珍珠鸟饲养方法Pearl birds, also known as Lady Gouldian finches, are colorful and beautiful birds that are popular pets for bird enthusiasts. They are native to Australia and are known for their vibrant plumage, including a wide range of colors such as red, green, purple, and blue. These birds are also highly social and are best kept in pairs or small groups.珍珠鸟,又称为姑德鸟,是一种色彩丰富、美丽的鸟类,深受鸟类爱好者的喜爱。
When it comes to the care and feeding of pearl birds, it is important to provide them with a spacious and clean living environment. This includes a large cage or aviary that allows them plenty of room to fly and exercise. Additionally, it is important to provide them with a balanced diet that includes a variety of seeds, fresh fruits, and vegetables. It is also essential to keep their water source clean and fresh at all times to ensure their health and well-being.在照料和喂养珍珠鸟时,重要的是要为它们提供宽敞、清洁的生活环境。
2013年 4月 April2013岩 矿 测 试 ROCKANDMINERALANALYSIS文章编号:0254 5357(2013)02 0263 06Vol.32,No.2 263~268不同颜色的淡水养殖珍珠呈色机理研究严 俊1,胡仙超2,王巨安1,严雪俊1,胡丹静1,刘培钧1,方诗彬1(1.浙江省质量检测科学研究院黄金珠宝检测中心,浙江 杭州 310013; 2.浙江工业大学分析测试中心,浙江 杭州 310014)摘要:珍珠的呈色机理一直存在有机物致色学说与微量金属离子致色学说,鉴于有机物致色机理与物体本身结构无关及珍珠中微量金属元素的测定,这些理论用于解释珍珠时呈色存在明显的局限,直至目前珍珠的呈色机理尚无定论。
结果表明:不同颜色珍珠的红外光谱无明显差异;粉色珍珠中 Ti、Fe、Mg与 Cu的含量较白色与紫色珍珠高,白色珍珠中 Mn的含量较粉色珍珠高;粉色与白色珍珠中 Ti、Fe、Cu的含量差异较大,但紫色与白色珍珠中 Ti、Fe、Cu的含量几乎接近;不同颜色珍珠的研磨粉体的颜色基本一致,反射主波长为(582±1)nm,说明珍珠内有机质与致色金属元素不应是珍珠呈色差异的主要原因。
关键词:淡水养殖珍珠;呈色机理;化学组成;微结构;光子晶体中图分类号:P574文献标识码:A珍珠是一类天然的有机宝石,由大约 95%的天 然生物成因矿物碳酸钙及 5%的蛋白质与多糖类有 机高分子物质组成,其中珍珠中碳酸钙的晶型因珍 珠的质地、生长环境的不同而表现为文石、方解石、 球文石或两种混合晶型 。
2. 珍珠在沙里孕育,我们的爱情在时间里沉淀。
3. 珍珠有光泽,你的微笑也是如此美丽。
4. 珍珠是不朽的经典,我们的爱情也将永恒不变。
5. 珍珠是独一无二的,你就是我的唯一。
6. 珍珠需要细心呵护,我们的爱情也需要珍惜和守护。
7. 珍珠是温柔的象征,你在我身边让我感受到了爱的温馨。
8. 珍珠是精致优雅的,你的优雅和温柔让我为你所倾倒。
9. 珍珠是美的象征,你的美丽和温柔让我感受到了爱的美好。
10. 珍珠是爱情的象征,你就是我的爱情珍珠。
- 1 -。
珍珠奶茶 英文作文
珍珠奶茶英文作文英文:Pearl milk tea, also known as bubble tea, is a popular drink that originated in Taiwan. It is made with black tea, milk, and tapioca pearls. The pearls are small, chewy balls that add a unique texture to the drink.I personally love pearl milk tea because it is a refreshing and satisfying drink. The combination of the sweet milk and the chewy pearls make for a delicious treat. It is also a great drink to have on a hot day or after a meal.One thing to keep in mind when ordering pearl milk tea is to specify the sweetness level. Some places make the drink very sweet, while others make it less sweet. It's important to find the right balance for your taste preferences.Another thing to consider is the size of the pearls. Some places offer larger pearls, while others offer smaller ones. It's all about personal preference, but I prefer smaller pearls because they are easier to chew.Overall, pearl milk tea is a tasty and enjoyable drink that I highly recommend trying.中文:珍珠奶茶,也被称为泡沫茶,是一种起源于台湾的流行饮料。
The Pearl 珍珠Kino, a poor fisherman, has just found a very large and valuable pearl and is going to the nearest town to sell it. He needs money urgently to get medical help for his baby who has just been stung by a scorpion. Before Kino found the pearl, the only doctor available had refused to treat the baby because Kino could not afford to pay for the treatment.奇诺是个穷渔夫,他刚发现一颗价值连城,硕大无比的珍珠。
