儿童约束系统测试用儿童假人综述马伟;吕仕爽;杨斌;张慧云【摘要】随着车内儿童乘员安全研究的不断推进,儿童约束系统(CRS)的标准法规不断修订,CRS碰撞测试用儿童假人也一直在发展变化.目前国际上主要的CRS标准FMVSS 213、ECE R44、以及最新的ECE R129分别采用不同的假人进行测试.本文对上述标准所使用的假人进行了阐述.【期刊名称】《汽车科技》【年(卷),期】2016(000)003【总页数】7页(P62-68)【关键词】儿童约束系统;儿童假人【作者】马伟;吕仕爽;杨斌;张慧云【作者单位】国家汽车质量监督检验中心[襄阳],襄阳441004;国家汽车质量监督检验中心[襄阳],襄阳441004;国家汽车质量监督检验中心[襄阳],襄阳441004;国家汽车质量监督检验中心[襄阳],襄阳441004【正文语种】中文【中图分类】U467.3儿童假人是儿童约束系统(CRS)测试中非常重要的试验设备。
目前国际上主要的CRS标准:美国的FMVSS213、欧洲的ECE R44、以及ECE R129中分别规定使用不同的儿童假人。
FMVSS 213分别使用了CAMI 、CRABI和Hybrid III系列儿童假人;ECE R44要求使用P系列儿童假人;ECE R129则规定使用最新的Q系列儿童假人。
FMVSS 213根据CRS适用的儿童的体重和身高对其划分组别,不同的组别分别会使用到CAMI、CRABI、和Hybrid III等不同类型的儿童测试假人。
ece r129标准 -回复
ece r129标准-回复题目:ECE R129标准:保护儿童安全的新一代汽车安全座椅引言:随着交通工具的发展,汽车成为现代人生活的重要组成部分。
ECE R129标准的出台为我们提供了一种新一代的儿童汽车安全座椅,本文将一步一步回答有关该标准的问题,以加深读者对其意义与操作的理解。
一、ECE R129标准的背景及意义1.1 ECE R129标准的定义和目的ECE R129,也称为"i-Size"标准,是由联合国欧洲经济委员会(ECE)在2013年制定的汽车安全座椅标准。
1.2 ECE R129标准的主要特点ECE R129标准与以往的标准相比,有以下显著特点:- 采用身高分类,而不再仅依赖年龄和体重;- 增强了防护能力,提供了更长时间和更好的保护;- 强制要求车辆配备ISOFIX系统以确保更好的稳固性;- 强制要求儿童高度低于125cm的乘坐儿童安全座椅。
二、ECE R129标准的操作细节2.1 适用范围:年龄和身高的要求根据ECE R129标准,适用于乘坐儿童安全座椅的儿童年龄必须小于15个月,身高低于105cm。
2.2 安装方式:ISOFIX系统的要求ECE R129标准要求车辆必须配备ISOFIX系统。
2.3 安全性能:保护儿童的细节ECE R129标准进一步提高了儿童安全座椅的保护能力。
2.4 生产和销售:标准的推广和普及自从ECE R129标准出台以来,很多欧洲国家已经采用了这一标准,并成为其法定规定。
ECER29 法规
GE.11-E/ECE/324/Rev.1/Add.28/Rev.2E/ECE/TRANS/505/Rev.1/Add.28/Rev.23Regulation No. 29Uniform provisions concerning the approval of vehicles with regard to the protection of the occupants of the cab of a commercial vehicleContentsPage1. Scope ................................................................................................................................................ 4 2. Definitions........................................................................................................................................ 4 3. Application for approval.................................................................................................................. 5 4. Approval ........................................................................................................................................... 5 5. Requirements.................................................................................................................................... 6 6. Modifications and extension of the approval of the vehicle type..................................................... 7 7. Conformity of production................................................................................................................. 7 8. Penalties for non-conformity of production..................................................................................... 7 9. Production definitely discontinued................................................................................................... 8 10. Transitional provisions (8)11. Names and addresses of Technical Services responsible for conducting approval tests and ofType Approval Authorities ..............................................................................................................9Annexes 1 ECE Type-approval documentation................................................................................................. 10 Part 1 – Model information document.............................................................................................. 10 Part 2 – Communication................................................................................................................... 12 2 Arrangements of approval marks..................................................................................................... 13 3 Test procedure.................................................................................................................................. 14 Appendix 1: Instructions for securing vehicles to the test bed......................................................... 18 Appendix 2: Manikin to be used to verify the survival space. (21)4 Procedure for determining the "H" point and the actual torso angle for seating positions in motor vehicles.................................................................................................................................. 23 Appendix 1: Description of the three-dimensional H point machine (3-D H machine)................... 24 Appendix 2: Three dimensional reference system (25)5Reference data concerning seating positions....................................................................................26E/ECE/324/Rev.1/Add.28/Rev.2E/ECE/TRANS/505/Rev.1/Add.28/Rev.241. ScopeThis Regulation applies to vehicles with separate driver’s cab of category N1with regard to the protection of the occupants of the cab.2. DefinitionsFor the purposes of this Regulation:2.1. "Approval of a vehicle" means the approval of a vehicle type pursuant to therequirements of this Regulation, with regard to the protection of theoccupants of the cab of a vehicle in the event of head-on impact or ofoverturning.2.2. "Vehicle type" means a category of motor vehicle which does not differ insuch essential respects as:2.2.1. The dimensions, shapes and materials of the components of the vehicle cab;or2.2.2. The manner of attachment of the cab to the chassis frame;2.3. "Transverse plane" means a vertical plane perpendicular to the longitudinalplane of the vehicle;2.4. "Longitudinal plane" means a plane parallel to the median longitudinal planeof the vehicle;2.5. "Cab-over engine vehicle" means a vehicle where more than half of theengine length is rearward of the foremost point of the windshield base andthe steering wheel hub is in the forward quarter of the vehicle length.2.6. "R point" means the seating reference point as defined in Annex 4,paragraph "H-point" means the point defined in Annex 4, paragraph "Test A" means a frontal impact test intended to evaluate the resistance of acab in frontal impact accident.2.9. "Test B" means an impact test to the A-pillars of the cab intended to evaluatethe resistance of a cab in a 90° rollover accident with subsequent impact.2.10. "Test C" means a cab roof strength test intended to evaluate the resistance ofa cab in a 180° rollover accident.2.11. "A-pillar" means the foremost and outermost roof support.2.12. "Windscreen" means the frontal glazing of the vehicle situated between theA-pillars.1As defined in the Consolidated Resolution on the Construction of Vehicles (R.E.3.), documentECE/TRANS/WP.29/78/Rev.2, para. 2E/ECE/324/Rev.1/Add.28/Rev.2E/ECE/TRANS/505/Rev.1/Add.28/Rev.2 3. Application for approval3.1. The application for approval of a vehicle type with regard to the protection ofthe occupants of the cab of a vehicle shall be submitted by the vehiclemanufacturer or by his duly accredited representative.3.2.It shall be accompanied by drawings of the vehicle, showing the position ofthe cab on the vehicle and the manner of its attachment, and by sufficientlydetailed drawings relating to the structure of the cab, all the said drawingsbeing submitted in triplicate. A model for the information document relatingto the construction features is given in Annex 1, Part 1.4. Approval4.1. If the vehicle type submitted for approval pursuant to this Regulation meetsthe requirements of paragraph 5 hereof, approval of that vehicle type shall begranted.4.2. An approval number shall be assigned to each type approved. Its first twodigits (at present 03 corresponding to the 03 series of amendments) shallindicate the series of amendments incorporating the most recent majortechnical amendments made to the Regulation at the time of issue of theapproval. The same Contracting Party may not assign the same number toanother vehicle type within the meaning of paragraph 2.2 above.4.3. Notice of approval or of extension or of refusal or of withdrawal of approvalor production definitely discontinued of a vehicle type pursuant to thisRegulation shall be communicated by the Parties to the Agreement whichapply this Regulation by means of a form conforming to the model in annex 1to this Regulation.4.4. There shall be affixed, conspicuously and in a readily accessible placespecified on the approval form, to every vehicle conforming to a vehicle typeapproved under this Regulation, an international approval mark consisting of:4.4.1. A circle surrounding the letter "E" followed by the distinguishing number ofthe country which has granted the approval2 and4.4.2. the number of this Regulation, followed by the letter "R", a dash and theapproval number, to the right of the circle prescribed in