



1989年1月托福听力文字及对应答案PART AI. 1 lent him a book. [(B) He borrowed my book.2.Bob wan ted to be a doctor, but he became a teacher in stead. (D) Bob is a teacher.3.No one ever liste ns to a word I say. (C) People don't liste n whe n I speak.4.Gary's beginning to come around to my point of view. (A) Gary's starting to share my opinion.5.Get to the movie theater by seve n and you won't have to wait i n the ticket line.(C) If you go early, you can buy your ticket right away.6.This biography isn't half as well - written as the last one I read.(A)The last biography I read was much better tha n this one.7.What a won derful story! (A) The story is very enjoyable.8.George helped himself to ano ther piece of pie. (C) George took ano ther servi ng of pie.]9.On the bookshelf in the office is a dictio nary for every on e's use (A) An ybody can use the dictio nary in the office. |10.I'd like a larger suitcase tha n this one. (D) This suitcase isn't large eno ugh.II.Bill and Mary were en raged whe n their meeti ng was can celled. (D) Bill and Mary were angry about the can cellati on.12.How about keep ing the no ise level down in here? (A) You must try to be quieter.13.They are getting along fine in their new school (C) They are doing well in school.14.Typing the essay is the least of my worries. (D) Typing the essay is only a minor problem.15.I did n't discourage Pamela from doing her art project. (A) I wan ted Pamela to con ti nue her project.16.I suggest we keep the party for Beth as a surprise. (D) I don't think we should tell Beth about the party.17.Sarah wan ted to take a makeup exam. (B) Sarah hoped to take the test ano ther time.18.Are there eno ugh assig nment sheets to go around? (A) Does every one have a copy of the assig nment?19.Wasn ' t that the city busathd just pulled away! (A) I think that was the city bus, don't you?20.No one knows more about the subject tha n Polly. (C) She's well acqua in ted with the subject.1989年5月托福听力文字及对应答案PART A1.I've ordered a radio and the compa ny is supposed to ship it this week. (B) The radio I ordered should be sent this week.ura has to make up the exam in ati on. (C) Laura must take the test.3.You know who is going to be at the convention? (D) Have you any idea who will attend the convention4.Because Susa n was accepted by the state uni versity, her brother Ben applied there too.(B)Ben applied to the state uni versity because Susa n was accepted there.5.It's lucky Tommy's ball did n't go through the win dow. (D) Fort un ately, the ball did n't break the win dow.6.You want me to make just one copy of this, right? (D) I un dersta nd you'd like a sin gle copy of this.7.How cheerful the room looks with so many colorful posters. (D) I understand you'd like a single copy of this.8.Mike's coffee was cold. (A) Mike's drink was cold.9.I can run this projector There ' s really nothAgRoraking this projector is very easy for me.10.We have n't eno ugh flour to make bread. (D) We n eed more flour.11.I ' ve just got to get a new 佝I really need a new car.12.Sandra set up a display for the tow n's local history week. (A) San dra arran ged an exhibit for history week.13 There is no one who does n't have an opinion about someth ing. (C) Everyone has an opinion on somethi ng.14.If I had the money to spare, I'd be happy to lend it to you. (D) rm sorry I can't lend you the mon ey.15.The aroma of fresh pastry came to us from the kitche n. . (A) Some one was bak ing in the kitche n.16.Bob usually gets along with us. (A) We find Bob agreeable most of the time.17.Never before have I heard the professor gave such an in terest ing physics lecture.(B) This was the professor's best lecture yet.18.Barbara read so much that she can talk intelligently about almost any topic.(A) Barbara is in teresti ng to liste n to because she reads a lot.1989-1995 老老托福听力Part A单句文字材料及对应正确选项19.1 don't expect he ' II getCh ej o beone else will probably get the job.20. How do you account for it? (B) What's the expla natio n?_|1989年8月托福听力文字及对应答案Part A1.She n ever wakes up before her alarm goes off.(D) She always sleeps un til the alarm clock wakes her. |2.There is a tax on cloth ing in some states. (C) In certa in states clothes are subject to tax.3.The training program was difficult, but she got a lot out of it. (B) She lear ned a great deal from the program.4.He should be here in no time at all. (B) He'll probably arrive soon.5.Only if she gets her scholarship, can Karen afford to go to college. (C) Without a scholarship, Karen could n't go to college.6.Ron ald has to renew his passport because it is expired (B) He has to apply aga in for a passport.7.I thought I was late, but my watch was ten minu tes fast. (A) I was actually on time.8.An swers to the math test came easily to every one except Jerry. (C) Jerry had difficulty with the test.9.I think you should avoid tak ing that course this term. (A) It would be better not to take the course. |10.I suspect that shopkeeper may be dish on est. (D) I don't thi nk that shopkeeper is trustworthy.11.There is a fine if the reserved library books are even one hour overdue.(A) A fee is charged for reserved books retur ned even an hour late.12.Leslie wants to graduate early, so this semester she is taking as many credits as her department will allow her to.(B)Leslie has a heavier course load tha n usual this term.13.How busy you've been the last a few days! (B) You've had a lot to do recently.14.I was n't give n a copy of the catalog. (D) No one gave me a catalog.15.Mike in formed Susan about the school's NO SMOKING policy. (B) Mike talked to Susan regardi ng the new policy.16.The preside nt's speech was thought-provok ing, was n't it? (C) Don't you think the speech was stimulat in g?-117.Before long, we ' d all gotten to know one aero(A) We became friends quickly.18.She did n't want to undo the work she had started. (D) She did n't want to start all over aga in.19.The professor introduced himself to the new students. (C) The students met the professor.20.That's the last thi ng I needed(C) I certai nly did n't need that.1989年10月托福听力文字及对应答案Part A1.That's it for today; (C) That's all we'll do today.2.Robert is stopp ing by the bank to cash a check. (B) Robert is going to the bank to get some mon ey.3.She's left to go shopp ing. (D) She's gone to buy some thin gs.4.Your pen n eeds a refill, does n't it? (A) Don't you n eed a refill for your pen?5.Every one wants to take Professor Stanton's class. (A) Professor Stanton's course is very popular.6.Why don't we get together for dinner sometime? (C) Let's meet for dinner one of these days.7.Gary went to the dentist's about his broken tooth. (D) Why are the lectures held at four o'clock?8.Have you ever see n so many people at one of these lectures before" (C) This lecture is really crowded.9.You've got to do what is best for you. (A) Do what is most appropriate for you?10.I just arrived, but my suitcases were put on a later plane. (D) My baggage will arrive on another flight.11.He said the dormitory was n't full, and it wasn't. (B) There are still vaca nt rooms.12.Susan asked us to bring the slide projector. (D) We were supposed to bring the slide projector with us.13.He lacks discipli ne in his study habits. (A) His study habits are poor.14.The report is all ready to be typed. (B) The report can be typed now.15.We'll pick you up tomorrow at eight come what may. (A) No matter what, we'll come for you tomorrow.16.I wish the semester were over, but we still get a month to go. (B) I want the semester to end now.17.You mean you paid only ten dollars for that huge stack of books? (C) You got a lot of books for your mon ey.18.That kind of problem isn't completely unknown. (A) That is n't a totally new kind of problem.19.Professor Keen made us rewrite our essays in class. (A) We had to write our compositions over again.20.I can 'eteve you are not a physics major. (B) You certainly know a lot about physics.1990年1月托福听力文字及对应答案PART A1.I must have left my keys at my sister's house. (C) My keys are probably at my sister's house.]2.We need to arrive early for the graduation ceremony. (D) it ' s necessary for us to arrive at the ceremony early.3.Sarah spe nt twice as much time on computer as I do. (C) I use the computer half as much as Sara does.4.Let's listen to what Robert has to say. (B) We should pay attention to Robert.5.I told you two to cut it out. (A) Stop that!6.No one in the world could you expect to find a harder worker tha n Lois. (C) Lois works very hard.7.Dea n Williams was in vited by the college preside nt to address the faculty.(B) The preside nt asked Dea n Williams to speak to the faculty.8.I'll have this finished in a little while. ・(A) Soon I'll be finished.9.He's sick of his job. (A) He does n't like his work.10.Framed posters make interesting decorations, don't you think? (B) I believe framed posters are good for decorating.11.That's precisely the kind of camera I brought with me. (A) I brought a camera just like that one.12.If he' dnly give our quizzes back. (C) We wish he would return our quizzes.13.I did n't mea n to cause you so much trouble. (A) I'm sorry to have inconvenienced you.14.It's fun to sit in the stude nts' secti on at the football game. (D) I enjoy sitti ng with the stude nts at the game.15.There will be some one at the airport to meet us, won't there? (C) I believe that we'll be met at the airport.16.When will you ever learn! (C) Why do you keep on making the same mistakes?17.I don't recall lock ing my suitcase. (D) As far as I know, my suitcase should be ope n.18.To pay to see that movie would be foolish, when you can see it on television for nothing.(A)If you can see the movie on televisi on, why pay for it?19.I did n't know that both reports were due today. (B) I thought only one report was due.20.The classes should have shorter sessi ons. (C) The classes are too long.1990年5月托福听力文字及对应答案PART A1.Frank ren ted a car and drove to Dallas. (B) Frank drove to Dallas in a ren ted car.2.I saw her practici ng the viol in. (B) She was practici ng the violin whe n I saw her.3.He came over to our house just the other day. (A) He recen tly visited us.4.Sidney has a tooth removed. (C) The den tist pulled out Sidn ey's tooth.5.How on earth can you believe that? (D) You don't really believe that, do you?:6.The shop's closed for the ni ght. (D) The shops are closed un til tomorrow.7.I thought you would n't come to class today. (A) I did n't think you would be in class.8.Don failed physics and had to take it over. (D) He took physics again because he failed the first time.9.No sooner had the storm started tha n all the lights went out. (C) The lights went off just as the storm bega n.10.He's pla nning a graduatio n party for his sister on the 20th of the n ext mon th. (D) Next month on the twen tieth is the party.11.The bookstore is out of textbooks for French 102. (B) There are no more textbooks for French 102 in the bookstore.12.I really need to brush up on my math. (B) I need to improve my math skills.13.There is no body on campus who does n't know Irene. (B) Almost everybody knows Irene.14.He has a job on the side, preparing the laboratory every day for the next experiment.(A)He has part-time work in the laboratory.15.I can't deny that I was awful in the play. (A) I must admit that my performa nee was bad.16.Gloria has been knocking herself out on the project. (C) Gloria has been working very hard on the task.17.You are going to finish school this semester, aren't you? (A) Won't you be finished with school after this semester?18.Prof. Jenkins suggested that I use her n ame as a referen ce. (C) Professor Jenkins will recomme nd me.19.Should n't we be thinking about leavi ng for work? (A) Isn't it time we went to work?20.Lorraine's family was pleased by her thoughtful gift. (A) Lorraine gave her family a gift they liked.1990年8月托福听力文字及对应答案PART A1.She used to live in a dormitory, but now she has her own apartment(B) She has moved out of the dormitory.2.We'll probably be late for the con cert, won't we? (D) I think we'll miss the begi nning of the con cert.3.I' d better not go to bed because I haven* t finished my chemistry assignment. (B) I have to stay up to finish my chemistry.5.You gave me the right address for Bill's apartme nt, did n't you? (B) I hope you gave me Bill's correct address.6.Just down the street is a nice little gift shop. (D) There is a gift shop nearby.7.The sn ack bar has fresh fruit, right? (A) Does n't the sn ack bar sell fresh fruit?8.There are big sales going on in the department stores downtown this week according to Charlie.(C)Charlie told us about the sales in the stores dow ntow n.9.There is not a sin gle cloud in the sky this after noon. (B) It's sunny day today.10.Not one student in my class has studied painting before. (C) Nobody in the class has ever had any painting lessons.11.Beh ind the lecture hall is a small park ing lot. (C) The lecture hall is in front of a park ing lot.12.Lucy was offered a scholarship by the uni versity that was her first choice.(A) Lucy got a scholarship to the Uni versity of her Choice.13.Barbara discovered she was in eligible for the song con test. (D) She found out she could n't en ter the con test.14.Ted once worked there but no Ion ger does. (D) He does n't work there anymore.15.She replaced the broke n pane of glass. (B) She fixed the win dow.16.I guessed the right an swer. (B) I got the correct an swer by cha nee.17.I've promised to take Cathy some of this delicious tea. (A) I said rd take some of this tea to Cathy.18.Mary Ann, that's who makes the best soup. (C) Mary Ann makes outsta nding soup.19.The last pers on I want to see Is Jeff. (A) I don't want to see Jeff at all.20.Sarah used to teach psychology, but now she is a corporate statisticia n (D) Sarah has a differe nt job now.1990年10月托福听力文字及对应答案PART A1.Pat dropped the letter in the mailbox. (C) Pat mailed the letter.2.Fred gave the right answers to the question the instructor asked. (C) Fred's answers were correct.3.The trip was a won derful experie nee, don't you agree? (B) Was n't the trip marvelous?4.He ate two of them. (A) He had two to eat.5.Cheryl rarely goes with the group to the Saturday ni ght dan ces. (D) Cheryl seldom goes to the dan ces with the group.6.She has to buy a book bag for school.(A) She n eeds someth ing to carry her schoolbooks in.7.I ' decided to hang on to my textbooks form last year. (C) rm keeping my old textbooks.8.Carol works as a nu rse, but she would rather teach. (B) Carol wishes she were a teacher.9.If only this rain would stop. (B) I'm tired of the rain.10.Twelve people came, but half left early. (A) Six people left before the end.11.Through that door, you will find some one to help you. (C) You can get some one to assist you if you go in that door.12.Max felt sick and stayed home from school. (B) Max missed school because he was sick.13.Every one except Carrie voted for an exam in stead of a paper. (D) Everyone but Carrie preferred hav ing an exam.14.This tomato pla nt is still immature. (D) The tomato pla nt is n't completely developed.15.I ' smpposed to turn south at the corner, right? (C) Should n't I turn south at the corner?16.Steve wan ted a pair of table lamps, but got a floor lamp in stead.(A) Steve bought a floor lamp, though he'd pla nned to buy table lamps.17.I don't n eed to tell you to come alone, do I? (B) You know you should come by yourself, don't you?18.He ' turn his back on me if I ask for money. (A) When I need money, he won't help.19.I signed up for a month long course, but Kary signed up for one, that ei'hSweeks long.(B)My course is half as long as Katy's.20.He misread the recipe, so the stew he made tasted terrible. (D) He did n't follow the recipe for the stew.1991年1月托福听力文字及对应答案PART AI. 1 could n't hear her n ame clearly. (C) It was hard to hear her n ame.2.I would n't mind havi ng a roommate. (D) Having a roommate is all right with me.3.Little did she realize that the present was for her. (D) She didn ' t know that the present would be for her.4.I won der if you could shut the door. (A) Could you please close the door?5.We just can't get over the fact that Ted and Margie got married. (B) The fact that they got married still amazes us.6.I wish I had more time to spend with you. (A) it ' s too bad we have so little time together.7.I used to watch a lot of TV , but now I can't stand it. (A) Although I used to watch television a lot, I hate it now.8.On your right is the information booth. (D) You can get information over on the right.9.He fell dow n and hurt himself. (C) He was injured.10.What a long bus ride this is! (C) This bus ride takes a very long time.II.Jane wants to buy that painting? (B) Does Jane really wish to purchase that painting?12.Ruth liked Hen ry's watch so much that he bought himself one exactly like it. (D) Russ got a wat ch just like Henry13.You ' come right on time, won't you? (C) Please try to be prompt.14.Carrol was told that she had gained the top score. (A) Carol did better tha n anyone else.15.Stude nts out nu mbered teachers at the rally. (A) Carol did better tha n anyone else.16.No one could keep him from speaking. (C) He couldn ' t be prevented from speaking.17.The sea's very calm. (B) The water isn't rough.18.She stopped feeli ng the ducks at the park. (D) She no Ion ger gives the ducks food.19.I can't risk not telli ng him. (B) I have to tell him.20.Jeff and Ala n share a com mon outlook or life. (A) They thi nk alike.1991年5月托福听力文字及对应答案PART A1.Emily and Joe are medical stude nts, aren't they? (A) I think Emily and Joe are study ing medici ne.2.The con ductor of the sympho ny orchestra was terrific. (B) The orchestra's con ductor was excelle nt.3.Ned was n't in vited to the party. (D) No one asked Ned to the party.4.I have the store deliver the packages to my house. (C) The store sent the packages to my house.5.There is no sport I enjoy more than swimming. (A) Swimming's my favorite sport.6.You ' llfirhhr number listed in the telephone book. (C) Her number is in the directory.7.Too bad you did n't make a hotel reservati on. (A) You should have reserved a room.8.The editor should have completed their work earlier. (B) The editors were late in finishing.9.The dormitory laundry service gives out clean sheets each week, doesn it? t(D) Aren't clea n sheets provided in the dormitory weekly?10.If I'd remembered to check the mailbox, I might have found your note.(A) Since I forgot to look in the mailbox, I missed your note.11.Ire ne g'rades en abled her to earn a scholarship. (D) She received a scholarship because of her grades.12.Joh n does n't thi nk they've left the office yet. (D) He thi nks they're still at the office.13.No sooner had I started to type my paper tha n the telepho ne rang. (C) Some one called just as I started to work.14.The fire was preve nted from spreadi ng because of San dra's quick action. (A) Sandra stopped the fire from spreadi ng.15.1 went for a walk to wake myself up. (C) I was feeling sleepy and so I took a walk.16.Don' you think it would be wise to review how much we've spent to date? (B) We should total our expenses up to now.17.The committee was selected by the college faculty. (B) The college faculty chose the committee members.18.Standing n ext to Paul is the dea n of admissi ons. (C) The dea n is sta nding beside Paul.19.The door ban ged shut. (D) The door closed loudly.20.Peter j6bsearch was unsuccessful. (B) Peter was unable to find a job.1991年8月托福听力文字及对应答案PART A1.The bank gran ted her loa n to cover her school expe nses. (C) She borrowed money from the bank to pay her school fees.2.Bill tha nks for pick ing up the books for me. (D) I appreciate your gett ing my books, Bill.3.She said the dem on strati on beg ins at 8 o' clock, did n she? (t) I un dersta nd the dem on strati on will be at eight o'clock.4.Linda took ni ght classes for ten years and eve ntually got her degree. (C) It took Linda ten years to earn her degree.5.Automobile polluti on is a far greater problem tha n in dustrial waste. (B) Cars pollute more tha n in dustry does.6.I ' used to gett ing up early. (C) I usually get up early.7.Mary said she wan ted to live by herself. (A) Mary does n't want a roommate.8.Red letteri ng on sig ns is much more no ticeable tha n blue. (B) Blue prin t is less eye-catch ing tha n red print.9.He stood up for what he thought was right. (B) He defe nded his point of view.10.I 'like to skip the meeting, but I can't just not go. (C) I'll go to the meeting even though I don't want to.11.I could n't get David to tell where he's going on vacati on. (A) David would n't tell me where he will spe nd his vacati on.12.The radio is too loud only for Ben. (D) Just Ben thinks the radio is too loud.13.Let leave the ear at home and walk to tow n for a cha nge. (D) rd rather walk tha n drive today.14.Kevin raced through the stati on, afraid he'd miss the train. (B) Kevin did n't want to miss the train, so he ran to catch it.15.If we had n't made the wrong turn, we hade bee n on time. (D) We're late because we went the wrong way.17.People from the television station have requested the viewers to send in their suggestions.(A)The television station staff has asked for viewers' ideas.18.Although Joh n would n ever believe it, I did try to retur n his teleph one call. (C) I really tried to call Joh n back.19.Lunch was n't at all appeali ng today. (C) I did n't think today's lunch looked very good.20.Robert tends to keep his opinions to himself. (D) Robert seldom tells people what he's thinking.1991年10月托福听力文字及对应答案PART A1.The radio works well only in clear weather. (C) The radio does n't work in bad weather.2.Actually, I don't think Jan e's busy now. (A) I believe Jan e's free at the mome nt.3.Gary has to face the facts. (B) He had to accept the truth.4.If rd known the bank would be closed today. I would have gone there yesterday. (D) I did n't go to the bank yesterday.5.In computer program ming, Susa n is head and shoulders above the rest of us.(A) Susa n is much better tha n we are in this subject.6.She is a first-year law stude nt. (C) She's just begu n her legal studies.7.For the next half hour, we will work out in the gym. (C) We will be exercis ing inthe gymn asium for 30 minu tes.8.When will these pictures be ready? (A) I've waited too long for the pictures.9.Jane was taught to drive by her brother. (B) He taught her how to drive.10.Philip's n ever bee n see n wear a tie. (D) He does n't seem to ever wear a tie11.I must have left my office keys at home because I can't find them any where. (B) I forgot to bring my keys.12.Was n't it the best meal you ever ate! (C) The food was delicious, don't you agree?13.We won't start a new less on before n ext week. (D) There will be no new less on this week.14.You took the bus to get here right? (B) I un dersta nd you came by bus.15.I am afraid that Ala n is not up to such a difficult task. (D) I doubt that Ala n can do the job.16.My cousin, who is a geography teacher, helped us plan out trip. (C) We received advice about our trip from my cousin.17.Dian was too excited to sit quietly and kept paci ng the floor. (D) She could n't hide her exciteme nt.18.Robert wants to take up drawing. (A) He's interested in learning how to draw.19.He got bored playing cards last night; so he left early. (C) He did not stay for the entire evening.20.May I have a package of safety pins please? (C) Would you please give me safety pins.1992年1月托福听力文字及对应答案PART A1.Jack in troduced us to his pare nts (D) We met his mother and father.2.I fini shed the assig nment a week ago. (B) My assig nment was completed last week3.We did n ' think you would mind C) We did n't expect it to bother you..4.Do go ahead with your dessert. (A) Please eat your dessert.5.He was extremely angry but did n't let it show. (B) He was hidi ng his feeli ngs.6.Aren your clever to figure that out! (A) How smart you are to find the an swer to that!7.Ann rides her bike to work to save money on bus fare. (B) Anne saves money by riding her bike to work8.My marks are higher tha n I thought they ' bd. (B) I did n't think my marks would be this good.9.Alex will call before he comes, won he? (C) Will Alex phone before coming?]10.The club preside nt announced that each member has a quota of ten tickets to sell for the tale nt show.(B)Every one in the club should sell at least ten tickets11.We should include these figures in the report, I think. (C) I believe the report ought to include this information.12.Now that I fin ally turned in my thesis, I pla n to take it easy for a while. (C) I'm going to rest after all that hard work13.I don't think I heard her name mentioned before. (D) That name isn't familiar to me.14.No one came to the school play. (C) Nobody went to see the play.15.If on ly you told me sooner. (B) You should have in formed me earlier.16.I ' got to get going on my research project. (D) It's time to start my research project17.The actors received a sta nding ovati on for their performa nee. (C) The audie nee stood up and applauded.18. A friend bought Doris's painting. (D) Doris' friend bought her painting19.Every one thi nks Carlo is a very outgo ing fellow. (D) He's very frie ndly.20.I was late coming back from lunch today. (D) I look a Ion ger lunch break today1111111992年5月托福听力文字及对应答案PART A1.We tried calling Ken, thinking he'd be home. (B) We expected Ken to answer the phone.2.She does n't know we fini shed the experime nt. (A) She thinks we have n't fini shed.3.Didn shtha ndle her prese ntati on well (B) She gave a good prese ntati on4.I don't know Maxine although we went to the same university. (C) I never met Maxine when we were at college.5.At the end of the street is a bookstore where you can buy used books. (B) You can get sec on dha nd books in that store.6.If he'd only asked me for help rd have done my best for him. (A) rd have bee n happy to help if he'd asked me.7.The shoe polish does n't match the shoes. (A) The shoe polish is the wrong color.8.You ' have to get another chair from the living room. (C) You'll have to bring another chair in here.9.I had a piece of Carla's birthday cake although I usually don't like dessert. (D) It was unu sual that I ate some cake.10.Here take this pill, don chew it. (D) Swallow this tablet.11.I can't finish what I ' working on until I have your research result. (A) I need your data before I can finish my work.。



