粉体工程学试卷以及答案(1)一、名词解释(2分/小题,共18分)1. 粉体:粉体是由大量的不同尺寸的颗粒组成的颗粒群。
2. 三轴平均径:以颗粒的长度、宽度、高度定义的粒度平均值称为三轴平均径。
(算法有三种:算术平均径、几何平均径和调和平均径)3. 球体积当量径:与颗粒体积相同的球的直径为球体积当量径。
4. 液体桥:粉体颗粒间隙之间存在的液体,称为液体桥。
9. 筛分法:筛分法是使物料通过一组有序的不同筛孔尺寸的(标准)筛子来测试粒度并进行大小分级的方法。
2. 昆虫能在水面上爬行,荷叶上的水滴呈圆球状,这是张力在起作用。
3. 影响一种材料强度大小的因素有_成分、时间(效应)、温度、水分等。
4. 分级(分离)的原理或方式有惯性式、重力式、离心式、湿法(水)、电式_等。
(*回答“磁”、“物理分离”、“超声波”或“迅速分级原理”、“减压分级原理”……;也给分)5. 根据颗粒间液体量的多少,有四种类型的液相静态:摆动状态、链索状态_、毛细管状态_ 、_浸渍状态_ 。
6.工业用筛按运动形式大致可分为振动筛_ 、摆动筛两类。
7. 防护粉尘爆炸的方法有_封闭_ 、泄爆、隔爆等。
9.粉体在重力作用下自料仓流出的形式有质量流_ 和漏斗流_ 两种。
8、与磨矿机闭路工作的分级设备有两个作用,一是控制__⑨_;二是形成_⑩三、不定项选择题(每题3分,多选、选错不给分,少选给1分,共45分)1、以下用于衡量物料的平均粒度的方法是(①)A 加权算术平均法B加权几何平均法C调和平均法D叠加法2、在实际工作中,常常采用的粒度分析方法主要有(②)A筛分分析法B水力沉降分析法C显微镜分析法D激光粒度分析仪3、下列方法可用于粒度分析曲线绘制的有(③)A算术坐标法B半对数坐标C全对数坐标法D以上都不是3、以下筛子类型中,常用于破碎车间的筛子有(④)A格筛B直线振动筛C德瑞克筛D等厚筛5、破碎段数的确定取决于(⑤)A原矿的最大粒度B最终破碎产物粒度C总破碎比D各段破碎比6、评价磨矿作业的数量指标有(⑥)A磨机处理量B磨机单位容积处理量C磨机-200目利用系数D磨矿效率7、下列流程中,筛子起着预先筛分作用的有(⑦)8、破碎过程的评价指标有(⑧)A破碎机处理量B 破碎效率C破碎技术效率D磨机利用系数9、矿业界常见的几个主要耗功学说是(⑨)A 体积学说B裂缝学说C面积学说D热量10、下列设备只能用作细碎破碎的是(⑩)A 颚式破碎机B旋回破碎机C标准圆锥破碎机D短头圆锥破碎机11、衡量圆锥破碎机的主要参数有()A给矿口与排矿口宽度B啮角C平行带长度D可动锥摆动次数12、按磨机内装的介质种类不同,磨矿机可分为()A.球磨机B 棒磨机C自磨机D13、常用的磨矿-分级设备有()A 螺旋分级机B 水力旋流器C细筛D格筛14、影响确定磨矿段数的主要因素有()A 矿石的可磨性B矿物的嵌布特性C磨矿机的给料粒度D 磨碎产物的要求粒度15、矿石硬度分三级时,当普氏硬度系数=12时,该矿石属于()A 软矿石B中硬矿石C硬矿石D特硬四、简单题(每题8分,共 40分)1、简述选矿厂粗碎中常用的颚式破碎机工作原理。
10. 在恒定干燥条件下, 将含水 20%的湿物料进行干燥, 开始时干燥速率恒定, 当干燥至含水 5%时, 干燥速率开始下降 , 再继续干燥至物料恒重 , 并测得此时物料含水量为 0.05%, 则物料的临界含水量为__C_。 (A)5%; (B)20%; (C)0.05%; (D)4.55%
环境/生物工程 2012 级( 一 二 三 四
姓名 总 分
0.5 103 0.0 5 1 m 51mm 103 9.8
2. 由山上的湖泊中引水至某贮水池,湖面地面高出 5m,管道总长 1000m (包括直管长度和局 部阻力当量长度) , 要求流量达到 0.085 m 则铸铁内径为 300mm
e Const. =l a b a b u a u e e a e C p C p ,
Const. = l 1u 1C p
1 b
1C p1 ,
2、简述双膜理论的要点?按照双膜理论,若吸收过程为液膜控制,应采取何种有效方式 提高传质速率?
