


行号商品全名1MX350-Y28-百合-6500K2MX350-Y28-全白-6500K3MX350-Y28-旋风-6500K4MX350-Y28-叶子-6500K5MX350-Y28-鹦鹉-6500K6MX350-Y28-八角-6500K7MX350-Y28-柔莎-6500K8MX350-Y28-小花瓣-6500K9MX350-Y28-飘美-6500K10MX350-Y28-飞扬-6500K11MX350-Y28-草莓-6500K12MX350-Y28-爱心熊-6500K13MX420-Y40-百合-6500K14MX420-Y40-幻影-6500K15MX420-Y40-全白-6500K16MX420-Y40-三弦-6500K17MX420-Y40-星月-6500K18MX420-Y40-鹦鹉-6500K19MX420-Y40-飘美-6500K20MX420-Y40-飞扬-6500K21MX420-Y40-草莓-6500K22MX420-Y40-爱心熊-6500K23MX300Y-Y22-百合-6500K24MX300Y-Y22-全白-6500K25MX300Y-Y22-柔莎-6500K26MX300Y-Y22-鹦鹉-6500K27MX300Y-Y22-草莓-6500K28MX300Y-Y22-爱心熊-6500K29MX260-Y21-贝壳(旧)-6500K30MX260-Y21-鹦鹉-6500K31MX260-Y21-全白-6500K32MX260-Y21-乖乖兔-6500K33MX260-Y21-草莓-6500K34MX260-Y21-爱心熊-6500K35MX350-Y28(多宝鱼)-桔橙-6500K36MX350-Y28(多宝鱼)-透明白-6500K37MX420-Y40(多宝鱼)-淡蓝-6500K38MX420-Y40(多宝鱼)-透明白-6500K39MX350-Y28(QQ)-桔橙-6500K40MX350-Y28(QQ)-透明白-6500K41MX420-Y40(QQ)-淡蓝-6500K42MX420-Y40(QQ)-透明白-6500K43MX350-Y28(凤蝶)-桔橙-6500K44MX420-Y40(凤蝶)-桔橙-6500K45MX350-Y28(兔八哥)-桔橙-6500K46MX420-Y40(兔八哥)-桔橙-6500K47MX5643-Y24*2-抱抱熊-6500K48MX1860-Y10-6500K49MX2180-Y16-6500K50MX200-Y21-小方白-6500K51MX290Y-Y22-6500K52MX270-Y21-6500K53MB160-Y14-品竹-无光源54MX460-Y40-语嫣-6500K55细2U-3W(无桥)-E27-黄56细2U-3W(无桥)-E27-白57细2U-5W-E27-白58细2U-5W-E27-黄59细2U-7W-E27-白60细2U-7W-E27-黄612U-8W-E27-白622U-8W-E27-黄632U-9W-E27-白642U-9W-E27-黄652U-11W-E27-黄662U-11W-E27-白672U-13W-E27-白682U-13W-E27-黄69细3U-13W-E27-白70OP-JN-半螺-45W-E27-6500K 71细3U-15W-E27-白72细3U-14W-E27-4000K73半螺-14W-E27-白74半螺-20W-E27-白753U-20W-E27-白763U-20W-E27-黄773U-23W-E27-白783U-23W-E27-黄794U-30W-E27-白804U-30W-E27-黄814U-45W-E27-白82OP-JN-全螺-7W-E27-白83OP-TD-全螺-7W灯管-6400K 84OP-TD-全螺-7W灯管-2700K 85OP-TD-全螺-13W灯管-6400K 86OP-TD-全螺-13W灯管-2700K 87OP-JN-4U-65W-E27-白88OP-JN-细2U-7W-E14-黄89OP-JN-全螺-7W-E27-黄90细3U-15W-E27-4000K91OP-JN-全螺-20W-E27-白92OP-JN-全螺-14W-E27-白933U-9W-E27-白943U-11W-E27-白95OP-JN-5U-85W-E40-6500K 96半螺-15W-E27-黄97OP-JN-13W-横插98OP-JN-全螺-14W-E27-黄99OP-JN-全螺-7W-E14-白100OP-JN-全螺-7W-E14-黄101OP-JN-全螺-14W-E27-4000K 102OP-JN-全螺-20W-E27-2700K 103MTH3101/SC104MTH3201/SC105MTH3107/NB106TH117/SB107TH121/SC108TH122/SC109TD212S/Y/WH-条纹光身110TD212S/Y/SC-条纹光身111TD212AS/Y/WH-珠钻砂112TD212AS/Y/SC-珠钻砂113TD212AS/Y/WH-迷你型114TD212AS/Y/WH-迷你型(防雾)115TD212AS/Y/SC-迷你型116TD212AS/Y/SC-迷你型(防雾)117TD213S/Y/WH-珠钻砂118TD213S/Y/SC-珠钻砂119TD213S/Y/WH-迷你型120TD213S/Y/WH-迷你型(防雾)121TD213S/Y/SC-迷你型122TD213S/Y/SC-迷你型(防雾)123TD214S/Y/WH-珠点光身124TD214S/Y/SC-珠点光身125TD214S/Y/WH-迷你型126TD214S/Y/WH-迷你型(防雾)127TD214S/Y/SC-迷你型128TD214S/Y/SC-迷你型(防雾)129电子变压器-DB35W-MP130MGY11A/35/30-清光131MGY16A/35/30-清光132MGYG4/20-清光133MTD1120/SC-条纹134MTD1120/WH-条纹135MTD112A0/WH-条纹136MTD112A0/SC-条纹137MGL1112/SP138MGL1122/SP139MGL1132/SP140MGL1142/SP141MGL1152/SP142MGL1113/SP143MGL1123/SP144MGL1133/SP145MTH3116/NB146TH118/SB147MTH3101/WH148TH403/CS149MTH5106/AS150TH404/CS151TH406/CS152SX206153TH405/CS154MSX102-65-WH155MTD1140/WH-条纹156MTD1140/SC-条纹157TH114-SC158MTD1150/WH-条纹159MDP11318160MGY80/50/24161MTH3118/CH-七彩白162MTD1130/SC-条纹163MTH3237/CH-七彩白164MTH5204/AS165MTH5105/AS166MTD113A0/SC-光身167电子变压器-DB602-220/12经济型(成品)168MTD1130/WH-条纹169MTH5207/AS170浴霸-D71-Z171浴霸-S71-Z172浴霸-A18173浴霸(室内加热器)-P77-Z174浴霸-G18175浴霸(室内加热器)-D79-Z176浴霸-S3177浴霸-S5178浴霸-D06179浴霸-D08180浴霸-D01181浴霸-P78182浴霸-P79183浴霸-D87184浴霸-P86185浴霸-S74186浴霸-MYM108187浴霸-HZP101188浴霸-MXD105189浴霸-109190X11002191X11003192X11004193X11006194X11007195MB549-Y14Z-小白-4000K196MB549-Y24Z-暗影-4000K197MB549-Y24Z-星动-4000K198MB549-Y24Z-主角-4000K199MB549-Y24Z-闭月-4000K200MB549-Y24Z-羞花-4000K201MB849-Y39Z-小白-4000K202MB849-Y39Z-星动-4000K203MB849-Y39Z-主角-4000K204MX549-Y24-丽晶205MX549-Y24-亮晶206MB549-Y24Z-绝色-4000K207MB549-Y24Z-佳人-4000K208MB849-Y39Z-绝色-4000K209MB849-Y39Z-佳人-4000K210MB549-Y24Z-落雁-4000K211MB549-Y24Z-精灵-4000K212MB710-Y24Z-品节-4000K213MB605-Y24Z-玲珑-4000K214MB635-Y24Z-棱尚-4000K215MB600-Y24-1-博睿-4000K216MB600-Y24-2-菱美-4000K217MT-HY0T-01-隐者(橡胶黑+铬色片) 218MT-HY0T-01-隐者(橡胶蓝+蓝色片) 219MT-HY0T-02-大嘴鸟(绿+黄)220MT-HY0T-02-大嘴鸟(粉蓝+粉紫) 221MT-HY1T-02-君子(橡胶黑+铬色片) 222MT-HY1T-02-君子(橡胶蓝+蓝色片) 223MT-HY02T-01贵族-透明橙224MT-HY02T-01贵族-透明兰225MT-HY0T-06伶俐-绿226MT-HY03T-01伯爵-乳白227MT-HY0T-08名仕-透明橙228MT-HY0T-08名仕-透明兰229MT-HY0T-07内敛-透明暗橙230MT-HY0T-07内敛-透明蓝231MT-HY0T-05望族-透明暗橙232MT-HY0T-05望族-透明紫233MT-HY1T-03-芙蓉(砂面透明橙+银) 234MT-HY1T-03-芙蓉(磨砂透明水蓝+银) 235MT-HY1T-03-芙蓉(橡胶蓝+银)236MT-HY1T-04-丹妮(磨砂透明水蓝+银) 237MT-HY1T-04-丹妮(橡胶蓝+银)238MT-HY1T-04-丹妮(橡胶黑+银)239MT-HY0T-08-Y11-别致-4000K240MT-HY0T-08-Y11-迪斯-4000K241MT-HY0T-06-Y11-清新-4000K242MT-HY1T-05-Y11-丽莎-4000K243MT-HY1T-10-Y15-优雅-蓝色-无光源244MT-HY1T-10-Y15-优雅-银色-无光源245MT-HY0T-10-Y11-进取-蓝色-4000K 246MT-HY0T-09-Y15-飞翔-透明蓝-4000K 247MT-HY0T-11-Y11-爵士-亮黑-4000K 248MT-HY0T-11-Y11-爵士-亮白-4000K 249MT-HY0T-09-Y15-飞翔-草绿-4000K 250MT-HY1T-17-Y14-小鹿-鹅黄-4000K 251MT-HY0T-12-Y11-逸致-乳白-4000K 252OP-DG-P081611A-一开253OP-DG-P081612A-一开双254OP-DG-P081621A-二开255OP-DG-P081622A-二开双256OP-DG-P081631A-三开257OP-DG-P081632A-三开双258OP-DG-P081641A-四开259OP-DG-P081642A-四开双260OP-DG-P081084-四孔261OP-DG-P081091-三孔262OP-DG-P081092A-一开三孔263OP-DG-P081094-五孔264OP-DG-P081095A-一开五孔265OP-DG-P081691-16A三孔266OP-DG-P081692A-一开16A三孔267OP-DG-P086101-电视插268OP-DG-P086201-电话插269OP-DG-P086401-电脑插270OP-DG-P086502-电话电脑271OP-DG-P085401-86白板272OP-DG-W581611A-一开单控273OP-DG-W581612A-一开双控274OP-DG-W581621A-二开单控275OP-DG-W581622A-二开双控276OP-DG-W581631A-三开单控277OP-DG-W581632A-三开双控278OP-DG-W581641A-四开单控279OP-DG-W581642A-四开双控280OP-DG-W581091-10A三孔281OP-DG-W58094-五孔282OP-DG-W581095A-一开单+五孔283OP-DG-W581691-16A三孔284OP-DG-W581692A-一开单+16A三孔285OP-DG-W586401-电脑插286OP-DG-W586101-电视插287OP-DG-W586201-电话插288OP-DG-W586501-电视电脑289OP-DG-W586502-电话电脑290OP-DG-W585401-空白面板291OP-DG-W581097-七孔292OP-DG-W581096A-一开双+五孔293OP-DG-W581092A-一开单+10A三孔294OP-DG-P065401 86白板295OP-DG-E061611A 一开296OP-DG-E061612A 一开双297OP-DG-E061621A 二开298OP-DG-E061622A 二开双299OP-DG-E061631A 三开300OP-DG-E061632A 三开双301OP-DG-E061091 三孔302OP-DG-E061092A 一开三孔303OP-DG-E061094 五孔304OP-DG-E061095A 一开五孔305OP-DG-E061691 16A三孔306OP-DG-E061692A 一开16A三孔307OP-DG-E066101 电视插308OP-DG-E066201 电话插309OP-DG-E066401 电脑插310OP-DG-E066501 电话电脑311OP-DG-E065401 空白面板312OP-DG-P081097-七孔313OP-DG-D081091G五孔314OP-DG-D086501G电话电脑315OP-DG-P051611A 一开单316OP-DG-P051621A 二开单317OP-DG-P051094 五孔318OP-DG-P051095A 一开单+五孔319OP-DG-P051691 16A三孔320OP-DG-P056101 电视插321OP-DG-P056401 电脑插322OP-DG-P051612A 一开双323OP-DG-P051622A 二开双324OP-DG-P051632A 三开双325OP-DG-P051642A 四开双326OP-DG-P056201 电话插327OP-DG-P081096A-一开双+五孔328OP-DG-P056501 电话电脑329OP-DG-P051631A 三开单330OP-DG-P051081 四孔331OP-DG-P088201-300W调速332OP-DG-P051091 三孔333OP-DG-P051641A 四开334OP-DG-P051692A 一开16A三孔335OP-DG-P051092A 一开单三孔336OP-DG-P056502 电视电话337OP-DG-P056503 电视电脑338OP-DG-P051096A 一开双+五孔339OP-DG-D086501T电话电脑340OP-DG-D081091T五孔341OP-DG-5301 透明防溅盒342OP-DG-P051097 七孔343OP-DG-P086501-电视电脑344OP-DG-P031611A-Y2 一开单-金属银345OP-DG-P031612A-Y2 一开双-金属银346OP-DG-P031621A-Y2 二开单-金属银347OP-DG-P031631A-Y2 三开单-金属银348OP-DG-P031632A-Y2 三开双-金属银349OP-DG-P031622A-Y2 二开双-金属银350OP-DG-P031094-Y2 五孔-金属银351OP-DG-P031091-Y2 三孔-金属银352OP-DG-P031095A-Y2 一开五孔-金属银353OP-DG-P031691-Y2 16A三孔-金属银354OP-DG-P031692A-Y2 一开16A三孔-金属银355OP-DG-P036101-Y2 电视插-金属银356OP-DG-P036201-Y2 电话插-金属银357OP-DG-P036401-Y2 电脑插-金属银358OP-DG-P036501-Y2 电话电脑-金属银359OP-DG-P036503-Y2 电视电脑-金属银360OP-DG-E066502-电脑电视361OP-DG-P031641A-Y2-四开单-金属银362OP-DG-P031081-Y2-四孔-金属银363OP-DG-P031097-Y2-七孔-金属银364OP-DG-P051614A-一开多控365OP-DG-P088401A-门铃366OP-DG-E061096A 一开双五孔367OP-DG-P031096A-Y2 一开双五孔-金属银368OP-DG-P031642A-Y2-四开双-金属银369OP-DG-P056202-二位电话插370OP-DG-P058401A-门铃3712D灯管-10W-6400K-成品3722D灯管-16W-6400K-成品3732D灯管-21W-6400K-成品3742D灯管-28W-6400K-成品3752D灯管-38W-6400K-成品376环形灯管-T5-22W-6400K-成品377环形灯管-T5-28W-6400K-成品378环形灯管-T5-38W-6400K-成品379环形灯管-T5-48W-6400K-成品380环形灯管-T6-40W-6400K-成品381双环灯管-T6-83W-6400K-成品382单H插管-24W-6400K-成品383单H插管-36W-6400K-成品384单H插管-55W-6400K-成品3852D灯管-21W-3500K-成品3862D灯管-28W-3500K-成品3872D灯管-38W-3500K-成品388环形灯管-T5-22W-3500K-成品389环形灯管-T6-40W-3500K-成品390双环灯管-T6-83W-3500K-成品391单H插管-24W-3500K-成品392单H插管-36W-3500K-成品393单H插管-55W-3500K-成品394塑胶面罩-MX350-全白-成品395塑胶面罩-MX420-全白-成品396塑胶面罩-MX300Y-全白-成品397塑胶面罩-MX260-全白-成品398塑胶面罩-MX200-小方白-成品399电子件-MX1860-10W(成品)400电子件-MX2180-16W(成品)401电子件-21W一体化(成品)402电子件-28W一体化(成品)403电子件-38W一体化(成品)404电子件-T6-40W超薄-成品(成品)405电子件-48W一拖二(成品)406电子件-66W一拖二(成品)407电子件-22W镇流器(成品)408电子件-MX7722-55W镇流器(成品)409电子件-83W镇流器(MX586)-成品410电子镇流器-24W(H管)411面罩+内边框+外边框-MX350-朗月-银灰-成品412面罩+内边框+外边框-MX420-朗月-银灰-成品41311W-单U插管414环形灯管(IEC)-T5-60W-4000K(印字)415塑胶面罩-420-兔八哥416塑胶面罩-MX500Y-秋韵-乳白-成品417塑胶面罩-MX500Y-全白-成品418塑胶面罩-MX350-秋韵-乳白-成品419面罩+面罩框-MX586-朗月-成品420塑胶面罩-MX1860-成品421单H插管-18W-6500K-成品422支架灯管-T5-24W-4100K-成品423红外取暖灯泡165MM424塑胶面罩+木框-MX586-雅美-红葡萄-成品425照明灯泡-80mm透明426塑胶面罩-MX260-秋韵-乳白-成品427有428塑胶面罩-MX2180-成品429塑胶面罩+木框-MX757-晶美-红葡萄-成品430塑胶面罩-MX500Y-全白-银边-成品431排管-3π-25W-长短平-6400K-成品432P78-面板433排管-2π-21W-6400K-成品434排管-3π-45W-6400K-成品435塑胶面罩-MQ185-A-乳白-成品436面罩-MX757-Y24*2-四喜迎春A-成品437塑胶面罩+530饰件-MX538-海星-成品438塑胶面罩(吹塑)+装饰边-MX500G-星尚-成品439排管-3π-25W-新-6400K-成品440塑胶面罩-MX420-秋韵-乳白-成品44176W金镶月面罩442100w双环管443面罩+内边框+外边框-MX300Y-朗月444D01-面板445面罩+面罩框-MX420-朗月-成品44640W多宝鱼乳白罩447支架灯管-T4-21W-6400K-成品448支架灯管-T4-25W-6400K-成品449支架灯管-T4-28W-6400K-成品450欧普分控器451面罩+圈-MX586-空中楼阁-天蓝-成品452面罩+边框-MX650A-晨光-透明-成品453方骏面罩+框2454启辉器455方骏面罩加框1456面罩+边框-MX1075-倾城-淡蓝-侧457侧面玻璃1/2-MX4103-叠影-成品458塑胶面罩+面罩支架-MX560-玲珑-白色-成品459塑胶侧框架-MX704-Y55*3-合曦-透明460狮王面板-S3461塑胶面罩框-MX410(流虹)462支架灯管-T5-21W-6400K-成品463合曦55*2面罩464塑胶面罩+框-MX500C-晨光-透明-成品465塑胶面罩+框-MX500C-晨光-淡兰-成品466面罩+边框-MX5050-臻品-成品467塑胶面罩-MX8080-呈现-乳白(印字)-成品468电子件-T5-60W(IEC)-220V-成品469塑胶面罩-MX435-云裳-乳白-成品470木框-MX5858-风影-红葡萄-成品471塑胶面罩-MX5858-风影-成品472塑胶面罩-MX300Y-秋韵-乳白-成品473塑胶面罩+硅胶装饰件-MX350-凤蝶-成品474双环灯管-100W-6500K-成品475磨砂玻璃-MX7878-Y55*4-新叠影-白色-成品476塑胶面罩+塑胶边框-MX7755-银灰-成品477塑胶面罩+塑胶边框-MX7722-银灰-成品478塑胶面罩-MX650Y-鹦鹉-成品479面罩+面罩框-MX757-玉如意-三角-成品480塑胶面罩-MX420-柔美-乳白-成品481环形灯管(IEC)-T5-40W-4000K-成品482面罩玻璃-MX7755-兰韵-成品483塑胶面罩-MX6830-飞意-乳白-成品484木框-MX7171-叠影-红葡萄-成品485支架灯管-T5-39W-4000K-成品486面罩+塑胶边框-MX7460-青油-成品487边框玻璃-MX7755-兰韵-成品488塑胶面罩-MX650Y-全白-成品489玻璃灯罩-MD550F-雅洁-白纹-成品490塑胶面罩-MX290Y-成品491排管-2π-9W-6500K-成品492排管-3π-21W-6500K-成品493塑胶面罩-MX560Y-暗香-成品494塑胶面罩-MX500Y-暗香-成品495电子件-PL-55W镇流器(标准型)-成品496支架灯管-T5-28W-6500K-成品497塑胶面罩-MX460-语嫣-乳白-成品498面罩+内边框+外边框-MX420-朗月-粉红-成品499面罩+内边框+外边框-MX420-朗月-天蓝-成品500塑胶面罩-MX420-月晕-成品501面罩-MX500Y天宇/星宇/飘带/飘动/格美-成品502塑胶面罩-MX350-旋舞-乳白-成品503塑胶面罩-MX500B-晶玉圆-乳白-成品504塑胶面罩2-MX960-方骏-乳白-成品505塑胶面罩-MX8970-致悦-乳白506环形灯管(IEC)-T5-22W-4000K-成品507塑胶面罩-MX1170-翔宇-乳白(印字)-成品508塑胶面罩-MX802-乳白-成品509塑胶面罩-MX9371-格调-乳白510面罩+边框-MX7555-倾城-淡蓝-成品511合曦55*3面罩512T4-MX1226-Y28Z-6500K513T4-MX1226-Y28Z-2700K514T4-MX1226-Y28Z-蓝515T4-MX1076-Y25Z-6500K516T4-MX1076-Y25Z-2700K517T4-MX1076-Y25Z-蓝518T4-MX786-Y21Z-6500K519T4-MX786-Y21Z-2700K520T4-MX786-Y21Z-蓝521T4-MX536-Y14Z-6500K522T4-MX536-Y14Z-2700K523T4-MX536-Y14Z-蓝524T4-MX396-Y8Z-6500K525T4-MX396-Y8Z-2700K526T4-MX396-Y8Z-蓝527MZL11136/WH528MZL11130/WH529MZL11118/WH530MZL11236/WH531支架灯管-T8-36W-6500K-普通管-成品532支架灯管-T8-30W-6500K-普通管-成品533支架灯管-T8-18W-6400K-普通管534支架灯管-T8-36W-6400K-RGB-成品535支架灯管-T5-8W-6400K-成品536ZJ-T5-MX573-Y14Z-明睿-6500K537公母插(两插)-ZJ-T5-190mm-成品538ZJ-T5-MX1173-Y28Z-明睿-6500K539ZJ-T5-MX1173-Y28Z-明睿-4000K540ZJ-T5-MX873-Y21Z-明睿-6500K541ZJ-T5-MX573-Y14Z-明睿-4000K542ZJ-T5-MX873-Y21Z-明睿-4000K543ZJ-T5-MX313-Y8Z-明睿-2700K544ZJ-T5-MX1173-Y28Z-明睿-2700K545ZJ-T5-MX873-Y21Z-明睿-2700K546ZJ-T5-MX573-Y14Z-明睿-2700K547ZJ-T5-MX1023-Y24Z-明睿-6500K548ZJ-T5-MX1023-Y24Z-明睿-2700K549ZJ-T5-MX313-Y8Z-明睿-6500K550公母插(三插)-ZJ-T5-170mm-升级-成品551支架灯管-T5-14W-4100K-成品552MDP11318I-Y/WH553MX280-Y21-八角-6500K554MX305F-Y38-白-6500K555dd556MX250F-Y21-白-6500K557MX300T-Y21-蓝宝石-6500K558MX802-Y38-乳白-6500K-大方白559MX803-Y21-乳白-6500K-小圆560MX801-Y21(云动A)-乳白-6500K561MX801-Y21(流风A)-乳白-6500K562MX802-Y38(云动B)-乳白-6500K563MX175-Y30(亮彩)-透明蓝-6500K564MX200-Y21-飞碟-6500K565MQ185-Y45-透明-6500K566MQ185-Y45-乳白-6500K567MQ150-Y25-透明-6500K568MQ150-Y25-乳白-6500K569MQ157-Y21-透明-6500K570MQ157-Y21-乳白-6500K571MQ145-Y25-透明-6500K572MQ145-Y25-乳白-6500K573MQ105-Y13-透明-6500K574MQ105-Y13-乳白-6500K575MQ90-Y9-透明-6500K576MQ90-Y9-乳白-6500K577MQ125-Y21-透明-6500K578MQ125-Y21-乳白-6500K579MX801-Y21-乳白-6500K580MX804-Y38-乳白-6500K581MX410-Y36-流虹-6500K582MX410-Y36-弧月-6500K583MX250F-Y21-兰-6500K584MQ6030-Y55-四方-6500K585MQ3030-Y22围城-6500K586MQ3030-Y21围城-6500K587dd588MX320-Y21-镶月-6500K589MX586-Y83(旋乐)-红葡萄-3000K590MX586-Y83(格美)-红葡萄-3000K591MX586-Y83(飘动)-红葡萄-3000K592MX586-Y83(飘带)-红葡萄-3000K593MX500Y-Y28+38(飘动)-红葡萄-3000K 