



高效液相色谱-电感耦合等离子体质谱联用同时检测海产品中的多种有机锡于振花1,2,3荆淼2王庚2曹煊2郝春莉2陈登云4黄彦良1王小如2(1.中国科学院海洋研究所,青岛266071 2. 国家海洋局第一海洋研究所,青岛2660613.中国科学院研究生院,北京1000394.安捷伦科技有限公司,北京100022)摘要利用高效液相色谱-电感耦合等离子体质谱(HPLC-ICP/MS)联用技术对5种有机锡(三甲基氯化锡(TMT),二丁基氯化锡(DBT),三丁基氯化锡(TBT),二苯基氯化锡DPhT),三苯基氯化锡TPhT))的形态进行了分离,采用Agilent TC-C18柱进行有机锡的形态分析,流动相为(乙腈/水/乙酸=65:23:12 (v/v/ v),0.05%的三乙胺,pH=3.0),流速为0.4 mL/min,测定了0.5-100 µg/L范围内5种有机锡化合物的混合标准工作曲线,其相关系数优于0.998(R2),方法的检出限均小于0.5 µg/L。

采用流动相对菲律宾蛤(Ruditapes Philippinarum, R.P.)及毛蛤(Ark Shell, A.S.)样品进行超声萃取及高速离心后用上述方法进行了分析。

结果表明,海产品含有四种有机锡,其中TBT 和TPhT的含量最高,为14.38~104.7 µg/L(干重)。



关键词高效液相色谱-电感耦合等离子体质谱法(HPLC-ICP/MS),有机锡,形态分析,海产品1 引言 有机锡化合物(Organotin compounds,OTC)在工农业等领域应用广泛,例如用作生产塑料稳定剂、农用杀虫剂及船体防污涂料等[1,2]。

环境中极低含量的有机锡即能对生物产生毒性影响,并且不同形态的有机锡,其毒性和环境行为也有显著差异,例如:三取代基有机锡毒性最强,ng 级的 TBT 和 TPhT 即可对生物体产生不良影响,可导致海洋软体动物性畸变以及其它生理、病理异常,其对幼龄动物的影响尤为明显[3],而一甲基锡毒性就小得多,无机锡基本无毒。



HPLC—ICP—MS测定水产品中五种砷形态采用高效液相色谱-电感耦合等离子体质谱联用仪对水产中砷的5种形态进行测定,结果表明,采用Hamilton PRP-X100 型色谱柱,磷酸氢二铵为淋洗液,能将水产中5种形态的砷很好地分离。





1 实验部分1.1 实验仪器及试剂1100型四元泵液相色谱-电感耦合等离子体质谱联仪(7700x),安捷伦科技有限公司产品;离心机,贝克曼库尔特公司;pH计,梅特勒公司;恒温水浴锅,金坛市医疗仪器厂;C18型净化小柱(OnGuardⅡRP柱);0.22μm微孔有机滤膜。

磷酸二氢铵、硝酸、正己烷、甲醇,均为优级纯;亚砷酸[As(Ⅲ)]标准品75.83μg/g、砷酸[As(Ⅴ)]标准品17.48μg/g、二甲基砷(DMA)标准品52.95μg/g、一甲基砷(MMA)标准品25.1μg/g,神甜菜碱[AsB]标准品38.8μg/g,中国计量科学研究院产品;调谐液:stock Tuning solution for ICP-MS7500 cs ,1μg/L,Agilent Technologies产品。


1.2 仪器条件(1)色谱参数。

色谱柱:Hamilton PRP-X100型,250 mm×4.1 mm,10μm;保护柱:Hamilton PRP-X100型,25mm×2.3mm,10μm;流动相A:10mmol/L NH4H2PO4(用氨水调节pH值8.25),流动相B:无水乙醇,等度洗脱:A-B(99:1);流速:1.0mL/min;进样体积:50μL。



硝酸-高氯酸-硫酸体系(mg/kg) 测量 方式
11 12 13 14 15
硝酸-高氯酸体系(mg/kg) 16 17 18 19 20
AFS 29.5 29.0 27.6 28.7 27.2 15.7 6.49 17.3 14.1 13.9
4.2.1 表4.2.1 电热板加热消解,氢化物原子荧光法测定总砷含量
测量 方式
硝酸-高氯酸-硫酸体系(mg/kg) 1 2345
< <<<< 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05
ICP-MS 29.7 31.7 28.8 31.1 30.2
6 7 8 9 10 <<<<< 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 32.0 30.9 28.6 30.9 31.1
特点1:需要空心阴极灯照射提供能量使外 层电子激发(与原子吸收相同);
特点2:在暗背景下检测光信号(与原子发 射相同) ,因而灵敏度极高;
特点3:其他元素不发射荧光,因此被测元 素几乎不受干扰。
3 原子荧光光谱法优/缺点
灵敏度高,在ppb级含量就有明显吸收; 抗干扰能力强,日常检测水平不受干扰; 价格合理。
基本不能多元素同时检测; 前处理操作复杂; 配制的溶液较多。
4 消解方法比较
4.1 干法消解 优点:总砷可以彻底消解 缺点:操作复杂,回收率有时偏低
4.2 湿法消解 优点:适应性广。 缺点:耗时长,危险性大(油脂类样品)
较难彻底消解(水产品) 但正确掌握消解方法后,可以较快、彻 底消解样品。



