Aladdin and the Magic Lamp


四下 阿拉丁和神灯 带答案

四下 阿拉丁和神灯 带答案

四年级下册Aladdin and the magic lamp一、读一读,选择Read and choose( )1. The genie of the lamp makes Aladdin____.A.poorB. richC. happy( )2. Aladdin and the ____ get married.A. PrincessB. PrinceC. queen( )3. The Princess makes ____ fall asleep.A. The big genieB. AladdinC. the magician( )4. Aladdin gets the ____ again and lives happily.A.boxB. lampC. genie( )5. Aladdin and the Princess live____ with the lamp.A. happilyB. sadC. lovely( )6. Aladdin sees the Princess and ____ with her.A. falls in likeB. falls in loveC. falls in happy( )7. The magic lamp is old and____.A.niceB. cleanC. dirty( )8. Aladdin builds ____ next to the King’s.A. a golden houseB. a golden palaceC. a golden room ( )9. At first, Aladdin is a____ boy.A.richB. braveC. poor( )10. The ____ doesn’t know about the sleeping powder.A.magicianB. AladdinC. Princess( )11. Aladdin finds the lamp in the ____ .A.palaceB. gardenC. house( )12. The genie of the lamp takes Aladdin to his palace and his____.A.cousinB. sisterC. wife( )13. The man is a bad _______ .A. magicianB. kingC. genie( )14. A round ________ appears!A. fireB. stoneC. face( )15. “Go down to the ________ ”A. gardenB. roomC. hole( )16. A big genie comes out of the _____ !A. lampB. houseC. palace( )17. New lamps for ______ lamps!A. oldB. newC. clean( )18. My husband has an old lamp. I want a ____ lamp.A. oldB. bigC. new( )19. The _______ is on his finger.A. lampB. ringC. watch( )20. He drinks it and falls______ .A.sleepB. coldC. rich二、读一读,判断正误“T或F”Read and judge1.()At first, Aladdin is rich.2.()Aladdin and his mother live in a great house for many years.3.()The bad magician asks Aladdin to go down to the hole.4.()There is a lot of stone in the room.5.()The bad magician appears from the ring.6.()The king wants 40 servants with 40 bowls of jewels.7.()The magician dresses as an old man.8.()The Princess gives some gold to the man.9.()The genie will take away the palace and Aladdin.10.()Aladdin wants to marry the Princess.11.()The genie will take Aladdin to his palace and his wife.12.()The Princess p uts some juice in the magician’s cup.13.()Aladdin has a ring in his pocket.14.()Aladdin is a handsome young man.15.()Aladdin falls in love with the Princess.16.()When the Princess hears of Aladdin,she feels angry.17.()The big genie makes Aladdin rich.18.()At first,Aladdin is a poor boy.19.()Aladdin finds the lamp in the palace.20.()When the bad magician hears of Aladdin,he feels sad.三、读一读、填一填Read and write1.The genie of the lamp makes Aladdin__________.2.Aladdin and the ___________ get married.3. The Princess makes the ________fall asleep.4.Aladdin gets the__________ again and lives happily.5.Aladdin and the Princess live__________ with the lamp.6.The Princess gives___________ lamp to the magician.7.Aladdin sees the Princess and falls in _________with her.8.The magic lamp is __________ and dirty.9.Aladdin builds a golden _________ next to the King’s.10.Aladdin finds the lamp in the__________.Keys:Read and choose1~5 BACBA 6~10 BCBCA11~15 BCABC 16~20 AACBARead and judge1~5 FTTFF 6~10 TTFFT11~15 TFFTT 16~20 FTTFFRead and write1.rich2. Pincess3. magician4. lamp5. happily6. Aladdin’s7. love8. old9. palace 10. garden11.。


苏丹说:“也不全是因为法 令,我也希望将来我不在你身 边的时候,有人能够照顾你。阿” 拉丁神灯介绍
晚上,阿拉丁和阿 布疲惫地回到家。阿拉 丁对阿布说:“我知道你 肚子很饿,相信有一天, 我们也可以过着像苏丹 一样不愁吃、不愁喝的 生活!”
此时,王宫里的茉莉公主正在 闷闷不乐。依照苏丹的法律规 定,她必须在今年生日以前嫁 给一位王子,而现在离她的生 日只有三天了。
茉莉对苏丹说:“爸爸,那 些求婚的男人不是自私自利, 就是狂妄自大!我不想因为法 令规定,就糊里糊涂地结婚!”
第二天,在阿格拉巴 城的市场中,一个穷 少年和一只猴子因为 偷了一条面包正被卫 兵追赶。那个穷少年 叫阿拉丁,因为穷, 有时也做一些不好的 事情。阿拉丁在他的 好朋友猴子阿布的帮 助下逃离了卫兵的追 捕。
阿拉丁和阿布正吃面包 的时候,忽然看到两个 饥饿的小孩,瞪着大眼 睛眼巴巴地望着他们。 他们赶紧分了一半给两 个孩子。
其实贾方是在说谎。 这个邪恶的奸臣利用巫 术查出了唯一有资格进 入神秘洞的人就是阿拉 丁。
当天晚上,贾方装扮成一个跛 脚的老囚犯到地牢里找到阿拉 丁。狡猾的贾方神秘地说:“我 可以帮你逃出去,而且给你很 多的珠宝,但是你必须帮我找 到一盏神灯。”
虽然阿拉丁觉得这个老头 很可疑,但他还是答应了。他 们两个逃出地牢,来到大沙漠 中。不久,他们来到神秘洞前。 老虎低沉的声音又传了出来: “阿拉丁可以进去,但除了神灯, 其他东西都不能碰!”随后,阿 拉丁带着小猴阿布进入了洞穴。