594MX500Y-Y28+38(旋乐)-红葡萄-3000K 595MX500Y-Y28+38(天宇)-红葡萄-3000K 596MX500Y-Y28+38(飘带)-红葡萄-3000K 597MX600-Y22*4(天宇)-红葡萄-3000K 598MX586-Y83(天宇)-红葡萄-3000K599MX500Y-Y28+38(星宇)-红葡萄-3000K 600MX600-Y22*4(棱美)-红葡萄-3000K 601MX7171-Y55*4(阁雅)-红葡萄-3000K 602MX500Y-Y28+38(格美)-红葡萄-3000K 603MX260-Y21(秋韵)-淡蓝-6500K604MX260-Y21(秋韵)-紫罗兰-6500K605MX260-Y21(秋韵)-桔橙-6500K606MX300Y-Y22(秋韵)-淡蓝-6500K607MX300Y-Y22(秋韵)-紫罗兰-6500K 608MX300Y-Y22(秋韵)-桔橙-6500K609MX350-Y28(秋韵)-淡蓝-6500K610MX350-Y28(秋韵)-紫罗兰-6500K611MX350-Y28(秋韵)-桔橙-6500K612MX420-Y40(秋韵)-淡蓝-6500K613MX420-Y40(秋韵)-紫罗兰-6500K614MX420-Y40(秋韵)-桔橙-6500K615MX500Y-Y28+38(秋韵)-淡蓝-6500K616MX500Y-Y28+38(秋韵)-紫罗兰-6500K 617MX500Y-Y28+38(秋韵)-桔橙-6500K 618MX260-Y21(朗月)-天蓝-6500K619MX260-Y21(朗月)-桔红-6500K620MX260-Y21(朗月)-粉红-6500K621MX300Y-Y22(朗月)-天蓝-6500K622MX300Y-Y22(朗月)-桔红-6500K623MX300Y-Y22(朗月)-粉红-6500K624MX350-Y28(朗月)-天蓝-6500K625MX350-Y28(朗月)-桔红-6500K626MX350-Y28(朗月)-粉红-6500K627MX350-Y28(朗月)-银灰-6500K628MX420-Y40(朗月)-天蓝-6500K629MX420-Y40(朗月)-桔红-6500K630MX420-Y40(朗月)-粉红-6500K631MX420-Y40(朗月)-银灰-6500K632MX650Y-Y28+38+48(朗月)-银灰-6500K 633MX586-Y83(朗月)-银灰-6500K634MX145-Y32(秋韵)-淡兰-6500K635MX145-Y32(朗月)-淡兰-6500K636MX7171-Y55*4(叠影)-红葡萄-4000K 637MX4103-Y36*3(叠影)-红葡萄-4000K 638MX7171-Y55*4(楼阁)-红葡萄-4000K 639MX7171-Y55*4-飞意-6500K640MX6830-Y55*2-飞意-6500K641MX7722-Y55-蓝影-6500K642MX5226-Y36-蓝影-6500K643MX7755-Y55*3-雅兰-6500K644MX586-Y83(空中楼阁)-天蓝-6500K 645MX586-Y83(空中楼阁)-紫罗兰-6500K 646MX586-Y83(幻影城阁A)-银灰-3000K 647RTB-Y7*2 2*MAX7W-王子-两头壁灯648MX7755-Y55*3-银灰-6500K649MX7722-Y55-银灰-6500K650MX7460-Y55*3(注塑)-青油-6500K651MX7450-Y55(注塑)-青油-6500K652MX420-Y32-全白-6500K653MX757D-Y24*8-玉如意-6500K654MX757-Y24*2(玉如意)-二角-6500K 655MX538-Y83-明月-3000K656MX538-Y83-海星-6500K657MX7755-Y55*3-兰韵-6500K658MX6830-Y55*2-兰韵-6500K659MX586-Y83(晶美)-红葡萄-6500K660MX757-Y24*2(晶美)-红葡萄-6500K 661MX500Y-Y28+38(幻彩)-红葡萄-6500K 662MX500Y-Y28+38-雅兰(圆)-6500K663MX420-Y40-柔美-6500K664MX420-Y32-银边-6500K665MX586-Y83(空中楼阁)-粉红-6500K 666MX586-Y83(空中楼阁)-桔橙-6500K 667MX757-Y24*2(雅美)-红葡萄-6500K 668MX586-Y83(雅美)-红葡萄-6500K669MX3434-Y38-冰清-6500K670MXYK-Y66-数码遥控三组合-6500K671MXYK-Y88-数码遥控四组合-6500K672MX757-Y24*2-四喜迎春A-6500K673MX5858-Y83-四喜迎春B-3000K674MX586-Y83-一线天-3000K675MX538-Y83(圆韵)-红葡萄-3000K676MX5858-Y83(风影)-红葡萄-6500K677MX500Y-Y28+38-幻影-6500K678MX500Y-Y28+38-全白-6500K679MX500Y-Y28+38(全白)-银边-6500K 680MX500Y-Y28+38-飞扬-6500K681MX500Y-Y28+38-飘美-6500K682MX560Y-Y28+48-全白-6500K683MX560Y-Y28+48-双银边-6500K684MX650Y-Y114-全白-6500K685MX650Y-Y114-双银边-6500K686MX650Y-Y28+38+48-鹦鹉-6500K687MX650Y-Y114(鹦鹉)-单银边-6500K 688MX650-Y36*3(神韵)-红葡萄-6500K 689MX800-Y55*4(神韵)-红葡萄-6500K 690MX560-Y60-睿智-4000K691MD530-Y40+32-透明-2700K692MX8082-Y38*2-弧光呈祥-4000K693MX6565-Y36*3YL(神韵)-红葡萄-6500K 694MX5252-Y36*2-兰韵-6500K695MD640-Y15*3(彩虹)-橙红-无光源696TD314/WH-猫眼阳台感应灯697MX5858-Y83(娇美)-红葡萄-6500K698MX900C-Y22*3(天使光环)-银灰-4000K 699MX900C-Y22*3(天使光环)-米白-4000K 700MX500E-Y60(天使光环)-银灰-4000K 701MX500E-Y60(天使光环)-米白-4000K 702MD500C-Y60(天使光环)-银灰-4000K 703MD500C-Y60(天使光环)-米白-4000K 704MT350D-Y22(天使光环)-银灰-4000K 705MT350D-Y22(天使光环)-米白-4000K 706ML420C-Y40(天使光环)-银灰-4000K 707ML420C-Y40(天使光环)-米白-4000K 708MB355-Y8*2(天使光环)-银灰-4000K 709MB355-Y8*2(天使光环)-米白-4000K 710MX990-Y55*5(合曦)-淡蓝-6500K711MX704-Y55*3(合曦)-淡蓝-6500K712MX704-Y55*2(合曦)-淡蓝-6500K713MX990-Y55*5(合曦)-透明-6500K714MX704-Y55*3(合曦)-透明-6500K715MX704-Y55*2(合曦)-透明-6500K716MD1000B-Y15*3-晨光-无光源717MD1000-Y22*3-飞碟-6500K718MD1000A-Y15*3-UFO-无光源719MX845-Y40*4-清朗-6500K720MX600-Y100(天使光环)-米白-4000K 721MX600-Y100(天使光环)-银灰-4000K 722MX650-Y22*4晶玉方-4000K723MD930-Y39*2晶玉方-4000K724MD500B-Y60晶玉圆-深兰-4000K725MX500B-Y60晶玉圆-深兰-4000K726MB400B-Y8*2晶玉圆-深兰-4000K727MX500B-Y28+38晶玉方-深兰-4000K728MD1000E-Y15*3熙月-无光源729MX500A-Y60圆影-宝石蓝-4000K730MX960-Y55*5-方骏-6500K731MX900B-Y22*3(晶玉圆)-深蓝-4000K732MT350A-Y22(心蓝)-米白-4000K733ML420A-Y40(心蓝)-米白-4000K734MB400A-Y8*2(心蓝)-宝石蓝-4000K735MD500-Y40(心蓝)-宝石蓝-4000K736MX640-Y83(心蓝)-宝石蓝-4000K737MX640-Y83(心蓝)-时尚白-4000K738MD500-Y40(心蓝)-时尚白-4000K739MB400A-Y8*2(心蓝)-时尚白-4000K740MX500A-Y60(圆影)-简约白-4000K741MD500A-Y60(圆影)-简约白-4000K742MX900A-Y22*3(圆影)-简约白-4000K743MD880-Y22*3-臻品-4000K744MX586-Y83-月晕-3000K745MX560Y-Y28+48-流云-6500K746MX586-Y83-旋舞-6500K747MX420-Y40-旋舞-6500K748MX650Y-Y28+38+48-暗香-6500K749MX560Y-Y28+48-暗香-6500K750MX500Y-Y28+38-暗香-6500K751MX420-Y40-暗香-6500K752MX650Y-Y28+38+48-绿妆-3000K+6500K 753MX560Y-Y28+48-绿妆-3000K+6500K754MX500Y-Y28+38-绿妆-6500K755MX420-Y40-绿妆-6500K756MX650Y-Y28+38+48-金镶月-3000K+6500K 757MX500Y-Y28+38-金镶月-6500K758MX420-Y40-金镶月-6500K759MX750-YD100YTDG-魅族-4000K760MX600-Y20+34YDG-魅族-4000K761MX5050-Y60-臻品-4000K762MX880-Y40*4-臻品-4000K763MT310-Y22-臻品-4000K764ML310-Y22-臻品-4000K765MX420-Y40-月晕-3000K766MD105A-Y15-UFO-无光源767MX350-Y28-月晕-2700K768MX420-Y40-繁花-6500K769MX560Y-Y28+48-金镶月-3000K+6500K 770MX350-Y28-旋舞-6500K771MX420-Y40-流云-6500K772MX350-Y28-流云-6500K773MD500A-Y60(圆影)-宝石蓝-4000K774MX900D-Y22*4-晶玉圆-4000K775MTD712A0/AT776MTD792A0/AT777MTD7130/AT778MTD7930/AT779MX960-Y55*4+L50*2-方骏-6500K780MX650A-Y22*4(晨光)-淡蓝-6500K781MX500C-Y28+38(晨光)-淡蓝-4000K782MX35-Y28-繁花-6500K783MX420-Y40雅致兰韵784MX586-Y83雅致兰韵785MX650A-Y22*4(晨光)-透明-6500K 786MX500C-Y28+38(晨光)-透明-4000K 787MD1000-Y22-飞碟-6500K788MX560Y-Y28+48-繁花-6500K789MX650Y-Y28+38+48-繁花-6500K 790绽放40*4791绽放28+38792MD6820-Y24*2(倾城)-淡蓝-6500K 793MX1075-Y55*5(倾城)-淡蓝-6500K 794MX7555-Y55*3(倾城)-淡蓝-6500K 795MX586-Y83-梦静-6500K796LED橱柜灯-13*0.2W-明美797LED橱柜灯-13*0.2W-明芯798MTH8401-CB799MTH8401-CD800MTH8401-CC801MTH8402-CB 茶802MTH8402-CD 浅黑803MTH8402-CT 透明804MTH8402-CC 水晶七彩805MTH8403-CT806MTH8403-CD807MTH7203-CD808MTH7203-CT809MTH7203-CB810MTH7103-CB811MTH7103-CT812MTH7103-CD813MTH7201-CD814MTH7201-CT815MTH7201-CB816MTH7101-CB817MTH7101-CD818MTH7101-CT819MTH7205-CD820MTH7204-CT821MTH7205-CB822MTH7206-CT823MTH7202-CT824MTH7102-CT825MX420-Y40雅致兰韵面罩826MX900A-Y22*3(圆影)-银灰-4000K 827LED扁三线-黄828LED扁三线-兰829LED白830LED扁三线-暖白光831遥控器832灯带接头833分路器834打包材料费用835运费836LED-MR11-白837LED-MR16-白838LED-MR16-暖白839JCYJ-DG005840JCYJ-DG003841JCYJ-ZC-Y21-002842JCYL-ZC-Y55-004843JCYJ-ZT-Y22-002844JCYJ-ZT-Y22-001845JYLH01-换气扇-分体式846JCYJ-HL002847JCYJ-ZC-Y55-001848JCYJ-ZC-Y21-001849JCYJ-N3D002850JCYJ-NS001851JCYJ-NS002852JCYJ-HL003853JCYJ-NF002854JCYJ-N3D001855JYLZ01-21W-分体式856MX7878-Y55*4新叠影-4000K857MX7878-Y158+L80-新叠影-4000K858MD500D-Y60-星尚859MX1000-Y22*4YL-星尚-4000K860MT-HY1T-16-Y14-飞扬-乳白-4000K 861MT-HY1T-16-Y14-飞扬-天蓝-4000K 862MX7454-Y55*3夺彩-4000K863MX6565-Y55*3臻玉-6500K864MX1000B-Y40*4-碧玺-4000K865MX8080-Y40*4-呈现-6500K866MX5353-Y36*3臻玉-6500K867MX6299D-Y55*5-1-碧净-6500K868MX6259D-Y55*3-1-碧净-6500K869MX500F-Y60-幽香-4000K870MD410-Y15*3-幽香-无光源871MX500G-Y60-星尚872MD500-Y60-幽香-4000K873MX420-Y40-幽香-4000K874MX900E-Y22*4L-幽香-4000K875MX710-Y100-旋木-6500K876MX5656-Y28+38-疏影-6500K877MTH5228/TB878MX590-Y83-暗花-6500K879MD140C-Y15-清悦-无光源880MX650-Y83-同心圆-6500K881MTD01012A003-CH-珍珠黑882MTD01012A001-CH-七彩白883MX530-Y40-同心圆-6500K884MX6464-Y114-方正-6500K885MGL1112B886MD400-Y15*3-清悦-无光源887MTD7120/AT888MT-HY03J-01-1W-软管式直筒射灯889MD550E-Y15*3(雅馨)-香槟金-无光源890MD550E-Y15*3(雅馨)-橙红-无光源891MD550D-Y15*3-光芒-无光源892MD140E-Y15(雅馨)-橙红-无光源893MD140F-Y15(雅洁)-黑纹-无光源894MTH5128/OL895MTH5129/OL896MGL1122B897MX1170-Y55*6-翔宇-红葡萄-6500K898MX7040-Y55*2-翔宇-红葡萄-6500K899MD140F-Y15(雅洁)-白纹-无光源900MD550F-Y15*3(雅洁)-白纹-无光源901MD550F-Y15*3(雅洁)-黑纹-无光源902MD550H-Y15*3-雅静-无光源903MTD01012A002-CH-闪光银904MTH5230/OL905浴霸-HHD110906浴霸-MDP201-金色907浴霸-MDD405908MD300-Y14*3-炫丽-无光源909MX1100D-Y40*3YL-1-星尚-4000K910MX560-Y28+38YL(玲珑)-白色-6500K911MTH5235/OL912MD540-Y60-花影-4000K913MD550E-Y15*3(雅馨)-绿宝石-无光源914MT-HY03J-02-1W-软管式直筒射灯915浴霸-MDP201-蓝色916MX1000A-Y40*3YL-花影-4000K917MX540-Y60-花影-4000K918MT320-Y7*3-花影-无光源919MD400D-Y15*3-光芒-无光源920MD140D-Y15-光芒-无光源921MX900H-Y22*4YL-花影-4000K922ML400-Y7*3L-花影-无光源923MD130-Y14-炫丽-无光源924MX580-Y100-星光-6500K925MX4747-Y28+38-浪泽-6500K926MX5757-Y36*2-致悦-6500K927MX740-Y100-语嫣-6500K928MD400A-Y15*3(雅馨)-香槟金-无光源929MD550C-Y15*3-清悦-无光源930MX6465-Y55*3-晶恒-6500K931MX8970-Y55*4-致悦-6500K932MX6464-Y28+38+48(方正)-红胡桃-6500K 933MX1068-Y40*6-浪泽-6500K934MX8080-Y40*4-琦菱-6500K935MT-HY03-02亮睛-银灰936MX640-Y28+38+48-美斯-6500K937MD140E-Y15(雅馨)-香槟金-无光源938MX1000-Y40*3YL-幽香-4000K939MT350E-Y22-幽香-4000K940MT350G-Y22-星尚-4000K941MX9371-Y55*5-格调-6500K942MX6464-Y28+38+48(方正)-黑胡桃-6500K 943MX530-Y40-暗花-6500K944MD550-Y14*3-炫丽-无光源945MT-HY03-02亮睛-白946MX9469-Y55*5+0.06W*62L-SD-溢彩-6500K 947MX5656-Y36*3+0.06W*40L-SD-溢彩-6500K 948MX9575-Y55*4+36*2-疏影-SD-6500K+3000K 949MX8665-Y55*4-罗朗-6500K950MX6453-Y55*2-罗朗-6500K951MD125-Y15-涟漪-无光源952MD500E-Y60-品竹-4000K953MD130A-Y15-丝缕-无光源954MD6090A-Y15*3-丝缕-无光源955MX7070-Y55*4(流光)-银灰-6500K 956MX630-Y28+38+48-雅居-6500K957MD130B-Y15-涵韵-无光源958MD6090B-Y15*3-涵韵-无光源959MT-HY03T-07-伯雅-乳白960MT-HY03T-07-伯雅-亮黑961MX320-Y21-白玉962MX520-Y83-花海963MX1258-Y55*6-SD-尚朗-6500K964MX5050-Y40-方舟-6500K965MX5454-Y36*3-明阁-6500K966MX5655-Y36*3-瑞熙-6500K967MX1067-Y55*5-SD-明阁-6500K968MX435-Y40-云裳-6500K969MX1067-Y55*4-尚朗-6500K970MD300-Y15*3-蔷薇-无光源971MB350-Y15*2-蔷薇-无光源972MD450-Y15*6-蔷薇-无光源973MX3535-Y28-方舟-6500K974MX420-Y40-16-花海-6500K975MX450-Y40-蝶恋-6500K976MX550-Y28+38-蝶恋-6500K977MX460-Y40-1-格美-6500K978MX8968-Y55*5-SD-瑞熙-6500K979MX7367-Y55*3YL-雅格-6500K980MX8769-Y55*4-辰悦-6500K981MX5252-Y36*3-1-斗光-6500K982MX1170-Y55*6-SD(流光)-银灰-6500K 983MX3535A-Y28-禾田-6500K984MX4545-Y38-花语(方)-6500K985MX550-Y28+38-花语(圆)-6500K986MX660-Y100-格美-6500K987MX5656A-Y36*3-辰悦-6500K。

