作者: 杨胜男
作者机构: 哈尔滨师范大学西语学院英语系,黑龙江哈尔滨150001
出版物刊名: 语文学刊:高等教育版
页码: 97-100页
年卷期: 2011年 第7期
主题词: 本雅明;翻译;译者的任务
摘要:�译者的任务》(The Task of the Translator)是德国学者瓦尔特.本雅明(Walter Benjamin)的经典之作。
《现代大学英语精读1》第四课 midnight visitor
They live in a secret world of deception, fraud欺骗,, and sometimes violence.
Collect and pass on significant information Recruit new agents
For money? For ambition? For patriotism?
The Midnight Visitor
Age, appearance Personality
Tasks Responsibilities
The Midnight Visitor
Young or old? Handsome or ordinarylooking?
Adventurous Courageous Intelligent Shrewd精明的 Presence of mind
– official hands, course, drama, a start, management, to take a chance
W Bjectives
By the end of the lesson, students are expected to • be able to retell how Ausable defeated his adversary(敌手, 对手)Max. • be able to make character analysis of Ausable, Max and Fowler. • be able to use the key words, phrases, expressions, and grammar items correctly and appropriately. • know more about the author, detective stories and related information about secret agents.
现代大学英语精读2第五课quick fix society 原文带段落
Quick Fix SocietyJanet Mendell Goldstein1.My husband and I just got back from a week's vacation in West Virginia. Of course, we couldn't wait to get there, so we took the Pennsylvania Turnpike and a couple of interstates. "Look at those gorgeous farms!" my husband exclaimed as pastoral scenery slid by us at 55 mph. "Did you see those cows?" But at 55 mph, it's difficult to see anything; the gorgeous farms look like moving green checkerboards, and the herd of cows is reduced to a few dots in the rear-view mirror. For four hours, our only real amusement consisted of counting exit signs and wondering what it would feel like to hold still again. Getting there certainly didn't seem like half the fun; in fact, getting there wasn't any fun at all.2.So, when it was time to return to our home outside of Philadelphia, I insisted that we take a different route. "Let's explore that countryside," I suggested. The two days it took us to make the return trip were filled with new experiences. We toured a Civil War battlefield and stood on the little hill that fifteen thousand Confederate soldiers had tried to take on another hot July afternoon, one hundred and twenty-five years ago, not knowing that half of them would get killed in the vain attempt. We drove slowly through main streets of sleepy Pennsylvania Dutch towns, slowing to twenty miles an hour so as not to crowd the horses and horse carriages on their way to market. We admired toy trains and antique cars in country museums and saved 70 percent in factory outlets. We stuffed ourselves with spicy salads and homemade bread in an "all-you-can-eat" farmhouse restaurant, then wandered outside to enjoy the sunshine and the herds of cows—no little dots this time—lying in it. And we returned home refreshed, revitalized, and reeducated. This time, getting there had been the fun.3.Why is it that the featureless turnpikes and interstates are the routes of choice for so many of us? Why doesn't everybody try slowing down and exploring the countryside? But more and more, the fast lane seems to be the only way for us to go. In fact, most Americans are constantly in a hurry—and not just to get from Point A to Point B. Our country has become a nation in search of the quick fix—in more ways than one.4.Now instead of later: Americans understood the principle of deferred gratification. We put a little of each paycheck away "for a rainy day." If we wanted a new sofa or a week at a lakeside cabin, we saved up for it, and the banks helped us out by providing special Christmas Club and vacation Club accounts. If we lived in the right part of the country, we planted corn and beans and waited patiently for the harvest. If we wanted to be thinner, we simply ate less of our favorite foods and waited patiently for the scale to drop, a pound at a time. But today we aren't so patient. We take out loans instead of making deposits, or we use our credit card to get that furniture or vacation trip—relax now, pay