托福听力测试题及答案一、选择题(每题1分,共10分)1. What is the main topic of the lecture?A) The history of the Renaissance.B) The impact of the Industrial Revolution.C) The development of modern art.D) The significance of ancient architecture.2. According to the professor, what is the primary reason for the decline in the number of honeybees?A) The use of pesticides in agriculture.B) The loss of natural habitats.C) The spread of diseases among bees.D) The invasion of non-native bee species.3. What does the student suggest as a solution to the problem discussed in the conversation?A) Conducting more research.B) Implementing new regulations.C) Organizing public awareness campaigns.D) Developing new technologies.4. Why does the woman decide to take a different course next semester?A) The course schedule conflicts with her work hours.B) She is not interested in the subject matter.C) The professor has a reputation for being difficult.D) She has already taken a similar course.5. What is the main purpose of the campus tour mentioned in the lecture?A) To introduce new students to the campus facilities.B) To highlight the university's academic achievements.C) To promote the university to potential students.D) To raise funds for campus improvements.二、填空题(每题1分,共5分)6. The speaker mentions that the _______ is a key factor in determining the success of a business.7. In the dialogue, the man suggests that they should _______ before making a decision.8. The professor explains that the _______ theory has been widely accepted in the field of psychology.9. The woman is concerned about the _______ of the new policy on the local community.10. The student is looking for a part-time job that offers_______ and flexible hours.三、简答题(每题2分,共4分)11. Summarize the main points of the lecture on environmental conservation.12. What are the potential benefits of the proposed research project discussed in the conversation?四、论述题(每题3分,共3分)13. Discuss the role of technology in modern education andits implications for the future of learning.答案:1-5: D A C A C6. innovation7. consult with an expert8. cognitive dissonance9. impact10. health insurance11. The lecture covered the importance of biodiversity, the threats to natural habitats, and the need for sustainable practices.12. The research could lead to new treatments for diseases, improve public health, and contribute to scientific knowledge.13. Technology has revolutionized education by providing access to a wealth of information and interactive learning tools. However, it also raises concerns about the potential loss of human interaction and the digital divide.。



(A) What she can do to help the man. (B) How long the man has had allergies. (C) What is causing the man's problem. (D) What the man just said.
A: My brother is coming this weekend and I thought three of us could go out to dinner on Saturday (A) He already has plans for Saturday night. night. Any suggestions? (B) The woman should decide where to cat Saturday. B: It's up to you. I don't know the restaurants around here that well. So you’d know a better place to (C) The woman should ask her brother for a suggestion. go than me. (D) He will make a reservation at the restaurant. Q: What does the man mean? (A) She'll drop the man off on the way to work. (B) The man can ride downtown with her. (C) The man will have to leave earlier than usual. (D) She can't give the man a ride. (A) Her backhand is almost perfect. (B) The time the man spent practicing has helped him. (C) The man's mother wanted him to practice. (D) Her mother is a good tennis coach. (A) Her brother was not accepted into law school. (B) She doesn't want to be a criminal lawyer. (C) She has decided not to go to law school. (D) She doesn't plan to work in her brother's law firm. (A) The man will probably receive a scholarship. (B) She can't give the man a ride to the dean's office. (C) She can lend the man a sweater. (D) The man isn't dressed appropriately for the interview. (A) Buy a car from the woman. (B) Help the woman paint her car. (C) Buy a new car. (D) Look for a less expen ride into the office with you tomorrow? B: Another day would be fine. But I’ve got to be downtown for a meeting first thing in the morning. 10 Q: What does the woman imply? A: After two weeks of tennis lessons I think I finally managed to improve my backhand(反手击 球). 11 B: Like my mom always says: "Practice makes perfect." Q: What does the woman mean? A: I just heard about your acceptance into law school. Do you think you will be able to join your brother's firm when you graduate? 12 B: Not likely. He is a tax lawyer and I'm going to major in criminal law. Q: What does the woman imply? A: Could you give me a ride to the dean's office? My interview for the scholarship is in an hour. B: Don't you have anything else to wear other than that sweater? 13 Q: What does the woman imply? A: Well, if you are seriously considering buying a car, I'm trying to get rid of mine. All it needs is new paint. 14 B: Thanks. But most used cars end up being more trouble than they are worth. Q: What will the man probably do?



托福05年01月5月8月真题答案第一篇:托福 05年01月5月8月真题答案2005年1月听力bcdbd cddad bcdda abbdc bdcba aaCdc bcacc bdaba bcbda ccdab语法bcdbc bcacb cbdcb ccabd cbabd adaca bcdcd bcbdc 阅读Dcaac cdaaB bdcac aAdbd cbBca cadda bcdaa cbbdD dbabd cdcBb2005年5月听力ADABA ABABB BCDBC DCBAD CBABC DADCC CBACC ADBBC DCBDA CABBD 语法BADBC ACBCD ACACC DCDBD CDBDC ADBDB DACDB DADBD 阅读ABCBD DDCAD BDCDA ACDAB DCBDB CADDB ACCBC ABDDD ACAAD CCBDC2005年08月听力DCBDA ABBDD BDDCB ACBDB CABAC DDAAC BCCBA ABDDB BCADC BBBAD语法ACDAB DBDAB CDABB ADADC BBCBC DCCBD ACBBD CDDDC阅读ACBAC BADCA BBCDB BDBAC DBADD ACBCC DBBAC DACBC AABCD DDCBB第二篇:2005年10月份托福阅读真题及答案(推荐)Question 11-21: Printmaking is the generic term for a number of processes, of which woodcut and engraving are two prime examples.Prints are made by pressing a sheet of paper(or other material)against an image-bearing surface to which ink has been applied.When the paper is removed, the image adheres toit, but in reverse.The woodcut had been used in China from the fifth century A.D.for applying patterns to textiles.The process was not introduced into Europe until the fourteenth century, first for textile decoration and then for printing on paper.Woodcuts are created by a relief process;first, the artist takes a block of wood, which has been sawed parallel to the grain, covers it with a white ground, and then draws the image in ink.The background is carved away, leaving the design area slightly raised.The woodblock is inked, and the ink adheres to the raised image.It is then transferred to damp paper either by hand or with a printing press.Engraving, which grew out of the goldsmith's art, originated in Germany and northern Italy in the middle of the fifteenth century.It is an intaglio process(from Italian intagliare, “to carve”).The image is incised into a highly polished metal plate, usually copper, with a cutting instrument, or burin.The artist inks the plate and wipes it clean so that some ink remains in the incised grooves.An impression is made on damp paper in a printing press, with sufficient pressure being applied so that the paper picks up the ink.Both woodcut and engraving have distinctive characteristics.Engraving lends itself to subtle modeling and shading through the use of fine lines.Hatching and cross-hatching determine the degree of light and shade in a print.Woodcuts tend to be more linear, with sharper contrasts between light and dark.Printmaking is well suited to the production of multiple images.A set of multiples is called an edition.Both methods can yield several hundred good-quality prints before the original block or plate begins to show signs of wear.Mass production of prints in the sixteenth century made images available, at a lower cost, to a much broader public than before.11.What does the passage mainly discuss? A.The originsof textile decoration B.The characteristics of good-quality printsC.Two types of printmakingD.Types of paper used in printmaking12.The word “prime” in line 2 is closest in meaning toA.principalplexC.generalD.recent 13.The author's purposes in paragraph 2 is to describe A.the woodcuts found in China in the fifth century B.the use of woodcuts in the textile industry C.the process involved in creating a woodcut D.the introduction of woodcuts to Europe 14.The word “incised” in line 15 is closest in meaning to A.burned B.cut C.framed D.baked15.Which of the following terms is defined in the passage/A.“patterns”(line 5)B.“grain”(line 8)C.“burin”(line16)D.“grooves”(line 17)16.The word “distinctive” in line 19 is closest in meaning to A.unique B.accurate C.irregular D.similar 17.According to the passage, all of the following are true about engraving EXCEPT that it A.developed from the art of the goldsmiths B.requires that the paper be cut with a burin C.originated in the fifteenth century D.involves carving into a metal plate 18.The word “yield” in line 23 is closest in meaning to A.imitate B.produce C.revise D.contrast 19.According to the passage, what do woodcut and engraving have in common?A.Their designs are slightly raised.B.They achieve contrast through hatching and cross-hatching.C.They were first used in Europe.D.They allow multiple copies to be produced from one original.20.According to the author, what made it possible for members of the general public to own prints in the sixteenth century? A.Prints could be made at low cost.B.The quality of paper and ink had improved.C.Many people became involved in the printmaking industry.D.Decreased demand for prints kept prices affordable.21.According to the passage, all of the following are true about prints EXCEPT that they A.can be reproduced onmaterials other than paper B.are created from a reversed image C.show variations between light and dark shades D.require a printing pressQuestions 22-31: The first peoples to inhabit what today is the southeastern United States sustained themselves as hunters and gathers.Sometimes early in the first millennium A.D., however, they began to cultivate corn and other crops.Gradually, as they became more skilled at gardening, they settled into permanent villages and developed a rich culture, characterized by the great earthen mounds they erected as monuments to their gods and as tombs for their distinguished dead.Most of these early mound builders were part of the Adena-Hopewell culture, which had its beginnings near the Ohio River and takes its name from sites in Ohio.The culture spread southward into the present-day states of Louisiana, Alabama, Georgia, and Florida.Its peoples became great traders, bartering jewellery, pottery, animal pelts, tools, and other goods along extensive trading networks that stretched up and down eastern North America and as far west as the Rocky Mountains.About A.D.400, the Hopewell culture fell into decay.Over the next centuries, it was supplanted by another culture, the Mississippian, named after the river along which many of its earliest villages were located.This complex civilization dominated the Southeast from about A.D.700 until shortly before the Europeans began arriving in the sixteenth century.At the peak of its strength, about the year 1200, it was the most advanced culture in North America.Like their Hopewell predecessors, the Mississippians became highly skilled at growing food, although on a grander scale.They developed an improved strain of corn, which could survive in wet soil and a relatively cool climate, and also learned to cultivate beans.Indeed, agriculture became soimportant to the Mississippians that it became closely associated with the Sun---the guarantor of good crops.Many tribes called themselves “children of the Sun” and believed their omnipotent priest-chiefs were descendants of the great sun god.Although most Mississippians lived in small villages, many others inhabited large towns.Most of these towns boasted at least one major flat-topped mound on which stood a temple that contained a sacred flame.Only priests and those charged with guarding the flame could enter the temples.The mounds also served as ceremonial and trading sites, and at times they were used as burial grounds.22.What does the passage mainly discuss?A.The development of agricultureB.The locations of towns and villagesC.The early people and cultures of the United StatesD.The construction of burial mounds 23.Which of the following resulted from the rise of agriculture in the southeastern United States? A.The development of trade in North America B.The establishment of permanent settlements C.Conflicts with other Native American groups over land D.A migration of these peoples to the Rocky Mountains.24.What does the term “Adena-Hopewell”(line 7)designate? A.The early locations of the Adena-Hopewell culture B.The two most important nations of the Adena-Hopewell culture C.Two former leaders who were honored with large burial mounds.D.Two important trade routes in eastern North America 25.The word “bartering” in line 9 is closest in meaning to A.producing B.exchanging C.transporting D.loading 26.The word “supplanted” in line 13 is closest in meaning to A.conquered B.preceded C.replaced D.imitated 27.According to the passage, when did the Mississippian culture reach its highest point of development? A.About A.D.400 B.Between A.D.400 AND A.D.700 C.About A.D.1200 D.In thesixteenth century 28.According to the passage, how did the agriculture of the Mississippians differ from that of their Hopewell predecessors? A.The Mississippians produced more durable and larger crops of food.B.The Mississippians sold their food to other groups.C.The Mississippians could only grow plants in warm, dry climates.D.The Mississippians produced special foods for their religious leaders.29.Why does the author mention that many Mississippians tribes called themselves “children of the Sun”(line 22)? A.To explain why they were obedient to their priest-chiefs.B.T o argue about the importance of religion in their culture.C.To illustrate the great importance they placed on agriculture.D.To provide an example of their religious rituals.30.The phrase “charged with” in line 26 is closest in meaning to A.passed on B.experienced at C.interested in D.assigned to 31.According to the passage, the flat-topped mounds in Mississippian towns were used for all of the following purposes EXCEPT A.religious ceremonies B.meeting places for the entire community C.sites for commerce D.burial sites Question 32-40: Overland transport in the United States was still extremely primitive in 1790.Roads were few and short, usually extending from inland communities to the nearest river town or seaport.Nearly all interstate commerce was carried out by sailing ships that served the bays and harbors of the seaboard.Yet, in 1790 the nation was on the threshold of a new era of road development.Unable to finance road construction, states turned for help to private companies, organized by merchants and land speculators who had a personal interest in improved communications with the interior.The pioneer in this move was the state of Pennsylvania, which chartered a company in 1792 to construct a turnpike, a road for the use of which a toll, or payment,is collected, from Philadelphia to Lancaster.The legislature gave the company the authority to erect tollgates at points along the road where payment would be collected, though it carefully regulated the rates.(The states had unquestioned authority to regulate private business in this period.)The company built a gravel road within two years, and the success of the Lancaster Pike encouraged imitation.Northern states generally relied on private companies to build their toll roads, but Virginia constructed a network at public expense.Such was the road building fever that by 1810 New York alone had some 1,500 miles of turnpikes extending from the Atlantic to Lake Erie.Transportation on these early turnpikes consisted of freight carrier wagons and passenger stagecoaches.The most common road freight carrier was the Conestoga wagon, a vehicle developed in the mid-eighteenth century by German immigrants in the area around Lancaster, Pennsylvania.It featured large, broad wheels able to negotiate all but the deepest ruts and holes, and its round bottom prevented the freight from shifting on a hill.Covered with canvas and drawn by four to six horses, the Conestoga wagon rivaled the log cabin as the primary symbol of the frontier.Passengers traveled in a variety of stagecoaches, the most common of which had four benches, each holding three persons.It was only a platform on wheels, with no springs;slender poles held up the top, and leather curtains kept out dust and rain.32.Paragraph 1 discusses early road building in the United States mainly in terms of the A.popularity of turnpikes B.financing of new roads C.development of the interior ws governing road use 33.The word “primitive” in line 1 is closest in meaning to A.unsafe B.unknown C.inexpensive D.undeveloped 34.In 1790 most roads connected towns in the interior of the country withA.other inland communitiesB.towns in other statesC.river towns or seaportsD.construction sites 35.The phrase “on the threshold of” in line 4 and 5 is closest in meaning to A.in need of B.in place of C.at the start of D.with the purpose of 36.According to the passage, why did states want private companies to help with road building? A.The states could not afford to build roads themselves.B.The states were not as well equipped as private companies.C.Private companies could complete roads faster than the states.D.Private companies had greater knowledge of the interior.37.The word “it” in line 11 refers to A.legislature pany C.authority D.payment 38.The word “imitation” in line 14 is closest in meaning to A.investment B.suggestion C.increasing D.copying 39.Virginia is mentioned as an example of a state that A.built roads without tollgates B.built roads with government money pleted 1,500 miles of turnpikes in one year D.introduced new law restricti ng road use 40.The “large, broad wheels” of the Conestoga wagon are mentioned in line 21 as an example of a feature of wagons that was A.unusual in mid-eighteenth century vehicles B.first found in Germany C.effective on roads with uneven surfaces D.responsible for frequent damage to freightQuestion 41-50: In Death Valley, California, one of the hottest, most arid places in North America, there is much salt, and salt can damage rocks impressively.Inhabitants of areas elsewhere, where streets and highways are salted to control ice, are familiar with the resulting rust and deterioration on cars.That attests to the chemically corrosive nature of salt, but it is not the way salt destroys rocks.Salt breaks rocks apart principally by a process called crystal prying and wedging.This happens not by soaking the rocks in salt water, but by moistening their bottoms with saltwater.Such conditions exist in many areas along the eastern edge of central Death Valley.There, salty water rises from the groundwater table by capillary action through tiny spaces in sediment until it reaches the surface.Most stones have capillary passages that suck salt water from the wet ground.Death Valley provides an ultra-dry atmosphere and high daily temperatures, which promote evaporation and the formation of salt crystals along the cracks or other openings within stones.These crystals grow as long as salt water is available.Like tree roots breaking up a sidewalk, the growing crystals exert pressure on the rock and eventually pry the rock apart along planes of weakness, such as banding in metamorphic rocks, bedding in sedimentary rocks, or preexisting or incipient fractions, and along boundaries between individual mineral crystals or grains.Besides crystal growth, the expansion of halite crystals(the same as everyday table salt)by heating and of sulfates and similar salts by hydration can contribute additional stresses.A rock durable enough to have withstood natural conditions for a very long time in other areas could probably be shattered into small pieces by salt weathering within a few generations.The dominant salt in Death Valley is halite, or sodium chloride, but other salts, mostly carbonates and sulfates, also cause prying and wedging, as does ordinary ice.Weathering by a variety of salts, though often subtle, is a worldwide phenomenon.Not restricted to arid regions, intense salt weathering occurs mostly in salt-rich places like the seashore, near the large saline lakes in the Dry Valleys of Antarctica, and in desert sections of Australia, New Zealand, and central Asia.41.What is the passage mainly about? A.The destructive effects of salt on rocks.B.The impressive salt rocks in Death Valley.C.The amount of salt produced in Death Valley.D.Thedamaging effects of salt on roads and highways.42.The word “it” in line 9 refers to A.salty water B.groundwater table C.capillary action D.sediment 43.The word “exert” in line 14 is closest in meaning to A.put B.reduce C.replace D.control 44.In lines 13-17, why does the author compare tree roots with growing salt crystals? A.They both force hard surfaces to crack.B.They both grow as long as water is available.C.They both react quickly to a rise in temperature.D.They both cause salty water to rise from the groundwater table.45.In lines 17-18, the author mentions the “expansion of halite crystals...by heating and of sulfates and similar salts by hydration” in order to A.present an alternative theory about crystal growth B.explain how some rocks are not affected by salt C.simplify the explanation of crystal prying and wedging D.introduce additional means by which crystals destroy rocks 46.The word “durable” in line 19 is closest in meaning to rge B.strong C.flexible D.pressured 47.The word “shattered” in line 20 is closest in meaning to A.arranged B.dissolved C.broken apart D.gathered together 48.The word “dominant” in line 22 is closest in meaning to A.most recent B.most common C.least available D.least damaging 49.According to the passage, which of the following is true about the effects of salts on rocks?A.Only two types of salts cause prying and wedging.B.Salts usually cause damage only in combination with ice.C.A variety of salts in all kinds of environments can cause weathering.D.Salt damage at the seashore is more severe than salt damage in Death Valley, 50.Which of the following can be inferred from the passage about rocks that are found in areas where ice is common?A.They are protected from weathering.B.They do not allow capillary action of water.C.They show similar kinds of damage as rocks in Death Valley.D.They contain more carbonates thansulfates.答案CACBC ABBDA DCBAB CCACD BBDCC AADBC AAAAD BCBCC 第三篇:托福历年词汇真题近义词汇总历年词汇真题Inaccessible 难以接近的:unreachable Extracting 提取,提炼:removing Strength 基础:basis Surging 激增,迅速上升:accelerating Trend 倾向,趋势:tendency Peak 最高点,最高峰:maximum Prior to 在前,局先:preceding Advocates 提倡者,赞成者:proponents Unsubstantiated 无确实根据的,未经证实的:unverified Maintain 维持:preserve Considerable 极其,相当,大量:substantial Enactment 制定,执行:performance Staggering 令人惊愕的:overwhelming Devastated 毁坏:ruined Demonstrate 证明,示威:showed Extend 延伸,扩展:stretch Vast 巨大的,辽阔的:large Sparked 发动,鼓舞:brought about Potential 潜在的,可能的:possible Outstanding 突出的,显著的:excellent Account for 解释,说明:explain Picking up 沿着:following A supremacy至高,霸权:a dominance Supplanted代替:replaced Myriad无数:many Supreme最高的:most outstanding Settle解决,决定:decide Ascending 上升,攀登:climbing Solemn 严肃的:serious Composed创作,作曲:created Scores 乐谱:music composition Comprises 包含,由,构成:consists of Intense 剧烈的:extreme Margins 空白:edges Support 支撑:hold Appreciation 感激,评价,欣赏:recognition Bias 偏见:prejudice Prevailing 流行的:most frequent Accumulated 积聚,堆积:collected Related 有关系得:connected Supported 支撑:upheld Forward-looking 向前看的:progressive 进步的Rudimentary 不发达的,未发展的:undeveloped Sole 唯一的:only Subsidizes 资助:finance Rotates 旋转:alternates Implements 玩具:tools Clues 线索:information Hemispheres 半球:sides Subject to 遭受:susceptible to Puncture 刺穿:pierce Dramatic 戏剧性的,显著的:striking Characterized 不同,区别于其他:distinguished Bizarre 古怪的:odd Casts off 抛弃:gets rid of Homogeneous 一致的,同一的:uniform Largely renounces 基本上拒绝:generally rejects Prevail 流行,支配控制:dominates Subtle 轻微的,精细的:slight Compile 收集,积累:put together Raw 未加工的,为处理的:unprocessed Prospect 前景,可能性:possibility Roughly 大约地:approximately Magnify 增加,扩大:increase Distinction 不同,区别:differences Fused 结合:combined Lure 吸引:attract Placed 放置:deposited Discrete 分泌:separate Overtaxed 负担沉重的:heavily burdened Inadequate 不充足的:deficient Inevitable 不可避免地:unavoidably Lamented 不满,抱怨:complaint about First rank 最高水平:highest quality Faded from 消失于:disappeared from Novel 创新的,新颖的:innovative Stationary 固定的:fixed Vessel 船只:craft Smothering 窒息的:eliminated Coined 组成,创造:created Intervention 干预:influence Emerged 出现:appeared Outlining 概括,总结:summarizing Deliberate 仔细地:careful Demanded 需要:required Imitate 模仿:copy Comparably 相似地:similarly Inclinations 偏好,喜好 : preferences Varied 不同:differed Cumbersome 笨重地:burdensome Confined 局限:limited Framed 构造,制定:posed Supposedly 可能地,推测地:seemingly Sanitation 卫生:health Conflicting 对立的:apposing Give way to 让位于:turns into Speculate 假设:hypothesize Alternative 选择:option Imposing 要求高的,费力的:demanding Penetrate 穿过:go through Extended 增加,延长:increase Preferred 喜欢;favored Barren 贫瘠的:infertile Hard 坚硬的:firm Divergence 不同,区别:difference Durable 耐久地:long-lasting Dwelling 住所:houses Elaborately 精心地:done in a great detail Bounds 限制:limits Chance 偶然的:unplanned Integral 必要的,基本的:an essentialCarry 承担:support Concentrated 集中:clustered Effect 影响:influence Distinct 区别,不同:separate Setting 建立:establishing Ends 目标:goals Drastic 激进的:radical Extracted 提取:removed Instances 例子:cases Entombed 陷入:trapped Marked 明显的:pronounced Ushering 开始,引入:beginning Execute 执行,创造:create Domains 领域:fields Fundamental 基本的:basic Skilled 专业的:expert Presided over 管理控制:managed Celestial 天文学的:astronomical Entities 物体:objects Motifs 母题,图案:designs Rare 罕见的:infrequent Maintaining 维持:preserving T olerate 忍耐:endure Obtain 获得 get Roll back 减少 reduce Stimulating 刺激 encouraging Depressed 降低,使沮丧lowered Stringent 严厉的strict Dictates 决定determines Witnessed 看到observed A break with 分开a departure from Conserve 维持,保留retain Magnified 加强,加剧intensified Forage 觅食 feed Counteracted 否定,抵消 negated In season 应季 a particular time of year Fixture 寻常物品 commonplace object Nevertheless 但是 however Rotates 转动,改变 turns Readily 容易地,欣然地 easily Constituting 组成 making up Pits 洞,坑 holes Disputes 争论 arguments Unrestricted 不受限制的 unlimited Snap 折断break Fed 吃/放入put Exposed to 易受影响的,受支配subjected to Exert 引起,导致cause Diffuses 穿过,扩散travels Rapture 破裂burst Miniscule 微小的tiny Enables 使能够allows Aesthetically 美学的,艺术的artistically Refreshing 非同寻常的,耳目一新的unusual Devote 奉献dedicate Bound 系,绑tied Assembling 聚集 gathering Adorned 装修 decorated Attire 服装clothing Unravel 揭露 discover Mundane平凡的 ordinary Gap 空隙 opening Discards 抛弃 gets rid of Deft 灵巧的 skilled Robust 强壮的 strong Heralded 宣布 announced Position 职位 job Major 主要的principal Symmetrical 比例平衡的,对称的proportionally balanced Obvious 明显的 apparent Dominated 占支配地位的 wereprevalent in Supplements 补充 extensions Crisscross 交叉 move back and forth Skepticism 怀疑主义 doubt Subsidy 资助 financing Conjectural 猜测的based on guessing Employing 采用using Assortment 种类variety Exalted 高级的superior Ingots 银锭/块blocks of silver mixed with copper Came of age 出现了,成名了established itself Trace 痕迹imprints Exposed 暴露uncovered Adversely 逆向/反的 negatively Altered 改变 changed Noxious 有毒的,有害的 harmful Detectable 可以探测的 measurable Acute 敏锐的,剧烈的 intense Exceeded 超越 surpassed Astounding 惊讶的surprising Durable 耐久的lasting Customarily 通常usually Induced 导致 caused Remarkable 异常的 extraordinary Exerted 运用applied Restricted 限制limited Intricate 错综复杂的complex Vary 区别,不同 differ Initially 首先 at first Cohesion 凝聚力 unity Consciously 有意识地,故意地 purposely Unadorned 未装饰的,平凡的plain Consumption 消费,吃eating Constituents 组成部分components Calculated 计算,决定 determined Ceased 停止 stop Prominent 著名的 distinguished Apply to 应用于 used for Coarser 粗糙的rougher Dense 浓密的thick Thanks to 由于because of Eagerly anticipated 渴望,期待 looked forward to Properties 特征,特点 characteristics Ascribed to 归功于,认为 assumed to be true of Revolutionized 巨变,革命 dramatically changed Appeal 吸引attraction Spawned 产生,产卵created Core 核心center Embedded 镶嵌 encased Spotting 识别 identifying Dogma 信仰,教条belief Detect 发现discovered the presence of Shied away from 避免avoided Milestone 里程碑significant development Critical 关键的 essential Jolting 震动 shocking Magnitude 成都/大小 extent Attachment to 倾向于 preference for Protruding 凸出的projecting Shield 保护protect Daring 大胆bold Boosted 鼓舞raised Inhibited 阻碍hindered Counterpart 版本,对应物 version Detectable 明显的,可探测的apparent Sumptuous 奢侈的luxurious Yield 供应provide Adhere 坚持 stick Initiate 启动,开始begin Modifying 改变,限制changing Rapidity 迅速swiftness Efficiency 效率effectiveness Rear 抚养raise Scale 攀登climb Immunity 免疫,保护 protection Conspicuous 明显的 noticeable Bias 偏见 prejudice Exorbitant 丰富的 expensive Undergone 经历experienced Consorted 交往 associated Sufficient 充足 adequate Annihilate 消灭,征服 conquer Aptly 恰当的 appropriately Fashion 制造create Article 物品object Staples 基本产品basic elements Invade 侵入 move into Contemporary 当代的 existing Finely 微小的 minutely Attendant 伴随的 accompanying Exponential leaps 迅速上升rapid increases Virtually 几乎完全,实际上almost completely Pertinent 相关的 relevant Succinct 简明 concise Revise 改变change Monopolized 垄断dominated Factions 部分sides Flattering 赞美complimentary Disseminated 分散spread Accelerated 加速 increased Given way to 替代 been replaced by Reliance 依赖 dependence Picture 想象 imagine Emit 发出 give off Glowing 发光的 shining Influx 流入,到达 arrival Extraordinary 异常的exceptional Era 时代period of time Intriguing 吸引人的attractive Conclusive 总结性的definitive Preoccupation 卷入involvement Primary 基本的fundamental Entire 整个whole Bring about 引起 cause Temping 吸引人的 attractive Reckless 不负责任的irresponsible Concomitant with 同时发生的,与之伴随的in conjunction with Skyrocketing 迅速上升increasing rapidly Extolling 高度赞扬praising Roughly 大约harshly Reaped 获得gained Interchangeable 互换的,等同于 equivalent Classified 分类categorized Incinerated itself 燃烧burn up Securing 获得acquiring Implications 意义 significant Hinterland 腹地,内地贸易区 region Persisted 坚持,持续 continued Undergoing 经历,遭受experiencing Suspend 悬挂,延迟hang Fatal 致命的deadly Secure 安全的 safe Sorted out 分类,挑练 separated Dampened使潮湿 moistened Fine 细微的 tiny Derived 起源,得自 obtained Drastically 激烈的,彻底的severely Coincided with 一致,符合happened at the same time Supplement 补充add to Contemporary 当代的,同时代的 written at the same time Prized 珍视valued Overtaken 超越,胜出surpassed Intervals 间隔periods Freeing 解除 releasing Plunge 投入,跳进 drop Tangled缠结的,紊乱的twisted together Concealed 隐藏covered Avail themselves 利用make use Accordingly 因此for that reason Crucial至关重要的 important Ponderous 笨重的heavy Attained 达到,获得achieved Abundant 丰富的,充裕的plentiful Peculiar 独特的,奇异的strange Meticulously小心翼翼的 carefully Durability 经久,耐久力endurance Incised雕刻的carved Consumed消耗,吃eaten Innovative 创新的new Extract 提取,提炼remove Scorched烧焦burned Consequence 结果result Exceed超越,胜出go beyond Generated 产生cause Norm 标准standard Henceforth 今后from that time on Mandated委托统治的recommended Immutable 不可变的unchangeable Revered 尊敬respected Consist 一致的,协调的constant Intent 目的,意向 goal Administered 管理 managed Periphery 外围 outer edge Inception 起初beginning Fabricating 构成,虚构constructing Resort to 采取using Ingenuity 机灵,灵巧resourcefulness Functional 有功能的,有用的usable Significant 有意义的meaningful Attained 获得reached Flamed 燃烧burned Encompass包围,环绕 include Came to the forefront 来到最前线/变得很重要 became important Hinged on 依赖 depended on Lured 引诱attracted Expendable消费品,可以牺牲的 nonessential Notwithstanding 尽管despite Intricate 错综复杂的complex Random 任意的unpredictable Optimal 最佳的,最理想的best Urged 催促encouraged Carried on 继续 continued Diverse 不同的varied Ensures确保 guarantees Suitable 合适的,适宜的appropriately Scares 稀有rare Resemble 类似look likeCoarse 粗糙的crude Brittle易碎的,脆弱的easily broken Appreciated赏识,意识到recognized Merely 仅仅only Emitting 发出producing Spanning 跨越 cover Pursue 追赶catch Altogether 完全的completely Intensive 集中的,透彻的concentrated Prevailed 流行,盛行dominated Depicted 描述described Foremost 首要的leading Meteoric流星的,迅速的rapid Apace with 快速的,急速的as fast as Wider 宽广的more extensive Thereby 因此,在那方面by that means Unique 唯一的,独特的singular Rotting 腐烂的decaying Key 关键的important Converted 修改 changed Antecedent 先行的的,先辈predecessor Appealing 吸引人的 attractive Local 场所place Boosted推进 raised Scope 范围extent Prolific多产的,丰富的 productive Eager 热心的,渴望的enthusiastic Engaged使用,雇佣hire Subsequent后来的later Sums 总数amounts Identical同样的 exactly alike Graphic生动的,鲜明的 vivid Undoubtedly 毫无疑问的certainly Components 组成部分parts Besides 除此之外in addition to Flourished繁荣,昌盛thrived Grumbled 抱怨,牢骚complained Serve服务,适合function Sole 唯一的only Detecting 发现finding Sedentary久坐的,不活动的 inactive Subjected 受影响的exposed Essence 本质,精华basic nature Diverse 不同的different Noted 注意到 observed Emphasize 强调stress Accessible易接近的,可靠近的available Account for 解释,说明explain Smooth operation 顺利进行effective functioning Cluster 成群 group Alert 警惕 ware Scurrying 急跑,匆忙走rushing Formidable 艰难地,令人敬畏的difficult Intent 目的,意向purpose Regardless of 不管,不顾no matter what Marked 显著地noticeable Confine 限制 restrict Presumably 推测,大概 probably Sustain 支撑,持续 support Insignificant 无关紧要的unimportant Ultimately 最后,最终 eventually Demise 死亡death Convert 转变change Primarily 主要地,根本上chiefly Prevailing 流行的dominant Undergone 经历 experienced Vast 巨。



