信息管理与信息系统 学科门类
![信息管理与信息系统 学科门类](
信息管理与信息系统学科门类英文回答:Information management and information systems are closely related disciplines that deal with the acquisition, storage, organization, retrieval, and dissemination of information. They both involve the use of technology to manage and process information, but they differ in terms of their focus and scope.Information management is a broader discipline that encompasses the entire lifecycle of information, from its creation to its use and disposal. It includes activities such as data collection, data processing, data storage, data analysis, and data dissemination. Information management professionals work in a variety of settings, including businesses, government agencies, and non-profit organizations.Information systems, on the other hand, are morefocused on the use of technology to manage and process information. They involve the design, development, implementation, and maintenance of information systems, which are used to support a variety of business and organizational functions. Information systems professionals work in a variety of settings, including businesses, government agencies, and non-profit organizations.中文回答:信息管理和信息系统是密切相关的学科,它们都处理信息的获取、存储、组织、检索和传播。
毕业设计(论文)外文文献翻译文献、资料中文题目:管理信息系统文献、资料英文题目:Management Information System文献、资料来源:文献、资料发表(出版)日期:院(部):专业:信息管理与信息系统班级:姓名:学号:指导教师:翻译日期:外文资料及中文译文外文资料Management Information SystemBy Russ Basiura, Mike BatongbacalIt is the MIS(Management Information System ) that we constantly say that the management information system , and is living to emphasize the administration , and emphasizes that it changes into more and more significantly and more and more is uni versalized in the contemporary community of message . MIS is a fresh branch of learn ing, and it leaped over several territories, and for instance administers scientific knowl edge, system science, operational research, statistic along with calculating machine sc ientific knowledge. Is living on these the branches of learning base, and takes shape th at the message is gathered and the process means, thereby take shape the system that t he crossbar mingles.1. The Management Information System Summary20 centuries, in the wake of the flourishing development of whole world econom y, numerous economists propose the fresh administration theory one by one. Xi Men p ropose the administration and was dependent on idea to message and decision of strat egic importance in the 50’s 20 centuries. The dimension of simultaneous stage is admi tted issuing cybernetics, and he thinks that the administration is a control procedure. I n 1958, Ger. write the lid: “ the administration shall obtain without delay with the low er cost and exact message, completes the better control “. This particular period, the c alculating machine starts being used accountancy work. The data handling term has ri sen.In 1970, Walter T.Kennevan give administration that has raised the only a short while ago information system term to get off a definition: “ either the cover of the boo k shape with the discount, is living appropriately time to director, staff member along with the outside world personnel staff supplies the past and now and message that inte rnal forecasting the approaching relevant business reaches such environment, in order to assist they make a strategic decision”. Is living in this definition to emphasize, yet d oes not emphasize using the pattern, and mention the calculating machine applicationin the way of the message support decision of strategic importance.In 1985, admonishing information system originator, title Buddhist nun Su Da un iversity administration professor Gordon B.Davis give the management information s ystem relatively integrated definition, in immediate future “ administer the informatio n system is one use calculating machine software and hardware resources along with data bank man - the engine system.It be able to supply message support business either organization operation, admi nistration or the decision making function. Comprehensive directions of this definitio nmanagement information system target and meritorious service capacity and com ponent, but also make known the management information system to be living the lev el that attains at that time.1.1 The Developing History of MISThe management information system is living the most primarily phase is counti ng the system, the substance which researched is the regular pattern on face between t he incremental data, it what may separate into the data being mutually related and mor e not being mutually related series, afterwards act as the data conversion to message.The second stage is the data are replaced the system, and it is that the SABRE th at the American airline company put up to in the 50’s 20 centuries subscribes to book t he bank note system that such type stands for. It possess 1008 bank note booking spot s, and may access 600000 traveler keep the minutes and 27000 flight segments record. Its operation is comparatively more complex, and is living whatever one “spot”wholl y to check whether to be the free place up some one flight numbers. Yet through appro ximately attending school up to say, it is only a data and replaces the system, for insta nce it can not let know you with the bank note the selling velocity now when the bank note shall be sell through, thereby takes remedying the step. As a result it also is admi nister information system rudimentary phase.The third phase is the status reports system, and it may separate into manufacture state speech and service state and make known and research the systems such as statu s reports and so on. Its type stands for the production control system that is the IBM c orporation to the for instance manufacture state speech system. As is known to all, the calculating machine corporation that the IBM corporation is the largest on the world, in 1964 it given birth to middle-sized calculating machine IBM360 and causes the cal culating machine level lift a step, yet form that the manufacture administration work.Yet enormously complicatedly dissolve moreover, the calculating machine overtakes 15000 difference components once more, in addition the plant of IBM extends all ove r the American various places to every one components once more like works an elem ent, and the order of difference possess difference components