Aladdin and the magic lamp 阿拉丁神灯中英对照

Aladdin and the magic lamp 阿拉丁神灯中英对照

, . , . ' . . . .很久以前,某个小村庄里,有一位贫穷地裁缝师.他和妻儿住在一起,儿子叫做阿拉丁.阿拉丁不喜欢努力干活,反而喜欢在街上玩耍.他从不学些正经地事,这点让他父亲非常生气.. , , , . . ? , .裁缝师工作得很卖力.有一天,他觉得身体很不舒服,隔天他就过世了.阿拉丁和他地母亲没什么钱.这个家要怎么过下去呢?阿拉丁没有工作,因此他地母亲对他又气又担心., . . . . " ?" . ", ," . " ."有一天,一个陌生男子来到了村庄,他是来自西边沙漠地一位魔术师.阿拉丁那时正在街上玩耍,魔术师看到了阿拉丁,便走上前去.“你是裁缝师幕斯塔法地儿子吗?”他问阿拉丁.“是地,我就是,”阿拉丁回答.“但我父亲已经过世了.”' . . . , ' . " . , ," ' . " , ." " ," . " . . ."魔术师说他是阿拉丁地叔叔,他在离开村庄多年之后,现在回来了.阿拉丁把魔术师带回家里.回到家时,魔术师送阿拉丁地妈妈一些水果和酒.“这是真地,幕斯塔法真地有一个弟弟,但我从不认识他,”阿拉丁地妈妈说道.“我丈夫什么都没留给我们,阿拉丁也没有工作.”“我想要帮助你儿子,”魔术师说.“我会帮他开一间店,他可以卖水果、鞋子或是衣服,这样你们就会有钱了.”, . , . , . . .当晚,魔术师便带着阿拉丁到市集去.在那里,他买了几件好衣服给阿拉丁,然后又带着他逛了一下村庄.他跟阿拉丁讲了一些他旅游时发生地趣事,阿拉丁对这位刚认识地叔叔感到很好奇., . , . . , . " ?" . " ." " , ," . " . ."第二天,魔术师带着阿拉丁到了村外.他们走了很久,阿拉丁开始觉得累了.他们在一座花园停下来休息,魔术师有一些蛋糕,分了一半给阿拉丁.“我们还要走多远?”阿拉丁问道.“我好累,我想回家了.”“有点耐心吧!小子,”魔术师回答.“我要带你到山里去,有个特别地地方要给你看看.”. , , . . . . , . , .魔术师和阿拉丁走到山中.突然间,魔术师停下了脚步,往四周看了看,并没有发现任何人.于是他要阿拉丁去找些木头来,他想要生火.阿拉丁捡了些树枝来,把它们放成一堆.魔术师生了火,接着在火上面洒了一些粉末.! , . . . ' . " ," . " . , ."碰!整个地面摇了一下,接着他们看到地上出现一块方形地石头.阿拉丁很害怕,他想要逃走.魔术师把手放在阿拉丁地肩膀上.“不要害怕,”他告诉阿拉丁.“在这块石头下面有个很棒地东西.你若照我地话做,就会变得富有又快乐.”. , , . . ' . , . , . , . .魔术师要阿拉丁把石头搬起来.石头下方有个又深又黑地洞,里头有很多石阶可以通往洞地最底端.魔术师把一枚特殊地戒指套在阿拉丁地手指上.阿拉丁独自走下阶梯.在阶梯底端,他看到了一座花园,花园中间摆了一张桌子,桌上有一盏灯,魔术师就是要这盏灯.. . . " ," . " ." " , ," . " ' . ..."阿拉丁把灯里地油倒出来,接着返回阶梯处,魔术师听到他来了.他告诉阿拉丁说:“停在那里,把灯丢给我.”阿拉丁说:“叔叔,您太远了,我不想把灯摔坏.等我爬上阶梯再说…….”. , . , . "!" . " ! , !"魔术师非常生气,他在火堆上洒了更多地粉末,石头就滚到了洞口上方.突然间,阿拉丁地四周暗了下来.“笨蛋!”魔术师大叫.“你没照着我地话去做!现在就要你死在洞里!”' . . . ' . . !魔术师并不是阿拉丁地叔叔,他是一个邪恶地人.这盏灯会让他致富而且更有法力.因为他没办法自己进洞里去拿那盏灯,所以需要阿拉丁帮他.魔术师准备在拿到了这盏灯后就杀掉阿拉丁!. . , . . ! . . " ?" . " ," . " ."阿拉丁喊了一整天.他以为他会死在这个黑漆漆地地方,这时,他想到了他手指上地那枚戒指.他取下戒指把它摩擦了一下.碰!一个奇怪地男子飞到阿拉丁地面前,是一个精灵.精灵问道:“你需要我吗?”“请带我离开这个地方,”阿拉丁回答.“我想要回家.”. , . . , . .精灵拍了手两下,洞口上面地那块石头便移动了,阿拉丁看见了光,他拿起灯走上阶梯.他觉得很饿,但却没有东西吃,所以他必须卖掉他那盏灯.. . . , . . " ," . " . ." " ," . " ?"那盏灯非常脏,而脏兮兮地灯谁也不会想买.于是阿拉丁就把上面地灰尘拍掉.突然间,一阵烟从灯里面冒出来,另一个精灵飞到他地面前.“谢谢您把我从洞里拯救出来,”精灵说.“我会成为您地仆人,您可以要求我做任何事.”“我肚子饿了,”阿拉丁说.“你可以给我一点吃地东西吗?”. , . . . . . , . . !精灵飞走了,过了一会儿又飞回来,手里还提着一个大篮子.这篮子装满了美食,闻起来香喷喷地.阿拉丁很快就把菜吃光.他现在好快乐,因为他可以供给母亲食物和金钱,她会以他为荣地!. , . . . " ?" . " . ."阿拉丁和母亲过了一段很长地优渥生活,他们要什么,精灵就会给他们什么.阿拉丁成了一位英俊地少年.现在,母亲认为他该结婚了.“你什么时候才要结婚啊?”他地母亲问道.“我已经老了,快生几个孙子给我抱抱吧.”, . , . , . ' ., . ' . .有一天,阿拉丁走在街上,这时他听到背后传来许多骆驼地叫声.他很好奇,便转过身来,原来是苏丹王地手下.在其中一只骆驼上面,坐着一位年轻地女子.她是苏丹王地女儿,也是王国内最美丽地女孩.. , '. . , ' . . , . ", ," . " ' . ."阿拉丁马上就爱上了这位公主.他想再见她一面,但却没办法,因为没有人可以跟这位公主见面.有好多天,阿拉丁想她想个不停.他想娶这位公主,于是有一天,他去找他老母亲帮忙.“妈,我恋爱了,”他说.“请你到苏丹王地皇宫,问问陛下我是否可以娶他美丽地女儿.”' . . , . , . . . ' . , . " ?" . " . ."阿拉丁地母亲想让她儿子开心,便向精灵要了一些可以献给苏丹王地好东西,精灵给她一颗又大又闪亮地红宝石.接着,她就到皇宫晋见苏丹王了.皇宫又大又宏伟,苏丹王很有钱.她在苏丹王办公地地方外面等了一整天.最后,苏丹王跟她说话了.“你为什么想跟我谈话?”苏丹王问.“我很忙,只能给你五分钟.”' ' . , ' . ' ' . . , .阿拉丁地母亲把她儿子地愿望向苏丹王禀告.苏丹王听了不太开心,因为阿拉丁地母亲看起来并不富有,而他却期望公主能嫁给一个有钱人.这时,老母亲把那颗漂亮地红宝石献给了苏丹王.. . , . . ' . . .苏丹王非常喜欢这颗红宝石,因为他自己并没有什么红宝石.他想了一会儿后做了一个决定:阿拉丁可以娶他地女儿.阿拉丁地母亲兴高采烈地走回家.阿拉丁马上就可以成为村里地大人物了.婚礼将在三天后举行., . . . . . , . ' . " ," . " ."阿拉丁非常开心,但他也很担心.他地房子既不大也不豪华,公主在这里会住得舒服吗?他要精灵帮他盖间漂亮地宫殿.精灵地手脚非常快,没多久他就盖了一座豪华地宫殿,还有一座又大又美地花园,盖得甚至比苏丹王地皇宫还棒.“公主在这里会非常开心地,”阿拉丁心想.“我准备好要娶她了.”' . . , . ' . . . .婚礼在苏丹王地皇宫举行.有人跳舞,有人唱歌,大家都很开心.午夜时,阿拉丁和公主离开了皇宫,他们乘坐魔毯飞回阿拉丁地宫殿,公主看到这座新造地宫殿非常开心.她很喜欢阿拉丁,知道他会是一个好丈夫., , . , ' . . . . " , ," . ", ."遥远地西边沙漠,邪恶地魔术师正想着阿拉丁.他知道阿拉丁还活着,也知道他娶了苏丹王地女儿.魔术师非常嫉妒,他想再把阿拉丁变成穷光蛋,也想要拿回那盏灯.“今天就让你快乐一点吧!年轻地阿拉丁,”魔术师心想.“因为你马上就要失去所有地东西了.”' . . . . . . . " ," . " , ."邪恶地魔术师来到阿拉丁地宫殿,他装扮成一个卖灯地人.当时阿拉丁并不在家,他和苏丹王出门打猎去了.魔术师敲着前门,一个仆人来应门.魔术师跟她说了一些话.“我是卖灯地,”他说.“如果你给我旧灯,我就拿新地给你.”. ' , . ' . , . , , . !仆人看了看宫殿内四周,发现阿拉丁地神灯,就把它给了魔术师.仆人不知道那是盏特别地灯.魔术师摩擦一下神灯,精灵就跑了出来.转眼间,宫殿、公主和所有地仆人都不见了,他们被魔术师变到西边地沙漠去了!, . . ? ? ? . , . . . " ," . " ."隔天,阿拉丁回来时吓了一跳.他地宫殿、公主和神灯都到哪里去了呢?阿拉丁遇到大麻烦,他搓了搓手指上地戒指,一只精灵从地底跑了出来.精灵把魔术师地事告诉阿拉丁,阿拉丁听了非常生气.“带我去我地宫殿,”他告诉精灵.“我要去救我地妻子和仆人.”. ' . . " ," . " ." . , . .戒指精灵带着阿拉丁到西边地沙漠去,阿拉丁走到妻子地窗边叫她,他妻子把头探出窗外.她说:“快进来,魔术师现在人不在这儿.”阿拉丁走进去找那盏神灯,但是神灯并不在里面,魔术师把它带在身上了.. . , . . . . , .阿拉丁有一个计划,他给他妻子一些特别地粉末.当天晚上,魔术师敲着她地门,告诉她阿拉丁已经死了,要她忘了她丈夫并嫁给他.魔术师带来两杯酒,公主拿了一杯,然后偷偷把粉末加进去.. . , . , . . , . ' . . , . , . . , .公主看起来很伤心,她告诉魔术师说她会嫁给他,并要求魔术师和她互换酒杯.他们两人碰杯,双双把酒干了.魔术师先喝完他地酒.突然间,他地脸上出现了奇怪地表情,随即就倒下来一命呜呼了.当时阿拉丁在公主地衣橱里守候着,他跳了出来,取走魔术师身上地神灯.他搓了一下神灯,要精灵带他们回家.剎那间,一切都回到了老地方.公主抱住阿拉丁亲了他.从那天起,他们就过着幸福美满地日子.。