2005年1月托福考试真题SECTION I1 .(A) Listen to a weather report(B) Decide whether to cancel the trip(C) Schedule foe trip for a later date(D) Ask other students for their opinion about the trip2 .(A) She plays tennis better than Jane does.(B) She prefers to study with Jane today.(C) She cannot play tennis with the roan today.(D) She cannot attend math class today.3. (A) He has not yet started his lab assignment(B) He just finished his chemistry experiment.(C) He can give the woman a ride home.(D) He is tired and wants to leave4. (A) She just received information about the art festival(B) She will help the man find information.(C) The man can easily find the information by himself.(D) The man should go to the art library.5 .(A) The book does not belong to her.(B) She prefers not to lend her books to other people.(C) The man will be able to buy the book soon.(D) The man cannot borrow the book light now.6. (A) She did not buy a ticket for the concert.(B) She was not sure which band would be playing.(C) The band was better than she expected.(D) The man did not know the band well.7 .(A) Read the speech to her(B) Give a different speech(C) Finish writing the rest of the speech(D) Stop worrying about the speech8. (A) She and Sally have already finished painting the apartment(B) She and Sally decided not to paint the apartment.(C)She hopes the roan will help paint the apartment.(D) She will invite the man to see the apartment after it is painted.9. (A) She will help the man with the machine soon.(B) She thinks the man should use another machine.(C) The machine takes a few minutes to warm up.(D) Something got caught in the copy machine.10. (A) Robert is taking a different class.(B) He is surprised the woman knows Robert. (C) The woman should be on the committee.(D) The woman should recommend additional people.11. (A) The book had been misplaced on the shelf.(B) He can probably get a copy of the book for the woman.(C) He will call the warehouse to see if the book is available.(D) The woman should check to see if other bookstores have the book.12. (A) She agrees with the man about got ng to the movies(B) She has heard about a good new movie.(C) She is tired of going to movies.(D) She already has plans for tonight13. (A) It was what she had expected.(B) She may need a new floor.(C) She plans to vote for Carl,(D) She was very surprised.14. (A) The space in the office is sufficient.(B) She does not like the desk.(C) Someone else wants the typewriter. .(D) She would like to have the typewriter removed.15. (A) She will go to the party.(B) She has to work tonight(C) She has no plans for this afternoon.(D) She does not know, the man's roommate.16. (A) The woman went to the wrong place,(B) The German class ended early.(C) The professor cancelled the class.(D) The woman forgot to go to class.17. (A) Make some coffee for the woman(B) Stay up late(C) Stay overnight at a friend's house(D) Finish the paper in the morning18. (A) He never shops at the local grocery store.(B) The woman should buy her produce from the farm.(C) The grocery store has higher quality produce.(D) It is cheaper to buy vegetables at the farm.19. (A) Pam wants to get a job in the infirmary.(B) Pam will come home from the infirmary on the weekend.(C) The woman should get off work early to visit Para.(D) The woman could go to theinfirmary on the weekend.20. (A) She needs to take chemistry as a requirement.(B) She was having trouble finding the chemistry room.(C) She did not realize there was a lab class.(D) She has already taken me lab class.21. (A) Apply for a new library card(B) Go get his student ID card(C) Talk to the librarian about his ID card(D) Get the library books from his room22. (A) He is not feeling well today.(B) He will be late for the theater club meeting.(C) He forgot to meet the woman at the theater.(D) He has not made the phone calls yet.23. (A) He did not expect to see so many people at the lecture.(B) The lecture did not start on time.(C) Bad weather kept many people from attending the lecture.(D) Few people knew about the lecture,24. (A) Take both sweaters along(B) Choose the warmer sweater(C) Pick the brighter-colored sweater(D) Wear a heavy coat instead of a sweater25. (A) The manager is too busy to see the man now.(B) The manager will be available before the meeting.(C) The man should come back tomorrow.(D) The man should go to the meeting.26. (A) She cannot use the computer now.(B) The man is not allowed to use the computer.(C) The library does not have the book the man needs.(D) The man probably will not enjoy the book.27. (A) The letters should have had more postage(B) The letters should have been sent by airmail.(C) Airmail rates have gotten too high.(D) The man should have waited to mail the letters.28. (A) She wants one sandwich because she is nearly full,(B) She is ready to leave as soon as the ship gets here.(C) She recently learned her school expenses win be paid next year.(D) She is surprised there is only one scholarship awarded each year.29.(A) Kathy helped the man find a good car.(B) The man needs more time to decide about a car.(C) The man is definitely going to buy Kathy's car.(D) The man was not satisfied with the car he bought from Kathy.30.(A) Study outside(B) Finish studying before going outside(C) Go outside now and enjoy the weather(D) Stay inside until the weather improves31(A) Drive her mother to the theater(B) Take care of her little brother(C) Come to the theater with her(D) Help her prepare for a class presentation32.(A) He was difficult to understand.(B) He made her laugh.(C) He seemed well prepared.(D) He seemed nervous.33.(A) It was a funny incident.(B) He has made the same mistake before.(C) He is worried that it will happen again.(D) The woman should be more honest with him.34.(A) To baby-sit her little brother(B) To study with Joe(C) To see a play(D) To watch a video35.(A) To help students improve their grades(B) To start a new student magazine(C) To provide assistance to student writers(D) To place students in jobs at publishing companies36. (A) They work together at the library,(B) They took a class together.(C) They are on the staff of the campus literary review.(D) They met at a writer's conference.37. (A) He is an experienced writer.(B) He is the editor of the literary review.(C) Professor Mitchell recommended hint(D) She believes he will contribute useful comments.38. (A)Suggestions for additional assistance(B) Written critiques of their work(C) Time in class to work on their project(D) Permission to use ihe meeting room in the library39 (A) The development of printing technology in the early United States(B) The firat newspapers in the British colonies(C) Colonial newspapers published by the British government(D) The role of newspapers in colonial elections40. (A) He wanted 10 be free of government control(B) He could not get a job with the government newspaper.(C) He was dissatisfied with other independent newspapers.(D) He wanted to encourage colonists to learn to read.41. (A) It was printed on a new kind of printing press.(B) It was humorous and critical*(C) It was printed on two sides*(D) It was partially founded by the government.42. (A) They could not participate in the conversations about the news.(B) They were encouraged to go to school,(C) They received information by bearing it read to them.(D) They thought newspapers were unnecessary.43 (A) The history of the Galileo space probe(B) Recent discoveries about one of Jupiter's moons(C) The differences between moons and planets(D) The composition of the Earth's moon44(A) It is larger than the planet Mercury,(B) It is covered with ice.(C) It is orbited by asteroids.(D) It creates its own magnetic field.45(A) A core of molten metal(B) A huge deposit of ice(C) A combination of metal and sail water(D) A thin layer of magnetic rock 46.(A) They prevented Galileo from getting too close to Ganymede.(B) They disrupted Galileo's ability to transmit images of Ganymede.(C) They indicate that Ganymede may have an atmosphere.(D) They arc the cause of Ganymede's unstable surface.47(A) A rare species of algae(B) The treatment of wastewater(C) A threat to the aquatic environment(D) The increasing number of algae in rivers48(A) They are becoming more dangerous to the user.(B) They are encouraging the growth of algae in streams(C) They are being made with fewer chemicals.(D) They are being made to kill bacteria.49.(A) It does not remove all chemicals.(B) It encourages the growth of some bacteria.(C) It is not done on a regular basis.(D) It has been improved by new technologies,50. (A) The role of algae in the food chain(B) The effect of household chemicals on algae(C) The detection of chemicals in wastewater(D) The creation of safer household products。







1、Who is the man talking about now?A.His girlfriend.B.His sister.C.His mother.2、What are they talking about?A.A traffic accident.B.A fire.C.A crime.3、Where does the conversation most probably take place?A.At a bookshop.B.At a kitchen.C.At a bank.4、Who was injured?A.George.B.George’s wife.C.George’s wife’s father.5、What do we learn from the conversation?A.Tony could not continue the experiment.B.Tony finished the experiment last night.C.Tony will go on with his experiment.第二节(共15小题,每小题1分)听下面5段对话或独白。





6、Where does this conversation most likely take place?A.In the street.B.At the woman’s home.C.Over the phone.7、What is the woman going to do tonight?A.Help her sister with English.B.Meet her friend at the station.C.Go to an exhibition with her parents.听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。

老托福听力题目汇总(1989-5附答案解析 MP3)

老托福听力题目汇总(1989-5附答案解析 MP3)