A town is a thing like a colonial animal.A town has a nervous system and a head and shoulders and feet. A town is a thing separate from all other towns, so that there are no two towns alike. And a town has a whole emotion. How news travels through a town is a mystery not easily to be solved. News seems to move faster than small boys can scramble and dart to tell it, faster than women can call it over the fences.一个镇就像群居的动物,它有神经系统、头、肩膀、脚。
仿似凤凰飞舞的活灵线条,奢侈地镶有800颗共重约18克拉的圆形切割 钻石,搭配120颗的南洋珠与日本养珠,每一年绝不缺席地为新任的环 球皇后增添美丽。
以凤凰为灵感的钻石别针,表现的是如羽毛般的层次感,也隐喻出生命 的重生及延续,就如同浴火凤凰般地永恒。而融入Art Deco装饰主义新 思维的春季商品,活泼的线条及串接形式,则让典雅的真珠饰品多了摩 登的气质。
采用多种金属及宝石制造,包括18K黄金、18K白金及铂金、共重3.48卡 钻石、8.47卡蓝宝石、0.70卡绿宝石及41粒珍贵日本养珠,尺寸长3.25 厘米及阔8.75厘米。
「矢车」(Yaguruma)首次出现于1937年的巴黎万国博览会,令人惊艳之处, 除了华美的珠宝镶工,透过细密精准的构造关节,小小的一只和服扣带,只需 简单的道具辅佐,就能拆组出12件不同的饰品,诸如发簪、胸针、戒指、项链 坠饰等,也可看出当时工匠成熟而缜密的工艺巧技。而这只深获国际媒体热烈 报导的作品,在确定于巴黎售出后,从此仿若消失一般,无人再见其踪影;直 到50年后(1989年)的纽约苏富比珠宝拍卖会场中,才「奇迹」似地再现芳踪 ,最后「物归原主」,由御木本家族重新购回,现今珍藏于Mikimoto位于珍珠岛 的真珠博物馆中。
关于御木本幸吉,有各种传说,据说日本早期的养珠业者, 普遍对于品质控管不重视,以致国际对于当地的真珠有着 日本的真珠就如同廉价玩具」的说法。御木先生为了更正 视听,特地在有国际媒体聚集的神户商工会议所前烧毁将 近135公斤的劣质真珠,除了对不自爱的「同行」提出抗议, 也强调出自身对于真珠的热爱与感情,因此在御木本幸吉所 创立的真珠品牌Mikimoto中,采集的真珠总数里,只有10% 能真正通过严格的选珠标准,在日本除了被认定为母亲留给 女儿最珍贵的嫁妆,在1924年时也获得日本皇室的认同, 成为皇室御用的珠宝店。
写珍珠特色的作文英语Title: The Allure of Pearls。
Pearls, exquisite gems of the sea, possess a timeless charm that captivates the hearts of many. Their unique luster, delicate beauty, and rich symbolism have made them coveted treasures throughout history. In this essay, we delve into the distinctive characteristics of pearls and explore the reasons behind their enduring appeal.First and foremost, pearls are renowned for their natural elegance and ethereal glow. Formed within the depths of oysters, they possess a soft, iridescent sheen that sets them apart from other gemstones. This natural radiance is a result of their unique composition, consisting mainly of calcium carbonate and organic substances. Unlike faceted gems, pearls boast a smooth, lustrous surface that reflects light in a subtle yet mesmerizing manner. This inherent luminosity lends them an aura of sophistication and grace, making them the perfectadornment for any occasion.Moreover, pearls carry profound symbolism across various cultures and traditions. In many ancient societies, they were revered as symbols of purity, wisdom, and prosperity. The spherical shape of pearls symbolizes perfection and harmony, while their formation within the depths of the ocean represents transformation and renewal. In some cultures, pearls are also associated with love and romance, often given as tokens of affection or worn by brides on their wedding day. The rich symbolism attached to pearls endows them with a sense of mystique and significance, elevating their status beyond mere jewelry to objects of profound cultural significance.Furthermore, pearls possess a remarkable versatility that adds to their allure. Unlike other gemstones that require cutting and polishing, pearls emerge from the sea fully formed, each with its own unique shape, size, and color. From classic white pearls to rare black pearls, they come in a myriad of hues, allowing for endlesspossibilities in design and style. Whether adorning asimple strand necklace or embellishing a couture gown,pearls effortlessly complement any ensemble, lending an air of sophistication and refinement to the wearer. Their timeless appeal transcends fleeting trends, making them a perennial favorite among fashion connoisseurs and style