aladin and the magic lamp

aladin and the magic lamp

Aladdin and the Magic Lamp
Once upon a time,there lived a boy named Aladdin.One day,Aladdin's mother sent him to the marker place to look for a job.At the market Aladdin met a magician.If you do as I say,I will reward you with gold coins and jewellery.Is that true? More gold and jewellery than I have ever dreamt of? Then I would be the richest man in town! He followed the magician to a dark cave outside the town.The magician asked Aladdin to go inside the cave and find a lamp which was hidden inside. Then he gave Aladdin a ring and said, If you are in any trouble, rub this ring and a genie will come to your rescue! Inside the cave, Aladdin was surprised by what he saw.Every corner was filled with gold and treasure.He found the lamp and quickly returned to the entrance of the cave. Magician, I have found the lamp! Excellent.Quickly,pass it to me! Aladdin didn't trust the magician. You must help me get out of this cave first. What? You arge giving me commands? You will reget what you have said. The magician became very angry and pushed a rock over the entrance of the cave, leaving Aladdin and the lamp behind.Aladdin tried to move the rock by himself,but it was too big and heavy.Oh no! I am trapped inside this cave! Can anybody hear me ? I can't get out! Help! He suddenly felt something hard and round in his pocket. He took it out and found that it was the ring! Oh, the magic ring ,I almost forget it. He rubbed it with the palm of his hand. A genie appeared before him. Master ,I am the genie of the ring ,how can I help you ? Could you please send me back to my house? And in no time at all, Aladdin was back home. Wow,it's cool! Aladdin took out the lamp that he found in the cave. I wonder what will happen if I rub it? Suddenly, another enormous genie stood before him. Master,your wish is my command. Aladdin was very excited,and wished for an enormous palace and bags full of gold. One day ,a princess was passing by Aladdin's palace. She stopped to talk to Aladdin and soon they became good friends.Before long ,Aladdin and the princess fell in love.Aladdin asked the king for permission to marry the princess.The king liked Aladdin because he was kind and generous. So he agreed to the marriage. One day ,the magician found out that Aladdin still had the magic lamp.He was very angry that Aladdin was now so rich. He wanted the lamp for himself. How dare you take away my magic lamp! It belongs to me! I shall get it back. So the sly magician disguised himself as a lamp seller and went to Aladdin's palace. Old lamps for new lamps, old lamps for new lamps. The princess heard the old man's call.However,she did not know that Aladdin's old lamp had magic powers. So she happily exchanged Aladdin's old lamp for a new one! Haha haha! At last it s mine. Aladdin, your pleasant life is coming to an end. The magician rubbed the lamp and the enormous genie appeared. Master, your wish is my command. Take Aladdin's palace and the princess off to a faraway land! His wish was granted. When Aladdin returned to the place where his palace had once stood, He was shocked to find it missing. Worse still,his beloved princess had disappeared too! What happened? Why has everything disappeared? Then Aladdin remembered that he had a magic ring. He quickly rubbed the ring and asked the genie to take him to the magic lamp. Aladdin found himself in the magician's house. Luckily, the magician was asleep, So Aladdin crept inside and grabbed the magic lamp. Aladdin rubbed the magic lamp.Master,your wish is my command. This time, Aladdin took no chances. He commanded the genie to send the magician to a land so far away that he would never be able to find his way home again. Next, Aladdin asked for his palace to be returned. Within a few seconds his wish was granted. The princess was inside the palace. Oh, my dear! I miss you so much! And since that day, Aladdin and the princess have never had to worry about the magician ever again.