Palo Alto Networks PA-5200系列产品数据手册说明书

Palo Alto Networks PA-5200系列产品数据手册说明书

Palo Alto Networks | PA-5200 Series | Datasheet1Key Security Features: Classifies all applications, on all ports, all the time • Identifies the application, regardless of port, encryption (SSL or SSH), or evasive technique employed • Uses the application, not the port, as the basis for all of your safe enablement policy decisions: allow, deny, s chedule, inspect and apply traffic-shaping • Categorizes unidentified applications for policy control, threat forensics or App-ID™ application identification technology development Enforces security policies for any user, at any location • Deploys consistent policies to local and remote users running on the Windows ®; Apple ® Mac ® OS X ®, macOS™ and iOS; Linux ®; and Android™ platforms • Enables agentless integration with Microsoft ®A ctive D irectory ® and T erminal Services, LDAP, Novell ® e Directory™ and Citrix ®• Easily integrates your firewall policies with 802.1X w ireless, proxies, NAC solutions, and any other source of user identity information Prevents known and unknown threats • Blocks a range of known threats, including exploits, m alware and spyware, across all ports, regardless ofc ommon threat-evasion tactics employed • Limits the unauthorized transfer of files and sensitive data, and safely enables non-work-related web surfing • Identifies unknown malware, analyzes it based on hundreds of malicious behaviors, and then automatically creates and delivers protection The controlling element of the PA-5200 Series is P AN-OS, security operating system, which that natively classifies all traffic, inclusive of applications, threats and content, and then ties that traffic to the user, regardless of location or device type. The application, content and user – in other words, the elements that run your business – are then used as the basis of your security policies, resulting in an improved security posture and a reduction in incidentresponse time. Palo Alto Networks ® PA-5200 Series of next-generation f irewall a ppliances is c omprised of the PA-5260, the PA-5250 and the P A-5220, which target high-speed data c enter, internet g ateway, and service provider deployments. The P A-5200 Series delivers up to 72 Gbps of throughput using dedicated p rocessing and memory for the key functional areas of n etworking, security,threat prevention and management.PA-5200SERIES 1 Performance and capacities are measured under ideal testing conditions. 2 Firewall throughput measured with App-ID and User-ID features enabled utilizing 64K HTTP transactions 3 Threat prevention throughput measured with App-ID, User-ID, IPS, A ntiVirusand Anti-Spyware features enabled utilizing 64K HTTP transactions 4. New sessions per second is measured with 4K HTTP transactions 5. Adding virtual systems base quantity requires a separately purchased license PA-5260PA-5220PA-52504401 Great America Parkway Santa Clara, CA 95054 Main: +1.408.753.4000 Sales: +1.866.320.4788 Support: +1.866.898.9087 © 2017 Palo Alto Networks, Inc. Palo Alto Networks is a registered trademark of Palo Alto Networks. A list of our trademarks can be found at / company/trademarks.html. All other marks mentioned herein may be trademarks of theirrespective companies. pa-5200-series-ds-020817Networking FeaturesHardware Specifications。