later. We buy our food, like our clothing, ready-made and off the rack. And if we're in a hurry to lose weight, we try the latest miracle diet, guaranteed to take away ten pounds in ten days... unless we’re rich enough to afford liposuction.5.Faster instead of slower: Not only do we want it now; we don't even want to be kept waiting for it. This general impatience, the "I-hate-to-wait" attitude, has infected every level of our lives. Instead of standing in line at the bank, we withdraw twenty dollars in as many seconds from an automatic teller machine. Then we take our fast money to a fast convenience store (why wait in line at the supermarket?), where we buy a frozen dinner all wrapped up and ready to be put into the microwave... unless we don't care to wait even that long and pick up some fast food instead.And if our fast meal doesn't agree with us, we hurry to the medicine cabinet for—you guessed it—some fast relief. We like fast pictures, so we buy Polaroid cameras. We like fast entertainment, so we record our favorite TV show on the VCR. We like our information fast, too: messages flashed on a computer screen, documents faxed from your telephone to mine, current events in 90-second bursts on Eyewitness News, history reduced to Bicentennial Minutes. Symbolically, the American eagle now flies for Express Mail. How dare anyone keep America waiting longer than overnight?6.Superficially instead of thoroughly: What's more, we don't even want all of it. Once, we lingered over every word of a classic novel or the latest best seller. Today, since faster is better, we read the condensed version or put a tape of the book into our car's tape player to listen to on the way to work. Or we buy the Cliff’s Notes, especially if we are students, so we don't have to deal with the book at all. Once, we listened to every note of Beethoven's Fifth Symphony. Today, we don't have the time; instead, we can enjoy 26 seconds of that famous "da-da-da-DUM theme"—and 99 other musical excerpts almost as famous—on our Greatest Moments of the Classics CD. After all, why waste 45 minutes listening to the whole thing when someone else has saved us the trouble of picking out the best parts? Our magazine articles come to us pre-digested in Reader’s Digest. Our news briefings, thanks to USA Today, are more brief than ever. Even our personal relationships have become compressed. Instead of devoting large parts of our days to our loved ones, we replace them with something called "quality time," which, more often than not, is no time at all. As we rush from book to music to news item to relationship, we do not realize that we are living our lives by the iceberg principle—paying attention only to the top and ignoring the 8/9 that lies just below the surface.7.When did it all begin, this urge to do it now, to get it over with, to skim the surface of life? Why are we in such a hurry to save time? And what are we going to do with all the time we save besides, of course, rushing out to save more time? The sad truth is that we don't know how to use the time we save, because all we're good at is saving time... not spending time.8.Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying we should go back to growing our own vegetables or making our own clothes. I'm not even advocating a mass movement to cut all our credit cards into little pieces. But I am saying that all of us need to think more seriously about putting the brakes on our "we-want-it-all-and-we-want-it-now" lifestyle before we speed completely out of control. Let's take the time to read every word of that story, hear every note of that music, and enjoy every subtle change of that countryside. Let's rediscover life in the slow lane.。