enthusiasts alike.In addition to their aesthetic appeal, pearls also possess practical qualities that contribute to their desirability. Due to their organic origin, they are lightweight and comfortable to wear, making them ideal for everyday use. Moreover, pearls are relatively durable and resistant to scratches, ensuring that they retain their beauty for generations to come. With proper care and maintenance, pearls can withstand the test of time, becoming cherished heirlooms that are passed down from one generation to the next. This inherent durability adds to their value and makes them a wise investment for collectors and enthusiasts.In conclusion, pearls are more than just exquisite gems; they are timeless symbols of beauty, elegance, and grace.From their natural luster to their profound symbolism, pearls possess a unique allure that transcends cultural and temporal boundaries. Whether worn as a fashion statement or cherished as a symbol of love and tradition, pearls continue to enchant and inspire admirers around the world. In a world of fleeting trends and ephemeral beauty, pearls stand as enduring symbols of timeless elegance and sophistication.。
1) I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you.我爱你,不是因为你是一个怎样的人,而是因为我喜欢与你在一起时的感觉。
2) The worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right beside them knowing you can‘t have them.失去某人,最糟糕的莫过于,他近在身旁,却犹如远在天边。
3)Don‘t try so hard, the best things come when you least expect them to.不要着急,最好的总会在最不经意的时候出现。
4)10.the best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today.对明天做好的准备就是今天做到最好5)Be sure that you have never had any regrets in your life which only lasts for a few decades. Laugh or cry as you like, and it is meaningless to oppress yourself.人生短短几十年,不要给自己留下了什么遗憾,想笑就笑,想哭就哭,该爱的时候就去爱,无谓压抑自己。
6)*Remember what should be remembered, and forget what should be forgotten. Alter what is changeable, and accept what is mutable.记住该记住的,忘记该忘记的。
改变能改变的,接受不能改变的.7)Search for knowledge,read more,sit on your front porch and admire the view without paying attention to your needs.(寻找更多的知识,多读一些书,坐在你家的前廊里,以赞美的眼光去享受眼前的风景,不要带上任何功利的想法。
珍珠鸟的英语作文The Pearl Bird: A Symbol of Delicate BeautyIn the realm of avian wonders, few birds capture the essence of grace and elegance quite like the pearl bird. These small, exquisite creatures are known for their delicate plumage that often shimmers with iridescent hues, resembling the luster of a pearl, hence their name. In this essay, Iwill delve into the characteristics of the pearl bird, their significance in various cultures, and the conservationefforts that are crucial for their survival.Pearl birds, scientifically known as Spindalis, are primarily found in the Caribbean region, with some species extending their range to Central and South America. They are a part of the tanager family, and their vibrant colors serve a dual purpose: attracting mates and warning potential predators of their toxicity. The males, in particular, display a striking contrast of black and white feathers, while the females are more subdued in coloration, showcasing a less vibrant palette.Culturally, the pearl bird has been a symbol of love and fidelity in many indigenous societies. Their monogamous nature and the males' elaborate courtship displays have often been a source of inspiration for poets and artists. In some regions, the