成都电子科技大学 概率论与数理统计 2014年硕士研究生考研真题
第 1 页 共 4 页电子科技大学2016年攻读硕士学位研究生入学考试试题考试科目857 概率论与数理统计注:所有答案必须写在答题纸上,写在试卷或草稿纸上均无效。
一、 填空题(每题3分,共15分)1、任取一正整数,该数的平方的末位数是1的概率是__________.2、 设随机变量123,,X X X 相互独立,其中1X 在区间[0,6]上服从均匀分布,2X 服从正态分布2(0,2)N ,3X 服从参数为3λ=的泊松分布,记12323Y X X X =-+,则D (Y )=___________.3、 设随机变量X 服从参数为2的泊松分布,且Y =3X -2,则E (3Y +2)=__________.4、 设随机变量,X Y 相互独立且都服从正态分布2(0,3)N ,而129,,,X X X ⋅⋅⋅和129,,,Y Y Y ⋅⋅⋅为分别来自总体X 和Y 的简单随机样本,则统计量U =服从 ,参数为 . 5、 假设一批产品中一,二,三等品各占60%,30%,10%,从中随意取出一件,结果不是三等品,则取得的是一等品的概率为 .二、 单项选择题(每题3分,共15分)1、设当事件A 与B 同时发生时,事件C 必发生,则( )(A)()()()1P C P A P B ≤+- (B) ()()()1P C P A P B ≥+- (C) ()()P C P AB = (D) ()()P C P A B =2、设随机变量,X Y 均服从正态分布,2(,4)X N μ,2(,5)YN μ,记1{4}p P X μ=≤-,2{5}p P Y μ=≥+,则()第 2 页 共 4 页(A)对任何实数μ,都有12p p =(B )对任何实数μ,都有12p p < (C) 只对μ的个别值,才有12p p = (D )对任何实数μ,都有12p p > . 3、如果,ξη满足()()D D ξηξη+=-,则必有 ( ) (A)ξ与η独立 (B) ξ与η不相关 (C) 0D η=(D) 0D D ξη= 4、若设随机变量X 和Y 都服从标准正态分布,则( )(A) X +Y 服从正态分布 (B)22X Y +服从2χ分布 (C)2X 和2Y 都服从2χ分布 (D)22/X Y 服从F 分布 5、设12,,X X ⋅⋅⋅为独立同分布序列,且(1,2,)i X i =⋅⋅⋅均服从参数为4的指数分布,当n 比较大时,11ni i X n =∑近似服从 ( ). (A) 4(4,)N n(B) 11(,)416N n (C)11(,)416N (D) (4,)16n N 三、简答题(每题10分,共30分)1、 有两个口袋,甲袋中盛有两个白球,一个黑球,乙袋中盛有一个白球,两个黑球,由甲袋中任取一个球放入乙袋,再从乙袋中取出一个球,求取得白球的概率。
电子科技大学【2014 年攻读硕士学位研究生入学考试试题】241专业课真题
(每空1分,共10分)1. Plusieurs éléments (rendre) ____________ maintenant la situation grave.2. Je vais vous inscrire. (donner) ____________ -moi votre passeport.3. Au début du 20e siècle, la télévision (être) ____________ en noir et blanc.4. Hier après-midi, je (dormir) ____________ pendant trois heures.5. Ne dépassez pas les limites de vitesse ou vous (avoir) ___________ une amende.6. Je voudrais simplement que la vous (savoir) ___________ la réalité.7. Si le voyage n’était pas si long, nous (aller) __________ plus souvent en Bretagne.8. Si tu (réviser) _______________ tes cours, tu aurais réussi ton examen.9. Il est furieux de (rater) __________________ son train.10. Il écoute France Inter à la radio (préparer) __________________ le repas.二、选择填空。
一 选择题 (每小题 3分,共36分)1 用水平压力F v 把一个物体压着靠在粗糙的竖直墙面上保持静止.当F v逐渐增大时,物体所受的静摩擦力f(A) 恒为零. (B) 不为零,但保持不变. (C) 随F 成正比地增大.(D) 开始随F 增大,达到某一最大值后,就保持不变 [ ] 2 A 、B 两木块质量分别为m A 和m B ,且m B =2m A ,两者用一轻弹簧连接后静止于光滑水平桌面上,如图所示.若用外力将两木块压近使弹簧被压缩,然后将外力撤去,则此后两木块运动动能之比E KA /E KB 为 [ ] (A) 21. (B) 2/2(C)2. (D) 23 一圆盘绕过盘心且与盘面垂直的光滑固定轴O 以角速度ω按图示方向转动.若如图所示的情况那样,将两个大小相等方向相反但不在同一条直线的力F 沿盘面同时作用到圆盘上,则圆盘的角速度ω [ ] (A) 必然增大. (B) 必然减少(C) 不会改变. (D) 如何变化,不能确定4在一密闭容器中,储有A 、B 、C 三种理想气体,处于平衡状态.A 种气体的分子数密度为n 1,它产生的压强为p 1,B 种气体的分子数密度为2n 1,C 种气体的分子数密度为3 n 1,则混合气体的压强p 为 [ ] (A) 3 p 1. (B) 4 p 1 (C) 5 p 1. (D) 6 p 15一瓶氦气和一瓶氮气密度相同,分子平均平动动能相同,而且它们都处于平衡状态,则它们 [ ] (A) 温度相同、压强相同 (B) 温度、压强都不相同(C) 温度相同,但氦气的压强大于氮气的压强 (D) 温度相同,但氦气的压强小于氮气的压强 6 图中实线为某电场中的电场线,虚线表示等势(位)面,由图可看出 [ ] (A) E A >E B >E C ,U A >U B >U C (B) E A <E B <E C ,U A <U B <U C (C) E A >E B >E C ,U A <U B <U C (D) E A <E B <E C ,U A >U B >U C7面积为S 的空气平行板电容器,极板上分别带电量±q ,若不考虑边缘效应,则两极板间的相互作用力为 [ ](A)S q 02ε. (B) S q 022ε (C) 2022S q ε. (D) 202Sq ε 8磁场由沿空心长圆筒形导体的均匀分布的电流产生,圆筒半径为R ,x 坐标轴垂直圆筒轴线,原点在中心轴线上.图(A)~(E)哪一条曲线表示B -x 的关系? [ ]9一劲度系数为k 的轻弹簧,下端挂一质量为m 的物体,系统的振动周期为T 1.若将此弹簧截去一半的长度,下端挂一质量为m 21的物体,则系统振动周期T 2等于 [ ] (A) 2 T 1 (B) T 1 (C) T 12/ (D) T 1 /2 (E) T 1 /410一弹簧振子作简谐振动,当其偏离平衡位置的位移的大小为振幅的1/4时,其动能为振动总能量的 (A) 7/16. (B) 9/16. (C) 11/16 (D) 13/16. (E) 15/16 [ ] 11自然光以布儒斯特角由空气入射到一玻璃表面上,反射光是 [ ] (A) 在入射面内振动的完全线偏振光 (B) 平行于入射面的振动占优势的部分偏振光 (C) 垂直于入射面振动的完全线偏振光 (D) 垂直于入射面的振动占优势的部分偏振光 12在某地发生两件事,静止位于该地的甲测得时间间隔为4 s ,若相对于甲作匀速直线运动的乙测得时间间隔为5 s ,则乙相对于甲的运动速度是(c 表示真空中光速) [ ] (A) (4/5) c . (B) (3/5) c (C) (2/5) c . (D) (1/5) c二 填空题 (共38分)1质量为m 的质点以速度v v沿一直线运动,则它对该直线上任一点的角动量为_________. (3分)2长为l 的杆如图悬挂.O 为水平光滑固定转轴,平衡时杆竖直下垂,一子弹水平地射入杆中.则在此过程中,_____________系统对转轴O的_______________守恒. (3分) 3如图所示.试验电荷q , 在点电荷+Q 产生的电场中,沿半径为R 的整个圆弧的3/4圆弧轨道由a 点移到d 点的过程中电场力作功为________________;从d 点移到无穷远处的过程中,电场力作功为____________.(4分)4有半导体通以电流I ,放在均匀磁场B 中,其上下表面积累电荷如图所示.试判断它们各是什么类型的半导体?(4分)5 A 、B 、C 为三根平行共面的长直导线,导线间距d =10 cm ,它们通过的电流分别为I A = I B = 5 A ,I C = 10 A ,其中I C 与I B 、I A 的方向相反,每根导线每厘米所受的力的大小为 (5分)=l F Ad d ______________________ =lF Bd d ______________________Bx OR(D) Bx O R(C) BxOR(E) 电IIBB 是_______型,是_______型I=lF Cd d ______________________. (µ0 =4π×10-7 N/A 2) 6如图所示,双缝干涉实验装置中两个缝用厚度均为e ,折射率分别为n 1和n 2的透明介质膜覆盖(n 1>n 2).波长为λ的平行单色光斜入射到双缝上,入射角为θ,双缝间距为d ,在屏幕中央O 处(O S O S 21=),两束相干光的相位差∆φ=______________.(3分)7折射率分别为n 1和n 2的两块平板玻璃构成空气劈尖,用波长为λ的单色光垂直照射.如果将该劈尖装置浸入折射率为n 的透明液体中,且n 2>n >n 1,则劈尖厚度为e 的地方两反射光的光程差的改变量是_________________________.(3分)8 以速度v 相对于地球作匀速直线运动的恒星所发射的光子,其相对于地球的速度的大小为____.(3分) 9设电子静止质量为m e ,将一个电子从静止加速到速率为 0.6 c (c 为真空中光速),需作功________________________.(3分)10处于基态的氢原子吸收了13.06 eV 的能量后,可激发到n =________的能级,当它跃迁回到基态时,可能辐射的光谱线有________条.(4分)11纯净锗吸收辐射的最大波长为λ =1.9 µm ,锗的禁带宽度为_______________. (3分)三 计算题 (共61分)1为了使刚性双原子分子理想气体在等压膨胀过程中对外作功2 J ,必须传给气体多少热量?(5分) 2边长为b 的立方盒子的六个面,分别平行于xOy 、yOz 和xOz 平面.盒子的一角在坐标原点处.在此区域有一静电场,场强为j i E vv v 300200+= .