第27卷 第6期2008年 11月环 境 化 学ENV I RONME NT AL CHE M I ST RYVol.27,No.6Nove mber2008 安捷伦(Agilent)环境科学专栏液相色谱2电感耦合等离子体质谱法联用测定白酒中的无机砷林 立1 陈 光1 陈玉红2(1 国家食品质量安全监督检验中心,北京,100083;2 安捷伦科技(中国)有限公司,北京,100102)摘 要 采用液相色谱(HP LC)和电感耦合等离子体质谱(I CP2M S)联用测定白酒中砷的形态,各种砷形态的方法检出原(以砷计)分别为:A s B0102ppb,DMA0102ppb,A s(Ⅲ)0104ppb,MMA0104ppb,A s(Ⅴ)0106ppb)1以加标回收的方式评价方法的准确性,无机砷的加标回收率为8511%—10312%,相对标准偏差为2152%—5152%(n=6)1根据所建立的方法,分析了市售部分白酒样品,其中无机砷的含量均未超出国家标准限量1关键词 HP LC2I CP2MS,白酒,无机砷. 砷是一种广泛分布于自然界的元素,在环境、食品和人体中都可能存在微量砷1由于各种不同的砷形态具有不同的物理及化学性质,导致其毒性各不相同,其中无机砷的毒性最大,如A s2O3(砒霜)或亚砷酸盐(A sⅢ)、砷酸盐(A s Ⅴ),有机砷的毒性较小些,如MMA和DMA,而A s B和A s C与砷糖通常被认为是无毒的[1,2]1近年来,由于采煤及其它工业污染,使地下水中砷的浓度不断增加,砷污染已经成为一个潜在的公共卫生问题1砷污染无可避免地被引入食物链中,对人类的身体健康造成危害1国家标准G B276222005《食品中污染物限量》[3]根据不同食品的特性、可能受污染的途径以及对人体危害等诸方面因素,制定了各种食品中总砷或无机砷的限量,其中对白酒中无机砷的限量为0105mg・kg-11现行国家标准无机砷的检测方法[4]采用1∶1盐酸作为提取液,根据氢化物原子荧光光谱法直接测定提取液中的砷总量,易导致食品样品中其它的砷形态也被萃入提取液中,使测定结果偏高1因此,需建立准确、有效的分离测试手段,以便正确地了解砷对于环境、人类的危害及其在环境中的循环、转化机制1 本文采用液相色谱进行不同形态砷的分离,并与高灵敏度的电感耦合等离子体质谱仪联用,实现了白酒中无机砷的测定1该方法具有灵敏度高、准确、实时和快速等优点1采用加标回收的方式进行了方法验证,结果令人满意11 分析方法 取10m l白酒样品置于小烧杯中,80℃挥发至近干,水定容于10m l比色管中,0145μm水相滤膜过滤后测定1 分别用超纯水将砷甜菜碱、一甲基砷、二甲基砷、砷酸根和亚砷酸根(以下简称五种砷)的标准贮备溶液逐级稀释,配制成浓度为110,210,510,2010和10010ng・m l-1的混合标准溶液系列,超纯水作为标准空白1在优化的实验条件下,采集空白及标准溶液系列1采用等离子体色谱软件计算各色谱峰的积分面积,并自动绘制校准曲线1 调谐溶液:10ng・m l-1锂、钴、钇、铈和铊混合标准溶液(2%硝酸介质)(Agilent,Part#5184-3566);内标溶液: 110μg・m l-1锗(2%硝酸介质);超纯水(1812MΩ),用于配制所有标准溶液与样品溶液1水相滤膜:0145μm. Agilent1200高效液相色谱仪,四元梯度泵1M illi2Q超纯水系统(M illi pore,Ele ment)1Agilent7500a/ce电感耦合等离子体质谱仪1玻璃同心雾化器;石英雾化室:半导体控温于2±011℃;矩管:石英一体化,215mm中心通道;屏蔽矩;样品锥:N i锥1 色谱柱:阴离子保护柱I onPac AG19(50mm×4mm,11μm);阴离子分析柱I onPac AS19(250mm×4mm, 715μm)1 流动相:A相(2mmol・l-1磷酸二氢钠/012mmol・l-1乙二胺四乙酸铁钠/10mmol・l-1无水乙酸钠/3mmol・l-1硝酸钾,pH=1015—1113);B相(无水乙醇);A+B(99+1)混合等度淋洗;流速110m l・m in-1;进样量:5—50μl1 功率:1550W;雾化器:玻璃同心雾化器;柱后在线加入内标,内标溶液提升速率:012r p s;载气流量: 017L・m in-1;辅助气流量:0132L・m in-1;采样深度:915mm;采集质量数:砷75,氯35,锗721调谐等离子体及透镜参数使仪器达到超高灵敏度:中质量数(Y)>500Mcp s/ppm,同时使Ce O/Ce<3%1854 环 境 化 学27卷2 样品前处理 白酒中砷主要以离子的形式直接存在于溶液中,但是白酒中存在较多乙醇,若直接进样易产生溶剂效应,造成色谱峰扩散或偏移1据文献报导[5],A s (Ⅴ)在150℃时仍可稳定存在,而A s (Ⅲ)在120℃时回收率仅为70%1为避免溶剂效应的影响,实验中采用挥发法除去白酒中的乙醇1在保证砷的各种形态不发生变化、尽量提高工作效率的原则下,选择80℃为挥发的温度13 色谱条件的选择与优化 目前不同砷形态的分离通常采用离子交换机理,不同形态的砷之所以能够被离子交换分离,主要原因在于大多数砷化物在选定的分离条件下多是以离子型化合物形式存在1考虑到样品中若含有其它砷形态,可能会影响到无机砷的分离与测定,实验中同时考察了A s B,DMA,MMA,A s (Ⅲ)以及A s (Ⅴ)共五种常见的砷形态1 由于无机砷为阴离子,而磷酸盐通常作为阴离子分离的淋洗液,选择磷酸二氢钠作为基础淋洗液.乙酸钠的加入可在一定程度上改善A s B,DMA 以及A s (Ⅲ)之间的分离度;E DT A 的加入则主要为防止阴离子柱的重金属中毒;硝酸盐的加入主要在于改变样品中可能存在的氯离子的保留时间,以避免其对A s 造成干扰,另一个作用是改善A s (Ⅴ)的保留时间1pH 值对各种砷形态在阴离子交换柱的保留时间与分离度影响最大1 经过对以上影响因素进行详细优化,实验选择流动相为2mmol ・l -1磷酸二氢钠(P BS )/012mmol ・l -1乙二胺四乙酸铁钠(E OT A )/10mmol ・l -1无水乙酸钠/3mmol ・l -1硝酸钾,pH =1015—11131此外,乙醇的加入在I CP 2MS 对砷的检测会产生较明显的增敏效应,因此,在淋洗液中加入1%的乙醇1 图1为流动相流速为110m l ・m in -1的条件下,五种砷形态的分离色谱图1由图1可知,五种砷形态可完全地基线分离,保留时间在12m in 之内14 工作曲线和方法检出限 对浓度分别为010,110,210,510,2010和10010ng ・m l -1的砷形态混合标准溶液进行HP LC 2I CP 2MS 分析,以各砷形态的峰面积对浓度进行线性回归1结果表明,在给定的浓度范围内,各种砷形态的线性回归方程相关系数均在01999以上1计算得到各种砷形态的方法检出限为:A s B 0102ppb,DMA 0102ppb,A s (Ⅲ)0104ppb,MMA 0104ppbb .AS (Ⅴ)0106ppb .5 回收率测定 选取市售白酒并准确称取多份平行样品,分别定量加入A s (Ⅲ)与A s (Ⅴ)标准溶液,添加不同的浓度水平,使最终定容溶液中A s (Ⅲ)与A s (Ⅴ)的浓度分别为110,510和2510ng ・m l -1.图2为白酒阳性样品中的砷形态以及无机砷、砷甜菜碱加标的色谱分离图1图1 砷形态的分离色谱图(砷浓度:5ng ・m l -1;进样量:10μl )图2 白酒样品中的砷形态及无机砷与砷甜菜碱加标的色谱分离图 样品中无机砷的回收率见表11由表1可知,各加标水平的回收率在8511%—10312%,相对标准偏差为2152%—5152%(n =6)1 6期液相色谱2电感耦合等离子体质谱法联用测定白酒中的无机砷855表1 白酒中无机砷加标回收率测定结果(n=6)平行次数加标110ng・m l-1加标510ng・m l-1加标2510ng・m l-1 18817101141021829718101121011939413971310312485119617971458516971198126891993199819平均回收率/%9012971910014相对标准偏差/%5152219421526 实际样品分析 选取5种市售白酒,按所建立的LC2I CP2MS分析方法考察其中砷的形态,结果见表21表2结果显示,市售白酒样品中无机砷的含量均远低于国家食品标准的限量1表2 市售白酒的检测结果(单位:mg・kg-1,n=3)样品名称A s B DMA MMA A s(Ⅲ)A s(Ⅴ)酒1#N1D1N1D1N1D1010015N1D1酒2#N1D10100034N1D1010015N1D1酒3#N1D10100063N1D1N1D1010023酒4#0100021N1D1N1D1N1D1010029酒5#N1D1N1D1N1D1N1D1N1D1参 考 文 献[1] Beard H C,Lyerlyl A,Separati on of A rsenic fr om Anti m ony and B is muth by Solvent Extracti on[J]1A nal.Che m.,1961,33(12)∶1781—1782[2] Zhang X,Vaderbiesen V,Cubber A D,Accumulati on of A rsenic Species in Serum of Patients with Chr onic Renal D isease[J]1C lin1Che m1,1996,42(8)∶1231—1237[3] G B2762-2005,食品中污染物限量[4] G B/T5009111-2003,食品中总砷及无机砷的测定[5] Schm idt A,ResserW,Mattusch J et al1,Evaluati on of Extracti on Pr ocedures f or the i on Chr omat ographic Deter m inati on of A rsenic Spe2cies in PlantMaterials[J]1J1Chro m atgr1A,2000,889:832911D ETER M I NAT IO N O F I N O RGAN I C ARSEN I CI N L I QUO R BY HPLC2I CP2M SL I N L i1 CHEN Guang1 CHEN Yu2hong23(1 China Food Quality Safety Supervisi on and I ns pecti on Center,Beijing,100083,China;2 Agilent Technol ogies Co1,L td1,Beijing,100022,China)ABSTRACT The method f or deter m inati on of arsenic s pecies in liquor by using HP LC2I CP2MS has been devel oped. The mehod detecti on li m its of each A s s pecies were as foll ows(count as A s):A s B0102ppb,DMA 0102ppb,A s(Ⅲ)10104ppb,MMA0104ppb,A s(Ⅴ)0106ppb.The accuracy and p recisi on of the method was evaluated by s p ike recovery testing1Recovery of inorganic arsenic were bet w een8511%—10312%and the relative standard deviati on were within2152%—5152%(n=6)1L iquor samp le fr om the market were analyzed according t o the p resented method hereby1The result showed that inorganic arsenic in the sa mp les did not exceed nati onal per m issi on li m its1 Keywords:HP LC2I CP2MS,liquor,inorganic arsenic.。



采用LC-ICP-MS分离、测定有毒砷形态Tetsushi Sakai前言砷是环境与生物体中极为常见的一种元素,其来源通常与工业用途有关,如农药、半导体材料、工业废气等。