paragraph 4.4.1.;4.5. If the vehicle conforms to a vehicle type approved, under one or more otherRegulations annexed to the Agreement, in the country which has grantedapproval under this Regulation, the symbol prescribed in paragraph 4.4.1.need not be repeated; in such a case the additional numbers and symbols ofall the Regulations under which approval has been granted in the countrywhich has granted approval under this Regulation shall be placed in verticalcolumns to the right of the symbol prescribed in paragraph The approval mark shall be clearly legible and be indelible.4.7. The approval mark shall be placed close to or on the vehicle data plate.2The distinguish numbers of the Contracting Parties to the 1958 Agreement are reproducedin Annex 3 to Consolidated Resolution on the Construction of Vehicles (R.E.3),document ECE/TRANS/WP.29/78/Rev.2.5E/ECE/324/Rev.1/Add.28/Rev.2E/ECE/TRANS/505/Rev.1/Add.28/Rev.264.8. Annex 2 to this Regulation gives examples of arrangements of approvalmarks.5. Requirements5.1. General requirements5.1.1. The cab of the vehicle shall be so designed and so attached to the vehicle asto eliminate to the greatest possible extent the risk of injury to the occupantsin the event of an accident.5.1.2. Vehicles of categories N1 and vehicles of categories N2 with a gross vehiclemass not exceeding 7.5 t shall be subjected to the tests A and C, as describedin Annex 3, paragraphs 5. and 7..However a vehicle type which has been approved according toRegulation No. 33 or to Regulation No. 94 may be considered to havesatisfied the requirements on frontal impact (test A).5.1.3. Vehicles of categories N3 and vehicles of categories N2 with a gross vehiclemass exceeding 7.5 t shall be subjected to the tests A, B, and C, as describedin Annex 3, paragraphs 5., 6. and 7..5.1.4. Test A (frontal impact) shall only be conducted on Cab-over-Engine vehicles.5.1.5. One, two or three cabs, at the manufacturer’s choice, may be used for thepurpose of demonstrating compliance with paragraphs 5.1.2. or 5.1.3. above.However both phases in test C, if applicable, shall be conducted on thesame cab.5.1.6. None of the tests A, B, C, need be carried out if the manufacturer can showby computer simulation or calculations of the strength of the component partsof the cab or by other means to the satisfaction of the Technical Service thatthe cab will not undergo deformation dangerous to the occupants (penetrationinto the survival space) if subjected to the conditions of the tests.5.2. Survival space required after the test or tests5.2.1. After undergoing each of the tests referred to in paragraphs 5.1.2. or 5.1.3.,the cab of the vehicle shall exhibit a survival space allowing accommodationof the manikin defined in Annex 3, Appendix 2, on the seat, when the latter isin its median position, without contact between the test manikin and non-resilient parts with a Shore-Hardness of 50 or more. No account shall betaken of non-resilient parts which can be moved away without any tools fromthe test manikin by using a force of less than 100 N. To facilitate installation,the manikin may be inserted in dismantled form and assembled in the cab.For this purpose, the seat shall be adjusted to its most rearward position andthe manikin completely assembled and so placed that its H point coincideswith the R point. The seat shall then be moved forward to its median positionfor the assessment of the survival space. As an alternative to the test manikindefined in Annex 3, Appendix 2, a fiftieth percentile Hybrid II or III maledummy, with or without measuring instrumentation, the description of whichis given in Regulation No. 94, may be used.5.2.2. The space so defined shall be verified for every seat provided by themanufacturer.E/ECE/324/Rev.1/Add.28/Rev.2E/ECE/TRANS/505/Rev.1/Add.28/Rev.275.3. Other conditions5.3.1.During the tests the components by which the cab is secured to the chassis frame may be distorted or broken, provided that the cab remains attached to the chassis frame.5.3.2.None of the doors shall open during the tests, but the doors shall not be required to open after testing.6.Modification and extension of approval of thevehicle type6.1. Every modification of the vehicle type shall be notified to the Type Approval Authority which approved the vehicle type. The department may then either: 6.1.1.Consider that the modifications made are unlikely to have an appreciable adverse effect, and that in any case the vehicle still complies with the requirements;6.1.2. Or require a further test report from the Technical Service responsible for conducting the tests.6.2.Confirmation or refusal of approval, specifying the alterations, shall be communicated by the procedure specified in paragraph 4.3. above to the Contracting Parties to the Agreement which apply this Regulation.6.3.The competent authority issuing an extension of approval shall assign a series number for such an extension and inform thereof the other Parties to the 1958 Agreement applying this Regulation by means of a communication form conforming to the model in Annex 1 to this Regulation.7.Conformity of productionThe conformity of production procedures shall comply with those set out in the Agreement, Appendix 2 (E/ECE/324-E/ECE/TRANS/505/Rev.2), with the following requirements:7.1.A vehicle approved pursuant to this Regulation shall be so manufactured as to conform to the type approved by meeting the requirements of paragraph 5. above.7.2.The Competent Authority which has granted approval may at any time verify the conformity of control methods applicable to each production unit. The normal frequency of such inspections shall be once every two years.8.Penalties for non-conformity of production8.1.The approval granted in respect of a vehicle type, pursuant to this Regulation, may be withdrawn if the requirement laid down in paragraph 7.1. above is not complied with.8.2.If a Party to the Agreement which applies this Regulation withdraws an approval it has previously granted, it shall forthwith so notify the other Contracting Parties applying this Regulation by means of a communication form conforming to the model in Annex 1 to this Regulation.E/ECE/324/Rev.1/Add.28/Rev.2E/ECE/TRANS/505/Rev.1/Add.28/Rev.289. Production definitely discontinuedIf the holder of the approval completely ceases to manufacture a type ofvehicle approved in accordance with this Regulation, he shall so inform theauthority which granted the approval. Upon receiving the relevantcommunication, that authority shall inform thereof the other Parties tothe 1958 Agreement which apply this Regulation by means of acommunication form conforming to the model in Annex 1 to this Regulation.10. Transitional provisions10.1. As from the official date of entry into force of the 02 series of amendments,no Contracting Party applying this Regulation shall refuse to grant ECEapproval under this Regulation as amended by the 02 series of amendments.10.2. As from 1 October 2002 Contracting Party applying this Regulation shallgrant ECE approvals only if the requirements of this Regulation, as amendedby the 02 series of amendments are satisfied.10.3. As from 1 October 2006 Contracting Party applying this Regulation mayrefuse to recognize approvals which were not granted in accordance withthe 02 series of amendments to this Regulation.10.4. As from the official date of entry into force of the 03 series of amendments,no Contracting Party applying this Regulation shall refuse to grant ECEapproval under this Regulation as amended by the 03 series of amendments.10.5. As from 72 months after the date of entry into force of the 03 series ofamendments Contracting Parties applying this Regulation shall grant ECEapproval under this Regulation to the new types of cabs only if therequirements of this Regulation, as amended by the 03 series of amendments,are satisfied.10.6. Contracting Parties applying this Regulation shall not refuse to grantextensions of approval to the preceding series of amendments to thisRegulation.10.7. Contracting Parties applying this Regulation shall continue to grant approvalsto those types of vehicles which comply with the requirements of thisRegulation as amended by the preceding series of amendments duringthe 72 months’ period which follows the date of entry into force of the 03series of amendments.10.8. No Contracting Party applying this Regulation shall refuse national orregional type approval of a vehicle type approved to the 03 series ofamendments to this Regulation.10.9. Even