试求穿过各面的电通量.(5分)3图示为一个均匀带电的球层,其电荷体密度为ρ,球层内表面半径为R 1,外表面半径为R 2.设无穷远处为电势零点,求空腔内任一点的电势 (8分) 4如图所示,有一中心挖空的水平金属圆盘,内圆半径为R 1,外圆半径为R 2.圆盘绕竖直中心轴O ′O ″以角速度ω匀速转动.均匀磁场B v的方向为竖直向上.求圆盘的内圆边缘处C 点与外圆边缘A 点之间的动生电动势的大小及指向. (5分)5一简谐波,振动周期21=T s ,波长λ = 10 m ,振幅A = 0.1 m .当 t = 0时,波源振动的位移恰好为正方向的最大值.若坐标原点和波源重合,且波沿Ox 轴正方向传播,求:(1) 此波的表达式(2) t 1 = T /4时刻,x 1 = λ /4处质点的位移(3) t 2 = T /2时刻,x 1 = λ /4处质点的振动速度. (8分)6一束具有两种波长λ1和λ2的平行光垂直照射到一衍射光栅上,测得波长λ1的第三级主极大衍射角和λ2的第四级主极大衍射角均为30°.已知λ1=560 nm (1 nm= 10-9 m),试求(1) 光栅常数a +b(2) 波长λ2 (5分)7 强度为I 0的一束光,垂直入射到两个叠在一起的偏振片上,这两个偏振片的偏振化方向之间的夹角为60°.若这束入射光是强度相等的线偏振光和自然光混合而成的,且线偏振光的光矢量振动方向与此二偏振片的偏振化方向皆成30°角,求透过每个偏振片后的光束强度.(5分)OA8设康普顿效应中入射X 射线(伦琴射线)的波长λ =0.700 Å,散射的X 射线与入射的X 射线垂直,求 (1) 反冲电子的动能E k(2) 反冲电子运动的方向与入射的X 射线之间的夹角θ(普朗克常量h =6.63×10-34 J ·s ,电子静止质量m e =9.11×10-31 kg) (10分)9 α粒子在磁感应强度为B = 0.025 T 的均匀磁场中沿半径为R =0.83 cm 的圆形轨道运动 (1) 试计算其德布罗意波长(2) 若使质量m = 0.1 g 的小球以与α粒子相同的速率运动.则其波长为多少?(α粒子的质量m α =6.64×10-27 kg ,普朗克常量h =6.63×10-34 J ·s ,基本电荷e =1.60×10-19 C) (10分)四 推导与证明题 (共10分)一圆形电流,半径为R ,电流为I .试推导此圆电流轴线上距离圆电流中心x 处的磁感强度B 的公式,并计算R =12 cm ,I = 1 A 的圆电流在x =10 cm 处的B 的值.(µ0 =4π×10-7 N /A 2 )五 问答题 (共5分)一质点以初速v 0竖直上抛,它能达到的最大高度为h 0.问在下述几种情况下(如图),哪种情况质点仍能到达高度h 0,并说明理由(忽略空气阻力) (1) 在光滑长斜面上,以初速v 0向上运动(2) 在光滑的抛物线轨道上,从最低点以初速v 0向上运动(3) 在半径为R 的光滑圆轨道上,从最低点以初速v 0向上运动,若021h R h >> (4) 在上述(3)情况下,若R >h 0又怎样?。
电子科技大学2014年攻读硕士学位研究生入学考试试题考试科目:288 单独考试英语注:所有答案必须写在答题纸上,写在试卷或草稿纸上均无效。
I. Reading Comprehension (40 points)Directions: Read the following four passages. Answer the questions below each one by choosing A) B) C) D) Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET 。
Passage 1Nearly everyone in Britain would like to own their own home and, whether they do or not, they are prepared to put time and money into decorating and furnishing it or even making structural alterations to it. Because of the climate and because of the expense involved in going out for the evening, the British spend a lot of time at home and a large part of their social life takes place there.Young people tend to stay with their families longer these days as accommodation is expensive but, when they move away to a job or college, there are various options open to them. They can get lodgings with a landlady. This means that they rent a room in someone’s house and have breakfast with the family. They can also get a bed-sitting room, that is to say, one self-contained room in which they can cook, live and sleep. Alternatively, they can share a rented flat or house with a group of young people, perhaps the most popular option of all.When young people get married or have steady income, they often buy a house. They do this by taking out a mortgage with a building society or banks. They are the official owners and mortgage is a financial loan for anything up to 100% of the value of the house repayable over twenty to forty years. People can find it difficult to repay their mortgage, but at least they know that in the end the house will be theirs.If people cannot afford to buy their own house, they can rent property from a private landlord, as do 10% of the population, or from their local council. Council housing is very cheap to rent in comparison with any other type of accommodation and so a lot of people want to live in it. Waiting lists are long because there are just not enough council houses these days to meet the growing need.Unfortunately, homelessness is an increasingly serious problem all over Britain. It affects all ages: single people, couples with children, even old-age pensioners. In 1984, for example, 83,190 households, a term that covers families and single people, were officially listed as homeless. This is the tip of the iceberg. In one year, 170,190 households applied to be put on the list, but thousands were turned down although they were probably living in overcrowded conditions or in housing that badly needed repairing and improving.1. Why do the British spend a lot of time at home?A) Because the expense for going out is huge.B) Because the climate is not very favorable,C) Because they do not like going out.D) Both A) and B).2. Young people have the choices in renting a room before they get married except that ______.A) they can rent a flat or a house with othersB) they can rent a room from a landlady and eat breakfast with the familyC) they can rent a room where they can sleep, cook and meet their guestD) many of them afford to rent a very large flat or house alone3. Why do people have to wait very long for the council house?A) Because the council houses ask for high rent and people have to save for them.B) Because people have to apply for mortgage for such a house.C) Because there are more people in need and fewer houses available.D) Because the council has to spend a long time deciding who should rent the house.4. According to the passage, who meet with housing problem