, 黏度为 121mPa s 。
习题 1-14 附图 解:取 A 点的水平面为基准面,在 A 与 B 间列伯努利方程:
u P u ZAg A ZB g B B hf 2 2 式中: u A u B , Z A 0 , Z B 1.5 0.5 1m P PB h f Z B g A
所以: Y2 y 2 ; X 1 x 1 ; Y m X (数值近似,并非改变该参数的物理单位)
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2014 新课标I 理综卷-化学7.下列化合物中同分异构体数目最少的是( ) A.戊烷 B.戊醇 C.戊烯 D.乙酸乙酯8.化学与社会、生活密切相关。
对下列现象或事实的解释正确的是选项 现象或事实 解释A用热的烧碱溶液洗去油污Na 2CO 3可直接和油污反应B 漂白粉在空气中久置变质漂白粉中的CaCl 2 与空气中的CO 2反应生成CaCO 3C施肥时,草木灰(有效成分为K 2CO 3)不能与NH 4Cl 混合使用 K 2CO 3与NH 4Cl 反应生成氨气会降低肥效DFeCl 3溶液可用于铜质印刷线路板制作FeCl 3能从含有Cu 2+的溶液中置换出铜9. 已知分解1 mol H 2O 2 放出热量98KJ ,在含少量I -的溶液中,H 2O 2的分解机理为:H 2O 2+ I - →H 2O +IO -慢 H 2O 2+ IO -→H 2O +O 2+ I - 快下列有关反应的说法正确的是( ) A . 反应的速率与I -的浓度有关 B. IO -也是该反应的催化剂 C. 反应活化能等于98K J ·mol -1 D.v(H 2O 2)=v(H 2O )=v(O 2)10.W 、X 、Y 、Z 均是段周期元素,X 、Y 处于同一周期,X 、Z 的最低价离子分别为X 2-和Z - ,Y +和Z-离子具有相同的电子层结构。
下列说法正确的是( ) A. 原子最外层电子数:X >Y >Z B. 单质沸点:X >Y >Z C. 离子半径:X 2->Y +>Z - D. 原子序数:X >Y >Z11.溴酸银(AgBrO 3)溶解度随温度变化曲线如图所示,下列说法错误的是( ) A.溴酸银的溶解时放热过程 B.温度升高时溴酸银溶解速度加快 C.60 ℃时溴酸银的K sp 约等于6×10-3D.若硝酸钾中含有少量溴酸银,可用重结晶方法提纯12.下列有关仪器的使用方法或实验操作正确的是( ) A.洗净的锥形瓶和容量瓶可以放进烘箱中烘干 B.酸式滴定管装标准液前,必须先用该溶液润洗 C.酸碱滴定实验中,D .用容量瓶配溶液时,若加水超过刻度线,立即用滴定管吸出多余液体。
北京科技大学2014年硕士学位研究生入学考试试题================================================================================= ============================试题编号:833 试题名称:无机化学(共 5 页)适用专业:化学、化学工程与技术、化学工程(专业学位)说明:所有答案必须写在答题纸上,做在试题或草稿纸上无效。
================================================================================= ============================一、是非题(判断下列叙述是否正确,正确的在括号中画√,错误的画×)(本大题分8小题, 每小题1.5分, 共12分)1、NaHS 水溶液显酸性。
..................………………………………………………………………………..()3、由于生成配离子,Ag (Ⅰ) 的氧化性增强。
........................... ()4、f区元素原子主要在(n - 2)f亚层中电子数目不同,外层及次外层则相差不多,所以同一周期的f区元素之间表现出相似的化学性质。
...................................................()6、碱土金属氯化物的熔点高低次序为:BeCl2 < MgCl2 < CaCl2 < SrCl2 < BaCl2。
江西理工大学材料加工工程专业英语考试真题全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Jiangxi University of Science and TechnologyMaterials Processing Engineering MajorFinal English ExamPart 1: Multiple Choice Questions (choose the best answer)1. Which of the following processes is used for machining external threads on a cylinder?a) Grindingb) Turningc) Hobbingd) Broaching2. What is the purpose of quenching in heat treatment?a) To remove impurities from the metalb) To improve the machinability of the metalc) To increase the hardness of the metald) To reduce the brittleness of the metal3. Which of the following metals is commonly used in powder metallurgy?a) Aluminumb) Copperc) Irond) Zinc4. What is the primary purpose of using a cutting fluid in metal cutting processes?a) To cool the tool and workpieceb) To increase the surface roughness of the workpiecec) To reduce friction between the tool and workpieced) To improve the hardness of the workpiece5. Which of the following welding processes uses a consumable electrode?a) TIG weldingb) MIG weldingc) Gas weldingd) Electric resistance weldingPart 2: Short Answer Questions6. Explain the difference between hot working and cold working in metal processing.7. Describe the steps involved in the investment casting process.8. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using laser cutting in materials processing?9. How does heat treatment affect the microstructure and properties of metals?10. Discuss the importance of quality control in materials processing engineering.Part 3: Essay Questions11. Select one specific area of materials processing engineering (e.g., welding, machining, heat treatment) and discuss its importance in modern manufacturing industries.12. Describe a recent technological advancement in materials processing engineering and discuss its potential impact on the field.13. Explain the concept of sustainability in materials processing engineering and discuss why it is important for the future of the industry.14. Discuss the role of computer-aided design (CAD) and computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) in materials processing engineering and provide examples of their applications.15. Analyze the challenges and opportunities facing materials processing engineering in the 21st century and propose potential solutions to address them.