2 -开题浅谈京剧唱腔对民族声乐艺术的影响复习过程
2020新译林版新教材⾼中英语必修⼀unit2第⼆单元课⽂及翻译(附课本练习答案)Book 1 Unit 2ReadingWhen teenagers’ bodies and minds go through a period of rapid development, every part of their lives can be influenced. The magazine article below is about teenagers’ relationships with their parents. Before you read the article, think about the following questions:What physical and mental changes do you experience as you become a teenager How do you deal with themWhat do you think “strangers under the same roof” meansStrangers under the same roof?Does every dinner with your parents seem to turn into a battle? Have your once warm and open conversations become cold and guarded? Do you feel that you just cannot see eye to eye with them on anything? You are not alone. Heated arguments and cold silences are common between teenagers and their parents.Teenagers’ physical changes may result in such family tensions. You may feel anxious that you are developing at a different rate to your friends, shooting up in height or getting left far behind. You might worry about your changing voice, weight problems or spots. When it all gets too much, your parents are often the first targets of your anger.It can be a big headache to balance your developing mental needs too. You enter a strange middle ground— 5 10 15 Reading 17 no longer a small child but not quite an adult. You have both a new desire for independence and a continued need for your parents’ love and support. You feel ready to be more responsible and make decisions on your own. Unfortunately, your parents do not always agree and that makes you feel unhappy. “Why can’t they just let me go?” you may wonder. On the other hand, when you are struggling to control your feelings, you wish they could be more caring and patient —sometimes they forget that growing up is a rough ride. It can be difficult when your parents treat you like a child but expect you to act like an adult. All of this can lead to a breakdown in your relationship.Although sometimes it may seem impossible to get along as a family, you can take action to improve the situation. The key to keeping the peace is regular and honest communication. When you disagree with your parents, take a minute to calm down and try to understand the situation from their point of view. Perhaps they have experienced something similar and do not want you to go through the same pain. After you have thought it through, explain your actions and feelings calmly, listencarefully, and address their concerns. Through this kind of healthy discussion, youwill learn when to back down and when to ask your parents to relax their control.Just remember that it is completely normal to struggle with the stress thatparent-child tensions create, and that you and your parents can work together to improve your relationship. The good news is that this stormy period will not last. Everything will turn out all right in the end, and the changes and challenges of your teenage years will prepare you for adulthood.Extended readingRead the short story about a mother’s love for her children.Mama and her bank accountEvery Saturday night Mama would sit down by the kitchen table and count out the money Papa had brought home.“For the rent.” Mama would count out the big silver pieces.“For the groceries.” Another group of coins.“I’ll need a notebook.” That would be my sister Christine, my brother Nels or me.Mama would put one or two coins to the side. We would watch with anxious interest. At last, Papa would ask, “Is that all?”And when Mama nodded, we could relax a little. Mama would look up and smile, “Good. We do not have to go to the Bank.”We were all so proud of Mama’s Bank Account. It gave us such a warm, secure feeling.When Nels graduated from grammar school, he wanted to go on to high school. “It will cost a little money,” he said.Eagerly we gathered around the table. I took down a box and laid it carefully in front of Mama. This was the “Little Bank”. It was used for sudden emergencies, such as the time when Christine broke her arm and had to be taken to a doctor.Nels listed the costs of the things he would need. Mama counted out the money in the Little Bank. There was not enough.