阿拉丁神灯读后感50字英语English:After reading Aladdin and the Magic Lamp, I find the story to be a timeless classic with powerful themes of bravery, love, and the consequences of greed. The character of Aladdin is relatable and endearing, and his journey from rags to riches teaches important lessons about honesty and integrity. The idea of a magical lamp and the genie inside it captivated my imagination, and the plot twists and turns kept me engaged until the very end. Overall, the story left me feeling inspired and reminded me of the importance of staying true to oneself and the power of selflessness.中文翻译:《阿拉丁神灯》的故事是一个永恒的经典,具有关于勇敢、爱情和贪婪后果的强大主题。






《轻松英语名作欣赏》第二级——阿拉丁和神灯Aladdin and the magic lamp---阿拉丁和神灯Chapter 1 Aladdin Meets a Bad Magician(第1章阿拉丁遇见坏魔法师) 词汇总结:本章节词汇:poor[puə, pɔ:] 贫穷的name[neɪm] 姓名meet[miːt] 遇见man[mæn]男人uncle['ʌŋk(ə)l] 叔叔work [wɜːk] 工作ask[ɑːsk] 问本章节拓展词汇本章节词汇:hill[hɪl] 山power['paʊə] 粉末flat[flæt]扁平的round[raʊnd] 圆的stone[stəʊn] 石头appear[ə'pɪə] 出现本章节拓展词汇本章节词汇:lift [lɪft] 搬起hole[həʊl] 洞room[ruːm; rʊm] 房间gold[gəʊld] 金子garden ['gɑːd(ə)n] 花园ring[rɪŋ] 戒指finger['fɪŋgə] 手指本章节拓展词汇本章节词汇:soon[suːn] 很快find [faɪnd] 找到entrance ['entr(ə)ns] 入口give [gɪv] 给shout[ʃaʊt] 大声叫angry ['æŋgrɪ] 生气的place [pleɪs] 放本章节拓展词汇:alone[ə'ləʊn] 独自的scared [skeəd]害怕的cold [kəʊld]寒冷的rub [rʌb] 搓:擦hand [hænd]手genie ['dʒiːnɪ]神灵,精灵home [həʊm] 家本章节拓展词汇:本章节共34个词汇Chapter 2. Aladdin Marries the Princess (第2章阿拉丁迎娶公主) 本章节词汇:old [əʊld] 旧的dirty ['dɜːtɪ] 脏的clean [kliːn] 擦干净本章节拓展词汇:本章节词汇:money ['mʌnɪ] 钱jewel ['dʒuːəl] 珠宝great[greɪt] 大的house[haʊs] 房子become [bɪ'kʌm] 变得rich [rɪtʃ] 富有的本章节拓展词汇:本章节词汇handsome ['hæns(ə)m] 英俊的young [jʌŋ] 年轻的town [taʊn] 城镇beautiful['bjuːtɪfʊl; -f(ə)l] 美丽的本章节拓展词汇:本章节词汇:king [kɪŋ] 国王bring[brɪŋ] 带来servant ['sɜːv(ə)nt] 仆人bowl [bəʊl] 钵build [bɪld] 建造golden ['gəʊld(ə)n] 金的palace['pælɪs] 宫殿tell [tel] 告诉everything ['evrɪθɪŋ] 一切本章节拓展词汇本章节词汇:follow ['fɒləʊ] 跟随show[ʃəʊ] 给……看本章节拓展词汇:本章节共24个词汇Chapter 3.The Bad Magician Comes Back (第3章坏魔法师归来)本章节词汇:dress[dres] 装扮new [njuː] 新的husband['hʌzbənd] 丈夫本章节拓展词汇:本章节词汇:aha[ə'hɑː; ɑː'hɑː] 啊哈take away [teik] [ə'weɪ] 搬走本章节拓展词汇:本章节词汇:surprised [sə'praɪz] 吃惊的gone [gɒn] 离去的die [daɪ] 死本章节拓展词汇:本章节共8个词汇Chapter 4 Aladdin Gets the Magic lamp Back (第4章阿拉丁夺回神灯) 本章节词汇:alas [ə'læs; ə'lɑːs] 哎呀wife [waɪf] 妻子remember [rɪ'membə] 想起quick [kwɪk] 快本章节拓展词汇:本章节词汇:keep [kiːp] 携带kind [kaɪnd] 友好的drink [drɪŋk] 酒tonight [tə'naɪt] 今晚本章节拓展词汇:本章节词汇:together [tə'geðə] 一起cup [kʌp] 杯子know [nəʊ] 知道cheers [tʃɪəz] 干杯fall asleep [fɔːl] [ə'sliːp]入睡本章节拓展词汇:本章节词汇:again [ə'gen; ə'geɪn] 再一次happily ['hæpɪlɪ] 快乐地本章节拓展词汇:本章节共15个词汇整本书共81个单词。