Dulux Thinner Guide

Dulux Thinner Guide

Spray Brush Roller Cold Weather*Hot Weather*Immersion*Thinners are tested at a typical laboratory temperature range of 20-25°C and 50% relative humidity. If a slower drying (slower releasing) thinner is required in a low humidity environment, consider use of the hot weather thinners regardless of the temperature. If a fast drying (faster releasing) thinner is required in high humidity, consider the use of cold weather thinners regardless of the temperature. However, in all cases users should operatewithin the temperature and humidity constraints specified in the product datasheet and only use options matched to the specific product.Spray Brush Roller Cold Weather*Hot Weather*Immersion*Thinners are tested at a typical laboratory temperature range of 20-25°C and 50% relative humidity. If a slower drying (slower releasing) thinner is required in a low humidity environment, consider use of the hot weather thinners regardless of the temperature. If a fast drying (faster releasing) thinner is required in high humidity, consider the use of cold weather thinners regardless of the temperature. However, in all cases users should operatewithin the temperature and humidity constraints specified in the product datasheet and only use options matched to the specific product.Spray Brush Roller Cold Weather*Hot Weather*Immersion*Thinners are tested at a typical laboratory temperature range of 20-25°C and 50% relative humidity. If a slower drying (slower releasing) thinner is required in a low humidity environment, consider use of the hot weather thinners regardless of the temperature. If a fast drying (faster releasing) thinner is required in high humidity, consider the use of cold weather thinners regardless of the temperature. However, in all cases users should operatewithin the temperature and humidity constraints specified in the product datasheet and only use options matched to the specific product.Spray Brush Roller Cold Weather*Hot Weather*Immersion*Thinners are tested at a typical laboratory temperature range of 20-25°C and 50% relative humidity. If a slower drying (slower releasing) thinner is required in a low humidity environment, consider use of the hot weather thinners regardless of the temperature. If a fast drying (faster releasing) thinner is required in high humidity, consider the use of cold weather thinners regardless of the temperature. However, in all cases users should operatewithin the temperature and humidity constraints specified in the product datasheet and only use options matched to the specific product.Spray Brush Roller Cold Weather*Hot Weather*Immersion*Thinners are tested at a typical laboratory temperature range of 20-25°C and 50% relative humidity. If a slower drying (slower releasing) thinner is required in a low humidity environment, consider use of the hot weather thinners regardless of the temperature. If a fast drying (faster releasing) thinner is required in high humidity, consider the use of cold weather thinners regardless of the temperature. However, in all cases users should operatewithin the temperature and humidity constraints specified in the product datasheet and only use options matched to the specific product.DuluxGroup (New Zealand)150 Hutt Park Road, Lower Hutt, 5010 New T 13 23 77DuluxGroup (Australia) Pty Ltd (ABN 67 000 049 427) 1956 Dandenong Road, Clayton, 3168, AustraliaNew Zealand T 0800 800 424Any advice, recommendation, information, assistance or service provided by Dulux® Protective Coatings in relation to goods manufactured by it or their use, including application, is given in good faith and is believed by Dulux® Protective Coatings to be appropriate at time of creation. Products can be expected to perform as outline provided that application conditions and procedures are followed on relevant data sheets. Specific advice should be sought from a Dulux Protective Coatings consultant especially for more corrosive and demanding environments, to obtain a tailored and appropriate solution.®DULUX, the DuluxGroup Squares Device, ACRATHANE, AEROMASTER, APEXIOR, CONGARD, DURATION, DUREBILD, DUREKEM, DUREMAX, DUREPON, DUREZINC, ENVIROPOXY , EPIGLOSS, FERREKO, FERRODOR, FLEXITUFF, LUXACHLOR, LUXAFLOOR, LUXAPRIME, LUXATHANE, LUXEPOXY , METALSHIELD, QUANTUM, ROADMASTER, SURFACESHIELD, WEATHERMAX and ZINCANODE are registered trademarks of DuluxGroup (Australia) Pty Ltd.™ DURETHANE, HI TEMP and UNIPRIME are trademarks of DuluxGroup (Australia) Pty Ltd.。

Calisto 3200 5200 电话朋克音频设备用户指南说明书

Calisto 3200 5200 电话朋克音频设备用户指南说明书

PLANTRONICS + POLYCOM.Calisto 3200/5200Altavoz con cableGuía del usuarioÍndiceDescripción general3Conexión del altavoz4Uso diario5Alimentación5Contestar o finalizar una llamada5Silenciar y activar sonido5Volumen5Botón Microsoft Teams (solo en modelos Teams)5Música5Mezcla de audio6Asistencia711Control + de volumen 6Altavoz2silenciar7Luz indicadora 3Control - de volumen 8Cable USB4Botón de llamada9Cable de 3,5 mm (solo para el modeloCalisto 5200)5Microsoft Teams (solo para modeloTeams, se requiere la aplicación)Descripción generalConecte el altavoz a la computadora con el cable USB. Conecte el altavoz a su teléfono móvil o tablet con el cable de 3,5 mm (solo para el modelo Calisto 5200). Utilice el altavoz para reproducirmúsica o realizar llamadas. Conexión del altavozConecte el cable USB en la computadora. La luz indicadora del altavoz se iluminará de color blanco y se mantendrá fija mientras se encuentre conectado a la fuente de alimentación.Conecte el cable de 3,5 mm en el dispositivo celular o en la tablet.NOTA Esta tabla solo hace referencia al modelo Calisto 5200, pues el modelo Calisto 3200 no tienebatería.Estado Tiempo de conversación IndicadorBatería alta Más de 12 horas"Battery high" (batería alta)Batería media Menos de 12 horas, más de 2 horas "Battery medium" (batería media)Batería bajaMenos de 2 horas, más de 30 minutos"Battery low" (batería baja) cuando quedan menos de 2 horas de tiempo de conversación Batería crítica Igual o inferior a 30 minutos30 minutos, "battery low" (batería baja) se repite cada 15 minutos10 minutos, "battery low" (batería baja) se repite cada 5 minutos0 minutos, "power off" (apagado) una sola vezImportante: Si el altavoz no se enciende automáticamente cuando se conecta a la fuente de alimentación, mantenga presionados el botón de silencio y el botón de llamada durante cuatro segundos para encender el altavoz manualmente. Si repite este proceso, se apagará el dispositivo.Presione brevemente el botón de llamada para contestar o finalizar una llamada.Se activa o desactiva el silencio de los micrófonos al presionar brevemente el botón de silencio.Presiona los botones de volumen (+) o (-) para aumentarlo o disminuirlo.Presiona el botón Teams para interactuar con Microsoft Teams cuando no estés en una llamada.NOTA La aplicación Microsoft Teams debe estar instalada.Para obtener una mejor experiencia de audio con el conector de 3,5 mm (solo para el modelo Calisto 5200), mantenga presionado el botón de silencio durante cuatro segundos para poner el altavoz en modo de música. Para desactivar el modo de música antes de realizar o recibir llamadas, toque el botón de silencio.Uso diarioAlimentaciónContestar o finalizar unallamadaSilenciar y activar sonidoVolumenBotón Microsoft Teams (solo en modelos Teams)MúsicaMezcla de audioPara mezclar una llamada de USB y 3,5 mm, se debe activar una llamada de USB y 3,5 mm.Enchufe la otra conexión a otro dispositivo. El audio se mezclará y se sincronizará, similar a unallamada de tres vías.Asistencia¿NECESITAS MÁS AYUDA?/supportPlantronics, Inc.Plantronics B.V.345 Encinal Street Santa Cruz, CA 95060 United States Scorpius 171 2132 LR Hoofddorp Netherlands© 2020 Plantronics, Inc. Todos los derechos reservados. Poly, el diseño de hélice y el logotipo de Poly son marcas comerciales de Plantronics, Inc. Todas las demás marcas comerciales son propiedad de sus respectivos propietarios. Fabricado por Plantronics, Inc.212877-09 10.20。



序号GE BAYER SAMSUNG DOW DSM LG 1`CYCOLOY BAYLEND STAROY PULSE STAPRON LUPOY 2`C1000HF T45HI1001B A20-95CM204HP50083`C1110HF T65HP1001A35-105CM404HP5004HF 4`C1200T85HR1008B 1350CM505GP5006A 5`C1200HF HP1000BHP50046`C1200HFHP5004HF7`8`MC8002HR5007AC 9`MC1300MP5000A 10`MC5300FR1440XZ95119MX1000GP5001AF 11`FR1441VB1108R GP5008AF 12`KU-1468VB1202F GP5008BF 13`C2800FR90NH1000T 1735GN5001TF 14`CH6410KU2-1514NH1000TRCF102GN5007F 15`C6200NH102616`C660017`MC5400CF20218`CU6800FR2010NH1014S19`C2950FR3000GN5001RF H20`C4210T88-2N HM1101G 1550RC3300GP510021`C4220T88-4NHM1201GRC3301GP520022`C4230KL-1-1427HM1301GGP530023`LEXAN9458600EF1006F 24`94062654800_10EF1006FH 25`940A NC10004600_10GN1006F 26`500R 9415GN2101F 27`3412R 8035GN2201F 28`3413R GN2301F 超韧型29`EXL1414HP1023SC1004AGN5001RF 各大PC 改性生产厂家型号对照表牌号PC+ABS通用型阻燃型C2100HF 玻纤 增强型PC阻燃型玻纤 增强型无卤 阻燃型FR2000GN5008HF耐化学性 MI=10耐化学性高流动 MI=15高流动 MI=22超高流动 MI=28耐热、高冲击头盔、电动工具电镀级手柄耐热环保阻燃环保阻燃、高冲击充电器打印机环保阻燃、耐热手机电池10%玻纤阻燃20%玻纤阻燃30%玻纤阻燃非卤非磷阻燃手机电池V-0阻燃充电器透明阻燃10%玻纤阻燃20%玻纤阻燃30%玻纤阻燃超韧、耐低温、高冲击手机用显示器特性用途耐化学性高流动手机外壳耐温、高流动环保阻燃、高流动。



Porting Configuratione2PW3PWwq wq q IN w OUT e Gauge port(Outlet)¡For UHP gas delivery¡Flow capacity Standard:to 30slpmHF (option):to 130slpm¡Body material:316L SS secondary remelt¡Hastelloy internals available for corrosion resistanceSeries SL5200Single Stage Compact Regulator for Ultra High PurityConnections (Inlet q ,Outlet w )FV4MV4TW4FV6MV6TW6Connections1/4inch face seal (Female)1/4inch face seal (Male)1/4inch tube weld3/8inch face seal (Female)3/8inch face seal (Male)3/8inch tube weldCodeHow to OrderSL52S MFV4FV4022PW Surface finishM V XSurface finish Ra max 10µin.(0.25µm)Standard7µin.(0.18µm)5µin.(0.13µm)CodePorts2PW 3PWPorts 2ports 3portsCode Range options ∗1)No code A Specification Standard Sub-atmosphericCode∗1)Only available with SL5201.Port NumberqweMaterialS SH Body Poppet 316L SS Hastelloy ®C-22Diaphragm316L SSCode Seat materialNo code VS Material PCTFE (Standard)Vespel ®∗4)Code∗4)Not available with SHmaterial.Delivery pressure01020610Delivery pressure0.5to 30psig (0.0034 to 0.2 MPa)1to 60psig (0.007to 0.4 MPa)1to 100psig (0.007 to 0.7 MPa)Code 0.5to 10psig (0.0034to 0.07MPa)Sub-atmospheric (A):100mm Hg absolute to 10 psig(-88kPa to 0.07MPa)316L SSsecondary remelt Operating ParametersDelivery pressureGasSource pressureProof pressure (Inlet)Burst pressureAmbient and operating temperatureCvLeak rate Across the seat leakSurface finishConnectionsSupply pressure effectInstallationInternal volumeMassSL5201२२A100mm Hg absolute to 10 psig (-88kPa to 0.07MPa)Select compatible materials of construction for the gas Vacuum to 150psig (1.0 MPa)500psig (3.4MPa)1000psig (6.9MPa)–40to 160°C (–40 to 71°C)(No freezing) ∗1)0.072x 10-11 Pa·m 3/sec 2x 10-10Pa·m 3/sec ∗2)4x 10-9 Pa·m 3/sec ∗2)Ra max 10µin.(0.25µm)Option:7µin.(0.18µm),5µin.(0.13µm)Face seal, Tube weld 0.20psig (0.0014MPa)rise in delivery pressure per 20psig (0.14MPa) source pressure drop Bottom mount 0.19in 3(3.1cm 3)0.99lbs (0.45kg) ∗3)SL52010.5to 10 psig(0.0034to 0.07 MPa)SL52020.5to 30 psig (0.0034 to 0.2 MPa)SL52101to 100 psig (0.007 to 0.7 MPa)SL52061to 60 psig (0.007 to 0.4 MPa)SpecificationsOption Other Parameters HFCvSupply pressure effect0.150.50psig (0.0035MPa)rise in delivery pressure per 20psig (0.14MPa) source pressure drop OptionHigh flowHigher flow capacity with internal changes only, no change in external dimensions.Changes from the standard type are:SL5201२२A SL5201SL5202SL5210SL5206OptionNo codeHFSpecification High flow(Cv: 0.15)Standard(Cv: 0.07)Code∗1)14to 194°F (–10to 90°C)for Vespel ®seat.∗2)Tested with Helium gas inlet pressure 100 psig (0.7MPa).∗3)Mass,including individual boxed weight, may vary depending on connections or options.Inboard leakageOutboard leakageGauge port (Outlet e )No codeFV4V3L1Connections or Pressure gauge ∗2)psig/bar unit MPa unit No gauge port 1/4inch face seal (Male)1/4 inch face seal (Female)No pressure gauge Withpressure gauge -30in.Hg to 30psig -30in.Hg to 60psig -30in.Hg to 100psig -0.1to 0.2MPa -0.1to 0.4MPa -0.1to 0.7MPa Code∗2)Refer to gauge guide (P.94)for gauge specifications.Pressure gauge unit ∗3)No code MPAUnit psig/barMPa Code ∗3)Pressure gauge unit MPaor psig/bar selectable.However under Japanese regulation, only MPa is available in Japan.¡Sub-atmospheric pressure delivery option ¡Springless design (No poppet spring in the wetted area)24。