in Britain?A) Only young people. B) Only old people.C) People of different ages. D) Only couples with children.5. The sentence “This is the tip of the iceberg” probably means _____.A) this is only a small problemB) there are only a small number of homeless peopleC) this number is smallD) there are actually more homeless people than officially listedPassage 2Not too many decades ago it seemed “obvious”that both to the general public and to the sociologists that modern society has changed people’s natural relationships, loosened their responsibilities to kin and neighbors, and substituted in their place superficial relationships with passing acquaintances. However, in recent years, a growing body of research has revealed that the “obvious” is not true. It seems that if you are a city resident, you typically know a small proportion of your neighbors than you do if you live in a smaller community. But for the most part, this fact has few significant consequences. It does not necessarily follow that if you know few of your neighbors you will know no one else.Even in very large cities, people maintain close social ties within small private social worlds. Indeed, the number and quality of meaningful relationships do not differ between more and less urban people. Small-town residents are more involved with kin than big-city residents. Yet city dwellers compensate by developing friendships with people who share similar interests and activities. Urbanism may produce a different style of life, but the quality of life does not differ between town and city. Nor are residents of large communities any likelier to display psychological symptoms of stress or alienation, a feeling of not belonging, than are residents of small communities. However, city dwellers do worry more about crime, and this leads them to a distrust of strangers.These findings do not imply that urbanism makes little or no difference. If neighbors are strangers to one another, they are less likely to sweep the sidewalk of an elderly couple living next door or keep an eye out for young trouble makers. Moreover, as Wirth suggested, there may be a link between a community’s population size and its social heterogeneity. For instance, sociologists have found much evidence that the size of a community is associated with bad behaviors, including gambling, drugs, etc. Large-city urbanites are, also more likely than their small-town counterparts to have a cosmopolitan outlook, to display less responsibility to traditional kinship roles, to vote for leftist political candidates and to be more tolerant to non-traditional religious groups, unpopular political groups, and so-called undesirables. Everything considered, heterogeneity and unusual behavior seem to be outcomes of large population size.6. Which of the following best describes the organization of the first paragraph?A) Two contrasting views are presented.B) An argument and possible solutions are given.C) Research results concerning the quality of urban life are presented in order of time.D) A detailed description of the difference between urban and small-town life is given.7. According to the passage, it was a common belief that urban residents ______.A) did not have the same interest with their neighborsB) could not develop long-standing relationshipsC) tended to be associated with bad behaviorsD) usually had more friends8. One of the consequences of urban life is that impersonal relationship among neighbors ______.A) disrupt people’s natural relationshipsB) make them worry about crimeC) cause them not to show concern for one anotherD) cause them to be suspicious of each other9. It can be inferred from the passage that the bigger a community is _____.A) the higher its quality of lifeB) the more similar its interestsC) the more tolerant and open-minded it isD) the likelier it is to display psychological symptoms of stress10. What is the passage mainly about?A) Similarities in the interpersonal relationships between urbanites and small-town dwellers.B) Advantages of living in big cities as compared with living in small towns.C) The positive role that urbanism plays in modern life.D) The strong feeling of alienation of city inhabitants.Passage 3Banks began issuing plastic cards as another way of providing credit to their customers. The card gave banks a cost-efficient way of increasing volume of small consumer loans: a bank would have to handle only one application for a line of credit that could be used many times over — and it could make profit from finance charges.Originally, Diners Club, Hilton Hotels and American Express offered their cards with a convenience rather than as extensions of credit. In exchange for not having to carry cash, their cardholders were charged an annual membership fee. The T&E cards were not so much credit as charge