pearl bird's feathers have been used in traditional attire and ceremonies, highlighting theirimportance as more than just a beautiful creature.However, the pearl bird faces numerous threats to its existence. Habitat loss due to deforestation and the introduction of invasive species are significant challenges. Conservation efforts are underway to protect these birds and their ecosystems. Establishing protected areas, promoting sustainable forestry practices, and raising public awareness about the importance of biodiversity are all part of a comprehensive strategy to ensure the pearl bird's survival.In conclusion, the pearl bird is not just a beautiful avian species but also a symbol of ecological health and cultural heritage. Their preservation is a testament to our commitment to protecting the natural world and its many wonders. As we continue to learn more about these fascinating creatures, we are reminded of the delicate balance thatexists between humans and the environment, and the importance of our role as stewards of the earth.。
仿写珍珠物语作文大全Pearl, the precious gem that comes from the depths of the sea, has always captivated the human imagination with its lustrous beauty and timeless allure. 珍珠,这种来自海洋深处的珍贵宝石,一直以它光彩照人的美丽和永恒的诱惑力迷住了人类的想象力。
The story of pearls has been celebrated in literature, art, and legends for centuries, symbolizing purity, wisdom, and love. 珍珠的故事已经在文学、艺术和传说中被赞颂了数个世纪,它象征着纯洁、智慧和爱。
The allure of pearls is not just their physical beauty, but also the labor-intensive process of their creation and the legends that surround them. 珍珠的诱惑不仅仅是它们的外在美丽,而且还有它们创造出的繁重过程以及围绕它们的传说。
From the hardship of oysters deep in the ocean to the artistry of jewelry crafting, pearls have a story to tell that is as fascinating as its own luster. 从深海蛤蜊的艰辛到珠宝制作的工艺,珍珠有一个与其自身光泽一样迷人的故事要讲述。
The discovery of a pearl is often seen as a rare and fortuitous event, as if nature itself has bestowed a gift upon the lucky finder. 珍珠的发现常常被视为一次罕见而幸运的事件,仿佛大自然本身给予了幸运的发现者一份礼物。
天上落下来的珍珠读后感English Answer:"A Pearl from the Heavens" is a poignant and reflective exploration of love, loss, and the enduring bonds that transcend time and physical boundaries. The author'sskillful storytelling and evocative language transport the reader to a world of ethereal beauty and profound emotions.The central character, a young woman named Xi'er, embarks on a transformative journey that begins with the loss of her beloved husband and culminates in a profound understanding of the true nature of love and the eternal connection that exists between souls. Throughout her journey, Xi'er grapples with grief, longing, and the search for meaning in the face of adversity.The author employs a lyrical and symbolic language to convey the depth of Xi'er's emotions and the profound experiences she encounters. Xi'er's journey is portrayed asa descent into an underworld, a realm of darkness and despair, where she must confront her own shadows and find the strength to rise above her pain. The pearl, a symbol of hope and resilience, becomes a beacon guiding her through the darkness and reminding her of the enduring bond she has with her departed husband.The story is not simply about personal loss and grief, but also about the power of love to transcend theboundaries of time and mortality. Xi'er's journeyultimately leads her to a place of acceptance and