BOSCH Forum 6 系列 60 x 60 cm 烤箱说明书

BOSCH Forum  6 系列 60 x 60 cm 烤箱说明书

Serie 6, Forno con vapore daincasso, 60 x 60 cm, AcciaioHRG5785S6Accessori integrati1 x Teglia da forno smaltata, 1 x Griglia combinata, 1 x Leccarda universale smaltataAccessori opzionaliHEZ317000 Teglia per pizza, HEZ327000 Pietra per pane e pizza, HEZ531000 Leccarda bassa 455x375x30 mm (LxPxA), HEZ531010 Leccarda antiaderen 455x375x30mm (LxPxA), HEZ532000 Leccarda profonda 455x375x38 mm (LxPxA), HEZ532010 Leccarda antiaderen 455x400x38mm (LxPxA), HEZ538000 Guide telescopiche clip a 1 livello, HEZ629070 Teglia per grigliare adatta a pirolisi, HEZ634000 Griglia combinata 455x375x31 mm (LxPxA), HEZ638000 Guide telescopiche clip a 1 livello, HEZ660050 Accessory, HEZ664000 Griglia combinata 455x375x59 mm (LxPxA), HEZ915003 Pirofila in vetro con coperchio 5,4 l., HEZG0AS00 Cavo di collegamento 3m • 30 programmi automatici di cottura: cucinare sarà semplicissimo grazie ai programmi con impostazioni già preselezionate.• Controllo digitale LCD bianco: semplice da utilizzare grazieall'accesso diretto alle funzioni addizionali, suggerimenti di temperatura ed indicazioni di temperatura.• Autopulizia pirolitica: pulizia del forno senza sforzo• Porta piatta con sistema SoftMove: SoftOpen e SoftClose, apertura e chiusura ammortizzate• Termosonda PerfectRoast: rileva la temperatura interna della pietanza con una precisione al grado e al secondo.Dati tecniciTipologia costruttiva del prodotto: .....................................Da incasso Sistema di pulizia: ....................................................................Pirolisi Dimensioni del vano per l'installazione (AxLxP): 585-595 x 560-568 x 550 mmDimensioni (AxLxP): ............................................595 x 594 x 548 mm Dimensioni del prodotto imballato (AxLxP): .......670 x 690 x 660 mm Materiale del cruscotto: ...................................................acciaio inox Materiale porta: ..........................................................................vetro Peso netto: ..............................................................................40.0 kg Volume utile: .................................................................................71 l Metodo di cottura: ...........rigenerazione cibi, Scongelamento, Grill a superficie grande, Aria calda delicata, aria calda, Riscaldamento statico, Funzione pizza, Cottura a bassa temperatura, grill ventilato Materiale della cavità: .................................................................Altro Regolazione della temperatura: .........................................elettronica Numero di luci interne: (1)Lunghezza del cavo di alimentazione elettrica: .....................120.0 cm Codice EAN: (4242005165926)Numero di vani - (2010/30/CE): (1)Classe di efficienza energetica: .........................................................A Energy consumption per cycle conventional (2010/30/EC): ........0.99 kWh/cycleEnergy consumption per cycle forced air convection (2010/30/EC):0.81 kWh/cycleIndice di efficienza energetica (2010/30/CE): ..........................95.3 % Potenza: ..................................................................................3600 W Corrente: .....................................................................................16 A Tensione: .............................................................................220-240 V Frequenza: ...........................................................................50; 60 Hz Tipo di spina: ..........................................................................Schuko Accessori inclusi: 1 x Teglia da forno smaltata, 1 x Griglia combinata, 1 x Leccarda universale smaltataSerie 6, Forno con vapore daincasso, 60 x 60 cm, AcciaioHRG5785S6Caratteristiche principali- Forno con 9 funzioni di cottura: MultiCottura HotAir 3D, Riscaldamento superiore e inferiore, Grill ventilato, Grill a superficie grande, Funzione pizza, Cottura a bassa temperatura, Scongelamento, Aria calda delicata, rigenerazione cibi- Funzioni combinabili con gli impulsi di vapore: aria calda 3D, grill ventilato, riscaldamento statico (resistenza inferiore e superiore)- Display digitale LCD bianco- Volume cavità: 71 l- Regolazione della temperatura da 30 °C a 275 °C- Autopulizia pirolitica- Programmi automatici: 30Altre caratteristiche- Temperatura porta max. 30 °C- Riscaldamento rapido- Illuminazione interna alogena, Illuminazione disinseribile- Orologio elettronico con impostazione inizio e fine cottura- Porta a ribalta, Porta con chiusura ammortizzata SoftClose, SoftMove: grazie ad un meccanismo di ammortizzazione intelligente, la porta si apre e si chiude delicatamente e silenziosamente- Termosonda PerfectRoast- HomeConnect readyAccessori- Accessori: 1 leccarda smaltata bassa, 1 griglia combinata, 1 leccarda universale profonda smaltataEtichetta energetica- Assorbimento massimo elettrico: 3.6 kW- Classe di efficienza energetica (acc. EU Nr. 65/2014): A(in una scala di classi di efficienza energetica da A+++ a D)- Consumo energetico per ciclo durante funzionamento convenzionale:0.99 kWh- Consumo energetico per ciclo durante funzionamento ventilato:0.81 kWh- Numero di cavità: 1 Tipo di alimentazione: elettrica Volume della cavità:71 lSerie 6, Forno con vapore da incasso, 60 x 60 cm, Acciaio HRG5785S6。


注释:D 为开关占空比,TON 为开关的开启时间;电感上电流纹波为峰峰值;电压上纹波电压为峰峰值
振荡频率 芯片内部的振荡频率是通过外接电阻 ROSC 调节,该端直接接地时,频率最高为 150kHz 其范围在 25KHz-150KHz,震荡频率的计算公如下: FOSC=38500/(ROSC[KΩ]+270)[KHz]
● 效率可高达 90%以上 ● 输入电压范围:8~100VDC ● 恒流驱动 LED ● 可以驱动多个 LED 串 ● 输出电流<3A ● 外部 PWM 调光 ● 外部线性调光 ● 外部使能 ● 软启动 ● 欠压保护,温度保护,电感饱和保护 ● LED 开路保护,输出短路保护 ● 外围元件少 ● 封装:SOP8
LJY5200_Datasheet_CN -5-
LJY5200_Datasheet_CN -6-
LJY5200 通过设置 ROSC 管脚的外接电阻来调节系统的工作频率(高达 150kHz,该端接地); 外部高亮度 LED 串通过恒流方式驱动,以保持 LED 亮度并提高 LED 的可靠性,其恒流值通过 CS 端的外接电阻来设定。
LJY5200 可以通过 PWMD 端输入的 PWM 信号来调节 LED 亮度,也可以通过该端口输入的 直流电压来线性调节 LED 亮度,该端还兼做使能端,及软启动功能。
100 %
300 ns
LJY5200_Datasheet_CN -4-
调光 调光有两种方式:线形调光、PWM 调光。

Voyager 5200 UC 无线耳机系统用户手册说明书

Voyager 5200 UC 无线耳机系统用户手册说明书

PLANTRONICS + POLYCOM.Voyager 5200 UCWireless Headset SystemUser GuideContentsHeadset Overview3Charge case overview4Charge case to PC or USB wall charger4Charge your Headset5Check Battery Level5Low battery warnings6Use charge case7Fit888Connect and pair9Connect to PC9Configure for media9Pair to mobile device9NFC pairing10Re-Pair the USB adapter10The Basics11Make/Take/End Calls11Mute11Adjust the volume11Voice assistant12Enable and use Amazon Alexa (smartphone feature)12Play or pause audio12Use sensors12Advanced features14Enable Tile14Voice alerts list14Adjust voice alert volume14Load software15Firmware Update16Headset recovery16Troubleshooting17What's in the box18Accessories19Specifications20Support21Charge portCall buttonBluetooth button (use when pairing a device)Siri, Google Now Virtual Personal Assistant (VPA) buttonAlexa**Alexa requires Plantronics Hub appMute buttonVolume buttonsIndicator lightPower buttonNear Field Communication Headset OverviewThe USB Bluetooth adapter is stored inside of the charge case.IMPORTANT The charge case is placed in deep sleep mode after manufacturing to save power and protect the battery. To wake-up the charge case, plug it into a power source for a minimum of 1minute. The LEDs flash when charging.Charge the case for 90 minutes before docking your headset. Once the case is fully charged, itcan recharge your headset twice while on the go before needing connection to a charge cableproviding up to 14 hours of talk time.Charge case overviewCharge case to PC or USB wall chargerYour new headset has enough power to pair and make a few calls directly out of the box. It takes approximately 90 minutes to fully charge the headset; the indicator light turns off once charging is complete.A micro USB cable is supplied to allow you to charge the headset with an AC wall charger (notincluded) or through a PC's USB port. The PC must be powered on to charge via USB 2.0 or higher.Or you can use the charge case.NOTE Always charge at near room temperatures; never charge battery at temperatures below 0°C(32°F) or above 40°C (104°F).There are multiple ways to check the battery level of the headset:•Listen to voice prompts on the headset by pressing the Call button.•Check the LED indicators on the headset or charging case.•Use the Plantronics Hub application for desktop or mobile. You can download the software byvisiting /software.Charge your HeadsetCheck Battery LevelHeadset LED behaviorOff Charging completeBattery highBattery mediumBattery lowBattery criticalLow battery warnings30 minutes of talk time remaining"Battery Low" repeats every 15 minutes10 minutes of talk time remaining"Recharge Headset" every 5 minutesUse charge caseA fully charged case can recharge your headset fully two times for an additional 14 hours ofheadset talk time.IMPORTANT The charge case is placed in deep sleep mode after manufacturing to save power andprotect the battery. To wake-up the charge case, plug it into a power source for a minimum of 1minute. The LEDs flash when charging.Check the charge case battery status by pressing the button on the side.Battery status LEDs for charge caseBattery highBattery mediumBattery lowBattery critical; Recharge case/headset1Slide headset over and behind your ear, then press gently toward your ear.NOTE Remove your eyeglasses before donning the headset for best fit.2Rotate microphone boom until it is pointed toward your mouth.3Mic boom moves up and down for a better fit.Change the eartip for a better fit.To wear the headset on your other ear, rotate the boom upwards then twist it around so the eartipis on the other side before lowering the mic boom.FitYour Bluetooth USB adapter comes pre-paired to your headset.2The USB adapter LED flashes blue and then turns solid blue to indicate the headset is connected to the USB adapter. If you are wearing your headset you will hear “PC connected” to indicate the connection has been established. When on a call, the LED on the USB adapter will flash blue.When not on a call the LED will be solid blue.3OPTIONAL Load Plantronics Hub for Windows and Mac by visiting /software . This will allow you to customize your headset behavior through advanced settings and options.Your USB Bluetooth adapter comes ready to take calls, but listening to music takes some additional configuration.Windows 1To configure your Bluetooth USB adapter to play music, go to Start menu > Control Panel > Sound > Playback tab . Select Plantronics BT600, set it as the Default Device and click OK.2To pause music when you place or receive calls, go to Start menu > Control Panel > Sound >Communications tab and select the desired parameter.Mac 1To configure the Bluetooth USB adapter, go to Apple menu > System Preferences > Sound . On both the Input and Output tabs, select Plantronics BT600.1To put your headset in pair mode, press and hold the Call button until you hear "pairing" and the2•iPhone Settings > Bluetooth > On*•Android Settings > Bluetooth: On > Scan for devices*NOTE *Menus may vary by device.3Select “PLT V5200 Series.”If necessary, enter four zeros (0000) for the passcode or accept the connection.Once successfully paired, you hear “pairing successful” and the headset LEDs stop flashing.NOTE Your headset can pair with up to 8 devices but only maintain 2 connections simultaneously;this includes the Plantronics Bluetooth USB adapter as one of the 2 simultaneously connected devices.Connect to PCConfigure for mediaPair to mobile deviceNFC pairing is an option if you have no more than one other device already connected. NFC pairing will not work if there are two devices connected already.1On your mobile phone ensure NFC is enabled and your phone’s display is unlocked. (Phones may vary and some phones may not have NFC support.)2With the headset powered on, lay the headset on the back of phone near the NFC tag on phone asshown until NFC pairing completes. If necessary, accept the connection.1Insert the USB Bluetooth adapter into your laptop or computer and wait for your computer torecognize it.2Put your USB Bluetooth adapter into pair mode by gently pressing and holding the pair button with a pen or paperclip until the USB Bluetooth adapter flashes red and blue. Put your headset in pair mode.3Put your headset in pair mode.Pairing is successful when you hear "pairing successful" and the Bluetooth USB adapter LED is solid blue.NFC pairingRe-Pair the USB adapterAnswer a call •Put the headset on to answer a call, or •Say “answer” after call is announced, or •Tap the Call button.Answer a second call on VOIP •First, double key press the Call button to put the first call on hold and answer the second call. To switch between calls, double press key the Call button. To end the second call and retrieve the first call, tap the Call button.End a call •Tap the Call button.Reject incoming call •Press the Call button for 2 seconds.Redial last outgoing call •Double-tap the Call button.Caller Announcement (mobile phone only)When wearing your headset, you will hear the name of a contact calling so you can decide whether to answer or ignore the call without having to check the phone screen.An incoming caller name is announced:•if your phone supports Phone Book Access Profile (PBAP)•if you granted access to your contacts during pairing process (for many mobile phones, this is preset out-of-the box and may not be necessary)•if the caller is stored in the phone's contacts list An incoming caller name is not announced: if the caller is unknown, unlisted, blocked, or the language is not supported.Press the Mute button to mute or unmute your headset during an active call. Customize mute settings in Plantronics Hub app.Press the Volume buttons up (+) or down (–) during a call or while streaming audio.While not on a call or streaming audio you can press the Volume buttons to adjust the volume level for Caller Announce and other voice prompts.The BasicsMake/Take/End CallsMuteAdjust the volumeAdjust headset microphone volume (softphone)Place a test softphone call and adjust softphone volume and PC sound volume accordingly.Siri, Google Assistant ™, Cortana Press and hold the Call button for 2 seconds to activate your phone's default voice assistant. Wait for the phone prompt to activate voice dialing, search, and other smartphone voice controls.With Alexa enabled on your headset, you can ask for directions, call friends, access Alexa Skills and more.NOTE Amazon Alexa isn't available in all languages and countries.1Enable Alexa A Pair the headset to your mobile device B Update your Plantronics Hub mobile app (software) if necessary C Launch Plantronics Hub app and ensure that your headset (firmware) is up-to-date D From Plantronics Hub main menu, choose Apps > Amazon Alexa > Enable E Launch the Amazon Alexa app and follow the instructions to set up your headset 2Use Alexa A To use Alexa, tap the Mute button and ask a question. You hear a tone when Alexa is activated.Tap the Call button.Smart sensors in this headset recognize if the headset is being worn and can automaticallyperform time-saving functions.Putting on your headset will:•Answer an incoming call•Transfer an active call from your phone•Resume streaming audioTaking off your headset will:•Transfer an active call to your phone•Pause streaming audioVoice assistantEnable and use Amazon Alexa (smartphone feature)Play or pause audioUse sensorsReset sensorsYou may need to reset the sensors if they are not working as expected.•Wearing the headset, tap the Call button to test sensors. A talk time voice alert means sensors are working. A tone or lack of voice prompts means sensors need to be reset.•To reset the sensors, power on the headset, connect the headset to a USB cable and plug the cable into your computer's USB port or an AC wall adapter (not included). Then place the headset on a•If you don't have your charging cable available you can also reset your sensors by first turning off the headset, then pressing and holding the Call and Mute buttons simultaneously until the LED turns off. Then put on your headset and turn it on.Disable sensors•You can disable your headset smart sensors through Plantronics Hub software under the Settings menu or in an idle state (not on a call or streaming music). Simultaneously press and hold the Call and Mute buttons for 5 seconds and a voice prompt will inform you of smart sensors status.Use the Tile app to ring your lost headset or locate it on a map and ask the Tile community for help.1Connect the headset to your mobile device 2Launch Plantronics Hub app and ensure that your firmware is up-to-date 3From Plantronics Hub main menu, choose Apps > Tile > Enable 4Launch the Tile app and follow the instructions to connect your headset Following is a list of common voice alerts, you can use Plantronics Hub to customize some of these alerts. Download Plantronics Hub at /software •"Answering call"•"Battery low"•"Redialing last outgoing call"•"Incoming call"•"Mute on/off/muted"•"No phone is connected"•"Pairing"•"Pairing incomplete, restart headset"•"Pairing successful"•"Power on/off"•"Phone X connected/disconnected"•"Recharge headset"•"Smart sensors on/off"•"Talk time X hours"•"Volume maximum/minimum"Toggle the volume button when the headset is powered on and idle (not on a call or streaming music) to adjust the volume of the headset's voice alerts.Advanced featuresEnable TileVoice alerts listAdjust voice alert volumeLoad softwareSome softphones require the installation of Plantronics Hub for Windows and Mac to enableheadset control (answer/end and mute) functionality.Install Plantronics Hub for Windows and Mac onto your computer by visiting /softwareManage your headset settings with your computer or mobile device with Plantronics Hub forWindows and Mac or Plantronics Hub for iOS and Android, respectively (/software).Plantronics Hub iOS and Android Windows and MacCall control for softphones XChange headset language X XUpdate firmware X XTurn features on/off X XView user guide X XBattery meter X XFirmware updates are designed to keep your headset current with the latest technology. Update your firmware to:•Change voice alert/command languages •Improve performance •Add new features to your device You can update your headset wirelessly using either your smartphone or your desktop PC with Plantronics Hub. Download at /software With Plantronics Hub for Android/iOS installed on your smartphone, check Settings to see if an update is available.With Plantronics Hub for Windows/Mac installed on your computer, check Updates to see if a new version of firmware is available for your device.Tips If you are performing an update using Plantronics Hub from your phone :•Remove your headset from your ear. Do not use your headset or smartphone until the update is complete.•Disconnect your headset from other devices such as phones, tablets and computers.•Do not start a second update from a second phone.•Do not play music on your phone during the update.•Do not answer or place a call during the update.NOTE If you receive a lot of calls, emails or texts that interrupt your update, try turning on the Do Not Disturb feature in your phone's setting while you update.If you are performing an update using Plantronics Hub for Windows from your computer using your wireless USB Bluetooth adapter:•Remove your headset from your ear. Do not use your headset or computer until the update is complete.•Disconnect your headset from other devices such as phones, tablets and computers.•Do not start a second update from another device such as a phone or another computer.•Disconnect other Bluetooth headsets from your computer.•Do not answer or place a call during the update.If you receive an over-the-air update failure message, or experience an update failure, take thefollowing steps:•Download and install Plantronics Hub for Windows/Mac at https:///product/plantronics-hub-desktop•Connect your headset to your computer using a USB cable.•Open Plantronics Hub, go to Help > Support > Firmware Updates & Recovery and enter your Product ID (PID) to complete the recovery.Firmware UpdateHeadset recoveryCallers can't hear me.•Ensure headset is paired and connected to your phone.•On iOS, check your audio output on your smartphone to make surethat the audio is directed to the headset and not another audiooutput.•Reposition headset on your ear as the sensors may not bedetecting it is on.•Reset your sensors (following above instructions) as they may needrecalibrating.•Disable your sensors as they may be incompatible with yourspecific ear shape.•Disable HD Voice (Wideband Audio) via Plantronics Hub applicationas this setting may be incompatible with your phone.I can't hear callers or music.•Ensure headset is paired and connected to your phone.•On iOS, check your audio output on your smartphone to make surethat the audio is directed to the headset and not another audiooutput.•Reposition headset on your ear as the sensors may not bedetecting it is on.•Reset your sensors (following above instructions) as they may needrecalibrating.•Disable your sensors as they may be incompatible with yourspecific ear shape.My headset will not report 7 hours of talk time after it is fully charged.•Ensure headset is paired and connected to your phone.•Disable HD Voice (Wideband Audio) which uses more power.•Completely discharge your headset's battery then give it a full charge.•Some phones have less efficient Bluetooth connections and thus will not allow for an optimal talk time of 7 hours. The talk time remaining estimate is partly calculated by your historical use so inconstancies in an estimate may occur based on your particular use patterns.TroubleshootingHeadsetCharge caseUSB Bluetooth adapterMicro USB cableEartips (S, M, L)What's in the boxSold separately at /accessories.Vehicle powerchargerEartips with foam coversWall charger AccessoriesSpecificationsTalk time Up to 7 hours talk time without using case; Up to 14hours additional talk time using fully-charged case.Bluetooth Version 4.1Standby time9 days if connected to a mobile device, 7 days ifconnected to the Plantronics USB Bluetooth adapter.Weight20 gramsSmart sensor technology Dual capacitive sensors wearing status for improvedreliability.Noise cancelling•Four-mic active Digital Signal Processing (DSP)•Acoustic echo cancellation•Sidetone detectionWater resistance P2i nano-coating on headset to repel moistureNFC pairing`Touch headset to NFC-enabled phones to completepairing processOperating distance (range)98 feet, 30 metersBluetooth profiles Advanced Audio Distribution Profile (A2DP), Phone BookAccess Profile (PBAP), Audio/Video Remote ControlProfile (AVRCP), Wideband Hands-free (HFP) Profile 1.6and Headset (HSP) Profile 1.2Mulltipoint technology Connect two Bluetooth devices and answer calls orstream media from either deviceBattery type Rechargeable, non-replaceable lithium-ion polymerCharge connector Micro USB charging on headsetHeadset battery meter Automatically shows on-screen for iPhone and iPad. WithPlantronics Hub for iOS/Android this shows on yoursmartphone screenCharge time (maximum)90 minutes for full chargeOperating and storage temperature32°F – 104°F (0 – 40°C)NOTE* Performance is dependent upon battery and may vary by device.SupportNEED MORE HELP?/supportPlantronics, Inc.Plantronics B.V.345 Encinal Street Santa Cruz, CA 95060 United States Scorpius 171 2132 LR Hoofddorp Netherlands© 2019 Plantronics, Inc. Plantronics and Voyager are trademarks of Plantronics, Inc. registered in the US and other countries, and OpenMic and PLT are trademarks of Plantronics, Inc. Bluetooth is a registered trademark of Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and any use by Plantronics, Inc. is under license. Google Play and the Google Play logo are trademarks of Google Inc. The N-Mark is a trademark or registered trademark of NFC Forum, Inc. in the United States and in other countries. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.206544-06 (10.19)。