“We do not want to go to the Bank,” she reminded. We all shook our heads.“I will work in Dillon’s grocery after school,” Nels volunteered.Mama gave him a bright smile and wrote down a number. “That’s not enough,” Papa said. Then he took his pipe out of his mouth and looked at it for a long time. “I will give up smoking,” he said suddenly.Mama reached across the table and touched Papa’s arm. Then she wrote down another figure.“I will look after the Elvington children every Friday night,” I said. “Christine can help me.”Now there was enough money. We all felt very good because we did not have to go downtown and draw money out of Mama’s Bank Account. So many things came out of the Little Bank that year: Christine’s dress for the school play, my little sister Dagmar’s operation ... Whatever happened, we always knew we still had the Bank to depend upon.That was twenty years ago.Last year I sold my first story. When the check came, I hurried over to Mama’s and put it in her lap. “For you,” I said, “to put in your Bank Account.”I noticed for the first time how old Mama and Papa looked. Papa seemed shorter, and Mama’s hair was silver now.“Tomorrow,” I told Mama, “you must take it to the Bank.”“You will go with me, Katrin?”“That won’t be necessary. Just hand it to the teller. He’ll pay it into your account.” Mama looked at me. “There is no account,”she said. “In all my life, I’ve never been inside a bank.”And when I didn’t—couldn’t—answer, Mama said seriously, “It is not good for little ones to be afraid—to not feel secure.”(Adapted from Kathryn Forbes’s Mama’s Bank Account, which has 17 short stories and describes the struggles and dreams of a family in San Francisco in the early 1900s)TranslationUnit 2Reading最熟悉的陌⽣⼈?每天的家庭晚餐幻化成激烈战⽃?热情开朗的谈话蜕变成冷淡警惕?⽆论什么事情都夏⾍语冰?其实⼤家都⼀样。
例2: My dogs are killing me.
【误】我的狗要咬死我了。 【正】我的双脚疼死我了。
例3:He didn’t speak (for) long.
例4: I bought a tape-recorder for a song.
【误】我买一台录音机来听唱歌。 【正】我廉价买了一台录音机。
例1: “I will teach him to deceive others,” he said.
【误】他说,“我要教他去欺骗别人。” 【正】他说,“我要告诫他不要骗人。”
• 动物的隐喻性意义: • 由于人们对日常生活中常见的动物比较熟 悉和了解,语言中用动物来作隐喻的例子很多。 • 猴子:精明;灵活;瘦小 • 猪: 笨;懒惰;贪吃;脏; 轻手轻脚;嘴馋 • 猫: 奴性;凶恶;走狗,狗头军师;狼心狗肺;狗东西 • 狗: 狡猾 • 狐狸: 凶狠;有生气;虎视眈眈;龙腾虎跃; • 虎: 霸道;凶;无理 • 母老虎: 美丽、骄傲 • 孔雀:
• 5) Don’t tell stories again, Tom. I don’t believe your stories. • 6) It is quite another story now. • 7) He storied about his age.
2. Choice of the meanings
6) I have lost sight of my old friend for many years. 【译文】我已多年未得到老友的音讯。 7) The Great Wall in China is one of the sights of the world. 【译文】中国长城是世界名胜之一。 8) The Statue of Liberty is a noble sight. 【译文】自由神像是一个宏伟的景物。 9) It is worth a long sight more than that. 【译文】这个比那个价值高的多。 10) Do what is right in your own sight. 【译文】做你认为对的事。
或“否”,诈病。 希望引起别人注意自己处于困难,寻求帮助。 病情严重,处于混乱状态,环境压力大。 中度升高,显示与众不同思维,造反派性格。
高分,不承认自己存在精神症状,家庭处境困 难。
不愿意老实回答。 自己过分控制自己,保持一贯态度。 固执,有板有眼不灵活,伪装好,对精神症状
100 M AL E
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综合教程二unit1 课后习题答案Activer eading(1)3).Match the words in the box with their definitions.1 a subject that peopledi scuss or argue about (issue)2 a chanceto do somethi ng (opportu nity)3 the most importa nt and powerfu l peoplei n the country (establi shment)4 an area of land contain i ng all the main buildin gs of a universi ty (campus)5 somethi ng such as a meeting or publicstateme nt by people who strongl y disagre e with a policy, law etc (protest)6 to start a major activit y (launch)7 chances of success, especia l ly in a job or a career(prospect s)8 work that you are paid regularl y to do for a personor company(employm ent)4). Complete the paragrap h with the correct form of the words in Activity 3.What are the most importa nt (1)issuesfor student s today? Is the universi ty (2)campusreallysuch a differe nt place compare d to what it was 40 years ago? Perhaps, as the passage suggest s, there are fewer (3) protest s by student s against the (4) establi s hment than there used to be. And of course, improvi ng your (5)prospect s of being competi tive in the (6) employm ent marketi