按照世界卫生组织(WHO)的饮用水准则,日本的饮用水与环境水质量标准严格规定了砷的浓度不得超过10μg/L (ppb)。










一、实验目的1. 熟悉砷形态分析的基本原理和实验操作步骤;2. 掌握利用高效液相色谱-电感耦合等离子体质谱(HPLC-ICP-MS)技术对砷形态进行定量分析的方法;3. 了解砷形态分析在环境、食品、医药等领域的应用。






三、实验仪器与试剂1. 仪器:高效液相色谱仪、电感耦合等离子体质谱仪、样品制备器、超声波清洗器、离心机等。

2. 试剂:硝酸、高氯酸、盐酸、氢氧化钠、碘化钾、氯化亚锡、无砷锌、醋酸铅、砷标准溶液等。

四、实验步骤1. 样品前处理(1)准确称取一定量的样品,加入适量硝酸、高氯酸进行消解,待消解完全后,转移至容量瓶中,定容至一定体积。


2. 样品分析(1)根据样品的特点,选择合适的色谱柱和流动相,设定合适的流动相流速和柱温。




五、实验结果与分析1. 样品中砷形态的分离效果良好,各砷形态在色谱图上得到清晰显示。

2. 样品中砷形态的定量分析结果如下:(1)砷酸盐:5.2 mg/kg(2)亚砷酸盐:2.8 mg/kg(3)砷化物:1.6 mg/kg(4)有机砷:0.9 mg/kg3. 实验结果与文献报道相符,表明本实验方法能够有效地对砷形态进行定量分析。

六、实验结论1. 本实验采用HPLC-ICP-MS技术对砷形态进行定量分析,实验结果表明该方法具有良好的分离效果和定量精度。



分析与检测Tlogy科技56 食品安全导刊 2018年4月当前我国经济发展迅速,人民的生活水平也在不断提高,因此,仅仅吃饱已不能满足人们的需求,更重要的是吃高质量的食品,这样食品检验检测工作在日常生活中就显得更加重要。







ICP-MS 在部分重金属元素检测中的应用长期以来,铝一直被认为是无毒元素,铝制炊具、含铝膨松剂、发酵粉、净水剂等的使用十分普遍,也均未发现铝的直接毒性,即铝无直接的毒性效应。




GB/T 5009.182-2003中对铝的检测采用经典的铬天青S-比色法,该方法存在着检出限高、灵敏度低、干扰大、不稳定等缺陷,所以2017年新发布的食品中铝的检测方法GB/T 5009.182-2017中增加了ICP-MS 的方法。



LC-ICP-MS技术分析土壤中的砷形态黄北川;温良;李飞;高媛;门倩妮【摘要】建立了土壤中亚砷酸根(AsIII),砷酸根(AsV),一甲基砷酸(MMA),二甲基砷酸(DMA)的液相色谱-电感耦合等离子体质谱(LC-ICP-MS)在线联用检测方法.以磷酸为提取剂,抗坏血酸为还原剂,水浴加热1h可以有效提取土壤中的As;4种砷形态经过 Hamilton PRP-x100阴离子交换柱,用15mmol/L的(NH4)2HPO4以1mL/min的流速进行洗脱分离.实验结果表明,3种土壤标准物质的As提取率在86.61% ~108.06% 之间,平均提取率为99.94%,且该方法检测的相对误差<10%,RSD(n=3)不大于3.69%.同时,对比了 Hamilton PRP-x100阴离子交换柱与IonPac AS19阴离子交换柱对4种砷形态的分离效果.%The online method for analysis of arsenite(AsIII),arsenate(AsV),methyl arsenate(MMA),dimethyl arsenate(DMA)in soil was established through liquid chromatography combined with inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry(LC-ICP-MS). Arsenic could be efficiently extracted by wa-ter bath heating in an hour when phosphoric acid was used as the extractant and ascorbic acid was adopted as the reducing agent. Then the four arsenic species were eluted and online separated by anionic PRP-x100 Hamilton exchange column with 15 mmoL/L(NH4)2HPO4at the velocity of 1 mL/min. The experimen-tal results showed that the extraction ratios for arsenic in three soil standard reference materials were be-tween 68.61% and 108.06%,and the average extraction rate was 99.94%. The relative error of this meth-od was lower than 10% and RSD(n=3)was less than 3.69%. Meanwhile,the separation effects of the four arsenic species using the PRP-x100 Hamilton anion exchange column and the AS19 IonPac anion ex-change column were compared.【期刊名称】《分析仪器》【年(卷),期】2018(000)001【总页数】6页(P43-48)【关键词】砷形态;LC-ICP-MS;土壤【作者】黄北川;温良;李飞;高媛;门倩妮【作者单位】武警黄金第五支队,西安710100;武警黄金第五支队,西安710100;武警黄金第五支队,西安710100;武警黄金第五支队,西安710100;武警黄金第五支队,西安710100【正文语种】中文1 引言砷在大气,土壤、植物和水等不同环境介质中广泛存在[1],而植物中的砷主要通过土壤-植物体系进行物质迁移转换而获得,并且通过食物链进入人体,危害人类身体健康。



N. D. N. D. N. D. N. D. N. D. N. D. N. D. N. D. N. D. N. D. N. D. N. D. N. D. N. D. N. D. N. D. N. D. N. D. N. D. N. D. N. D. N. D. N. D. N. D. N. D. N. D. N. D. N. D. N. D. N. D.
本研究应用 HPLC-ICP-MS 联用技术,着重对中成药中可溶性砷形态分析的提取方法做研究,希望通过对多种剂型 中成药的分析,发现不同剂型及不同提取方式导致分析结果的差异,探讨统一的中成药中可溶性砷形态提取方法的可 能性.
1 实验部分 1. 1 仪器与试剂
Agilent 7500cx 型电感耦合等离子体质谱,Agilent 1200 系列高效液相色谱仪,Milli-Q 超纯水系统( Millipore) ,色谱 柱: Hamilton PRX-X100( 250mm × 4. 1mm,10μm) . 超声清洗器、振荡仪.
徐陆正等: HPLC-ICP-MS 联用分析中成药中的可溶性砷形态
2. 3 提取介质 选取 5 种不同剂型的中成药作为实验对象,应用水、磷酸、盐酸、人工胃液、人工肠液和甲醇水这 6 种提取液提取以
比较不同提取液之间的区别,结果见表 1.
牛黄解毒片 赛金化毒散 牛黄清火丸 医痫丸 乳核散结片
形态分析: 流动相: 5mmol·l - 1 NaH2 PO4 /0. 2mmol·l - 1 EDTA、pH = 6. 0; 流速: 1. 0 ml·min - 1 ; 进样量 5μl. ICP-MS 条件: 功率 1500W,玻璃同心雾化器,石英雾化室,半导体控温于( 2 ± 0. 1) ℃ ,石英一体化炬管,2. 5mm 中心通道,屏蔽炬,Pt 锥,载气流量 0. 6L·min - 1 ,补偿气 0. 35L·min - 1 ,采样深度 7. 6mm,采集质量数砷 75、氯 35,分析时间 11min,峰面积定量.



品中砷的含量与其所在水环境以及饮食习惯有很大关 并可使心脏及脑组织缺血,引起虚脱,意识消失及痉
系。生活在海洋底部的鱼(如比目鱼)所含砷的浓度 挛等。砷被吸收后,可麻痹血管运动中枢,直接作用
较高;生活在海洋地表的贝类也有较高浓度的砷[27]; 于毛细血管,使脏器的微血管发生麻痹、扩张和充血,
长期生活在砷浓度较高的海水中的鱼摄入了高浓度的 以致血压下降;并且被人体吸收的砷,部分贮留于肝
总类 国家
的代谢产物为砷甜菜碱(AsB)和砷脂;砷甜菜碱(AsB)经尿液直接排出;不同的砷脂代谢产物不一样;砷糖的代谢产物至少 12
其他海产品中,超过 90%的砷是以毒性较小的有机形 织和体液中。所以,水体、食物和大气的砷污染,都
态存在的,无机砷的含量仅占 0.02%~11%[23~25]。海产
品中砷的总量,受海产品种类及所在地区影响。中国 酶结合而使其失去活性,从而影响组织的新陈代谢,
集,特别是以水体中浮游生物为食物链的水产生物体 量。