after the entry into force of the 03 series of amendments to thisRegulation, approvals of the vehicles to the preceding series of amendmentsto this Regulation shall remain valid and Contracting Parties applying thisRegulation shall continue to accept them.E/ECE/324/Rev.1/Add.28/Rev.2E/ECE/TRANS/505/Rev.1/Add.28/Rev.2911.Names and addresses of Technical Servicesresponsible for conducting approval tests and ofType Approval AuthoritiesThe Parties to the Agreement which apply this Regulation shall communicate to the Secretariat of the United Nations the names and addresses of the Technical Services conducting approval tests, and of the Type Approval Authorities which grant approval and to which forms certifying approval or extension, or refusal or withdrawal of approval, issued in other countries, are to be sent.E/ECE/324/Rev.1/Add.28/Rev.2E/ECE/TRANS/505/Rev.1/Add.28/Rev.2 Annex 1 - Part 110Annex 1 - ECE type-approval documentation Part 1 - Model information documentPursuant to Regulation No. 29 relating to type-approval of the cabThe following information, if applicable, must be supplied in triplicate and include a list of contents. Any drawings must be supplied in appropriate scale and in sufficient detail on size A4 or on a folder of A4 format. Photographs, if any, must show sufficient detail.1. General ................................................................................................................................. 1.1. Make (trade name of manufacturer): .................................................................................... 1.2. Type: .................................................................................................................................... 1.3.Means of identification of type, if marked on the vehicle: ................................................... 1.3.3. Location of that marking: ..................................................................................................... 1.4. Category of vehicle 1: ............................................................................................................ 1.5. Name and address of manufacturer: ..................................................................................... 1.6. Address(es) of assembly plant(s): ........................................................................................ 2. General Construction Characteristics of the Vehicle ........................................................... 2.1. Photographs and/or drawings of a representative vehicle: ................................................... 2.2. Dimensional drawing of the whole vehicle: ......................................................................... 2.3. Number of axles and wheels: ............................................................................................... 2.6. Position and arrangement of the engine: .............................................................................. 2.7. Driving cab (cab-over-engine or bonnet)2 ............................................................................ 2.8. Hand of drive: ...................................................................................................................... 3. Masses and Dimensions (in kg and mm) (refer to drawing where applicable) .................... 3.1. Technically permissible maximum laden mass stated by the manufacturer: ....................... 3.2. Technical permissible maximum mass for the front axle or axles of the vehicle: ............... 4. Cab .......................................................................................................................................4.1.Type of cab: (normal/sleeper/top-sleeper)3: .........................................................................1As defined in the Consolidated Resolution on the Construction of Vehicles (R.E.3.), document ECE/TRANS/WP.29/78/Rev.2, para. 22Cab-over-engine means a configuration in which more than half of the engine length is rearward of the foremost point of the windshield base and the steering wheel hub in the forward quarter of the vehicle length.3Delete where not applicable (there are cases where nothing needs to be deleted when more than one entry is applicable).Annex 1 - Part 14.2. Materials used and methods of construction: .......................................................................4.3. Door configuration and number of doors: ............................................................................4.4. Drawings of door latches and retention components and their position in the doors: ..........4.5. Number of seats: ..................................................................................................................4.6. R-points: ...............................................................................................................................4.7. Detailed description of the cab of the vehicle type including its dimensions, configurationand constituent materials and its attachment to any chassis frame: .....................................4.8. Drawings of the cab and those parts of its interior arrangement which have an influenceon the residual space: ...........................................................................................................5. Steering ................................................................................................................................5.1. Schematic diagram(s) of the steering control(s): .................................................................5.2. Range and method of adjustment (if any), of the steering control: ......................................11Annex 1 - Part 212Annex 1 - Part 2Communication(maximum format: A4 (210 x 297 mm)concerning 2: APPROVAL GRANTED APPROVAL EXTENDED APPROVAL REFUSED APPROVAL WITHDRAWNPRODUCTION DEFINITELY DISCONTINUEDof a vehicle type with regard to protection of the occupants of the cab of a vehicle pursuant to Regulation No. 29. Approval No: ....................Extension No: .........................1. Trade name or mark of the vehicle: .................................................................................2. Vehicle type: ....................................................................................................................3. Manufacturer’s name and address: ...................................................................................4. If applicable, name and address of manufacturer’s representative: ..................................5. Brief description of the cab’s design and method of attachment: ....................................6. Vehicle submitted for approval on:...................................................................................7. Technical Service responsible for conducting approval tests: .........................................8. Date of report issued by that service: ...............................................................................9. Number of report issued by that service: ......................................................................... 10. Approval granted/refused/extended/withdrawn 2 .............................................................. 11. Position of approval mark on the vehicle:......................................................................... 12. Place: ................................................................................................................................ 13. Date: ................................................................................................................................. 14.Signature: .........................................................................................................................The list of documents deposited with the Type Approval Authority which has granted approval is annexed to this communication and may be obtained on request.1 Distinguishing number of the country which has granted/extended/refused or withdrawn approval.2Strike out what does not apply.issued by:Name of administration: ...................................... ...................................... ......................................Annex 213Annex 2Arrangements of approval marksModel A(See paragraph 4.4. of this Regulation)The above approval mark affixed to a vehicle shows the vehicle type concerned has with regard to the protection of the occupants of the cab of a commercial vehicle, been approved in the Netherlands (E 4), under the number 03249. The first two digits of the approval number indicate the Regulation No. 29 already included the 03 series of amendments when the approval was given. Model BThe above approval mark affixed to a vehicle shows that the vehicle type concerned has been approved in the Netherlands (E 4) pursuant to Regulations Nos. 29 and 241 (In the case of the latter Regulation the corrected absorption coefficient is 1.30 m -1. The approval numbers indicate that on the dates on which these approvals were granted, Regulations Nos. 29 and 24 included the 03 series of amendments..1The second number is given merely as an example.Annex 314Annex 3Test procedure1. DoorsBefore the tests the doors of the cab shall be closed but not locked. 