T705 Pro1 商品说明书

T705 Pro1 商品说明书

Manual de OperaciónT705Pro1 TechnologiesLlamada Gratuita: 888-776-1427 Web: Horas de trabajo: De lunes a viernes, de 9 am a 6 pm, hora del esteÍndice 1Operación del termostato 2-3Referencia rápida del termostato 4-7Programación del termostato 8-10 Información de la garantía 11Una versión en español de este manual se puede descargar en la página webde la compañía.P .O. Box 3377Springfield, MO 65808-3377Botón que brilla en la oscuridad Interruptor del ventilador Interruptor del sistema Botones de punto establecido de temperaturaPantalla LCDBotones de usuario Pantalla LCDBotón que brilla en la oscuridadInterruptor del ventiladorInterruptor del sistemaVea los detalles de estapantalla en la página 4.El botón que brilla en laoscuridad se autoiluminarádurante varias horas despuésde estar expuestos a la luzambiental. Este botón enciendela luz de la pantalla cuando sepresiona.Seleccione ON [ENCENDIDO]o AUTO [AUTOMÁTICO]ON[ENCENDIDO] operará elventilador continuamente.AUTO [AUTOMÁTICO] daráciclo al ventilador solo cuandoel sistema de calentamiento oenfriamiento esté encendido.Selecciona el modo de operaciónen su sistema HVAC.Seleccionar HEAT [CALOR]encenderá el modo de calefacción.Al seleccionar COOL[FRÍO]se enciendeel modo de aire acondicionado.Seleccionar OFF [APAGADO]apagará tanto el calentamientocomo el enfriamiento.Botones de usuarioUtilice estos botones paraconfigurar las opciones deprogramación. Consulte la páginasiguiente para más detalles.Botones de puntoestablecido de temperatura:Presione los botones + o - paraseleccionar la temperaturadeseada en la habitación.ON AUTO COOL OFF HEATMuestra el punto establecido deCOOL ON, HEATON o cuandoesté encendido elLa función compresor está activa si estos iconos parpadean. El compresor no se activará hasta que haya transcurrido el actual de la habitación.programables: Este termostato tiene 4 períodos programables por día.Días de lasemana y hora.Se despliegaInformación de la puerta de las bateríasubicado en la parte inferior del Reemplace con 2 baterías Alcalinas AA. Se de alta calidad.Función de espera temporal y permanente (si se utiliza programación)En espera temporal: El termostato mostrará HOLD (ESPERA) yhasta el siguiente periodo de tiempo. El punto establecido que programó será entonces reemplazado por su punto establecido temporal.En espera permanente : Si presiona la tecla HOLD a la izquierda de su pantalla, verá aparecer la palabraHOLD debajo de la temperatura del punto establecido en la pantalla. Ahora elPara volver al programa : Oprima la tecla RUN SCHED a la izquierda de la pantalla para salir ya sea de manera temporal o permanente.Aviso para cambiar el filtroSi su contratista de HVAC configuró el termostato para recordarle cuándo es necesario cambiar el filtro de aire, verá FILT en la pantalla cuando sea necesario cambiar su filtro de aire. Volver a ajustar el recordatorio de cambio del filtro : Cuando aparezca el aviso de FILT , deberá cambiar su filtro de aire y restablecer el aviso presionando el segundo botón del lado superior izquierdo del termostato durante 3 segundos.Sostenga por 3 segundos parafiltro.1. Con el interruptor del sistema en OFF, presione el botón MENÚ.2. Presione SET TIME (CONFIGURAR HORA)3.4.5.o seleccionado el modo correcto a.m. o p.m.6. Presione NEXT STEP7.8. Oprima DONE (TERMINADO) cuando haya terminadoFijar Hora1. S eleccione HEAT o COOL con el interruptor del sistema.Nota: Tiene que programar la calefacción y el enfriamiento por separado.2. Presione el botón MENÚ (Si no aparece el menú, y presione RUN SCHED)3. P resione SET SCHED (FIJAR HORARIO). Nota: Se muestra lunes-viernes o (lunes, si está en 7 días) y aparece el iconoWAKE . Ahora está programando el periodo para despertar de ese día.4.L seleccionar su hora para el periodo de tiempo de WAKE (DESPERTAR) de ese día. 5. Presione NEXT STEP 6.Etecla o WAKE para ese día.7. Presione NEXT STEP8. R epita los pasos 4 a 7 para el período de LEAVE, RETURN y Para personalizar el horario del programa, siga estos pasos:Configure el horario del programa a 5+1+1 o 7 díasgarantía。

Vacuum Pump Oil - GP Type Mechanical Pump Fluid说明书

Vacuum Pump Oil - GP Type Mechanical Pump Fluid说明书

Vacuum Pump Oil - GP Type Mechanical Pump Fluid 化学品安全技术说明书GHS product identifier 应急咨询电话(带值班时间)::化学名:加氢石油重烷烃馏分供应商/ 制造商:安捷伦科技贸易(上海)有限公司中国(上海)外高桥自由贸易试验区英伦路412号(邮编:200131)电话号码: 800-820-3278传真号码: 0086 (21) 5048 2818Vacuum Pump Oil - GP Type Mechanical Pump Fluid化学品的推荐用途和限制用途8829951700, K7516301, K7516302, K7516303部件号:物质用途:供分析化学实验室使用的试剂和标准8829951700 Agilent Vacuum Fluid Silver, 1 LITERK7516301 40-OIL MECH. ROUGH PUMP,1 LITER GP TYPE K7516302 OIL MECH.ROUGH PUMP,1 GAL. GP TYPE K7516303 OIL MECH. ROUGH PUMP 5 GAL. GP. TYPE安全技术说明书根据 GB/ T 16483-2008 和 GB/ T 17519-2013GHS化学品标识:真空泵油-GP 型流体机械泵危险性类别信号词:无信号词。