s a major concern for student s everywh ere, since a good universi ty degreei s the means by which you can (7) launchyour career. But in spite of all this, the role of the universi ty is the same as it alwayshas been. It is the place where you have the (8) opportu ni ty to learn to think for yoursel f.5).Replace the underli ned words with the correct form of the words and phrases in the box. Y ou may need to make other changes.1 There were fightsbetween policeand protest ors outside the US Embassy. (clashes)2 The two parties formed a tempora ry political arrange ment to respond to the problem. (alliance)3 I’ve alwaysconside red myselfa s someone who is toleran t of other people’s idea. (liberal)4 The chief officia l of an America n state has a lot of power. (governo r)5 The financi al situati on of Western Europea n countri es rapidly improve d in the 1960s. (economy)6 The 1960s were associa ted with a new type of popular music. (characterized)The 1960s were characterized by a new type of popular music.7 Mark left college without finishi ng the courseand joined a rock band. (dropped out)8 For many people, listeni ng to their music was an experie n ce which made them feel free. (liberati ng)For many people, listeni ng to their music was a liberati ng experie n ce.9 For some people, an interest in politic s went hand in hand with a strongenthusi asm for music. (passion)6) . Answer the questio ns about the words.1 (b) not very clearly?2 (a) active?3 (b) who disagre es publicl y with the governm ent?4 (b) not interested in it?5 (b) excitin g?6 (a) get smaller?7 (a) often in touch with them?8 (b) great pleasure?Activer eading 23).Match the words in the box with their definitions.1.rebel2.era3.destruction4.gender5.assert6.philoso phy7.industrial4).Complet e the conversa tionw ith the correct form of the words in Activity 3.1.rebel2.assert3.era4.industrial5.philoso phy6.gender7.destruction5).Answer the questio ns about the words and express ions.1.a2.a3.a4.a5.b6.a7.b8.bLanguag e in useplet e the sentenc es with the words in bracket s and the suffix-ment or -ism.1. What is the going to do about this problem? (govern)Correct answer:governm ent2. refersto a contemp oraryway of thinkin g, and is not easy to define. (postmod ern)Correct answer: Postmod ernism3. Post-war economi c led to the creatio n of new univers itiesin the 1960s. (develop)Correct answer: develop ment4. We must combatmoney worship and extreme. (individ ual)Correct answer: individ ualism5. The two groupsdiscuss ed for a long time, but couldn't reach an . (agree)Correct answer: agreeme nt6. The best we can make for the futureis to provide opportu nities for the younger generat ion. (invest)Correct answer: investm ent7. is the beliefthat men and women shouldbe treated differe ntly. (sex)Correct answer: Sexism8. The of Wordswo rth is evident in his poem on the FrenchRevolut ion. (romanti c)Correct answer: romanti cism2.Rewrite the sentenc es using so / neither / nor + inversi on. Followthe example.1. The world has changed a lot since the 1960s. Univers itieshave changed a lot, too.Suggest ed answer:The world has changed a lot since the 1960s, and so have univers ities.2. I reallyenjoyed my years at univers ity. Jackiealso enjoyed the time she spent at univers ity. Suggest ed answer:I reallyenjoyed my years at univers ity, and so did Jackie.3. Choosin g the right courseis alwaysa major problem for new student s. Another major problem is organiz ing one's time on campus.Suggest ed answer:Choosin g the right courseis alwaysa major problem for new student s, and so is organiz ing one's time on campus.4. I'm thinkin g of going to the lecture on post-colonia l literat ure. Li Ming is thinkin g of going, too. Suggest ed answer:I'm thinkin g of going to the lecture on post-colonia l literat ure, and so is Li Ming.5. I think the facilit ies in our college have improve d over the last few years. In my opinion the teachin g has also got better.Suggest ed answer:I think the facilit ies in our college have improve d over the last few years, and so has the teachin g.6. We can accessthe