
2.Good afternoon. 下午好。
3.ask her to call me 请她给我打
4.May I have your number? 我可以留个您的 吗? Certainly./Yes./Sure./Ok./Of course. 当然可以。
how/what about doing …? 请她给我打
speak to sb.
May I _(ask) you a question? questions 复数形式
The first class
Please read the words in Lesson 1 and try to recite them.
speak to sb.
The fourth class number
The first class certainly 当然
The third class put
The fourth class
The fourth class
The fourth class
Page5 用所给词的适当形式填空。 1.Of course. Here you _(be). 2.Let’s _(put) some meat on it. 3.Lily_ (tell) Jim how to make a cake. 4.Are you _(make) a pizza? 5.May I _(ask) you a question? 6.Please ask her _(call) me.
The fourth class
1.are 2.put
科普版五年级英语第2课第3课时Don't be late next time

• 做练习册中相应习题。
Lesson 2 Don't be late next time
Lead-in Listen and say
Keep quiet!
No spitting!
Watch your step!
Listen and say
No littering! Don’t waste food!
• ①Don’t+动词原形 • ②No+动词ing。
1.知识与技能: 学习read部分课文,让学 生能听懂,能正确朗读课文。 2.过程与方法: 训练学生通过自主合作探 究的学习方法,锻炼学生自主学习的能力。 3.情感态度与价值观: 培养学生学习英语 的兴趣、热情,以及小组之间的合作意识。
• 1、能流畅读出read。
• 2、能正确理解课文含义。
want to do 想要做
on the grass在草坪上
Don’t run on the grass, Ted! It’s not good. 别在草坪上跑!
OK, Mum.
Now Ted is eating a banana. Read
He is littering. His mother says, “Don’t litter, Ted! It’s bad.” Ted says, “Sorry, Mum.”litter
(祈使句变否定句在句首加Don’t) 5.not good不好 6. No littering不要乱丢垃圾
7.the right thing正确的事

必须,应当 街道 灯, 光线,轻的 穿过,越过 等待 傻的 打(中),袭击
number 缩写式 No. wait 名词 waiter
silly 反义词 clever
We can cross the street .
我们必须等到绿灯亮。 我们必须在这穿过街道。
We must wait until it is green . We must cross the street here.
现在是绿灯(绿灯亮了)。 我们可以穿过街道。 看这些白色的线。 我们必须在这穿过街道。 我明白了。
Now the light is green . We can cross the street . Look at these white lines . We must cross the street here. I see .
Sign /sain/ 标志牌 park /pa: k/ 公园(名词);停放(动词)
右转弯 左转弯 现在穿过街道
看这个标志 停放你的小汽车 右转弯 左转弯 现在穿过街道
look at the Байду номын сангаасign. park your car turn right turn left cross the street now
我可以和你们一起去吗? 你千万别在街道上到处跑。
May I go with you ? You mustn’t run about in the street .
看红灯(亮了)。 现在我们千万别穿过街道。 我们必须等到绿灯亮。
Look at the red light . We mustn’t cross the street now . We must wait until it is green .

“Don’t cross now. The light is red. We must wait.” “OK.”
“Look! The light is green.” “We can cross now.” “Yes. Let’s go.”
Fill the blanks.
Tom and his _c_ou_s_in_ Bob are going to _p_l_ay_ football. Now they are _w_a_lk_i_ng_ in the _st_r_e_e_t. Bob is playing _w_it_h_ his ball. “Hi, Bob! You _m_u_s_tn_’t_ play with your ball here ,” says Tom. “All right,” Bob _a_n_s_w_e_rs_.
“Look! The _li_g_ht_ is _g_re_e_n_.” “We can _c_r_o_ss_ now.” “Yes. Let’s go.”
key sentences
You mustn’t play with your ball here. You mustn’t cross the street here. We must cross there. We must wait.
“Oh! You mustn’t cross the street here. We must cross there.” “Oh, yes.”
Why? “Don’t cross now. The light is red.