and the difference ele ment, and have to point out that what element what plant what installation gives birth to, hence not merely giving birth to complexly, fitting, installation and transportation wholly fully complex. Have to there be a manufacture status reports system that takes the calculating machine in order to guarantee being underway successfully of manufa cture along with else segment as the base. Hence the same ages IBM establish the syst ematic AAS of well-developed administration it be able to carry on 450 professional work operations. In 1968, the corporation establishes the communalonce more and manufactures informationsystem CMIS and runs and succeeds very much, the past needs 15 weeks work, t hat system merely may be completed in the way of 3 weeks.It is the data handling system that the status reports system still possess one kind of shape , and that it is used for handles the everyday professional work to make know n with manufacture , and stress rests with by the handwork task automation , and lifts the effectiveness with saves the labor power . The data handling system ordinarily ca n not supply decision of strategic importance message.Last phase is the support systems make a strategic decision, and it is the informat ion system being used for supplementary making a strategic decision. That system ma y program and the analysis scheme, and goes over key and the error solve a problem. I ts proper better person-machine dialogue means, may with not particularly the person nel staff who have an intimate knowledge of the calculating machine hold conversatio n. It ordinarily consists of some pattern so as to come into being decision of strategic i mportance message, yet emphasize comprehensive administration meritorious service capacity.1.2 The Application of Management Information SystemThe management information system is used to the most base work, like dump re port form, calculation pay and occurrences in human tubes and so on, and then develo ping up business financial affairs administrations and inventory control and so on indi vidual event operational control , this pertains to the electron data handling ( EDP Dat a Processing ) system . When establish the business data bank, thereby possess the cal culating machine electric network to attain data sharing queen , the slave system conc ept is start off , when the implementation the situation as a whole is made program and the design information system ,attained the administration information system phase . In the wake of calculating machine technique progress and the demand adjust the sy stem of people lift further, people emphasize more furthermore administer the informa tion system phase. Progress and people in the wake of the calculating machine techniq ue lift at the demand adjust the system further, people emphasize more furthermore to administer the information system whether back business higher level to lead makes a strategic decision this meritorious service capacity, still more lay special emphasis on the gathering to the external message of business and integrated data storehouse, mod el library , means storehouse and else artificial intelligence means whether directly to decision of strategic importance person , this is the support system ( DDS ) mission m aking a strategic decision.There is the part application that few business start MIS inner place the limit of t he world at the early days of being living in the 70’s 20 centuries. Up at the moment, MIS is living, and there be the appropriatePopularization rate in every state nation in world, and nearly covered that every p rofession reaches every department.1.3 The Direction of MIS DevelopmentClose 20 curtains; external grand duke takes charge of having arisen3 kinds of alt ernations:A. Paying special attention to the administration being emphasized toestablishing MIS’s system, and causing the administration technique head for the ageing.B. The message is the decision of strategic importance foundation, and MISsupplies the message service in the interest of director at all times.C. Director causes such management program getting in touch with togetherwith the concrete professional work maneuver by means of MIS. not merely big-and-middle-sized business universally establish MIS some small-size business also no t exceptions of self, universally establish the communal data4network, like the electronic mail and electron data exchange and so on, MIS supp lied the well support environment to the application of Intranet’s technique to speedily developing of INTERNET especially in the past few years in the interest of the busin ess.Through international technique development tendency is see, in the 90’s 20 c enturies had arisen some kinds of brand-new administration technique. 1. Business Processes Rebuild (BPR)A business should value correctly time and produce quality, manufacturing cost a nd technical service and so on several section administrations, grip at the moment org anization and the process compose once more,andcompletes that meritorious service c apacity integrationist, operation processization and organization form fluctuation. Sha ll act as the service veer of middle layer management personnel staff the decision of st rategic importance of the director service? 2. Intelligentization Decision Support Syst em (IDSS)The intelligentization decision of strategic importance support system was suffici ently consider demand and the work distinguishing feature of business higher level pe rsonnel staff.3. Lean Production (LP)Application give birth to on time, comprehensive quality control and parallel proj ect that picked amount is given birth to and so on the technique, the utmost product de signcutting down and production cycle, raise produce quality and cuts down the repr oduced goods to reserve, and is living in the manufacture promote corps essence, in or der to meet the demand that client continuously changes. 