Interne t in our student hostel, and it's the same for everyon e else on campus. Suggest ed answer:We can accessthe Interne t in our student hostel, and so can everyon e else on campus.7. I'm not very interes ted in politic s. My friends aren't either.Suggest ed answer:I'm not very interes ted in politic s, nor are my friends.8. I won't be doing much tonight. My roommat e won't be doing much either.Suggest ed answer:I won't be doing much tonight, nor will my roommat e.3.Rewrite the sentenc es using mean. Followthe example.1. When you start out at college you meet lots of interes ting people.Suggest ed answer:Startin g out at college means meeting lots of interes ting people.2. If you go to bed too late you won't be able to concent rate the next day.Suggest ed answer:Going to bed too late means not being able to concent rate the next day.3. When you do a coursein Lit Theoryyou spend a lot of time on difficu lt subject s.Suggest ed answer:Doing a coursein Lit Theorymeans spendin g a lot of time on difficu lt subject s.4. To be interes ted in literat ure is to have an open mind about other ways of life.Suggest ed answer:Being interes ted in literat ure means havingan open mind about other ways of life.5. To protest against the Vietnam War in the 1960s you went out onto the streets.Suggest ed answer:Protest ing against the Vietnam War in the 1960s meant going out onto the streets.6. When you go to college today you spend a lot of time thinkin g about what you will do afterwa rds.Suggest ed answer:Going to college today means spendin g a lot of time thinkin g about what you will do afterwa rds.4.Transla te the sentenc es into Chinese.1 On univers ity campuse s in Europe,mass sociali st or communi st movemen ts gave rise to increas inglyviolent clashes between the establi shment and the college student s, with their new and passion ate commitm ent to freedom and justice. (with their … and justice部分最好提前,即先说学生的状况,再说学生与当权者的冲突。
电子科大 数理方程(谷超豪)第二章
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大学英语Text A Unit 2
Skimming, Text Organization and Text Analysis
Main idea of the text ?
Skim Text A and decide which of the following statements is the theme.
1. One should keep in touch with his friends.
be absorbed in, be fully occupied with cf. concentrate on, focus on
Text A
All the Cabbie Had Was a Letter
eg. Her study so fully occupied her that she forgot to have dinner. Re: She was so lost in study that she forgot to have dinner. Q: Why didn't he notice you entering his room? (using “be lost in”) A: Because he was lost in playing computer games / reading a novel.
“失去朋友真不是个滋 味,失去个真正的老朋 友更让人受不了。”
“It's no fun to lose any friend ─ and losing a real old one is even tougher.”(line30)
tough (polysemy, 一词多义) tough
1) 坚韧的,不易破碎的
…it might just as well have been family.
The waiter was disappointed to find that the richest man in America led a simple life. Part I (para5-13)
Being friendly, easy-going and never flashy, Walton carries on like plain folks and never wants any special treatment. Part I (para14-22) With the Wal-Mart team in mind, Walton devotes himself heart and soul to making the business a great success.
Wal-Mart (2)
In 2004, Wal-Mart accomplished USD285.2 billion sales globally. It was ranked high on both lists of FORTUNE 500 and “Most Admired Companies in America” for many times. Meanwhile, Wal-Mart was named one of the "Most Respected Companies" and the “Best Companies To Work For” in many other countries. In 2004 Wal-Mart topped the China Business Competitiveness Index among commercial and trade companies and was the only retailer in the list. In August the same year Wal-Mart ranked No.8 among the “Most Admired Companies
1 e
1 1
1 lim
x t0
e 1t t
et 1 t t
1 e2
1ln(1t )
et lim
t 0
1 lim
e t0
1ln(1t )1
1 lim
1ln(1t )1 t
1 lim ln(1 t) t
答案: 1 ga3 3
【解析】 F
2 g(a y) ydy 2 g
a (ay y2 )dy 2 g(1 a3 1 a3) 1 ga3
23 3
13.设 y yx满足 y 2y y 0,
【解析】 y 2y y 0, 所以特解方程: 2 +2+1=0,(+1)2 =0 1=2 =-1; y通 =(C1 C2x)ex ; y通' ex (C2 C1 C2x) ;又 y(0) 0,y' (0) 1 ;
三、解答题:15~23 小题,共 94 分.解答应写出文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤.请将答案写在答. 题.纸.指定位置上.
