

智慧树知到 《微观经济学(XXX共享版)》章节测试答案

智慧树知到 《微观经济学(XXX共享版)》章节测试答案















































































第一章1.下列哪一项属于微观经济学与宏观经济学的区别答案:全部都是2.新古典经济学创始人马歇尔的代表作是答案:《经济学原理》3.古典经济学的代表人物,也是古典政治经济学理论体系的创立者是答案:亚当·斯密4.新古典综合派的创始人是答案:萨缪尔森5.在经济学上,把优势区分为绝对优势和比较优势,把劣势区分为绝对劣势和比较劣势的经济学家是答案:大卫·李嘉图6.亚当·斯密经济学理论体系的基础和核心部分是答案:价值学说7.微观经济学的研究对象包括哪些答案:消费者;生产者;市场8.重商主义的基本观点有答案:认为财富的直接源泉在流通领域;认为国内贸易不能增加一国的财富,只有对外贸易才能真正增加一国的财富;认为财富就是货币(即金银);认为国家必须积极干预经济生活;认为商品生产只是对外贸易的先决条件和必要手段9.20世纪30年代,传统的西方经济学经历了哪些重大的补充和修改答案:提出序数效用论;正视垄断现象的存在;提出政府要干预和调整经济10.古典经济学的主要贡献有答案:试图对社会资本的再生产和流通进行初步分析;对分工、货币、生产劳动与非生产劳动等进行了论述;不同程度的研究了剩余价值形态;奠定了“劳动价值论”的基础,提出和建立了劳动价值学说;研究了自由竞争的市场经济规律和秩序,提出了“自由放任”的政策主张第二章1.若某一产品的价格上升了8%,需求量下降了15%,则( )答案:商品需求富有弹性2.假定需求曲线平移的幅度给定,那么供给曲线的弹性越大,则( )答案:均衡价格的变化越小3.若某一行业的供给减少,而该行业的总收入却得到增加,则( )答案:需求弹性必然小于14.已知啤酒的供给和需求曲线分别具有正常的斜率,若政府对卖着出售的每一瓶啤酒都征收5元的税,那么这种做法将引起这种商品的价格()答案:上升小于5元5.假设生产某种物品所需的原材料价格上升,则这种商品的()答案:供给曲线向左移动6.手机的供给曲线是向上倾斜的,再保持其他因素不变的条件下,手机的价格上升,将会导致()答案:供给量增加7.若政府对啤酒征税后,企业的成本增加,啤酒价格上涨,消费者将为之多支付钱,一般来说,消费者的税收负担()答案:与需求弹性成反比;与供给弹性成正比8.影响商品供给的因素包括()答案:生产成本;政府的政策;生产的技术水平9.通过利用需求价格弹性,企业可以达到()的目的答案:分享政府补贴;制定产品价格;增加销售量10.下列()的变化将引起物品需求的变化.答案:偏好;其他相关物品的价格;收入第三章1.在其它因素假定不变时,下述哪种情况是不正确的答案:如果需求减少,供给增加,均衡价格将上升2.小明对他按摩技术的评价为每小时60元,他用两个小时为李磊按摩,李磊愿意为两个小时的按摩支付300元,但通过讨价还价,最后把费用定为200元,在这个交易中()答案:消费者剩余比生产者剩余多20元3.医疗显示延长了人的寿命。



智慧树知到《微观经济学(山东大学)》章节测试答案第一章1、由于人们会对激励做出反应,如果会计师的平均薪水增加50%,而教师的平均薪水增加20%,我们可以预期()A:学生将从教育专业转向会计专业B:学生将从会计专业转向教育专业C:上大学的学生少了正确答案:学生将从教育专业转向会计专业2、下列哪一项不是去度假的机会成本的一部分? ()A:如果你留在家里并工作可以赚到的钱B:你用于食物的钱C:你用于飞机票的钱D:你看百老汇表演所花的钱正确答案:你用于食物的钱3、高而持久的通货膨胀的原因是()A:工会使工资增加得太多了B:欧佩克使石油价格上升得太高了C:政府增加的货币量太多了D:管制使生产成本增加得太多了正确答案:政府增加的货币量太多了4、可以提高生产率的方法是()A:提高最低工资B:提高工会会员的工资C:改善工人的教育D:限制与国外的贸易正确答案:改善工人的教育5、下列哪一种情况涉及到权衡取舍? ()A:上大学B:买一辆新汽车C:星期天下午看一场足球比赛正确答案:上大学,买一辆新汽车,星期天下午看一场足球比赛第二章1、如果一种经济在其生产可能性边界上运行,它要多生产另一种物品就必须少生产一种物品。

A:对B:错正确答案:对2、生产可能性边界上的点是()A: 有效率的B: 无效率的C: 不能达到的D: 规范的正确答案:有效率的3、以下哪一项不会使一国的生产可能性曲线向外移动? ()A: 资本存量增加B: 技术进步C: 失业减少D: 劳动力增加正确答案:失业减少4、以下哪一项描述了经济增长()A: 沿着生产可能性边界向资本品移动B: 生产可能性边界向外移动C: 生产可能性边界向内移动D: 从该曲线内向曲线移动正确答案:生产可能性边界向外移动5、以下哪一项表述是规范表述? ()A: 发行了太多货币就引起通货膨胀B: 如果工资高,人们就努力工作C: 失业率应该降低D: 大量政府赤字使经济增长更慢正确答案:失业率应该降低第三章1、即使一国在所有物品上都有绝对优势。