Fidelity and freedom in translation have traditionally been regarded as conflicting tendencies. This deeper interpretation of the one apparently does not serve to reconcile the two; in fact, it seems to deny the other all justification. For what is meant by freedom but that the rendering of the sense is no longer to be regarded as all-important? Only if the sense of a linguistic creation may be equated with the information it conveys does some ultimate, decisive element remain beyond all communication---quite close and yet infinitely remote, concealed or distinguishable, fragmented or powerful. In all language and linguistic creations there remains in addition to what can be conveyed something that cannot be (p. 21) communicated; depending on the context in which it appears, it is something that symbolizes or something symbolized. It is the former only in the finite products of language, the latter in the evolving of the languages themselves. And that which seeks to represent, to produce itself in the evolving of languages, is that very nucleus of pure language. Though concealed and fragmentary, it is an active force in life as the symbolized thing itself, whereas it inhabits linguistic creations only in symbolized form. While that ultimate essence, pure language, in the various tongues is tied only to linguistics elements and their changes, in linguistic creations it is weighted with a heavy, alien meaning. To relieve it of this, to turn the linguistic flux, is the tremendous and only capacity of translation. In this pure language---which no longer means or expresses anything but is, as expressionless and creative Word, that which is meant in all languages---all information, all sense, and all intention finally encounter a stratum in which they are destined to be extinguished. This very stratum furnishes a new and higher justification for free translation; this justification does not derive from the sense of what is to be conveyed, for the emancipation from this sense is the task of fidelity. Rather, for the sake of pure language, a free translation bases the test on its own language. It is the task of the translator to release in his own language that pure language which is under the spell of another, to liberate the language imprisoned in a work in his re-creation of that work. For the sake of pure language he breaks through decayed barriers of his own language. Luther, Voss,Hölderlin, and George have extended the boundaries of the German language. ---And what of the sense in its importance for the relationship between translation and original? A simile may help here. Just as a tangent touches a circle lightly and at but one point, with this touch rather than with the point setting thelaw according to which it is to continue on its straight path to infinity, a translation touches the original lightly and only at the infinitely small point of the sense, thereupon pursuing its own course according to the laws of fidelity in the freedom of linguistic flux. Without explicitly naming or substantiating it, Rudolf Pannwits has characterized the true significance of this freedom. His observations are contained in Die Krisis der europäischen Kultur and rank with Goethe’s Notes to the Westöstlicher Divan as the best comment on the theory of translation that has been publi shed in Germany. Pannwits writes: “Our translations, even the best ones, proceed from a wrong premise. They want to turn Hindi, Greek, English into German instead of turning German into Hindi, Greek, English. Our translators have a far greater reverence fo r the usage of their own language than for the spirit of the foreign works…. The basic error of the translator is that he preserves the state in which his own language happens to be instead of allowing his language to be powerfully affected by the foreign tongue. Particularly when translating from a language very remote from his own he must go back to the primal elements of language itself and penetrate to the point where work, image, and tone converge. He must expand and deepen his language by means of the foreign language. It is not generally realized to what extent this is possible, to what extent any language can be transformed, how language differs from language almost the way dialect differs from dialect; however, this last is true only if one takes language seriously enough, not if one takes