4. Agile Manufacture (AM)One kind of business administration pattern that possess the vision, such distingu ishing feature is workers and staff members’ quality is high, and the organization simp lifies and the multi-purpose group effectiveness GAO message loading is agile and a nswers client requires swiftly.2. The Effect To The Business Administration of MIS DevelopmentThe effect to the business administration of the management information system development is administered the change to business and business administration of inf ormation system development and come into being and is coming into being the far-re aching effect with.Decision of strategic importance, particularly strategic decision-making may be a ssisted by the administration information system, and its good or bad directly affects li ving and the development up the business. The MIS is impeding the orientation devel opment that the administration means one another unites through quality and ration. T his express to utilize the administration in the calculation with the different mathemati cal model the problem in the quantitative analysis business.The past administer that the problem is difficult to test, but MIS may unite the administration necessaries, and supply the sufficient data, and simulates to produce the t erm in the interest of the administration.In the wake of the development of MIS, much business sit up the decentralized message concentration to establish the information system ministry of directly under d irector, and the chief of information system ministry is ordinarily in the interest of assi stant manager’s grade. After the authority of business is centralized up high-quality ad ministration personnel staff’s hand, as if causing much sections office work decrease, hence someone prophesy, middle layer management shall vanish. In reality, the reappe arance phase employed layer management among the information system queen not m erely not to decrease, on the contrary there being the increase a bit.This is for, although the middle layer management personnel staff getting off exo nerate out through loaded down with trivial details daily routine, yet needs them to an alyses researching work in the way of even more energy, lift further admonishing the decision of strategic importance level. In the wake of the development of MIS, the bus iness continuously adds to the demand of high technique a talented person, but the sca rce thing of capability shall be washed out gradually. This compels people by means o f study and cultivating, and continuously lifts individual’s quality. InThe wake of the news dispatch and electric network and file transmission system development, business staff member is on duty in many being living incomparably eit her the home. Having caused that corporation save the expenses enormously, the work efficiency obviously moves upward American Rank Zeros corporation the office syst em on the net, in the interest of the creativity of raise office personnel staff was produ ced the advantageous term.At the moment many countries are fermenting one kind of more well-developed manufacturing industry strategy, and become quickly manufacturing the business. It c ompletely on the basis of the user requirement organization design together with man ufacture, may carry on the large-scale cooperation in the interest of identical produce by means of the business that the flow was shifted the distinct districts, and by means of the once more programming to the machinery with to the resources and the reorgan ization of personnel staff , constituted a fresh affrication system, and causes that manu facturing cost together with lot nearly have nothing to do with. Quickly manufacturin g the business establishes a whole completely new strategy dependence relation again st consumer, and is able to arouse the structure of production once more revolution.The management information system is towards the self-adoption and Self-learni ng orientation development, the decision procedure of imitation man who is be able tobe better. Some entrepreneurs of the west vainly hope that consummate MIS is encirc les the magic drug to govern the business all kinds of diseases; Yet also someone says, and what it is too many is dependent on the defeat that MIS be able to cause on the ad ministration. It is adaptable each other to comprehend the effect to the business of MI S, and is favor of us to be living in development and the research work, and causes the business organization and administer the better development against MIS of system a nd administration means , and establish more valid MIS.中文翻译巴兹拉·迈克管理信息系统管理信息系统就是我们常说的MIS(Management Information System), 在强调管理,强调信息的现代社会中它变得越来越重要、越来越普及。
信息管理与信息系统专业英语Information Management and Information Systems is a field that focuses on the use of technology and systems to manage and organize information. This includes the design, implementation, and management of information systems, databases, and other information resources. Students in this major learn about a variety of subjects including information technology, computer science, management, and organizational behavior. They also develop skillsin areas such as data analysis, programming, and project management. Graduates from this program can pursue careers as database administrators, IT consultants, systems analysts, and information managers in a variety of industries such as healthcare, finance, and government. This field is constantly evolving with the development of new technologies, making it an exciting and dynamic area of study.中文翻译:信息管理与信息系统是一个专注于利用技术和系统来管理和组织信息的领域。
e-Government may be applied by the legislature, judiciary, or administration, in order to improve internal efficiency, the delivery of public services, or processes of democratic governance (control). The primary delivery models are Government-toCitizen or Government-to-Customer (G2C), Government-to-Business (G2B) and Government-to-Government (G2G) & Government-to-Employees (G2E).
在许多地方,公民认为政府对他们的急切需要是 拖拖拉拉,不负责任。
Mistrust of government is rife (common) among the public and businesses. Civil servants are often seen
as profiteers (牟取暴利者).
The resulting benefits can be less(词类转换) corruption,
increased transparency, greater convenience, revenue growth, and/or cost reductions.
这样的结果有利于减少政府腐败,提高政府的透明度, 给政府带来更大的方便,增加政府的税收,和/或者减 少政府支出。
and transacting(事务处理) with citizens,
(11)Unit 5《信息管理与信息系统专业英语》networked economy
![(11)Unit 5《信息管理与信息系统专业英语》networked economy](
网络经济给我们的生活带来许多变化。一个重大 变化就是像消费者广泛关注的土地,劳力,资金, 这些已成为稀少性商品的界定的变化。因此寻求 通过网络经济方式去做生意的公司必须要把这种 变化考虑进去。
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Networked Economy
《 SQL Server 数据库管理与开发》
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《 SQL Server 数据库管理与开发》
Networked Economy
1. 2.
4. 5. 6. 7.