智慧树知到《中级微观经济学(双语)(山东联盟)》章节测试答案第一章1、What Microeconomics is about?( )A:Study of Business EnvironmentB:Study of financial position of the economyC:Study of the Economy at Micro Level正确答案: Study of the Economy at Micro Level2、Economics proceeds by making models of ( ), which are simplified representations of reality.A:social phenomenaB:people’s imaginationC:stories正确答案: social phenomena3、The demand curve shows ( )A:how much people would like to pay at the reserve prices.B:how much firms would like to sell at each prices.C:how much market would like to trade.正确答案: how much people would like to pay at the reserve prices.4、The conflict between the scarce economic wants of society and its limited resources gives rise to the economizing problem.A:对B:错正确答案:对5、The only requirement for a market to be perfectly competitive is for the market to have many buyers and sellers.A:对B:错正确答案:对第六章1、If a rational utility maximizer is a net demander of a good, and if an increase in its pricecauses him to buy more of it, then it must be an inferior good.A:对B:错正确答案:2、If a consumer is a buyer of some goods and a seller of others, then a change in prices will generate an extra income effect in the Slutsky equation due to the revaluation of the consumer's endowment.A:对B:错正确答案:3、If a utility maximizer is a net seller of something and the price of that good rises while other prices stay constant, her situation might improve so much that she becomes a net buyerA:对B:错正确答案:4、Marsha Mellow is very flexible. She consumes x and y. She says `Give me x or give me y; I don't care. I can't tell the difference between them.' She is currentlyendowed with 14 units of x and 6 units of y. The price of x is 4 times the price of y. Marsha can trade x and y at the going prices, but has no other source of income. How many units of y will Marsha consume?A:66B: 20C:62D:6正确答案:5、Yoram insists on consuming 3 times as much y as he consumes of x (so he always has y = 3x). He will consume these goods in no other ratio. The price of x is 2 times the price of y. Yoram has an endowment of 24 x0s and 42 y0s which he can trade at the going prices. He has no other source of income. What is Yoram's gross demand for x?A:90B:66C:18D:16正确答案:6、If leisure is a normal good, then an increase in non-labor income will reduce labor supply.A:对B:错正确答案:7、Mr. Cog has 18 hours per day to divide between labor and leisure. His utility function is U (C,R) = CR; where C is dollars per year spent on consumption and R is hours of leisure. If he has a nonlabor income of 40 dollars per day and a wage rate of 8 dollars per hour, he will choose a combination of labor and leisure that allows him to spend:A:184 dollars per day on consumption.B:82 dollars per day on consumption.C:112 dollars per day on consumption.D:92 dollars per day on consumption.正确答案:8、If Abishag owns 12 quinces and 10 kumquats, and if the price of kumquats is 3 times the price of quinces, how many kumquats can she afford if she buys as many kumquats as she can?A:28B:22C:10D:14正确答案:9、If Abishag owns 16 quinces and 15 kumquats, and if the price of kumquats is 4 times the price of quinces, how many kumquats can she afford if she buys as many kumquats as she can?A:38B:31C:15D:19正确答案:10、Yoram insists on consuming 3 times as much y as he consumes of x (so he always has y = 3x). He will consume these goods in no other ratio. The price of x is 2 times the price of y. Yoram has an endowment of 24 x's and 42 y's which he can trade at the going prices. He has no other source of income. What is Yoram's gross demand for x?A:90B:66C:18D:16正确答案:第八章1、The inverse demand curve P (x) for a good x measures the price per unit at which the quantity x would be demanded.A:对B:错正确答案:2、If a price changes, then changes in consumption at the intensive margin are changes that happen because consumers alter the amounts that they consume, but do not either stop consuming or start consuming the good.A:对B:错正确答案:3、If the demand function is q = 3m=p; where m is income and p is price, then the absolute value of the price elasticity of demand decreases as price increases.A:对B:错正确答案:4、A peck is 1/4 of a bushel. If the price elasticity of demand for bran is -0.2 when bran is measured in bushels, then when bran is measured in pecks, the price elasticity of demand for bran will be:A:-0.05B: -0.8C:-0.1D: None of the above.正确答案:5、The demand function is described by the equation q(p) = 190- p/5. The inverse demand function is described by:A:q(p) = 190 -5p.B:p(q) = 950 -5q.C:q(p)=1/(190 -p/5).D:p(q)=1/190 -q/5.正确答案:6、Marginal revenue is equal to price if the demand curve is horizontal.A:对B:错正确答案:7、The constant elasticity of demand for cigarettes has been estimated to be 0.5. To reduce smoking by 75%, approximately how much tax needs to be added to a $1 pack?A:$0.38B:$0.75C:$1.5D:$2.25正确答案:8、If the marginal cost of brewing beer is 40 cents and the profit maximizing price is 80 cents,then the price elasticity of demand isA:-0.66B:-1.8C:-2D:-2.33正确答案:9、A peck is 1/4 of a bushel. If the price elasticity of demand for bran is -0.2 when bran is measured in bushels, then when bran is measured in pecks, the price elasticity of demand for bran will be:A:-0.05B:-0.8C:-0.1D:None of the above.正确答案:10、The demand function is described by the equation q(p) = 190- p/5. The inverse demand function is described by:A:q(p) = 190 -5p.B:p(q) = 950 -5q.C:q(p)=1/(190 -p/5).D:p(q)=1/190 -q/5.正确答案:第九章1、If the supply curve is vertical, then the amount supplied is independent ofA:对B:错正确答案:2、The supply curve slopes up and to the right. If the demand curve shifts upward to a new curve which is everywhere higher than the old curve (but possibly of different slope) and if the supply curve does not shift, then the equilibrium price and quantity must necessarily increase.A:对B:错正确答案:3、An economic situation is Pareto optimal only if there is no way to make someone better off.A:对B:错正确答案:4、The demand for pickles is given by p=131-2q and supply is given by p=5+7q. What is the equilibrium quantity?A:11B:14C:19D:103正确答案:5、The demand function for fresh strawberries is q = 200-5p and the supply function is q=60+2p. What is the equilibrium price?B:20C:40D:50正确答案:6、If a quantity tax is collected from competitive suppliers of a good, placing a tax on the good causes the price paid by consumers to increase more than if the tax had been collected directly from the buyers.A:对B:错正确答案:7、The demand function for x is D(p) = 65-2p and the supply function is S(p) = 20 + p. The price that should be set to restrict quantity supplied to 30 units is closest to:A:5B:10C:15D:50正确答案:8、The demand function for rental apartments is q = 960-7p and the supply function is q = 160 + 3p. The government makes it illegal to charge a rent higher than 35. How much excess demand will there be?A:149B:450C:364正确答案:9、The demand for pickles is given by p=131-2q and supply is given by p=5+7q. What is the equilibrium quantity?A:11B:14C:19D:103正确答案:10、The demand function for fresh strawberries is q = 200-5p and the supply function is q=60+2p. What is the equilibrium price?A:10B:20C:40D:50正确答案:第十章1、 The production set of a firm is the set of all products the firm can produce.A:对B:错正确答案:2、 A production isoquant is a locus of combinations of inputs that are equally profitable.A:对B:错正确答案:3、 If a firm moves from one point on a production isoquant to another point on the same isoquant, which of the following will certainly NOT happen?A:a change in the level of outputB:a change in the ratio in which the inputs are combinedC:a change in the marginal products of the inputsD:a change in the rate of technical substitution正确答案:4、In any production process, the marginal product of labor equals:A:the value of total output minus the cost of the fixed capital stock.B:the change in output per unit change in labor input for 'small' changes in the amount of input.C:total output divided by total labor inputs.D:total output produced with the given labor inputs.正确答案:5、The inverse demand curve P (x) for a good x measures the price per unit at which the quantity x would be demanded.A:对B:错正确答案:6、 The production function f (x,y) = x + y has constant returns to scaleA:对B:错正确答案:7、 The production function Q = 50K0.75L0.75exhibitsA:increasing returns to scale.B:constant returns to scale.C:decreasing returns to scale.D:increasing, then diminishing returns to scale.正确答案:8、 A firm has a production function f (x,y)=1:10(x0.20+ y0.20)5 whenever x > 0 and y > 0.A:increasing returns to scale.B:decreasing returns to scale.C:constant returns to scale.D:increasing returns to scale if x + y > 1 and decreasing returns to scale otherwise.