15.(本题满分 10 分).
x1 x
1 xx
0 的斜渐近线。
x1 x
【解析】:斜率 k
lim x
新视野大学英语2读写教程Unit 3 Text A 课文文本及翻译_20200412151826
新视野大学英语2读写教程(第三版)Unit3课文文本及翻译Section A Text AJourney through the odyssey years奥德赛岁月之旅1Most of us know about the phases of life which we label to paralle l different age groups and life stages:Childhood,adolescence,adulthood,and old age.We think of infancy before childhood and middle age before old age,with each unique phase bringing its own peculiar set of challenges.These challenges can be overcome by acquainting ourselves with them,such as the child’s need to learn,the adult’s need to find the right career and build a family,and the senior’s need for support and good health care.2Interestingly,ideas about the stages of life are changing.3In previous times,people didn’t have a solid idea of childhood as being separate from adulthood.A hundred years ago,no one thought of adolescence.Until recently it was understood as a norm that their induction to adulthood was completed as soon as they graduated form college.They would now find a sensible job which would lead to a career.Then during this career they would start a family,ideally before they turned30.4Today we have an equivalent need to recognize a new phase of life that comes after high school graduation,continues through college,and then leads to starting a family and having a career,the so-called odyssey years.Recent trends show radical changes as young people are following a different agenda.They take breaks from school,live with friends and often return to living their parents.Similarly,they fall in and out of love,quit one job and try another or oven shift to a new career.So,we need to recognize this new stage,the odyssey years,which many now consider to be an unavoidable stage in reaching adulthood.5People who were born prior to the60s or70s in the last century tended to frame their concept of adulthood based upon achieving certain accomplishments:moving away from home,becoming financially independent,finding the right spouse and starting a family.But that emphasis on stability did not remain static.Today,young people are unlikely to do the same.During the odyssey years,a high proportion of young people are delaying marriage,child bearing,and even employment.6The odyssey years can saddle young people with enormous pressure to move forward quickly.As the sole heir and focus of their parents’expectations,hopes and dreams,some react with rebellious and prideful attitudes and behavior toward their parents.They often resent the pressure they’re feeling and keep distance from theirparents or even run away from home.Their confusion comes from the difficulties to make parents understand them and fluid journey of discovery they need in this phase of their lives.To get away from this confusion and upset,many young people resort to computer games,iPods,iPhones,or iPads to help distract them from their pain and stress.7Likewise,their parents are feeling more anxious.They may make allowances for a transition phase from student life to adult life,but they get upset when they see the transition of their grown children’s lives moving away from their expectations and stretching give years to seven years,and beyond.The parents don’t even detect a clear sense of direction in their children’s lives.They look at them and see the things that are being delayed.8It’s hard to predict what’s next.New guidelines haven’t been established yet,and everything seems to give way to a less permanent version of itself.There’s been a shift in the status and balance of power between the genders,too.More women are getting degrees than men.Male wages have remain stable over the past decades, while female wages have boomed.9Apart from anything else,this has had an implici t effect on cated women can get many of the things they want,such as security,accomplishment,and identity without marriage.However,both genders are having a harder time finding suitable mates to build their lives with.Considering all of this,it’s beneficial to know that even though graduates are delaying many things after college,surveys show they still hold highly traditional aspirations.For example,this contemporary generation rates parenthood even more likely than previous generations did!10This new phase will likely grow more pronounced in the coming years.Nations around the world have witnessed similar