it lightly.”The extent to which a translation manages to be in keeping with the nature of (p. 22) this mode is determined objectively by the translatability of the original. The lower the quality and the distinction of its language, the larger the extent to which it is information, the less fertile a field is it for translation, until the utter preponderance of content, far from being the lever for a translation of distinctive mode, renders it impossible. The higher the level of a work, the more does it remain translatable even if its meaning is touched upon only fleetingly. This, of course, applies to originals only. Translations, on the other hand, proves to be untranslatable not because of any inherent difficulty, but because of the looseness with which meaning attaches to them. Confirmation of this as well as of every other important aspect is supplied by Höldlin’s translations, particularly those of the two tragedies by Sophocles.In them the harmony of the languages is so profound that sense is touched by language only the way an aeolian harp is touched by the wind. Höldlin’s translations are prototypes of their kind; they are to even the most perfect renderings of their texts as a prototype is to a model. This can be demonstrated by comparing Höldlin’s and Rudolf Borchardt’s translations of Pindar’s Third Pythian Ode. For this very reason Höldlin’’s translations in particular are subject to the enormous danger inherent in all translations: the gates of a language thus expanded and modified may slam shut and enclose the translator with silence. Höldlin’s translations from Sophocles were his last work; in them meaning plunges from abyss to abyss until it threatens to become lost in the bottomless depths of language.。
能夠認識分數基本概念。 請 框 選 該 題 培 養 何 種 能 力
1 2 3
1 2 3
修 正 前
1 2 3
1 2 3
自 評 觀 我 量 點
1 2 3
1 2 3
設計目標:了解分數的概念。 ( )將物件等分成若干份後,
設計者 分年細目 評量重點
TKU94B02 陳靜璇
適用年級 三年級
3-n-09 能在具體情境中,初步認識分數,並解決同分母分數的比較與加減問 題。 (1)學生能夠藉由本題釐清分數的概念。 請 框 選 該 題 培 養 何 種 能 力
4 杯。 5
賞 析 者
設計者 分年細目 評量重點
TKU94B09 蔡孟君
適用年級 三
3-n-09 能在具體情境中,初步認識分數,並解決同分母分數的比較與加減問題。 1.能夠計算同分母的分數加減問題 請 框 選 該 題 培 養 何 種 能 力
2 3
1 2 3
修 正 前
2 3
自 評 觀 我 量 點
2 3
一、引言1923年,德国翻译理论家沃尔特.本雅明(Walter Benjamin )为自己所译的法国诗人波德莱尔(Bauldelaire )的诗集巴黎风貌(Tableaux Parisiens )写了一篇题为“译者的任务”的序言.译者的任务一文用词艰涩,内容深奥,并且带有明显的神秘主义色彩,但其中的观点独特新颖,自成一家,在现代西方翻译理论发展史上占有非常特殊的地位,同时也被奉为解构主义理论的重要奠基文献。
”(Paulde ,1983)在这一文中,他认为纯语言抽象地潜在自然语言之中,提出译者的任务就是开发纯语言;他指出翻译不可能与原著相等,他否定了读者主导的观点;译者的任务不在于把意义复制,让读者理解原文,并对忠实作了独特的阐述。
以前在很长一段时间,由于人们的接受能力很低,我们在翻译外国文学的过程中往往将外国文化不同的表达方式换成中国的表达方式,以求读者的理解,例如将“an ace up one's sleeve ”译成“锦囊妙计”,把“流着鳄鱼的眼泪”译成“猫哭老鼠假慈悲”,虽说表面上忠实地传达了原文的意思,但是由于全然不同的文化背景和内涵,势必会给译语读者带来错觉。
关键词:读者原作译作可译性不可译性沃尔特·本雅明(walter benjamin, 1892-1940)在翻译理论方面有独特的见解,其翻译观点主要见于《译者的任务》一文。
二、原作与译作的关系本雅明认为,原作和译作是平等的,它们都本是“同一瓶子上的碎片”,这“瓶子”也就是他所谓的“纯语言(pure language)”。
pub_20150701_P.U. (B) 263-Notis Penentuan Muktamad Afirmatif 25062015
29 Jun 201529 June 2015P.U. (B) 263NOTIS PENENTUAN MUKTAMAD AFIRMATIFAKTA PELINDUNG 2006NOTIS PENENTUAN MUKTAMAD AFIRMATIF PENYIASATAN MENGENAI KELUARANPLAT GULUNGAN PANAS YANG DIIMPORT KE DALAM MALAYSIA(SM 01/14)PADA menjalankan kuasa yang diberikan oleh subseksyen 23(3) Akta Pelindung 2006 [Akta 657] dan peraturan 14 Peraturan-Peraturan Pelindung 2007[P.U. (A) 386/2007], Kerajaan telah membuat penentuan muktamad afirmatif berhubungdengan penyiasatan mengenai keluaran plat gulungan panas yang diimport ke dalamMalaysia sebagaimana yang diperihalkan dalam perenggan 1 (“keluaran”).Keluaran yang disiasat dan pengelasan tarif1.Keluaran yang disiasat dan pengelasan tarifnya adalah seperti yang berikut:(a)keluaran plat keluli gulungan panas besi atau keluli bukan aloi dankeluli aloi yang lain, yang mempunyai kelebaran 600 milimeter ataulebih, gulungan panas, tidak diliputi, disadur atau disalut, yangmempunyai ketebalan antara 6 milimeter hingga 75 milimeter; dan(b)keluaran yang dikelaskan di bawah Kod Sistem yang Diharmonikan(Kod H.S.) 7208.51.000, 7208.52.000, 7225.40.000, dan TatanamaTarif Berharmonis ASEAN (AHTN) 7208.51.0000, 7208.52.0000,7225.40.9000,yang