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Dubai’s renaissance
Edifice complex
The Gulf emirate is as flashy as ever, but it still has structural problems to solve
Jan 5th 2013 | DUBAI |From the print edition
DUBAI doesn’t do discreet. The emirate welcomed in the new year with a huge fireworks display that engulfed the Burj Khalifa, t he world’s tallest building, in time to a live
performance by the Prague Philharmonic Orchestra. In a video that runs in the Burj
Khalifa’s visitors’ centre, an executive at Emaar, the developer behind the skyscraper,
explains why it had to go that high: “You have to do something impossible, otherwise you’ll be like any other company, or person. We have to grow higher and higher—grow like
The emirate’s latest wheeze is to create a city within the city, a development bigger than anything that has gone before. Mohammed bin Rashid (MBR) City will feature more than 100 hotels, the Middle East’s largest entertainment centre, a park bigger than London’s Hyde Park and the world’s biggest shopping mall, appropriately named “Mall of the
Plans for the supersized project, named after Dubai’s ruler, were unveiled in November and are meant to signal that Dubai is back in business only three years after a near-death experience. In late 2009 Dubai World, a big government-controlled investment firm, announced it could no longer repay its debts, threatening to bring down the entire economy. The emirate was bailed out by Abu Dhabi, an oil-rich fellow-member of the United Arab Emirates (UAE), and the UAE’s central bank.
Dubai has come a long way since then. The IMF estimates that GDP was up by 4.1% in the first half of 2012 compared with the same period of 2011. Trade, transport and tourism are buoyant. Imports of food and vehicles rose by 20% in the first half of 2012; in the year to August the number of passengers at Dubai International Airport was up by nearly 14%; and occupancy rates of Dubai’s hotels reach 80%, among the world’s highest. The property market is showing signs of renewed exuberance. In September Emaar put a
63-storey tower with 542 flats on the market and sold them all on the first day.
But Dubai is more than a story of skyscrapers built on sand with borrowed cash. Because the emirate’s oil reserves were limited, its rulers decided decades ago to diversify. Emirates Airline is the best-known result of this strategy: it started in 1985 and now ranks among the world’s leading carriers. The Jebel Ali Free Zone is one of the world’s biggest transit ports and the Dubai International Financial Centre the Middle East’s financial hub.
This role as a regional hub—and a policy of being open to almost any kind of business—explains why Dubai has been, at least economically, the main beneficiary of the Arab spring. Instability in the rest of the region has diverted capital, commerce and people to the emirate. When neighbouring Saudi Arabia upped its social spending to
pre-empt protests, for instance, much of the cash ended up in Dubai’s shopping malls. More important, the emirate has clearly established itself as the region’s safe haven. “Dubai has created an environment where companies and expatriates want to be based,” says Monica Malik of EFG Hermes, an investment bank.
Yet the renaissance masks continuing problems. During the property frenzy, developers piled up debt as if there were no tomorrow. This was particularly true of those controlled by the three government-related holding companies known collectively as Dubai Inc: Dubai World, Investment Corporation of Dubai and Dubai Holding. Even now it is not clear how much debt was amassed. The IMF estimates that the government and related entities still owe $130 billion, about as much as Dubai’s GDP.
To deal with the debt pile Dubai has pursued what Ahmad Alanani of Exotix, an investment bank that specialises in distressed debt, dubs its “four Bs strategy”. The government bailed out bondholders, who were paid back fully and on time; as a result, the emirate has preserved its access to the capital markets and credit-default spreads have come down steadily (see chart). And Dubai burned the banks, which had financed much of the emirate’s property boom. More than two-thirds of $34 billion in troubled bank loans to Dubai Inc has now been restructured on tough terms: on average, maturities were stretched out by five years and interest rates cut to 2%.
The decision to target the banks reflects the fact that they were less likely to walk away than bondholders. International banks are wary of risking their relationships not just in Dubai, but in the entire region. Only four foreign banks have taken legal action. Any ruling could probably be enforced only against assets abroad: a Dubai court has to confirm the decision and is likely to declare any assets in the emirate off-limits. Local banks have even less freedom of manoeuvre. The government has big stakes in most lenders (56% in the case of Emirates NDB, Dubai’s largest).
It would be one thing if asset values recovered enough to allow the developers to repay their debts. But markets expect another round of restructuring on the renegotiated loans. Dubai World’s debt, for instance, trades for about 50 cents on the dollar. Crunch time will come in 2014 and 2015 when Dubai Inc has to repay bank loans of $8.4 billion and $7.9 billion respectively, according to IMF estimates. “Foreign banks won’t accept the same sort of treatment in a second round,” says Mr Alanani.
The recovery in property is confined to small segments of the market, says Craig Plumb of Jones Lang LaSalle, a consultancy. A project like MBR City concentrates on areas where demand is strong: luxury housing, shopping and entertainment. Other assets are still performing sluggishly. Even as the economy rebounds the proportion of non-performing loans at Dubai’s largest banks has kept rising. Moody’s, a ratings agency, downgraded three of them in December and put another on notice for a downgrade. That suggests
money for new developments will be hard to come by. Some doubt that MBR City will find it easy to finance itself.
Behind the question of whether Dubai could relapse lurks a bigger one: whether it needs to change its growth model. Before the crash, it grew mainly by sucking in capital, resources, ideas and people. As a result less than 10% of Dubai’s working-age population are nationals, or “Emiratis”.
Such an input-driven model is not sustainable, argues Farouk Soussa of Citigroup. Leaving aside the environmental issues, even Dubai can build only so many MBR Cities. Eit her the emirate’s rulers accept that it can grow over the long term only as fast as its core sectors of trade, transport and tourism—meaning in line with global growth—or Dubai needs to build a new engine of expansion.
The government seems to recognise this, and is pushing its credentials as an entrepreneurial hub. In December, for instance, it hosted a “Global Entrepreneurship Summit”. MBR City will include a “world-class technology campus”. But Dubai has been slow to create a helpful legal infrastructure for start-ups. It still has no bankruptcy law, meaning entrepreneurs that fail risk going to jail. Even a single bounced check can land you behind bars for three years. With few rights, expats have no incentive to create something new. Dubai needs to do more institution-building, to go with the actual building.
From the print edition: Finance and economics