understanding, where she recognizes that love does not end with death, but rather transforms into a different form of existence. The pearl becomes a symbol of this eternal connection, a reminder that the bonds forged between souls are unbreakable.The author's writing is both poetic and philosophical, inviting the reader to contemplate the nature of love, loss, and the meaning of life. "A Pearl from the Heavens" is a deeply moving and thought-provoking work that lingers long after the final page is turned. It is a testament to theenduring power of love and the human spirit's resilience in the face of adversity.Chinese Answer:“天上落下来的珍珠”是一篇感人至深的文学作品,探讨了爱情、失去和超越时间和物理界限的持久纽带。
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介绍珍珠奶茶英语作文Pearl milk tea, also known as boba tea or bubble tea, has become a globally loved dessert drink. Originating from Taiwan in the 1980s, it has since spread to various countries around the world, capturing the hearts of many with its unique combination of sweet, milky, and chewy flavors.The essence of pearl milk tea lies in its two main components: the "pearls" and the milk tea. The "pearls," also known as bobas or tapioca balls, are small, chewyballs made from tapioca starch. They are usually cooked in a sugar syrup, giving them a sweet and slightly sticky texture. The milk tea, on the other hand, is a blend of black or green tea, milk, and sugar, creating a smooth and creamy base for the pearls to float in.The process of making pearl milk tea is both artful and meticulous. The tapioca balls must be cooked to the perfect consistency, ensuring they are neither too hard nor too soft. The milk tea is also carefully crafted, with theright ratio of tea, milk, and sugar to achieve the perfect balance of flavors.One of the appealing aspects of pearl milk tea is its customizability. Many shops offer a wide range of flavors and toppings, allowing customers to personalize their drinks according to their preferences. Whether you prefer a classic milk tea with tapioca pearls or a fruity variation with jellies and fruits, there's something for everyone.Pearl milk tea has also become a popular trend in recent years, with many shops offering unique and innovative variations. From matcha green tea to taro milk tea, the possibilities are endless. The drink's popularity has also led to the emergence of boba shops that专门卖珍珠奶茶, becoming a popular hangout for friends and families. However, the popularity of pearl milk tea is not just limited to its taste. The drink has also gained popularity for its social aspect. Many people enjoy sharing a cup of boba tea with friends, chatting and bonding over this sweet and chewy treat. The act of drinking boba tea has also become a cultural experience, with many people sharingtheir love for the drink on social media and even starting their own boba tea businesses.In conclusion, pearl milk tea is a globally loved dessert drink that has captured the hearts of many with its unique combination of flavors and chewy texture. Its customizability and social aspect have also contributed to its popularity, making it a popular choice for both individuals and businesses. Whether you're enjoying a cupby yourself or sharing it with friends, there's no denying that pearl milk tea is a delicious and enjoyable experience. **珍珠奶茶:深受全球喜爱的甜品饮料**珍珠奶茶,又称波霸奶茶或珍珠茶,已成为全球深受喜爱的甜品饮料。