Networked Economy Take…into account Digital divide (p.98) Sales tax/tax revenue Power plant (power station) Global positioning system (GPS) Personal digital Assistants (PDAs)
In addition to this new version of scarcity, the networked economy has created or amplified (扩大) other economic issues, including the division (separation) between those who have access to the internet and electronic commerce(??) and those who do not, and whether and how to tax electronic commerce.
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信息管理与信息系统专业 英语
![信息管理与信息系统专业 英语](
信息管理与信息系统专业英语英文回答:Information Management and Information Systems.Information management is the collection, storage, organization, and dissemination of information. It is a critical function for any organization, as it allows for the effective use of information to make decisions and achieve goals. Information systems are the tools and technologies used to manage information. They can range from simple spreadsheets to complex enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems.The field of information management and information systems is constantly evolving, as new technologies emerge and new ways of working are developed. This has led to a growing demand for professionals with the skills and knowledge to manage information effectively.Skills and Knowledge Required for Information Management and Information Systems Professionals.Professionals in the field of information management and information systems typically need to have the following skills and knowledge:A strong understanding of information management concepts and principles.Proficiency in a variety of information systems software applications.Excellent communication and interpersonal skills.The ability to work independently and as part of a team.A strong work ethic and a commitment to excellence.Career Opportunities for Information Management and Information Systems Professionals.There are a wide range of career opportunitiesavailable for professionals with skills and knowledge in information management and information systems. Some of the most common job titles include:Information manager.Information systems manager.Database administrator.Systems analyst.Business analyst.Project manager.Professionals in these roles can work in a variety of industries, including healthcare, finance, manufacturing, and government.Education and Training for Information Management and Information Systems Professionals.There are a variety of educational and training programs available for professionals who want to work inthe field of information management and information systems. Some of the most common programs include:Bachelor's degree in information management or information systems.Master's degree in information management orinformation systems.MBA with a concentration in information management or information systems.Certificate programs in information management or information systems.Professional Development for Information Management and Information Systems Professionals.In order to stay up-to-date on the latest trends and technologies in the field of information management and information systems, professionals should pursue ongoing professional development. This can be done through a variety of activities, such as:Attending conferences and workshops.Reading industry publications.Taking online courses.Participating in online forums and discussion groups.中文回答:信息管理与信息系统专业。
Information management and information system Majors(Science) training programFirst, the training objectivesThis professional training de, and intellectual, and body full development, has solid of economic management, and enterprise management, and information management, aspects of knowledge, system to master modern information science and technology, using computer network technology carried out information resources management, and information system analysis and design, aspects of ability, can in each area, especially in traffic transport area engaged in information management, and information system programme design, and operation and management of senior information management technology talent.Second, trainingStudents focus on economic management, business management, information management, and basic theory and knowledge of modern information technology and so on, to accept the information system design method, and information management system development and training, students from the perspective of information integrated use of the knowledge analysis and problem solving skills.Students should have the following knowledge and skills: 1. Grasp the basic theory of information management and information system and knowledge;2. Master of management information system analysis and design methods and technologies;3. With information-gathering, transmission, storage, analysis and utilization of capacity.4. With integrated use of the knowledge to analyze and solve information problems of basic transportation industrycapacity;5. About the professional, dynamic development of the transportation industry and related fields of information;6. Master the basic methods of document retrieval,information discovery, collection, with the ability of scientific research and practical work.Third, the specialty orientationInformation management and analysis of professional basic positioning can be applied, relying on computer technology and information technology, transportation-oriented industries and fields, that is focused on information technology learning and mastering the industry application of knowledge andcapacity, full use of the schools in the area of superior resources, form a unique specialty.Four, main subjectsManagement, computer science, information science and systems science, traffic and transportation engineering Five core coursesObject-oriented programming, and VB Programming, data structures, database technology, network technology and communication technology, data warehousing and data mining, information management, management information systems, management information systems analysis and design, software engineering, Web design, information security management, network management, business management, communications and transportation planning, road transport administration, modern economics, economics of information, logistics and so on.Six, basic educational systemFour-/ undergraduateSeven, degree-grantingBachelor's degree in management scienceTotal class hours in the eight, the minimum graduation courses 2500 Class hoursMinimum graduation total credits 190 Credit +12 credit。