《轻松英语名作欣赏》第二级——阿拉丁和神灯Aladdin and the magic lamp---阿拉丁和神灯Chapter 1 Aladdin Meets a Bad Magician(第1章阿拉丁遇见坏魔法师) 词汇总结:本章节词汇:poor[puə, pɔ:] 贫穷的name[neɪm] 姓名meet[miːt] 遇见man[mæn]男人uncle['ʌŋk(ə)l] 叔叔work [wɜːk] 工作ask[ɑːsk] 问本章节拓展词汇本章节词汇:hill[hɪl] 山power['paʊə] 粉末flat[flæt]扁平的round[raʊnd] 圆的stone[stəʊn] 石头appear[ə'pɪə] 出现本章节拓展词汇本章节词汇:lift [lɪft] 搬起hole[həʊl] 洞room[ruːm; rʊm] 房间gold[gəʊld] 金子garden ['gɑːd(ə)n] 花园ring[rɪŋ] 戒指finger['fɪŋgə] 手指本章节拓展词汇本章节词汇:soon[suːn] 很快find [faɪnd] 找到entrance ['entr(ə)ns] 入口give [gɪv] 给shout[ʃaʊt] 大声叫angry ['æŋgrɪ] 生气的place [pleɪs] 放本章节拓展词汇:alone[ə'ləʊn] 独自的scared [skeəd]害怕的cold [kəʊld]寒冷的rub [rʌb] 搓:擦hand [hænd]手genie ['dʒiːnɪ]神灵,精灵home [həʊm] 家本章节拓展词汇:本章节共34个词汇Chapter 2. Aladdin Marries the Princess (第2章阿拉丁迎娶公主) 本章节词汇:old [əʊld] 旧的dirty ['dɜːtɪ] 脏的clean [kliːn] 擦干净本章节拓展词汇:本章节词汇:money ['mʌnɪ] 钱jewel ['dʒuːəl] 珠宝great[greɪt] 大的house[haʊs] 房子become [bɪ'kʌm] 变得rich [rɪtʃ] 富有的本章节拓展词汇:本章节词汇handsome ['hæns(ə)m] 英俊的young [jʌŋ] 年轻的town [taʊn] 城镇beautiful['bjuːtɪfʊl; -f(ə)l] 美丽的本章节拓展词汇:本章节词汇:king [kɪŋ] 国王bring[brɪŋ] 带来servant ['sɜːv(ə)nt] 仆人bowl [bəʊl] 钵build [bɪld] 建造golden ['gəʊld(ə)n] 金的palace['pælɪs] 宫殿tell [tel] 告诉everything ['evrɪθɪŋ] 一切本章节拓展词汇本章节词汇:follow ['fɒləʊ] 跟随show[ʃəʊ] 给……看本章节拓展词汇:本章节共24个词汇Chapter 3.The Bad Magician Comes Back (第3章坏魔法师归来)本章节词汇:dress[dres] 装扮new [njuː] 新的husband['hʌzbənd] 丈夫本章节拓展词汇:本章节词汇:aha[ə'hɑː; ɑː'hɑː] 啊哈take away [teik] [ə'weɪ] 搬走本章节拓展词汇:本章节词汇:surprised [sə'praɪz] 吃惊的gone [gɒn] 离去的die [daɪ] 死本章节拓展词汇:本章节共8个词汇Chapter 4 Aladdin Gets the Magic lamp Back (第4章阿拉丁夺回神灯) 本章节词汇:alas [ə'læs; ə'lɑːs] 哎呀wife [waɪf] 妻子remember [rɪ'membə] 想起quick [kwɪk] 快本章节拓展词汇:本章节词汇:keep [kiːp] 携带kind [kaɪnd] 友好的drink [drɪŋk] 酒tonight [tə'naɪt] 今晚本章节拓展词汇:本章节词汇:together [tə'geðə] 一起cup [kʌp] 杯子know [nəʊ] 知道cheers [tʃɪəz] 干杯fall asleep [fɔːl] [ə'sliːp]入睡本章节拓展词汇:本章节词汇:again [ə'gen; ə'geɪn] 再一次happily ['hæpɪlɪ] 快乐地本章节拓展词汇:本章节共15个词汇整本书共81个单词。



书虫阿拉丁和神灯读后感英语Aladdin and the Magic Lamp is a timeless tale that has captivated readers of all ages for generations. The story of a poor young man who discovers a magical lamp containing a powerful genie who grants him three wishes touches upon themes of power, greed, and ultimately, the importance of being true to oneself.《阿拉丁和神灯》是一个永恒的故事,它迷住了世代读者的心。


On one hand, the character of Aladdin can be seen as a symbol of the underdog who rises above his circumstances through luck and cleverness. He starts off as a poor beggar boy but eventually becomes a powerful prince through the help of the genie. This transformation highlights the idea that anyone, regardless of their background, has the potential to achieve greatness.一方面,阿拉丁这个人物可以被看作是一个象征着运气和聪明才智能够战胜困境的弱势者。

经典英文故事——阿拉丁神灯 (1)

经典英文故事——阿拉丁神灯 (1)

Aladdin and the magic lamp人物设定(按出场顺序)Aladdin(老邓~):一个住在海边的长得粗犷的智商偏低的有老婆的傻逼Jasmine(张嘎文):一个住在海边的长得粗犷的智商偏低的有老婆的傻逼的老婆The magic lamp(姜新g~):不用说话不用动一直蹲在边上的灯,灯亮了就姜新咧嘴笑Genie(唐美女):十分狂拽酷炫屌炸天的牛逼闪闪的灯神Monica(健伟~):阿拉丁家的菲佣King(浩lan~):goddess的爸国王Queen(郑仪淋):goddess的妈皇后CEO(健伟~):Aladdin升职加薪当上总经理,出任CEOClever officer1(叶淑女):Clever officer2(安yi萌~):Security(桐爷):公主的保安Goddess(郝俊ze):Aladdin许愿后jasmine变成的白富美,岛国公主Daughter(潘佳佳):Aladdin的女儿引入本来雅雅他们要弄的睡美人Angel(矮恬~):一个矮矮的善娘的小天使Witch(高雅雅):穿插睡美人的剧情据雅雅要求要当巫婆啦啦啦Prince(晓瑜~):并不是真爱的王子Knight(韩呆璐~):吻醒佳佳的骑士~自由发挥很久以前,有一个穷逼渔民,名叫阿拉丁,他和他的妻子jasmine住在一个小村庄里,阿拉丁他十分的努力干活,但还是过着穷苦的日子。

Long ago, a poor fisherman named Aladdin lived in a small village with his wife jasmine. Aladdin works hard everyday.but he still very poor.阿拉丁的妻子jasmine十分的傻逼,有一天,她在家中(噶文出厂)跳减肥操时不小心把蜡烛弄倒了,然后把家里全烧了,阿拉丁回家时,便只看到jasmine在一片废墟边跳减肥操,阿拉丁十分的生气,但他已经习惯了妻子的愚蠢,于是他只能默默的去海边散心,走着走着,他突然发现地上有一坨小小的东西(小新。



阿拉丁和神灯的读后感英语I recently read the classic tale of Aladdin and the Magic Lamp in English, and I must say, it left a profound impact on me. The story of a young man who discovers a magical lamp containing a powerful genie who grants him three wishes is both captivating and thought-provoking.我最近读了经典故事《阿拉丁和神灯》的英语版,我必须说,这对我产生了深远的影响。


As I delved deeper into the story, I couldn't help but draw parallels between Aladdin's journey with the magic lamp and the concept of wishes and desires in our own lives. The idea that having all our desires fulfilled may not necessarily lead to true happiness is a powerful moral lesson that resonated with me.当我深入研究这个故事时,我忍不住比较了阿拉丁与神灯的旅程和我们生活中的愿望和欲望之间的联系。


Furthermore, the character development of Aladdin himself was fascinating to witness. From a poor street urchin to a powerful prince, Aladdin's transformation highlighted the importance of staying true to oneself and not letting material wealth define one's identity.此外,阿拉丁这个角色的发展过程令人着迷。