trends toward delaying marriage and spending more years than even shifting between higher education and settling down with a career and family.11Nevertheless,graduates shouldn’t be deceived into thinking they can back off simply because things have become more difficult.A large number of people chasing relatively fewer opportunities can create strong competitive pressure.So, from the outse t,keep your resume professional and up-to-date.12To reinforce this essential message,success moving through the odyssey years will come to those who don’t expect to achieve their goals right away but know that they must have the strength,capacity and confidence to endure over the long term.If you’re a little late with your goals,don’t feel like a failure!Stay strong,be positive, and keep focused!Someday you will look back and wonder at the vast changes as you passed through the odyssey years.1.我们大多数人都知道,根据不同的年龄和生活阶段。
新编语⾔学教程第2版第4章答案《新编简明英语语⾔学教程》第⼆版第4章练习题参考答案Chapter 4 Syntax1. What is syntax?Syntax is a branch of linguistics that studies how words are combined to form sentences and the rules that govern the formation of sentences.2. What is phrase structure rule?The grammatical mechanism that regulates the arrangement of elements (i.e. specifiers, heads, and complements) that make up a phrase is called a phrase structure rule.The phrase structural rule for NP, VP, AP, and PP can be written as follows: NP →(Det) N (PP) ...VP →(Qual) V (NP) ...AP →(Deg) A (PP) ...PP →(Deg) P (NP) ...We can formulate a single general phrasal structural rule in which X stands for the head N, V, A or P.3. What is category? How to determine a word's category?Category refers to a group of linguistic items which fulfill the same or similar functions in a particular language such as a sentence, a noun phrase or a verb.To determine a word's category, three criteria are usually employed, namely meaning, inflection and distribution.若详细回答,则要加上:Word categories often bear some relationship with its meaning. The meanings associated with nouns and verbs can be elaborated in various ways. The property or attribute of the entities denoted by nouns can be elaborated by adjectives. For example, when we say that pretty lady, we are attributing the property ‘pretty’ to the lady designated by the noun. Similarly, the properties and attributes of the actions, sensations and states designated by verbs can typically be denoted by adverbs. For example, in Jenny left quietly the adverb quietly indicates the manner of Jenny's leaving.The second criterion to determine a word's category is inflection. Words of different categories take different inflections. Such nouns as boy and desk take the plural affix -s. Verbs such as work and help take past tense affix -ed and progressive affix -ing. And adjectives like quiet and clever take comparative affix -er and superlative affix -est. Although inflection is very helpful in determining a word's category, it does not always suffice. Some words do not take inflections. For example, nouns like moisture, fog, do not usually take plural suffix -s and adjectives like frequent, intelligent do not take comparative and superlative affixes -er and -est.The last and more reliable criterion of determining a word's category is its distribution. That is what type of elements can co-occur with a certain word. For example, nouns can typically appear with a determiner like the girl and a card, verbs with an auxiliary such as should stay and will go, and adjectives with a degree word such as very cool and too bright.A word's distributional facts together with information about its meaning and inflectional capabilities help identify its syntactic category.4. What is coordinate structure and what properties does it have?The structure formed by joining two or more elements of the same type with the help of a conjunction is called coordinate structures.It has (或写Conjunction exhibits) four important properties:1) There is no limit on the number of coordinated categories that can appear prior to theconjunction.2) A category at any level (a head or an entire XP) can be coordinated.3) Coordinated categories must be of the same type.4) The category type of the coordinate phrase is identical to the category type of the elements being conjoined.5. What elements does a phrase contain and what role does each element play?A phrase usually contains the