1. informationInformation, in its most restricted technical sense, is a sequence of symbols that can be interpreted as a message. Information can be recorded as signs, or transmitted as signals. Information is any kind of event that affects the state of a dynamic system. Conceptually, information is the message (utterance or expression) being conveyed. This concept has numerous other meanings in different contexts.[1] Moreover, the concept of information is closely related to notions of constraint, communication, control, data, form, instruction, knowledge, meaning, mental stimulus, pattern, perception, representation, and especially entropy.(信息,在其最受限制的技术意义上,是一个序列的符号,可以被解释为一个消息。
Lesson1distributed applications 分布式应用程序competitive advantage 竞争优势data warehouses 数据仓库incompatible databases 不兼容数据库decision support systems 决策支持系统executive information systems 执行信息系统DBMS——database management systems 数据库管理系统entry 款目metadata 元数据mainframe computer大型计算机desktop computer台式计算机laptop computer膝上型计算机spreadsheet 电子表格LAN ------local area network 局域网database server 数据库服务器user views 用户视图data security 数据安全性data integrity 数据完整性concurrent user 并发用户data updating 数据更新data redundancy 数据冗余consistency of data and metadata 数据和元数据的一致性distributed database 分布式数据库telecommunications network 远程通讯网Lesson2automatic indexing自动标引human indexing 人工标引extraction indexing 抽词标引assignment indexing赋词标引controlled vocabulary 受控词表non-substantive words 非实意词index terms 标引词automatic stemming 自动抽取词干weight 权值clue words 提示词inverted file 倒排文档absolute frequency 绝对词频relative frequency 相对词频information retrieval 信息检索syntactic criteria 句法规则word string 词串NLDB——Natural Language DataBase 自然语言数据库MAI——machine-aided indexing 机器辅助标引recall ratio 查全率precision ratio 查准率descriptor 叙词thesaurus 叙词表semantic vocabulary 语义词表concept headings 概念标题consistency of indexing 标引的一致性underassignment 欠量赋词overassignment 过量赋词back file 备份文件main heading 主标题subheading 副标题access point 检索点Lesson3machine-readable form 机读形式source document 源文献subject indexing 主题标引back-of-the-book indexing书后标引indexing scheme 标引方案NFAIS——National Federation of Abstracting and Information Services(美国)国家文摘与信息服务联合会scope notes 范围注释permuted list 轮排词表CAS——Chemical Abstracts Service 化学文摘社character set 字符集statistical correlation 统计关联ISI——Institute for Scientific Information (美国)科学情报社co-citation indexing 共引文标引SCI——Science Citation Indexes 科学引文索引SSCI——Social Science Citation Indexes 社会科学引文标引bibliometric analysis 书目计量分析Lesson4performance enhancement 性能改善scarce resources 稀缺资源proxy servers 代理服务器JAVA executables JAV可执行程序source code 源代码streaming media 流媒体outsourcing 业务外包wild card characters 通配符real-time traffic analysis 实时流量分析static web pages 静态网页ISDN——Integrated Services Digital Network 综合服务数据网URL——Uniform Resource Locator 统一资源定位符HTML——Hypertext Markup Language 超文本标识语言CGI——Common Gateway Interface 公共网关接口XML——Extension Markup Language 扩展标识语言OR——Operation Record 操作记录IIS——Internet Information Services 网络信息服务Lesson5IR——information retrieval 信息检索search engine spam 搜索引擎垃圾soft computing 软计算data mining 数据挖掘information fusion 信息融合classification 分类clustering 聚类thesaurus construction 词表构建Web page categorization 网页分类JPG——Joint Photographic Experts Group 图像文件格式GIF——Graphics Interchange Format 可交换的图像文件格式PNG——Portable Network Graphic 可移植的网络图像文件格式the WWW Consortium 万维网联盟HTTP——Hypertext Transfer Protocol 超文本传输协议TCP——Transfer Control Protocol 传输控制协议ASCII——American Standard Code for Information Interchange 美国信息互换标准代码CPUCentral Processing Unit 中央处理器Lesson6black-box services 黑箱服务delivering information 传递信息videoconferencing 视频会议cross reference互见,相互参照timeliness 及时性cross check 交叉检查,核对knowledge framework 知识结构Lesson7IP——intellectual property 知识产权electronic holdings of libraries 电子馆藏information infrastructure 信息基础设施copyright 版权patent 专利exclusive right 专有权subsequent editions 后续版本Lesson8encryption technologies 加密技术decrypted digital version 解密数字版本fair use doctrine 公平利用原则authenticity and integrity of the information 信息的可靠性和完整性DMCA——the Digital Millennium Copyright Act 数字千年版权法DVD——digital video diskencyclopedias 百科全书Lesson9CKO——chief knowledge officer 知识主管knowledge sharing 知识共享manual 手册competitive intelligence 竞争情报search engine 搜索引擎artificial intelligence 人工智能drill-down access 深度查询accessibility 可获得性knowledge discovery 知识发现quantitative data 定量数据qualitative data 定性数据virtual warehouses 虚拟(数据)仓库virtual library 虚拟图书馆relational database 关系数据库research and development 研发(研究与开发)directory 指南newsletter 简讯intelligent search agents 智能检索代理information resources 信息资源performance evaluation 性能评价Lesson10CIO——chief information officer信息主管ERP——Enterprise Resource Planning 企业资源规划CRM——Customer Relationship Management 客户关系管理Collaborative Applications Environment 协同应用环境workflow package 工作流软件包Lesson11rights of information users 信息用户的权利obligations of information users 信息用户的义务terms and conditions 条款。
信息管理专业英文自我介绍English:I am a dedicated and passionate individual pursuing a degree in Information Management. My interest in this field stems from my fascination with the power of data and information in driving decisions and strategies within organizations. I have developed a strong foundation in data analysis, database management, and information systems through my coursework and hands-on projects.I am proficient in various programming languages such as Python, SQL, and Java, which enables me to extract valuable insights from data sets and create efficient information systems. I believe that effective information management is crucial in today's digital age, and I am excited to contribute my skills and knowledge to help businesses and organizations optimize their information resources.中文翻译:我是一名热情奔放的信息管理专业学生,对信息管理这一领域充满激情。
(8)Unit 4《信息管理与信息系统专业英语》PM
![(8)Unit 4《信息管理与信息系统专业英语》PM](
Hybrid Evolutionary Prototyping
Any else…..