如今,迪拜决定斥巨资打造拉希德城(MBR City),创世界之最。

Dubai’s rena issance
Edifice complex
The Gulf emirate is as flashy as ever, but it still has structural problems to solve
Jan 5th 2013 | DUBAI | from the print edition
2013.01.05 | 迪拜| 印刷版
DUBAI doesn’t do discreet. The emirate welcomed in the new year with a huge fireworks display that engulfed the Burj Khalifa, the world’s tallest building, in time to a live performance by the Prague Philharmonic Orchestra. In a video that runs in the Burj Khalifa’s visitors’ centre, an executive at Emaar, the developer behind the skyscraper, explains why it had to go that high: “You have t o do something impossible, otherwise you’ll be like any other company, or person. We have to grow higher and higher—grow like Dubai.”

这个酋长国为了迎接新年,举办了一场盛大的烟花汇演【3】,给世界最高建筑——哈利法塔(Burj Khalifa)【4】披上了一层烟花的外衣;同时,还有布拉格爱乐乐团(Prague Philharmonic Orchestra)【5】现场演奏助兴。



The emirate’s latest wheeze is to create a city within the city, a development bigger than anything that has gone before. Mohammed bin Rashid (MBR) City will feature more than 100 hotels, the Middle East’s largest entertainment centre, a park bigger than London’s Hyde Park and the world’s biggest shopping mall, appropriately named “Mall of the World”.

穆罕默德•本•拉希德城(Mohammed bin Rashid City/ MBR城)【7】的特色在于,它将拥有100家以上的酒店、一座中东地区最大的娱乐中心、一个比伦敦海德公园(London’s Hyde Park)【8】面积还大的公园,还有一个全球最大的“世界购物中心”——名字倒是当之无愧。

Plans for the supersized project, named after Dubai’s ruler, were unveiled in November and are
meant to signal that Dubai is back in business only three years after a near-death experience. In late 2009 Dubai World, a big government-controlled investment firm, announced it could no longer repay its debts, threatening to bring down the entire economy. The emirate was bailed out by Abu Dhabi, an oil-rich fellow-member of the United Arab Emirates (UAE)【1】, and the UAE’s central bank.