aplikasi, standard antarabangsa, gred dan tajuknya adalah sebagaimana yang dinyatakan dalam Jadual Pertama.2. Bagi maksud subsubperenggan 1(b), Kod H.S. dan AHTN adalah hanya untuk makluman dan tidak mempunyai kesan mengikat terhadap pengelasan keluaran itu.Keluaran serupa atau keluaran yang bersaing secara langsung3. Keluaran serupa atau keluaran yang bersaing secara langsung ialah keluaran yang dikeluarkan oleh industri dalam negeri dan mempunyai perihalan yang sama dengan keluaran yang dinyatakan dalam perenggan 1.Sebab bagi penentuan muktamad afirmatif4. Berdasarkan penyiasatan, Pihak Berkuasa Penyiasat telah mendapati bahawa terdapat kenaikan secara mutlak import keluaran semasa tempoh penentuan kemudaratan iaitu mulai1 Januari 2013 hingga 31 Disember 2013. Pihak Berkuasa Penyiasat mendapati bahawa industri dalam negeri telah mengalami kemudaratan yang serius berkenaan dengan pengurangan syer pasaran, pengurangan dalam jualan dalam negeri, tahap produktiviti dan penggunaan kapasiti yang rendah, penurunan dalam aliran tunai, kemerosotan keuntungan dan inventori, dan pulangan pelaburan yang negatif. Perkara ini telah menyebabkan dan mengancam untuk menyebabkan kemudaratan yang serius kepada industri dalam negeri yang mengeluarkan keluaran serupa atau keluaran yang bersaing secara langsung.Langkah pelindung yang terpakai5. Langkah pelindung yang terpakai berhubung dengan keluaran hendaklah dalam bentuk duti pelindung muktamad dan dikenakan terhadap negara yang dinyatakan dalam Jadual Kedua.6. Duti pelindung muktamad hendaklah dikenakan bagi tempoh tiga tahun mulai 2 Julai 2015 hingga 1 Julai 2018 pada kadar yang berikut:Tempoh Duti Pelindung Muktamad (%)2 Julai 2015 – 1 Julai 2016 17.40 %2 Julai 2016 – 1 Julai 2017 13.90%2 Julai 2017 – 1 Julai 2018 10.40%JADUAL PERTAMA[Perenggan 1]KELUARAN PLAT GULUNGAN PANAS YANG DIKENAKAN DUTI PELINDUNG MUKTAMADJADUAL KEDUA[Perenggan 5]NEGARA YANG DIKENAKAN DUTI PELINDUNG MUKTAMAD1. Australia2. Kanada3. Republik Czech4. Republik Persekutuan Jerman5. Perancis6. Luxembourg7. Greece8. Hungary9. Ireland10. Itali11. Jepun12. Negara Belgium13. Negara Denmark14. Negara Norway15. Negara Sepanyol16. Negara Sweden17. Negara Belanda18. New Zealand19. Republik Rakyat China20. Republik Portugal21. Liechtenstein22. Republik Austria23. Republik Bulgaria24. Republik Cyprus25. Republik Estonia26. Republik Finland27. Republik Iceland28. Republik Indonesia29. Republik Korea30. Republik Latvia31. Republik Lithuania32. Republik Malta33. Republik Poland34. Republik Singapura35. Republik Slovenia36. Romania37. Slovakia38. Negara Israel39. SwitzerlandBertarikh 26 Jun 2015[MITI:ID/(S/AP/SG/045/3 Jld 2); PN(PU2)647/IV]40. Ukraine41. United Kingdom of Great Britain dan Ireland Utara 42.Amerika SyarikatDATO’ SRI MUSTAPA BIN MOHAMEDMenteri Perdagangan Antarabangsa dan IndustriSAFEGUARDS ACT 2006NOTICE OF AFFIRMATIVE FINAL DETERMINATION OF AN INVESTIGATION WITH REGARD TO HOT ROLLED PLATES PRODUCTS IMPORTED INTO MALAYSIA(SM 01/14)IN exercise of the powers conferred by subsection 23(3) of the Safeguards Act 2006 [Act 657] and regulation 14of the Safeguards Regulations 2007 [P.U. (A) 386/2007], the Government has made an affirmative final determination inrelation to the investigation with regard to the hot rolled plates products imported intoMalaysia as described in paragraph 1 (“products”).Products under investigation and tariff classification1. The products under investigation and its tariff classification are as follows:(a)the hot rolled steel plate products of iron or non-alloy steel andother alloy steel, of a width of 600 millimetres or more, hot rolled,not clad, plated or coated, of a thickness between 6 millimetresto 75 millimetres; and(b) the products classified under the Harmonised System Code(H.S. Code) 7208.51.000, 7208.52.000, 7225.40.000, and ASEANHarmonised Tariff Nomenclature (AHTN) 7208.51.0000,7208.52.0000, 7225.40.9000,which applications, international standards, grades and titles are as specified in theFirst Schedule.2.For the purposes of subsubparagraph 1(b), the H.S