following elements: head, specifier and complement. Sometimes it also contains another kind of element termed modifier.The role each element can play:Head:Head is the word around which a phrase is formed.Specifier:Specifier has both special semantic and syntactic roles. Semantically, it helps to make more precise the meaning of the head. Syntactically, it typically marks a phrase boundary.Complement:Complements are themselves phrases and provide information about entities and locations whose existence is implied by the meaning of the head.Modifier:Modifiers specify optionally expressible properties of the heads.6. What is deep structure and what is surface structure?There are two levels of syntactic structure. The first, formed by the XP rule in accordance with the head's subcategorization properties, is called deep structure(or D-structure). The second, corresponding to the final syntactic form of the sentence which results from appropriate transformations, is called surface structure (or S-structure).第7—13⼩题⼤部分要求画树形图,这⾥省略。
Unit 1英译汉Google has spent years analyzing who succeeds at the company. They have moved away from a focus on GPAs, brand-name schools, and interview brain teasers (智力测验题). Google's Senior Vice President of People Operations, Laszlo Bock, suggests that credentials are no longer sufficient for success. Bock points out that graduates of top schools can lack intellectual humility and that succeeding in academia isn't always a sign of being able to do a job. Successful bright young graduates rarely experience failure, and they find that their academic careers have not prepared them to fail gracefully in the real world. Google recognizes the importance of intellectual humility in its applicants. The company looks for the ability to step back and embrace other people's ideas when those ideas are better. Bock says the No. 1 thing he is looking for is general cognitive ability. It is learning ability. It is the ability to process information on the fly.谷歌公司就什么人能在该公司取得成功这个问题做了多年的研究,研究关注的焦点不再是绩点、名牌大学、面试智力测验题。
to enter a completely different world. You can leave your own world behind, and
go somewhere really virtual.
5) Talking about the experience of surfing the Internet
Mike: I know quite a lot of these abbreviations. If you like, I can tell you more.
Li Hong: Yes, I will be grateful if you can tell me more.
Mike: “CWYL” means “chat with you later”; “LTNS” means “long time no see”; “IYSS”
Susan: Are you? Anything exciting? May: I don’t know the meaning of “planting strawberries”.
Susan: Oh, it comes from the Taiwan campus, meaning “lovers kissing each other”.
Acting out the Tasks
Speak and Perform
Studying Business Cards Study and Imitate
Following Sample Dialogues Imitate and Perform
Putting Language to Use
Speak and Complete Speak and Translate Speak and Communicate
一、衍生注释:1. “二月二日”:点明时间,这是一个特殊的日子,民间有许多习俗。
2. “江上行”:在江上游玩。
3. “东风日暖闻吹笙”:东风轻拂,阳光温暖,还能听到吹笙的乐声。
4. “花须柳眼各无赖”:花须柳眼都展现出活泼可爱的样子,“无赖”这里是顽皮、可爱的意思。
5. “紫蝶黄蜂俱有情”:紫色的蝴蝶和黄色的黄蜂好像都充满了感情。
6. “万里忆归元亮井”:“元亮”指陶渊明,这句是说自己远在万里之外,思念故乡就像陶渊明思念自己的田园。
7. “三年从事亚夫营”:“亚夫营”指军营,诗人说自己多年在军营任职。
8. “新滩莫悟游人意”:新滩不理解游人的心意。
9. “更作风檐夜雨声”:反而发出像夜里屋檐下的风雨声那样的声响。
B2U2 Writing写信表达观点
1.开头常用句式 ①In recent years ... had a heated discussion about whether ... or not. 近几年来,……关于是否……进行了热烈的讨论。 ② I am in favor of/support ... 我同意/支持…… ④ I am against/disagree ... 我反对/不支持…… 2.主体段落常用句式 ① First of all, it would not be a good idea to ... 首先,……不会是个好主意。 ② I would suggest you ... 我建议你们…… ③ To start with, What’s more, Also, Last but not least 3.结尾常用句式 ①To sum up/To conclude/All in all, I think... 总的来说……我认为…… ②All the above considered, I believe that ... 综上所述,我相信……
Complete the notess. What the phenomenon is: _C_h__in_e_s_e_S_p__ri_n_g__F_e_st_i_v_a_l _g_o_in_g__g_lo_b__a_l.___ What reasons lie behind it: _C_h_i_n_a__h_a_s_b_e_c_o_m__e_r_ic_h_e_r__a_n_d_s_t_r_o_n_g_e_r.__
To start with, the spread传播 of Chinese Spring Festival is partly due to因为 the increasing overseas Chinese population. What’s more, more and more countries have noticed or benefited from China’s growing economic and political influence, so they are also embracing our culture and traditions. Also, many overseas stores and recreational venues 娱乐场所 are taking the opportunity to profit from the celebration. Last but not least, the Chinese government and various institutions机构 have made great efforts to help the festival go global.