安徽财贸职业学院 计算机系
《 SQL Server 数据库管理与开发》
Project management
-- -- The stagction Procedural programming Functional programming Logic programming Choice of appropriate programming language O-O programming Parallel programming
Project initiation & PID will include:
Statement of Aim
The objectives
Initial estimates of tasks Initial plan
Proposed allocation of work
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安徽财贸职业学院 计算机系
《 SQL Server 数据库管理与开发》
Project management
-- -- The stages of PM
and System testing
Each software unit and hardware unit has
been individually tested during development Now put the pieces together and test how the system reacts to the new inclusions(加入部分) Test for timing and time delays, compatibility (兼容性) with other parts of the existing system, any unexpected interference(干扰) and side-effects(副作用)
(13)Unit 7《信息管理与信息系统专业英语》information technology
![(13)Unit 7《信息管理与信息系统专业英语》information technology](
安徽财贸职业学院 计算机系
Information Technology
《 SQL Server 数据库管理与开发》
A DBMS can organize, process, and present (show) selected data elements from the database. This capability enables decision makers to search, probe*, and query database contents in order to extract answers to nonrecurring(no happen or appear again) and unplanned questions that aren’t available in regular reports. These questions might initially be vague(不清楚) and poorly defined, but people can “browse” through the database until they have the needed information.
从我们的意向上来讲,更倾向于把一个管理信息 系统定义成组织机构中开发的基于计算机网络的 数据处理程序。它集成了如何实时提供有效信息 所必需的操作手册和流程,而这些有效信息正是 支持决策制定和其它必需的管理功能所需要的。
安徽财贸职业学院 计算机系
Information Technology
For our purposes,an MIS can be defined as a network of computer-based data processing procedures developed in an organization and integrated as necessary with manual and other procedures for the purpose of providing timely and effective information to support decision making and other necessary management functions.
信息管理与信息系统专业英语作文英文回答:Information management and information systems (IM/IS) is a rapidly growing field that deals with the collection, organization, storage, and dissemination of information.IM/IS professionals use a variety of techniques and technologies to help businesses and organizations manage their information resources effectively.One of the most important aspects of IM/IS is data management. Data management involves the collection, cleaning, and organization of data in a way that makes it useful for decision-making. IM/IS professionals use a variety of data management tools and techniques to ensure that data is accurate, complete, and timely.Another important aspect of IM/IS is information systems development. Information systems are computer-based systems that allow businesses and organizations to managetheir information resources. IM/IS professionals design, develop, and implement information systems that meet the specific needs of their clients.IM/IS professionals also play a role in information security. Information security is the protection of information from unauthorized access, use, disclosure, disruption, modification, or destruction. IM/IS professionals use a variety of security measures to protect information, including firewalls, encryption, and access control lists.The field of IM/IS is constantly evolving as new technologies emerge. IM/IS professionals must keep up with the latest trends in order to stay competitive. Some of the most recent trends in IM/IS include the use of cloud computing, big data, and artificial intelligence.IM/IS is a challenging and rewarding field that offers a variety of career opportunities. IM/IS professionals can work in a variety of industries, including healthcare, finance, manufacturing, and government.中文回答:信息管理与信息系统。
信息管理专业英文自我介绍英文回答:My name is [Your Name], and I am a highly motivated and results-driven Information Management professional with over 5 years of experience in the field. Throughout my career, I have consistently exceeded expectations in managing and organizing data, developing and implementing information systems, and providing strategic insights to drive business decisions.I hold a Master's degree in Information Management from [University Name], where I gained a comprehensive understanding of the principles and practices of information management. My coursework covered topics such as data management, information architecture, information security, and data analytics. I also possess strong technical skills in data modeling, database management, and information retrieval.In my previous role at [Company Name], I led a team of information management professionals responsible for managing and organizing the company's vast data assets. I implemented a data governance framework that ensured data quality and integrity, and developed a comprehensive data dictionary to facilitate data access and collaboration.I have also played a key role in developing and implementing information systems that have significantly improved the efficiency and effectiveness of business operations. For example, I designed and implemented a document management system that enabled the company to automate document workflows, reduce paper consumption, and improve compliance with regulatory requirements.Furthermore, I am proficient in using data analytics tools and techniques to extract valuable insights from data.I have conducted in-depth data analysis to identify trends, patterns, and anomalies that have helped the company make informed decisions and gain a competitive advantage.I am passionate about the field of informationmanagement and am constantly exploring new technologies and trends. I am an active member of the Information Management Society and regularly attend conferences and workshops to stay abreast of the latest developments.I am confident that my skills and experience in information management would be a valuable asset to your organization. I am eager to contribute my expertise to your team and help you achieve your information management goals.中文回答:大家好,我叫[你的名字],是一名经验丰富的、积极主动的信息管理专业人士。