2. EngineFor test A the engine, or a model equivalent thereto in mass, dimensions and mounting, shall be fitted to the vehicle. 3. CabThe cab shall be equipped with the steering mechanism, steering wheel, instrument-panel and the driver and passenger seats. The steering wheel and the seating position shall be adjusted to their positions for normal use as prescribed by the manufacturer. 4. Anchorage of the cabFor test A, the cab shall be mounted on a vehicle. For tests В, C the cab shall, at the manufacturer’s choice, be mounted either on a vehicle or on a separate frame. The vehicle or frame shall be secured in the manner prescribed in Appendix 1 to this annex. 5.Front impact test (test A)Figure 1Front impact test (test A)Annex 3155.1.The impactor shall be made of steel and its mass shall be evenly-distributed; its mass shall not be less than 1,500 kg. Its striking surface, rectangular and flat, shall be 2,500 mm wide and 800 mm high (see b and h on figure 1). Its edges shall be rounded to a radius of curvature of 10 mm± 5 mm.5.2.The impactor assembly shall be of rigid construction. The impactor shall be freely suspended by two beams rigidly attached to it and spaced not less than 1,000 mm apart (see f on figure 1). The beams shall be not less than 3,500 mm long from the axis of suspension to the geometric centre of the impactor (L on figure 1).5.3. The impactor shall be so positioned that in the vertical position: 5.3.1. Its striking face is in contact with the foremost part of the vehicle;5.3.2. Its centre of gravity is c=50 +5/ - 0 mm below the R point of the driver’s seat, and5.3.3. its centre of gravity is in the median longitudinal plane of the vehicle. 5.4.The impactor shall strike the cab at the front in the direction towards the rear of the cab. The direction of impact shall be horizontal and shall be parallel to the median longitudinal plane of the vehicle. 5.5. The impact energy shall be:5.5.1. 29.4 kJ in the case of vehicles of category N 1 and of vehicles of category N 2 with a gross vehicle mass not exceeding 7.5 t.5.5.2. 55 kJ in the case of vehicles of category N 3 and of vehicles of category N 2 with a gross vehicle mass exceeding 7.5 t.6.Front pillar impact test (Test B)Figure 2Front pillar impact test (Test B)。
ECE 系列标准序号 ?? 代号??法例名称1??ECER1??对于同意发射不对称近光和/ 或远光并装有 R2/或 HS1类灯丝灯泡的灵活车前照灯的一致规定2??ECER2??对于同意发射不对称近光和/ 或远光的前照灯用白炽电灯泡的一致规定3??ECER3??对于同意灵活车辆及其挂车答复反射装置的一致规定4??ECER4??对于同意灵活车辆 ( 摩托车除外 ) 及其挂车后牌照板照明装置的一致规定5??ECER5??对于同意发射欧洲型不对称近光和/ 或远光灵活车关闭式前照灯 (SB) 的一致规定6??ECER6??对于同意灵活车及其挂车转向指示器的一致规定7 ? ? ECE R7? ? 对于同意灵活车(不含摩托车)及其挂车前后地点(侧边)灯、制动灯和示廓灯的一致规定8 ? ? ECE R8? ? 对于同意发射不对称近光和 / 或远光并装有卤素灯丝灯泡( H1、H2、H3、 HB3、 HB4、H7、 H8、 H9、 HIR1、HIR2 和 / 或 H11)的灵活车前照灯的一致规定9? ?ECER9??对于就噪声方面同意 L2、 L4 和 L5 类车辆的一致规定10??ECER10??对于就电磁兼容性方面同意车辆的一致规定11?? ECE R11? ?对于就门锁和车门保持件方面同意车辆的一致规定12??ECER12??对于就碰撞中防备转向机构损害驾驶员方面同意车辆的一致规定13? ? ECE R13 ? ?对于就制动方面同意 M类、 N 类和 O类车辆的一致规定14? ? ECE R13--H ? ?对于就制动方面同意乘用车的一致规定(欧美日协调版)15??ECER14??对于就安全带固定点方面同意车辆的一致规定16??ECER15??对于就发动机气体污染物排放方面同意装有点火式发动机或压燃式发动机的车辆的一致规定 -- 点火式发动机的功率丈量方法--- 车辆的油耗丈量方法17??ECER16??对于: 1 同意灵活车成年乘客用安全带和拘束系统; 2 同意装用安全带的车辆的一致规定18? ? ECE R17? ?对于就座椅、座椅固定点和头枕方面同意车辆的一致规定19??ECER18??对于就防盗方面同意灵活车的一致规定20??ECER19??对于同意灵活车前雾灯的一致规定21??ECER20??对于同意发射非对称近光和 / 或远光并装有卤素灯丝灯泡( H4)的灵活车前照灯的一致规定22??ECER21??对于就内饰件方面同意车辆的一致规定23??ECER22??对于同意摩托车轻巧摩托车驾驶员及乘客用头盔和面罩的一致规定24??ECER23??对于同意灵活车辆及其挂车的倒车灯的一致规定25??ECER24??对于 1. 便可见污染物排放方面同意压燃式发动机; 2. 就已获取型式同意的 . 发动机的安装方面同意灵活车; 3. 就发动机可见污染物排放方面同意装用 . 发动机的车辆 ; 4 .. 发动机的功率丈量的一致规定26??ECER25??对于同意与车辆座椅一体或非一体的头枕的一致规定27??ECER26??对于就外面凸出物方面同意车辆的一致规定28? ? ECE R27? ?对于同意提早三角警示牌的一致规定29??ECER28??对于就声响信号方面同意声报警装置和灵活车辆的一致规定30??ECER29??对于就商用车辆驾驶室乘员防备方面同意车辆的一致规定31? ? ECE R30? ?对于同意灵活车及其挂车气压轮胎的一致规定32? ? ECE R31? ?对于同意发射非对称近光和/ 或远光的卤素关闭式(HSB)灵活车前照灯的一致规定33??ECER32??对于就追尾碰撞中被撞车辆的构造特征方面同意车辆的一致规定34? ? ECE R33 ? ?对于就正面触犯中被撞的构造特征方面同意车辆的一致规定35??ECER34??对于就火灾预防方面同意车辆的一致规定36? ? ECE R35? ?对于就脚控制件的部署方面同意车辆的一致规定37? ? ECE R36? ?对于就一般构造方面同意大型客车的一致规定38??ECER37??对于同意用于已经同意的灵活车和挂车灯具中的白炽灯的一致规定39? ? ECE R38? ?对于同意灵活车和挂车后雾灯的一致规定40? ? ECE R39 ? ?对于就车速表及其安装方面同意车辆的一致规定41??ECER40??对于就发动机气体污染物的排放方面同意装有点火式发动机的摩托车的一致规定42??ECER41??对于就噪声方面同意摩托车的一致规定43??ECER42??对于就车辆前、后保护装置(保险杠等)同意车辆的一致规定44??ECER43??对于同意安全玻璃资料的一致规定45??ECER44??对于同意灵活车小孩乘客拘整装置(小孩拘束系统)的一致规定46??ECER45??对于就前照灯冲洗器方面同意灵活车辆和同意前照灯冲洗器的一致规定47??ECER46??对于同意后视镜和就后视镜的安装方面同意灵活车辆的一致规定48??ECER47??对于就发动机的气体污染物排放方面同意装有点火发动机的轻巧摩托车的一致规定49??ECER48??对于就灯光和光信号装置的安装方面同意车辆的一致规定50??ECER49??对于就发动机污染物排放方面同意压燃式发动机、天然气发动机和燃用液化石油气的点燃式发动机以及装有这些发动机的车辆的一致规定51 ? ? ECE R50? ?对于同意轻巧摩托车、摩托车及其近似车辆前后地点灯、制动灯、转向信号灯和后牌照板照明装置的一致规定52??ECER51??对于就噪声排放方面同意四轮及四轮以上灵活车的一致规定53? ? ECE R52? ?对于就一般构造方面同意小型公共运输车辆(M2、M3)的一致规定54??ECER53??对于就灯光及光信号装置的安装方面同意L3 类车辆(摩托车)的一致规定55??ECER54??对于同意商用车辆及其挂车气压轮胎的一致规定56??ECER55??对于同意汽车列车机械联络件的一致规定57??ECER56??对于同意轻巧摩托车以及近似车辆前照灯的一致规定58??ECER57??对于同意摩托车以及近似车辆前照灯的一致规定59? ? ECE R58? ?对于 1. 同意后下部防备装置; 2. 就已同意的后下部防备装置的安装方面同意车辆; 3. 就后下部防备装置方面同意车辆的一致规定60 ? ? ECE R59 ? ?对于同意备用消声系统的一致规定61 ? ? ECE R60 ? ?对于就驾驶员操控的控制件,包含控制件、信号装置和指示器的辨别方面同意两轮摩托车的一致规定62??ECER61?? 63??ECER62?? 64??ECER63?? 65? ? ECE R64 ? ? 66??ECER65?? 67? ? ECE R66? ? 68? ? ECE R67 ? ?对于就驾驶室后挡板以前的外面凸出物方面同意商用车的一致规定对于就防盗方面同意带有操控把的灵活车的一致规定对于就噪声方面同意两轮轻巧摩托车的一致规定对于同意装有应急备用车轮/ 轮胎的车辆的一致规定对于同意灵活车特别警示灯的一致规定对于就上部构造强度方面同意大型客车的一致规定对于: 1 同意在其驱动系统中使用液化石油气的灵活车辆特别装置; 2 在这一装置的安装方面同意装用使其驱动系统使用液化石油气的特别装置的车辆的一致规定69 ? ? ECE R68 ? ? 对于就最大车速的丈量方面同意包含纯电动车辆在内的灵活车的一致规定70? ? ECE R69 ? ? 对于同意低速车辆及其挂车后标记牌的一致规定71 ? ? ECE R70 ? ?对于同意重,长型车辆后标记牌的一致规定72 ? ? ECE R71 ? ?对于就驾驶员视线方面同意农用拖沓机的一致规定73??ECER72??对于同意发射非对称近光和远光并装有卤素灯(HS1灯)的摩托车前大灯一致规定74? ? ECE R73 ? ?对于就侧防备方面同意货车、挂车和半挂车的一致规定75? ? ECE R74? ?对于就灯光和光信号装置方面同意L1 类车辆的一致规定76? ? ECE R75 ? ?对于同意摩托车和轻巧摩托车气压轮胎的一致规定77??ECER76??对于同意发射远光和近光的轻巧摩托车前照灯的一致规定78? ? ECE R77 ? ?对于同意灵活车驻车灯的一致规定79? ? ECE R78? ?对于就制动方面同意 L 类车辆的一致规定80??ECER79??对于就转向装置方面同意车辆的一致规定81? ? ECE R80 ? ?对于就座椅及其固定点方面同意大型客车座椅和车辆的一致规定82??ECER81??对于就车把上后视镜的安装方面同意后视镜及带与不带边斗的二轮灵活车的统一规定83? ? ECE R82 ? ?对于同意装有卤素灯丝灯泡(HS2)的轻巧摩托车前照灯的一致规定84??ECER83??对于依据发动机燃油要求就污染物排放方面同意车辆的一致规定85??ECER84??对于就油耗丈量方面同意装有内燃机的灵活车的一致规定86??ECER85??对于就净功率和最大 30 分钟电传动系功率的丈量方面同意用于驱动M和 N类机动车辆的内燃机或电传动系的一致规定87??ECER86??对于就灯光和光信号装置的安装方面同意农林拖沓机的一致规定88??ECER87??换向同意灵活车白日行车灯的一致规定89??ECER88??对于同意摩托车反光轮胎的一致规定90??ECER89??对于 1. 就最高车速限制或其可调车速限制功能方面同意车辆;2.就已同意型式的最高车速限制装置或可调车速限制装置的安装方面同意车辆; 3. 同意车速限制装置或可调车速限制装置的一致规定91? ? ECE R90? ?对于同意灵活车辆及其挂车用可更替制动衬片总成和鼓式制动器衬片的一致规定92? ?ECE R91? ?对于同意灵活车及其挂车侧标记灯的一致规定93? ? ECE R92? ?对于同意摩托车、轻巧摩托车和三轮车辆非原装可改换排气消声系统的一致规定94? ?ECE R93? ?对于 1. 同意前下部防备装置; 2.就已同意型式的前下部防备装置的安装方面批准车辆; 3. 就前下部防备方面同意车辆的一致规定95? ? ECE R94 ? ?对于就前碰撞中乘员防备方面同意车辆的一致规定96??ECER95??对于就侧碰撞中乘员防备方面同意车辆的一致规定97??ECER96??对于就发动机污染物排放方面同意农林拖沓机和非道路灵活机械装用的压燃式发动机的一致规定98 ? ? ECE R97 ? ?对于同意车辆报警系统和就报警系统方面同意灵活车辆的一致规定99 ? ? ECE R98 ? ?对于同意装用气体放电光源的灵活车前照灯的一致规定100? ? ECE R99 ? ?对于同意用于已获取型式同意的灵活车气体放电灯具的气体放电光源的一致规定101? ? ECE R100? ?对于就构造、功能安全性和氢排放的特别要求方面同意蓄电池电动车辆的一致规定102 ? ?ECE R101 ? ?对于就CO2排放和油耗的丈量方面同意装用内燃机的乘用车和就电能耗费量和范围的丈量方面同意装用电传动系的M1和 N1 类车辆的一致规定103? ? ECE R102 ? ? 对于 1. 同意紧耦合装置; 2. 就已同意的紧耦合装置的安装方面同意车辆的一致规定。
欧洲测试标准分为五个等级,根据儿童体重和身高分别为ECE R44-04、ECE R44-03、ECE R129、ECE R129 i-Size和ECER44-05。
其中,ECE R44-04和ECE R44-03逐渐被新一代的ECE R129 i-Size 替代。
ECE R44-04和ECE R44-03分别针对体重为9至36公斤和0至18公斤的儿童,测试项目包括正面碰撞、侧面碰撞、后面碰撞等。
ECE R129标准则更加严格,要求座椅符合更多的测试项目,包括侧面碰撞、旋转碰撞、正面碰撞等。
根据儿童身高,将座椅分为三个等级:i-Size infant carrier(45至75厘米)、i-Size child seat (75至105厘米)和i-Size booster(100至135厘米)。
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二、英国儿童安全座椅规定概述1. 适用年龄和身高根据英国法律规定,以下年龄段和身高的儿童必须使用儿童安全座椅:(1)3岁以下儿童必须使用儿童安全座椅;(2)3-12岁或身高135厘米以下的儿童必须使用增高垫;(3)12岁以上或身高135厘米以上的儿童可以不用使用儿童安全座椅。
2. 儿童安全座椅类型英国市场上销售的儿童安全座椅主要分为以下几类:(1)后向式座椅:适用于0-4岁儿童,能够有效减少冲击时对颈背的伤害;(2)前向式座椅:适用于4-12岁儿童,两侧有防碰撞设计,保护宝宝的头部;(3)增高垫:适用于3-12岁或身高135厘米以下的儿童,增加座椅高度,确保安全带正确固定。
3. 儿童安全座椅安装要求(1)后向式座椅:必须安装在车辆后座,面向后方;(2)前向式座椅:必须安装在车辆后座,面向前方;(3)增高垫:必须与车辆原座椅安全带配合使用。
4. 儿童安全座椅质量要求英国对儿童安全座椅的质量要求非常严格,必须符合以下标准:(1)欧洲安全标准ECER44/04;(2)ISO 9001质量管理体系认证;(3)BSI国家标准局注册在案。