正确答案:9、 If a firm moves from one point on a production isoquant to another point on the same isoquant, which of the following will certainly NOT happen?A:a change in the level of outputB:a change in the ratio in which the inputs are combinedC:a change in the marginal products of the inputsD:a change in the rate of technical substitution正确答案:10、 In any production process, the marginal product of labor equals:A:The value of total output minus the cost of the fixed capital stock.B:the change in output per unit change in labor input for small changes in the amount of input.C:total output divided by total labor inputs.D:total output produced with the given labor inputs.正确答案:第十二章1、 A firm in a competitive industry takes account of the fact that the demand curve it confronts has a significant negative slope.A:对B:错正确答案:2、 In a perfectly competitive industry, the demand curve for the total output of the industry may be downward sloping.A:对B:错正确答案:3、Price equals marginal cost is a sufficient condition for profit maximizationA:对B:错正确答案:4、 A profit maximizing firm continues to operate even though it is losing money. It sells its product at a price of $100. From these facts we deduce that:A:average total cost is less than $100.B:average fixed cost is less than $100.C:marginal cost is increasing.D:average variable cost is less than $100.正确答案:5、A profit maximizing dairy farm is currently producing 10,000 gallons of milk per day. The government is considering two alternative policies. One is to give the farm a lump sum subsidy of $500 per month. The other policy is to give the farm a subsidy of $.05 per gallon of output.A:Both kinds of subsidy will increase production at this farm.B:Neither subsidy will affect production at this farm, since output is determined by profit maximization.C:Production at this farm will be increased if the per unit subsidy is adopted, but not if the lump-sum subsidy is adopted.D:Which subsidy has the greater effect on production at this farm depends on whether fixed costs are greater than variable costs.E:Production will be increased by either kind of subsidy if and only if there are not decreasing returns to scale.正确答案:6、 The cost function c(w1,w2,y) expresses the cost per unit of output of producing y units of output if equal amounts of both factors are used.A:对B:错正确答案:7、 If it costs $10 to set up and later clean a bagel press and bagels cost $1 per week, per bagel, to store, how many times should the bagel press be run each week to produce 500 bagels a week to be sold continuously?A:Once.B:TwiceC:3 times.D:4 times正确答案:8、 If output is produced according to Q = 4LK, the price of K is $10, and the price of L is$10, then the cost minimizing combination of K and L capable of producing 16 units of output isA:L = 4 and K = 1B:L = 2 and K = 2C:L = 1 and K = 1D:L = 8 and K = 8正确答案:9、 The average variable cost curve must always be U shaped.A:对B:错正确答案:10、 The marginal cost curve passes through the minimum point of the average fixed cost curve.A:对B:错正确答案:第十三章1、 A firm in a competitive industry takes account of the fact that the demand curve it confronts has a significant negative slope.A:对B:错正确答案:2、 In a perfectly competitive industry, the demand curve for the total output of the industry may be downward sloping.A:对B:错正确答案:3、Price equals marginal cost is a sufficient condition for profit maximizationA:对B:错正确答案:4、 A profit maximizing firm continues to operate even though it is losing money. It sells its product at a price of $100. From these facts we deduce that:A:average total cost is less than $100.B:average fixed cost is less than $100.C:marginal cost is increasing.D:average variable cost is less than $100.正确答案:5、A profit maximizing dairy farm is currently producing 10,000 gallons of milk per day. The government is considering two alternative policies. One is to give the farm a lump sum subsidy of $500 per month. The other policy is to give the farm a subsidy of $.05 per gallon of output.A:Both kinds of subsidy will increase production at this farm.B:Neither subsidy will affect production at this farm, since output is determined by profit maximization.C:Production at this farm will be increased if the per unit subsidy is adopted, but not if the lump-sum subsidy is adopted.D:Which subsidy has the greater effect on production at this farm depends on whether fixed costs are greater than variable costs.E:Production will be increased by either kind of subsidy if and only if there are not decreasing returns to scale.正确答案:6、 The change in producer’s surplus when the market price changes from p1 to p2 is half of the area to the left of the marginal cost curve between p1 and p2.A:对B:错正确答案:7、 A firm has the long run cost function C(q)=4q2+ 4. In the long run, it will supplya positive amount of output, so long as the price is greater than:A:16B:24C:4D:8正确答案:8、 Suppose that Dent Carr’s long run total cost of repairing s cars per week is c(s)=3s2+ 27.If the price he receives for repairing a car is 30, then in the long run, how many cars will he fix perweek if he maximizes profits?A:5B:0C:10D:7.5正确答案:9、 A profit maximizing firm continues to operate even though it is losing money. It sells its product at a price of $100. From these facts we deduce that:A:average total cost is less than $100.B:average fixed cost is less than $100.C:marginal cost is increasing.D:average variable cost is less than $100.正确答案:10、 A profit maximizing dairy farm is currently producing 10,000 gallons of milk per day. The government is considering two alternative policies. One is to give the farm a lump sum subsidy of $500 per month. The other policy is to give the farm a subsidy of $.05 per gallon of output.A:Both kinds of subsidy will increase production at this farm.B:Production at this farm will be increased if the per unit subsidy is adopted, but not if the lump-sum subsidy is adopted.C:Which subsidy has the greater effect on production at this farm depends on whether fixed costs are greater than variable costs.D:Production will be increased by either kind of subsidy if and only if there are not decreasing returns to scale.正确答案:第二章1、If there are two goods with positive prices and the price of one good is reduced, while income and other prices remain constant, then the size of the budget set is reduced.A:对B:错正确答案:错2、If preferences are transitive, more is always preferred to less.A:对B:错正确答案:错3、With quasi-linear preferences, the slope of indifference curves is constant along all rays through the origin.A:对B:错正确答案:错4、Hans has 27 dollars, which he decides to spend on x and y. Commodity x costs $16 per unit and commodity y costs $10 per unit. He has the utility function U (x, y)=5x2 + 2y2 and he can purchase fractional units of x and y.A: Hans will choose only x.B: Hans will choose only y.C: Hans will chose some of each commodity, but more y than x.D: Hans will choose some of each commodity, but more x than y.正确答案:Hans will choose only y.5、Wanda Littlemore's utility function is U (x, y) = x + 63y2.Her income is 184. If the price of x is 1 and the price of y is 33, how many units of good x will Wanda demand?A:17B:22C:24D:19正确答案: 19第三章1、If preferences are quasilinear, then for very high incomes the income offer curve is a straight line parallel to one of the axes.A:对B:错正确答案:2、If two goods are substitutes, then an increase in the price of one of them will increase the demand for the other.A:对B:错正确答案:3、An Engel curve is a demand curve with the vertical and horizontal axes reversed.A:对B:错正确答案:4、Daisy received a tape recorder as a birthday gift and is not able to return it. Her utility function is U(x,y,z)=x+z1/2f(y)where z is the number of tapes she buys, y is the number of tape recorders she has and x is the amount of money she has left to spend. f(y)=0if y<1and f(y)=8 if y is 1 or greater. The price of tapes is 2 and she can easily afford to buy dozens of tapes. How many tapes will she buy?A:4B:6C:2D:8正确答案:5、Mike consumes two commodities, x and y; and his utility function is min{x +2y,y+2x}. He chooses to buy 8 units of good x and 16 units of good y. The price of good y is 0.50. What is his income?A:32B:40C:24D:16正确答案:6、Quasilinear preferences are homothetic when the optimal amount of one of the goods is not affordable.A:对B:错正确答案:7、Walt consumes strawberries and cream but only in the fixed ratio of three boxes of strawber ries to two cartons of cream. At any other ratio, the excess goods are totally useless to him. The cost of a box of strawberries is 10 and the cost of a carton of cream is 10. Walt's income is 200.Which of the following is true?A:Walt demands 10 cartons of cream.B:Walt demands 10 boxes of strawberries.C:Walt considers strawberries and cartons of cream to be perfect substitutes.D:Walt demands 12 boxes of strawberries.正确答案:8、Madonna buys only two goods. Her utility function is Cobb-Douglas. Her demand functions have which of the following properties?A:Her demand for one of the two goods does not depend on income.B:Her demand for neither good depends on income.C:Her demand for each of the goods depends on income and on the prices of both goods.D:Her demand for each of the two goods depends only on her income and on the price of that good itself.