智课网TOEFL备考资料老托福听力题目汇总(1989-2005年附答案解析+MP3) 摘要:老托福听力题目包含了从1989年-2005年的所有真题题目及答案,这些资料往往成为了众多备考生的首选,原因就是他的全面性,基本上包含了所有托福考试的真题,所以有需要的同学就赶快来下载吧!老托福听力题目整理了最全面的托福听力,同学们在练习的过程中,可以结合音频来练习这些托福听力题目,以期达到最好的听力练习效果!老托福听力题目汇总:Section One: Listening Comprehension1. (A) Spend more time working on calculus problems.(B) Talk to an advisor about dropping the course.(C) Work on the assignment with a classmate.(D) Ask the graduate assistant for help.2. (A) Go home to get a book.(B) Return a book to the library.(C) Pick up a book at the library for the woman.(D) Ask the librarian for help in finding a book.3. (A) The woman could use his metric ruler.(B) He'll finish taking the measurements for the woman.(C) The woman's ruler is better than his.(D) He's faster at making the conversions than the woman.4. (A) She wants the man to attend the tournament with her.(B) The tournament begins next week.(C) The man should check with his doctor again(D) She hopes the man will be able to play in the tournament.5. (A) The advisor has already approved the man's class schedule.(B) The man should make an appointment to see his advisor.(C) The man should change his course schedule.(D) The man should sign the document before leaving.6. (A) She didn't teach class today.(B) She noticed that the students didn't do their homework.(C) She usually assigns homework.(D) She usually talks quietly.7. (A) It started to rain when she was at the beach.(B) She'd like the man to go to the beach with her.(C) The forecast calls for more rain tomorrow.(D) She won't go to the beach tomorrow if it rains.老托福听力题目截图:以上就是为大家整理的老托福听力题目(1989-2005年附答案解析+MP3),希望大家能够通过这些真题的练习,真正的帮助大家提高听力。

历年真题1989-2006年托福TPO音频 文本【综合写作】

历年真题1989-2006年托福TPO音频 文本【综合写作】

智课网TOEFL备考资料历年真题1989-2006年托福TPO音频+文本【综合写作】摘要:本文主要为大家介绍下1989-2006年托福写作综合部分的相关内容介绍,其中附有文档和音频部分,众所周知,托福写作有专门的题库,每一次托福考试的考题均来源于这个题库,说不定这里面就有你这次要考试的原题哟!!!如题——历年真题1989-2006年托福 TPO音频【托福综合写作】使用对象主要是为了提高大家综合写作的能力,增加我们获得托福综合写作高分的几率,这也是为什么大家总喜欢拿老托福锻炼的原因。

People learn in different ways. Some people learn by doing things; other people learn by reading about things; others learn by listening to people talk about things. Which of these methods of learning is best for you?Some people trust their first impressions about a person s character because they believe these judgments are generally correct. Other people do not judge a person s character quickly because they believe first impressions areoften wrong. Compare these two attitudes. Which attitude do you agree with?A university plans to develop a new research center in your country. Some people want a center for business research. Other people want a center for research in agriculture (farming). Which of these two kinds of researchcenters do you recommend for your country?Some famous athletes and entertainers earn millions of dollars every year. Do you think these people deserve suchhigh salaries?Your school has enough money to purchase either computers for students or books for the library. Which should your school choose to buy-computers or books?If you could know something about the future, what would you choose to know about and why?Advertising helps to sell products. Describe the qualities of an effective advertisement.Some people think that they can learn better by themselves than with a teacher. Others think that it is always betterto have a teacher. Which do you prefer?What are some important qualities of a good supervisor (boss)?Some people prefer to plan activities for their free time very carefully. Others choose not to make any plans at all for their free time. Compare the benefits of planning free time activities with the benefits of not making plans. Which doyou prefer-planning or not planning for your leisure time?Some people say that advertising encourages us to buy things we really do not need. Others say that advertisementstell us about new products that may improve our lives. Which viewpoint do you agree with?以上就是有关1989-2006年托福TPO音频+文本相关内容的介绍,看过以上的历年托福写作真题之后,完以上的介绍我想你对托福写作一定有一些新的认识,希望对大家学习托福有帮助。



1999年1月托福听力文字及对应答案Part A1月听力原文听力试题答案A: Why are you leaving so early? The movie doesn't start till seven. (A) He wants to go early to avoid a traffic jam.B: I won’t be the traffic there. It's a n ightmare on the expressway during rush hour. (B) He wants to leave the theater before the movie is over.1 Q: What does the man mean? (C) He doesn't know the way to the theater. A(D) He doesn't usually get up at 7:00.A: Excuse me, but could you tell me how to get to the Excelsior Hotel? I thought it was on this (A) Walk around the corner to the next block.corner but I seem to have made a mistake. (B) Take a taxi to the hotel.2 B: Hum. I'm sorry. Maybe you should try calling them. There is a phone over there by the candy (C) Telephone the hotel for directions. Cstore. (D) Wait in the candy store.QA::t I db o ersr e ywo ou m r l u ugs e t s beo ka Idloe t mine in the classroom. And it was gone when I went (A) Borrow her book.back. (B) Check the classroom again.3 B: That happened to me once. I'd almost given up on finding it until I checked out at the lost-and- (C) Buy a new book. Dfound at the information desk downstairs in the lobby. (D) Ask about the book at the information desk..man i lnyg a l g t mtoa isnhdoau?l d do?(A)Linda didn't like it.::i y at se es ewdoi amoB: I sure did. It must have cost him an arm and a leg. (B) Bill lost it.4 Q: What does the woman imply about the ring. (C) It was very expensive. C(D) It was very small.A: I'm always late for my morning classes. It's because of all the traffic out near where I live. (A) Take later classes.B: Well, you wouldn't have that problem if you move into our campus. (B) Discuss the problem with her professor.5 Q: What does the man suggest the woman do? (C) Come to campus by a different route. D(D) Live closer to campus.A: Jennifer is going to the shore again this weekend. (A) She often goes to the beach.B: Well, she's always been a beach person. (B) She got a weekend job at the beach.6Q: What can be inferred about Jennifer. (C) She misses the trips to the beach she used to take. A(D) Her home is near the beach.A: Hey, Larry. Wanna meet a few of us for coffee in a little while?7 Q: What will the man probably do? (C) Make some coffee. A1998年8月 北美听力文字 (一)B: Hmm. I would if I weren't so far behind in this reading I'm doing for history.(A) Continue to read.(B) Meet the woman at the library. (D) Go out with some friends.8 9101112 131415A: Oh, man! Something in this room is making my eyesitch(痒). I must be allergic to something. B: Hum. I wonderwhat it is.Q: What does the woman want to know?A: My brother is coming this weekend and I thought three ofus could go out to dinner on Saturday night. Any suggestions?B: It's up to you. I don't know the restaurants around here thatwell. So you’d know a better place to go than me.Q: What does the man mean?A: Can I get a ride into the office with you tomorrow?B: Another day would be fi ne. But I’ve got to be dow ntown fora meeting first thing in the morning. Q: What does the womanimply?A: After two weeks of tennis lessons I think I finallymanaged to improve my backhand(反手击球) .B: Like my mom always says: "Practice makes perfect."Q: What does the woman mean?A: I just heard about your acceptance into law school. Doyou think you will be able to join your brother's firm whenyou graduate?B: Not likely. He is a tax lawyer and I'm going to major incriminal law.Q: What does the woman imply?A:Couldyougivemearidetothedean'soffice?Myinterviewforthescholarship isinanhour.B:Don'tyouhaveanyt hing elseto wearother than that swe ater? Q: What does the woman imply? A: Well,if you are serio usly consi deringbuying a car,I'm trying to getrid of mine. All it needs is new paint.B: Thanks. But most used cars end up being more trouble than they are worth.Q: What will the man probably do?A: Did you watch that comedy special on TV last night? I don't think I ever laughed so hard.B: Don't even talk to me about it. The only night I really wanted to watch something ,and we had apower fail in my building.Q: What does the woman mean?1998年8月北美听力文字(A) What she can do to help the man.(B) How long the man has had allergies.(C) What is causing the man's problem.(D) What the man just said.(A) He already has plans for Saturday night.(B) The woman should decide where to cat Saturday.(C) The woman should ask her brother for a suggestion.(D) He will make a reservation at the restaurant.(A) She'll drop the man off on the way to work.(B) The man can ride downtown with her.(C) The man will have to leave earlier than usual.(D) She can't give the man a ride.(A) Her backhand is almost perfect.(B) The time the man spent practicing has helped him.(C) The man's mother wanted him to practice.(D) Her mother is a good tennis coach.(A) Her brother was not accepted into law school.(B) She doesn't want to be a criminal lawyer.(C) She has decided not to go to law school.(D) She doesn't plan to work in her brother's law firm.(A) The man will probably receive a scholarship.(B)Shecan'tgivethemanaridetothed e a n ' s o f f i c e . ( C ) S h e c a n l e n d t h e m a n a sweater.(D) The man isn't dressed appropriately for the interview.(A) Buy a car from the woman.(B) Help the woman paint her car.(C) Buy a new car.(D) Look for a less expensive car.(A) She's upset that she missed the television program.(B) She doesn't think the television program was funny.(C) She doesn't like talking about television programs.(D) She watched the television program at a friend's house.CBDBDDCA(一)1617181920 2122A: Do you think it'll be able to get this ink stain out of my pants?B: It won't be a problem but I'll need to send them over to ourmain cleaning facility. That's an extra day's time.Q: What does the woman mean?A: You'll have to be a lot more persuasive if you want toconvince the committee to accept your proposal.B: I'm not sure what else I could say. Besides I don't thinkover-rejected(完全拒绝的).Q: What does the woman mean?A: I'm having trouble slicing the bread with this knife.B: Oh. Sorry about that. I haven't gotten around to sharpening ityet.Q: What can be inferred about the knife?A: Do you know if Sarah has reserved the room for thecommittee meeting yet?B: No. But if she hasn't we should have her try to get theauditorium. We'll need the space.Q: What does the woman want Sarah to do?A: I lost the piece of paper Laura gave me. You know, the onewith her address on it.B: You might be able to find it listed in the phone book.Q:Whatdoesthewomanmean?A:Iheardontheradiothatnotonlyisitgoingtobesuperhottomorrowbutalsothehumidity'sgoingway up. B: Sounds like I'm going to have to find an air-conditio ned place to be in. Q: What does the man mean? A: I can't concentr ate on this final report any longer. Maybe I should take a nap before we continue.B: You know they say the physical activity makes you more alert.Q: What does the woman imply?(A) Cleaning the pants will take longer than usual.(B) The man can have his pants at the end of the day.(C) She doesn't think the stain can be removed.(D) The man should go to a different location.(A) She is going to try to be more persuasive.(B) She'll accept the committee's proposal.(C) She thinks the committee will accept the proposal.(D) She'll revise the proposal before she talks to the committee.(A) It's new.(B) It's dull.(C) It's not clean.(D) It has a broken handle.(A) Meet her in the auditorium.(B) Schedule the meeting for a different time.(C) Reserve a large room for the meeting.(D) Cancel the meeting.(A) The man may have left the paper in the phone book.(B) The man should call Laura for her address.(C) Laura's house is not difficult to find.(D) Laura's address probably appears in the telephone directory.(A) He doesn't believe the weather forecast.(B) Hedoesn'tlikehumidweather.(C) Hejustboughtan airconditioner.(D) Hecan fixthewoman's airconditioner.(A) Themanshouldsleepmore.(B) Themanshouldgetsomeexercise.(C) It'simportant tofinishthereportnow.(D) The man needs to concentrate harder.ACBCD B B1998年8月北美听力文字 (一)2324252627 2829A: I hope you like the novel I lent you. I wasn't sure whether itwas the kind of book you would be interested in.B: You know, I had the same doubt at first. But once I started Isimply couldn't put it down.Q: What does the man mean?A: The museum exhibit that our professor recommended justclosed. Last day yesterday.B: Oh. I was really looking forward to seeing it.Q: What does the man mean?A: If George misses one more meeting we are gonna have to findone new committee secretary.B: We'd better give him an ultimatum(最后通牒).Q: What does the man suggest they do?A: Are you sure you don't mind getting the concert tickets? Iwouldn't be able to pay you back until Friday when I get paid.B: No problem. I'm glad I can help and we'll be able to gotogether.Q: What does the man mean?A: Have you heard the news? The manager posted this month'swork schedule.B: She did? Where?Q: What does the woman ask?A: Willyou beliving inthedormitory thisyear?B:Notif Icanhelpit.I'vebeenthinkingofrentinganapartmentoffcampuswithsomefriendsofmine.Q:Whatdoes the man imply? A: The plot(剧情) of that movie is hard to follow.B: It makes more sense the second time. Q: What can be inferred about the woman? (A) He doubts the woman will like the novel.(B) He hasn't started reading the novel yet.(C) He enjoyed reading the novel.(D) He'll lend the woman the novel after he has read it.(A) He is pleased the exhibit has closed.(B) He has already seen the exhibit.(C) He is disappointed the exhibit has closed.(D) He already knew the exhibit had closed.(A) Remove George from the committee immediately.(B) Warn George that his attendance problem is serious. (C) Offer to help George duringthe meeting.(D) Telephone George to see if he's coming to the meeting.(A) He'll pay the woman earlier.(B) He was Able to sell the tickets for the woman.(C) He doesn't mind buying the tickets.(D) He hopes to see the woman on Friday.(A) Where the manager is.(B) Where she will be working this month.(C) Where she can find the work schedule.(D) Where the man heard the news.(A) She needs help finding a place to live.(B) There aren't enough rooms available in the dormitories. (C) She can't afford to live oncampus.(D) She doesn't want to live in university housing.(A) She would like to see the film again.(B) She has seen the movie more than once.(C) She thinks the movie lasted a long time.(D) She thinks the movie was a waste of time.CCBCCB D1998年8月北美听力文字 (一)A: I'm so soaked from the rain. I'd go back to my room to change my clothes if there were ore time before the performance.30 B: I could use drying off too. But I hate the idea of missing even a few minutes of this concert.Q: What can be inferred about the speakers?5月1 2 3 4 56(A) They didn't get wet.(B) They're late for the concert.(C) They prefer to dress casually. DPa rt A 听力原文听力试题A: I need to go across town, but the traffic is so heavy this time of day.B: When you take the subway, you’ll never have to deal with traffic. I never drive anymo re. Q: What does the man imply?A: I’ve got two tickets to today’s game. Do you want to come along? B: It’ll be on television. Besides, it’s really too cold forme.Q: What will the man probably do?A: You had Professor Johnson before, right? How would you describe his lectures?B: Well, let me put it this way: I could never stay awake in one of his classes without first drinking at least two cups of coffee. (有这么夸张吗)Q: What does the man imply?A: Excuse me, could you tell me how to get to the post office?B: Your guess is as good as mine. I’m new around here. Q: What does the woman mean?A: I forgot to tell you that Fred called last night to borrow your sleeping bag. B: Oh, I sawhim at the gym this morning and he didn’t say anything. So hemust’ve asked somebody else. Q: What does the man imply?A: You must be looking forward to your trip back to Colorado. It should be fun to hike up into those mountains again.B: Well, there might not be time for that. The thing is I haven’t seen my sister and her kids for three years.Q: What does the woman imply?(A) The woman doesn’t drive often. (B) Traffic is better than it used to be. (C) Taking public transportation saves time. (D) The subway is crowded.(A) Wear a heavy sweater to the game. (B) Exchange the tickets. (C) Take care of his cold. (D) Watch the game at home.(A) He dropped out of Professor Johnson’s class. (B) He’ll probably take another class wi th Professor Johnson. (C) Professor Johnson’s lectures were boring. (D) Students weren’t allowed to bring drinks into Professor Johnson’s class.(A) She hasn’t recei ved any mail yet. (B) She doesn’t know where the postoffic e is. (C) She thinks the post office is nearby. (D) A new post office has just opened. (A) Someone else told him Fred had called. (B) The man looked for Fred at they gym. (C) It wasn’t really Fred who cal led.(D) Fred probably 3borrowed someone else’s sleeping bag. (A) She hasn’t gone hiking in three years. (B) She plans to visit her relatives. (C) Her sister’s children love to hike in the mountains. (D) Her sister may move back to Colorado someday.答案CDCBDB 1998年8月北美听力文字 (一)7 8 91011 121314A: Tom’s house is a mess! Doesn’the ever clean it?B: I guess he just has too much else on his mind with that newjob of his.Q: What does the woman imply about Tom?A: Hey, that’sa great sweater you’re wearing. It looks reallywarm.B: Yeah, but I wish I brought a co at like you did. It’s really coldtoday.Q: What does the woman imply?A: Hey, George, I can’t ge t to sleep with thelights sonearmy bed. Can you studysomeplace else?B: Sorry, there is a party going on down in the lounge. I suppose Ican check the dining room though.Q: What will George probably do?A: I wish I didn’t have to make a special trip to the postoffice toget my package.B: Well, if you call them in the morning, they’ll gi ve thepackage to your mail carrier to bring out to you.Q: What does the woman suggest the man do?A: Professor, have you graded my term paper yet?B: To tell you the truth, I’ve been tied up in committee me etingsall week.Q: What can be inferred about the paper?A: Withthecoldthatbad, Ithink itis prettyfoolishnot tosee adoctor.B:Don’tworry.It’llpass in afewdays.Q: Whatdoesthe manmean?A: Doyouhavehotwaterinwardroom?Because wehaven’thad any for three days and I hate cold shower s. B: Oh, soun dsmiser able. Since the gyms usuall y open, why don ’t you just go over there to fix the probl em? :t fd o ue nsdt h o twtraeng t t t n t tmh n c rdeoa ive writing class is full.Now I have to wait another whole year to get in.B: Why don’t you check back after the first week? Somebody might drop it.Q: What does the man suggest the woman do?1998年8月北美听力文字(A) He’s planning to move to a new house.(B) He hopes to change jobs.(C) He likes to keep his house clean.(D) He’s too busy to clean the house.(A) Her coat is similar to the man’s.(B) She needs to buy a new coat.(C) Her sweater is not warm enough.(D) The man should have worn a sweater.(A) Ask the people in the lounge to be quiet.(B) Try to find another place to study.(C) Move the party to the dining room.(D) Turn on another light.(A) Pickup the package at the postoffice.(B) Deliver the package in person.(C) Ask to have the package delivered to his home.(D) Find out the hours the post office is open.(A) The committee is discussing it.(B) It received a low grade.(C) It hasn’t been graded.(D) The woman hasn’t submitted it.(A) He’ll see the doctor if he’s not better soon.(B) He has had worse colds in the past.(C) He’ll feel better once he sees the doctor.(D) Hiscoldwill goawayby itself.(A) Gethisshowerfixed.(B) Findoutwhenthegym isopen.(C) Takeashowerat thegym.(D) Askto bemovedtoanotherbuidling.(A)Makesuretheregistration offi cedidn’tmake a mistake. (B)Decidewhethertodropthecoursenextweek. (C) Find out if a place opens up in the course later. (D) Take the course next year. DCBCCDCC(一)1516171819 2021A: Professor Nelson, could you please turn upthe temperature in here? I’m having troubleconcentrating.B: Yeah, I understand, but I don’t control the thermostat(自动调温器). Tell you what, I’ll talk to maintenance about it afterclass. In the mean time, I suggest you put on a sweater if youbrought one.Q: What does the man imply?A: Hi, Jerry, it’s Beth from the apartment next door. I’m atschool right now and I realize I forgot my keys at home.Could you ask the building manager to put the extra set inmy mailbox?B: I don’tthink that’s sec ure enough. I can just drop by yourclass later.Q: What would the man probably do?A: I’m going to Chicago on business and somebody said youwere the right person to talk to about what I can do there forfun.B: You bet I am. But I hope you’ve got at least a month.Q: What does the man imply?A: Come on, Sue, I know you have a new camera, but, you justtook a picture of a car.B: No, No! Look behind the car.Q: What does the woman mean?A: Could I look at your bus schedule? I don’t want to drive towork tomorrow if it’s snowing.B: Youwouldbebetteroffcallingtheterminal(终点站). It’sbeenalongtimesinceI’veusedmyschedule andI’msure itwasout ofdate.Q:Whatdoesthewomanmean?A:That’sa prettythickbook.Are yousure Fram will want to plough through (费力进行)that? B: Are you kidding?She’ll be through it in two days. Q: What does the man imply about Fram?A: If I send this package third class, how long will it take to arrive? B: About two weeks. But, hum, many people don’t realize that first class is only a dollar fifty more and it would get there in just afew days.Q: What does the woman suggest the man do?(A) He doesn’t think the room is too cold.(B) He’s already wearing a sweater.(C) He can’t address the problem right now.(D) He’ll turn up the heat as soon as class is over.(A) Make a copy of the key for the woman.(B) Give the woman her key at her class.(C) Put the key in the woman’smailbox.(D) Unlock the woman’sdoor.(A) He recently spent a month in Chicago.(B) He can recommend many things to do.(C) Chicago is an expensive place to have fun.(D) He’s going on the trip, too.(A) She likes the design of the car.(B) Someone famous is riding in the car.(C) She collects pictures of cars.(D) The car is in front of something interesting.(A) The bus is usually late when it snows.(B) She’s not sure where her schedule is.(C) She can’t give the man a ride to work.(D) The times on her bus schedule may no longer be correct.(A) Shehastroubleconcentrating.(B)She’llreturnthebook ifshedoesn’t like it.(C) Sheis a fastreader.(D)She’lllend theman thebookwhenshe’sfinished.(A) Paytheextrapostage.(B)Sendthepackage third-class.(C) Waita fewdays tomail the package.(D) Deliver the packagehimself.CBBDD C A1998年8月北美听力文字 (一)2223242526 2728A: Surely, you don’t want to eat at the expensive restaurant.B: Not much I don’t(我并非一点也不想) . They have thebest food in town.Q: What does the man mean?A: Like usual the lecture hall is complete mess this afternoon.Newspapers, soda cans, used issues, all of it, just thrown allover the floor. I can’t understand how people can be sothoughtless.B: Well, your professor should have the authority to getsomething done about it.Q: What does the woman imply the man should do?A: How about going on a camping trip next week with us? Weare planning on hiking and canoeing in the state park.B: That sounds great. But I’d better warn you: I’ve never beenin the canoe and I am not much the swimmer either.Q: What does the woman mean?A: I heard that the pre-turnout( 事先的准备) for the opening ofthe new sculpture exhibit was a kind of disappointing.B: I guess a lot of other people feel the way I do about modernart.Q: What does the woman mean?A: We’d better make sure we get to the presentatio n earlytomorrow morning. The dean said thatthere would be bagels (百吉饼)and pastries in food. But Ihave a feeling that they are going to go quickly.B: I guess I’ll brin g my appetite.Q: What will the man probably do?A:Isn’t itgreataboutR uth’scommunityserviceaward?B: Shedeserved itQ: Whatdoesthe manmean?A:I’mdrivingdowntownthisafternoon. IhavetostopbyDeluxe, theartsupplystore,to getsome paints for my art class. B: Deluxe? They moved to Smithvill e.Q: What does the woman mean? (A) He’s not very hungry.(B) He really wants to eat at the restaurant.(C) The restaurant is too expensive.(D) He knows a better place to go for a meal.(A) Speak to his professor about the condition of the lecture hall. (B) Organize a team of students toclean the lecture hall.(C) Find out who has been making the mess.(D) Wait to see if the problem goes away.(A) She’d like togo although she has little experience. (B) She doesn’t enjoy camping.(C) She’d rather go swimming than hiking.(D) She needs to buy a canoe before the trip.(A) She couldn’t get a ticket for the exhibit.(B) She doesn’t like crowded events.(C) She knows a lot of people who went to the exhibit. (D) She doesn’t like modern art.(A) Arrive at the presentation after breakfast.(B) Talk to the dean before the presentation.(C) Call the woman early in the morning.(D) Eat breakfast at the presentation.(A) Ruth earned the award.(B) Ruth helped plan the award ceremony.(C) Ruth should work more for the community.(D) Ruth served as chairperson of the committee.(A) She cannot go with the man to Smithville.(B) There is a new art supply store downtown.(C) The store’s location has changed.(D) The store went out of business.BAADDC A1998年8月北美听力文字 (一)1999年8月 托福听力文字及对应答案 Part A8月 听力原文 听力试题 答案A: I was going to get something to eat at the cafeteria, but it seems to be closed. (A) Ask someone to recommend a place to eat. B: Oh, that’sbecause it’s Sunday. Why do n’t you come with me to a place I know on Canal Street? (B) Cook something for themselves.1 Q: What does the woman suggest they do? (C) Go to another place to eat. C(D) Check the cafeteria later.A: How did the pictures at the Orientation come out? Did you get them back from the photo shop? (A) The store has lost them.B: Actually, the film is still in the camera. I haven’t quite finished the roll. (B) The man doesn’t have enough money to pay for them.2 C (D) The man is in a hurry.A: Do you have a calculator that you could lend me for a few days? I just have no (A) He doesn’town a calculator. idea where mine is. (B) His calculator is broken.3 DQ: What does the man mean? (D) Someone else borrowed his calculator.A: I can’t seem to wak e up in the morning without coffee at breakfast. (A) He likes to drink coffee in the morning. B: You know, I’m just like you, except I prefer tea. (B) He seldom wakes up early.4Q: What does the man mean? (C) He needs tea to feel alert. C(D) He doesn’t usually eat breakfa st.A: You were right about the puzzle you lent me last week. It really is a challenge. I want to try to get it myself though, so I am gonna work on it a little longer. B: Well, if you get really stuck, remember, I’m only a phone call away. Q: What does the woman mean?A: I’m new in town and I need to find a doctor. Do you know anything about Joyce Brown?(A) She hopes the man can remember her phone number.(B) She’swilling to help the man solve the puzzle. (C) She hopes the man will call her whe n he’sfinished. (D) She’s going out of town soon.(A) It is difficult getting an appointment with her. (B) She is a good doctor. (C) She used to be his doctor.2930BBB: Well, yes, I have one. But actually, it’s a lready on loan to someone. (C) He doesn’t want to lend his calculator to anyone. Q: Why can’t the woman see the picture? (C) The film hasn’t been processed yet.A: If the weather doesn’t get any better, we may have to scrap our plans for this afternoon’spicnic. (A) They sho uldn’t change their plans.B: Don’t give up yet. The forecast said the cl ouds should clear up by mid-morning. (B) He doesn’t trust the weather forecast.5 Q: What does the man imply? (C) They should have the picnic indoors. A(D) He had forgotten about their plans.1998年8月北美听力文字 (一)8月6 7 8 9 101112听力原文A: Do you think I could borrow your car to go glossary shopping?The supermarkets outside the city are so much cheaper than theone by the school. But they are so faraway. I’dbe happy topickupanything you need.B: Well, I don’t like to let anyone else drive my car. Tell youwhat, why don’t we go together? That way I can learn the way?Q: What does the woman mean?A: Do you mind if I take off my jacket?B: Of course not, make yourself at homeQ: What does the woman mean?A: I have to fill out these forms. They are due at thefinancial aid office by tomorrow afternoon. B: You werejust complaining about how broke you are. If I were you,I’d make that my firstpriority.Q: What does the woman mean?A: My hand still hurts from falling on the ice yesterday. Iwonder if I broke something.B: I’m no doctor, but it’s not black and blue or anything.Maybe you just need to rest it for a few days.Q: What does the man suggest the woman do?A: Excuse me. Do you have any apartmentsavailable for under 500 dollars a month? I needto move in next week when my new job starts.B: The only vacant one I have is 600 dollars. Have you inquiredat the apartment complex down the street?:ohuatkos,tlaassutotsheedomtd。