cards, or what American Express calls “pay as you go” cards. Also T&E cardholders could not make purchases in installments like bank cardholders, but were required to pay their bills in full each month.The cards have changed over the years, however. Today a T&E card can sometimes be used as “extended” or “deferred” payment plans. Diners Club members can choose to pay in installments for any goods or commodity the card can purchase, at 19.8 percent annual interest; at the same rate of interest, Carte Blanche cardholders can extend payment only for airline tickets. American Express also allows its regular cardholders to pay in installments but restricts this option to travel-related purchases (airline and cruise tickets, and tour packages). Its interest charges range from 18 to 21 percent, depending on the state in which the cardholders resides. American Express first extended credit when it came out with the Gold Card in 1966, issued through banks in which cardholders maintained lines of credit.And just as the travel and entertainment cards have taken on bank card qualities, so too have bank cards become more like T&E cards.Banks discovered that between 40 to 50 percent of their cardholders paid no finance charges because they did not use their plastic to buy credit. Rather, like T&E cardholders, they charged instead of paying cash, and then paid the whole balance on their statements each month. So most banks now do what the travel and entertainment companies have always done: charge annual fees for their cards. Bank card fees are lower, though, 12 dollars to 15 dollars, compared to 35 dollars to 45 dollars paid by T&E cardholders.11. According to the passage, what motivates banks to issue credit cards?A) Making a profit from charges for consumer loans.B) Providing credit to customers.C) Making the bank services more efficient.D) Making loans available to customers.12. Which of the following is NOT true of the cards originally issued by American Express?A) They can provide convenience to the cardholders.B) They can provide credit to the cardholders.C) The cardholders have to pay their bills in full each month.D) The cardholders have to be charged an annual membership fee.13. Which of the following cards is able to extend the credit of purchasing any goods?A) The T&E card.B) The Diners Club’s cards.C) The American Express Gold Card.D) The Hilton Hotel’s card.14. Which of the following is most likely to be the title of the passage preceding this one?A) One Way to Provide Card to CustomersB) Banks and Credit CardsC) Plastic Cards as Credit CardsD) Credit Cards and Loans15. What does the word maintained mean in this passage (in the last line of Paragraph 3)?A) kept B) claimedC) provided D) supportedPassage 4Three Yale University professors agreed in a panel discussion tonight that automobile was what one of them called “Public Health Enemy No. 1 in this country”. Besides polluting the air and congesting the cities, cars are involved in more than half of the disabling accidents, and they contribute to heart disease “because we don’t walk anywhere anymore”, said Dr. H.W. Weinerman, professor of medicine and public health. Dr. Weinerman’s sharp indictment of the automobile came in a discussion of human environment on Yale Reports, a radio program broadcast by Station in Hartford Connecticut. The program opened a three part series of “Staying Alive” for the first time in human history the problem of man’s survival has to do with his control of manmade hazards, Dr. Weinerman said, “Before this, the problem had been the control of natural hazards.”Relating many of the hazards to the automobile, Arthot W. Galst — a professor of biology said that it was possible to make a kerosene-burning turbine that would “lessen smog by a very large fraction”. But he expressed doubt that Americans were willing to give up moving about the countryside at 90 miles an hour in a large vehicle. “America seems wedded to the motor car — every family has to have at least two and one of them has to be convertible with 300 horsepower,”Professor Galston continued, “Is this the way of life that we choose because we cherish these values?”For Professor Paul B. Seare, part of the blame lies with “a society that regards profit supreme value, under the illusion that anything that is technically possible is therefore, ethically justified”. Professor Seare also called the country’s dependence on its modern automobiles “lousy economics”because of the large horsepower used simply “moving one individual to work”. But he conceded that Americans have painted themselves into a corner by allowing the national economy to become so reliant on the automobile industry.According to Dr. Weinerman, automobiles, not factories, are responsible for two-thirds of the smog in American cities, and the smog presents