正确答案:9、Daisy received a tape recorder as a birthday gift and is not able to return it. Her utility function is U(x,y,z)=x+z1/2f(y)where z is the number of tapes she buys, y is the number of tape recorders she has and x is the amount of money she has left to spend. f(y)=0if y<1and f(y)=8 if y is 1 or greater. The price of tapes is 2 and she can easily afford to buy dozens of tapes. How many tapes will she buy?A:4B:6C:2D:8正确答案:10、Mike consumes two commodities, x and y; and his utility function is min{x +2y,y+2x}. He chooses to buy 8 units of good x and 16 units of good y. The price of good y is 0.50. What is his income?A:32B:40C:24D:16正确答案:第四章1、The strong axiom of revealed preference requires that if a consumer chooses x when he can afford y; and chooses y when he can afford z; then he will not choose z when he can afford x.A:对B:错正确答案:2、If a consumer maximizes a utility function subject to a budget constraint and has strictly convex preferences, then his behavior will necessarily satisfy the weak axiom of revealed preference and the strong axiom of revealed preference.A:对B:错正确答案:3、The Laspeyres price index differs from the Paasche price index because the Laspeyres index holds prices constant and varies quantities while the Paasche price index holds quantities constant and varies prices.A:对B:错正确答案:4、Let A stand for the bundle (7,9);B stand for the bundle (10,5); and C stand for the bundle (6,6). When prices are (2,4); Betty chooses C. When prices are (12,3) she chooses A. Which of the following is true?B: A is indirectly revealed preferred to B.C:C is directly revealed preferred to A.D:None of the above正确答案:5、Remember that the Laspeyres price index uses the old quantities for the weights. In 1971, good x cost 3 and good y cost 1. The current price of good x is 3 and the current price of good y is 5. In 1971 the consumption bundle was (x,y) = (3,5). The current consumption bundle is (x,y) = (9 ,4). The Laspeyres index of current prices relative to 1971 prices is closest to which of the following numbers?A: 3.36B:2.43C:0.30D: 1.52正确答案:6、It follows from the weak axiom of revealed preference that if a consumer chooses x when he could afford y and chooses y when he could afford x; then his income must have changed between the two observations.A:对B:错正确答案:7、Let A stand for the bundle (7,9);B stand for the bundle (10,5); and C stand for the bundle (6,6). When prices are (2,4); Betty chooses C. When prices are (12,3) she chooses A. Which of the following is true?A:A is directly revealed preferred to B.B:A is indirectly revealed preferred to B.D:None of the above正确答案:8、Remember that the Laspeyres price index uses the old quantities for the weights. In 1971, good x cost 3 and good y cost 1. The current price of good x is 3 and the current price of good y is 5. In 1971 the consumption bundle was (x,y) = (3,5). The current consumption bundle is (x,y) = (9 ,4). The Laspeyres index of current prices relative to 1971 prices is closest to which of the following numbers?A:3.36B:2.43C:0.30D:1.52正确答案:9、At prices (4,12); Harry chooses the bundle (9,4). At the prices (8,4); Harry chooses the bundle (2,9). Is this behavior consistent with the weak axiom of revealed preference?A:YesB:NoC:It depends on his income.D:We would have to observe a third choice to be able to say.正确答案:10、A student spends all of her income on pizza and books. When pizzas cost $3 each and books cost $10 each, she consumed 30 pizzas and 3 books per month. The price of pizzas fell to $2.90 each while the price of books rose to $11 each. The price change:A:made her worse offB:left her exactly as well offas before.C:left her at least as well offas before and possibly helped her.D:had the same effect as a $3 increase in her income.正确答案:第五章1、A Giffen good must be an inferior good.A:对B:错正确答案:2、The compensated demand function refers to the demand function of someone who is adequately paid for what he for she sells.A:对B:错正确答案:3、In the case of homothetic preferences the entire change in demand from a price change is due to the substitution effect.A:对B:错正确答案:4、Walt considers x and y to be perfect substitutes. They originally cost 10 and 9 respectively. His income is 720. One day the price of x drops to 8. Which of the following is true?A:The income effect increases the quantity of y by 90.B:The substitution effect increases the quantity of y by 80.C:The substitution effect increases the quantity of x by 90D:The income effect increases the quantity of x by 80.正确答案:5、Suppose that bananas are a normal good and Woody is currently consuming 100 bananas at a price of 10 cents each.A:His Slutsky compensated demand curve going through this point is steeper than his ordinary demand curve.B:His ordinary demand curve going through this point is steeper than his Slutsky compensated demand curve.C:His ordinary demand curve is steeper to the left and his Slutsky compensated demand curve is steeper to the right of this point.D:Whether his ordinary demand curve or his compensated demand curve is steeper, depends on whether his price elasticity is greater than 1.正确答案:6、John purchases two goods, x and y. Good x is an inferior good for some range of income.There must be another range of income for which good x is a normal good.A:对B:错正确答案:7、The following can be said about the income and substitution effects of a price increase on the demand for the good whose price rose:A:The former is always positive and the latter is always negative.B:Both can be either positive or negative.C:While the latter is always negative, the former can be either positive or negative.D:While the former is always negative, the latter can be either positive or negative.正确答案:8、When the price of x rises, Marvin responds by changing his demand for x. The substitution effect is the part of this change that represents his change in demand:A:holding the prices of substitutes constant.B:if he is allowed to substitute as much x for y as he wishes.C:if his money income is held constant when the price of x changes.D:none of the above.正确答案:9、Walt considers x and y to be perfect substitutes. They originally cost 10 and 9 respectively. His income is 720. One day the price of x drops to 8. Which of the following is true?A:The income effect increases the quantity of y by 90.B:The substitution effect increases the quantity of y by 80.C:The substitution effect increases the quantity of x by 90.D:The income effect increases the quantity of x by 80.正确答案:10、Suppose that bananas are a normal good and Woody is currently consuming 100 bananas at a price of 10 cents each.A:His Slutsky compensated demand curve going through this point is steeper than his ordinary demand curve.B:His ordinary demand curve going through this point is steeper than his Slutsky compensated demand curve.C:His ordinary demand curve is steeper to the left and his Slutsky compensated demand curve is steeper to the right of this point.D:Whether his ordinary demand curve or his compensated demand curve is steeper, depends on whether his price elasticity is greater than 1.正确答案:第七章1、Consumer's surplus is another name for excess demand.A:对B:错正确答案:2、The equivalent variation in income from a tax is the amount of extra income thata consumer would need in order to be as well off after the tax is imposed as he was originally.A:对B:错正确答案:3、With quasilinear preferences, the equivalent variation and the compensating variation in income due to a tax are the same.A:对B:错正确答案:4、Ella's utility function is min{4x,y}. If the price of x is 15 and the price of y is 20, how much money would she need to be able to purchase a bundle that she likes as well as the bundle(x,y) = (5,8)?A:92B:198C:190D:235正确答案:5、Sam's utility function is U (x,y)=2x + y where x is the number of x's he consumes per week and y is the number of y's he consumes per week. Sam has $200 a week to spend. The price of x is 4. Sam currently doesn't consume any y. Sam has received an invitation to join a club devoted to consumption of y. If he joins the club, Sam can get a discount on the purchase of y. If he belonged to the club he could buy y for $1 a unit. How much is the most Sam would be willing to pay to join this club?A: nothingB:$100 a weekC:$50 a weekD: $40 a week正确答案:6、Sir Plus has a demand function for mead that is given by the equation D(p) = 100-P.If the price of mead is 75, how much is Sir Plus's net consumer surplus?A:25B:312.5C:625D:156.25正确答案:7、Sam has quasilinear preferences and his demand function for x is D(p) = 15-p/3.The price of x is initially $15 per unit and increases to $24 per unit. Sam's change is consumer surplus is the closest to:A:-168B:-76。