情感语录英语翻译1. "The heart has its reasons which reason knows not of." - Blaise Pascal(心有其理,理智不知。
——布莱士·帕斯卡)2. "To love or have loved, that is enough. Ask nothingfurther. There is no other pearl to be found in the darkfolds of life." - Victor Hugo(爱或被爱,这就足够了。
——维克多·雨果)3. "Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies." - Aristotle(爱是由一个灵魂占据两个身体的组成。
——亚里士多德)4. "The course of true love never did run smooth." - William Shakespeare(真爱的道路从不平坦。
——威廉·莎士比亚)5. "If I know what love is, it is because of you." - Hermann Hesse(如果我知道爱是什么,那是因为你。
——赫尔曼·黑塞)6. "Love is not finding someone to live with; it's finding someone you can't live without." - Unknown(爱不是找到一个和你一起生活的人;而是找到一个没有他你就活不下去的人。
——佚名)7. "The best thing to hold onto in life is each other." - Audrey Hepburn(生活中最好的东西就是彼此。
情感名句英语翻译1. "The course of true love never did run smooth." - William Shakespeare真爱的道路从不会一帆风顺。
2. "Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies." - Aristotle爱情是由一个灵魂栖息在两个身体中组成的。
3. "To love or have loved, that is enough. Ask nothing further. There is no other pearl to be found in the darkfolds of life." - Victor Hugo去爱或被爱,那就足够了。
4. "If I know what love is, it is because of you." - Hermann Hesse如果我知道什么是爱,那是因为你。
5. "Love is not finding someone to live with; it's finding someone you can't live without." - Unknown爱情不是找到一个一起生活的人;而是找到一个你无法与之分离的人。
6. "The best and most beautiful things in this world cannot be seen or even heard but must be felt with the heart." - Helen Keller这个世界上最好和最美丽的东西是看不见、听不见的,而必须用心去感受。
婚姻情感语录英语怎么说1. "Love is the essence of marriage, and marriage is the commitment to love."(爱是婚姻的精髓,婚姻是对爱的承诺。
)2. "In marriage, it's not about finding the right person, but creating a right relationship."(在婚姻中,重要的不是找到对的人,而是创造对的关系。
)3. "Marriage is a journey of two hearts, intertwined in love and respect."(婚姻是两颗心在爱与尊重中交织的旅程。
)4. "True love in marriage is not about finding someone perfect, but learning to see an imperfect person perfectly."(真正的婚姻爱情不是找到完美的人,而是学会完美地看待一个不完美的人。
)5. "Marriage is not just a promise, it's a promise to keep promises."(婚姻不仅仅是一个承诺,它是保持承诺的承诺。
)6. "A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person."(一个成功的婚姻需要多次坠入爱河,总是与同一个人。
)7. "The best thing to give your spouse is not diamonds or pearls, but your presence and your time."(给你的伴侣最好的礼物不是钻石或珍珠,而是你的陪伴和时间。
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七夕写给对象的小作文模板英文回答:My dearest love,。
On this enchanting night of Qixi, the ChineseValentine's Day, I find myself penning down these heartfelt words to express the boundless love that fills my heart for you.Tonight, as the stars shimmer above us like celestial pearls, I am reminded of the ancient myth that brought this special night into being. The tale of the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl, separated by the Milky Way, yet eternally connected by their love, has always resonated deeply with me. Just as the Cowherd would gaze up at the Weaver Girl, his longing reflected in the twinkling stars, so too do I look up at the heavens, my heart filled with an unquenchable desire for your presence.Your eyes, my love, are like two radiant stars, illuminating my path even in the darkest of nights. Your smile, like a warm summer breeze, fills me with a sense of joy and contentment. Your voice, sweet as birdsong, brings solace to my soul, calming the storms within.With