the possibility of a whole new kind of epidemic, not due to one germ, but due to polluted environment. Within another five to ten years, it is possible to have epidemic lung cancer in a city like Los Angeles. “This is a new phenomenon in health concern”, he said. “The solution”, he continued, “is not to find a less dangerous fuel, but a different system of inner-city transportation. Because of the increasing use of cars, public transportation has been allowed to wither and degenerate, so that if you can’t walk to where you want to go, you have to have a car in most cities”, he asserted. This in turn, Dr. Weinerman contended, is responsible for the “arteriosclerosis” of public roads, for the blight of inner city and for the middle class movement to the suburbs.16. Automobiles are called No. 1 Public Health Enemy because of the following they have causedEXCEPT _________.A) air pollution B) city congestionC) natural hazards D) heart disease17. A kerosene-burning car seems to ______.A) go faster than the gasoline-burning carB) go as fast as the gasoline-burning carC) be very popular among AmericansD) go slowly and reduce smog18. Professor Seare indicates that ________.A) technology is not always ethically correctB) technology is always valuableC) profit in economy is always more important than technology developmentD) Americans are losing profit in the automobile industry19. To solve the health problems caused by cars, _________.A) a new transportation system in the city should be builtB) ways of controlling smog should be foundC) all people should walk to workD) a different fuel should be found20. The word “arterioscieros” in the last paragraph probably means _______.A) a kind of disease people get from the road B) traffic problemC) a kind of cancer D) degeneration of carsII. Grammar (10 points)Directions: There are 10 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the ANSWER SHEET21. Tom said that he would drop out but he didn’t tell us the reason ____ he made the decision.A) when B) where C) why D) how22. Before you start doing anything, you had better make clear ____ you really want to get from it.A) what B) which C) that D) who23. We do not realize how much we depend on the earth’s gravity ______ we are deprived of it.A) then B) where C) when D) until24. No matter _____ progress we have already made, we should keep on working hard at the project.A) how long B) how much C) how soon D) how many25. The teacher asked the students who ______ the tests to leave the room as soon as possible.A) completed B) had completed C) have completed D) would complete26. I regret having left the work unfinished; I _______ everything ahead carefully.A) should plan B) had planned C) planned D) should have planned27. I don’t think it advisable that he ____ to the job since he has no experience.A) will be assigned B) be assigned C) was assigned D) is assigned28. If it had not been for his understanding wife, very possibly he ____ literature altogether.A) may abandon B) may have abandoned C) might abandon D) might have abandoned29. Not only _______ a wide range of prices for goods in the city, there is also a wide range in thequality of goods offered for sale.A) are there B) there are C) is there D) there is30. No one is allowed to enter the patient’s room _______ the doctor gives his permission.A) except B) if C) unless D) besidesIII. Vocabulary (15 points)Directions: There are 30 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A),B),C) and D).Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the ANSWER SHEET31.He insisted on ______ his wife but he soon changed his mind for the sake of his 6-year-old son.A) separating B) breaking C) divorcing D) delivering32. I am ________ to think that ancient Greeks understood this better than we do.A) tentative B) subject C) subjected D) inclined33. A UN official said that the aid programs would be ________ until there was adequate protectionfor relief convoy.A) depended B) suspended C) prostponed D) expended34. They insisted that John did not follow the correct _________ in applying for a visa.A) process B) procedure C) procession D) routine35. Mary _______ Bob for stealing her car, but her accusation was dismissed for lack of convincingevidence.A) accused B) charged C) sued D) scolded36. An open wound should be kept clean and protected from _________.A) disease B) infection C) plague D) infectious37. Many women are left as ________ providers in families after their husbands died in the war.A) prime B) senior C) supreme D) sole38. We tried to ________ him from climbing the mountain without a guide.A) dismiss B) embarrass C) discourage D) disturb39. His ____ as an economist has been reinforced for his successful fight against inflation.A) power B) capacity C) competence D) faculty40. The eminent scientist was so