三、英国儿童安全座椅规定实施情况1. 交警执法在英国,交警有权对未按规定使用儿童安全座椅的车辆进行罚款。
2. 公众宣传英国政府通过各种渠道,如电视、广播、网络等,加大对儿童安全座椅规定的宣传力度,提高公众的安全意识。
3. 企业自律英国儿童安全座椅生产企业自觉遵守国家规定,严格生产质量,确保产品安全可靠。
四、英国儿童安全座椅规定的影响1. 保障儿童出行安全英国儿童安全座椅规定,有效降低了儿童在交通事故中的伤亡率,保障了儿童出行安全。
ECE系列标准序号代号法规名称1 ECE R1 关于批准发射不对称近光和/或远光并装有R2/或HS1类灯丝灯泡的机动车前照灯的统一规定2 ECE R2 关于批准发射不对称近光和/或远光的前照灯用白炽电灯泡的统一规定3 ECE R3 关于批准机动车辆及其挂车回复反射装置的统一规定4 ECE R4 关于批准机动车辆(摩托车除外)及其挂车后牌照板照明装置的统一规定5 ECE R5 关于批准发射欧洲型不对称近光和/或远光机动车封闭式前照灯(SB) 的统一规定6 ECE R6 关于批准机动车及其挂车转向指示器的统一规定7 ECE R7 关于批准机动车(不含摩托车)及其挂车前后位置(侧边)灯、制动灯和示廓灯的统一规定8 ECE R8 关于批准发射不对称近光和/或远光并装有卤素灯丝灯泡(H1、H2、H3、 HB3、HB4、H7、H8、H9、HIR1、HIR2和/或H11)的机动车前照灯的统一规定9 ECE R9 关于就噪声方面批准L2、L4和L5类车辆的统一规定10 ECE R10 关于就电磁兼容性方面批准车辆的统一规定11 ECE R11 关于就门锁和车门保持件方面批准车辆的统一规定12 ECE R12 关于就碰撞中防止转向机构伤害驾驶员方面批准车辆的统一规定13 ECE R13 关于就制动方面批准M类、N类和O类车辆的统一规定14 ECE R13--H 关于就制动方面批准乘用车的统一规定(欧美日协调版)15 ECE R14 关于就安全带固定点方面批准车辆的统一规定16 ECE R15 关于就发动机气体污染物排放方面批准装有点火式发动机或压燃式发动机的车辆的统一规定--点火式发动机的功率测量方法---车辆的油耗测量方法17 ECE R16 关于:1批准机动车成年乘客用安全带和约束系统;2批准装用安全带的车辆的统一规定18 ECE R17 关于就座椅、座椅固定点和头枕方面批准车辆的统一规定19 ECE R18 关于就防盗方面批准机动车的统一规定20 ECE R19 关于批准机动车前雾灯的统一规定21 ECE R20 关于批准发射非对称近光和/或远光并装有卤素灯丝灯泡(H4)的机动车前照灯的统一规定22 ECE R21 关于就内饰件方面批准车辆的统一规定23 ECE R22 关于批准摩托车轻便摩托车驾驶员及乘客用头盔和面罩的统一规定24 ECE R23 关于批准机动车辆及其挂车的倒车灯的统一规定25 ECE R24 关于1.就可见污染物排放方面批准压燃式(C.I)发动机; 2.就已获得型式批准的C.I.发动机的安装方面批准机动车; 3. 就发动机可见污染物排放方面批准装用C.I.发动机的车辆; 4 .C.I.发动机的功率测量的统一规定26 ECE R25 关于批准与车辆座椅一体或非一体的头枕的统一规定27 ECE R26 关于就外部凸出物方面批准车辆的统一规定28 ECE R27 关于批准提前三角警告牌的统一规定29 ECE R28 关于就声响信号方面批准声报警装置和机动车辆的统一规定30 ECE R29 关于就商用车辆驾驶室乘员防护方面批准车辆的统一规定31 ECE R30 关于批准机动车及其挂车气压轮胎的统一规定32 ECE R31 关于批准发射非对称近光和/或远光的卤素封闭式(HSB)机动车前照灯的统一规定33 ECE R32 关于就追尾碰撞中被撞车辆的结构特性方面批准车辆的统一规定34 ECE R33 关于就正面冲撞中被撞的结构特性方面批准车辆的统一规定35 ECE R34 关于就火灾预防方面批准车辆的统一规定36 ECE R35 关于就脚控制件的布置方面批准车辆的统一规定37 ECE R36 关于就一般结构方面批准大型客车的统一规定38 ECE R37 关于批准用于已经批准的机动车和挂车灯具中的白炽灯的统一规定39 ECE R38 关于批准机动车和挂车后雾灯的统一规定40 ECE R39 关于就车速表及其安装方面批准车辆的统一规定41 ECE R40 关于就发动机气体污染物的排放方面批准装有点火式发动机的摩托车的统一规定42 ECE R41 关于就噪声方面批准摩托车的统一规定43 ECE R42 关于就车辆前、后保护装置(保险杠等)批准车辆的统一规定44 ECE R43 关于批准安全玻璃材料的统一规定45 ECE R44 关于批准机动车儿童乘客约束装置(儿童约束系统)的统一规定46 ECE R45 关于就前照灯清洗器方面批准机动车辆和批准前照灯清洗器的统一规定47 ECE R46 关于批准后视镜和就后视镜的安装方面批准机动车辆的统一规定48 ECE R47 关于就发动机的气体污染物排放方面批准装有点火发动机的轻便摩托车的统一规定49 ECE R48 关于就灯光和光信号装置的安装方面批准车辆的统一规定50 ECE R49 关于就发动机污染物排放方面批准压燃式发动机、天然气发动机和燃用液化石油气的点燃式发动机以及装有这些发动机的车辆的统一规定51 ECE R50 关于批准轻便摩托车、摩托车及其类似车辆前后位置灯、制动灯、转向信号灯和后牌照板照明装置的统一规定52 ECE R51 关于就噪声排放方面批准四轮及四轮以上机动车的统一规定53 ECE R52 关于就一般结构方面批准小型公共运输车辆(M2、M3)的统一规定54 ECE R53 关于就灯光及光信号装置的安装方面批准L3类车辆(摩托车)的统一规定55 ECE R54 关于批准商用车辆及其挂车气压轮胎的统一规定56 ECE R55 关于批准汽车列车机械联结件的统一规定57 ECE R56 关于批准轻便摩托车以及类似车辆前照灯的统一规定58 ECE R57 关于批准摩托车以及类似车辆前照灯的统一规定59 ECE R58 关于1.批准后下部防护装置; 2.就已批准的后下部防护装置的安装方面批准车辆; 3.就后下部防护装置方面批准车辆的统一规定60 ECE R59 关于批准备用消声系统的统一规定61 ECE R60 关于就驾驶员操纵的控制件,包括控制件、信号装置和指示器的识别方面批准两轮摩托车的统一规定62 ECE R61 关于就驾驶室后挡板之前的外部凸出物方面批准商用车的统一规定63 ECE R62 关于就防盗方面批准带有操纵把的机动车的统一规定64 ECE R63 关于就噪声方面批准两轮轻便摩托车的统一规定65 ECE R64 关于批准装有应急备用车轮/轮胎的车辆的统一规定66 ECE R65 关于批准机动车特别警告灯的统一规定67 ECE R66 关于就上部结构强度方面批准大型客车的统一规定68 ECE R67 关于:1批准在其驱动系统中使用液化石油气的机动车辆特殊装置;2 在这一装置的安装方面批准装用使其驱动系统使用液化石油气的特殊装置的车辆的统一规定69 ECE R68 关于就最大车速的测量方面批准包括纯电动车辆在内的机动车的统一规定70 ECE R69 关于批准低速车辆及其挂车后标志牌的统一规定71 ECE R70 关于批准重,长型车辆后标志牌的统一规定72 ECE R71 关于就驾驶员视野方面批准农用拖拉机的统一规定73 ECE R72 关于批准发射非对称近光和远光并装有卤素灯(HS1灯)的摩托车前大灯统一规定74 ECE R73 关于就侧防护方面批准货车、挂车和半挂车的统一规定75 ECE R74 关于就灯光和光信号装置方面批准L1类车辆的统一规定76 ECE R75 关于批准摩托车和轻便摩托车气压轮胎的统一规定77 ECE R76 关于批准发射远光和近光的轻便摩托车前照灯的统一规定78 ECE R77 关于批准机动车驻车灯的统一规定79 ECE R78 关于就制动方面批准L类车辆的统一规定80 ECE R79 关于就转向装置方面批准车辆的统一规定81 ECE R80 关于就座椅及其固定点方面批准大型客车座椅和车辆的统一规定82 ECE R81 关于就车把上后视镜的安装方面批准后视镜及带与不带边斗的二轮机动车的统一规定83 ECE R82 关于批准装有卤素灯丝灯泡(HS2)的轻便摩托车前照灯的统一规定84 ECE R83 关于根据发动机燃油要求就污染物排放方面批准车辆的统一规定85 ECE R84 关于就油耗测量方面批准装有内燃机的机动车的统一规定86 ECE R85 关于就净功率和最大30分钟电传动系功率的测量方面批准用于驱动M和N类机动车辆的内燃机或电传动系的统一规定87 ECE R86 关于就灯光和光信号装置的安装方面批准农林拖拉机的统一规定88 ECE R87 换向批准机动车白天行车灯的统一规定89 ECE R88 关于批准摩托车反光轮胎的统一规定90 ECE R89 关于1.就最高车速限制或其可调车速限制功能方面批准车辆; 2.就已批准型式的最高车速限制装置或可调车速限制装置的安装方面批准车辆; 3.批准车速限制装置或可调车速限制装置的统一规定91 ECE R90 关于批准机动车辆及其挂车用可更替制动衬片总成和鼓式制动器衬片的统一规定92 ECE R91 关于批准机动车及其挂车侧标志灯的统一规定93 ECE R92 关于批准摩托车、轻便摩托车和三轮车辆非原装可更换排气消声系统的统一规定94 ECE R93 关于1.批准前下部防护装置; 2.就已批准型式的前下部防护装置的安装方面批准车辆; 3.就前下部防护方面批准车辆的统一规定95 ECE R94 关于就前碰撞中乘员防护方面批准车辆的统一规定96 ECE R95 关于就侧碰撞中乘员防护方面批准车辆的统一规定97 ECE R96 关于就发动机污染物排放方面批准农林拖拉机和非道路机动机械装用的压燃式发动机的统一规定98 ECE R97 关于批准车辆报警系统和就报警系统方面批准机动车辆的统一规定99 ECE R98 关于批准装用气体放电光源的机动车前照灯的统一规定100 ECE R99 关于批准用于已获得型式批准的机动车气体放电灯具的气体放电光源的统一规定101 ECE R100 关于就结构、功能安全性和氢排放的特殊要求方面批准蓄电池电动车辆的统一规定102 ECE R101 关于就CO2排放和油耗的测量方面批准装用内燃机的乘用车和就电能消耗量和范围的测量方面批准装用电传动系的M1和N1类车辆的统一规定103 ECE R102 关于1.批准紧耦合装置;2.就已批准的紧耦合装置的安装方面批准车辆的统一规定。
验(正面碰撞),试验中儿童约 束系统上安装覆盖所适应儿童身
高的最大假人,丌放置100mm 的 Dimensions in mm
Figure 4:
Arrangement for testing rearward-facing devices, except group 0,
记录的碰撞减速度初始峰值应为24g±4g。后续记录的碰撞减速度峰值不初始峰值 的偏差丌应超过 15%。 The initial peak recorded values for impact deceleration shall be 24 ± 4 g and subsequent peak values recorded shall not deviate by more than 15 percent from the initial values.( 7.3.3)
vehicle booster seat )
01 ECE R129简介
重新定义儿童约束系统质量组的划分,采用儿童身高结合允许使用最大质量替代单一的质量组 的定义方式;
包含所搭乘最大假人质量的整体式ISOFIX儿童约束系统的质量(i-Size儿童约束系统)不得超 过33kg。这也适用于“特殊车型用ISOFIX儿童约束系统”。
2、动态试验期间,用亍保持儿童在乘坐位置上的约束系统的任何部件都丌应完全或部分断裂; 带扣、锁止装置或位移系统丌应发生脱扣现象。制造商设计用亍限制载荷的部件和系统除外。 他们应满足以下要求:( 1)性能满足制造商预期的要求( 2)未削减儿童约束系统保护乘员的功能(
儿童假人的试验姿态,是试验一致性的重要环 节,直接关系到儿童假人的伤害指标和动态移动量。 ECE R129规定如下:
车辆构件接触而受到伤害。因此对儿童座椅的头部包 裹性提出要求。
与胸骨成一条线 与胸骨不成一条线 图1 儿童假人上臂安装图例
图3 侧面碰撞试验曲线
标准规定,在80ms的侧面碰撞试验过程中,假人 头部重心垂直于侧门,头部包裹性应满足下列要求:
(1)头部不与侧面冲击门接触。 (2)头部不能超过侧面冲击的标红线的垂面。 这个垂面由一条线标明,定义如图2 所示。
图2 侧面冲击门几何和位置T0 上视图
表2 动态试验要求比较表
ECE R44动态试验要求
ECE R 129 正面和后面碰撞 动态试验要求
ECE R 129 侧面碰撞动态试验要求
用于约束儿童在乘坐位置上的任何部 用于约束儿童在乘坐位置上的任何部 用于约束儿童在乘坐位置上的任何部件不得出
1 背景
从2003年到2013年,我国汽车保有量增长迅速, 从2,400万辆增长到1.37亿辆。中国儿童安全座椅使用 率却严重偏低,儿童乘车出行中儿童安全座椅的配置 率不到1%。据交通部门的最新数据显示,我国每年 有超过1.85万名14岁以下儿童死于交通事故,儿童乘 员的碰撞安全性是汽车被动安全专业领域必须面临的 重要问题。
ECE R100
E/ECE/324/Rev.2/Add.99/Rev.2-E/ECE/TRANS/505/Rev.2/Add.99/Rev.22013年8月12日协定书关于对轮式车辆、设备及在轮式车辆上安装或使用的部件采用统一技术要求及基于此要求的互认条件(修订版2,包括在1995年10月16日实施的修订本)ECE R100 修订版2含所有有效文本,包括01系列修正本增补件1-实施日期:2012年07月26日01系列修正本增补件2-实施日期:2013年07月15日法规02系列修正本-实施日期:2013年07月15日关于电动车特殊要求的统一规定———————*协定书的原标题:《关于采用统一条件批准机动车辆装备和部件并相互承认此批准的协定书》, 1958年3月20日制定于日内瓦.ECE R100 关于电动车特殊要求的统一规定目录1 范围 (4)2 定义 (4)3 认证申请....................................................................................................错误!未定义书签。
4 认证............................................................................................................错误!未定义书签。
5 第一部分:车辆电气安全的要求.............................................................错误!未定义书签。
6 第二部分:可再充式能量储存系统(REESS)的安全要求7 车型的更改及认证扩展.............................................................................错误!未定义书签。
目前,我国的认证标准就是常说的3C认证,监管安全座椅的欧洲法规主要有两种:ECE R44/04——当前欧洲标准,也是国内在售座椅最常见的标准;i-Size——ECE R129,目前与ECE R44/04共同适用的新法规,2018年,i-Size将会取代ECE R44,成为欧洲唯一的安全座椅出行标准。
一、欧标ECE R44/041、简介。
ECE 是“联合国欧洲经济委员会汽车法规”的简称,ECE R44则是欧洲经济委员会就有关机动车上儿童约束系统认证而颁发的第44号法令,即专门针对儿童约束装置设立的认证。
ECE R44也是欧洲首项关于儿童约束系统的法规,1980年,Britax主导制定了这一标准,并成为首个通过欧标ECE R44认证的品牌;随后Britax也影响了ECE R44的每次修订,直到现行的ECE R44/04。
只有获得ECE认证的产品,才是为欧洲市场所接受的,因此具有ECE R44/04认证,成为众多欧洲父母在为孩子购买安全座椅时的首要考虑标准。
ECE R44/04标准于2006年6月开始正式生效,并对安全座椅的头部位移、胸部加速度等方面做出了严格的规定。
符合规定的儿童安全座椅必须标明认证标签,以表示安全座椅符合ECE R44/04标准。
ece r129标准
ece r129标准
ECE R129标准也叫做i-Size,主要针对用ISOFIX的两种座椅。
在座椅的标签上会出现ECE129+Universal i-Size(标签),这表明这个座椅是一个通用型的i-Size座椅。
相比于ECE R44标准,该标准更加严格。
- 分组方式:i-Size是按照身高分组的,选购时更加清晰。
- 测试项目:i-Size有侧撞测试,在真正出现车祸时更能保护儿童。
- 安装方式:i-Size严格要求产品使用更安全可靠的ISOFIX接口,可以大大降低安全座椅安装难度,防止因为安全座椅未安装到位而导致保护失效。
基于ECE R129 03e儿童安全座椅的中欧技
109基于ECE R129 03e儿童安全座椅的中欧技术法规差异性研究李志昌 姜 峰 高国彬 陈 飞 任天杰(南京海关纺织工业产品检测中心)摘 要:本文基于ECE R129 03e技术法规探讨中、欧儿童安全座椅技术法规变化,并从零部件测试和动态测试两方面进行差异性分析,期望帮助企业及早应对技术法规内容变化,做好积极应对,保持国内外市场竞争力。
关键词:ECE R129 03e,儿童安全座椅技术法规,差异性分析DOI编码:10.3969/j.issn.1674-5698.2022.12.019Research on the Differences between China and Europe’s Technical Regulations on Child Restraint System Based on ECE R129 03eLI Zhi-chang JIANG Feng GAO Guo-bin CHEN Fei REN Tian-jie(Textile Industry Product Test Center, Nanjing Customs )Abstract: Based on ECE R129 03e regulations, this paper discusses the changes of China and Europe’s child restraint system regulations, and analyzes the differences from the aspects of component testing and dynamic testing, hoping to help enterprises cope with the changes of regulations as early as possible, make positive responses, and maintain the competitiveness in domestic and foreign markets.Keywords: ECE 129 03e, Child Restraint System Technical Regulations, difference analysis基金项目:本文受南京海关科研项目(项目编号:2021KJ34)支持。
iZi Go Modular 宝宝车座用户手册说明书
• The harness straps must always be locked when the child is in the seat.
