 25.00 18.19 2.125 2.125 16 1.250 22.75 127 29620 27.50 20.19 2.375 2.375 20 1.250 25.00 168 40022 29.50 22.19 2.500 2.500 20 1.375 27.25 189 48424 32.00 24.19 2.625 2.625 20 1.375 29.50 234 59826 34.25 26.19 2.750 2.750 24 1.375 31.75 270 71828 36.50 28.19 2.750 2.750 28 1.375 34.00 297 81530 38.75 30.19 2.875 2.875 28 1.375 36.00 344 96132 41.75 32.19 3.000 3.00 28 1.625 38.50 422 116334 43.75 34.19 3.000 3.050 32 1.625 40.50 441 129936 46.00 36.19 3.125 3.209 32 1.625 42.75 502 151138 48.75 38.19 3.125 3.394 32 1.625 45.25 580 179540 50.75 40.19 3.250 3.533 36 1.625 47.25 626 202542 53.00 42.19 3.375 3.695 36 1.625 49.50 701 230944 55.25 44.19 3.375 3.997 40 1.625 51.75 747 271546 57.25 46.19 3.438 3.857 40 1.625 53.75 794 281348 59.50 48.19 3.500 4.159 44 1.625 56.00 858 327650 61.75 50.19 3.500 4.327 44 1.875 58.25 887 367152 64.00 52.19 3.625 4.489 44 1.875 60.50 982 409154 66.25 54.19 3.750 4.651 44 1.875 62.75 1083 454260 73.00 60.19 3.875 5.116 52 1.875 69.25 1313 606666 80.00 66.19 4.250 5.601 52 1.875 76.00 1736 797672 86.50 72.19 4.375 6.066 60 1.875 82.50 2005 1009978 93.00 78.19 4.750 64 2.125 89.00 237484 99.75 84.19 4.750 64 2.125 95.50 271990 106.50 90.19 5.125 68 2.438 102.00 319796 113.25 96.19 5.125 68 2.438 108.50 3613102 120.00 102.19 5.500 72 2.688 114.50 4206108 126.75 108.19 5.500 72 2.688 120.75 4700114 133.50 114.19 5.875 76 2.938 126.75 5395120 140.25 120.19 5.875 76 2.938 132.75 5972126 147.00 126.19 6.250 80 3.188 139.25 6775132 153.75 132.19 6.250 80 3.188 145.75 7442138 160.50 138.19 6.750 84 3.438 152.00 8517144 167.25 144.19 6.750 84 3.438 158.25 9295Notes: All dimensions measured in inches. All weights in pounds and are approximate. *Pressure rating at atmospheric temperature is 275 psi. These flanges have the same diameter and drilling as ANSI/ASME B16.1 class 125 cast-iron flanges. In sizes 24in. and smaller they also match ANSI/ASME B16.5 150-psi standard for steel flanges.Texas Flange 877-610-8924Formally Table 5 Class FAWWA standard steel-ring flanges, Class F* (300psi) Table 6 Class F (Blinds from table 7) (C-207-94)Drilling TemplateNominal Pipe Size OD ofFlangeID ofFlangeThickness of Flange(T)Numberof BoltHolesDiam.ofBoltHolesDiam. of BoltCircleWeights (A)(B)Slip-On Blind(C)Slip-onBlind4 10.00 4.57 1.13 1.130 8 0.875 7.88 18 255 11.00 5.66 1.21 1.210 8 0.875 9.25 22 336 12.50 6.73 1.31 1.310 12 0.875 10.62 30 468 15.00 8.73 1.31 1.310 12 1.000 13.00 40 6610 17.50 10.88 1.50 1.500 16 1.125 15.25 56 10212 20.50 12.88 1.63 1.630 16 1.250 17.75 83 15214 23.00 14.19 1.94 1.940 20 1.250 20.25 128 22816 25.50 16.19 2.14 2.140 20 1.375 22.50 167 31018 28.00 18.19 2.25 2.250 24 1.375 24.75 204 39220 30.50 20.19 2.33 2.330 24 1.375 27.00 247 48222 33.00 22.19 2.50 2.50 24 1.375 29.25 307 60624 36.00 24.19 2.69 2.690 24 1.625 32.00 388 77626 38.25 26.25 3.00 3.000 28 1.875 34.50 451 97728 40.75 28.25 3.13 3.130 28 1.875 37.00 532115630 43.00 30.25 3.15 3.166 28 1.875 39.25 586 130332 45.25 32.25 3.25 3.332 28 1.875 41.50 657151834 47.50 34.25 3.38 3.475 28 1.875 43.50 741 174536 50.00 36.25 3.46 3.671 32 2.125 46.00 802204238 52.25 38.25 3.50 3.815 32 2.125 48.00 874 231740 54.25 40.25 3.63 3.982 36 2.125 50.25 937260842 57.00 42.25 3.81 4.171 36 2.125 52.75 1103 301544 59.25 44.25 4.00 4.338 36 2.125 55.00 1237338846 61.50 46.25 4.13 4.505 40 2.125 57.25 1344 379148 65.00 48.25 4.50 4.781 40 2.125 60.75 17184494Notes: All dimensions measured in inches. All weights in pounds and are approximate.