智慧树知到《经济学导论( 微观)》 章节测试完整答案

智慧树知到《经济学导论( 微观)》 章节测试完整答案


() [单选题] *A.由于价格过低而产生的B.只有贫穷的国家才会发生的C.可以通过市场交换而被消除的D.所有国家和个人在过去、现在和可见的未来都将面对的(正确答案)2、经济学研究的理性人是指_的人。

() [单选题] *A.道德高尚B.行为合法C.追求个人利益最大化(正确答案)D.损人利己3、最基本的经济问题是__。

() [单选题] *A.稀缺性(正确答案)B.健康与医疗保障C.减少失业D.提高人们的收入水平4、政府如果将某些资源用于建造高铁,则这些资源就不能被用于教育。


() [单选题] *A.市场B.宏观经济政策C.边际利益D.机会成本(正确答案)5、市场主要是通过__来协调单个经济主体的决策。

() [单选题] *A.法律和规则B.产品和要素的价格(正确答案)C.计划和指令D.宣传和广告6、增加货币量的结果是____。

() [单选题] *A.物价上涨(正确答案)B.利率升高C.经济增长速度加快7、作为政策顾问的经济学家,通常使用的是___方式来阐述观点。

() [单选题] *A.公式表述B.文字表述C.实证表述D.规范表述(正确答案)8、上大学的机会成本包括_。

() *A.因为上大学而放弃的工资收入(正确答案)B.上学购买的教材(正确答案)C.上学期间的伙食费D.上大学购买的教材(正确答案)9、根据经济学原理,对交易双方都有利的交易需要满足___的原则。

() *A.符合社会发展目标要求B.基于比较优势专业分工(正确答案)C.全能计划安排D.按照自愿交易原则进行(正确答案)10、经济学研究理性人有效利用稀缺资源最大限度满足愿望的选择原则。

[判断题] *对(正确答案)错11、失业率和通货膨胀率往往不存在任何关系。

[判断题] *对错(正确答案)12、理性人根据激励的改变而调整行为。

[判断题] *对(正确答案)错1、手机功能的不断增加,导致___。

智慧树知到 《微观经济学(山东联盟)》章节测试答案

智慧树知到 《微观经济学(山东联盟)》章节测试答案


A:有用的物品B:稀缺的物品C:要用钱购买的物品D:有用且稀缺的物品答案: 有用且稀缺的物品一国生产可能性曲线以内的一点表示()。

A:通货膨胀B:失业或者说资源没有被充分利用C:该国可利用的资源减少D:技术水平提高答案: 失业或者说资源没有被充分利用假定某机器原来生产产品A,利润为200元。


A:200元B:300元C:400元D:700元答案: 200元某菜农销售西红柿时,三元一斤,五元二斤,则该菜农销售第二斤西红柿的边际收益是()。

A:3元B:2.5元C:2元D:5元答案: 2元M国生产一单位毛呢和葡萄酒所用的劳动分别为3小时和2小时,而N国分别为6小时和3小时,那么N国()。

A:在生产毛呢上有绝对优势B:在生产葡萄酒上有绝对优势C:在生产毛呢上有比较优势D:在生产葡萄酒上有比较优势答案: 在生产葡萄酒上有比较优势第二章消费者预期某商品未来价格要上升,则对该商品当前需求会()。

A:减少B:增加C:不变D:其它三种情况都有可能答案: 增加下列因素中除哪一种以外都会使需求曲线移动?()A:购买者(消费者)收入变化B:商品价格下降C:其他相关商品价格下降D:消费者偏好变化答案: 商品价格下降建筑工人提高工资将使新房子的()。