• ---Do you uaually have breakfast at seven? • ---Yes,Ido. • ---What do you usually have for breakfast?
---I usually have milk and bread.
• 讲解:
• Do you usually....? 是属于一般疑问句, 回答方式 :Yes,I do /No,I don't.
What time is it?
It’s six thirty.
What time is it?
It’s three o’clock.
What time is it?
Now class is over,Thank you very much!
Lesson 3
How many pupils are there?
Pairwork 小组活动
• 1.老师领读,学生跟读。 • 2.小组内练习此对话,并展示。 • 3.仿写对话。 • 用课本中所给的短语:have lunch at
12:00 noodles 和have supper at 6:00 rice.
Practice 小练笔
• 完成下列练习。 • 1.What time is it ?(同义句转换) • ------- ------- --------- ? • 2.It's time for lunch.(同义句转换) • It's time----- ------ --------。 • 3.He always has lunch at 11:00.(改为一般疑问句, 并作 肯定回答)
五年级英语下册Lesson2《Wemustn’tcrossthestreetnow》 优秀课件4科普版

Lesson 2 We mustn’t cross the street now
1.听、说、读、写 light,sign,turn,park
1.课件 2.卡片、图片
cross the street now
Green Light
Red Light
Yellow Light
Hale Waihona Puke Noyesyes
Let's talk
Read : Don’t cross the street here.
1.Ask students to do some ICONS 2. Let the students in English after class discussion traffic safety
我们都希望自己能有一个知己,从相逢,相识,到相知,到无话不谈的知己,穷尽一生,朋友广而远,知己少而近,友情文章告诉我们,如果遇到这样一个互相懂得的人, 就要好好珍惜。自己是把剑,知己是剑鞘,利剑出鞘,锋芒毕露之时,剑鞘则系在腰间默默守候。一把剑经过一番打打杀杀,江湖缠扯过后,必会五骨通乏,六筋俱困,疲 惫充斥于脏腑之间,这个时候,就需要躺在剑鞘里好好休养了。剑鞘是一把剑最坚实的维修基地,提供最可靠地后勤保障,每当宝剑元气大伤之时,务必要返厂疗伤,作为 知己的剑鞘,定是倾其所有,哪怕是砸了老锅,卖了陈铁,也要肝胆相照,以最大功率输出自己的真气,只为保住这把剑。有人腰缠万贯,有人流落街头,有人名扬四海, 有人一生庸碌,人这一辈子,旅途虽短,路却难走。注定逃不过酸甜苦辣,悲欢离合的音速飞镖,注定要吃尽五颜六色的风霜。若能赐一知己,得之是命,惜之是福,可不 能随意糟蹋。知己就是半个自己,如果自己是左脑,那知己就是右脑,如果自己是左手,那知己就是右手,如果自己是左边的这瓣心,那知己就必须是右边的另一半。若缺 了另一半,就是个死人了,并且还死无全尸,若是挣扎着不死,无异于变异僵尸,理性失效,良心残废,吞噬人血,不带怜悯,岂不更可怕?人,是个对称的生命,什么都有 左右两半,若缺了知己,自己就只剩一半了,不就成了一头怪物了吗?那不就要天天被奥特曼追杀吗?跌倒了,很多人懂得扶你,摔伤了,很多人懂得止血,噎住了,很多人 懂得端杯水。可是,当你内心受伤了,即使是小到纳米级的伤痕,有人能看出来吗,你既没感冒,也没发烧,脸色红润,满面轻风,盖住了内心那瞬间的小小波动,可能不 会有任何震感,也许连自己都找不到震源。而这个时候,偏偏有人感觉到地震了,准确侦测出了震级和震源,只有知己才能扫描出你心房里的病毒,唯有知己才会专门为你 安装一台精密地动仪。知己能读出你心里最深处的悲伤,埋得再深,填得再厚实,也会被掘出来,而这种近乎奇迹的事只有知己才做得到。人生的轨迹既不是常数函数式的 一马平川,也不会是指数函数式的一路腾达,而是正弦曲线式的跌宕起伏,有升有降,有顶峰,有谷底,盛极必衰,摔倒了最低处,再开始爬升。而知己,就是在我们直线 飙升时给我们及时降温,以免过热烧坏了头脑,主机一旦报废了,整台机器随之瘫痪;在我们堕落腐朽时给我们添加柴火,用木棒在雪花缤纷的寒冬里,擦出希望的火花,给 我们解冻,帮我们去潮,重新启动。根据牛顿力学定律,力的作用是相互的,人也是这样,知己是自己的知己,那自己就是知己的知己,互为知己,才是真正的知己。