第28卷 第4期2009年 7月环 境 化 学ENV I RONME NT AL CHE M I ST RYVol.28,No.4July 2009液相色谱2电感耦合等离子体质谱法联用(HP LC2ICP2M S)测定乳制品的无机砷及其它砷形态陈 光1 林 立1 陈玉红2(1 国家食品质量安全监督检验中心,北京,100094;2 安捷伦科技(中国)有限公司,北京100102)摘 要 采用液相色谱2电感耦合等离子体质谱联用技术测定了乳制品中的无机砷及其它砷形态,各种砷形态的方法检出限(以砷计)分别为:三价砷A s(Ⅲ)210ng・g-1,五价砷A s(Ⅴ)310ng・g-1,一甲基胂MMA 210ng・g-1,二甲基胂DMA110ng・g-1,甜菜碱A s B110ng・g-1.根据加标回收的方法评价了该方法的准确性,无机砷的加标回收率为8919%—9811%,相对标准偏差为1109%—3121%(n=6).根据所建立的方法,分析了市售的部分鲜奶、酸奶和奶粉样品,其中无机砷的含量均未超出国家标准限量.关键词HP LC2I CP2MS,乳制品,无机砷. 砷是一种广泛分布于自然界的元素.各种不同的砷形态具有不同的物理、化学性质,毒性亦各不相同.其中无机砷的毒性最大如A s(Ⅲ)和A s(Ⅴ),有机砷的毒性较小些如MMA和DMA,而A s B,A s C,砷糖等通常被认为是无毒的[1,2].因此,砷的形态尤其是在食品、环境中的存在形态越来越为人们所重视. 国家标准G B276222005《食品中污染物限量》对乳粉、鲜乳中无机砷的限量要求分别为0125mg・kg-1及0105 mg・kg-1,国家标准G B1930222003《酸乳卫生标准》规定了酸乳中无机砷的限量要求为0105mg・kg-1.国家标准G B/T5009111-2003“食品中总砷及无机砷的检测方法”采用1∶1盐酸作为提取液,根据氢化物原子荧光光谱法直接测定提取液中的砷总量,易导致食品样品中其它的砷形态也被萃入提取液中,使测定结果偏高.由近年发表的文献来看,砷的形态分析研究多数集中在海产品上,关于乳制品中砷形态的报导较少. 本文采用HP LC2I CP2MS进行五种砷形态的分离分析,针对乳制品样品基质复杂、含有高蛋白与高脂肪的问题,采用简便、快速的前处理方法进行基质分离,实现了乳制品的五种砷形态的准确测定.1 实验方法111 仪器与试剂 砷甜菜碱、一甲基胂、二甲基胂、砷酸根、亚砷酸根(以下简称五种砷形态)的标准贮备溶液,混合标准溶液系列由标准贮备液以超纯水逐级稀释配得;调谐溶液:10ng・m l-1锂、钴、钇、铈、铊混合标准溶液(2%硝酸介质)(Agi2 lent,Part#518423566);内标溶液:110μg・m l-1锗(2%硝酸介质);超纯水(1812MΩ),用于配制所有标准溶液与样品溶液;0145μm水相滤膜;3m l D i onex On Guard RP柱.112 样品处理 鲜奶、酸奶等液体乳制品称取10g(精确到0101g),乳粉等固体乳制品称取2g(精确到0101g),加入水称重至38g(精确到0101g),涡旋混匀后,超声萃取40m in,加入210g(精确到0101g)3%乙酸溶液混匀沉淀蛋白,于4℃冰箱中静置5m in后.用定性滤纸过滤,收集滤液,将滤液过3m l D i onex On Guard RP柱,收集滤液,再将此滤液用0145μm微孔滤膜过滤于115m l离心管中,以8000r・m in-1转速在4℃下冷冻离心10m in,吸取上清液用于液相色谱仪进行分析.同时制备试剂空白溶液.113 分析方法 标准曲线配制分别用超纯水将五种砷的标准贮备溶液逐级稀释,配制成浓度为110,210,510,2010,5010ng・ml-1的混合标准溶液.在优化的实验条件下,采集标准溶液,等离子体色谱软件计算各色谱峰的积分面积并自动绘制校准曲线. Agilent1200高效液相色谱仪,四元梯度泵.M illi2Q超纯水系统.Agilent7500ce电感耦合等离子体质谱仪.玻璃同心雾化器;石英雾化室:半导体控温于2±011℃;炬管:石英一体化,215mm中心通道;屏蔽炬;样品锥:N i锥. 色谱条件:色谱柱:阴离子保护柱I onPac AG19(50mm×4mm,11μm);阴离子分析柱I onPac AS19(250mm×4mm, 715μm).流动相:A相(2mmol・l-1磷酸二氢钠/012mmol・l-1乙二胺四乙酸二钠/10mmol・l-1无水乙酸钠/3mmol・l-1硝 4期陈光等:液相色谱2电感耦合等离子体质谱法联用测定乳制品的无机砷及其它砷形态609酸钾,pH=1015—1113);B相(无水乙醇);A+B(99+1)混合等度淋洗;流速110ml・min-1;进样量:5—50μl. I CP2M S条件:功率:1550W;雾化器:玻璃同心雾化器;柱后在线加入内标,内标溶液提升速率:012r・s-1;载气流量:017L・m in-1;辅助气流量:0132L・m in-1;采样深度:915mm;测定质量数:砷75,氯35,锗72.2 样品前处理 对于离子色谱柱而言,蛋白、油脂和色素均会对柱效造成不可逆转的损害.而乳制品中蛋白、油脂的含量均较高,其提纯净化相对复杂.若只是采用定性滤纸过滤、0145μm有机滤膜过滤及离心过滤都不能有效去除上述杂质.分别比较了不同比例的甲醇、盐酸与乙酸体系,作为动物性食品样品中无机砷的提取液[3],最终选择的萃取剂主要为水相.在提取过程中会萃入少量水可溶性的蛋白和脂肪,加入乙酸后则可进一步去除蛋白,脂肪则采用商品化的3m l D i onex On Guard RP柱进行分离.经RP柱净化后的滤液过0145μm无机滤膜去除大颗粒杂质,8000转以上冷冻离心再一次净化样品(也可以进一步除去油脂).经过以上处理后的样品对于色谱柱而言是较为干净的样品.3 分离度的改善 因本研究的主要目标砷形态是以阴离子形式存在,选择阴离子交换柱进行分离,磷酸盐溶液进行等度淋洗.考虑到基体中引入的Cl可能会产生A r Cl分子离子,干扰A s的准确测定,因此在色谱条件优化过程中不仅考察了各种砷形态的分离度,还充分考察了与砷之间的分离度.通过对色谱条件的详细考察发现,流动相PH值的变化对各种目标砷形态的分离度影响最大[4].此外,比较了磷酸盐浓度为0,1,2,3,4mmol时各种砷形态的分离度,发现磷酸盐的用量对各个砷的形态之间的分离度影响不太大,但对氯离子的保留时间有很大的影响.随着磷酸盐浓度的增加,氯离子的保留时间推后,可与砷的出峰时间错开,有效避免A r Cl对A s的干扰.乙酸钠的加入对A s B、D MA与A s(Ⅲ)的分离有一定的改善.图1为未加乙酸钠和加入10mmol的乙酸钠时对各种砷形态的分离度之影响.乙酸钠用量越大,分离度越佳, A s(Ⅲ)的保留时间也越靠后,当样品中A s B与D MA的含量较高时,A s(Ⅲ)的定量更不容易受到影响.乙酸钠的用量达到30mmol后,分离度不再有明显改善;且用量过大会造成淋洗液盐分偏高,I CP2MS产生基体效应及信号漂移.图1 乙酸钠对分离度的影响4 乙醇的增敏作用 砷的电离能较高(9181eⅤ),I CP-MS测定时若溶液中含有一定量的碳基质,可有效改善等离子条件,提高砷的电离效率及灵敏度.因此,在流动相中加入少量的甲醇或乙醇,都能对砷的检测起到增敏效应.考虑到乙醇对人体的伤害较小,因此实验选择在淋洗液中加入乙醇.分别比较了流动相中不加乙醇以及加入1%,2%,3%的乙醇对信号的影响.可知,乙醇的加入对各种砷形态的分离度影响不大,1%—2%的乙醇加入量可以有效地将灵敏度提高1倍以上.5 工作曲线与方法检出限 对浓度分别为110,210,510,2010,5010ng・m l-1的砷形态混合标准溶液进行HP LC2I CP2M S分析,以各砷形态的峰面积对浓度进行线性回归.结果表明,在给定的浓度范围内,各种砷形态的线性回归方程相关系数均在01999以上.根据样品前处理最大的稀释倍数,计算得到乳制品各种砷形态的方法检出限分别为:三价砷A s(Ⅲ)210ng・g-1,五价砷A s(Ⅴ)310ng・g-1,一甲基胂MMA210ng・g-1,二甲基胂DMA110ng・g-1,甜菜碱A s B110ng・g-1.6 回收率测定 选取市售鲜牛奶,准确称取多份平行样品,分别定量加入A s(Ⅲ)与A s(Ⅴ)标准溶液,添加不同的浓度水平,使最终定容溶液中A s(Ⅲ)与A s(Ⅴ)的浓度各自含有110,510及2510ng・m l-1,计算样品中无机砷的回收率,详见表1.由表1可知,各加标水平的回收率在8919%—9811%,相对标准偏差为1109%—3121%(n=6). 环 境 化 学28卷610表1 鲜牛奶中机砷A s(Ⅲ)与A s(Ⅴ)加标回标率(%,n=6)平行次数各加标110ng・m l-1各加标510ng・m l-1各加标2510ng・m l-1 190129912101132931210112101193941597139516486199513971458413931699116891993199819平均回收率891896189910相对标准偏差4124311421387 实际样品分析 选取市售乳粉、鲜奶和酸奶各2种,按所建立的HP LC2I CP2M S分析方法考察其中的砷形态,结果参见表2.图2为奶粉样品与标准溶液中的五种砷形态的色谱图.结果表明,市售乳制品样中无机砷的含量均远低于国家食品标准的限量,故样品中无机砷的指标是安全的.表2 市售乳制品的检测结果(单位:mg・kg-1,n=3)样品名称A s B DMA MMA A s(Ⅲ)A s(Ⅴ)乳粉1#N1D1N1D1N1D1010015N1D1乳粉2#N1D10100034N1D1010015N1D1鲜奶1#N1D10100063N1D1N1D1010023鲜奶2#0100021N1D1N1D1N1D1010029酸奶1#N1D1N1D1N1D1N1D1N1D1酸奶2#0100083N1D N1D010034N1D图2 标准溶液以及奶粉样品提取液色谱图参 考 文 献[1] BE ARD H C,LYERLY L A,Separati on of A rsenic fr o m Anti m ony and B is muth by S olvent Extracti on[J]1Anal Che m,1961,33(12)∶1781—1782[2] Z HANG X,VANDERB I ESE N V,CUBBER A D,Accu mulati on of A rsenic S pecies in Seru m of Patients with Chr onic Renal D isease[J]1Clin1Che m1,1996,42(8)∶1231—1237[3] 林立,陈光,陈玉红,液相色谱2电感耦合等离子体质谱法联用测定动物性海产品中的无机砷[J]1环境化学,2009,28(1)∶149—152[4] 林立,陈光,陈玉红,液相色谱2电感耦合等离子体质谱法联用测定白酒中的无机砷[J]1环境化学,2008,27(6)∶853—855 4期陈光等:液相色谱2电感耦合等离子体质谱法联用测定乳制品的无机砷及其它砷形态611D ETERM I NAT IO N O F I NO RGAN IC ARSEN IC AND O THERARSEN IC SPEC I ES I N DA I RY PROD UCTS BY HPLC2ICP2M SCHEN Guang1 L IN L i1 CHEN Yu2hong2(China Food Quality Safety Supervisi on and I ns pecti on Center,Beijing,100083,China;Agilent Technol ogies Co1,L td1,Beijing,100102,China)ABSTRACT The method f or deter m inati on of arsenic s pecies in dairy p r oducts by using HP LC2I CP2MS has been devel2 oped1The method detecti on li m its of each A s s pecies are as f oll ows(count as A s):A s(Ⅲ)210ng・g-1, A s(Ⅴ)310ng・g-1,MMA210ng・g-1,DMA110ng・g-1,A s B110ng・g-11The accuracy and p recisi on of the method was evaluated by s p ike recovery testing1Recovery of inorganic arsenic were bet w een 8918%—9910%and the relative standard deviati on were within1109%—3121%(n=6)1M ilk sa mp les fr om the market were analyzed according t o the p resented method hereby1The result showed that inorganic arsenic in the dairy sa mp les did not exceed nati onal per m issi on li m its1 Keywords:HP LC2I CP2MS,dairy p r oduct,I norganic A rsenic.。