A:需求曲线外移B:需求曲线內移C:供给曲线外移D:供给曲线內移答案: 供给曲线內移市场上某产品存在超额需求是由于()。

A:产品价格超过均衡价格B:该产品是优质品C:该产品没有相似的替代品D:产品价格低于均衡价格答案: 产品价格低于均衡价格等弹性的需求曲线()。

A:是一条向右下方倾斜的直线B:向右下方倾斜,凸向原点C:凹向原点D:其它三种情况都有可能答案: 向右下方倾斜,凸向原点第三章序数效用论认为,商品效用的大小()。



第一章测试1.资源的稀缺性是指 ( )。

A:资源的绝对数量的有限性B:相对于人类社会的无穷欲望而言,资源总是不足的C:生产某种物品所需资源的绝对数量的有限性D:世界上资源最终将由于生产更多的物品和劳务而消耗掉答案:B2.生产契约曲线上的点表示生产者 ( )。

A:付出了最小成本B:获得了最大利润C:通过资源的合理配置实现了最大产量D:其它选项均正确答案:C3.经济学研究的基本问题包括 ( )。


A:4800B:不确定C:8000D:12800答案:D5.当经济学家说人们是理性的,这是指 ( )。






()A:对B:错答案:B第二章测试1.通常情况下,需求曲线是一条向 ( ) 倾斜的曲线。

A:左上方B:右上方C:右下方D:左下方答案:C2.通常情况下,供给曲线是一条向 ( ) 倾斜的曲线。

A:右上方B:左下方C:左上方D:右下方答案:A3.下列 ( ) 项将导致商品需求量的变化而不是需求的变化。

A:消费者的收入变化B:该商品的价格下降C:人口的变化D:消费者预期该商品的价格将上升答案:B4.在某棉花种植户的棉花供给曲线上,下列因素中可以变动的是 ( )。











参考答案:对第一章测试1.当汽油价格上升时,在其他条件不变的情况下,对小汽车需求量将( ) 。

参考答案:减少2.当咖啡的价格急剧上升时,在其他条件不变的情况下,对茶叶的需求( ) 。

参考答案:增加3.消费者预期某物品将来价格要下降,则对该物品当前的需求会( ) 。

参考答案:减少4.需求的变动与需求量的变动 ( ) 。

















跨学科阅读纲要智慧树知到课后章节答案2023年下山东师范大学山东师范大学第一章测试1.请问读书和学习是什么关系呢?A:读书是粗略的学习,学习是高质量的读书 B:关系不大 C:读书就是学习 D:学习就是读书答案:读书是粗略的学习,学习是高质量的读书2.医疗水平是体现生活水平的重要标准,请问按照你的估计,现在全世界有多少一岁儿童接种过疫苗?A: 20% B: 50% C:80% D:90%答案:80%3.世界各国的基础设置发展水平差别很大,请问按照你的估计,全世界有多少人能够正常使用电呢?A:80%B:20% C:50%D:10%答案:80%4.从学生的角度看,学生出于畏难情绪和追求高分的心理,有可能会倾向于选修那些容易通过或老师给分比较高的课程。



请问芝加哥大学在应对这个问题时,有什么借鉴措施呢?A:老师的教学水平特别高 B:大学之大,在于大师C:小班讨论课D:小班授课答案:小班讨论课5.如果我们进入了所谓的“二流大学”,那么如何才能接受一流教育呢?A:多考证 B:主动建立约束机制和学习圈C:考研 D:纸上得来终觉浅,多参加社会实践答案:主动建立约束机制和学习圈第二章测试1.有些国家并不重视高考,他们只要通过统一的会考就可以升入大学,但是在亚洲文化圈,高考通常是保留的上升通道,请问课程中介绍了哪些特别重视高考的国家?A:巴西、阿根廷和哥伦比亚 B:意大利、埃及和孟加拉 C:中国、韩国和印度 D:法国、日本和美国答案:中国、韩国和印度2.请问《瑟谷学校传奇》这套书中所传达出怎样的教育理念呢?A:教育是唤起内心的需求 B:题海战术C:良性学术竞争 D:小班上课答案:教育是唤起内心的需求3.瑟谷学校里,那位每天只是钓鱼的孩子实现了怎样的人生?A:写了一本关于钓鱼的畅销书 B:成为一名出色的渔夫 C:对计算机感兴趣,成立了电脑公司并考上了大学D:辍学卖鱼,成立了渔业公司答案:对计算机感兴趣,成立了电脑公司并考上了大学4.在《怎样才是最好的学习》中,讲述了以色列独特的教学体系。



2020智慧树,知到《微观经济学》章节测试【完整答案】第一章单元测试1、单选题:Microeconomics studies the allocation of选项:A:models.B:scarce resources.C:decision makers.D:unlimited resources.答案: 【scarce resources.】2、单选题:Most microeconomic models assume that decision makers wish to选项:A:act selfishly.B:make others as well off as possible.C:make themselves as well off as possible.D:None of the above.答案: 【make themselves as well off as possible.】3、单选题:What links the decisions of consumers and firms in a market?选项:A:the government.B:microeconomics.C:coordination officials.D:prices.答案: 【prices.】4、单选题:Economic models are most often tested选项:A:using data from the real world.B:using computer simulations.C:using data from the distant past.D:using logic alone.答案: 【using data from the real world.】5、单选题:Which of the statements below is/are normative?选项:A:Economists need to include more reality in their models. B:B and CC:Microeconomists study economic growth.D:Economists will use a model until it is refuted by someone.答案: 【Economists need to include more reality in their models.】第二章单元测试1、单选题:An indifference curve represents bundles of goods that a consumer选项:A:views as equally desirable.B:refers to any other bundle of goods.C:All of the above.D:ranks from most preferred to least preferred.答案: 【views as equally desirable.】2、单选题:Convexity of indifference curves implies that consumers are willing to选项:A:give up more“y” to get an extra“x” the less“x” they have.B:settle for less of both“x” and“y”.C:give up more“y” to get an extra“x” the more“x” they have.D:acquire more“x” only if they do not have to give up any“y”.答案: 【give up more“y” to get an extra“x” the less “x” they have.】3、单选题:If two bundles are on the same indifference curve, then 选项:A:B and C.B:no comparison can be made between the two bundles since utility cannot really be measured.C:the consumer derives the same level of utility from each. D:the consumer derives the same level of ordinal utility from each but not the same level of cardinal utility.答案: 【the consumer derives the same level of utility from each.】4、单选题:If the utility for two goods“x” and“y” is measured as U = x + y, then it can be concluded that选项:A:the indifference curves on the x,y graph will be upward sloping.B:”x” and“y” are both bads.C:”x” and“y” are perfect complements.D:”x” and“y” are perfect substitutes.答案: 【“x” and“y” are perfect substitutes.】5、单选题:Joe”s income is $500, the price of food (F) is $2 per unit, and the price of shelter (S) is $100. Which of the following represents his budget constraint?选项:A:F = 250 &ndash; 50SB:500 = 2F + 100SC:S = 5 &ndash; .02FD:All of the above.答案: 【All of the above.】。