• Do not use any aggressive cleaning products; these may harm the construction material of the seat.
• BeSafe advises that child seats should not be bought or sold second-hand.
when the child is older than 3 months or if the head is not fitting anymore. These reducers can be removed by opening the velcro on the back of the head rests. • Remove the baby cushion (bottom part) when the child is taller then 60 cm, or over 4 months. • Remove the baby cushion (bottom part) and body hugger (upper part) when the child is taller than 65 cm, or over 6 months. • After an accident, the seat must be replaced. Although it may look undamaged, if you were to have another accident, the seat may not be able to protect your child to the level to which it was designed. • Prevent the seat from becoming trapped or weighed down by luggage, seats and/or slamming doors. • Make sure you can fit no more than one finger between the harness and your child (1 cm). • DO NOT attempt to dismantle, modify or add any part to the seat. Warranty will be void if non-original parts or accessories are used. • Never leave your child unattended in the seat. • Make sure all passengers are informed about how to release your child in case of emergency.
商用车ECE R29 法规通过性研究4
目次基于非支配排序遗传算法的感载比例阀静特性多目标优化设计(摘要链接) (1)可变进气正时降低汽油机冷起动排放的研究(摘要链接) (2)基于模态应变能分析和板件单元贡献分析的车身阻尼处理(摘要链接) (3)商用车ECE R29法规通过性研究(摘要链接) (4)液力变矩器闭锁过程控制策略研究(摘要链接) (5)正面碰撞试验中假人头部及胸部受力分析方法的研究与应用(摘要链接)错误!未定义书签。
国Ⅳ汽油车NEDC循环下的排放特性分析(摘要链接) (7)车身连接点动刚度分析与NVH性能改进研究(摘要链接) (8)基于行人腿部保护的保险杠造型优化设计(摘要链接) (9)合肥市汽车行驶工况的研究(摘要链接) (10)基于模糊PID开关控制器的磁流变减振器控制(摘要链接) (11)汽车自适应前照灯转弯模式的数学模型研究(摘要链接)..... 错误!未定义书签。
北方地区冬季工况下混合动力轿车油耗试验研究(摘要链接). (13)商用车驾驶室强度试验要求研究与分析(摘要链接) (14)ABS轮速信号的采集方法研究(摘要链接) (15)汽车齿轮冷挤压模具尺寸补偿数值模拟(摘要链接) (16)基于非支配排序遗传算法的感载比例阀静特性多目标优化设计郭孔辉郭耀华(吉林大学汽车动态模拟国家重点实验室)【摘要】以某匹配感载比例阀的车辆为例,以理想利用附着系数曲线为目标,以ECE制动法规为约束条件,利用非支配排序遗传算法对车辆在空载、半载和满载状态下的制动性能进行了多目标优化,得到了满足设计要求和性能最优的感载比例阀静特性曲线。
关键词:感载比例阀制动性能多目标优化非支配排序遗传算法Multi-objective Optimization of Static Characteristic ofSABS Based on NSGA-ⅡGuo Konghui; Guo Yaohua(State Key Laboratory of Automobile Dynamic Simulation, Jilin University) 【Abstract】This paper takes a vehicle with SABS as example, using NSGA-II to carry out multi-objective optimization to the braking performance of vehicle under empty-loading, half-loading and full-loading conditions with ideal usage of adhesion coefficient curve as target, ECE braking regulation as restraint condition, and obtains the optimal SABS which satisfies the requirement of design and performance.Key words: SABS; Braking Performance; Multi-objective optimization; NSGA-II可变进气正时降低汽油机冷起动排放的研究王巍1于秀敏1赵弘志2(1.吉林大学;2.中国第一汽车集团公司技术中心)【摘要】对一款可变进气正时的发动机进行冷起动性能测试,研究了进气门开启时刻对冷起动过程排放的影响。
4. ECE R129测试
01 ECE R129简介
伸缩方向:支撑腿最上端距离儿童约束系统底平面不得超过85mm (距ISOFIX锚点不超过70mm),支撑腿下端高度方向必须可调节,且 调节范围为支撑腿脚部底平面与儿童约束系统底平面之间的距离至少 为270mm-525mm
覆盖尺寸 ≤ 60 60 < x ≤ 75 75 < x ≤ 87 范围(cm) 假人 87 < x ≤ 105 105 < x ≤ 125(135) >125(135)
动态试验所用假人,选取所覆盖的尺寸段中最大、最小假人来进行; 对于可正反向安装的儿童约束系统或适用儿童身高范围覆盖上述三个以上尺寸段,则应选用中 间尺寸假人追加试验
00 01 02
系统(i-Size booster seat) 非整体式特殊车辆用增强型儿 童约束系统(specific vehicle booster seat )
整体式通用ISOFIX增强型儿童约束系统(i-Size) 整体式“特殊车辆用ISOFIX”增强型儿童约束系统
Part 2
ECE R129动态试验判定
Dynamic Test Judgment of ECE R129
02 ECE R129动态试验判定
ECE R129试验台的开发及应用
ECE R129试验台的开发及应用马国清;周勇;汤易;张军【摘要】ECE R129是欧洲最新的儿童安全座椅标准,新标准对儿童座椅安全性提出了更高要求.与新标准对应的试验台也需重新设计.本文根据新标准相关要求,应用UG软件对儿童安全座椅试验台进行了设计,新试验台增加了侧面碰撞试验装置,可满足新标准正面、后面及侧面碰撞试验要求.制造了新试验台样机,并在ECE R129法规环境下,新试验台在汽车安全与节能国家重点实验室进行了儿童安全座椅的碰撞试验,结果表明试验台符合新法规要求.【期刊名称】《河北工业大学学报》【年(卷),期】2015(044)005【总页数】5页(P51-54,89)【关键词】ECE R129;试验台;儿童安全座椅;侧面碰撞【作者】马国清;周勇;汤易;张军【作者单位】烟台大学机电汽车工程学院,山东烟台264005;汽车安全与节能国家重点实验室,北京100084;烟台大学机电汽车工程学院,山东烟台264005;汽车安全与节能国家重点实验室,北京100084;烟台大学机电汽车工程学院,山东烟台264005;汽车安全与节能国家重点实验室,北京100084;烟台大学机电汽车工程学院,山东烟台264005;汽车安全与节能国家重点实验室,北京100084【正文语种】中文【中图分类】U46儿童乘车安全如今得到越来越多关注,同时儿童安全座椅的使用率也逐渐提高[1].我国在2012年7月1日正式实施《机动车儿童成员用约束系统》国家标准,国家标准的实施使得各企业生产的儿童安全座椅产品有了统一的批准认证标准.各种款式类型的儿童安全座椅在上市前必须经过国家标准环境下的各项检测以及试验. 由于《机动车儿童乘员用约束系统》国家标准采标于欧洲经济委员会的ECER44法规,在进行儿童安全座椅动态试验时使用的试验台与ECER44法规的试验台也是保持一致的[2-3].而ECER44标准在欧洲应用已30余年,近年来欧洲经济委员会成员国消费者对ECE R44法规多个方面的不足提出批评,由此促使了新法规ECER129的诞生[4-5].在新法规中试验台的改动很大,改变的项目很多,为了对新法规下儿童安全座椅批准认证条件进行深入的研究,必须进行新试验台的开发.1 新法规试验台的变化内容相对于 ECE R44法规,新法规中试验台的靠背座椅外形轮廓由矩形变为凸形,靠背角由20°增加到25°,靠背和座垫由接触变为留有间隙,如图1所示.同时,新法规还增加了侧面碰撞试验,在进行侧撞试验时ISOFIX连接件之间应力集中,为了保护连接件和测试设备,法规要求ISOFIX下方固定点可以沿着方向移动,移动距离为250mm,因此需要为ISOFIX下方固定点设计独立的滑块机构.侧撞门以及侧撞门支架共同组成侧撞试验台.除了试验台的结构上有改变,座垫以及靠背垫的聚氨酯泡沫特性也有变化,具体内容见表1.因此靠背和座垫的材料也需要更换.2 试验台设计在试验台中线是一条非常重要的基准线,试验台的各个结构都以为定位基准,试验台的固定点系统也是围绕线展开.在进行试验台的整体设计时,首先确定了线的位置,以此为中心,试验台的各部分结构位置得以确定,整个试验台化整为零,拆解为座垫靠背垫部分、坐垫靠背刚性支架部分、底座部分、固定点系统部分,由于在新法规侧面碰撞试验中下固定点 1、 2有沿轴移动250mm的要求,因此将滑块机构单独从固定点系统分解出来,与此同时侧撞门支架系统也单独作为一部分[6-7].图1 ECER44法规试验台靠背、座椅垫示意图Fig.1 The sketch of testbench backrest and seatcushion according to ECER44表1 ECER129法规聚氨酯泡沫材料特性改动情况Tab.1 Modifications of properties of polyurethane foam material改动类型改动条目标准评估单位增加项压缩性 EN ISO 3386 13 kPa压痕复合挠度EN ISO 2439B 500±15% N 减少项抗压强度抗压力(压缩率为25%时) EN ISO 2439B 125 N抗压强度抗压力(压缩率为40%时) EN ISO 2439B 155 N抗压强度系数 EN ISO 3386 4 kPa数据改动项在断裂处的延伸率 EN ISO 1798 由100变为120 %断裂强度 EN ISO 1798 由100变为150 kPa密度 EN ISO 485 由43变为68~74 kg/m3未变项压缩装置 EN ISO 1856 3 %使用 UG对试验台进行设计,在设计过程中首先根据图1对座垫和靠背垫进行建模,并找到Cr和H1、,Cr与坐标Y轴重合,如图2所示.在建模过程中要把座垫和靠背背面的铝板厚度计算在内,在本试验台中使用的铝板厚度为3mm(本论文中提到的坐标系轴方向都同图2).对于使用支撑腿作为抗翻转装置的儿童座椅,新法规规定了在进行动态试验时支撑腿的安装要求,同时也设定了试验台上与支撑腿底面相接触的最高面和最低面,在垂直方向上以H1H2(ISOFIX儿童座椅下部连接件)进行定位,最高面距离,最低面距离,结合图1中座垫长度485mm,可以计算出座垫最高面与最低面的距离为,以此确定座垫、靠背刚性支架的尺寸,座垫、靠背以及刚性支架设计如图3所示.试验台底座的设计是以现有台车的结构为基础,固定方式以及打孔数量、位置、孔径尺寸都与现有台车相配合,使得现有的台车既可以使用旧法规试验台进行儿童座椅碰撞研究,又可以更换新试验台进行ECE R129法规下的儿童座椅安全性研究.试验台与台车的连接方式为螺栓连接,更换试验台方便快捷.此阶段设计情况如图4所示.图2 座垫及靠背垫Fig.2 Seatcushion and backrest图3 座垫、靠背及刚性支架Fig.3 Seatcushion,backrestand rigid frameECE R129法规适用于整体式通用型ISOFIX儿童约束系统(i-Size)和整体式特殊车辆ISOFIX儿童约束系统.在i-Size儿童约束系统中利用腰带进行固定的儿童约束系统使用点A和点B固定点;使用腰带和肩带进行固定的儿童约束系统使用点A、点B0和点C固定点;使用ISOFIX固定装置的儿童约束系统使用H1、H2固定点.ECER44法规和 ECE R129法规中固定点系统都是按照相应法规进行布置的,各个固定点与Cr线的相对位置没有改变,使用Cr线作为基准,设计各个固定点.由于G2设计在台车上面,图5中没有表示G2点[8].图4 未添加固定点系统的试验台Fig.4 Testbenchwithout fixed pointsystem图5 固定点系统图Fig.5 The sketch of fixed pointsystem为了满足新法规侧面碰撞试验中对H1、H2沿Y轴移动250mm的要求,为此设计了滑块机构,如图6所示.固定点H1、H2用螺栓连接在滑块上,滑块间有缝隙,在进行侧撞试验时定位销放松,滑块可以沿着导杆在Y向移动,移动250mm时有橡塑海绵作为缓冲垫防止滑块与立柱碰撞,在进行正面或后面碰撞试验时可将定位销拧紧限制滑块在Y向的移动.完成滑块机构设计之后的试验台已可以进行新法规的正面、后面碰撞试验.为了进行新法规侧面碰撞试验,尚需对试验台进行辅助构件的设计,即侧撞门和侧撞门支架.结合实验室实际场地及波形发生器的位置,对侧撞门支架进行设计,设计的预期是支架可以进行长度调节、支架安装拆卸方便、支架承受冲击能力强.在进行支架长度设计之前,按照新法规要求对侧撞试验速度波形进行了大量的试验,对停车位置、停车距离、最深插入量进行分析,确定了支架长度的范围.最终设计完成侧撞门以及支架系统 [9-10],如图7所示.3 试验验证图6 滑块机构Fig.6 Slidermechanism图7 ECER129试验台Fig.7 The testbench according to ECER44在清华大学汽车安全与节能国家重点实验室,按照ECER129法规的要求对新试验台进行了标准侧面碰撞试验.试验采用47.0 mm橄榄头和25.0 km/h初速度的组合进行波形调试,调试结果如图8所示,此波形符合法规要求.在调试重复试验中进行测量及计算可得座椅从开始减速(此时令初始位移为0)到位移最大时的平均位移为240mm,满足最大入侵量小于250mm的要求,因此在橄榄头开始接触PU管进行减速时,可以设置为碰撞时刻 0.将ISOFIX滑块装置至于中间位置,将儿童座椅与ISOFIX固定点连接,将支撑腿调至最长位置,与座椅前端支撑腿固定平面牢固接触,将儿童假人和5点式儿童安全带按照试验流程要求放置妥当并进行预紧后,取出模拟脊柱,座椅与假人安装完毕,贴好标记点,如图9所示.使用每秒1000帧的高速摄像机对碰撞过程进行记录.从高速摄像图像中可以找到侧撞门板的最大侵入量,在新法规中规定侧撞门板的最大侵入量不得超过图10所示线,图中线为试验座椅中线,线与线之间距离为100mm.图10所示的位置是试验中侧撞门板的最大侵入位置.通过高速摄像可以看出侧撞支架的长度以及试验台在台车上的位置都符合法规要求.滑块机构的向移动距离也满足法规要求.图11为试验过程中儿童假人头部加速度曲线图,图12为试验过程中儿童假人胸部加速度曲线图,从图中数据可知,本文所设计的儿童安全座椅试验台在进行安全碰撞试验时,其上的儿童假人的头部及胸部加速度值满足法规要求.图8 试验台与侧撞门板相对速度曲线图Fig.8 Relative velocity between testbench and side impactdoor图9 带儿童假人的试验台照片Fig.9 The practicalphoto of testbenchw ith Child dummy图10 侧撞门板最大侵入位置试验照片Fig.10 The photo ofmaximum intrusion location of side impactdoor4 总结ECER44新法规对儿童座椅安全性提出了更高要求,同时还增加了侧面碰撞安全性要求.为了适应新法规的要求,儿童安全座椅动态试验用的试验台也必须重新设计.在设计试验台的过程中最重要的依据是Cr线的确立,在此基础上确定试验台其它各部分结构的位置.为了满足新增加的侧撞试验要求,试验台要设计独立的滑块机构,以及侧撞门、侧撞门支架组成的侧撞装置.刚性支架下面的底座与台车是通过螺栓固定的,在碰撞试验中螺栓受到的剪应力特别大,底座与台车之间的固定务必要安全可靠.进行固定点系统的设计时主要是保证各固定点与Cr的位置关系,同时也需保证固定点与试验台结合牢固.侧撞门支架的设计重点在于支架长度以及支架在X、Z向的稳定性,这样设计出的试验台才能满足新法规的要求.经过真实试验检验,新试验台在性能及稳定性方面都达到了满意的效果.图11 试验假人头部加速度曲线图Fig.11 Theacceleration of Child dummy head door图12 试验假人胸部加速度曲线图Fig.12 Theacceleration of Child dummy chest参考文献:[1]任锡娟,曹立波,欧阳志高.集成式汽车儿童安全座椅的设计与仿真 [J].汽车工程,2009,31(12):1133-1136.[2]胡佳,钟志华,水野幸治.儿童座椅正确使用和误使用的正面碰撞台车试验仿真[J].汽车工程,2009,31(1):10-13.[3]曹立波,赵净,陈志宇.基于有限元-多刚体耦合方法的儿童座椅结构改进 [J].汽车安全与节能学报,2014,5(4):336-342.[4]杨斌,赵淑华,张慧云,等.欧洲最新儿童安全座椅标准ECER129解读 [J].标准科学,2014(9):79-83.[5]于峰.机动车儿童乘员用约束系统发展趋势研究 [J].质量与标准,2015(3):49-52.[6]ECE-R44,Uniform provisions concerning theapproval of restraining devices forchild occupantsofpower-driven vehicles(child restraintsystem)[S].[7]Econom ic Comm ission for Europe(ECE),Uniform provisions concerning theapprovalof enhanced child restraintsy stemsused on board ofmotor vehicles:Regulation No.129[S].United Nations,2013.[8]GB14167-2013,汽车安全带安装固定点、ISOFIX固定点系统及上拉带固定点[S].北京:中国标准出版社,2014.[9]胡仁喜,刘昌丽.UGNX 8.0中文版机械设计从入门到精通 [M].北京:机械工业出版社,2012.[10]钟奇,王晓军.UGNX 7.5高级应用教程 [M].北京:机械工业出版社,2012.。