2009年年底,大型国有控股投资公司迪拜世界(Dubai World)【9】宣布,它再无能力偿还自己的债务。


当时,是阿联酋(United Arab Emirates / UAE)一个石油资源丰富的成员国——阿布达比(Abu Dhabi),以及阿联酋央行为其纾困。

Dubai has come a long way since then. The IMF estimates that GDP was up by 4.1% in the first half of 2012 compared with the same period of 2011. Trade, transport and tourism are buoyant. Imports of food and vehicles rose by 20% in the first half of 2012; in the year to August the number of passengers at Dubai International Airport was up by nearly 14%; and occupancy rates of Dubai’s hotels reach 80%, among the world’s highest. The property market is showing signs of renewed exuberance. In September Emaar put a 63-storey tower with 542 flats on the market and sold them all on the first day.

据国际货币基金组织(IMF)估计,2012上半年其GDP 同比增长了4.1%。





But Dubai is more than a story of skyscrapers built on sand with borrowed cash. Because the emirate’s oil reserves were limited, its rulers decided decades ago to diversify. Emirates Airline is the best-known result of this strategy: it start ed in 1985 and now ranks among the world’s leading carriers. The Jebel Ali Free Zone is one of the world’s biggest transit ports and the Dubai International Financial Centre the Middle East’s financial hub.


在该策略的指引下,最有名的成果要属阿联酋航空公司(Emirates Airline):创立于1985年,如今已位于世界顶级航空公司之列。

杰拜勒•阿里自由区(Jebel Ali Free Zone)【10】成为了世界上最大的转运港之一,迪拜国际金融中心(Dubai International Financial Centre)【11】也变成中东的金融枢纽。

This role as a regional hub—and a policy of being open to almost any kind of business—explains why Dubai has been, at least economically, the main beneficiary of the Arab spring. Instability in the rest of the region has diverted capital, commerce and people to the emirate. When neighbouring Saudi Arabia upped its social spending to pre-empt protests, for instance, much of the cash ended up in Dubai’s shopping malls. More important, the emirate has clearly established itself as the region’s safe haven. “Dubai has created an environment where companies and
expatr iates want to be based,” says Monica Malik of EFG Hermes, an investment bank.
作为地区枢纽,迪拜对所有业务基本上都持“来者不拒”的政策——正是因为这样,它才成为阿拉伯之春(Arab Spring)的主要受益者,至少是在经济上。


比如,邻国沙特阿拉伯(Saudi Arabia)为了阻止人民抗议,增加社会开支以先发制人,结果大部分资金都流入了迪拜的购物商场。



”投资银行埃及财团赫尔墨斯(EFG Hermes)的莫妮卡•马利克(Monica Malik)说道。

Yet the renaissance masks continuing problems. During the property frenzy, developers piled up debt as if there were no tomorrow. This was particularly true of those controlled by the three government-related holding companies known collectively as Dubai Inc: Dubai World, Investment Corporation of Dubai and Dubai Holding. Even now it is not clear how much debt was amassed. The IMF estimates that the government and related entities still owe $130 billion, about as much as Dubai’s GDP.


这是事实,而对于那三家与政府相关的控股公司——迪拜世界(Dubai World)、迪拜投资公司(Investment Corporation of Dubai)、迪拜控股(Dubai Holding)(统称为“迪拜公司”)旗下的企业,情况更是如此。



To deal with the debt pile Dubai has pursued what Ahmad Alanani of Exotix, an investment bank that specialises in distressed deb t, dubs its “four Bs strategy”. The government b ailed out b ondholders, who were paid back fully and on time; as a result, the emirate has preserved its access to the capital markets and credit-default spreads have come down steadily (see chart). And Dubai b urned the b anks, which had financed much of the emirate’s property boom. More than two-thirds of $34 billion in troubled bank loans to Dubai Inc has now been restructured on tough terms: on average, maturities were stretched out by five years and interest rates cut to 2%.
为了处理积压的债务,迪拜已奉行了艾哈迈德•阿拉纳尼(Ahmad Alanani)所指的“4B计划”。



如此一来,迪拜酋长国就可以继续进入资本市场,而且信用违约掉期费率(credit-default spreads)也稳步下降(见图表)。



The decision to target the banks reflects the fact that they were less likely to walk away than bondholders. International banks are wary of risking their relationships not just in Dubai, but in the entire region. Only four foreign banks have taken legal action. Any ruling could probably be enforced only against assets abroad: a Dubai court has to confirm the decision and is likely to declare any assets in the emirate off-limits. Local banks have even less freedom of manoeuvre. T he government has big stakes in most lenders (56% in the case of Emirates NDB, Dubai’s largest).