TOFEL听力真题(89—05年)89年TOEFL听力A1. (A) He looked at me.(B) He borrowed my book.(C) I used his book.(D) I told him to look at me.2. (A) Bob became a doctor.(B) Bob came in with the teacher.(C) Bob went to see two doctors.(D) Bob is a teacher.3. (A) I never worry about what to say.(B) I haven't spoken to anyone yet.(C) People don't listen when I speak.(D) His last words were hard to hear.4. (A) Gary's starting to share my opinion.(B) Gary wants me to come to the point.(C) Gary comes around more often now.(D) Gary's beginning to like the scenery.5. (A) Wait until you see how long the line is!(B) This is the seventh movie I've seen at this theater.(C) If you go early, you can buy your ticket right away.(D) Don't be surprised if you have to stand to see the movie.6. (A) The last biography I read was much better than this one.(B) I've only written half of the bibliography.(C) I haven't ridden a bike in a long time.(D) The graph he drew ifs twice as good as the one I did.7. (A) The story is very enjoyable.(B) I wonder which story it is.(C) Is that one of the stores?(D) Is it a wonderful story?8. (A) George helped prepare the peas.(B) George served him another slice.(C) George took another serving of pie.(D) George served everyone the pizza.9. (A) Anybody can use the dictionary in the office.(B) Is every one of those books a dictionary?(C) Does the office have any use for these books?(D) To practice diction by oneself is useful.10. (A) This one isn't any larger than mine. (B) This is larger than a piece of luggage.(C) I want a larger suit in that case.(D) This suitcase isn't large enough.11. (A) Bill and Mary are engaged to be married.(B) Bill and Mary canceled the meeting.(C) Mary was outraged when she saw the bill.(D) Bill and Mary were angry about the cancellation.12. (A) You must try to be quieter.(B) The volume is much too low.(C) I don't hear anything down there.(D) The noise is coming from outside.13. (A) They go alone to school.(B) They arrive at school on time.(C) They are doing well in school.(D) They find their own way to school.14. (A) I'm typing the essay for Lisa.(B) That type of essay is easy to write.(C) At least the essay is typed.(D) Typing the essay is only a minor problem.15. (A) I wanted Pamela to continue her project.(B) Pamela was discouraged from working on her art project.(C) It was an honor to be able to do the art project with Pamela.(D) Pamela has a lot of courage to take on such a large project.16. (A) I can never keep a secret from Beth.(B) I told Beth we were going to surprise her.(C) I'll be surprised if Beth comes to the party.(D) I don't think we should tell Beth about the party.17. (A) Sarah put on her makeup.(B) Sarah hoped to take the test another time.(C) Sarah helped prepare the examination.(D) Sarah took a free sample of makeup.18. (A) Does everyone have a copy of the assignment?(B) Can you turn the sheet around?(C) Is there enough time for the assignment?(D) Do the sheets have enough information?19. (A) I think that was the city bus, don't you?(B) Was that supposed to be the city bus?(C) That wasn't the city bus.(D) I don't know why the city bus is so late.20. (A) No one has a nose as sore as poll's.(B) No one here knows much about the subject of politics.(C) She's well acquainted with the subject.(D) She doesn't know anybody here.21. (A) She doesn't know when they will go.(B) She believes there is a road detour.(C) She won't be ready at 8 o'clock.(D) She wants the man to go away.22. (A) Sit sown.(B) Remain standing.(C) Go ahead of the woman.(D) Pick up the chair.23. (A) The electrician came to repair the lamp.(B) The lamp was taken to the repair shop.(C) She had Mike fix the lamp.(D) The lamp was replaced.24. (A) Not hanging the poster.(B) Peeling off the wallpaper.(C) Using tape for the poster.(D) Not hiding the damage.25. (A) Both chemistry courses are difficult.(B) Few chemistry courses are hard.(C) Chemistry 402 was worse than Chemistry 502.(D) He has only had one chemistry course.26. (A) Studying.(B) Watching television.(C) Nothing right now.(D) Going to the movies.27. (A) She was unable to have her picture taken.(B) She has not chosen a picture for it.(C) She had broken her camera.(D) She had gone to a photography class instead.28. (A) He would prefer calling her next week.(B) He will let her decide about the next meeting.(C) He would like to buy some refreshments for the meeting.(D) He definitely wants to know about the meeting.29. (A) Eating in a cafeteria.(B) Buying something in a store.(C) Talking on the telephone.(D) Getting money at a bank. 30. (A) She'd rather take a break later.(B) She likes the suggestion.(C) She never drinks soda.(D) She doesn't think he's serious.31. (A) There are six sections of each class.(B) He has to leave since it's almost one o'clock.(C) There are dozens of classes to choose from.(D) It doesn't matter which class the woman takes.32. (A) She's lent the texts for just a few days.(B) She kept the texts that are still up to date.(C) She's no longer interested in science.(D) She moved her science texts away from the other books.33. (A) He would like to know what happened.(B) He can help the woman.(C) Because of what happened, he has no time.(D) He would have helped if he had the time.34. (A) To order some medicine for their aunt Margaret.(B) To get some exercise.(C) To buy some items.(D) To see their aunt.35. (A) Dick is practically the only one who thinks so.(B) Most people play football differently.(C) Few people are optimistic about the team's chances of winning.(D) Dick is disappointed in football games.36. (A) In a professor's office.(B) In a medical doctor's office.(C) In an auditorium.(D) In a gym.37. (A) Just before the semester begins.(B) After the first week of classes.(C) In the middle of the semester.(D) On the last day of class.38. (A) She had promised that she would.(B) She has been sick.(C) She needs his approval for her schedule.(D) She must verify his plans.39. (A) It wasn't a requirement.(B) She already knew the material.(C) She entered the hospital.(D) Her course load was too heavy.40. (A) The woman's musical background.(B) The woman's economic situation.(C) The woman's dislike of chemistry.(D) The woman's decision to take on so much work.41. (A) The replacement of the harpsichord by the piano.(B) The development of electronic musical instruments.(C) The relative costs of different types of musical instruments.(D) The performance of classical music on synthesizers.42. (A) At the beginning.(B) In the middle.(C) Near the end.(D) Just after the end.43. (A) He is surprised by it.(B) He disagrees with it.(C) He thinks it is too soon to tell.(D) He is alarmed by it.44. (A) In the early nineteenth century.(B) In the late nineteenth century.(C) In the early twentieth century.(D) In the mid-twentieth century.45. (A) The electronic instrument is much more expensive.(B) The electronic instrument is slightly more expensive.(C) The piano is slightly more expensive.(D) The piano is much more expensive.46. (A) The conversion of volcanic waste to fertilizer.(B) The menace of currently dormant volcanoes around Mount Saint Helen's.(C) The eruption of Mount Saint Helen's and its effects on the environment.(D) The elimination of volcanic ash by natural means.47. (A) The crops were obliterated for the entire year.(B) The crops nutritional value was considerably lessened.(C) The soil was permanently damaged.(D) The loss was not as bad been anticipated as had.48. (A) It served as a fertilizer for crops. (B) It formed a new mountain.(C) It stabilized air temperatures.(D) It destroyed various insect pests.49. (A) It's lethal upon contact.(B) It has relatively little harmful effect.(C) It affects the sense of hearing.(D) It dries up the skin.50. (A) Interest.(B) Disappointment.(C) Shock.(D) Anger.89-589年5月TOEFL听力A1. (A) The shipping company is getting a new radio.(B) The radio I ordered should be sent this week.(C) The company accidentally chipped the radio I ordered.(D) That company's radio is supposed to be cheaper this week.2. (A) Laura put on makeup before the exam.(B) Laura has to take the cake upstairs.(C) Laura must take the test.(D) Laura knows the flag of every nation.3. (A) No one is going to the convention.(B) To whom did you mention this?(C) It will be brought to your attention.(D) Have you any idea who will attend the convention?4. (A) Susan and Ben were accepted at the state university.(B) Ben applied to the state university because Susan was accepted there.(C) Ben didn't want to go to the state university because Susan is there.(D) Neither Susan nor Ben is interested in attending the state university.5. (A) Tommy was lucky to hit the target the first time.(B) The ball was hidden behind the window.(C) Tommy can't throw the ball very far.(D) Fortunately, the ball didn't break the window.6. (A) Did you make a copy of this?(B) You made the right copy, didn't you?(C) I think you asked for more than one copy.(D) I understand you'd like a single copy of this.7. (A) The posters make the room look cheerful.(B) The poster shows a room full of colorful chairs.(C) How many color posters are there in the room?(D) How does the room look now with so many chairs?8. (A) Mike's drink was cold.(B) Mike was coughing.(C) Mike wasn't warm enough.(D) My coffee wasn't as hot as Mike's.9. (A) Running this projector is very easy for me.(B) It isn't worth fixing this projector.(C) I can't recommend that projector.(D) It's very inexpensive to run this projector.10. (A) There's only a half hour before Fred arrives.(B) There aren't any flowers next to the bed.(C) We should make a bouquet.(D) We need more flour.11. (A) I purchased a car recently.(B) I knew the car was in the lot.(C) I really need a new car.(D) I always forget to clean my car.12. (A) Sandra arranged an exhibit for history week.(B) Sandra accidentally upset this week's history exhibit.(C) Sandra sat beside the historic display.(D) Sandra directed a play.13. (A) No one has an opinion on everything.(B) No one opinion is all-encompassing.(C) Everyone has an opinion on something.(D) Only one person is lacking an opinion on it.14. (A) I'm pleased to be able to lend you the money.(B) I've lent you all the money I had.(C) I wish you could lend me some money.(D) I'm sorry I can't lend you the money.15. (A) Someone was baking in the kitchen.(B) There was paste on the kitchen table.(C) We just came from the kitchen.(D) There's a lot of room in the kitchen.16. (A) We find Bob agreeable most of the time.(B) We usually like Bob's guests.(C) Bob isn't willing to join the others.(D) Most of us wanted to walk along with Bob.17. (A) I haven't studied physics with the professor.(B) This was the professor's best lecture yet. (C) I've never heard the professor give a good lecture.(D) The professor isn't interested in physics.18. (A) Barbara is interesting to listen to because she reads a lot.(B) Barbara talks a lot while she sews.(C) Barbara seldom talks because she's always reading.(D) Barbara has little to say about this topic.19. (A) I don't think he'll come if he gets the job.(B) I hope that he won't get the job.(C) Someone else will probably get the job.(D) I won't be surprised if he gets the job.20. (A) How many are there?(B) What's the explanation?(C) Who's the accountant?(D) Did you count four of them.21. (A) She wants to know where the restaurant is.(B) She's recommending a good place to go for dinner.(C) She thinks the man should go to France.(D) She's inviting the man to eat with her.22. (A) Run in town.(B) Look more carefully.(C) Buy shoes from a catalog.(D) Find an easier places to exercise.23. (A) Saying goodbye to a friend.(B) Buying a ticket for a sports event.(C) Paying a bill at the bank.(D) Arranging a plane trip.24. (A) He didn't know how to begin to write a play.(B) He hasn't liked plays very much in the past.(C) He didn't want to talk about it right away.(D) He wasn't sure what the first part was about.25. (A) Dan received them.(B) Gloria forgot about them.(C) Dan mailed them.(D) Gloria has sent for them.26. (A) His room is quite small.(B) he had to walk around the dormitory.(C) It's hard to find a room in the dormitory.(D) It's his turn to inspect the dormitory room.27. (A) He should look in a different place.(B) She can help him if necessary.(C) He should stand on something.(D) Perhaps he shouldn't have tea.28. (A) They are going toward the lake.(B) They have made a new trail.(C) They have decided to sit outdoors.(D) They are camping around the lake.29. (A) Anyone can do it.(B) No one can do it.(C) Alex can probably do it.(D) Alex probably shouldn't do it.30. (A) He'll go if the woman goes too.(B) He doubts he'll be able to go.(C) He's too tired to go.(D) He's eager to go.31. (A) It is typical December weather for this region.(B) It won't really snow until December.(C) Such a large amount of snow is unusual for this month.(D) There has never been much snow down South.32. (A) He believes Mark was the wrong person.(B) he wants to know who is telling the truth.(C) He finds the decision unbelievable.(D) He thought there wouldn't be any awards.33. (A) The store doesn't have it now, but will soon.(B) It is no longer available.(C) It has been reprinted four times.(D) The information in the book is not up-to-date.34. (A) It's uncomfortable because of the wind.(B) It isn't as warm as the man had thought it would be.(C) The man expected it to be windy.(D) The wind hasn't made it any cooler.35. (A) He already knows what Ted will say.(B) He doesn't have time to look at the gift.(C) He can't imagine what his friends got for him.(D) He is anxious to see Ted's reaction to the gift.36. (A) A sales representative.(B) A store manager.(C) A committee chairperson.(D) A class president.37. (A) To determine who will graduate this year.(B) To discuss the seating arrangement.(C) To choose the chairperson of the ceremonies.(D) To begin planning the graduation ceremonies.38. (A) Their manes, phone numbers, and job preference.(B) The names and addresses of their guests.(C) The names of the committees they worked on last year.(D) Their dormitory mane, address, and phone number.39. (A) Only students who have time for the work.(B) All the students who are at the meeting.(C) Only students who have a telephone.(D) All the students who worked on the project last year.40. (A) In an hour.(B) Next week.(C) In one month.(D) Next year.41. (A) Food packaging.(B) Varieties of fish.(C) A new snack food.(D) An artificial food flavoring.42. (A) Its variety of colors.(B) Its unusual texture.(C) The way it is sold.(D) Its main ingredient.43. (A) To preserve it longer.(B) To give it a particular taste.(C) To make it smoother.(D) To increase the fermentation.44. (A) Its low purchase price.(B) Its wide availability.(C) Its good nutritional value.(D) Its higher water content.45. (A) Its bland flavoring is healthful.(B) It can be stored a long time without spoiling.(C) It goes well with fish dishes.(D) A high grade of fish is used in its preparation.46. (A) In a few weeks.(B) In two or three months.(C) In about two years.(D) In ten years.47. (A) Count money.(B) Read and write.(C) Draw moving objects.(D) Hunt and farm.48. (A) Teachers came to children's homes.(B) Children acquired the information they needed by direct experience.(C) Children taught one another in small supervised groups.(D) Parents instructed their children in the "three R's"49. (A) A new dependence on people far away and the use of money.(B) The introduction of a new alphabet and numerical system.(C) Outmoded methods of farming and ineffective means of transportation.(D) Larger family units and greater financial hardships.50. (A) The various means of survival taught by parents in contemporary society.(B) The importance of history instruction in the first schools.(C) The increasingly complex skills subsequently taught in schools.(D) The problems involved in the construction of new schools.89-889年8月TOEFL听力A1£® (A) She never hears her alarm clock ringing.(B) Her alarm clock doesn't ring when it should.(C) She doesn't know where her alarm clock is .(D) She always sleeps until the alarm clock wakes her. 2£® (A) They said they're going by taxi.(B) Their clothes are in terrible condition.(C) In certain states clothes are subject to tax.(D) There are some clothes hanging on the racks.3£® (A) She didn't often go out in the rain.(B) She learned a great deal from the program.(C) She understood only a little about the program.(D) She stopped running to the train.4£® (A) He never comes here in the fall.(B) He'll probably arrive soon.(C) He couldn't hear it this time.(D) He doesn't have time to call.5£® (A) Karen can afford to go to college.(B) Karen got only one scholarship.(C) Without a scholarship, Karen couldn't go to college.(D) If Karen can afford to go, she won't get a scholarship.6£® (A) He will apply soon for his first passport.(B) He has to apply again for a passport.(C) He knew he had to pick up his passport.(D) He didn't need his passport until now.7£® (A) I was actually on time.(B) I was ten minutes late.(C) I wasn't late because I ran all the way.(D) I walked for ten minutes.8£® (A) Jerry knew all the answers.(B) It was easy to answer Jerry's questions.(C) Jerry had difficulty with the test.(D) Everyone came for the test except Jerry.9£® (A) It would be better not to take the course.(B) This term would be a good time to take the course.(C) I don't think you can get out of taking that course.(D) I didn't say a word about your taking that course.10. (A) I didn't think the keys were in the shop.(B) That shop has fair prices.(C) The shopkeeper expects customers to be honest.(D) I don't think that shopkeeper is trustworthy.11. (A) A fee is charged for reserved books returned even an hour late.(B) This is a fine day to spend an hour in the library.(C) The reserve section of the library is due to close in one hour.(D) Our library has a reserve section of fine books.12. (A) Leslie will get credit for graduating early.(B) Leslie has a heavier course load than usual this term.(C) Leslie is taking a minimal number of credits this term.(D) Leslie must pay the rent on her apartment before she graduates.13. (A) You shouldn't be that busy now.(B) You've had a lot to0 do recently.(C) How long do you expect to be so busy?(D) How have you been doing recently?14. (A) I wasn't asking for the catalog.(B) The catalogs have been poorly copied.(C) I wouldn't give away my copy of the catalog.(D) No one gave me a catalog.15. (A) Susan told Mike about the new policy.(B) Mike talked to Susan regarding the new policy.(C) Mike and Susan questioned the school about the policy.(D) Mike and Susan gathered information about theschool's policy.16. (A) What do you think provoked the President?(B) The President was thinking aloud.(C) Don't you think the speech was stimulating?(D) The speech angered the press.17. (A) We became friends quickly.(B) We have been friends for a long while.(C) We have to leave pretty soon.(D) We knew none of the others.18. (A) She hasn't started the work yet.(B) She didn't want the work to be finished.(C) She hasn't worked since the project started.(D) She didn't want to start all over again.19. (A) The professor introduced the students to each other.(B) The two students were presented to the class.(C) The students met the professor.(D) The professor was introduced by a colleague.20. (A) I needed exactly that thing.(B) I got the thing at last.(C) I certainly didn't need that.(D) That thing won't last.21. (A) Who called.(B) What Margaret said.(C) Who Margaret is.(D) When the message was taken.22. (A) He'll only give her part of his notes.(B) He doesn't know anything about economics.(C) He's not taking an economics class.(D) He's happy to lend her his notes.23. (A) She received two job offers.(B) She also was offered a job.(C) She was the first to receive an offer.(D) She received too many offers.24. (A) They'll have to get some more paint.(B) They should get someone to help them.(C) They shouldn't delay any longer.(D) They don't have to paint the room again.25. (A) Leave for home.(B) Check the language lab.(C) Buy new locks.(D) Show the man where the lab is.26. (A) In a doctor's office. (B) In an operating room.(C) In a professor's office.(D) In a gymnasium.27. (A) She wanted to exhibit her crafts.(B) She'd rather go somewhere else.(C) She saw the exhibition months ago.(D) she's sorry to have missed the exhibit.28. (A) There's no more work for anyone to do.(B) No one is willing to work with them.(C) The woman knows several people on the committee.(D) The woman should be on the committee herself.29. (A) Watch television.(B) Go for a swim.(C) Make better use of time.(D) Follow the official procedure.30. (A) He'd rather not go to the lecture.(B) He doesn't mind if the woman goes to the lecture.(C) He wants to hear the lecture.(D) He's heard the lecture before.31. (A) Pay several bills.(B) Phone the electric company.(C) Pay less rent.(D) Make fewer telephone calls.32. (A) Wait and take the class next year.(B) Become a musician.(C) Give his presentation without a plan.(D) Discuss the presentation with the professor.33. (A) He's sure the new chef is better.(B) he wonders whether the new chef is an improvement.(C) He hopes the new chef will stay longer than the old one did.(D) He's going to see the new chef tonight.34. (A) Katie doesn't often dance.(B) Katie isn't the person dancing.(C) Katie does indeed dance well.(D) Katie dances better than her friend.35. (A) They would see better from a different row.(B) It isn't hard to see from his seat.(C) He would rather not move from his place.(D) He'll switch places with the woman.36. (A) Energy conservation.(B) Transportation of the future.(C) Strip cities.(D) Advantages of air transportation over railroads.37. (A) A lack of available flights.(B) Long delays at the airport.(C) Boredom on long flights/(D) Long trips to and from airports.38. (A) On short trips.(B) On long trips.(C) When flying over cities.(D) When flying at high altitudes.39. (A) It uses nuclear energy.(B) It rests on a cushion of pressurized air.(C) It flies over magnetically activated tracks.(D) it uses a device similar with engine.40. (A) It is more comfortable than a conventional train.(B) It doesn't require very much track maintenance.(C) It doesn't remain in any station very long.(D) it carries more passengers than a conventional train.41. (A) They are subject to fires.(B) They become less fuel-efficient.(C) They produce too much noise.(D) They have trouble staying on the tracks.42. (A) They don't get rid of flabby arms.(B) They can damage arm muscles.(C) They aren't acceptable to most people.(D) They can raise one's blood pressure.43. (A) By talking to an expert.(B) By reading an article.(C) By attending an exercise class.(D) By listening to the radio.44. (A) Exercising the entire body.(B) Having your blood pressure taken daily.(C) Losing weight prior to exercising.(D) Weighing in before each exercise session.45. (A) Wearing arm weights while you are swimming.(B) Jogging vigorously in one place for a long time.(C) Using bicycles that require you to use both your arms and legs.(D) Walking slowly while swinging your arms back and forth.46. (A) A restaurant host. (B) A tour guide.(C) A history teacher.(D) A park attendant.47. (A) A small restaurant.(B) A revolutionary army.(C) A famous commander.(D) A historic tree.48. (A) It was the oldest one in the park.(B) It was less than a hundred years old.(C) It was much younger than people had thought.(D) It was impossible to determine.49. (A) George Washington was an extremely tall man.(B) Most trees in parks are destroyed by insects.(C) Historical stories are sometimes inaccurate.(D) The Continental Army celebrated a victory in Cambridge.50. (A) Drive around the park.(B) Eat lunch.(C) Plant a small tree.(D) Go to the next city.89-1089年10月TOEFL听力A1. (A) That's today's seat.(B) Let's eat at four today.(C) That's all we'll do today.(D) There were four today.2. (A) Robert crashed into the stop sign near the bank.(B) Robert is going to the bank to get some money.(C) The robbers took a lot of cash from the bank.(D) The bank is closing Robert's account.3. (A) She refuses to shop.(B) The key was left in her shopping bag.(C) Turn left at the store.(D) she's gone to buy some things.4. (A) Don't you need a refill for your pen?(B) Your order for a dozen pencils has been filled.(C) Ben needs another bill from you.(D) Don't you want to get your friend a new pen?5. (A) Professor Stanton's course is very popular.(B) Everyone has taken a class from Professor Stanton.(C) Professor Stanton wants to teach another course.(D) Students are required to enroll in Professor Stanton's class.6. (A) We don't have time to eat dinner.(B) How often does he go out for dinner?(C) Let's meet for dinner one of these days.(D) What time were we supposed to meet for dinner?7. (A) The roof of the dentist's office needed to be fixed.(B) The dentists were both out of the office.(C) Gary talked about the dentist's broken tooth.(D) Why are the lectures held at four o'clock?8. (A) Why are the lectures held at four o'clock?(B) Have you been to one of these lectures before?(C) This lecture is really crowded.(D) I was glad to see you at the lecture.9. (A) Do what is most appropriate for you?(B) You want me to have the best.(C) You are the best person to do it.(D) Think of somebody besides yourself.10. (A) I missed the flight because I hadn't finished packing.(B) They loaded my suitcases on the last plane.(C) The plane was delayed because of my luggage.(D) My baggage will arrive on another flight.11. (A) He didn't meet me at the door.(B) There are still vacant rooms.(C) The story was foolish.(D) He is unhappy with the dormitory.12. (A) Susan suggested that we buy a slide projector.(B) We are the only ones she has shown the slides to.(C) Susan wanted to know whether we owned a slide projector.(D) We were supposed to bring the slide projector with us.13. (A) His study habits are poor.(B) He doesn't have a good place to study.(C) His habit is to study late.(D) He was disappointed with his studies.14. (A) The report has just been typed.(B) The report can be typed now.(C) The report isn't ready to be typed yet.(D) Part of the report is typed.15. (A) No matter what, we'll come for you tomorrow.(B) We may be coming a little late tomorrow.(C) We may come tomorrow or pick another date.(D) If you can't come today, please come tomorrow.16. (A) We should be gone within a month.(B) I want the semester to end now.(C) It takes us a ling time to get to school.(D) The semester ended a month ago.17. (A) You shouldn't have bought so many books.(B) You paid a lot of money for those books.(C) You got a lot of books for your money.(D) You didn't understand the price of the books.18. (A) That isn't a totally new kind of problem.(B) The solution to that problem isn't complete.(C) No one has ever solved that problem.(D) I know nothing about that kind of problem.19. (A) We had to write our compositions over again.(B) We met Professor Keene right after our class.(C) We were supposed to grade our papers in class.(D) We were told to read our essays out loud to our classmates.20. (A) Physics is not a difficult subject.(B) You certainly know a lot about physics.(C) I don't believe you're a physics major.(D) I think your physics homework is wrong.21. (A) She agrees with the man.(B) She doesn't know the book.(C) She likes the book very much.(D) She doesn't know what to do.22. (A) She can go with him this afternoon.(B) She has a lot to do today.(C) She's almost as busy as he is.(D) She might be finished by noon.23. (A) The man should buy a different meal ticket each month.(B) Individuals eat different amounts.(C) Buying the meal ticket won't save the man money.(D) The price of a meal varies from month to month.24. (A) The application isn't available at the office.(B) The woman should mail a copy of her application.(C) The photocopy machine isn't there anymore.(D) The woman can make copies at the post office.25. (A) He's taller than anyone on campus.(B) He's the best actor in the school.(C) He's almost through with the campus tour.(D) He's studying at college to be an actor.。