easy-going and _____ that college students like to talk with him.A) graceful B) gracious C) elegant D) magnificent41. To the great disappointment of the football fans, the team was ____ in the first round of thechampionship.A) slaughtered B) deported C) eliminated D) destroyed42. We propose to _______ our home according to our own taste.A) arm B) equip C) supply D) furnish43. The first settlers in Australia were not ________ immigrants; they were forced there as penaltyfor crimes committed in England.A) voluntary B) legal C) quota D) regular44. As the market was ____ with goods and the economy became balanced, inflation went down.A) abundant B) sponged C) saturated D) submerged45. When he woke up, he found a ________ of sunlight had come through the window.A) flash B) flight C) shaft D) succession46. I am quite thankful to the professor for his _______ help when I was in trouble.A) gentle B) genius C) genuine D) generated47. Before he moved into his new house, the young man spent 3,000 dallars on electronic ______.A) instruments B) appliances C) applications D) facilities48. Education was _______ to the merchant when he was young because his family was poor.A) refused B) declined C) denied D) deprived49. For some people, it is a matter of ________ whether they pay their monthly bills regularly.A) consciousness B) conscience C) conscientiousness D) conscious50. Business is so good that our original ______ of $10,000 has jumped to $30,000 in value.A) investment B) deposit C) expense D) loan51. I wish you could be more _______ to your father whether he is kind to you or not.A) respectable B) respectful C) respective D) respecting52. The police and the villagers all unanimously ________ the forest fire to thunder and lighting.A) described B) ascribed C) prescribed D) distributed53. The point at _______ at the meeting is whether they are to import the assembly line,A) argument B) controversy C) issue D) conflict54. Jane told me that her shop’s ________ profit is 20,000 dollars annually.A) credit B) rough C) gross D) tough55. The new policy will surely give ________ to foreign investment in environmental protection.A) inspiration B) motive C) desire D) impetus56. The corporation was accused of _____ stock market and imposed a fine of 20,000 dollars.A) steering B) managing C) operating D) maneuvering57. The man had gone to the reception desk, ________ to check out.A) incidentally B) presumably C) likely D) virtually58. Experts generally agree that diet has an important ________ on one’s health.A) relation B) connection C) association D) bearing59. Before we _______ again, let me give you a word or two of advice on how to do the experiment.A) initiate B) pioneer C) commence D) recommend60. Please keep the numbered cards in ________; don’t mix them up.A) series B) succession C) sequence D) procedureIV. Cloze (10 points)Directions: The following passage contains 10 blanks. For each numbered blank, there are four choices marked A, B, C and D on the right side. Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the ANSWER SHEETIt is not just names that are changing, say experts61 aging. As America stands on the 62 of an unprecedented boom in the number of citizens over the age of 65, the way older adults 63 themselves—and are viewed by society —is 64 a profound cultural65 . It is one that has broad implications from the way these adults are 66 in the media to the roles they carve out for themselves in leading productive 67 life that will refine not only the meaning of retirement, but what it means to 68 older in the new millennium.“There are a large number of pioneers who are recasting, reshaping and rethinking the life 69 ,” says Scott Bass. a gerontologist and dean of the graduate school at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County, who has 61. A) in B) on C) by D) of62.A) margin B) edge C)verge D) side63.A) regard B) attributeC) view D) retrospect64.A) understanding B) undergoingC) withstanding D) withholding65. A) alternative B) alternationC) transformation D) reform66. A) demonstrated B) illustratedC) portrayed D) related67. A) engaged B) engagingC) prolonged D) delayed68.A) turn B) send C) go D) grow69. A) route B) courseC) routine D) procedure70 on the idea of productive aging. 