Code and AHTN are only for information and shall have no binding effect on the classification of the products.Like products or directly competitive products3. The like products or directly competitive products are products which are produced by the domestic industry and have the same description as the products specified in paragraph 1.Reasons for affirmative final determination4. Based on the investigation, the Investigating Authority has found that there wasan increase in imports of the products in absolute terms during the period of injury determination that is from 1 January 2013 until 31 December 2013. The Investigating Authority has found that the domestic industry has suffered serious injury in respect ofthe decline in market share, decline in domestic sales, low production and capacity utilisation, decline in cash flow, decline in profitability and inventory, and negative return on investment. These have caused and are threatening to cause serious injury tothe domestic industry that produces like or directly competitive products.Safeguards measures applicable5. The safeguards measures applicable in relation to the products shall take the formof definitive safeguards duties and shall be imposed on the countries specified in the Second Schedule.6. Definitive safeguards duties shall be imposed for a period of three years from 2 July 2015 until 1 July 2018 at the following rates:Period Definitive Safeguards Duties (%)2 July 2015 – 1 July 2016 17.40 %2 July 2016 – 1 July 2017 13.90%2 July 2017 – 1 July 2018 10.40%FIRST SCHEDULE[Paragraph 1]HOT ROLLED PLATES PRODUCTS WHICH ARE IMPOSED WITH THE DEFINITIVESAFEGUARDS DUTIESSECOND SCHEDULE[Paragraph 5]COUNTRIES IMPOSED WITH DEFINITIVE SAFEGUARDS DUTIES1. Australia2. Canada3. Czech Republic4. Federal Republic of Germany5. France6. Luxembourg7. Greece8. Hungary9. Ireland10. Italy11. Japan12. Kingdom of BelgiumDated 26 June 2015[MITI:ID/(S/AP/SG/045/3 Jld 2); PN(PU2)647/IV]13. Kingdom of Denmark 14. Kingdom of Norway 15. Kingdom of Spain 16. Kingdom of Sweden17. Kingdom of the Netherlands 18. New Zealand19. People's Republic of China 20. Portuguese Republic 21. Liechtenstein22. Republic of Austria 23. Republic of Bulgaria 24. Republic of Cyprus 25. Republic of Estonia 26. Republic of Finland 27. Republic of Iceland 28. Republic of Indonesia 29. Republic of Korea 30. Republic of Latvia 31. Republic of Lithuania 32. Republic of Malta 33. Republic of Poland 34. Republic of Singapore 35. Republic of Slovenia 36. Romania 37 Slovakia38. State of Israel 39. Switzerland 40. Ukraine41. United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 42.United States of AmericaDATO’ SRI MUSTAPA BIN MOHAMED Minister of International Trade and Industry。
A. 作者介绍自己在马拉喀什的逗留时间和目的B. 描述马拉喀什的氛围和印象II. 描述马拉喀什的贫困A. 街景描写:破旧的建筑物、贫民窟B. 描述穷人的生活条件和勉强度日的情况C. 对马拉喀什贫穷地区的社会现象进行审视III. 对人和动物的苦难的观察A. 街上的工作马和骡子B. 对卖艺者和乞丐的观察C. 村庄中的儿童和残疾人的生活状况IV. 英国人与马拉喀什居民之间的矛盾A. 描述现存的英国人在马拉喀什的地位和身份B. 探讨英国人的价值观和现实情况之间的差距C. 总结英国人与当地居民之间的紧张关系A. 重申作者在马拉喀什的观察和亲身体验B. 思考殖民扩张的不公正性C. 结论对马拉喀什现状和作者情感的总结在"Marrakech"这篇文章中,乔治·奥威尔回顾了他在马拉喀什的逗留时光和访问目的。
译者的任务 本雅明
Translation is a mode. Translatability:
– Will an adequate translator ever be found among
the totality of its readers? (contingently) – Does its nature lend itself to translation, and call for it? (apodictically)
“归根结底,他在一生中都是死者,但却是真正的 幸存者。”卡夫卡。 阿伦特说,本雅明乃是“一位最后的文人”(one of the last hommes de letters)。 苏珊· 桑塔格说本雅明是“欧洲最后一个自由知识 分子”。
– 所谓知识分子的自由, 就是知识分子独立和准超然地观察
It is plausible that no translation, however good it may be, can have any significance as regards the original. But a natural vital connection is established, and that connection is no longer of importance to the original. Just as the manifestations of life are intimately connected with the phenomenon of life without being of importance to it, a translation issues from the original— not so much from its life as from its afterlife. Translations mark the stage of continued life of the original. The concept of life is given its due only if everything that has a history of its own is credited with life.