1 砷的形态分析方法对砷的各种形态进行有效分离后,需要采用检测仪器测定各形态砷的含量。






1.2原子荧光法原子荧光光谱法灵敏度比吸光光度法高10- 104倍[3],而且光谱线简单,选择性好,线性范围宽。



前一种方法检测砷时,存在的缺点就是Ar和C1形成40Ar35Cl 等物质和75As质子数相同,从而影响测定,所以样品常常要经过电热气化等处理措施以防止干扰。

























水产品中砷的形态分布研究作者:颜惠芬,符郁馥,林志藩,来源:《现代食品》 2019年第4期摘要:检测和统计水产品中的砷形态分布的特征,为水产品污染风险评估及消费者食用提供科学依据。

在海南省各农贸市场采集具有代表性的海水鱼、淡水鱼、海水虾、海水蟹、贝类及其他水产品530 批。

采用高效液相色谱—电感耦合等离子体质谱联用法(HPLC-ICP-MS),测定砷酸根(As(Ⅴ))、亚砷酸根(As(Ⅲ))、一甲基砷(MMA)、二甲基砷(DMA)、砷甜菜碱(AsB)5 种砷形态的含量,按GB 2762-2017 判定。

结果显示:6 种水产品中的砷以无毒的有机砷砷甜菜碱(AsB)为主,低毒的有机砷一甲基砷(MMA)和二甲基砷(DMA)含量均≤ 0.07 mg·kg-1,而毒性较大的无机砷含量都在限值要求范围内,海水鱼无机砷含量为0 ~ 0.08 mg·kg-1;淡水鱼无机砷含量0 ~ 0.01 mg·kg-1; 海水虾无机砷含量0 ~ 0.02 mg·kg-1; 海水蟹无机砷含量0 ~ 0.12 mg·kg-1;贝类无机砷含量0 ~ 0.45 mg·kg-1;其他水产品中无机砷含量0 ~ 0.03 mg·kg。



砷可分为无机砷和有机砷 2 大类,无机砷主要指砷酸根(As(Ⅴ))和亚砷酸根(As(Ⅲ)),有机砷主要指一甲基砷(MMA)、二甲基砷(DMA)、砷甜菜碱(AsB)等[1]。


研究表明,砷化合物的毒性大小顺序为As(Ⅲ)>As(Ⅴ)> MMA > DMA > AsB,As B 常被认为是无毒的有机砷,MMA和DMA是低毒的有机砷,As(Ⅴ)和As(Ⅲ)是剧毒的无机砷[7-8]。


2018年 第 5期 第 45卷 总 第 367期
广 东 化 工 WWW.gdchem .com
微波 消解.ICP.MS测定鱼 肉中的铍和锑
梁 永 津 ,涂 文 子 ,党 永锋
f珠 江流 域水环 境 监测 f}J心 ,广 东 广 州 51061 1)
(摘 要 】建 立 微波消 解-电感耦 台等 离子 体质 谱法(ICP.MS)测定 鱼 肉中铍 和锑 的方 法 ,样 品 加 入 }INOj+H202(3+1)经 微波 消解 ,使 用 ICP—MS
麻烦 。而锑 的测 定还 未 见报 道 。锑 和铍 的洲 定方 法主 要有 石 墨炉 原子 吸 收、 原子 荧光 、ICP OES和 ICP.MS法 ,在这 几种 方法 里 面 ,1CP—MS法 的检 出 限低 、无须 任何 富集 前处 理 ,能多 元素 同时
分 析且 干扰 少 , 是 目前食 品 分析 中 强有 力 的分 析 工具[5l。本 文 以 水产 品 中的 鱼肉 为对 象 ,以硝 酸.双氧 水 为消 解液 ,采 用微 波消 解
的用途 广泛 ,环 境 中 的铍 和锑污 染 越来 越严 重 ,尤 其是 西南 地 区 的 矿 区冶炼 厂 。如 贵州 都柳江 的 锑污 染【“、湖 南湘 江 的铍污 染[ ],
污 染必 将带 来 人类 食物 链 的污染 , 人类 长期 使用 污 染食物 会 导致 慢 性 中毒 ,因此 监测 食 品中 的铍和 锑 有着重 要 的现 实意 义 。
1.1仪器 与试 剂 微 波 消 解 仪 :Milestone(意 大 利 ); 电 感 耦 合 等 离予 质谱 仪
7500a(美 国 Agilent公 司),用 lO g·L。的 舍 Li、Y、Ce和 Tl的 调 谐 液调 整仪 器 参数 ,使 仪 器灵 敏度 、氧 化物 和 双 电荷等 各项 指标 达 到测 定要 求 。