篇2Jiangxi University of Science and TechnologyDepartment of Materials Processing EngineeringEnglish ExamPart I: Reading ComprehensionRead the following passage and answer the questions that follow.With the advancement of technology, the field of materials processing engineering has become increasingly important in industries such as manufacturing, automotive, aerospace, and electronics. Materials processing engineers are responsible for developing and improving processes to manufacture products using a variety of materials, including metals, polymers, ceramics, and composites.1. What industries benefit from the work of materials processing engineers?2. What is the role of materials processing engineers in manufacturing?Part II: VocabularyChoose the correct word or phrase to complete each sentence.1. The _________ of materials is essential in the field of materials processing engineering.a) compositionb) competitionc) completion2. The ____________ of new materials often requires extensive research and testing.a) innovationb) integrationc) initiation3. Material properties such as strength, hardness, and ductility are important factors in the ___________ of products.a) productionb) protectionc) projectionPart III: WritingWrite an essay on the following topic:"The Role of Materials Processing Engineering in Advancing Technology"In your essay, discuss the importance of materials processing engineering in the development of new technologies and products. Provide examples of how materials processing engineers have contributed to advancements in industries such as electronics, aerospace, and automotive. Additionally, explainhow materials processing engineering can help address challenges such as environmental sustainability and resource conservation.Remember to support your arguments with relevant examples and evidence.Good luck!篇3Materials Processing Engineering MajorFinal ExamInstructions:1. This exam consists of two parts: multiple-choice questions (40%) and short-answer questions (60%).2. No extra paper or cheat sheets are allowed during the exam.3. Read the instructions carefully before attempting each question.4. Write your answers neatly and clearly. Illegible handwriting may result in loss of points.5. You have two hours to complete the exam. Be mindful of the time.6. Good luck!Multiple-Choice Questions:1. Which of the following processes involves the removal of material from a workpiece using a rotating cutting tool?a. Castingb. Forgingc. Turningd. Extrusion2. Which of the following material removal processes is commonly used to produce intricate shapes in hard materials?a. Grindingb. Millingc. Drillingd. Broaching3. The term "strain hardening" refers to:a. An increase in the hardness of a material due to mechanical deformationb. Reduction in ductility during deformationc. Softening of material after heat treatmentd. Increase in tensile strength due to quenching4. Which of the following metal forming processes involves the use of tensile forces to stretch a workpiece?a. Rollingb. Forgingc. Extrusiond. Drawing5. The process of heat treatment that involves heating a metal to a suitable temperature, holding it for a period of time, and then cooling it at a controlled rate is called:a. Annealingb. Normalizingc. Temperingd. QuenchingShort-Answer Questions:1. Describe the microstructure changes that occur during the annealing process and explain the reasons behind these changes.2. Differentiate between primary and secondary forming processes. Provide examples of each.3. Explain the concept of surface roughness in machining processes. How does surface roughness affect the performance of a component?4. Discuss the importance of selecting the appropriate cutting parameters in machining operations. How do cutting speed, feed rate, and depth of cut influence the efficiency and quality of machining?5. Describe the advantages and disadvantages of cold working compared to hot working in metal forming processes. Provide examples of products or components that are typically produced using each method.Good luck on the exam!。