若仅 有单方面的输出,另一方却浑然不知,只能说明,一方作践自己,另一方没心没肺。一个不会珍惜自己,另一个不会珍惜别人,作为知己的这两半,都没有得到精心照顾, 土壤干裂,缺水少肥,杂草丛生,怎么指望这两半茁壮成长呢,将来不是畸形就是异形,怎么能做知己呢?人心不在大小,而在于单人间和双人间的纠葛,纵使心再大,可就 住了你一个人,不觉得空虚寂寞冷吗,就算心再小,可也住下了两个人,那份互为知己的温暖,连上帝都会羡慕的。朋友大薇去北京出差,约了十几年没见的朋友吃饭,大 薇在城东,朋友在城西,两个人耽搁在路上的时间,比见面聊天的时间还长。匆匆吃饭,匆匆告别,大薇苦笑着说,曾经好得睡一个被窝,说要好一辈子的闺蜜,生生被时 间隔在了两岸,再也回不去。每个人都是这样的吧,一路走来,人生的每个阶段,总会有那么几个死党或闺蜜,和你一起疯,一起闹,一起哭,一起笑,在你孤单时给你温 暖,在你受伤时给你安慰,在你受欺负时,为你出头……走着走着,在某个人生的转角说了再见,然后就再也没见到;即使再见,也因为时过境迁,找不到来时的路,无法 再走近。就像席慕蓉说的:回顾所来径,只剩苍苍横着的翠微。只有少数人,会陪你一生。坦然面对友情的得到与失去,不必追,不必挽留,这才是人生常态。人生漫长, 总有一些人来来去去,总有一些人要离去; 也总有一些人,无论风风雨雨,会陪你一辈子。电影《七月与安生》里的七月与安生,是两个截然不同的少女。七月文静乖巧, 有个幸福温暖的家庭,是大家眼里的好孩子;安生叛逆桀骜,父亲去世母女相爱相杀,是个缺爱的女孩。偏偏两个人好得要命,彼此踩着对方的影子,恨不能一辈子在一起, 一起洗澡,一起翘课……15岁那年,她们都喜欢了一个男孩子家明。家明的出现,让七月和安生之间的情感发生了不可言喻的变化,而家明的摇摆不定,也让两个女孩面对 友情与爱情,备受煎熬。最终,安生在确认自己也爱上家明以后,选择把家明让给七月,自己离开小镇,去流浪。她说,在七月与家明之间,她选择七月。七月明白安生的 离开,是成全,但还是任由安生的列车徐徐驶离,爱情在某个时刻,会战胜友情。但是,分开的两个人,仍然彼此牵挂。七月羡慕安生的自由,安生羡慕七月的岁月静好。 再次见面,却又像刺猬一样彼此伤害,然后各自哭泣疗伤。电影结尾,七月难产去世,临终前,将孩子托付给安生。不管我们之间有多少误会和伤害,我还是选择最信任你, 把孩子托付给你。这也许就是最动人的友情。想起《乱世佳人》里梅兰妮和斯嘉丽。一个相貌平平,但是优雅得体、善解人意的贵族小姐,女人中的女人;一个妩媚动人, 任性倔强热情似火的庄园主女儿,女人中的男人。一开始,斯嘉丽便把梅兰妮当作情敌,认为是梅兰妮夺走了自己暗恋的阿希礼。 所以,她心怀嫉恨,处处刁难,把梅兰妮 当作眼中钉。然而,随着美国南北战争的爆发,家园被毁,两个性格截然不同的女性,不得不相依为命。郝思嘉勇敢强韧,为了养活一家人,复兴家业,忍受各种屈辱,冒 着各种危险,梅兰妮则在一边贴心陪伴,护着她,开导她,看着她一天天褪去浮华与虚荣,她们的友情也开始萌芽。哪怕自己的丈夫和郝思嘉的绯闻传得满城风雨,哪怕郝 思嘉的名声在上流社会差到了极点,她都挺身而出,帮她解围。所以,当梅兰妮难产需要照顾,连她的姑妈都抛下她逃跑的危急时刻,斯嘉丽不离不弃,克服内心的恐惧, 照顾她顺利产下儿子小博。如果说这个时候,斯嘉丽还有是为了阿希礼的托付,但是,当她带着一家人逃回被毁的家园,枪杀闯入家园的“北方佬”,胆小如兔的梅兰妮却 勇敢地帮着她处理尸体的那一刻,她们的友谊完成了升华。就像梅兰妮说的那样,她一直羡慕斯嘉丽旺盛的生命力和坚强勇敢的性格。但其实,斯嘉丽也羡慕梅兰妮那种成 熟,识大体,包容的胸怀吧。两个本来是情敌的人,在战争的灾难中,相互取暖,结成了深厚的友情。梅兰妮临死前,把儿子托付了斯嘉丽照顾,并嘱咐她珍惜巴特勒的爱。 梅兰妮比斯嘉丽自己还了解她,她了解她的缺点和不完美,更了解她的能力与骨子里善良,所以,她把儿子托付给她。最好的友情,就是这样吧,你有种种缺点,我还是喜 欢你,信任你,地老天荒。不只女人,男人之间也有这样动人的友情。魏晋时候,同为竹林七贤的嵇康与山涛,是好朋友,他们同另外五个人一起,啸饮山林,自在快活。 但是后来山涛禁不住曹魏朝廷的再三邀请,去做官了,而且很快做到了组织部长的位置。当时曹魏朝廷广揽天下名士,山涛便向朝廷举荐了自己及的好友嵇康。不料,嵇康 勃然大怒,他怎么肯给抢了汉室天下的曹家卖命呢!越想越气,于是写下了那个着名的《与山巨源绝交书》。大概就是说,本来还以为你了解我,原来不是这样,这样的朋 友不要也罢了。山涛也没说啥,还在皇帝面前极力维护,两人的友谊也仿佛到此结束。后来,你去投奔山涛叔叔吧,他肯定会好好照顾你的。果然山涛视其子如己出,亲自 授业解惑,呕心沥血把这个孩子培养成人,引入仕途。对此,史学家说法不一,有的认为嵇康写信是在玩无间道,有的认为山涛对嵇康的死有一定责任并心存愧意。而我, 看到的是友情最好的诠释:两个人志趣相异,选择不同的道路,而这一切却丝毫没有伤害到他们之间的信任。
科普版五年级下册英语全册教学课件 (2)