乔伊(Joie)i-Level 改进型儿童安全席说明书
ECE R129/01Child height 40cm-85cm/ Child weight ≤13kg;i-Level enhanced child restraint™!Per utilizzare il sistema di ritenuta per bambini migliorato con agganci ISOFIX in conformità alla normativa ECE R129/01, il bambino deve soddisfare i seguenti requisiti.Altezza del bambino 40 cm-85 cm/Peso del bambino≤13 kg; (circa 1,5 anni o meno).!Le cinghie che fissano il sistema di ritenuta per bambini migliorato al veicolo devono essere strette, le cinghie del bambino devono essere adattate al suo corpo e non devono essere attorcigliate.!Dopo aver messo il bambino nel sistema di ritenuta per bambini migliorato, utilizzare correttamente la cintura di sicurezza e assicurarsi che la cinghia addominale sia indossata in basso in modo da sostenere il bacino.!Il sistema di ritenuta del bambino migliorato o la base devono essere sostituiti se sono stati sottoposti a violenti sollecitazioni in caso di incidente. Un incidente può causare danni impossibili da notare.!Considerare il pericolo di apportare modifiche o aggiunte al dispositivo senza l'approvazione dell'autorità di omologazione e il pericolo di non seguire attentamente le istruzioni di installazione fornite dal produttore del sistema di ritenuta per bambini.!Tenere il sistema di ritenuta per bambini migliorato lontano dalla luce del sole per evitare di causare ustioni alla pelle del bambino. Toccare sempre il sistema di ritenuta per bambini migliorato prima di far sedere il bambino. !Non lasciare il bambino incustodito nel sistema di ritenuta per bambini migliorato.!I bagagli o altri oggetti che potrebbero causare lesioni in caso di collisione devono essere fissati adeguatamente.!Il sistema di ritenuta per bambini migliorato non deve essere utilizzato senza il rivestimento imbottito.!Il rivestimento imbottito deve essere sostituito con altri consigliati dal produttore, in quanto costituiscono parte integrante delle prestazioni del sistema di ritenuta.!NON utilizzare alcun carico sui punti di contatto diversi da quelli descritti nelle istruzioni e contrassegnati sul sistema di ritenuta per bambini migliorato.!Prima di acquistare questo sistema di ritenuta per bambini migliorato, assicurarsi che possa essere installato correttamente nel veicolo.!NESSUN sistema di ritenuta per bambini migliorato è in grado di garantire una protezione completa da lesioni in caso di incidenti. Tuttavia, l’uso corretto del sistema di ritenuta per bambini migliorato riduce il rischio di !NON installare il sistema di ritenuta per bambini migliorato senza osservare le istruzioni del presente manuale. Si potrebbero causare lesioni o decesso.!NON utilizzare questo sistema di ritenuta per bambini migliorato se presenta danni o parti mancanti.!NON vestire il bambino con indumenti troppo grandi, in quanto si potreb-be impedire al bambino di essere correttamente e saldamente allacciato con le cinture per le spalle e la cintura spartigambe.!NON lasciare questo sistema di ritenuta per bambini migliorato o altri elementi non allacciati all'interno del veicolo in quanto possono essere sbalzati, con conseguenti lesioni per i passeggeri in una curva brusca, un arresto improvviso o un urto.!Non posizionare il sistema di ritenuta per bambini migliorato nei sedili in cui è installato un airbag anteriore attivo. Potrebbero verificarsi lesioni gravi o il decesso. Per ulteriori informazioni, fare riferimento al manuale del veicolo.!NON utilizzare un sistema di ritenuta per bambini migliorato di seconda mano o del quale non si conoscono i precedenti perché potrebbe avere danni strutturali che mettono in pericolo la sicurezza del bambino.!NON utilizzare corde o simili per fissare il sistema di ritenuta per bambini migliorato nel veicolo o bloccare il bambino nel sistema di ritenuta miglio-rato.!NON utilizzare cuscini interni diversi da quelli consigliati per questo sistema di ritenuta per bambini migliorato.!Assicurarsi che il sistema di ritenuta per bambini migliorato sia installato in modo tale che nessun componente interferisca con i seggiolini movibili o con il funzionamento degli sportelli del veicolo.!Rimuovere la culla portatile e la base dal sedile del veicolo se non ven-gono usati frequentemente.!Rivolgersi al rivenditore per problemi relativi a manutenzione, riparazione e sostituzione dei pezzi.!Per evitare il rischio di caduta, proteggere sempre il bambino conl'apposita cintura quando viene posto nella culla portatile, anche quando il sistema di ritenuta per bambini migliorato non è nel veicolo.!Prima di trasportare a mano la culla portatile, assicurarsi che il bambino sia bloccato con l'apposita cintura e che la maniglia sia correttamente bloccata in posizione verticale.!Per evitare lesioni gravi o decesso, NON collocare la culla portatile su superfici elevate con il bambino all'interno.!I componenti del sistema di ritenuta per bambini migliorato non devono essere mai lubrificati.!Fissare il sistema di ritenuta per bambini migliorato, anche per brevi viaggi, ovvero quando si verificano la maggior parte degli incidenti. !NON usare questo sistema di ritenuta per bambini miglioratoper oltre 5 anni dalla data di acquisto, in quanto i componenti si degradano nel tempo o in seguito all'esposizione alla luce solare e potrebbero non funzionare correttamente in caso di incidente.!Controllare frequentemente la presenza di sporcizia nelle guide ISOFIX e pulirle se necessario. L’affidabilità può essere ridotta dalla penetrazione di sporcizia, polvere, residui di cibo, ecc.!NON collocare oggetti sulla superficie della base.EmergenzaIn caso di emergenza o incidenti, è estremamente importante portare il bambino al pronto soccorso per cure mediche immediate.Informazioni sul prodotto"i-Size" (sistemi universali di ritenuta integrale per bambini migliorato ISOFIX) è una categoria di sistema di ritenuta per bambini migliorato utilizzabile in tutte le posizioni di seduta i-Size di un veicolo.1.In conformità alla normativa ECE R129/01, la culla portatile conbase è un sistema di ritenuta per bambini migliorato universaleISOFIX Classe C, D e deve essere montato con attacchi ISOFIX.2.È un sistema di ritenuta per bambini migliorato “i-Size”. Èomologato alla normativa ECE R129/01, per l'uso in posizioni dei sedili dei veicoli “compatibili i-Size”, come indicato dal produttore nel manuale dell'utente del veicolo.3.In caso di dubbi, consultare il produttore o il rivenditore del sistemadi ritenuta per bambini migliorato. È un SISTEMA DI RITENUTA PER BAMBINI MIGLIORATO i-Size ISOFIX.È omologato alla serie di emendamenti ECE R129/01 (a oggi nontutti i manuali del produttore del veicolo includono la compatibilitài-Size). Questo seggiolino e la base sono omologati per l'uso in veicoli compatibili ISOFIX. Fare riferimento al sito del produttore del veicolo o consultare il rivenditore.Possono essere montati su veicoli con posizioni omologate come posizioni i-Size ISOFIX (come specificato nel manuale del veicolo), a seconda della categoria del sistema di ritenuta per bambini migliorato e del dispositivo.Materiali Plastica, metallo, tessutoN.brevetto In attesa di brevetto!Questa culla portatile è adatta per sedili dei veicoli con punti diancoraggio i-Size ISOFIX con la base. 1!NON installare questo sistema di ritenuta per bambini migliorato su sedili dei veicoli rivolti lateralmente o verso la parte posteriore rispetto al senso di marcia del veicolo. 