GHS标签要素物质或混合物的分类根据 GB13690-2009 和 GB30000-2013无法分类。



/ 油状液体。


/ 黄色。

石油 [轻微]有关环境保护措施,请参阅第 12 节。



LUPOY EF1006F 产品安全数据表说明书

LUPOY EF1006F 产品安全数据表说明书

MCDI002141S MCI001141S MCI002141S MCT001141S MCT002141S MCT005141S MCDI001141S MCDI0021141S MCI003141S MCT003141SMaterial Safety Data Sheet1. Company and Chemical Product InformationManufacturer : P remier Farnell150 Armley RoadLeeds LS12 2QQTel. : +44 (0) 870 129 8608Emergency Contacts : +44 (0) 870 202530Product Name : LUPOY EF1006FProduct Type : PC CompoundExt. Appearance : Pellet type plastic solidPurpose / Use : M ay be used to produce molded or extruded particles or as a component of otherindustrial products.2. Composition / Information On IngredientsChemical Name Common Name CAS Number Constant (%)Polycarbonate PC103598-77-280~100Others Additives-0~53. Hazards IdentificationNFPA Ratings (Scale 0-4) : HEALTH = 1, FIRE = 1, REACTIVITY = 0EC Classification (Calculated) : No classification assigned.Emergency Overviews:Solid pellets with slight or no odour. Spilled pellets create slipping hazard. Can burn in a fire creating dense toxic smoke. Molten plastic can cause severe thermal burns. Fumes produced during melt processing may cause eye, skin and respiratory tract irritation. Secondary operations, such as grinding, sanding or sawing, can produces dust which may present an explosion or respiratory hazard.Potential Health Effects:Eye : Product may cause irritation or injury due to mechanical action.Skin : Pellets not likely to cause skin irritation.Ingestion : Not acutely toxic.Inhalation : Pellet inhalation unlikely due to physical form.Chronic / Carcinogenicity:NTP : Not Tested, OSHA : Not Regulated, IARC : Not ListedAntimony and its compounds were reported as potential carcinogenic substance.4. First Aid MeasuresMedical Restrictions:Eye : R emove contact lenses at once. Immediately flush eyes well with copious quantities of wateror normal saline for at least 15-20 minutes. If irritation persists, seek medical attention.Skin : Seek medical attention if rash or burn occurs.Ingestion : Not probable. If a large amount is swallowed, seek medical attention.Inhalation : Not Likely to be inhaled due to physical form.Material Safety Data SheetMelt Processing:For molten plastic skin contact, cool rapidly flush water and immediately seek medical attention. Do not attempt removal of plastic without medical assistance. Do not use solvent for removal. For processing fume inhalation irritation, leave contami-nated area and breathe fresh air. If coughing, difficult breathing or any other symptoms develop seek medical attention at once, even if symptoms develop at a later time.For skin contact with fume, immediately flush thoroughly with soap and water. If irritation develops seek medical attention.5. Fire Fighting MeasuresFire Fighting:Approved pressure demand breathing apparatus and protective clothing should be used for all fires. Water spray is the preferred extinguishing medium. This product will melt but will not be carried on the surface for water.Extinguishing Media:Water spray and foam, Water is the best extinguishing medium. Carbon dioxide and dry chemical are not generally recommended because their lack of cooling capacity may permit re-ignition.Hazardous Combustion Products:Hazardous combustion products may include intense heat, dense black smoke, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, oxides of phosphorus, hydrogen cyanide, hydrocarbon fragments, hydrogen fluoride, carbonyl fluoride and fluorocarbon fragments. Flash Point : Not ApplicableLower Flammable Limit : Not EstablishedUpper Flammable Limit : Not EstablishedAutoignition : Not EstablishedConditions of Flammability : Requires a continuous flame source to ignite and sustain combustion.Explosion Data :Impact Sensitivity : Not sensitive to mechanical impact.Static Discharge : Not sensitive to static discharge.6. Accidental Release MeasuresGeneral:Sweep or gather up material and place in proper container for disposal or recovery.7. Handling and StorageHandling:Follow recommendations on label and in processing guide. Prevent contact with skin and eyes. Use good industrial hygiene practices. Provide adequate ventilation. Secondary operations such as grinding, sanding or sawing may produce a dust explosion hazard. Use aggressive housekeeping activities to prevent dust accumulation; employ bonding, grounding, venting and explosion relief provisions in accordance with accepted engineering practices.Storage:Store in a dry place away from moisture, excessive heat and sources of ignition.Material Safety Data Sheet8. Exposure Controls / Personal ProtectionEngineering Controls:A continuous supply of fresh air to the workplace together with removal of processing fumes through exhaust systems is rec-ommended. Processing fume condensate may be a fire hazard and toxic; remove periodically from exhaust hoods, duct work and other surfaces using appropriate personal protection. For powders and residual dusts refer to Section 7.Personal Protection:Eye/Face : W ear safety glasses with side shields or chemical goggles. In addition, use full face shield when cleaning processing fume condensates from hoods, ducts and other surfaces.Respiratory : W hen handling fumes are not adequately controlled, use respirator approved for protection from organic vapours and acid gases. When dust or powder from secondary operations, such as grinding, sanding orsawing, are not adequately controlled use respirator approved for protection from dust.9. Physical and Chemical PropertiesPhysical State : SolidColour and Appearance : Plastic pellet with slight odorBoiling Point : Not ApplicableMelting Point (°C) : 260 ~ 290Vapour Pressure (mmHg) : NegligibleVapour Density (Air = 1) : Not ApplicableSpecific Gravity : 1.20 ~ 1.30 (water = 1)Water Solubility : InsolubleSolvent Solubility : Slightly soluble in strong polar solvent or chlorinated solvents% Volatilise : NegligiblepH : Not ApplicableOdor Threshold : Not EstablishedEvaporation Rate : NegligibleCoefficient Water / Oil Distribution : Not EstablishedComment : T his product does not exhibit a sharp melting point, but softens gradually over a widetemperature range.10. Stability and ReactivityStability : Stable under recommended conditions of Section 7Reactivity : Not reactive under recommended conditions of handling, storage, processing and use.Conditions To Avoid:Do not exceed melt temperature recommendations in product literature. In order to avoid autolgnition / hazardous decomposition of hot thick messes of plastic, purging should be collected in small, flat shapes or thin strands to allow for rapid cooling and quenching in water. Do not allow product to remain in barrel at elevated temperatures for extended periods of time; purge with a general purpose resin. (See Section 8 for respiratory protection advice)Hazardous Decomposition:Major decomposition gases are oxidized hydrocarbons (probably carbon monoxide) and steam.Minor components in decomposition gas may be phenolic compounds, hydrogen bromide, THF, etc.Material Safety Data Sheet11. Toxicological InformationNot Available12. Ecological InformationNot expected to present any significant ecological problems.13. Disposal ConsiderationsRCRA Hazardous Waste:Products is not a RCRA hazardous waste.Waste Disposal:Recycling is encouraged. Landfill or incinerate in accordance with federal, state and local requirements. Collected processing fume condensates and incinerator ash should be tested to determine waste classification.14. Transport InformationDot Hazard Class : Not RegulatedProper Shipping Name : Not RegulatedIdentification Number : Not ListedTDGA : Not Listed15. Regulatory InformationListed below are chemical substances subject to supplier notification requirements.U.S. Regulations:TSCA Inventory Status : T his product complies with the Chemical Substance Inventory requirements ofthe US EPA TSCA.CERCLA Section 103 (40CFR3024) : Not ListedSARA Section 313 (40CFR372.65): Not ListedSARA Hazard Categories, Sara Sections 311/312 (40CFR370.21)Acute : Not ListedChronic : Not ListedFire : Not ListedReactive : Not ListedSudden Release: Not ListedState Regulations:California Proposition 65 : Not ListedEuropean Regulations:EC Number : Not assignedMaterial Safety Data Sheet16. Other InformationThe information submitted in this MSDS is based on our current knowledge and experience. Because it is not possible to anticipate all conditions of use additional safety precautions may be required, we make no warranty. Abbreviations:ACGIH : American Conference of Governmental Industrial HygienistDOT : Department of TransportationEC : European CommunitiesEPA : Environmental Protection AgencyIARC : International Agency for Research on CancerNOISH : National Institute for Occupational Safety and HealthNTP : National Toxicology ProgramOSHA : Occupational Safety and Health AdministrationRTECS : Registry of Toxic Effects of Chemical SubstancesCAS # : Chemical Abstracts Service NumberRCRA : Resource Conservation and Recovery ActPart NumberMCDI001141SMCDI0021141SMCDI002141SMCI001141SMCI002141SMCI003141SMCI004141SMCI005141SMCT001141SMCT0021141SMCT002141SMCT003141SMCT004141SMCT005141SMCI004141S MCI005141S MCT0021141S MCT004141SMCDI002141S MCI001141S MCI002141S MCT001141S MCT002141S MCT005141S MCDI001141S MCDI0021141S MCI003141S MCT003141S。



NC-本色 WH-白色 YW-黄色 RD-红色 BL-蓝色
可用两个字母 代表某大型客 户,如MD-美的。 也可用数字作 为区分,如同 样的无卤环保 阻燃PC/ABS,不 同的特性可以 用01,02等区 分开来。
BK-黑色 GY-灰色 GN-绿色 ━ OR-橙色 VL-紫色 前两位 数字为 科聚自 编序号
1210FGN01 1210FGN05
0 0 0 0 0 0
V-0 V-0 V-0 V-0 V-0 V-0
环保阻燃1.5mm V-0
环保阻燃1.5mm V-0,高流动,用于IT产品 环保阻燃1.5mm V-0,高冲击,用于充电器
1210FGN10 1210FGN15 1210FGN20 1210FGN25
1 2 3 4 5 6 产品名称
字母 或空 白 字母数 字或空 白 字母数 字或空 白
12 ━
数 字 或 空 白 数 字 或 空 白 数 字 或 空 白 数字 或空 白

10-PC 20-ABS S20-AS 30-PBT 40-PET 50-PA6 60-PA66 H60-PA46 70-PPS 80-PP 90-PPO I90-PEI K90-PEEK L90-LCP M90-POM S90-PES 1-无填充 剂G-玻纤 增强C-碳 纤增强T矿物填充 M-矿纤增 强 填 料 含 量 4*5 = 20 %

韩国LG PC所有产品牌号

韩国LG PC所有产品牌号

韩国LG- Lupoy所有产品型号平川塑胶现货提供以下产品,咨询QQ623395653韩国LG-Lupoy 1080-70韩国LG-Lupoy 1200-03韩国LG-Lupoy 1200-08韩国LG-Lupoy 1200-10韩国LG-Lupoy 1200-15韩国LG-Lupoy 1200-15韩国LG-Lupoy 1200HP-15韩国LG-Lupoy 1201-05韩国LG-Lupoy 1201-08韩国LG-Lupoy 1201-10韩国LG-Lupoy 1201-15韩国LG-Lupoy 1201-18韩国LG-Lupoy 1201-22韩国LG-Lupoy 1201HP-21韩国LG-Lupoy 1201HP-22韩国LG-Lupoy 1206-03韩国LG-Lupoy 1300-03韩国LG-Lupoy 1300-10韩国LG-Lupoy 1300-12韩国LG-Lupoy 1300-15韩国LG-Lupoy 1300-22韩国LG-Lupoy 1301-10韩国LG-Lupoy 1301-12韩国LG-Lupoy 1301EP30韩国LG-Lupoy 1301V-10韩国LG-Lupoy 1301V-7韩国LG-Lupoy 1302-05韩国LG-Lupoy 1302-07韩国LG-Lupoy 1302-10韩国LG-Lupoy 1302EP-30韩国LG-Lupoy 1302HP-07韩国LG-Lupoy 1302HP-09韩国LG-Lupoy 1302HP-10韩国LG-Lupoy 1302HP-21韩国LG-Lupoy 1302HP-22韩国LG-Lupoy 1302HP-22韩国LG-Lupoy 1302UV-08韩国LG-Lupoy 1303-07韩国LG-Lupoy 1303-10韩国LG-Lupoy 1303-15韩国LG-Lupoy 1303AH-10韩国LG-Lupoy 1303AH-15韩国LG-Lupoy 1320C-07韩国LG-Lupoy 1600-03韩国LG-Lupoy 1603-06韩国LG-Lupoy 1621-02韩国LG-Lupoy 3010-10韩国LG-Lupoy 3010-15韩国LG-Lupoy 3010-22韩国LG-Lupoy 3010-30韩国LG-Lupoy 3030-30韩国LG-Lupoy 3030-10韩国LG-Lupoy 3030-15韩国LG-Lupoy EC5000A PC/PBT? 韩国LG-Lupoy EC5000AF PC/ABS 韩国LG-Lupoy EF1006F韩国LG-Lupoy EF5001RFT PC/ABS? 韩国LG-Lupoy ER5001RF PC/ABS? 韩国LG-Lupoy ER5001RFA PC/ABS 韩国LG-Lupoy ER5151RFA PC/ABS 韩国LG-Lupoy EU5000 PC/ASA韩国LG-Lupoy EU5008 PC/ASA 韩国LG-Lupoy GN1000F PC/ABS 韩国LG-Lupoy GN1000FA PC/ABS 韩国LG-Lupoy GN1002FC韩国LG-Lupoy GN1002FH韩国LG-Lupoy GN1002FH韩国LG-Lupoy GN1002FL韩国LG-Lupoy GN1002FS韩国LG-Lupoy GN1004FA韩国LG-Lupoy GN1006FL韩国LG-Lupoy GN1006FM韩国LG-Lupoy GN1006FMR韩国LG-Lupoy GN1006FT韩国LG-Lupoy GN1008RF韩国LG-Lupoy GN2101F韩国LG-Lupoy GN2101FC韩国LG-Lupoy GN2201FC韩国LG-Lupoy GN2201FM韩国LG-Lupoy GN2301F韩国LG-Lupoy GN5001EF PC/ABS 韩国LG-Lupoy GN5001RF PC/ABS 韩国LG-Lupoy GN5001RFD PC/ABS 韩国LG-Lupoy GN5001RFH PC/ABS 韩国LG-Lupoy GN5001RFJ PC/ABS韩国LG-Lupoy GN5001RFM PC/ABS 韩国LG-Lupoy GN5001RFP PC/ABS 韩国LG-Lupoy GN5001RFS PC/ABS 韩国LG-Lupoy GN5001RFT PC/ABS 韩国LG-Lupoy GN5001SF PC/ABS 韩国LG-Lupoy GN5007FL PC/ABS 韩国LG-Lupoy GN5008HF PC/ABS 韩国LG-Lupoy GN5008LF PC/ABS 韩国LG-Lupoy GN5009F PC/ABS 韩国LG-Lupoy GN5101RF PC/ABS 韩国LG-Lupoy GN5151RF PC/ABS 韩国LG-Lupoy GN5151RFA PC/ABS 韩国LG-Lupoy GN5201F PC/ABS 韩国LG-Lupoy GN5301F PC/ABS 韩国LG-Lupoy GP1000HU韩国LG-Lupoy GP1000L韩国LG-Lupoy GP1000LG韩国LG-Lupoy GP1000LS韩国LG-Lupoy GP1000M韩国LG-Lupoy GP1000MD韩国LG-Lupoy GP1000ML韩国LG-Lupoy GP1000MR韩国LG-Lupoy GP1000MU韩国LG-Lupoy GP1000SW韩国LG-Lupoy GP1006FL韩国LG-Lupoy GP1006FM韩国LG-Lupoy GP2100韩国LG-Lupoy GP2102韩国LG-Lupoy GP2200韩国LG-Lupoy GP2300韩国LG-Lupoy GP5001AF PC/ABS 韩国LG-Lupoy GP5006AF PC/ABS 韩国LG-Lupoy GP5006B PC/ABS 韩国LG-Lupoy GP5006BH PC/ABS 韩国LG-Lupoy GP5008A PC/ABS 韩国LG-Lupoy GP5008BF PC/ABS 韩国LG-Lupoy GP5008BFH PC/ABS 韩国LG-Lupoy GP5056F PC/ABS韩国LG-Lupoy GP5100 PC/ABS韩国LG-Lupoy GP5106F PC/ABS韩国LG-Lupoy GP5200 PC/ABS韩国LG-Lupoy GP5206F PC/ABS 韩国LG-Lupoy HG5000B PC/ABS 韩国LG-Lupoy HI1002MLLupoy HI5002A PC/ABS Lupoy HP5004 PC/ABS Lupoy HP5004A PC/ABS Lupoy HP5004HF PC/ABS Lupoy HP5008 PC/ABS Lupoy HR5007A PC/ABS Lupoy HR5007AE PC/ABS Lupoy MP5000AM PC/ABS Lupoy NF1005F 03RLupoy NF1007F 10RLupoy NF1009F 08RLupoy NF1009F 15 Lupoy NS5000 PC/ABS Lupoy NS5000C PC/ABSLupoy RF3208FLupoy SC1004ALupoy SC1004AULupoy SC1004LLupoy SC1004MLLupoy SC2202Lupoy SC2302Lupoy SC3154Lupoy SC5004T Lupoy SG5009F PC/ABS?Lupoy SR3108FCLupoy SR3108FMLupoy SR3108L。


LG ABS HF350U LG Chem Ltd. ABS
LG ABS HF380 LG Chem Ltd. ABS
LG ABS HF380G LG Chem Ltd. ABS
LG ABS HF380I LG Chem Ltd. ABS
LG ABS AF360 LG Chem Ltd. ABS
LG ABS AF360C LG Chem Ltd. ABS
LG ABS AF360S LG Chem Ltd. ABS
LG ABS AP163 LG Chem Ltd. ABS
LG ABS BM662 LG Chem Ltd. ABS
TAIRILAC AG1000 Formosa Plastics Corporation ABS
TAIRILAC AG10A1 Formosa Plastics Corporation ABS



Features & BenefitsBandwidths Up to 100MHz Up to 5,600V Differential (DC + pk AC)Up to 2,200V Common (RMS) Overrange Indicator Safety Certified Switchable Attenuation Switchable Bandwidth LimitApplicationsFloating Measurements Switching Power Supply Design Motor Drive Design Electronic Ballast Design CRT Display Design Power Converter Design and ServicePower Device EvaluationHigh Voltage Differential ProbesP5200 • P5205 • P5210The P5200 can be used with any oscillo-scope and enables users to safely make measurements of floating circuits with their oscilloscope grounded. The P5200 Active Differential Probe converts floating signals to low-voltage ground referenced signals that can be displayed safely and easily on any ground referenced oscilloscope. WARNING:For safe operation, do not use the P5200 High Voltage Differential Probe with oscilloscopes that have floating inputs (isolated inputs), such as the T ektronix TPS2000 Series oscilloscopes andTHS700 Series oscilloscopes. The P5200High Voltage Differential Probe requiresan oscilloscope or other measurement instrument with grounded inputs.The P5210 is a Differential Probe that is capable of measuring floating voltages up to 5,600V (DC +pk AC) safely and has a bandwidth up to 50MHz. It is supplied with two sizes of hook tips and has anP5205.P5200.P5210.1981High Voltage Differential ProbesP5200 •P5205 •P52102overrange visual and audible indicatorwhich warns the user when they areexceeding the linear range of the probe. Itcan be used with T ektronix TEKPROBE™interface oscilloscopes directly or with anyoscilloscope with the use of the 1103TEKPROBE®Power Supply.The P5205 is a 100MHz Active DifferentialProbe capable of measuring fast rise timesof signals in floating circuits. This 1,300Vdifferential probe can measure safelyvoltages in IGBT circuits such as motordrives or power converters. It is specificallydesigned to operate on T ektronix oscillo-scopes with TEKPROBE interface.*1The RMS value of the waveform shall not exceed the Common Mode Voltage (RMS) for either lead.*2TDS7154B, TDS7254B, TDS7404B, TDS6404, TDS6604, CSA7154, and CSA7404B require a TCA-1MEG Buffer Amplifier.*3WARNING:For safe operation, do not use the P5200 High Voltage Differential Probe with oscilloscopes that have floating inputs (isolated inputs), such as the Tektronix TPS2000 series oscilloscopesand THS700 series oscilloscopes. The P5200 High Voltage Differential Probe requires an oscilloscope or other measurement instrument with grounded inputs.High Voltage Differential ProbesP5200 •P5205 •P5210High Voltage Differential Probes • /accessories 3P5200.P5205.P5210.。



‐ 883 ‐


‐ ±45 ° ‐



UNITS µW V µA nm nm ‐ ns ns
TEST CONDITIONS IF = 20 mA IF = 20 mA VR = 2 V IF = 20 mA IF = 20 mA at half power points
IP = 100 mA, PW = 10.0 µs, D.C. = 10 %
These parts can be automa cally placed with standard SMD equipment and can be reflow soldered by virtually any conven onal means. Wraparound contacts allow it to be mounted face up or on edge for a beam direc on parallel to the sea ng plane.