89-5 89年5月TOEFLA1. (A) The shipping company is getting a new radio.(B) The radio I ordered should be sent this week.(C) The company accidentally chipped the radio I ordered.(D) That company's radio is supposed to be cheaper this week.2. (A) Laura put on makeup before the exam.(B) Laura has to take the cake upstairs.(C) Laura must take the test.(D) Laura knows the flag of every nation.3. (A) No one is going to the convention.(B) To whom did you mention this?(C) It will be brought to your attention.(D) Have you any idea who will attend the convention?4. (A) Susan and Ben were accepted at the state university.(B) Ben applied to the state university because Susan was accepted there.(C) Ben didn't want to go to the state university because Susan is there.(D) Neither Susan nor Ben is interested in attending the state university.5. (A) Tommy was lucky to hit the target the first time.(B) The ball was hidden behind the window.(C) Tommy can't throw the ball very far.(D) Fortunately, the ball didn't break the window.6. (A) Did you make a copy of this?(B) You made the right copy, didn't you?(C) I think you asked for more than one copy.(D) I understand you'd like a single copy of this.7. (A) The posters make the room look cheerful.(B) The poster shows a room full of colorful chairs.(C) How many color posters are there in the room?(D) How does the room look now with so many chairs?8. (A) Mike's drink was cold.(B) Mike was coughing.(C) Mike wasn't warm enough.(D) My coffee wasn't as hot as Mike's.9. (A) Running this projector is very easy for me.(B) It isn't worth fixing this projector.(C) I can't recommend that projector.(D) It's very inexpensive to run this projector.10. (A) There's only a half hour before Fred arrives.(B) There aren't any flowers next to the bed.(C) We should make a bouquet.(D) We need more flour.11. (A) I purchased a car recently.(B) I knew the car was in the lot.(C) I really need a new car.(D) I always forget to clean my car.12. (A) Sandra arranged an exhibit for history week.(B) Sandra accidentally upset this week's history exhibit.(C) Sandra sat beside the historic display.(D) Sandra directed a play.13. (A) No one has an opinion on everything.(B) No one opinion is all-encompassing.(C) Everyone has an opinion on something.(D) Only one person is lacking an opinion on it.14. (A) I'm pleased to be able to lend you the money.(B) I've lent you all the money I had.(C) I wish you could lend me some money.(D) I'm sorry I can't lend you the money.15. (A) Someone was baking in the kitchen.(B) There was paste on the kitchen table.(C) We just came from the kitchen.(D) There's a lot of room in the kitchen.16. (A) We find Bob agreeable most of the time.(B) We usually like Bob's guests.(C) Bob isn't willing to join the others.(D) Most of us wanted to walk along with Bob.17. (A) I haven't studied physics with the professor.(B) This was the professor's best lecture yet.(C) I've never heard the professor give a good lecture.(D) The professor isn't interested in physics.18. (A) Barbara is interesting to listen to because she reads a lot.(B) Barbara talks a lot while she sews.(C) Barbara seldom talks because she's always reading.(D) Barbara has little to say about this topic.19. (A) I don't think he'll come if he gets the job.(B) I hope that he won't get the job.(C) Someone else will probably get the job.(D) I won't be surprised if he gets the job.20. (A) How many are there?(B) What's the explanation?(C) Who's the accountant?(D) Did you count four of them.21. (A) She wants to know where the restaurant is.(B) She's recommending a good place to go for dinner.(C) She thinks the man should go to France.(D) She's inviting the man to eat with her.22. (A) Run in town.(B) Look more carefully.(C) Buy shoes from a catalog.(D) Find an easier places to exercise.23. (A) Saying goodbye to a friend.(B) Buying a ticket for a sports event.(C) Paying a bill at the bank.(D) Arranging a plane trip.24. (A) He didn't know how to begin to write a play.(B) He hasn't liked plays very much in the past.(C) He didn't want to talk about it right away.(D) He wasn't sure what the first part was about.25. (A) Dan received them.(B) Gloria forgot about them.(C) Dan mailed them.(D) Gloria has sent for them.26. (A) His room is quite small.(B) he had to walk around the dormitory.(C) It's hard to find a room in the dormitory.(D) It's his turn to inspect the dormitory room.27. (A) He should look in a different place.(B) She can help him if necessary.(C) He should stand on something.(D) Perhaps he shouldn't have tea.28. (A) They are going toward the lake.(B) They have made a new trail.(C) They have decided to sit outdoors.(D) They are camping around the lake.29. (A) Anyone can do it.(B) No one can do it.(C) Alex can probably do it.(D) Alex probably shouldn't do it.30. (A) He'll go if the woman goes too.(B) He doubts he'll be able to go.(C) He's too tired to go.(D) He's eager to go.31. (A) It is typical December weather for this region.(B) It won't really snow until December.(C) Such a large amount of snow is unusual for this month.(D) There has never been much snow down South.32. (A) He believes Mark was the wrong person.(B) he wants to know who is telling the truth.(C) He finds the decision unbelievable.(D) He thought there wouldn't be any awards.33. (A) The store doesn't have it now, but will soon.(B) It is no longer available.(C) It has been reprinted four times.(D) The information in the book is not up-to-date.34. (A) It's uncomfortable because of the wind.(B) It isn't as warm as the man had thought it would be.(C) The man expected it to be windy.(D) The wind hasn't made it any cooler.35. (A) He already knows what Ted will say.(B) He doesn't have time to look at the gift.(C) He can't imagine what his friends got for him.(D) He is anxious to see Ted's reaction to the gift.36. (A) A sales representative.(B) A store manager.(C) A committee chairperson.(D) A class president.37. (A) To determine who will graduate this year.(B) To discuss the seating arrangement.(C) To choose the chairperson of the ceremonies.(D) To begin planning the graduation ceremonies.38. (A) Their manes, phone numbers, and job preference.(B) The names and addresses of their guests.(C) The names of the committees they worked on last year.(D) Their dormitory mane, address, and phone number.39. (A) Only students who have time for the work.(B) All the students who are at the meeting.(C) Only students who have a telephone.(D) All the students who worked on the project last year.40. (A) In an hour.(B) Next week.(C) In one month.(D) Next year.41. (A) Food packaging.(B) Varieties of fish.(C) A new snack food.(D) An artificial food flavoring.42. (A) Its variety of colors.(B) Its unusual texture.(C) The way it is sold.(D) Its main ingredient.43. (A) To preserve it longer.(B) To give it a particular taste.(C) To make it smoother.(D) To increase the fermentation.44. (A) Its low purchase price.(B) Its wide availability.(C) Its good nutritional value.(D) Its higher water content.45. (A) Its bland flavoring is healthful.(B) It can be stored a long time without spoiling.(C) It goes well with fish dishes.(D) A high grade of fish is used in its preparation.46. (A) In a few weeks.(B) In two or three months.(C) In about two years.(D) In ten years.47. (A) Count money.(B) Read and write.(C) Draw moving objects.(D) Hunt and farm.48. (A) Teachers came to children's homes.(B) Children acquired the information they needed by direct experience.(C) Children taught one another in small supervised groups.(D) Parents instructed their children in the "three R's"49. (A) A new dependence on people far away and the use of money.(B) The introduction of a new alphabet and numerical system.(C) Outmoded methods of farming and ineffective means of transportation.(D) Larger family units and greater financial hardships.50. (A) The various means of survival taught by parents in contemporary society.(B) The importance of history instruction in the first schools.(C) The increasingly complex skills subsequently taught in schools.(D) The problems involved in the construction of new schools.B1. The difference between libel and slander is that libel is printed while__________.(A) spoken is slander(B) is spoken slander(C) slander is spoken(D) is slander spoken2. Great numbers of tiny shelled animals—on the ocean floor.(A) Live(B) Living(C) They will live(D) If they lived3. The knee is the joint __________the thigh bone meets the large bone of the lower leg.(A) when(B) where(C) why(D) which4. Closed plane figures like the square or the equilateral triangle can be grouped into a class__________polygons.(A) called(B) to call(C) is called(D) call as5. Acids are chemical compounds that, in water solution, have __________, a corrosive action onmetals, and the ability to turn certain blue vegetable dyes red.(A) tastes sharp(B) sharp-tasting(C) a sharp taste(D) tasting sharp6. __________the history of the tough, strong-willed Nebraska farmer.(A) Not only is much of the history of Nebraska(B) Although it is much of the history of Nebraska that is(C) It is much the history of Nebraska's being(D) Much of the history of Nebraska is7. Billie Holiday's reputation as a great jazz-blues singer rests on her ability __________emotionaldepth to her songs.(A) be giving(B) are given(C) being given(D) to give8. __________1895 did CornellUniversity begin to offer a degree in ornithology.(A) Not until(B) Not since(C) Until(D) In9. Uniform acceleration occurs __________the rate of change remains the same over successiveand equal intervals of time.(A) according(B) if(C) with(D) under10. People's expectations for a higher standard of living increase __________.(A) conditions in their community improve(B) since conditions in their improving community(C) conditions improve in their community(D) as conditions in their community improve11. Essentially, a theory is an abstract, symbolic representation of __________reality.(A) what it is conceived(B) that is conceived(C) what is conceived to be(D) that is being conceived of12. All of the plants now raised on farms have been developed from plants __________wild.(A) once they grew(B) they grew once(C) that once grew(D) once grew13. __________relatively costly, the diesel engine is highly efficient and needs servicinginfrequently.(A) Even(B) It is(C) Even though(D) There is14. __________images out of clay, stone, and metal.(A) The shaping of sculpture(B) Sculpting the shapes(C) To shape sculpture(D) Sculptors shape15. __________dates from the end of the eighteenth century.(A) The modern circus(B) That the modern circus(C) While the modern circus(D) The modern circus that16. The boiled point of any liquid is determined by the pressure of the surrounding gases.A B C D17. The Ranger spacecraft it provided more than 17,000 picturesof the moon.A B C D18. Many people who live in New York Citythinks that life in a large city offers specialA B C D advantages.19. The scientific revolution of the early 1900's affected education by change the nature ofA B Ctechnology.D20. Meadowlarks are about the same size than robins, but they have heavier bodies, shorter tails,A B Cand longer bills.D21. On May 20,1932, Amelia Earhart became the first woman fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean.A B C D22. Translated into terms of psychological theory, association has been thought of as the basis ofA Bto learn, conditioning, and creative thinking.C D23. The Statue of Liberty was originallyproposed in 1865 to commemoration the alliance ofA B C D France with the American colonies during the American Revolution.24. Reptiles are widely distributed all over the world, but are much abundant in warm regionsA Band are virtually absent beyond the treeline in the Arctic.C D25. Alike light waves, microwaves may be reflected and concentrated.A B C D26. Industrial buyers are responsible for supplying the goods and services that an organizationA B Crequired for its operations.D27. The most easiest process for mining gold is panning, which involves using a circular dishA B C with a small pocket at the bottom.D28. Farm animals have been regardless by nearly all societies as a valuable economic resource.A B C D29. Although it is any longer the big business that it was in the forties, radio continues to be aA B C medium of essential communication, especially at the local level.D30. The field of dynamics in physics is concerned with a particle's motion in relation to theA B Cforces acting it.D31. In the United States, both the federal and state governments have laws designed to guardA B consumers against deceptive advertise.C D32. Gore Vidal has steadily pursue a literary careerremarkable for its productivity, versatility,A B Cand unpredictability.D33. When overall exports exceed imports, a country said to have a trade surplus.A B C D34. Instructors at the school of American Ballet first examine a young applicant's instep to seeA B C whether it is pliant and shows promising of a good arch.D35. Anthropologists agree that our primitive ancestors who inhabited the tropics probably haveA B C natural protection against the sun.D36. Behavior modification techniques work best with problems that manifest itself in overtA B Cactions.D37. Because they are generally taken simply to obtain a recognizable and relatively clear image,A B Cmost nonprofessional photographs demand few equipment.D38. At birth, an infant exhibits a remarkable number of motor response.A B C D39. Common toNorth America, those cinnamon fern is foundin wet places.A B C D40. The origins of the Democratic party is often traced to the coalition formed behind ThomasA B CJefferson in the 1790's to resist the policies of George Washington's administration.DCPassage 1As with most aspects of Plains Indian culture, music was closely bound up with religious beliefs. Instruments were played individually and during public dances, and there was music for almost every occasion.In public ceremonies singing was combined with dancing and with music from a variety of instruments. The dancers shook rattles or pounded hand - held drums to underscore their foot-beats. Rattles were made of gourds or of turtle shells filled with pebbles or seeds. Drums generally were made by soaking a strip of wood in hot water and bending it into a circle; then the drum skin was tightly strapped over the circle with rawhide laces. While some Plains Indian drums had a single drum skin, as a tambourine has, there were others, such as the drums of the Ute that had skins lashed onto both sides.The whistle and flute were the only Plains Indian wind instruments. Whistles were made from the wing bone of an eagle. the bird that symbolized courage. The recorder-like flutes, with finger holes along the top, were carved from a length of soft, straight - grained wood, like willow or box elder. that was split in half and hollowed out; the halves were rejoined with glue made from boiled hide scrapings and bound together with rawhide lace to make them airt4ght.1. What is the main topic of the passage?(A) American flutes and drums(B) Plains Indian muisical instruments(C) The Utes and their music(D) Ceremonies on the western plains2. The passage mentions that dancers did all of the following EXCEPT(A) play the tambourine(B) pound their feet(C) shake rattles(D) beat on drums3 In Line 7, to what does the word "it" refer?(A) Hot water(B) A circle(C) A strip of wood(D) A drum skin4. According to the passage, how did the drums of the Ute differ from many other drums?(A) They were two-sided.(B) They were filled with stones or seeds.(C) They were hand- held.(D) They were wind instruments.5. According to the passage, whistles were made from(A) gourds(B) turtle shells(C) feathers(D) eagle bones6. According to the passage, boiled hide scrapings were used to make(A) finger holes(B) boxes(C) rawhide lace(D) gluePassage 2The American Revolution was not a revolution in the sense of a radical or total change. It was not a sudden and violent overturning of the political and social framework, such aslater occurred in France and Russia, when both were already independent nations.Significant changes were ushered in, but they were not breathtaking. What happened was accelerated evolution rather than outright revolution. During the conflict itself peoplewent on working and praying, marrying arid playing. Most of them were not seriouslydisturbed by the actual fighting, and many of the more isolated communities scarcelyknew that a war was on.America' s War of Independence heralded the birth of three modern nations. One wasCanada. which received its first large influx of English - speaking population from thethousands of loyalists who fled there from the United States. Another was Australia.which became a penal colony now that America was no longer available for prisoners and debtors. The third newcomer-the United States-based itself squarely on republicanprinciples.Yet even he political overturn was not so revolutionary as one might suppose. In some states. notably Connecticut and Rhode island. the war largely ratified a colonial self - rule already existing. British officials, everywhere ousted, were replaced by a home- grown governing class which promptly sought a local substitute for king and Parliament.1. Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?(A) the United States: An Isolated Community(B) B reathtaking Events During the American Revolution(C) C anada and the American War of independence(D) The American Revolution: Evolution Not Revolution2. In the first paragraph. what does the author suggest about the French and Russianrevolutions?(A) they were explosive and abrupt.(B) they were ineffective(C) They involved only those people living in urban areas.(D)They led to release of all political prisoners.3. In lines 5-6, what does the author mean by people went on working and praying, marryingand playing(A)More people got married than divorced.(B) T he war created new jobs.(C) L ife went on as usual.(D) People had more than enough leisure time.4.In the second paragraph, the author states that the colonies' struggle for self-government preoeded the creation of all of the to)lowing countries EXCEPT(A) Canada(B) The United States(C) Australia(D) The United Kingdom5. It can be inferred from the passage that the loyalists who escaped to Canada were(A) Russian(B) French(C) British(D)Australian6. What will the paragraph following the passage most probably discuss.(A)The transport of prisoners to Australia(B) The creation of new state governments(C) Events leading up to the American Revolution(E) How Canada and the United States became friendsPassage 3A summary of the physical and chemical nature of life must begin. not on the Earth.but in the Sun. in fact. at the Sun's very center. It is here that is to be found the source ofthe energy that the Sun constantly pours out into space as light and heat. This energy isliberated at the center of the Sun as billions upon billions of nuclei of hydrogen atomscollide with each other and fuse together to form nuclei of helium. and, in doing so.release some of the energy that is stored in the nuclei of atoms. The output of light andheat of the Sun requires that some 600 million tons of hydrogen be converted into heliumin the Sun every second. This the Sun has been doing for several thousands of millions of years.The nuclear energy is released at the Sun's center as high-energy gamma radiation, a form of electromagnetic radiation like light and radio waves, only of very much shorter wavelength. This gamma radiation is absorbed by atoms inside the Sun, to be re-emitted at slightly longer wavelengths. This radiation, in its turn, is absorbed and re-emitted. As the energy filters through the layers of the solar interior, it passes through the x-ray part of the spectrum, eventually becoming light. At this sage, it has reached what we cal: the solar surface, and can escape into space. without being absorbed further by solar atoms. A very small fraction of the Sun' s light and heat is emitted in such directions that, after passing unhindered through inter-planetarv, space, It hits the Earth.1. What does the passage mainly discuss?(A) the production of solar light and heat(B) t he physical and chemical nature of life(C) T he conversion of hydrogen to helium(D)Radiation in the x-ray part of the spectrum2. According to the passage, energy is released in the Sun when(A) helium atoms bind with each other(B) gamma radiation escapes from the spectrum(C) radiation is absorbed by helium(D) nuclei of hydrogen atoms collide3. The passage indicates that, in comparison to radio waves, gamma waves(A) produce louder sound(B) are less magnetic(C) do not form in the Sun's center(D) are not as long4 According to the passage, through which of the following does the energy released in the Sun pass before it becomes light?(A) The x-ray part of the spectrum(B) Electromagnetic space(C) The solar surface(D) interplanetary space5. It can be inferred from the passage that the Sun's light travels(A) through solid objects in space(B) in many different directions(C) more slowly than scientists previously believed(D) further in summer than in winterPassage 4Here in the United States, before agricultural activities destroyed the natural balance,there were great migrations of RockyMountain locusts (Melanoplus spretus). Greatmigrating hordes of these insects once darkened the skies on the plains east of theRockies where crops were often destroyed; the worst years were those from 1874 to1877. One of these migrating swarms was estimated to contain 124 billion locusts.During another migration in Nebraska it was estimated that the swarm of locustsaveraged half a mile high and was 100 miles wide and 300 miles long. Usually,these swarms take oft from the ground against the wind, but, once airborne, they turnand fly with it. warm convection currents help to lift them, often to great heights.During the great locust plagues the situation in Nebraska became so serious that theoriginal state constitution had to be rewritten to take care of the economic problems.The new document was known as "The Grasshopper Constitution." It is nowbelieved that these locusts were a migratory form or phase of the lesser migratorylocust, which is still common there. In this respect, the North American migratorylocusts resemble their African relatives. In both regions the migratory forms arise asa result of crowding and climatic factors. Migratory forms are apparently naturaladaptations which bring about dispersal when locust populations become toocrowded. Fortunately for our farmers the migratory form - - the so-called spretusspecies - - no longer seems to occur regularly, although there was a serious outbreakas late as 1938 in mid-western United States and Canada. Actually, there is noreason why the destructive migratory form might not again appear if circumstancesshould become favorable.1. Which of the following is the best title for the passage?(A) The Life Cycle of Locusts(B) Migratory Locusts in the United States(C) Locust Plagues in Nebraska(D The Reproductive Capability of the Locust2. According to the passage the worst destruction by locusts in the plains area east of theRockies occurred during the(A) eighteenth century(B) e arly nineteenth century(C) late nineteenth century(D) twentieth century3. One of the migrating swarms mentioned in the passage averaged how many miles in length(A) 100(B) 124(C) 187(D) 3004. It can be inferred from the passage that the state constitution of Nebraska was rewritten inorder to(A) make the constitution more understandable to the public(B) encourage farmers to leave the state(C) solve difficulties that resulted from loss of crops(D) provide for a regular census of the locust population5. According the passage, North American and African migratory locusts are similar in that(A) they always travel toward mountainous regions(B) their destructive activities occur only in plains areas(C) climates affect their development(D) they are both mentioned in state constitutions6. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage as influencing the migration oflocusts?A) Darkness(B) Agricultural activities(C) Warm air currents(D) Overcrowding7. The passage supports which of the following conclusions?(A) the outbreak of locusts in 1938 was more serious than any other in history.(B) N ebraska farmers had no locust problems in the years 1874 - 1877.(C) T here is a possibility that crops in the United States might be destroyed by locusts in thefuture.(D)There is a chance that African migratory locusts may make their way to the United States.Passage 5Artificial flowers are used for scientific as well as for decorative purposes. They are made from a variety of materials, such as wax and glass, so skillfully that they can scarcely bedistinguished from natural flowers. In making such models, painstaking skill and artistry are called for, as well as thorough knowledge of plant structure. The collection of glass flowers in the Botanical Museum of Harvard University is the most famous in North America and is widely known throughout the scientific world. In all, there are several thousand models in colored glass, the work of two artist - naturalists, Leopold Blaschka and his son Rudolph.The intention was to have the collection represent at least one member of each flower family native to the United States. Although it was never completed, it contains more than seven hundred species representing 164 families of flowering plants, a group of fruits showing the effect of fungus diseases, and thousands of flower parts and magnified details. Every detail of these is accurately reproduced in color and structure. The models are kept in locked cases as they are too valuable and fragile for classroom use.1. Which of the following is the best title for thepassage.(A)An Extensive Collection of Glass Flowers(B ) The Lives of Leopold and Rudolph Blaschka(C) F lowers Native to the United States.(D) Materials Used For Artificial Flowers2. Which of the following statements about Leopold and Rudolph Blaschka is true?(A) T hey were brothers.(B) T hey were artists.(C) T hey were florists.(D) T hey were farmers.3.It can be inferred from the passage that the goal of Leopold and Rudolph Blaschka was to(A) create a botanical garden where only exotic flowers grew(B) do a thorough study of plant structure(C) make a copy of one member of each United States flower family(D) show that glass flowers are more realistic than wax flowers4. In line 9, the word "it" refers to which of the following phrases?(A) "The intention" (line 8)(B) "the collection" (line 8)(C) "one member"(line 8)(D) "each flower family"(lines S~9)5. Which of the following is NOT included in the display at the Botanical Museum of HarvardUniversity?(A) Models of 164 families of flowering plants(B) Magnified details of flower parts(C) Several species of natives birds(D) A group of diseased fruits6. Which of the following statements is true of the flowers at HarvardUniversity?(A) They form a completed collection.(B) They have a marvelous, fragrance(C) They are loaned to schools for classroom use.(D)They are authentic representations.答案:BCDBD DAAAD CACDA ABACB BCDDC ACACD CCBBD CDAAB CDBCB CDBACCABAC DDABD CCCDA AABCB CCCBA DABAD DACDC CDDBA BACADD DACDCBADDAB BCDCCAC ABCBCD。



