《管理学专业英语教程(第4版)》教学课件—lesson20 Three Types of AI
Globalization Ethnocentrism parochialism
Right or Rowing
企业已经缴纳教育附加税,因而没有义 务再资助办学。 援助灾民是企业的社会责任,因此,每 一个企业都必须进行赈灾活动。 在香烟外盒写上“吸烟有害健康”是毫 无意义的,因此是没有必要的。 既然政府的规定是50%,宝洁公司就没有 必要承诺100%的使用再循环包装纸。
Fundamentals of management
Chapter 1
manager and management
Discussion 讨论
1961年,日本松下公司的山田电器厂遇 到了一个开关质量难题。实际上,这个 开关的装配操作很简单:从装有许多弹 簧的盒内每次取出两个装入开关,再装 上按钮。让山田厂长困惑的是,无论采 取什么质量管理方法,都不能使工人避 免偶尔忘记装入弹簧。 你能帮助山田厂长解决这个难题吗?
全球汽车 配件部
全球 工业部
全球仪器 产品部
全球原料 采购部
全球卡车 配件部
国际执行委员会 业务领域 变压器 运输 德国 挪威 阿根廷/巴西 西班牙/葡萄牙
董事长/首席架构师:比尔•盖茨 CEO/总裁:史蒂夫•鲍尔默 营运和 后勤部 产品部门 全球销售、市场 和服务部 亚洲销售、市场 和服务部 亚洲产品 部门 微软在 中国的 机构 微软中国研究 开发中心
Decisional 决策
Arguments Against Social Involvement
• • • • • • • Violation of profit maximization Dilution of purpose Costs Too much power Lack of skills Lack of accountability Lack of universal support
• France
– Le Plan and the Cadre
• Germany
– Authority and Codetermination
• Korea
– Chaebol and Inhwa
Japanese Management
• Lifetime Employment • Seniority System • Decision Making in Japan
Chapter 2. Management and Society: The External Environment, Social Responsibility, and Ethics
The Organization and Its External Environment
Arguments for Social Involvement
Definition of Whistle-Blowing
《管理学专业英语教程(第4版)》教学课件—lesson16 Big Data_The Managment Revolution
gimensions of Big Data
What are the key difference between “Big Data and “analytics”?
Volume refers to the amount of data an organization or an individual collects and/or generates.
❖ The three edges of the integrated view of big data represent three dimensions of big data: volume, velocity, and variety.
❖ Inside the triangle are the five dimensions of big data that are affected by the growth of the three triangular dimensions: veracity, variability, complexity, decay, and value.
Big Data: The Management Revolution
2 Dimensions of Big Data
3 Five Management Challenges
We define ‘Big Data’ as a capability that allows companies to extract value from large volumes of data, Like any capability, it requires investment in technologies, processes and
Learning Objective 4.1
• Describe the decision-making process.
How Do Managers Make Decisions?
Exhibit 4-1 How Do Managers Make Decisions?
Identifying a Decision Problem
Rational Model
Rational decision making” • choices that are consistent and value-maximizing within
specified constraints. Rationality is not a very realistic approach.
48 6
5 25 7
Implementing the Decision
Decision implementation: • putting a decision into action.
Evaluating the Decision
Appraising the outcome of the decision • Was the problem resolved?
Fundamentals of Management
Tenth Edition
Chapter 4 Foundations of Decision Making
Learning Objectives
4.1 Describe the decision-making process.
4.2 Explain the three approaches managers can use to make decisions.
管理学专业英语第四版下Unit 1 Characteristics of Management Science
Their actions affect the system's design and performance.
The Business as a Set of Beliefs
❖A unique property: the property of manmade purpose
Uncertainty in Business
more does seem possible.
Methods of empirically Describe oriented sciences
An observed pattern of business events.
Uncertainty in Business ❖Two basic questions
▪ 1. Is the scientist's systematic approach to the study of past, existing or future possible combinations of events more reliable than the businessman's intuition?