*Pressure rating at atmospheric temperature is 300 psi. These flanges have the same diameter and drilling as ANSI/ASME B16.1 class 250 cast iron pipe and flanged fittings.Texas Flange 877-610-8924。
美国包装标准(ANSI packing standards)
ANSI/ASTM F1836M-1997 ANSI/ASTM F1853-2003 ANSI/ASTM F2087-2001
ANSI/ASTM F2168-2002
ANSI/ASTM F2191-2002 ANSI/AWS A5.02/A 5.02M-2006 ANSI/AWWA C105/A 21.5-2005 ANSI/CEA 621-A-2004
Packaging for teminally sterilized medical devices Part 1: Requirements for materials, sterile barrier systems and packaging
ANSI/AAMI/ISO 11607-2-2006
ANSI/EIA 621-1995 ANSI/EIA 624-1995 ANSI/ESD S541-2003 ANSI/IPC 0040-2003 ANSI/IPC/JEDEC J-STD-033A-2002 ANSI/PMMI B155.1-2006
ASME BPVC Section 3 Division 3
Protection of Electrostatic Discharge Susceptible Items Packaging Materials or ESD Sensitive Items
Optoelectronic Assembly and Packaging Technology
美国包装标准(ANSI packing standards)
编号 ANSI ATIS0300075.1-2006
ANSI B155.1-1994
C110 启动电机1.两极两电刷电机,高效、节能,输出力矩大2.链轮节距P=6.35,齿数z=123.低噪音,可靠性高(3万次)4.重量:1.0kg5.适用车型:本田C100,嘉陵906.旋转方向:逆时针整机参数空载Without Load 负载Loaded制动Braking电压(V)Voltage11.6610.3 5.7电流(A)Electric Current≤15≤50≤120转速(RPM) Rotation Speed≥2000≥14500力矩(N.M) Torque0≥1.4≥4.8C110启动电机(镀彩锌)1.两极两电刷电机,高效、节能,输出力矩大2.链轮节距P=6.35,齿数z=123.低噪音,可靠性高(3万次)4.重量:1.0kg5.适用车型:小乖乖6.旋转方向:逆时针整机参数空载Without Load 负载Loaded制动Braking电压(V)Voltage11.6610.3 5.7电流(A)Electric Current≤15≤50≤120转速(RPM) Rotation Speed≥2000≥14500力矩(N.M) Torque0≥1.4≥4.8T100太本田1.两极两电刷电机,高效、节能,输出力矩大2.链轮节距P=6.35,齿数z=123.低噪音,可靠性高(3万次)4.重量:1.0kg5.适用车型:泰本田C1006.旋转方向:逆时针空载Without Load 负载Loaded制动Braking电压(V)Voltage11.6610.3 5.7电流(A)Electric Current≤15≤50≤120转速(RPM) Rotation Speed≥2000≥14500力矩(N.M) Torque0≥1.4≥4.8CB1251.两极两电刷电机,高效、节能,输出力矩大2.齿轮模数m=1,齿数z=103.低噪音,可靠性高(3万次)4.重量:1.2kg5.适用车型:嘉陵CB1256.旋转方向:顺时针整机参数空载Without Load 负载Loaded制动Braking电压(V)Voltage11.69.9 6.5电流(A)Electric Current≤20≤70≤200转速(RPM) Rotation Speed≥10000≥65000力矩(N.M) Torque0≥0.4≥1.2。
钢制水管用水泥砂浆保护衬和覆层-大于等于 4 英寸〔100mm〕-车间用第一章概述1.1范围该标准描述了钢制水管和管件用水泥砂浆保护衬和覆层的材料,涂装及固化1.1.1管线管的涂装方法。
对水泥砂浆涂层的现场涂装,请参照ANSI/AWWA C602 水管用管线管水泥砂浆涂层-大于等于4 英寸〔100mm〕1.1.5焊接钢管。
对于焊接钢管的制造标准,请参考ANSI.AWWA C200,钢制水管-大于等于6 英寸〔150mm〕1.1.6设计依据。
焊接钢管和水泥砂浆保护衬和覆层的设计依据请参考AWWA 手册M11,钢管-设计和安装指南1.2目的该标准的目的是给买方,生产商和建设方供给车间适用的钢制水管水泥砂浆保护衬和覆层所用的材料,涂装,检验,吊装和现场连接等的最低要求。
第三章定义术语1.加速固化- 在肯定高的温度下,通过加湿空气保持外表持续潮湿的过程。
2010 E d i t i o nFor WatEr & WastEWatEr, FirE ProtEction & industrial aPPlications30"-48"NSF®Certified to ANSI/NSF 61MEchanical joint FittingsductilE iron - c110MEchanical joint FittingsNSFP 2866.d i P .P i P E2010 E d i t i o ntable of contentsNSFP 3866.d 2010 E d i t i o nu.s. Pipe’s c110Mechanical Joint Fittings are available in 30” through 48” sizes. Wye branches are not covered by C110/A21.10, are made to U.S. Pipe Standards and meet all applicable wall thickness and strength requirement of ANSI/AWWA C110/A21.10.Caps, plugs and sleeves are not furnished with cement-mortar