大学英语四级 词汇9

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1.Women have significant advantages over men in space because they need less food and less oxygen

and they stand up 1 radiation better.


解析:to题意为:在太空,女人比男人有明显的优势,因为她们需要的食物、氧气较少,承受辐射的能力较强。stand up to还表示“(人)经得起折磨,(物)经受得住磨损”[stay in good condition (despite hard

use, long wear, etc.)]。

2.The American society is established 1 an exceedingly shaky foundation of natural resources,

which is connected with the possibility of a worsening environment.


解析:on题意为:美国社会是建立在一个非常不稳定的自然资源基础上的,而和这一基础密切相关的是环境不断恶化的可能。be established on“建立在…基础上”。

3.These figures are not consistent 1 the results obtained in previous experiments.


解析:with题意为:这些数字与前几次实验所得到的结果不一致。be consistent with为固定搭配,意为“与…一致”。

4.The people offered a stiff resistance 1 the invaders.


解析:to题意为:人民对侵略者予以坚决的还击。resistance to sth.是习语,意为“对…的抵御,抵抗”,如:offer resistance to the enemys attack“抵御敌人的进攻”。

5.They tried to substitute hard plastics 1 metals in manufacturing machine parts.


解析:for题意为:他们试着在制作机器零件时用硬塑料代替金属。to substitute A for B=to replace B

with/by A“用A来代替B”。

6.On hearing the bad news, Tom sprang up 1 a start.


解析:with题意为:听到这个坏消息,汤姆惊得跳了起来。with a start“猛地,吃惊地,惊起”。

7.We regret to inform you that the materials you ordered are 1 of stock.


解析:out题意为:我们遗憾地通知你们,你们所订购的材料现在无货。out of stock“无现货的,脱销的”。

8.The farmers were more anxious for rain than the people in the city because they had more 1 stake (分数:2.00)

解析:at题意为:农民们比城市居民更渴望下雨,因为雨水与农民利害攸关。be at stake“利害攸关,在危险中”。9.Please restrain yourself 1 smoking and spitting in public places, since the law forbids them.


解析:from题意为:既然法律禁止,请你注意不要在公共场所吸烟、吐痰。restrain sb./oneself from (doing) sth.意为“克制某人(或自己)不去做某事”。

10.The students streamed 1 the playground for a break from the classroom after the bell had rung.


解析:into题意为:铃声过后学生们从教室涌向操场休息。stream into“流入,汇入,涌入”。

11.He was ready to lend a helping hand to anyone 1 distress.


解析:in题意为:对任何处于危难之中的人,他都愿意伸出援助之手。in distress“处于危难中的”。

12.We have lunch 1 the stroke of twelve every day.


解析:on题意为:我们每天12点准时吃午饭。stroke指“报时的钟声”,on the stroke=punctually“准时”,为固定搭配。

append, expend, suspend(分数:6.00)

(1).Sales of this drug have been 1 until more tests have been performed.(分数:2.00)


(2).I 1 a list of those institutions where you may get necessary information.(分数:2.00)


(3).Don 1 all your energy on such a useless job.(分数:2.00)


constant, distant, instant(分数:6.00)

(1).His whole life was a 1 battle against poverty.(分数:2.00)


(2).We cannot attend to your 1 needs.(分数:2.00)


(3).Our house is two kilometers 1 from the school.(分数:2.00)


13.The clever fellow only spent 25 minutes installing 3 sets of toys 1 succession.


解析:in题意为:那个机敏的小伙子只花了25分钟就接连装好了3套玩具。in succession“接连地”。

14.Many regional associations are registered 1 the government so that they may promote their common interests together.


解析:with题意为:经政府登记设立了很多可以促进其共同利益的地区性协会。register with“在…处登记或注册”。

15.They rented the old house 1 the assumption that the landlord would paint it.