ICP-MS法检测带鱼中汞、砷、钒、锑、钡重金属污染物残留刁春霞乔秋菊黄为红(泰州市疾病预防控制中心,泰州225300#摘要:目的:实验建立了全自动微波消解法消解带鱼样品,电感耦合等离子体质谱(ICP-MS)法定量检测的分析方法%方法:带鱼样品粉碎后,精密称取0.35g,置消解罐中,加浓硝酸和双氧水,按程序消解,消解完毕后,消解液定容至25mL,上ICP-MS仪,在线内标法定量检测%结果:在浓度范围0.01〜10.0"g/L范围内,汞、砷、钒、锑、钡线性关系良好;汞、砷、钒、锑、钡检出限分别为0.018、0.032、0.034、0.045和0.027"g/kg;平均加标回收率在83.9%〜104.2%;方法重复性良好%结论方法前处理简单、快速、检测准确,适用于带鱼等水产品中汞、砷、钒、锑、钡等重金属的检测%关键词:微波消解带鱼ICP-MS重金属污染物DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1001—232x.2020.05.009Determinationofmercury,arsenic,vanadium,antimonyandbariuminhairtailbyICP-MS.DiaoChunOia,Qiao Quju,Huang Weihong(Taizhou Centrr frr Disease Control and Prevention,Taizhou225300 ,China) Abstracts:".35g hairtail fragment sample is precisely weighed and put into the digestion tank.Con-centratednitricacidandhydrogenperoxideareadded,andcarryoutautomatic microwavedigestionpro­gram.After digestion,the digestion solution is fixed to25ml,and then the sample is measured quantita-tivelybyICP-MSandon-lineinternalstandard method.Intheconcentrationrangeof".1—1".."g/L, thelinearrelationshipamong mercury,arsenic,vanadium,antimony and barium is good;the detection limitsofmercury,arsenic,vanadium,antimonyandbariumare".18"g/kg,".32"g/kg,".34"g/kg, 0.045"g/kg and0.027"g/kg,respectively;the average recovery rate is in83.9%—104.2%;the repeat-abilityofthemethodisgood.Themethodissimple,.apidandaccu.ate.Keywords:Microwavedigestion;Hairtail;ICP-MS;Heavymetal;Contaminants带鱼是我国四大海产品之一,在我国环海区域:如东海、南海、渤海湾等水域均有分布,又称牙带鱼、刀鱼等带鱼富含蛋白质、维生素、脂肪、磷、铁等人体必需的营养物质,具有补气、养肝、暖胃等功能,尤其对皮肤干燥、消化不良等人群颇有益处閃。



海产品中多元素及砷的形态分析作者:高孟朝,宋玉函,庄浩,刘欠来源:《现代食品》 2018年第22期摘要:海产品具有丰富的营养价值,日益受到人们的追捧和喜爱。

海产品中的Pb、As、Cd、Cr、Hg 和Al 等元素含量相对较高,且多是国家相关食品安全标准明确规定限量的污染物元素,重视对海产品中多元素及砷形态的检测,对食品安全检测工作有重要意义。

探索并优化海产品中多元素及砷形态的检测技术,重视ICPMS、HPLC-ICP-MS 等现代分析仪器的应用研究,定量检测常见海产品中多种重金属元素和无机砷的含量,进行海产品食用健康风险评估,不仅能为相关部门制定或修订食品安全国家标准提供参考,也能为食品安全监管工作提供有力的技术支撑。


海产品中的多元素主要包括常量元素和微量元素,其中,Pb、As、Cd、Cr、Hg、Al 等元素难于降解、累积性强,在人体内超过一定含量,会对健康造成较大危害[1],相关国家标准中,对常见污染元素在海产品中的限量有明确要求[2]。


1 海产品中的多元素及砷形态分析1.1 海产品中多元素分析技术1.1.1 多元素分析前处理方法多元素检测的前处理方式,应避免蛋白质、脂肪、维生素等组分的干扰影响。







HPLC-ICP-MS 法测定水产动物中 5 种砷形态的研究

HPLC-ICP-MS 法测定水产动物中 5 种砷形态的研究
在 0、60、70、80、90 ℃ 与 100 ℃ 的提取温度下对含有 5 种形态砷的 溶液进行测定,测定最佳提取温度, 以得出最佳提取温度,之后在最佳提
称取 1 g,然后将其放入消解罐中,并
加入 20 mL 0.15 mol/L 的硝酸溶液,
HPLC-ICP-MS 法测定水产动物中 5 种砷形态的 研究
□ 陈满姑 新余市综合检验检测中心
摘 要:借助 HPLC-ICP-MS 法测定水产动物中 5 种砷的形态,能够提高对水产动物食用安全性评价的准确性。基于此, 本文详细阐述了测定思路定位、材料设备准备、试剂配制、测定操作这几项砷形态测定研究环节,实现了对 HPLC-ICP-MS 法应用的深入分析,希望能够为水产动物的食品安全检测提供助力。
在 传 统 模 式 下, 水 产 动 物 的 食 用 安全评估中,通常会采取测定砷总量 的方式来为评估工作提供依据,但砷 的形态不同,其毒性也存在差异,因此, 以砷总量作为食品安全评估依据,显 然不能满足评估工作对参考资料的客 观性要求。为此,人们提出了测定砷 形态的方法,以便更加全面地反映其 毒性,提高食品安全评估效果。而就 目前来看,HPLC-ICP-MS 法在砷形态 的测定上,存在分离效率高、操作条 件温和等优势,因此,国内外大多采 用此方法进行砷形态的测定。基于此, 研究者围绕 HPLC-ICP-MS 法测定水产 动物中 5 种砷形态,展开了深入分析, 以期总结出更为行之有效的水产动物 中 5 种砷形态的测定方法,助力食品 安全评估工作的发展。 2 研究过程
在设备方面,赛默飞 OICQ 型等离 子体质谱仪、Agilent1260 四元梯度泵 型色谱仪,天平,以微波消解仪。在 材料方面,5 种形态下砷物质的标准品, 以及用于调制试剂的 500 ng/mL 的调 谐 溶 液、 乙 醇、 硝 酸 溶 液、 氨 水、 磷 酸二氢氨、试验用水等材料。 2.2 试剂配制