信息管理与信息系统专业英语作文Information Management and Information SystemsInformation management and information systems are two essential components in today's digital age. With the rapid advancement of technology, the need for efficient and effective management of information has never been more crucial. Information management refers to the process of collecting, storing, organizing, and managing information in a systematic and structured manner. On the other hand, information systems are the software and hardware components that help in the processing and dissemination of information.As a major in information management and information systems, students are exposed to a wide range of topics such as data analytics, database management, cybersecurity, and information technology. These courses prepare students to tackle the challenges of managing and utilizing information in both the public and private sectors. Additionally, students learn about the latest technologies and trends in information management and information systems, which enables them to stay ahead in this rapidly evolving field.One of the key skills that students in this major acquire is the ability to analyze and interpret data. With the exponential growth of data in today's digital world, the ability to extract valuable insights from data is highly sought after by companies across various industries. Students learn how to use tools and techniques such as data mining, machine learning, and business intelligence to analyze data and make informed decisions.Another important aspect of information management and information systems is cybersecurity. With the increasing number of cyber threats and attacks, organizations are constantly looking for professionals who can protect their data and information systems from malicious attacks. Students learn about cybersecurity best practices, risk management, and incident response, which equips them with the necessary skills to safeguard organizations from cyber threats.Furthermore, students in this major also learn about project management, communication skills, and teamwork. These soft skills are essential for success in any professional setting, as they enable students to work effectively with others and manage multiple projects simultaneously. By honing these skills, students are better prepared to navigate the complexities of the workplace and excel in their careers.In conclusion, a major in information management and information systems provides students with the knowledge, skills, and tools to excel in the rapidly evolving field of information technology. With the increasing reliance on digital technologies in today's world, the demand for professionals in this field is higher than ever. By pursuing a major in information management and information systems, students can pave the way for a successful and rewarding career in this dynamic and exciting field.。
信息管理与信息系统英语Information Management and Information SystemsInformation management refers to the process of organizing, storing, retrieving, and disseminating information in an organization. It involves managing data, knowledge, and technology to support decision-making, communication, collaboration, and innovation. Information management aims to ensure that the right information is available to the right people at the right time.Information systems, on the other hand, are the tools and technologies used to manage and process information. These systems can range from basic filing systems to complex enterprise resource planning systems. Information systems support the collection, storage, processing, and presentation of data in various forms, such as text, graphics, audio, and video.Information management and information systems are closely related and often used interchangeably. Information systems are an essential component of information management, as they provide the means to manage and process information effectively. However, information management goes beyond just technology and includes the human, organizational, and cultural aspects of managing information.Effective information management and information systems can provide several benefits to an organization. These include improved decision-making, increased efficiency and productivity, enhanced communication and collaboration, reduced costs, andimproved customer service. Additionally, information management and information systems can help organizations gain a competitive advantage by enabling them to capture, analyze, and utilize data and knowledge effectively.In conclusion, information management and information systems are integral to the functioning of organizations. They involve the management of information and the use of technology to support decision-making, communication, collaboration, and innovation. Effective information management and information systems can provide numerous benefits to organizations and help them gain a competitive advantage.。
信息管理专业英文自我介绍My Journey into the Realm of Information Management.From the moment I first encountered the world of information management, I was captivated by its profound impact on shaping our understanding and shaping the course of human history. The ability to organize, store, retrieve, and analyze vast amounts of data has revolutionized the way we make decisions, interact with each other, and innovatein every field imaginable.Driven by an insatiable curiosity to unravel the intricacies of information systems, I embarked on a journey to pursue a degree in Information Management. Throughout my academic tenure, I immersed myself in the foundational principles of data structuring, database design, and information retrieval. I grappled with concepts of information architecture, knowledge organization, and the complexities of metadata management.Beyond the classroom, I actively sought opportunities to apply my burgeoning knowledge. I joined a research team investigating the use of artificial intelligence in natural language processing, where I gained hands-on experience with machine learning algorithms and natural language understanding techniques. Through internships at leading technology companies, I contributed to the development and implementation of innovative information management solutions, gaining valuable insights into the real-world challenges and best practices of the industry.As I ventured deeper into the field, I discovered a diverse landscape of specializations, each offering its own unique set of challenges and rewards. Records management, for instance, fascinated me with its focus on preserving and safeguarding historical and legal documentation, ensuring the continuity of knowledge across