‐ 100
‐ 890 ‐


‐ ±45 ° ‐
‐ 500 ‐
‐ 250 ‐
OPR5200H Electrical CharacterisƟcs (TA = 25° C unless otherwise noted)
Output Power OPR5200H
The OPR5500 is a miniature NPN silicon phototransistor housed in a high temperature polyamide chip carrier that is well suited to space‐limited applica ons which require close channel spacing.

Calisto 3200 5200微型耳机 线头头戴式耳机用户指南说明书

Calisto 3200 5200微型耳机 线头头戴式耳机用户指南说明书

PLANTRONICS + POLYCOM.Calisto 3200/5200Micro-casque / oreillette filaireGuide utilisateurSommairePrésentation3Connecter le haut-parleur4Utilisation quotidienne5Alimentation5Décrocher ou raccrocher5Mode secret activé/désactivé5Volume5Bouton Microsoft Teams (uniquement pour les modèles Teams)5Musique6Mix audio6Assistance711Augmentation de volume 6Haut-parleur 2Mode secret7Témoin lumineux 3Diminution de volume 8Câble USB4Bouton d'appel9Câble de 3,5 mm (modèle Calisto 5200uniquement)5Microsoft Teams (uniquement pour lemodèle Teams, application requise)PrésentationConnectez le haut-parleur à votre ordinateur avec le câble USB. Connectez le haut-parleur à votre téléphone mobile ou votre tablette, avec le câble de 3,5 mm (modèle Calisto 5200 uniquement).Utilisez le haut-parleur pour diffuser de la musique ou pour un appel audio. Connecter le haut-parleurBranchez le câble USB à votre ordinateur. Le témoin lumineux sur le haut-parleur s'allume en blanc et reste allumé tant qu'il est branché à l'alimentation.Branchez le câble de 3,5 mm à votre tablette ou périphérique mobile.REMARQUE Le tableau concerne le modèle Calisto 5200 uniquement, le Calisto 3200 ne comportepas de batterie.Etat Mode conversation Témoin lumineuxNiveau de batterie élevéPlus de 12 heures« Battery high » (Niveau de la batterie élevé)Niveau debatterie moyen Moins de 12 heures, plus de 2 heures« Battery medium » (Niveau de la batterie moyen)Batterie faibleMoins de 2 heures, plus de 30 minutesMessage « Battery low » (Niveau de la batterie faible) émis à moins de 2 heures d'autonomie en mode conversation Niveau de batterie critiqueInférieur ou égal à 30 minutes30 minutes, « Battery Low » (Batterie faible)répété toutes les 15 minutes10 minutes, « Battery Low » (Batterie faible)répété toutes les 5 minutes0 minute, message « Power off » (Oreillette éteinte) émis une foisImportant : si le haut-parleur ne s'allume pas automatiquement lorsqu'il est branché, appuyez sur la touche secret et le bouton d'appel, et maintenez-les enfoncés pendant 4 secondes pour l'allumer manuellement. Répétez ces étapes pour éteindre le périphérique.Une brève pression sur le bouton d'appel permet de répondre ou de mettre fin à un appel.Appuyez brièvement sur la touche secret pour activer et désactiver le mode secret du microphone.Appuyez sur le bouton d'augmentation (+) ou de diminution (-) du volume pour augmenter ou diminuer le volume.Lorsque vous n'êtes pas en communication, appuyez sur le bouton Teams pour interagir avec Microsoft Teams.REMARQUE L'application Microsoft Teams doit être installée.Utilisation quotidienneAlimentationDécrocher ou raccrocher Mode secret activé/désactivéVolumeBouton Microsoft Teams (uniquement pour lesmodèles Teams)Pour une meilleure expérience d'écoute avec le connecteur de 3,5 mm (modèle Calisto 5200uniquement), mettez le haut-parleur en mode musique en appuyant sur la touche secret et en la maintenant enfoncée pendant 4 secondes. Eteignez le mode musique avant de passer ou de recevoir des appels en appuyant sur la touche secret.Pour mixer un port USB et un connecteur d'appel de 3,5 mm, le port USB ou le connecteurd'appel de 3,5 mm doit être actif. Branchez l'autre connexion à un périphérique séparé. A l'instar d'un appel à 3 intervenants, la piste audio sera mixée et synchronisée.MusiqueMix audioAssistanceBESOIN DE PLUS D'INFORMATIONS ?/supportPlantronics, Inc.Plantronics B.V.345 Encinal Street Santa Cruz, CA 95060 United States Scorpius 171 2132 LR Hoofddorp Netherlands© 2020 Plantronics, Inc. Tous droits réservés. Poly, le logo en forme hélice et le logo Poly sont des marques déposées de Plantronics, Inc. Toutes les autres marques sont la propriété de leursdétenteurs respectifs. Fabriqués par Plantronics, Inc.212877-11 10.20。

MOXA 1 NPort 5200A 串行设备服务器说明书

MOXA 1 NPort 5200A 串行设备服务器说明书

NPort5200A Series2-port RS-232/422/485serial device serversFeatures and Benefits•Fast3-step web-based configuration•Surge protection for serial,Ethernet,and power•COM port grouping and UDP multicast applications•Screw-type power connectors for secure installation•Dual DC power inputs with power jack and terminal block•Versatile TCP and UDP operation modesCertificationsIntroductionThe NPort®5200A device servers are designed to make serial devices network-ready in an instant and give your PC software direct access to serial devices from anywhere on the network.The NPort®5200A device servers are ultra-lean,ruggedized,and user-friendly,making simple and reliable serial-to-Ethernet solutions possible.A Greener Serial-to-Ethernet SolutionThe MiiNe is a small but powerful Arm-based serial-to-Ethernet SoC with RAM and Flash embedded.With the MiiNe inside,the NPort®5200A Series saves at least50%on power consumption compared to existing solutions on the market,helping engineers meet the tough environmental compliance challenges found in today’s industrial environments.Surge Protection for Serial,Ethernet,and PowerSurge,which is typically caused by high voltages that result from switching and lightning transients,is a common threat to all electrical devices. Moxa’s leading-edge surge immunity solution,which is applied to the NPort®5200A’s serial,power,and Ethernet lines,is tested and proven compliant with IEC61000-4-5.This state-of-the-art surge protection provides a robust serial-to-Ethernet solution that can protect electrical devices from voltage spikes and withstand electrically noisy environmental conditions.3-Step Web-based ConfigurationThe NPort®5200A’s3-step web-based configuration tool is straightforward and user-friendly.The NPort®5200A’s web console guides users through three simple configuration steps that are necessary to activate the serial-to-Ethernet application.With this fast3-step web-based configuration,a user only needs to spend an average of30seconds to complete the NPort®settings and enable the application,saving a great amount of time and effort.COM Port GroupingThe NPort®5200A’s COM Grouping function allows you to create a COM Group and redirect data from it to several physical COM ports on NPort device servers.With COM Grouping,you will be able to control multiple physical serial ports simultaneously by operating only one COM port.AppearanceSpecificationsEthernet Interface10/100BaseT(X)Ports(RJ45connector)1Magnetic Isolation Protection 1.5kV(built-in)Ethernet Software FeaturesConfiguration Options Windows Utility,Serial Console,Telnet Console,Web Console(HTTP/HTTPS) Management ARP,BOOTP,DHCP Client,DNS,HTTP,HTTPS,ICMP,IPv4,LLDP,SMTP,SNMPv1/v2c,Telnet,TCP/IP,UDPFilter IGMP v1/v2Windows Real COM Drivers Windows95/98/ME/NT/2000,Windows XP/2003/Vista/2008/7/8/8.1/10(x86/x64),Windows2008R2/2012/2012R2(x64),Windows Embedded CE5.0/6.0,Windows XPEmbeddedLinux Real TTY Drivers Kernel versions:2.4.x,2.6.x,3.x,4.x,and5.xFixed TTY Drivers SCO UNIX,SCO OpenServer,UnixWare7,QNX4.25,QNX6,Solaris10,FreeBSD,AIX5.x,HP-UX11i,Mac OS XAndroid API Android3.1.x and laterMIB RFC1213,RFC1317Serial InterfaceConnector NPort5210A/5250A Series:DB9maleNPort5230A Series:5-pin terminal blockNo.of Ports2Serial Standards NPort5210A Series:RS-232NPort5230A Series:RS-422,RS-485NPort5250A Series:RS-232,RS-422,RS-485Operation Modes Disabled,Ethernet Modem,Pair Connection,Real COM,Reverse Telnet,RFC2217,TCPClient,TCP Server,UDPBaudrate Supports standard baudrates(unit=bps):50,75,110,134,150,300,600,1200,1800,2400,4800,7200,9600,19200,38400,57600,115200,230.4k,460.8k,921.6kData Bits5,6,7,8Stop Bits1,1.5,2Parity None,Even,Odd,Space,MarkFlow Control RTS/CTS(RS-232only),DTR/DSR(RS-232only),XON/XOFFPull High/Low Resistor for RS-4851kilo-ohm,150kilo-ohmsRS-485Data Direction Control ADDC®(automatic data direction control)Terminator for RS-485120ohmsSerial SignalsRS-232TxD,RxD,RTS,CTS,DTR,DSR,DCD,GNDRS-422Tx+,Tx-,Rx+,Rx-,GNDRS-485-4w Tx+,Tx-,Rx+,Rx-,GNDRS-485-2w Data+,Data-,GNDPower ParametersInput Current119mA@12VDCInput Voltage12to48VDCNo.of Power Inputs2Power Connector1removable3-contact terminal block(s)Power input jackReliabilityAutomatic Reboot Trigger Built-in WDTPhysical CharacteristicsHousing MetalDimensions(with ears)100x111x26mm(3.94x4.37x1.02in)Dimensions(without ears)77x111x26mm(3.03x4.37x1.02in)Weight340g(0.75lb)Installation Desktop,DIN-rail mounting(with optional kit),Wall mountingEnvironmental LimitsOperating Temperature Standard Models:0to60°C(32to140°F)Wide Temp.Models:-40to75°C(-40to167°F)Storage Temperature(package included)-40to75°C(-40to167°F)Ambient Relative Humidity5to95%(non-condensing)Standards and CertificationsEMC EN55032/24EMS IEC61000-4-2ESD:Contact:8kV;Air:15kVIEC61000-4-3RS:80MHz to1GHz:10V/mIEC61000-4-4EFT:Power:2kV;Signal:1kVIEC61000-4-5Surge:Power:2kV;Signal:1kVIEC61000-4-6CS:150kHz to80MHz:10V/m;Signal:10V/mIEC61000-4-8PFMFIEC61000-4-11DIPsEMI CISPR32,FCC Part15B Class ASafety UL60950-1DeclarationGreen Product RoHS,CRoHS,WEEEMTBFTime847,750hrsStandards Telcordia(Bellcore)Standard TR/SRWarrantyWarranty Period5yearsDetails See /warrantyPackage ContentsDevice1x NPort5200A Series device serverPower Supply1x power adapter,suitable for your region(standard temp.models only) Documentation1x quick installation guide1x warranty cardDimensionsNPort5210ANPort5250ANPort5230AOrdering InformationNPort5210A0to55°C50bps to921.6kbps RS-2322119mA@12VDC12-48VDC NPort5210A-T-40to75°C50bps to921.6kbps RS-2322119mA@12VDC12-48VDC NPort5230A0to55°C50bps to921.6kbps RS-422/4852119mA@12VDC12-48VDC NPort5230A-T-40to75°C50bps to921.6kbps RS-422/4852119mA@12VDC12-48VDC NPort5250A0to55°C50bps to921.6kbps RS-232/422/4852119mA@12VDC12-48VDC NPort5250A-T-40to75°C50bps to921.6kbps RS-232/422/4852119mA@12VDC12-48VDC Accessories(sold separately)CablesCBL-F9M9-150DB9female to DB9male serial cable,1.5mCBL-F9M9-20DB9female to DB9male serial cable,20cmConnectorsADP-RJ458P-DB9F DB9female to RJ45connectorMini DB9F-to-TB DB9female to terminal block connectorDIN-Rail Mounting KitsDK35A DIN-rail mounting kit,35mmPower AdaptersPWR-12050-WPAU-S1Locking barrel plug,12VDC,0.5A,100to240VAC,Australia(AU)plug,0to40°C operatingtemperaturePWR-12050-WPCN-S1Locking barrel plug,12VDC,0.5A,100to240VAC,China(CN)plug,0to40°C operating temperature PWR-12050-WPEU-S1Locking barrel plug,12VDC,0.5A,100to240VAC,Continental Europe(EU)plug,0to40°C operatingtemperaturePWR-12050-WPUK-S1Locking barrel plug,12VDC,0.5A,100to240VAC,United Kingdom(UK)plug,0to40°C operatingtemperaturePWR-12050-WPUSJP-S1Locking barrel plug,12VDC,0.5A,100to240VAC,United States/Japan(US/JP)plug,0to40°Coperating temperaturePWR-12150-AU-SA-T Locking barrel plug,12VDC,1.5A,100to240VAC,Australia(AU)plug,-40to75°C operatingtemperatureApplicable Models:NPort5210A-TNPort5230A-TNPort5250A-TPWR-12150-CN-SA-T Locking barrel plug,12VDC,1.5A,100to240VAC,China(CN)plug,-40to75°C operatingtemperatureApplicable Models:NPort5210A-TNPort5230A-TNPort5250A-TPWR-12150-EU-SA-T Locking barrel plug,12VDC,1.5A,100to240VAC,Continental Europe(EU)plug,-40to75°Coperating temperatureApplicable Models:NPort5210A-TNPort5230A-TNPort5250A-TPWR-12150-UK-SA-T Locking barrel plug,12VDC,1.5A,100to240VAC,United Kingdom(UK)plug,-40to75°C operatingtemperatureApplicable Models:NPort5210A-TNPort5230A-TNPort5250A-TPWR-12150-USJP-SA-T Locking barrel plug,12VDC1.5A,100to240VAC,United States/Japan(US/JP)plug,-40to75°Coperating temperatureApplicable Models:NPort5210A-TNPort5230A-TNPort5250A-TPower CordsCBL-PJ21NOPEN-BK-30Locking barrel plug to bare-wire cable©Moxa Inc.All rights reserved.Updated Mar02,2020.This document and any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of Moxa Inc.Product specifications subject to change without notice.Visit our website for the most up-to-date product information.。

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