A Business as a System
❖A paradox here. For:
1. Are the simple assumptions truly representative of what men seek with the systems they have created?
A Business as a System
❖Appears that
Process of observing, deriving and disclosing
韦伯对管理理论的贡献主要是提出了理想的 行政组织体系理论,因此被称为“组织理论 之父”。
所谓理想的行政组织体系理论,原意是通过 职务或职位而不是通过个人或世袭地位来管 理。这是一个有关集体活动理性化的社会学 概念。
(二)管理者的分类 按管理者在组织中所处的地位划分,管 理者可分为:
展战略和行动计划,有权分配组织中拥有的 一切资源的管理人员。
划及有关细节和程序,以贯彻执行高层管理 者做出的决策和计划的人员。
1 有决策指挥权的管理者。
关于管理的对象是什么,在管理学中也存在 着不同的看法。最早的看法是人、财、物三 个要素。
以后有人根据时间和信息在管理中的重要作 用,就在三要素的基础上增加了时间和信息 两个要素。
不能把管理对象看成是几个孤立的要素,而 是构成系统的所有要素的综合。
二、中国古代的管理思想 (一)组织方面的管理思想 (二)经营方面的管理思想 (三)以人为本的管理思想 (四)理财方面的管理思想 (五)管物方面的管理思想
从管理职能划分的演变看,计划、组织 和控制是各管理学派公认的管理职能, 而领导的作用在现代管理中日益突出, 所以,本书按计划、组织、领导和控制 等四个职能来组织管理学的内容。
管理学专业英语第四版上lesson1 Modern management movement
Opportunities Threats
Weament Approach
Strategic management involves four basic components: (1) environmental scanning; (2) strategy formulation; (3) strategy implementation;
There is an appropriate pattern for relationships which exists for organizations
It sets centers on the best contingency play
Strategic management Approach
Determining what needs to be done, how it will be done, and who is to do it
Motivating, leading, and any other actions involved in dealing with people
Process Approach
Process approach proposed by Fayol
Defining goals establishing strategy, and developing plans to coordinate activities
(4) evaluation and control.
Porter’s 5 competitive forces analysis
Strategic management Approach
4.课程的衔接《管理英语》(4) 为英语基础段最后一门课程。
《管理学专业英语教程(第4版)》教学课件—lesson4 What is Strategy
❖ Cost is generated by performing activities, and cost advantage arises from performing particular activities more efficiently than competitors.
to customers
charge higher average unit prices
A company can
Both greater value &
lower cost
Operational Effectiveness
❖ Ultimately, all differences between companies in cost or price derive from the hundreds of activities (e.g. the right chart)
ahead of rivals.
Background Introduction
❖ Positioning---once the heart of strategy---is rejected as too static for today’s dynamic markets and changing technologies.
《管理学专业英语教程(第4版)》教学课件—lesson13 The Seven Principles Of Supply Chain Management
Channel-wide S&OP can detect early warning signals of demand and takes into account vendor and carrier Fcuadpaanbilities, capacity, and constraints
Principle 1
❖Segment customers based on the service needs of distinct groups and adapt the supply chain to serve these segments profitably.
Principle 1
❖ Unsuccessful efforts:
▪ functionally defined and narrowly focused
▪ lack sustaining infrastructure ▪ uncoordinated change
activity erupts
Distill seven fundamental principles of supply chain management.
Supplier's price ↑
Inventory ↑
Principle 5 ❖Fundamental prerequisite
Operating supplies
Direct materials
管理学专业英语第四版下Unit 10 Three Types of AI
effectiveness of human efforts. In financial institutions, AI techniques can be used to identify which transactions are likely to be fraudulent, adopt fast and accurate credit scoring, as well as automate manually intense data management tasks.
Text (2) Humans and AI Are Joining Forces
❖ The Technology’s large impact will be in complementing and augmenting human capabilities, not replacing them.
• reading legal and contractual documents to extract provisions using natural language processing.
Gaining insight through data analysis
• predict what a particular customer is likely to buy;
1. they are usually much more data-intensive and detailed, 2. the models typically are trained on some part of the data set, 3. the models getter better – that is, their ability to use new data to make predictions or put things into categories improves over time.