选择题1.经济学可定义为( )A.政府对市场制度的⼲预B.企业赚取利润的活动C.研究稀缺资源如何有效配置的问题D.学习变得更⽆私以解决稀缺性问题2.“资源是稀缺的”是指( )A.资源是不可再⽣的B.资源必须留给下⼀代C.资源终将被耗费殆尽D.相对于需求⽽⾔,资源总是不⾜的3.失业问题反映在⽣产可能性边界图上,表现为( )A.⽣产可能性边界内的⼀点B.⽣产可能性边界上的⼀点C.⽣产可能性边界以外的⼀点D.不在该平⾯直⾓坐标系上4.⼀个经济体系必须回答的基本问题是( )A.⽣产什么,⽣产多少B.如何⽣产C.为谁⽣产D.以上都包括5.下⾯哪⼀句是实证的表述( )A.通货膨胀对经济发展有利B.通货膨胀对经济发展不利C.只有控制货币量才能抑制通货膨胀D.治理通货膨胀⽐减少失业更重要6.下⾯哪⼀句是规范的表述( )A.由于收⼊⽔平低,绝⼤多数中国⼈还买不起⼩轿车B.随着收⼊⽔平的提⾼,拥有⼩轿车的⼈会越来越多C.⿎励私⼈购买⼩轿车有利于促进我国汽车⼯业的发展D.提倡轿车⽂明是盲⽬向西⽅学习,不适于我国国情7.“富⼈的所得税税率⽐穷⼈⾼”是( )A.规范的表述B.实证的表述C.否定的表述D.理论的表述8.⼩王的时间既可以听⼀次经济学讲座也可以打⼀场⽹球。









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智慧树知到《微观经济学(山东大学)》章节测试答案第一章1、由于人们会对激励做出反应,如果会计师的平均薪水增加50%,而教师的平均薪水增加20%,我们可以预期()A:学生将从教育专业转向会计专业B:学生将从会计专业转向教育专业C:上大学的学生少了正确答案:学生将从教育专业转向会计专业2、下列哪一项不是去度假的机会成本的一部分? ()A:如果你留在家里并工作可以赚到的钱B:你用于食物的钱C:你用于飞机票的钱D:你看百老汇表演所花的钱正确答案:你用于食物的钱3、高而持久的通货膨胀的原因是()A:工会使工资增加得太多了B:欧佩克使石油价格上升得太高了C:政府增加的货币量太多了D:管制使生产成本增加得太多了正确答案:政府增加的货币量太多了4、可以提高生产率的方法是()A:提高最低工资B:提高工会会员的工资C:改善工人的教育D:限制与国外的贸易正确答案:改善工人的教育5、下列哪一种情况涉及到权衡取舍? ()A:上大学B:买一辆新汽车C:星期天下午看一场足球比赛正确答案:上大学,买一辆新汽车,星期天下午看一场足球比赛第二章1、如果一种经济在其生产可能性边界上运行,它要多生产另一种物品就必须少生产一种物品。

A:对B:错正确答案:对2、生产可能性边界上的点是()A: 有效率的B: 无效率的C: 不能达到的D: 规范的正确答案:有效率的3、以下哪一项不会使一国的生产可能性曲线向外移动? ()A: 资本存量增加B: 技术进步C: 失业减少D: 劳动力增加正确答案:失业减少4、以下哪一项描述了经济增长()A: 沿着生产可能性边界向资本品移动B: 生产可能性边界向外移动C: 生产可能性边界向内移动D: 从该曲线内向曲线移动正确答案:生产可能性边界向外移动5、以下哪一项表述是规范表述? ()A: 发行了太多货币就引起通货膨胀B: 如果工资高,人们就努力工作C: 失业率应该降低D: 大量政府赤字使经济增长更慢正确答案:失业率应该降低第三章1、即使一国在所有物品上都有绝对优势。






正确答案:3、下表表示澳大利亚和韩国一个工人每月可以生产的产量,根据该表答题:答题.png澳大利亚生产1单位电器的机会成本是A:5单位粮食B:1/5单位粮食C:4单位粮食D:1/4单位粮食正确答案:4、下表表示澳大利亚和韩国一个工人每月可以生产的产量,根据该表答题:答题.png韩国生产1单位电器的机会成本是A:2单位粮食B:1/2单位粮食C:4单位粮食D:1/4单位粮食正确答案:5、下表表示澳大利亚和韩国一个工人每月可以生产的产量,根据该表答题:答题.png澳大利亚生产1单位粮食的机会成本是A:5单位电器B:1/5单位电器C:4单位电器D:1/4单位电器正确答案:6、下表表示澳大利亚和韩国一个工人每月可以生产的产量,根据该表答题:答题.png韩国生产1单位粮食的机会成本是A:2单位电器B:1/2单位电器C:4单位电器D:1/4单位电器正确答案:7、下表表示澳大利亚和韩国一个工人每月可以生产的产量,根据该表答题:答题.png下列哪一种关于比较优势的表述是正确的A:澳大利亚在粮食的生产上有比较优势,而韩国在电器的生产上有比较优势B:韩国在粮食的生产上有比较优势,而澳大利亚在电器的生产上有比较优势C:澳大利亚在粮食和电器的生产上都有比较优势D:韩国在粮食和电器的生产上都有比较优势正确答案:第四章1、如果蓝牛仔裤价格上升引起网球鞋需求增加,那么.蓝牛仔裤和网球鞋是()A: 替代品B: 互补品C: 正常物品D: 低档物品正确答案:2、需求定理说明,一种物品价格上升()A: 该物品需求减少B: 该物品需求量减少C: 该物品供给增加D: 该物品供给量增加正确答案:3、供给定理说明,一种物品价格上升()A: 该物品需求减少B: 该物品需求量减少C: 该物品供给增加D: 该物品供给量增加正确答案:4、低档物品是收入增加引起哪一种变动的物品()A: 供给增加B: 供给减少C: 需求增加D: 需求减少正确答案:5、如果一种物品价格高于均衡价格()A: 存在过剩,而且,价格将上升B: 存在过剩,而且,价格将下降C: 存在短缺,而且,价格将上升D: 存在短缺,而且,价格将下降正确答案:第五章1、如果一种物品价格的微小百分比变动大大减少了该物品的需求量,那么,该物品的需求是()A: 价格缺乏弹性B: 价格富有弹性C: 单位价格弹性D: 收入缺乏弹性正确答案:2、一般来说,供给曲线越陡峭,越可能的情况是()A: 价格富有弹性B: 价格缺乏弹性C: 单位价格弹性正确答案:3、如果两种物品之间的交叉价格弹性是负的,那么,这两种物品很可能是 ( ) A: 奢侈品B: 必需品C: 互补品D: 替代品正确答案:4、在某个市场上供给减少(向左移动)总收益增加的条件是()A: 供给是价格富有弹性的B: 供给是价格缺乏弹性的C: 需求是价格富有弹性的D: 需求是价格缺乏弹性的正确答案:5、如果一种物品价格上升对那个市场的总收益没有影响,这个市场必须是()A: 价格缺乏弹性B: 价格富有弹性C: 单位价格弹性正确答案:第六章1、为了使价格上限成为一种对市场的约束性限制,政府应该使它()A: 高于均衡价格B: 低于均衡价格C: 正好在均衡价格上D: 在任何一种价格时,因为所有价格上限都是限制性约束正确答案:2、假设公寓的均衡价格是每月500美元,而政府规定租金控制是250美元。