linings. For special conditions, Mechanical Joint Fittings with special coatings and/or linings can be supplied.Glands, bolts and gaskets are required in sufficient quantities for each socket opening. The weights of these accessories are not included in the fittings weights shown herein.Note: If specifiers and users believe that corrosive soils will be encountered where our products are to be installed, please refer to ANSI/AWWA C105/A21.5 Polyethylene Encasement for Ductile Pipe Systems for proper external protection procedures.ansi/aWWa c110/a21.10, ductile-iron and gray-iron Fittings for Water ansi/aWWa c111/a21.11, rubber gasket joints for ductile-iron Pressure Pipe and Fittings.Mechanical Joint Fittings and accessories are made to meet all applicable requirements of ANSI/AWWA C110/A21.10, 3” through 48” and ANSI/AWWA C111/A21.11.ansi/aWWa c104/a.21.4, cement-Mortar lining for ductile-iron Pipe and Fittings for Water.Fittings are cement-mortar lined and coated with an asphaltic material, inside and outside, in accordance with ANSI/AWWA C104/A21.4.Mechanical joint FittingsNSFP 4866.d 2010 E d i t i o nstandard Mechanical joint dimensionsMasj K 2lBK 1NSFP 5866.d 2010 E d i t i o nPlain End dimensionsnotE: Bell contour shown indicates bottom of socket in a standard all bell fitting.8” added laying length A – Diameter for 8” minimum lengthA – Diameter for 5-1/2” minimum lengthBottom of socketTa – d i a m e t e rAll sizes For 14” - 48”For 3” - 12”NSFP 6866.d 2010 E d i t i o nMj and MjMj and PEa atats rrFor dimensions of Mechanical Joints see page 4.For dimensions of plain ends see page 5.90º BendsNSFP 7866.d 2010 E d i t i o nMj and Mj ar trtaatMj and PE45º BendsFor dimensions of Mechanical Joints see page 4.For dimensions of plain ends see page 5.NSFP 8866.d 2010 E d i t i o n22.5º BendsaMj and Mj artrtasMj and PEFor dimensions of Mechanical Joints see page 4. For dimensions of plain ends see page 5.NSFP 9866.d 2010 E d i t i o n11.25º BendsMj and Mjar t r taasMj and PEFor dimensions of Mechanical Joints see page 4.For dimensions of plain ends see page 5.NSFP 10866.d 2010 E d i t i o ntees and crossesall Mjall MjtEEscrossEstt 1tt 1jjjhhhhNOTE: Flanged outlets can be furnished on a variety of Mechanical Joint Tees.For dimensions of Mechanical Joints see page 4.NSFP 11866.d 2010 E d i t i o nNOTE: Flanged outlets can be furnished on a variety of Mechanical Joint Tees.For dimensions of Mechanical Joints see page 4.tees and crosses (cont.)NSFP 12866.d 2010 E d i t i o nBase BendsDimension “R” is a finished dimension; unfinished bases will be 1/8” longer.For base drilling see page 14.For other dimensions see table of Mechanical Joint 90º bends on page 6.Mj and MjMj and PErustrustNSFP 13866.d 2010 E d i t i o nBase teesall MjrustFor base drilling see page 14.For other dimensions see table of Mechanical Joint Tees and Crosses starting on page 10.NSFP 14866.d 2010 E d i t i o nBase drilling details for Base Bends and Base teesBcNSFP 15866.d 2010 E d i t i o nreducersMj and Mjllltt 1tt 1tt 1large End Mjsmall End MjFor dimensions of Mechanical Joints see page 4.For dimensions of plain ends see page 5.Eccentric reducers with the same