generations. Digital asset management, on the other hand, captivated me with its emphasis on managing and distributing digital content effectively, enabling organizations to leverage their valuable intellectual property.Yet, it was in the realm of data analytics that I found my true calling. The ability to extract meaningful insights from seemingly chaotic data sets ignited a passion within me. I delved into statistical modeling, data mining, and visualization techniques, eager to harness the power ofdata to drive informed decision-making.Through a combination of theoretical knowledge,practical experience, and a relentless thirst for knowledge, I have developed a comprehensive skillset that encompasses:Data analysis and interpretation.Database design and administration.Information retrieval and search optimization.Data visualization and communication.Records management.Digital asset management.Project management.Communication and interpersonal skills.I am particularly adept at utilizing industry-leading software tools such as SQL, Python, Tableau, and Adobe Creative Suite, enabling me to effectively manipulate, analyze, and present information in compelling and actionable ways.As I eagerly embark on my career in information management, I am confident in my ability to make a significant contribution to organizations of all sizes and industries. My passion for solving complex problems, combined with my analytical mindset and dedication to delivering exceptional results, will empower me to drive innovation and optimize business processes.Whether it is by revolutionizing data governance practices, enhancing information security measures, or harnessing the power of artificial intelligence to unlocknew possibilities, I am committed to leveraging my expertise to create lasting value and drive positive change in the world.In the tapestry of the information age, where data has become the lifeblood of innovation and progress, I am eager to play a pivotal role as an information management professional. I am confident that my unwavering determination, coupled with a thirst for continuous learning and collaboration, will enable me to ascend to the forefront of this dynamic and ever-evolving field.I am eager to contribute my skills and enthusiasm to an organization that values the power of information and recognizes the transformative potential it holds. Together, we can unlock the hidden treasures of data, empowering decision-makers, driving innovation, and shaping the future of our information-driven society.。
(6)Unit 3《信息管理与信息系统专业英语》E-C
![(6)Unit 3《信息管理与信息系统专业英语》E-C](
Part I--E-commerce I--E
《 SQL Server 数据库管理与开发》
--Limitations of electronic commerce --Limitations
Because electronic commerce relies on computer networks, the shipment (the action of sending, carrying, and delivering goods) of any physical good purchased using electronic commerce must still take place through traditional means, that is , when you buy a physical goods over the Web, it must be picked from a shelf in a warehouse, packed for shipment, and physically moved from the warehouse to the customer via a package delivery service.
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Information management and information system Majors (Science) training program
First, the training objectives
This professional training de, and intellectual, and body full development, has solid of economic management, and enterprise management, and information management, aspects of knowledge, system to master modern information science and technology, using computer network technology carried out information resources management, and information system analysis and design, aspects of ability, can in each area, especially in traffic transport area engaged in information management, and information system programme design, and operation and management of senior information management technology talent.
Second, training
Students focus on economic management, business management, information management, and basic theory and knowledge of modern information technology and so on, to accept the information system design method, and information management system development and training, students from the perspective of information integrated use of the knowledge analysis and problem solving skills.
Students should have the following knowledge and skills:
1. Grasp the basic theory of information management and information system and knowledge;
2. Master of management information system analysis and design methods and technologies;
3. With information-gathering, transmission, storage, analysis and utilization of capacity.
4. With integrated use of the knowledge to analyze and solve information problems of basic transportation industry capacity;
5. About the professional, dynamic development of the transportation industry and related fields of information;
6. Master the basic methods of document retrieval, information discovery, collection, with the ability of scientific research and practical work.
Third, the specialty orientation
Information management and analysis of professional basic positioning can be applied, relying on computer technology and information technology, transportation-oriented industries and fields, that is focused on information technology learning and mastering the industry application of knowledge and capacity, full use of the schools in the area of superior resources, form a unique specialty.
Four, main subjects
Management, computer science, information science and systems science, traffic and transportation engineering
Five core courses
Object-oriented programming, and VB Programming, data structures, database technology, network technology and communication technology, data warehousing and data mining, information management, management information systems, management information systems analysis and design, software engineering, Web design, information security management, network management, business management, communications and transportation planning, road transport administration, modern economics, economics of information, logistics and so on.
Six, basic educational system
Four-/ undergraduate
Seven, degree-granting
Bachelor's degree in management science
Total class hours in the eight, the minimum graduation courses 2500Class hours
Minimum graduation total credits 190Credit +12 credit。