由于租金控制,下列哪一种情况是不可能发生的? ()A: 住房短缺B: 房东可以对公寓租赁者进行歧视C: 为了租到公寓要向房东行贿D: 公寓的质量将提高正确答案:3、市场的哪一方更可能为价格下限而游说政府? ()A: 想要价格下限的既不是买者也不是卖者B: 买者与卖者都想要价格下限C: 卖者D: 买者正确答案:4、如果(),约束性价格下限引起的过剩最大A: 供给和需求都是富有弹性的B: 供给和需求都是缺乏弹性的C: 供给缺乏弹性,而需求富有弹性D: 需求缺乏弹性,而供给富有弹性正确答案:5、当向市场上的买者收税时()A: 买者承担税收负担B: 卖者承担税收负担C: 买者与卖者的税收负担与向卖者收税时相同D: 税收负担主要落在买者身上正确答案:第七章1、消费者剩余是一个()面积A: 在供给曲线以上和价格以下B: 在供给曲线以下和价格以上C: 在需求曲线以上和价格以下D: 在需求曲线以下和价格以上正确答案:2、一种物品的价格沿着一条不变的需求曲线上升()A: 增加消费者剩余B: 减少消费者剩余C: 增加买者的物质福利D: 提高市场效率正确答案:3、生产者剩余是一个()面积A: 在供给曲线以上和价格以下B: 在供给曲线以下和价格以上C: 在需求曲线以上和价格以下D: 在需求曲线以下和价格以上正确答案:4、卖者的生产成本是()A: 卖者的消费者剩余B: 卖者的生产者剩余C: 卖者愿意为一种物品接受的最大量D: 卖者愿意为一种物品接受的最小量正确答案:5、如果一个市场是有效率的,那么()A: 市场把产品配置给了对它评价最大的买者B: 市场把买者配置给了能以最低成本生产物品的生产者C: 市场生产的量使消费者和生产者剩余之和最大正确答案:第八章1、当()无谓损失最大A:供给和需求都较为缺乏弹性时,B: 供给和需求都较为富有弹性时,C:供给富有弹性,而需求完全无弹性时,D: 需求富有弹性,而供给完全无弹性时,正确答案:2、汽油税很可能()A: 与短期中比较,在长期中引起更大的无谓损失B: 与长期中比较,在短期中引起更大的无谓损失C: 引起的无谓损失不受所考虑的时间长短的影响正确答案:3、下列哪一种税收会引起最大的无谓损失?()A: 香烟税B: 盐税C: 旅游门票税D: 汽油税正确答案:4、当一种物品税开始时小并逐渐增加时,税收收入()A: 将增加B: 将减少C: 先增加而后减少D: 先减少而后增加正确答案:5、下列关于税收减少,表述合理的是()A: 如果税收极高,可以增加税收收入B: 无论以前税收规模如何,总会减少税收收入C: 对税收收入没有影响D: 引起市场变得更无效率正确答案:第九章1、假定世界价格低于贸易前一种物品的国内价格。

如果一国允许这种物品的自由贸易,那么()A: 消费者将受益,而生产者将受损B: 生产者将受益,而消费者将受损C: 生产者和消费者都受益D:生产者和消费者都受损正确答案:2、当一国允许贸易并出口一种物品时,()A: 国内消费者状况变好,国内生产者状况变坏,而且一国由于输家的损失大于赢家的好处而变坏了B: 国内消费者状况变好,国内生产者状况变坏,而且一国由于赢家的好处大于输家的损失而变好了C: 国内生产者状况变好,国内消费者状况变坏,而且一国由于输家的损失大于赢家的好处而变坏了D: 国内生产者状况变好,国内消费者状况变坏,而且一国由于赢家的好处大于输家的损失而变好了正确答案:3、关于关税的表述,正确的是()A: 关税增加了生产者剩余,减少了消费者剩余,增加了政府收入,并减少了总剩余B: 关税增加了消费者剩余,减少了生产者剩余,增加了政府收入,并减少了总剩余C: 关税增加了生产者剩余,减少了消费者剩余,增加了政府收入,并增加了总剩余D: 关税增加了消费者剩余,减少了生产者剩余,增加了政府收入,并增加了总剩余正确答案:4、当政治家认为戴尔电脑公司向印度外包技术支持会有损美国经济时,他们运用的限制贸易观点的是()A: 幼稚产业论B: 工作岗位论C: 国家安全论D: 无谓损失论正确答案:5、以下的观点没有用来支持贸易限制的是()A: 自由贸易摧毁了国内工作岗位B: 如果至关重要的物品是进口的,自由贸易就有损于国家安全C: 如果外国补贴他们的出口行业,自由贸易就不利于进口国D: 自由贸易既损害了国内生产者,又损害了国内消费者,并减少了总剩余正确答案:第十章1、外部性是()A: 归市场上买者的利益B: 归市场上卖者的成本C: 一个人的行为对一个旁观者福利无补偿的影响D: 对企业外部顾问支付的报酬正确答案:2、为了使负外部性内在化,适当的公共政策的反应将是()A: 禁止所有引起负外部性的物品的生产B: 政府控制引起外部性的物品的生产C: 补贴这种物品D: 对这种物品征税正确答案:3、最有效率的污染控制应该确保()A: 每个污染者等量地减少其污染B: 减少污染成本最低的污染者减少的污染量最多C: 不能容忍环境的污染D: 管制者决定每个污染者应该减少多少污染正确答案:4、根据科斯定理,如果()那么,私人各方就可以解决外部性问题。