dimensions and weights given for concentric reducers are available when specified on the purchase order.NSFP 16866.d 2010 E d i t i o nsolid sleevesWe do not manufacture Split Sleeves. Our local sales office can obtain dimensions and prices for Split Sleeves produced by other manufacturers.l ptNSFP 17866.d 2010 E d i t i o nconnecting Pieces, one End FlangedFor dimensions of Mechanical Joints see page 4.For dimensions of plain ends see page 5.For dimensions of flanges see page 4 in the Flanged Fittings brochure.Mj and Flanget10” for 30-36” size 12” for 42-48” sizeNSFP 18866.d 2010 E d i t i o ncaps and PlugsPlugscaPtt 130” - 48”NSFP 19866.d 2010 E d i t i o nWye Branchesa BcNSFP 20866.d 2010 E d i t i o nProducts for Water, Wastewater and Fire ProtectionOur products are manufactured in conformance with National Standards so that our customers may be assured of getting the performance and longevity they expect. Use of accessories or other appurtenances that do not comply with recognized standards may jeopardize the performance and longevity of the project.P.o. Box 10406Birmingham, al 35202 866.diP.PiPE (866.347.7473)FaX 205.254.7165 all u.s. Pipe brochures and/or products are subject to change without further notice.rEgional salEs oFFicEsEastErn rEgional oFFicE(609) 387-6120 (Phone)(609) 387-6050 (Fax)WEstErn rEgional oFFicE(815) 725-7168 (Phone)(815) 725-7165 (Fax)PaciFic coast rEgional oFFicE(510) 441-5800 (Phone)(510) 441-5885 (Fax)southErn rEgional oFFicE(205) 254-7229 (Phone)(205) 254-7009 (Fax)intErnational salEs oFFicE(205) 254-7230 (Phone)(205) 254-7274 (Fax)。
气体探测器 PC 工具是一个菜单驱动的独立式软件,用于对 基本型、优选型和强化型 气体探测器进行简单的寻址、参数设定、校准和数据日志记录。
此工具的电源是通过 PC 标准 USB 连接提供的。
设备内与 PC 的 USB 接口和服务工具端口的插头连接须采用屏蔽电缆。
功能特点• 所有丹佛斯气体探测设备的寻址、校准和参数设定。
• .csv 格式的长期记录,并存储在硬盘上• 快速、实时监控所有测量值• 处理和打印校准报告• 密码保护• 基于 WINDOWS 7/8/10 运行• EMC 指令 2014/30/EU,CE• 符合:EN 61010-1:2010ANSI/UL 61010-1CAN/CSA-C22.2 No. 61010-1目录 页码功能特点 (1)屏幕菜单 (3)规格 (4)订货 (4)屏幕菜单服务模式参数设定/读取。
Service mode menu规格电气电源 5 V DC,通过 PC 提供串行接口集中总线RS485 / 19200 波特率环境条件温度范围-10 °C 至 +40 °C(14 °F 至 104 °F)湿度范围0 - 90 % RH,非冷凝物理外壳黑色聚碳酸酯尺寸110 x 60 x 40 mm重量约 200 g防护等级IP 65电缆长度 1.50 m标准和规范EMC 指令 2014/30/EUCE符合:EN 61010-1:2010,ANSI/UL 61010-1,CAN/CSA-C22.2 No. 61010-1订货。
美国螺栓标准(ANSI bolt standards)
(Metric heavy hex structural bolts; Errata)
ASME B18.2.3.7M-1979
(Metric heavy hex structural bolts)
ASME B18.5-1990
(Round head bolts (Inch series))
Practice for Inspection Procedure for Use of Anaerobic Thread Locking Compounds with Studs
ANSI/ASTM F704-1997
Practice for Selecting Bolting Lengths for Piping System Flanged Joints
Specification for Alloy-Steel Bolting Materials for Low-Temperature Service
ANSI/ASTM F1142-1990
Specification for Manhole Cover Assembly, Bolted, Semi-Flush, Oiltight and Watertight
(Square and hex bolts and screws (inch series); Addenda)
ASME B18.2.3.5MErrata-1981
1. 美国标准:
* 在美国,供水管道的高压力标准通常遵循ANSI/AWWA C150/A21.50标准,该标准规定了钢制水管的压力等级和尺寸。
2. 欧洲标准:
* 欧洲采用EN标准,例如EN 805,该标准规定了城市供水系统的设计和计算要求,包括管道的压力等级。
3. 中国标准:
* 中国的供水管道高压力标准通常由《建筑给水排水设计规范》(GB 50015-2003)等国家标准规定。
4. 国际标准:
* ISO 4427是关于聚乙烯(PE)管道系统的国际标准,其中包括了不同压力等级的聚乙烯供水管道的规范。
5. 其他标准:
* 根据不同的材料和用途,供水管道可能会有一系列的行业标准,例如钢管道、铸铁管道、塑料管道等,它们的高压力标准可能会有所不同。