《管理学专业英语教程(第4版)》教学课件—lesson1 Modern management movement
100% of the shareholders in 3 European countries and majorities in other European countries. Low fees for calls made outside the home country)voice usage. Earning rate of primary business too high
5 Japanese style management approach
Excellence approach
Outlines ——framework of the modern management movement
Classical theory
Behavioral theory
Contingency Approach
Three Principle Sets
Agreement exists between organizations and their internal and external environments, and between the management system and its various components.
Process Approach
Process approach proposed by Fayol
Defining goals establishing strategy, and developing plans to coordinate activities
Determining what needs to be done, how it will be done, and who is to do it
《管理学专业英语教程(第4版)》教学课件—lesson6 Meeting the Challenge of Corporate Entrepreneurship
Balancing Acts
What should companies
• either-or approaches to corporate entrepreneurship because they place the old and new cultures in conflict with each other
Why Traditional Responses Fail
Diffused Responsibility Fizzles out
In an organization where every executive shares responsibility for new-business
Meeting the Challenge of Corporate Entrepreneurship
The Business Challenge of The Day
Two challenges to meet
1.They must become Janus-like, looking in two directions at once, with one face focused
• new businesses require innovation, innovation requires fresh ideas, and fresh ideas require
Challenge2 mavericks.
• the poor fit between new businesses and old Challenge3 systems
*We will see barriers to effective risk management in knowledge management in text (2)
too often companies▪ Explicit knowledge is easier to see;tacit
The One-Sided Knowledge Project
Stephen Denning‘s point: •most of our real knowledge is tacit • the communication between individuals is a fundamental KM principle •“in the end [it] provides a vehicle for conveying unseen tacit knowledge.”
The language of risk
1. Experts will face considerable difficulties in communicating without recourse to jargon.
2. Conflict continues and may escalate, rather than developing into what has been termed cooperative discourse
Reaching for Knowledge
checked a reference of some kind——explicit knowledge
need help?
ask someone for help——tacit knowledge
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Engaging with customers and
• intelligent agents that offer 24/7 customer service addressing a broad and growing array of issues;
• internal sites for answering employee questions on various topics;
Three types of AI
Process Automation
Cognitive Insight
Cognitive Engagement
Three Important Business Needs of AI Applications
Automating business processes
• product and service recommendation systems for retailers that increase personalization, engagement, and sales;
let the data do the programming.
The History of Artificial Intelligence
Possible Applications for AI
Three Important Business Needs of AI Applications
• analyze warranty data to identify safety or quality problems in manufactured products;
• automate personalized targeting of digital ads; and • provide insurers with more-accurate and detailed actuarial
that have many hidden layers. • AI achieves incredible accuracy through deep neural
networks – which was previously impossible.
• AI gets the most out of data. • AI adapts through progressive learning algorithms to
Байду номын сангаас
• transferring data from e-mail and call center systems into systems of record;
• replacing lost credit or ATM cards, reaching into multiple systems to update records and handle customer communications;
AI: What is and why it matters?
What is artificial intelligence?
Artificial intelligence (AI) makes it possible for machines to learn from experience, adjust to new inputs and perform humanlike tasks. Most AI examples that you hear about today – from chess-playing computers to selfdriving cars – rely heavily on deep learning and natural language processing. Using these technologies, computers can be trained to accomplish specific tasks by processing large amounts of data and recognizing patterns in the data.
• reconciling failures to charge for services across billing systems by extracting information from document types;
• reading legal and contractual documents to extract provisions using natural language processing.
Three Types of AI
1 AI: What is and why it matters? 2 Three Important Business Needs of AI Applications 3 The Business Benefits of AI 4 Machine Learning 5 How AI is Being Used in Industries
AI: What is and why it matters?
Why artificial intelligence matters?
• AI automates repetitive learning and discovery through data. • AI adds intelligence to existing products. • AI analyzes more and deeper data using neural networks
Gaining insight through data analysis
• predict what a particular customer is likely to buy;
• identify credit fraud in real time and detect insurance claims fraud;