趣味谜语故事(2)趣味谜语故事50字 35、寻找聊斋中的阿绣(打⼀IT门户)——谜底:搜狐 36、九辆车,猜⼀个字——谜底:轨 37、长着⼩蛮腰,⽣来肩上扛,⼀碰会唱歌(打⼀乐器)——谜底:⼩提琴 38、头顶⼀⼩红花,绿⾐似⼀佛家,⼩⼩球满⾝刺,防辐射需要它。
(打⼀植物)——谜底:仙⼈掌 39、圆筒模样似冬⽠,绸带套环⾝上挂,⼀边⾛来⼀边打,众⼈乐得笑哈哈(打⼀乐器)——谜底:腰⿎ 40、左⽿朝东眼观西⽅(打⼀明星)——谜底:陈冠希 41、夜⾥荧光闪闪,屁股后⾯发光,夏夜到处飞⾏,像是⼩⼩灯笼。
(打⼀昆⾍)——谜底:萤⽕⾍ 42、没登记就同居啦——打⼀体育项⽬——谜底:早操 43、⽺群⾥来了⼀只狼(打⼀⽔果)——谜底:杨梅(⽺霉) 44、鸡⽑毽⼦(打⼀离合字)——谜底:易⾜踢 45、⼤黄袍⼦藏⿊⾖,轻咬⼀⼝甜汁流(打⼀⽔果)——谜底:梨⼦ 46、五颜六⾊任你挑,⼗有⼋九都喜欢(打⼀化妆品)——谜底:指甲油 趣味谜语故事3 1、祝祖国腾飞(打⼀⼋路军⼈名)——谜底:贺龙 2、松软⾷品尽显花⾹(打⼀节⽇⾷品)——谜底:重阳节⾷品:重阳糕 3、梁⼭伯与祝英台(打⼀⾸歌)——谜底:俩只蝴蝶 4、铁马流星拳的马甲(打⼀⼥星)——谜底:黄圣依(黄⾦圣⽃⼠的⾐服) 5、买个车⼦停桥下,春少⼀⽇站着⾛,不怕倭寇来犯疆(打⼀特殊群体)——谜底:军⼈ 6、湖南卫视(打⼀⽔果)——谜底:芒果 7、两娃娃⼝对⼝的去当兵(打⼀奥运明星)——谜底:吕⼩军 8、长治久安打⼀地名——谜底:辽宁 9、空中有头爱飞的⽜(打⼀体育明星)——谜底:刘翔 10、娴熟姑娘⼈⼈夸(打⼀离合字)——谜底:好⼥⼦(⼥⼦好) 11、双眼眯眯不见天,脚踏云头软似棉,在家只有三百⽇,⼭门不知多少年——谜底:胎⼉ 12、粉红荆桃园中栽,春⾊满园把它爱(打⼀花卉)——谜底:樱花 13、谁把⽯头哭烂了?——谜底:海哭⽯烂(海枯⽯烂) 14、像天使⼀样洁⽩,还有⼀对翼,却像魔⿁⼀样吸⾎(打⼀物品)——谜底:卫⽣⼱ 15、⽩绿⽢蓝营养⾼(打⼀蔬菜)——谜底:花椰菜(也叫“⽢蓝花”,有⽩、绿两种) 16、永远也不会忘记(打⼀歌曲)——谜底:《记得》——张惠妹 17、台湾(打⼀中药材)——谜底:当归 18、圆圆脑袋各种⾊,成群装饰把喜贺(打⼀物品)——谜底:⽓球 19、直飞云霄的黄鳝(打⼀明星)——谜底:成龙 20、99次之后,还要过河。
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