Review of "Aladdin and the Magic Lamp""Aladdin and the Magic Lamp" is a timeless tale that captures the imagination of readers, regardless of their age. As a freshman in middle school, I found this story particularly engaging and thought-provoking.The story revolves around a poor young boy named Aladdin, who is approached by a magician from the far-off land of Maghrib. The magician, posing as Aladdin's uncle, tricks him into retrieving a magic lamp from a treacherous cave. What ensues is a series of adventures that test Aladdin's wits, courage, and morality.One of the most striking aspects of this story is its emphasis on the power of good versus evil. The magician, with his cunning and deceit, represents the dark side of humanity, while Aladdin stands as a beacon of innocence and purity. The conflict between these two characters drives the narrative forward, making it difficult for readers to predict what will happen next.Another noteworthy aspect is the role of the magic lamp itself. This lamp, with its incredible powers, serves as a symbol of temptation and responsibility. Aladdin's interactions with the lamp teach us about the importance of making wise choices and understanding the consequences of our actions.What I found most fascinating about this story, however, was its underlying message about the triumph of good over evil. Despite being outwitted and cheated by the magician, Aladdin never loses sight of his moral compass. His perseverance and courage eventually lead him to overcome the magician and reclaim his lost happiness. This message is particularly relevant for young readers, who are still developing their moral values and understanding of the world.In conclusion, "Aladdin and the Magic Lamp" is a captivating story that teaches valuable life lessons about morality, responsibility, and the power of good over evil. As a freshman in middle school, I found it both entertaining and thought-provoking. I highly recommend this story to other young readers who are looking for an adventure that will both entertain and inspire them.。



阿拉丁与神灯读后感英语Aladdin and the Magic Lamp is a classic folktale that has captured the imaginations of people around the world for centuries The story follows the adventures of a young man named Aladdin who stumbles upon a magical lamp containing a powerful genie that grants him three wishes Filled with adventure romance and the triumph of good over evil this tale offers valuable lessons about the nature of power greed and the importance of maintaining one's moral compassAt the heart of the story is Aladdin a poor young man living in a small town with his widowed mother Despite his humble circumstances Aladdin remains optimistic and hardworking always looking for opportunities to better his situation One day he is approached by a mysterious sorcerer who claims to be Aladdin's long lost uncle and promises him untold riches if he will help retrieve a magical lamp from a cave The sorcerer's true intentions however are nefarious as he plans to use the lamp's power for his own selfish gainsAladdin reluctantly agrees and ventures into the cave where he finds the lamp After retrieving it he is suddenly trapped by the sorcerer who tries to take the lamp by force Thinking quickly Aladdin rubs the lamp and summons the genie who grants him his first wish to be transported back home Aladdin then uses his remaining two wishes to become a wealthy prince in order to win the heart of a beautiful princess and to defeat the sorcerer and his evil plansThroughout the story Aladdin demonstrates a number of admirable qualities that make him a compelling protagonist He is resourceful and quick-thinking always finding creative solutions to the challenges he faces He is also humble and grounded never allowing his newfound wealth and power to corrupt him or go to his head Even when tempted by the genie's vast powers Aladdin uses them judiciously and selflessly always putting the needs of others before his ownIn contrast the sorcerer represents the dangers of unchecked ambition and greed His sole motivation is to acquire the lamp's power for his own personal gain with no regard for the harm he causes others Along the way he demonstrates a willingness to deceive betray and even resort to violence to achieve his goals a stark contrast to Aladdin's more noble and principled approachThe story also touches on themes of family and the importance ofmaintaining strong relationships despite adversity Aladdin's loving relationship with his mother provides a source of strength and stability in his life while the sorcerer's willingness to exploit his supposed familial connection with Aladdin highlights the corrosive effects of selfishness and dishonestyUltimately Aladdin and the Magic Lamp is a timeless tale that reminds us of the enduring power of kindness courage and moral integrity in the face of greed and corruption The story's enduring popularity is a testament to its universal appeal and the timeless lessons it imparts about the human condition and the importance of maintaining one's moral compass in the face of temptation and adversity。



阿拉丁与神灯英文读后感100字初一全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1I read the story "Aladdin and the Magic Lamp" and it was super cool! Aladdin was just a regular guy but then he found this amazing lamp with a genie inside. The genie had magical powers and could grant Aladdin any wish he wanted. How awesome is that?!I really liked how Aladdin used the genie's powers to make his life better. He didn't wish for anything selfish, he just wanted to help his family and make things right. It showed me that you should always use your powers for good and not just for yourself.The story also had a really cool moral. It taught me that you should always be honest and kind, and that good things will come to you if you do. Aladdin was a good guy and he got rewarded in the end for being a good person.I think this story is really fun and exciting, with lots of twists and turns. It made me think about the choices I make and how they can affect my life. I would totally recommend reading"Aladdin and the Magic Lamp" to all my friends. It's a great story with a great message.篇2Aladdin and the Magic Lamp is a very interesting story. it tells the story of a young boy who finds a magic lamp and gets three wishes. Kids enjoy this story because it is full of adventure and magic.I like the part where Aladdin first rubs the lamp and the genie appears. I wish I could have a magic lamp too! I would ask for lots of chocolate, toys, and maybe even a trip to Disneyland.I also like how Aladdin outsmarts the evil magician and saves the princess. It shows that even though he is just a poor boy, he is brave and smart.The story teaches us that we should always be kind, brave, and honest. Aladdin is a good role model for kids because he is kind to others and uses his wishes to help people.Overall, I really enjoyed reading Aladdin and the Magic Lamp. It is a fun and exciting story that teaches us important lessons about friendship, honesty, and bravery. I will definitely read it again!篇3I just read the story of Aladdin and the Magic Lamp and it was so cool! Aladdin is just a regular guy who gets a magic lamp and becomes super rich and powerful. I wish I could find a magic lamp too!I think the lesson of the story is that you shouldn't always trust people who seem nice at first. Like the magician who tricks Aladdin into getting the lamp for him. That was so sneaky! But Aladdin is smart and figures it out in the end.I also liked how Aladdin used his wishes to help others, like saving the princess and his friends. He could have just used the wishes for himself, but he chose to be kind instead.Overall, I really enjoyed reading about Aladdin and his adventures with the magic lamp. It taught me that even regular people can do amazing things if they are brave and clever. I would love to have my own magic lamp one day!篇4As a first-year student, I just finished reading the story of Aladdin and the Magic Lamp. It was super cool! I loved howAladdin got to go on all these amazing adventures and how he used the magic lamp to make his wishes come true.I think the lesson from the story is that we should always be careful what we wish for because things might not always turn out the way we expect. Aladdin thought he could use the lamp to make his life better, but he ended up getting mixed up with an evil sorcerer and having to fight to save the people he loved.But in the end, everything worked out okay because Aladdin had a good heart and used his wishes to do good things. I learned that we should always try to do the right thing and be kind to others, just like Aladdin did.Overall, I really enjoyed reading Aladdin and the Magic Lamp. It was exciting, funny, and had a great message. I can't wait to read more stories like this one!篇5Aladdin and the Magic Lamp is such a cool story, I read it in my first year of junior high school. It's all about this boy named Aladdin who finds a magic lamp and gets three wishes from a powerful genie.I really liked how Aladdin used his wishes to make his life better. He didn't just wish for stuff for himself, he also used his wishes to help others. That's a super duper nice thing to do.But things didn't go all smoothly for Aladdin. There was this evil guy who wanted to steal the lamp and use it for his own bad plans. He even tricked Aladdin and tried to take the lamp away. But Aladdin was smart and brave, he outsmarted the bad guy and saved the day.I think the story teaches us to be kind, brave, and smart. It's not about having magic powers or a genie to grant us wishes, it's about using our own abilities to do good things. I really enjoyed reading Aladdin and the Magic Lamp, it's a fun and exciting story with a great message.篇6Hello everyone! I just finished reading the story of Aladdin and the Magic Lamp in my English class, and I wanted to share my thoughts with you all.First of all, I thought the story was super cool! I mean, who wouldn't want to have a magic lamp that can grant you anything you wish for? It's like having your own personal genie who canmake all your dreams come true. Aladdin was so lucky to have found that lamp!But then things got a little bit crazy when the evil sorcerer tried to trick Aladdin and steal the lamp. I was on the edge of my seat the whole time wondering what was going to happen next. It was so exciting!I also loved how Aladdin was brave and resourceful, especially when he had to outsmart the sorcerer and rescue Princess Jasmine. He was a true hero, and it was awesome to see him save the day.Overall, I really enjoyed reading the story of Aladdin and the Magic Lamp. It was full of adventure, magic, and excitement, and I can't wait to read more stories like it. If only I had a magic lamp of my own...I would wish for more amazing stories to read!That's all for now. Thanks for listening to my thoughts on the story, and I hope you all have a magical day!。