科普版五年级 | 下册
Lesson 3
How Many Pupils Are There?
Let’s talk
科普版五年级 | 下册
科普版五年级 | 下册
科普版五年级 | 下册
Let’s learn How many girls are there in Class Two?
There are twenty-three.
科普版五年级 | 下册
Look and match
What time is it?
科普版五年级 | 下册
It’s _____.
Listen and say
科普版五年级 | 下册
What’s the time? It’s … Let’s have a big breakfast.
Do you know what’s wrong with the boy?
May / Can I use your bike? Certainly.
May / Can I go home now? Certainly.
科普版五年级 | 下册
May / Can I ask you a question? Certainly.
May / Can watch TV now? Certainly.
科普版五年级 | 下册
What shouldn’t we do in public places?
科普版五年级 | 下册
1. Write the new words and sentences.
2.运用所学的句型和爸爸妈妈数一数家 里的物品有多少。
Lesson 4

五年级下册科普版英语2课Here is the English essay based on the title you provided, with a word count of over 600 words:It was a sunny Monday morning when Mrs. Smith, the English teacher, entered the classroom with a bright smile. The students, who had been eagerly awaiting her arrival, quickly settled into their seats, ready to embark on a new and exciting learning journey."Good morning, class," Mrs. Smith greeted the students, her voice filled with enthusiasm. "Today, we are going to explore a fascinating topic in our English curriculum – the wonders of the scientific world." The students' eyes lit up with curiosity, and they leaned forward, eager to learn.Mrs. Smith began by introducing the concept of science and its various branches, explaining how it helps us understand the world around us. She delved into the significance of scientific discoveries, highlighting how they have transformed our lives and pushed the boundaries of human knowledge.The students listened intently as Mrs. Smith guided them throughthe different scientific disciplines, from physics and chemistry to biology and astronomy. She skillfully wove real-life examples into her explanations, captivating the young minds in the classroom.One particularly engaging topic was the study of the human body and its intricate systems. Mrs. Smith shared fascinating facts about the circulatory system, the respiratory system, and the nervous system, marveling at the incredible complexity and efficiency of the human organism.The students were enthralled as they learned how the heart pumps blood through a network of veins and arteries, delivering oxygen and nutrients to every cell in the body. They were amazed to discover that the lungs expand and contract with each breath, allowing us to take in the air we need to survive.Mrs. Smith then delved into the wonders of the nervous system, explaining how it acts as the body's control center, sending and receiving signals that allow us to perceive the world, make decisions, and carry out actions. The students were captivated as they learned about the role of neurons, the building blocks of the nervous system, and how they transmit information throughout the body.As the lesson progressed, the students became increasingly engaged, raising their hands to ask thoughtful questions and share their ownobservations. Mrs. Smith encouraged their curiosity, fostering a dynamic and interactive learning environment.The class then explored the fascinating field of astronomy, marveling at the vastness of the universe and the countless celestial bodies that inhabit it. Mrs. Smith explained the differences between planets, stars, and galaxies, sparking the students' imaginations and igniting a desire to learn more about the cosmos.Throughout the lesson, Mrs. Smith emphasized the importance of scientific thinking, encouraging the students to approach problems with a critical and analytical mindset. She stressed the value of experimentation, observation, and the pursuit of knowledge, inspiring the young minds in the classroom to embrace the spirit of scientific inquiry.As the class drew to a close, Mrs. Smith reminded the students of the upcoming science fair, where they would have the opportunity to showcase their own scientific projects and discoveries. The students buzzed with excitement, already brainstorming ideas and planning their experiments.As the students filed out of the classroom, their minds were abuzz with the wealth of information they had absorbed. They couldn't waitto share their newfound knowledge with their families and friends, eager to inspire others with the wonders of the scientific world.。