89-5 89年5月TOEFL听力A1. (A) The shipping company is getting a new radio.(B) The radio I ordered should be sent this week.(C) The company accidentally chipped the radio I ordered.(D) That company's radio is supposed to be cheaper this week.2. (A) Laura put on makeup before the exam.(B) Laura has to take the cake upstairs.(C) Laura must take the test.(D) Laura knows the flag of every nation.3. (A) No one is going to the convention.(B) To whom did you mention this?(C) It will be brought to your attention.(D) Have you any idea who will attend the convention?4. (A) Susan and Ben were accepted at the state university.(B) Ben applied to the state university because Susan was accepted there.(C) Ben didn't want to go to the state university because Susan is there.(D) Neither Susan nor Ben is interested in attending the state university.5. (A) Tommy was lucky to hit the target the first time.(B) The ball was hidden behind the window.(C) Tommy can't throw the ball very far.(D) Fortunately, the ball didn't break the window.6. (A) Did you make a copy of this?(B) You made the right copy, didn't you?(C) I think you asked for more than one copy.(D) I understand you'd like a single copy of this.7. (A) The posters make the room look cheerful.(B) The poster shows a room full of colorful chairs.(C) How many color posters are there in the room?(D) How does the room look now with so many chairs?8. (A) Mike's drink was cold.(B) Mike was coughing.(C) Mike wasn't warm enough.(D) My coffee wasn't as hot as Mike's.9. (A) Running this projector is very easy for me.(B) It isn't worth fixing this projector.(C) I can't recommend that projector.(D) It's very inexpensive to run this projector.10. (A) There's only a half hour before Fred arrives.(B) There aren't any flowers next to the bed.(C) We should make a bouquet.(D) We need more flour.11. (A) I purchased a car recently.(B) I knew the car was in the lot.(C) I really need a new car.(D) I always forget to clean my car.12. (A) Sandra arranged an exhibit for history week.(B) Sandra accidentally upset this week's history exhibit.(C) Sandra sat beside the historic display.(D) Sandra directed a play.13. (A) No one has an opinion on everything.(B) No one opinion is all-encompassing.(C) Everyone has an opinion on something.(D) Only one person is lacking an opinion on it.14. (A) I'm pleased to be able to lend you the money.(B) I've lent you all the money I had.(C) I wish you could lend me some money.(D) I'm sorry I can't lend you the money.15. (A) Someone was baking in the kitchen.(B) There was paste on the kitchen table.(C) We just came from the kitchen.(D) There's a lot of room in the kitchen.16. (A) We find Bob agreeable most of the time.(B) We usually like Bob's guests.(C) Bob isn't willing to join the others.(D) Most of us wanted to walk along with Bob.17. (A) I haven't studied physics with the professor.(B) This was the professor's best lecture yet.(C) I've never heard the professor give a good lecture.(D) The professor isn't interested in physics.18. (A) Barbara is interesting to listen to because she reads a lot.(B) Barbara talks a lot while she sews.(C) Barbara seldom talks because she's always reading.(D) Barbara has little to say about this topic.19. (A) I don't think he'll come if he gets the job.(B) I hope that he won't get the job.(C) Someone else will probably get the job.(D) I won't be surprised if he gets the job.20. (A) How many are there?(B) What's the explanation说明?(C) Who's the accountant?(D) Did you count four of them.21. (A) She wants to know where the restaurant is.(B) She's recommending a good place to go for dinner.(C) She thinks the man should go to France.(D) She's inviting the man to eat with her.22. (A) Run in town.(B) Look more carefully.(C) Buy shoes from a catalog.(D) Find an easier places to exercise.23. (A) Saying goodbye to a friend.(B) Buying a ticket for a sports event.(C) Paying a bill at the bank.(D) Arranging a plane trip.24. (A) He didn't know how to begin to write a play.(B) He hasn't liked plays very much in the past.(C) He didn't want to talk about it right away.(D) He wasn't sure what the first part was about.25. (A) Dan received them.(B) Gloria forgot about them.(C) Dan mailed them.(D) Gloria has sent for them.26. (A) His room is quite small.(B) he had to walk around the dormitory.(C) It's hard to find a room in the dormitory.(D) It's his turn to inspect the dormitory room.27. (A) He should look in a different place.(B) She can help him if necessary.(C) He should stand on something.(D) Perhaps he shouldn't have tea.28. (A) They are going toward the lake.(B) They have made a new trail.(C) They have decided to sit outdoors.(D) They are camping around the lake.29. (A) Anyone can do it.(B) No one can do it.(C) Alex can probably do it.(D) Alex probably shouldn't do it.30. (A) He'll go if the woman goes too.(B) He doubts he'll be able to go.(C) He's too tired to go.(D) He's eager to go.31. (A) It is typical December weather for this region.(B) It won't really snow until December.(C) Such a large amount of snow is unusual for this month.(D) There has never been much snow down South.32. (A) He believes Mark was the wrong person.(B) he wants to know who is telling the truth.(C) He finds the decision unbelievable.(D) He thought there wouldn't be any awards.33. (A) The store doesn't have it now, but will soon.(B) It is no longer available.(C) It has been reprinted four times.(D) The information in the book is not up-to-date.34. (A) It's uncomfortable because of the wind.(B) It isn't as warm as the man had thought it would be.(C) The man expected it to be windy.(D) The wind hasn't made it any cooler.35. (A) He already knows what Ted will say.(B) He doesn't have time to look at the gift.(C) He can't imagine what his friends got for him.(D) He is anxious to see Ted's reaction to the gift.36. (A) A sales representative.(B) A store manager.(C) A committee chairperson.(D) A class president.37. (A) To determine who will graduate this year.(B) To discuss the seating arrangement.(C) To choose the chairperson of the ceremonies.(D) To begin planning the graduation ceremonies.38. (A) Their manes, phone numbers, and job preference.(B) The names and addresses of their guests.(C) The names of the committees they worked on last year.(D) Their dormitory mane, address, and phone number.39. (A) Only students who have time for the work.(B) All the students who are at the meeting.(C) Only students who have a telephone.(D) All the students who worked on the project last year.40. (A) In an hour.(B) Next week.(C) In one month.(D) Next year.41. (A) Food packaging.(B) Varieties of fish.(C) A new snack food.(D) An artificial food flavoring.42. (A) Its variety of colors.(B) Its unusual texture.(C) The way it is sold.(D) Its main ingredient.43. (A) To preserve it longer.(B) To give it a particular taste.(C) To make it smoother.(D) To increase the fermentation.44. (A) Its low purchase price.(B) Its wide availability.(C) Its good nutritional value.(D) Its higher water content.45. (A) Its bland flavoring is healthful.(B) It can be stored a long time without spoiling.(C) It goes well with fish dishes.(D) A high grade of fish is used in its preparation.46. (A) In a few weeks.(B) In two or three months.(C) In about two years.(D) In ten years.47. (A) Count money.(B) Read and write.(C) Draw moving objects.(D) Hunt and farm.48. (A) Teachers came to children's homes.(B) Children acquired the information they needed by direct experience.(C) Children taught one another in small supervised groups.(D) Parents instructed their children in the "three R's"49. (A) A new dependence on people far away and the use of money.(B) The introduction of a new alphabet and numerical system.(C) Outmoded methods of farming and ineffective means of transportation.(D) Larger family units and greater financial hardships.50. (A) The various means of survival taught by parents in contemporary society.(B) The importance of history instruction in the first schools.(C) The increasingly complex skills subsequently taught in schools.(D) The problems involved in the construction of new schools.。