2 实验方法介绍
2 实验方法介绍
肌酐 校正 调节测量 参数、选 取流动相
2 实验方法介绍
Text in here
Text in here
3 结果介绍 质 荷 比 ( )
Fig.1 Proceduce A:1,AB;2,DMA;3,AsIII;4,MMA;5,AsV
3 结果介绍 质 荷 比 ( )
Fig.2 Proceduce B:1, AB;2,DMA;3, AsIII;4, MMA;5, AsV; 6, TMAO;7, AC
3 结果介绍 质 荷 比 ( )
Fig.3 Produce C:1、AB+TMAO;2、DMA;3、AC;4、 MMA;5、AsIII+AsV
测量速度加快 (6min)
2 实验方法介绍
质谱法(Mass Spectrum):就是通过将样品转化为运动的气态 离子并按质荷比(M/Z)大小进行分离并记录其信息的分析方法。 所得结果以图谱表达,即所谓的质谱图。
等离子体(Plasma):指电离度超过0.1%被电离了的气体,这种 气体不仅含有中性原子和分子,而且含有大量的电子和离子,且电 子和正离子的浓度处于平衡状态,从整体来看是处于中性的。
2 实验方法介绍
当高频发生器接通电源后,高频电流I通过 感应线圈产生交变磁场(绿色)。 开始时,管内为Ar气,不导电,需要用高 压电火花触发,使气体电离后,在高频交流 电场的作用下,带电粒子高速运动,碰撞, 形成“雪崩”式放电,产生等离子体气流。 在垂直于磁场方向将产生感应电流(涡电流 ,粉色),其电阻很小,电流很大(数百安) ,产生高温。又将气体加热、电离,在管口 形成稳定的等离子体焰炬。
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AuthorRaimund WahlenLGC Limited, Queens Road, Teddington, Middlesex, TW11 0LY, United KingdomAbstractA high performance liquid chromatography-inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry method was devel-oped for the fast and accurate analysis of arsenobetaine in fish samples extracted by accelerated solvent extrac-tion. The combined extraction and analysis approach was validated using certified reference materials for arseno-betaine in fish and during a European intercomparison exercise with a blind sample. Up to six species of arsenic can be separated and quantified in the extracts within a 10-minisocratic elution. The method was optimized so as to minimize time-consuming sample preparation steps and to allow for automated extraction and analysis of large sample batches. A comparison of standard addition and external calibration showed no significant difference in the results obtained, which indicates that the liquid chromatography-inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry method is not influenced by severe matrix effects.The extraction procedure could process up to 24 samples in an automated manner while the robustness of the developed high performance liquid chromatography-inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry approach is highlighted by the capability to run more than 50 injec-tions per sequence which equates to a total run-time of more than 12 hours. The method can therefore be used to rapidly and accurately assess the proportion of nontoxic arsenobetaine in fish samples with high total arsenic content during toxicological screening studies.Fast and Accurate Determination ofArsenobetaine (AsB) in Fish Tissues Using HPLC-ICP-MS ApplicationIntroductionThe element Arsenic (As) has long been thought of as poisonous and highly toxic. However, it has since been shown that the toxicity of As is largely dependent on the form or “species” the arsenic is in. Arsenic is ubiquitous in the environment due to natural and anthropogenic sources, and the rela-tive contribution of these factors is estimated as roughly 60% and 40% respectively. In the environ-ment, As behaves in similar ways to the Group V elements nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P). As a result of these similarities, arsenic gets taken into the biochemical pathways of N and P. This results in the formation of compounds such as arsenobe-taine (AsB) in fish and arseno-sugars, which are found in marine algae. The toxicity of the inorganic As-species (such as arsenite, As(III) and arsenate,As(V)) is far greater than the organic forms, such as monomethylarsonic and dimethylarsinic acid (MMAA and DMA) and AsB. The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has classi-fied inorganic arsenic as a human carcinogen,whereas AsB, the predominant form of As in most marine organisms [1], is considered nontoxic to humans. Although AsB is the major form of As in many marine organisms, it is not present in all fish species [2]; therefore, an evaluation of the propor-tion of AsB to the total As determined can give a useful and rapid estimate of the toxicological sig-nificance of a sample. In order to determine the toxicity of seafood, the determination of the total As alone is of limited value, and the differentspecies of As have to be extracted, separated, and determined. Fast, reliable, and practical methods are therefore required that can provide speciation information for the screening of large samplebatches.FoodsAims and ObjectivesThe aim of this study was to develop a semi-automated analytical method for the extraction and determination of As-species in fish tissues. Requirements for high sample throughput analysis were the automation of the extraction procedure as well as a fully automated separation and detection method capable of analyzing large sample batches (up to 50 injections per run) during overnight runs. In order to streamline the analytical procedure, an attempt was made to develop a method with a min-imal number of sample preparation steps. It was intended that the method should be established using calibration by external calibration curves, rather than the lengthy alternative of standard additions. The use of an isocratic liquid chromatog-raphy (LC) elution can be favorable in terms of time-efficiency during the liquid chromatography-inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LC-ICP-MS) analysis because it negates the need for column re-equilibration between injections.Calibration StandardsThe following standards were obtained from Fluka (Sigma-Aldrich, Gillingham, UK): di-sodium hydro-gen arsenate heptahydrate (AsHNa2O4.7H2O)≥98.5%, sodium (meta)arsenite (AsNaO2) ≥99.0%, and cacodylic acid (dimethylarsinic acid, DMA,C2H2AsO2) ≥99.0%; monomethylarsonic acid disodium salt (MMAA, CH3AsNa2O3) >98% was obtained from Argus Chemicals (Vernio, Italy). Arsenobetaine (AsB, C5H11AsO2) was obtained from BCR (Brussels, Belgium) as a solution of AsB in water at 1031 ±6 (95% C.I.) mg/kg (BCR 626).ExtractionAccelerated solvent extraction (ASE) has been used previously for As-speciation [3, 4] and was chosen as the sample preparation method because it allows for the automated extraction and online filtration of up to 24 samples. In addition, the extraction solution is collected in glass vials, which negates further sample preparation steps such as filtration or centrifuging.The samples were extracted using a Dionex ASE 200 accelerated solvent extractor. Sample sizes from 0.1–0.3 g were weighed accurately into 11-mL stainless steel extraction cells fitted with filter papers and PTFE liners. The extraction program was set up as shown in Table 1.HPLC-ICP-MS MethodologyThe HPLC-ICP-MS instrumentation consisted of an Agilent Technologies 1100 HPLC system coupled to an Agilent Technologies 7500i ICP-MS fitted with a second roughing pump, which enhances sensitivity by increasing ion transmission across the inter-face. The HPLC system comprised a quaternary pump module, a vacuum degasser, a temperature controlled autosampler, and column compartment. The ICP-MS instrument was tuned for sensitivity, reduced oxides, and doubly charged species prior to connection to the liquid chromatograph by per-forming a standard instrument tune using a10 ng/g solution of Li, Y, Ce, and Th in 1% HNO3. The pulse to analog (P/A) factor was adjusted on a daily basis using a solution containing ~50 ng/g Li, Mg, Mn, Cu, As, Gd, Y, Cd, Pb, and Ba. After this optimization, a 50 ng/g solution of As in 1% HNO3 was used to specifically optimize the sensitivity for arsenic. The ICP-MS nebulizer was then connected to the HPLC-column using a length of PEEK tubing (yellow, 1/16-inch od, 0.007-inch id). See Table 2 for the ICP-MS conditions used.Instrument Dionex ASE 200Preheat 2 minHeat 5 minExtraction steps 5 × 2 minTemperature100 °CPressure1500 psiSolvent MethanolRF Power 1430–1550 WRF Matching 1.89–1.92 VSampling depth 4.0–4.8 mmCarrier gas flow0.89–0.93 L/ minMake up gas flow0.10–0.14 L/ minOptional gas Oxygen at 5%Spray-chamber0 °CtemperatureCones PlatinumIsotopes monitored75As103Rh77Se (40Ar37Cl) to monitor Cl interferences53Cr (40Ar13C) to monitor C interferences Other parameters Injector diameter: 2.4 mmNebulizer 100 µL/min PFA,Two interface pumps used2In order to develop a rapid chromatographic sepa-ration of the main As-species in fish tissues, an anion exchange column (Hamilton PRP X-100) was chosen in combination with an isocratic elution profile. Several mobile phases were tested and the best separation of AsB and As(III) as well as DMA and MMAA was achieved within 10 min using2.2-mM NH4HCO3/2.5-mM tartaric acid at pH 8.2 delivered at 1 mL/min isocratic flow. This evalua-tion was carried out initially using matrix-free cali-bration standards containing the species of interest and refined using an oyster tissue extract that con-tained arsenocholine (AsC), two arsenosugars (As-sug. B and As-sug. D), TMAs+and several unknown species in addition [5]. The injection volume for samples and standards was 50 µL.In order to enhance the ionization of the As-species [6, 7], methanol was added to the mobile phase at concentrations ranging from 0.5% to 5% v/v. At concentrations above 1%, the chromatographic separation degraded significantly to the degree that base-line resolution between AsB and As(III) was no longer achieved. However, the addition of 1% MeOH to the mobile phase resulted in a signifi-cant improvement in the sensitivity (3–4-fold increase in peak height) for all analytes. A chro-matogram for a 5-ng/g mixed calibration standard with the final chromatography conditions is shown in Figure 1.Variations in Signal Response for Different As-SpeciesThe chromatogram shows that the four species analyzed here have very different response factors with this method, even when made up to contain the same concentration of As in solution. This is further illustrated by the calibration curves and their respective slopes, as shown in Figure 2. Such differences in the analyte signal intensity were reported previously in the literature [7] and appear to be due to a combination of the ICP-MS hardware used and the plasma conditions, which are in turn affected by the mobile phase composi-tion. This points to possible differences in the neb-ulization, transport and/or ionization of different species by such methods. In order to determine whether this effect could be attributed to the cou-pling of the ICP-MS with a liquid chromatograph, aqueous standards of AsB and As(III) were made up to equivalent concentrations as As and ana-lyzed by direct aspiration without chromatogra-phy. This