2 -1!NON posizionare il sistema di ritenuta per bambini migliorato rivolto in senso contrario di marcia sul sedile anteriore se sono presenti airbag 2 -2. Potrebbero verificarsi lesioni gravi o decesso. Per ulteriori informazioni, fare riferimento al manuale del veicolo.!Si raccomanda di installare questo sistema di ritenuta per bambinimigliorato sul sedile posteriore del veicolo. 2 -3vedere le figure 1 - 2La maniglia della culla portatile può essere regolata in 2 posizioni. 3Posizione 1 P osizione per trasportoin auto, con maniglia o passeggino.Posizione 2 P osizione seggiolino.Per regolare la maniglia, premere i pulsanti della maniglia su entrambi i lati per rilasciarla 4 -1, quindiruotare la maniglia finché non scatta in una delle 2 posizioni. 4 -2vedere le figure 3 - 46.Spingere verso il basso la cullaportatile nella base 10. Se il sistema di ritenuta per bambini migliorato èfissato, l'indicatore di blocco del sistema di ritenuta per bambini migliorato è verde. 11!Sollevare la culla portatile per assicurarsi che sia bloccata saldamente nella base.7.Premere il pulsante di sgancio della base e spingere di nuovo la base contro il sedile del veicolo finchénon è stretta. 128.Per rilasciare il modulo cullaportatile, sollevarlo 13 -2 modulo culla portatile. 13 -19.Per rimuovere la base, premere il 14 -1 ISOFIX 14 -2 prima di rimuovere la base dal sedile del veicolo. 14Controllare che le bretelle sianoall'altezza appropriata. Scegliere un paio adeguato di fessure per cinture per le spalle in base all'altezza del bambino.!La parte inferiore del poggiatesta deve essere allineata con il punto più alto della spalla del bambino, come mostrato in 15, mai sopra la linea della spalla. 16!Se le bretelle non sono all'altezzaappropriata, il bambino potrebbeessere espulso dal sistema di ritenuta per bambini migliorato incaso di incidente.vedere le figure 21 - 251.Premendo il pulsante di regolazione cintura, tirare completamente le due cinture per le spalle della culla portatile. 212.Sganciare la fibbia delle bretelle premendo il pulsante rosso. 223.Mettere il bambino nella culla portatile e agganciare la fibbia.23E 244.Serrare le cinture per le spalle tirando il regolatore. 251.del supporto capottina 282.supporto capottina. 29vedere le figure 28 - 39vedere le figure 26 - 273.per rimuovere la capottina. 3019204.Infilare la cintura per le spalle attraverso la relativa fessura. 385.Staccare le fasce elastiche sul retro del poggiatesta per rimuovere il rivestimento imbottito. 39Per rimontare il rivestimentoimbottito, invertire le procedure di cui sopra.! Lavare la fodera e l'imbottitura interna con acqua fredda sotto i 30°C.! Non stirare il rivestimento imbottito.! Non candeggiare e non lavare a secco il rivestimento imbottito.!Non usare un detergente non diluito, benzina o altri solventi organici per lavare la culla portatile o la base. Potrebbero danneggiare il sistema di ritenuta per bambini migliorato.! Non attorcigliare la fodera e l'imbottitura interna per asciugare. Si potrebbero lasciare grinze sulla fodera e l'imbottitura interna.! Appendere la fodera e l'imbottitura interna all'ombra per asciugare.!Rimuovere la culla portatile e la base dal sedile del veicolo se non vengono usati per un lungo periodo di tempo. Sistemare il sistema di ritenuta per bambini migliorato in un luogo fresco, asciutto e a cui il bambino non possa accedere.Allison Baby UK Ltd,Venture Point, Towers Business ParkRugeley, Staffordshire, WS15 1UZShare the joy at joie P-IM0511D_1。
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Addendum 128: Regulation No. 129
Corrigendum 1 – Amendment 1
Date of entry into force as an annex to the 1958 Agreement: 9 July 2013 Corrigendum 1 to the original version of the Regulation – Date of entry into force: 9 July 2013 [R129 C11] Supplement 1 to the original version of the Regulation – Date of entry into force: 26 January 2014 [R129s1-2] UNIFORM PROVISIONS CONCERNING THE APPROVAL OF ENHANCED CHILD RESTRAINT SYSTEMS USED ON BOARD OF MOTOR VEHICLES (ECRS) _____________
Reg 129 Consolidated to Supplement 1 (Amendment 1)Child Restraints System
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Reg 129 Consolidated to Supplement 1 (Amendment 1)Child Restraints System
4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Markings Approval General specifications Tests Test reports of type approval and of production qualification Production qualification Conformity of production and routine tests Modification and extension of approval of a Child Restraint System Penalties for non-conformity of production Production definitely discontinued Information for users Names and addresses of Technical Services responsible for conducting approval tests and of Type Approval Authorities
1. Scope This Regulation applies (in its Phase 1) to Integral Universal ISOFIX Child Restraint Systems (i-Size) and Integral "Specific vehicle Isofix" Child Restraint systems for child occupants of power driven vehicles. 2. 2.1. Definitions For the purposes of this Regulation, "Child Restraint System" (CRS) means a device capable of accommodating a child occupant in a sitting or supine position. It is so designed as to diminish the risk of injury to the wearer, in the event of a collision or of abrupt deceleration of the vehicle, by limiting the mobility of the child’s body. "Child restraint type" means a Child Restraint System which does not differ in such essential respects as: The category in which the restraint is type approved; The design, material and construction of the Child Restraint System. Convertible or modular Child Restraint Systems shall be considered to not differ in their design, material and construction. 2.3. "i-Size" (Integral Universal ISOFIX Child Restraint Systems) is a category of Child Restraint System for use in all i-Size seating position of a vehicle, as defined and approved according to Regulation Nos. 14 and 16. "Integral" is a class of Child Restraint System, meaning that the child is restrained only by components which comprise the Child Restraint System (e.g. strap harness, shield, etc.), and not by means connected directly to the vehicle (e.g; seat belt). "ISOFIX" is a system that provides a method of connecting a Child Restraint System to a vehicle. It is based on two vehicle anchorages and two corresponding attachments on the Child Restraint System in conjunction with a means to limit the pitch rotation of the Child Restraint System. All three vehicle anchorages are to be approved according to Regulation No. 14. "ISOFIX Universal" is an ISOFIX comprising either a top-tether or a support-leg, to limit the pitch rotation of the Child Restraint System, attached to, or supported by, the corresponding vehicle. "Specific vehicle ISOFIX " is a category of Child Restraint System connecting to specific vehicle types. All vehicle anchorages are to be approved according to Regulation No. 14. It is also an indication for Child Restraint Systems including dashboard as a vehicle contact zone. "Size" indicates the stature of the Child for whom the Child Restraint System has been designed and approved. Child restraint systems may cover any size range provided that all requirements are fulfilled. "Orientation" indicates a direction in which a Child Restraint System has been approved for use. The following distinctions are made: (a) (b) Forward-facing means facing in the normal direction of travel of the vehicle; Rearward-facing means facing in the direction opposite to the normal direction of travel of the vehicle;
Regulation No. 127
Uniform provisions concerning the approval of enhanced Child Restraint Systems used on board of motor vehicles (ECRS) Contents 1. 2. 3. Scope Definitions Application for approval
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