70. A) focused B) attendedC) gathered D) collectedV. Translation (10 points)Directions: Read the following passage carefully and translate the UNDERLINED sentences into Chinese. Write your answer on your ANSWER SHEETMarch 20 marks the tenth anniversary of the U.S. invasion of Iraq, amid a series of more than 20 attacks across Iraq that killed 56 people between March 19 and 20. Clearly, it makes a mockery (笑柄) of the claim that war will bring stability and prosperity to Iraq.The Iraq War is the second war launched by the United States after entering the 21st century.71) It is also a war arising the world’s strongest opposition, and large-scale protests against the war were held in some 600 cities worldwide.Ten years have passed since the U.S. invasion of Iraq. 72)The war brought great disasters to the people of Iraq and the United States itself also suffered heavy losses. According to data released by the Watson Institute for International Studies at Brown University, a total of 4,475 soldiers were killed during the Iraq War and it cost the United States some 1.7 trillion US dollars. The United Sates will spend 6 trillion US dollars over the 40 years to come.73) The Iraq War and the War in Afghanistan cost the United States huge amount of money, which is also one of the reasons for the financial crisis in 2008.The United States bypassed the UN Security Council to launch the Iraq War and violated the United Nations charters (宪章). Former Secretary General Kofi Annan said that the war was illegal.Ten years later, looking back on the Iraq war, we have got at least three revelations (启示). First, the historical trend should not be violated. 74) When peace and development become a strong trend, the United States raised the banner of war and it is doomed to pay a heavy price.Second, national leaders should remain sober-minded. 75) In 2003, America’s GDP reached 10.9 trillion US dollars, accounting for 30 percent of the global total. Leaders of the United States thought they could do whatever they like and invaded Iraq. Therefore, the country suffered greatly from the war.Third, public opinion will change. When the United States invaded Iraq, two thirds of American public supported the war, while ten years later the majority of the people are against the war. The history is just relentless and the lessons of history are worth to be learnt.VI. Writing (15 points)Directions: Test-oriented education in China has been discussed for years. Nowadays reforming Entrance Exams to College (高考) has become a hot topic. What is your opinion about it? Please write a passage entitled On Reforms of Entrance Exams to College. Be sure that your passage has no less than 150 words. Write your passage clearly on the ANSWER SHEET.。
电子科技大学2014年攻读硕士学位研究生入学考试试题考试科目:622 心理学综合注:所有答案必须写在答题纸上,写在试卷或草稿纸上均无效。
A 记忆 B感知觉 C 意识 D思维2. 研究行为与人造的和自然的环境之间相互关系的科学是()。
A 生态心理学 B文化心理学 C 社会心理学 D环境心理学3. “中国好室友”属于哪一种概念分类()。
A 合取概念 B析取概念 C 具体概念 D关系概念4. 给2.5岁~3.5岁的儿童两个性别不同的玩偶,他们会认为女性玩偶更多的从事做饭、缝衣服、玩娃娃等活动,而男性玩偶更多的从事打架、爬树、开卡车等活动,说明这一年龄段的儿童拥有了()的知识。
A 性别角色标准 B性别角色偏爱 C 性别认同 D性别刻板印象5. 某公司员工上班迟到,他认为是由于天气不好导致交通阻塞,而公司领导则认为其工作态度松散,给与了他相应处分。
A 超限效应 B活动者-观察者效应 C 比马龙效应 D定势效应6. 4岁的小南抱着一个玩偶对5岁的小宇说:“我们来做游戏吧,我当妈妈,你当爸爸。
A 练习游戏 B活动性游戏 C 创造性游戏 D教学游戏7. 以下哪一项不是韦氏智力量表的特点()。
A 采用标准分数来表示智商B 包含言语测验和操作测验C 废除了离差智商D 认为智力是由集中有效的智慧能力“聚集”而成的8. 心理学中的双关图代表了知觉的哪种特性()。
A 对象性 B理解性 C 恒常性 D整体性9. 一名长跑运动员将“3、4、9、2、5、6、1、4、9、3、5”,重新做了如下编码为:3:49.2,大约一英里的赛跑时间;56:14,大约十英里的赛跑时间;9:35,对两英里的跑步距离来说有点长。
5.某虚拟存储器中的用户空间共有32个页面每页1KB主存16KB假设某时刻系统为用户的第0、1、2、3页分别分配的物理块为5、10、4、7,则虚拟地址0A6F对应的物理地址是_______(请使用十六进制表示)二、选择题(14分,每题2分)1.现代操作系统中最基本的两个特征是()A共享和不确定B并发和虚拟C并发和共享D虚拟和不确定2.引入多道程序技术的前提条件之一是系统具有()A分时功能B中断功能C多CPU技术D SPOOL ng技术3.操作系统是根据()来对并发执行的进程进行控制和管理的。
共4页第1页5.为使虚拟存储管理系统具有良好的性能应用程序应具备的特征是()A程序模块化程度高由许多小模块组成B程序应具备良好的局部性特征C程序的I/O操作较少D程序实际大小应小于实际物理内存容量6.( )的基本含义是指应用程序独立于具体使用的物理设备A设备独立性B设备共享性C可扩展性D SPOOL ng技术7.从用户的角度看文件系统主要是实现( )A数据存储B数据保护C数据共享D按名存取三、分析计算题(30分)1.某操作系统的文件系统采用混合索引分配方式,索引节点中包含文件的物理结构数组addr[10]。
电子科技大学研究生模式识别试题 2014.04 (附答案)
电子科技大学研究生试卷(考试时间: 至 ,共 2 小时)课程名称 模式识别 教师 学时 40 学分 2 教学方式 课堂教学 考核日期 年 月 日 成绩 考核方式: (学生填写)1、(5分)简述有监督学习和无监督学习的异同。
答:(1)有监督学习必须要有训练集和测试样本,而非监督学习没有训练集; (2)有监督学习的目的就是识别事物,识别结果表现在给待识别数据加上了标号,因此训练样本集必须由带标号的样本组成,而非监督学习方法只有要分析的数据集本身,预先没有什么标号。
2、(15分)计算单词model 和amdeol 的编辑距离,画出栅格图。
解: 栅格图为:a m d e o lmo d e lamdeolbcaty从栅格图可计算,model 和amdeol 的编辑距离为3。
学 号 姓 名 学 院……………………密……………封……………线……………以……………内……………答……………题……………无……………效……………………3、(15分)已知A 类样本为:123[0,1];[2,2];[2,3]a a a ===,B 类样本为:123[3,1];[4,3];[1,5]b b b ===,计算最小二乘分类面的方程(取值为-1和+1),并写出LMS 算法的流程。
解:(1)计算最小二乘分类面为[]0.4,0.26,1.45T ω=--。
(2)LMS 算法流程:步骤1. 初始化训练样本、权向量;步骤2. 选择一个训练样本,利用下列公式更新权向量:()[][1][1]2()k k T k iiy μ--=--w w x x w训练样本数目步骤3. 重复所有样本。
4、(15分)在目标识别中,有1ω和2ω两种目标类型,它们的先验概率分别为0.8和0.2,在一次试验中,获得样本的类概率密度分别为()10.2p x ω=,()20.4p x ω=,并且已知110λ=,126λ=,211λ=,220λ=。
电子科技大学【2014 年攻读硕士学位研究生入学考试试题】840专业课真题
(3) 若这两束自然光光强不相等,设 I1=2I2, 也考虑光束夹角对光矢量振动方向的影响,求干 涉条纹的可见度。(10 分)
3. 用白色平行光正入射到透射式夫琅禾费衍射光栅上,在 300 衍射角上方向上观测到 600nm 的第 2 级主极大,但在该方向上 400nm 的主极大缺级。若该光栅刚好能分辨第 2 级光谱中在 600nm 附近波长差为 0.005nm 的两条谱线。求(1) 光栅常数; (2) 光栅的总宽度; (3) 狭缝的可 能最小宽度。(10 分)
A. 光源的横向宽度限制双缝的最大距离。
B. 光源的谱宽限制观察屏上干涉条纹的横向范围。
C. 条纹可见度整体随光源谱宽增大而降低。
D. 在光源临界宽度范围内,条纹可见度整体随光源宽度增大而降低。
13. 迈克耳逊干涉仪中补偿板的作用是
A. 消除两光路的不对称性
B. 补偿两光路的光程差
C. 在使用白色光源时补偿分光板的色散
B. 当 k 沿光轴时,S 与 k 的方向一致。
C. 当 k 沿光轴时,D 的方向无限制。
D. 当 k 沿主轴时,S 与 k 的方向一致。
22. 为使光正入射到单轴晶体内能获得最大的离散角,光轴与通光面的夹角β应满足
A. tgβ = ne / no
B. tgβ = no / ne