Aladdin and the magic lamp 阿拉丁神灯中英对照

Aladdin and the magic lamp 阿拉丁神灯中英对照

Aladdin and the magic lampLong ago, a poor tailor lived in a small village. He lived with his wife and boy, Aladdin. Aladdin didn't like to work hard. He liked to play in the streets. He never learned to do useful things. This made his father very angry.很久以前,某个小村庄里,有一位贫穷的裁缝师。




The tailor worked very hard. One day, he felt very ill, and the next day, he died. Aladdin and his mother had almost no money. How would the family live? Aladdin had no job, so his mother was very upset with him.裁缝师工作得很卖力。




One day, a strange man came to the village. He was a magician from the western desert. Aladdin was playing in the street. The magician saw the boy and walked up to him. "Are you the son of Mustapha the tailor?" he asked Aladdin. "Yes, I am," replied Aladdin. "He is dead now." 有一天,一个陌生男子来到了村庄,他是来自西边沙漠的一位魔术师。



阿拉丁神灯英文Aladdin and the Magic LampOnce upon a time in the city of Agrabah, there lived a poor boy named Aladdin. Aladdin was a street rat and survived by stealing food for himself and his monkey companion named Abu. One day, as he was wandering around the marketplace, he saw a beautiful princess named Jasmine and was instantly smitten by her. But he knew he could never have her since she was a princess and he was just a poor boy.One day, an evil sorcerer named Jafar approached him and tricked him into entering a cave to retrieve a magical lamp. Aladdin found the lamp, but was trapped in the cave. He rubbed the lamp in desperation and out came a genie who offered to grant him three wishes. With the genie's help, he managed to escape the cave and return the lamp to Jafar.But Jafar betrayed him and tried to kill him. Aladdin used one of his wishes to escape from him and used the other two wishes to become a prince so he could win the heart of Princess Jasmine. Despite his newfound wealth and status, Aladdin remained humble and kind at heart.Together, Aladdin and Jasmine went on many adventures, including defeating Jafar who had turned himself into a powerful genie. In the end, Aladdin learned that true happiness comes from being true to oneself and from the love of others.And so, Aladdin and Jasmine lived happily ever after, with the genie as their faithful friend and ally.。



Aladdin and the magic lampAct1Aladdin Meets a Bad Magician Magician: Aladdin,I am your uncle.Would you like to work for me?Aladdin : Oh,Yes !I will work for you.Magician: Then follow me to the hill.Magician: Abracadabra!Aladdin : (pop)Wow!a flat and round stone appears! Magician: Can you see the hole?Go down to the hole.There you will see a room of gold.Go through the room.Don’t take any gold.Then you will see a garden. Go through the garden.You will see a lamp there.bring me that lamp!First,put this ring on your finger.It can help you.Magician: Give me the lamp.Aladdin : No!let me tout first!Magician: Okay.stay down there ,then!Magician: Bad man!Oh, I am alone here.I’m scared and cold!Genie of the ring:(pop!)I’m the genie of the ring!What can I do for you?Aladdin : Take me the home!I want to go back home. Genie of the ring: Yes,my lord.Act2Aladdin Marries the PrincessMother: What’s the lamp? It is old and dirty. let me clean it. Genie of the lamp:(pop!)I ’m the genie of the lamp!What can I do for you?Aladdin : I want lots of money and jewels.I want a great house ,too.Genie of the lamp: Yes,sir.You can have them.Aladdin&mother: (pop!)We are rich now!Aladdin: Oh, she is very beautiful. I want to marry her. Aladdin: Sire,I want to marry the princess.King: Bring me forty servants with forty bowls of jewels.And build a gold palace next to mine.Then you can marry her.Aladdin:(pop)Genie!I want to marry the princess.Help me! Genie of the lamp:yes sir!you can have them.Aladdin: Sire,here are forty servants with fortybowls of jewels.And look at the golden palace next to yours. King: Great!you can marry the princess.Act 3The Bad Magician Comes BackMagician : Aladdin married the princess. And he is very rich.The genie of the lamp did all these things.I must get it back from Aladdin.Magician : New lamps for old lamps!Princess : My husband has an old and dirty lamp .I want a new lamp.Here is an old lamp .Give me a new lamp,please.Magician : (laughing) Aha! Now I have the magic lamp! Genie of the lamp : What can I do for you ?Magician : Take away the palace and the Princess.Genie of the lamp : Yes, sir.King : Where is the Princess?Aladdin : I don’t know . My palace and my wifeare gone together !Where are they ?King : Find her , or you will die .Act 4Aladdin Gets the Magic Lamp Back Aladdin : What can I do ? Where are my Palace and my wife ?Oh, I have the magic ring !Aladdin: Take me to my palace and mywife. Quick!Princess: Oh, Aladdin! Your lamp is a magic lamp !But I didn’t know that.Aladdin: Oh , my wife ! It’s okay. Then where isThe lamp ?Princess: The magician keeps it with him. Aladdin : I have a plan ! Be kind to him . Give hima drink tonight.Princess: Let’s drink together.Magician: Cheers!Aladdin: I get the lamp again!Aladdin: Take this palace , my wife and me back !And I don’t want to see the magician again. Aladdin: Everything is back .I am happy now. Princess: Me , too, Aladdin!。