Provide scenarios and let students role-play different characters to simulate real-life conversations. This helps them to improve their listening and speaking skills.
Play the recording again and ask students to focus on pronunciation and intonation.
Encourage students to imitate the native speaker's pronunciation and intonation.
Provide opportunities for students to ask questions about the recording and clarify any confusion.
Provide opportunities for students to practice speaking and pronunciation through role-playing or other activities.
orbit the sun, rotate around, have moons, be made of ice and rock, have rings around them.
Important phrases
Key vocabulary
Grammar explanation
The text mainly focuses on the formation and characteristics of the solar system's planets, including their sizes, distances from the sun, and key features.

五年级下册科普版英语2课Five Years Old Up Version of Science English Lesson 2In the second lesson of the science English textbook for fifth-grade students, we will explore various topics related to the natural world. Let's dive into the fascinating world of science!1. Living and Non-Living ThingsIn this section, we will learn about the differences between living and non-living things. Living things are organisms that can grow, reproduce, and respond to stimuli. They include plants, animals, and humans. Non-living things, on the other hand, do not have these characteristics. Examples of non-living things are rocks, water, and air.2. Characteristics of Living ThingsLiving things have several common characteristics that distinguish them from non-living things. These characteristics are:- Growth: Living things can grow and develop over time. For example, plants grow from seeds into mature trees.- Reproduction: Living things can produce offspring of their own kind. Animals have babies, and plants produce seeds.- Response to Stimuli: Living things can respond to changes in their environment. For instance, animals react to danger or food.- Need for Energy: Living things require energy to carry out their life processes. Animals eat food, while plants use sunlight for photosynthesis.3. Plants and Their PartsPlants are crucial for sustaining life on Earth. In this section, we will study the different parts of a plant. Some key parts include:- Roots: Roots anchor the plant in the ground and absorb water and nutrients.- Stem: The stem provides support and transports water, nutrients, and sugars between the roots and leaves.- Leaves: Leaves are responsible for photosynthesis, where plants convert sunlight into food.- Flowers and Fruits: Flowers help in plant reproduction, while fruits protect seeds and aid in dispersal.4. Animal ClassificationAnimals are classified into different groups based on their characteristics. Let's explore some common classifications:- Vertebrates: These animals have a backbone. Examples include mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, and fish.- Invertebrates: These animals do not have a backbone. Examples include insects, spiders, worms, and jellyfish.5. The Water CycleWater is essential for all living things. In this section, we will learn about the water cycle, which describes the continuous movement of water on Earth. The water cycle consists of evaporation, condensation, precipitation, andcollection. Through this cycle, water is recycled and distributed across the planet.ConclusionIn this lesson, we delved into various scientific concepts related to the natural world. We learned about living and non-living things, the characteristics of living things, plant parts, animal classification, and the water cycle. By understanding these fundamental topics, we can develop a deeper appreciation for the wonders of the world around us. Keep exploring and learning, young scientists!。
五年级下册英语课件-Lesson 2《We mustn’t cross the street now》|科普版(三起) (共8张PPT)