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TOFEL听力真题(89—05年)89年TOEFL听力A1. (A) He looked at me.(B) He borrowed my book.(C) I used his book.(D) I told him to look at me.2. (A) Bob became a doctor.(B) Bob came in with the teacher.(C) Bob went to see two doctors.(D) Bob is a teacher.3. (A) I never worry about what to say.(B) I haven't spoken to anyone yet.(C) People don't listen when I speak.(D) His last words were hard to hear.4. (A) Gary's starting to share my opinion.(B) Gary wants me to come to the point.(C) Gary comes around more often now.(D) Gary's beginning to like the scenery.5. (A) Wait until you see how long the line is!(B) This is the seventh movie I've seen at this theater.(C) If you go early, you can buy your ticket right away.(D) Don't be surprised if you have to stand to see the movie.6. (A) The last biography I read was much better than this one.(B) I've only written half of the bibliography.(C) I haven't ridden a bike in a long time.(D) The graph he drew ifs twice as good as the one I did.7. (A) The story is very enjoyable.(B) I wonder which story it is.(C) Is that one of the stores?(D) Is it a wonderful story?8. (A) George helped prepare the peas.(B) George served him another slice.(C) George took another serving of pie.(D) George served everyone the pizza.9. (A) Anybody can use the dictionary in the office.(B) Is every one of those books a dictionary?(C) Does the office have any use for these books?(D) To practice diction by oneself is useful. 10. (A) This one isn't any larger than mine.(B) This is larger than a piece of luggage.(C) I want a larger suit in that case.(D) This suitcase isn't large enough.11. (A) Bill and Mary are engaged to be married.(B) Bill and Mary canceled the meeting.(C) Mary was outraged when she saw the bill.(D) Bill and Mary were angry about the cancellation.12. (A) You must try to be quieter.(B) The volume is much too low.(C) I don't hear anything down there.(D) The noise is coming from outside.13. (A) They go alone to school.(B) They arrive at school on time.(C) They are doing well in school.(D) They find their own way to school.14. (A) I'm typing the essay for Lisa.(B) That type of essay is easy to write.(C) At least the essay is typed.(D) Typing the essay is only a minor problem.15. (A) I wanted Pamela to continue her project.(B) Pamela was discouraged from working on her art project.(C) It was an honor to be able to do the art project with Pamela.(D) Pamela has a lot of courage to take on such a large project.16. (A) I can never keep a secret from Beth.(B) I told Beth we were going to surprise her.(C) I'll be surprised if Beth comes to the party.(D) I don't think we should tell Beth about the party.17. (A) Sarah put on her makeup.(B) Sarah hoped to take the test another time.(C) Sarah helped prepare the examination.(D) Sarah took a free sample of makeup.18. (A) Does everyone have a copy of the assignment?(B) Can you turn the sheet around?(C) Is there enough time for the assignment?(D) Do the sheets have enough information?19. (A) I think that was the city bus, don't you?(B) Was that supposed to be the city bus?(C) That wasn't the city bus.(D) I don't know why the city bus is so late.20. (A) No one has a nose as sore as poll's.(B) No one here knows much about the subject of politics.(C) She's well acquainted with the subject.(D) She doesn't know anybody here.21. (A) She doesn't know when they will go.(B) She believes there is a road detour.(C) She won't be ready at 8 o'clock.(D) She wants the man to go away.22. (A) Sit sown.(B) Remain standing.(C) Go ahead of the woman.(D) Pick up the chair.23. (A) The electrician came to repair the lamp.(B) The lamp was taken to the repair shop.(C) She had Mike fix the lamp.(D) The lamp was replaced.24. (A) Not hanging the poster.(B) Peeling off the wallpaper.(C) Using tape for the poster.(D) Not hiding the damage.25. (A) Both chemistry courses are difficult.(B) Few chemistry courses are hard.(C) Chemistry 402 was worse than Chemistry 502.(D) He has only had one chemistry course.26. (A) Studying.(B) Watching television.(C) Nothing right now.(D) Going to the movies.27. (A) She was unable to have her picture taken.(B) She has not chosen a picture for it.(C) She had broken her camera.(D) She had gone to a photography class instead.28. (A) He would prefer calling her next week.(B) He will let her decide about the next meeting.(C) He would like to buy some refreshments for the meeting.(D) He definitely wants to know about the meeting.29. (A) Eating in a cafeteria.(B) Buying something in a store.(C) Talking on the telephone.(D) Getting money at a bank. 30. (A) She'd rather take a break later.(B) She likes the suggestion.(C) She never drinks soda.(D) She doesn't think he's serious.31. (A) There are six sections of each class.(B) He has to leave since it's almost one o'clock.(C) There are dozens of classes to choose from.(D) It doesn't matter which class the woman takes.32. (A) She's lent the texts for just a few days.(B) She kept the texts that are still up to date.(C) She's no longer interested in science.(D) She moved her science texts away from the other books.33. (A) He would like to know what happened.(B) He can help the woman.(C) Because of what happened, he has no time.(D) He would have helped if he had the time.34. (A) To order some medicine for their aunt Margaret.(B) To get some exercise.(C) To buy some items.(D) To see their aunt.35. (A) Dick is practically the only one who thinks so.(B) Most people play football differently.(C) Few people are optimistic about the team's chances of winning.(D) Dick is disappointed in football games.36. (A) In a professor's office.(B) In a medical doctor's office.(C) In an auditorium.(D) In a gym.37. (A) Just before the semester begins.(B) After the first week of classes.(C) In the middle of the semester.(D) On the last day of class.38. (A) She had promised that she would.(B) She has been sick.(C) She needs his approval for her schedule.(D) She must verify his plans.39. (A) It wasn't a requirement.(B) She already knew the material.(C) She entered the hospital.(D) Her course load was too heavy.40. (A) The woman's musical background.(B) The woman's economic situation.(C) The woman's dislike of chemistry.(D) The woman's decision to take on so much work.41. (A) The replacement of the harpsichord by the piano.(B) The development of electronic musical instruments.(C) The relative costs of different types of musical instruments.(D) The performance of classical music on synthesizers.42. (A) At the beginning.(B) In the middle.(C) Near the end.(D) Just after the end.43. (A) He is surprised by it.(B) He disagrees with it.(C) He thinks it is too soon to tell.(D) He is alarmed by it.44. (A) In the early nineteenth century.(B) In the late nineteenth century.(C) In the early twentieth century.(D) In the mid-twentieth century.45. (A) The electronic instrument is much more expensive.(B) The electronic instrument is slightly more expensive.(C) The piano is slightly more expensive.(D) The piano is much more expensive.46. (A) The conversion of volcanic waste to fertilizer.(B) The menace of currently dormant volcanoes around Mount Saint Helen's.(C) The eruption of Mount Saint Helen's and its effects on the environment.(D) The elimination of volcanic ash by natural means.47. (A) The crops were obliterated for the entire year.(B) The crops nutritional value was considerably lessened.(C) The soil was permanently damaged.(D) The loss was not as bad been anticipated as had.48. (A) It served as a fertilizer for crops. (B) It formed a new mountain.(C) It stabilized air temperatures.(D) It destroyed various insect pests.49. (A) It's lethal upon contact.(B) It has relatively little harmful effect.(C) It affects the sense of hearing.(D) It dries up the skin.50. (A) Interest.(B) Disappointment.(C) Shock.(D) Anger.89-589年5月TOEFL听力A1. (A) The shipping company is getting a new radio.(B) The radio I ordered should be sent this week.(C) The company accidentally chipped the radio I ordered.(D) That company's radio is supposed to be cheaper this week.2. (A) Laura put on makeup before the exam.(B) Laura has to take the cake upstairs.(C) Laura must take the test.(D) Laura knows the flag of every nation.3. (A) No one is going to the convention.(B) To whom did you mention this?(C) It will be brought to your attention.(D) Have you any idea who will attend the convention?4. (A) Susan and Ben were accepted at the state university.(B) Ben applied to the state university because Susan was accepted there.(C) Ben didn't want to go to the state university because Susan is there.(D) Neither Susan nor Ben is interested in attending the state university.5. (A) Tommy was lucky to hit the target the first time.(B) The ball was hidden behind the window.(C) Tommy can't throw the ball very far.(D) Fortunately, the ball didn't break the window.6. (A) Did you make a copy of this?(B) You made the right copy, didn't you?(C) I think you asked for more than one copy.(D) I understand you'd like a single copy of this.7. (A) The posters make the room look cheerful.(B) The poster shows a room full of colorful chairs.(C) How many color posters are there in the room?(D) How does the room look now with so many chairs?8. (A) Mike's drink was cold.(B) Mike was coughing.(C) Mike wasn't warm enough.(D) My coffee wasn't as hot as Mike's.9. (A) Running this projector is very easy for me.(B) It isn't worth fixing this projector.(C) I can't recommend that projector.(D) It's very inexpensive to run this projector.10. (A) There's only a half hour before Fred arrives.(B) There aren't any flowers next to the bed.(C) We should make a bouquet.(D) We need more flour.11. (A) I purchased a car recently.(B) I knew the car was in the lot.(C) I really need a new car.(D) I always forget to clean my car.12. (A) Sandra arranged an exhibit for history week.(B) Sandra accidentally upset this week's history exhibit.(C) Sandra sat beside the historic display.(D) Sandra directed a play.13. (A) No one has an opinion on everything.(B) No one opinion is all-encompassing.(C) Everyone has an opinion on something.(D) Only one person is lacking an opinion on it.14. (A) I'm pleased to be able to lend you the money.(B) I've lent you all the money I had.(C) I wish you could lend me some money.(D) I'm sorry I can't lend you the money.15. (A) Someone was baking in the kitchen.(B) There was paste on the kitchen table.(C) We just came from the kitchen.(D) There's a lot of room in the kitchen.16. (A) We find Bob agreeable most of the time.(B) We usually like Bob's guests.(C) Bob isn't willing to join the others.(D) Most of us wanted to walk along with Bob.17. (A) I haven't studied physics with the professor.(B) This was the professor's best lecture yet. (C) I've never heard the professor give a good lecture.(D) The professor isn't interested in physics.18. (A) Barbara is interesting to listen to because she reads a lot.(B) Barbara talks a lot while she sews.(C) Barbara seldom talks because she's always reading.(D) Barbara has little to say about this topic.19. (A) I don't think he'll come if he gets the job.(B) I hope that he won't get the job.(C) Someone else will probably get the job.(D) I won't be surprised if he gets the job.20. (A) How many are there?(B) What's the explanation?(C) Who's the accountant?(D) Did you count four of them.21. (A) She wants to know where the restaurant is.(B) She's recommending a good place to go for dinner.(C) She thinks the man should go to France.(D) She's inviting the man to eat with her.22. (A) Run in town.(B) Look more carefully.(C) Buy shoes from a catalog.(D) Find an easier places to exercise.23. (A) Saying goodbye to a friend.(B) Buying a ticket for a sports event.(C) Paying a bill at the bank.(D) Arranging a plane trip.24. (A) He didn't know how to begin to write a play.(B) He hasn't liked plays very much in the past.(C) He didn't want to talk about it right away.(D) He wasn't sure what the first part was about.25. (A) Dan received them.(B) Gloria forgot about them.(C) Dan mailed them.(D) Gloria has sent for them.26. (A) His room is quite small.(B) he had to walk around the dormitory.(C) It's hard to find a room in the dormitory.(D) It's his turn to inspect the dormitory room.27. (A) He should look in a different place.(B) She can help him if necessary.(C) He should stand on something.(D) Perhaps he shouldn't have tea.28. (A) They are going toward the lake.(B) They have made a new trail.(C) They have decided to sit outdoors.(D) They are camping around the lake.29. (A) Anyone can do it.(B) No one can do it.(C) Alex can probably do it.(D) Alex probably shouldn't do it.30. (A) He'll go if the woman goes too.(B) He doubts he'll be able to go.(C) He's too tired to go.(D) He's eager to go.31. (A) It is typical December weather for this region.(B) It won't really snow until December.(C) Such a large amount of snow is unusual for this month.(D) There has never been much snow down South.32. (A) He believes Mark was the wrong person.(B) he wants to know who is telling the truth.(C) He finds the decision unbelievable.(D) He thought there wouldn't be any awards.33. (A) The store doesn't have it now, but will soon.(B) It is no longer available.(C) It has been reprinted four times.(D) The information in the book is not up-to-date.34. (A) It's uncomfortable because of the wind.(B) It isn't as warm as the man had thought it would be.(C) The man expected it to be windy.(D) The wind hasn't made it any cooler.35. (A) He already knows what Ted will say.(B) He doesn't have time to look at the gift.(C) He can't imagine what his friends got for him.(D) He is anxious to see Ted's reaction to the gift.36. (A) A sales representative.(B) A store manager.(C) A committee chairperson.(D) A class president.37. (A) To determine who will graduate this year.(B) To discuss the seating arrangement.(C) To choose the chairperson of the ceremonies.(D) To begin planning the graduation ceremonies.38. (A) Their manes, phone numbers, and job preference.(B) The names and addresses of their guests.(C) The names of the committees they worked on last year.(D) Their dormitory mane, address, and phone number.39. (A) Only students who have time for the work.(B) All the students who are at the meeting.(C) Only students who have a telephone.(D) All the students who worked on the project last year.40. (A) In an hour.(B) Next week.(C) In one month.(D) Next year.41. (A) Food packaging.(B) Varieties of fish.(C) A new snack food.(D) An artificial food flavoring.42. (A) Its variety of colors.(B) Its unusual texture.(C) The way it is sold.(D) Its main ingredient.43. (A) To preserve it longer.(B) To give it a particular taste.(C) To make it smoother.(D) To increase the fermentation.44. (A) Its low purchase price.(B) Its wide availability.(C) Its good nutritional value.(D) Its higher water content.45. (A) Its bland flavoring is healthful.(B) It can be stored a long time without spoiling.(C) It goes well with fish dishes.(D) A high grade of fish is used in its preparation.46. (A) In a few weeks.(B) In two or three months.(C) In about two years.(D) In ten years.47. (A) Count money.(B) Read and write.(C) Draw moving objects.(D) Hunt and farm.48. (A) Teachers came to children's homes.(B) Children acquired the information they needed by direct experience.(C) Children taught one another in small supervised groups.(D) Parents instructed their children in the "three R's"49. (A) A new dependence on people far away and the use of money.(B) The introduction of a new alphabet and numerical system.(C) Outmoded methods of farming and ineffective means of transportation.(D) Larger family units and greater financial hardships.50. (A) The various means of survival taught by parents in contemporary society.(B) The importance of history instruction in the first schools.(C) The increasingly complex skills subsequently taught in schools.(D) The problems involved in the construction of new schools.89-889年8月TOEFL听力A1£® (A) She never hears her alarm clock ringing.(B) Her alarm clock doesn't ring when it should.(C) She doesn't know where her alarm clock is .(D) She always sleeps until the alarm clock wakes her. 2£® (A) They said they're going by taxi.(B) Their clothes are in terrible condition.(C) In certain states clothes are subject to tax.(D) There are some clothes hanging on the racks.3£® (A) She didn't often go out in the rain.(B) She learned a great deal from the program.(C) She understood only a little about the program.(D) She stopped running to the train.4£® (A) He never comes here in the fall.(B) He'll probably arrive soon.(C) He couldn't hear it this time.(D) He doesn't have time to call.5£® (A) Karen can afford to go to college.(B) Karen got only one scholarship.(C) Without a scholarship, Karen couldn't go to college.(D) If Karen can afford to go, she won't get a scholarship.6£® (A) He will apply soon for his first passport.(B) He has to apply again for a passport.(C) He knew he had to pick up his passport.(D) He didn't need his passport until now.7£® (A) I was actually on time.(B) I was ten minutes late.(C) I wasn't late because I ran all the way.(D) I walked for ten minutes.8£® (A) Jerry knew all the answers.(B) It was easy to answer Jerry's questions.(C) Jerry had difficulty with the test.(D) Everyone came for the test except Jerry.9£® (A) It would be better not to take the course.(B) This term would be a good time to take the course.(C) I don't think you can get out of taking that course.(D) I didn't say a word about your taking that course.10. (A) I didn't think the keys were in the shop.(B) That shop has fair prices.(C) The shopkeeper expects customers to be honest.(D) I don't think that shopkeeper is trustworthy.11. (A) A fee is charged for reserved books returned even an hour late.(B) This is a fine day to spend an hour in the library.(C) The reserve section of the library is due to close in one hour.(D) Our library has a reserve section of fine books.12. (A) Leslie will get credit for graduating early.(B) Leslie has a heavier course load than usual this term.(C) Leslie is taking a minimal number of credits this term.(D) Leslie must pay the rent on her apartment before she graduates.13. (A) You shouldn't be that busy now.(B) You've had a lot to0 do recently.(C) How long do you expect to be so busy?(D) How have you been doing recently?14. (A) I wasn't asking for the catalog.(B) The catalogs have been poorly copied.(C) I wouldn't give away my copy of the catalog.(D) No one gave me a catalog.15. (A) Susan told Mike about the new policy.(B) Mike talked to Susan regarding the new policy.(C) Mike and Susan questioned the school about the policy.(D) Mike and Susan gathered information about theschool's policy.16. (A) What do you think provoked the President?(B) The President was thinking aloud.(C) Don't you think the speech was stimulating?(D) The speech angered the press.17. (A) We became friends quickly.(B) We have been friends for a long while.(C) We have to leave pretty soon.(D) We knew none of the others.18. (A) She hasn't started the work yet.(B) She didn't want the work to be finished.(C) She hasn't worked since the project started.(D) She didn't want to start all over again.19. (A) The professor introduced the students to each other.(B) The two students were presented to the class.(C) The students met the professor.(D) The professor was introduced by a colleague.20. (A) I needed exactly that thing.(B) I got the thing at last.(C) I certainly didn't need that.(D) That thing won't last.21. (A) Who called.(B) What Margaret said.(C) Who Margaret is.(D) When the message was taken.22. (A) He'll only give her part of his notes.(B) He doesn't know anything about economics.(C) He's not taking an economics class.(D) He's happy to lend her his notes.23. (A) She received two job offers.(B) She also was offered a job.(C) She was the first to receive an offer.(D) She received too many offers.24. (A) They'll have to get some more paint.(B) They should get someone to help them.(C) They shouldn't delay any longer.(D) They don't have to paint the room again.25. (A) Leave for home.(B) Check the language lab.(C) Buy new locks.(D) Show the man where the lab is.26. (A) In a doctor's office. (B) In an operating room.(C) In a professor's office.(D) In a gymnasium.27. (A) She wanted to exhibit her crafts.(B) She'd rather go somewhere else.(C) She saw the exhibition months ago.(D) she's sorry to have missed the exhibit.28. (A) There's no more work for anyone to do.(B) No one is willing to work with them.(C) The woman knows several people on the committee.(D) The woman should be on the committee herself.29. (A) Watch television.(B) Go for a swim.(C) Make better use of time.(D) Follow the official procedure.30. (A) He'd rather not go to the lecture.(B) He doesn't mind if the woman goes to the lecture.(C) He wants to hear the lecture.(D) He's heard the lecture before.31. (A) Pay several bills.(B) Phone the electric company.(C) Pay less rent.(D) Make fewer telephone calls.32. (A) Wait and take the class next year.(B) Become a musician.(C) Give his presentation without a plan.(D) Discuss the presentation with the professor.33. (A) He's sure the new chef is better.(B) he wonders whether the new chef is an improvement.(C) He hopes the new chef will stay longer than the old one did.(D) He's going to see the new chef tonight.34. (A) Katie doesn't often dance.(B) Katie isn't the person dancing.(C) Katie does indeed dance well.(D) Katie dances better than her friend.35. (A) They would see better from a different row.(B) It isn't hard to see from his seat.(C) He would rather not move from his place.(D) He'll switch places with the woman.36. (A) Energy conservation.(B) Transportation of the future.(C) Strip cities.(D) Advantages of air transportation over railroads.37. (A) A lack of available flights.(B) Long delays at the airport.(C) Boredom on long flights/(D) Long trips to and from airports.38. (A) On short trips.(B) On long trips.(C) When flying over cities.(D) When flying at high altitudes.39. (A) It uses nuclear energy.(B) It rests on a cushion of pressurized air.(C) It flies over magnetically activated tracks.(D) it uses a device similar with engine.40. (A) It is more comfortable than a conventional train.(B) It doesn't require very much track maintenance.(C) It doesn't remain in any station very long.(D) it carries more passengers than a conventional train.41. (A) They are subject to fires.(B) They become less fuel-efficient.(C) They produce too much noise.(D) They have trouble staying on the tracks.42. (A) They don't get rid of flabby arms.(B) They can damage arm muscles.(C) They aren't acceptable to most people.(D) They can raise one's blood pressure.43. (A) By talking to an expert.(B) By reading an article.(C) By attending an exercise class.(D) By listening to the radio.44. (A) Exercising the entire body.(B) Having your blood pressure taken daily.(C) Losing weight prior to exercising.(D) Weighing in before each exercise session.45. (A) Wearing arm weights while you are swimming.(B) Jogging vigorously in one place for a long time.(C) Using bicycles that require you to use both your arms and legs.(D) Walking slowly while swinging your arms back and forth.46. (A) A restaurant host. (B) A tour guide.(C) A history teacher.(D) A park attendant.47. (A) A small restaurant.(B) A revolutionary army.(C) A famous commander.(D) A historic tree.48. (A) It was the oldest one in the park.(B) It was less than a hundred years old.(C) It was much younger than people had thought.(D) It was impossible to determine.49. (A) George Washington was an extremely tall man.(B) Most trees in parks are destroyed by insects.(C) Historical stories are sometimes inaccurate.(D) The Continental Army celebrated a victory in Cambridge.50. (A) Drive around the park.(B) Eat lunch.(C) Plant a small tree.(D) Go to the next city.89-1089年10月TOEFL听力A1. (A) That's today's seat.(B) Let's eat at four today.(C) That's all we'll do today.(D) There were four today.2. (A) Robert crashed into the stop sign near the bank.(B) Robert is going to the bank to get some money.(C) The robbers took a lot of cash from the bank.(D) The bank is closing Robert's account.3. (A) She refuses to shop.(B) The key was left in her shopping bag.(C) Turn left at the store.(D) she's gone to buy some things.4. (A) Don't you need a refill for your pen?(B) Your order for a dozen pencils has been filled.(C) Ben needs another bill from you.(D) Don't you want to get your friend a new pen?5. (A) Professor Stanton's course is very popular.(B) Everyone has taken a class from Professor Stanton.(C) Professor Stanton wants to teach another course.(D) Students are required to enroll in Professor Stanton's class.6. (A) We don't have time to eat dinner.(B) How often does he go out for dinner?(C) Let's meet for dinner one of these days.(D) What time were we supposed to meet for dinner?7. (A) The roof of the dentist's office needed to be fixed.(B) The dentists were both out of the office.(C) Gary talked about the dentist's broken tooth.(D) Why are the lectures held at four o'clock?8. (A) Why are the lectures held at four o'clock?(B) Have you been to one of these lectures before?(C) This lecture is really crowded.(D) I was glad to see you at the lecture.9. (A) Do what is most appropriate for you?(B) You want me to have the best.(C) You are the best person to do it.(D) Think of somebody besides yourself.10. (A) I missed the flight because I hadn't finished packing.(B) They loaded my suitcases on the last plane.(C) The plane was delayed because of my luggage.(D) My baggage will arrive on another flight.11. (A) He didn't meet me at the door.(B) There are still vacant rooms.(C) The story was foolish.(D) He is unhappy with the dormitory.12. (A) Susan suggested that we buy a slide projector.(B) We are the only ones she has shown the slides to.(C) Susan wanted to know whether we owned a slide projector.(D) We were supposed to bring the slide projector with us.13. (A) His study habits are poor.(B) He doesn't have a good place to study.(C) His habit is to study late.(D) He was disappointed with his studies.14. (A) The report has just been typed.(B) The report can be typed now.(C) The report isn't ready to be typed yet.(D) Part of the report is typed.15. (A) No matter what, we'll come for you tomorrow.(B) We may be coming a little late tomorrow.(C) We may come tomorrow or pick another date.(D) If you can't come today, please come tomorrow.16. (A) We should be gone within a month.(B) I want the semester to end now.(C) It takes us a ling time to get to school.(D) The semester ended a month ago.17. (A) You shouldn't have bought so many books.(B) You paid a lot of money for those books.(C) You got a lot of books for your money.(D) You didn't understand the price of the books.18. (A) That isn't a totally new kind of problem.(B) The solution to that problem isn't complete.(C) No one has ever solved that problem.(D) I know nothing about that kind of problem.19. (A) We had to write our compositions over again.(B) We met Professor Keene right after our class.(C) We were supposed to grade our papers in class.(D) We were told to read our essays out loud to our classmates.20. (A) Physics is not a difficult subject.(B) You certainly know a lot about physics.(C) I don't believe you're a physics major.(D) I think your physics homework is wrong.21. (A) She agrees with the man.(B) She doesn't know the book.(C) She likes the book very much.(D) She doesn't know what to do.22. (A) She can go with him this afternoon.(B) She has a lot to do today.(C) She's almost as busy as he is.(D) She might be finished by noon.23. (A) The man should buy a different meal ticket each month.(B) Individuals eat different amounts.(C) Buying the meal ticket won't save the man money.(D) The price of a meal varies from month to month.24. (A) The application isn't available at the office.(B) The woman should mail a copy of her application.(C) The photocopy machine isn't there anymore.(D) The woman can make copies at the post office.25. (A) He's taller than anyone on campus.(B) He's the best actor in the school.(C) He's almost through with the campus tour.(D) He's studying at college to be an actor.。