对于大部分银行贷方来说,他们的多数股权都为政府所有(就迪拜最大的银行“阿联酋NDB (Emirates NDB)”而言,政府控股56%)。

It would be one thing if asset values recovered enough to allow the developers to repay their debts. But markets expect another round of restructuring on the renegotiated loans. Dubai World’s debt, for instance, trades for about 50 cents on the dollar. Crunch time will come in 2014 and 2015 when Dubai Inc has to repay bank loans of $8.4 billion and $7.9 billion respectively, according to IMF estimates. “Foreign banks won’t accept the same sort of treatment in a second round,” says Mr Alanani.






The recovery in property is confined to small segments of the market, says Craig Plumb of Jones Lang LaSalle, a consultancy. A project like MBR City concentrates on areas where demand is strong: luxury housing, shopping and entertainment. Other assets are still performing sluggishly. Even as the economy rebounds the proportion of non-performing loans at Dubai’s largest banks has kept rising. Moody’s, a ratings agency, downgraded three of them in December and put another on notice for a downgrade. That suggests money for new developments will be hard to come by. Some doubt that MBR City will find it easy to finance itself.
咨询公司仲量联行(Jones Lang LaSalle)的克雷格•帕朗柏(Craig Plumb)表示,房地产的复苏局限在一小部分市场之内。







Behind the question of whether Dubai could relapse lurks a bigger one: whether it needs to change its growth model. Before the crash, it grew mainly by sucking in capital, resources, ideas and people. As a result less than 10% of Dubai’s working-ag e population are nationals, or “Emiratis”.


Such an input-driven model is not sustainable, argues Farouk Soussa of Citigroup. Leaving aside th e environmental issues, even Dubai can build only so many MBR Cities. Either the emirate’s rulers accept that it can grow over the long term only as fast as its core sectors of trade, transport and tourism—meaning in line with global growth—or Dubai needs to build a new engine of expansion.
花旗银行(Citigroup)的法洛克•苏莎(Farouk Soussa)认为,这种输入型发展模式不具可持续性。



The government seems to recognise this, and is pushing its credentials as an entrepreneurial hub. In December, for instance, it hosted a “Global Entrepreneurship Summit”. MBR City will include a “world-class technology campus”. But Dubai has been slow to create a helpful legal infrastructure for start-ups. It still has no bankruptcy law, meaning entrepreneurs that fail risk going to jail. Even a single bounced check can land you behind bars for three years. With few rights, expats have no incentive to create something new. Dubai needs to do more institution-building, to go with the actual building.

比如在十二月份,它举办了一个“全球创业峰会(Global Entrepreneurship Summit)”。







from the print edition | Finance and economics


阿拉伯联合酋长国(United Arab Emirates / UAE)
由七个酋长国组成:阿布扎比(英语:Abu Dhabi)、迪拜(Dubai)、沙迦(ash-Shariqah或Sharjah)、哈伊马角(Ras Al Khaimah)、阿治曼(Ajman)、富查伊拉(Fujairah)、乌姆盖万(Umm-al-Qaiwain)。







【4】哈利法塔(Burj Khalifa Tower)


【5】拉格爱乐乐团(Prague Philharmonic Orchestra)



【7】Mohammed bin Rashid(穆罕默德•本•拉希德)


【8】德公园(HYDE PARK)


【9】迪拜世界(Dubai World)

杰拜勒•阿里自由区(Jebel Ali Free Zone,简称JAFZA)是迪拜规模最大、发展最快的自由区之一,其目标是成为中东的国际性商业中心。


【11】迪拜国际金融中心(Dubai International Financial Centre)
Egyptian Financial Group。