you by my side, I feel invincible, as though I could conquer any obstacle life throws our way. Your loveis my armor, my shield, my sanctuary. It empowers me to face the challenges of the world with unwavering courage and determination.Tonight, as the world celebrates the enduring power of love, I want to profess my unwavering devotion to you. You are the love of my life, the soulmate I have always longed for. With every beat of my heart, I cherish the bond we share, knowing that it is a treasure more precious than any worldly possession.Through the years, we have shared countless moments of laughter, joy, and adventure. We have navigated life's challenges together, supporting each other through thickand thin. Each memory we create strengthens the unbreakable bond between us, making our love more profound with each passing day.Tonight, as the stars dance above us, I promise to love you unconditionally, to cherish every moment we have together, and to work tirelessly to make your dreams a reality. May our love continue to shine brighter than the stars in the night sky, an eternal testament to the powerof two hearts united in love.I love you, my dearest love, now and forevermore.中文回答:亲爱的,。
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品牌定位: 互love珍珠,来自于大海深处的精华,不受 尘世的污染,洁白亮丽,圆满嫩滑,代表一种优 雅和华贵,目标群体是25——40岁,为人子女 又生为人父人母的人,是他们送给妈妈的首选礼 物,是让妈妈重新找回年轻、自信的最佳选择, 是子女内心深处最纯真的感恩之情。
• 品牌风格: • 形状:每一颗都是饱满的圆 • 颜色:每一粒都是纯洁的白 • 触感:每一寸都是柔和的滑 • 味道:每一方都是清新的海 • 设计:每一串都是独特的爱
一段日子之后,嫁人的小河蚌也有了自 己的宝宝,是一只更小的、更漂亮的河蚌, 于是,小河蚌学着河蚌妈妈制作珍珠的方法, 也开始为她的小小河蚌研磨珍珠,只为了让 小小河蚌一直漂亮下去。在制作珍珠的过程 中,小河蚌深刻地体会到了当年河蚌妈妈的 艰辛,也感受到了妈妈那份浓浓的爱,她开 始想念河蚌妈妈了。于是,她带着小小河蚌 来到河蚌妈妈的身边,她第一次看到妈妈如 此苍老和落寞,她暗暗下定决心,要为妈妈 制作出最美的珍珠项链。
• 品牌联想: • 传说在很久很久以前的一片深海里,有一只 漂亮的成年河蚌,一天,她产下一只同样漂亮 的小河蚌。为了让小河蚌一直这么漂亮下去, 河蚌妈妈每天都从海底挑选最美丽的小石子, 把它们磨成白白的粉末,再用自己身上分泌的 粘液来搅拌,做成一颗颗又圆又滑的白珍珠, 然后串成一串串漂亮的项链、手链给小河蚌戴, 使小河蚌一直拥有美丽的自信。然而,河蚌妈 妈身上分泌的粘液是用来保护她嫩滑的皮肤的, 她把粘液都拿来制作珍珠,皮肤很快就衰老了。
对于女人的一生来说,最重要的是青 春,而她们却心甘情愿把最美的青春献给 子女。作为子女的我们,终有一天也会为 人父母,或许直到那时,我们才能真正体 会到父母无私的爱,可母亲的青春早已不 再,我们唯一能做的,就是让她找回青春 的自信。一串珍珠项链,或许并不如千金 万银,但它却承载着我们对妈妈最深切的 感恩和最美好的祝福。妈妈爱我们,我们 也爱妈妈,我们和妈妈,是互相爱着的。 • 互love珍珠,送给妈妈的爱。
回家之后,小河蚌更专心地投入到制作珍珠的工作 中,她精心地挑选又亮又滑的小石子,耐心地把它们一 点一点磨成粉末,细心地用粘液把它们粘成一个一个均 匀的圆,在她的努力下,一串充满感激和感恩的珍珠项 链应运而生。当小河蚌把珍珠项链送到河蚌妈妈面前的 时候,河蚌妈妈眼里噙满了泪水,当小河蚌把珍珠项链 戴在河蚌妈妈脖子上的时候,河蚌妈妈笑了,笑得眼泪 一颗颗滑落,滴在珍珠上,使珍珠焕发出耀眼的光芒。 河蚌妈妈第一次觉得自己如此美丽,比年轻的时候更美 丽。河蚌妈妈和小河蚌相互依偎着,她们戴着互相送给 彼此的珍珠项链,两条项链都闪耀着亮丽的光彩,她们 成了大海里最美丽的母女,所有的爱,都藏在珍珠里, 只有戴的人才能感觉得到。
日子一天天过,小河蚌就这么美丽而快乐地成长着, 河蚌妈妈也这么不辞辛劳地制作着珍珠,直到女儿慢 慢长大,并且找到了伴侣。女儿结婚那天,河蚌妈妈 日夜兼程,比以往更细致地制作着珍珠。终于,结婚 那天,河蚌妈妈把一串又圆润又亮丽的珍珠项链戴在 女儿的脖子上,当做嫁妆,此刻,女儿成为了大海里 最美丽的新娘。河蚌妈妈看着女儿漂漂亮亮地出嫁, 心里充满无限欢喜,但当她回到房间的时候,她突然 感到很孤独。她看着镜中的自己,斑白的头发,满脸 的皱纹,她这才意识到自己的容华早已老去。她突然 想为自己制作一条珍珠项链,或许那样可以让自己恢 复年轻,可是,无论她怎么努力,都再也分泌不出粘 液来了,她伤心地哭着,把自己关在房间里。
• 品牌名称:
互 love
• 品牌logo:
• 品牌口号:
Байду номын сангаас
• 品牌释义: • 互love,音同“who love?”可以解释为 “谁爱着?”,而在汉语中,又译为“互 爱”,即互相爱着。之所以取名为“互love 珍珠”,一方面,我们生产的产品为珍珠, 另一方面,还有一段与珍珠有关的感人故 事。
• 用感恩的心, • 感谢母亲的每份关怀; • 用感恩的心, • 感激母亲的无私奉献; • 互love珍珠, • 送给母亲满满的爱!
• 小组成员: • •
品牌承诺: 在工厂里,我们生产河蚌、胶线和构想; 在市场上,我们销售恩念。
• 品牌营销: • 1、广告 • (1)平面广告 • 时尚杂志、设计杂志…… • (2)电视广告
2、促销 (1)打折 节日打折、生日打折(母亲的生日礼物) (2)门店促销 现场设计、现场教艺(由专门的手工艺者 在销售点教顾客各种珍珠饰品的穿法) (3)搭售组合 项链和手链、项链和戒指、项链和耳环、 手链和戒指、手链和耳环、戒指和耳环、 ……
项 链 和 耳 环
手链和戒指 项链、手链、戒指和耳钉
• 3、网络行销 • (1)传播“互love珍珠”的故事 • 日志转载、微博转发 • (2)互love主页 • 每周小故事栏目——我与母亲的那些事 (来自于消费者与其母亲的故事) • 留言板专栏——消费者的意见和建议 • (3)淘宝网页 • 在淘宝网上销售