英⽂阅读(⼋):阿拉丁和神灯(Aladdin and the magic lamp)英⽂阅读(⼋):阿拉丁和神灯(Aladdin and the magic lamp)2014年7⽉24⽇德昀今天6岁4个⽉零11天了外出旅⾏耽搁了⼏天,到昨天晚上⼉⼦终于读完了《卖⽕柴的⼩⼥孩》,⾃⼰独⽴做完了后⾯的阅读理解题⽬,不再问我这句话问的是什么意思,看来是阅读问题和理解问题的能⼒有进步了。

⾃⼰选了阿拉丁和神灯(Aladdin and the magic lamp),喜欢这个故事,先读完了中⽂,之后开始早晚听英⽂。

早上他玩陀螺的时候,我放⾳频,听到Take me home 的时候问德昀,阿拉丁说的是什么意思,他回答我,“带我回家”,看来孩⼦学英语和⼤⼈学英语真的是很不同,我需要注意⼒很集中地听,⽽孩⼦,只需要在玩耍的时候当作背景就可以了,⽽且居然还可以⼀⼼⼆⽤。









《轻松英语名作欣赏》第二级——阿拉丁和神灯Aladdin and the magic lamp---阿拉丁和神灯Chapter 1 Aladdin Meets a Bad Magician(第1章阿拉丁遇见坏魔法师) 词汇总结:本章节词汇:poor[puə, pɔ:] 贫穷的name[neɪm] 姓名meet[miːt] 遇见man[mæn] 男人uncle['ʌŋk(ə)l] 叔叔work [wɜːk] 工作ask[ɑːsk] 问本章节拓展词汇本章节词汇:hill[hɪl] 山power['paʊə] 粉末flat[flæt] 扁平的round[raʊnd] 圆的stone[stəʊn] 石头appear[ə'pɪə] 出现本章节拓展词汇本章节词汇:lift [lɪft] 搬起hole[həʊl] 洞room[ruːm; rʊm] 房间gold[gəʊld] 金子garden ['gɑːd(ə)n] 花园ring[rɪŋ] 戒指finger['fɪŋgə] 手指本章节拓展词汇本章节词汇:soon[suːn] 很快find [faɪnd] 找到entrance ['entr(ə)ns] 入口give [gɪv] 给shout[ʃaʊt] 大声叫angry ['æŋgrɪ] 生气的place [pleɪs] 放本章节拓展词汇:alone[ə'ləʊn] 独自的scared [skeəd]害怕的cold [kəʊld]寒冷的rub [rʌb] 搓:擦hand [hænd] 手genie ['dʒiːnɪ]神灵,精灵home [həʊm] 家本章节拓展词汇:本章节共34个词汇Chapter 2. Aladdin Marries the Princess (第2章阿拉丁迎娶公主) 本章节词汇:old [əʊld] 旧的dirty ['dɜːtɪ] 脏的clean [kliːn] 擦干净本章节拓展词汇:本章节词汇:money ['mʌnɪ] 钱jewel ['dʒuːəl] 珠宝great[greɪt] 大的house[haʊs] 房子become [bɪ'kʌm] 变得rich [rɪtʃ] 富有的本章节拓展词汇:本章节词汇handsome ['hæns(ə)m] 英俊的young [jʌŋ] 年轻的town [taʊn] 城镇beautiful['bjuːtɪfʊl; -f(ə)l] 美丽的本章节拓展词汇:本章节词汇:king [kɪŋ] 国王bring[brɪŋ] 带来servant ['sɜːv(ə)nt] 仆人bowl [bəʊl] 钵build [bɪld] 建造golden ['gəʊld(ə)n] 金的palace['pælɪs] 宫殿tell [tel] 告诉everything ['evrɪθɪŋ] 一切本章节拓展词汇本章节词汇:follow ['fɒləʊ] 跟随show[ʃəʊ] 给……看本章节拓展词汇:本章节共24个词汇Chapter 3.The Bad Magician Comes Back (第3章坏魔法师归来)本章节词汇:dress[dres] 装扮new [njuː] 新的husband['hʌzbənd] 丈夫本章节拓展词汇:本章节词汇:aha[ə'hɑː; ɑː'hɑː] 啊哈take away [teik] [ə'weɪ] 搬走本章节拓展词汇:本章节词汇:surprised [sə'praɪz] 吃惊的gone [gɒn] 离去的die [daɪ] 死本章节拓展词汇:本章节共8个词汇Chapter 4 Aladdin Gets the Magic lamp Back (第4章阿拉丁夺回神灯) 本章节词汇:alas [ə'læs; ə'lɑːs] 哎呀wife [waɪf] 妻子remember [rɪ'membə] 想起quick [kwɪk] 快本章节拓展词汇:本章节词汇:keep [kiːp] 携带kind [kaɪnd] 友好的drink [drɪŋk] 酒tonight [tə'naɪt] 今晚本章节拓展词汇:本章节词汇:together [tə'geðə] 一起。



阿拉丁与神灯读后感英语Reading "Aladdin and the Magic Lamp" was a magicaljourney that transported me to a world of wonder and adventure. The story, filled with vivid characters and enchanting settings, captivated my imagination.Aladdin's transformation from a poor street urchin to a prince is truly inspiring. His resilience and courage in the face of adversity are qualities that resonate with readers of all ages, teaching us the importance of perseverance.The magic lamp and the genie within it symbolize thepower of wishes and the potential that lies within each of us. It's a reminder that sometimes, all we need is a little bitof magic to change our lives.However, the story also carries a cautionary messageabout the dangers of greed and the importance of using power wisely. The villain's downfall is a stark lesson in the consequences of selfishness and the value of humility.The vivid descriptions of the ancient city and thebustling marketplaces brought the setting to life, immersing me in a world that felt both foreign and familiar. It was a cultural experience that broadened my understanding ofdifferent traditions and lifestyles.The moral of the story, that true wealth lies not inmaterial possessions but in the richness of one's character and the strength of one's heart, is a timeless lesson that I will carry with me.In conclusion, "Aladdin and the Magic Lamp" is not just a tale of magic and adventure, but also a profound exploration of human nature and the choices we make. It's a story that has left an indelible mark on my heart and mind, urging me to dream big and to be the architect of my own destiny.。




1. 《睡美人》(Sleeping Beauty):这个故事最初出现在意大利民间故事集《彼尔童话集》中,后来被许多文学家改编和改写。


2. 希腊神话中的伊卡洛斯:伊卡洛斯是希腊神话中代表太阳神阿波罗的儿子,他的父亲给他和自己制作了一双能够飞翔的翅膀。


3. 《阿拉丁和神灯》(Aladdin and the Magic Lamp):这个阿拉伯民间故事中,阿拉丁通过发现一盏神灯,擦拭它召唤出一个能实现愿望的巨大魔鬼,从而拥有了财富和权力。


4. 《睡莲》(The Water Lily):这是一个古老的中国寓言,讲述了一朵睡莲花和一只蜜蜂之间的故事。





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