Don`t cross the street here
M: Now the light is green.We can cross the street.
J: Yes.
M: Look at these white lines. We must
Tom and his cousin Bob are going to piay football. Now they are walking in the street.
• 识记单词: • must 必须 /m^st/ • street 街道 /stri:t/ • light 灯,光线 /lait/ • cousin 堂表兄弟姐妹 /`k^zn/ • answer 回答 /`a:nse/ • cross 穿过 /kros/ • line 线 /lain/
Let`s tiak
(J=Jim,M=Mum) J: Are you goning shopping,Mum? M: Yes. J: May I go with you? M: Yes ,but you mustn`t yun in the street. J: OK. M:Look at the red light . We
五年级英语下册Lesson2《Wemustn’tcrossthestreetnow》 精选教学PPT课件2科普版

--Yes. 是的。
--Look at these white lines.We must cross the street here.
--Oh,I see. 哦,我知道了。
can“能,会,可以”,通常指说话人给予的 许可。
may比can语气更委婉。 must“必须”,在肯定句子通常表示说话人
我更厌倦了那些人嘲笑我的自哀自怜, 甚至有很多时候,我分辨不清人心的真伪。
然而, 他们离去了,我却又这样的不情愿。 世界上的一切人或事都是容易被轻易遗忘的。 没有什么可以永垂不朽,没有什么是永远不能失去的。
曾经拥有的,我渐渐失去了; 曾经的人,渐渐离开了。
友情与爱情,也败给了伟大的时间。 我们离散在岁月的风里,最后,不见了踪影。 突然,我发现自己也在渐渐遗忘某些人,某些事,渐渐在远离一些人的生活。
Lesson 2
We mustn't cross the street now. 我们现在千万不要穿过街道。
.熟读课文。 .掌握短语:go shopping,in/cross the
street,look at .掌握句型:We musn't cross the street now.
We must cross the street here. .增强遵守交通法规的意识。
的主观意识,或要求对方必须做某事; mustn't“不能,禁止”,是表示说话人不允 许或禁止某人做某事。
--You mustn't cross the street here.
You can cross the street there.
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安,让我们去购物吧! 是的。 我可以和你们一起去吗? 是的,你可以,但是你千万别在街道上到处跑。 好的。
看红灯(亮了)。现在我们千万别穿过街道。 我们必须等到绿灯亮。
现在是绿灯(绿灯亮了)。我们可以穿过街道。 看这些白色的线。我们必须在这穿过街道。 噢 ,是的, 我明白了。
Let’s go shopping !
我可以和你们一起去吗? 你千万别在街道上到处跑。
May I go with you ? You mustn’t run about in the street .
看红灯(亮了)。 现在我们千万别穿过街道。 我们必须等到绿灯亮。
Look at the red light . We mustn’t cross the street now . We must wait until it is green .
Sign /sain/ 标志牌 park /pa: k/ 公园(名词);停放(动词)
右转弯 左转弯 现在穿过街道
看这个标志 停放你的小汽车 右转弯 左转弯 现在穿过街道
look at the sign. park your car turn right turn left cross the street now
the street there now.
你千万别在街道上到处跑。 现在我们千万别穿过街道。
You mustn’t run about in the street . We mustn’t cross the street now .
看红灯(亮了)。 看这些白色的线。 我明白了
Look at the red light . Look at these white lines . Oh , I see .
现在是绿灯(绿灯亮了)。 我们可以穿过街道。 看这些白色的线。 我们必须在这穿过街道。 我明白了。
Now the light is green . We can cross the street . Look at these white lines . We must cross the street here. I see .
number 缩写式 No. wait 名词 waiter
silly 反义词 clever
We can cross the street .
我们必须等到绿灯亮。 我们必须在这穿过街道。
We must wait until it is green . We must cross the street here.
Look at the sign. You mustn’t park
your car here. You may park it there .
看这个标志。你千万别左转弯.你可 以右转弯。
Look at the sign. You mustn’t turn left here. You may turn left there .
看这个标志。你千万别右转弯. 你可以在左转弯。
Look at the sign. You mustn’t turn right here. You may turn right there .
看这个标志。现在你千万别在这穿过 Look at the sign. You mustn’t cross 街道.现在你可以在那儿穿过街道。 the street here now. You may cross
Lesson2 We mustn’t cross the street now
••石若愚 Nhomakorabea/mʌst/ /stri:t/ /lait/ /krɔs/ /weit/ /sili/ /hit/
must street light cross wait silly hit
必须,应当 街道 灯, 光线,轻的 穿过,越过 等待 傻的 打(中),袭击