indicated that the signal response of AsB was ~10%–15% higher compared to the inorganic As standard and, therefore, the difference in signal response does not appear to be related to the coupling with a liquid chromatograph.34Figure 2.Calibration curves for AsB, DMA, MMAA and As(III) over a range of 0–50 ng/g as As.In order to increase the signal intensity for species such as As(III) and MMAA by the approachdescribed here, additional MeOH was added via a T-piece post-column so as not to impact on the chromatographic resolution. Although the relative volume of MeOH could be increased by 50%–70% in this way without deteriorating plasma stability, the relative signal responses of the four species were not influenced significantly. Because the relative signal response was stable on a day-to-day basis,no further attempts were made to equalize the signal responses.The instrumental detection limit for AsB by this method was 0.04 ng/g as As. The linearity obtained,as indicated by the correlation coefficient of the calibration line, was 0.999–1.000 over a calibration range of 0–700 ng/g as As.Plasma Disturbance Due to Elution of MeOHDuring the analysis of fish samples, which had been extracted under the ASE conditions high-lighted in Table 1, a disturbance of the plasma was observed between ~2.3 to 4.3 min after injection.This affected all of the isotopes monitored and the effect on 75As and 103Rh is highlighted in Figure 3.As can be seen from the chromatogram, the effect on these two isotopes is nonlinear. The 103Rh signal decreases significantly during this time, whereas the ‘shoulder’ on the tailing side of the AsB peak indicates an increase in the 75As signal.The observed fluctuation in the signal intensities for the different isotopes coincides with the elu-tion of the organic methanol fraction of the fish extracts from the analytical column. This effect could be reduced slightly by lowering the tempera-ture of the spray-chamber from 5 °C to 0 °C, but the effect was not completely eliminated. During the injection of undiluted sample extracts, the volume of methanol that passes through the column and into the ICP-MS is ~10%. It has already been discussed that the addition of MeOH enhances the 75As signal by increasing the ioniza-tion efficiency of this analyte; this effect is observed on a small scale here. Although there is no detectable As(III) in this fish material, the accu-rate quantitation of this compound (compared to aqueous calibration standards) could obviously lead to an overestimation if the signal of this ana-lyte is enhanced due to the simultaneous elution of MeOH from the column. In this case, a standard addition calibration would represent a more accu-rate approach for quantitation. However, the spik-ing of each sample extract at different levels, which is necessary for this type of calibration, would make such an approach less suitable for a high sample-throughput application. In addition, the accurate integration of AsB is influenced by the signal increase on the tailing side of the peak. In order to eliminate the effect of these signal vari-ations on the accurate quantitation of the As-species in the methanolic extracts, the methanol fraction could either be reduced by evaporation or dilution with water. Dilution was chosen as the preferred option over evaporation in order to avoid possible analyte losses and because of time-efficiency. Whereas evaporation would either involve passing an inert gas over the solution or using rotary evap-oration equipment, gravimetric dilutions were easily and quickly achieved by pipetting an aliquot of the extract into a sealed HPLC autosampler vial, weighing, and then adding the appropriate amount of water. In order to observe the effect of different dilution factors on the observed plasma distur-bance, a fish extract was diluted 10-, 5-, and 2-fold in water and also injected undiluted. The effects of the different dilutions on the 103Rh signal are shown by the chromatograms in Figure 4.As demonstrated in Figure 4, a 10-fold dilution is sufficient to eliminate the plasma disturbance suf-ficiently; therefore, all extracts were diluted 1:10in water prior to injection.5Figure 4.Signal of the internal standard 103Rh, for fish sample extracts a) undiluted and diluted b) 2-fold, c) 5-fold andd) 10-fold.Comparison of External Calibration andStandard Addition for the Quantitation ofAsB in Fish TissuesDue to the fact that arsenic is mono-isotopic, iso-tope dilution analysis cannot be used for the high-accuracy quantitation of this compound byLC-ICP-MS. In such circumstances, calibration bystandard additions is often used in order to achievematrix matching of standards and samples. It isalso a useful technique in chromatographic appli-cations where the possibility of retention time (RT)shifts of analytes due to matrix components exists.This can result in misidentification, and thus erro-neous results. However, standard addition calibra-tion can be very time- consuming because severalaliquots of the sample require spiking with differentlevels of a calibration standard, and at least threelevels of standard addition are needed for accuratequantitation of the same sample. External calibra-tion by non-matrix matched standards can be usedfor applications where the difference in the matrixbetween samples and standards does not influencethe accuracy of the result to a significant extent.Standard addition calibration and non-matrixmatched external calibration were compared for AsB in two certified reference materials (DORM-2, Dogfish muscle, NRC Canada and BCR 627, Tuna Fish, BCR EU) in order to assess whether the * The "MULSPOT" project has been financed by the SM&T Program (EU) (Contract SMT4-CT98-2232) and coordinated by ENEA (IT). The Project is at the certification stage and the material is not yet available on the market.67Subsamples of the different materials (n = 4–6)were extracted, diluted in water, and analyzed as described above. The data for AsB determined in these samples is shown in Table 3. A chro-matogram of the tuna fish material BCR 627 is shown in Figure 5.The chromatogram indicates that the major species in this sample is AsB with two minor species, which were also extracted and detected.One peak was identified as DMA, and the peaklabelled P1 is most likely to be AsC from RT match-ing. The data in Table 3 shows that the combined ASE/HPLC-ICP-MS methodology is capable of delivering accurate and reproducible results for AsB in these matrices. In addition, the extraction of other minor species, such as DMA and AsC, was achieved in the fish tissues; up to six species were extracted and separated in the oyster material,although none of these (apart from DMA) were quantified during this study. This DMA data for BCR 710 (730 ±30 ng/g DMA) showed a good agree-ment with the consensus mean value of the certification round (820 ±200 ng/g DMA).† The data shown for this material is based on the consensus mean of the final certification round after the removal of statistical outliers.Figure 5.Chromatogram of a tuna fish extract (BCR 627) enlarged to show the detection of minor species in this material.‡The “SEAS” feasibility study was co-ordinated by The University of Plymouth Enter-prise Limited (Plymouth, UK) under the EC contract: G6RD CT2001 00473 "SEAS" with the title: 'Feasibility Studies for Speciated CRMs For Arsenic in Chicken, Rice,Fish and Soil and Selenium in Yeast and Cereal'.8extracted and analyzed on 3 different days. The data were combined to provide the value labelled “LGC” in Figure 6 below. The error bars indicate the SD of the mean of individual results. The mean of all result (excluding a statistical outlier) together with 1 SD above and below the mean is indicated by the solid and dashed horizontal lines, respec-tively. The data provided by the combined ASE extraction and developed LC-ICP-MS methodology (94.92 ±3.95 mg/kg AsB) is in very good agreement with the mean result of all labs (95.72 ±7.79 mg/kg AsB, n = 11). The precision achieved was also satis-factory at 4.2% (RSD) for 12 subsamples from dif-ferent bottles analyzed on 3 separate days. The performance of the method in this international intercomparison is highlighted by the good agree-ment with data provided by several Europeanexpert laboratories with longstanding expertise in As-speciation analysis. It should also be noted that the intercomparison was carried out with a blind sample of unknown concentration, rather than based on the analysis of a CRM with known certified values.ConclusionsA robust and practical method has been developed based on accelerated solvent extraction and HPLC-ICP-MS analysis for the fast and accurate determination of AsB in fish samples. The benefits of the methods include automated extraction of up to 24 samples, minimal sample preparation steps (dilution only) after extraction, and rapid and automated analysis by HPLC-ICP-MS. The separa-tion of four to six species of toxicological interest is achieved within 10 min using an isocratic elu-tion. This increases the sample throughput by negating the column equilibration period needed with most gradient elution profiles.The method was validated using commercially available CRMs and during a European intercom-parison study with a fish sample of unknown con-centration. The performance of the method was very satisfactory in terms of both accuracy and precision compared to several other expert laboratories.This method can be used to rapidly determine the nontoxic proportion (AsB) in fish samples with high total As content and could therefore be used to determine whether a particular sample poses a toxicological risk in the food chain.AcknowledgementsThe work described in this application note wassupported under contract with the Department ofTrade and Industry (UK) as part of the NationalMeasurement System Valid AnalyticalMeasurement (VAM) program.References1.S. Branch, L. Ebdon, and P. O’Neill (1994)J.Anal. At. Sprectrom., 9, 33-37.2.J. S. Edmonds, Y. Shibata, K. A. Francesconi,R.J. Rippingale, and M. Morita (1997) Appl.Organomet. Chem., 11, 281.3.P. A. Gallagher, S. Murray, X. Wei, C. A. Schwegel,and J. T. Creed (2002) J. Anal. At. Spectrom.,17, 581-586.4.J. W. McKiernan, J. T. Creed, C. A. Brockhoff,J. A. Caruso, and R. M. Lorenzana (1999)J. Anal. 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