( ) C. tgβ = ne2 − no2 2neno
25. 关于色散,下列说法中不正确的是
A. 正常色散发生在介质的透明区。
B. 反常色散发生在介质固有频率附近。
C. 正常色散是折射率随波长增加而减小的色散。 D. 反常色散是色散率为负的色散。
电子科技大学2014年攻读硕士学位研究生入学考试试题 考试科目:836信号与系统和数字电路注:所有答案必须写在答题纸上,写在试卷或草稿纸上均无效。
(1) 已知系统输入[]f n 和输出[]y n 间关系为[]2[1]y n f n =+1)请问系统是否线性系统?是否稳定系统?( )。
A 、线性,非稳定;B 、非线性,非稳定;C 、非线性,稳定;D 、线性,稳定。
2)该系统冲激响应为( )。
A 、[]2[1]h n n δ=+;B 、[]2[1]h n n δ=+;C 、[]2[1]h n n δ=−+;D 、不能确定。
3)对任意输入[]f n ,系统输出[]y n 可表示为( )。
A 、[]2[1][]y n n f n δ=−+∗;B 、[]2[1][]y n n f n δ=+∗;C 、[]2[1][]y n n f n δ=+∗;D 、答案A,B,C均不对。
(2) “对连续时间系统,若系统函数()H s 的收敛域包含虚轴则系统稳定”,该说法适合( )系统。
A 、 线性;B 、时不变;C 、线性时不变;D 、任意。
(3) 已知信号()f t 的频谱如图1所示,用周期冲激串()() k p t t kT δ∞=−∞=−∑进行采样,为使采样后的信号频谱不混叠,则最小采样角频率应满足( )。
图1,第1-(3)题图A 、8s ωπ>;B 、6s ωπ>;C 、4s ωπ>;D 、2s ωπ>(4) 对连续时间周期信号()f t ,其傅里叶变换和拉普拉斯变换说法正确的是( )。
A 、先求傅里叶级数,再求傅里叶变换;且拉普拉斯变换存在。
B 、先求傅里叶级数,再求傅里叶变换;且拉普拉斯变换不存在。
C 、直接按定义式计算傅里叶变换;且拉普拉斯变换存在。
D 、直接按定义式计算傅里叶变换;且拉普拉斯变换不存在。
电子科技大学【2014 年攻读硕士学位研究生入学考试试题】832专业课真题
电子科技大学2014年攻读硕士学位研究生入学考试试题考试科目:832 微电子器件注:所有答案必须写在答题纸上,写在试卷或草稿纸上均无效。
(从以下选项中选择)A 电子阻挡层B 电子反阻挡层C空穴阻挡层 D 空穴反阻挡层E 具有F 不具有微电子器件试题共6页,第1页8、MOSFET的跨导是()特性曲线的斜率,而漏源电导是()特性曲线的斜率。
14 12 7 15 4 16
230 233 132 386 298 870 26
5 10
21 41 15 120 3 30 16 86 2 158 10 21 2 2 2 104 14 14 35 46 2 6 1 4 732 63 3 8532
4 3
4 1 2
13 11 10 102 10 25 5 8 1 6
电子科技大学2008年以来全日制硕士分专业报考录取情况 类型 专业代码 020200 020202 020204 020209 030103 030200 030206 030500 030501 030505 040203 050201 050211 050300 050302 070101 070102 070103 070104 070105 070201 070204 070205 070207 070208 071006 071010 071011 071400 080200 080201 080202 080203 080300 080400 080401 080402 080500 080800 080804 080900 080901 080902 080903 080904 0809Z1 081000 081001 081002 0810Z1 0812Z1 081100 专业名称 应用经济学 区域经济学 金融学 数量经济学 宪法学与行政法学 政治学 国际政治 马克思主义理论 马克思主义基本原理 思想政治教育 应用心理学 英语语言文学 外国语言学及应用语言学 新闻传播学 传播学 基础数学 计算数学 概率论与数理统计 应用数学 运筹学与控制论 理论物理 等离子体物理 凝聚态物理 光学 无线电物理 神经生物学 生物化学与分子生物学 生物物理学 统计学 机械工程 机械制造及其自动化 机械电子工程 机械设计及理论 光学工程 仪器科学与技术 精密仪器及机械 测试计量技术及仪器 材料科学与工程 电气工程 电力电子与电力传动 电子科学与技术 物理电子学 电路与系统 微电子学与固体电子学 电磁场与微波技术 电子信息材料与元器件 信息与通信工程 通信与信息系统 信号与信息处理 信息获取与探测技术 信息安全 控制科学与工程 推免生 0 8 0 2 0 0 0 0 2 5 2 4 1 3 2 2 2 7 4 2 第一志愿报考 (不含推免生) 5 19 5 35 18 6 20 33 35 92 23 46 47 47 26 15 41 67 23 10 2008年 复试分数线 (总分) 330 330 330 330 330 330 330 315 340 340 340 305 305 305 305 305 305 305 305 305
全国2014年4月高等教育自学考试 概率论与数理统计(经管类)试题一、单项选择题(本大题共10小题,每小题2分,共20分)在每小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个是符合题目要求的,请将其选出并将“答题 纸"的相应代码涂黑。
A 表示“出现3点”,B 表示“出现偶数点”,则 A.A B ⊂ B.A B ⊂ C.A B ⊂ D.A B ⊂2.设随机变量x 的分布律为 ,F(x)为X 的分布函数,则F(0)= A.0.1 B.0.3 C.0.4 D.0.63.设二维随机变量(X ,Y )的概率密度为,11,02,(,)0,≤≤≤≤其它,c x y f x y -⎧=⎨⎩则常数c=A.14 B.12 C.2 D.44.设随机变量X 服从参数为2的泊松分布,则D(9—2X )= A.1 B.4 C.5 D.85.设(X ,Y )为二维随机变量,则与Cov(X ,Y )=0不等价...的是 A.X 与Y 相互独立 B.()()()D X Y D X D Y -=+ C.E(XY)=E(X)E(Y) D.()()()D X Y D X D Y +=+6.设X 为随机变量,E(x)=0.1,D(X )=0.01,则由切比雪夫不等式可得A.{}0.110.01≥≤P X -B.{}0.110.99≥≥P X -C.{}0.110.99≤P X -<D.{}0.110.01≤P X -<7.设x 1,x 2,…,x n 为来自某总体的样本,x 为样本均值,则1()ni i x x =-∑=A.(1)n x -B.0C.xD.nx8.设总体X 的方差为2σ,x 1,x 2,…,x n 为来自该总体的样本,x 为样本均值, 则参数2σ的无偏估计为A.2111n i i x n =-∑ B.211n i i x n =∑ C.211()1ni i x x n =--∑ D.11()2ni i x x n =-∑ 9.设x 1,x 2,…,x n 为来自正态总体N (μ,1)的样本,x 为样本均值,s 2为样本方差.检验假设H 0∶μ=μ0,H 1∶μ≠μ0,则采用的检验统计量应为A./x s n- B.0/x s n-C.()n x μ-D.0()n x μ-10.设一元线性回归模型为201,(0,),1,2,,,i i i i y x N i n ββεεσ=++=:L 则E (y i )= A.0β B.1i x β C.01i x ββ+ D.01i i x ββε++非选择题部分注意事项:用黑色字迹的签字笔或钢笔将答案写在答题纸上,不能答在试题卷上。
P { X − µ < a} = P X − µ < b 。则比值
(A) 与 σ 及 n 都有关 (C) 与 σ 无关,与 n 有关
பைடு நூலகம்
a ( b
(B) 与 σ 及 n 都无关 (D) 与 σ 有关,与 n 无关 )
3、设随机事件 A 与 B 满足 P ( B | A ) = 1 ,则( (A) P B | A = 0 (C)
第 3 页 共 3 页
Y1 , Y2 , Y3 两两不相关的充要条件是 ρ12 + ρ23 + ρ13 = −1 .
5、设总体 X N µ , σ 2 , X 1 , X 2 ,L, X n 来自 X ,求使 P ( X > A ) = 0.05 的点 A 的最大似 然估计。 (已知 Φ (1.645 ) = 0.95 ) 6、某地区对 50 至 60 岁男性公民进行调查,结果发现肺癌病人和无肺癌者吸烟比例差不多, 分别为 99.7%和 95.8%,于是有人说吸烟对是否患肺癌没有太大的影响,若假定肺癌发病率为 0.01%,你怎么评价这种说法?
ρ ( X i − X ,X j − X ) 等于多少?
3、 设随机变量序列 { X n } 相互独立同分布, 且 P X k = 2n −2ln n = 2− n ( n = 1, 2,L) , 问{X n} 是 否服从大数定律?为什么?
第 2 页 共 3 页
四、计算与证明题(每题 15 分,共 90 分) 1、 将 n 只球独立放入 M 只盒子中, 设每只球落入各个盒子等可能, 求有球盒子数的数学期望. 2、 若 ( X , Y ) N µ1 , σ 1 , µ2 , σ 2 , ρ ,试找出 X + Y 与 X − Y 相互独立的充要条件.
电子科大组合数学试题及答案 - 2014
电子科技大学研究生试卷 (考试时间: 至 ,共 2 小时) 课程名称 组合数学 教师 卢光辉、杨国武 学时 40 学分 2 教学方式 讲授 考核日期 2014 年 11 月 26 日 成绩 考核方式: (学生填写) 一、(17分)解下列递归关系�a n −2a n−1−15a n−2=(−3)n (n ≥2) a 0=1,a 1=4 二、(18分)今后5届APEC 会议由美国、印度、澳大利亚、加拿大、俄罗斯5国举办,一个国家只能举办一次。
问未来的5届APEC 会议有多少种不同的举办方案?学 号 姓 名 学 院 ……………………密……………封……………线……………以……………内……………答……………题……………无……………效……………………三、(15分)某省打算未来3个财政年度偿还一批地方债,计划每个月至少偿还10亿元,每个财政季度(3个月)至多偿还50亿元。
四、(16分)求2和8都出现偶数次,1和7都出现奇数次,并且4至少出现1次的r 位十进制数的个数。
学 号 姓 名 学 院 ……………………密……………封……………线……………以……………内……………答……………题……………无……………效………………五、(18分)全国4个片区共40所大学申报国家重点实验室,其中,西部片区有7所大学,华北片区有18所大学,华东片区有10所大学,华南片区有5所大学。
(1)问理论上有多少种不同的选区方案? (2)现为了考虑不同片区的特殊情况,如果西部片区至少有4家入围,华北片区至少有2家入围,问理论上有多少种不同的选取方案? 六、(6分)求两个“1”之间至少要有两个“0”的14位二进制数的个数。