the help内容概括
the help内容概括《The Help》(《别告诉她》)是美国作家凯瑟琳·斯托塞特出版的一部小说,该小说于2009年出版后迅速获得了广泛的赞誉和读者的喜爱。
《The Help》以其精彩的叙述和深入刻画人物形象而成为畅销书。
《The Help》不仅仅是一本富有故事性的小说,它更是一部关于人权、平等和正义的写实作品。
译者的任务The Task of the Translator
As for the posited central kinship of languages, it is marked by a distinctive convergence. Languages are not strangers to one another, but are, a priori and apart from all historical relationships, interrelated in what they want to express.
The Task of the Translator
Made by Kyky and Canney ( 张琦 和 吴樱)
• 1. Introduction • 1.1 The author • 1.2 About the book • 2. Specifics • 2.1 Translatability • 2.2 Kinship • 2.3 Pure Language • 2.4 The task • 2.5 Translation principles • 2.6 Some problems • 3. Conclusion
1. Introduction
• About the author
• 瓦尔特· 本雅明 (Walter Benjamin, 1892-1940)德国人, 思想家、哲学家和马克思主义文学批评家,是 20 世 纪初最具创造性和最富争议的批评家之一,出版有 《发达资本主义时代的抒情诗人》和《单向街》等 作品。 • 有人称之为“欧洲最后一位文人”。在颇具传奇色 彩的一生中,他涉足了多个领域的研究,他独树一 帜的理论思想对后现代主义、解构主义、接受美学 等学派影响深远。
现代大学英语精读5 第五课professions_for_women
Austen, Jane (1775-1817)
English novelist, noted for her witty studies of early-19thcentury English society. With meticulous detail, Austen portrayed the quiet, day-to-day life of members of the upper middle class. Her works combine romantic comedy with social satire and psychological insight. Pride and prejudice, Sense and Sensibility Emma 华南农业大学外国语学院
讲课人:苏安梅 华南农业大学外国语学院
Women writers before Woolf
Fanny Burney (1752 1840) Burney's four novels have earned her favorable comparisons to other giants of the genre-Austen, Richardson, Dickens-and Virginia Woolf's declaration that she is "the mother of English fiction."
讲课人:苏安梅 华南农业大学外国语学院
the Hours
The Hours is an amazingly successful film adaptation of Michael Cunningham's fictional take on Mrs Dalloway. Fragments of Woolf's biography are interwoven with stories from 1950's small town America, and contemporary New York. It's not a direct adaptation but a stunning interpretation of Woolf and her world, her themes, and even her narrative techniques. Nicole Kidman creates a very sympathetic portrayal of Virginia, Julian Moore glues the plot together with a magnificent performance as a woman at the end of her tether, and Meryl Streep is a slightly over-the-top but acceptable modern Clarissa.
a hanging课文概括
a hanging课文概括《A Hanging》是英国作家乔治·奥威尔的一篇散文,旨在探讨死刑的道德和人性。
通过《A Hanging》,奥威尔试图向读者传达思考和反思死刑的重要性。
a hanging课文概括
a hanging课文概括《A Hanging》是乔治·奥威尔(George Orwell)的一篇短篇小说,讲述了一个被判绞刑的男子在等待死亡的过程中的心理变化。
小说的主人公是一个被判绞刑的男子,名叫Nine Morning。
随着时间的推移,Nine Morning开始逐渐接受自己的命运。
在最后的时刻,Nine Morning感到自己与周围的世界融为一体。
乔治·奥威尔通过《A Hanging》这篇小说,探讨了人类面对死亡时的心理变化和思考。
他通过Nine Morning的故事,展现了人类面对死亡时的真实反应和思考。
此外,《A Hanging》还反映了乔治·奥威尔对英国殖民统治的批判态度。
在小说中,被判绞刑的男子Nine Morning被描述为一个孤独、无助的个体,而整个绞刑过程也被描绘得十分残酷和不人道。
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In the appreciation of a work of art or an art form, consideration of the receiver never proves fruitful. Art, in the same way, posits man’s physical and spiritual existence, but in none of its works is it concerned with his response. No poem is intended for the reader, no picture for the beholder, no symphony for listener.在欣赏艺术品或者艺术形式的时候,接受者的思考一般都是没有结果的。
Is a translation meant for readers who do not understand the original? For what does a literary work “say”? What does it communicate? It “tells”very little to those who understand it. Its essential quality is not statement or the imparting of information. Yet any translation which intends to perform a transmitting function cannot transmit anything but information---hence, something inessential. This is the hall mark of bad translations. But do we not generally regard as the essential substance of a literary work what it contains in addition to information---as even a poor translator will admit---the unfathomable, the mysterious, the “poetic,”something that a translator can reproduce only if he is also a poet? This, actually, is the cause of another characteristic of inferior translation, which consequently we may define as the (p. 15) inaccurate transmission of an inessential content. This will be true whenever a translation undertakes to serve the reader. However, if it were intended for the reader, the same would have to apply to the original. If the original does not exist for the reader’s sake, how could the translation he understood on the basis of this premise?那么翻译是为了那些不懂原文的读者所为么?一个文学作品又是为谁而作呢?对于那些理解他的人而言,他“讲”的很少。
假若原文本不是为读者而作,那么他所理解的翻译却为何要为读者而作呢?Translation is a mode. To comprehend it as mode one must go back to the original, for that contains the law governing the translation: its translatability. The question of whether a work is translatable has a dual meaning. Either: Will an adequate translator ever be found among the totality of its readers? Or, more pertinently: Does its nature lend itself to translation and, therefore, in view of the significance of the mode, call for it? Analogously, the translatability of linguistic creations ought to be considered even if men should prove unable to translate them. Given a strict concept of translation, would they not really be translatable to some degree? The question as to whether the translation of certain linguistic creations is called for ought to be posed in this sense. For this thought is valid here: If translation is a mode, translatability must be an essential feature of certain works.翻译是一种方式。
Translatability is an essential quality of certain works, which is not to say that it is essential that they be translated; it means rather that a specific significance inherent in the original manifests itself in its translatability. It is plausible that no translation, however good it may, can have any significance as regards the original. Yet, by virtue of its translatability the original is closely connected with the translation; in fact, this connection is all the closer since it is no longer of importance to the original. Just as the manifestations of life are intimately connected with the phenomenon of life without being of importance to it, a translation issues from the original---not so much from its life as from its afterlife.可译性是某些作品的基本内在。
For a translation comes later than the original, and since the important works of world literature never find their chosen translators at the time of their origin, their translation marks their stage of continued life. The idea of life and afterlife in works of art should be regarded with an entirely unmetaphorical objectivity. Even in times of narrowly prejudiced thought there was an inkling that life was not limited to organic corporeality.因为译作晚于原作,因此从没有哪个世界文学在他们原创时期就已经选好了译者,译作标志着原作生命的延续。